SI9600213A - Disk mower - Google Patents

Disk mower Download PDF


Publication number
SI9600213A SI9600213A SI9600213A SI9600213A SI 9600213 A SI9600213 A SI 9600213A SI 9600213 A SI9600213 A SI 9600213A SI 9600213 A SI9600213 A SI 9600213A SI 9600213 A SI9600213 A SI 9600213A
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drive shaft
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Slovenian (sl)
Leposa Wolfgang
Original Assignee
Poettinger Alois
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Application filed by Poettinger Alois filed Critical Poettinger Alois
Publication of SI9600213A publication Critical patent/SI9600213A/en



    • A01D34/00Mowers; Mowing apparatus of harvesters
    • A01D34/01Mowers; Mowing apparatus of harvesters characterised by features relating to the type of cutting apparatus
    • A01D34/412Mowers; Mowing apparatus of harvesters characterised by features relating to the type of cutting apparatus having rotating cutters
    • A01D34/63Mowers; Mowing apparatus of harvesters characterised by features relating to the type of cutting apparatus having rotating cutters having cutters rotating about a vertical axis
    • A01D34/76Driving mechanisms for the cutters


  • Life Sciences & Earth Sciences (AREA)
  • Environmental Sciences (AREA)
  • Harvester Elements (AREA)


The flange bearings (11,11') of the disc drive shafts (6) are installed in assembly holes (9) provided in the only possible alignment to the mowing disc beam (1). It uses two possible drive shaft arrangements (6). In the case of the first flange bearing (11) the drive shaft and driving gear (7) engage a left-hand gear. In the case of the second flange bearing (11') the shaft and gear engage a right-hand gear (4',5') of the mower drive (3). The connection points (14) between the bearing flange plates (12,12') and drive shaft are in part or all differentially spaced from the associated drive shaft axis. The securement points at each assembly hole as specified lie differentially spaced from the intercept between the vertical axis of symmetry of the intermeshing gears and a plane normal to this, passing through the associated drive shaft axis.


Predmet izuma je kolutni kosilnik z nosilno gredo kosilnih kolutov, na kateri so na odmikih uležajeni vrtilno gnani kosilni koluti, z značilnostmi po uvodnem delu 1. patentnega zahtevka.The subject of the invention is a disc mower with a carrier shaft of mower discs, on which the rotary driven mower discs are mounted at distances, with the features according to the introductory part of claim 1.

Na takšnih nosilnih gredah kosilnih kolutov so kosilni koluti pritrjeni na navpičnih pogonskih gredeh kosilnih kolutov, pri čemer se poti kosilnih rezil kosilnih kolutov medsebojno ravno prekrivajo.On such carrier wheels of the mower discs, the mower discs are attached to the vertical drive shafts of the mower discs, with the paths of the mower blades of the mower discs overlapping with one another.

Kosilni koluti so, glede na želen način košnje, razporejeni v izmeničnem vrtilnem smislu za enakomerno razprostrto košnjo ali z več sosednjimi kosilnimi koluti, vrtečimi se v isti smeri, za izdelavo velike osrednje redi ali več na medsebojnem odmiku nahajajočih se manjših redi, odvisno od tega, če morajo biti talni pasovi za eno ali obe kolotečini prosti ali če se naj košnjo zbira v sredini, da se olajša pobiranje s samonakladalnim strojem ali da se zmanjša širino izmeta kolutnega kosilnika na delovno širino enega ali več predelovalnikov košnje.The mowing discs are arranged in alternating rotating terms, depending on the desired mowing mode, for evenly spread mowing or with several adjacent mowing wheels, rotating in the same direction, for producing a large central row or more at smaller spacing of smaller rows, depending on this , if the floor belts for one or both tracks are to be free or if the mowing is to be centered to facilitate picking by the self-loading machine or to reduce the width of the disc mower's ejection to the working width of one or more mowing processors.

Pri znanih kolutnih kosilnikih so v nosilni gredi kosilnih kolutov zobata kolesa gonila kosilnika ubirajoče uležajena drugo poleg drugega in na zgornji stranici premaknjena naprej k stikajočim se prednjim delom zobatih koles gonila, v središčni ravnini pa so k temu predvidene montažne odprtine za vstavitev pogonskih gredi kosilnih kolutov.In the case of known disc mowers, the gear wheels of the mower gearbox are mounted side-by-side in the carrier shaft of the mower discs and on the upper side are moved forward to the contacting front parts of the gear wheels, and in the center plane there are mounting openings for inserting the mowing wheels of the mowers. .

