SI9200187A - Method for the preparation of water soluble laquer adhesives and use thereof - Google Patents
Method for the preparation of water soluble laquer adhesives and use thereof Download PDFInfo
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Izum se nanaša na postopek za pridobivanje vodotopnih vezivnih sredstev za lake in njih uporabo pri formuliranju vodotopnih predlakov (filerjev) za lakiranje avtomobilov. Vezivna sredstva vsebujejo po nevtraliziranju karboksilnih skupin vodotopni produkt reakcije iz poliuretanske smole, ki vsebuje karboksilne skupine in najmanj eno blokirano končno izocianatno skupino (polikarboksilna komponenta), s poliestrom, ki nosi hidroksilne skupine (polohidroksilna komponenta) in komponento za zamreženje. S posebno izbiro komponent vezivnih sredstev in specialnim postopkom kombinacije teh komponent vezivnih sredstev je mogoče doseči nadaljnje izboljšave stabilnosti lakov pri skladiščenju.The invention relates to a process for production water-soluble binders for varnishes and their use when formulating water - soluble fillers for car painting. The binders contain po by neutralizing carboxyl groups, a water-soluble product reactions of a polyurethane resin containing carboxyl groups and at least one blocked end isocyanate group (polycarboxyl component), with polyester, bearing hydroxyl groups (polohydroxyl component) and the cross-linking component. With especially selection of binder components and specials by the process of combining these components of the binder further improvements in stability can be achieved polishes in storage.
Izum zadeva postopek za pridobivanje vodotopnih vezivnih sredstev za lake in njih uporabo pri formuliranju pečno sušečih lakov, posebno vodotopnih predlakov za lakiranje avtomobilov.The invention relates to a process for the production of water-soluble binders for varnishes and their use in the formulation of kiln-dried varnishes, in particular water-soluble coatings for car lacquers.
Vezivna sredstva vsebujejo po nevtralizaciji karboksilnih skupin vodotopen reakcijski produkt iz poliuretanske smole (polikarboksilna komponenta) s karboksilnimi skupinami in najmanj eno blokirano končno izocianatno skupino, s poliestrom (polihidroksilna komponenta), ki nosi hidroksilne skupine ter komponento za zamreženje.The binders comprise, after neutralization of the carboxyl groups, a water-soluble reaction product of polyurethane resin (polycarboxyl component) with carboxyl groups and at least one blocked end isocyanate group, with polyester (polyhydroxyl component) bearing hydroxyl groups and a crosslinking component.
Kombinacije vezivnega sredstva iz polikarboksilne, polihidroksilne in komponente za zamreženje so opisane npr. v ATPS 328 587, AT-PS 388 738, AT-PS 388 382 in EP-A2-0330139.Combinations of a binder of polycarboxyl, polyhydroxyl and crosslinking components are described e.g. in ATPS 328 587, AT-PS 388 738, AT-PS 388 382, and EP-A2-0330139.
S tovrstnimi kombinacijami veziv bodo dosežene ugodne uporabne reološke lastnosti lakov in zelo dobra oprijemljivost pečno posušenih filmov lakov na kovinskem ali grundiranem substratu ter dobra sprijemnost med posameznimi premazi. Na ta način bo možna formulacija visokokvalitetnih vodotopnih predlakov, kakršni se uporabljajo v avtomobilski industriji.Such combinations of binders will achieve favorable usable rheological properties of the varnishes and very good adhesion of the oven-dried varnish films on a metal or primed substrate and good adhesion between individual coatings. In this way, the formulation of high-quality water-soluble coatings such as those used in the automotive industry will be possible.
Zahteve za vodotopne predlake, kot jih postavljajo uporabniki v industrijski praksi, se nenehno spreminjajo, in potrebna so velika prizadevanja, da bi ponudili čim bolj vsestransko uporabne produkte.The requirements for water-soluble coatings, as set by users in industrial practice, are constantly changing, and great efforts are required to offer as many versatile products as possible.
Tako preseneča odkritje, da je s posebno izbiro komponent vezivnih sredstev in s posebnimi postopki njihovega kombiniranja mogoče doseči nadaljnje izboljšave pri stabilnosti uskladiščenih lakov.It is therefore surprising to find that further improvements in the stability of stored varnishes can be achieved through a specific selection of binder components and through specific combining processes.
