SI26435A - Protective electric switch with improved interrupting mechanism - Google Patents

Protective electric switch with improved interrupting mechanism Download PDF


Publication number
SI26435A SI202200231A SI202200231A SI26435A SI 26435 A SI26435 A SI 26435A SI 202200231 A SI202200231 A SI 202200231A SI 202200231 A SI202200231 A SI 202200231A SI 26435 A SI26435 A SI 26435A
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contact shaft
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Slovenian (sl)
Lucjan Strehar
Urban Majdič
Original Assignee
Eti Elektroelement, D.O.O.
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Application filed by Eti Elektroelement, D.O.O. filed Critical Eti Elektroelement, D.O.O.
Priority to SI202200231A priority Critical patent/SI26435A/en
Priority to PCT/SI2023/000009 priority patent/WO2024112269A1/en
Publication of SI26435A publication Critical patent/SI26435A/en



    • H01H71/00Details of the protective switches or relays covered by groups H01H73/00 - H01H83/00
    • H01H71/10Operating or release mechanisms
    • H01H71/50Manual reset mechanisms which may be also used for manual release
    • H01H71/52Manual reset mechanisms which may be also used for manual release actuated by lever
    • H01H71/528Manual reset mechanisms which may be also used for manual release actuated by lever comprising a toggle or collapsible link between handle and contact arm, e.g. sear pin mechanism


  • Mechanisms For Operating Contacts (AREA)


Namen izuma je zasnovati stikalo, ki bo konstrukcijsko poenostavljeno v smislu same izvedljivosti in vgradljivosti sestavnih delov, po drugi strani pa bo zagotovljeno tudi izboljšanje zanesljivosti delovanja varnostnega električnega stikala zlasti ob pojavu diferenčnega toka. V ta namen je med drugim predvideno, da je vrtišče (57) med prestavljalnim vzvodom (5) in zapahnilnim vzvodom (7) tako zasnovano, da je na cilindrični osi (570), ki poteka smiselno pravokotno glede na prestavljalnim vzvod (5) in je s slednjim togo povezana, ohlapno prilegajoče se in prosto zasukljivo nameščen kotalčni element (75), na katerega zunanji površini je ohlapno prilegajoče se in prosto zasukljivo nameščen zapahnilni vzvod (7).The purpose of the invention is to design a switch that will be structurally simplified in terms of the very feasibility and installability of the components, and on the other hand, an improvement in the reliability of the operation of the safety electrical switch, especially in the event of a differential current, will be ensured. For this purpose, it is provided, among other things, that the pivot point (57) between the shifting lever (5) and the locking lever (7) is designed in such a way that it is on the cylindrical axis (570), which runs reasonably perpendicular to the shifting lever (5) and is rigidly connected to the latter, a loosely fitting and freely rotatably mounted rolling element (75), on the outer surface of which is a loosely fitting and freely rotatably mounted locking lever (7).



Varnostno električno stikalo z izboljšanim odklopnim mehanizmomSafety electric switch with improved disconnection mechanism

Izum spada na področje elektrotehnike, in sicer k osnovnim električnim komponentam, namreč k stikalom in podrobnostim električnih stikal, ki so opravljiva s pomočjo ustreznega vzvoda, še zlasti pa na področje stikal za zaščito pred električnimi preobremenitvami. Izumi te vrste so po mednarodni patentni klasifikaciji (MPK9) razvrščeni v razred H 01 H 71/52.The invention belongs to the field of electrical engineering, namely to basic electrical components, namely to switches and details of electrical switches that can be operated with the help of a suitable lever, and especially to the field of switches for protection against electrical overloads. According to the international patent classification (MPK 9 ), inventions of this type are classified in class H 01 H 71/52.

Pri tem je izum osnovan na problemu še nadaljnjega izboljšanja zanesljivosti delovanja varnostnega električnega stikala, še zlasti v smislu preprečevanja napak med samim aktiviranjem, hitrosti in zanesljivosti prekinitve električnega toka v primeru neregularnega delovanja s tovrstnim stikalom varovanega električnega tokokroga ob pojavu diferenčnega toka, obenem pa tudi s ciljem minimiziranja trenja in drugih izgub ter posledično optimalne izrabe učinka sil, ki pri aktiviranem ali deaktiviranem stikalu delujejo na tiste sestavne dele, ki so ključni za učinkovito in zanesljivo delovanje stikala. Nadaljnji aspekt izuma predstavlja tudi potreba po zagotavljanju možnosti indikacije vzroka za prekinitev električnega tokokroga s pomočjo tovrstnega stikala, namreč razlikovanja med hotenim izklopom in izklopom zaradi napake.Here, the invention is based on the problem of further improving the reliability of the operation of the safety electrical switch, especially in the sense of preventing errors during activation itself, the speed and reliability of interruption of the electrical current in the event of irregular operation of the electrical circuit protected by this type of switch in the event of a differential current, and at the same time with the aim of minimizing friction and other losses and consequently optimally using the effect of the forces that act on those components that are key to the efficient and reliable operation of the switch when the switch is activated or deactivated. A further aspect of the invention is also the need to provide the possibility of indicating the cause of the interruption of the electrical circuit with the help of this type of switch, namely the distinction between an intentional switch-off and a switch-off due to an error.

Tovrstno varnostno električno stikalo je namenjeno za zaščito naprav v električnem tokokrogu pred pojavom tkzv. toka napake ali diferenčnega toka. Do tega lahko pride v primeru, kadar je na napetost priključen električni vodnik v stiku z zemljo, npr. če oseba pride v stik z delom naprave, ki je pod napetostjo, tako da potem električni tok skozi njeno telo steče v zemljo. V takem primeru je potrebno hitro in zanesljivo prekiniti vse vodnike v tokokrogu, v ta namen pa običajno uporabljajo strokovnjakom znane Fl-releje ali pa RCD-stikala (Residual Current Protective Device), namreč releje, ki so prirejeni za zaznavanje razlike med vsoto vseh dovedenih in vsoto vseh odvedenih tokov v vseh razpoložljivih vodnikih. V primeru, če del toka odteka v zemljo, namreč razlika med temi tokovi ni enaka nič, kar potem privede do odziva in proženja omenjenega releja.This type of safety electrical switch is intended to protect devices in the electrical circuit against the occurrence of so-called fault current or differential current. This can happen when an electrical conductor in contact with the ground is connected to the voltage, e.g. if a person comes into contact with a part of the device that is under voltage, so that then the electric current flows through his body into the ground. In such a case, it is necessary to quickly and reliably break all conductors in the circuit, and for this purpose they usually use Fl-relays known to experts or RCD-switches (Residual Current Protective Device), namely relays that are designed to detect the difference between the sum of all supplied and the sum of all currents drawn in all available conductors. In the event that part of the current flows into the ground, the difference between these currents is not equal to zero, which then leads to the response and triggering of the mentioned relay.

Eno izmed tovrstnih zaščitnih stikal je opisano v EP 2 485 237 Al in obsega ohišje iz električno neprevodnega materiala, na katerem so predvidene sponke za pritrditev dovodnih in odvodnih električnih vodnikov, ti pa so v notranjosti ohišja med seboj povezljivi ali prekinljivi s pomočjo prekinjevalnih elementov, ki so nameščeni na kontaktni gredi, tako da vsakemu električnemu vodniku pripada po en prekinjevalni element. Z zasukom kontaktne gredi so vsi razpoložljivi prekinjevalni elementi sočasno premakljivi iz prvega položaja, v katerem je preko njih električni tokokrog sklenjen, v drugi položaj, v katerem je električni tokokrog prekinjen, ali pa obratno. V omenjenem ohišju je vgrajen tudi omenjen Fl-rele za zaznavanje morebitne tokovne diference. Omenjen Fl-rele pa predstavlja tako z električnega kot tudi z mehanskega aspekta dokaj občutljivo napravo, ki obsega prožilni nastavek, ki se ob aktiviranju translatomo in z razmeroma majhno silo, ki znaša vsega nekaj dN, premakne navzven iz ohišja releja. Na osnovi omenjenega premika prožilnega nastavka in pri tem generirane sile pa je potem potrebno v najkrajšem možnem času doseči zasuk omenjene kontaktne gredi in posledično tudi zadosten in sočasen odmik vseh razpoložljivih prekinjevalnih elementov od električnih vodnikov ter tako prekiniti električni tokokrog. V ta namen je med prožilnim nastavkom Fl-releja in kontaktno gredjo predviden odklopni mehanizem, katerega primarni namen je na osnovi omenjenega impulza Fl-releja kot posledice zaznane tokovne diference zagotoviti zadostno silo oz. vrtilni moment za zasuk omenjene kontaktne gredi. Odklopni mehanizem med drugim vključuje tudi izven ohišja segajočo ročico, ki je prav tako povezana s kontaktno gredjo in je tudi z njo možno zasukati omenjeno kontaktno gred in s tem stikalo bodisi aktivirati, torej vzpostaviti električni tokokrog skozenj, ali pa ga po potrebi tudi deaktivirati in torej električni tokokrog skozi stikalo z zasukom omenjene kontaktne gredi po izbiri tudi ročno prekiniti. Omenjen odklopni mehanizem rešitve po EP 2 485 237 BI nadalje obsega v ustrezno razporejenem vrtišču zasukljivo uležiščen dvokrak prožilni vzvod, katerega prvi krak je daljši in predviden za sodelovanje z omenjenim prožilnim nastavkom Fl-releja, preostali krajši krak pa je opremljen z natančno ukrivljeno površino, v območju katere po omenjeni vzvod lahko potrebi nalega na palcu kontaktne gredi, katerega površina je prav tako ukrivljena na natančno določen način. V notranjosti omenjenega dvokrakega vzvoda je v območju njegovega vrtišča vgrajena torzijska vzmet, s pomočjo katere je, kot navajajo, prvi krak vzvoda s konstantno silo pritisnjen proti prožilnemu nastavku Fl-releja, s čimer preprečujejo neželeno proženje zaradi npr. mehanskih tresljajev. Po aktiviranju zaščitnega stikala je prožilni nastavek pomaknjen proti notranjosti Fl-releja, drugi krak prožilnega vzvoda pa je podprt s palcem na kontaktni gredi, tako da sta slednja zahvaljujoč omenjenima na točno določen način ukrivljenima površinama med seboj zagozdena oz. v tem položaju držana zgolj s trenjem, prvi krak prožilnega vzvoda pa je držan na odmiku od prožilnega nastavka Fl-releja. Ob pojavu diferenčnega toka se prožilni nastavek premakne v smeri ven iz ohišja Fl-releja in zadene ob prvi krak prožilnega vzvoda, ki se zaradi trka vsaj toliko zasuče, da to potem povzroči zdrs oz. premik palca kontaktne gredi po površini drugega kraka vzvoda, s čimer se kontaktna gred s kontaktnimi elementi zasuče za potreben kot, s tem pa se se prekine električni tokokrog. Tovrstna zasnova očitno narekuje uporabo zapletenih in preciznih sestavnih delov, ki so že z vidika same izdelave izjemno zapleteni, povrhu tega pa je kot taka tudi v pogledu delovanja razmeroma zapletena in že zato lahko tudi v precejšnji meri nezanesljiva. Izhajajoč iz same občutljivosti Fl-releja in razmeroma majhne razpoložljive sile na njegovem izhodu vsekakor obstoji resen dvom, daje možno preko mehanizma, v katerem pravzaprav celotna kinematika temelji na medsebojnem drsenju, trenju in celo zagozdenju med seboj sodelujočih delov, v vsakem primeru in v vseh okoliščinah, še zlasti v primeru dolgotrajnejše uporabe v različnih okoljih in pogojih, zares doseči hitro in zanesljivo sodelovanje delov in potem tudi hiter in zanesljiv odziv kontaktne gredi v smislu njenega zasuka in s tem prekinitve električnega tokokroga. Povrhu tega, kot navajajo v omenjenem viru, celo sila vzmeti v vzvodu deluje v smeri proti prožilnemu nastavku Fl-releja, zato načeloma obstoji celo možnost, da bi v določenih primerih navzlic proženju Fl-releja sila prožilnega nastavka releja sploh ne zadostovala za tolikšen premik prožilnega vzvoda, ki bi sprostil povezavo med drugim krakom prožilnega vzvoda in palcem kontaktne gredi, kije potreben za zasuk kontaktne gredi.One of these types of protective switches is described in EP 2 485 237 Al and comprises a housing made of electrically non-conductive material, on which clips are provided for attaching the supply and discharge electrical conductors, and these can be connected or disconnected inside the housing with the help of interrupting elements, which are installed on the contact shaft, so that each electrical conductor has one interrupting element. By turning the contact shaft, all available interrupting elements can be simultaneously moved from the first position, in which the electric circuit is closed through them, to the second position, in which the electric circuit is interrupted, or vice versa. The mentioned Fl-relay is also built into the mentioned case for detecting any current difference. The mentioned Fl-relay is a fairly sensitive device both from an electrical and a mechanical point of view, which includes a trigger attachment which, when activated, moves outward from the relay housing with a relatively small force of only a few dN. On the basis of the aforementioned movement of the trigger attachment and the force generated thereby, it is then necessary to achieve rotation of the mentioned contact shaft in the shortest possible time and, as a result, a sufficient and simultaneous separation of all available interrupting elements from the electrical conductors, thus interrupting the electrical circuit. For this purpose, a disconnection mechanism is provided between the trigger attachment of the Fl-relay and the contact shaft, the primary purpose of which is to provide sufficient force or. torque for twisting said contact shaft. Among other things, the disconnection mechanism also includes a lever extending outside the housing, which is also connected to the contact shaft and with which it is also possible to rotate the mentioned contact shaft and thereby either activate the switch, i.e. establish an electrical circuit through it, or, if necessary, also deactivate it and that is, the electrical circuit can also be broken manually through the switch by twisting the mentioned contact shaft. Said disconnection mechanism of the solution according to EP 2 485 237 BI further comprises a two-armed trigger lever rotatably located in an appropriately arranged pivot, the first arm of which is longer and intended to cooperate with the mentioned trigger attachment of the Fl-relay, while the remaining shorter arm is equipped with a precisely curved surface, in the area of which, according to the mentioned lever, if necessary, it can rest on the thumb of the contact shaft, the surface of which is also curved in a precisely defined way. A torsion spring is installed inside the mentioned two-armed lever in the area of its pivot, with the help of which, as they state, the first arm of the lever is pressed with a constant force against the triggering connection of the Fl-relay, thus preventing unwanted triggering due to e.g. mechanical vibrations. After the protection switch is activated, the trigger attachment is moved towards the inside of the Fl-relay, and the other arm of the trigger lever is supported by the thumb on the contact shaft, so that the latter, thanks to the aforementioned curved surfaces in a specific way, are wedged between each other or held in this position only by friction, and the first arm of the trigger lever is held at a distance from the trigger attachment of the Fl-relay. When a differential current occurs, the trigger attachment moves outwards from the Fl-relay housing and hits the first arm of the trigger lever, which rotates due to the impact at least enough to cause it to slip or the movement of the thumb of the contact shaft along the surface of the second arm of the lever, thereby turning the contact shaft with the contact elements by the required angle, thereby breaking the electrical circuit. This type of design obviously dictates the use of complex and precise components, which are already extremely complex from the point of view of the production itself, and on top of that, it is also relatively complicated in terms of operation and can therefore be quite unreliable. Based on the very sensitivity of the Fl-relay and the relatively small available force at its output, there is definitely a serious doubt, it makes possible through a mechanism in which, in fact, the entire kinematics is based on mutual sliding, friction and even jamming of the cooperating parts, in any case and in all circumstances, especially in the case of long-term use in different environments and conditions, to really achieve a fast and reliable cooperation of the parts and then also a fast and reliable response of the contact shaft in terms of its rotation and thus interruption of the electric circuit. On top of that, as stated in the mentioned source, even the force of the spring in the lever acts in the direction towards the triggering attachment of the Fl-relay, so in principle there is even a possibility that in certain cases of triggering the Fl-relay, the force of the triggering attachment of the relay would not be sufficient for such a movement at all of the trigger lever, which would release the connection between the second arm of the trigger lever and the thumb of the contact shaft, which is necessary for the rotation of the contact shaft.