Vsaka pogonska gred kosilnega koluta je uležajena v prirobničnem ležaju, pri čemer je na njenem zgornjem koncu privijačen kosilni kolut, na njenem spodnjem koncu pa je pritrjeno pogonsko zobato kolo. Pogonsko zobato kolo prijemlje pri tem v enega od dveh sosednjih ubirajočih zobatih koles gonila.Each drive shaft of the mower disc is mounted in a flange bearing, with a mower disc screwed in at its upper end and a drive gear wheel attached at its lower end. The drive gear engages one of the two adjacent gear drive sprockets.

Prirobnični ležaj je opremljen s prirobnično ploščo, ki je z več vijaki, speljanimi skozi vrtino v prirobnični plošči, privijačena v navojne izvrtine na zgornji stranici nosilne grede kosilnih kolutov.The flange bearing is provided with a flange plate, which is screwed into the threaded holes on the upper side of the carrier shaft of the mower discs with several screws through the bore in the flange plate.

Za izdelavo nosilne grede kosilnih kolutov z na njej uležajenimi kosilnimi koluti, ki se vrtijo v različnih smereh, glede na ciljni namen uporabe, se mora vgraditi prirobnične ležaje z različno usmeritvijo, da pogonska zobata kolesa pogonskih gredi kosilnih kolutov ubirajo bodisi z levim ali desnim pogonskim zobatim kolesom.In order to produce the carrier shaft of the mower discs with the mounted mower discs rotating in different directions, depending on the intended purpose of use, flange bearings with different orientation must be installed so that the drive gear wheels of the drive shafts of the mower discs are driven either by left or right drive. toothed wheel.

Ta razpored zobatih koles pri eni in isti vrsti prirobničnih ležajev v pogledu zvijačenja pa je težko določiti, lego prirobničnega ležaja za zahtevano desno ali levo usmeritev, ki se medsebojno razlikujeta zelo malo, pa se zlahka zamenja.This arrangement of gears for the same type of flange bearings in terms of twisting is difficult to determine, and the position of the flange bearing for the required right or left orientation, which differ very little from one another, is easily replaced.

Naloga izuma je izboljšati to usmerjanje, ustvariti nezamenljivost in izboljšati natančnost prileganja prirobničnih ležajev.It is an object of the invention to improve this orientation, to create irreplaceability and to improve the fitting accuracy of the flange bearings.

To nalogo se pri kolutnem kosilniku uvodoma navedene vrste reši s karakteristikami iz značilnostnega dela 1. patentnega zahtevka.This task is solved with the characteristics of the characteristic part of claim 1 in the disc mower of the type mentioned above.

Podzahtevki se nanašajo zlasti na prednostne izvedbe izuma in prav tako kot 1. patentni zahtevek tvorijo del opisa.The sub-claims relate in particular to the preferred embodiments of the invention and, just as in claim 1, form part of the description.

Z uporabo prirobničnih ležajev, ki so zasnovani v dveh prirejenostih pogonskih gredi kosilnih kolutov, pri katerih pogonsko zobato kolo prijemlje v levo ali desno zobato kolo gonila kosilnika, kot tudi z razporeditvijo pritrdišč na zgornjem delu nosilne grede kosilnih kolutov na način, da je mogoča le ena sama samcata usmeritev prirobničnega ležaja in s tem pogonskih gredi kosilnih kolutov, se pri izdelavi ali v delavnici znatno olajša natančno montažo brez napak, če sta obe vrsti prirobničnih ležajev na zalogi.By using flange bearings designed in two arrangements of the drive shafts of the mower discs, in which the drive gear is gripped into the left or right gear wheel of the mower gearbox, as well as by arranging the anchorages on the upper part of the carrier shaft of the mower discs in such a way that only a single single orientation of the flange bearing and thus of the drive shafts of the mower discs, when manufacturing or in the workshop, facilitates precise flawless installation when both types of flange bearings are in stock.

Pri tem glede na konstrukcijo nosilne grede kosilnih kolutov obstaja možnost varne montaže tedaj, kadar so ustrezno izbrani razmiki veznih mest, npr. v obliki izvrtin, v prirobnični plošči prirobničnega ležaja glede na pogonske gredi kosilnih kolutov, na enak način pa velja to za razporeditev pritrdišč, npr. v obliki navojnih izvrtin, v zgornji stranici nosilne grede kosilnih kolutov.In this regard, depending on the construction of the carrier shaft of the mower discs, there is a possibility of secure mounting when the distances of the connecting points are appropriately selected, e.g. in the form of holes, in the flange plate of the flange bearing relative to the drive shafts of the mower discs, in the same way this applies to the arrangement of anchorages, e.g. in the form of threaded holes in the upper side of the carrier shaft of the mower discs.

