SI9200062A - Special central heating furnance - Google Patents

Special central heating furnance Download PDF


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SI9200062A SI9200062A SI9200062A SI9200062A SI 9200062 A SI9200062 A SI 9200062A SI 9200062 A SI9200062 A SI 9200062A SI 9200062 A SI9200062 A SI 9200062A SI 9200062 A SI9200062 A SI 9200062A
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Priority claimed from DE4207500A external-priority patent/DE4207500C2/en
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Publication of SI9200062A publication Critical patent/SI9200062A/en



Konstrukcija kotla omogoča intenzivnejše hlajenje plamena s komoro, kot delom hlajenih vrat, posebej oblikovanim vložkom iz ognjeodporne pločevine in dodatno tenko hlajeno steno v kurišču. Voda se dovaja/odvaja v/ίζ vrat po gibljivih ceveh. Hlajena komora na notranji strani vrat, ki obdaja del plamena, kuriščni vložek s pregradami na obodu ter dodatna hlajena stena povečujejo prenos toplote pri nespremenjenih zunanjih merah kotla in zmanjšujejo emisijo ΝΟχ pri zgorevanju zaradi intenzivnejšega hlajenja plamena. Rešitev je tehnološko enostavna in lahko izvedljiva. Zvari morajo biti vodotesni.The boiler design allows for more intensive cooling chamber flames as part of a refrigerated door, specially shaped insert made of fireproof sheet metal and an additional thin cooled wall in the firebox. Water is fed / discharged into / through the hoses by flexible hoses. Cooled the chamber on the inside of the door enclosing part of the flame, firebox with perimeter partitions and extra chilled walls increase heat transfer at unchanged external dimensions of the boiler and reduce ΝΟχ emission during combustion due to more intense cooling the flames. The solution is technologically simple and easily doable. The welds must be waterproof.



Specialni kotel za centralno ogrevanjeSpecial boiler for central heating


Izum spada na področje ogrevalne tehnike in v okviru iste na področje gradnje kotlov za centralno ogrevanje. Namenjen je za kotle na plinasto ali tekoče gorivo, del izuma pa je mogoče uporabiti tudi na kotlih na trdna goriva.The invention relates to the field of heating engineering and within the scope of the construction of district heating boilers. It is intended for gas or liquid fuel boilers, and part of the invention can also be used on solid fuel boilers.

Po mednarodni patentni klasifikaciji spada izum v naslednje skupine:According to the international patent classification, the invention belongs to the following groups:

F 22 B 37/00,F 22 B 37/00,

F 24 H 1/22,F 24 H 1/22,

01 F,01 F,

G 01 K,G 01 K,

G 01 L,G 01 L,

G 01 N.G 01 N.


Izum je zasnovan na problemih, ki se pojavljajo pri kotlih za centralno ogrevanje:The invention is based on the problems encountered in district heating boilers:

- kako zmanjšati toplotne izgube kotlov in s tem povečati izkoristek,- how to reduce heat losses of boilers and thereby increase efficiency,

- kako povečati prenos toplote v kuriščih brez spremembe dimenzij le-teh,- how to increase the heat transfer in the firebox without changing the dimensions of the fireboxes,

- kako povečati hitrost ohlajanja plamena,- how to increase the rate of flame cooling,

- kako zmanjšati emisijo dušikovih oksidov N0x, ki nastajajo pri zgorevanju zaradi temperatur plamena nad 1200°C (vzrok za gozdovom škodljivi kisli dež) in s tem ekološko obremenitev okolja,- how to reduce NOx emissions from combustion due to flame temperatures above 1200 ° C (cause of forest acid rain) and thus the environmental burden of the environment,

- kako zmanjšati emisijo saj in ogljikovega monoksida CO iz kurišč kotlov in s tem ekološko obremenitev okolja,- how to reduce soot and carbon monoxide CO emissions from boiler houses and thereby ecologically burden the environment,

- kako zmanjšati stroške vzdrževanja kotlov, ki nastajajo zaradi oblog na površinah kurišč kotlov vsled nezgorelega žvepla iz goriva.- how to reduce the maintenance costs of boilers caused by the deposits on the surfaces of boiler combustion due to unburnt sulfur from the fuel.