Povrhu vsega med uporabo obravnavanega stikala iz stanja tehnike, kadar npr. uporabnik opazi, da je stikalo izklopljeno, načeloma ne more že na pogled ugotoviti, ali je do izklopa prišlo zaradi napake, torej pojava diferenčnega toka v tokokrogu, ali pa čisto namenoma zaradi začasne prekinitve električnega tokokroga s pomočjo zasuka ročice npr. s strani drugega uporabnika.On top of all that, during the use of the discussed switch from the state of the art, when e.g. the user notices that the switch is switched off, in principle he cannot determine at a glance whether the switch-off occurred due to a fault, i.e. the occurrence of a differential current in the circuit, or purely on purpose due to a temporary interruption of the electrical circuit by turning the handle, e.g. by another user.

Še nadalje je v SI 26113 A opisano varnostno električno stikalo z izboljšanim odklopnim mehanizmom, ki v splošnem obsegaFurthermore, SI 26113 A describes a safety electrical switch with an improved disconnection mechanism, which generally comprises

- ohišje, ki sestoji iz električno neprevodnega materiala in obsega priključne sponke za povezavo električnih vodnikov v ohišju z električnimi vodniki vsakokratnega tokokroga in s tem integracijo stikala v vsakokrat razpoložljiv električni tokokrog;- the housing, which consists of an electrically non-conductive material and includes connection clips for connecting the electrical conductors in the housing to the electrical conductors of the current circuit and thus integrating the switch into the current available electrical circuit;

- v ohišju uležiščeno in okoli vrtišča v eno in drugo smer zasukljivo kontaktno gred, ki opremljena z vsaj dvema glede na svoje vrtišče v smeri smiselno radialno navzven štrlečima krakoma, ki sta z gredjo togo povezana in torej skupaj z njo tudi zasukljiva, namreč s prekinjevalnim krakom, ki je predviden za sodelovanje s prekinjevalnimi elementi za sklenitev ali prekinitev električnih vodnikov, kot tudi upravljalni krak, ki je namenjen za sukanje kontaktne gredi okoli njenega vrtišča v eno ali drugi smer, tako da so omenjeni električni vodniki v notranjosti ohišja stikala bodisi sočasno sklenljivi ali pa sočasno prekinljivi zahvaljujoč sočasnemu premiku pripadajočih kontaktnih elementov zaradi zasuka kontaktne gredi okoli njenega vrtišča v ohišju;- a contact shaft mounted in the housing and rotatable around the pivot in one and the other direction, equipped with at least two radially outwardly projecting arms with respect to its pivot, which are rigidly connected to the shaft and therefore also rotatable together with it, namely with an interrupter an arm intended to cooperate with the breaking elements for closing or breaking electrical conductors, as well as a control arm intended to rotate the contact shaft around its pivot in one direction or the other, so that said electrical conductors inside the switch housing are either simultaneously closing or breaking at the same time thanks to the simultaneous movement of the associated contact elements due to the rotation of the contact shaft around its pivot in the housing;

- upravljalno ročico, s katero je mehansko povezana omenjena kontaktna gred in ki je v vrtišču med dvema končnima položajema zavihtljivo uležiščena v omenjenem ohišju stikala, pri tem pa je na upravljalni ročici na odmiku od omenjenega vrtišča v smeri ven iz ohišja na voljo izven ohišja segajoč upravljalni gumb, ki je z upravljalno ročico bodisi togo povezan ali pa predstavlja kar njen integralni del, z njegovo pomočjo pa je možno od zunaj in brez poseganja v notranjost ohišja zasukati ročico iz enega v drug končni položaj ali obratno, pri čemer se med sukanjem ročice v eno ali drugo smer okoli svojega vrtišča sočasno suče tudi z njo mehansko povezana kontaktna gred; kot tudi- the operating lever, with which the mentioned contact shaft is mechanically connected and which is pivotally located in the mentioned switch housing in the pivot between two end positions, while on the operating lever, at a distance from the aforementioned pivot in the direction out of the housing, a lever extending outside the housing is available control knob, which is either rigidly connected to the control lever or is an integral part of it, and with its help it is possible to rotate the lever from one to another end position or vice versa from the outside and without interfering with the inside of the housing, while turning the lever the contact shaft mechanically connected to it simultaneously rotates in one direction or another around its pivot; as well as

- v ohišju vgrajen Fl-rele, ki je prirejen za zaznavanje dogajanja, zlasti pojava diferenčnih tokov v električnih vodnikih in obenem obsega primeren prožilni nastavek, ki je premakljiv oz. za vnaprej določeno razdaljo podaljšljiv v vnaprej določeni smeri zaradi zagotavljanja proženja vsakokrat z njim sodelujočega odklopnega mehanizma stikala.- an Fl-relay built into the housing, which is designed to detect what is happening, especially the occurrence of differential currents in electrical conductors, and at the same time includes a suitable trigger attachment, which is movable or extendable for a predetermined distance in a predetermined direction in order to ensure that the disconnecting mechanism of the switch cooperating with it is activated each time.

Pri tovrstnem stikalu je v ohišju v svojem vrtišču v neposredni bližini oz. na dosegu prožilnega nastavka Fl-releja zasukljivo uležiščen prožilni vzvod, ki je v območju vrtišČa opremljen s primernim nasedom, ki je prirejen za naleganje prestavljalnega vzvoda odklopnega mehanizma, pri tem pa je omenjen odklopni mehanizem, preko katerega so po eni strani z zasukom upravljalne ročice in temu ustrezno potem tudi z zasukom kontaktne gredi električno povezljivi omenjeni električni vodniki, oziroma preko katerega so na osnovi impulza z prožilnega nastavka na Fl-releju in temu ustreznim zasukom kontaktne gredi v nasprotno stran omenjeni električni vodniki potem tudi prekinljivi, tako zasnovan,With this type of switch, it is in the housing in its pivot in the immediate vicinity or within reach of the Fl-relay trigger attachment, a rotatably positioned trigger lever, which is equipped in the area of the swivel with a suitable catch, which is adapted for fitting the switching lever of the disconnecting mechanism, and in this case, the disconnecting mechanism is mentioned, through which, on the one hand, the control levers are rotated and correspondingly then also with the rotation of the contact shaft, the said electric conductors are electrically connectable, or through which, based on the impulse from the trigger attachment on the Fl-relay and the corresponding rotation of the contact shaft in the opposite direction, the said electric conductors are then also interruptible, so designed,

i) da sta upravljalna ročica in kontaktna gred med seboj mehansko povezam na tak način, da je na upravljalni ročici na odmiku od njenega vrtišča v smeri nasprotno od upravljalnega gumba, torej v notranjosti ohišja, na voljo nadaljnje vrtišče, v katerem je k omenjeni ročici s svojim prvim koncem zasukljivo priključen ustrezno tog primarni krak, ki je na svojem preostalem koncu v vrtišču zasukljivo povezan s prvim koncem sekundarnega kraka, ta pa je s svojim drugim koncem v vrtišču, ki se nahaja na primernem odmiku od vrtišča kontaktne gredi, zasukljivo pritrjen na omenjenem upravljalnem kraku kontaktne gredi, ii) da je v ohišju v svojem vrtišču zasukljivo uležiščen dvokrak prestavljalni vzvod, katerega primarni krak je na svojem skrajnem koncu opremljen z nasedom, ki je prirejen za naleganje na omenjenem nasedu prožilnega vzvoda vseskozi, dokler se slednji nahaja v nezavihtenem položaju in v stanju pripravljenosti pred proženjem FI - releja, po proženjui) that the control lever and the contact shaft are mechanically connected to each other in such a way that on the control lever at a distance from its pivot in the direction opposite to the control button, i.e. inside the housing, a further pivot is available, in which the said lever is with its first end pivotally connected, a suitably rigid primary arm, which at its remaining end is pivotally connected to the first end of the secondary arm, which is pivotally fixed with its other end in a pivot located at a suitable distance from the pivot of the contact shaft on the said operating arm of the contact shaft, ii) that a two-arm shift lever is rotatably seated in the housing in its pivot, the primary arm of which is equipped at its extreme end with a catch, which is adapted to rest on the said trigger lever catch all the way, as long as the latter is located in the unswinged position and in the standby state before triggering the FI - relay, after triggering

FI-releja in zadostnem zasuku prožilnega vzvoda in posledično tudi spremembi položaja naseda pa je primarni krak prestavljalnega vzvoda premakljiv iz oprijema z omenjenim nasedom prožilnega vzvoda in med sukanjem prestavljalnega vzvoda okoli vrtišča prosto premakljiv mimo vrtišča prožilnega vzvoda, in katerega preostali, sekundarni krak prestavljalnega vzvoda je prirejen za naleganje na upravljalnem kraku kontaktne gredi, iii) da je na primarnem kraku prestavljalnega vzvoda v območju med omenjenim nasedom na skrajnem koncu in vrtiščem prestavljalnega vzvoda predvideno pritrdišče prestavljalne vzmeti, katere preostalo pritrdišče je na voljo na upravljalnem kraku kontaktne gredi, in iv) da je na omenjenem prestavIjalnem vzvodu v osrednjem območju v bližini vrtišča prestavljalnega vzvoda v nadaljnjem vrtišču zasukljivo uležiščen dvokrak zapahnilni vzvod, katerega primarni krak poteka v smeri proti vrtišču med primarnim krakom in sekundarnim krakom upravljalne ročice, medtem ko njegov sekundarni krak štrli vsaj približno v smeri proti prožilnemu vzvodu, pri čemer je na primarnem kraku na voljo zaskočna zajeda, v katero uprijema omenjeno vrtišče med krakoma upravljalne ročice, tako da je primarni krak vseskozi vzdrževan v fizičnem stiku z omenjenim vrtiščem med krakoma upravljalne ročice, temu ustrezno pa zapahnilni vzvod kot tak vseskozi sledi spremembam položaja omenjenega vrtišča med sukanjem upravljalne ročice ter premikanjem primarnega kraka in sekundarnega kraka, in pri čemer je na sekundarnem kraku zapahnilnega vzvoda na voljo pritrdišče zadrževalne vzmeti, ki je po drugi strani vpeta v pritrdišču na prožilnem vzvodu.FI-relay and sufficient rotation of the trigger lever and, as a result, also a change in the position of the trigger lever, the primary arm of the shift lever can be moved from the grip with the aforementioned trigger lever grip and, while turning the shift lever around the pivot, freely movable past the pivot of the trigger lever, and whose remaining, secondary arm of the shift lever is designed to rest on the control arm of the contact shaft, iii) that the primary arm of the shift lever in the area between the aforementioned stop at the extreme end and the pivot of the shift lever is provided with a shift spring attachment, the rest of which is available on the control arm of the contact shaft, and iv ) that on the said shifting lever in the central area near the pivot of the shifting lever in the further pivot there is a two-arm locking lever rotatably mounted, the primary arm of which runs in the direction of the pivot between the primary arm and the secondary arm of the control lever, while its secondary arm protrudes at least approximately in direction towards the actuation lever, whereby the primary arm is provided with a snap catch, into which the aforementioned pivot between the arms of the control lever engages, so that the primary arm is always maintained in physical contact with the aforementioned pivot between the arms of the control lever, and accordingly the locking lever as such continuously follows the changes in the position of said pivot during the rotation of the control lever and the movement of the primary arm and the secondary arm, and wherein the secondary arm of the locking lever is provided with a retainer spring attachment, which is, on the other hand, engaged in an attachment on the trigger lever.