Pri sestavljanju prirobnične plošče in nosilne grede kosilnih kolutov so vezna mesta in pritrdišča pri zvijačenju poravnana, s čimer so podane geometrijske razmere za neotežen prijem pogonskega zobatega kolesa pogonske gredi kosilnih kolutov v ustrezno zobato kolo gonila.When assembling the flange plate and the carrier shaft of the mower discs, the connecting points and the anchorages are twisted in alignment, which gives the geometric conditions for the unobstructed reception of the drive gear wheel of the mower discs in the corresponding gear wheel.

Za varovanje in natančno namestitev prirobničnega ležaja se prednostno uporabi centrirni rob, ki se ga z majhno ohlapnostjo vtakne v montažno odprtino, najenostavnejša zasnova centrimega roba pa je krožna oblika, pri čemer je pogonska gred kosilnih kolutov glede na simetrijsko ravnino med sosednjima zobatima kolesoma gonila bočno zamaknjeno desno ali levo uležajena v prirobničnem ležaju. Centrirni rob je pri tem namenjen za podpiranje nastopajočih sil in s tem za razbremenitev pritrdilnih sredstev prirobničnega ležaja.To secure and precisely position the flange bearing, it is preferable to use a centering edge, which is easily inserted into the mounting hole with a small slack, and the simplest design of the centering edge is circular, with the drive shaft of the mower discs relative to the symmetrical plane between the adjacent gear wheels. shifted to the right or left in the flange bearing. The centering edge is thus intended to support the acting forces and thereby to relieve the flange bearing mounting means.

Pri zasnovi prirobničnega ležaja z enim spodnjim in enim zgornjim centrimim robom in pri simetrični razporeditvi veznih mest prirobnične plošče ter pritrdišč na montažno odprtino glede na simetrijsko ravnino sosednjih ubirajočih zobatih koles gonila se da pogonsko gred kosilnih kolutov vstaviti v eni od dveh smeri in uležajiti, s Čimer se da iz ene same oblike prirobničnega ležaja izdelati dve razporeditvi prirobničnih ležajev z različno usmeritvijo pogonske gredi kosilnih kolutov.In the design of the flange bearing with one lower and one upper center edge and in the symmetrical arrangement of the connecting points of the flange plate and the anchorages to the mounting opening relative to the symmetrical plane of the adjacent gear teeth, the drive shaft of the cutting wheels can be inserted in one of two directions, As far as possible, two arrangement of flange bearings with different orientation of the drive shaft of the mower discs can be made from a single shape of the flange bearing.

Izum je v nadaljevanju opisan s sklicevanjem na skice, kjer kaže sl. 1 pogled od zgoraj na nosilno gredo kosilnih kolutov s štirimi kosilnimi koluti in z vrisanim obrisom zgornjega pokrova, shematsko;The invention will now be described with reference to the drawings, where FIG. 1 is a top plan view of the carrier shaft of the mower discs with four mower discs and with an outlined outline of the top cover, schematic;

sl. 2 izrez iz nosilne grede kosilnih kolutov po sl. Is prirobničnima ležajema nasprotne prirejenosti za pogonski gredi sosednjih kosilnih kolutov, sprednja se vrtita staknjeno in ponazarjata gonilo kosilnika, shematsko;FIG. 2 is a cutout from the supporting shaft of the mower discs according to FIG. With opposite flange bearings for the drive shafts of adjacent mowers, the front ones rotate in glass and illustrate the mower drive schematically;

sl. 3 izrez po sl. 2 s prirobničnima ležajema nasprotne prirejenosti, pri se čemer sosednja kosilna koluta spredaj vrtita staknjeno in z zobatimi kolesi gonila ponazarjata gonilo kosilnika, shematsko;FIG. 3 is a cross-sectional view according to FIG. 2 with flanged bearings of opposite alignment, wherein the adjacent mowing wheels rotate in front of the glass and illustrate the gearbox of the mower in a schematic manner with the gear wheels;

sl. 4 prerez skozi prirobnični ležaj simetrične zasnove s spodnjim in zgornjim centrirnim robom;FIG. 4 is a cross-section through a flange bearing of a symmetrical design with a lower and upper centering edge;

sl. 5 izrez iz nosilne grede kosilnika s sosednjima montažnima odprtinama s pripadajočimi pritrdišči in zobatimi kolesi gonila, ki ponazarjata gonilo kosilnika.FIG. 5 is a cutout from the carrier shaft of the mower with adjacent mounting holes with associated anchorages and gear wheels to illustrate the mower drive.

