SI8511242A8 - Process for preparing grindstones - Google Patents

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SI8511242A8 SI8511242A SI8511242A SI8511242A8 SI 8511242 A8 SI8511242 A8 SI 8511242A8 SI 8511242 A SI8511242 A SI 8511242A SI 8511242 A SI8511242 A SI 8511242A SI 8511242 A8 SI8511242 A8 SI 8511242A8
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reducing agent
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Hans Zeiringer
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Treibacher Chemische Werke Ag
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Publication of SI8511242A8 publication Critical patent/SI8511242A8/en



  • Polishing Bodies And Polishing Tools (AREA)



Postopek za pripravo brusilProcedure for preparing sanders

Področje tehnike, v katero spada izumFIELD OF THE INVENTION

Izum je s področja brusilnih sredstev in se nanaša na brusilo z visoko brusilno sposobnostjo na osnovi alfa-A^O^ in Al-oksikarbidov, v danem primeru z nadaljnjimi dodatki, zlasti na postopek za pripravo takih brusil.The invention relates to abrasives and relates to a high abrasive abrasive based on alpha-A ^ O ^ and Al-oxycarbides, optionally further additives, in particular to a process for preparing such abrasives.

Tehnični problemA technical problem

Pri taljenju zmesi iz aluminijevega oksida ali snovi, ki so bogate z aluminijevim oksidom, z redukcijskim sredstvom, ki vsebuje ogljik, in sledečem hitrem ohlajenju taline z naraščajočo vsebnostjo ogljika močno naraste delež Al^C^ v končnem proizvodu. Ker se, kot je znano, Al^C^ v vlažnem zraku in pod vplivom toplote pri brušenju razkroji, se učinkovitost brusila zaradi prisotnosti Al^C^ znatno zmanjša.When melting a mixture of aluminum oxide or alumina-rich substances with a carbon-containing reducing agent and subsequent rapid cooling of the melt with increasing carbon content, the proportion of Al ^ C ^ in the finished product is greatly increased. As Al ^ C ^ is known to decompose in moist air and under the influence of heat when grinding, the grinding efficiency is greatly reduced by the presence of Al ^ C ^.

Zato je obstajala potreba, da bi izdelali brusilo, ki bi vsebovalo čim manj Al^C^ in imelo ustrezno strukturo, po ugodnem tehnološkem postopku.Therefore, there was a need to produce an abrasive that contained as little Al ^ C ^ as possible and had a suitable structure, following a favorable technological process.

Stanje tehnikeThe state of the art

Iz ED-PS O 022 420 je znano brusilo, ki obstoji iz kombinacije kristalnih faz aluminijevega oksida in vsaj enega od obeh aluminijevih oksikarbidov A12OC in Al^O^C, pri čemer zmes aluminijevega oksida + snovi, ki vsebuje ogljik, uporabimo v razmerju deležev, ki v diagramu stanja Al203 + Al^C^ ustreza molski frakciji Al^C^ med 0,02 in 0,20. Staljeno zmes nato strdimo s krmiljeno hitrostjo od 10 do več kot 100 °C na minuto. Ohlajeno talino nato po znanih metodah zdrobimo, klasiramo in uporabimo za dela pri brušenju materialov.The ED-PS O 022 420 is known to be an abrasive consisting of a combination of crystalline phases of aluminum oxide and at least one of the two aluminum oxycarbides A1 2 OC and Al ^ O ^ C, the mixture of aluminum oxide + carbon-containing substance being used in the ratio of proportions corresponding to the Al ^ C ^ mole fraction between 0.02 and 0.20 in the state diagram of Al 2 0 3 + Al ^ C ^. The molten mixture was then cured at a controlled rate of 10 to more than 100 ° C per minute. The cooled melt is then crushed, graded and used for grinding work by known methods.

Opis rešitve tehničnega problema z izvedbenimi primeriDescription of solution to a technical problem with implementation examples

Izum se torej nanaša na postopek za pripravo brusu na osnovi alfa-Al203 in vsaj enega od obeh aluminijevih oksikarbidov Al20C in Al^OjjC, pri čemer zmes aluminijevega oksida talimo s snovjo, ki vsebuje ogljik, in staljeni proizvod hitro ohladimo, pri čemer postopek v smislu izuma izvedemo tako, da zmes iz aluminijevega oksida ali surovin, bogatih z aluminijevim oksidom, v danem primeru z nadaljnjimi dodatki, stalimo samo z redukcijskim sredstvom, ki vsebuje ogljik, ali skupaj s kovinskim redukcijskim sredstvom in nato talino hitro ohladimo, nakar iz strjene taline zdrobljeno brusno zrnje podvržemo toplotni obdelavi pri temperaturi med 500 °C in 1500 °C v času 3 minut do 24 ur, pri čemer material pred ali po toplotni obdelavi po želji opremimo s površinskim slojem, ki obstoji iz s i 1 i ka tov , drobnega korundnega zrnja, pigmentov in/ali železovih oksidov.The invention therefore relates to a process for the preparation of an alpha-Al 2 0 3 -based grinder and at least one of the two aluminum oxycarbides Al 2 0C and Al ^ OjjC, wherein the alumina mixture is melted with a carbon-containing substance and the molten product is rapidly cooled , whereby the process of the invention is carried out by melting the mixture of aluminum oxide or aluminum oxide-rich feedstocks, optionally with further additives, only with a carbon-containing reducing agent or together with a metal reducing agent and then melt rapidly cooled, after which the crushed milled grain is subjected to heat treatment at a temperature between 500 ° C and 1500 ° C for 3 minutes to 24 hours, the material being pre-treated or pre-treated with a surface layer consisting of 1 i cations, fine corundum grains, pigments and / or iron oxides.

Programirana toplotna obdelava ima poleg odstranitve škodljivega Al^C^ namen, da se struktura brusnega materiala prevede v specialno metastabilno ravnotežje (hitra ohladitev taline vodi do izrednega neravnotežja v strukturi) in da se ozdravijo notranje napetosti oz. mrežne deformacije.Programmed heat treatment, in addition to removing harmful Al ^ C ^, is intended to translate the structure of the abrasive material into a special metastable equilibrium (rapid cooling of the melt leads to extreme imbalance in the structure) and to cure internal stresses and / or abrasions. mesh deformations.

Hitro ohlajenje taline, pri čemer naj znaša čas ohla jevanja prednostno več kot 100°/min, je nujno potrebno, ker le s tem zagotovimo tvorbo ustrezne mikrokristalne strukture, ki poleg sestavin strukture pogojuje izvrstne brusne sposobnosti .Rapid cooling of the melt, preferably with a cooling time of more than 100 ° / min, is indispensable in order to ensure the formation of a suitable microcrystalline structure which, in addition to the components of the structure, conditions excellent grinding abilities.

Npr. brusilo, dobljeno s počasnim hlajenjem taline v območju 50°C/min, vsebuje poleg alfa-Al2O3 obe oksikarbidni fazi AlaOC in Al^O^C, brusna sposobnost pa je zaradi grobne kristalne strukture nezadovoljiva.E.g. The grinder obtained by slow cooling of the melt in the range of 50 ° C / min contains, in addition to alpha-Al 2 O 3, both oxycarbide phases Al a OC and Al ^ O ^ C, and the abrasive capacity is unsatisfactory due to the crystalline crystalline structure.

Ustrezno hitro ohlajenje taline lahko poteče z njenim vlivanjem v kokilo z definiranimi razmaki plošč , z vlivanjem na kovinske ali nekovinske oblikovance ali v solno ali kovinsko talino.Adequate cooling of the melt can be effected by pouring it into a mold with defined plate spacing, by casting onto metal or non-metallic molds, or into a salt or metal melt.

Predolgo žarjenje ali žarilna obdelava pri previsokih temperaturah vodi do pretežnega ravnotežnega stanja v strukturi, t.j. do izginotja faze Al20C, ki negativno vpliva na brusno sposobnost, kot je jasno razvidno iz primerov.Too long annealing or annealing at too high temperatures leads to a predominant equilibrium state in the structure, ie, the disappearance of the Al 2 0C phase, which adversely affects the abrasive capacity, as is clearly shown in the examples.

Nadaljnje izboljšanje lastnosti materiala smo lahko dosegli z dodatki enega ali več elementov iz skupine Mg, Ca, Zr, Ti, Si, Cr in/ali SE (redkih zemelj) v območju od 0,1 do mas.%.Further improvement of material properties could be achieved by the addition of one or more elements from the group Mg, Ca, Zr, Ti, Si, Cr and / or SE (rare earths) in the range of 0.1 to wt.%.

Nadalje smo ugotovili, da je za optimalne brusne sposobnosti ugodna prisotnost obeh oksikarbidnih faz, namreč Al20C in Al^O^C, pri čemer naj bo delež faze Al2OC prednostno večji kot delež faze Al^O^C.It was further found that the presence of both oxycarbide phases, namely Al 2 OC and Al 2 O 4 C, is advantageous for optimum abrasive ability, with the proportion of Al 2 OC phase being preferably greater than that of Al 2 O 4 C.

Kot redukcijsko sredstvo, ki vsebuje ogljik, lahko uporabimo koks, saje, grafit, antracit, amorfen ogljik in/ali karbid.Coke, carbon black, graphite, anthracite, amorphous carbon and / or carbide may be used as the carbon-containing reducing agent.

