SI25035A - Multi-function self-adjusting solar concentrator - Google Patents

Multi-function self-adjusting solar concentrator Download PDF


Publication number
SI25035A SI201500163A SI201500163A SI25035A SI 25035 A SI25035 A SI 25035A SI 201500163 A SI201500163 A SI 201500163A SI 201500163 A SI201500163 A SI 201500163A SI 25035 A SI25035 A SI 25035A
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solar energy
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Slovenian (sl)
Manuel Bradovent
Original Assignee
Manuel Bradovent
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Application filed by Manuel Bradovent filed Critical Manuel Bradovent
Priority to SI201500163A priority Critical patent/SI25035A/en
Publication of SI25035A publication Critical patent/SI25035A/en



  • Photovoltaic Devices (AREA)


Predloženi izum se nanaša na nov proizvod, zasnovan kot naprava, koncentrirana za zbiranje sončne energije (a), ki prihaja skozi konveksno lečo (2) do samostojne enote izmenjevalca (1) s prevzemnim medijem sončne energije, ki je umeščen v gorišče leče (2). To smo dosegli tako, da smo izdelali nosilno konstrukcijo koncentratorskega sončnega kolektorja iz treh ključnih sestavov; nosilne konstrukcije leče (2), gibnega mehanizma z nosilnim ležajnim sistemom (7), (8.0) in (8.1), ki omogoča dvoosno gibanje leče (2), in zvezdastega podstavka, ki koncentriran sončni kolektor stabilizira oziroma utrjuje ter fiksira na mestu namestitve.The present invention relates to a novel product, designed as a device concentrated to collect solar energy (a) which passes through a convex lens (2) to a stand alone unit of the exchanger (1) with a receiving medium of solar energy located at the focal point of the lens (2 ). This was achieved by constructing a supporting structure of a concentrator solar collector from three key assemblies; (7), (8.0) and (8.1), which allows the two-axis movement of the lens (2), and a starry pedestal that stabilizes or consolidates the concentrated solar collector and fixes it at the site of the lens .


Večfunkcijski samonastavljiv sončni koncentratorMultifunction self-adjusting solar concentrator

Int. Cl.: H01L 31/52Int. Cl .: H01L 31/52

Že od starodavnih časov skušamo ljudje ukrotiti ali (v svojo korist) izrabiti sončno svetlobo, da bi nam služila v določene namene, npr. za vojaške namene ali da zadovolji našo potrebo po osvetlitvi prostorov, in sicer z odbleskom sončnih žarkov s pomočjo sistema usmerjenega lomljenja svetlobe s postavitvijo več ogledal v zapovrstni vidni položaj. Tako v pričujoči patentni prijavi predstavljamo svojo izboljšavo stoletja znane tehnične rešitve lomljenja svetlobe v obliki koncentriranega svetlobnega kolektorja; spremenili smo nosilno konstrukcijsko koncepcijo sestava kot celote in mu dodali novo uporabno tehnično novost ter posledično tudi novo komercialno vrednost.Ever since ancient times, we have been trying to tame or (to our advantage) use sunlight to serve us for certain purposes, e.g. for military purposes or to satisfy our need for illumination of the premises by reflecting the sun's rays by means of a directional refraction of light by placing several mirrors in a consecutive visual position. Thus, in the present patent application, we present our improvement of a century-old technical solution to the refraction of light in the form of a concentrated light collector; We changed the load-bearing design concept of the composition as a whole and added a new useful technical novelty and, consequently, a new commercial value.

Izdelali smo in v nadaljevanju s skicami prikazali izvedbeno inačico nosilne samonastavljive konstrukcije, v katero smo umestili gibljiv tritočkovni sistem po horizontali in vertikali ter kotne nastavitve vertikalne osi mehanizma. Mehansko ohišje, konstrukcijsko zastavljeno na ta način, se poleg tega lahko kot celoten sestav premika po aplikativni osi z.In the following sketches, we made and showed the implementation version of the self-adjusting load-bearing structure, in which we placed a moving three-point system horizontally and vertically, and the angular adjustments of the vertical axis of the mechanism. In addition, the mechanical housing designed in this way can be moved along the application axis with the entire assembly.

Dejansko takšen mehanizem predstavlja mikro nastavitev za sledenje slehernemu položaju sonca na dnevni časovni premici. Za ponazoritev izvedbenega primera smo uporabili mehanski sistem in konstrukcijo mehanizma, ki nam omogoča usmerjenost osrednjega dela (leče) pod kotom 90° proti soncu, leča svetlobne žarke zajema in jih na drugi strani zbira v eni točki. Prikazani mehanizem in celotna konstrukcija sta ročno vodljiva, izdelava oz. njena predelava na avtomatski sistem pa je enostavna in ni posebej predstavljena v tem patentnem • · spisu, saj so takšni polavtomatski ali avtomatski sistemi sledenja soncu na trgu prosto dostopni v različnih tehničnih izvedbah.In fact, such a mechanism is a micro-setting for tracking every position of the sun on the daily timeline. To illustrate an example example, we used a mechanical system and a mechanism design that allows us to orient the central part (lens) at an angle of 90 ° to the sun, the lens captures light and collects them at one point. The mechanism shown and the whole structure are manually operated, manufactured or manufactured. however, its conversion to an automatic system is easy and not specifically presented in this patent file, as • such semi-automatic or automatic sun-tracking systems are freely available on the market in various technical embodiments.

Osnovno mehansko konstrukcijo vpenjanja tanke plankonveksne, bikonveksne ali Fresnelove leče, ki sprejema sončne žarke, vpete v nosilno ogrodje (okvir), kije običajno povezano z vsaj dvema nosilnima prečkama, smo v našem izvedbenem primeru izboljšali ter zaradi boljše stabilnosti uporabili štiri nosilne prečke. Celoten sistem je povezan z manjšim kvadratastim ogrodjem, ki ima na sredini dveh nasprotnih stranic vgrajen mehanizem za višinsko nastavljanje celotnega sestava nosilne konstrukcije, leče, in sicer po osi y, kakor tudi vgrajen mehanizem kotnega pomika leče med vertikalo in horizontalo. Ta nastavitev razdalje in možnost reguliranja višinske nastavitve leče od osrednjega dela mehanske konstrukcije, v kateri je konstrukcijsko zastavljen izmenjevalec s pretvornim medijem, je bistvena in kot takšna pomeni inovativno rešitev naše naprave. Izmenjevalec je namreč hkrati gorišče leče in kot takšen postavljen v optimalno goriščno točko, goriščno razdaljo /, ki omogoča idealen prenos in koncentracijo energije sončnih žarkov v eni točki, kar nam omogoča premičnost sistema, v katerega je vpeta leča.The basic mechanical design of clamping a thin plankconvex, biconvex or Fresnel lens that receives the sun's rays clamped into a support frame (usually associated with at least two support bars) has been improved in our embodiment and four support bars used for better stability. The whole system is connected to a smaller square frame, which has in the middle of two opposite sides a mechanism for height adjustment of the entire composition of the supporting structure, the lens, along the y axis, as well as the built-in mechanism of angular movement of the lens between the vertical and horizontal. This distance adjustment and the ability to adjust the height adjustment of the lens from the central part of the mechanical structure, in which the exchanger with the conversion medium is designed, is essential and as such means an innovative solution for our device. The exchanger is at the same time the focal point of the lens and as such is placed in the optimum focal point, focal length /, which enables the ideal transfer and concentration of energy of the sun's rays at one point, which enables us the mobility of the system in which the lens is mounted.

Če opišemo naš sončni kolektor od zgoraj proti horizontali ali tlom, stoji na tritočkovnem stojalu s kvadratnimi palicami ali prečkami, ki so postavljene v obliki črke Y, z enakomernimi kotnimi razmiki 120° med krakoma. V zvezdišču krakov je vertikalno pritrjen pravokotni nosilec, na katerega je na zgornjem delu vertikale umeščen poseben vležajni sestav - ležajni nosilni mehanizem celotne nosilne konstrukcije leče. Ležajni nosilni mehanizem na spodnji nosilni steni ima vsaj dve navojni luknji, v kateri se z vijaki privije ogrodje kolektorja, ki je izdelano iz kvadratnih cevastih debelostenskih prečk v obliki črke U, ki ima pravokotne stranice. Na obeh krakih ogrodja kolektorja, in sicer na njunih koncih, sta zmontirana enaka ležajna nosilna mehanizma, kot je osrednji nosilni mehanizem celotne konstrukcije našega sončnega kolektorja. Na ta dva ležajna mehanizma sta konstrukcijsko vezana dva stebra kvadratne oblike, ki sta v prostem delu vstavljena v sestav višinske nastavitve nosilne konstrukcije leče. Ta sestav nam omogoča dvigovanje in spuščanje nosilne konstrukcije leče, saj moramo imeti možnost nastavljanja optimalne stične točke gorišča leče in izmenjevalca.Describing our solar collector from the top towards the horizontal or the ground, it stands on a three-point stand with square bars or Y-shaped cross sections with 120 ° angular angles between the legs. In the center of the legs, a rectangular bracket is vertically attached to which a special bearing assembly is mounted on the upper part of the vertical - the bearing bracket of the entire bearing structure of the lens. The bearing bracket on the lower bearing wall has at least two threaded holes in which the screws of a collector made of square tubular thick-walled U-shaped cross sections having rectangular sides are screwed. On both ends of the manifold frame, at their ends, the same bearing mounting mechanisms are mounted as the central mounting mechanism of the entire structure of our solar collector. To these two bearing mechanisms are two structural pillars of square shape, which are inserted into the free part of the height adjustment of the bearing structure of the lens. This assembly allows us to raise and lower the bearing structure of the lens as we need to be able to adjust the optimum contact point of the lens focal point and the exchanger.

V primeru avtomatske izvedbe nastavljanja goriščne razdalje / se na sestavu višinske nastavitve nosilne konstrukcije leče vgradi elektromotorni in krmilni pogon, na samem • · nosilcu pa se po njegovi celotni dolžini pritrdi zobato letev, ki omogoča enakomerno in natančno spuščanje ter dvigovanje nosilne konstrukcije leče.In the case of automatic focal length adjustment /, an electric motor and steering drive are mounted on the height adjustment component of the lens support structure, and a toothed rack is mounted on the carrier itself · allowing for a uniform and precise lowering and lifting of the lens support structure.

Bistven pomen naše inovacije, to je koncepcije konstrukcije sončnega kolektorja izvedbenega primera, ki omogoča optimalno izkoriščanje ali koncentracijo sončnih žarkov v eni točki, je v tem, da je ne glede na položaj sonca na nebu naš izmenjevalec hkrati tudi gorišče vgrajene tanke konveksne leče. O lečah ne bomo veliko govorili, saj sta za naš sistem primerni samo dve izvedbeni različici konveksnih leč, ki jima lahko damo prefiks bi ali plan, ter tretja posebna izdelava leče, ki jo lahko uvrstimo v skupino Fresnelovih leč. Bikonveksna leča ima obe ploskvi zaobljeni, plankonveksna leča pa ima sprejemno ploskev ravno ter zbirno zaobljeno v konveksnost.The essential importance of our innovation, that is, the concept of a solar collector construction of an example that allows the optimum utilization or concentration of sun rays at one point, is that, regardless of the position of the sun in the sky, our exchanger is also the focal point of the embedded thin convex lens. We won't talk much about lenses, since only two versions of convex lenses are suitable for our system, which can be given the prefix bi or blueprint, and the third special lens design that can be classified in the Fresnel lens group. The biconvex lens has both planes rounded, and the plankonvex lens has a receiving plane flat and rounded to a convexity.