V primeru, kadar se upravljalna ročica nahaja v svojem prvem končnem položaju, ki ustreza zasuku kontaktne gredi v položaj, v katerem so električni kontakti sklenjeni, se vrtišče primarnega kraka na upravljalni ročici in tudi vrtišče med primarnim in sekundarnim krakom upravljalne ročice, s katerim sodeluje zapahnilni vzvod, nahajata na isti strani linije, ki poteka skozi vrtišče ročic in vrtišče sekundarnega kraka na upravljalnem kraku kontaktne gredi.In the case where the operating lever is in its first end position corresponding to the rotation of the contact shaft to the position in which the electrical contacts are closed, the pivot of the primary arm on the operating lever and also the pivot between the primary and secondary arms of the operating lever with which it cooperates latch lever, are located on the same side of the line that passes through the pivot of the cranks and the pivot of the secondary arm on the control arm of the contact shaft.

V primeru, kadar se upravljalna ročica nahaja v svojem preostalem končnem položaju, ki ustreza zasuku kontaktne gredi v položaj, v katerem so električni kontakti prekinjeni, je omenjen sestav krakov upravljalne ročice kolapsiran na tak način, da se glede na omenjeno linijo med vrtiščem upravljalne ročice in vrtiščem sekundarnega kraka upravljalne ročice na upravljalnem kraku kontaktne gredi omenjeno vrtišče med krakoma še vedno nahaja na isti strani prej omenjene linije, vrtišče primarnega kraka na upravljalni ročici pa je pomaknjeno na nasprotno stran omenjene linije, pri čemer pa je tovrsten položaj kljub omenjenemu kolapsu stabiliziran zahvaljujoč naleganju prestavljalnega vzvoda na upravljalnem kraku kontaktne gredi.In the case where the control lever is located in its remaining end position corresponding to the rotation of the contact shaft to the position in which the electrical contacts are broken, said control lever arm assembly is collapsed in such a way that, with respect to said line between the pivot of the control lever and the pivot point of the secondary arm of the control lever on the control arm of the contact shaft, the pivot point between the two arms is still located on the same side of the aforementioned line, and the pivot point of the primary arm on the control lever is shifted to the opposite side of the aforementioned line, and this kind of position is stabilized despite the aforementioned collapse thanks to the positioning of the shifting lever on the control arm of the contact shaft.

Med dolgotrajnim delovanjem tovrstnega stikala pa zaradi neposredno drug ob drugega nameščenih zapahnilnega vzvoda in prestavljalnega vzvoda lahko pride do zmanjšanja zanesljivosti tovrstnega stikala zaradi otežene zavihtljivosti zapahnilnega vzvoda relativno glede na prestavljalni vzvod, kar lahko občutno poslabša odzivnost stikala zlasti v primeru pojava diferenčnega toka.During the long-term operation of this type of switch, due to the locking lever and the switching lever installed directly next to each other, the reliability of this type of switch may be reduced due to the difficulty of turning the locking lever relative to the switching lever, which can significantly worsen the responsiveness of the switch, especially in the event of a differential current.

Z namenom, da bi se izognili omenjeni pomanjkljivosti, je po izumu predlagano, da je vrtišče zapahnilnega vzvoda na prestavljalnem vzvodu tako zasnovano, da je na cilindrični osi, ki je poteka smiselno pravokotno glede na prestavljalni vzvod in ki je s slednjim togo povezana, ohlapno prilegajoče se in prosto vrtljivo, obenem pa proti nehoteni odstranitvi z omenjene osi nameščen kotalčni element, na katerega obodni zunanji površini je ohlapno prilegajoče se in prosto vrtljivo nameščen zapahnilni vzvod.With the aim of avoiding the mentioned shortcoming, according to the invention, it is proposed that the pivot of the locking lever on the shift lever is designed in such a way that it is loose on the cylindrical axis, which runs reasonably perpendicular to the shift lever and which is rigidly connected to the latter fitting and freely rotatable, and at the same time against inadvertent removal from said axis, a rolling element mounted on the peripheral outer surface of which a locking lever is loosely fitted and freely rotatable.

Pri prednostni izvedbi izuma je omenjen kotalčni element enovito izveden in na enem koncu zaključen s kolutastim nastavkom, katerega zunanji premer je večji od zunanjega premera za naleganje zapahnilnega vzvoda predvidenega dolžinskega odseka kotalčnega elementa. Razen tega je omenjen nastavek kotalčnega elementa, gledano vzdolž omenjene cilindrične osi, razporejen v območju med zapahnilnim vzvodom in prestavIjalnim vzvodom. Pri tem pa po izbiri lahko omenjena os sestoji iz kovinskega materiala in obsega gladko obodno površino, medtem ko kotalčni element sestoji iz proti obrabi odpornega termoplastičnega materiala s karseda nizkim tornim količnikom med drsenjem po gladki kovinski površini.In a preferred embodiment of the invention, the mentioned rolling element is uniformly designed and finished at one end with a circular attachment, the outer diameter of which is larger than the outer diameter for fitting the locking lever of the intended longitudinal section of the rolling element. Apart from that, the said attachment of the rolling element, viewed along the said cylindrical axis, is arranged in the area between the locking lever and the shifting lever. In this case, optionally, said axis can consist of a metal material and comprise a smooth peripheral surface, while the rolling element consists of a wear-resistant thermoplastic material with a relatively low friction coefficient when sliding on a smooth metal surface.

Omenjena prestavljalna vzmet je prednostno na voljo kot natezna vijačna vzmet, ki je raztegljiva s pomočjo ročnega zasuka upravljalne ročice, prestavIjalnega vzvoda in kontaktne gredi v prvi končni položaj, v katerem so električni vodniki sklenjeni, v svojem napetem stanju zmožna akumulirati vsaj toliko energije, da to zadostuje za zasuk upravljalne ročice in obenem tudi za zasuk kontaktne gredi v drug končni položaj in posledično torej tudi za prekinitev električnih vodnikov.Said shift spring is preferably available as a tension coil spring, which can be stretched with the help of manual rotation of the control lever, the shift lever and the contact shaft to the first final position in which the electrical conductors are closed, in its tensioned state it is capable of accumulating at least enough energy to this is sufficient to turn the control lever and at the same time also to turn the contact shaft to another end position and consequently also to break the electrical conductors.

Omenjena zadrževalna vzmet je prednostno na voljo kot natezna vijačna vzmet, ki je prirejena za akumuliranje znatno manj energije kot omenjena prestavljalna vzmet in ki je v svojem izhodiščnem položaju pri neaktiviranem stikalu pred proženja Fl-releja napeta zgolj minimalno, namreč vsaj toliko, da vzdržuje prožilni vzvod v njegovem izhodiščnem položaju, ki omogoča podprtje prestavIjalnega vzvoda z naleganjem njegovega naseda na nasedu prožilnega vzvoda, napetost zadrževalne vzmeti pa se poveča šele po aktiviranju Fl-releja in zasuku prožilnega vzvoda med zasukom upravljalne ročice, tako da zahvaljujoč povečanju nateznc sile v zadrževalni vzmeti zapahnilni vzvod lahko učinkovito sledi spremembam položaja ročice, namreč vrtišča med primarnim krakom in sekundarnim krakom upravljalne ročice.Said retention spring is preferably available as a tension coil spring, which is adapted to accumulate significantly less energy than said switching spring and which, in its initial position with the switch not activated, is only minimally tensioned, namely at least enough to maintain the trigger lever in its starting position, which allows the shifting lever to be supported by placing its seat on the seat of the trigger lever, and the tension of the retaining spring increases only after the activation of the Fl-relay and the rotation of the ignition lever during the rotation of the control lever, so that thanks to the increase in the tension force in the retaining spring the detent lever can effectively follow changes in the position of the lever, namely the pivot between the primary arm and the secondary arm of the control lever.

Pri nadaljnji izvedbi izuma, ki stikalu zagotavlja dodatno funkcijo identifikacije vzroka prekinitve skozenj potekajočega električnega tokokroga, je zapahnilni vzvod opremljen z nadaljnjo vzmetjo, kije na voljo kot torzijska vzmet, katere prvi krak je oprt na omejevalu na sekundarnem kraku zapahnilnega vzvoda v bližini pritrdišča zadrževalne vzmeti, preostali krak pa na omejevalu na prestavljalncm vzvodu. Pri tem je namreč omenjena torzijska vzmet tako prirejena, da je upravljalna ročica med njenim zasukom zaradi sproščanja energije prestavljalnc vzmeti zahvaljujoč torzijski vzmeti neodvisno od nadaljnjega sukanja kontaktne gredi zaustavljiva v vmesnem položaju med obema skrajnima položajema, upravljalna ročica pa je potem iz vmesnega v končni položaj premakljiva ročno preko upravljalnega gumba.In a further embodiment of the invention, which provides the switch with an additional function of identifying the cause of the interruption of the electric circuit passing through it, the locking lever is equipped with a further spring, which is available as a torsion spring, the first arm of which rests on a stop on the secondary arm of the locking lever near the attachment of the retaining spring , and the remaining leg on the limiter on the shifting lever. In this case, the aforementioned torsion spring is arranged in such a way that during its rotation, due to the release of the energy of the spring shifters, thanks to the torsion spring, the control lever can be stopped in an intermediate position between the two extreme positions, independent of the further rotation of the contact shaft, and the control lever is then moved from the intermediate to the final position movable manually via the control button.

Še nadalje je po izumu predvidena tudi možnost, da je vrtišče med primarnim krakom in sekundarnim krakom upravljalne ročice opremljeno s kotalčnim elementom, obenem pa je zaskočna zajeda na zaskočnem vzvodu prirejena za sodelovanje z omenjenim kotalčnim elementom.Furthermore, according to the invention, there is also the possibility that the pivot point between the primary arm and the secondary arm of the control lever is equipped with a rolling element, while at the same time the locking catch on the locking lever is adapted to cooperate with the aforementioned rolling element.

