
Publication number
TR202003994U5 TR2020/03994U TR202003994U TR202003994U5 TR 202003994 U5 TR202003994 U5 TR 202003994U5 TR 2020/03994 U TR2020/03994 U TR 2020/03994U TR 202003994 U TR202003994 U TR 202003994U TR 202003994 U5 TR202003994 U5 TR 202003994U5
Prior art keywords
artificial fish
fish food
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Turkish (tr)
Original Assignee
Mustafa Onur Uerkmez
Mustafa Onur Ürkmez
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Application filed by Mustafa Onur Uerkmez, Mustafa Onur Ürkmez filed Critical Mustafa Onur Uerkmez
Priority to TR2020/03994U priority Critical patent/TR202003994U5/en
Publication of TR202003994U5 publication Critical patent/TR202003994U5/en



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Buluş, ağırlık merkezinin ayarlanarak daha uzak mesafelere ulaşılmasını ve su üzerinde zikzak hareketler yaparak ve makara çapari simi veya pul boyutlu sim ile hologram özelliği kazandırılmış yapısı ile av sırasında canlılarının dikkatini daha çok çekerek avlanma işlemini kolaylaştırmayı sağlayan, iki farklı şekilde meydana getirilebilen bir rapala (1 ? 2) olması ile karakterize edilir.The invention is a rapala that can be created in two different ways by adjusting the center of gravity to reach longer distances and to facilitate the hunting process by making zigzag movements on the water and by attracting the attention of the creatures more during the hunt with its hologram feature with reel anchor swirl or scale size glitter (1 ? 2) is characterized by


TARIFNAME su CANLILARININ Avi SIRASINDA UZAK MESAFELERE ERISEBILEN, DIKKATLERINI ÇEKEREK VERIMLILIGI ARTTIRAN YAPAY BALIK YEMI Teknik Alan Bulus, agirlik merkezinin ayarlanarak daha uzak mesafelere ulasilmasini ve su üzerinde zikzak hareketler yaparak ve makara çapari simi veya pul boyutlu sim ile hologram özelligi kazandirilmis yapisi ile av sirasinda canlilarinin dikkatini daha çok çekerek avlanma islemini kolaylastirmayi saglayan yapay balik yemi ile ilgilidir. Teknigin Bilinen Durumu Balik tutmak, bireylerin beslenme ihtiyacini karsilamak için yaptiklarini bir islemken günümüzde hobi amaçli yapilir hale gelmistir. Özellikle hizli yasam kosullarinda yasayanlar, dinlenmek ve sakinlesmek için balik tutmayi tercih etmektedir. Balik tutmak için pek çok metot mevcut olmakla birlikte; olta, zipkin ve ag ile balik tutma en çok kullanilanlarin basinda gelmektedir. Olta ile balik avlama genellikle kiyidan yapilirken, diger balik tutma türlerine göre daha pratiktir. Birçok kisi kendine avlanma yeri belirleyerek kiyidan balik tutmayi denemektedir. Olta ile balik avinda suni yem ve canli yem kullanilmaktadir. Canli yemlerin temin edilmesi ve muhafaza edilmesi biraz zor oldugundan daha çok sahte baliklar kullanilmaktadir. Zipkinla balik avlamak, genellikle büyük boyutlardaki baliklari avlamak için kullanilmaktadir. Zipkinla balik avlamak için su altina inmek gerektiginden genellikle dalis yapan kisiler, zipkin ile balik avlamayi tercih etmektedir. Ag ile balik avlamak için balikçi teknesi ile denize açilmak gerektiginden, oldukça emege ihtiyaç vardir. Farkli balik türlerini avlamak için birçok ag çesidi gelistirilmistir. Küçük çapli avlarda genel olarak olta kullanilmakta, verimin arttirilmasi için çesitli yöntemler uygulanmaktadir. Çogunlukla avlanacak canlinin dikkatini çekmeye yönelik olarak hologramlar kullanilmaktadir. Mevcutta bulunan hologramli sahte baliklarin üretiminde sticker adi yapiskanli etiketler kullanilmaktadir. Kullanilan bu etiketler uzun süreli kullanim için uygun olmayip, suya maruz kaldiklarinda deforme olmaktadirlar. Etiket kullanilmamasi durumunda ise yapay balik yeminin dis yapisinda hologram etkisi yaratacak malzemeler kullanilmaktadir. Ancak bu yapiya sahip yapay balik yemleri dis etmenler sebebiyle çizilerek deforme olmaktadir. Deformasyonlarin giderilmesi için zimpara islemleri yapilmasi gerekmektedir. Bu durum avcilara zaman kaybettirmektedir. TR 2008 09853 numarali "Balik yakalamak için kullanilan su üstü sahte balik (yapay balik yemi)." baslikli faydali model basvurusu "Bu bulus deniz, göl vb. yerlerde avci baliklarin dikkatini daha çok çektigi için balik yakalama islemini kolaylastiran su üstü sahte balik (yapay balik yemi) ile ilgilidir." olarak özetlenmektedir. Yukaridaki faydali model basvurusu sahte baligin hologram özelligi