Sodobna konstrukcija kotla mora omogočati popolno zgorevanje oz. nizko emisijo ogljikovega monoksida CO, saj, nezgorelih ogljikovodikov CnHm in dušikovih oksidov N0x). Zraven tega mora še zadoščati predpisom o minimalnem izkoristku, maksimalni dovoljeni temperaturi izstopnih plinov in največjim dovoljenim izgubam toplote kotla v okolico. Emisijo ogljikovega monoksida CO, saj in nezgorelih ogljikovodikov CnHm je mogoče obvladovati s sodobnimi gorilniki, dušikovi oksidi N0x pa nastajajo zaradi visoke temperature plamena ter relativno dolgega časa zadrževanja gorilnega plina (produktov zgorevanja) v plamenu. Zaradi tega je potrebno sodobne konstrukcije kotlov prilagoditi tako, da bo zgorevanje čimpopolnejše, temperatura plamena čim nižja in čas zadrževanja gorilnega plina v vročih conah plamena čim krajši.The modern design of the boiler must allow for complete combustion or. low CO carbon monoxide emissions since carbon black, unburnt CnHm hydrocarbons and N0x nitrogen oxides). In addition, it must also comply with the regulations on minimum efficiency, maximum permissible exhaust gas temperature and maximum allowable losses of boiler heat to the environment. Emission of carbon monoxide CO, carbon black and unburnt CnHm hydrocarbons can be controlled by modern burners, and N0x nitrogen oxides are generated by the high flame temperature and the relatively long residence time of the combustion gas (combustion products) in the flame. For this reason, modern boiler structures need to be adapted to maximize combustion, minimize flame temperature and keep the combustion gas in hot flame zones as short as possible.

Problemi nastopajo tudi zaradi nastanka oblog iz nezgorelega žvepla na stenah kurišč, kar zmanjšuje izkoristek ter povečuje stroške vzdrževanja kotlov. Druga vrsta problemov nastopa zaradi vrat kotlov, ki so v večini primerov pasivna oz. s svojo površino ne sodelujejo v procesu prenosa toplote v kotlu in so zato na notranji strani toplotno izolirana s posebnim polnilom, ki mora prenesti temperature do 1000°C in več. Vrata služijo tudi kot obrnilna komora za dimne pline, ki se iz kurišča usmerjajo npr. v snop dimnih cevi. Dimni plini na notranji strani vrat predajajo del toplote polnilu vrat vsled česar nastopajo izgube toplote v okolico, ker se zunanja površina vrat segreje nad temperaturo nosilca toplote (največkrat vode) v kotlu. Pri večini kotlov vrata z zunanje strani tudi niso opažena oz. izolirana. Polnilo vrat je zaradi velikih temperaturnih obremenitev podvrženo staranju in sčasoma začne odpadati, kar pomeni izpad kotla iz pogona, motnje v toplotni oskrbi in dodatne stroške vzdrževanja. Problem vrat raste z močjo kotlov oz. z njihovo velikostjo.Problems also arise due to the formation of unburned sulfur linings on the combustion walls, which reduces the efficiency and increases the cost of maintaining the boilers. Another type of problem arises because of the boiler door, which in most cases is passive or. with their surface they do not participate in the process of heat transfer in the boiler and are therefore thermally insulated on the inside with a special filler which has to withstand temperatures up to 1000 ° C and above. The doors also serve as a flue gas invert chamber, which is directed from the firebox, e.g. into the stack of smoke pipes. The flue gases on the inside of the door transfer some of the heat to the door filler, resulting in heat loss to the surroundings because the outside surface of the door is heated above the temperature of the heat carrier (most often water) in the boiler. In most boilers, the door from the outside is also not noticed or. isolated. Due to high temperature loads, door fillers are subject to aging and eventually start to fall off, which means the boiler is out of operation, heat supply disruptions and additional maintenance costs. The problem of doors is growing with the power of boilers or. with their size.