Nosilna gred 1 kosilnih kolutov, ki je v delovnem položaju obrnjena prečno glede na smer 10 vožnje, nosi na svoji zgornji stranici 8 na odmikih drug poleg drugega gnane vrteče se kosilne kolute 2, ki so privijačeni na nosilce 29, s katerimi so zvijačeni na zgornje konce 16 pokončnih pogonskih gredi 6, pri čemer so kosilna rezila 24 kolutov 2 razporejena drugo drugemu nasproti ležeče in glede na rezila 24 sosednjih kolutov 2 razporejena zamaknjeno v obodni smeri za 90 kotnih stopinj ter se prekrivajo s njihovimi potmi.The carrier shaft 1 of the mowing wheels, which is in the working position, is transverse to the direction of travel 10, carries on its upper side 8, driven apart from each other, driven mowing wheels 2, which are screwed onto the supports 29, which are screwed to the upper ones. the ends of the upright drive shafts 6, the mowing blades 24 of the reels 2 being arranged opposite each other and relative to the blades of 24 adjacent reels 2 arranged in a circumferential direction by 90 angular degrees and overlapping with their paths.

Sosednji koluti 2 se vrtijo v medsebojno nasprotni smeri, levi na svoji prednji strani v desno smer 25, desni poleg pa v levo smer 26 in tako dalje, če se naj košnjo razprostre po tleh, ali pa se levo razporejeni koluti 2 vrtijo v desno smer 25, desno od sredine razporejeni kosilni koluti pa se vrtijo v levo smer 26, s čimer se tvori veliko osrednjo red košnje. Mogočih je še nekaj načinov poganjanja kolutov 2, zlasti pri kolutnih kosilnikih z velikim številom kosilnih kolutov, za uporabo v določene namene, kot npr. za tvorbo dveh ali več redi na medsebojnem odmiku.The adjacent reels 2 rotate in the opposite direction, the left ones on their front side in the right direction 25, and the right ones in the left direction 26, and so on, if the mowing is to be spread on the ground, or the left spaced wheels 2 rotate in the right direction 25, and the mowing wheels arranged in the center of the center rotate in the left direction 26, forming a large central mowing order. There are several other ways to drive the discs 2, especially for large-disc disc mowers, for use for specific purposes, such as for example. to form two or more rows at a distance between them.

Na sl. 1 je predstavljen zgornji pokrov 27 kosilnika.In FIG. 1 shows the top cover 27 of the mower.

V nosilno gredo 1 je vgrajeno gonilo 3 kosilnika v obliki drug poleg drugega ubirajoče uležajenih zobatih koles 4, 4’, 5, 5’ gonila enake velikosti, pri čemer je v navpični simetrijski ravnini 19 med parom sosednjih medsebojno ubirajočih zobatih koles 4, 4’ ali 5,5’ vsakokrat razporejena krožna montažna odprtina 9 v zgornji stranici 8 nosilne grede 1 v območju stične špranje med zobatima kolesoma 4, 4’ ali 5, 5’, skozi katero odprtino 9 je vsakokrat vstavljena pogonska gred 6, na katere spodnjem koncu 15 je pritrjeno pogonsko zobato kolo 7.In the carrier shaft 1 there is a gearbox 3 of the mower in the form of side-by-side gear wheels 4, 4 ', 5, 5' of the same size, with a vertical symmetry plane 19 between a pair of adjacent gear wheels 4, 4 ' or 5.5 'in each case a circular mounting opening 9 arranged in the upper side 8 of the bearing shaft 1 in the region of the contact gap between the gear wheels 4, 4' or 5, 5 'through which the drive shaft 6 is in each case inserted at which lower end 15 is a drive gear 7.

Pogonske gredi 6 so vsakokrat z valjčnimi ležaji 28 uležajene v prirobničnih ležajih 11 aliThe drive shafts 6 are each mounted in roller bearings 11 with roller bearings 28 or

11’, ki so s centrirnim robom 17, 17’ vsakokrat vstavljeni v montažne odprtine 9 in s tem omogočajo natančno usmeritev in podpiranje pojavljajočih se sil.11 ', which are each inserted into the mounting openings 9 with the centering edge 17, 17', allowing precise orientation and support of the emerging forces.

