SI9012468A - Process for preparation of an adhesive for pasting the seams of cigarettes - Google Patents
Process for preparation of an adhesive for pasting the seams of cigarettes Download PDFInfo
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- SI9012468A SI9012468A SI9012468A SI9012468A SI9012468A SI 9012468 A SI9012468 A SI 9012468A SI 9012468 A SI9012468 A SI 9012468A SI 9012468 A SI9012468 A SI 9012468A SI 9012468 A SI9012468 A SI 9012468A
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- adhesive
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- Adhesives Or Adhesive Processes (AREA)
Izum se nanaša na postopek za proizvodnjo lepila za lepljenje šiva na cigaretah, ki obsega mešanje in drobljenje kemijsko modificiranega škroba, kot je karboksimetileter krompirjev ali pšenični škrob s stopnjo substitucije od 0,1 do 0,25 v količini od 15 do 30 utežnih % z vodo, pri čemer traja mešanje prednostno okoli 3 minute z maksimalno hitrostjo okoli 24,5 m/sek in aktivno drsno površino prednostno okoli 900 cm2, tako da ima dobljena vodna mešanica mase lepila viskoznost pod mejo tekočnosti.The invention relates to a process for production adhesives for sticking seams on cigarettes, which includes mixing and crushing of chemically modified starch, such as carboxymethyl ether potatoes or wheat starch s a degree of substitution from 0.1 to 0.25 in an amount of from 15 to 30% by weight with water, whilst stirring preferably about 3 minutes at a maximum speed of about 24.5 m / sec and active sliding surface preferably around 900 cm2, so that the resulting water mixture has a mass adhesives viscosity below the fluid limit.
Področje tehnike.The field of technology.
Področje izuma je proizvodnja lepit za papir. Nanaša se na proizvodnjo lepila na osnovi kemijsko modificiranega škroba za lepljenje šiva na cigaretah.The field of the invention is the production of adhesives for paper. It refers to the production of a glue based on chemically modified starch for gluing seams on cigarettes.
Tehnični problem.A technical problem.
Tehnični problem, ki ga rešuje izum, je iznajti postopek, s katerim bo omogočena kontinuirana proizvodnja vodne raztopine lepila za lepljenje šiva na cigaretah, katerega osnova je kemijsko modificiran škrob, pri čemer ne bo potrebno naknadno obdelovati tako proizvedenega lepila (odstranjevanje zraka in podobno).A technical problem solved by the invention is to find a process that will allow the continuous production of an aqueous solution of the adhesive for sewing stitches on cigarettes, based on chemically modified starch, without the need to subsequently process the adhesive so produced (removal of air and the like) .
Stanje tehnike.The state of the art.
Vodne mešanice lepil na bazi modificiranega škroba (CMS-lepilo), ki so opisane v DDR patentni prijavi WPS 09J/31780 oziroma v ustreznem patentnem spisu DE-A-3 914 555.5, se lahko uporabijo v industriji cigaret za lepljenje cigaret pri hitrosti premikanja proizvodnega traku z največ 550 m/min. Znatne prednosti teh lepil glede na običajno lepilo so v visoki sposobnosti lepljenja ob kratkem času sušenja, v možnosti obdelave trdne snovi s hladno vodo, kot tudi v neškodljivosti lepila za zdravje ljudi. Proizvodnja lepil, opisanih v omenjeni DDR prijavi, kjer je treba trdno snov in hladno vodo intenzivno premešati in to mešanico po možnosti brez zračnih mehurčkov natočiti v rezervoarModified starch-based aqueous mixtures of adhesives (CMS adhesive), as described in DDR patent application WPS 09J / 31780 or in the corresponding patent file DE-A-3 914 555.5, can be used in the cigarette industry for gluing cigarettes at a manufacturing movement rate tape with a maximum of 550 m / min. Significant advantages of these adhesives over conventional adhesives are their high adhesive ability with short drying times, the ability to treat the solid with cold water, and the harmlessness of the adhesive to human health. Production of the adhesives described in said DDR application, where the solid and cold water must be vigorously stirred and this mixture preferably filled without air bubbles into the tank
-2naprave, ne ustreza potrebam industrijske proizvodnje cigaret.-2devices, does not meet the needs of industrial cigarette production.
