SI9111607A - Contact-arc system of an installation contactor - Google Patents

Contact-arc system of an installation contactor Download PDF


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SI9111607A SI9111607A SI9111607A SI9111607A SI 9111607 A SI9111607 A SI 9111607A SI 9111607 A SI9111607 A SI 9111607A SI 9111607 A SI9111607 A SI 9111607A SI 9111607 A SI9111607 A SI 9111607A
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Mitja Koprivsek
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Elektroelement Izlake D D
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Application filed by Elektroelement Izlake D D filed Critical Elektroelement Izlake D D
Publication of SI9111607A publication Critical patent/SI9111607A/en



    • H01H9/00Details of switching devices, not covered by groups H01H1/00 - H01H7/00
    • H01H9/30Means for extinguishing or preventing arc between current-carrying parts
    • H01H9/32Insulating body insertable between contacts
    • H01H71/00Details of the protective switches or relays covered by groups H01H73/00 - H01H83/00
    • H01H71/10Operating or release mechanisms
    • H01H71/12Automatic release mechanisms with or without manual release
    • H01H71/24Electromagnetic mechanisms
    • H01H71/2418Electromagnetic mechanisms combined with an electrodynamic current limiting mechanism
    • H01H73/00Protective overload circuit-breaking switches in which excess current opens the contacts by automatic release of mechanical energy stored by previous operation of a hand reset mechanism
    • H01H73/02Details
    • H01H73/18Means for extinguishing or suppressing arc


  • Physics & Mathematics (AREA)
  • Electromagnetism (AREA)
  • Arc-Extinguishing Devices That Are Switches (AREA)
  • Breakers (AREA)


A power switching device has one contact (33) on a fixed carrier and another (23) on a movable carrier (22). In this condition the current flow normally. If a short circuit condition occurs the movable element moves along an arc about a pivot point (A) and the contacts separate. At the same time a curved isolating wall (5) is inserted between the contact carriers and the arcing length is reduced to extinguish the arc. When an overload occurs the pin (41) of trigger stage (4) responds to cause the unit to respond and causes contact opening. ADVANTAGE - EM force simultaneously opens contacts and moves separating wall.


Izum spada v področje električnih zaščitnih odklopnikov.The invention falls within the field of electrical circuit breakers.

Predmet izuma je po mednarodni klasifikaciji patentov uvrščen v razreda H 01H 71/26 inHOlH 71/28.According to the international patent classification, the subject matter of the invention is classified in classes H 01H 71/26 andHOlH 71/28.

Tehnični problemA technical problem

Glede na pomanjkljivosti dosedaj znanih kontaktno-obločnih sistemov v instalacijskem odklopniku, je tehnični problem izuma v tem, kako skonstruirati pomične in nepomične prevodne dele sistema, da bo zaradi elektromagnetnih sil med temi deli hkrati z razmikanjem električnih kontaktov prišlo tudi do gibanja ločilne stene mednju.In view of the disadvantages of the known contact-ring systems in the circuit breaker hitherto known, the technical problem of the invention is how to construct the movable and stationary conductive parts of the system so that due to the electromagnetic forces between these parts, moving of the separation wall between them will also occur.

Stanje tehnikeThe state of the art

Kontaktno-obločni sistem z ločilno steno v instalacijskem odklopniku, ki je opisan v objavljeni patentni prijavi DE 35 42 747 Al, uporablja elektromagneten nadtokoven sprožnik z udarno kotvo za razklepanje električnih kontaktov, valjasto oblikovana ločilna stena, skozi katere odprtino poteka električen oblok, pa se začne premikati pod vplivom zaradi tega obloka naraščajočega zračnega tlaka znotraj valjastega prostora. Na hitrost odklapljanja vpliva že sama uporaba elektromagnetnega sprožnika, saj je zaradi pojava nasičenja magnetnega kroga hitrost kotve omejena. Pri velikih tokovih torej ni sorazmernosti med električnim tokom in silo na ločilno steno. Razen tega se začne ločilna stena premikati šele, ko električen oblok dovolj segreje zrak ob njej.The contact-separation system with the separation wall in the installation circuit breaker described in published patent application DE 35 42 747 Al uses an electromagnetic overcurrent trigger to unlock electrical contacts, and the cylindrical shaped separation wall through which the arc runs through an opening. begins to move under the influence due to this arc of increasing air pressure within the cylindrical space. The use of the electromagnetic actuator itself is influenced by the speed of the tripping, since the speed of the anchor is limited due to the occurrence of the magnetic circuit. Therefore, at high currents there is no proportionality between the electric current and the force on the separation wall. In addition, the separation wall begins to move only after the electric arc has sufficient heat for the air around it.

