TR201912284U5 - Box with removable folds. - Google Patents

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TR201912284U5 TR2019/12284U TR201912284U TR201912284U5 TR 201912284 U5 TR201912284 U5 TR 201912284U5 TR 2019/12284 U TR2019/12284 U TR 2019/12284U TR 201912284 U TR201912284 U TR 201912284U TR 201912284 U5 TR201912284 U5 TR 201912284U5
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floor separation
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Yasi̇n Darbaz Mehmet
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Faya Elektronik Hizmetler Ve Dis Ticaret Anonim Sirketi
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Application filed by Faya Elektronik Hizmetler Ve Dis Ticaret Anonim Sirketi filed Critical Faya Elektronik Hizmetler Ve Dis Ticaret Anonim Sirketi
Priority to TR2019/12284U priority Critical patent/TR201912284U5/en
Publication of TR201912284U5 publication Critical patent/TR201912284U5/en



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Bu buluş yapısında, kutunun tabanını oluşturan taban parçası (1.1); istenilen hattan yırtılarak kutunun küçültülmesini sağlamak için yer düzlemine paralel şekilde belirli aralıkla konumlu bulunan kat ayırma perforajları (1.2) ve kat ayırma perforajları (1.2) arasında oluşan kutu katlarını (1.3) bulunduran gövde (1) ve her kutu (1.3) katıyla uyumlu şekilde kapanma sağlayan kapak (2) bölümüne sahip çıkarılabilir katlara sahip kutu ile ilgilidir.In the structure of this invention, the base part (1.1) forming the base of the box; The body (1) containing the box layers (1.3) formed between the floor separation perforations (1.2) and the layer separation perforations (1.2) located at certain intervals parallel to the ground plane in order to make the box smaller by tearing the desired line and closing in accordance with the layers of each box (1.3) It relates to the box with removable folds with the cover (2) section that provides it.


TARIFNAME çIKARILABILIR KATLARA SAHIP KUTU ILGILI TEKNIK ALAN Bu bulus birdenr fazla kattan olusan ve katlara ait Ayirma perforajlarindan ayrilarak istenilen seviyeye getirilen çikarilabilir katli kutu ile ilgilidir. DESCRIPTION BOX WITH REMOVABLE LAYERS RELATED TECHNICAL FIELD This invention is based on the Separation of multiple layers and layers. brought to the desired level by separating from its perforations. relates to the removable folded box.

TEKNIGIN BILINEN DURUMU Kutular her türlü esyanin, ürünün tasinmasi, depolanmasi, saklanmasi ve teshir edilmesi için kullanilan esyalarin genel Kutular ahsap, plastik, mukavva gibi pek çok materyalden üretilebilmektedir. KNOWN STATE OF THE TECHNIQUE Boxes are used for transportation, storage of all kinds of goods, products, general information about the items used for storage and display. Boxes are made of many materials such as wood, plastic, cardboard. can be produced.

En yaygin olarak kullanilan kutular hem üretilebilmeleri hem de maliyetlerinin daha düsük olmasi nedeniyle mukavva kutulardir. The most commonly used boxes are both because they can be produced and They are cardboard boxes due to their lower cost.

Mukavva kutular genellikle yekpare tek bir parça halinde üretilmektedir. Yekpare parçanin önceden belirlenen katlama noktalarindan katlama yapilmakta ve daha sonra baglanti parçalari yapistirici, Zimba vb. sekillerde sabitlenerek kutu nihai halini almaktadir. Cardboard boxes are usually made in one solid piece. is produced. Predetermined folding of the monolith folding is done at the points and then the connection is made. parts gluer, stapler etc. box fixed in figures takes its final form.

Mukavva kutular birkaç ebatta üretilebilmektedir. Ancak söz konusu ebatlar kutularin. nihai halidir. Bu bakimdan. nakliye saklama gibi sürekli olarak mukavva kutu kullanimi gerektiren islerde birden fazla boyda kutunun bulundurulmasi gerekmektedir. Cardboard boxes can be produced in several sizes. But the word the dimensions of the boxes. is the final state. From this perspective. transport requiring continuous use of cardboard boxes, such as for storage. Having boxes of more than one size in the works required.