V posebno skupino leč uvrščamo oba sistema bikonveksnih ali plankonveksnih leč, ki imajo vsaj eno stran posebej nazobljeno. To je skupina Fresnelovih leč, ki ima te zareze ali zobe zelo majhne, da so videti kot zareze na gramofonskih ploščah. Bistvo tovrstnih leč je v tem, da njihova plošča z zobmi služi kot leča, ki ima lahko goriščno razdaljo kratko ali dolgo, odvisno od kotov zarez. Zareze so lahko na zgornji strani ali pa obrnjene za 180°, se pravi na spodnji strani.Both systems of biconvex or plankonvex lenses, which have at least one side specially serrated, are included in a special group of lenses. This is a group of Fresnel lenses that have these notches or teeth very small to look like notches on turntables. The point of such lenses is that their tooth plate serves as a lens that can have a focal length short or long, depending on the notch angles. The notches may be on the upper side or 180 ° inverted, that is, on the lower side.

Drugi bistven tehnični pokazatelj za uspešno uporabo našega koncentriranega sončnega kolektorja je v tem, da smo celotno konstrukcijo in koncepcijo vgradnje leče in zagotavljanja optimalnega izkoristka moči sončne energije izvedli s prosto dosegljivimi materiali ter s tem poenostavili celoten sestav. To smo dosegli tako, da smo nosilno konstrukcijo leče izdelali iz treh ključnih sestavov:Another essential technical indicator for the successful use of our concentrated solar collector is that the entire construction and concept of mounting the lens and ensuring optimum utilization of solar power have been performed with freely available materials, thereby simplifying the entire assembly. We achieved this by constructing the supporting structure of the lens from three key components:

- nosilnega ogrodja - okvirja z lečo,- supporting frame - frame with lens,

- nosilnih prečk in- supporting beams and

- kvadratastega ogrodja s sestavom višinsko nastavljive nosilne konstrukcije leče.- a square frame with an assembly of a height-adjustable bearing structure of the lens.

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Naslednja ali tretja bistvena tehnična lastnost našega koncentriranega sončnega kolektorja je v izvedbi osrednjega sestava, ki omogoča dvoosno gibanje nosilne konstrukcije leče. Najprej imamo možnost premikanja nosilne konstrukcije v smeri osi »x« do 180° in po osi »y« prav tako do 180°, s čimer naša inovacija omogoča prostorsko pokritost celotne poloble (zenita) vidne poti sonca, ki jo opravi v enem dnevu.The next or third essential technical feature of our concentrated solar collector is the central assembly that enables the two-axis movement of the lens's supporting structure. First, we have the ability to move the load-bearing structure in the 'x' axis up to 180 ° and along the 'y' axis also up to 180 °, which enables our innovation to cover the entire hemisphere (zenith) of the visible sun trajectory in one day.

Četrta značilnost pričujoče inovacije se kaže v tem, da smo z uvedbo tehnične rešitve in sestava za višinsko nastavitev nosilne konstrukcije leče vpeljali sistem ročnega ali avtomatskega nastavljanja gorišča leče v točki odjema te energije, in sicer s postavitvijo izmenjevalca energije v to točko. Znano in teoretično dokazano je, da se v gorišču ustvarjajo zelo visoke temperature do nekaj tisoč stopinj Celzija, zaradi Cesarje alternativni vir energije, pridobljen iz sončnih žarkov, primeren za sleherno panogo proizvodnje in industrije, ki v svojih procesih potrebujejo toploto ali paro.The fourth feature of this innovation is that by introducing a technical solution and an assembly for the height adjustment of the bearing structure of the lens, we have introduced a system of manual or automatic adjustment of the lens focal point at the point of consumption of this energy, by placing the energy exchanger at that point. It is well known and theoretically proven that very high temperatures of up to several thousand degrees Celsius are generated in the hearth, which makes Caesar an alternative source of energy from sunlight, suitable for any industry and industries that require heat or steam in their processes.

Izhajajoč iz navedenega smo z našo inovacijo ustvarili dve izvedenki koncentriranega sončnega kolektorja, in sicer eno za pridobivanje tople vode, drugo pa s preizkušanjem posebne izvedbe plankonveksne leče z malo površino leče tudi za proizvodnjo vodne pare. Z zamenjavo medijev v izmenjevalcu dosežemo bistveno višje temperature, in sicer ko dosežemo koncentrirano gorišče v eni točki. Medij v obliki termalnega olja nam omogoča doseganje temperatur med 300 in 400 °C in, pri čemer se pritisk v sistemu bistveno ne poveča, z uvedbo posebnih silicijevih soli, ki kristalizirajo pri visokih temperaturah, pa nam naš koncentrirani sončni kolektor omogoča temperature tudi do 900 °C. Vse to je odvisno od tehnične izvedbe leče in izmenjevalca, ki ga postavimo v gorišče, s čimer prilagodimo maksimalni temperaturni odvzem tako koncentriranih sončnih žarkov v eni točki.Based on the above, with our innovation, we have created two versions of concentrated solar collectors, one for hot water production and the other by testing a special design of a low-surface plankonvex lens for producing steam. Replacing the media in the exchanger results in significantly higher temperatures when you reach a concentrated focus at one point. The thermal oil medium enables us to reach temperatures between 300 and 400 ° C and, without significantly increasing the pressure in the system, by introducing special silicon salts that crystallize at high temperatures, our concentrated solar collector allows us to reach temperatures up to 900 ° C. All this depends on the technical design of the lens and the exchanger, which is placed in the focus, thereby adjusting the maximum temperature capture of such concentrated rays at one point.

Smo tudi v fazi preizkušanja in iskanja optimalne površine prejemnika svetlobnih žarkov pri prenosu svetlobe na razdaljo. V ta namen smo v konveksnem zbirniku žarkov, torej med izhodnim zbiralnikom leče in njegovim goriščem, vgradili svetlobni prejemnik žarkov ter takšno svetlobo prenesli na razdaljo, ki jo potrebujemo za osvetlitev temnega prostora ali drugih prostorov s takšnimi potrebami. Bistvo te tehnične rešitve sloni na iznajdbi hladnega zrcala, ki ima lastnost, da prepušča infrardeče (IR) svetlobne žarke, vidno svetlobo pa odbija do našega optičnega snopa, ki to svetlobo distribuira po svetlobnih vlaknih.We are also in the phase of testing and finding the optimum surface of the light beam recipient when transmitting light to a distance. To this end, a convex beam collector, that is, between the outlet lens collector and its focal point, installed a light beam receiver and transmitted such light to the distance needed to illuminate a dark space or other spaces with such needs. The essence of this technical solution is based on the invention of the cold mirror, which has the property of transmitting infrared (IR) light rays and reflecting visible light to our optical beam, which distributes this light through light fibers.

Ne izključuje se možnost umestitve navadnega zrcala, ki odbija celotno svetlobo z IR spektrom. Ta rešitev je ekonomske narave, ker je navadno zrcalo veliko cenejše od hladnih zrcal. Pri tem pa moramo biti zelo pozorni na temperature, ki se pojavljajo pri vhodu v optični snop.It does not exclude the possibility of placing a regular mirror that reflects all light with the IR spectrum. This solution is economical in that it is usually much cheaper than cold mirrors. However, we must pay close attention to the temperatures that occur at the entrance to the optical beam.

Iz zgoraj navedenega sledi, da smo prav v tem smislu in zahtevi s postavljenim ciljem konstrukcija celotnega sončnega kolektorja in prilagojenost različnim namembnostim uporabe - iz osnovne idejne zasnove razvili ostale izvedenke, ki so našle široko uporabno vrednost v vseh vejah industrije in življenja.It follows from the foregoing that it is precisely in this sense and requirement that the purpose of the whole solar collector construction and adaptation to different purposes of use has been developed - from the basic conceptual design we have developed other versions that have found wide applicability in all branches of industry and life.

Uporaba tople vode, pridobljene iz našega izmenjevalca, oz. pare za gretje prostorov ali potrebe predelovalne industrije in možnosti prenosa svetlobe na razdaljo so samo prve tehnične možnosti predlagane inovacije v pričujoči patentni prijavi.Use of hot water obtained from our exchanger, or steam for space heating or the needs of the manufacturing industry and the possibility of transmitting light at a distance are only the first technical possibilities of the proposed innovation in the present patent application.

Komercialni proizvajalci različnih sistemov zajemanja sončne svetlobe in nam znane tehnične rešitve, ki smo jih spoznali iz teorije svetlobnih teles, ki smo jih našli pri rešeržiranju naše inovativne ideje ali pri sorodnih patentnih prijavah, doslej v glavnem slonijo na uporabi konkavnih sistemov, ki svetlobo odbijajo s pomočjo ogledal ali drugih materialov, ki imajo lastnosti refleksije svetlobe.Commercial manufacturers of various systems for capturing sunlight and our well-known technical solutions, which we learned from the theory of luminaries, which we found in the salvage of our innovative idea or related patent applications, so far mainly rely on the use of concave systems that reflect light with by means of mirrors or other materials having the properties of light reflection.

Pri rešeržiranju nepatentiranih tehničnih izvedenk smo prišli do spoznanja, da se pojavlja na tržišču nekaj različnih izvedenk solarnih sistemov v obliki ravnih ali ukrivljenih plošč z vgrajenimi fotovoltaičnimi sistemi prenosa sončne energije na medij.When designing unpatented technical versions, we came to the realization that some different versions of solar systems are emerging on the market in the form of flat or curved panels with integrated photovoltaic systems for transferring solar energy to the medium.

Najbolj razširjen je sistem sončnih kolektorjev, skozi katere se pretaka mediju voda, olje, protizmrzalna tekoča sredstva, plin in podobno. Našteti neposredno ujamejo toploto sonca in jo prenašajo do zalogovnikov, ki to toploto prenašajo na drugi medij.The most common is the solar collector system through which water, oil, antifreeze, gas and the like flow through the medium. These directly capture the heat of the sun and transfer it to storage tanks that transfer that heat to another medium.

Druga skupina naprav, za katere smo tudi našli patentirane zahteve, obsegajo parabolične okrogle ali pravokotne konkavne površine, prekrite z zrcali ali drugimi materiali, ki odsevajo svetlobo na izmenjevalec z medijem prevzema toplote. Običajno se pojavljajo kot ogromne parabolične antene, ki odbijajo svetlobo v goriščno točko. Ti sistemi so zelo togi in tehnično zahtevni, saj je njihova pomanjkljivost oz. temeljna napaka, da se mora celoten sistem premikati horizontalno proti sončevi poti ter tudi vertikalno za lovljenje najbolj ugodnih kotov sprejemanja sončnih žarkov.Another group of devices for which we have also found patented requirements include parabolic circular or rectangular concave surfaces covered with mirrors or other materials that reflect light on a heat exchanger medium. They usually appear as huge parabolic antennas that reflect light into the focal point. These systems are very rigid and technically demanding, as their disadvantage is that of a the fundamental mistake is that the whole system must move horizontally toward the sun and also vertically to capture the most favorable angles of sunshine.

Največja pomanjkljivost takšnih naprav je v gabaritih, ki potrebujejo veliko prostora, za doseganje optimalnih rezultatov pa zahtevajo zelo natančno in drago krmiljenje in upravljanje, saj imajo po navadi takšni sistemi fiksen fokus oziroma gorišče. To pomeni, da se pri minimalnem odstopanju od idealnega položaja spreminja tudi delovanje goriščne točke, ali drugače povedano, le-ta se prenaša na drugo mesto na odjemalcu oz. prevzemniku toplote sončnih žarkov.The biggest disadvantage of such devices is the dimensions, which require a lot of space, but in order to achieve optimal results, they require very precise and expensive control and management, as such systems usually have a fixed focus or focus. This means that, with minimal deviation from the ideal position, the operation of the focal point also changes, or in other words, it is transferred to another location on the client or. to the heat transmitter of the sun's rays.

Mi smo z našo patentno prijavo ta sistem spremenili in uvedli sistem uporabe bikonveksnih oz. plankonveksnih tankih leč ali Fresnelovih leč, skozi katere prodirajo sončni žarki ter se na izhodu v fokusu koncentrirajo v goriščno točko, ki je hkrati zunanji obod in sprejemnik teh temperatur.With our patent application, we have modified this system and introduced a system for the use of biconvex. plankonvex thin lenses or Fresnel lenses through which sunbeams penetrate and concentrate at the outlet in focus at a focal point that is both the outer circumference and the receiver of these temperatures.