Kot nadaljnje redukcijsko sredstvo lahko uporabimo še Al ali Mg.Al or Mg may also be used as a further reducing agent.

Odlične lastnosti zrnja, pripravljenega po postopku v smislu izuma, lahko nadalje izboljšamo s preslojevanjem, ki ga glede na preslojevalni material nanesemo pred ali po žarjenju. Smoter oplaščenja je, da zagotovimo povečano površino zrnja ) s čimer se odločilno izboljša vdelava v brusno orodje.The excellent properties of the grain prepared according to the process of the invention can be further improved by coating which is applied to the coating material before or after annealing. The purpose of the coating is to provide an increased grain surface ) , thereby significantly improving the incorporation into the grinding tool.

Za določitev brusnih lastnosti v smislu izuma pripravljenih brusil smo po normi FEPA (Federation Europeene des Fabricants de Produits Abrasifs) za zrnje P36 dolo čili žilavost zrnja (razpad zrnja) in brusno sposobnost.To determine the grinding properties of the prepared sanders according to the invention of the FEPA (Federation of Europeene des Fabricants de Produits Abrasifs), grain toughness (grain breakdown) and grinding capacity were determined for P36 grain.

Za določitev brusne sposobnosti smo dobljeno frakcijo zrnja 36 z lepilom (umetna smola) nanesli na tkaninsko podlago. Z odbruševanjem na gredi iz ogljičnega jekla C45 pri konstantnem pritisnem tlaku s pomočjo tračnega brusnega stroja smo nato določili brusno sposobnost (odbrušenje materiala na časovno enoto) v primerjavi s korundom evtektične sestave, ki vsebuje cirkonijev oksid, in enakimi ohlaje5 valnimi pogoji taline. Za brusno sredstvo, pripravljeno z vlivanjem v železno kokilo z razmakom plošč 5 do 7 mm, ki vsebuje cirkonij, smo za brusno sposobnost arbitrarno določili indeks 100.To determine the abrasive capacity, the resulting grain fraction 36 was applied to the fabric substrate with adhesive (artificial resin). By grinding on a C45 carbon steel shaft at constant pressure using a band grinding machine, we then determined the abrasive capacity (material per hour unit grinding) in comparison with corundum of eutectic composition containing zirconium oxide and the same cooling conditions of the melt. For an abrasive prepared by casting into an iron mold with a zirconium plate spacing of 5 to 7 mm, we have arbitrarily determined an index of 100.

Žilavost zrnja (razpad zrnja) smo določili po naslednji metodi: 50 g frakcije zrnja.36 z definirano sejalno analizo smo napolnili v jeklen valj, ki se da zavijačiti, v katerem se je nahajalo 12 jeklenih krogel s premerom 19 mm. Zaprt jekleni valj smo nato 10 minut vrteli na valjčniku s konstantnim številom obratov in nato ponovno izvedli sejalno analizo dobljenega zrnja. Razpad zrnja dobimo iz razmerja srednje velikosti zrn pred in po mlevni obdelavi po formuli razpad zrnja % srednjavelikostzrn po mlevni obdelavi .100 srednja velikost zrn pred mlevno obdelavoGrain toughness (grain decay) was determined by the following method: 50 g of grain fraction.36 was filled into a screw-in steel cylinder containing 12 19 mm diameter steel balls with defined sieving analysis. The closed steel cylinder was then rotated for 10 minutes on a roller with a constant number of revolutions, and then a seeding analysis of the grain obtained was performed again. Grain decomposition is obtained from the ratio of medium grain size before and after grinding according to the formula grain decay% medium grain size after grinding .100 medium grain size before grinding

Ker razpad zrnja ni odvisen od posebnih lastnosti materiala, ampak tudi od oblike zrnja, smo dobljene vrednosti korigirali s faktorjem za obliko zrnja.Since the decay of the grain does not depend on the specific properties of the material but also on the shape of the grain, the obtained values were corrected by the grain shape factor.

Izum pojasnjujejo naslednji primeri.The invention is illustrated by the following examples.

PRIMER 1 (Primerjalni primer)EXAMPLE 1 (Comparative Example)

V električni obločni peči smo stalili zmes iz 150 kg kalcinirane glinice (0,35 mas.% Na.,0) in 0,6 kg ogljika v obliki zmletega koksa. Talino smo nato odlili v kokilo z razmaki plošč 5 do 7 mm. Strjen ploščnat material je imel vsebnost ogljika 0,045 mas.% in vsebnost Na20 0,03 mas.% . Material smo zmleli v industrijsko običajnih drobilnih napravah in klasirali v brusno zrnje po normi FEPA. Za ozdravljenje notranjih napetosti in oksidacijo morebitno prisotnih karbidov smo zrnje 36 10 minut toplotno obdelovali pri 1200 °C.A mixture of 150 kg of calcined alumina (0.35 wt.%, 0) and 0.6 kg of carbon in the form of ground coke was melted in an electric arc furnace. The melt was then cast into a mold with 5 to 7 mm plate spacings. The solidified plate-material had a carbon content of 0.045 wt.% And the content of Na 2 0 0,03 wt.%. The material was ground in industry-standard crushing machines and classified into FEPA grinding grain. To cure internal stresses and oxidize any carbides present, the grains were heat treated at 1200 ° C for 10 minutes.

Preizkusni rezultati tako pripravljenega žarjenega in nežarjenega brusnega zrnja kot tudi primerjalnega zrnja iz cirkonijevega korunda so navedeni v tabeli 1.The test results of both prepared annealed and annealed grinding grain as well as comparative zirconium corundum grain are listed in Table 1.


razpad zrnja mas.% grain breakdown by weight% indeks brusne sposobnosti grinding ability index evtektičen Zr-korund eutectic Zr-corundum 38,2 38,2 1 00 1 00 zrnje» 36 po primeru 1 grain »36 by Example 1 nežarjeno unwanted 48,7 48,7 49 ,1 49, 1 zrrije 36 po primeru 1 for example 36 žarjeno annealed 41,5 41.5 65,0 65,0 Rentgenska fina X-ray fine strukturna analiza structural analysis (v nadaljevanju (hereinafter referred to as

RDA) materiala je pokazala, da je tako nežarjeni kot tudi žarjeni material obstajal v danih dokaznih mejah izključno iz alfa-Al2 03 .RDA) of the material indicated that both the annealed and annealed material existed within the given evidentiary limits exclusively from alpha-Al 2 0 3 .

V naslednjih primerih 2 do 6 smo postopali v bistvu tako kot v primeru 1. Spremembe se nanašajo na uporabo redukcijskega sredstva in na vrsto žarilne obdelave (primer 7)In the following cases 2 to 6, we proceeded essentially as in example 1. The changes relate to the use of the reducing agent and the type of annealing treatment (example 7).


Kot redukcijsko sredstvo smo uporabili 3,5 kg zmletega koksa Strjeni ploščnati material je vseboval 0,4 mas.% C in 0,03 mas.% Na20. RDA je pokazala, da material pretežno obstoji iz alfa-Al203 z neznatno količino A12OC. Al^C^ nismo mogli dokazati.3.5 kg of ground coke was used as the reducing agent. The hardened flat material contained 0.4 wt% C and 0.03 wt% at 2 0. The RDA showed that the material was predominantly alpha-Al 2 0 3 z a slight amount of A1 2 OC. We could not prove Al ^ C ^.


Dodatek redukcijskega sredstva je znašal 8 kg zmletega koksa. V proizvodu smo ugotovili 1,1 mas.% C in manj kot 0,02 mas.% Na20.The addition of the reducing agent was 8 kg of ground coke. In the product, we found 1.1 wt% C and less than 0.02 wt% 2 2 .

Na osnovi RDA obstoji material pretežno iz alfaAl203 in Al20C. Nadalje smo našli majhne količine Al^O^C in A14c3PRIMER 4Based on RDA, the material is predominantly alphaAl 2 0 3 and Al 2 0C. We further found small quantities of Al ^ O ^ C and A1 4 c 3PRIMER 4

Dodatek ogljika v obliki zmletega koksa je znašal 10 kg. Proizvod je vseboval 1,4 mas.% C in manj kot 0,02 mas.% Na2 0.The carbon additive in the form of ground coke was 10 kg. The product contained 1.4% by weight of C and less than 0.02% by weight of 2 0.

RDA je pokazala, da material obstoji pretežno iz alfa-Al2O3, Al2 OC in Al^O^C. Vsebnost Al^C^ je v primerjavi s proizvodom primera 3 znatno narasla in je znašala 2 do 3 mas.%.The RDA has shown that the material consists predominantly of alpha-Al 2 O 3 , Al 2 OC and Al ^ O ^ C. The Al ^ C ^ content increased significantly from 2 to 3% by weight of the product of Example 3.


Dodatek redukcijskega sredstva je znašal 16 kg. Proizvod je vseboval 2,4 mas.% C in manj kot 0,02 mas.% Na20. Pri staljenju zmesi se je pokazalo že znatno izhlapevanje aluminija. Razen tega se je talina zelo močno penila, tako da smo morali zmes, briketirati, da bi preprečili velika zapraševanja.The reduction agent was 16 kg. The product contained 2.4% by weight of C and less than 0.02% by weight of 2 0. The melting of the mixture resulted in significant evaporation of aluminum. In addition, the melt was very foaming, so the mixture had to be briquetted to prevent large dusts.