Pričujoči izum potemtakem zadeva postopek pridobivanja vodotopnih vezivnih sredstev za lake, ki vsebujejo reakcijski produkt iz ene polikarboksilne komponente z eno polihidroksilno komponento ter komponento za zamreženje, značilen po tem, da (A) 10 do 80 masnih %, predvsem pa 15 do 40 masnih % poliuretanske smole, ki vsebuje karboksilne skupine s kislinskim številom 70 do 160 mg KOH/g in po molekuli najmanj eno končno, blokirano izocianatno skupino, nima pa niti prostih hidroksilnih skupin niti preostankov maščobnih kislin z več kot 12 atomi ogljika, z z mejnim viskozitetnim številom 6,5x10 do 12,0x10 m3/kg oz. predvsem 8,0xl03 do ΙΙ,ΟχΙΟ'3 m3/kg merjeno v N,N-dimetilformamidu (DMF) pri 20°C, (B) reagira z 20 do 90, predvsem s 60 do 85 masnimi % poliestrske smole, v danem primeru modificirane z uretanom, s hidroksilnim številom 50 do 500 mg KOH/g, kislinskim številom manj kot 20 mg KOH/g in mejnim viskozitetnim številom 8,0x103 do 13,0x10’3 m3/kg oz. bolje 9,5x10’ 3 do 12,0xl0’3 m3/kg, merjeno v Ν,Ν-dimetilformamidu (DMF) pri 20°C, pri temperaturi 90 do 170°C oz. predvsem pri temperaturi, ki leži 10 do 20°C nad temperaturo, ki je potrebna za odcepitev sredstva za blokiranje končnih izocianatnih skupin komponente (A), do mejnega viskozitetnega števila od 13,5x10’3 do ΐδ,οχίο’3 m3/kg, predvsem od 14,5x10’3 do 16,5x10'3 m3/kg, merjeno v Ν,Ν-dimetilformamidu (DMF) pri 20°C, ne da bi pri tem bila prekoračena meja topnosti v vodi, in takoj nato (I) 60 do 90 masnih % tega reakcijskega produkta pred ali po delni ali popolni nevtralizaciji karboksilnih skupin z anorgansko ali organsko bazo, vendar pred dodatkom bistvenega dela vode (II) pri temperaturi 40 do 100°C zmešamo z 10 do 4 0 masnimi % komponente za zamreženje, ki ni vodotopna, in razredčimo z vodo do koncentracije trdne snovi, ki je potrebna za nadaljnjo predelavo, pri čemer morajo biti vsote odstotkov za Sestavo kombinacije iz (A) in (B) oz. iz (I) in (II), v odnosu na trdno snov, zmeraj enake 100.The present invention therefore relates to a process for the production of water-soluble binders containing a reaction product from one polycarboxyl component with one polyhydroxyl component and a cross-linking component, characterized in that (A) 10 to 80% by weight, and in particular 15 to 40% by weight a polyurethane resin containing carboxylic groups with an acid number of 70 to 160 mg KOH / g and at least one terminal, blocked isocyanate group per molecule, having neither free hydroxyl groups nor fatty acid residues of more than 12 carbon atoms, with a viscosity limit of 6 , 5x10 to 12.0x10 m 3 / kg oz. in particular 8,0xl0 3 to ΙΙ, ΟχΙΟ ' 3 m 3 / kg measured in N, N-dimethylformamide (DMF) at 20 ° C, (B) reacts with 20 to 90, in particular 60 to 85% by weight of polyester resin, in in the present case, modified with urethane, having a hydroxyl number of 50 to 500 mg KOH / g, an acid number of less than 20 mg KOH / g and a limit viscosity of 8.0x10 3 to 13.0x10 ' 3 m 3 / kg, or. better 9.5x10 ' 3 to 12.0x10' 3 m 3 / kg, measured in Ν, dim-dimethylformamide (DMF) at 20 ° C, at 90 to 170 ° C, or. especially at a temperature of 10 to 20 ° C above the temperature required to separate the blocking agent of the final isocyanate groups of component (A) up to a limit viscosity of 13,5x10 ' 3 to ΐδ, οχίο' 3 m 3 / kg , in particular from 14.5x10 ' 3 to 16.5x10' 3 m 3 / kg, measured in Ν, dim-dimethylformamide (DMF) at 20 ° C without exceeding the water solubility limit, and immediately thereafter ( I) 60 to 90% by weight of this reaction product before or after partial or complete neutralization of the carboxylic groups with an inorganic or organic base, but before adding a substantial portion of water (II) at a temperature of 40 to 100 ° C, mix with 10 to 4 0% by weight of the component for non-water-soluble crosslinking and dilute with water to the concentration of solids required for further processing, the sums of percentages for the Composition of the combination of (A) and (B) or. of (I) and (II) relative to a solid always equal to 100.
Izum nadalje zadeva vodotopna vezivna sredstva za lake, pridobljena po postopku v skladu z izumom ter njih uporabo pri formuliranju vodotopnih pečno sušečih lakov, posebno za formuliranje vodotopnih predlakov (Primer Surfacer) za lakiranje avtomobilov.The invention further relates to water-soluble binders for lacquers obtained by the process of the invention and their use in the formulation of water-soluble kiln-dried varnishes, in particular for the formulation of water-soluble coatings (Primer Surfacer) for car lacquering.
Z dodatno, proti hidrolizi obstojno združitvijo polikarboksilne komponente (A) s polihidroksilno komponento (B) preko uretanske skupine, z izbiro specifičnih surovin za polikarboksilno komponento (A) zaradi izboljšanja kompatibilnosti reakcijskega produkta (I) s komponento za zamreženje (II) in s primešanjem komponente za zamreženje pred dodatkom bistvenega dela vode, se bo stabilnost lakov, formuliranih s kombinacijo vezivnih sredstev, pridobljenih po postopku, ki je predmet izuma, bistveno povečala, kar je posebnega pomena za uporabo v industrijskih lakirnih napravah s sistemi krožnih vodov.By additionally, by hydrolysis, the persistent coupling of the polycarboxyl component (A) with the polyhydroxyl component (B) via the urethane group, by selecting specific raw materials for the polycarboxyl component (A) to improve the compatibility of the reaction product (I) with the crosslinking component (II) and by mixing components for crosslinking prior to the addition of a substantial portion of water, the stability of varnishes formulated with a combination of binders obtained by the process of the invention will be greatly enhanced, which is of particular importance for use in industrial lacquer systems with circular conduit systems.
Razen tega lahko v primerjavi s proizvodi na isti stopnji tehnološkega razvoja v kombinacijah vezivnih sredstev uporabimo večje deleže komponent za zamreženje. Pri skladiščenju lakov niso ugotovili ločevanja posameznih komponent laka. Z možnostjo takšnega vplivanja na reaktivnost lakov v razširjenem območju je po potrebi mogoče izboljšati tudi sprijemnost med posameznimi premazi pečno sušenih filmov.In addition, higher proportions of cross-linking components can be used in combination of binders compared to products at the same stage of technological development. No separation of the individual components of the varnish was found during the storage of the varnishes. The possibility of such an effect on the reactivity of varnishes in an extended area can, if necessary, also improve the adhesion between individual coatings of kiln-dried films.