Bahsedilen sekilde her boy kutunun bulundurulmasi hem maliyet hem de yer gereksinimi yaratmaktadir. Diger yandan farkli ebatlarda da olsalar kutular sabit boylara sahiptir. bu durumda bir esya gereginden daha büyük bir kutuya konulabilmektedir. Bu durum özellikle nakliye ve depolama açisindan fazladan yer gereksinimi ve nakliye maliyetini olusturmaktadir. As mentioned, having boxes of all sizes is both cost and cost effective. It also creates a space requirement. On the other hand, different boxes have fixed lengths, albeit in different sizes. in this case it can be put in a larger box than an item. This the situation is extra space, especially in terms of transport and storage. requirement and shipping cost.

Mevcutta çesitli katli, bölmeli çekmeceli kutu yapilari bulunmaktadir. 2014/09039 numarali “Çok katli diliHL pizza kutusu" konulu bulus ve 2008/01774 numarali “Çok katli kutu” konulu bulus bu yapilara örnektir. Box structures with various floors and drawers currently available are available. “Multi-layered DiliHL pizza” numbered 2014/09039 box" and "Multi-layered box" numbered 2008/01774 The invention on the subject is an example of these structures.

Bahsedilen› buu kutur yapilari çekmece, raf veya seperatör ile katlara bölmelere ayrilmis kutu yapilari olup, raf, çekmece veya seperatörler sabit veya takilip- Çikarilabilir yapida olabilmektedir. These box structures mentioned are combined with drawers, shelves or separators. They are box structures divided into layers and compartments, shelves, drawers. or separators fixed or removable can happen.

Ancak söz konusu kutu yapilari standart ve sabit ölçülerde olup kullanim ihtiyacina göre ebatlari degistirememektedir. Bu durum isletmelerin her boyda kutu alma stoklama gereksinimi yaratmaktadir. However, the box structures in question are of standard and fixed dimensions. cannot change the dimensions according to the usage needs. This situation the stocking requirement of all sizes of boxes creates.

Diger yandan gereginden büyük kutu kullanimi hem nakliye hem kargo islemlerinde fazladan yer gereksinimi ve maliyet olusturmaktadir. Kargo ücretlerinin kargonun desisine (hacim) ve kilogramina göre hesaplanmasi dolayisiyla özellikle uluslararasi kargo islemlerinde isletmeler gereginden fazla navlun ücreti ödemek durumunda kalmaktadir. On the other hand, the use of large boxes is both transportation and extra space requirement and cost in cargo operations forms. Shipping charges to desi (volume) of shipping and especially since it is calculated according to the kilogram In international cargo transactions, businesses are more than necessary. has to pay the freight charge.

Bunlarla beraber kutular içerisinde tasinan ürünün hareket edecegi çok fazla yer kalmasi ürünün nakliye ve kargo esnasinda zarar görmesine de neden olmaktadir. Bu durum, kutularin içeresine köpük, balonlu ambalaj gibi ekstra ürünler yerlestirilerek önlenmeye çalisilmaktadir. Ancak bu ekstra ürünlerin kullaninu isletmelere ayricar maliyet ve yer kaybi yaratmakla beraber ürünlerin bu sekilde kutulara yerlestirilmeleri de fazladanr zamani ve is gücü kaybina yol açmaktadir. Along with these, the movement of the product carried in the boxes too much space for the product to be used during transportation and shipping. also cause damage. In this case, the boxes Extra products such as foam, bubble wrap are being placed and tried to be prevented. However, this extra cost and space loss that separates the use of products for businesses Although creating the products in boxes in this way Their placement also causes extra time and labor loss. opens.

