SI8310794A8 - Improvements in fibre formation techniques comprising centrifugation - Google Patents

Improvements in fibre formation techniques comprising centrifugation Download PDF


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SI8310794A8 SI8310794A SI8310794A SI8310794A8 SI 8310794 A8 SI8310794 A8 SI 8310794A8 SI 8310794 A SI8310794 A SI 8310794A SI 8310794 A SI8310794 A SI 8310794A SI 8310794 A8 SI8310794 A8 SI 8310794A8
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Jean Battigelli
Marie-Pierre Barthe
Francois Bouquet
Original Assignee
Saint Gobain Isover
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Priority claimed from FR8212187A external-priority patent/FR2529878A1/en
Application filed by Saint Gobain Isover filed Critical Saint Gobain Isover
Priority claimed from YU79483A external-priority patent/YU45883B/en
Publication of SI8310794A8 publication Critical patent/SI8310794A8/en



  • Spinning Methods And Devices For Manufacturing Artificial Fibers (AREA)



Postopek oblikovanja vlaken iz termoplastičnega materialaThe process of forming fibers from thermoplastic material

Fodročj e tehnike, v katero spada izumIt is a technical field of the invention

Področje tehnike, v katero spada izum je proizvodnja ali obdelava delov vlaken ali filamentov, ki so dobljeni iz stekla, mineralnih snovi ali zmehčane žlindre. Predvidena uvrstitev predmeta po MKP je C 03B 37/04.The invention relates to the manufacture or treatment of parts of fibers or filaments obtained from glass, minerals or softened slag. The expected classification of the subject by MCC is C 03B 37/04.

Predloženi izum se nanaša na postopek oblikovanja vlaken iz termoplastičnega materiala, obsegajočih operacijo centrifugiranja.The present invention relates to a process for forming fibers of thermoplastic material comprising a centrifugation operation.

Natančneje se izum nanaša na tehnike, po katerih material, (©predviden za obdelavo, uvajajo v raztegljivem stanju v centrifugalni sklop, ki ima na ovojem obodu večje število ustij. Pod učinkovanjem centrifugalne sile prehaja raztegljivi material skozi ta ustja in tvori niti ali pri marna vlakna. Obodno steno centrifugalnega sklopa obliva obročasto plinsko strujanje plina z visoko temperaturo. Niti so izvržene v to plinsko strujanje. V tem plinskem strujanju je vlečenje niti zaključeno in tvorjene niti so sojemno vzete s strani plina.More specifically, the invention relates to techniques whereby a material (© intended for processing is introduced in a stretchable state into a centrifugal assembly having a larger number of mouths at the circumferential circumference. Under the effect of centrifugal force, the stretchable material passes through these mouths to form either threads or nails. The circumferential wall of the centrifugal assembly is encircled by a high-temperature gas annular gas stream, neither being ejected into this gas stream.This gas flow is neither complete nor formed, nor formed by the gas itself.

- 2 Tehnični problem- 2 Technical problem

Obstajala je potreba po ugotovitvi novega, tehnološko naprednega postopka za oblikovanje vlaken iz termoplastičnega materiala, ki obsega operacijo centrifugiranja z visoko obodno hitrostjo in daje zelo fina in pravilna vlakna z zelo dobro izolacijsko in mehansko kakovostjo, ob zaželeni proizvodni kapaciteti in racionalni porabi energije.There was a need to find a new, technologically advanced process for forming fibers of thermoplastic material, comprising a high circumferential centrifugation operation that produces very fine and regular fibers with very good insulation and mechanical quality, with desirable production capacity and rational energy consumption.

Stanje tehnikeThe state of the art

Po teh znanih tehnikah so tvorjene niti transportirane s plinom do sprejemnega organa, ki je običajno izoblikovan kot transportni trak, ki je prepusten za plin. Vlakna se odsedajo v obliki koprene ali preproge na transportnem traku.According to these known techniques, strands are formed by gas transport to a receiving body, which is typically shaped as a gas-permeable conveyor belt. The fibers are lodged in the form of a web or carpet on a conveyor belt.

Kadar pa mora imeti končni produkt določeno kohezijo, so vlakna prevlečena s povezovalnim sredstvom, ki se dodajo vlaknom, med njihovo potjo proti sprejemnemu transportnemu traku. Koprena prevlečenih vlaken prehaja v ohišje za termično obdelavo, ki zagotavlja polimerizaci jo veziva. Zatem jo odrežejo in kondicionirajo glede na obliko dokončnega izdelka.However, where the final product must have some cohesion, the fibers are coated with a binder to be added to the fibers as they travel towards the conveyor belt. The lining of the coated fibers passes into a heat treatment casing to provide binder polymerization. It is then cut and conditioned according to the shape of the finished product.

Te tehnike oblikovanja vlaken, po katerih izvira vlečenje po eni strani iz centrifugiranja in učinka raztezanja, katerega izvaja vroče plinsko strujanje, se posebno zanimive. Po svoji celoti omogočajo zlasti doseganje v ekonomsko zadovoljivih okoliščinah izolacijske produkte, ki imajo ob prikladni ceni najbolj zadovoljive kakovosti. Sistem ustij, ki dovajajo primarne niti raztaljenega materiala, termoplastičnega materiala, zagotavlja v določeni meri dobro enakomernost pri tvorbi primarnih vlaken. Tvorba enakomernih primarnih vlaken je potreben pogoj za doseganje brezhibno vlečenih končnih vlaken. Sicer pa izvedba vlečenja z vročimi plini omogoči, da skozi vsako ustje prehaja sorazmerno pomembna količina materiala. Zaradi tega je proizvodna kapaciteta vsakega centrifugalnega sklopa povečana, kar omogoči zmanjšanje stroškov na enoto.These fiber forming techniques, which result in the spinning and the stretching effect of hot gas flow on the one hand, are of particular interest. In particular, they make it possible, in particular, to achieve, in economically satisfactory circumstances, insulation products which have the most satisfactory quality at a reasonable price. The mouthpiece system, which feeds the primary threads of the molten material, a thermoplastic material, ensures to some extent good uniformity in the formation of the primary fibers. The formation of uniform primary fibers is a prerequisite for achieving finely drawn finite fibers. Otherwise, the hot gas drafting allows a relatively significant amount of material to pass through each orifice. As a result, the production capacity of each centrifugal assembly is increased, thus reducing unit costs.

Ti zelo shematski razlogi so gotovo nezadostni, da bi poročali o prednostih tega tipa postopka. Vendar pa omogočajo, da poudarimo, po čem se postopki tipa v smislu izuma razlikujejo od postopkov, ki so jim na videz sorodni in ki so vendar po svojem funkcioniranju in po svojih rezultatih, zelo različni.These very schematic reasons are certainly insufficient to report the benefits of this type of process. However, they allow us to emphasize how the type procedures of the invention differ from the processes that are apparently related to them and which, however, are very different in their function and in their results.

- 3 Naj npr. navedemo, da so znane tehnike, po katerih je vlečenje samo centrifugalno. Po teh tehnikah je obročasto plinasto strujanje okoli centrifugalnega sklopa bodisi odsotno, bodisi pa ne sodeluje pri vlečenju vlaken. Predpostavljena prednost teh tehnik je prihranek na porabi energije, ki ustreza ustvarjenju vlečnega plina z visoko temperaturo in veliko hitrostjo. Prihranek, realiziran na ta način, pa se odraža na znatno manjši proizvodni kapaciteti centrifugalnega sklopa in globalno proizvodni stroški niso znižani.- 3 E.g. state that techniques are known by which spin is only centrifugal. According to these techniques, the annular gas flow around the centrifugal assembly is either absent or not involved in the pulling of the fibers. An assumed advantage of these techniques is the saving on energy consumption corresponding to the creation of high-temperature and high-speed draft gas. The savings realized in this way, however, are reflected in the significantly smaller production capacity of the centrifugal assembly and the global production costs are not reduced.

Traba si je namreč priklicati v spomin, da proizvodnja vlaken in zaradi tega tudi proizvodnja izdelkov, pripravljenih s temi vlakni, ni podvržena samo zahtevam po kakovosti, ampak tudi zahtevam po proizvodnih stroških. Te zahteve pokrivajo številne vidike, kot bomo kasneje podrobneje videli v teku opisa. Glede kakovosti gre najprej za izolacijske lastnosti izdelkov, vendar tudi mehanske lastnosti igrajo zelo pomembno vlogo. Pri stroških so razlike še večje in je treba upoštevati investicije, delovno silo, surovine, energijo ...It is necessary to recall that the production of fibers, and therefore the production of products prepared with these fibers, is not only subject to quality requirements but also to production costs. These requirements cover many aspects, as we will see later in the course of the description. Quality is first the insulating properties of the products, but the mechanical properties also play a very important role. Cost differences are even greater and investment, labor, raw materials, energy must be taken into account ...

Stanje tehnike poučuje o načinih za izdelavo vlaken in izolacijskih izdelkov, ki imajo boljše kakovosti od tistih, ki se jih običajno dobi po bolj običajnih tehnikah. Vendar ta poduk ustreza izvedbam, ki so sorazmerno neugodne glede na proizvodne stroške, ker je bodisi proizvodnja šibka, bodisi je poraba energije previsoka, ali pa je treba uporabljati drage vlaknaste sestavke ...The state of the art teaches ways to produce fibers and insulation products that are of better quality than those typically obtained by more conventional techniques. However, this instruction corresponds to designs that are relatively unfavorable in terms of production costs, because either production is weak, energy consumption is too high, or expensive fibrous compositions have to be used ...

Izboljšave, ki so jih doslej predlagali za tip postopka, na katerega se nanaša predloženi izum, so izredno različne in to celo takrat, kadar se omejimo na naprave, ki se nanašajo samo na fazo tvorbe vlaken in zaradi tega izključimo vse, kar se nanaša na kasnejše obdelave, katerim podvržemo vlakna, da pridemo do končnega izdelka.The improvements that have been proposed so far for the type of process to which the present invention relates are extremely different, even when we confine ourselves to devices that relate only to the fiber formation phase and therefore exclude anything that relates to later treatments to which the fibers are subjected to the final product.

Med novejšimi objavami o tem predmetu je francoska patentna prijava št. 2 443 436, ki pripada prijaviteljici in vsebuje določeno število predlogov. Usmerjeni so zlasti na naravo vlaknastega materiala pri čemer je namen sklopa naprav, da bolje kontrolirajo temperaturo in potovanje materiala v centrifugatorju, specifične strukture samega centrifugatorja itd. ...Recent publications on the subject include French patent application no. 2 443 436 which belongs to the applicant and contains a number of proposals. They are focused in particular on the nature of the fibrous material, with the purpose of the assembly of devices being to better control the temperature and travel of the material in the centrifuger, the specific structures of the centrifuger itself, etc. ...

- 4 Druge prejšnje objave,kot je npr. francoski patent št. 1 382 917, ki prav tako pripada prijaviteljici, se nanašajo na izboljšanje pogojev odmetavanja primarnih vlaken v vlečni plin.- 4 Other previous posts such as. French patent no. 1 382 917, which also belongs to the applicant, relates to the improvement of the dumping conditions of primary fibers in traction gas.

Ta dva primera predstavljata samo majhen del literature, ki je zelo bogata o tem predmetu. Kažeta pa, kakšna je lahko razlika pri ponujenih predlogih za izboljšanje tovrstnega tipa postopka.These two examples represent only a small part of the literature that is very rich about this subject. However, they show what the difference may be in the proposals offered to improve this type of procedure.

Čeprav je v vseh primerih namen, da se izboljša kakovost vlaken in cena proizvodnje, popolnoma jasen, pa to ne velja za tehnična sredstva, uporabljena za njegovo doseganje.Although in all cases the purpose of improving fiber quality and the cost of production is perfectly clear, this does not apply to the technical means used to achieve it.

Pomanjkljivosti dosedaj znanih rešitev so v tem, da ne dajejo vlaken, ki bi imela zadosti visoko izolacijsko in mehansko kvaliteto, razen tega pa dosedaj znani postopki tudi ne dosegajo zaželene proizvodne kapacitete ali pa porabijo preveč energije.The disadvantages of the solutions known so far are that they do not provide fibers that are sufficiently high insulating and mechanical in quality, and in addition the known processes do not reach the desired production capacity or use too much energy.

Glede na pomanjkljivosti dosedaj znanih postopkov (fr.pat.In view of the shortcomings of the procedures known so far (Fr.pat.

443 436), ki se izvajajo z obodno hitrostjo, ki ne presega 38 m/sek in ki dajejo vlakna z nezadostno visoko izolacijsko in mehansko kvaliteto niti ne dosegajo zadostno proizvodno kapaciteto in katerih nadaljnja pomanjkljivost je v tem, da so primerni samo za določene izhodiščne materiale - se pred izumitelja postavlja tehnični problem, s kakšnimi in katerimi parametri postopka je mogoče doseči želeno izolacijsko in mehansko kvaliteto vlaken ter želeno povečano proizvodno kapaciteto.443 436), which are carried out at a peripheral speed not exceeding 38 m / s and which give fibers of insufficiently high insulating and mechanical quality, nor of sufficient production capacity, the further disadvantage of which are that they are suitable only for certain baselines materials - a technical problem is posed before the inventor, with what and what process parameters can be achieved the desired insulation and mechanical quality of the fibers and the desired increased production capacity.