Poliuretanska smola, uporabljena kot polikarboksilna komponenta (A) vsebuje dihidroksimonokarboksilno kislino kot specifično surovino, in ima v skladu z zahtevami karboksilne skupine, s kislinskim številom 70 do 160 mg/g, v vsaki molekuli pa najmanj eno blokirano končno izocianatno skupino. Po definiciji komponenta (A) ne vsebuje niti hidrok4 silnih skupin niti ostankov maščobnih kislin z več kot 12 atomi ogljika. Sredstvo za blokiranje se bo pri povišani temperaturi, t.j. pri reakcijski temperaturi, ki je potrebna za združitev s polihidroksilno komponento (B) , odcepilo. Polikarboksilna komponenta (A) je sama po sebi prav tako kot produkt reakcije (I), ki nastane po združitvi (A) in (B), po delni ali popolni nevtralizaciji karboksilnih skupin z bazo, predvsem s sekundarnim ali terciarnim alkil- ali alkanol aminom, vodotopna.The polyurethane resin used as the polycarboxylic component (A) contains dihydroxymonocarboxylic acid as the specific raw material and has, according to the requirements of the carboxylic group, an acid number of 70 to 160 mg / g and at least one blocked isocyanate end group in each molecule. By definition, component (A) does not contain either hydroxyl groups or fatty acid residues with more than 12 carbon atoms. The blocking agent will be at an elevated temperature, i.e. at the reaction temperature required for coupling with the polyhydroxyl component (B), cleavage. The polycarboxyl component (A) is itself, like the product of reaction (I), formed after compound (A) and (B), after partial or complete neutralization of the carboxyl groups with the base, in particular secondary or tertiary alkyl or alkanol amine , water-soluble.
Poliuretansko smolo bomo pridobili na znani način s konverzijo mešanice iz poliizocianata in z monohidroksilnimi spojinami in/ali butanonoksimom delno blokiranega poliizocianata z dihidroksimonokarboksilno kislino in v danem primeru s poliolom, pri čemer morajo biti količinska razmerja izbrana tako, da molekula polikarboksilne komponente (A), ki je brez hidroksilnih skupin, vsebuje v povprečju najmanj eno blokirano končno izocianatno skupino.The polyurethane resin will be obtained in a known manner by conversion of a mixture of polyisocyanate and with monohydroxyl compounds and / or butanonoxime of partially blocked polyisocyanate with dihydroxymonocarboxylic acid and optionally polyol, whereby the quantitative proportions of the component A must be chosen, which is free of hydroxyl groups contains on average at least one blocked end isocyanate group.
Kot dihidroksimonokarboksilno kislino bomo uporabili predvsem dimetilolpropionsko kislino. Načeloma so primerne tudi druge dihidroksimonokarboksilne kisline.Dimethylolpropionic acid will be used primarily as dihydroxymonocarboxylic acid. In principle, other dihydroxymonocarboxylic acids are also suitable.
Kot poliizocianatne spojine se bodo uporabljali predvsem običajni komercialni diizocianati, kot so toluilendiizocianat, izoforondiizocianat ali heksametilendiizocianat, v danem primeru tudi ustrezni polimeri izocianata.In particular, conventional commercial diisocyanates, such as toluylenediisocyanate, isophorondiisocyanate or hexamethylenediisocyanate, and optionally isocyanate polymers, will be used as polyisocyanate compounds.
Za blokiranje prostih NCO skupin izberemo monohidroksilne spojine, posebno monoalkohole, kot so 2-etilheksanol, monoetri glikolov in polioksialkilen diolov ali butanonoksim tako, da se ob konverziji polikarboksilne komponente (A) s polihidroksilno komponento (B) odcepijo, t.j. temperatura odcepitve mora biti med 80 in največ 160°C. Polikarboksilna komponenta (A) ima mejno viskozitetno število od 6,5x10'3 do 12,0xl0'3 m3/kg, v prvi vrsti od 8,0xl0’3 do ΙΙ,ΟχΙΟ’3 m3/kg, merjeno v N,N-dimetilformamidu (MF) pri 20°C.To block free NCO groups, we select monohydroxyl compounds, especially monoalcohols such as 2-ethylhexanol, glycol monoethers and polyoxyalkylene diols or butanonexime, so that when the polycarboxyl component (A) is converted with the polyhydroxyl component (B), 80 and maximum 160 ° C. The polycarboxyl component (A) has a viscosity limit of 6.5x10 ' 3 to 12.0xl0' 3 m 3 / kg, primarily 8.0xl0 ' 3 to ΙΙ, ΟχΙΟ' 3 m 3 / kg, measured in N, N-dimethylformamide (MF) at 20 ° C.