RDA je pokazala, da proizvod obstoji iz alfa-Al^O;,, Al2 OC in Al,poleg tega smo ugotovili okoli 4 do 5 mas.% A14C3’The RDA has shown that the product consists of alpha-Al ^ O; ,, Al 2 OC and Al, and we have found about 4 to 5 wt.% A1 4 C 3 '


Zmes iz 150 kg kalcinirane glinice in 25 kg ogljika v obliki zmletega koksa smo tudi tukaj briketirali. Pri staljenju briketov je izhlapelo precej aluminija, poleg tega se je talina močno penila. V kokilo zlit proizvod je vseboval 4,5 mas.% C, vsebnost Na20 je bila pod 0,02 mas.%.A mixture of 150 kg of calcined alumina and 25 kg of carbon in the form of ground coke was also briquetted here. As the briquettes melted, a considerable amount of aluminum evaporated and the melt foamed heavily. The fused product contained 4.5 wt% C, the Na 2 0 content was below 0.02 wt%.

RDA je pokazala, da je bilo poleg alfa-Al203 prisotno precej A12OC in Al^O^C. Vsebnost A1C je bila 10 mas.%.The RDA showed that, in addition to alpha-Al 2 0 3, a considerable amount of A1 2 OC and Al ^ O ^ C were present. The A1C content was 10% by weight.


Za odstranitev Al^C^, ozdravljenje notranjih napetosti in za naravnavo specialnega metastabilnega ravnotežja v strukturi smo iz primerov 2 do 6 dobljene klasirane granulacije podvrgli žarilni obdelavi. Žarilne temperature so bile 1000°C, 1100°C, 1200°C, 13OO°C, 1500°C in 18OO°C. Žarjenje je trajalo 3, 5, 10, 20, 40, 60, 120 in 240 min. Ker naj bi temperaturna obdelava povzročila samo oksidacijo karbida v možne oksikarbide, smo le-to izvedli pri času žarjenja nad 10 minut pod kontrolirano atmosfero (v glavnem inertno atmosfero). Vsebnost ogljika po žarilni obdelavi ne bi smela biti bistveno manjša kot poprej.To remove Al ^ C ^, to cure internal stresses, and to adjust the special metastable equilibrium in the structure, we subjected the annealed treatments from Examples 2 to 6 of the obtained graded granulation. The annealing temperatures were 1000 ° C, 1100 ° C, 1200 ° C, 13OO ° C, 1500 ° C and 18OO ° C. The annealing took 3, 5, 10, 20, 40, 60, 120 and 240 min. As the temperature treatment would only lead to the oxidation of the carbide into the possible oxycarbides, it was carried out at annealing time above 10 minutes under a controlled atmosphere (mainly an inert atmosphere). The carbon content after incineration should not be significantly lower than before.

Proizvode smo preizkusili, kot je navedeno v opisu.We tested the products as described in the description.

Preizkusni rezultati so navedeli v tabeli 2.The test results are listed in Table 2.


Primer št. Example no. žarilna temperatura 1 °C annealing temperature 16 ° C žarimi čas Min. glowing time Min. razpad zrnja mas.% breakup grain wt.% indeks brusne sposobnosti index abrasive ability 2 2 nežarjeno unwanted 45,0 45,0 49,8 49,8 «1 «1 1000 1000 3 3 45,0 45,0 50,2 50.2 tt tt 10 10 41,3 41,3 60,2 60,2 tt tt 20 20 41,1 41,1 65,8 65,8 tt tt 40 40 40,8 40,8 60,3 60.3 n n 120 120 42,8 42,8 51 ,2 51, 2 tt tt 1100 1100 3 3 44,8 44,8 54,6 54.6 II II 10 10 39,8 39,8 65,4 65,4 tt tt 20 20 42,8 42,8 65,1 65,1 tl tl 40 40 44,5 44.5 68,2 68,2 II II 120 120 45,8 45,8 51 ,5 51, 5 II II 240 240 46,3 46,3 50,8 50.8 tl tl 1200 1200 5 5 40,8 40,8 58,4 58,4 tt tt 10 10 39,3 · 39.3 · 67,5 67.5 tl tl 20 20 39,8 39,8 67,3 67.3 11 11 40 40 43,5 43.5 58,1 58.1 II II 60 60 44,9 44,9 51,1 51,1 11 11 240 240 48,0 48,0 47,1 47.1 tl tl 1300 1300 3 3 41,8 41,8 59,5 59.5 tl tl 5 5 39,9 39,9 64,5 64,5 II II 10 10 41,5 41.5 62,7 62,7 II II 20 20 43,8 43,8 59,1 59,1 II II 40 40 4 5,5 4 5.5 50,6 50.6 It It 240 240 48,5 48.5 46,5 46.5 11 11 1400 1400 3 3 39,2 39,2 63,5 63.5 II II 10 10 43,5 43.5 58,2 58,2 II II 60 60 48,1 48,1 46,5 46.5 1 » 240 240 48,2 48,2 46,4 46,4

< nadalj evanj e)<Continued e)

2 2 1500 1500 3 3 45,3 45,3 52,5 52,5 H H 5 5 44,6 44,6 52,5 52,5 II II 20 20 48,6 48,6 44,6 44,6 II II 60 60 51,2 51,2 41,2 41,2 II II 240 240 51 ,8 51, 8 41,0 41,0 II II 1800 1800 3 3 4'/,2 4 '/, 2 50,3 50.3 II II 5 5 46,5 46.5 51 ,0 51, 0 II II 10 10 50,3 50.3 47,6 47,6 tt tt 60 60 55,8 55,8 40,1 40.1 tl tl 240 240 56,1 56.1 40,0 40,0 3 3 rrezar j eno the cutter is one 41 ,2 41, 2 66,3 66,3 II II 1000 1000 3 3 41,3 41,3 67,1 67.1 II II 5 5 40,8 40,8 69,4 69,4 H H 10 10 39,1 39.1 78,2 78,2 11 11 15 15 38,5 38.5 95,4 95,4 II II 20 20 37,8 37,8 102,3 102,3 II II 40 40 37,8 37,8 100,1 100,1 11 11 60 60 38,9 38,9 91,4 91,4 II II 120 120 41,5 41.5 68,3 68,3 II II 240 240 42,3 42.3 60,5 60.5 II II 1100 1100 5 5 39,4 39,4 81,2 81,2 II II 10 10 37,8 37,8 98,5 98.5 II II 20 20 37,2 37,2 103,2 103,2 It It 40 40 38,5 38.5 95,8 95,8 II II 120 120 4 3,5 4 3.5 60,2 60,2 tl tl 1200 1200 5 5 37,6 37.6 90,3 90,3 tl tl 10 10 37,0 37,0 100,5 100,5 II II 20 20 36,8 36,8 105,6 105,6 11 11 40 40 38,8 38,8 88,3 88,3 II II 120 120 42,3 42.3 61,7 61.7 H H ‘1300 '1300 3 3 40,5 40.5 78,6 78.6 II II 5 5 36,5 36,5 104,3 104,3 tl tl 10 10 35,8 35,8 106,2 106,2 II II 20 20 37,3 37,3 100,8 100,8 II II 40 40 39,8 39,8 81,4 81,4 II II 120 120 42,1 42.1 60,2 60,2


3 3 1500 1500 3 3 41,6 41,6 88,4 88,4 tl tl 5 5 40,3 40.3 98,1 98.1 tl tl 10 10 42,8 42,8 87,3 87,3 II II 40 40 45,8 45,8 61,4 61.4 •1 • 1 120 120 52,5 52,5 54,3 54,3 tl tl 1800 1800 3 3 43,5 43.5 67,3 67.3 II II 20 20 52,5 52,5 45,1 45,1 II II 240 240 58,3 58.3 39,5 39.5 1 « nežarj eno devour one 37,4 37,4 95,3 95,3 4 4 1000 1000 5 5 35,4 35,4 104,5 104,5 II II 10 10 34 ,6 34, 6 106,3 106,3 tl tl 20 20 34,3 34.3 108,5 108.5 II II 40 40 35,8 35,8 106,3 106,3 II II 60 60 38,9 38,9 97,2 97,2 I » 240 240 43,0 43,0 71,3 71,3 tl tl 1100 1100 3 3 37,0 37,0 100,3 100,3 II II 5 5 34,6 34.6 107,3 107,3 II II 10 10 33,9 33,9 118,5 118.5 11 11 20 20 34,3 34.3 109,4 109,4 11 11 60 60 45,6 45,6 60,3 60.3 It It 1200 1200 3 3 35,8 35,8 102,6 102,6 II II 5 5 33,9 33,9 114,8 114,8 1 « 10 10 32,4 32,4 130,3 130.3 It It 20 20 35,9 35,9 104,6 104,6 II II 40 40 39,9 39,9 90,5 90.5 II II 240 240 56,1 56.1 41,3 41,3 II II 1300 1300 3 3 34,5 34.5 108,5 108.5 II II 5 5 32,6 32,6 127,8 127.8 II II 10 10 32,8 32,8 129,3 129.3 II II 20 20 36,3 36,3 100,4 100,4 II II 60 60 51,9 51.9 49,6 49,6 II II 1500 1500 3 3 36,5 36,5 105,2 105,2 II II 5 5 43,2 43,2 78,5 78.5 II II 40 40 58,6 58.6 44,6 44,6