Izum bo v nadaljevanju podrobneje obrazložen na osnovi primera izvedbe, ki je prikazan na priloženi skici, kjer kažejoIn the following, the invention will be explained in more detail on the basis of an example of implementation, which is shown on the attached sketch, where they show

Sl. 1 v izometriji in z deloma odstranjenim ohišjem simbolično ponazorjeno varnostno električno stikalo, na kakršno se nanaša pričujoči izum;fig. 1 isometrically and with the housing partially removed, a symbolically illustrated safety electrical switch, to which the present invention relates;

Sl. 2 prav tako shematično ponazorjen odklopni mehanizem aktiviranega stikala po Sl. 1, tokrat v narisu;fig. 2 also schematically illustrates the disconnection mechanism of the activated switch according to FIG. 1, this time in a drawing;

Sl. 3 prav tako shematično ponazorjen odklopni mehanizem stikala po Sl. 1 ob sproženju Fl-releja in učinkovanju le-tega na prožilni vzvod, spet v narisu;fig. 3 also schematically illustrates the disconnection mechanism of the switch according to FIG. 1 upon activation of the Fl-relay and its effect on the trigger lever, again in the drawing;

Sl. 4 prav tako shematično ponazorjen odklopni mehanizem aktiviranega stikala po Sl. 1 po sproženju Fl-releja in po premiku v deaktivirano stanje, spet v narisu;fig. 4 also schematically illustrates the disconnection mechanism of the activated switch according to FIG. 1 after triggering the Fl-relay and after moving to the deactivated state, again in the drawing;

Sl. 5 shematično ponazorjen odklopni mehanizem aktiviranega stikala po Sl. 2 z nekaterimi odstranjenimi elementi, spet v pogledu z nasprotne strani, torej od zadaj;fig. 5 schematically illustrated disconnection mechanism of the activated switch according to FIG. 2 with some elements removed, again viewed from the opposite side, i.e. from behind;

Sl. 6 shematično ponazorjen odklopni mehanizem deaktiviranega stikala po Sl. 4 z nekaterimi odstranjenimi elementi v pogledu z nasprotne strani, torej od zadaj;fig. 6 schematically illustrates the disconnection mechanism of the deactivated switch according to FIG. 4 with some elements removed in the view from the opposite side, i.e. from behind;

Sl. 7 nadaljnjo različico omenjenega stikala, ki omogoča indikacijo vzroka deaktiviranja stikala in s tem prekinitve električnega tokokroga, v katerem je stikalo vgrajeno;fig. 7 a further version of the mentioned switch, which enables the indication of the cause of the deactivation of the switch and thus the interruption of the electrical circuit in which the switch is installed;

Sl. 8 enega izmed nadaljnjih možnih aspektov stikala, in sicer rešitev naleganja zapahnilnega vzvoda na vrtišču med krakoma ročice, namreč podrobnost A;fig. 8 one of the further possible aspects of the switch, namely the solution of placing the locking lever on the pivot between the arms of the lever, namely detail A;

Sl. 9 stikalo po izumu z odstranjenim ohišjem in v izometriji;fig. 9 a switch according to the invention with the housing removed and in isometry;

Sl. 10 posebej in simbolično ponazorjen zapahnilni vzvod s pripadajočim kotalčnim elementom in cilindrično osjo vrtišča na prestavljalnem vzvodu, v izometriji;fig. 10 a specially and symbolically illustrated locking lever with the associated rolling element and the cylindrical pivot axis on the shifting lever, in isometry;

Sl. 11 zapahnilni vzvod stikala kot na sl. 10, tokrat v narisu, infig. 11 latching lever of the switch as in fig. 10, this time in a drawing, and

Sl. 12 zapahnilni vzvod v vzdolžnem prerezu X - X po Sl. 10.fig. 12 locking lever in longitudinal section X - X according to Fig. 10.

Za razumevanje in razlago izuma iz te prijave izraz »aktivirano« stikalo pomeni stikalo, ki je vgrajeno v vsakokrat razpoložljiv električni tokokrog in je odtlej pripravljeno za spremljanje dogajanja v električnem tokokrogu. Stikalo torej v aktiviranem stanju prevaja električni tok in omogoča nemoteno delovanje električnega tokokroga. Po tistem, ko pa stikalo v tokokrogu zazna vnaprej določene anomalije, ki bi lahko ogrozile delovanje tokokroga ali privedle do drugih neželenih posledic, se stikalo zahvaljujoč v nadaljevanju opisani zasnovi in po vnaprej določenih korakih transformira v »deaktivirano« stanje, v katerem ne prevaja več električnega toka, temu ustrezno pa se potem omenjen električni tokokrog prekine in ostaja prekinjen vse do povrnitve stikala v njegovo aktivirano stanje.For the purpose of understanding and explaining the invention of this application, the term "activated" switch means a switch that is built into an available electrical circuit and is from then on ready to monitor what is happening in the electrical circuit. In the activated state, the switch thus conducts the electric current and enables the uninterrupted operation of the electric circuit. However, when the switch detects predetermined anomalies in the circuit that could endanger the operation of the circuit or lead to other undesirable consequences, thanks to the design described below and following predetermined steps, the switch is transformed into a "deactivated" state in which it no longer translates of electric current, and accordingly the said electric circuit is then interrupted and remains interrupted until the switch is returned to its activated state.

Stikalo po izumu obsega ohišje 1, ki sestoji iz električno neprevodnega materiala in, na katerem so predvidene na skici neprikazane priključne sponke za povezavo stikala z električnimi vodniki vsakokratnega tokokroga in s tem integracijo stikala v vsakokrat razpoložljiv električni tokokrog. Omenjenim vodnikom pripadajoči električni vodniki 10Γ, 101, 10Γ so v notranjosti ohišja 1 stikala po izumu bodisi sočasno sklenljivi ali pa sočasno prekinljivi zahvaljujoč sočasnemu premiku pripadajočih kontaktnih elementov, ki kot taki sicer niso posebej prikazani, premakljivi pa so zahvaljujoč zasuku z odklopnim mehanizmom po Sl. 2 - 8 mehansko povezane kontaktne gredi 2 v eno ali drugo smer okoli njenega vrtišča 20, kije na voljo v ohišju 1, in sicer v prikazanem primeru na primerno togi nosilni plošči 10, ki je vgrajena v ohišju 1. V ta namen je omenjena kontaktna gred 2 opremljena z vsaj dvema glede na njeno vrtišče 20 v smeri smiselno radialno navzven štrlečima krakoma 21, 22, ki sta z gredjo 2 togo povezana in torej skupaj z njo tudi zasukljiva. Prekinjevalni krak 21 je predviden za sodelovanje s prekinjevalnimi elementi za sklenitev ali prekinitev električnih vodnikov 10Γ,The switch according to the invention comprises a housing 1, which consists of an electrically non-conductive material and on which connection terminals (not shown in the sketch) are provided for connecting the switch to the electrical conductors of each circuit and thus integrating the switch into the available electrical circuit. According to the invention, the electric conductors 10Γ, 101, 10Γ belonging to the mentioned conductors are either simultaneously closed or simultaneously broken thanks to the simultaneous movement of the associated contact elements, which are otherwise not shown separately, but are movable thanks to the twist with the disconnecting mechanism according to the invention, inside the switch housing 1 . 2 - 8 mechanically connected contact shaft 2 in one or the other direction around its pivot 20, which is available in the housing 1, namely in the example shown on a suitably rigid support plate 10, which is built into the housing 1. For this purpose, the mentioned contact the shaft 2 is equipped with at least two arms 21, 22, which are rigidly connected to the shaft 2 and are therefore also rotatable together with the shaft 2. The breaking arm 21 is designed to cooperate with the breaking elements for closing or breaking the electrical conductors 10Γ,

101, 10Γ, upravljalni krak 22 pa je namenjen za sukanje kontaktne gredi 2 okoli njenega vrtišča 20 v eno ali drugo smer.101, 10Γ, and the control arm 22 is intended for turning the contact shaft 2 around its pivot point 20 in one or the other direction.

Kontaktna gred 2 je mehansko povezana z upravljalno ročico 3, ki je v vrtišču 30 med dvema končnima položajema zavihtljivo uležiščena v omenjenem ohišju 1 stikala. Na upravljalni ročici 3 je na odmiku od omenjenega vrtišča 30 v smeri ven iz ohišja 1 na voljo izven ohišja 1 nahajajoč se upravljalni gumb 31, ki je z upravljalno ročico 2 togo povezan oz. predstavlja kar njen integralni del, z njegovo pomočjo pa je možno od zunaj in brez poseganja v notranjost ohišja 1 zasukati ročico 3 iz enega v drug končni položaj ali obratno. Nadalje je na upravljalni ročici 3 na odmiku od njenega vrtišča 30 v smeri nasprotno od upravljalnega gumba 31, torej v notranjosti ohišja 1, na voljo nadaljnje vrtišče 32, v katerem je k omenjeni ročici 3 s svojim prvim koncem 33' zasukljivo priključen ustrezno tog primarni krak 33, ki je na svojem preostalem koncu 33 v vrtišču 35 zasukljivo povezan s prvim koncem 34’ sekundarnega kraka 34, ki je s svojim drugim koncem 34 v vrtišču 24, ki se nahaja na primernem odmiku od vrtišča 20 kontaktne gredi 2, zasukljivo pritrjen na omenjenem upravljalnem kraku 22 kontaktne gredi 2. Zahvaljujoč tovrstni zasnovi je vzpostavljena mehanska medsebojna povezava med kontaktno gredjo 2 in upravljalno ročico 3, tako da prvi končni t.j. izhodiščni položaj upravljalne ročice 3 po aktiviranju stikala ustreza zasuku kontaktne gredi 2 v njen prvi končni položaj (Sl. 2), v katerem so električni vodniki 100', 100, 100' sklenjeni, medtem ko drugi končni položaj upravljalne ročice 3 po deaktiviranju stikala ustreza zasuku kontaktne gredi 2 v njen drug končni položaj (Sl. 4), v katerem so električni vodniki 100', 100, 100' prekinjeni. Funkcioniranje omenjene upravljalne ročice 3 in kontaktne gredi 2 je zahvaljujoč njuni medsebojni mehanski povezavi preko krakov 33, 34 in vrtišča 35 torej vzajemno, tako da ima zasuk ročice 3 okoli njenega vrtišča 30 za posledico tudi zasuk kontaktne gredi 2 okoli njenega vrtišča 20, ali obratno, namreč da ima zasuk kontaktne gredi 2 za posledico tudi zasuk upravljalne ročice 3.The contact shaft 2 is mechanically connected to the operating lever 3, which is pivotally mounted in the aforementioned housing 1 of the switch in the pivot 30 between two end positions. On the control lever 3, at the distance from the mentioned pivot 30 in the direction out of the housing 1, there is a control button 31 located outside the housing 1, which is rigidly connected to the control lever 2 or it is an integral part of it, and with its help it is possible to rotate the handle 3 from one end position to another or vice versa from the outside and without interfering with the interior of the housing 1. Furthermore, on the operating lever 3 at a distance from its pivot point 30 in the direction opposite to the control knob 31, i.e. inside the housing 1, a further pivot point 32 is available, in which a correspondingly rigid primary is rotatably connected to said lever 3 with its first end 33' arm 33, which is rotatably connected at its remaining end 33 in the pivot 35 to the first end 34' of the secondary arm 34, which is rotatably fixed with its second end 34 in the pivot 24, located at a suitable distance from the pivot 20 of the contact shaft 2 on the mentioned operating arm 22 of the contact shaft 2. Thanks to this type of design, a mechanical interconnection is established between the contact shaft 2 and the operating lever 3, so that the first final i.e. the initial position of the operating lever 3 after activating the switch corresponds to the rotation of the contact shaft 2 to its first end position (Fig. 2), in which the electrical conductors 100', 100, 100' are closed, while the second end position of the operating lever 3 after deactivating the switch corresponds to rotation of the contact shaft 2 to its other end position (Fig. 4), in which the electrical conductors 100', 100, 100' are interrupted. Thanks to their mutual mechanical connection via the arms 33, 34 and the pivot 35, the functioning of the mentioned operating lever 3 and the contact shaft 2 is reciprocal, so that the rotation of the lever 3 around its pivot 30 also results in the rotation of the contact shaft 2 around its pivot 20, or vice versa , namely that the rotation of the contact shaft 2 also results in the rotation of the control lever 3.

V ohišju 1 je vgrajen strokovnjakom znan Fl-rele 44, ki je zmožen zaznavati diferenčne tokove, kakor je bilo to predhodno že razloženo. Omenjen Fl-rele 44 v električnem smislu zaznava dogajanje v vodnikih 100', 100, 100', v mehanskem smislu pa obsega primeren (na skici neprikazan) prožilni nastavek, kije premakljiv oz. podaljšljiv v smeri proti prožilnemu vzvodu 4 stikala, in sicer v smeri puščic 4' po Sl. 2 in 5. Prožilni vzvod 4 je v vrtišču 40 uležiščen v omenjenem ohišju 1 stikala in je v območju vrtišča 40 opremljen z nasedom 45. Kot je to razvidno na Sl. 2 in 3, je prožilni vzvod 4 skupaj z nasedom 45 okoli vrtišča 40 zasukljiv za razmeroma majhen kot, do zasuka vzvoda 4 pa pride ob proženju Fl-releja 44, t.j. kadar vanj že z razmeroma majhno silo zadene prožilni nastavek Fl-releja 44.An Fl-relay 44 known to experts is built into the housing 1, which is capable of detecting differential currents, as explained previously. The mentioned Fl-relay 44 electrically detects what is happening in the conductors 100', 100, 100', but in the mechanical sense it comprises a suitable trigger (not shown in the sketch) which is movable or. extendable in the direction towards the trigger lever 4 of the switch, namely in the direction of arrows 4' according to Fig. 2 and 5. The trigger lever 4 is located in the pivot 40 in the aforementioned switch housing 1 and is equipped with a catch 45 in the area of the pivot 40. As can be seen in Fig. 2 and 3, the activation lever 4 together with the catch 45 around the pivot 40 is rotatable by a relatively small angle, and the rotation of the lever 4 occurs when the Fl-relay 44 is actuated, i.e. when the trigger attachment of the Fl-relay 44 hits it with a relatively small force.