kazandiran parlak dis yüzey çizilmektedir. Bulus ancak zimpara ve polisaj ile eski haline getirilebilmektedir. Asagida detaylari ile anlatilacak olan bulusa hologram özelligi kazandiran eleman ürünün içyapisinda oldugundan çizilmelerden etkilenmemektedir. TR 2012 00940 numarali "Sahte Balik Yemi" baslikli faydali model basvurusu "Bulus, sahte balik yemini (1) olusturan, balik formunu andiran yapida, oval bas kismi (3) ve egimli kuyruk kismi (8) bulunan seffaf dis gövde (2), seffaf dis gövde (2) içerisinde en az bir mercekli yapida iç kisim (5) ve/veya seffaf dis gövdenin (2) üzerinde, yerinden çikmasini engelleyen direnç elemani (7) ile bütün yapida olusturulmus en az bir misina baglantisi (4) ve en az bir olta kancasi baglantisi (12) içermesi ile ilgilidir." olarak özetlenmektedir. Yukaridaki faydali model basvurusu bulusta hologramli yapi simler ile olusturulurken, sahte baligin daha uzak mesafelere iletilmesini saglayacak bir eleman içermemektedir. Bu sebeple yakin mesafede yapilacak avlarda uygulanabilirken, uzak mesafelerde kullanilamamaktadir. Asagida detaylari ile açiklanan bulus; teknigin bilinen durumundaki dezavantajlari ortadan kaldirarak, agirlik merkezi ayarini yaparak oltanin çok daha uzun mesafelere ulasmasini, ürünün içyapisina hologram özelligi vererek uzun süreli kullanim ve maliyetten kazanim ve hologramli yapisi ile avlanacak olan deniz grubu canlilarinin dikkatlerinin daha çok çekilmesini saglayan sahte balik olarak adlandirilan yapay balik yemi üretimini amaçlamaktadir. Bulusun Amaci Bulus temel amaci, su grubu canlilarinin tercihen balik avinda kullanilan sahte balik olarak adlandirilan yapay balik yeminin hologramli yapisi ile canlilarin daha çok dikkatlerini çekmek suretiyle avcilarin daha kolay bir sekilde av kalitesini arttirmaktir. Ayni zamanda hologami yapay balik yeminin iç yapisina entegre ederek uzun süreli kullanim saglamayi amaçlamaktadir. Bulusun bir diger amaci; sahte balik olan yapay balik yeminin agirlik merkezini ayarlayarak daha uzak mesafelere ulasmasini saglamaktir. Bulusun Açiklamasinda Yardimci Sekiller Sekil 1: Sahte Baligin Yandan Görünüsü Sekil 2: Sahte Baligin Önden Görünüsü Bulusun Açiklanmasina Yardimci Referans Numaralari 1. Yapay balik yemi 1.1. Seffaf dis gövde 1.2. Hologramli iç gövde 1.3. Krom Tel 1.4. Kursun 1.5. Kanca 1.6. Halka 1.7. Göz 1.8. Desen 1.9. Çapari simli hologramli iç gövde Bulusun Açiklamasi Bulus, agirlik merkezinin ayarlanarak daha uzak mesafelere ulasilmasini ve su üzerinde zikzak hareketler yaparak ve makara çapari simi veya pul boyutlu sim ile hologram özelligi kazandirilmis yapisi ile av sirasinda canlilarinin dikkatini daha çok çekerek avlanma islemini kolaylastirmayi saglayan yapay balik yemi (1) olup, iki farkli sekilde meydana getirilebilmektedir. Bir yapilanmasi olan yapay balik yemi (1), yapay balik yemine (1) makara çapari siminin ortadaki pleksiglas malzemeye sarilmasiyla hologramli yapiya sahip olan hologramli iç gövde (1 .2), yapay balik yemine (1) balik seklini veren ve merkezdeki hologramli iç gövdeyi (1.2) dis etmenlerden koruyan seffaf dis gövde (1.1) olmak üzere üç katmandan, yapay balik yemine (1) gerçek görüntü verilmesini saglayan göz (1 .7), yapay balik yeminin (1) agirlik merkezinin arkada tutularak daha uzak mesafeye ulasmasini ve suyun yüzeyinde zikzak hareketi yaparak canlinin dikkatinin çekilmesini saglayan kursun (1.4), yapay balik yemi (1) ile olta arasindaki baglantiyi saglayan krom tel (1.3), canlinin yapay balik yemine (1) takilmasini saglayan kanca (1.5) ve kanca (1.5) ile yapay balik yemi (1) arasindaki baglantiyi saglayan halkadan (1.6) olusmaktadir. Bir diger yapilanmasi olan yapay balik yemi (1), yapay balik yemine (1) pul boyutlu simin ortadaki pleksiglas malzemeye sarilmasiyla hologramli yapiya sahip olan çapari simli hologramli iç gövde (1.9), yapay balik yemine (1) balik seklini veren ve merkezdeki çapari simli hologramli iç gövdeyi (1.9) dis etmenlerden koruyan seffaf dis gövde (1.1) olmak üzere üç katmandan, yapay balik yemine (1) gerçek görüntü verilmesini saglayan göz (1.7), yapay balik yeminin (1) agirlik merkezinin arkada tutularak daha uzak mesafeye ulasmasini ve suyun yüzeyinde zikzak hareketi yaparak canlinin dikkatinin çekilmesini saglayan kursun (1 .4), yapay balik yemi (1) ile olta arasindaki baglantiyi saglayan krom tel (1.3), canlinin