Ležaji 11 in 11’ so opremljeni s pravokotnimi prirobničnimi ploščami 12 in 12’, ki obsegajo vezna mesta 14 v obliki vsakokrat štirih izvrtin v vogalih, obsegajočimi enake odmike od navpične simetrijske ravnine med parom ubirajočih zobatih koles 4, 4’ ali 5, 5’, tako kot pritrdišča 13 v zgornji stranici 8 nosilne grede 1, ki so izvedena kot navojne izvrtine, pri čemer so vezna mesta 14 in pritrdišča 13 pri vstavljenih ležajih 11, 11’ medsebojno poravnana in sprostljivo povezana z veznimi sredstvi 21 v obliki vijakov.The bearings 11 and 11 'are provided with rectangular flange plates 12 and 12', comprising connecting points 14 in the form of four bores in each corner, having equal deviations from the vertical symmetry plane between the pair of the toothed wheels 4, 4 'or 5, 5' , such as the anchorages 13 in the upper side 8 of the carrier shaft 1, which are designed as threaded holes, the connecting points 14 and the anchorages 13 of the inserted bearings 11, 11 'being aligned with one another and loosely connected to the connecting means 21 in the form of screws.

Pritrdišča 13 na odprtini 9 na zgornji stranici 8 nosilne grede 1 kot tudi vezna mesta 14 plošč 12 ali 12’ so, glede na osno ravnino 20 pogonske gredi 6, katera ravnina je usmerjena pravokotno na simetrijsko ravnino 19 para zobatih koles 4, 4’ ali 5, 5’, razporejena na neenakih odmikih in vsako obsega različen odmik od osi 23 pogonske gredi 6.The anchorages 13 at the opening 9 on the upper side 8 of the bearing shaft 1 as well as the connecting points 14 of the plates 12 or 12 'are, with respect to the axial plane 20 of the drive shaft 6, which plane is directed perpendicular to the symmetry plane 19 of the pair of gears 4, 4' or 5, 5 'arranged at unequal distances and each having a different distance from the axis 23 of the drive shaft 6.

Pogonska gred 6 je v ležaju 11, 11’ na odmiku 22 med svojo osjo 23 in navpično simetrijsko ravnino 19 para medsebojno ubirajočih zobatih koles 4, 4’ ali 5, 5’ razporejena zamaknjeno v levo ali desno, tako da na njenem spodnjem koncu 15 pritrjeno zobato kolo 7 prijemlje v levo zobato kolo 4, 5 ali desno zobato kolo 4’, 5’. S tem se ustvari dve vrsti prirobničnih ležajev, ki se ju na nosilno gredo kosilnih kolutov pritrdi le v eni sami mogoči usmeritvi.The drive shaft 6 is disposed to the left or right in a bearing 11, 11 'at a distance 22 between its axis 23 and the vertical symmetry plane 19 of a pair of interlocking gear wheels 4, 4' or 5, 5 ', such that at its lower end 15 the fixed gear wheel 7 grips the left gear wheel 4, 5 or the right gear wheel 4 ', 5'. This creates two types of flange bearings that can only be attached to the carrier shaft of the mower discs in a single possible orientation.

Pritrdišča 13 plošč 12, 12’ in vezna mesta 14 na odprtinah 9 so pred in za poprej omenjeno osno ravnino 20 pogonske gredi 6 razporejena na dveh medsebojno različnih odmikih.The anchorages 13 of the plates 12, 12 'and the connecting points 14 at the openings 9 are arranged at two different spacing before and after the axial plane 20 of the drive shaft 6 mentioned before.

Na sl. 2 sta ležaja 11 in 11’ vstavljena levo in desno, pri čemer pogonska gred 6 na svoji prednji strani poganja kolute 2 tako, da se medsebojno vrtijo, torej levi kosilni kolut v desni smeri 25 in desni kosilni kolut v levi smeri 26.In FIG. 2, the bearings 11 and 11 'are inserted left and right, with the drive shaft 6 at its front driving the discs 2 so that they rotate with each other, i.e. the left mower disc in the right direction 25 and the right mower disc in the left direction 26.

Na sl. 3 sta ležaja 11 in 11’ razporejena medsebojno zamenjano, s čimer so koluti 2 gnani tako, da se vrtijo proč drug od drugega, torej levi kosilni kolut v levo smer 26 in desni kosilni kolut v desno smer 25.In FIG. 3, the bearings 11 and 11 'are arranged interchangeably to drive the reels 2 so as to rotate away from each other, ie the left mower disc in the left direction 26 and the right mower disc in the right direction 25.