Se nadalje je v ohišju 1 v svojem vrtišču 50 zasukljivo uležiščen prestavljalni vzvod 5, katerega primarni krak 51 je na svojem skrajnem koncu 510 opremljen z nasedom 515, ki je prirejen za naleganje na nasedu 45 prožilnega vzvoda 4, kadar se slednji nahaja v ustreznem položaju, namreč pred proženjem Fl-releja 44, po zadostnem zasuku prožilnega vzvoda 4 in temu ustrezni spremembi položaja naseda 45 pa premakljiv iz oprijema z omenjenim nasedom 45 prožilnega vzvoda 4 in odtlej med sukanjem prestavIjalnega vzvoda 5 okoli vrtišča 50 prosto premakljiv mimo vrtišča 40 prožilnega vzvoda 4. Preostali, sekundarni krak 52 prestavljalnega vzvoda 5 je prirejen za naleganje na upravljalnem kraku 22 kontaktne gredi 2.Furthermore, in the housing 1, in its pivot 50, the shifting lever 5 is rotatably located, the primary arm 51 of which is equipped at its extreme end 510 with a catch 515, which is adapted to rest on the catch 45 of the trigger lever 4, when the latter is in the appropriate position , namely, before triggering the Fl-relay 44, after sufficient rotation of the trigger lever 4 and this corresponding change in the position of the catch 45, it is movable from the grip with the mentioned catch 45 of the trigger lever 4 and from then on, during the rotation of the shifting lever 5 around the pivot 50, freely movable past the pivot 40 of the trigger lever 4. The remaining, secondary arm 52 of the shifting lever 5 is adapted to rest on the operating arm 22 of the contact shaft 2.

Na primarnem kraku 51 prestavljalnega vzvoda 5 je v območju med omenjenim nasedom 515 na njegovem skrajnem koncu 510 in njegovim vrtiščem 50 predvideno pritrdišče 56 prestavljalne vzmeti 6, katere preostalo pritrdišče 26 je na voljo na upravljalnem kraku 22 kontaktne gredi 2. Prestavljalna vzmet 6 je razmeroma močna natezna vzmet, v prikazanem primeru vijačna natezna vzmet, ki je zmožna zagotoviti dovolj potencialne energije za zasuk prestavIjalnega vzvoda 5 okoli vrtišča 50 in obenem tudi za premik upravljalnega kraka 22 in s tem zasuk kontaktne gredi 2, posledično preko vzvodov 33, 34 pa tudi zasuk ročice 3. Pri tem je omenjena prestavljalna vzmet 6 najbolj napeta v tistem položaju prestavljalnega vzvoda 5, ko je (Sl. 2) nased 515 na primarnem kraku 51 prestavljalnega vzvoda 5 oprt na nasedu 45 prožilnega vzvoda 4. Ob aktiviranju Fl-releja 44 se med zasukom prožilnega vzvoda 4 zaradi spremembe položaja naseda 45, s čimer je potem nasedu 515 na primarnem kraku 51 prestavljalnega vzvoda 5 tudi odpravljena podpora, tako da se zaradi delovanja sile prestavljalne vzmeti 6 prestavljalni vzvod 5 za določen kot (Sl. 2 -4) zasuče okoli vrtišča 50, obenem pa se okoli svojega vrtišča 20 zasuče tudi kontaktna gred 2, kar potem privede do takorekoč takojšnje in tudi sočasne prekinitve toka skozi vse električne vodnike 100', 100, 100' hkrati. Kot bo obrazloženo v nadaljevanju, se pri tem zasuče tudi upravljalna ročica 3.On the primary arm 51 of the shifting lever 5, in the area between the aforementioned landing 515 at its extreme end 510 and its pivot 50, there is provided an anchorage 56 of the shifting spring 6, the remaining anchorage 26 of which is available on the control arm 22 of the contact shaft 2. The shifting spring 6 is relatively a strong tension spring, in the example shown a helical tension spring, which is capable of providing enough potential energy for the rotation of the shifting lever 5 around the pivot 50 and at the same time for the movement of the control arm 22 and thus the rotation of the contact shaft 2, as a result via the levers 33, 34 and also twist of the lever 3. In this case, the aforementioned shift spring 6 is most tense in that position of the shift lever 5, when (Fig. 2) the catch 515 on the primary arm 51 of the shift lever 5 rests on the catch 45 of the trigger lever 4. When the Fl-relay 44 is activated during the rotation of the trigger lever 4 due to a change in the position of the catch 45, with which then the catch 515 on the primary arm 51 of the shifting lever 5 is also removed from its support, so that due to the action of the force of the shifting spring 6, the shifting lever 5 for a certain angle (Fig. 2 -4) rotates around the pivot point 50, and at the same time the contact shaft 2 also rotates around its pivot point 20, which then leads to an almost immediate and simultaneous interruption of the current through all electrical conductors 100', 100, 100' at the same time. As will be explained below, the control lever 3 is also rotated.

Na omenjenem prestavljalnem vzvodu 5 je namreč v osrednjem območju v bližini njegovega vrtišča 50 v nadaljnjem vrtišču 57 zasukljivo uležiščen dvokrak zapahnilni vzvod 7, katerega primarni krak 71 štrli v smeri proti vrtišču 35 med primarnim krakom 33 in sekundarnim krakom 34 upravljalne ročice 3, medtem ko njegov sekundami krak 72 štrli vsaj približno v smeri proti prožilnemu vzvodu 4. Na primarnem kraku 71 je na voljo zaskočna zajeda 710, v katero uprijema omenjeno vrtišče 35, tako daje primarni krak 71 vseskozi vzdrževan v fizičnem stiku z omenjenim vrtiščem 35, s tem pa je posledično zapahnilni vzvod 7 kot tak vseskozi prisiljen slediti spremembam položaja vrtišča 35 med sukanjem upravljalne ročice 3 ter premikanjem primarnega kraka 33 in sekundarnega krakaNamely, on the mentioned shifting lever 5, in the central area near its pivot 50, in the further pivot 57, a two-arm locking lever 7 is rotatably mounted, the primary arm 71 of which protrudes in the direction of the pivot 35 between the primary arm 33 and the secondary arm 34 of the control lever 3, while its second arm 72 protrudes at least approximately in the direction of the trigger lever 4. On the primary arm 71, there is a catch catch 710 into which the said pivot 35 engages, so that the primary arm 71 is always maintained in physical contact with the said pivot 35, thereby as a result, the locking lever 7 as such is constantly forced to follow the changes in the position of the pivot 35 during the rotation of the control lever 3 and the movement of the primary arm 33 and the secondary arm

34. Na sekundarnem kraku 72 zapahnilnega vzvoda 7 je na voljo pritrdišče 78 zadrževalne vzmeti 8, ki je po drugi strani vpeta v pritrdišču 48 na prožilnem vzvodu 4 (Sl. 5 in 6). Tudi zadrževalna vzmet 8 je natezna vzmet, prednostno vijačna natezna vzmet, ki pa je namenjena za ustvarjanje znatno manjše natezne sile kot prej obravnavana prestavljalna vzmet 6. Povrhu tega je zadrževalna vzmet 8 v svojem izhodiščnem položaju (Sl. 6) pri neaktiviranem stikalu minimalno napeta, in sicer zgolj toliko, da do proženja Fl-releja 44 vzdržuje prožilni vzvod 4 v njegovem izhodiščnem položaju, s čimer je omogočeno zanesljivo in stabilno podprtje prestavIjalnega vzvoda 5 z naleganjem njegovega naseda 515 na nasedu 45 prožilnega vzvoda 4. Vpliv napetosti zadrževalne vzmeti 8 na zmožnost premikanja prožilnega vzvoda 4 je zahvaljujoč tovrstni zasnovi torej minimiziran, tako da je prožilni vzvod 4 vsekakor zlahka in v zadostni meri premakljiv s pomočjo omenjene razmeroma šibke sile, ki jo je zmožen generirati Fl-rele 44. Do raztezanja in povečanja natezne sile zadrževalne vzmeti 8 namreč pride šele po aktiviranju Fl-releja 44 in po zasuku prožilnega vzvoda 4, ko med zasukom prestavljalnega vzvoda 5 in kontaktne gredi 2 posledično pride tudi do zasuka ročice 3, pri tem pa je povečanje natezne sile v zadrževalni vzmeti 8 vsekakor koristno, saj s tem zapahnilni vzvod 7 lahko bolje sledi spremembam položaja ročice 3, namreč vrtišča 35 med primarnim krakom 33 in sekundarnim krakom 34 ročice 3.34. On the secondary arm 72 of the locking lever 7, there is an anchorage 78 of the retention spring 8, which, on the other hand, is engaged in an anchorage 48 on the trigger lever 4 (Fig. 5 and 6). The retention spring 8 is also a tension spring, preferably a helical tension spring, but it is intended to generate a significantly lower tension force than the previously discussed shift spring 6. In addition, the retention spring 8 is minimally tensioned in its initial position (Fig. 6) when the switch is not activated , namely only to the extent that it maintains the trigger lever 4 in its starting position until the Fl-relay 44 is triggered, which enables reliable and stable support of the shifting lever 5 by placing its seat 515 on the seat 45 of the trigger lever 4. Influence of the tension of the retaining spring 8 on the ability to move the actuation lever 4 is therefore minimized thanks to this type of design, so that the actuation lever 4 is certainly easily and sufficiently moved with the help of the mentioned relatively weak force which is able to be generated by the Fl-relay 44. Until the stretching and increase of the tensile force of the retaining the spring 8 only occurs after the activation of the Fl-relay 44 and after the rotation of the trigger lever 4, when during the rotation of the shifting lever 5 and the contact shaft 2 the rotation of the lever 3 also occurs, and in this case the increase in the tensile force in the retaining spring 8 is definitely beneficial, because with this, the locking lever 7 can better follow the changes in the position of the lever 3, namely the pivot 35 between the primary arm 33 and the secondary arm 34 of the lever 3.

V aktiviranem položaju stikala po Sl. 1 se prožilni vzvod 4 nahaja v svojem izhodiščnem položaju neposredno ob Fl-releju 44, položaj naseda 45 na prožilnem vzvodu 4 pa omogoča podprtje prestavljalnega vzvoda 5 v območju naseda 515. Prožilni vzvod 4 je v takem položaju držan s silo minimalno napete zadrževalne vzmeti 8. Upravljalna ročica 3 se nahaja v končnem položaju, pri čemer se vrtišče 32 primarnega kraka 33 na upravljalni ročici 3 in tudi vrtišče 35 med primarnim in sekundarnim krakom 33, 34, s katerim sodeluje zapahnilni vzvod 7, nahajata na isti strani linije, ki poteka skozi vrtišče 30 ročice 3 in vrtišče 24 sekundarnega kraka 34 na upravljalnem kraku 22 kontaktne gredi 2. S tem je zahvaljujoč delovanju sile z zasukom ročice 3 napete prestavljalne vzmeti 6 in zaskočenju zapahnilnega vzvoda 7 v vrtišču 35 med krakoma 33, 34 ročice 3 prestavljalni vzvod 4 vzdrževan v položaju naleganja na nasedu 45 prožilnega vzvoda 4, kontaktna gred 2 pa je zasukana v položaj, v katerem omogoča sklenitev električnih vodnikov 10Γ, 101, 10Γ.In the activated position of the switch according to Fig. 1, the actuation lever 4 is located in its initial position directly next to the Fl-relay 44, and the position of the catch 45 on the actuation lever 4 enables the shifting lever 5 to be supported in the area of the actuation 515. The actuation lever 4 is held in such a position by the force of the minimally tensioned retaining spring 8 The control arm 3 is in the final position, with the pivot point 32 of the primary arm 33 on the control arm 3 and also the pivot point 35 between the primary and secondary arms 33, 34, with which the locking lever 7 cooperates, being located on the same side of the line that runs through the pivot point 30 of the lever 3 and the pivot point 24 of the secondary arm 34 on the control arm 22 of the contact shaft 2. Thus, thanks to the action of the force with the rotation of the lever 3, the shifting spring 6 is tensioned and the locking lever 7 is engaged in the pivot point 35 between the arms 33, 34 of the lever 3, the shifting lever 4 is maintained in the position of resting on the seat 45 of the trigger lever 4, and the contact shaft 2 is rotated to a position in which it enables the electrical conductors 10Γ, 101, 10Γ to be closed.