Pri reševanju problemov, ki nastopajo pri kotlih za centralno ogrevanje na plinasta in tekoča goriva, posebno pri kotlih večjih moči in delno pri kotlih na trdno gorivo je dana pomoč s predstavljenim izumom, ki te probleme pomaga reševati na relativno cenen, enostaven in učinkovit način.Assistance with the present invention is provided in solving the problems arising from central heating boilers for gaseous and liquid fuels, especially for higher power boilers and partly for solid fuel boilers, which helps to solve these problems in a relatively inexpensive, simple and efficient way.

Izum je zamišljen kot konstrukcija kotla, ki omogoča dodatno hlajenje plamena in povečuje prenos toplote v kurišču kotla.The invention is intended as a boiler construction which allows additional cooling of the flame and increases the heat transfer within the boiler.

Pri predstavljenem izumu so vrata kotla konstruirana tako, da aktivno sodelujejo v procesu prenosa toplote v kotlu in s tem povečujejo ogrevno površino ter s tem moč kotla. Stroški vzdrževanja kotlov so zmanjšani, ker ni potrebe po zamenjavi polnila vrat. Ker so zaradi nižje temperature vrat toplotne izgube kotla v okolico manjše je s tem višji izkoristek. Temperatura zunanje površine vrat je omejena na temperaturo vode v kotlih in se z zunanjo izolacijo vrat zniža skoraj na temperaturo okolice. Ker je na notranji strani vrat nameščena hlajena komora, ki obdaja del plamena je s tem omogočeno hitrejše hlajenje korena plamena in zaradi razlike tlakov med notranjostjo komore in kuriščem povratno vodenje dimnih plinov v plamen, kar mu še dodatno znižuje temperaturo in s tem emisijo N0x.In the present invention, the boiler door is designed to actively participate in the process of heat transfer in the boiler, thereby increasing the heating surface and thus the boiler output. The cost of maintaining the boilers is reduced because there is no need to replace the door filler. Due to the lower door temperature, the heat losses of the boiler to the surroundings are lower, thus increasing the efficiency. The temperature of the outer surface of the door is limited to the temperature of the water in the boilers and is reduced almost to the ambient temperature by the external isolation of the door. Because the inside of the door is fitted with a cooled chamber that surrounds a part of the flame, this allows the root of the flame to cool faster and, due to the difference in pressures between the interior of the chamber and the firebox, return the flue gas to the flame, further reducing its temperature and thus N0x emission.

Pri predstavljenem izumu je v kurišče kotla nameščen posebno oblikovan vložek iz ognjeodporne pločevine, ki obdaja plamen in s tem onemogoča dotik plamena s hladnimi stenami kurišča, kar omogoča popolnejše zgorevanje. Vložek omogoča povečanje hitrosti dimnim plinom v kurišču in s tem zmanjšanje časa zadrževanja dimnih plinov v coni najvišjih temperatur ter s tem povečanje prenosa toplote.In the present invention, a specially designed cartridge made of a flame retardant liner is mounted in the boiler firebox, thereby preventing the flame from contacting the cold walls of the firebox, allowing for more complete combustion. The cartridge allows to increase the speed of the flue gas in the firebox, thereby reducing the residence time of the flue gas in the zone of highest temperatures, thereby increasing the heat transfer.

Pri predstavljenem izumu je v kurišče nameščena dodatna pokončna hlajena stena na kateri se plamen razcepi in dodatno ohladi kar znižuje emisijo N0x in povečuje prenos toplote.In the present invention, an additional upright cooled wall is mounted in the firebox on which the flame splits and cools further which reduces N0x emissions and increases heat transfer.

Izum je v celoti uporaben na kotlih na plinasto ali tekoče gorivo in delno na kotlih na trdna goriva.The invention is fully applicable to gas or liquid fuel boilers and partly to solid fuel boilers.


Izum je predstavljen na sliki 1, ki predstavlja kotel za centralno ogrevanje v t.i. dvovlečni izvedbi na plinasto ali tekoče gorivo.The invention is presented in Fig. 1, which represents a boiler for central heating in e.g. two-gas version with gaseous or liquid fuel.