Opis rešitve tehničnega problema z izvedbenimi primeriDescription of solution to a technical problem with implementation examples

Za rešitev zgoraj navedenega tehničnega problema zato predlagamo nov postopek oblikovanja vlaken iz termoplastičnega materiala, kot stekla, v katerem je material v raztegljivem stanju - kot je viskoznost 100 Pa.s in temperatura 1030 do 116O°C - k centrifugirnem sklopu,ki je na svojem obodu opremljen z ustji, pri čemer je material odvržen preko teh ustij izven centrifugirnega sklopa v obliki niti, ki so sojemno vzete in razvlečene s strani plinskega curka visoke temperature, ki je usmerjen vzdolž oboda centrifugirnega sklopa prečno na smer odmetavanja niti, ki poteka tako, da je pretok materiala na ustje v območju 0,1 do 3 kg/dan, obodna hitrost centrifugirnega sklopa na nivoju ustij, iz katerega izstopajo niti, med 50 in 150 m/s, da centrifugiramo z 800 do 8000 vrt/min, da plinsko strujanje z visoko temperaturo izhaja pri tlaku 1000 do 10.000 Pa naširino emisijskega ustja, kot maks. 20 mm, in da jeTo solve the above technical problem, we therefore propose a new process for forming fibers of thermoplastic material, such as glass, in which the material is in a stretchable state - such as a viscosity of 100 Pa.s and a temperature of 1030 to 116O ° C - to a centrifugal assembly which has its own a perimeter provided with mouths, the material being discharged through these mouths outside the centrifuge assembly in the form of filaments which are removably taken and drawn by a high temperature gas jet directed along the perimeter of the centrifugal assembly transversely to the threading direction, that the flow of material to the mouth is in the range of 0.1 to 3 kg / day, the circumferential speed of the centrifuge assembly at the mouth level from which the threads protrude is between 50 and 150 m / s, to centrifuge from 800 to 8000 rpm to gas. high temperature flow occurs at a pressure of 1000 to 10,000 Pa and the width of the emission nozzle, as max. 20 mm, and that is

- 5 pretok vlaknastega materiala, ki izhaja iz centrifugirnega sklopa, večji od 12 ton materiala dnevno.- 5 flow of fibrous material resulting from a centrifugal assembly greater than 12 tonnes of material per day.

Na osnovi obširnih raziskav in preizkusov je v smislu izuma ugotovljeno, da je rešitev dosedaj nerešenega zgoraj navedenega tehničnega problema v ustreznem parametru obodne hitrosti centrifugirnega sklopa, ki mora biti znatno večji od dosedaj v stroki smatrane edine še dopustne obodne hitrosti 38 m/sek in ki je v smislu izuma 50 do 90 m/sek, pri čemer so glede na izbrani parameter obodne hitrosti po izumu vzročno povezani nadaljnji parametri pstopka po izumu in sicer parameter maksimalne dnevne količine na eno ustje centrifugirnega sklopa, ki znaša 3 kg/dan prednostno pa 0,7 do 1,4 kg/dan, pri čemer parameter celotne količine v smislu postopka za vsa ustja znaša več kot 17 ton/dan do 20 oz. 25 ton/dan, parameter tlaka vlečnega plina za vlakna znaša 1000 do 10.000 Pa, prednostno pa 2000 do 6000 Pa, parameter hitrosti iz gorilnika plina izstopajočega vlečnega plina pa je večja od 100 m/sek, pri čemer pri centrifugirnem vlečenju staljenega materiala znaša cca 100 Pa.s,temperatura glede na izbrano kvaliteto materiala pa je pod 116O°C in da je najnižja temperatura staljenega materiala 1030°C, s čimer se zmanjša obremenitev centrifugirnega sklopa.On the basis of extensive research and testing according to the invention, it is found that the solution of the technical problem so far solved above is in the relevant parameter of the circumferential velocity of the centrifugal assembly, which must be substantially higher than the only permissible circumferential velocity of 38 m / sec so far and which according to the invention is from 50 to 90 m / s, wherein according to the selected circumferential velocity parameter according to the invention, further parameters of the process according to the invention are causally related, namely, the parameter of the maximum daily amount per mouth of the centrifuge assembly, which is 3 kg / day, preferably 0 , 7 to 1.4 kg / day, where the parameter of the total quantity in terms of the process for all mouths is more than 17 tonnes / day up to 20 oz. 25 tonnes / day, the traction gas pressure parameter for fibers is 1000 to 10,000 Pa, preferably 2000 to 6000 Pa, and the velocity parameter from the gas emitter of the outgoing traction gas is greater than 100 m / sec, with a centrifugal traction of molten material being approx. 100 Pa.s and the temperature according to the selected material quality is below 116O ° C and the minimum temperature of the molten material is 1030 ° C, thus reducing the load on the centrifuge assembly.

Glede na predhodno obravnavani tehnični problem, postopek po izumu daje nov postopek oblikovanja mineralnih vlaken, zlasti povečanje proizvodne kapacitete pri konstantni kakovosti proizvajalnih vlaken. Rešitev v smislu izuma je, da nudi nove pogoje za centrifugirno obdelavo, za doseganje zgoraj navedenih rezultatov.In view of the technical problem discussed above, the process according to the invention provides a new process for forming mineral fibers, in particular an increase in production capacity at a constant quality of production fibers. The solution according to the invention is that it provides new conditions for centrifugal treatment to achieve the above results.

Rešitev v smislu izuma je tudi, da privede do izolacijskih izdelkov, pripravljenih po novih predlogih in s prikladnimi izolacijskimi in mehanskimi lastnostmi, pri čemer tudi proizvodna cena ni nedostopna.The solution according to the invention is also to lead to insulation products prepared according to new proposals and with suitable insulating and mechanical properties, without the production price being inaccessible.

Izumitelji so z izvedenimi raziskavami pokazali, da je mogoče doseči te cilje in druge rezultate, katere bomo prikazali v nadaljevanju opisa, ob izbiri postopka za oblikovanje vlaken pri dobro določenih pogojih centrifugiranja.The inventors have shown through the conducted research that it is possible to achieve these goals and other results, which will be presented in the following description, by choosing a process for forming fibers under well-defined spin conditions.

Na splošno je treba v smislu izuma izvajati centrifugiranje tako, da je periferna hitrost, t.j. hitrost premikanja ustij, nameščenih na obodu centrifugalnega sklopa, sorazmerno velika.In general, centrifugation according to the invention should be carried out such that the peripheral velocity, i.e. the velocity of movement of the mouths positioned at the circumference of the centrifugal assembly is relatively high.

Razlogi, zaradi katerih je pri obratovanju z veliko obodno hitrostjo, možno izboljšati kakovost pripravljenih izdelkov, še niso popolnoma pojasnjeni. Ta rezultat je v določeni meri celo precej presenetljiv. Znano je, da je vlečenje vlaken materiala, ki izhaja iz ustij, nameščenih na obodu centrifugalnega sklopa, kompleksen pojav, pri katerem sodelujejo gibanje centrifugalnega sklopa in gibanje plinskega strujanja·, ki potegne vlakna s seboj. Posledica istočasnosti obeh teh pojavov pa je, da ni mogoče z gotovostjo določiti vlogo vsakega izmed njiju v vlečnem mehanizmu in pri učinkih, ki •ju jih proizvajata.The reasons why it is possible to improve the quality of prepared products when operating at high peripheral speeds are not yet fully understood. To some extent, this result is quite surprising. It is known that the pulling of the fibers of the material arising from the mouths located at the periphery of the centrifugal assembly is a complex phenomenon involving the movement of the centrifugal assembly and the movement of the gas stream · which pulls the fibers with them. The consequence of the simultaneity of both these phenomena is that it is not possible to determine with certainty the role of each of them in the traction mechanism and in the effects they produce.

Če kljub temu želimo analizirati pojav, lahko utemeljeno rečemo, da dobimo vlakno, ker to lahko primerjamo z mehanskim vlečenjem, pri čemer je nit vzdrževana na enem koncu s centrifuga tor jem in na drugem koncu s trenjem, ki ga izvaja obdajajoči zrak. Pri tej hipotezi je relativno gibanje obeh koncev vlakna posledica sestave rotacijskega gibanja centrifugalnega sklopa in gibanja plinskih strujanj.However, if we want to analyze the phenomenon, we can reasonably say that we get a fiber because it can be compared to mechanical drawing, with the thread being maintained at one end by centrifugal torque and at the other end by friction by the surrounding air. In this hypothesis, the relative motion of both ends of the fiber is due to the composition of the rotational motion of the centrifugal assembly and the movement of the gas streams.

Smer, ki ji sledijo niΐί pri izstopu iz centrifugalnega sklopa, dobro kaže, da taka sestava gibanj učinkovito posreduje pri vlečenju. Projekcija poti niti v ravnini, ki poteka tangencialno s centrifugalnim sklopom in oklepa določen kot s smerjo iztekanja plina (običajno vzporedno z osjo centrifugalnega sklopa), in ugotovimo, da je ta kot v resnici funkcija odnosa med obodno hitrostjo centrifugirnega sklopa in hitrostjo plina.The direction followed by niΐί when exiting the centrifugal assembly clearly indicates that such a composition of movements effectively mediates traction. The projection of the thread path in a plane tangential to the centrifugal assembly and the armor is determined as the gas flow direction (usually parallel to the axis of the centrifugal assembly), and we find that this angle is in fact a function of the relationship between the circumferential velocity of the centrifugal assembly and the gas velocity.

Pri običajnih pogojih funkcioniranja je kot sorazmerno majhen, saj je hitrost plina mnogo večja od obodne hitrosti centrifugirnega sklopa. To hi težilo k poudarjenju prevladujočega dela sojemanja s strani plinskega strujanja pri mehanizmu vlečenja vlaken.Under normal operating conditions, it is relatively small, since the gas velocity is much higher than the circumferential velocity of the centrifuge assembly. This hi tended to emphasize the predominant part of gas flow compression in the fiber traction mechanism.

V predhodno povedanem smo upoštevali samo projekcijo pom. S poskusi tudi ugotovimo, da so niti malo odmaknjeni od obodne stene, tako da pripombe, ki smo jih napravili glede odmetavanja, veljajo tudi za resnično pot vlakna.In the above we only considered the projection of pom. The experiments also show that the threads are slightly offset from the perimeter wall, so the comments we made about dumping also apply to the true path of the fiber.

Po teh pripombah, ki smo jih napravili, bi razmišljanja popolnoma geometrijske narave, ki jih bomo podrobneje analizirali kasneje, vodila nujno do zaključka, da je za izboljšanje vlečenja vlaken izhajajoč iz tradicionalnih obratovalnih pogojev, najboljša rešitev povečanje hitrosti plinov.Following these comments, considerations of a purely geometric nature, which will be analyzed in more detail later, would necessarily lead to the conclusion that increasing the gas velocity is the best solution to improve fiber traction.

V resnici pa ugotovimo, da pri preostalih nespremenjenih pogojih, pri znatnem povečanju hitrosti plina, s. katero si prizadevamo dobiti izredno fina vlakna, dobimo proizvode, katerih lastnosti so znatno manj dobre, ta vlakna so predvsem zelo neenakomerna, krhka in kratka, izolacijske polsti, izdelane s temi vlakni, pa kažejo slabe mehanske lastnosti in tudi slabše termične lastnosti, čeprav v nekoliko manjši meri.In reality, however, we find that under the remaining unchanged conditions, with a significant increase in gas velocity, s. which we strive to get extremely fine fibers from, we get products whose properties are much less good, these fibers are especially very uneven, brittle and short, and the insulating mats made with these fibers show poor mechanical properties and even worse thermal properties, although in slightly smaller.

Na preseneti j iv. način so izumitelji ugotovili, da se doseže zelo znatno izboljšanje kakovosti izolacijskih zizdelkov, kadar pri neizpremenjenih ostalih, pogojih povečajo obodno hitrost.At the surprise j iv. In this way, the inventors have found that a very significant improvement in the quality of insulation products is achieved when they increase the circumferential velocity under unchanged other conditions.

Če je zaželeno, da imamo veliko obodno hitrost, je samo po sebi raztualjivo, da se zaradi tehnoloških razlogov te hitrosti ne da neskončno povečati. V praksi je težavno prekoračiti hitrosti reda n/s in najpogosteje znaša hitrost' v smislu izuma med 5θ in 90If it is desirable to have a high circumferential velocity, it is inherently understandable that for technological reasons this velocity cannot be infinitely increased. In practice, it is difficult to exceed speeds of the order of n / s and most often the speed 'in the invention is between 5θ and 90

Obodna hitrost je omejena zlasti v pogledu mehanske trdnosti uporabljenih centrifugalnih sklopov. Čeprav je občasna nadomestitev centrifugalnega sklopa neizbežna, bo njegova življenjska doba v pogojih delovanja v smislu izuma morala ostati kompatibilna s pogoji tehnične zanesljivosti in tudi cene, ki so nerazdružljivi del pri vsakem industrijskem izkoriščanju, morajo ostati v razumnih mejah.The circumferential velocity is limited especially with regard to the mechanical strength of the centrifugal assemblies used. Although the occasional replacement of the centrifugal assembly is inevitable, its operating life under the invention will have to remain compatible with the conditions of technical certainty and also the prices which are an integral part of any industrial exploitation must remain within reasonable limits.

Zamenjava centrifugalnega sklopa v pogojih konvencionalega obratovanja je običajno potrebna po nekaj sto urah obratovanja. Pomembno je, da življenjska doba po predlogih v smislu izuma ne bi bila krajša od one, ki ustreza do sedaj znanim izvedbam, v danem primeru pa naj bi bila celo znatno daljša.Replacement of the centrifugal assembly under conventional operating conditions is usually required after several hundred hours of operation. It is important that the lifespan of the inventive inventions should not be shorter than that of the prior art and, in the present case, be substantially longer.