yapay balik yemine (1) takilmasini saglayan kanca (1 .5), kanca (1.5) ile yapay balik yemi (1) arasindaki baglantiyi saglayan halka (1.6) ve istege bagli olarak yapay balik yemine (1) estetik görüntü verilmesini saglayan desenden (1.8) olusmaktadir. Yapay balik yeminin (1) hologramli yapisinin saglanmasi adina ortadaki pleksiglasa epoksi reçinenin yapistirici özelliginden yararlanilarak hologram yapisi kazandiracak olan makara çapari simi yapistirilarak hologramli iç gövde (1.2) elde edilmektedir. Yapay balik yeminin (1) hologramli yapisinin saglanmasi adina ortadaki pleksiglasa epoksi reçinenin yapistirici özelliginden yararlanilarak hologram yapisi kazandiracak olan pul boyutlu sim yapistirilarak çapari simli hologramli iç gövde (1.9) elde edilmektedir. Yapay balik yemi (1) bünyesinde bulunan kursun (1.4) su canlilarinin daha çok dikkatini çekmesi adina çevresine kirmizi renk ip sarilmis veya kirmizi kirmiziya boyanmis krom telden mamul edilmektedir. TR TR DESCRIPTION ARTIFICIAL FISH BAIT THAT CAN REACH LONG DIStanceS DURING THE HUNTING OF AQUATIC CREATURES AND INCREASES PRODUCTIVITY BY ATTRACTING THEIR ATTENTION Technical Field The invention allows reaching longer distances by adjusting the center of gravity and making zigzag movements on the water and catching the creatures during hunting with its hologram structure with spool diameter glitter or flake-sized glitter. It is about artificial fish food that attracts more attention and makes the fishing process easier. Known Status of the Technique While fishing was a process that individuals did to meet their nutritional needs, today it has become done for hobby purposes. Especially those who live in fast-paced living conditions prefer fishing to relax and calm down. Although there are many methods for fishing; Fishing with fishing rod, speargun and net are among the most used ones. While angling is generally done from the shore, it is more practical than other types of fishing. Many people try to fish from the shore by determining their own fishing spot. Artificial bait and live bait are used in angling. Since it is a bit difficult to obtain and preserve live bait, fake fish are mostly used. Spearfishing is generally used to hunt large sized fish. Since it is necessary to go underwater to fish with a speargun, people who dive generally prefer fishing with a speargun. Since it is necessary to go to sea with a fishing boat to catch fish with a net, a lot of labor is needed. Many types of nets have been developed to catch different types of fish. Fishing rods are generally used for small-scale hunting, and various methods are applied to increase efficiency. Holograms are mostly used to attract the attention of the creature to be hunted. Adhesive labels called stickers are used in the production of existing hologram fake fish. These labels are not suitable for long-term use and are deformed when exposed to water. If no labels are used, materials that will create a hologram effect are used on the external structure of artificial fish food. However, artificial fish food with this structure is scratched and deformed due to external factors. Sanding operations are required to remove deformations. This situation causes hunters to lose time. TR 2008 No 09853 "False surface fake fish (artificial fishing bait) used for catching fish." The utility model application titled "This invention is about surface fake fish (artificial fish bait) that facilitates the process of catching fish as it attracts the attention of predatory fish in places such as seas, lakes, etc." It is summarized as. In the utility model application above, the shiny outer surface of the fake fish that gives it a hologram feature is drawn. The invention can only be restored by sanding and polishing. Since the element that gives the hologram feature to the invention, which will be explained in detail below, is in the internal structure of the product, it is not affected by scratches. Utility model application titled "Fake Fish Food" numbered TR 2012 00940 "The invention consists of a transparent outer body (2) with an oval head part (3) and a sloping tail part (8) with a structure resembling a fish form, forming the fake fish food (1)." At least one inner part (5) with a lens structure inside the transparent outer body (2) and/or a resistance element (7) on