Smer potovanja prenosnika toplote - vode 10 po kotlu ponazarjajo puščice 15. Dimni plini 5 izstopajo iz kurišča 12, se na notranji strani 4 vrat 1 obrnejo v snop dimnih cevi 11, odkoder gredo v izstopno komoro 16 in naprej v dimnik. Vrata 1, ki so na zunanji strani obdana z izolacijsko oblogo 2 se odpirajo za kot 90° na eno stran.The direction of travel of the heat exchanger - water 10 through the boiler is illustrated by arrows 15. The flue gases 5 exit the firebox 12, turn inside the door 4 into a stack of smoke pipes 11, from where they go into the outlet chamber 16 and further into the chimney. The door 1, which is enclosed on the outside by an insulating panel 2, opens 90 ° to one side.

V vratih 1 kroži voda 10, ki prihaja v vrata 1 po cevi 19, ki vodi iz priključka povratka 18 kotla, ker je tam voda 10 najhladnejša in gibljivi cevi 24. Voda 10 izstopa iz vrat 1 skozi gibljivo cev 23 in iz kotla na priključku predtoka 20. Na notranji strani priključkov predtoka 20 in povratka 18 kotla sta usmerjevalni koleni 17, ki omogočata večji pretok vode 10 skozi vrata 1 in s tem izenačitev temperatur vode 10 v kotlu in vratih 1. Pregradna pločevina 28 v vratih 1 usmerja kroženje vode 10 v vratih 1. Za izpust vode 10 iz vrat 1 je na spodnji strani vrat 1 nameščen priključek 3.Door 1 circulates water 10 coming into port 1 via pipe 19 leading from boiler return port 18 because there water is the coldest and flexible pipe 24. Water 10 exits port 1 through flexible pipe 23 and from boiler at port. 20. On the inside of the connections of the flow 20 and the return 18 of the boiler there are directing elbows 17 which allow a greater flow of water 10 through the door 1 and thereby equalize the water temperatures 10 in the boiler and door 1. The barrier 28 in the door 1 directs the circulation of water 10 port 1. To discharge water 10 from port 1, port 3 is located at the bottom of port 1.

Na notranji strani 4 vrat 1 je nameščena hladilna komora 6, ki obdaja plamen 25. Ker je znotraj komore 6 hitrost dimnih plinov 5 večja, kot v kurišču 12, vlada v komori 6 nižji pritisk kot v kurišču 12, kar povzroča učinek sesanja dimnih plinov 5 zunaj komore 6 v notranjost komore 6. Zato se del dimnih plinov 5 vrača nazaj 27 v plamen 25, kar plamenu 25 znižuje temperaturo in s tem emisijo dušikovih oksidov N0x, ki je dodatno zmanjšana zaradi hitrejšega hlajenja plamena 25 zaradi dodatnih hlajenih površin vrat 1 in komore 6 na vratih 1. Z dodatnimi hlajenimi površinami vrat 1 in komore 6 je dodatno povečan prenos toplote v kurišču 12 brez povečanja zunanjih dimenzij kotla. Notranji premer komore 6 mora biti dimenzioniran glede na kot razprševanja šob gorilnika, dolžina komore 6 pa mora biti takšna, da bo možno odpiranje vrat 1 in da zgorevanje ne bo moteno.On the inside of 4 of the door 1 there is a cooling chamber 6 surrounding the flame 25. Since inside the chamber 6 the flue gas velocity 5 is higher than in the firebox 12, the pressure in the chamber 6 is lower than in the firebox 12, which causes the effect of flue gas suction 5 outside the chamber 6 to the interior of the chamber 6. Consequently, a portion of the flue gas 5 is returned back 27 to flame 25, which reduces the temperature of the flame 25 and thus the N0x emission of nitrogen oxides, which is further reduced by the faster cooling of the flame 25 due to the additional cooling surfaces of the door 1 and chambers 6 on door 1. With additional cooled surfaces of door 1 and chamber 6, the heat transfer in the chimney 12 is further increased without increasing the external dimensions of the boiler. The inside diameter of the chamber 6 must be dimensioned according to the angle of scattering of the burner nozzles, and the length of the chamber 6 should be such that door 1 can be opened and combustion is not disturbed.