Omejitev rotacijske hitrosti - in s tem omejitev obremenitev, ki jih prenaša centrifugalni sklop - ki ne bi ovirala predhodno definiranih pogojev, se zdi torej posebno zaželena za izvedbo izuma. Upoštevajoč običajno uporabljene materiale, se zdi prikladno, da ne prekoračimo meje 8000 vrtljajev/min.Limiting the rotational speed - and thus limiting the loads carried by the centrifugal assembly - that would not interfere with predefined conditions, therefore, seems particularly desirable for carrying out the invention. Given the commonly used materials, it seems appropriate not to exceed the 8000rpm limit.

Če je vrtilna hitrost omejena, da centrifugalni sklop ne bi bil izpostavljen prevelikim obtežbam, je potrebno, da ostane centrifugalni učinek zadosten, da zagotavlja odmetavanje materiala, ki naj ga prevedemo v vlakna, iz ustij centrifugalnega sklopa pri zadovoljivih pogojih, zlasti pretoka. Tako je prednostno, da vrtilna hitrost ni manjša od 800 vrtljajev/min.If the rotational speed is limited so that the centrifugal assembly is not subjected to excessive stress, it is necessary that the centrifugal effect remains sufficient to allow the material to be transferred to the fibers to be thrown from the mouth of the centrifugal assembly under satisfactory conditions, in particular flow. Thus, it is preferred that the rotational speed is not less than 800 rpm.

Pri praktični izbiri vrtilne hitrosti in obodne hitrosti pa je zaradi vprašanj, ki jih zastavljajo mejne odpornosti odpreme, običajno tako, da so največje obodne hitrosti povezane z najmanjšimi vrtilnimi hitrostmi in obratno. Ta način obratovanja ne predstavlja nujno optimizacijo na področju tvorbe proizvoda temveč kompromis za zagotovitev primerno dolge življenjske dobe naprave.In the practical choice of rotational speed and circumferential speed, the questions posed by the limit resistance of dispatch usually mean that the maximum circumferential speeds are related to the lowest rotational speeds and vice versa. This mode of operation does not necessarily represent optimization in the field of product formation, but a compromise to ensure a sufficiently long device life.

Količina materiala, ki prihaja skozi vsako ustje centrifugirnega sklopa, je zelo pomemben faktor pri tem tipu postopka. Seveda ta količina direktno določa globalno proizvodno kapaciteto centrifugalnega sklopa. Bolj posredno pa je ta količina na ustje tudi element, ki bistveno vpliva na lastnosti proizvedenih vlaken.The amount of material coming through each mouthpiece of the centrifuge assembly is a very important factor in this type of process. Of course, this quantity directly determines the global production capacity of the centrifugal assembly. More indirectly, this quantity at the mouth is also an element that significantly affects the properties of the fibers produced.

Brez težav je razumljivo, da kolikor večja je količina, ki odpade na vsako ustje, toliko bolj intenzivno mora biti vlečenje za doseganje konstantne finosti vlaken.It is easy to understand that the greater the amount falling on each mouth, the more intense it must be to pull in to achieve the constant fineness of the fibers.

Ob upoštevanju praktičnih potreb proizvodnje količina na ustje ne sme biti premajhna. Za material, ki ga tvori steklo ali podoben analog, lahko smatramo kot spodnjo mejo količino 0,1 kg/dan, pod katero ni več ekonomično obratovati.Considering the practical needs of production, the volume per mouthpiece should not be too small. For glass-based material or a similar analogue, we can consider the lower limit to be 0.1 kg / day, below which it is no longer economical to operate.

Nasprotno pa prevelika količina ne omogoči doseganje zelo finih vlaken. Za kakovosti, ki jih terjamo od izolacijskega materiala, pa količina materiala prednostno ni večja od ; 3 kg/dan.In contrast, too much does not allow very fine fibers to be reached. However, for the qualities required of insulating material, the quantity of material is preferably not greater than; 3 kg / day.

Prikladno pa kompromisi med kapaciteto proizvodnje in kakovostjo vlakna vodijo do uravnavanja količine na ustje pri vrednosti med 0,7 in 1,4 kg/dan.Conveniently, trade-offs between production capacity and fiber quality lead to volume regulation at the mouth at between 0.7 and 1.4 kg / day.

Pri pogojih v smislu izuma lahko proizvodna kapaciteta organa za centrifugiranje doseže zelo pomembne vrednosti, ne da bi bila pri tem zmanjšana kakovost vlaken ali kakovost končnega proizvoda. Samo po sebi je razumljivo, da je prav tako možno vzdrževati proizvodnjo na manj visokem nivoju, zlasti za še nadaljnje izboljšanje kakovosti.Under the conditions of the invention, the production capacity of the centrifuging body can reach very significant values without reducing the quality of the fibers or the quality of the finished product. It goes without saying that it is also possible to maintain production at a lower level, especially to further improve quality.

- ΊΟ- ΊΟ

Prednosti, ki nam jih daje izum iz tega stališča, so zelo jasne.The advantages of the invention from this point of view are very clear.

Povečanje proizvodnje je ekonomsko pomemben dejavnik in posebnega pomena. V stanju tehnike je predstavljal predmet številnih predlogov; povečanje števila ustij centrifugalnega sklopa, povečanje preseka teh ustij, povečanje fluidnosti materiala ... .Ti različni elementi omogočajo učinkovito modifikacijo količine materiala, ki prehaja skozi centrifugalni sklop, vendar pa je slaba stran tovrstnih predlogov zmanjšanje kakovosti ali težave, ki se nanašajo na živ ljenjsko dobo naprave. Tako povečanje gostote ustij na obodu centrifugalnega sklopa, t.j. število ustij na enoto površine, ne oslabi samo centrifugalnega sklopa, temveč se pri prekoračenju določenega praga pokaže kot neugodno za kakovost vlaken Lahko predpostavljamo, da se primarna vlakna, ki so na začetku preveč stisnjena, prepletejo in zlepijo preden js njihovo vlečenje zaključeno. To lahko pojasni, zakaj so vlakna, dobljena pri teh pogojih, manj enakomerna, manj fina in krajša.Increasing production is an economically important factor and of particular importance. In the state of the art, he was the subject of many suggestions; increasing the number of mouths of the centrifugal assembly, increasing the cross-section of these mouths, increasing the fluidity of the material… .These various elements allow for an effective modification of the amount of material passing through the centrifugal assembly, but the downside of such proposals is a decrease in quality or problems relating to the living the lazy age of the device. Thus, increasing the density of the mouth at the circumference of the centrifugal assembly, i.e. the number of mouths per unit of surface not only weakens the centrifugal assembly but, when exceeding a certain threshold, proves to be unfavorable to the fiber quality. It can be assumed that the primary fibers, which are initially too compressed, are entwined and stuck together before their drawing is complete. This may explain why the fibers obtained under these conditions are less uniform, less fine and shorter.

S podobnim problemom se srečamo, kadar - še vedno z namenom, da povečamo proizvodno kapaciteto - presek ustij povečamo oh vzdrževanju enakih pogojev viskoznosti vlaknatega materiala. V tem primeru so primarna vlakna debeljša in težko dosežemo zadovoljivo vlečenje, celo če modificiramo režim obročastih plinov za vlečenje vlaken.We face a similar problem when - still with the intention of increasing production capacity - the mouth section is increased to maintain the same viscosity conditions of the fibrous material. In this case, the primary fibers are thicker and satisfactory traction is difficult to achieve, even if we modify the ring gas regime to pull the fibers.

Povečanje fluidnosti za določen material, t.j. povečanje njegove temperature, pa zastavlja drugačne probleme. Obratovalne temperature se nahajajo običajno na meji tega, kar zlitina centrifugalnega sklopa še lahko prenese. Pogosto celo izberejo naravo sestavka za prevedbo v vlakna tako, da upoštevajo ta tip omejitve. Povečanje temperature po tej hipotezi je nemogoče, razen če si pomagamo z dragocenimi materiali za gradnjo centrifugalnega sklopa, kar pa izzove druge težave, namreč ceno pa tudi mehanske lastnosti.Increase in fluidity for a given material, i.e. increasing its temperature, however, poses different problems. Operating temperatures are usually located at the limit of what the alloy of the centrifugal assembly can withstand. Often, they even choose the nature of the fiber translation composition to follow this type of restriction. Increasing the temperature according to this hypothesis is impossible unless we use valuable materials for the construction of a centrifugal assembly, which in turn causes other problems, namely the cost and mechanical properties.

Povečanje fluidnosti se da doseči tudi z uporabo materialov, katerih sestava je določena tako, da vodi do tega rezultata. Vendar pa je pomanjkljivost teh sestavkov, da so znatno dražji.Fluid enhancement can also be achieved by using materials whose composition is determined to lead to this result. However, the disadvantage of these compositions is that they are significantly more expensive.

Obratno v starejši literaturi postopki, katerih namen je doseganje izboljšanje kvalitete, vodijo do zmanjšanja proizvodnje.Conversely, in older literature, processes aimed at improving quality lead to a decrease in production.

Zahvaljujoč izumu pa se nahaja' rezultat na znatno boljšem nivoju, kljub temu, da se ohrani nasprotje med kakovostjo in količino. Tudi takrat, kadar si zastavimo za cilj proizvodnjo dobre kakovosti (v nadaljevanju opisa bomo videli, kako le-to ocenjujemo), primerljivo s tisto, katero so doslej pridobili s tem tipom postopka, zlahka prekoračimo proizvodnjo reda 12 t vlaknatega materiala na dan in po centrifugalnem sklopu.Thanks to the invention, the result is found to be at a much better level, despite maintaining the contrast between quality and quantity. Even when we set ourselves the goal of producing good quality (below we will see how we evaluate it), comparable to the one obtained so far with this type of process, we can easily exceed the production of about 12 tonnes of fibrous material daily and after centrifugal assembly.

V praksi se zdi prikladno, da v smislu izuma vzdržujemo proizvodnjo na nivoju nad 17 t dnevno in lahko dosežemo tudi proizvodnja 20 do 25 t ali več, pri čemer ohranimo proizvod z odlično kakovostjo.In practice, it is considered appropriate to maintain production at the level above 17 t per day according to the invention and can also achieve production of 20 to 25 t or more, while maintaining the product with excellent quality.

Omembe vredno je, da dosežemo te rezultate, ne da bi si pomagali s predhodno označenimi modifikacijami. Ni potrebno spreminjati gostote ustij, niti njihovih dimenzij itd.It is worth mentioning that we can achieve these results without using the previously indicated modifications. It is not necessary to change the density of the mouths or their dimensions, etc.

Tvorj ena primarna vlakna so torej v celoti primerljiva s tistimi, dobljenimi no urejšnjih analognih tehnikah in zaradi izboljšanega vlečenja, kot smo predhodno dejali, je tudi kakovost proizvodov boljša.Creator primary fibers are therefore fully comparable to those obtained by conventional analogue techniques and, due to improved traction, as previously stated, product quality is also better.

Vlečenje vlaken s pomočjo plinskih strujanj je izvedeno s pomočjo generatorja, katerega obročasto ustje je nameščeno v neposredni bližini centrifugirnega sklopa. Plinski tok ima določeno širino, da bi iz centrifugirnega sklopa odvržene niti ostale popolnoma potopljene v tem plinskem toku, zaradi česar bi bile vzdrževane v pogojih, primernih za njihovo vlečenje.The drawing of the fibers by means of gas streams is effected by means of a generator whose annular orifice is positioned in the immediate vicinity of the centrifuge assembly. The gas stream has a certain width to keep the threads completely immersed in the gas stream from the centrifuge assembly, keeping them in conditions suitable for drawing them.

Pri tem je širina toka na začetku seveda odvisna od točne geometrijske konfiguracije priprave za proizvajanje vlaken. Za dano pripravo so koristne variacije sorazmerno omejene, upoštevajoč, da se za zmanjšanje energetske porabe potrudimo, da kolikor mogoče zmanjšamo širino plinskega toka.The width of the current, of course, depends on the exact geometric configuration of the fiber fabrication device. For a given preparation, the useful variations are relatively limited, considering that in order to reduce energy consumption, we make every effort to reduce the width of the gas stream as much as possible.

Pri konvencionalnih pripravah jo širina plinskega toka na začetku reda velikosti 0,3 do 2 cm.For conventional preparations, the width of the gas stream at the beginning of the order is 0.3 to 2 cm.

Tlak izhajajočega plina v teh pogojih se giblje v vrednostih, ki lahko variirajo od 1000 Pa do 10.000 Pa za širino iztoka, ki je manjša od 2 cm in prednostno od 2000 do 6000 Pa za širino iztoka pod 1,5 cm.The leakage gas pressure under these conditions ranges from values that can vary from 1000 Pa to 10,000 Pa for a flow width of less than 2 cm and preferably from 2000 to 6000 Pa for a flow width of less than 1.5 cm.

Pri analizi tega, kaj se zgodi pred učinki, ki se nanašajo na obodno hihrost, količino pretoka materiala in tlaka vlečnih plinov, smo bili večkrat privedeni do tega, da smo določili, da v praksi ti različni parametri posredujejo skupaj pri kakovosti ali ceni dobljenih proizvodov.In analyzing what happens before the effects related to circumferential gyration, material flow rate and traction gas pressure, we have repeatedly been led to determine that, in practice, these different parameters mediate together in the quality or price of the products obtained. .

Med temi različnimi parametri lahko ugotovimo razmerja brez. : točnega fizikalnega pomena, da upoštevamo najugodnejše pome- 15 ne za obratovanje, ki jih predlaga izum.Among these different parameters we can determine the relationships without. : of exact physical importance, in order to take into account the most favorable operating conditions proposed by the invention.

bicer pa je neodvisno od teh parametrov obratovanja pomembno, da v teh formulah nastopa merilo, ki izraža kakovost dobljenega proizvoda. Na ta način ti izrazi jasno omogočajo razlikovati pogoje za izvedbo postopka v smislu izuma od onih iz stanja tehnike.however, regardless of these operating parameters, it is important for these formulas to have a criterion expressing the quality of the product obtained. In this way, these terms clearly distinguish the conditions for carrying out the process of the invention from those of the prior art.