(nadalj evanj e)(continued)

4 4 1800 1800 3 3 44,3 44,3 60,5 60.5 II II 5 5 51,6 51.6 52,3 52,3 M M 10 10 60,4 60.4 40,6 40,6 II II 120 120 60,8 60.8 40,3 40.3 5 5 nežarj eno devour one 35,8 35,8 105,6 105,6 1 » 1000 1000 3 3 35,2 35,2 109,6 109.6 •1 • 1 5 5 34,C 34, C 115,5 115.5 H H 10 10 33,2 33,2 118,5 118.5 II II 20 20 33,0 33,0 128,6 128.6 II II 40 40 34,5 34.5 114,0 114,0 tl tl 60 60 35,8 35,8 108,6 108.6 tl tl 240 240 41,5 41.5 85,9 85,9 II II 1100 1100 3 3 35,1 35.1 108,2 108,2 II II 5 5 33,6 33.6 118,4 118.4 II II 10 10 32,9 32.9 129,6 129.6 II II 20 20 32,5 32.5 136,3 136,3 tt tt 40 40 36,8 36,8 105,2 105,2 tt tt 240 240 55,6 55,6 45,8 45,8 II II 1200 1200 3 3 35,2 35,2 109,5 109.5 tl tl 5 5 32,8 32,8 132,3 132.3 II II 10 10 32,4 32,4 145,6 145.6 II II 20 20 34,3 34.3 117,6 117,6 tt tt 40 40 38,5 38.5 100,6 100,6 II II 240 240 56,3 56,3 53,0 53,0 tt tt 1300 1300 3 3 34,6 34.6 112,5 112.5 11 11 5 5 32,6 32,6 140,6 140.6 II II 10 10 33,8 33,8 120,3 120,3 II II 20 20 37,2 37,2 100,5 100,5 II II 1 20 1 20 54 ,6 54, 6 51,3 51,3 11 11 1500 1500 3 3 34,8 34.8 110,5 110.5 It It 5 5 40,2 40,2 98,3 98.3 H H 20 20 53,5 53.5 55,3 55,3 II II 240 240 61,5 61.5 40,5 40.5 H H 1800 1800 3 3 48,6 48,6 61,3 61.3 tl tl 40 40 61,3 61.3 39,8 39,8 II II 240 240 60,3 60.3 39,4 39,4


6 6 nežarj eno devour one 37,0 37,0 93,2 93,2 tl tl 1000 1000 3 3 36,1 36,1 104,6 104,6 »1 »1 10 10 34,5 34.5 111,4 111,4 tl tl 20 20 33,8 33,8 111,0 111,0 tl tl 40 40 35,8 35,8 105,4 105,4 II II 60 60 41,3 41,3 90,6 90.6 II II 240 240 48,7 48,7 65,3 65,3 tl tl 1100 1100 3 3 35,3 35,3 108,4 108,4 »I 'I 10 10 33,4 33,4 119,5 119.5 It It 20 20 35,6 35,6 108,3 108,3 II II 40 40 38,2 38,2 101,4 101,4 II II 240 240 50,2 50.2 55,0 55,0 tl tl 1200 1200 3 3 34,8 34.8 112,3 112,3 It It 5 5 33,5 33.5 118,4 118.4 •1 • 1 10 10 33,2 33,2 118,6 118.6 II II 20 20 38,5 38.5 103,6 103,6 tl tl 240 240 55,4 55,4 48,3 48,3 It It 1300 1300 3 3 34,2 34.2 117,3 117,3 II II 5 5 34,0 34.0 119,2 119,2 II II 10 10 35,4 35,4 109,6 109.6 tl tl 20 20 40,3 40.3 98,4 98.4 1 « 60 60 48,3 48,3 61 ,4 61, 4 n n 1500 1500 3 3 39,2 39,2 100,8 100,8 11 11 5 5 40,0 40,0 96,4 96.4 II II 40 40 60,5 60.5 44,6 44,6 II II 240 240 71,0 71,0 28,0 28,0 II II 1800 1800 3 3 51,5 51.5 50,6 50.6 II II 40 40 68,3 68,3 38,7 38,7 II II 240 240 72,3 72.3 28,3 28,3 RDA žarjenih proizvodov je The RDA of annealed products is pokazala, showed da npr. po that e.g. by žarilni incandescent obdelavi processing 10 minut pri 1200 10 minutes at 1200 °C nismo ° C we did not mogli več do- could do more- kazati to say Al^C^. Pri Al ^ C ^. At nižjih temperaturah je bil there was lower temperatures potreben čas it takes time

žarjenja ustrezno daljši, pri višjih temperaturah ustrezno krajši. Istočasno z oksidacijo karbidov se je spremenil tudi delež faze Al20C. Rahlo se je zmanjšal v prid faze Al4θ4 C·annealing correspondingly longer, at higher temperatures correspondingly shorter. Along with the oxidation of carbides, the Al 2 0C phase fraction also changed. It decreased slightly in favor of the Al4θ4 C phase ·

PRIMER 8 (Primerjalni primer)EXAMPLE 8 (Comparative Example)

Zmes iz 150 kg kalcinirane glinice (0,35 mas.% Na20) 1,5 kg MgO in 0,6 kg zmletega koksa smo stalili kot v primeru 1 v električni obločni peči. Talino smo nato zlili v kokilo z razmaki plošč 5 do 7 mm. Strjeni material je imel vsebnost ogljika 0,05 mas.%, 1,03 mas.% MgO in 0,03 mas.% Na20. Zmleli smo ga, klasirali in 10 minut žarili pri 1200 °C. Lastnosti zrnja na zrnju P 36 (norma FEPA) smo preizkusili, kot je navedeno v opisu.A mixture of 150 kg of calcined alumina (0.35 wt% on 2 0) of 1.5 kg of MgO and 0.6 kg of ground coke was melted as in Example 1 in an electric arc furnace. The melt was then poured into a mold with 5 to 7 mm plate spacings. The cured material had a carbon content of 0.05% by weight, 1.03% by weight of MgO and 0.03% by weight of 2 0. It was ground, graded and annealed at 1200 ° C for 10 minutes. The grain properties of P 36 grain (FEPA standard) were tested as indicated in the description.

V tabeli 3 so navedeni preizkusni rezultati.Table 3 lists the test results.


Razpad zrnja mas.% zrnje P 36 po primeru 8 nežarj eno zrnje P 36 po primeru 8, žarjenoDecomposition of grain by weight% of grain P 36 according to Example 8 non-calcined single grain P 36 of Example 8 annealed


40,2 indeks brusne sposobnosti40,2 index of grinding ability

55,8 , 355,8, 3

RDA je pokazala, da ta material obstoji iz alfaAl2 03 in MgORDA has shown that this material consists of alphaAl 2 0 3 and MgO

Al203 Al 2 0 3

Pri žarjenju ni nastopila signifikantna sprememba razmerij faz.There was no significant change in the phase relations during annealing.

V naslednjih primerih 9 do 15 smo v bistvu postopali kot v primeru 1 in 8. Spremembe se nanašajo na dodatek redukcijskega sredstva, dodatek MgO in na vrsto žarilne obdelave, ki je opisana v primeru 16.In the following Examples 9 to 15, we essentially proceeded as in Examples 1 and 8. The changes relate to the addition of the reducing agent, the addition of MgO and to the type of annealing treatment described in example 16.


Zmes iz 150 kg kalcinirane glinice, 1,5 kg MgO in 6 kg ogljika v obliki zmletega koksa smo stalili v električni obločni peči. Strjeni proizvod je vseboval 0,8 mas.% C, 1,08 mas.% MgO in manj kot 0,02 mas.% Na20. Na osnovi RDA je obstajal material iz alfa-Al203 ter spojin MgO . 13 Al203 , Mg-Al-0 in Al20C. Vsebnost Al^C^ je bila pod mejo dokazovanjaA mixture of 150 kg of calcined alumina, 1.5 kg of MgO and 6 kg of carbon in the form of ground coke was melted in an electric arc furnace. The solidified product contained 0.8% by weight of C, 1.08% by weight of MgO and less than 0.02% by weight of 2 0. Based on RDA, there was a material of alpha-Al 2 0 3 and MgO compounds. 13 Al 2 0 3 , Mg-Al-0 and Al 2 0C. Al ^ C ^ content was below the limit of proof


150 kg kalcinirane glinice, 1,5 kg MgO in 13 kg zmletega koksa smo dobro pomešali, briketirali in stalili v električni obločni peči. Proizvod je vseboval 2,0 mas.% C,150 kg of calcined alumina, 1.5 kg of MgO and 13 kg of ground coke were mixed well, briquetted and melted in an electric arc furnace. The product contained 2.0% by weight of C,

1,1 mas.% MgO in manj kot 0,02 mas.% Na^O. RDA je pokazala, da je sestava tega proizvoda pretežno iz alfa-Al203, MgO .1.1 wt% MgO and less than 0.02 wt% Na ^ O. RDA has shown that the composition of this product is predominantly alpha-Al 2 0 3 , MgO.