Kot polihidroksilna komponenta (B) se bodo uporabljale poliestrske smole, ki tvorijo film, za katere je značilno hidroksilno število 50 do 500 mg KOH/g, kislinsko število manj kot 20 mg KOH/g in mejno viskozitetno število od 8,0xl0'3 do 13,0xl0‘3 m3/kg, predvsem pa od 9,5xl0’3 do 12,0xl03 m3/kg, merjeno v N,N-dimetilformamidu (DMF) pri 20°C. Poliestrske smole pridobljene iz poliolov in polikarboksilnih kislin lahko v danih primerih imajo uretanske skupine in so lahko modificirane z monokarboksilnimi kislinami, ki imajo od 5 do 20 atomov ogljika. Delež maščobnih kislin pa pri tem ne sme presegati 15 masnih %.As the polyhydroxyl component (B) will be applied to the polyester resin to form a film, which is characterized by a hydroxyl number of 50 to 500 mg KOH / g, an acid number of less than 20 mg KOH / g and a cut viskozitetno number of 8,0xl0 '3 to 13,0x10 ' 3 m 3 / kg, and in particular from 9,5x10' 3 to 12,0x10 ' 3 m 3 / kg, measured in N, N-dimethylformamide (DMF) at 20 ° C. Polyester resins derived from polyols and polycarboxylic acids may optionally have urethane groups and may be modified with monocarboxylic acids having from 5 to 20 carbon atoms. The fatty acid content, however, should not exceed 15% by weight.
Komponenti (A) in (B) reagirata pri 90 do 170°C, predvsem pa pri temperaturi, ki leži 10 do 20°C nad temperaturo odcepitve sredstva za blokiranje končnih izocianatnih skupin v polikarboksilni komponenti (A) do mejnega viskozitetnega števila 13,5xl0‘3 do 18,0xl0‘3 m3/kg, v prvi vrsti od 14,5xl0*3 do 16,5xlO3 m3/kg, merjeno v N,N-dimetilformamidu (DMF) pri 20°C, pri čemer moramo paziti, da mora biti produkt reakcije (I) po nevtralizaciji karboksilnih skupin popolnoma vodotopen. Količinska razmerja se gibljejo glede na trdno snov med 10 in 80 masnimi %, predvsem pa med 15 do 4 0 masnimi % pri komponenti (A) in med 2 0 do 9 0 masnimi %, predvsem pa med 60 do 85 masnimi % pri komponenti (B) , pri čemer mora biti vsota procentov zmeraj 100. Razmerja morajo biti izbrana, tako, da ima produkt reakcije (I) kislinsko število najmanj 25 mg KOH/g, predvsem pa med 30 in 50 mg KOH/g.Components (A) and (B) react at 90 to 170 ° C, and in particular at a temperature lying 10 to 20 ° C above the separation temperature of the blocking agent of the final isocyanate groups in the polycarboxyl component (A) to a limit of viscosity of 13.5x10 ' 3 to 18,0x10' 3 m 3 / kg, primarily 14,5x10 * 3 to 16,5x10 3 m 3 / kg, measured in N, N-dimethylformamide (DMF) at 20 ° C, with ensure that the product of reaction (I) must be completely water-soluble after neutralization of the carboxyl groups. Quantitative ratios vary by solid between 10 and 80% by weight, and in particular between 15 and 4 0% by weight in component (A) and between 2 0 and 9 0% by weight, and in particular between 60 and 85% by weight in component ( B), where the sum of the percentages must always be 100. The ratios must be chosen so that the product of reaction (I) has an acid number of at least 25 mg KOH / g, and in particular between 30 and 50 mg KOH / g.
Produkt reakcije (I) takoj zatem pred ali po delni oz. popolni nevtralizaciji karboksilnih skupin s pomočjo anorganskih ali organskih baz, vendar pred dodatkom bistvenega dela vode zmešamo s komponento za zamreženje (II) , ki ni vodotopna, in ga z vodo razredčimo do tiste vsebnosti trdne snovi, da bo primeren za nadaljnjo predelavo.The reaction product (I) immediately thereafter before or after partial or complete neutralization of the carboxyl groups by inorganic or organic bases, but before addition of a substantial portion of water, mix with a non-water soluble crosslinking component (II) and dilute with water to a solid content so that it is suitable for further processing.
Kot komponenta za zamreženje (II) se bodo uporabljali pred6 sem običajni blokirani diizocianati ali blokirani poliizocianati s čim manjšim deležem organskih topil. Za uravnavanje površinske trdnosti in prožnosti pečno sušenih filmov lakov se lahko koristno uporabi več blokiranih di- ali poliizocianatov, predvsem v kombinaciji mehkih in trdih tipov v razmerju od 10 do 35 masnih % proti 90 do 65 mas. % Pod mehkimi tipi razumemo v prvi vrsti takšne produkte, ki se pridobivajo iz alifatskih di- ali poliizocianatov s tvorbo biuretov ali oligomerizacijo, npr. iz heksametilendiizocianata. Pri trdih” tipih vsebujejo kot osnovni produkti uporabljeni di- ali poliizocianati cikloalifatske ali aromatske preostanke ogljikovodikov. Kot primere takšnih diizocianatov navajamo: toluilendiizocianat, tetrametilksilendiizocianat, difenilmetandiizocianat, dicikloheksilmetandiizocianat, izoforondiizocianat.The crosslinked (II) component will be used in pre-conventional blocked diisocyanates or blocked polyisocyanates with as little organic solvents as possible. Multiple blocked di- or polyisocyanates can be advantageously used to regulate the surface strength and flexibility of oven-dried varnish films, especially in the combination of soft and hard types in a ratio of 10 to 35% by weight versus 90 to 65% by weight. % By fuzzy types we mean first of all such products derived from aliphatic di- or polyisocyanates by biuret formation or oligomerization, e.g. from hexamethylenediisocyanates. For the solid types, the di-or polyisocyanates used are cycloaliphatic or aromatic hydrocarbon residues used as the basic products. Examples of such diisocyanates include toluylenediisocyanate, tetramethylxylenediisocyanate, diphenylmethane diisocyanate, dicyclohexylmethane diisocyanate, isophorondiisocyanate.