V tem kontekstu smo izdelali konstrukcijske rešitve in dokumentacijo za vse tri inačice, ki jih bomo tudi opisali v nadaljevanju tega spisa. V glavnem gre za en osnovni tip, ki mu spreminjamo izmenjevalce in dodajamo druge potrebne sestavne dele, ki so neizogibni pri montaži teh izmenjevalcev ali svetlobnih ogledal in snopov optičnih kablov s sprejemniki pretvorniki svetlobe v optični signal.In this context, we have prepared design solutions and documentation for all three versions, which will be described later in this paper. Basically, this is one basic type that we change the exchangers and add other necessary components, which are inevitable when mounting these exchangers or light mirrors and bundles of optical cables with receivers light converters in the optical signal.

Predloženi izum se nanaša na nov proizvod, sončni kolektor, ki ima zbirno lečo na izhodni strani in skozi katero se svetlobni žarki lomijo tako, da se na določeni goriščni razdalji vsa vhodna svetloba skoncentrira v eno svetlobno točko. V tej svetlobni točki, gorišču, ki ji rečemo tudi fokus, se lahko ustvarijo zelo visoki toplotni učinki. Če v središče gorišča vstavimo določen izmenjevalec in skozi njega pustimo teči medij, ki prenaša toplotno energijo na obod izmenjevalca, smo dobili alternativni vir energije, in sicer z določeno močjo, kije odvisna od tega, kolikšno površino sprejemne leče smo zagotovili. O teoriji in svetlobni pretvorbi sončne energije v toplotno ne bomo veliko pisali, ker so to splošno znane enačbe, primerjalno bomo navedli samo, da se na vhodu v lečo ustvari lkW/m2 , kar povzroča v gorišču temperaturo okoli 2300 K.The present invention relates to a new product, a solar collector having a collecting lens at the exit side, through which light rays are refracted so that at a certain focal length all the incoming light is concentrated into one light point. Very high thermal effects can be created at this light point, the focus, also called focus. Inserting a specific exchanger into the center of the focus and letting a medium pass through it, which transmits thermal energy to the circumference of the exchanger, we obtain an alternative energy source with a certain power, which depends on how much the surface of the receiving lens is provided. We will not write much about the theory and the light conversion of solar energy into thermal energy, since these are commonly known equations; we will comparatively state that a lkW / m 2 is generated at the entrance to the lens, which causes a temperature of about 2300 K. at the focal point.

Koncentriran sončni kolektor je v predloženi inačici patentne prijave zastavljen kot tri- ali večdelni posebej oblikovani in konstrukcijsko rešeni sestavi, ki so med seboj povezani v konstrukcijsko celoto z dvema osrednjima sestavoma.In the present version of the patent application, the concentrated solar collector is intended to be a three- or multi-part specially designed and structure-solved assembly, which are interconnected in a structural unit with two central assemblies.

To sta ogrodje, v katerega je vpeta leča s spodnjim mehanizmom, ki omogoča gibanje ogrodja z lečo po abscisi, in druga možnost gibanja, ki ga omogoča dvigovanje ogrodja z lečo od abscise do ordinate.These are the frame into which the lens is mounted with the lower mechanism allowing movement of the lens frame by the abscissa, and the second movement option, which is possible by lifting the lens frame from the abscissa to the ordinate.

Drugi ključni sestav našega koncentriranega sončnega kolektorja je izmenjevalec z medijem, ki je umeščen v gorišče leče, v katerem se koncentrira vsa energija sonca, ki pride skozi lečo. Tretji del v izvedbenem primeru je predstavljeno stojalo - podstavek, ki je zgrajeno kot trije kraki oziroma med seboj v zvezdo spojene prečke. Lahko bi bilo kakršnokoli drugače oblikovano stojalo, okroglo ali kvadratno, pri čemer mora izpolnjevati osnovni pogoj zagotavljanja varnosti in stabilnosti celotne konstrukcije kolektorja.Another key component of our concentrated solar collector is the exchanger with a medium placed in the lens focal point, which concentrates all the energy of the sun coming through the lens. The third part in the embodiment is represented by a stand - a pedestal, which is built as three arms or star-shaped cross-arms. It could be any other shaped stand, round or square, meeting the basic condition of ensuring the safety and stability of the entire collector structure.

Osnovni konstrukcijski skupini sestavov, ki tvorijo naš koncentrirani sončni kolektor, smo dodali dva varnostna sklopa, ki zagotavljata predvsem pravilen in varovan način prevzema sončnih žarkov, ki na gorišče prenašajo zelo visoke temperature, ter nadzorovan prevzem dnevne količine sončne svetlobe.We have added two safety kits to the basic construction group of the components that make up our concentrated solar collector, which provide, above all, a correct and secure way of absorbing the sun's rays, which transmit very high temperatures to the focus, and a controlled take-up of daylight.

Zaradi zaščite same konstrukcije naprave in njenih inštalacij pri nepravilni postavitvi ali drugih tehničnih nedorečenosti ali napak pri usmeritvi žarkov na gorišče smo umestili zaščitne stranice, izdelane iz posebne pločevine, ki v popolnosti zapirajo del, v katerem se odvija koncentracija sončnih žarkov, od izhoda leče do gorišča. Prekomerno dovajanje toplote na gorišče reguliramo z odpiranjem in zapiranjem dostopa sončnih žarkov do leče s pomočjo posebnih žaluzij, ki smo jih umestili in kijih lahko odpiramo ali zapiramo.In order to protect the construction of the device and its installations in case of incorrect installation or other technical deficiencies or defects in the orientation of the rays on the focal point, we have installed protective sides made of special sheet metal which completely close the part in which the concentration of sun rays takes place, from the exit of the lens to focal points. Excessive heat supply to the focus is regulated by opening and closing the access of the sun's rays to the lens by means of special blinds that have been installed and can be opened or closed.

V tej patentni prijavi gre torej za tehnično rešitev in za inovacijo, ki bo omogočala pretvorbo sončne energije v toplotno ali svetlobni prenos delno koncentrirane sončne svetlobe na daljavo.This patent application is therefore a technical solution and an innovation that will allow the conversion of solar energy into thermal or light transmission of partially concentrated sunlight at a distance.

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Iz opisanega izvedbenega primera, v katerem smo opisali in konstrukcijsko zastavili koncentriran sončni kolektor, je razvidno, da se funkcijsko prilagajajo drug drugemu in po vseh tehničnih pravilih bi ta sistem moral delovati in v resničnem svetu tudi deluje.From the described embodiment, in which we described and constructed a concentrated solar collector, it is evident that they are functionally adapted to each other and that according to all technical rules, this system should work and work in the real world.

Pri rešeržiranju inovativne ideje s področja prijavljenih patentov smo ugotovili, da obstaja veliko različnih patentnih prijav, ki se v glavnem nanašajo na različne izvedbe in konstrukcijske rešitve ravnih panelov za pridobivanje tople vode ali paraboličnih okroglih ali kvadratnih anten, ki imajo vgrajene zrcalne plošče iz ogledal ali drugih materialov, ki omogočajo konkavnost konstrukcije ter z odbojem sončnih žarkov od njihovih površin zagotavljajo zbiranje svetlobe v eni točki ali gorišču.In pioneering the innovative patent application, we have found that there are many different patent applications that mainly relate to different designs and construction solutions of flat panels for hot water production or parabolic round or square antennas that have mirrored panel panels or other materials that allow concavity of the structure and, by reflecting the sun's rays from their surfaces, ensure that light is collected at one point or focus.

V ta namen bomo predstavili nekaj patentov, ki so po našem mnenju podobni naši rešitvi, ampak se bistveno razlikujejo po tehničnih karakteristikah in konstrukcijskih rešitvah glede na našo inovacijo, predloženo v tej patentni prijavi, saj predlagajo drugačen sistem in način zbiranja svetlobnih žarkov v gorišču ter tudi drugačne mehansko-konstrukcijske izvedbe celotnega sistema.To this end, we will present some patents that, in our opinion, are similar to our solution, but differ significantly in terms of technical characteristics and design with respect to our innovation presented in this patent application, since they propose a different system and method of collecting light rays in the focus, and also different mechanical-structural versions of the whole system.

US 864288 B2 - predlaga uporabo paraboličnih konkavnih anten, ki so obdelane s polikristalno snovjo, ki odbija svetlobne žarke na sprejemnik, umeščen v gorišče. Ob tem ta patent med drugim predlaga še različne izvedenke prenosa svetlobe do medija s pomočjo zrcalnih tunelov, skozi katere potujejo in se lomijo svetlobni žarki, ali pa uporabo bikonkavne leče med sprejemnikom sončnih žarkov in izmenjevalcem. Prav tako je omogočil sledenje poti sonca, ampak so predlagali zelo tog in z ekonomskega stališča zelo drag sistem.US 864288 B2 - proposes the use of parabolic concave antennas that are treated with a polycrystalline substance that deflects light rays at a receiver positioned in the focus. In addition, this patent proposes, among other things, various embodiments of the transmission of light to the medium by means of mirror tunnels through which light beams travel and refract, or the use of a biconcave lens between the sunbeam receiver and the exchanger. It also made it possible to follow the sun's path, but they suggested a very rigid and economically expensive system.

P 200150943 - predlaga osrednji sistem sledenja sončne poti iz osrednjega centralnega dela, ki se lahko giblje po horizontali v določenem številu krakov, a vertikalni nagib solarnih panelov je postavil tudi v koračni pogon, in sicer maksimalno do osem mest pozicioniranja solarnih panelov. Sistem je zelo zanimiv za fotovoltaične panele.P 200150943 - proposes a central tracking system for the solar path from the central central part, which can move horizontally in a certain number of arms, but has also placed the vertical tilt of the solar panels in stepper drive, up to a maximum of eight positioning positions of the solar panels. The system is very interesting for photovoltaic panels.

EP 1 613 861 BI - predlaga premično večnamensko in večfunkcijsko energetsko postajo, ki obsega od solarnih sistemov za gretje vode do fotovoltaičnih ravnih panelov za proizvodnjo električne energije.EP 1 613 861 BI - proposes a movable multipurpose and multifunctional power station, ranging from solar water heating systems to photovoltaic flat panels for electricity generation.

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Ti paneli so v eni točki pritrjeni na osnovno konstrukcijo, a dvigovanje in sledenje soncu je izvedeno s pomočjo ventilskih cilindrov, ki imajo lasten medij pod pritiskom ali so prisilno gnani s pomočjo hidravlične črpalke oz. zračnega kompresorja.These panels are fixed at one point to the basic structure, but the lifting and tracking of the sun is performed by means of valve cylinders which have their own pressurized medium or are forced by means of a hydraulic pump or. air compressor.

US 5203318 - kot sprejemno postajo prav tako predlaga krožničasto parabolično anteno, ki ima posebne izvode - lovilce svetlobe, ki so usmerjeni na žarišče. Sledenje soncu je izvedeno z zobniškim prenosom gibanja po horizontali, a za navpično gibanje antene je predlagal protiutežni sistem z motornim pogonom.US 5203318 - as a receiving station, also proposes a circular parabolic antenna with special projections - focal light catchers. Sun tracking was done by gear shifting horizontally, but for vertical movement of the antenna, a counterbalanced motor propulsion system was proposed.

US 6142638A - tudi ta patent predlaga raven kvadraten sistem panela, ki ima delno konveksno ploščino za zbiranje svetlobnih žarkov in poseben sistem sledenja po vertikali. Uporabil je kotni ravni zobnik, nameščen na ogrodje panela, ki se dviguje ali spušča za toliko stopinj, kolikor je postavljena razlika med prvim in zadnjim zobnikom na ravni letvi.US 6142638A - also this patent proposes a flat square panel system which has a partially convex panel for collecting light beams and a special vertical tracking system. He used an angular straight sprocket mounted on a panel frame that rises or descends by as much as the difference between the first and last sprocket on the straight rails.