Da bi se shajalo z enim ležajem 11 ali 11’, se le-tega lahko opremi s spodnjim centrimim robom 17 in zgornjim centrirnim robom 17’, ki sta razporejena simetrično glede na ploščo 12 ali 12’ ležaja 11 ali 11’ in od katerih vsakokrat eden je vstavljen v montažno odprtino 9; pri tem je pogonska gred 6 vstavljena v eni od dveh usmeritev, tako da je razporeditev pogonske gredi 6 za prijem zobatega kolesa 7 v levo zobato kolo 4 ali 5 ali v desno zobato kolo 4’ ali 5’ odvisna od tega, s katerim centrimim robom 17 ali 17’ je ležaj 11 ali H’ vstavljen v odprtino 9.In order to fit with one bearing 11 or 11 ', it may be provided with a lower center edge 17 and an upper center edge 17' arranged symmetrically with respect to the plate 12 or 12 'of the bearings 11 or 11', each of which one is inserted into the mounting opening 9; the drive shaft 6 is inserted in one of two orientations so that the arrangement of the drive shaft 6 for gripping the gear wheel 7 into the left gear 4 or 5 or to the right gear 4 'or 5' depends on which centered edge 17 or 17 'the bearing 11 or H' is inserted into the opening 9.

Legenda nosilna greda kosilnih kolutov kosilni kolut gonilo kosilnikaLegend carrier shaft of mower discs mower disc gearbox mower

4, 4’ par zobatih koles gonila 3 kosilnika4, 4 'gear wheel pair of 3 mower

5, 5’ nadaljnji par zobatih koles gonila 3 kosilnika pogonska gred kosilnega koluta pogonsko zobato kolo pogonske gredi 6 kosilnega koluta zgornja stranica nosilne grede 1 kosilnih kolutov montažna odprtina v zgornji stranici 8 grede 1 kosilnih kolutov smer vožnje levo obrnjen prirobnični ležaj pogonske gredi 6 kosilnega koluta ’ desno obrnjen prirobnični ležaj pogonske gredi 6 kosilnega koluta prirobnična plošča prirobničnega ležaja 115, 5 'further pair of gear wheels gearboxes 3 mowers drive shaft mower disc drive gear wheel drive shaft 6 mowers upper side of the carrier shaft 1 mowers mounting opening in the upper side 8 mowers 1 mowers reversing direction left facing drive shaft flange bearing 6 mowers reel 'right side drive shaft flange bearing 6 mower discs flange bearing flange 11

12’ prirobnična plošča prirobničnega ležaja 11’ pritrdišča na zgornji stranici 8 nosilne grede 1 kosilnih kolutov vezna mesta na prirobnični plošči 12, 12’ spodnji konec pogonske gredi 6 kosilnega koluta zgornji konec pogonske gredi 6 kosilnega koluta spodnji centrimi rob prirobničnega ležaja 11 ali 11’12 'flange plate of flange bearing 11' of anchorage on upper side 8 of bearing shaft 1 of mower reel connection points on flange plate 12, 12 'lower end of drive shaft 6 of mower reel upper end of drive shaft 6 of mower reel lower centers of flange bearing 11 or 11'

17’ zgornji centrimi rob prirobničnega ležaja 11 ali 11’ na sl. 4 presečišče simetrijske ravnine 19 in osne ravnine 20, pravokotno nanju navpična simetrijska ravnina med dvema ubirajočima zobatima kolesoma 4, 4’ ali 5, 5’ gonila ravnina skozi os 23 pogonske gredi 6 kosilnega koluta, pravokotno na simetrijsko ravnino 19 vezno sredstvo prirobnične plošče 12, 12’ z nosilno gredo 1 kosilnih kolutov razmik med osjo 23 pogonske gredi 6 kosilnega koluta in simetrijsko ravnino 19 os pogonske gredi 6 kosilnega koluta kosilno rezilo kosilnega koluta 2 desna smer vrtenja kosilnega koluta 2 leva smer vrtenja kosilnega koluta 2 zgornji pokrov kolutnega kosilnika valjčni ležaj pogonske gredi 6 kosilnega koluta nosilec kosilnega koluta17 'upper centered edge of flange bearing 11 or 11' in FIG. 4 is the intersection of the symmetry plane 19 and the axial plane 20, perpendicular to them a vertical symmetry plane between the two toothed wheels 4, 4 'or 5, 5' of the gearbox through the axis 23 of the drive shaft 6 of the cutting disc, perpendicular to the symmetry plane 19 of the connecting means of the flange plate 12 , 12 'with support shaft 1 mowing wheels axle distance 23 of drive shaft 6 of mower disc and symmetrical plane 19 axis of drive shaft 6 of mowing wheel mowing blade of mowing disc 2 right direction of mowing disc rotation 2 left direction of mowing disc rotation 2 upper cover of mower roller drive shaft bearing 6 mower disc mower disc holder

Alois Pottinger Maschinenfabrik Gesellschaft m.b.H.Alois Pottinger Maschinenfabrik Gesellschaft m.b.H.