Al2 03 , A12OC, AljjO^C in Al^C^, pri čemer je vsebnost A1C3 3 do 4 mas.%.Al 2 0 3 , A1 2 OC, AljjO ^ C and Al ^ C ^, the A1C3 content being 3 to 4% by weight.


Briketirano zmes iz 150 kg kalcinirane glinice,Briquetted mixture of 150 kg of calcined alumina,

1,5 kg MgO in 20 kg zmletega koksa smo stalili v elektirčni obločni peči. V kokili strjeni proizvod je vseboval1.5 kg of MgO and 20 kg of ground coke were melted in an electric arc furnace. The solidified product contained in the mold

3,1 mas.% C, 1,1 mas.% MgO in manj kot 0,02 mas.% Na20.3.1% by weight of C, 1.1% by weight of MgO and less than 0.02% by weight of 2 0.

RDA je pokazala faze alfa-Al2 03 , MgO . 13 Al2 03 , Al20C, Al^O^C in Al^C^, pri čemer je bila vsebnost Al^C^ mas.%.RDA showed alpha-Al 2 0 3 , MgO phases. 13 Al 2 0 3 , Al 2 0C, Al ^ O ^ C and Al ^ C ^, the Al ^ C ^ content being% by weight.


Zmes iz 150 kg kalcinirane glinice, 3 kg MgO inMixture of 150 kg calcined alumina, 3 kg MgO and

0,6 kg zmletega koksa smo stalili in zlili, kot je opisano v primeru 1. Proizvod je vseboval 0,05 mas.% C, 1,95 mas.% MgO in 0,03 mas.% Na20.0.6 kg of ground coke was melted and poured as described in Example 1. The product contained 0.05 wt% C, 1.95 wt% MgO and 0.03 wt% 2 0.

RDA je pokazala kot prevladujoče faze alfa-Al203 in MgO . 13 Al2 03 . Poleg tega smo našli še Mg-Al-0, karbidov pa se ni dalo določiti.RDA has been shown to be the dominant phases of alpha-Al 2 0 3 and MgO. 13 Al 2 0 3 . In addition, Mg-Al-0 was found and carbides could not be determined.


Pomešali smo 150 kg kalcinirane glinice, 3 kg MgO in 13 kg zmletega koksa in zmes briketirali. Po taljenju in odlitju v kokilo smo dobili proizvod, ki je vseboval150 kg of calcined alumina, 3 kg of MgO and 13 kg of ground coke were mixed and the mixture was briquetted. After melting and casting into the mold, we were given a product containing

1,96 mas.% C, 2,04 mas.% MgO in manj kot 0,02 mas.% Na20.1.96 wt% C, 2.04 wt% MgO and less than 0.02 wt% at 2 0.

Po RDA je obstajal material iz alfa-Al2 03, MgO . 13 Al2 03 , Al20C, Al^OjjC in 4 do 5 mas.% Al^C^.According to the RDA, there was an alpha-Al 2 0 3 material , MgO. 13 Al 2 0 3 , Al 2 0C, Al ^ OjjC and 4 to 5 wt% Al ^ C ^.


150 kg kalcinirane glinice smo dobro pomešali s 5,4 kg MgO in 0,6 kg ogljika (zmleti koks) ter stalili v električni obločni peči. Talino smo zlili v kokilo z razmaki plošč 5 do 7 mm. Strjeni proizvod je vseboval 0,045 mas.% C, 3,48 mas.% MgO in 0,04 mas.% Na20.150 kg of calcined alumina were mixed well with 5.4 kg of MgO and 0.6 kg of carbon (ground coke) and placed in an electric arc furnace. The melt was poured into a mold with 5 to 7 mm plate spacings. The cured product contained 0.045 wt% C, 3.48 wt% MgO and 0.04 wt% Na 2 0.

REJA je pokazala, da je proizvod obstajal iz alfaAl2 03 , MgO . 13 Al203 , nekaj Mg-Al-0 in spinela.REJA indicated that the product consisted of alphaAl 2 0 3 , MgO. 13 Al 2 0 3 , some Mg-Al-0 and spinel.


Zmes iz 150 kg kalcinirane glinice, 5,4 kg MgO in 13 kg zmletega koksa smo briketirali in kot v primeru 1 stalili in ulili. Proizvod je vseboval 1,94 mas.% C,A mixture of 150 kg of calcined alumina, 5.4 kg of MgO and 13 kg of ground coke was briquetted and melted and poured as in Example 1. The product contained 1.94% by weight of C,

3,55 mas.% MgO in manj kot 0,02 mas.% Na20. Na osnovi RDA je obstajal material iz alfa-Al2 03 , MgO . 13 Al2 03 , Mg-Al-0 ter oksikarbidov Al2OC in Al^O^C. Poleg tega je bilo še 5 mas.% Al^C^.3.55 wt% MgO and less than 0.02 wt% at 2 0. Based on RDA, there was a material made of alpha-Al 2 0 3 , MgO. 13 Al 2 0 3 , Mg-Al-0 and oxycarbides Al 2 OC and Al ^ O ^ C. In addition, there were 5 wt.% Al ^ C ^.


Analogno kot v primeru 7 opisano, smo klasirane granulate primerov 9 do 15 podvrgli žarilni obdelavi. Materiale primerov 12 in 14 smo vsakokrat žarili le 10 min. pri 1200 °C, ker pri njih ni bila potrebna oksidacija karbidov. Vse ostale proizvode smo različno dolgo žarili spet pri različnih temperaturah.Analogous to that described in Example 7, the graded granules of Examples 9 to 15 were subjected to annealing treatment. The materials of Examples 12 and 14 were annealed each time for only 10 min. at 1200 ° C because they did not require the oxidation of carbides. All other products were grilled again at different temperatures for a long time.

Preizkusni rezultati granulacij P36 (FEPA), dobljenih iz primerov 9 do 15, so navedeni v tabeli 4.The test results of P36 (FEPA) granulations obtained from Examples 9 to 15 are listed in Table 4.

TABELA.4 Primer št. TABLE.4 Example no. žarilna temoeratura C annealing temoature C žarilni čas incandescent time razpad zrnja .mas.% grain decomposition.% by weight indeks brusne sposobnosti index abrasive ability 9 9 nežarj eno devour one 42,9 42,9 65,3 65,3 It It 1000 1000 3 3 42,8 42,8 64,5 64,5 II II 5 5 39,5 39.5 89,3 89,3 II II 10 10 36,8 36,8 109,3 109,3 II II 20 20 35,2 35,2 111,5 111,5 tl tl 40 40 34,8 34.8 113,2 113,2 II II 60 60 37,5 37.5 105,3 105,3 II II 120 120 39,6 39.6 92,5 92.5 II II 240 240 40,2 40,2 90,6 90.6 II II 1100 1100 3 3 42,5 42.5 65,3 65,3 »1 »1 5 5 38,6 38.6 96,4 96.4 II II 10 10 35,2 35,2 115,6 115,6 It It 20 20 34,5 34.5 120,1 120,1 II II 40 40 36,3 36,3 112,3 112,3 II II 60 60 38,5 38.5 100,3 100,3 II II 240 240 44,4 44,4 68,3 68,3 II II 1200 1200 3 3 41,6 41,6 77,3 77,3 II II 5 5 37,8 37,8 103,2 103,2 II II 10 10 34,0 34.0 125,4 125,4 II II 20 20 33,3 33,3 131,2 131,2 tl tl 40 40 38,4 38,4 101,6 101,6 II II 60 60 41,5 41.5 81,3 81,3 n n 1300 1300 3 3 40,2 40,2 99,5 99.5 11 11 5 5 35,3 35,3 113,2 113,2 II II 10 10 33,6 33.6 129,7 129.7 II II 20 20 37,5 37.5 102,6 102,6

2C (nadaljevanje)2C (continued)

9 9 1300 1300 40 40 40,3 40.3 91,5 91,5 II II 60 60 43,1 43,1 70,6 70.6 II II 240 240 44,6 44,6 59,8 59,8 II II 1500 1500 3 3 38,4 38,4 100,5 100,5 II II 5 5 38,6 38.6 100,3 100,3 II II 10 10 39,3 39.3 95,4 95,4 II II 20 20 41,2 41,2 80,3 80,3 II II 60 60 44,6 44,6 60,5 60.5 II II 1800 1800 3 3 40,3 40.3 91 ,2 91, 2 tl tl 5 5 41,5 41.5 80,4 80.4 II II 10 10 42,6 42.6 64,3 64,3 II II 240 240 45,3 45,3 55,0 55,0 10 10 riežarj eno a rifle one 37,5 37.5 102,3 102,3 II II 1000 1000 3 3 36,7 36,7 109,9 109,9 II II 5 5 35,2 35,2 118,6 118.6 It It 10 10 33,0 33,0 132,6 132.6 II II 20 20 32,3 32,3 150,5 150.5 11 11 40 40 32,5 32.5 150,5 150.5 II II 60 60 34,7 34.7 118,6 118.6 II II 120 120 40,8 40,8 100,3 100,3 It It 1100 1100 3 3 35,0 35,0 117,6 117,6 tt tt 5 5 33,3 33,3 129,4 129.4 It It 10 10 32,0 32,0 151,3 151,3 tt tt 20 20 31,0 31.0 153,6 153,6 It It 40 40 34,1 34.1 122,5 122.5 tt tt 60 60 36,3 36,3 113,1 113,1 tt tt 120 120 38,3 38,3 100,6 100,6 tt tt 1200 1200 3 3 35,1 35.1 118,3 118.3 tl tl 5 5 32,0 32,0 154,6 154.6 II II 10 10 31,4 31,4 160,2 160,2 tt tt 20 20 31,0 31.0 171 ,3 171, 3 tt tt 40 40 35,3 35,3 120,6 120.6 tl tl 120 120 44,6 44,6 67,5 67.5