Nujen delež trdne snovi približno 20%, ki je potrebna za doseganje zadovoljive sile lepljenja, zagotavlja po procesu intenzivnega mešanja, ob v praksi srednji strižni napetosti, viskoznost nad mejo tekočnosti 500mPa.s, pri padcu zdrsa = 1,63. Zaradi omenjenega negativnega obnašanja glede tekočnosti se proizvodnja lepila ne more avtomatizirati ob znosnih tehničnih stroških. Navkljub intenzivnemu mešanju ostajajo v vodni mešanici lepila homogeno razporejeni trdni aglomerati, ki potrebujejo v praksi dodaten čas mehčanja od 10 do 54 ur. Ta omenjeni čas dodatnega mehčanja je nujno potreben, da se med proizvodnjo zanesljivo izključi nastajanje risov v filmu lepila na šivu cigaretnega papirja. Kljub 54 ur trajajočemu procesu poenotenja mase je vseeno mogoče ugotoviti nihanja v porazdelitvi vizkoznosti za 7%.The necessary solids content of about 20%, which is required to obtain a satisfactory bonding force, provides, after a process of intense mixing, with a practically medium shear stress, a viscosity above the fluid limit of 500mPa.s, with a slip drop = 1.63. Due to the aforementioned negative fluid behavior, the production of adhesive cannot be automated at a reasonable technical cost. Despite intensive mixing, solid agglomerates remain homogeneously distributed in the aqueous adhesive mixture, requiring in practice an additional softening time of 10 to 54 hours. This additional softening time is absolutely necessary to reliably exclude the production of lynx in the adhesive film on the seam of cigarette paper during production. Despite the 54-hour mass unification process, variations in viscosity distribution of 7% can still be detected.
Po drugi strani pa to pomeni, da je možno opisani postopek za proizvodnjo lepila realizirati samo nekontinuirano.On the other hand, this means that the described process for the production of adhesive can only be carried out on a continuous basis.
Tako pri procesu mešanja kot tudi pri ročnem polnjenju dozirne posode po končanem mehčanju lepila, se pri danih viskoznostih ne da preprečiti motečega vstopa zračnih mehurčkov v maso. Če se dozirna posoda z lepilom podvrže pritisku p = 50 torr, to pripomore k zmanjšanju količine zraka v masi, vendar ni možno popolnoma preprečiti nastajanja motečih zračnih mehurčkov na kolutih za lepljenje v stroju za izdelavo cigaret. To je zaradi obstoječe viskoznosti in difuzijskih lastnosti samega materiala.In both the mixing process and the manual filling of the dosing vessel after the adhesive has been softened, no disturbance of air bubbles can be prevented from entering the mass at given viscosities. If the adhesive dispenser is subjected to a pressure of p = 50 torr, this helps to reduce the amount of air in the mass, but it is not possible to completely prevent the formation of interfering air bubbles on the adhesive coils in the cigarette making machine. This is due to the existing viscosity and diffusion properties of the material itself.
Naloga izuma je iznajdba takega postopka, s katerim bo omogočena kontinuirana proizvodnja vodne raztopine lepila za lepljenje šiva na cigaretah na osnovi kemijsko modificiranega škroba praktično brez zračnih mehurčkov, pri katerem naknadna obdelava lepila ni potrebna (odstranitev zraka iz dozirne posode in podobno).It is an object of the invention to provide such a process that will allow the continuous production of an aqueous solution of the adhesive for sewing stitches on cigarettes on the basis of chemically modified starch with virtually no air bubbles, in which no subsequent treatment of the adhesive is necessary (removal of air from the dosing container and the like).
Opis rešitve tehničnega problema s primeri izvedbe.Description of the solution to a technical problem with examples of implementation.