Razen tega je mogoče kot sestavine komponente za zamreženje (II) uporabiti tudi vodotopne blokirane poliizocianate. Priporočljivo je takšne blokirane poliizocianate primešati po prej omenjenem razredčenju z vodo.In addition, water-soluble blocked polyisocyanates can be used as components of the crosslinking component (II). It is advisable to mix such blocked polyisocyanates after the aforementioned dilution with water.
Kot baze za nevtralizacijo karboksilnih skupin v produktu reakcije (I) se uporabljajo predvsem sekundarni ali terciarni alkil- ali alkanol amin.Secondary or tertiary alkyl or alkanol amine are used primarily as the bases for neutralizing the carboxyl groups in reaction product (I).
Količinska razmerja produkta reakcije (I) in utrjevalne komponente (II) se gibljejo med 60 in 90 mas. % (I) in 10 do 40 mas. % (II), pri čemer mora biti vsota procentov zmeraj 100 .The quantitative ratios of the reaction product (I) and the curing component (II) range between 60 and 90 wt. % (I) and 10 to 40 wt. % (II), where the sum of the percentages must always be 100.
Nadaljnja predelava vezivnih sredstev za lake, pridobljenih po postopku v skladu z izumom, poteka na znan način. Produkti se uporabljajo v prvi vrsti kot vezivna sredstva za vodotopne predlake, posebno za lakiranje avtomobilov.Further processing of binders for lacquers obtained by the process according to the invention is carried out in a known manner. The products are primarily used as binders for water-soluble coatings, especially for car paint.
Primeri pojasnjujejo izum, ne da bi ga omejevali v njegovem obsegu. Vsi podatki v delih ali procentih se nanašajo naThe examples illustrate the invention without limiting its scope. All data in fractions or percentages refer to
Ί enote mase, kolikor ni drugače navedeno.Ί Units of mass, unless otherwise stated.
V primerih so uporabljene naslednje okrajšaveIn the cases, the following abbreviations are used
Pridobivanje polikarboksilnih komponentAcquisition of polycarboxyl components
Komponenta (Al): V primerni reakcijski posodi pripravimo raztopino iz 810 delov (6 molov) dimetilolpropionske kisline v 946 delih DGM in 526 delov MIBK. V 4 urah raztopini pri 100°C dodamo hkrati mešanico iz 870 delov (5 molov) TDI in 528 delov (2 mola) TDI, polblokiranega z etilenglikolmonoetil etrom. Brž ko NCO skupine konvertirajo, zmes razredčimo z mešanico DGM in MIBK (2:1) do vsebnosti trdne snovi 6 0 %. Komponenta (Al) ima kislinsko število 14 0 mg KOH/g in mejno viskozitetne število 9,3x10 m /kg, merjeno v N,N-dimetilformamidu (DMF) pri 20°C.Component (Al): In a suitable reaction vessel, prepare a solution of 810 parts (6 moles) of dimethylolpropionic acid in 946 parts of DGM and 526 parts of MIBK. A mixture of 870 parts (5 moles) of TDI and 528 parts (2 moles) of TDI, semi-blocked with ethylene glycol monoethyl ether, was added simultaneously to the solution at 100 ° C for 4 hours. As soon as the NCO groups are converted, the mixture is diluted with a mixture of DGM and MIBK (2: 1) to a solids content of 6 0%. Component (Al) has an acid number of 14 0 mg KOH / g and a limit viscosity of 9.3x10 m / kg, measured in N, N-dimethylformamide (DMF) at 20 ° C.
Polblokirani TDI se pridobiva tako, da 174 delom (1 molu) TDI v dveh urah pri temperaturi 3 0°C dodamo 9 0 delov (1 mola) etilenglikolmonoetil etra in pustimo reagirati do NCOvrednosti 16 do 17 %.Semi-blocked TDI is obtained by adding 9 0 parts (1 mol) of ethylene glycol monoethyl ether to 174 parts (1 mol) of TDI over two hours at a temperature of 3 0 ° C and reacting to a NCO value of 16 to 17%.
Komponenta (A2) : Na enak način kot pri (Al) reagira 945 delov (7 molov) dimetilolpropionske kisline v 1079 delih DGM in 599 deli MIBK s 1044 deli (6 molov) TDI ter 528 deli (2 mola) z etilenglikolmonoetil etrom polblokiranega TDI. Komponenta (A2) vsebuje 60 % trdne snovi, ima kislinsko število 140 mg KOH/g in mejno viskozitetno število 10,2x10' 3 m3/kg, merjeno v N,N-dimetilformamidu (DMF) pri 20°C. Komponenta (A3) : Na enak način kot pri (Al) se raztopini iz 270 delov (2 mola) dimetilolpropionske kisline in 118 delov (1 mol) heksandiola v 361 delih DGM in 181 delih MIBK v 4 urah pri 100°C doda mešanica iz 348 delov (2 mola) TDI in 522 delov (2 mola) TDI, polblokiranega z butanonoksimom, in pusti reagirati do konverzije vseh NCO skupin. Nato se vsebnost trdne snovi z DGM/MIBK (2:1) nastavi na 60 %.Component (A2): In the same manner as in (Al), 945 parts (7 moles) of dimethylolpropionic acid react in 1079 parts of DGM and 599 parts of MIBK with 1044 parts (6 moles) of TDI and 528 parts (2 moles) with ethylene glycol monoethyl ether of semi-blocked TDI . Component (A2) contains 60% solids, has an acid number of 140 mg KOH / g and a limit viscosity of 10.2x10 ' 3 m 3 / kg, measured in N, N-dimethylformamide (DMF) at 20 ° C. Component (A3): In the same manner as in (Al), a mixture of 270 parts (2 mol) of dimethylolpropionic acid and 118 parts (1 mol) of hexanediol in 361 parts of DGM and 181 parts of MIBK is added over 4 hours at 100 ° C. 348 parts (2 moles) of TDI and 522 parts (2 moles) of TDI semi-blocked with butanonexime and allowed to react until all NCO groups were converted. The solids content was then adjusted to 60% by DGM / MIBK (2: 1).