2ΐ (nadaljevanje)2ΐ (continued)

10 10 1300 1300 3 3 34,8 34.8 114,6 114.6 «1 «1 5 5 32,0 32,0 151,8 151,8 η η 10 10 32,3 32,3 148,5 148.5 ι» ι » 20 20 32,8 32,8 138,4 138.4 I » 40 40 36,5 36,5 110,6 110,6 tl tl 60 60 42,6 42.6 67,3 67.3 tl tl 1500 1500 3 3 34,5 34.5 115,3 115,3 II II 5 5 37,2 37,2 108,5 108.5 II II 40 40 48,3 48,3 51,3 51,3 II II 240 240 54,1 54,1 45,8 45,8 II II 1800 1800 3 3 36,3 36,3 111,5 111,5 » » 5 5 44,3 44,3 70,8 70,8 »1 »1 20 20 50,4 50.4 50,6 50.6 tl tl 120 120 54,8 54,8 45,6 45,6 11 11 nežarJend nezarJend 36,4 36,4 108,4 108,4 II II 1000 1000 3 3 36,4 36,4 110,6 110,6 II II 5 5 34,8 34.8 120,5 120.5 II II 10 10 33,2 33,2 128,4 128,4 rt rt 20 20 33,0 33,0 130,6 130.6 II II 40 40 38,5 38.5 105,4 105,4 II II 60 60 39,8 39,8 100,6 100,6 n n 240 240 41,3 41,3 90,2 90,2 n n 1100 1100 3 3 35,2 35,2 117,4 117,4 II II 5 5 33,0 33,0 126,5 126.5 II II 10 10 32,8 32,8 140,8 140.8 It It 20 20 32,1 32.1 145,6 145.6 II II 40 40 35,8 35,8 115,3 115,3 II II 60 60 39,9 39,9 100,3 100,3 II II 240 240 48,6 48,6 50,3 50.3 II II 1200 1200 3 3 35,3 35,3 117,9 117,9 II II 5 5 32,8 32,8 138,8 138.8 II II 10 10 32,0 32,0 159,6 159.6 n n 20 20 32,3 32,3 141,8 141.8 It It 40 40 39,6 39.6 102,5 102,5 II II 60 60 45,2 45,2 80,3 80,3

2 (nadalj evanj e) »»2 (Continued) »»

11 11 1300 1300 3 3 33,8 33,8 125,6 125,6 H H 5 5 32,4 32,4 141,5 141.5 II II 10 10 32,8 32,8 137,9 137,9 II II 20 20 37,0 37,0 108,5 108.5 II II 40 40 43,5 43.5 76,2 76,2 II II 120 120 55,3 55,3 48,6 48,6 II II 1500 1500 3 3 34,2 34.2 118,5 118.5 II II 5 5 38,6 38.6 101,2 101,2 II II 20 20 48,3 48,3 50,6 50.6 II II 240 240 61 ,3 61, 3 42,3 42.3 II II 1800 1800 3 3 41,6 41,6 85,7 85.7 II II 10 10 51,3 51,3 50,6 50.6 II II 240 240 66,8 66,8 42,0 42.0 12 12 nežarjen® unroasted® 43,2 43,2 65,8 65,8 II II 1200 1200 10 10 41,1 41,1 68,5 68.5 13 13 nežarj eno devour one 38,7 38,7 100,3 100,3 II II 1000 1000 3 3 38,5 38.5 100,4 100,4 II II 10 10 35,8 35,8 116,5 116.5 II II 20 20 34,3 34.3 128,4 128,4 II II 40 40 34,0 34.0 130,0 130.0 II II 60 60 36,0 36,0 110,2 110,2 II II 1 20 1 20 38,2 38,2 101 ,4 101, 4 II II 1100 1100 3 3 36,7 36,7 108,4 108,4 II II 5 5 35,3 35,3 119,6 119.6 M M 10 10 34,7 34.7 125,4 125,4 N N 20 20 33,9 33,9 135,6 135.6 II II 40 40 35,0 35,0 121,6 121.6 u in 60 60 38,4 38,4 101,4 101,4 »1 »1 240 240 50,3 50.3 67,6 67.6 II II 1200 1200 3 3 36,3 36,3 112,3 112,3 H H 5 5 34,5 34.5 121 ,6 121, 6 II II 1 0 1 0 33,5 33.5 137,6 137.6 »1 »1 20 20 33,4 33,4 145,2 145,2 II II 40 40 37,8 37,8 105,6 105,6 II II 60 60 40,2 40,2 100,4 100,4 II II 240 240 49,5 49.5 54,3 54,3

j (nadalj evanje)j (continued)

13 13 1300 1300 3 3 35,0 35,0 120,3 120,3 N N 5 5 33,8 33,8 130,2 130,2 H H 10 10 33,2 33,2 141 ,6 141, 6 II II 20 20 37,6 37.6 108,4 108,4 II II 60 60 47,3 47,3 65,2 65,2 n n 1500 1500 3 3 35,0 35,0 117,6 117,6 II II 5 5 37,6 37.6 109,3 109,3 II II 10 10 46,5 46.5 61,3 61.3 II II 40 40 53,7 53,7 50,3 50.3 II II 1800 1800 3 3 44,3 44,3 73,5 73.5 II II 10 10 49,3 49,3 58,6 58.6 II II 60 60 65,4 65,4 40,3 40.3 14 14 nežarj eno devour one 46,8 46,8 61 ,4 61, 4 II II 1200 1200 10 10 43,3 43,3 75,6 75,6 15 15 nežarj eno devour one 40,3 40.3 90,8 90,8 It It 3 3 38,7 38,7 95,3 95,3 II II 10 10 36,8 36,8 109,8 109,8 II II 20 20 34,8 34.8 115,6 115,6 II II 40 40 34,5 34.5 118,6 118.6 f « 60 60 38,5 38.5 98,3 98.3 II II 240 240 46,3 46,3 63,4 63,4 1* 1 * 1100 1100 3 3 38,1 38,1 102,4 102,4 II II 5 5 36,8 36,8 108,9 108,9 II II 10 10 35,3 35,3 118,4 118.4 It It 20 20 34,0 34.0 128,5 128.5 II II 40 40 36,3 36,3 109,4 109,4 II II 60 60 40,2 40,2 93,5 93,5 tl tl 240 240 48,5 48.5 53,9 53,9 n n 1200 1200 3 3 35,8 35,8 115,9 115,9 II II 5 5 35,7 35,7 120,6 120.6 II II 10 10 33,5 33.5 130,2 130,2 II II 20 20 33,9 33,9 135,6 135.6 II II 40 40 39,3 39.3 90,4 90,4 H H 1300 1300 3 3 34,0 34.0 128,4 128,4 II II 5 5 33,6 33.6 137,4 137,4 II II 10 10 35,2 35,2 121,3 121,3 II II 20 20 38,4 38,4 100,8 100,8 H H 120 120 54,3 54,3 50,0 50.0


1500 1500 3 3 34,8 34.8 115,2 115,2 5 5 39,2 39,2 90,0 90,0 10 10 44,6 44,6 71,5 71.5 40 40 54,3 54,3 50,6 50.6 240 240 63,4 63,4 42,5 42.5 1800 1800 3 3 46,5 46.5 59,3 59,3 10 10 49,1 49,1 55,3 55,3 20 20 57,3 57,3 50,2 50.2 240 240 67,8 67,8 39,5 39.5

RDA, ki smo jo izvedli pri žarjenih materialih, je pokazala, da pri zadosti žarjenih materialih (npr. 10 min. pri 1200 °C) nismo mogli več določiti Al^C^· Razen tega se je nekoliko močneje pojavila faza Al^O^C, pri čemer je bil delež faze Al^OC nekoliko manjši. Pri daljši žarilni obdelavi, zlasti pri višjih temperaturah (nad 1200°C), smo zasledili tudi zmanjšanje faze Mg-Al-0 (če je bila v začetku prisotna) .The RDA performed on annealed materials showed that with sufficiently annealed materials (eg 10 min at 1200 ° C), we could no longer determine Al ^ C ^ · In addition, the Al ^ O ^ phase appeared slightly more strongly. C, with the Al ^ OC phase fraction slightly smaller. A longer annealing process, especially at higher temperatures (above 1200 ° C), also showed a decrease in the Mg-Al-0 phase (if initially present).