Claims (8)

Patentni zahtevkiPatent claims 1. Kolutni kosilnik z v delovni legi prečno na smer vožnje obrnjeno, prek tal vodeno nosilno gredo kosilnih kolutov, ki je priključena na nosilni okvir in pogonsko pripravo za kosilne kolute, pritrjene na zgornjem koncu navpičnih pogonskih gredi, in v kateri so uležajena drug poleg drugega ubirajoče razporejena zobata kolesa gonila kosilnika in na katere zgornji stranici so razporejene montažne odprtine za vstavljene pogonske gredi kosilnih kolutov, vsakokrat v območju nad in med parom medsebojno ubirajočih zobatih koles gonila, pri čemer pogonske gredi kosilnih kolutov na spodnjih koncih nosijo pogonska zobata kolesa, s katerimi ubirajo v zobata kolesa gonila, in pri čemer so pogonske gredi kosilnih kolutov uležajene v prirobničnih ležajih, katerih vsaka prirobnična plošča je opremljena z veznimi mesti, ki so preko veznih sredstev, zlasti pritrdilnih sredstev, sprostljivo povezana s pritrdišči na montažnih odprtinah, značilen po tem, da sta prirobnična ležaja (11, 11’) pogonskih gredi (6) kosilnih kolutov v montažne odprtine (9) vstavljena v eni sami mogoči usmeritvi glede na nosilno gredo (1) kosilnih kolutov in obsegata dve prirejenosti pogonskim gredem (6), od katerih pri prvem ležaju (11) pogonska gred (6) s pogonskim zobatim kolesom (7) ubira v levo zobato kolo (4, 5 ...) gonila (3) kosilnih kolutov in pri drugemu ležaju (1Γ) pogonska gred (6) z zobatim kolesom (7) ubira v desno zobato kolo (4’, 5’ ...) gonila (3) kosilnih kolutov.1. A disc mower in working position transversely to the direction of travel, a ground-driven carrier shaft of mower discs connected to a carrier frame and drive arrangement for mower discs mounted at the upper end of the vertical drive shafts and in which they are mounted side by side the mowing gears of the mower gearbox and on the upper side of which are mounted mounting openings for the inserted drive shafts of the mower discs, each in the area above and between a pair of interlocking gear wheels of the gearbox, the drive shafts of the mower discs at the lower ends carrying the drive gear wheels which are driven into the gear wheels of the gear unit, and the drive shafts of the mower discs are mounted in flanged bearings, each flanged plate of which is provided with connecting points which are loosely connected to the mounting apertures by mounting means, in particular fastening means. both flange bearings (1 1, 11 ') of the drive shafts (6) of the mower discs into the mounting holes (9) inserted in a single possible orientation with respect to the carrier shaft (1) of the mower discs and comprise two adjustments to the drive shaft (6), of which at the first bearing (11) ) the drive shaft (6) with the drive gear (7) engages the left gear wheel (4, 5 ...) of the gearbox (3) of the mower discs and the second bearing (1Γ) of the drive shaft (6) with the gear (7) engages the right gear wheel (4 ', 5' ...) of the gearbox (3) of the mower discs. 2. Kolutni kosilnik po zahtevku 1, značilen po tem, da so vezna mesta (14) prirobničnih plošč (12, 12’) ležaja (11, 11’) glede na njih pogonsko gred (6) vsaj deloma in prednostno vsa razporejena na različnih odmikih glede na os (23) prirejene pogonske gredi (6).Disc mower according to claim 1, characterized in that the connecting points (14) of the flange plates (12, 12 ') of the bearing (11, 11') relative to them are the drive shaft (6) at least partially and preferably all arranged at different offsets relative to the shaft (23) of the driven drive shaft (6). 3. Kolutni kosilnik po enem od zahtevkov 1 ali 2, značilen po tem, da so pritrdišča (13) na vsaki montažni odprtini (9) nosilne grede (1) vsaj deloma razporejena na različnih odmikih od presečišč (18) navpične simetrijske ravnine (19) med parom ubirajočih zobatih koles (4, 4’ ali 5, 5’ ali...) in pod pravim kotom nanjo potekajočo ravnino (20) skozi os (23) prirejene pogonske gredi (6).Disc mower according to one of Claims 1 or 2, characterized in that the anchorages (13) at each mounting opening (9) of the supporting shaft (1) are at least partially spaced at different distances from the intersections (18) of the vertical symmetry plane (19) ) between a pair of toothed wheels (4, 4 'or 5, 5' or ...) and at right angles to it a plane (20) passing through the axis (23) of the driven drive shaft (6). 