Podoben kontaktno-obločni sistem z ločilno steno v instalacijskem odklopniku je opisan v patentni prijavi EP 0 350 828 A2. Udarna kotva sprožnika deluje na vrtljivo ločilno steno, ki s svojim poševno prisekanim robom na krožnem loku odmakne premičen kontakt in ga preko mrtve točke prestavi v drugi stabilen položaj. Ločilna stena podaljšuje električen oblok in ga potiska v obločno komoro. Kot pri zgoraj opisanem kontaktnoobločnem sistemu gre tudi tukaj za zamudno zaporednost razklepanja električnih kontaktov in premikanja ločilne stene.A similar contact-ring system with a separation wall in the circuit breaker is described in EP 0 350 828 A2. The impact angle of the actuator acts on a rotating dividing wall which, with its obliquely truncated edge on a circular arc, moves the movable contact and moves it to a second stable position beyond the dead end. The separation wall extends the arc and pushes it into the arc chamber. As with the contact ring system described above, this is a time-consuming sequence of unblocking electrical contacts and moving the separation wall.

Opis rešitve tehničnega problema s primerom izvedbeDescription of a solution to a technical problem with an example implementation

Navedeni tehnični problem je rešen s kontaktno-obločnim sistemom po izumu instalacijskega odklopnika, katerega prvi nepomični prevodni del je s svojim prvim koncem električno priključen na priključno sponko, konec drugega nepomičnega prevodnega dela pa na termoelektrični sprožnik, katerega udarna igla se v nevzbujenem stanju odklopnika naslanja na pomični ravni prevodni del, pri čemer je z izumom predloženi kontaktno-obločni sistem značilen po tem, da je prvi konec pomičnega ravnega prevodnega dela električno prevodno in zasučno povezan z ležiščem na prvem nepomičnem prevodnem delu in da je pomičen ločni prevodni del s središčem v osi, ki poteka skozi omenjeno ležišče in je pravokotna na ravni pomičen prevodni del in na nepomičen ravni prevodni del prvega nepomičnega prevodnega dela, električno prevodno in zasučno povezan z ležiščem, ki se nahaja na drugem koncu pomičnega ravnega dela, in da je na pomičen ravni prevodni del ob ležišču na njem pritrjena objemna spojka, na katero je pritrjena pomična ločna ločilna stena s središčem v omenjeni osi in potekajoča ob pomičnem ločnem delu, in da je odpiralni kontakt na pomičnem ločnem delu električno sklenjen z odpiralnim kontaktom na nepomičnem ločnem prevodnem delu, katerega središče je v omenjeni osi in ki poteka ob omenjeni ločilni steni, ki je objeta med ločnima prevodnima deloma in sklenjenima kontaktoma, ter je nepomični ločni del povezan z ravnim ob ter vzporedno s pomičnim ravnim delom potekajočim prevodnim delom drugega prevodnega dela in da se v podaljšku pomičnega ločnega dela nepomična ločna ločilna stena, katere središče je v omenjeni osi, s svojim k tej osi obrnjenim poševno prirezanim robom naslanja na proč od omenjene osi obrnjen poševno prirezan rob pomičnega ločnega dela in da je v prvem prevodnem delu na njegovem ravnem delu, ki je pritrjen ob liniji skozi ležišče na prvem prevodnem delu in skozi omenjeni rob nepomične stene, proti omenjenemu ležišču obrnjeno koleno povezano z omenjeno priključno sponko in je proti pravkar omenjenemu robu obrnjeno koleno povezano s pravkar omenjenim ležiščem.The said technical problem is solved by a contact-arc system according to the invention of an installation circuit breaker, the first stationary conductive part of which is electrically connected to the terminal block by its first end, and the termination of the second stationary conductor part to a thermoelectric actuator whose impact needle rests in the unbroken state of the circuit breaker. at the movable level, the conductive portion, wherein the contact-arched system according to the invention is characterized in that the first end of the movable straight conductive part is electrically conductive and pivotally connected to the bearing on the first stationary conductive part and that the separate conductive part is centered in an axle passing through said bearing and perpendicular to the plane of the movable conductive portion and to the stationary plane the conductive portion of the first stationary conductive portion, electrically conductive and pivotally connected to the bearing located at the other end of the movable straight portion, and to be at a movable level conductive part next to the bed on it p a clamped clamp to which a movable detachable separation wall with a center in said axis and extending along the movable detachable part is attached, and that the opening contact on the movable detachable part is electrically closed with the opening contact on a fixed detachable conductive part whose center is in said axis and which runs along said separation wall, which is wedged between the separate conductive parts and the contacted contacts, and the fixed separate portion is connected to a straight oblique and parallel to the movable straight portion by the conducting conductive portion of the second conductive part, and to be movable in the extension of the movable detachable part a separating wall, the center of which is in the said axis, with its obliquely trimmed edge facing it, away from the said axis, the obliquely trimmed edge of the movable detachable face and, in the first conductive part, on its straight portion, which is attached along a line through bearing on the first conductive part and through said edge of a stationary wall , said knee facing the said bearing connected to said connecting clip, and facing the edge just mentioned, said knee connected to said bearing.