US 6959993 B2 - postavlja množico konkavnih ogledal, ki usmerjajo žarek sonca v gorišče, ki je hkrati v vlogi izmenjevalca. Bistvo tega izuma je v tem, da ta množica manjših konkavnih plošč tvori en panel, ki je kot takšen vertikalno nastavljiv s posebnimi vijaki in velikim dvomatičnim regulatorjem višine spodnjega in zgornjega vijaka.US 6959993 B2 - Sets a plurality of concave mirrors that direct a ray of sunlight into a focal point, simultaneously acting as a exchanger. The essence of the present invention is that this plurality of smaller concave panels form a single panel, which as such is vertically adjustable by means of special screws and a large two-height height regulator of the lower and upper screws.

WO 2007057994 - predlaga množico pravokotnih ogledal, neenakomerno postavljenih na nosilno ogrodje, ki vsako posebej zbira in usmerja sončne žarke. Ta izum je namenjen predvsem za solarne panele za pridobivanje tople vode in fotovoltaične panele za proizvodnjo električne energije.WO 2007057994 - proposes a plurality of rectangular mirrors, unevenly positioned on a support frame, which collects and directs the rays individually. This invention is primarily intended for solar panels for hot water production and photovoltaic panels for electricity generation.

Na vseh spletnih posnetkih in skicah, izhajajoč iz opisov patentnih prijav zgoraj omenjenih sončnih sistemov, fotovoltaičnih panelov ali sistemov za sledenje poti sonca, ki so vsaj po klasifikaciji uvrščene blizu klasifikacije našega koncentriranega sončnega kolektorja, je lepo viden drugačen konstrukcijski pristop in drugačne rešitve, ki naši tehnični rešitvi niso niti podobne. Na tem mestu je bistveno izpostaviti, da imajo skoraj vsi sistemi, ki smo jih pri pregledovanju različnih baz podatkov ali oglasov proizvajalcev tovrstnih solarnih naprav lahko našli na medmrežju, nekaj skupnih tehničnih izhodišč, ki se kažejo kot:All the web images and sketches, based on the patent application descriptions of the aforementioned solar systems, photovoltaic panels, or solar path tracking systems, which are at least classified according to the classification of our concentrated solar collector, clearly show a different design approach and different solutions that our technical solutions are not alike. It is important to point out here that almost all the systems that we have been able to find on the internet when browsing various databases or advertisements of manufacturers of such solar devices have some common technical starting points, which are manifested as:

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- gre za sisteme, ki uporabljajo krožničast ali kvadratni parabolični koncept zbiranja in usmerjanja sončnih žarkov v odjemalca energije sončnih žarkov, skoraj vsi sistemi uporabljajo dva načina sledenja soncu, in sicer sledenje s pomočjo zveznih zobniških sistemov, ki so v kombinaciji z motornim pogonom, ali sledenje s pomočjo cilindričnih hidravličnih oz. pnevmatskih naprav.- systems that use a circular or square parabolic concept of collecting and directing the sun's rays at the energy client of the sun's rays, almost all systems use two methods of sun tracking, namely tracking using continuous gear systems combined with a motor drive, or tracking with the help of cylindrical hydraulic or. pneumatic devices.

Inovativna nota naše rešitve, ki se tehnično razlikuje od do sedaj znanih izdelanih, patentiranih in nepatentiranih tehničnih izvedenk in rešitev solarnih sistemov, fotovoltaičnih naprav, sončnih sistemov, ki so kot zbiralniki in preusmerjevalniki sončnih žarkov ipd., je v tem, da smo mi spremenili tehnologijo in sistem zbiranja sončnih žarkov ter nadalje njihovo koncentracijo v eni točki oz. gorišču - fokusu.The innovative note of our solution, which is technically different from the known, patented and unpatented technical versions and solutions of solar systems, photovoltaic devices, solar systems, which are like solar collectors and converters, etc., is that we have changed technology and system of collecting sun rays and further their concentration at one point or. focus - focus.

V ta namen smo napravili naslednje:To this end, we have done the following:

1. izdelali nosilno ogrodje, v katerega smo vgradili bikonveksno, plankonveksno ali Fresnelovo tanko lečo, ki je v funkciji zbirne leče,1. made a supporting frame in which a biconvex, plank convex or Fresnel thin lens was installed, which is in the function of a collection lens,

2. nosilno ogrodje smo povezali z nosilnimi prečkami, ki so na drugem koncu pritrjene na kvadratno ogrodje,2. We connected the load-bearing frame to the load-bearing crossbars, which are attached to the square frame at the other end,

3. na kvadratno ogrodje smo namestili posebej konstruiran sestav za višinsko nastavitev leče,3. a specially designed assembly for the height adjustment of the lens was mounted on the square frame,

4. v sestav za višinsko nastavitev leče smo vstavili nosilca z zobato letvijo, po katerem se lahko premika celoten sestav nosilca leče,4. a rack-mount bracket has been inserted into the lens-mounting assembly to move the entire lens-bracket assembly,

5. na drugem koncu sta nosilca pritrjena na ležajna nosilna mehanizma, ki imata funkcijo horizontalnega gibanja do 180°,5. at the other end, the brackets are fixed to the bearing support mechanisms which have the function of horizontal movement up to 180 °,

6. ležajna nosilca sta zmontirana na ogrodje kolektorja, ki je v obliki črke U, s pravokotnimi linijami,6. the mounting brackets are mounted on a U-shaped manifold frame with rectangular lines,

7. ogrodje kolektorja je na sredini nosilne ravninske letve privijačeno na osrednji nosilni ležaj, ki zagotavlja gibanje celotnega sestava nosilca leče tudi za 180°, vendar je to gibanje zamaknjeno za 90° od prvega gibanja kvadratnega ogrodja, na katerem je nosilno ogrodje leče,7. the manifold frame is screwed in the center of the carrier plane to a central bearing that provides movement of the entire lens carrier assembly by 180 °, but this movement is offset by 90 ° from the first movement of the square frame on which the lens carrier carrier is,

8. osrednji nosilni ležaj je dvotočkovno vpet na zgornjem delu vertikalnega nosilca celotnega sistema leče, • · · ·8. The central bearing is two-point mounted on the upper part of the vertical carrier of the entire lens system, • · · ·

9. vertikalni nosilec je v spodnjem delu privarjen na trikraki zvezdasti nosilni podstavek,9. the vertical bracket is welded in the lower part to a three-pointed star base,

10. izmenjevalec ali sestav, ki predstavlja gorišče oz. fokus leče, je samostojen element, ki je vstavljen pod kvadratnim ogrodjem in v njem se nahaja odvzemni medij,10. an exchanger or assembly which represents the focal point or. the focus of the lens is a stand-alone element that is inserted under the square frame and contains the removal medium,

11. v izvedenki za prenos svetlobe smo vsaj na eno nosilno prečko pritrdili odbojno hladno zrcalo, ki usmerja koncentrirano svetlobo do optičnega sprejemnika ter se tako prenaša po optičnem kablu,11. in the light transmission version, a reflective cold mirror was fixed to at least one support bar, which directs the concentrated light to the optical receiver and is thus transmitted through the optical cable,

12. prav tako smo konstrukcijsko zasnovali in predvideli možnost vgradnje lastnih pogonov na ležajne mehanizme ter uporabo obstoječih krmilnikov, ki omogočajo sledenje premikov sonca od vzhoda do zahoda,12. we have also designed and envisaged the possibility of installing our own drives on the bearing mechanisms and using existing controllers that allow tracking of sun movements from east to west,

13. nazadnje smo poskrbeli za varnost sistema, tako da smo s štirimi varnostnimi stranicami zaščitili vidni del, kjer se koncentrirajo svetlobni žarki do gorišča,13. Lastly, we made sure that the system was secure by protecting the visible part with four safety sides where the light rays concentrate to the focus,

14. med drugim smo izdelali tudi zaščitne žaluzije, s katerimi smo dosegli regulacijo potrebnih temperatur na gorišču, in sicer z odpiranjem in zapiranjem dovoda sončnih žarkov do sprejemne leče.14. inter alia, we designed protective blinds to achieve the required temperature control on the focal point, by opening and closing the supply of the sun's rays to the receiving lens.

Našega izdelka, to je koncentriranega sončnega kolektorja, ni mogoče primerjati z drugimi sistemi in kolektorji, namenjenimi za zbiranje ter pošiljanje sončne svetlobe do gorišča preko medija, saj našemu izdelku nobeden ni podoben. Zato smo izdelali prototipni vzorec in ga testirali v že opisane funkcijske in uporabne namene ter dokazali, da naš koncentrirani sončni kolektor izpolnjuje tehnične in kakovostne zahteve, ki smo si jih kot cilj zastavili že v fazi snovanja samega izdelka.Our product, which is a concentrated solar collector, cannot be compared to other systems and collectors designed to collect and send sunlight to a focal point through a medium, since our product is not similar. That is why we designed a prototype sample and tested it for the functional and useful purposes described above, and proved that our concentrated solar collector meets the technical and quality requirements that we set ourselves as a goal in the design phase of the product itself.

S temi preizkusi in opravljenimi testi smo dokazali, da lahko naš koncentrirani sončni kolektor gabaritno zmanjšujemo in povečujemo - predvsem dimenzijo leč, kar konstrukcijsko spreminja tudi gabarite ogrodja, pri čemer smo temu zastavljenemu standardu prilagodili vse konstrukcijske mere in tako prihranili tudi pri količini materiala. Še zlasti to velja za napravo oziroma izvedenko lovilca sončne svetlobe in njenega prenosa na daljavo. Na povečanje dimenzij leč za toplo in parno gretje medija vpliva predvsem kapaciteta porabnikov, ki uporabljajo tako segret medij.With these tests and tests we have proved that our concentrated solar collector can be reduced and enlarged overall - especially the dimension of lenses, which also changes the frame dimensions of the structure, while adapting all set dimensions to this set standard, thus also saving on the amount of material. In particular, this applies to the device or version of the sunlight trap and its remote transmission. The increase in the dimensions of the lens for hot and steam heating of the medium is mainly influenced by the capacity of the consumers using such heated medium.

Bistvo naše tehnične rešitve in v pričujoči patentni prijavi predloženega izuma je v tem, da smo s pridom izkoristili vsa nam znana tehnična in tehnološka dognanja ter jih vnesli v • · » · · · • · · · posamezne sklope samega koncentriranega sončnega kolektorja ali drugih izvedenk, izdelanih skladno z njegovo konstrukcijsko zasnovo.The essence of our technical solution and in the present patent application of the present invention is that we have advantageously utilized all known technical and technological knowledge and entered them into individual assemblies of the concentrated solar collector or other versions made according to its structural design.

Tako smo za kovinsko konstrukcijo in izdelano izvedenko uporabili debelostenske jeklene materiale, ki omogočajo zelo trdno in stabilno zgradbo, ter vse spoje slehernega elementa utrdili s tehnologijo CO2 varjenja. Spojna mesta, ki so potrebna zaradi zamenljivosti ter vzdrževanja, smo vijačili s posebnimi vijaki, ki imajo samovarovalno matico. Ali bomo vijačili ali varili posamezne dele konstrukcije, je odvisno tudi od same zasnove naprave in materialov nosilne konstrukcije, npr. aluminij, železo, beton ipd.In this way, we used thick-walled steel materials for the metal construction and the manufactured version, which allow a very solid and stable structure, and consolidated all joints of each element with CO2 welding technology. The connecting points required for interchangeability and maintenance were screwed with special screws that had a self-locking nut. Whether we will screw or weld individual parts of the structure also depends on the design of the device and the materials of the supporting structure, e.g. aluminum, iron, concrete, etc.

Posebej smo se posvetili konstrukcijski zasnovi integracije gibnih mehanizmov, ki vpenjajo toge mehanizme pri zagotavljanju in doseganju čim večjih kotov pokritosti sonca čez ves dan.We paid special attention to the structural design of the integration of moving mechanisms, which clamp rigid mechanisms in providing and maximizing the angles of sun coverage throughout the day.