the transparent outer body (2) that prevents it from coming out of place, and at least one fishing line connection (4) formed in the whole structure and at least "It is related to the fact that it contains at least one fish hook connection (12)." It is summarized as. While the above-mentioned utility model application invention is created with holographic structures, it does not contain an element that will enable the fake fish to be transmitted to longer distances. For this reason, while it can be used for hunting at close range, it cannot be used at long distances. The invention explained in detail below; Artificial fish bait, called fake fish, allows the fishing line to reach much longer distances by eliminating the disadvantages of the known state of the technique, adjusting the center of gravity, allowing the fishing line to reach much longer distances, providing a hologram feature to the internal structure of the product, providing long-term use and saving on costs, and attracting the attention of the marine species to be hunted with its hologram structure. aims to produce. Purpose of the Invention The main purpose of the invention is to increase the hunting quality of the hunters more easily by attracting the attention of the living creatures with the holographic structure of the artificial fish bait, called fake fish, which is preferably used in fishing. At the same time, it aims to ensure long-term use by integrating holologam into the internal structure of artificial fish food. Another purpose of the invention is; It is to enable the artificial fish bait, which is a fake fish, to reach longer distances by adjusting its center of gravity. Helpful Figures in the Explanation of the Invention Figure 1: Side View of the Fake Fish Figure 2: Front View of the Fake Fish Reference Numbers Helpful in the Explanation of the Invention 1. Artificial fish food 1.1. Transparent outer body 1.2. Hologram inner body 1.3. Chrome Wire 1.4. 1.5 of the course. Hook 1.6. Ring 1.7. Eye 1.8. Pattern 1.9. Internal body with cross glitter hologram Description of the Invention The invention is an artificial fish bait that allows reaching longer distances by adjusting the center of gravity and making the hunting process easier by making zigzag movements on the water and attracting the attention of creatures during the hunt with its holographic structure with spool glitter or stamp-sized glitter. (1) and can be produced in two different ways. Artificial fish bait (1), which has a structure, consists of a hologram inner body (1.2) which has a hologram structure by wrapping the spool diameter of the artificial fish bait (1) into the plexiglass material in the middle, and a hologram inner body (1.2) that gives the artificial fish bait (1) a fish shape and forms the hologram inner body in the center. It consists of three layers: (1.2) the transparent outer body (1.1) that protects it from external factors, the eye (1.7) that gives the artificial fish food (1) a real appearance, the center of gravity of the artificial fish food (1) being kept at the back so that it can reach a farther distance and the water the lead (1.4), which draws the creature's attention by making a zigzag movement on its surface, the chrome wire (1.3) that provides the connection between the artificial fish bait (1) and the fishing line, the hook (1.5) that allows the creature to be attached to the artificial fish bait (1), and the artificial hook (1.5). It consists of the ring (1.6) that provides the connection between the fish food (1). Artificial fish food (1), which is another embodiment, consists of a holographic inner body (1.9) which has a holographic structure by wrapping a flake-sized glitter onto the plexiglass material in the middle (1.9); It consists of three layers: the transparent outer body (1.1), which protects the holographic inner body (1.9) from external factors, the eye (1.7), which provides a real image to the artificial fish food (1), and the eye (1.7), which allows the artificial fish food (1) to reach a longer distance by keeping the center of gravity at the back and lead (1.4), which draws the attention of the creature by making a zigzag movement on the surface of the water, chrome wire (1.3), which provides the connection between the artificial fish bait (1) and the fishing line, hook (1.5), which allows the creature to be attached to the artificial fish bait (1), hook It consists of the ring (1.6) that provides the connection between (1.5) and the artificial fish food (1) and, optionally, the pattern (1.8) that provides an aesthetic appearance to the artificial fish food (1). In order to ensure the hologram structure of the artificial fish food (1), the hologram inner body (1.2) is obtained by gluing the reel anchor glitter, which will give the hologram structure, to the plexiglass in the middle by taking advantage of the adhesive feature of the epoxy resin. In order to ensure the holographic structure of the artificial fish food (1), a flake-sized glitter, which will give the hologram structure, is glued to the plexiglass in the middle by taking advantage of the adhesive properties of epoxy resin, and a glittery holographic inner body (1.9) is obtained. The lead (1.4) contained in the artificial fish food (1) is made of chrome wire with red thread wrapped around it or painted red in order to attract more attention of aquatic creatures. TR TR

Claims (1)

1.ISTEMLER Bulus, agirlik merkezinin ayarlanarak daha uzak mesafelere ulasilmasini ve su üzerinde zikzak hareketler yaparak ve hologram özelligi kazandirilmis yapisi ile av sirasinda canlilarinin dikkatini daha çok çekerek avlanma islemini kolaylastirmayi saglayan yapay balik yemi olup, özelligi; makara çapari siminin ortadaki pleksiglas malzemeye sarilmasiyla hologramli yapiya sahip olan hologramli iç gövde (1 .2), yapay balik yemine (1) balik seklini veren ve merkezdeki hologramli iç gövdeyi (1.2) dis etmenlerden koruyan seffaf dis gövde (1.1) olmak üzere üç katmandan, yapay balik yemine (1) gerçek görüntü verilmesini saglayan göz (1.7), yapay balik yeminin (1) agirlik merkezinin arkada tutularak daha uzak mesafeye ulasmasini ve suyun yüzeyinde zikzak hareketi yaparak canlinin dikkatinin çekilmesini saglayan kursun (1.4), yapay balik yemi (1) ile olta arasindaki baglantiyi saglayan krom tel (1.3), canlinin yapay balik yemine (1) takilmasini saglayan kanca (1.5) ve kanca (1.5) ile yapay balik yemi (1) arasindaki baglantiyi saglayan halkaya (1.6) sahip olmasi ile karakterize edilir. Istem1*e göre bir balik yemi olup, özelligi; çapari simli hologramli iç gövdeye (1.9) sahip istem 1'e bagli bir balik yemi olup, özelligi; pul boyutlu simli hologramli iç gövdeye (1.9) sahip olmasi ile karakterize edilir. Istem 1*e göre bir balik yemi olup, özelligi; kirmizi renk ip sarilmis veya kirmiziya boyanmis krom telden mamul edilen kursuna (1.4) sahip olmasi ile karakterize edilir. TR TR1. CLAIMS The invention is an artificial fish bait that allows reaching longer distances by adjusting the center of gravity and making the hunting process easier by making zigzag movements on the water and attracting the attention of creatures during hunting with its holographic structure. It consists of three layers: the holographic inner body (1.2), which has a hologram structure by wrapping the reel diameter ring on the plexiglass material in the middle, and the transparent outer body (1.1), which gives the fish shape to the artificial fish bait (1) and protects the hologram inner body (1.2) in the center from external factors. eye (1.7), which provides a real image to the artificial fish food (1), lead (1.4), which allows the center of gravity of the artificial fish food (1) to reach a longer distance by keeping it at the back and attracting the attention of the creature by making a zigzag movement on the surface of the water, artificial fish food (1). It is characterized by having a chrome wire (1.3) that provides the connection between the creature and the fishing rod, a hook (1.5) that allows the creature to be attached to the artificial fish bait (1), and a ring (1.6) that provides the connection between the hook (1.5) and the artificial fish bait (1). It is a fish food according to claim1 and its feature is; It is a fish food according to claim 1 with a glittery holographic inner body (1.9), and its feature is; It is characterized by having a stamp-sized inner body (1.9) with a glittery hologram. It is a fish food according to claim 1 and its feature is; It is characterized by having lead (1.4) made of chrome wire wrapped in red color rope or painted red. TR TR

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