Komponenta (A3) ima kislinsko število 89 mg KOH/g in mejno viskozitetno število 9,7xl0‘3 m3/kg, merjeno v N,N-dimetilformamidu (DMF) pri 20°C.Component (A3) has an acid number of 89 mg KOH / g and a limit viscosity of 9.7x10 0 3 m 3 / kg, measured in N, N-dimethylformamide (DMF) at 20 ° C.
Polblokirani TDI se pridobiva tako, da se 696 delom (4 molom) TDI v 2 urah pri temperaturi 30°C dodaja 174 delov (2 mola) butanonoksima in pusti reagirati do NCO-vrednosti 28 do 29 %.Semi-blocked TDI is obtained by adding 69 parts (2 mol) of butanonoxime to 696 parts (4 mol) of TDI over 2 hours at a temperature of 30 ° C and reacting to a NCO value of 28 to 29%.
Pridobivanje polihidroksilnih komponentAcquisition of polyhydroxyl components
Komponenta (BI) : V primerni reakcijski posodi zaestrimo 130 delov (1,1 mol) 1,6-heksan diola, 82 delov (0,6 mola) monopentaeritrita, 8 delov (0,05 mola) izononanske kisline, 28 delov (0,1 mol) ricinske maščobne kisline (dehidratizirane ricinoleinske kisline) in 50 delov (0,3 mola) izoftalne kisline pri 210°C do kislinskega števila manj kot 4 mg KOH/g. Viskoznost 50 %-ne raztopine v etilenglikolmonobutil etru po DIN 5321l/20°C znaša 125 sekund, mejno viskozitetno število, merjeno v N,N-dimetilformamidu pri 20°C pa 9,8xl0‘3 m3/kg.Component (BI): 130 parts (1.1 mol) of 1,6-hexane diol, 82 parts (0.6 mol) of monopentaerythritol, 8 parts (0.05 mol) of isononic acid, 28 parts (0) are esterified in a suitable reaction vessel. , 1 mol) of castor fatty acid (dehydrated castor acid) and 50 parts (0.3 mol) of isophthalic acid at 210 ° C to an acid number of less than 4 mg KOH / g. The viscosity of the 50% solution in ethylene glycol monobutyl ether according to DIN 5321l / 20 ° C is 125 seconds, and the limit viscosity measured in N, N-dimethylformamide at 20 ° C is 9.8x10 0 3 m 3 / kg.
Komponenta (B2) : Na enak način kot pri (BI) zaestrimo 38 delov (0,2 mola) tripropilenglikola, 125 delov (1,2 mola) neopentilglikola, 28 delov (0,1 mol) izomerizirane linolne kisline, 83 delov (0,5 mola) izoftalne kisline in 58 delov (0,3 mola) anhidrida trimelitne kisline pri 230°C do kislinskega števila manj kot 4 mg KOH/g. viskoznost 50 %-ne raztopine v etilenglikolmonobutil etru znaša 165 sekund po DIN 53211/20°C. Mejno viskozitetno število znaša l0,5xl0'3 m3/kg, merjeno v N,N-dimetilformamidu pri 20°C.Component (B2): In the same manner as in (BI), 38 parts (0.2 mol) of tripropylene glycol, 125 parts (1.2 mol) of neopentyl glycol, 28 parts (0.1 mol) of isomerized linoleic acid, 83 parts (0) , 5 mol) of isophthalic acid and 58 parts (0.3 mol) of trimellitic acid anhydride at 230 ° C to an acid number of less than 4 mg KOH / g. The viscosity of the 50% solution in ethylene glycol monobutyl ether is 165 seconds according to DIN 53211/20 ° C. The viscosity limit value is 10,5x10 0 3 m 3 / kg, measured in N, N-dimethylformamide at 20 ° C.
Komponenta (B3): 259 delov (1,35 mola) tripropilenglikola, 8 delov (0,05 mola) izononanske kisline, 42 delov (0,15 mola) izomerizirane linolne kisline, 68,5 delov (0,5 mola) monopentaeritrita in 175 delov (1,05 mola) izoftalne kisline zaestrimo v prisotnosti 0,5 dela dibutilstanodilaurata pri temperaturi 220°C do kislinskega števila 4 mg KOH/g. viskoz10 nost 7 0 %-ne raztopine v etilenglikolmonobutil etru po DIN 5321l/20°C znaša 120 sekund. Po razredčenju z 260 deli metiletilketona pri 7 0°C v 3 urah dodamo 7 0 delov {0,4 mola) TDI. Temperaturo vzdržujemo na tej višini, dokler se ne konvertirajo vse NCO skupine. Metiletilketon v vakuumu odstranimo in nato zmes razredčimo z metoksipropoksipropanolom do vsebnosti trdne snovi 93 %. Viskoznost 42 %-ne raztopine v etilenglikolmonobutil etru po DIN 532ll/20°C znaša 58 sekund. Mejno viskozitetno število, merjeno v N,N-dimetilformamidu pri 20°C znaša 12,lxl03 m3/kg.Component (B3): 259 parts (1.35 mole) of tripropylene glycol, 8 parts (0.05 mole) of isononic acid, 42 parts (0.15 mole) of isomerized linoleic acid, 68.5 parts (0.5 mole) of monopentaerythritol and 175 parts (1.05 mol) of isophthalic acid are esterified in the presence of 0.5 parts of dibutyl stanodilaurate at 220 ° C to an acid number of 4 mg KOH / g. The viscosity of the 7% ethylene glycol monobutyl ether solution according to DIN 5321l / 20 ° C is 120 seconds. After dilution with 260 parts of methyl ethyl ketone at 7 0 ° C, 7 0 parts {0.4 mol) of TDI was added over 3 hours. The temperature is maintained at this altitude until all NCO groups are converted. The methylethylketone was removed in vacuo and then the mixture was diluted with methoxypropoxypropanol to a solids content of 93%. The viscosity of the 42% solution in ethylene glycol monobutyl ether according to DIN 532ll / 20 ° C is 58 seconds. The viscosity limit value measured at N, N-dimethylformamide at 20 ° C is 12, 10 x 3 m 3 / kg.