S tem smo poenostavili in poenotili izdelavo koncentriranega sončnega kolektorja, ki je sedaj sestavljen iz treh ključnih sestavov nosilne konstrukcije leče, gibnega mehanizma s stojalom in izmenjevalca. Pri tem moramo pripomniti, da je poenotenje izvedeno pri izboru jeklenih prečk, vijakov za montažo in nosilnega ležajnega mehanizma, kar proizvodnemu obratu omogoča lažji nadzor nad načrtovanjem in porabo materiala.This simplified and unified the production of a concentrated solar collector, which now consists of three key components of the lens support structure, a moving mechanism with a stand and an exchanger. It should be noted that the unification is carried out in the selection of steel bars, mounting screws and the bearing bearing mechanism, which allows the production plant easier control over the design and consumption of the material.

Po drugi strani smo z našo zasnovo koncentriranega sončnega kolektorja s tritočkovno postavitvijo nosilnega podnožja v zvezdasto oziroma Y izvedbo zmanjšali težo same naprave, saj je za ta zvezdasti sistem mogoče izdelati tudi zvezdasto betonsko podlago ali temeljenje, ki je potrebno, če ves sistem postavljamo na odprt prostor. Če ga montiramo na streho ali druge površine, zvezdasti nosilec ni potreben, še posebej če se vijači v tla ali beton. V primeru vijačenja v trde podlage je lahko naš kolektor tudi brez zvezdastega nosilca - pri tej izvedenki uporabimo ravne kovinske nosilne podlage, zaradi česar je celotna konstrukcija lažja.On the other hand, with our design of a concentrated solar collector, with a three-point placement of the load-bearing base in the star or Y version, we reduced the weight of the device itself, since this star system can also produce a star-shaped concrete base or foundation, which is necessary if the whole system is placed open space. Mounted on a roof or other surface, no star bracket is needed, especially if it screws into the floor or concrete. In case of screwing into hard substrates, our manifold can also be without star bracket - in this version we use flat metal support substrates, which makes the whole structure easier.

Vse doslej zapisano z gotovostjo drži in trdimo lahko, da do danes ni še nihče izdelal takšne konstrukcijske zasnove ali tako izvedenega koncentriranega sončnega kolektorja, ki po eni strani predstavlja enostavnost izdelave, po drugi pa zagotavlja primemo in dolgotrajno uporabo v okoljih, v katerih se uporablja zmontiran na gradbeni objekt ali samostojno postavljen na odprt prostor.Everything so far stated with certainty is true and it can be argued that to date no one has produced such a structural design or such a concentrated solar collector, which on the one hand represents ease of manufacture, and on the other hand, provides primal and long-lasting use in environments where it is used. mounted on a building or independently installed in an open space.

Določene konstrukcijske rešitve na nosilni konstrukciji leče, gibnem mehanizmu s stojalom in izmenjevalcu bomo podrobneje opisali v nadaljevanju spisa, ko bomo opisovali posamezne » · · · · · • · · β · e dele, prikazane na sliki oz. skici 1, in detajlnejše poglede posameznih koncepcij vpetja leče na nosilnem ogrodju in razporeditve gibalnega sistema z nosilnimi ležajnimi mehanizmi in umestitve izmenjevalca, prikazanimi na naslednjih slikah.Certain structural solutions on the bearing structure of the lens, the movement mechanism with the stand and the exchanger will be described in more detail in the continuation of the file, when we describe the individual »· · · · · · · · · · e · parts shown in the figure or. Fig. 1, and more detailed views of the individual concepts of lens mounting on the mounting frame and arrangement of the movement system with the bearing mechanisms and the arrangement of the exchanger shown in the following figures.

Na drugi strani pa smo z rešeržiranjem znanih tehničnih rešitev podobnih zbirnih sončnih sistemov na svetovni ravni spoznali, da je naša rešitev enkratna in pomeni novost na tem področju, kar se odraža v tej patentni prijavi in njenih patentnih zahtevkih.On the other hand, by marketing well-known technical solutions of similar cumulative solar systems worldwide, we realized that our solution is unique and represents a novelty in this field, which is reflected in this patent application and its claims.

Novost je predvsem v drugačni zasnovi in posledično rešitvah tehničnih težav, ki so se pojavljale že v postopku snovanja, zaradi visoko zastavljenega cilja, kar je najpomembnejša lastnost samega postopka novega načina uporabe koncentriranega sončnega kolektorja z zbirno lečo, gibnim mehanizmom in izmenjevalcem, skozi katerega se pretaka medij odvzema sončne toplote. To se navzven kaže v izpopolnitvi ter doseganju zadanega cilja ter oblikovno in v tehnični namestitvi leče in nastavljivega mehanizma, ki v celoti omogoča dvigovanje in spuščanje leče in s tem izpolnjevanje pogoja, daje gorišče vedno na izmenjevalcu. Hkrati gre za visoko komercialen proizvod in kot takšen je široko uporaben v predelovalni in vzrejni kmetijski industriji, pri predelavi lesa ter zasebni uporabi.The novelty lies in the different design and, consequently, the solutions to the technical problems that have already arisen in the design process, because of the high goal, which is the most important feature of the process itself of a new method of using a concentrated solar collector with a collecting lens, a moving mechanism and an exchanger through which flows the heat removal medium. This is externally reflected in the refinement and achievement of the set goal, as well as in the design and technical installation of the lens and the adjustable mechanism, which fully enables the lens to be raised and lowered and thus fulfilling the condition that the focal point is always on the exchanger. At the same time it is a highly commercial product and as such is widely used in the processing and breeding agricultural industry, in wood processing and in private use.

Izum bomo prikazali s skico 1, ki predstavlja 3D pogled našega koncentriranega sončnega kolektorja v delovnem položaju, s prikazom obeh kotnih zamikov in postavitvijo leče v položaju, v katerem je zagotovljen pravokotni sprejem sončnih žarkov na lečo. Na prostorski sliki so ponazorjeni skoraj vsi ključni deli, ki jih lahko razvrstimo v tri osrednje sestave: nosilno ogrodje - prečke z okvirjem za lečo, kvadratno ogrodje s sestavom višinske nastavitve nosilne konstrukcije leče in ogrodje kolektorja z nosilnim ležajnim sistemom ter nosilcem in stojalom.The invention will be illustrated in Figure 1, which represents a 3D view of our concentrated solar collector in the working position, showing both angular offsets and placing the lens in a position in which the right reception of the sun's rays is ensured. The spatial picture illustrates almost all the key parts that can be classified into three central assemblies: a support frame - crossbars with a lens frame, a square frame with a height adjustment assembly of the lens support structure, and a collector frame with a bearing bearing system and a support and stand.

Izmenjevalec je samostojen sestav, umeščen sicer v prostor našega kolektorja, ampak ga bomo v skicah v nadaljevanju prikazovali kot nepovezan sestav glede na koncentriran sončni kolektor, kar v resnici tudi je.The exchanger is a standalone assembly, placed in the space of our collector, but in the sketches below we will show it as a disconnected assembly with respect to the concentrated solar collector, which it really is.

Nadalje bomo na skici 2 prikazali stranski pogled na celotno konstrukcijo našega kolektorja, predstavljenega v pričujočem patentnem spisu, prav tako pa bomo na eni sliki prikazali bočni pogled tehnične rešitve prenosa svetlobe na daljavo. Na zadnji skici bomo predstavili varnostno zaščito proti pregretju in nekontrolirani nastavitvi goriščne točke.Furthermore, in Fig. 2 we will show a side view of the entire structure of our collector presented in the present patent file, as well as in one picture we will show a side view of a technical solution for remote light transmission. In the last sketch, we will introduce overheating protection and uncontrolled focal point setting.

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Za boljše razumevanje zgoraj podanega kratkega opisa temeljnih skic naše inovativne ideje, ki se kaže v obliki konstrukcijske koncepcije koncentriranega sončnega kolektorja in njegovih temeljnih sestavov kot udarnega produkta, nastalega na temelju snovanja naše inovativne ideje, prikazane v tej patentni prijavi, in njegovih risb, ki jih bomo v nadaljevanju spisa opisali.For a better understanding of the above brief outline of the basic sketches of our innovative idea, manifested in the form of the construction concept of a concentrated solar collector and its fundamental assemblies as a percussion product resulting from the design of our innovative idea shown in this patent application and its drawings which we will describe them below.

Slika 1: 3D pogled na koncentriran sončni kolektor, kije postavljen v delovni položajFigure 1: 3D view of a concentrated solar collector placed in working position

Slika 2: Pogled A-A, prerez vpetja višinske nosilne prečke na kvadratasto ogrodjeFigure 2: View A-A, cross-sectional view of the mounting of the height support bar on a square frame

Slika 3: Stranski ali bočni pogled na koncentratorski sončni kolektor z vgrajenim sistemom za prenos svetlobe na daljavoFigure 3: Side or side view of a concentrator solar collector with a built-in remote light transmission system

Slika 4: Pogled B-B, čelni presek nastavljivega nosilca za snop optičnih kablov in presek optičnih kablov kot sprejemnika svetlobeFigure 4: View B-B, front section of adjustable mount for optical fiber bundle and cross section of optical cables as light receiver

Slika 5: Plankonveksna leča, ki ima ravninski del zobčastFigure 5: Plankonvex lens having a planar portion of a toothed

Slika 6: Plankonveksna zbirna lečaFigure 6: Plankonvex collection lens

Slika 7: Bikonveksna zbirna lečaFigure 7: Biconvex collection lens

Slika 8 : Prerez izmenjevalca z vodo kot medija za ustvarjanje pareFigure 8: Cross section of a water exchanger as a steam generating medium

Slika 9: Prerez izmenjevalca, ki ima visokotemperatumi medij s prisilno cirkulacijoFigure 9: Cross section of an exchanger having a high temperature medium with forced circulation

Slika 10: Stranski ali bočni pogled na koncentriran sončni kolektor z vgrajenim sistemom za varovanje in regulacijo dotoka svetlobeFigure 10: Side or side view of a concentrated solar collector with built-in light protection and control system

Slika 11: Prenos svetlobe in pretvorba skozi prizmo za namen usmerjanja v fotovoltaično celico za proizvodnjo elektrikeFigure 11: Transmission of light and conversion through a prism for the purpose of routing to a photovoltaic cell for electricity production

Za boljše razumevanje posameznih pojmov in sestavnih elementov posameznega sestava jih bomo v nadaljevanju strukturno prikazali in pomensko razložili ter s pomočjo kazala navedli posamezne številke in nanje vezan pomen ter imena za sleherni del in nanj vezano številko.In order to better understand individual concepts and constituent elements of a particular composition, we will hereafter structure them and explain them in meaning, using the index to indicate individual numbers and their related meaning, as well as names for each part and number associated with it.

a Sončni žarkia Sun rays

Izmenjevalec v goriščni točkiExchanger in the focal point

1.1 Izhod segretega medij a1.1. Output of heated medium a

1.2 Vhod hladnega medija1.2 Cold medium inlet

1.3 Cevni odjemalec - kondenzator s prisilno cirkulacijo1.3 Pipeline client - forced circulation condenser

1.4 Visokotemperatumo olje kot prevzemni medij1.4. High-temperature oil as a carrier medium

1.5 Voda kot prevzemnik temperature1.5 Water as a temperature transmitter

1.5.1 Vodna para1.5.1 Water vapor

Leča - bikonveksna ali plankonveksnaLens - biconvex or plank convex

2.0 Zobati ravninski del plankonveksne leče 2.0.1 Gladka ravnina plankonveksne leče 2.0.2 Vhodni obli del bikonveksne leče2.0 Tooth plane part of plank convex lens 2.0.1 Smooth plane of plank convex lens 2.0.2 Inlet round part of biconvex lens

2.1 Nosilno ogrodje leče2.1. Lens support bracket

2.2 Izhodni zbirni del plankonveksne leče, ki ima zobati ravninski vhodni del2.2. Output collection part of a plankonvex lens having a planar inlet part