Tehnični problem je glede na izum rešen tako, da se po vsakem procesu mešanja trdnega materiala in hladne vode (T = 10 - 20 °C) masa podvrže procesu drobljenja. Kombinacija procesa mešanja in drobljenja vodi do stalnega raztaplanja trdnih aglomeratovAccording to the invention, the technical problem is solved by subjecting the mass to the crushing process after each process of mixing solid material and cold water (T = 10 - 20 ° C). The combination of the mixing and crushing process leads to the constant dissolution of the solid agglomerates
-3ob istočasnem delovanju oziroma dotiku topila s trdnimi delci snovi.-3with simultaneous action or contact of a solvent with particulate matter.
Poleg tega vodi izmenični proces mešanja in drobljenja do razbijanja ustvarjene gel-strukture in sproščanja v masi zaprtih zračnih mehurčkov. S tem je zagotovljeno, da se v časovnem razdobju t - 3 min, kolikor je potrebno za mešanje in drobljenje mase, takoj dobi končni izdelek, primeren za uporabo. Praktično je ugotovljeno, da je viskoznost pri čistem procesu mešanja v primerjavi s kombinacijo procesa mešanja in drobljenja pri istem receptu in isti strižni napetosti večja za faktor 1,5. Največja hitrost mešanja je okoliIn addition, it alternates the mixing and crushing process to break the created gel structure and release it into a mass of closed air bubbles. This ensures that, within a time period of t - 3 min, the final product suitable for use is immediately obtained for mixing and crushing. It is practically found that the viscosity of the pure mixing process is greater by a factor of 1.5 compared to the combination of the mixing and crushing process at the same recipe and the same shear stress. The maximum mixing speed is around
24,5 m/s, aktivna drsna površina pa prednostno okoli 900 cm2, tako da ima dobljena vodna mešanica mase lepila viskoznost pod mejo tekočnosti.24.5 m / s, and the active sliding surface is preferably about 900 cm 2 so that the resulting aqueous mixture of adhesive mass has a viscosity below the liquid limit.
Na ta način zagotovljena tekočnost omogoča avtomatsko vnašanje mase lepila v naprave za polnjenje dozirnih posod ter s tem tudi časovno neomejeno avtomatizacijo vnosa komponent mešanja v napravo za mešanje in drobljenje pa vse do odjema izdelanega lepila iz dozirne posode za lepilo.In this way, the provided liquid enables the automatic introduction of the mass of adhesive into the devices for filling the dosing vessels, and thus the unlimited automation of the introduction of mixing components into the mixing and crushing device, until the removal of the manufactured adhesive from the adhesive dosing container.
Na ta način dobljen končni izdelek ima odlične lastnosti lepljenja, njegova nihanja v razporeditvi viskoznosti znašajo pod 1%. Mehurčki zraka so fino razporejeni s premerom d < 100 km.The finished product thus obtained has excellent bonding properties, its fluctuations in the viscosity distribution being below 1%. The air bubbles are finely spaced d <100 km in diameter.
Homogenost, zračni mehurčki v mikro strukturi mase ter relativno majhna viskoznost lepila omogočajo poleg navedenih prednosti ob sami proizvodnji lepila, tudi ugodne pogoje uporabe v sami napravi za lepljenje v stroju za proizvodnjo cigaret, naprimer homogeno pokrivanje koluta za lepljenje in prenašanje lepila na cigaretni papir pri hitrosti gibanja proizvodnega traku 550 m/min ter s tem količinsko in kakovostno stabilizacijo proizvodnje cigaret.Homogeneity, air bubbles in the micro-structure of the mass, and relatively low viscosity of the adhesive, in addition to the above advantages in the manufacture of the adhesive itself, also provide favorable conditions of use in the adhesive device itself in the cigarette machine, for example homogeneous coating of the adhesive disc and transfer of adhesive to cigarette paper. production line speed of 550 m / min and thus a quantitative and qualitative stabilization of cigarette production.