Zmes iz 150 kg kalcinirane glinice (0,35 mas.% Na20) 3,1 kg cirkonijevega oksida in 7 kg ogljika v obliki zmletega koksa smo stalili v električni obločni peči, kot je opisano v primeru 1. Talino smo zlili v kokilo z razmakom plošč 5 do 7 mm. Strjeni proizvod je vseboval 0,91 mas.% C inA mixture of 150 kg of calcined alumina (0.35 wt% on 2 0) of 3.1 kg of zirconium oxide and 7 kg of carbon in the form of ground coke was melted in an electric arc furnace as described in Example 1. The melt was poured into a mold with plate spacing of 5 to 7 mm. The solidified product contained 0.91% by weight of C and

52,06 mas.% Zr02 . Vsebnost Naz 0 je bila pod 0,02 mas.%. Material smo zmleli in klasirali, pri zrnju P36 (norma FEPA) pa smo določili žilavost zrnja ter indeks brusne sposobnosti pred in po žarjenju (10 min pri 1200°C). Ker je bil cirkonij v proizvodu pretežno v obliki karbida oz. oksikarbida in suboksida, smo morali žarilno obdelavo delno izvesti pod inertno atmosfero, da smo se izognili njegovi premočni oksidaciji.52.06 wt% Zr0 2 . The Na content of 0 was below 0.02% by weight. The material was ground and graded, and the grain toughness and grinding ability index before and after annealing (10 min at 1200 ° C) were determined for P36 grain (FEPA standard). Because zirconium in the product was predominantly in the form of carbide or. of oxycarbide and suboxide, we had to partially perform the annealing treatment under an inert atmosphere, in order to avoid its excessive oxidation.

RDA je pokazala, da je proizvod obstajal iz alfaAl203, Al2OC in cirkonijevega karbida, suboksidov in Al^C^ pa nismo mogli dokazati. Pri žarjenju razen neznatnega pojava faze Al^O^C ni prišlo do bistvene spremembe strukture.The RDA showed that the product was made up of alphaAl 2 0 3 and Al 2 OC and zirconium carbide, suboxides and Al ^ C ^ could not be demonstrated. During annealing, except for the slight appearance of the Al ^ O ^ C phase, there was no significant change in the structure.

Rezultati so v tabeli 5.The results are in Table 5.

TABELA 5 brusilo P36; nežarjeno brusilo P36, žarjeno razpad zrnja mas.%TABLE 5 grinder P36; non-annealed grinder P36, annealed grain decomposition by weight%


36,3 indeks brusne sposobnosti36,3 grinding ability index




150 kg kalcinirane glinice, 3 kg SE-oksida in 7 kg zmletega koksa smo zmešali in stalili v električni obločni peči. Talino smo vlili v kokilo z razmaki plošč od 5 do 7 nim. Strjeni proizvod je vseboval 0,88 mas.% C, 2,1 mas.% SE-oksida in manj kot 0,02 mas.% Na20. Zdrobili smo ga, klasirali in pri zrnju P36 pred in po žarjenju (10 min pri 1200 °C) spet določili razpad zrnja in indeks brusne sposobnosti.150 kg of calcined alumina, 3 kg of SE oxide and 7 kg of ground coke were mixed and melted in an electric arc furnace. The melt was poured into a mold with plate spacings of 5 to 7. The solidified product contained 0.88% by weight of C, 2.1% by weight of SE-oxide and less than 0.02% by weight of 2 0. It was crushed, graded and in the P36 grain before and after annealing (10 min. at 1200 ° C) again determined grain decay and grinding ability index.

Na osnovi RDA je obstajal nežarjeni proizvod iz alfa-Al2 03 , Al2 OC in faze, ki se je ni dalo podrobneje definirati. AljjC^ nismo določili. Pri žarjenju je nastalo nekaj Al^O^C.Based on the RDA, there was an unwanted product of alpha-Al 2 0 3 , Al 2 OC and a phase that could not be further defined. We have not determined AljjC ^. Some Al ^ O ^ C was formed during annealing.

Rezultati so predstavljeni v tabeli 6.The results are presented in Table 6.

TABELA 6 razpad zrnja mas.% indeks brusne sposobnosti brusilo P37 nežarjenoTABLE 6 grain breakdown wt% grinding ability index grinder P37 unbaked


92,5 brusilo P36 žarjeno92.5 grinder P36 annealed




110 kg kalcinirane glinice (0,35 mas.% Na20),110 kg of calcined alumina (0.35% by weight at 2 0),

1,5 kg MgO in 28 kg drobncfzmletega Al^C^ smo dobro pomešali in stalili v električni obločni peči. Talino smo hitro ohla dili kot v primeru 1. Proizvod je vseboval 0,83 mas.% C, 1,1mas.% MgO in manj kot 0,02 mas.% Na20. Iz zrnja P36, ki smo ga pri tem dobili, smo pred in po žarjenju (10 min pri 1200°C) določili razpad zrnja in indeks brusne sposobnosti. RDA je pokazala, da je nežarjeno zrnja sestavljeno iz alfa-Al2 03, MgO . 13 Al2 03 , Mg-Al-0 in Al20C. Pri žarjenju se je faza Mg-Al-0 nekoliko zmanjšala, medtem ko se je pojavilo nekoliko Al^O^C.1.5 kg of MgO and 28 kg of crushed Al ^ C ^ were mixed well and placed in an electric arc furnace. The melt was cooled rapidly as in Example 1. The product contained 0.83 wt% C, 1.1 wt% MgO and less than 0.02 wt% at 2 0. From the P36 grain obtained , before and after annealing (10 min at 1200 ° C), grain decay and abrasion index were determined. The RDA showed that the unroasted grain was composed of alpha-Al 2 0 3 , MgO. 13 Al 2 0 3 , Mg-Al-0 and Al 2 0C. On annealing, the Mg-Al-0 phase decreased slightly while slightly Al ^ O ^ C appeared.

Preizkusne rezultate kaže tabela 7.Table 7 shows the test results.

TABELA 7 brusilo P36 brusilo P36 nežarj eno žarjeno razpad zrnja mas.% ,8TABLE 7 grinder P36 grinder P36 non-grilled single annealed grain decomposition%, 8

33,9 indeks brusne sposobnosti33,9 index of grinding ability




Zmes, ki obstoji iz 135 kg kalcinirane glinice (0,35 mas.% Na20), 8 kg Aluminijevega zdroba, 1,8 kg Mgzdroba in 7 kg ogljika v obliki zmletega koksa, smo stalili in hitro ohladili. Proizvod je vseboval 2,01 mas.%The mixture consisting of 135 kg of calcined alumina (0.35 wt% on 2 0), 8 kg of Aluminum meal, 1.8 kg of Mggrain and 7 kg of carbon in the form of ground coke was melted and cooled rapidly. The product contained 2,01% by weight

MgO, 1,89 mas.% C in manj kot 0,02 mas.% Na20. Proizvod smo zmleli in klasirali, pri zrrtju P36 pa smo pred in po žarjenju (10 min pri 1200°C) določili razpad zrnja in indeks brusne sposobnosti. RDA nežarjenega proizvoda je pokazala alfaAl203» MgO . 13 Al2 03 , AlaOC, Al^O^C in okoli 1 do 2 mas.% Al^C^- Pri žarjenju je izginil Al^C^. Razmerje Al20C proti Al^OjjC se je pomaknilo nekoliko v prid Al^O^C. Preizkusni rezultati so navedeni v tabeli 8.MgO, 1.89 wt% C and less than 0.02 wt% at 2 0. The product was ground and graded, and the grain breakdown and index were determined at P36 before and after annealing (10 min at 1200 ° C). grinding abilities. The RDA of the undesired product showed alphaAl 2 0 3 »MgO. 13 Al 2 0 3 , Al a OC, Al ^ O ^ C and about 1 to 2 wt% Al ^ C ^ - Al ^ C ^ disappeared upon annealing. The ratio of Al 2 0C to Al ^ OjjC has shifted slightly in favor of Al ^ O ^ C. The test results are listed in Table 8.


Razpad zrnja indeks brusne mas.%_ sposobnosti brusilo P36 nežarjeno 39,5 95,6 brusilo P36 žarjenoGrain breakdown grinding mass index% _ ability grinder P36 unroasted 39.5 95.6 grinder P36 annealed




Po primeru 10 dobljeno brusno zrnje P36 smo za izboljšanje vezanja v osnovno vezavo (umetna smola) na brusnem traku opremili z oplaščenjem. Izvedli smo različne vrste oplaščenj, pri čemer smo oplaščili takole:According to Example 10, the P36 abrasive grain obtained was equipped with a coating to improve the bonding to the basic bond (artificial resin) on the abrasive belt. We made different types of coatings, with the following coatings:

po omočenju brusnega zrnja s posredovalcem oprijema (vodno steklo, koloidni.Si02, škrob itd.) v prisilnem mešalniku smo nanesli dejansko sredstvo za oplaščenje. Pri tem je bilo treba paziti, da smo dosegli kar najbolj popolno oplaščenje zrnje. Nato smo zrnje za dosego površinske strukture z velikimi ploskvami in za dosego dobrega vprijema oplaščenja žgali. Če je oplaščenje zahtevalo temperaturo žganja okoli 1200°C, smo žarili in žgali v eni delovni stopnji. Pri nižjih temperaturah žganja smo zrnje žarili pred oplaščenjem.after wetting the abrasive grain with a mediator of adhesion (water glass, colloidal.Si0 2 , starch, etc.), a real coating agent was applied in a forced mixer. Care must be taken to ensure that the grain is fully coated. We then burned the grains to achieve a surface structure with large surfaces and to achieve a good adhesion of the coating. If the coating required a firing temperature of about 1200 ° C, it was annealed and burned in one working step. At lower firing temperatures, the grains were annealed before coating.