2.2.1 Izhodni zbirni del plankonveksne leče z ravnim vhodnim delom2.2.1. Output collecting part of a plankonvex lens with a straight inlet

2.2.2 Izhodni zbirni del bikonveksne leče 3.0 Nosilna prečka podstavka2.2.2. Output assembly part of a biconvex lens 3.0

3.1 Prečka za stabiliziranje podstavka3.1 Stabilizer bar

3.2 Prečka za stabiliziranje podstavka3.2 Stabilizer bar

3.3 Osrednji nosilec konstrukcije3.3 Central support of the structure

3.4 Ležajna os3.4 Bearing axis

3.5 Zgornja prečka nosilca3.5. Upper beam of the beam

3.6 Pritrdilna prečka ležajnega mehanizma na nosilcu3.6. Fastening bar of the bearing mechanism on the carrier

Ogrodje kolektorjaManifold frame

4.1. Pritrdilni vijaki z maticami4.1. Fastening bolts with nuts

Kvadratno ogrodje s sestavom za višinsko nastavitev nosilne konstrukcije lečeSquare frame with assembly for height adjustment of bearing structure of lens

5.1 Pritrdilni vijaki nosilnih prečk5.1 Mounting bolts of the supporting cross bars

5.2 Sestav za višinsko nastavitev nosilne konstrukcije5.2 Assembly for height adjustment of load-bearing structure

5.2.1 Zategovalni vijak5.2.1 Tightening screw

5.3 Višinska nosilna prečka5.3. Carrier height bar

5.3.1 Zobata letev na višinski nosilni prečki5.3.1 Toothed rack on height beams

6.0, 6.1, 6.2 in 6.3 Nosilne prečke okvirja z lečo6.0, 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3 Frame support brackets with lens

Nosilni ležajni mehanizem za horizontalni nagibSupport bearing mechanism for horizontal tilting

8.0 in 8.1 Nosilna ležajna mehanizma za vertikalni nagib8.0 and 8.1 Vertical Tilt Support Bearing

9.0 Nastavljiv nosilec za zrcalo9.0 Adjustable Mirror Bracket

9.1 Nastavljiv nosilec za snop optičnih kablov9.1 Adjustable mount for optical fiber bundle


10.1 Nosilec zrcala10.1. Mirror holder

Snop optičnih kablovA bundle of fiber optic cables

11.1 Sprejemnik svetlobe optičnih kablov11.1 Optical cable light receiver

11.2 Prizma11.2 Prism

11.3 Posamezen optični kabel ali vlakno za prevzem določenega optičnega spektra11.3 A single optical cable or fiber to absorb a specific optical spectrum

11.4 Fotovoltaična celica11.4 Photovoltaic cell

Varnostne žaluzijeSecurity blinds

12.1 Elektromotorni pogon12.1 Electric motor drive

12.2 Žaluzije12.2 Blinds

12.3 Nosilni mehanizem za odpiranje in zapiranje žaluzij12.3 Support mechanism for opening and closing blinds

12.4 Nosilna konstrukcija žaluzij12.4 Carrier design of blinds

Zaščitne straniceProtective pages

Pogled A-A, prerez vpetja višinske nosilne prečke na kvadratasto ogrodjeView A-A, cross-sectional view of the mounting of the height support bar on a square frame

Pogled B-B, čelni presek nastavljivega nosilca za snop optičnih kablovView B-B, front section of adjustable mount for optical fiber bundle

Ker smo do sedaj opisovali vertikalni pogled od zgoraj navzdol, bomo to načelo upoštevali tudi pri opisovanju priloženih skic in posameznih pogledov nanje. Izum, prikazan na sl. 1, predstavlja 3D pogled na koncentriran sončni kolektor, ki je postavljen v delovni položaj, sestavljen iz posameznih delov, ki tvorijo višje sestave, ki so med seboj funkcijsko in konstrukcijsko povezane na način, da tvorijo celovito napravo za zbiranje sončne energije a, ki prihaja skozi bikonveksno ali plankonveksno lečo 2, ki je vpeta v nosilno ogrodje - okvirSince we have described the vertical top-down view so far, we will also take this principle into account when describing the attached sketches and the individual views. The invention shown in FIG. 1 is a 3D view of a concentrated solar collector placed in a working position, consisting of individual parts forming higher assemblies, which are functionally and constructively interconnected in such a way as to form a comprehensive solar arrays a through a bi-convex or plank-convex lens 2 mounted in a support frame - frame

Na sredino posameznih stranic okvirja 2.1 so pritrjene nosilne prečke 6.0, 6.1, 6.2 in 6.3, ki so v spodnjem delu privijačene z vijaki 5.1 na kvadratno ogrodje 5. To predstavlja povezovalni in hkrati nosilni sestavni del celotne nosilne konstrukcije leče 2, ki ima na dveh diametralnih stranicah zmontirana dva sestava za višinsko nastavitev nosilne konstrukcije 5.2 sl. 1 in 2 pogled A-A, ki imata skoznje pravokotni odprtini, v kateri sta vtaknjeni višinski nosilni prečki 5.3, z zobatima letvama 5.3.1, ki sta postavljeni na notranji stranski steni na višinski nosilni prečki 5.3.The support bars 6.0, 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3 are fastened to the center of the individual sides of the frame 2.1 and screwed in at the bottom with screws 5.1 to the square frame 5. This represents the connecting and, at the same time, the supporting component of the entire bearing structure of the lens 2, which has two Diametrically mounted two assemblies for height adjustment of load-bearing structure 5.2 Fig. 1 and 2 are views A-A, through which there are rectangular openings in which the height support beams 5.3 are inserted, with the toothed battens 5.3.1 mounted on the inner side walls of the height support beams 5.3.

Zobati letvi 5.3.1 sl. 2 pogled A-A sta koncipirani v primeru, ko želimo vgraditi elektromotorni pogon za dvigovanje in spuščanje nosilne konstrukcije z lečo 2. Pri ročnem dvigovanju in spuščanju nosilne konstrukcije z lečo 2 nam pomaga zatezni vijak 5.2.1 sl. 2, ki ga privijemo skozi matično luknjo na sestavu za višinsko nastavitev nosilne konstrukcije 5.2. in ki pritegne višinsko nosilno prečko 5.3, ko dosežemo gorišče na izmenjevalcu 1 sl.l.Toothed battens 5.3.1 fig. 2 view A-A are conceptualized in the case when we want to install an electric motor drive for raising and lowering the load-bearing structure with lens 2. When manually lifting and lowering the load-bearing structure with lens 2, the clamping screw 5.2.1 helps us. 2, which can be screwed through the hole in the mounting bracket 5.2. and which engages the height support bar 5.3 when reaching the focal point on the exchanger 1 FIG.

Spodnja dela višinskih nosilnih prečk 5.3 sl. 1 in 3 sta vpeta v ležajni osi 3.3.1, ki je povezovalni element na nosilnih ležajnih mehanizmih 8.0 in 8.1, ki sta v funkciji spuščanja in dvigovanja nosilne konstrukcije z lečo 2 od vertikale k horizontali v obe smeri tako, da pokrivata kot gibanja 180°. Vsi nosilni ležajni mehanizmi 7, 8.0 in 8.1 sl. 1 in 2 so močnostne naprave z ležaji in celotnim reduktorskim sistemom, ki ima možnost zaustavitve v slehernem kotnem položaju ter tudi možnost vgraditve elektromotornega pogona z elektroniko za sledenje poti sonca od vzhoda do zahoda. Današnji sistemi torej, ki so na voljo v prosti trgovski mreži, omogočajo sledenje soncu po azimutu ter vertikalno, kar pomeni v vse smeri sončeve poti.The lower sections of the height support bars 5.3 FIG. 1 and 3 are engaged in the bearing axis 3.3.1, which is a connecting element on the bearing mechanisms 8.0 and 8.1, which are in the function of lowering and raising the bearing structure with the lens 2 from the vertical to the horizontal in both directions, so as to cover the angles of motion 180 °. All bearing mechanisms 7, 8.0 and 8.1 are illustrated. 1 and 2 are power devices with bearings and a complete gearbox system, which has the possibility of stopping in any angular position and also the possibility of installing an electromotor drive with electronics for tracing the sun from east to west. Nowadays, the systems available in the free trade network allow the tracking of the sun in azimuth and vertically, which means in all directions of the sun.

Nosilna ležajna mehanizma 8.0 in 8.1 sl.l sta zmontirana na ogrodje kolektorja 4, in sicer na prosta kraka ogrodja kolektorja 4, ki je zasnovan v obliki črke U, vendar s pravokotnimi stranicami. Prav vsi ležajni nosilni mehanizmi 7, 8.0 in 8.1, prikazani na sl. 1 in 3, imajo na spodnji nosilni steni vsaj dve navojni luknji, v kateri se z vijaki 4.1 privije ogrodje kolektorja 4, kije konstrukcijsko izdelano iz kvadratnih cevastih - debelostenskih prečk. Na obeh krakih ogrodja kolektorja 4 sl. 1 in 3, in sicer na njunih koncih, sta zmontirana enaka ležajna nosilna mehanizma 8.0 in 8.1, ki zagotavljata premike nosilne konstrukcije z lečo 2, kot smo opisali že zgoraj.Bearing mechanisms 8.0 and 8.1 Fig.l are mounted on the manifold frame 4, on the free arms of the manifold body 4, which is U-shaped but with rectangular sides. All the bearing elements 7, 8.0 and 8.1 shown in FIG. 1 and 3, there are at least two threaded holes on the lower bearing wall in which the screws 4.1 are screwed on to the housing of the collector 4, which is constructed of square tubular thick-wall cross-sections. On both arms of the manifold frame 4 FIG. 1 and 3, at their ends, the same bearing mounting mechanisms 8.0 and 8.1 are mounted, which ensure the movements of the bearing structure with the lens 2, as described above.

Na sredini povezovalne prečke krakov na ogrodju kolektorja 4 sl. 1 in 3 je prav tako zmontiran nosilni ležajni mehanizem 7, kije dvotočkovno vpet na ležajno os 3.3.1, s pomočjo dodatno ojačane konstrukcije osrednjega nosilca 3.3. Ta nosilec je osrednji nosilni in močnostni del, ki mora prenesti vse obremenitve in torzije pri premikanju in nastavljanju leče 2 in celotne nosilne konstrukcije, ki je nanj zmontirana. Zato smo ta element dodatno utrdili, in sicer z izborom močnejših, kvalitetnejših materialov ter gabaritov za vertikalni nosilec 3.3 sl. 1 in 3, kot tudi za zgornjo prečko 3.3.2 sl. 3 in pritrdilno prečko ležajnega mehanizma 3.3.3, prikazanega na sl. 3. Tako sestavljen in zvarjen sestav teh treh nosilcev 3.3 sl. 3, vertikalni ali osrednji nosilec konstrukcije, ki ima na vrhnji strani pod kotom 90° zvarjeno zgornjo prečko nosilca 3.3.2, na kateri je prav tako vertikalno tudi pod pravim kotom privarjena pritrdilna prečka ležajnega mehanizma 3.3.3, tvorijo osrednji nosilni sestav celotne konstrukcije naprave.In the middle of the connecting rod crossbar on the manifold frame 4 FIG. 1 and 3 also a mounting bearing mechanism 7 is mounted, which is two-point mounted on the bearing axis 3.3.1, by means of a further reinforced structure of the central carrier 3.3. This mount is the central load-bearing and power section, which must withstand all the loads and torsions when moving and adjusting the lens 2 and the entire load-bearing structure that is mounted on it. That is why we further strengthened this element by selecting stronger, higher quality materials and dimensions for the vertical support 3.3. 1 and 3, as well as for the upper bar 3.3.2. 3 and the fastening bar of the bearing mechanism 3.3.3 shown in FIG. 3. The assembled and welded assembly of these three supports 3.3 FIG. 3, a vertical or central structure support having an upper bracket welded to the upper side at an angle of 90 ° with the upper bracket 3.3.2, at which the fastening bar of the bearing mechanism 3.3.3 is also vertically welded at right angles, form the central bearing assembly of the whole structure devices.