V ob proženju Fl-releja 44 v primeru napake v delovanju električnega tokokroga prožilni nastavek Fl-releja 44 zadene ob prožilni vzvod 4, ki se zaradi udarca zgolj začasno zasuče za vnaprej določen kot, pri zasuku prožilnega vzvoda 4 pa se položaj naseda 45 na prožilnem vzvodu 4 spremeni do te mere, da se naleganje naseda 515 prestavljalnega vzvoda 5 na nasedu 45 prožilnega vzvoda 4 odpravi, tako da se zaradi natezne sile prestavljalne vzmeti 6 po eni strani prestavljalni vzvod 5 zasuče okoli svojega vrtišča 50, s čimer se spremeni tudi položaj na njem pričvrščenega zapahnilnega vzvoda 7, obenem pa se zaradi delovanja prestavljalne vzmeti 6 zasuče tudi kontaktna gred 2, kar privede do takojšnje in sočasne prekinitve električnih vodnikov 10Γ, 101, 101'. Ob sprostitvi energije pred tem napete prestavljalne vzmeti 6 pa zasuk kontaktne gredi 2 povzroči premik sekundarnega vzvoda 34 in primarnega vzvoda 33 ročice 3, pri čemer pa zapahnilni vzvod 7, ki je vseskozi obremenjen z naraščajočo silo zadrževalne vzmeti 8, ki pri tem obenem tudi povrne prožilni vzvod 4 v izhodiščni položaj, še naprej ostaja v oprijemu z vrtiščem 35, kar privede do zasuka ročice 3 okoli njenega vrtišča 30 in premika upravljalnega gumba 31 v drug končni položaj, pri tem pa omenjeno vzvodovje iz krakov 33, 34 ročice 3 kolapsira na tak način, da glede na omenjeno linijo med vrtiščem 30 ročice in vrtiščem 24 sekundarnega kraka 34 ročice 3 na upravljalnem kraku 22 kontaktne gredi 2 vrtišče 35 še vedno ostane na isti strani omenjene linije, medtem ko se vrtišče 32 primarnega kraka 33 premakne na nasprotno stran omenjene linije, tovrsten položaj pa je kljub omenjenemu kolapsu potem stabiliziran zahvaljujoč naleganju prestavljalnega vzvoda 5 na upravljalnem kraku 22 kontaktne gredi 2.When the Fl-relay 44 is actuated, in the event of a fault in the operation of the electrical circuit, the trigger attachment of the Fl-relay 44 hits the trigger lever 4, which is only temporarily rotated by a predetermined angle due to the impact, and when the trigger lever 4 is turned, the position is stuck 45 on the trigger lever 4 is changed to such an extent that the abutment of the seat 515 of the shift lever 5 on the seat 45 of the trigger lever 4 is eliminated, so that due to the tension force of the shift spring 6, on the one hand, the shift lever 5 rotates around its pivot 50, which also changes its position of the locking lever 7 attached to it, and at the same time due to the operation of the shifting spring 6, the contact shaft 2 also rotates, which leads to the immediate and simultaneous interruption of the electrical conductors 10Γ, 101, 101'. When the energy of the previously tensioned shift spring 6 is released, the rotation of the contact shaft 2 causes the movement of the secondary lever 34 and the primary lever 33 of the lever 3, whereby the locking lever 7, which is constantly loaded by the increasing force of the retaining spring 8, which at the same time also returns trigger lever 4 to the initial position, continues to remain in grip with the pivot 35, which leads to the rotation of the lever 3 around its pivot 30 and the movement of the control knob 31 to another end position, while the said lever from the arms 33, 34 of the lever 3 collapses to such a way that with respect to the said line between the pivot point 30 of the lever and the pivot point 24 of the secondary arm 34 of the lever 3 on the control arm 22 of the contact shaft 2, the pivot point 35 still remains on the same side of the said line, while the pivot point 32 of the primary arm 33 moves to the opposite side of the mentioned lines, and this kind of position is then stabilized despite the mentioned collapse thanks to the bearing of the shifting lever 5 on the control arm 22 of the contact shaft 2.

Po odstranitvi vzroka za prekinitev električnega tokokroga je potem možno tokokrog skozi električne vodnike 101', 101, 10Γ ponovno vzpostaviti z zasukom upravljalnega gumba 31 in ročice 3 okoli njenega vrtišča 30, pri čemer se po eni strani zasuče kontaktna gred 2, po drugi strani pa se med postavitvijo krakov 33, 34 v položaj vrtišč 32, 35 onkraj linije med vrtiščem 30 ročice 3 in vrtiščem 24 sekundarnega kraka 34 na kontaktni gredi 2 zahvaljujoč sodelovanju med vrtiščem 35 in zapahnilnim vzvodom 7 s slednjim povezan prestavljalni vzvod 5 med napenjanjem prestavljalne vzmeti 6 in sproščanjem zadrževalne vzmeti 8 postavi nazaj v prej opisan položaj naleganja na nasedu 45 prožilnega vzvoda 4. Odtlej je stikalo spet pripravljeno na regularno delovanje v smislu zaščite tokokroga pred motnjami, kijih potem zaznava omenjen Fl-rele 44 in se nanje odzove s proženjem in ustreznim sunkom v smeri proti prožilnemu vzvodu 4.After removing the cause of the interruption of the electric circuit, it is then possible to re-establish the circuit through the electric conductors 101', 101, 10Γ by turning the control button 31 and the handle 3 around its pivot point 30, whereby on the one hand the contact shaft 2 rotates, and on the other hand during the placement of the arms 33, 34 in the position of the pivots 32, 35 beyond the line between the pivot 30 of the lever 3 and the pivot 24 of the secondary arm 34 on the contact shaft 2, thanks to the cooperation between the pivot 35 and the locking lever 7, the shifting lever 5 connected to the latter during the tensioning of the shifting spring 6 and, by releasing the retaining spring 8, puts it back in the previously described position of resting on the seat 45 of the trigger lever 4. From then on, the switch is again ready for regular operation in terms of protecting the circuit from disturbances, which are then detected by the mentioned Fl-relay 44 and reacts to them by triggering and corresponding with a jerk in the direction of the trigger lever 4.

Pri nadaljnji izvedbi stikala po Sl. 7 je zapahnilni vzvod 7 opremljen z nadaljnjo vzmetjo 77, ki je na voljo kot torzijska vzmet, katere prvi krak 771 je oprt na omejevalu 771' na sekundarnem kraku 72 vzvoda 7 v bližini pritrdišča 720 zadrževalne vzmeti 8, preostali krak 772 pa na omejevalu 772' na prestavljalnem vzvodu 5. Prisotnost omenjene torzijske vzmeti 77 stikalu zagotavlja dodatno funkcijo detekcije vzroka prekinitve električnega tokokroga, v katerem je stikalo vgrajeno· Samodejni izklop stikala npr. zaradi pojava diferenčnega toka v tokokrogu, v katerem je stikalo integrirano, namreč v takem primeru prav tako privede do proženja Fl-releja 44, posledično zasuka prožilnega vzvoda 4 in potem zaradi prestavljalne vzmeti 6 tudi zasuka prestavljalnega vzvoda 5 in posledičbo zasuka kontaktne gredi 2, vendar pa se med zasukom slednje zaradi delovanja vzmeti 77 upravljalna ročica 3 zaustavi v vmesnem položaju med obema skrajnima položajema. Iz omenjenega vmesnega položaja je potem možno upravljalno ročico 3 v njen končni položaj premakniti zgolj ročno preko upravljalnega gumba 31. Tako med uporabo obravnavane izvedbe stikala po izumu na podlagi vsakokratnega položaja upravljalnega gumba 31 na ročici 3 vsakokratni opazovalec lahko ugotovi, ali je do prekinitve tokokroga prišlo zaradi samodejnega izklopa stikala zaradi proženja Fl-releja 44, ali pa je bil izklop izvršen ročno s strani drugega uporabnika.In the further design of the switch according to Fig. 7, the locking lever 7 is equipped with a further spring 77, which is available as a torsion spring, the first arm 771 of which rests on the stop 771' on the secondary arm 72 of the lever 7 near the anchorage 720 of the retaining spring 8, and the remaining arm 772 on the stop 772 ' on the shifting lever 5. The presence of the mentioned torsion spring 77 of the switch provides an additional function of detecting the cause of the interruption of the electrical circuit in which the switch is built · Automatic switching off of the switch, e.g. due to the occurrence of a differential current in the circuit in which the switch is integrated, namely in such a case it also leads to the activation of the Fl-relay 44, as a result of the rotation of the activation lever 4 and then, due to the shift spring 6, also the rotation of the shift lever 5 and the result of the rotation of the contact shaft 2, however, during the rotation of the latter, due to the operation of the spring 77, the operating lever 3 stops in an intermediate position between the two extreme positions. From the mentioned intermediate position, it is then possible to move the operating lever 3 to its final position only manually via the operating button 31. Thus, during use of the discussed embodiment of the switch according to the invention, based on the position of the operating button 31 on the operating lever 3, the observer can always determine whether the circuit is interrupted occurred due to automatic switching off of the switch due to activation of the Fl-relay 44, or the switching off was performed manually by another user.

V skladu s še nadaljnjim aspektom izuma (Sl. 8) je z namenom minimiziranja mehanskih izgub in trenja nadalje predvideno, da je vrtiŠČe 35 med primarnim krakom 33 in sekundarnim krakom 34 upravljalne ročice 3 opremljeno s kotalčnim elementom 350, tako da zaskočna zajeda 710 na zaskočnem vzvodu 7 potem sodeluje z omenjenim kotalčnim elementom 350. S tem ukrepom se po eni strani v dobršni meri izognemo trenju med vrtiščem 35 in zajedo 710 na zaskočnem vzvodu 7, po drugi strani pa vrtljiv kotalčni element 350 z večjim zunanjim premerom zagotavlja boljše uprijemanje z zajedo 710 in s tem zanesljivejše sledenje zapahnilnega vzvoda 7 upravljalni ročici 3 med premikanjem primarnega vzvoda 33 in sekundarnega vzvoda 34.In accordance with a further aspect of the invention (Fig. 8), in order to minimize mechanical losses and friction, it is further provided that the pivot 35 between the primary arm 33 and the secondary arm 34 of the control lever 3 is equipped with a rolling element 350, so that the catch 710 on of the latching lever 7 then cooperates with the mentioned rolling element 350. With this measure, on the one hand, friction between the pivot 35 and the catch 710 on the latching lever 7 is avoided to a good extent, and on the other hand, the rotating rolling element 350 with a larger outer diameter ensures a better grip with capture 710 and thus more reliable tracking of the locking lever 7 to the operating lever 3 during the movement of the primary lever 33 and the secondary lever 34.

V kontekstu rešitve uvodoma zastavljenega problema pa je pri stikalu po izumu predvideno, da je omenjeno vrtisče 57 zapahnilnega vzvoda 7 na prestavljalnem vzvodu 5 (Sl. 9 - 12) tako zasnovano, da je na cilindrični osi 570, ki poteka smiselno pravokotno glede na prestavljalni vzvod 5 in ki je s slednjim togo povezana, ohlapno prilegajoče se in prosto zasukljivo nameščen kotalčni element 75, na katerega obodni zunanji površini je ohlapno prilegajoče se in prosto zasukljivo nameščen zapahnilni vzvod 7. S tem je zagotovljeno, daje po eni strani že sam kotalčni element 75 prosto zasukljiv relativno glede na omenjeno os 570 vrtišča 57, po drugi strani pa je zapahnilni vzvod 7 zasukljiv relativno glede na omenjeno os 570 in prestavljalni vzvod 5 bodisi skupaj s kotalčnim elementom 75 ali pa sam zase okoli omenjenega kotalčnega elementa 75. Na tak način je v primeru povečanja trenja med osjo 570 in kotalčnim elementom 75 ali pa med kotalčnim elementom 75 in zapahnilnim vzvodom 7 vselej dana tudi alternativna možnost neoviranega medsebojnega zasuka zapahnilnega vzvoda 7 relativno glede na prestavljalni vzvod 5. Pri tem pa je omenjen kotalčni element 75 načeloma enovito izveden in je na enem svojem koncu prednostno tudi zaključen s kolutastim nastavkom 750, katerega zunanji premer je večji od zunanjega premera za naleganje zapahnilnega vzvoda 7 predvidenega dolžinskega odseka kotalčnega elementa 75. Pri tem pa je omenjeni nastavek 750 kotalčnega elementa 75, gledano vzdolž omenjene osi 570, razporejen v območju med zapahnilnim vzvodom 7 in prestavljalnim vzvodom 5. Z umestitvijo omenjenega nastavka 750 v območje med prestavljalnim vzvodom 5 in zapahnilnim vzvodom 7 je pojav vsakršnega omembe vrednega trenja med omenjenima medsebojno sodelujočima vzvodoma 5, 7, ki bi lahko oviralo učinkovito in zanesljivo delovanje stikala, praktično izključen. Samo trenje v območju omenjenega vrtišča 57 med zapahnilnim vzvodom 7 in prestavljalnim vzvodom 5 je možno še nadalje učinkovito zmanjšati tudi s primerno izbiro materialov, in sicer na tak način, da omenjena os 570 sestoji iz kovinskega materiala in obsega gladko obodno površino, medtem ko kotalčni element 75 sestoji iz proti obrabi odpornega termoplastičnega materiala s karseda nizkim tornim količnikom med drsenjem po gladki kovinski površini.In the context of the solution to the problem posed in the introduction, in the switch according to the invention, it is provided that the pivot 57 of the locking lever 7 on the shifting lever 5 (Fig. 9 - 12) is designed in such a way that it is on the cylindrical axis 570, which runs reasonably perpendicular to the shifting lever 5 and which is rigidly connected to the latter, a loosely fitting and freely rotatably mounted rolling element 75, on the peripheral outer surface of which is a loosely fitting and freely rotatably mounted locking lever 7. This ensures that, on the one hand, the rolling element itself the element 75 is freely rotatable relative to the said axis 570 of the pivot 57, on the other hand, the locking lever 7 is rotatable relative to the said axis 570 and the shifting lever 5 either together with the rolling element 75 or by itself around the said rolling element 75. On such method, in the event of an increase in friction between the axis 570 and the rolling element 75 or between the rolling element 75 and the locking lever 7, there is always an alternative possibility of unhindered mutual rotation of the locking lever 7 relative to the shifting lever 5. In this case, the rolling element 75 is mentioned in principle uniform design and is preferably completed at one end with a disc-shaped attachment 750, the outer diameter of which is larger than the outer diameter for fitting the locking lever 7 of the intended longitudinal section of the rolling element 75. In this case, the mentioned attachment 750 of the rolling element 75, viewed along the said axis 570 arranged in the area between the locking lever 7 and the shifting lever 5. By placing said attachment 750 in the region between the shifting lever 5 and the locking lever 7, the appearance of any significant friction between said interacting levers 5, 7, which could hinder effective and reliable operation of the switch, practically excluded. Only the friction in the area of the mentioned pivot 57 between the locking lever 7 and the shifting lever 5 can be further effectively reduced also by a suitable choice of materials, namely in such a way that the mentioned axis 570 consists of a metal material and comprises a smooth circumferential surface, while the rolling element 75 consists of wear-resistant thermoplastic material with a very low friction coefficient when sliding on a smooth metal surface.

