SI9600376A - Sound event visualisation procedure - Google Patents

Sound event visualisation procedure Download PDF


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SI9600376A SI9600376A SI9600376A SI9600376A SI 9600376 A SI9600376 A SI 9600376A SI 9600376 A SI9600376 A SI 9600376A SI 9600376 A SI9600376 A SI 9600376A SI 9600376 A SI9600376 A SI 9600376A
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audio event
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Božidar Svetek
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Svetek Božidar, Ing.
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Application filed by Svetek Božidar, Ing. filed Critical Svetek Božidar, Ing.
Priority to SI9600376A priority Critical patent/SI9600376A/en
Priority to AU78931/98A priority patent/AU7893198A/en
Priority to PCT/SI1997/000036 priority patent/WO1998029863A1/en
Publication of SI9600376A publication Critical patent/SI9600376A/en



    • G10H1/00Details of electrophonic musical instruments
    • G10H1/0008Associated control or indicating means


Subject of the invention is a sound event visualisation procedure, representing the transformation of a sound signal into a visual one, offering a solution for the implementation of the procedure for recording this transformation of the signal for recording on a physical media for example video, CD or its use in direct broadcasting. The visualisation procedure offers the possibility to directly transcribe the signal or element of the sound event (1i) by a pattern (Ai) on a computer (E) screen field (E). The transformed content of elements of the sound event (1i) in the form of associative patterns (Ai) by determined reaction colours and shape and colour modifications is constantly recorded in the processor (5i). After the transformation the summing device (7) activates the content of the processors (5i) to provide a single signal, which is written to a physical media or transmitted in direct broadcasting. The procedure according to the invention uses neume like transcripts for transforming the sound event (1i).


Predmet izuma je postopek za vizualizacijo zvočnega dogodka, ki predstavlja pretvorbo zvočnega signala v vizualni signal in ponuja rešitev za izvedbo postopka zapisa te pretvorbe na fizični medij kot npr. video, CD medij ali uporabo pri neposrednem prenosu.The subject of the invention is a method for visualizing an audio event, which represents the conversion of an audio signal into a visual signal and provides a solution for performing a process of recording this conversion to a physical medium, such as e.g. video, CD, or direct download.

Znana tehnika light show je tehnika ki omogoča neposredno svetlobno spremljavo glasbenih vsebin to je aktiviranje različnih barvnih svetlobnih teles glede na različna frekvenčna področja zvoka oziroma izvajane glasbe.The known light show technique is a technique that allows the direct monitoring of music content, that is, the activation of different colored light bodies with respect to different frequency areas of sound and / or music.

Slabe lastnosti tehnike light show so predvsem v poenostavitvi in nehomogenosti vizualnih in zvočnih (glasbenih) vsebin. Nadalje obstaja strukturno nesoglasje med vidnim in slišnim ter neenakomerno sodelovanje čutil sluha in vida poslušalcev, kljub interaktivni zmožnosti, ki jo poslušalec zmore. Posledica navedenih dejstev je, da npr. poslušalci in tudi izvajalci pri izvedbi glasbenih del pogosto zapirajo oči, kar pomeni odstranitev neustrezne vizualne vsebine/strukture oziroma videza danega prostora.The disadvantages of the light show technique are mainly the simplicity and inhomogeneity of visual and audio (musical) content. Furthermore, there is a structural disagreement between the visual and the audible, and the unequal cooperation of the senses of the hearing and the hearing of the listeners, despite the interactive ability that the listener is capable of. The consequence of the above facts is that e.g. listeners, as well as performers, often close their eyes when performing music, which means removing inappropriate visual content / structure or the appearance of a given space.

Poleg navedenega glasba obdelana v tehniki light show, v primeru zapisa na fizični medij ne daje avtonomnost glasbi izven prostora namenjenega light show.In addition to the above music processed in the light show technique, in the case of recording on a physical medium, it does not give autonomy to music outside the space intended for light show.