Kontaktno-obločni sistem po izumu je nadalje značilen po tem, da je nepomična ločna omejilna stena s središčem v omenjeni osi nameščena neposredno v podaljšku nepomičnega ločnega dela in obdajajoče nepomično ločno steno.The contact-ring system of the invention is further characterized by the fact that a fixed detachable restraint wall centered in said axis is positioned directly in the extension of the detachable detachable part and surrounding the immovable detachable wall.

Kontaktno-obločni sistem po izumu je nadalje značilen po tem, je med pomični ravni del in nepomični ravni del vpeta stisnjena prva vijačna vzmet in je med pomični ločni del in objemno spojko vpeta stisnjena druga vijačna vzmet.The contact-ring system of the invention is further characterized in that a first helical spring is clamped between the movable straight part and the fixed plane part and a second helical spring is clamped between the movable disc part and the clamp.

Prednost kontaktno-obločnega sistema po izumu je v tem, da kratkostičen tok hkrati povzroči dve elektrodinamski sili, in sicer silo,ki razmakne električna kontakta, in silo, požene pomično ločno ločilno steno. Ti sili pa sta razen tega sorazmerni električnemu toku tudi pri velikih tokovih.The advantage of the contact-arc system of the invention is that the short-circuit current simultaneously produces two electrodynamic forces, namely the force that separates the electrical contacts, and the force that drives the moving separating wall. In addition, these forces are proportional to the electric current even at high currents.

Izum bomo v nadaljnjem podrobno opisali na osnovi izvedbenega primera ter pripadajočega načrta, ki prikazuje na sl.l kontaktno-obločni sistem po izumu instalacijskega odklopnika v nevzbujenem stanju, sl.2 in 3 kontaktno-obločni sistem po izumu v postopku odklapljanja.The invention will be described in further detail on the basis of an embodiment and an accompanying plan showing in Fig. 1 the contact-arc system according to the invention of the circuit breaker in the non-excited state, Fig. 2 and 3 of the contact-arc system according to the invention in the disconnecting process.

V kontaktno-obločnem sistemu po izumu instalacijskega odklopnika je prvi nepomični prevodni del 1 s svojim prvim koncem električno priključen na priključno sponko 11, konec 34 drugega nepomičnega prevodnega dela 3 pa je priključen na priključno sponko termoelektričnega sprožnika 4 (sl. 1). Udarna igla 41 sprožnika 4 se v nevzbujenem stanju odklopnika naslanja na ravni del 21 pomičnega prevodnega dela 2.In the contact-ring system according to the invention of the circuit breaker, the first stationary conductive part 1 is electrically connected to its terminal end 11 with its first end, and the end 34 of the second stationary conductive part 3 is connected to the terminal terminal of the thermoelectric trigger 4 (Fig. 1). The trigger needle 41 of the actuator 4 rests in the unbroken state of the circuit breaker on the flat part 21 of the movable conductive part 2.