Komponenta (B4) : 259 delov (1,35 mola) tripropilenglikola, 25 delov (0,15 mola) izoftalne kisline in 97 delov (0,5 mola) anhidrida trimelitne kisline zaestrimo v prisotnosti 0,2 dela dibutilstanodilaurata pri 220°C do kislinskega števila 15 mg KOH/g. Viskoznost 50 %-ne raztopine v etilenglikolmonobutil etru po DIN 5321l/20°C znaša 60 sekund. Mejno viskozitetno število, merjeno v Ν,Ν-dimetilformamidu pri 20°C znaša 11,4x10’3 m3/kg.Component (B4): 259 parts (1.35 mole) of tripropylene glycol, 25 parts (0.15 mole) of isophthalic acid and 97 parts (0.5 mole) of trimellitic anhydride are esterified in the presence of 0.2 parts of dibutyl stanodylurate at 220 ° C to acid number 15 mg KOH / g. The viscosity of the 50% solution in ethylene glycol monobutyl ether according to DIN 5321l / 20 ° C is 60 seconds. The limit viscosity measured in Ν, dim-dimethylformamide at 20 ° C is 11,4x10 ′ 3 m 3 / kg.
Pridobivanje vezivne komponente (I)Acquisition of the binding component (I)
V skladu s količinskimi razmerji v tabeli 1 zmešamo polikarboksilno komponento (A) s polihidroksilno komponento (B) in med segrevanjem do navedene temperature reakcije vakuumsko v pretežni meri odstranimo obstoječe topilo. Temperaturo vzdržujemo na tej višini, dokler ne dosežemo željenega kislinskega števila in mejnega viskozitetnega števila. Napravimo preizkus, pri katerem mora vzorec po nevtralizaciji z dimetiletanol aminom biti vodotopen. Komponente takoj predelujemo naprej v skladu s primeri od 1 do 4.According to the quantitative ratios in Table 1, the polycarboxyl component (A) is mixed with the polyhydroxyl component (B) and the existing solvent is largely vacuum removed during heating to the indicated reaction temperature. The temperature is maintained at this height until the desired acid number and limit viscosity are reached. A test is made in which the sample, after neutralization with dimethylethanol amine, must be water-soluble. The components are immediately further processed in accordance with Examples 1 to 4.
Tabela 1 (vse navedbe količin se nanašajo na trdno snov)Table 1 (all quantities indicated refer to solids)
Produkt Kompohenta reakcije (A) defov / tipReaction Component Product (A) defov / type
Komponenta (B) delov / tipComponent (B) parts / type
Temperatura Kislinsko [η] 2) reakcije Ώ št. m3/kg mg KOH/gTemperature Acid [η] 2) Reactions Ώ no. m 3 / kg mg KOH / g
1) Reakcija poteka v ca. 90%-ni raztopini v DGM1) The reaction takes place in ca. 90% solution in DGM
2) Mejno viskozitetno Število, merjeno v N,N-dimetilformami du (DMF) pri 20°C.2) Viscosity limit Number measured in N, N-dimethylform du (DMF) at 20 ° C.
Primeri 1-4:Examples 1-4:
V skladu s podatki v tabeli 2 produkt reakcije (I) pri 40100°C pomešamo s komponento za zamreženje (II) in z dimetiletanol aminom nastavimo na podano stopnjo nevtralizacije. Nevtralizacija produkta reakcije (I) je možna tudi pred dodatkom komponente za zamreženje (II). Nato zmes razredčimo z deionizirano vodo.According to the data in Table 2, the reaction product (I) at 40100 ° C is mixed with the crosslinking component (II) and the dimethylethanol amine is adjusted to a given degree of neutralization. Neutralization of reaction product (I) is also possible before addition of the crosslinking component (II). The mixture is then diluted with deionized water.
Kot komponento za zamreženje (II) smo uporabili:We used as a component for networking (II):
C 1 običajni, z butanonoksimom blokirani poliizocianat (trimerni heksametilendiizocianat s strukturo izocianurata) , Desmodur1^ N 3390, Bayer .C 1 conventional butanonexime-blocked polyisocyanate (trimeric hexamethylenediisocyanate with isocyanurate structure), e.g. Desmodur 1 ^ N 3390, Bayer.
IC 2 običajni, z butanonoksimom blokirani poliizocianat (trimerni heksametilen-di-izocianat biuretsko strukTJ turo), DesmodurIC 2 conventional butanonexime-blocked polyisocyanate (trimeric hexamethylene-di-isocyanate biuret struc ture), e.g. Desmodur
N 100, Bayer.N 100, Bayer.