Predlagani postopek omogoča izvedbo in oblikovanje vizualnih 15 vsebin,ki so po obsegu in kvaliteti primerljive glasbi. Glasba pridobi vizualno, avtonomno izrazno obliko in ni več v podrejeni funkciji, to je samo kot podpora naravnih vizualnih vsebin, kot smo to navajeni pri filmu ali televiziji. Vsako glasbeno delo postane s predlaganim postopkom specifični avtonomni film.The proposed procedure allows the execution and design of visual content that is comparable in volume and quality to music. Music takes on a visual, autonomous expression form and is no longer in a subordinate function, it is only as support for natural visual content as we are used to in film or television. Each musical work becomes a specific autonomous film through the proposed procedure.

2o Postopek za vizualizacijo zvočnega dogodka po izumu bomo obrazložili na osnovi izvedbenega primera in pripadajočih slik, od katerih kaže:2o The process for visualizing a sound event according to the invention will be explained on the basis of an embodiment example and associated images, of which:

slika 1 diagram poteka postopka po izumu; slika 2 primer določenih asociacijskih vzorcev Ai;Figure 1 is a flowchart of the process of the invention; Figure 2 is an example of certain association patterns Ai;

slika 3 izgled delovnega polja na ekranu za izvedbo postopka po izumu;Fig. 3 is a view of the working field on the screen for carrying out the process according to the invention;

slika 4 diagram poteka izvedbe postopka po izumu pri glasbenem fonogramu.FIG. 4 is a flowchart of the embodiment of the method of the invention for a musical phonogram.

slika 5 diagram poteka izvedbe postopka po izumu pri neposrednem prenosu glasbenega dela;Fig. 5 is a flowchart of the process of the invention in the direct transmission of a musical work;

slika 6 primeri neuam podobnih zapisovfigure 6 examples of neuam-like records

Na sliki 1 je prikazan diagram poteka postopka pretvorbe zvočnega io dogodka (glasbenega dela) v vizualno vsebino iz katerega je razviden potek pretvorbe. Za vsak zvočni signal (element) zvočnega dogodka je predviden vzorec Ai za vizualizacijo. Oblika vzorca Ai je izdelana tako da omogoča maksimalno asociacijo med vidnim in slišnim. Primer asociacijskega vzorca Ai je prikazan na sliki 2.Figure 1 shows a flowchart of the process of converting an audio io event (music piece) into visual content that shows the course of the conversion. For each audio signal (element) of the audio event, a sample Ai is provided for visualization. The shape of the Ai pattern is designed to maximize the association between the visual and the auditory. An example of the association pattern Ai is shown in Figure 2.

Postopek vizualizacije poteka tako da signal (element) zvočnega dogodka 1 i neposredno transkribiramo z vzorcem Ai, na ekranskem polju E računalnika 4i.The visualization process is performed so that the signal (element) of the audio event 1 i is directly transcribed with the sample Ai, on the screen field E of the computer 4i.

Na računalniškem ekranskem polju E je programirano delovno polje M (prikazano na sliki 3), kjer je izvedeno polje asociacijskih vzorcev Ai, poljeOn the computer screen E, a work field M (shown in Figure 3) is programmed, where the associative pattern field Ai, the field

12 za spremembe vzorcev, polje 13 za spremembo barve in polje 14 z barvnim spektrom. Delovno polje M je na ekranu E zaradi ergonomskih lastnosti oblikovano tako, da je polje asociacijskih vzorcev Ai, polje 12 za spremembe asociacijskih vzorcev in polje 13 za spremembe barv postavljeno na levo stran ekrana E, polje 14 z barvnim spektrom pa zaradi reakcijskih časov na desno stran ekrana.12 for sample changes, box 13 for color change, and box 14 with color spectrum. Due to its ergonomic properties, the working field M is designed so that the associative pattern field Ai, the association pattern change box 12, and the color change box 13 are placed on the left side of the E screen and the color spectrum field 14 due to the reaction times to the right side of the screen.

Postopek pretvorbe zvočnega dogodka 1i, ki ga izvajamo na delovnem polju M, izvajamo v pomenu in obliki neumam podobni pisavi. Nekaj takih znakov je prikazanih na sliki 6.The process of converting an audio event 1i, which is performed in the work field M, is performed in the sense and form of a stupid font. Some such characters are shown in Figure 6.

Med transkribiranjem - pretvarjanjem signala (elementa) zvočnega dogodka 1i, s signalom, ki ustreza asociacijskem vzorcu Ai, se hkrati tudi asociacijskem vzorcu Ai dodaja reakcijska barva iz polja 14.During the transcription - conversion of the signal (element) of an audio event 1i, with the signal corresponding to the associative pattern Ai, the reaction color from box 14 is also added to the associative pattern Ai.