Tako v smislu izuma izberemo,obodno hitrost v ustij centrifugirnega sklopa, izraženo v m/sek., maso materiala ki prehaja skozi vsako ustje centrifugirnega sklopa, izraženo v kg na ustje in na dan, ter tlak emisije £ vlečnega plina, izražen v Pa za dolžino emisije najmanj 5 mm in največ 12 mm, tako, da je razmerje q.v/p v območju med 0,007 in 0,05 in prednostno med 0,0075 in 0,02. iThus, according to the invention, the circumferential velocity at the mouth of the centrifuge assembly, expressed in m / sec, is selected, the mass of material passing through each mouth of the centrifuge assembly, expressed in kg per mouth and per day, and the emission pressure £ of the traction gas, expressed in Pa for the length emissions of a minimum of 5 mm and a maximum of 12 mm, such that the qv / p ratio is in the range of 0.007 to 0.05 and preferably between 0.0075 and 0.02. i

Prikladno je, da dobro prikažemo posebnosti izuma, da uvedemo parametre, ki se naaašsjo na finost vlaken. Finost pa ni edini kriterij za označevanje proizvodov, kot bomo videli v nadaljevanju. Izbrali smo jo zato, ker predstavlja brez dvoma naj.dostopnejši in najznačilnejši parameter za doseženo kakovost vlečenja.It is convenient to give a good account of the particularities of the invention in order to introduce the parameters which affect the fineness of the fibers. However, fineness is not the only criterion for product labeling, as we will see below. We chose it because it is without a doubt the most accessible and significant parameter for the quality of traction achieved.

Finost vlaken konvencionalno določamo indirektno s mikronskim številom (F).Fiber fineness is conventionally determined indirectly by so-called. micron number (F).

Mikronsko število merimo na naslednji način. Vzorec proizvoda, običajno 5 g, damo v oddelek, skozi katerega prehaja plinsko strujanje, ki je emitirano pri točno določenih pogojih, zlasti tlaka. Vzorec, skozi katerega prehaja plin, predstavlja oviro, ki teži k zaviranju prehoda tega plina. Izmerjeni plinski pretok odčitamo na merilniku količine s skalo. To so definirane vrednosti za normalizirane pogoje, katere odčitamo.The micron number is measured as follows. A sample of the product, usually 5 g, is placed in the compartment through which the gas flow is transmitted, which is emitted under specified conditions, in particular pressure. The pattern the gas passes through is an obstacle that tends to inhibit the passage of that gas. The measured gas flow is read on a scale gauge with a scale. These are defined values for the normalized conditions that are read.

Čim bolj so vlakna fina za isto maso vzorca, tem boljši je pretok.The finer the fibers for the same sample mass, the better the flow rate.

Najobičajnejše vrednosti mikronskih števil za izolacijske proizvode znašajo med 2 in 6 za 5 g. Proizvodi, ki imajo mikronsko število pod ali enako 3 za 5 g se smatrajo za zelo fine. Na splošno jim pripada boljša izolacijska sposobnost na enoto mase proizvoda.The most common micron numbers for insulation products are between 2 and 6 for 5 g. Products with a micron number less than or equal to 3 by 5 g are considered very fine. In general, they are given better insulation capacity per unit mass of product.

V smislu 'izuma je razmerje q.v/p.F s pridom nad 0,0035, pri čemer so p, v, p in F (za 5 g) izraženi v enotah, navedenih zgoraj. Prednostno je to razmerj-e nad’0,0040.According to the invention, the ratio q.v / p.F is better than 0.0035, with p, v, p and F (for 5 g) being expressed in the units mentioned above. Preferably, this ratio is above'0.0040.

Kadar delamo pri določenih pogojih tlaka, lahko izum izrazimo s poenostavljenim razmerjem q.v/F. To razmerje je pri izumu s pridom nad 17 in prednostno nad 18.When operating under certain pressure conditions, the invention can be expressed by a simplified ratio q.v / F. This ratio is advantageous in the invention over 17 and preferably over 18.

V predhodnih formulah izraža razmerje q/F na določen način prednosti postopka v smislu izuma. Je toliko večje kadar dobimo proizvod v večji količini in s finejšo strukturo. Parametra v in p pa se dasta približati z načinom izvedbe vlečenja vlaken. Kakorkoli že, pa imajo formule, uporabljene kot smo navedli, samo funkcijo, da omogočijo dobro karakterizacijo izuma v primerih z znanimi tehnikami.In the foregoing formulas, the q / F ratio expresses in a certain way the advantages of the process of the invention. It is all the greater when we get the product in bulk and with a finer structure. The parameters v and p, however, can be approximated by the method of drawing the fibers. However, the formulas used as stated above have only the function of allowing a good characterization of the invention in the cases by known techniques.

Prednost postopka tipa v smislu izuma je, ds ga da uporabiti za oblikovanje vlaken izhajajoči iz sirskega področja materialov. Med uporabnimi materiali so posebno prednostni steklasti sestavki, definirani kot sledi:An advantage of the type process of the invention is that it can be used to form fibers originating from the Syrian material field. Of particular useful materials are particularly preferred glass compositions defined as follows:

- 15 - Si02 61 - .'66 - Na20 12,55-16,5- 15 - Si0 2 61 - .'66 - At 2 0 12.55-16.5

- A12O3 2,5-5 - K20 O - 5- A1 2 O 3 2.5-5 - K 2 0 O - 5

- CaO 6-9 - O - 7,5- CaO 6-9 - O - 7.5

- MgO O - 5 - ^θ2θ3 pod. θ*θ- MgO O - 5 - ^ θ2θ3 under. θ * θ

Zgoraj označene vrednosti so izražene v masnih, odstotkih vsake izmed sestavih., Seveda pa točna sestava lahko obsega tudi sledove različnih elementov.The values indicated above are expressed as a percentage by mass of each of the compositions. However, the exact composition can also include traces of different elements.

•Tudi drugi pogoji sodelujejo pri izvedbi postopka v smislu izuma. Nanašajo se zlasti na material (temperaturo) in plinsko strujanje za vlečenje (temperatura). Ti pogoji pa se ne razlikujejo znatno od ustreznih pogojev, ki so jih opisali v stanju tehnike. Zato se nam ne zdi potrebno, da bi jih tukaj ponovno proučevali.• Other conditions are also involved in carrying out the process of the invention. They refer in particular to the material (temperature) and the gas flow for drawing (temperature). These conditions, however, do not differ significantly from the corresponding conditions described in the prior art. Therefore, we do not consider it necessary to re-examine them here.

Druge prednosti in karakteristike izuma se bodo pojavile v nadaljevanju opisa in pri izvedbenih primerih. Vendar pa je njihov namen samo pojasnjevanje izuma na podrobnejši način in nimajo nobenega omejevalnega značaja:Other advantages and features of the invention will appear in the following description and in the embodiments. However, their purpose is merely to explain the invention in a more detailed manner and they have no restrictive character:

Nadaljevanje opisa se nanaša zlasti na tip uporabljene priprave na kateri se lahko izvaja postopek oblikovanja vlaken po izumu. Pri tem se sklicujemo na risbe, v katerih kaže:The continuation of the description relates in particular to the type of device used in which the fiber forming process of the invention can be carried out. We refer to the drawings in which:

- slika 1 shemo centrifugirnega sklopa v perspektivi in pot oblikovanega vlakna na obodu centrifugirnega sklopa,- Figure 1 is a perspective view of the centrifuge assembly and the path of the formed fiber at the circumference of the centrifuge assembly,

- slika 2 prikaz projekcije poti vlakna iz sl. 1 v ravnini, ki poteka v smislu tangente na centrifugirni sklop,- Figure 2 shows a projection of the fiber path from FIG. 1 in the plane passing in terms of tangent to the centrifuge assembly,

- slika 3 sklop priprave za proizvajanje vlaken, uporaben v smislu izuma, prikazan v prerezu,- Fig. 3 is a cross-sectional view of a fiber assembly assembly of the invention,

- slika 4 detajl iz slike 3 v povečanem merilu, ki kaže različne elemente, delujoče v coni, kjer se vrši vlečenje vlaken.- Fig. 4 is an enlarged scale detail of Fig. 3 showing various elements operating in the area where the fiber is pulled.

- 16 Namen slik 1 in 2 je, da nam pokažeta vplive centrifugiranja in plinskega strujanja na vlečenje vlaken.- 16 The purpose of Figures 1 and 2 is to show us the effects of spinning and gas flow on fiber drawing.

Slika 1 kaže na shematski način centrifugirni sklop, na katerega obodni steni so razporejena ustja. Pot vlakna F je tudi prikazana na tej risbi kot tudi tangencialna ravnina T na steno centrifugirnega sklopa na nivoju izstopa vlakna F.Figure 1 shows in a schematic manner a centrifugal assembly on which the peripheral walls are arranged mouths. The path of fiber F is also shown in this drawing as well as the tangential plane T to the wall of the centrifuge assembly at the level of the outlet of fiber F.

Smer vrtenja centrifugirnega sklopa je označena s puščico.The direction of rotation of the centrifuge assembly is indicated by an arrow.

čeprav shematsko, predstavlja pot vlakna na tej risbi bistvo karakteristik, ki smo jih dejansko opazili.although schematic, the fiber path in this drawing is at the heart of the characteristics we have actually observed.

Tako ugotovimo, da se material odmakne od stene centrifugirnega sklopa, vendar je že po zelo kratki razdalji pot uklonjena pod vplivom vročega plinskega strujanja, ki obliva to steno.Thus, we find that the material moves away from the wall of the centrifugal assembly, but after a very short distance the path is obstructed by the hot gas flow that surrounds the wall.

Zatem pa razvoj vlakna sledi približno smeri, ki ustreza sestavi hitrosti centrifugirnega sklopa in plinskega strujanja.Thereafter, the development of the fiber follows approximately the direction corresponding to the composition of the velocity of the centrifugal assembly and the gas flow.

Na ravnini, tangencialni na centrifugirni sklop, je projekcija te sestave tipa, prikazane na sliki 2, 0 je ustje in kot, ki ga tvori projekcija s smerjo napredovanja plina, prikazano z vektorjem OG.On the plane tangential to the centrifugal assembly, the projection of this composition of the type shown in Figure 2, 0 is the estuary and the angle formed by the projection with the direction of gas advance is shown by the OG vector.

Kot je pri konvencionalnih pogojih hitrosti centrifugirnega sklopa,(prikazani z vektorjem OB) in hitrosti plina reda 20° ali manj.As with conventional spin velocity conditions (represented by the vector OB) and gas velocities of the order of 20 ° or less.

Torej razumemo, da apapriori celo sorazmerno pomembno povečanje hitrosti centrifugirnega sklopa (kot je prikazano s Črtkano Črto)ne bi moglo v zelo znatni meri modificirati vle- 17 Senja vlaken. Intenziteta tega vlečenja je lahko prikazana z vsoto vektorjev OG in OP. Povečanje OP pa pogojuje le šibko variacijo vsote, zaradi tega, ker je kot majhen. Nasprotno se zdi, da hi bilo za izboljšanje vlečenja prikladneje povečati hitrost plinov. Na primerih izvedbe izuma pa vidimo, da ugotovimo ravno nasprotno in da je za boljše vlečena vlakna z boljšo kakovostjo prednostno, da povečamo obodno hitrost centrifugirnega sklopa. i'Thus, it is understood that even a relatively significant increase in the velocity of the centrifuge assembly (as shown by the Dashed Line) could not significantly modify the drag of the fibers. The intensity of this drag can be represented by the sum of the vectors OG and OP. Increasing the OP, however, only causes a slight variation in the sum, because it is small. On the contrary, it seems that it would be more convenient to increase the gas velocity to improve traction. In the examples of the invention, however, we see that the opposite is true and that for better drawn fibers of better quality, it is preferable to increase the circumferential speed of the centrifuge assembly. and '

Sedaj poglejmo podrobneje sestavo sklopa za oblikovanje vlaken.Now let's take a closer look at the composition of the fiber forming assembly.

Priprava za oblikovanje vlaken, prikazana na sl. 5, obsega centrifugirni sklop v ožjem pomenu besede, ki je v celoti označen z referenco 1. Ta centrifugirni sklop, ki je nameščen horizontalno, nosi sklop 4, ki tvori gred priprave. Ta gred je nameščena v ohišju ležajev 5- Sklop gredi 4 in centrifugirnega sklopa poganja v rotacijo motor 6 s pomočjo prenosnega mehanizma, kot npr. jermenskega pogona, ki v nax Črtu ni prikazan.The fiber forming apparatus shown in FIG. 5, comprises a centrifugal assembly in the narrow sense of the word, which is fully denoted by reference 1. This centrifugal assembly, which is mounted horizontally, bears the assembly 4 which forms the shaft of the device. This shaft is housed in the bearing housing 5- The shaft assembly 4 and the centrifugal assembly drives the motor 6 into rotation by means of a transmission mechanism such as e.g. a belt drive that is not shown in the nax Line.

Obročasto vroče plinsko strujanje izteka iz gorilnikaAn annular hot gas stream flows out of the burner


Venec pihalnih šob 3, ki je koncentrično nameščen glede na centrifugirni sklop, daje prav tako obr^časti tok zraka z nizko temperaturo.The blow nozzle 3, concentrically positioned relative to the centrifugal assembly, also provides a low-temperature air flow.

Indukcijski grelni element 12 na visoko frekvenco, oblikovan kot obroč, obdaja spodnji del centrifugirnega sklopa.A high frequency induction heating element 12, shaped like a ring, surrounds the lower part of the centrifuge assembly.