Prvi konec 211 pomičnega ravnega prevodnega dela 21 je električno prevodno in zasučno povezan z ležiščem 12 na prvem nepomičnem prevodnem delu 1. Ločni prevodni del 22, katerega lok ima središče v osi A, ki poteka skozi ležišče 12 in je pravokotna na del 21 in na ravni prevodni del 13 dela 1, je električno prevodno in zasučno povezan z ležiščem 212, izvedenem na drugem koncu dela 21. Na del 21 je ob ležišču 212 pritrjena objemna spojka 51, na katero je pritrjena pomična ločna ločilna izolirna stena 5, katere lok ima središče v osi A. Stena 5 poteka ob delu 22. Odpiralni električni kontakt 23 na delu 22 je električno sklenjen z odpiralnim kontaktom 33 na ločnem prevodnem delu 32, katerega lok ima pravtako središče na osi A. Del 32 poteka ob steni 5, kije tako objeta med ločnima deloma 22, 32 in sklenjenima kontaktoma 23, 33. Del 32 je povezan z ravnim prevodnim delom 31 dela 3. Del 31 poteka ob delu 21 ter vzporedno z njim.The first end 211 of the movable straight conductive portion 21 is electrically conductive and pivotally connected to the bearing 12 on the first stationary conductive portion 1. A separate conductive portion 22 whose arc has a center in the axis A passing through the bearing 12 and is perpendicular to the portion 21 and to the straight conductive part 13 of part 1 is electrically conductive and pivotally connected to the bearing 212, made at the other end of the part 21. A clamp 51 is attached to the part 21 next to the bearing 212, to which a movable detachable separating insulating wall 5 is attached, whose arch has the center in axis A. The wall 5 runs along part 22. The opening electrical contact 23 on part 22 is electrically contracted with the opening contact 33 on a separate conductive portion 32 whose arc also has a center in axis A. Part 32 runs along wall 5 which is thus wrapped between separate parts 22, 32 and closed contacts 23, 33. Part 32 is connected to a straight conductive part 31 of part 3. Part 31 runs parallel to and parallel to part 21.

V podaljšku loka, na katerem leži del 22 je pritrjena nepomična ločna ločilna stena 6 iz izolacijskega materiala. Njeno središče je torej v osi A. Stena 6 se s svojim k osi A obrnjenim poševno prirezanim robom 61 naslanja na proč od osi A obrnjen poševno prirezan rob 26 dela 22.In the extension of the arch, on which the part 22 lies, a fixed separate separating wall 6 of insulating material is fixed. Its center is therefore in axis A. The wall 6, with its obliquely trimmed edge 61, is leaning away from axis A, the obliquely trimmed edge 26 of part 22.

Ravni del 13 je pritrjen tako, da leži ob liniji B, ki poteka skozi ležišče 12 in skozi rob 61. Koleno 131 dela 13, kije obrnjeno proti ležišču 12, je povezano s sponko 11, koleno 132 dela 13, ki pa je obrnjeno proti robu 61, je povezano z ležiščem 12. Neposredno v podaljšku dela 32 in obdajajoče steno 6 je nameščena nepomična ločna omejilna stena 7 s središčem v osi A.The straight portion 13 is fixed so that it lies along line B passing through the bearing 12 and through the edge 61. The knee 131 of the part 13 facing towards the bearing 12 is connected to the clamp 11, the knee 132 of the part 13 facing the edge 61 is connected to bearing 12. Directly in the extension portion 32 and surrounding wall 6 is a fixed separate limiting wall 7 centered in axis A.

Med dela 21,13 je vpeta stisnjena vijačna vzmet 14. Pravtako je med del 22 in spojko 51 vpeta stisnjena vijačna vzmet 24.A compressed coil spring 14 is clamped between parts 21, 13. Also, a compressed coil spring 24 is clamped between part 22 and clutch 51.