Tabela 2 (vse navedbe količine se nanašajo na trdno snov)Table 2 (All quantity indications refer to solids)
Preizkušanje stabilnosti prozornega laka na bazi vezivnega sredstva po primeru 4 pri skladiščenjuTesting the stability of a transparent lacquer based on the binder of Example 4 during storage
Stabilnost je bila preizkušena pri vodnih prozornih lakih. Za primerjavo je služil prozorni lak na bazi primera 3 iz EP-A2-0 330 139.Stability has been tested with aqueous clearcoats. For comparison, a clear lacquer based on Example 3 of EP-A2-0 330 139 was used.
Sestava in značilne vrednosti prozornih lakov prozorni lak vezivo iz primera 4 / 34 % vezivo iz primera 3Composition and characteristic values of clear lacquers transparent lacquer binder of Example 4/34% binder of Example 3
EP-A2-0 330 139 / 47,6 % voda sredstvo za nevtralizacijo vsebnost trdne snovi viskoznost (pa.s)EP-A2-0 330 139 / 47.6% water neutralizing agent solids content viscosity (pa.s)
0,12 Pa.s0.12 Pa.s
0,12 Pa.s0.12 Pa.s
Prozorni laki se skladiščijo v zaprtih steklenicah pri temperaturi 40C. Rezultati preizkusa so podani v tabeli 3.Transparent varnishes are stored in sealed bottles at 40C. The results of the experiment are given in Table 3.
Tabela 3Table 3
Preizkus vezivnih sredstev po predmetnem izumu kot avtomobilskih predlakovTesting of binders of the present invention as car covers
Vezivna sredstva iz primerov 1 do 4 ter primera 3 po EP-A2-0 330 139 se formulirajo kot avtomobilski predlaki.The binders of Examples 1 to 4 and Example 3 of EP-A2-0 330 139 are formulated as automotive coatings.
286 delov vezivnega sredstva (35 %-na koncentracija) 50 delov titanovega oksida (rutil) delov barijevega sulfata 10 delov mikrotalka286 parts of binder (35% concentration) 50 parts of titanium oxide (rutile) parts of barium sulfate 10 parts of microwave
0,2 dela pigmenta iz saj 13,8 delov vode0.2 parts of pigment from carbon black 13.8 parts of water
Laki imajo vsebnost trdne snovi ca. 50 %, pH-vrednost ca. 8,0 (nastavljeno s pomočjo dimetiletanol amina) ter viskoznost ca. 0,12 Pa.s/20°C.The varnishes have a solids content of ca. 50%, pH value ca. 8.0 (adjusted with dimethylethanol amine) and a viscosity of ca. 0.12 Pa.s / 20 ° C.
Predlaki se nanašajo s pnevmatsko pištolo na ca. 20 um debel premaz temelja, ki je bil izločen katodno z elektropotopitvijo na jekleno pločevino, ki je bila predhodno obdelana s cinkovim fosfatom.The covers apply with a pneumatic gun at approx. 20 µm thick coating of the foundation, which was cathodic extracted by electroplating onto a steel sheet previously treated with zinc phosphate.
Utrjevanje predlakov poteka v peči s cirkulacijo zraka, in sicer 20 minut pri temperaturi 140, 160 oz. 180°C. V vseh primerih se doseže debelina suhega filma 35± 2 um.Hardening of the coatings takes place in an air circulation oven for 20 minutes at 140, 160, or. 180 ° C. In all cases, a dry film thickness of 35 ± 2 μm is achieved.
Na premaz predlaka se nanese običajni avtomobilski pokrivni lak na bazi alkidnih in melaminskih smol, ki se utrjuje 3 0 minut pri temperaturi 135°C (debelina suhega filma je 35 ± 2 pn) .A coat of alkyd and melamine resin based car coating is applied to the coating of the coating, which is cured for 3 minutes at 135 ° C (the dry film thickness is 35 ± 2 pn).
Obstojnost filmov (odpornost proti topilom in vodi) ter mehanske vrednosti ustrezajo zahtevam v praksi pri vseh vrstah premazov.The durability of the films (resistance to solvents and water) and mechanical values meet the requirements in practice for all types of coatings.
Odpornost na udarce kamnov preizkušamo s simulatorjem udarcev kamenja SPLITT (= Single Projectile Launching Impact17Impact resistance is tested with SPLITT (= Single Projectile Launching Impact17)
Tester). Metoda ]e izčrpno opisana v reviji FARBE + LACK, Zvezek 8/1984. Pri našem preizkusu je znašal kot udarcev 5°, premer kroglic z maso 0,5 g pa je bil 3 mm. Hitrost udarjanja kroglic je bila 100 km/h. pri temperaturah +20°C in (pretežno krožna) površina poškodbe razgaljeni sloj (B predlak/filer).Tester). The method is described extensively in FARBE + LACK, Volume 8/1984. In our test, the impact angle was 5 ° and the diameter of the 0.5 g ball was 3 mm. The speed of hitting the balls was 100 km / h. at temperatures of + 20 ° C and (mostly circular) damage surface, the exposed layer (B forearm / filler).
Preizkušanci so bili testirani -20°C. V tabeli je navedenaThe test pieces were tested at -20 ° C. The table shows
O e poškodbe v mm m na mestu - pločevina, G - temelj, F Rezultati preizkusa so podani v tabeli 4. Med posameznimi rezultati ni bistvenih razlik.O e damage in mm m at site - sheet metal, G - foundation, F The test results are given in Table 4. There are no significant differences between the individual results.
Tabela 4Table 4
Avtomob.The car.
predlaki na osnovi primeraexample based coatings
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SI9200187A SI9200187B (en) | 1992-08-21 | 1992-08-21 | Method for the preparation of water soluble laquer adhesives and use thereof |
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SI9200187A SI9200187B (en) | 1992-08-21 | 1992-08-21 | Method for the preparation of water soluble laquer adhesives and use thereof |
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