-5Plamen 25 je obdan z vložkom 7 iz ognjeodporne pločevine, ki onemogoča dotik plamena 25 z relativno hladnimi stenami 9 kurišča 12. Ker je vložek 7 segret do rdečega žara je s tem omogočeno popolnejše zgorevanje pri nižjih temperaturah plamena. Tako je nastanek sajastih in žveplenih oblog na stenah 9 kurišča 12 močno zmanjšan, kar vodi k izboljšanju izkoristka in zmanjšanju stroškov vzdrževanja kotlov. Na izstopu iz vložka 7 pred zadnjim delom kurišča 12 se dimni plini 5 obrnejo v kanal 8 med zunanjim obodom vložka 7 in notranjimi stenami 9 kurišča 12. Ker je pretočni prerez kanala 8 nekajkrat manjši od pretočnega prereza kurišča 12 brez vložka 7, se dimnim plinom 5 poveča hitrost s čemer se poveča prenos toplote v kurišču 12 in skrajšuje čas zadrževanja dimnih plinov 5 v kurišču 12. Na obodu vložka 7 so nameščene zajemne pregrade 22 pod katerimi se lahko nahajajo odprtine 21 skozi katere se delček dimnih plinov 5 vrača nazaj 26 v plamen 25 s čemer se plamenu 25 znižuje temperatura, kar vodi k zmanjšanju emisije dušikovih oksidov N0x. Pregrade 22 delujejo tudi v smislu povečanja prenosa toplote zaradi turbulatorskega učinka.-5 Flame 25 is surrounded by a flame retardant insert 7 which prevents the flame 25 from touching the relatively cool walls of the firebox 12. Because the insert 7 is heated to a red grill, this allows more complete combustion at lower flame temperatures. Thus, the formation of soot and sulfur deposits on the walls 9 of the firebox 12 is greatly reduced, which leads to improved efficiency and reduced maintenance costs for the boilers. At the outlet of the insert 7 in front of the rear of the firebox 12, the flue gases 5 are turned into a channel 8 between the outer perimeter of the insert 7 and the inner walls 9 of the firebox 12. Since the flow cross section of the channel 8 is several times smaller than the flow cross section of the firebox 12 without the gasket 7, the flue gas 5 increases the velocity, thereby increasing the heat transfer in the firebox 12 and shortens the residence time of the flue gas 5 in the firebox 12. At the perimeter of the cartridge 7 there are gripping barriers 22 below which openings 21 may be located through which the flue gas portion 5 returns back 26 v. flame 25 thereby lowering the temperature of flame 25, leading to a reduction of N0x nitrogen oxide emissions. Barriers 22 also work in terms of increasing the heat transfer due to the turbulent effect.

V kurišče je vgrajena pokončna in v primerjavi s premerom kurišča 12 tanka stena 14, ki je hlajena z navzgornjim tokom vode 10. Stena 14 je zaradi preprečitve direktnega stika s plamenom 25 na sprednji strani obložena z ognjeodpornim vložkom 13, ki je lahko iz Samota. Obloga 13 stene 14 v kurišču 12 razdeli plamen 25, ki se zaradi hlajene stene 14 dodatno ohladi, kar znižuje emisijo N0x. Debelina in dolžina stene 14 morata biti tako izbrani, da zgorevanje ni moteno.A thin wall 14, which is cooled by the upstream water 10, is built into the firebox in comparison to the diameter of the firebox 12. In order to prevent direct contact with the flame 25 on the front, the wall 14 is lined with a fireproof insert 13, which may be from Samot. The lining 13 of the wall 14 in the firebox 12 distributes the flame 25, which is further cooled due to the cooled wall 14, reducing the N0x emission. The thickness and length of the wall 14 must be so selected that combustion is not disturbed.