Claims (9)

PATENTNI ZAHTEVKIPATENT CLAIMS 1. Varnostno električno stikalo z izboljšanim odklopnim mehanizmom, obsegajoče1. Safety electrical switch with improved tripping mechanism, comprising - ohišje (1), ki sestoji iz električno neprevodnega materiala in obsega priključne sponke za povezavo električnih vodnikov (101', 101, 101) v ohišju (1) z električnimi vodniki vsakokratnega tokokroga in s tem integracijo stikala v vsakokrat razpoložljiv električni tokokrog;- the housing (1), which consists of an electrically non-conductive material and includes connection terminals for connecting the electrical conductors (101', 101, 101) in the housing (1) to the electrical conductors of each circuit and thus integrating the switch into each available electrical circuit; v ohišju (1) uležiščeno in okoli vrtišča (20) v eno in drugo smer zasukljivo kontaktno gred (2), ki opremljena z vsaj dvema glede na svoje vrtišče (20) v smeri smiselno radialno navzven štrlečima krakoma (21, 22), ki sta z gredjo (2) togo povezana in torej skupaj z njo tudi zasukljiva, namreč s prekinjevalnim krakom (21), ki je predviden za sodelovanje s prekinjevalnimi elementi za sklenitev ali prekinitev električnih vodnikov (101', 101, 101'), kot tudi upravljalni krak (22), ki je namenjen za sukanje kontaktne gredi (2) okoli njenega vrtišča (20) v eno ali drugi smer, tako da so omenjeni električni vodniki (10Γ, 101, 101) v notranjosti ohišja (1) stikala bodisi sočasno sklenljivi ali pa sočasno prekinljivi zahvaljujoč sočasnemu premiku pripadajočih kontaktnih elementov zaradi zasuka kontaktne gredi (2) v okoli njenega vrtišča (20) v ohišju (1);a contact shaft (2) mounted in the housing (1) and rotatable around the pivot point (20) in one and the other direction, which is equipped with at least two arms (21, 22) projecting radially outwards in a sense relative to its pivot point (20), which are rigidly connected to the shaft (2) and therefore also rotatable together with it, namely with the breaking arm (21), which is designed to cooperate with the breaking elements for connecting or breaking the electrical conductors (101', 101, 101'), as well as control arm (22), which is intended to rotate the contact shaft (2) around its pivot (20) in one or the other direction, so that the mentioned electric conductors (10Γ, 101, 101) inside the switch housing (1) are either simultaneously closing or breaking at the same time thanks to the simultaneous movement of the associated contact elements due to the rotation of the contact shaft (2) around its pivot (20) in the housing (1); - upravljalno ročico (3), s katero je mehansko povezana omenjena kontaktna gred (2) in ki je v vrtišču (30) med dvema končnima položajema zavihtljivo uležiščena v omenjenem ohišju (1) stikala, pri tem pa je na upravljalni ročici (3) na odmiku od omenjenega vrtišča (30) v smeri ven iz ohišja (1) na voljo izven ohišja (1) segajoč upravljalni gumb (31), ki je z upravljalno ročico (3) bodisi togo povezan ali pa predstavlja kar njen integralni del, z njegovo pomočjo pa je možno od zunaj in brez poseganja v notranjost ohišja (1) zasukati ročico (3) iz enega v drug končni položaj ali obratno, pri čemer se med sukanjem ročice (3) v eno ali drugo smer okoli svojega vrtišča (20) sočasno suče tudi z njo mehansko povezana kontaktna gred (2); kot tudi- the operating lever (3), with which the mentioned contact shaft (2) is mechanically connected and which is pivotably located in the aforementioned housing (1) of the switch in the pivot (30) between two end positions, while on the operating lever (3) at a distance from the mentioned pivot (30) in the direction out of the housing (1), there is a control button (31) extending outside the housing (1), which is either rigidly connected to the control lever (3) or is an integral part of it, with with its help, it is possible to turn the handle (3) from one end position to another or vice versa from the outside and without interfering with the inside of the housing (1), whereby while turning the handle (3) in one or the other direction around its pivot (20) at the same time, the contact shaft (2) mechanically connected to it also grinds; as well as - v ohišju (1) vgrajen Fl-rele (44), ki je prirejen za zaznavanje dogajanja, zlasti pojava diferenčnih tokov v omenjenih električnih vodnikih (10Γ, 101, 10Γ) in obenem obsega primeren prožilni nastavek, ki je premakljiv oz. za vnaprej določeno razdaljo podaljšljiv v vnaprej določeni smeri (4') zaradi zagotavljanja proženja vsakokrat z njim sodelujočega odklopnega mehanizma stikala, pri čemer je v ohišju (1) v svojem vrtišču (40) v neposredni bližini oz. na dosegu prožilnega nastavka Fl-releja (44) zasukljivo uležiščen prožilni vzvod (4), ki je v območju vrtišča (40) opremljen s primernim nasedom (45), ki je prirejen za naleganje prestavljalnega vzvoda (5) odklopnega mehanizma, in pri Čemer je omenjen odklopni mehanizem, preko katerega so po eni strani z zasukom upravljalne ročice (3) in temu ustrezno potem tudi z zasukom kontaktne gredi (2) električno povezljivi električni vodniki (101', 101, 10Γ), oziroma preko katerega so na osnovi impulza z prožilnega nastavka na Fl-releju (44) in temu ustreznim zasukom kontaktne gredi (2) v nasprotno stran omenjeni električni vodniki (101', 101, 10Γ) potem tudi prekinljivi, tako zasnovan,- an Fl-relay (44) is built into the housing (1), which is designed to detect what is happening, especially the occurrence of differential currents in the mentioned electric conductors (10Γ, 101, 10Γ) and at the same time includes a suitable trigger attachment, which is movable or extendable for a predetermined distance in a predetermined direction (4') in order to ensure that the disconnecting mechanism of the switch cooperating with it is triggered each time, while it is in the housing (1) in its pivot (40) in the immediate vicinity or within reach of the Fl-relay trigger attachment (44), a rotatably positioned trigger lever (4), which is equipped in the area of the pivot (40) with a suitable catch (45), which is adapted for fitting the shift lever (5) of the disconnect mechanism, and at Čemer a disconnection mechanism is mentioned, through which the electrical conductors (101', 101, 10Γ) are electrically connected on the one hand by turning the control lever (3) and correspondingly then also by turning the contact shaft (2), or through which, on the basis of an impulse, from the trigger attachment on the Fl-relay (44) and the corresponding rotation of the contact shaft (2) to the opposite side, the mentioned electrical conductors (101', 101, 10Γ) then also interruptible, so designed, i) da sta upravljalna ročica (3) in kontaktna gred (2) med seboj mehansko povezani na tak način, daje na upravljalni ročici (3) na odmiku od njenega vrtišča (30) v smeri nasprotno od upravljalnega gumba (31), torej v notranjosti ohišja (1), na voljo nadaljnje vrtišče (32), v katerem je k omenjeni ročici (3) s svojim prvim koncem (33') zasukljivo priključen ustrezno tog primarni krak (33), ki je na svojem preostalem koncu (33) v vrtišču (35) zasukljivo povezan s prvim koncem (34') sekundarnega kraka (34), ta pa je s svojim drugim koncem (34) v vrtišču (24), ki se nahaja na primernem odmiku od vrtišča kontaktne gredi (2), zasukljivo pritrjen na omenjenem upravljalnem kraku (22) kontaktne gredi (2), ii) daje v ohišju (1) v svojem vrtišču (50) zasukljivo uležiščen dvokrak prestavIjalni vzvod (5), katerega primarni krak (51) je na svojem skrajnem koncu (510) opremljen z nasedom (515), ki je prirejen za naleganje na omenjenem nasedu (45) prožilnega vzvoda (4) vseskozi, dokler se slednji nahaja v nezavihtenem položaju in v stanju pripravljenosti pred proženjem FI - releja (44), po proženju Fl-releja (44) in zadostnem zasuku prožilnega vzvoda (4) in posledično tudi spremembi položaja naseda (45) pa je primarni krak (51) prestavljalnega vzvoda (5) premakljiv iz oprijema z omenjenim nasedom (45) prožilnega vzvoda (4) in med sukanjem prestavljalnega vzvoda (5) okoli vrtišča (50) prosto premakljiv mimo vrtišča (40) prožilnega vzvoda (4), in katerega preostali, sekundami krak (52) prestavljalnega vzvoda (5) je prirejen za naleganje na upravljalnem kraku (22) kontaktne gredi (2), iii) da je na primarnem kraku (51) prestavljalnega vzvoda (5) je v območju med omenjenim nasedom (515) na skrajnem koncu (510) in vrtiščem (50) prestavljalnega vzvoda (5) predvideno pritrdišče (56) prestavljalne vzmeti (6), katere preostalo pritrdišče (26) je na voljo na upravljalnem kraku (22) kontaktne gredi (2), in iv) da je na omenjenem prestavljalnem vzvodu (5) v osrednjem območju v bližini vrtišča (50) prestavljalnega vzvoda (5) v nadaljnjem vrtišču (57) zasukljivo uležiščen dvokrak zapahnilni vzvod (7), katerega primarni krak (71) štrli v smeri proti vrtišču (35) med primarnim krakom (33) in sekundarnim krakom (34) upravljalne ročice (3), medtem ko njegov sekundarni krak (72) štrli vsaj približno v smeri proti prožilnemu vzvodu (4), pri čemer je na primarnem kraku (71) na voljo zaskočna zajeda (710), v katero uprijema omenjeno vrtišče (35), tako da je primarni krak (71) vseskozi vzdrževan v fizičnem stiku z omenjenim vrtiščem (35), temu ustrezno pa zapahnilni vzvod (7) kot tak vseskozi sledi spremembam položaja vrtišča (35) med sukanjem upravljalne ročice (3) ter premikanjem primarnega kraka (33) in sekundarnega kraka (34), in pri čemer je na sekundarnem kraku (72) zapahnilnega vzvoda (7) na voljo pritrdišče (78) zadrževalne vzmeti (8), ki je po drugi strani vpeta v pritrdišču (48) na prožilnem vzvodu (4), tako da se v primeru, kadar se upravljalna ročica (3) nahaja v svojem prvem končnem položaju, ki ustreza zasuku kontaktne gredi (2) v položaj, v katerem so električni kontakti (10Γ, 101, 10Γ) sklenjeni, vrtišče (32) primarnega kraka (33) na upravljalni ročici (3) in tudi vrtišče (35) med primarnim in sekundarnim krakom (33, 34), s katerim sodeluje zapahnilni vzvod (7), nahajata na isti strani linije, ki poteka skozi vrtišče (30) ročice (3) in vrtišče (24) sekundarnega kraka (34) na upravljalnem kraku (22) kontaktne gredi (2), po drugi strani pa v primeru, kadar se upravljalna ročica (3) nahaja v svojem preostalem končnem položaju, ki ustreza zasuku kontaktne gredi (2) v položaj, v katerem so električni kontakti (100', 100, 100') prekinjeni, omenjen sestav krakov (33, 34) upravljalne ročice (3) kolapsiran na tak način, da se glede na omenjeno linijo med vrtiščem (30) upravljalne ročice (3) in vrtiščem (24) sekundarnega kraka (34) ročice (3) na upravljalnem kraku (22) kontaktne gredi (2) omenjeno vrtišče (35) med krakoma (33, 34) še vedno nahaja na isti strani prej omenjene linije, vrtišče (32) primarnega kraka (33) na upravljalni ročici (3) pa je pomaknjeno na nasprotno stran omenjene linije, pri čemer pa je tovrsten položaj kljub omenjenemu kolapsu stabiliziran zahvaljujoč naleganju prestavljalnega vzvoda (5) na upravljalnem kraku (22) kontaktne gredi (2), označeno s tem, da je omenjeno vrtišče (57) zapahnilnega vzvoda (7) na prestavljalnem vzvodu (5) tako zasnovano, daje na cilindrični osi (570), ki poteka smiselno pravokotno glede na prestavljalni vzvod (5) in ki je s slednjim togo povezana, ohlapno prilegajoče se in prosto zasukljivo nameščen kotalčni element (75), na katerega obodni zunanji površini je ohlapno prilegajoče se in prosto zasukljivo nameščen zapahnilni vzvod (7).i) that the control lever (3) and the contact shaft (2) are mechanically connected to each other in such a way that on the control lever (3) at a distance from its pivot point (30) in the direction opposite to the control button (31), i.e. in inside the housing (1), a further pivot (32) is available, in which a correspondingly rigid primary arm (33) is rotatably connected to said lever (3) with its first end (33'), which is at its remaining end (33) in the pivot (35) is rotatably connected to the first end (34') of the secondary arm (34), which, with its second end (34), is in the pivot (24), which is located at a suitable distance from the pivot of the contact shaft (2), rotatably attached to the mentioned operating arm (22) of the contact shaft (2), ii) provides in the housing (1) in its pivot (50) a rotatably seated two-arm shifting lever (5), whose primary arm (51) is at its extreme end ( 510) equipped with a catch (515), which