Polje 12 za spremembo asociacijskih vzorcev je oblikovano tako, da io ima vgrajena dva stikala 12a in 12b. Prvo stikalo 12a omogoča povečavo asociacijskega vzorca Ai pri nižanju tonov (punctum-gravis), stikalo 12b pa manjšanje asociacijskega vzorca Ai pri višanju tonov (virgo-aktus).Box 12 for modifying association patterns is designed so that io has two switches 12a and 12b fitted. The first switch 12a enables the increase of the associative pattern Ai in the lowering of tones (punctum-gravis), and the switch 12b decreases the associative pattern Ai in the raising of the tones (virgo-actus).

Polje 13 za spremembo barv je tudi oblikovano tako da ima vgrajena dva stikala 13a in 13b. Prvo stikalo 13a omogoča spremembo reakcijske is barve v temnejše odtenke pri nižanju tonov (punctum-gravis), stikalo 13b pa spremembo reakcijske barve v svetlejše odtenke pri višanju tonov (virgo-aktus).The color change box 13 is also designed to have two switches 13a and 13b fitted. The first switch 13a changes the reaction color to darker tones with punctum gravis, and the switch 13b changes the reaction color to lighter tones with virgo actus.

Pretvorjena vsebina elementov zvočnega dogodka (glasb) v obliki različnih asociacijskih vzorcev Ai, reakcijske barve in sprememba oblike in barve, se sprotno shranjuje v procesorju 5i.The converted content of the audio event (music) elements in the form of different associative patterns Ai, reaction color, and change in shape and color is stored on a 5i processor.

Po končani pretvorbi sumator 7, aktivira vsebino vseh procesorjev 5i v enoten signal ki se zapiše na fizični medij ali poda v obliki neposrednega prenosa. Po opisanem postopku v končni fazi pridobimo signal ki združuje vizuelno in zvočno vsebino vseh signalov (elementov) zvočnega dogodka.After the conversion is completed, Sumator 7 activates the contents of all processors 5i into a single signal that is written to the physical medium or given in the form of a direct transmission. Following the procedure described above, a signal is obtained that combines the visual and audio content of all the signals (elements) of the audio event.

Transkribiranje signala/elementov zvočnega dogodka (glasbe) je možno izvajati na dva načina.There are two ways to transcribe the signal / elements of an audio event (music).

Po prvem načinu, katerega diagram poteka je prikazan na sliki 4, izvajamo transkribiranje že obstoječih fonogramov. Postopek izvaja ena oseba z računalnikom R1 na ekranu E1 v delovnem polju M1, in sicer vsak zvočni signal 1i posebej s poljubnim številom asociacijskih vzorcev Ai. Vizualna in zvočna vsebina vsake transkribcije 3i se shrani io na ločenem procesorju 5i. Po končani transkribciji se aktivira sumator 7 ki združi vse procesorje 5i hkrati in omogoči skupni zvočni in vidni signal 6, to je signal ki se z ostalimi signali, preko sumatorja 7 zapiše kot končni zvočni in vizualni zapis 8 na fizični medij ali izvede neposredni prenos 9. Izvedba postopka po izumu pri neposrednem prenosu glasbenega is dela, katerega diagram poteka je prikazan na sliki 5, pa poteka tako, da neposredni prenos zvočnega dogodka (glasbenega dela) transkribira več oseb usklajeno. Vsaka oseba transkribira z enim asociacijskim vzorcem Ai na svojem računalniku 4i ter procesorju 5i.Following the first method, the flowchart of which is shown in Figure 4, we transcribe the existing phonograms. The procedure is performed by one person using computer R1 on screen E1 in work field M1, each sound signal 1i individually with any number of association patterns Ai. The visual and audio content of each transcription 3i is stored io on a separate processor 5i. After the transcription is complete, the adder 7 is activated, which combines all the processors 5i simultaneously and enables a common audio and visual signal 6, that is, a signal that is recorded with the other signals as the final audio and visual record 8 on the physical medium or makes a direct transmission 9 However, the implementation of the method of the invention for direct transmission of a musical part, the flowchart of which is shown in Figure 5, is carried out in such a way that the direct transmission of an audio event (musical part) is transcribed by several persons in a coordinated manner. Each person transcribes with one association pattern Ai on their computer 4i and processor 5i.