BULUSUN AMACI Bu bulusun amaci, ayrilabilir katli yapisi sayesinde, her boyda kutu alma stoklama gereksinimi olmadan ürünleri ölçülerine uygun kutularda tasinmasini ve saklanmasini saglamaktir. Bu sayede çok çesitli ölçülerde kutu bulundurulmasindan kaynaklanan yer gereksinimi kutu maliyeti ve nakliye maliyelerinin engellemektir. OBJECTIVE OF THE INVENTION The aim of this invention is, thanks to its separable layered structure, it can be used in all sizes. measure the products without the need for taking boxes and stocking is to ensure that it is transported and stored in suitable boxes. This In this way, it is possible to have boxes of various sizes. space requirement caused by box cost and shipping to hinder their finances.

Bulusun baska bir amaci, kargo isleminin gereginden büyük kutularda yapilmasini önleyerek, bu nedenle fazladan ödenen Bulusun bir diger amaci, ürünlerin en uygun ebatlarda tasinmasini saglayarak, kutuda ürünün hareketi için minimum yer kalmasini ve böylece tasinma esnasinda ürünün zarar görmesini engellemektir. It is another object of the invention that the cargo handling is oversized. by preventing it from being made in boxes, therefore overpaid Another object of the invention is to make the products in the most suitable dimensions. Minimum space for product movement in the box and thus prevent damage to the product during transport. is to prevent.

SEKILLERIN AÇIKLAMASI Sekil 1.Kapagin alttan görünümü Sekil 2.Gövdenin üstten görünümü Sekil 3.Kutunun yan perspektif görünümü Sekil 5.Esit mesafelerde konumlanmis kat ayirma perforajlarina sahip kutunun görünümü Sekil 6.Farkli mesafelerde konumlanmis kat ayirma perforajlarina sahip kutunun görünümü SEKILLERDEKI REFERANS NUMARALARI 1.Gövde 1.1.Taban 1.2.Kat ayirma perforajlari 1.3.Kutu katlari 1.4.Tutma perförajlari 2.Kapak h.Kat ayirma perforaj mesafeleri BULUSUN AÇIKLAMASI Bulusa konu çikarilabilir katlara sahip kutu, yapisinda, kutunun tabanini olusturan taban parçasi (1.1): istenilen hattan yirtilarak kutunun küçültülmesini saglamak için yer düzlemine paralel sekilde belirli aralikla konumlu bulunan kat ayirma perforajlari (1.2) ve kat ayirma perforajlari (1.2) arasinda olusan kutu katlarini (1.3) bulunduran gövde (1) ve her kutu (1.3) katiyla uyumlu sekilde kapanma saglayan kapak (2) bölümüne sahiptir. EXPLANATION OF FIGURES Figure 1. Bottom view of the cover Figure 2. Top view of the body Figure 3. Side perspective view of the box Figure 5. To floor separation perforations located at equal distances view of the box Figure 6. Floor separation positioned at different distances view of the box with perforations REFERENCE NUMBERS IN THE FIGURES 1.Body 1.1.Base 1.2.Floor separation perforations 1.3. Box floors 1.4. Holding perforations 2.Cover h. Floor separation perforation distances DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION The box with removable folds, which is the subject of the invention, in its structure, base part (1.1) forming the bottom of the box: desired space to allow the box to be reduced by tearing it off the line floor located at certain intervals parallel to the plane separation perforations (1.2) and floor separation perforations (1.2) the body (1) containing the box folds (1.3) formed between lid that provides closure in accordance with each box (1.3) fold It has section (2).

Gövde (1) yapisinda, kutunun elle tutulabilmesi için her kat için en az bir adet tutma perforajini (1.4) bulundurabilmektedir. In the body (1) structure, each fold is so that the box can be handled by hand. at least one holding perforation (1.4) can keep.

Kat ayirma perforajlari (1.2) tüm kutu katlarinin (1.3) esit ölçülerde olmasini saglayacak sekilde esit mesafelerde konumlanabilecegi gibi kutu katlarinin (1.3) farkli ölçülerde olmasini saglayacak sekilde farkli mesafelerde de konumlanabilmektedir. Layer separation perforations (1.2) are equal to all box layers (1.3). at equal distances to ensure that the It can be positioned as well as the box floors (1.3) in different sizes. also at different distances, ensuring that can be positioned.