Izvedba kotla s hlajenimi vrati 1 in komoro 6, kuriščnim vložkom 7 in dodatno hlajeno steno 14 je uporabna v celoti pri kotlih na plinasta in tekoča goriva z ventilatorskimi gorilniki. Izvedba s hlajenimi vrati 1 brez komore 6, brez kuriščnega vložka 7 in dodatne hladilne stene 14 pa za kotle na trdna goriva.The design of the boiler with chilled door 1 and chamber 6, combustion chamber 7 and additional cooled wall 14 is fully applicable for gas and liquid fuel boilers with fan burners. Version with chilled door 1 without chamber 6, without firebox 7 and additional cooling wall 14 for solid fuel boilers.

Claims (4)

PATENTNI ZAHTEVKIPATENT APPLICATIONS 1) Specialni kotel za centralno ogrevanje značilen po hlajenih vratih pri čemer se izvedba hlajenih vrat sestoji iz gibljive cevi (23) za odvod nosilca toplote oz. vode (10) iz vrat (1) v priključek predtoka (20) kotla in gibljive cevi (24) za dovod vode (10) v vrata (1) preko cevi (19) iz priključka povratka (18) kotla.1) Special boiler for central heating, characterized by a cooled door, the embodiment of the cooled door consisting of a flexible pipe (23) for the discharge of the heat carrier or. water (10) from the door (1) to the flow connection (20) of the boiler and the flexible pipe (24) for supplying water (10) to the door (1) via the pipe (19) from the boiler return port (18). 2) Specialni kotel za centralno ogrevanje značilen po hlajeni komori na notranji strani vrat (1), ki objema del plamena in je del hlajenih vrat (1) kotla.2) Special central heating boiler characterized by a cooled chamber on the inside of the door (1) that encloses part of the flame and is part of the cooled door (1) of the boiler. 3) Specialni kotel za centralno ogrevanje značilen po v zadnjem delu kurišča (12) nameščeno hlajeno steno (14) z zaščitno oblogo (13).3) Special boiler for central heating, characterized by a cooled wall (14) with a protective cover (13) installed in the rear of the firebox (12). 4) Specialni kotel za centralno ogrevanje značilen po kuriščnem vložku (7) iz ognjeodporne pločevine z na obodu nameščenimi pregradami (22) pri čemer dimni plini (5) v kurišču (12) potujejo v kanalu (8) med zunanjo steno vložka (7) in notranjimi stenami (9) kurišča (12)4) Special boiler for central heating, characterized by a firebox (7) made of fire-resistant sheet with perimeter-mounted barriers (22) whereby the flue gas (5) in the firebox (12) travels in a duct (8) between the outer wall of the cartridge (7) and interior walls (9) fireboxes (12) -7POVZETEK-7 SUMMARY Specialni kotel za centralno ogrevanjeSpecial boiler for central heating Konstrukcija kotla omogoča intenzivnejše hlajenje plamena s komoro, kot delom hlajenih vrat, posebej oblikovanim vložkom iz ognjeodporne pločevine in dodatno tanko hlajeno steno v kurišču. Voda se dovaja/odvaja v/iz vrat po gibljivih ceveh. Hlajena komora na notranji strani vrat, ki obdaja del plamena, kuriščni vložek s pregradami na obodu ter dodatna hlajena stena povečujejo prenos toplote pri nespremenjenih zunanjih merah kotla in zmanjšujejo emisijo N0x pri zgorevanju zaradi intenzivnejšega hlajenja plamena.The design of the boiler allows more intense cooling of the flame with the chamber, as part of a cooled door, a specially designed insert made of fireproof sheet metal and an additional thinly cooled wall in the firebox. Water is supplied / discharged to / from the door via flexible hoses. A cooled chamber on the inside of the door surrounding the flame partition, a combustion insert with perimeter bulkheads and additional cooled walls increase heat transfer at unchanged external boiler dimensions and reduce N0x emissions from combustion due to more intense flame cooling. Rešitev je tehnološko enostavna in lahko izvedljiva. Zvari morajo biti vodotesni, varilci pa morajo imeti A-test.The solution is technologically simple and easy to implement. Welds must be waterproof and welders must have an A-test. -8NAVEDBA NAČINA ZA NAJBOLJŠE IZKORIŠČANJE IZUMA-8 INDICATING THE WAY TO BEST USE OF THE INVENTION Prednost uporabe hlajenih vrat se daje kotlom večjih in velikih moči, pri katerih imajo vrata relativno veliko površino in je učinek hlajenja