- 18 Da bi se izognili napetostim in deformacijam, σο na primernih mestih priprave nameščeni različni izolacijski ali hladilni elementi, ki v načrtu niso prikazani.- 18 In order to avoid stresses and deformations, σ ο various suitable insulation or cooling elements, which are not shown in the design, are installed at suitable preparation points.

Dana sestava centrifugirnega sklopa, ki se za določen primer nanaša na sl. 4, je naslednja:The composition of the centrifuge assembly, which in a particular case relates to FIG. 4, is as follows:

Pritrditev na votlo gred 4 je zagotovljena s pestomThe hollow shaft 4 is secured with a hub

9. S pestom 9 je v enem kosu izvedeno platišče 16 v obliki diska, ki po eni strani nosi razdeljevalni boben 11 in del 15 centrifugirnega sklopa.9. With a hub 9, a disc-shaped rim 16 is carried in one piece, which on one side bears a distribution drum 11 and a portion 15 of the centrifuge assembly.

Obodna stena 7 centrifugirnega sklopa, s katerega so odmetavana primarna vlakna, je trdno povezana z delom 15. Ta obodna stena je lahno nagnjena glede na vertikalo tako, da izhgorilnika 2 iztekajoči plini enakomerno oblivajo njeno celotno površino.The circumferential wall 7 of the centrifugal assembly from which the primary fibers are discharged is firmly connected to part 15. This circumferential wall is slightly inclined with respect to the vertical such that burner 2 leaking gases uniformly enclose its entire surface.

Odpornost proti deformaciji centrifugirnega sklopa je ojačena s prirobkom 8, ki predstavlja nadaljevanje obodne stene 7 in. je z njo izveden iz enega kosa.The deformation resistance of the centrifuge assembly is reinforced by a flange 8, which represents the continuation of the circumferential wall 7 and. is made from it from one piece.

Na slikah 5 in 4 niso prikazana ustja, skozi katera je centrifugiran material, predviden za izdelavo vlaken, zaradi; ..njihovih majhnih dimenzij. Ta ustja so na enakomeren način porazdeljena v vodoravnih vrstah. Ustja v dveh zaporednih vrstah so premaknjena druga proti drugim, da zagotove maksimalno razdaljo med sosednjimi ustji.Figures 5 and 4 do not show the mouths through which the centrifuged material intended for fiber production is due to; ..their small dimensions. These mouths are evenly distributed in horizontal rows. The mouthpieces in two consecutive rows are moved to each other to provide maximum distance between adjacent mouths.

Konstrukcija centrifugirnega sklopa mora biti zasnovana tal'o, da lahko prenaša znatne mehanske obremenitve. Vendar pa se zdi prednostno, da obdržimo spodnji del odprt. Taka razporeditev razen ugodnosti, ki jih nudi za izdelavo centrifugirnega sklopa, preprečuje eventualne deformacije, ki bi seThe design of the centrifugal assembly must be designed in such a way that it can withstand considerable mechanical stress. However, it seems preferable to keep the bottom open. Such an arrangement, in addition to the advantages it offers to produce a centrifugal assembly, prevents any deformation that would occur

- 19 lahko pojavile zaradi temperaturnih razlik med obodom in dnom centrifugirnega sklopa.- 19 may occur due to temperature differences between the circumference and the bottom of the centrifuge assembly.

Tok materiala, ki je predviden za izdelavo vlaken, je v prikazani pripravi nasleden. Kontinuirna nit staljenega materiala izteka v os votle gredi 4. Ta staljeni material sprejema dno bobna 11. Vrtenje slednjega vodi material na obodni deL bobna 11, ki ima na obodu veliko število ustij. Izhajajoč iz teh ustij in pod učinkom centrifugiranja je material 'odvržen na notranjo obodno steno 7 centrifugirnega s/ sklopa 1. Tam material tvori kontinuiren sloj. Se vedno pod učinkom centrifugiranja prehaja material skozi ustja stene 7 in je odvržen v obliki drobnih nitk v strujanje plinov za vlečenje, kjer se dokončno jLzvLeče v obliko vlaken. Ti plini iztekajo iz cevi 15 gorilnika 2. Obročasto pihalo 5 ustvarja plinsko kopreno, ki ovija plinsko strujanje za vlečenje in ga uanerja zlasti za to, da se izognemo udarjanju vlaken ob obročni induktor 12.The flow of material intended for fiber production is as follows in the shown preparation. The continuous thread of molten material extends into the axis of the hollow shaft 4. This molten material receives the bottom of the drum 11. The rotation of the latter leads the material to the circumferential portion of the drum 11, which has a large number of mouths at the circumference. Starting from these mouths and under the effect of spin, the material 'is disposed of on the inner circumferential wall 7 of the spinner s / assembly 1. There the material forms a continuous layer. Still, under the effect of centrifugation, the material passes through the mouths of the wall 7 and is discarded in the form of fine filaments into the stream of drawing gases, where it is finally drawn into the form of fibers. These gases flow out of the tube 15 of the burner 2. The annular fan 5 generates a gas net that wraps the gas stream for drawing and in particular, in order to prevent the fibers from hitting the ring inductor 12.

Razdelilni boben 11 igra pomembno vlogo pri oblikova nju pogojev vlečenja. Predstavlja prvo rezervo, ki egalizira tok materiala. To omogoča zlasti porazdelitev materiala na zelo enakomeren način po celotni notranji ploskvi obodne ste ne 7 centrifugirnega sklopa.The separation drum 11 plays an important role in the design of the traction conditions. It represents the first reserve that equalizes the flow of material. This in particular allows the material to be distributed in a very uniform manner throughout the inner surface of the circumferential column 7.

Podroben študij porazdelilnega bobna, ki nastopa v framoski pat. prijavi št. 2442 426, katero smo že citirali, poudarja določene pomembne lastnosti za dobro obratovanje sklopa. Gre zlasti za dimenzijo ustij, nameščenih na obodu bobna, od koder je material, namenjen za prevedbo v vlakna,A detailed study of the distribution drum, which occurs in the Framosian pat. report no. 2442 426, cited above, emphasizes certain important features for the good operation of the assembly. In particular, it is the dimension of the mouth positioned at the circumference of the drum, from where the material is intended to be translated into fibers,

- 20 odvržen na notranjo ploskev obodne stene 7, ter na prostorsko razporeditev bobna in zlasti ustij slednjega proti centrifugirnemu sklopu. Več informacij o tem predmetu se da dobitiuprikladno iz zgoraj citiranega starejšega ipatenta.- 20 is disposed of on the inner surface of the circumferential wall 7, and on the spatial arrangement of the drum and in particular the mouth of the drum against the centrifugal assembly. More information on this subject can be obtained appropriately from the senior patentee cited above.

Centrifugalni sklopi za realizacijo izuma se morajo razen po že navedenih karakteristikah razlikovati od analognih že znanih priprav še po zelo povečanih dimenzijah. Prikladno je premer centrifugalnega sklopa na nivoju obodne (Centrifugal assemblies for the realization of the invention must, in addition to the aforementioned characteristics, differ from the analogous devices already known, in very large dimensions. The diameter of the centrifugal assembly at the circumferential (

stene enak ali večji od 500 mm in lahko doseže in celo preseže 1000 mm, medtem ko centrifugirni sklopi, ki so jih doslej uporabljali, ne presežejo 400 mm.walls equal to or greater than 500 mm and may reach and even exceed 1000 mm, while the centrifugal assemblies used so far do not exceed 400 mm.

To povečanje premera centrifugirnega sklopa igra pomembno vlogo za številne karakteristike izvedbe tovrstnega tipa postopka. Tako povečanje obsega centrifugirnega sklopa brez spremembe površine obodne stene poveča površino, ki je na voljo za ustja. Ne da bi spreminjali njihovo porazdelitev, zlasti brez spremembe njihovega števila na enoto površine, < imamo tako na voljo večje Število ustjj in s tem povečamo proizvodno kapaciteto. Izboljšanje proizvodnje, katero dosežemo na ta način, ne vpliva na načela, ki določajo kakovost vlaken, in povečanje vlečnega efekta, ki je posledica obodne hitrosti, z ozirom na vlečni efekt s plinskim strujanjem pri pogojih, definiranih z izumom, celo omogoča izboljšanje teh kakovosti.This increase in the diameter of the centrifuge assembly plays an important role for many performance characteristics of this type of process. Thus, increasing the circumference of the centrifuge assembly without altering the circumference of the circumferential wall increases the surface area available for the mouth. Without changing their distribution, especially without changing their number per unit area, <we thus have a greater number of estuaries and thus increase production capacity. Improving the production achieved in this way does not affect the principles governing the quality of the fibers, and even increasing the traction effect resulting from the circumferential velocity with respect to the traction effect by gas flow under the conditions defined by the invention even makes it possible to improve these qualities. .

Čeprav je uporaba centrifugirnih sklopov s premeri, ki so večji oo Konvencionamin dimenzij, preanosme, predstavlja uporaba centrifugirnih sklopov s premeri reoa velikosti 200Although the use of centrifugal assemblies with diameters larger than the Conventionalamine dimensions is too small, the use of centrifugal assemblies with diameters of size 200

-21 300, ali 400 mm pri pogojili, predvidenih, v smislu izuma, določene prednosti. Obratovanje pri obodnih hitrostih nad 50 m/sek. omogoča namreč neodvisno od dimenzij centrifugirnega sklopa, izboljšanje kakovosti tvorjenih izolacijskih proizvodov.-21 300, or 400 mm at the conditions provided for in the invention of a particular advantage. Operating at circumferential speeds exceeding 50 m / sec. it enables, independently of the dimensions of the centrifugal assembly, to improve the quality of the insulation products generated.

Za konvencionalne centrifugirne sklope terja povečanje obodne hitrosti povečanje vrtilne hitrosti, ki lahko doseže celo okoli 8000 vrtljajev/min. ali več. Meje vrtilne hitrosti, kot smo že označili, so praktične narave. Določene so z odpornostjo centrifugirnega sklopa na obremenitve, ki se nanj izvajajo med obratovanjem.For conventional centrifugal assemblies, an increase in circumferential speed requires an increase in rotational speed, which can reach as high as 8000 rpm. or more. The speed limits, as we have already indicated, are practical in nature. They are determined by the resistance of the centrifuge assembly to the loads exerted on it during operation.

Za centrifugirne sklope z zelo velikim premerom v smislu izuma je vrtilna hitrost prednostno med 1000 in 225° vrtijaji/min.For very large diameter centrifugal assemblies of the invention, the rotational speed is preferably between 1000 and 225 ° rpm.

Za dobro obratovanje sklopa je poglavitno, da so pogoji vlečenja strogo identični v vseh točkah oboda centrifugalnega sklopa. V tem smislu je potrebno, da je strujanje ί plina z visoko temperaturo res enakomerno.For the assembly to function well, it is essential that the traction conditions are strictly identical at all points of the circumference of the centrifugal assembly. In this respect, it is necessary that the flow ί of the high temperature gas is indeed uniform.

Pri najobičajnejših izvedbah se tvori strujanje plina izhajajoč iz več zgorevalnih komor, razporejenih enakomerno okoli centrifugalnega sklopa. Komora tega tipa je prikazana pri 14 na sl. 3· Zgorevalni plini, proizvedeni v komori 14, so uvajani blizu obodne stene centrifugalnega sklopa in uhajajo skozi obročasto šobo 15» ki je skupna sklopu različnih zgorevalnih komor 14.In the most conventional embodiments, a gas stream is formed from several combustion chambers arranged uniformly around the centrifugal assembly. A chamber of this type is shown at 14 in FIG. 3 · The combustion gases produced in the chamber 14 are introduced near the circumferential wall of the centrifugal assembly and leak through the annular nozzle 15 'common to the assembly of the various combustion chambers 14.

Kadar dimenzije centrifugirnega sklopa in generatorja plina za vlečenje niso prevelike, se doseže enakomernost plin skega strujanja brez prevelikih težav. Iztekajoči plin pred- 22 stavlja pretežno enake lastnosti ;.po celi razsežnosti šobe 15. To pa postane vedno težavneje doseči, kadar so dimenzije večje, kot je eventualno primer v smislu izuma.When the dimensions of the centrifuge assembly and the draft gas generator are not too large, the gas flow is uniformly achieved without too much difficulty. The leakage gas is predominantly of the same characteristics; .the whole dimension of the nozzle 15. This becomes increasingly difficult to achieve when the dimensions are larger than is eventually the case in the invention.

Za olajšanje doseganja pogojev enakomernega pihanje pri izhodu iz gorilnike se zdi prikladno, da uporabimo eno samo zgorevalno komoro, ki obdaja centrifugalni sklop. Ta, ena sama zgorevalna prstančna komora, omogoča boljše f uravnoteženje tlakov in plinskih pretokov po celi širini šobe 15.In order to facilitate the achievement of conditions of uniform blowing when exiting the burner, it seems appropriate to use a single combustion chamber surrounding the centrifugal assembly. This, a single combustion ring chamber, enables better f balancing of pressures and gas flows over the entire width of the nozzle 15.

Pri tej točki opisa in preden proučimo primere za izvedbo izuma ter dobljene proizvode, je potrebno določiti veličine, ki označujejo proizvode, za boljše razumevanje narave izboljšav, ki smo jih doprinesli z izumom.At this point in the description, and before examining the embodiments of the invention and the products obtained, it is necessary to determine the quantities which characterize the products in order to better understand the nature of the improvements which we have brought with the invention.