Električno prevodni deli 21, 31 in 22, 32 so paroma nameščeni tako, da električen tok I teče v nasprotnih smereh po prevodnih delih vsakega para. Elektrodinamska sila torej deluje na oba dela v vsakem od obeh omenjenih parov tako, da ju skuša razmakniti. To razmikanje pri normalnih vrednostih električnega toka I preprečujeta stisnjeni vzmeti 14 in 24.The electrically conductive parts 21, 31 and 22, 32 are arranged in pairs so that electrical current I flows in opposite directions across the conductive parts of each pair. The electrodynamic force therefore acts on both parts in each of the two pairs mentioned by trying to separate them. This spacing at normal values of current I is prevented by compressed springs 14 and 24.

Ob kratkem stiku elektrodinamska sila odmakne pomični ločni prevodni del 22 od nepomičnega ločnega prevodnega dela 32, s čimer se razkleneta električna kontakta 23 in 33. Hkrati pa elektrodinamska sila tudi odmakne pomični ravni prevodni del 21 od nepomičnega prevodnega dela 31 in požene pomično ločno ločilno steno 5. Kontakt 23 zdrsne ob oziroma po površini 62 nepomične ločne ločilne stene 6, medtem ko se stena 5 vrine med steni 6 in 7. Električnemu obloku EA, ki se pojavi med kontaktom 33 in delom 22, se tako zoži presek, obenem pa se električen oblok EA močno podaljša, saj poteka po odsekih sl in s2 (sl. 2 in 3). Le-to pripomore k hitrejšem ugašanju električnega obloka EA. Ob kocu odklapljanja se pomični ravni del 21 približa nepomičnemu ravnemu delu 13 in naraste privlačna elektrodinamska sila med njima. Vse nastopajoče elektrodinamske sile naraščajo sorazmerno s tokom tudi pri veliki vrednosti toka, saj v tokovni poti v kontaktno-obločnem sistemu po izumu ni železnega jedra.In a short circuit, the electrodynamic force moves the movable detachable conductive portion 22 from the stationary detachable conductive portion 32, thereby decoupling the electrical contacts 23 and 33. At the same time, the electrodynamic force also moves the displacement plane conductive portion 21 from the stationary conductive portion 31 and fires the movable detachable separation wall 5. Contact 23 slides along or over the surface 62 of a stationary detachable wall 6, while wall 5 slides between walls 6 and 7. The electrical arc EA, which appears between contact 33 and part 22, narrows the cross section, while the electric arc EA is greatly extended as it runs along sections sl and s2 (Figures 2 and 3). This contributes to a faster shutdown of the EA electric arc. With the disconnect bucket, the moving level part 21 approaches the stationary flat part 13 and an attractive electrodynamic force between them increases. All occurring electrodynamic forces increase in proportion to the current even at high current value, since there is no iron core in the current path in the contact-arc system according to the invention.

Ob tokovni preobremenitvi začne udarna igla 41 sprožnika 4 odrivati pomični prevodni del 2 in rob pomičnega ločnega prevodnega dela 22 zdrsne po robu 61 stene 6, pri čemer se razkleneta kontakta 23 in 33.In the event of a current overload, the trigger needle 41 of the actuator 4 begins to pull away the movable conductive portion 2 and the edge of the movable detachable conductive portion 22 slides along the edge 61 of the wall 6, revealing contacts 23 and 33.

Claims (3)