Sekil 6'da farkli kat ayirma perforaj mesafeleriyle (h) konumlandirilmis kat ayirma perförajlarina (1.2) sahip bir kutu yapisi gösterilmistir. Burada kat ayirma perforaj Hesafeleri (h) her kutu kati (1.3) için farklidir. Örnegin 1. kat ayirma perforajinin (1.2) tabandan Inesafesi. h1 iken, 1. kat ayirma perforajinin (1.2) :2. kat ayirma perförajina (1.2) mesafesi h2, 2. kat ayirma perforajinin (1.2) 3. kat ayirma perforajina (1.2) mesafesi ise h3 dür. Figure 6 with different floor separation perforation distances (h) a box with positioned floor separation perforations (1.2) structure is shown. Here, floor separation perforation distances (h) is different for each box floor (1.3). For example, 1st floor separation Ine distance of the perforation (1.2) from the base. When h1, 1st floor separation perforation (1.2) :2. Distance to floor separation perforation (1.2) h2, 2nd layer separation perforation (1.2) 3rd layer separation perforation (1.2) distance is h3.

Sekil 5'de ise esit kat ayirma perforaj mesafeleriyle (h) konumlandirilmis kat ayirma perforajlarina (1.2) sahip bir kutu yapisi gösterilmistir. Burada. tüHl kat. ayirma. perforajlarinin (1.2) birbirlerine olan mesafeleri (h) her kutu kati (1.3) için aynidir. In Figure 5, with equal floor separation perforation distances (h) a box with positioned floor separation perforations (1.2) structure is shown. Here. tuHl cat. separation. perforations (1.2) distances to each other (h) for each box floor (1.3) is the same.

Kutunun sahip oldugu her bir kutu katinin (1.3) yüksekligi de kat ayirma perforaj mesafeleri (h) kadardir. Bu durumda kat ayirma perforaj mesafeleri (h) esit oldugunda tüm kutu katlarinin (1.3) yüksekligi de esit olmakta, kat ayirma perforaj mesafeleri (h) farkli oldugunda ise her bir kutu katinin (1.3) yüksekligi de farkli olmaktadir. The height of each box floor (1.3) that the box has is also The floor separation perforation distances are (h). In this case the floor when the separation perforation distances (h) are equal, the whole box The height of the floors (1.3) is also equal, the floor separation When the perforation distances (h) are different, each box the height of the floor (1.3) is also different.

Bulus olan kutu en az iki kutu katina (1.3) ve dolayisiyla en az bir kat ayirma perforajlarina (1.2) sahiptir. Bulusumuza ait bir örnekte 4 kutu katina (1.3) sahip bir kutu yapisi uygulanmistir. Kutunun sahip olacagi kutu kati (1.3) sayilari ve kat ayirma perföraji (1.2) sayilari azaltilip arttirilabilmektedir. The inventive box has at least two boxes (1.3) and thus the most it has a small layer separation perforations (1.2). belonging to our invention a box structure with 4 box floors (1.3) in one example has been applied. Number of box solids (1.3) that the box will have and the number of floor separation perforation (1.2) is reduced. can be increased.

Bulus olan kutunun gövde (1) kismi standart kutularda oldugu gibi yek pare sekilde tek bir parça olarak imal edilmektedir. The body (1) part of the inventive box is in standard boxes. It is manufactured as a single piece as a single piece.

Bu yekpare gövde (1) üzerinde üretim sirasinda katlama yerlerini belirleyen pilyaj hatlari, kat ayirma perforajlari (1.2) ve tutma perforajlari (1.4) üretim esnasinda islenmektedir. Folding on this one-piece body (1) during manufacture crease lines determining their location, floor separation perforations (1.2) and retaining perforations (1.4) during production is being processed.