Pri tem pristopu obravnavamo v bistvu proizvodnjo izolacijskih materialov, tvorjenih iz polsti ali preproge vlaken. Ti sami proizvodi predstavljajo znaten del celote cuporabe mineralnih vlaken. Seveda pa to ne izključuje iz4 vedbe izuma za pripravo proizvodov, namenjenih za druge rabeIn this approach, we consider essentially the production of insulating materials made of felt or carpet fibers. These products themselves represent a significant part of the mineral fiber cup collection. Of course, this does not exclude the invention from the preparation of products intended for other uses

Kot smo že označili, sta dva glavna tipa kakovosti, ki se jih trudimo doseči, termično izolacijske kakovosti, vendar enako tudi mehanske kakovosti. Slednje se nanašajo na zelo specifične vidike izolacijskih proizvodov. Potrebno je zlasti, da je proizvod dobro primeren za vzdrževanje in kondicioniranje, ki ga terjajo proizvodi z velikim volumnom in majhno specifično maso.As we have already indicated, the two main types of quality we strive to achieve are thermal insulation quality, but also mechanical quality. The latter relate to very specific aspects of insulation products. In particular, the product must be well suited for the maintenance and conditioning required by products of high volume and low specific mass.

Za dan proizvod je izolacijska kakovost določena z njegovo termično odpornostjo R. Izraža kapaciteto obravnavanega proizvoda, da se upira termičnim spremembam, kadar vla- 23 dajo različne temperature na enem oz. drugem koncu proizvoda. Ta vrednost pa ni odvisna samo od karakteristik vlaken in njihove razporeditve v osrčju proizvoda, ampak tudi od debeline proizvoda.For a given product, the insulating quality is determined by its thermal resistance R. It expresses the capacity of the product under consideration to resist thermal changes when different temperatures at one and the same temperature. the other end of the product. However, this value depends not only on the characteristics of the fibers and their distribution at the heart of the product, but also on the thickness of the product.

Čim bolj je nek proizvod gost, tem večja je njegova vThe more dense a product is, the greater its volume

termična odpornost. Ce želimo primerjati termične odpornosti različnih proizvodov, je torej potrebno določiti debelino teh proizvodov. Kasneje bomo videli, da je vprašanje debeline fthermal resistance. To compare the thermal resistance of different products, it is therefore necessary to determine the thickness of these products. We will see later that the question of thickness f

ozko povezano z mehanskimi lastnostmi proizvodov. V literaturi se včasih sklicujejo tudi na termično prevodnost, t.j. veličino, ki izključuje dimenzije proizvoda. Gre nekako za intrinzično merilo izolacijske kakovosti. V praksi pa se najpogosteje uporablja termično odpornost za karakterizacijo proizvodov. Zato smo v primerih ohranili to veličino.closely related to the mechanical properties of the products. Thermal conductivity is also sometimes referred to in the literature, i.e. a size that excludes product dimensions. It's kind of an intrinsic measure of insulation quality. In practice, thermal resistance is most commonly used to characterize products. That is why we have maintained this magnitude in cases.

Kljub številnim študijam, narejenih o tem predmetu, še vedno ni mogoče vzpostaviti popolno korelacijo med termično odpornostjo ali termično prevodnostjo in merljivimi po{ datki, ki se nanašajo na strukturo proizvoda. Vendar pa nam upoštevanje določenih dejstev omogoča, da usmerimo proizvodnjo v odvisnosti od iskanega rezultata.Despite numerous studies conducted on this subject, it is still not possible to establish a complete correlation between thermal resistance or thermal conductivity and measurable defects related to product structure. However, taking into account certain facts allows us to direct production according to the result sought.

Tako večja količina vlaken z isto prekrito površino omogoča povečanje izolacijskih lastnosti. Vendar pa to povečanje spremlja povečanje stroškov. Zato je zanimivo, da imamo v merilu možnega dano termično odpornost z najmanjšim številom vlaken. Primerjava gramskega števila, t.j. mase vlaken na enoto površine za različne proizvode z enako termično odpornostjo, predstavlja merilo njihovih kakovosti.Thus, a larger amount of fibers with the same covered surface increases the insulating properties. However, this increase is accompanied by an increase in costs. It is therefore interesting to have a given thermal resistance with the least number of fibers to the extent possible. Comparison of gram number, i.e. the mass of fibers per unit area for different products with the same thermal resistance is a measure of their quality.

- 24 Kakovost proizvoda v tem primeru variira obratno sorazmerno gramskemu številu.- 24 In this case, the quality of the product varies inversely with the gram number.

Prav tako je ugotovljeno, da je finost vlaken pomemben dejavnik pri karakterizaciji izolacijskih kakovosti. Za isto gramsko število je proizvod toliko bolj izoliran, kolikor finejša so vlakna.Fiber fineness is also found to be an important factor in characterizing insulating qualities. For the same gram number, the product is as isolated as the finer the fibers.

Mehanske veličine, koristne za ovrednotenje proizvoda, so v bistvu vezane na problem kondicioniranja.Mechanical quantities useful for product evaluation are essentially related to the conditioning problem.

V celoti gre v resnici za zelo voluminozne proizvode, katere je prikladno skladiščiti v komprimiranem stanju. Vendar pa je potrebno, da komprimirani proizvod ponovno povzame določen volumen, ko ga sprostimo, da najbolje razvije svoje izolacijske lastnosti.All in all, these are very voluminous products that are conveniently stored in a compressed state. However, it is necessary for the compressed product to resume a certain volume when released to best develop its insulating properties.

Po kompresiji preproga iz vlaken,ta sama od sebe zavzame določeno debelino, različno od debeline pred kompresijo in debeline v komprimiranem stanju. Zaželeno je, da material zavzame po jemanju iz embalaže kolikor mogoče veliko debelino, da dobimo proizvod z dobro termično odpornostjo.After compression, the fiber carpet takes up a certain thickness, different from the pre-compression thickness and the compressed state. It is desirable for the material to take as much thickness as possible after removal from the packaging to obtain a product with good thermal resistance.

Podrobneje je za proizvod,(vzet iz embalaže), katerega karakteristike so dobro normalizirane in zlasti katerega debelina je garantirana, pomembno, da v komprimiranem stanju zavzame minimalen volumen. Ta garantirana povrnjena debelina je izražena tudi z dopustnim kompresijskim razmerjem.In particular, for a product (taken from packaging) whose characteristics are well normalized and in particular whose thickness is guaranteed, it is important to keep a minimal volume in the compressed state. This guaranteed return thickness is also expressed by the allowable compression ratio.

Težavno je ugotoviti ozko zvezo med mehanskimi in izolacijskimi lastnostmi proizvoda, celo takrat, kadar se potrudimo analizirati ene in druge v pojmih strukture, dimenzij vlaken itd. ... Izkušnje pa samo pokažejo, da je izboljšanje izolacijskih lastnosti kompatibilno s kompresij skiro razmerjem.It is difficult to establish a close relationship between the mechanical and insulating properties of a product, even when trying to analyze each other in terms of structure, fiber dimensions, etc. ... However, experience only shows that the improvement of insulation properties is compatible with the compression ratio.

- 25 V nadaljevanju opisa prikazujemo primere za izvedbo izuma.- 25 The following are examples of embodiments of the invention.

j°/ Primerjalni primerj ° / Comparative example

Te primerjalne primere smo izvedli za dokaz prednosti, katere ugotovimo pri obratovanju pri pogojih, katere predpisuje izum, z ozirom na predhodne obratovalne pogoje.These comparative examples were performed to demonstrate the advantage of operating under the conditions prescribed by the invention with respect to prior operating conditions.

Težava za postavitev primerjalnih primerov sloni, kot smo videli, v raznolikosti faktorjev, ki so sposobni, da vplivajo na kakovost končnega proizvoda.The problem of setting comparative examples is elephants, as we have seen, in the variety of factors that are capable of influencing the quality of the finished product.

V okviru možnega smo pri teh poskusih raziskovali pogoje za izvedbo, ki omogočajo vzdrževanje konstantnih parametrov, ki so občutljivi na različne vplive.As far as possible, in these experiments we investigated the conditions for implementation, which allow to maintain constant parameters that are sensitive to different influences.

Naslednja tabela povzema spremenljive karakteristike in dobljene rezultate, kar zadeva pripravljeni proizvod.The following table summarizes the variable characteristics and the results obtained with respect to the finished product.

Tri prve poskuse smo izvedli pri pogojih obratovanja, ki ne ustrezajo izumu.The first three experiments were performed under operating conditions that did not conform to the invention.

. I . I II II III III IV IV - obodna hitrost (v)(m/s) - peripheral speed (in) (m / s) 38 38 38 38 38 38 56,5 56.5 - pretok na ustje (kg/dan) - flow to the mouth (kg / day) 1,30 1,30 1,16 1.16 1,1 1.1 - tlak (p) (Pa) - pressure (p) (Pa) 7580 7580 10200 10200 6500 6500 4700 4700 - Q.v/p - Q.v / p 0,0055 0,0055 0,0048 0,0048 0,0068 0,0068 0,013· 0.013 · - mikronako število 5 g (F) - micronutrient number 5 g (F) 5 5 3 3 4,5 4.5 3 3 - q.v/p.F - q.v / p.F 0,0018 0,0018 0,0016 0,0016 0,0015 0,0015 0,0043 0,0043 - q.v/P - q.v / P 13,9 13,9 16,4 16.4 9,79 9.79 20,7 20,7 - celokupni pretok v centri fugalnem sklopu (tone/dan) - total flow in the centers of the joint (tons / day) 9 9 18 18 18 18 18 18 - gramsko število za , R = 2 (g/m2) - gram number for, R = 2 (g / m2) 945 945 1080 1080 1215 1215 945 945 - kompresijsko razmerje - compression ratio 4 4 2 2 4 4 4 4 - odpornost, na raztezanje (g/g) - elongation resistance (g / g) 25O 25O 150 150 250 250 250 250 Kakovost pripravljenih proizvodov Quality of prepared products je definirana v tej is defined in this tabeli zlasti z gramskim številom, potrebnim za doseganje do- in particular the gram number needed to reach the ločene termične odpornosti za debelino,ki separate thermal resistance for thickness which je prav is right tako dolo- so determined- čena. Za referenco smo čena. We are for reference izbrali have chosen vrednost · value · termične thermal odpornosti resistance 2 m^°K/U, izmerjeno pri 2 m ^ ° K / U, measured at 297 °K 297 ° K z debelino with thickness 90 mm. Ti pogoji 90 mm. These conditions

ustrezajo normaliziranemu izolatorju.correspond to a normalized insulator.

Kompresijsko razmerje je razmerj,e med garantirano nominalno debelino po 3 mesecih' skladiščenja v komprimiranem stanju proti debelini komprimiranega proizvoda.Compression ratio is the ratio of the guaranteed nominal thickness after 3 months' storage in the compressed state to the thickness of the compressed product.

- 27 Odpornost na raztezanje smo merili po normi ASTM C 686 - 71 T.- 27 Tensile strength was measured according to ASTM C 686 - 71 T.

Iz zgornje tabele lahko potegnemo več zaključkov.Several conclusions can be drawn from the table above.

Pri primerjavi poskusa št. IV v smislu izuma s poskusom II ugotovimo npr., da je za konstantno finost proizvoda in za enak globalen pretok skozi centrifugirni sklop, pri obratovanju pri pogojili, ki jih predpisuje izum, dobimo po eni strani proizvod z boljšo kakovostjo (gramsko število je manjše), znatno izboljšano kompresijsko razmerje in boljšo odpornost na raztezanje.When comparing experiment no. IV according to the invention of Experiment II, for example, it is found that for constant fineness of the product and for the same global flow through the centrifugal assembly, operation under the conditions prescribed by the invention yields, on the one hand, a better quality product (gram number is less) , significantly improved compression ratio and better stretching resistance.

Opaženo izboljšanje gramskega števila omogoča, da za isto količino vlaknastih materialov povečamo količino proizvoda za okoli 10 %. Izboljšanje kompresijskega razmerja omogoči zelo pomemben prihranek na stroških transporta in skladiščenja.The observed improvement in gram number makes it possible to increase the amount of product by about 10% by the same amount of fibrous materials. Improving the compression ratio makes it very important to save on transport and storage costs.

Če kot za primera I in IV uravnamo pogoje obratovanja, da imamo enake kakovosti proizvoda, ugotovimo, da se pretok v centrifugalnem sklopu v smislu izuma poveča v znatni količini, zaradi česar je postopek očitno bolj gospodaren.If, as for cases I and IV, we regulate the operating conditions to have the same product quality, we find that the flow in the centrifugal assembly of the invention increases in a considerable amount, which makes the process obviously more economical.

Drug način primerjave izuma s stanjem tehnike obstaja v tem, da vzpostavimo take pogoje, da so pretok in mehanske lastnosti identični. V tem primeru, ki se nanaša na primera III in IV, pa ugotovimo, da pri obratovanju v smislu izuma pride do znatnega zmanjšanja mikronskega števila, kar dokazuje, da so proizvedena vlakna finejša, kar pojasnjuje, da je za isto termično odnornost gramsko število manjše.Another way of comparing the invention to the prior art is to establish such conditions that the flow and mechanical properties are identical. In the case of Examples III and IV, however, it is found that the operation according to the invention results in a significant reduction in the micron number, which proves that the fibers produced are finer, which explains that for the same thermal resistance the gram number is smaller .

-28 Kakorkoli obravnavamo način izvedbe v smislu izuma, pa predstavlja znatno izboljšavo z ozirom na stanje tehnike, kar potrjujejo naslednji rezultati poskusov, izvedeni pri drugih obratovalnih pogojih.-28 Whatever the embodiment of the invention is considered, however, it is a significant improvement with respect to the prior art, as confirmed by the following results of experiments performed under other operating conditions.