Vertikalni nosilec 3.3 sl. 3 in vertikalna pritrdilna prečka 3.3.3 imata izvrtini, v kateri se vstavi ležajna os 3.3.1, ki se dodatno vpne z vijaki ali z varjenjem in je med drugim fiksiran znotraj teh dveh prečk, kar dodatno utrjuje celotni sestav osrednjega nosilca konstrukcije. Ležajna os 3.3.1, podrobneje vidna na sl. 3, mora biti fiksna, ker je nanjo zmontiran nosilni ležajni mehanizem 7, ki prenaša vso težo in obremenitve celotne nosilne premične konstrukcije z lečo 2. Nadalje je v spodnjem delu osrednji nosilec konstrukcije 3.3 pritrjen s postopkom varjenja na nosilno prečko podstavka 3.0 sl. 1 in 3, in sicer v zvezdišče, ki ga tvori s prečkami za stabiliziranje podstavka 3.1 in 3.2.Vertical beam 3.3 Fig. 3 and the vertical mounting bar 3.3.3 have bores in which the bearing axis 3.3.1 is inserted, which is further clamped by screws or by welding, and is fixed, inter alia, within these two bars, which further reinforces the entire assembly of the central structure. The bearing axis 3.3.1 can be seen in more detail in FIG. 3, it must be fixed because it is mounted on a load bearing mechanism 7, which carries all the weight and loads of the entire load-bearing structure with lens 2. Furthermore, in the lower part, the central support of structure 3.3 is fixed by the welding process to the support bar of the base 3.0 Fig. 1 and 3, respectively, into the hub formed by the bars to stabilize the pads 3.1 and 3.2.

Omenjene tri prečke 3.0, 3.1 in 3.2 namreč tvorijo nosilni podstavek, ki ima obliko črke Y, tako daje razmik med kraki 120°, kar omogoča podstavku maksimalno stabilnost in s tem tudi celotnemu sistemu koncentriranega sončnega kolektorja.These three crossbars 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2 form the Y-shaped load-bearing base, giving the spacing between the arms 120 °, which gives the base maximum stability and therefore the entire system of concentrated solar collector.

Odvisno od samega objekta namestitve našega koncentriranega sončnega kolektorja se lahko te tri prečke 3.0, 3.1 in 3.2 nadomestijo z drugačnim nosilcem, kije lahko kvadratne, okrogle ali ploščate oblike. Za montažo na stene objektov uporabimo posebej prilagojene nosilne konzole, pri postavitvi dveh ali več koncentriranih kolektorjev v linijo pa se izdela posebna nosilna konstrukcija. V primerih, ko direktno betoniramo osrednji nosilec konstrukcije 3.3, ne izključujemo torej možnosti, da vse tri nosilne prečke odpadejo, kar pomeni, da ta pritrdilni element prilagajamo terenu namestitve našega kolektorja.Depending on the actual installation location of our concentrated solar collector, these three crossbars 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2 can be replaced by a different carrier, which can be square, round or flat. Specially adapted load-bearing brackets are used for mounting on the walls of buildings, and a special load-bearing structure is made when placing two or more concentrated collectors in the line. In cases where we directly concrete the central support of structure 3.3, we do not exclude the possibility that all three support bars fall off, which means that we adjust this fastener to the location of our collector installation.

Sliko 2 smo že opisali preko slike 1 ter posameznih sestavov in sestavnih delov našega koncentriranega sončnega kolektoija, zato je ne bomo več opisno ponazarjali, temveč bomo samo pripomnili, da je na njej vidna vsa inovativnost naše tehnične rešitve koncentriranega sončnega kolektorja, predstavljenega v tem spisu patentne prijave, ki nakazuje in predstavlja tehnično rešitev za nastavitev leče 2 sl. 1 v gorišče.We have already described Figure 2 through Figure 1 and the individual components and components of our concentrated solar collector, so we will no longer describe it descriptively, but will only note that it shows all the innovativeness of our concentrated solar collector technical solution presented in this file. of the patent application, which indicates and presents a technical solution for adjusting the lens 2 FIG. 1 into the focus.

Plankonveksno lečo, ki ima ravninsko sprejemno površino nazobljeno oz. zobčasto, 2.0 sl. 5, in je vstavljena v nosilno ogrodje 2.1 leče 2, smo uporabili predvsem zato, da dobimo čim večjo sprejemno površino sončnih žarkov a sl. 1 in 3, da bi zagotovili čim večje temperaturne prenose na izmenjevalec 1 sl. 1, 8 in 9. Izhodni zbirni del 2.2 plankonveksne leče je oble, parabolične oblike, ki je v funkciji lomljenja sončne svetlobe a in njenega zbiranja v navidezni navpični stožčasti obliki, pri čemer vrh navideznega stožca predstavlja gorišče ali fokus.Plankonvex lens having a planar receiving surface serrated or. toothed, 2.0 fig. 5, and is inserted into the carrier frame 2.1 of the lens 2, was used primarily to obtain the largest receiving surface of the sun's rays. 1 and 3 to ensure maximum temperature transfers to the exchanger 1 FIG. 1, 8 and 9. The output collection part 2.2 of the plankonvex lens is a round, parabolic shape, which is in the function of refracting sunlight a and collecting it in an apparent vertical conical shape, with the top of the virtual cone being the focal point or focus.

V strojnem jeziku povedano je gorišče zbir vseh energij sončnih žarkov a v eni točki, ki prodrejo skozi ploščino tega navideznega stožca, ki so naše ploščine leč 2.0 sl. 5, 2.0.1 sl. 6 in 2.0.2 sl. 7. Usmerjanje svetlobe v gorišče pa izvede obla parabolična oblika naše plankonveksne ali bikonveksne leče 2.2, 2.2.1 in 2.2.2, prikazana na sl. 5, 6 in 7 v enakem številčnem zaporedju. V našem primeru in na prikazanih skicah 1, 8 in 9 predstavlja gorišče naš izmenjevalec 1.In machine language, the focal point is the sum of all the energies of the sun's rays but at one point, which penetrate the surface of this virtual cone, which are our lens surfaces 2.0 sl. 5, 2.0.1 Figs. 6 and 2.0.2 Figs. 7. However, directing light to the focus is performed by the circumferential parabolic shape of our plankonvex or biconvex lens 2.2, 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 shown in FIG. 5, 6 and 7 in the same numerical order. In our case and in the illustrated drawings 1, 8 and 9, the focal point is our exchanger 1.

Slika 6 ponazarja plankonveksno lečo, ki ima sprejemno površino 2.0.1 ravno in gladko, izhodno - zbirno površino 2.2.1 pa smo že opisali v zgornjem tekstu. Za bikonveksno lečo 2, prikazano na sl. 7, pa velja, da sta obe površini, sprejemna 2.0.2 in zbirna 2.2.2, enako ovalni ali polaroidne oblike in opravljata enaki funkciji kot že opisana leča, s to razliko, daje pri tejFigure 6 illustrates a plank-convex lens having a receiving surface of 2.0.1 flat and smooth, and the outlet-collecting surface 2.2.1 has already been described above. For the biconvex lens 2 shown in FIG. 7, however, both surfaces, receiving 2.0.2 and collecting 2.2.2, are of the same oval or polaroid shape and perform the same function as the lens described above, except that

leči goriščna razdalja / nekoliko manjša, kot je pri plankonveksnih lečah. Zaradi tega so lahko nosilne prečke krajše oblike, kar vpliva na nižjo ceno sistema kot celote.lenses focal length / slightly smaller than that of plankonvex lenses. As a result, the supporting beams can be shorter in shape, which results in a lower price for the system as a whole.

V dosedanjem besedilu smo omenjali dve vrsti izmenjevalca 1, prikazanega na sl. 1, ki tudi uporabljata dva različna medija odvzema. Na sl. 8 je ponazorjen izmenjevalec 1, ki kot medij prevzema uporablja vodo 1.5, ki se dovaja skozi cevovod 1.2, pri čemer se vodna para 1.5.1 odvaja skozi parni odvodni cevovod 1.1. Slika 9 pa ponazarja izmenjevalec 1, ki ima med dovodnim cevovodom 1.2 in odvodnim 1.1 umeščen kondenzator 1.3 ali cevni odjemalec, ki prevzema toploto medija 1.4, ki se nahaja v izmenjevalcu 1, v obliki visokotemperatumih olj.Two types of exchanger 1, shown in FIG. 1, which also uses two different media of abstraction. In FIG. 8 is an exemplary exchanger 1 which uses water 1.5 supplied through pipeline 1.2 as the receiving medium, whereby water vapor 1.5.1 is discharged through the steam exhaust pipeline 1.1. Figure 9, however, illustrates an exchanger 1 having a capacitor 1.3 or a tube client between the supply line 1.2 and the discharge 1.1, which absorbs the heat of the medium 1.4 contained in the exchanger 1 in the form of high-temperature oils.

Za potrebe prenosa moči sončne svetlobe smo v naš sončni kolektor pred gorišče umestili odbojno zrcalo 10 sl. 3, ki je hladno zrcalo, izdelano na način tako, da prestreza sončno svetlobo a, pri čemer pa ne preprečuje prehoda IR žarkov, ampak samo odbija vidno svetlobo do snopa optičnih kablov. Tehnična lastnost tega zrcala 10 je v tem, da se IR žarki še vedno koncentrirajo v eni točki - gorišču na izmenjevalcu 1 sl. 1 in tako še naprej opravljajo funkcijo gretja medija v izmenjevalcu 1. Naloga odbojnega zrcala 10 sl. 3, ki je zmontirano preko nosilca zrcala 10.1 na eno, dve ali vse štiri nosilne prečke okvirja 6.0, 6.1, 6.2 in 6.3 sl. 1 in 3, je torej v tem, da prestreza delno koncentrirane sončne žarke a in jih usmerja do nasproti stoječega sprejemnika svetlobe 11.1, kar je v resnici odprti del optičnega snopa 11 sl.For the purpose of transmitting the power of sunlight, a reflective mirror of 10 sl was installed in our solar collector in front of the focal point. 3, which is a cold mirror, designed to intercept sunlight a, while not preventing the passage of IR rays but merely reflecting visible light to a bundle of optical cables. The technical feature of this mirror 10 is that the IR beams are still concentrated at one point - the focal point on the exchanger 1 of FIG. 1 and thus continue to function as the medium heating in the exchanger 1. Reflective Mirror Task 10 FIG. 3, which is mounted via the mirror carrier 10.1 to one, two or all four frame supports 6.0, 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3 of FIG. 1 and 3, therefore, is to intercept the partially concentrated solar beams a and direct them to the opposite light receiver 11.1, which is in fact the open portion of the optical beam 11 FIG.


Svetloba a se od zrcala 10 sl. 3 odbije v optična vlakna 11 sl. 3, s katerimi jo distribuiramo na želeno mesto, torej v drug prostor, za namen razsvetljave ali dekoracije. Druga tehnična možnost, ki je sicer veliko cenejša, je v tem, da hladno zrcalo zamenjamo z navadnim ogledalom - zrcalom, ki odbija IR žarke v kable optičnega snopa. Pri tem pa moramo biti zelo previdni na območje vhoda svetlobe v optični snop 11.1, saj se lahko na tem mestu povišajo delovne temperature. Ponavadi ta del dodatno hladimo s pretokom zraka ali prisilno cirkulacijo hladilnega medija, vse v funkciji zagotavljanja normalnih delovnih temperatur na vhodu optični snop 11.Light a from mirror 10 fig. 3 is reflected in the optical fibers; 3, with which we distribute it to the desired location, ie to another space, for the purpose of lighting or decoration. Another technical option, which is much cheaper, is to replace the cold mirror with a regular mirror - a mirror that reflects IR rays into optical fiber cables. However, we must be very careful about the area of light input into the optical beam 11.1, as operating temperatures can rise at this point. Usually, this part is further cooled by the flow of air or forced circulation of the cooling medium, all in order to ensure normal operating temperatures at the inlet optical beam 11.