Patentni zahtevkiPatent claims 1. Kontaktno-obločni sistem instalacijskega odklopnika, katerega prvi nepomični prevodni del 1 je s svojim prvim koncem električno priključen na priključno sponko 11, konec 34 drugega nepomičnega prevodnega dela 3 pa na priključno sponko termoelektričnega sprožnika 4, katerega udarna igla 41 se v nevzbujenem stanju odklopnika naslanja na ravni del 21 pomičnega prevodnega dela 2, označen s tem, daje prvi konec (211) ravnega prevodnega dela (21) električno prevodno in zasučno povezan z ležiščem (12) na delu (1), da je ločni prevodni del (22) s središčem v osi (A), ki poteka skozi ležišče (12) in je pravokotna na del (21) in na ravni prevodni del (13) dela (1), električno prevodno in zasučno povezan z ležiščem (212) na drugem koncu dela (21), daje na del (21) ob ležišču (212) pritrjena objemna spojka (51), na katero je pritrjena pomična ločna ločilna stena (5) s središčem v osi (A) in potekajoča ob delu (22), da je odpiralni kontakt (23) na delu (22) električno sklenjen z odpiralnim kontaktom (33) na ločnem prevodnem delu (32), katerega središče je v osi (A) in ki poteka ob steni (5), ki je objeta med deloma (22,32) in sklenjenima kontaktoma (23, 33), ter je del (32) povezan z ravnim ob ter vzporedno z delom (21) potekajočim prevodnim delom (31) dela (3), da se v podaljšku dela (22) nepomična ločna ločilna stena (6), katere središče je v osi (A), s svojim k osi (A) obrnjenim poševno prirezanim robom (61) naslanja na proč od osi (A) obrnjen poševno prirezan rob (26) dela (22), in da je na delu (13), kije pritrjen ob liniji (B) skozi ležišče (12) in skozi rob (61), proti ležišču (12) obrnjeno koleno (131) povezano s sponko (11) in je proti robu (61) obrnjeno koleno (132) povezano z ležiščem (12).1. The contact circuit system of an installation circuit breaker whose first stationary conductive part 1 is electrically connected to its terminal end 11 by its first end and end 34 to a second stationary conductor part 3 to a terminal terminal of the thermoelectric trigger 4 whose impact needle 41 is in the non-excited state the circuit breaker rests on the flat part 21 of the movable conductive part 2, characterized in that the first end (211) of the flat conductive part (21) is electrically conductive and pivotally connected to the bearing (12) on the part (1) to be a separate conductive part (22) ) with a center in the axis (A) passing through the bearing (12) and perpendicular to the part (21) and to the straight conductive part (13) of the part (1) electrically conductive and pivotally connected to the bearing (212) at the other end part (21), a clamp (51) is attached to the part (21) by a bearing (212) to which a movable detachable separation wall (5) is attached, centered in the axis (A) and extending along the part (22), the opening contact (23) on the part (22) is el electrically coupled to the opening contact (33) on a separate conductive portion (32) whose center is in the axis (A) and extending along the wall (5) which is wedged between the parts (22,32) and the closed contacts (23, 33) ), and the part (32) is connected to a straight line and parallel to the part (21) of the conductive conductive part (31) of the part (3) so that a separate separating wall (6) whose center is in axis (A) with its obliquely trimmed edge (61) facing its axis (A) leaning away from the axis (A) with the obliquely trimmed edge (26) of part (22), and that it is attached to the part (13) that is attached along the line (B) through the bearing (12) and through the edge (61), the knee (131) facing the bearing (12) is connected to the clip (11) and the knee (132) is connected to the bearing (12) towards the edge (61). ). 2. Kontaktno-obločni sistem po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da je nepomična ločna omejilna stena (7) s središčem v osi (A) nameščena neposredno v podaljšku dela (32) in obdajajoče steno (6).Contact-ring system according to claim 1, characterized in that a fixed separate limiting wall (7) centered in the axis (A) is mounted directly in the extension part (32) and the surrounding wall (6). 3. Kontaktno-obločni sistem po zahtevku 1 ali 2, označen s tem, da je med dela (21, 13) vpeta stisnjena vijačna vzmet (14) in je med del (22) in spojko (51) vpeta stisnjena vijačna vzmet (24).Contact ring system according to claim 1 or 2, characterized in that a compressed coil spring (14) is clamped between the parts (21, 13) and a compressed coil spring (24) is clamped between the part (22) and the coupling (51). ).
SI9111607A 1991-09-30 1991-09-30 Contact-arc system of an installation contactor SI9111607A (en)

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SI9111607A SI9111607A (en) 1991-09-30 1991-09-30 Contact-arc system of an installation contactor

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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
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FR2511185A1 (en) * 1981-08-07 1983-02-11 Telemecanique Electrique AUTOMATIC DEVICE FOR LIMITING SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENTS
FR2573913B1 (en) * 1984-11-26 1987-01-09 Telemecanique Electrique ELECTRICAL SWITCH WITH SCREEN
DE3823790A1 (en) * 1988-07-14 1990-01-18 Asea Brown Boveri ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION DEVICE WITH CONTACT PARTITION

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DE4232888C2 (en) 1996-05-09

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