2°/ Poskusi variiranja različnih parametrov2 ° / Attempts to vary different parameters

Različne druge parametre smo modificirali v< odvisnosti od iskanih kakovosti proizvoda, pri čemer smo ostali pri pogojih v smislu izuma.Various other parameters were modified according to the desired product quality, while remaining under the conditions of the invention.

Rezultati teh poskusov so navedeni v naslednji The results of these experiments are given in the following tabeli: table: V V ' VI 'VI VII VII VIII VIII IX IX - obodna hitrost (v)(m/s) - peripheral speed (in) (m / s) 56,5 56.5 56,5 56.5 75 75 56,5 56.5 71 71 - pretok na ustje (q) (kg/dan) - flow to the mouth (q) (kg / day) 1 1 0,9 0.9 0,7 0.7 1,25 1,25 1 1 - tlak (p) (Pa) - pressure (p) (Pa) 1600 1600 3250 3250 2700 2700 4400 4400 3000 3000 z fkg m 1 \z f kg m 1 \ 0,035 0.035 0,015 0.015 0,019 0.019 0,016 0.016 0,024 0.024 - mikronsko število za 4 5 e (?) - micron number for 4 5 e (?) 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 - o-v/p.F, (afe-j-k’ - o-v / p.F, (afe-j-k ' 0,0038 0,0038 Ό,ΟΟ52 Ό, ΟΟ52 0,0064 0,0064 0,0040 0,0040 0,0078 0,0078 q,V/Zp(3an*s) q, V / Zp ' ( 3an * s ) 14,12 14,12 16,95 16,95 17,5 17.5 17,65 17,65 23,6 23.6 - celotni pretok centrifugalna sklopa (tone/dan) - total flow of centrifugal assembly (tons / day) 18' 18 ' 18 18 18 18 25 25 20 20 - gramsko število - gram number 1080 1080 945 945 915 915 1140 1140 865 865 za R = 2 (g/m^) for R = 2 (g / m ^) - kompresijsko razmerje - compression ratio 4 4 4 4 - - 3 3 4 4 - odpornost na - resistance to 300 300 250 250 - 250 250 250 250

vlečenje (g/g)draw (g / g)

- 29 Primer V je izvedba pri pogojih v smislu izuma za pripravo proizvoda, katerega lahko primerjamo s proizvodom iz primera IV. Mehanske lastnosti so v celoti ohranjene. Mikronsko število preide od 3 na 4, to pomeni, da so vlakna nekoliko manj fina. Iz tega sledi nekoliko manjše gramsko število.- 29 Example V is an embodiment of the conditions of the invention for the preparation of a product which can be compared with the product of Example IV. The mechanical properties are fully preserved. The micron number goes from 3 to 4, meaning that the fibers are slightly less fine. This results in a slightly smaller gram number.

Tip proizvodnje, ki ustreza primeru V, celo kadar imajo proizvodi višje gramsko število kot oni iz primera IV, k je zanimiv. V resnici pri identičnih pogojih centrifugiranja nastane sprememba finosti vlaken.zaradi različnega funkcioniranja gorilnika, iz katerega izhajajo vroči plini za vlečenje Energija, ki se porabi za funkcioniranje gorilnika v primeru V, je znatno zmanjšana z ozirom na primer IV, kar lahko koristno kompenzira povečanje gramskega števila.The type of production corresponding to Example V, even when the products have a higher gram number than those of Example IV, is of interest. In fact, under identical spin conditions, a change in the fineness of the fibers occurs. Due to the different functioning of the burner, from which the hot drafting gases are derived. numbers.

Čeprav točna primerjava ni možna, ker mikronska števila niso strogo enaka v obeh primerih, pa lahko izvedemo z ekstrapolacijo, da bi za mikronsko število 4,5 ostalo gramsko število pri pogojih primera V manjše od onega pri primeru III To potrdi, kar se pojavlja pri primerjavi primerov II in IV, t.j., da je kakovost izolacijskih proizvodov, dobljenih v smislu izuma, boljša od one pri proizvodih, dobljenih po pogojih stanja tehnike, čeprav je ta razlika znatnejša za finej še proizvode.Although an exact comparison is not possible because the micron numbers are not strictly the same in both cases, it can be done by extrapolation to keep the gram number under the conditions of the case V smaller than that of the case III. This confirms what appears at Comparison of Examples II and IV, ie the quality of the insulation products obtained according to the invention is better than that of the products obtained according to the state of the art, although this difference is more significant for the finer products.

Primer VI je analogna izvedba kot pri primeru IV, le da pri njej vzdržujemo obodno hitrost in zmanjšamo vrtilno hitrost. Lastnosti proizvodov so upoštevaje eksperimentalne približke, enake.Example VI is analogous to Example IV, except that it maintains a peripheral speed and a decrease in rotational speed. The product properties are the same as the experimental approximations.

- 3θ V istem sosledju idej je enako zanimiv tudi primer VII. Vpliv obodne hitrosti na pripravljene izolacijske proizvode se še enkrat jasno odraža na vrednosti gramskega števila.- 3θ Case VII is equally interesting in the same sequence of ideas. The influence of the peripheral velocity on the prepared insulation products is again clearly reflected in the values of the gram number.

Pri primeru VIII gre za poskus za pretok 25 ton/dan, ki ne predstavlja omejitve za postopek v smislu izuma, vendar ga jasno odlikuje od dosedanjih izvedb na tem področju, kadar želimo vlakna, ki imajo dobre lastnosti. Mikronsko število ostane v resnici sorazmerno majhno in gramsko število enako, čeprav nekoliko višje kot pri primeru V.Example VIII is an experiment for a flow rate of 25 tonnes / day, which is not a limitation of the process of the invention, but clearly distinguishes it from the prior art in this field, when we want fibers that have good properties. The micron number remains in fact relatively small and the gram number the same, though slightly higher than in the case of V.

Tako doseženo pomembno povečanje proizvodnje močno kompenzira to lahno povečanje potrebnega gaanskega števila za dosego terjanih izolacijskih lastnosti.The significant increase in production thus obtained strongly compensates for this slight increase in the required GaA number to achieve the required insulating properties.

Primer IX je še nadaljnja oblika izvedbe izuma, ki se po eni strani odlikuje po povišani obodni hitrosti in sorazmerno majhni vrtilni hitrosti. Ti pogoji izvedbe omogočijo, da dosežemo odlične mehanske in izolacijske lastnosti (gramsko število je prav posebno majhno) in to za visok pretok skozi centrifugirni sklop.Example IX is another embodiment of the invention which, on the one hand, is distinguished by its increased circumferential speed and relatively low rotational speed. These operating conditions make it possible to achieve excellent mechanical and insulation properties (the gram number is particularly small) for high flow through the centrifugal assembly.

5°/Poskus s konstantnim razmerjem q.v/p5 ° / Experiment with constant ratio q.v / p

Te poskuse izvedemo s centrifugirnim sklopom s premerom 300 mm, ki ima d 1500 ustij.These experiments were performed with a 300 mm diameter centrifugal assembly having d 1500 mouths.

Pretok skozi ustje vzdržujemo konstanten in istočasno se povečujeta tangencialna hitrost in tlak v gorilniku, približno v enakih razmerjih, da vzdržujemo razmerje q.v/p pretežno konstantno.The flow through the mouth is kept constant and, at the same time, the tangential velocity and pressure in the burner increase, approximately in the same proportions, to maintain the q.v / p ratio largely constant.

Naslednja tabela povzema The following table summarizes rezultate za i results for i sest tržnih six market pogojev. conditions. IX IX X X . XI . XI XII XII - obodna hitrost (v).f%j 68 - peripheral velocity (v) .f% j 68 76 76 85 85 , 100 , 100 - pretok na ustje (q) 1 - flow to the mouth (q) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (kg/dan) (kg / day) - - - tlak (p) (Pa) 4100 - pressure (p) (Pa) 4100 4600 4600 5100 5100 6000 6000 - °’0165 - ° ' 0165 0,0165 0,0165 0,0165 0,0165 0,0166 0.0166 - mikronsko število 4,0 - micron number 4.0 3,5 3.5 3,0 3.0 2,5 2.5 za 5 S (R) for 5 S (R) 0,0047 0,0047 0,0055 0,0055 0,0068 0,0068 - ·. <ή!ε·ϊ> . V - ·. <ή! ε · ϊ>. V 21,7 21.7 28,3 28,3 40 40 - celotni pretok centri- 11,5 - total flow centers - 11.5 11,5 11.5 11,5 11.5 11,5 11.5

fu.girn.ega sklopa (tone/dan)of the assembly.gunn.ega (ton / day)

Ta tabela kaže, da je pri pogojih v smislu izuma, ob reguliranju izbire spremenjlji\k> v in p možno za isti enotni pretok dobiti finejša vlakna v določenih mejah, ob istočasnem povečanju obodne hitrosti in tlaka gorilnika, to je hitrosti plinov. To se izraža z znatnim zmanjšanjem mikronskega števila in s tem koristnega gramskega števila. Možno je tudi doseči tako majhno mikronsko število kot j« 2 za pretok materiala, ki ostaja sorazmerno precejšen.This table shows that, under the conditions of the invention, when regulating the choice of variables \ k> v and p, it is possible to obtain finer fibers within the same limits for the same uniform flow, while increasing the circumferential velocity and the pressure of the burner, i.e. the velocity of the gases. This results in a significant reduction in the micron number and thus a useful gram number. It is also possible to obtain as small a micron number as j «2 for the material flow, which remains relatively considerable.

Analogen poskus, ne da bi pri tem primeru modificirali tlak gorilnika, pa pokaže, da je za doseganje zelo majhnega mikronskega števila treba znatno zmanjšati pretok na enoto in s tem celotni pretok priprave.An analogous experiment, without modifying the burner pressure in this case, shows that, in order to achieve a very small micron number, it is necessary to significantly reduce the flow per unit and thus the total flow of the preparation.

- 32 ι·- 32 ι ·

Pri tej seriji poskusov smo uporabili isti centrifugirni sklop.The same centrifuge assembly was used in this series of experiments.

XIII XIII JfIV JfIV XV XV XVI XVI XVII XVII - obodna hitrost - peripheral speed 63 63 72 72 81 81 90 90 108 108 (v), (m/s)' 1 (v), (m / s) ' 1 - pretok na ustje - flow to the mouth 1,3 1.3 1,14 1.14 1,0 1.0 0,9 0.9 0,76 0.76 (q) (kg/dan) (q) (kg / day) - tlak (p) , (Pa) - pressure (p), (Pa) 4100 4100 4100 4100 4100 4100 4100 4100 4100 4100 - q.v/p. , (^..B.^-) - q.v / p. , (^ .. B. ^ -) 0,020 0.020 0,020 0.020 0,020 0.020 0,020 0.020 0,020 0.020 - mikronsko število - micron number 4,5 4.5 4,0 4.0 3,5' ' 3,5 '' 3,1 3.1 2,7 2.7 za 5 S (F) for 5 S (F) • - • - - «•'VP-^Cdfn-s-pa - «• 'VP- ^ Cdfn-s-pa )0,0044 ) 0.0044 0,0050 0,0050 0,0056 0,0056 0,0063 0,0063 0,0074 0,0074 18,2 18,2 20,5 20.5 23,1 23.1 26,1 26.1 30,4 30.4 - celotni pretok - total flow 15 15 13 13 11,5 11.5 10,3 10.3 8,8 8.8

c entrifugimega sklopa (tone/dan)c entrifugime assembly (tons / day)

Obe prejšnji operaciji, pri katerih za povečanje izolacijskih lastnosti proizvoda bodisi istočasno povečamo obodno hitrost in tlak, cbodisi zmanjšamo pretok materiala, pa ne vodita do popolnoma ekvivalentnih rezultatov.Both previous operations, in which either increasing the peripheral velocity and pressure to increase the insulating properties of the product, while reducing the flow of material, do not lead to completely equivalent results.

Izkušnja v resnici pokaže, da so mehanske lastnosti tvorjenih polsti znatno boljše v primeru proizvodov, dobljenih s šibkim tlakom gorilnika, kot smo že predhodno označili. Te razlike pripisujemo boljši kakovosti proizvedenega vlakna zaradi sorazmerno umirjenega vleka plinskega strujanja v primeru z onim, ki je posledica vrtilnega gibanja centrifugirnega sklopa.Experience has shown, in fact, that the mechanical properties of the formed wool are significantly better in the case of products obtained with a low burner pressure than previously indicated. We attribute these differences to the better quality of the fiber produced due to the relatively slow drag of the gas stream in the case of that resulting from the rotational motion of the centrifuge assembly.

- 55 V predhodnih, primerih smo dokazali s primerjavo določenih razlik na področju izdelanih proizvodov in pri tej priliki dejali, da se razlike odražajo na področju proizvodnih stroškov. Težko je na natančen način oceniti ekonomsko prednost, ki jo predstavlja izvedba izuma na industrijskem področju. Ob upoštevanju različnih posredovalnih dejavnikov, energije, proizvoda, materiala, je ocenjeni dobitek lahko približno 10 % cene na enoto ali več, v odvisnosti od izbranih pogojev.- 55 In the previous cases, we proved by comparing certain differences in the field of manufactured products, and on this occasion said that the differences reflected in the field of production costs. It is difficult to accurately assess the economic advantage of the invention in the industrial field. Considering the various mediating factors, energy, product, material, the estimated profit may be about 10% of the unit price or more, depending on the conditions selected.