Na delovnih poljih M vseh izvajalcev se hkratno prikazujejo tudi nastajajoče transkribcijske vsebine vseh izvajalcev. Koordinacijo in usklajevanje vseh nastajajočih vizualnih vsebin/transkribciji, z zvočnim signalom/glasbenim delom, izvaja ena oseba K na ločenem računalniku R2, ekranu E2 in delovnem polju M2. Vizualna in zvočna vsebina se shranita v procesorju 52 in sumatorju 72, oziroma se neposredno prenašata v sam prostor zvočnega dogodka oziroma izvedbe glasbe ali se zapišeta na fizični medij.The M work fields of all contractors also show the transcripts of all contractors. Coordination and reconciliation of all emerging visuals / transcriptions, with audio / music, is performed by one person K on a separate R2 computer, screen E2, and M2 workspace. The visual and audio content are stored in the processor 52 and the adder 72, respectively, and are directly transferred to the actual space of the audio event or music performance or recorded on a physical medium.

Claims (7)

1. Postopek za vizualizacijo zvočnega dogodka, označen s tem,1. A method for visualizing an audio event, characterized in that 2. Postopek za vizualizacijo zvočnega dogodka po zahtevku 1,A method for visualizing an audio event according to claim 1, 15 označen s tem, da pretvorbe zvočnega dogodka (1i) izvajamo v pomenu in obliki neumam podobni pisavi.15, characterized in that the audio event (1i) conversions are performed in meaning and form that I do not like font. 3. Postopek za vizualizacijo zvočnega dogodka po zahtevku 1,3. A method for visualizing an audio event according to claim 1, 20 označen s tem, da je na računalniškem ekranskem polju (E) programirano delovno polje (M) na katerem je izvedeno polje asociacijskih vzorcev (Ai), polje (12) za spremembe vzorcev, polje (13) za spremembo barve in polje (14) z barvnim spektrom tako, pri čemer je polje asociacijskih vzorcev (Ai), polje (12) za spremembe asociacijskih vzorcev in polje (13) za spremembe barv postavljeno na levo stran ekrana (E), polje (14) z barvnim spektrom pa na desno stran ekrana.20, characterized in that a work field (M) is programmed on the computer screen field (E), on which the associative pattern field (Ai), the pattern change field (12), the color change field (13) and the field (14) ) with the color spectrum such that the association pattern field (Ai), the association pattern change field (12) and the color change field (13) are placed on the left side of the screen (E) and the color spectrum field (14) right side of the screen. 4. Postopek za vizualizacijo zvočnega dogodka po zahtevku 3, označen s tem, da ima polje (12) za spremembo asociacijskih vzorcev vgrajena stikala (12a, 12b).A method for visualizing an audio event according to claim 3, characterized in that the field (12) for changing the associative patterns has switches (12a, 12b) incorporated. 5. Postopek za vizualizacijo zvočnega dogodka po zahtevku 3, označen s tem, da ima polje (13) za spremembo barv vgrajena stikala (13a, 13b).5. A method for visualizing an audio event according to claim 3, characterized in that the color change field (13) has switches (13a, 13b) incorporated. isis 5 da signal oziroma element zvočnega dogodka (1i) neposredno transkribiramo z vzorcem (Ai), na ekranskem polju (E) računalnika (4i) in se tako pretvorjena vsebina elementov zvočnega dogodka (1i) v obliki asociacijskih vzorcev (Ai) določenih reakcijskih barv in sprememb oblik in barv sprotno shranjujejo v procesorju (5i), nakar io po končani pretvorbi sumator (7) aktivira vsebino procesorjev (5i) v enoten signal, ki se zapiše na fizični medij ali poda v obliki neposrednega prenosa.5 that the signal or element of the audio event (1i) is directly transcribed by a sample (Ai) on the screen (E) of the computer (4i), thus converting the contents of the audio event elements (1i) in the form of associative patterns (Ai) of certain reaction colors, and changes of shapes and colors are constantly stored in the processor (5i), after which, after completion of the conversion, the sumator (7) activates the contents of the processors (5i) into a single signal that is written to the physical medium or given in the form of direct transmission. 