vrat večji. Hlajena vrata je možno uporabiti tudi na kotlih manjših in najmanjših moči. Izvedba hlajenih vrat s komoro na vratih je uporabna na kotlih s pogonom na plinasta in tekoča goriva, izvedba hlajenih vrat brez komore pa na kotlih na trdna goriva. Debelina pločevine ne sme biti manjša od 4 mm. Zvari morajo biti vodotesni. Prednost ima varjenje v zaščitni atmosferi, varilci pa morajo imeti A-test. Pločevina mora biti dobro varljiva, pozornost pa je potrebno posvetiti pravilnemu sidranju pločevine vrat, da se prepreči napihovanje pločevine zaradi pritiska vode v vratih. Za doseganje največjega učinka morajo biti vrata kotlov z zunanje strani toplotno izolirana. Gibljive cevi lahko prenesejo do deset krat večji pritisk, kot stene kotla in veliko število pregibanj ter je zato njihova uporaba na kotlih za centralno ogrevanje s stališča varnosti neproblematična.The advantage of using refrigerated doors is given to higher and high power boilers, in which the door has a relatively large surface area and the effect of door cooling is greater. Cooled doors can also be used on boilers of small and small capacity. The version of the cooled door with the chamber on the door is applicable to boilers powered by gaseous and liquid fuels, and the implementation of the cooled door without the chamber on solid fuel boilers. The thickness of the sheet shall not be less than 4 mm. The welds must be waterproof. Welding in a protective atmosphere is preferred, and welders must have an A-test. The sheet must be well welded, and care must be taken to properly anchor the door leaf to prevent the sheet from inflating due to water pressure in the door. For maximum effect, the boiler door must be thermally insulated from the outside. Flexible pipes can withstand up to ten times more pressure than boiler walls and a large number of kinks, making them unproblematic for use on central heating boilers. Uporaba kuriščnega vložka iz ognjeodpornega jekla je možna v vseh kotlih za centralno ogrevanje s pogonom na plinasto ali tekoče gorivo z ventilatorskim gorilnikom ne glede na moč in velikost kotla. Debelina pločevine vložka je odvisna od velikosti vložka vendar ne sme biti manjša od 2.5 mm.The use of a fire-resistant steel insert is possible in all gas or liquid-fired central heating boilers with a fan burner, regardless of boiler power and size. The thickness of the sheet of the cartridge depends on the size of the cartridge but should not be less than 2.5 mm. Namestitev razdelilne stene v kurišče je možna v vseh kotlih za centralno ogrevanje s pogonom na plinasto ali tekoče gorivo z ventilatorskim gorilnikom ne glede na moč in velikost kotla. Debelina pločevine ne sme biti manjša od 4 mm. Zvari morajo biti vodotesni. Zaščitna obloga na sprednji strani stene je lahko iz šamota ali drugega ognjeodpornega materila. Prednost ima varjenje v zaščitni atmosferi, varilci pa morajo imeti A-test. Pločevina mora biti dobro varljiva, pozornost pa je potrebo posvetiti pravilnemu sidranju pločevine, da se prepreči napihovanje pločevine zaradi pritiska vode.Installation of the distribution wall in the firebox is possible in all gas-fired or liquid fuel-fired central heating boilers with a fan burner, regardless of boiler power and size. The thickness of the sheet shall not be less than 4 mm. The welds must be waterproof. The protective lining on the front of the wall can be made of chamotte or other fire resistant material. Welding in a protective atmosphere is preferred, and welders must have an A-test. The sheet must be well welded, and care must be taken to properly anchor the sheet to prevent the sheet from inflating due to water pressure.
SI9200062A 1992-03-10 1992-04-24 Special central heating furnance SI9200062A (en)

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DE4207500A DE4207500C2 (en) 1992-03-10 1992-03-10 Boiler with reduced NO¶x¶ emissions

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SI9200062A true SI9200062A (en) 1993-09-30



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SI9200062A SI9200062A (en) 1992-03-10 1992-04-24 Special central heating furnance

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