Vodna mešanica lepila na osnovi kemijsko modificiranega škroba je prednostno sestavljena iz 15 do 30 utežnih % karboksimetiletra krompirjevega škroba ali pšeničnega škroba s stopnjo substitucije od 0,1 do 0,25, pri čemer usvarja en del karboksilnih skupin estrsko spojino s sosednjimi molekulami hidroksilnih skupin, proste karboksilne skupine pa se pojavljajo v obliki natrijeve soli. Razmerje prostih in zaestrenih karboksilnih skupin je izbrano tako, da nastane v 2% vodni raztopini neka kvazi viskoznost od 500 do 4000The aqueous mixture of chemically modified starch based adhesive preferably consists of 15 to 30% by weight of carboxymethyl ether of potato starch or wheat starch with a degree of substitution of from 0.1 to 0.25, wherein one part of the carboxyl groups is an ester compound with adjacent hydroxyl group molecules, the free carboxyl groups appear in the form of the sodium salt. The ratio of free and esterified carboxyl groups is chosen to give a quasi viscosity of from 500 to 4000 in a 2% aqueous solution.
-4mPa.s, ki je določena po Hoplerju z viskozimetrom s palico in kroglico ob strižni napetosti 4,91 kPa. Skupna vsebina anorganskih soli je prednostno pod 2%, vsebnost težkih kovin in drugih škodljivih snovi pa je v dovoljenih mejah za prehrambene proizvode in sredstva za uživanje.-4mPa.s determined by Hopler with a stick and ball viscometer at a shear stress of 4.91 kPa. The total content of inorganic salts is preferably below 2% and the content of heavy metals and other harmful substances is within the permissible limits for foodstuffs and consumables.
Primer izvedbe.An example implementation.
Za proizvodnjo lepila za lepljenje šiva na cigaretah se v vrtečo se posodo mešalca (1100 o/min) dozirajo določene količine praškastega karboksimetilnega škroba in hladne vode (skupna vsebina soli < 1%; skupna trdost < 20 °dH; temperatura 20 °C) in to v razmerju 1:5. V polkrožnem ločnem prečnem preseku vrteče se obročaste posode mešalca so tangencialno proti sredini posode mešalca in v razmaku 120° postavljeni noži krožne ločne oblike, ki v procesu intenzivnega drobljenja z mešanjem (prednostno 1450 o/min) v času okoli 3 minute zagotovijo proizvodnjo homogene želatinaste mešanice lepila, ki je praktično brez zračnih mehurčkov in je ni več potrebno naknadno obdelovati. Izdelano lepilo ima pri temperaturi od 28 do 30 °C tako tekočnost, ki omogoča avtomatski odjem mase lepila iz omenjene posode mešalca na transportni polž in polnjenje, praktično brez zračnih mehurčkov, v ustrezno posodo za lepilo (dozirno posodo za lepilo).For the manufacture of seam adhesive for cigarettes, certain amounts of powdered carboxymethyl starch and cold water (total salt content <1%; total hardness <20 ° dH; temperature 20 ° C) are dosed into a rotating mixer vessel (1100 rpm) and this in a 1: 5 ratio. In a semi-circular cross-sectional section, the rotating annular hoppers of the mixer are tangentially to the middle of the mixer hopper and blades of circular shape are set at 120 °, which in the process of intensive crushing by mixing (preferably 1450 rpm) ensure the production of homogeneous gelatinous for about 3 minutes. an adhesive mixture that is practically free of air bubbles and no longer needs to be treated afterwards. The manufactured adhesive has a liquid at a temperature of 28 to 30 ° C, which allows the adhesive mass to be automatically removed from said mixer container onto a conveyor auger and filled, practically without air bubbles, into a suitable adhesive container (adhesive dispenser).
Claims (9)
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Application Number | Priority Date | Filing Date | Title |
DD33674089 | 1989-12-29 | ||
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SI9012468A true SI9012468A (en) | 1996-02-29 |
SI9012468B SI9012468B (en) | 1998-06-30 |
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Application Number | Title | Priority Date | Filing Date |
SI9012468A SI9012468B (en) | 1989-12-29 | 1990-12-28 | Process for preparation of an adhesive for pasting the seams of cigarettes |
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SI (1) | SI9012468B (en) |
- 1990-12-28 SI SI9012468A patent/SI9012468B/en unknown
- 1992-10-01 HR HRP-2468/90A patent/HRP920742B1/en not_active IP Right Cessation
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HRP920742B1 (en) | 1999-02-28 |
SI9012468B (en) | 1998-06-30 |
HRP920742A2 (en) | 1995-04-30 |
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