6. Postopek za vizualizacijo zvočnega dogodka po zahtevkih 1 in 2, za transkribiranje že obstoječih fonogramov, označen s tem, da transkribrira ena oseba z računalnikom (R1) na ekranu (E1) v delovnem polju (M1) vsak zvočni signal (1i) posebej s poljubnimA method for visualizing an audio event according to claims 1 and 2 for transcribing pre-existing phonograms, characterized in that it transcribes one audio computer (R1) on the screen (E1) in the work field (M1) separately to each audio signal (1i) with any 20 številom asociacijskih vzorcev (Ai) in se vizualna in zvočna vsebina vsake transkribcije (3i) shrani na ločenem procesorju (5i), nakar se po končani transkribciji aktivira sumator (7), ki združi vsebino procesorjev (5i) in hkrati in omogoči, da se skupni zvočni in vidni signal (6) zapiše kot končni zvočni in vizualni zapis (8) na fizični medij ali pa se izvede neposredni prenos (9).20, the number of association patterns (Ai), and the visual and audio content of each transcription (3i) is stored on a separate processor (5i), after which, after the transcription is completed, the adder (7), which combines the contents of the processors (5i) and simultaneously allows the total audio and visual signal (6) shall be recorded as the final audio and visual recording (8) on the physical medium or a direct transmission (9) shall be carried out. 7. Postopek za vizualizacijo zvočnega dogodka po zahtevkih 1 in 2, za s transkribiranje pri neposrednem prenosu glasbenega dela, kjer neposredni prenos zvočnega dogodka transkribira več oseb usklajeno, označen s tem, da vsaka oseba transkribira z enim asociacijskim vzorcem (Ai) na io svojem računalniku (4i) ter procesorju (5i), pri čemer se na delovnih poljih (M) vseh izvajalcev transkribiranja hkratno prikazujejo tudi nastajajoče transkribcijske vsebine drugih izvajalcev in koordinacijo in usklajevanje vseh nastajajočih vizualnih vsebin z zvočnim signalom, izvaja oseba (K) na ločenem računalniku (R2) z, is ekranom (E2) in delovnim poljem (M2) in se vizualna in zvočna vsebina shranita v procesorju (52) in sumatorju (72), ter zapišeta kot končni zvočni in vizualni zapis (8) na fizični medij ali pa se izvede neposredni prenos (9).7. A method for visualizing an audio event according to claims 1 and 2, for transcribing in the direct transmission of a piece of music, wherein the direct transmission of an audio event transcribes multiple persons in a coordinated manner, characterized in that each person transcribes with one association pattern (Ai) on his or her own a computer (4i) and a processor (5i), while the work fields (M) of all transcription providers simultaneously display the emerging transcription content of other performers and the coordination and coordination of all emerging visual content with an audio signal, performed by a person (K) on a separate computer (R2) with, with screen (E2) and workspace (M2), and the visual and audio content are stored in the processor (52) and the adder (72) and written to the final audio and visual record (8) on physical media, or a direct transfer (9) is performed.
SI9600376A 1996-12-30 1996-12-30 Sound event visualisation procedure SI9600376A (en)

Priority Applications (3)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
SI9600376A SI9600376A (en) 1996-12-30 1996-12-30 Sound event visualisation procedure
AU78931/98A AU7893198A (en) 1996-12-30 1997-12-29 Acoustic phenomenon visualisation procedure
PCT/SI1997/000036 WO1998029863A1 (en) 1996-12-30 1997-12-29 Acoustic phenomenon visualisation procedure

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

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SI9600376A SI9600376A (en) 1996-12-30 1996-12-30 Sound event visualisation procedure

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SI9600376A SI9600376A (en) 1996-12-30 1996-12-30 Sound event visualisation procedure

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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
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US4068262A (en) * 1976-12-30 1978-01-10 Sandler Michael E Auxiliary variable coordinate sonic display system
WO1986005409A1 (en) * 1985-03-20 1986-09-25 Paist Roger M Video display of two-channel audio signals
US4753148A (en) * 1986-12-01 1988-06-28 Johnson Tom A Sound emphasizer
US4885969A (en) * 1987-08-03 1989-12-12 Chesters Thomas P Graphic music system

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