Vrste oplaščenjTypes of coatings

POSREDOVALEC OPRIJEMA BROKER OPREMA SREDSTVO ZA OPLAŠČENJE MEANS FOR PAINTING TEMPERATURA ŽGANJA TEMPERATURE Brandy 19.1. 19.1. vodno steklo water glass Fe2 03 Fe 2 0 3 800 °C 800 ° C 19-2. 19-2. koloidni Si02 colloidal Si0 2 CaO CaO 1200 °C 1200 ° C 19.3. 19.3. koloidni SiO2 colloidal SiO 2 Zr02 . Si02 Zr0 2 . Si0 2 1200°C 1200 ° C 19.4. 19.4. škrob starch živec nerve 1200°C 1200 ° C V tabeli 9 so predstavljene vrednosti razpada zrnja Table 9 presents the grain decay values

in indeksi brusne sposobosti tako pripravljenih oplaščenih brusil. Od primera do primera povišana žilavost zrnja je rezultat zakitanja razpok, ki so nastale pri drobljenju zaradi prodiranja oprijemnega sredstva.and the indexes of the grinding ability of the coated sanders thus prepared. On a case-by-case basis, the increased toughness of the grain results from the clogging of the cracks that have emerged from the crushing due to penetration of the adhesive.


razpad zrnja mas.% grain breakdown by weight% indeks brusne sposobnosti grinding ability index brusilo grinder po by 19.1. 19.1. 32,4 32,4 175,6 175.6 brusilo grinder P ° 19.2. 19.2. 30,5 30.5 185,3 185,3 brusilo grinder PO PO 19.3. 19.3. 30,1 30,1 191,1 191,1 brusilo grinder PO PO 19.4. 19.4. 32,0 32,0 174,8 174,8 Iz From rezultatov results posameznih primerov individual cases je jasno razvidno, is clearly evident

da s postopkom v smislu izuma dobimo brusilo, ki se odlikuje z izredno žilavostjo zrnja in brusno sposobnostjo. Te last-- '\- .that the process according to the invention provides a grinder characterized by exceptional grain toughness and grinding ability. These last-- '\ -.

nosti se izražajo v majhnem razpadu zrnja in visokem indeksu brusne sposobnosti.ness is reflected in a small grain breakdown and a high index of grinding ability.

-30Najboljši način za gospodarsko izkoriščanje izuma-30Best Way to Economically Utilize Invention

150 kg kalcinirane glinice, 1,5 kg MgO in 13 kg zmletega koksa smo dobro pomešali, briketirali in stalili v električni obločni peči pri 1200 °C v 20 minutah. Proizvod je vseboval 2,0 mas.% C, 1,1 mas. % MgO in manj kot 0,02 mas. % Na^O. Rentgenska fina strukturna analiza je pokazala, da je sestava tega proizvoda pretežno iz alfa-A^Og, MgO. 13 Al^O^, A^OC, Al^O^C in Al^C^, pri čemer je vsebnost Al^C^ 3 do 4 mas.%.150 kg of calcined alumina, 1.5 kg of MgO and 13 kg of ground coke were mixed well, briquetteed and melted in an electric arc furnace at 1200 ° C for 20 minutes. The product contained 2.0 wt.% C, 1.1 wt. % MgO and less than 0.02 wt. % Na ^ O. X-ray fine-structure analysis showed that the composition of this product was predominantly alpha-A ^ Og, MgO. 13 Al ^ O ^, A ^ OC, Al ^ O ^ C and Al ^ C ^, the Al ^ C ^ content being 3 to 4% by weight.



Claims (10)

PATENTNI ZAHTEVKIPATENT APPLICATIONS 1. Postopek za pripravo brusil na osnovi alfa-Al203 in vsaj enega od obeh aluminijevih oksikarbidov Al2 OC in Al^O^C, pri čemer zmes aluminijevega oksida stalimo s snovjo, ki vsebuje ogljik, in staljeni proizvod hitro ohladimo, označen s tem, da zmes iz aluminijevega oksida ali surovin,bogatih z aluminijevim oksidom, v danem primeru z nadaljnjimi dodatki, stalimo samo z redukcijskim sredstvom, ki vsebuje ogljik, ali skupaj s kovinskim redukcijskim sredstvom in nato talino hitro ohladimo, nakar iz strjene taline zdrobljeno brusilno zrnjepodvržemo toplotni obdelavi pri temperaturi med 5 0 0 C in 1500 °C v času 3 minut do 24 ur, pri čemer material pred ali po toplotni obdelavi po želji opremimo s površinskim slojem, ki obstoji iz silikatov, drobnega korundnega zrnja,pigmentov in/ali železovih oksidov.1. A process for the preparation of alpha-Al 2 0 3 based abrasives and at least one of the two aluminum oxycarbides Al 2 OC and Al ^ O ^ C, wherein the alumina mixture is ground with a carbon-containing substance and the molten product is rapidly cooled, characterized in that the mixture of aluminum oxide or aluminum oxide-rich feedstocks, optionally with further additives, is melted only with a carbon-containing reducing agent or together with a metal-reducing agent and then cooled rapidly, then from the solidified melt. the crushed grinding grain is subjected to a heat treatment at a temperature of between 5 0 0 C and 1500 ° C for 3 minutes to 24 hours, with the material being pre-or after the heat treatment optionally provided with a surface layer consisting of silicates, fine corundum grains, pigments and / or iron oxides. 2. Postopek po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da iz strjene taline zdrobljeno brusno zrnje podvržemo toplotni obdelavi pri temperaturi med 1000 in 1300 °C v času 5 do 60 minut.Method according to claim 1, characterized in that the crushed milled grain is subjected to heat treatment at a temperature between 1000 and 1300 ° C for 5 to 60 minutes. 3. Postopek po zahtevku 1 ali 2, označen s tem, da kot nadaljnje dodatke uporabimo enega ali več elementov iz skupine magnezija, kalcija, cirkonija, titana, silicija, kroma in/ali redkih zemelj v območju 0,1 do 10 mas.%, prednostno 0,5 do 5 mas.%.Process according to claim 1 or 2, characterized in that one or more elements from the group of magnesium, calcium, zirconium, titanium, silicon, chromium and / or rare earths in the range of 0.1 to 10% by weight are used as further additives. , preferably 0.5 to 5% by weight. 4. Postopek po enem od zahtevkov 1 do 3, označen s tem, da za redukcijo uporabimo koks, saje, grafit, antracit in/ali amorfni ogljik.Process according to one of Claims 1 to 3, characterized in that coke, carbon black, graphite, anthracite and / or amorphous carbon are used for reduction. 5. Postopek po enem od zahtevkov 1 do 3, označen s tem, da kot redukcijsko sredstvo uporabimo karbid, prednostno Al^C^.Process according to one of Claims 1 to 3, characterized in that a carbide, preferably Al 2 -C 4, is used as the reducing agent. 6. Postopek po enem od zahtevkov 1 do 3, označen s tem, da kot redukcijsko sredstvo poleg ogljika ali spojin, ki vsebujejo ogljik, uporabimo aluminij ali magnezij.Process according to one of Claims 1 to 3, characterized in that aluminum or magnesium is used as the reducing agent in addition to carbon or carbon-containing compounds. 7. Postopek po enem od zahtevkov 1 do 6, označen s tem, da hitro ohlajenje taline dosežemo z zlivanjem na kovinske ali nekovinske oblikovanpe ali med kovinske ali nekovinske hladilne plošče.Method according to one of Claims 1 to 6, characterized in that rapid cooling of the melt is achieved by pouring it onto metal or non-metallic molds or between metal or non-metallic cooling plates. 8. Postopek po enem od zahtevkov 1 do 7, označen s tem, da talino hladimo s hitrostjo več kot 100 °C/min.Method according to one of Claims 1 to 7, characterized in that the melt is cooled at a rate of more than 100 ° C / min. 9. Brusilo, dobljeno po postopku po enem od zahtevkov 1 do 8, označeno s tem, da ima vsebnost ogljika, ki izvira iz aluminijevega oksikarbida in v danem primeru drugih karbidov, med 0,1 in 6,6 mas.%, prednostno med 1 in 3 mas.%.Abrasive obtained by the process according to any one of claims 1 to 8, characterized in that the carbon content of the aluminum oxycarbide and, if applicable, other carbides has a content of between 0.1 and 6.6% by weight, preferably between 1 and 3 wt.%. 10. Brusilo, dobljeno po postopku po enem od zahtev kov 1 do 8, označeno s tem, da je njegova vsebnost Al^C^ manjša kot 5 %, prednostno pa manjša kot 0,5 %.10. Abrasive obtained by the method according to any one of claims 1 to 8, characterized in that its Al ^ C ^ content is less than 5% and preferably less than 0.5%.
SI8511242A 1984-08-01 1985-07-30 Process for preparing grindstones SI8511242A8 (en)

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AT0247784A AT379979B (en) 1984-08-01 1984-08-01 METHOD FOR PRODUCING ABRASIVES
YU1242/85A YU44265B (en) 1984-08-01 1985-07-30 Process for preparing grindstones

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SI8511242A SI8511242A8 (en) 1984-08-01 1985-07-30 Process for preparing grindstones

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