Kutunun gövde (1) ve kapak (2) kisimlari standart kutu yapilarinda oldugu gibi pilyaj hatlarindan katlanarak ana formlarina getirilmekte yapistirici veya Zimba uygulanarak sabitlenmektedir. Body (1) and cover (2) parts of the box are standard box as in their structures, by folding from the crease lines to the main being brought into their forms by applying glue or staples. is fixed.

Kullanici kutunun ölçülerini kisaltmak istediginde, istedigi kat ayirma perforaji (1.2) hattindan yirtabilmektedir. Böylece yirttigi kat ayirma perforajinin (1.2) üstünde kalan kutu katlari (1.3) çikarilmis olmaktadir. Bu islem için, makas, maket biçagi Vb. harici herhangi bir kesme elemanin kullanimina ihtiyaç yoktur. When the user wants to shorten the dimensions of the box, floor separation perforation (1.2) can tear from the line. Like this The box above the torn floor separation perforation (1.2) its multiples (1.3) are subtracted. For this operation, scissors, model knife Etc. use of any external cutting element. there is no need.

Kutunun sahip oldugu kapak (2) her kutu katiyla (1.3) uyumlu Bulus olan kutu sayesinde kullanici kutuyu ürün için en uygun Ölçüye getirebilmekte ve kutunun fazladan yer isgalini ortadan kaldirmaktadir.The lid (2) of the box is compatible with every box floor (1.3) Thanks to the inventive box, the user can choose the box most suitable for the product. It can be brought to size and eliminates the extra space occupation of the box. removes.

Claims (1)

ISTEMLERREQUESTS 1. Bulus kutu ölup, özelligi; yapisinda, kutunun tabanini olusturan taban parçasi (1.1): istenilen hattan yirtilarak kutunun küçültülmesini saglamak için yer düzlemine paralel sekilde belirli aralikla konumlu bulunan kat ayirma perforajlari (1.2) ve kat ayirma perforajlari (1.2) arasinda olusan kutu katlarini (1.3) bulunduran gövde (1) ve her kutu (1.3) katiyla uyumlu sekilde kapanma saglayan kapak (2) bölümüne sahip olmasidir. .Istem 1'e uygun gövde (1) olup, özelligi; yapisinda, tum kutu katlarinin (1.3) esit ölçülerde olmasini saglayacak sekilde esit mesafelerde konumlanabilecegi gibi kutu katlarinin (1.3) farkli ölçülerde olmasini saglayacak sekilde farkli mesafelerde konumlanabilen kat ayirma perforajlarini (1.2) bulundurmasidir. . Istem 1'e uygun gövde (1) olup, özelligi; yapisinda, kutunun elle tutulabilmesi için her kutu kati (1.3) için en az bir adet tutma perforajini (1.4) bulundurabilmesidir.1. Invention box dies, feature; in its structure, the base part (1.1) that forms the base of the box: the body containing the box folds (1.3) formed between the floor separation perforations (1.2) and the floor separation perforations (1.2), which are located at certain intervals parallel to the ground plane in order to reduce the box by tearing it from the desired line. ) and each box (1.3) has a cover (2) section that provides closure in accordance with its fold. .It is the body (1) according to claim 1, and its feature is; In its structure, it contains floor separation perforations (1.2) that can be positioned at different distances to ensure that all box floors (1.3) are of equal dimensions, as well as at equal distances to ensure that the box floors (1.3) have different dimensions. . It is the body (1) according to claim 1, and its feature is; In its structure, it can contain at least one holding perforation (1.4) for each box floor (1.3) so that the box can be held by hand.
TR2019/12284U 2019-08-15 2019-08-15 Box with removable folds. TR201912284U5 (en)

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Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
TR2019/12284U TR201912284U5 (en) 2019-08-15 2019-08-15 Box with removable folds.

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TR2019/12284U TR201912284U5 (en) 2019-08-15 2019-08-15 Box with removable folds.

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TR201912284U5 true TR201912284U5 (en) 2021-02-22



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TR2019/12284U TR201912284U5 (en) 2019-08-15 2019-08-15 Box with removable folds.

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