4. Kolutni kosilnik po enem od zahtevkov 1 do 3, značilen po tem, da so vezna mesta (14) vsake od plošč (12, 12’) in pritrdišča (13) na vsaki montažni odprtini (9) nosilne grede (1) medsebojno poravnano pritrjena s sprostljivimi veznimi sredstvi (21), prednostno vijaki.Disc mower according to one of claims 1 to 3, characterized in that the connecting points (14) of each of the plates (12, 12 ') and the anchorages (13) at each mounting opening (9) of the supporting shaft (1) are interconnected aligned with releasing fasteners (21), preferably screws. 5. Kolutni kosilnik po enem od zahtevkov 1 do 4, značilen po tem, da je centrirni rob (17) razporejen na ležaju (11, 1Γ), s katerim je slednji vstavljen v odprtino (9), prednostno sedež ujema.Disc mower according to one of claims 1 to 4, characterized in that the centering edge (17) is disposed on the bearing (11, 1Γ) with which the latter is inserted into the opening (9), preferably the matching seat. 6. Kolutni kosilnik po enem od zahtevkov 1 do 5, značilen po tem, da ležaj (11, 1Γ) obsega okrogel montažni rob (17), ki je vstavljen v krožno oblikovano odprtino (9) in v katerem je pogonska gred (6) na odmiku med osjo (23) pogonske gredi (6) in simetrijsko ravnino (19) med ubirajočimi zobatimi kolesi (4, 4’ ali 5, 5’) gonila (3) kosilnika zamaknjeno razporejena tako, da z zobatim kolesom (7) prijema v enega od zobatih koles (4, 5 ali 4’, 5’).Disc mower according to one of claims 1 to 5, characterized in that the bearing (11, 1Γ) comprises a circular mounting edge (17) inserted into a circularly shaped opening (9) and in which the drive shaft (6) at a distance between the axis (23) of the drive shaft (6) and the symmetry plane (19) between the toothed wheels (4, 4 'or 5, 5') of the mower gear (3) is displaced so that it is gripped by the toothed wheel (7) into one of the gear wheels (4, 5 or 4 ', 5'). 7. Kolutni kosilnik po enem od zahtevkov 1 do 6, značilen po tem, da je ležaj (11, 1Γ) zasnovan simetrično glede na svojo prirobnično ploščo (12, 12’) in obsega spodnji centrirni rob (17) in zgornji centrirni rob (17’) za vstavitev enega od njih v odprtino (9), pri čemer je pogonska gred (6) po izbiri vstavljena v ležaj (11, 11’) v eni od dveh smeri za prijem njenega zobatega kolesa (7) v levi ali desni ubirajoči zobati kolesi (4, 4’ ali 5, 5’) gonila (3).Disc mower according to one of Claims 1 to 6, characterized in that the bearing (11, 1Γ) is symmetrically designed with respect to its flange plate (12, 12 ') and comprises a lower centering edge (17) and an upper centering edge ( 17 ') for inserting one of them into the opening (9), wherein the drive shaft (6) is optionally inserted into the bearing (11, 11') in one of two directions to receive its gear wheel (7) in the left or right toothed wheels (4, 4 'or 5, 5') of gearbox (3). 8. Kolutni kosilnik po enem od zahtevkov 1 do 7, značilen po tem, da so pritrdišča (13) na odprtini (9) in vezna mesta (14) v plošči (12, 12’) ležaja (11, 1Γ) razporejena na enakih odmikih od simetrijske ravnine (19) med sosednjima ubirajočima zobatima kolesoma (4, 4’ ali 5,5’) gonila (3).Disc mower according to one of Claims 1 to 7, characterized in that the anchorages (13) at the opening (9) and the connecting points (14) in the bearing plate (12, 12 ') (11, 1Γ) are arranged in equal numbers offset from the symmetry plane (19) between adjacent gear wheels (4, 4 'or 5,5') of the gear unit (3).
SI9600213A 1995-07-10 1996-07-04 Disk mower SI9600213A (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
DE1995125041 DE19525041A1 (en) 1995-07-10 1995-07-10 Disc mower with disc drive and shafting - fits flange bearings and drive shaft necessarily correctly to their gears for simple assembly without possible error despite identical bearings

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EP1002458A1 (en) * 1998-11-20 2000-05-24 NIEMEYER Landmaschinen GmbH Drive for rotary mower
IT1396292B1 (en) * 2009-10-05 2012-11-16 Gribaldi & Salvia S P A SUPPORT AND DRIVE UNIT FOR ONE BLADE OF A ROTARY MULTIPLE DISC MACHINE
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DE3127078A1 (en) * 1981-07-09 1983-01-27 Maschinenfabriken Bernard Krone Gmbh, 4441 Spelle Rotary mowing machine

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