is designed to rest on the mentioned catch (45) of the trigger lever (4) all the time, as long as the latter is in an unswinged position and in a state of readiness before triggering FI - relay (44), after triggering Fl -relay (44) and a sufficient rotation of the trigger lever (4) and, consequently, a change in the position of the catch (45), the primary arm (51) of the shift lever (5) can be moved out of contact with the mentioned catch (45) of the trigger lever (4) and between by twisting the shift lever (5) around the pivot (50), it can be freely moved past the pivot (40) of the trigger lever (4), and the remaining, seconds arm (52) of the shift lever (5) is adapted to rest on the control arm (22) of the contact shaft (2), iii) that on the primary arm (51) of the shifting lever (5), there is an anchorage (56) of the shifting lever (5) provided in the area between the mentioned catch (515) at the extreme end (510) and the pivot (50) of the shifting lever (5) spring (6), the remaining attachment (26) of which is provided on the control arm (22) of the contact shaft (2), and iv) that it is on the said shift lever (5) in the central area near the pivot (50) of the shift lever ( 5) in the further pivot (57), a two-arm locking lever (7) rotatably located, the primary arm (71) of which protrudes in the direction of the pivot (35) between the primary arm (33) and the secondary arm (34) of the operating lever (3), while when its secondary arm (72) protrudes at least approximately in the direction of the trigger lever (4), whereby a snap catch (710) is available on the primary arm (71) into which the said pivot (35) engages, so that the primary arm (71) is always maintained in physical contact with the mentioned pivot (35), and accordingly the locking lever (7) as such constantly follows the changes in the position of the pivot (35) during the rotation of the control lever (3) and the movement of the primary arm (33) and the secondary arm (34), and wherein the secondary arm (72) of the latching lever (7) is provided with an anchorage (78) of the retaining spring (8), which in turn is engaged in an anchorage (48) on the trigger lever (4), so that in the case when the operating lever (3) is in its first end position, which corresponds to the rotation of the contact shaft (2) to the position in which the electrical contacts (10Γ, 101, 10Γ) are closed, the pivot point (32) of the primary arm (33) on the operating lever (3) and also the pivot point (35) between the primary and secondary arms (33, 34), with which the locking lever (7) interacts, are located on the same side of the line passing through the pivot point (30) of the lever ( 3) and the pivot (24) of the secondary arm (34) on the control arm (22) of the contact shaft (2), on the other hand, in the case where the control lever (3) is in its remaining final position corresponding to the rotation of the contact shaft (2) to the position in which the electrical contacts (100', 100, 100') are broken, said assembly of arms (33, 34) of the operating lever (3) is collapsed in such a way that with respect to said line between the pivot (30 ) of the control arm (3) and pivot (24) of the secondary arm (34) of the lever (3) on the control arm (22) of the contact shaft (2) the mentioned pivot (35) between the arms (33, 34) is still located on the same side as before of the said line, and the pivot point (32) of the primary arm (33) on the control arm (3) is moved to the opposite side of the said line, and this kind of position is stabilized despite the said collapse thanks to the bearing of the shifting lever (5) on the control arm (22) of the contact shaft (2), characterized by the fact that the aforementioned pivot (57) of the locking lever (7) on the shift lever (5) is designed in this way, it is on a cylindrical axis (570) that runs reasonably perpendicular to the shift lever (5) and which is rigidly connected to the latter, a loosely fitting and freely rotatably mounted rolling element (75), on the peripheral outer surface of which is a loosely fitting and freely rotatably mounted locking lever (7). 2. Stikalo po zahtevku 1, označeno s tem, daje omenjen kotalčni element (75) enovito izveden in na enem svojem koncu zaključen s kolutastim nastavkom (750), katerega zunanji premer je večji od zunanjega premera za naleganje zapahnilnega vzvoda (7) predvidenega dolžinskega odseka kotalčnega elementa (75).2. The switch according to claim 1, characterized by the fact that the mentioned rolling element (75) is uniformly designed and finished at one end with a disc-shaped attachment (750), the outer diameter of which is larger than the outer diameter for fitting the locking lever (7) of the intended length section of the rolling element (75). 3. Stikalo po zahtevku 2, označeno s tem, da je omenjen nastavek (750) kotalčnega elementa (75), gledano vzdolž omenjene osi (570), razporejen v območju med zapahnilnim vzvodom (7) in prestavIjalnim vzvodom (5).3. The switch according to claim 2, characterized in that said attachment (750) of the rolling element (75), viewed along said axis (570), is arranged in the area between the locking lever (7) and the shifting lever (5). 4. Stikalo po kateremkoli od zahtevkov 1 - 3, označeno s tem, da omenjena os (570) sestoji iz kovinskega materiala in obsega gladko obodno površino, medtem ko kotalčni element (75) sestoji iz proti obrabi odpornega termoplastičnega materiala s karseda nizkim tornim količnikom med drsenjem po gladki kovinski površini.4. A switch according to any one of claims 1 - 3, characterized in that said axis (570) consists of a metallic material and comprises a smooth peripheral surface, while the rolling element (75) consists of a wear-resistant thermoplastic material with a relatively low friction coefficient while sliding on a smooth metal surface. 5. Stikalo po kateremkoli od zahtevkov 1 - 4, označeno s tem, da je prestavljalna vzmet (6) na voljo kot natezna vijačna vzmet, ki raztegljiva s pomočjo ročnega zasuka upravljalne ročice (3) in prestavljalnega vzvoda (5) ter kontaktne gredi (2) v prvi končni položaj, v katerem so električni vodniki (101', 101, 101) sklenjeni, v tako napetem stanju pa je zmožna akumulirati vsaj toliko energije, da to zadostuje za zasuk upravljalne ročice (3) in obenem tudi za zasuk kontaktne gredi (2) v preostali končni položaj in posledično torej za prekinitev električnih vodnikov (10Γ, 101, 10Γ).5. A switch according to any one of claims 1 - 4, characterized by the fact that the shift spring (6) is available as a tension screw spring that can be stretched by manual rotation of the operating lever (3) and the shift lever (5) and the contact shaft ( 2) to the first final position, in which the electrical conductors (101', 101, 101) are closed, and in such a tense state, it is able to accumulate at least enough energy to turn the operating lever (3) and at the same time to turn the contact shaft (2) to the remaining final position and consequently to interrupt the electrical conductors (10Γ, 101, 10Γ). 6. Stikalo po katerem koli od zahtevkov 1 - 5, označeno s tem, da je zadrževalna vzmet (8) na voljo kot natezna vijačna vzmet, ki je prirejena za akumuliranje znatno manj energije kot omenjena prestavljalna vzmet (6) in ki je v svojem izhodiščnem položaju pri neaktiviranem stikalu pred proženjem Fl-releja (44) napeta zgolj minimalno, namreč vsaj toliko, da vzdržuje prožilni vzvod (4) v njegovem izhodiščnem položaju, ki omogoča podprtje prestavljalnega vzvoda (5) z naleganjem njegovega naseda (515) na nasedu (45) prožilnega vzvoda (4), napetost zadrževalne vzmeti (8) pa se poveča šele po aktiviranju Fl-releja (44) in zasuku prožilnega vzvoda (4), ko med zasukom prestavljalnega vzvoda (5) in kontaktne gredi (2) posledično pride tudi do zasuka upravljalne ročice (3), tako da zahvaljujoč porastu natezne sile v zadrževalni vzmeti (8) zapahnilni vzvod (7) učinkovito sledi spremembam položaja omenjene ročice (3), namreč vrtišča (35) med primarnim krakom (33) in sekundarnim krakom (34) omenjene ročice (3).6. A switch according to any one of claims 1 - 5, characterized in that the retention spring (8) is available as a tension screw spring, which is adapted to accumulate significantly less energy than said shifting spring (6) and which is in its in the initial position with the switch not activated, before triggering the Fl-relay (44), it is only minimally tensioned, namely at least enough to maintain the activation lever (4) in its initial position, which enables the shifting lever (5) to be supported by placing its seat (515) on the seat (45) of the trigger lever (4), and the tension of the retaining spring (8) increases only after the activation of the Fl-relay (44) and the rotation of the trigger lever (4), when during the rotation of the shifting lever (5) and the contact shaft (2) as a result the control lever (3) also rotates, so that thanks to the increase in the tension force in the retaining spring (8), the locking lever (7) effectively follows the changes in the position of the aforementioned lever (3), namely the pivot (35) between the primary arm (33) and the secondary arm (34) of said lever (3). 7. Stikalo po kateremkoli od zahtevkov 1 - 6, označeno s tem, daje zapahnilni vzvod (7) opremljen z nadaljnjo vzmetjo (77), ki je na voljo kot torzijska vzmet, katere prvi krak (771) je oprt na omejevalu (77 Γ) na sekundarnem kraku (72) zapahnilnega vzvoda (7) v bližini pritrdišča (720) zadrževalne vzmeti (8), preostali krak (772) pa na omejevalu (772') na prestavIjalnem vzvodu (5).7. A switch according to any one of claims 1 - 6, characterized in that the locking lever (7) is equipped with a further spring (77), which is available as a torsion spring, the first leg (771) of which rests on the limiter (77 Γ ) on the secondary arm (72) of the locking lever (7) near the anchorage (720) of the retaining spring (8), and the remaining arm (772) on the stop (772') on the shifting lever (5). 8. Stikalo po zahtevku 7, označeno s tem, daje omenjena torzijska vzmet (77) tako prirejena, daje upravljalna ročica (3) med njenim zasukom zaradi sproščanja energije prestavljalne vzmeti (6) zahvaljujoč torzijski vzmeti (77) neodvisno od nadaljnjega sukanja kontaktne gredi (2) zaustavljiva v vmesnem položaju med obema skrajnima položajema, upravljalna ročica (3) pa je potem v njen končni položaj premakljiva ročno preko upravljalnega gumba (31).8. Switch according to claim 7, characterized by the fact that said torsion spring (77) is adapted in such a way that the operating lever (3) during its rotation due to the release of the energy of the shifting spring (6) thanks to the torsion spring (77) is independent of the further rotation of the contact shaft (2) can be stopped in an intermediate position between the two extreme positions, and the operating lever (3) can then be moved to its final position manually via the operating button (31). 9. Stikalo po kateremkoli od zahtevkov 1 - 8, označeno s tem, da je vrtišče (35) med primarnim krakom (33) in sekundarnim krakom (34) upravljalne ročice (3) opremljeno s kotalČnim elementom (350), obenem pa je zaskočna zajeda (710) na zaskočnem vzvodu (7) prirejena za sodelovanje z omenjenim kotalčnim elementom (350).9. The switch according to any one of claims 1 - 8, characterized in that the pivot (35) between the primary arm (33) and the secondary arm (34) of the operating lever (3) is equipped with a rolling element (350), and at the same time it is latched a catch (710) on a latching lever (7) adapted to cooperate with said rolling element (350).
SI202200231A 2022-11-24 2022-11-24 Protective electric switch with improved interrupting mechanism SI26435A (en)

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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
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US3235689A (en) * 1961-08-17 1966-02-15 Ite Circuit Breaker Ltd Circuit breaker mechanism and method for assembly and loading of the operating spring
US6479774B1 (en) * 2000-03-17 2002-11-12 General Electric Company High energy closing mechanism for circuit breakers
SI26113A (en) * 2020-11-19 2022-05-31 Eti Elektroelement, D.O.O. Safety electric switch with improved disconnection mechanism

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