V teku teh poskusov smo izvedli analize, s katerimi smo si prizadevali določiti nekatere posebnosti, ki jih imajo vlakna, proizvedena v smislu izuma, v primeri z vlakni, dobljenimi v skladu s stanjem tehnike, da bi poizkusili pojasniti ugotovljene izboljšave, zlasti z ovrednotenjem finosti vlaken za določitev mikronskega števila. Razen tega indirektnega pristopa je težavno ugotavljati karakteristike vlaken, zlasti njihovo dolžino.In the course of these experiments, analyzes were conducted to identify some of the specificities of the fibers produced according to the invention, in comparison with the fibers obtained according to the state of the art, in order to try to explain the improvements found, in particular by evaluating the fineness fibers to determine the micron number. Apart from this indirect approach, it is difficult to determine the characteristics of the fibers, especially their length.

Vendar pa na osnovi več ugotovitev lahko mislimo, da obratovalni pogoji v smislu izuma ugodno vplivajo na oblikovanje daljših vlaken. To je na primer izboljšana odpornost na vlečenje, pa tudi sposobnost proizvodov, da prenesejo večjo kompresijsko razmerje. Nadalje je to debelina preproge vlaken, ki izstopa iz sprejemne komore, preden vstopa v zaprti prostor za termično obdelavo veziva. Pri obratovanju v smislu izuma v resnici ugotovimo znatno povečanje debeline, ki lahko doseže ali preseže 25 %, mearem ko pogoji, ziasn prerok materiala, ostanejo identični. Vse te vidike lahko na določen na- 54 čin povežemo s povečanjem dolžine vlaken.However, on the basis of several findings, we can assume that the operating conditions of the invention have a beneficial effect on the formation of longer fibers. This is, for example, improved drag resistance, as well as the ability of products to withstand higher compression ratios. Further, this is the thickness of the fiber carpet that protrudes from the receiving chamber before entering the enclosure for thermal treatment of the binder. In the operation of the invention, in fact, a significant increase in thickness can be observed, which can reach or exceed 25%, however, when the conditions, the prophetic material prophet, remain identical. All these aspects can be related in some way to the increase in fiber length.

Sicer smo pa po poskusih kontinuirnega obratovanja nad 200 ur ugotovili, da izraba centrifugirnih sklopov ni bila tolikšna, da bi jih bilo potrebno zamenjati.Otherwise, after attempting continuous operation for more than 200 hours, we found that the use of the centrifugal assemblies was not sufficient to replace them.

Zgoraj povedano predstavlja samo nekaj primerov za številne izvedbe postopka v smislu izuma.The foregoing is just a few examples of the many embodiments of the process of the invention.

Omogočajo nam, da cenimo naravo izboljšav, ki jih doprinese izum in tudi tip prednosti, ki iz njih lahlgo izvirajo za porabnika.They allow us to appreciate the nature of the improvements brought by the invention and also the type of benefits that can easily come from the consumer.

Proizvodnjo preproge vlaken z izolacijo smo proučevali zato, -ker predstavlja posebno značilno uporabo postopka za oblikovanje vlaken, tako glede proizvedenih količin kot tudi kakovosti, ki jih terjamo od vlaken, ki tvorijo te preproge.The production of carpet fibers by insulation has been studied in order that it represents a particularly typical use of the fiber forming process, both in terms of the quantities produced and the quality required of the fibers forming these carpets.

Izum seveda ni omejen na ta tip uporabe, prednosti, ki jih nudi pri stopnji oblikovanja vlaken, saj najdemo njihove prednosti tudi v proizvodih, pripravljenih s temi vlakni.The invention is, of course, not limited to this type of use, the advantages it offers in the degree of fiber design, since their advantages are also found in products prepared with these fibers.

-35Navedba o najboljšem, prijavitelju znanem načinu za gospodarsko izkoriščanje izuma-35An indication of the best applicant-known way of economically exploiting the invention

Izum se nanaša na postopek oblikovanja vlaken iz termoplastičnega materiala, v katerem je material v raztegljivem stanju priveden v centrifugirni organ, ki je na svojem obodu opremljen z ustji, pri čemer je material odvržen preko teh ustij izven centrifugirnega organa v obliki niti, ki so sojemno vzete in razvlečene s strani plinskega curka visoke temperature, ki je usmerjen vzdolž oboda centrifugirnega organa prečno na smer odmetavanja niti.The invention relates to a process for forming fibers of thermoplastic material, in which the material in a stretchable state is brought to a centrifugal body provided with a mouth at its circumference, the material being discharged through these mouths outside the centrifugal body in the form of filaments taken and drawn by a high-temperature gas jet directed along the circumference of the centrifugal body transversely to the threading direction.

Pri tem je za najboljše gospodarsko izkoriščanje izuma potrebno upoštevati, da se postopek izvaja pri naslednjih parametrih in izkušnjah, dobljenih na osnovi izvedbenih primerov postopka.In order to make the best economic use of the invention, it should be borne in mind that the process is carried out with the following parameters and experience gained from embodiments of the process.

Obodna hitrost centrifugirnega organa na nivoju ustij,iz katerih izteka termoplastični materia^ naj znaša v = 56,5 m/s. Pretok materiala na posamezno ustje centrifugirnega sklopa naj znaša 1,1 kg/dan. Emisijski tlak plinskega strujanja naj znaša v 4700 Pa. Razmerje q.v/p, naj znaša 0,013. Mikronsko število (za 5 g) F naj znaša 3· Razmerje q.v/p.F naj ima vrednost 0,0043 · Razmerje q.v/F pa naj znaša 20,7 · Celokupen pretok materiala v centrifugirnem sklopu naj doseže 18 t/dan. Gramsko število dobljenih vlaken za R = 2 (g/m2) naj znaša 945. Kompresijsko razmerje je 4, odpornost na raztezanje g/g pa znaša 250.The circumferential velocity of the centrifugal organ at the mouth level from which the thermoplastic material escapes should be v = 56.5 m / s. The flow of material to the individual mouth of the centrifuge assembly should be 1.1 kg / day. The emission pressure of the gas stream should be 4700 Pa. The ratio qv / p should be 0.013. Micron number (for 5 g) F should be 3 · The qv / pF ratio should be 0.0043 · The qv / F ratio should be 20.7 · The total material flow in the centrifuge assembly should be 18 t / day. The gram number of fibers obtained for R = 2 (g / m 2 ) should be 945. The compression ratio is 4 and the tensile strength g / g is 250.

Kakovost pripravljenih proizvodov je definirana v predhodno navedenih veličinah, zlasti z gramskim številom, potrebnim za doseganje določene termične odpornosti za debelino, ki je prav tako določena. Za referenco smo izbrali vrednost termične odpornosti 2 m^°K/W, izmerjeno pri 297 °K z debelino 90 mm. Ti pogoji ustrezajo normaliziranemu izolatorju.The quality of the prepared products is defined in the quantities given above, in particular by the gram number necessary to achieve a certain thermal resistance for the thickness which is also determined. For reference, we chose a thermal resistance value of 2 m ^ ° K / W, measured at 297 ° K with a thickness of 90 mm. These conditions correspond to a normalized insulator.

Kompresijsko razmerje je razmerje med garantirano nominalno debelino po 3 mesecih skladiščenja v komprimiranem stanju proti debelini komprimiranega proizvoda.Compression ratio is the ratio of the guaranteed nominal thickness after 3 months of storage in the compressed state to the thickness of the compressed product.

Odpornost na raztezanje smo merili po normi ASTM C 686 - 71 T.Tensile strength was measured according to ASTM C 686 - 71 T.

Iz predhodno obrazloženih veličin lahko potegnemo več zaključkov.Several conclusions can be drawn from the above explanations.

Pri primerjavi poskusa št. IV v smislu izuma s poskusom II, v smislu konvencionalne tehnike ugotovimo npr., da za konstantno finost proizvoda in za enak globalen pretok skozi centrifugirni sklop, pri obratovanju pri pgojih, ki jih predpisuje izum, dobimo po eni strani proizvod z boljšo kakovostjo (gramsko število je manjše), znatno izboljšano kompresijsko razmerje in boljšo odpornost.When comparing experiment no. IV according to the invention of Experiment II, in the conventional technique it is found, for example, that for constant fineness of the product and for the same global flow through the centrifugal assembly, the product of the higher quality (gram the number is smaller), significantly improved compression ratio and better resistance.

Opaženo izboljšanje gramskega števila omogoča, da za isto količino vlaknastih materialov povečamo količino proizvoda za okoli 10 %. Izboljšanje kompresijskega razmerja omogoči zelo pomemben prihranek na stroških transporta in skladiščenja.The observed improvement in gram number makes it possible to increase the amount of product by about 10% by the same amount of fibrous materials. Improving the compression ratio makes it very important to save on transport and storage costs.

V kolikor pri primeru I po konvencionalni tehniki in za primer IV po izumu uravnamo pogoje obratovanja, tako da imamo enake kakovosti proizvoda, ugotovimo, da se pretok v centrifugalnem sklopu v smislu izuma poveča v znatni količini, zaradi česar je postopek očitno bolj gospodaren.To the extent that in case I of the conventional technique and of case IV of the invention we regulate the operating conditions so that we have the same product quality, we find that the flow in the centrifugal assembly of the invention increases in a considerable amount, which makes the process obviously more economical.

Drug način primerjave izuma s stanjem tehnike obstaja v tem, da vzpostavimo take pogoje, da so pretok in mehanske lastnosti identični. V tem primeru, ki se nanaša na primer III po konvencionalni tehniki in primer IV po izumu pa ugotovimo, da pri obratovanju v smislu izuma pride do znatnega zmanjšanja mikronskega števila, kar dokazuje, da so proizvedena vlakna finejša, kar pojasnjuje, da je za isto termično odpornost gramsko število manjše.Another way of comparing the invention to the prior art is to establish such conditions that the flow and mechanical properties are identical. In the present case, which relates to example III according to the conventional technique and example IV according to the invention, we find that the operation according to the invention results in a significant decrease in the micron number, which proves that the fibers produced are finer, which explains that for the same thermal resistance gram number smaller.

Claims (5)

PATENTNI ZAHTEVKIPATENT APPLICATIONS 1 . Postopek oblikovanja vlaker. iz termoplastičnega materiala, kot stekla, v katerem je material v raztegljivem stanju - kot je viskoznost 100 Pa.s in temperatura 1030 do 116O°C - k centrifugirnemu sklopu, ki je na svojem obodu opremljen z ustji, pri čemer je material odvržen preko teh ustij izven centrifugirnega sklopa v obliki niti, ki so sojemno vzete in razvlečene s strani plinskega curka visoke temperature, ki je usmerjen vzdolž oboda centrifugirnega sklopa prečno na smer odmetavanja niti, in da je pretok vlaknastega materiala, ki izhaja iz centrifugirnega sklopa, večji od 12 ton materiala dnevno, oz. 20 ton materiala dnevno, označen s tem, da je pretok msteriala na ustje v območju 0,1 do 3 kg/dan obodna hitrost centrifugirnega sklopa na nivoju ustij, iz katerega izstopajo niti, med 50 in 150 m/s. da poteka centrifugiranje z 800 do 8000 vrt/min da plinsko scrujanje z visoko temperaturo izhaja pri tlaku 1000 do 10.000 Pa na širino emisijskega ustja, kot maks.1. The process of forming a fiber. made of thermoplastic material, such as glass, in which the material is in a stretchable state - such as a viscosity of 100 Pa.s and a temperature of 1030 to 116O ° C - to a centrifugal assembly equipped with a mouth at its circumference, the material being discharged through these outlets outside the centrifuge assembly in the form of filaments which are collectively taken and drawn by a high-temperature gas jet directed along the periphery of the centrifuge assembly transversely to the threading direction, and that the flow of fibrous material emanating from the centrifuge assembly is greater than 12 tons of material per day, respectively. 20 tonnes of material per day, characterized in that the flow of msterial to the mouth in the range of 0.1 to 3 kg / day is the circumferential velocity of the centrifugal assembly at the mouth level from which the threads exit, between 50 and 150 m / s. that 800 to 8000 rpm centrifugation takes place and that the high temperature gas spraying occurs at a pressure of 1000 to 10,000 Pa per width of the emission orifice, as a max. 20 mm.20 mm. 2. Postopek po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da znaša .obodna hitrost med 50 in 90 m/s.Method according to claim 1, characterized in that the circumferential velocity is between 50 and 90 m / s. 3. Postopek po enem izmed zahtevkov 1 in 2, označen s tem, da je pretok na ustje v območju 0,7 do 1,4 kg/dan.Method according to one of claims 1 and 2, characterized in that the flow to the mouth is in the range of 0.7 to 1.4 kg / day. 4. Postopek po kateremkoli izmed zahtevkov 1 do 3, označen s tem, da plinsko strujanje z visoko temperaturo izhaja pri tlaku 2000 do 6000 Pa na širino emisijskega ustja, ki ne prekorači 15 mm.A method according to any one of claims 1 to 3, characterized in that the high temperature gas stream flows at a pressure of 2000 to 6000 Pa to a width of the emission nozzle not exceeding 15 mm. -Ί>9~-Ί> 9 ~ 5. Postopek po kateremkoli izmed zahtevkov 1 do 4, označen s tem, da je vrtilna hitrost v območju 1200 in 2250 vrt/min.Method according to any one of claims 1 to 4, characterized in that the rotational speed is in the range of 1200 and 2250 rpm.
SI8310794A 1982-04-06 1983-04-04 Improvements in fibre formation techniques comprising centrifugation SI8310794A8 (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (3)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
FR8205920 1982-04-06
FR8212187A FR2529878A1 (en) 1982-07-12 1982-07-12 Improvements to the techniques for forming fibres comprising centrifuging.
YU79483A YU45883B (en) 1982-04-06 1983-04-04 THERMOPLASTIC FIBER FORMING PROCEDURE

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SI8310794A8 true SI8310794A8 (en) 1994-12-31



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Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
SI8310794A SI8310794A8 (en) 1982-04-06 1983-04-04 Improvements in fibre formation techniques comprising centrifugation

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