Druga možnost prenosa svetlobe na daljavo je v primeru, ko na optična vlakna priključimo prizmo 11.2 sl. 11 in sestavimo barvo, ki ima na izhodu svetlobnih vlaken 11 usmerjeno svetlobo na prizmo 11.2, nato še enkrat usmerimo različne barve, vsako barvo v svoje optičnoAnother possibility of transmitting light at a distance is when a prism 11.2 is connected to the optical fibers. 11 and assemble a color that has a directional light at the output of the light fibers 11 to the prism 11.2, then again direct different colors, each color to its optical

vlakno 11.3, ter jih nato spet sestavimo v želeno svetlobo a, z želeno močjo (mEV), ki je usmerjena na fotovoltaično celico 11.4 za proizvodnjo električnega toka. Nekateri fotovoltaični materiali 11.4 sl. 11 na primer potrebujejo le določeno moč, da izbijejo elektron in ustvarijo napetost. Če se usmeri svetloba a z večjo močjo, potem bo višek moči, ki presega določeno moč, povzročal segrevanje in nastale bodo izgube. Če sestavimo svetlobo, recimo modro ter zeleno prek optičnih vlaken 11.3 tako, da dobimo natančno določeno moč, potem tudi pri usmerjanju večkratne koncentrirane svetlobe na ta material pregrevanja ni.fiber 11.3, and then reassemble them into the desired light a, with the desired power (mEV) directed to the photovoltaic cell 11.4 to produce electricity. Some Photovoltaic Materials 11.4 FIG. 11, for example, need only some power to eject an electron and create a voltage. If light a is directed with higher power, then excess power exceeding a certain power will cause heat and losses will occur. If we compose light, say blue and green through fiber optics 11.3, to obtain a specified power, then even when directing multiple concentrated light to this material there is no overheating.

Da bi boljše prikazali sistem prenosa sončne svetlobe a, smo na sl. 3 predstavili zasnovo odbojnega zrcala 10, kije preko nosilca zrcala 10.1 pritrjen z nastavljivim nosilcem zrcala 9.0 na eno od nosilnih prečk, v našem izvedbenem primeru je to prečka 6.2, ki je na diagonalni nasprotni strani prečke 6.0, na kateri je zmontiran snop optičnih kablov 11 s sprejemnim delom svetlobe 11.1 na optičnem snopu 11. Optični kabelski snop 11 je prav tako pritrjen na nosilno prečko 6.9 s pomočjo nastavljivega nosilca za snop optičnih kablov 9.1. Pogled B-B nam natančneje ponazarja konstrukcijsko rešitev zajemanja odbite svetlobe a z zrcala 10 na sprejemni del svetlobe 11.1 ali odrezano vhodno površino na snopu optičnih kablov 11, ki se nadalje prenese do želenega mesta. Celoten sestav optičnega kabla ali snopa 11 in prerezanih vhodov optičnih kablov 11.1 so vpeti v kovinsko pušo ali pritrdilno objemko 9.1, ki smo jo imenovali nastavljiv nosilec za snop optičnih kablov 9.1.In order to better illustrate the sunlight transmission system a, FIG. 3 illustrates a design of a reflecting mirror 10 which is fixed via a mirror carrier 10.1 with an adjustable mirror carrier 9.0 to one of the supporting rails, in our embodiment, the cross member 6.2, which is mounted on the diagonal opposite side of the cross member 6.0, on which a bundle of optical cables 11 is mounted. with the light receiving portion 11.1 on the optical beam 11. The optical cable bundle 11 is also secured to the support bar 6.9 by means of an adjustable optical fiber bundle carrier 9.1. View B-B more closely illustrates the design solution of capturing reflected light a from mirror 10 to the receiving light portion 11.1 or the cut-off input surface on the fiber optic cable bundle 11, which is further transmitted to the desired location. The entire assembly of the optical cable or bundle 11 and the cut-in inputs of the optical cables 11.1 are clamped into a metal bushing or mounting clamp 9.1, called the adjustable mount for the optical fiber bundle 9.1.

Za zagotovitev varnosti celotnega sistema proti pregrevanju in nenadzorovani usmeritvi fokusa koncentriranih žarkov, prikazani na sliki 10, smo izdelali varnostne žaluzije 12 kot samostojen sestav, kije s pomočjo nosilne konstrukcije žaluzije 12.4 sl. 10 vpet in postavljen na nosilno ogrodje leče 2.1 sl. 1, 5, 6 in 7 tako, daje kot sistem snemljiv. Njegova osnovna funkcija je, da deluje avtomatsko, in sicer sistem zazna približevanje mejni zgornji temperaturi, s pomočjo elektromotornega pogona 12.1 prične z zapiranjem žaluzij 12.2. Povezava elektromotornega pogona 12.1 in žaluzij 12.2 je izvedena s pomočjo nosilnega mehanizma za odpiranje in zapiranje žaluzij 12.3.To ensure the safety of the entire system against overheating and the uncontrolled focus focus of the concentrated beams shown in Fig. 10, we designed safety blinds 12 as a standalone assembly, which by means of the supporting structure of the blind 12.4 fig. 10, mounted and mounted on the lens mounting bracket. 1, 5, 6, and 7 thus make the system detachable. Its basic function is to operate automatically, ie the system detects an approximation to the upper limit temperature, starts closing the blinds 12.2 with the help of an electric motor drive 12.1. The connection between the electric motor drive 12.1 and the blinds 12.2 is made by means of a carrier mechanism for opening and closing the blinds 12.3.

Stranska protitoplotna zaščita koncentriranega dela sončnih žarkov a je izvedena s štirimi zaščitnimi stranicami 13 sl. 10, ki preprečujejo nenadzorovan premik fokusa ali gorišča zThe lateral anti-heat shielding of the concentrated part of the sun's rays a is carried out with four protective sides 13 FIG. 10 to prevent uncontrolled shift of focus or focus with

njegove točke, ter je hkrati mehanska prepreka za dostop oseb, živali, trdih predmetov, ki jih lahko nanese veter, in temu podobnega do koncentriranega snopa svetlobe.its points, and is at the same time a mechanical barrier to access for persons, animals, hard objects that can be applied by the wind and the like to a concentrated beam of light.

Vse štiri zaščitne stranice 13 se oblikovno in gabaritno prilagajajo prizmastim stranicam in linijam, ki jih tvorijo stranice nosilnega ogrodja leče 2.1 s stranicami kvadratastega ogrodja 5 z vsaj dvema nosilnima prečkama 6.0, 6.1, 6.2 in 6.3 sl. 1.All four protective sides 13 are formally and overall adapted to the prism sides and lines formed by the sides of the lens mounting bracket 2.1 with the sides of the square frame 5 with at least two support bars 6.0, 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3. 1.

Claims (15)

1. Večfunkcijski samonastavljiv sončni koncentrator sončne energije na pretvorni medij zasnovan tako, da je sestavljen iz posameznih sestavnih delov, ki tvorijo višje sestave, ki so med seboj funkcijsko in konstrukcijsko povezani na način, da tvorijo celovito napravo za zbiranje sončne energije (a), ki prihaja skozi lečo (2), vpeto v okvir (2.1), ter so na sredino posameznih stranic okvirja (2.1) pritrjene nosilne prečke (6.0), (6.1), (6.2) in (6.3), v spodnjem delu privijačene z vijaki (5.1) na kvadratasto ogrodje (5), ki predstavlja povezovalni in hkrati nosilni sestavni del celotne nosilne konstrukcije leče (2), ki ima na dveh diametralnih stranicah zmontirana dva sestava za višinsko nastavitev nosilne konstrukcije (5.2), ki imata skoznje pravokotni odprtini, v kateri sta vtaknjeni višinski nosilni prečki (5.3), z zobatima letvama (5.3.1), ki sta postavljeni na notranji steni višinskih nosilnih prečk (5.3) tako, da se prečki (5.3) pri ročnem dvigovanju in spuščanju nosilne konstrukcije z lečo (2) privijejo z zateznima vijakoma (5.2.2), v spodnjem delu višinskih nosilnih prečk (5.3), ki sta vpeti v ležajni osi (3.3.1), ki sta povezovalni element na nosilnih ležajnih mehanizmih (8.0) in (8.1), ki sta zmontirana na prosta kraka ogrodja kolektorja (4), a na sredini povezovalne prečke krakov na ogrodju kolektorja (4), je prav tako zmontiran nosilni ležajni mehanizem (7), ki je dvotočkovno vpet na ležajno os (3.3.1), s pomočjo dodatno ojačane konstrukcije osrednjega nosilca (3.3), z zgornjo prečko (3.3.2) in pritrdilno prečko ležajnega mehanizma (3.3.3), s tem da imata vertikalni nosilec (3.3) in vertikalna pritrdilna prečka (3.3.3) izvrtini, v kateri se vstavi in fiksira ležajna os (3.3.1), na katero je zmontiran nosilni ležajni mehanizem (7), ter je v spodnjem delu osrednji nosilec konstrukcije (3.3) pritrjen na nosilno prečko podstavka (3.0), in sicer v zvezdišče z razmikom po 120°, ki ga tvori s prečkami za stabiliziranje podstavka (3.1) in (3.2).1. A multifunctional self-adjusting solar energy concentrator on a conversion medium designed to be composed of individual components that form higher assemblies that are functionally and constructively interconnected in such a way as to form a complete solar energy collection device (a), coming through the lens (2) clamped into the frame (2.1) and the supporting bars (6.0), (6.1), (6.2) and (6.3) fastened in the lower part by screws in the lower part (5.1) to a square frame (5) which represents the connecting and at the same time supporting component of the entire bearing structure of the lens (2), which has two assemblies mounted on two diametrical sides for height adjustment of the supporting structure (5.2), having through them rectangular openings, in which height beams (5.3) are inserted, with toothed battens (5.3.1) mounted on the inner wall of height beams (5.3) such that the beams (5.3) are manually raised and lowered u Fasten the supporting structures with the lens (2) with the clamping screws (5.2.2), in the lower part of the height support bars (5.3), which are clamped in the bearing axis (3.3.1), which are the connecting element on the bearing mechanisms (8.0) ) and (8.1), which are mounted on the free legs of the manifold frame (4), but in the middle of the connecting bar crossbar on the manifold frame (4), also a mounting bearing mechanism (7) is mounted on the bearing axis (2). 3.3.1), by means of a further reinforced structure of the central support (3.3), with an upper crossbar (3.3.2) and a fastening crossbar of the bearing mechanism (3.3.3), with a vertical support (3.3) and a vertical fastening crossbar (3.3). .3) a bore in which the bearing axis (3.3.1) is inserted and fixed, to which the bearing bearing mechanism (7) is mounted, and in the lower part the central support of the structure (3.3) is fixed to the supporting crossbar of the base (3.0), to a hub with a 120 ° spacing formed by barriers to stabilize it paragraphs (3.1) and (3.2). • · ·• · · 2. Večfunkcijski samonastavljiv sončni koncentrator sončne energije na pretvorni medij, po zahtevku l, zasnovan tako, da sestavni in ključni del celovitega sistema koncentriranega sončnega kolektorja predstavlja izmenjevalec (1) kot samostojno - nepovezano napravo, nameščeno v gorišče leče (2).2. The multifunctional self-adjusting solar energy concentrator on the conversion medium, as claimed in claim 1, designed so that the exchanger (1) is an integral and key component of a complete concentrated solar collector system as a stand-alone device mounted in the lens focus (2). 3. Večfunkcijski samonastavljiv sončni koncentrator sončne energije na pretvorni medij, po zahtevku 1, zasnovan tako, da je lahko leča bikonveksna (2.0.2), plankonveksna (2.0.1) in Fresnelova leča z zobatim delom (2.0) ali (2.2).A multifunctional self-adjusting solar energy concentrator to the conversion medium according to claim 1, designed so that the lens can be biconvex (2.0.2), plank convex (2.0.1) and a Fresnel tooth with a toothed part (2.0) or (2.2). 4. Večfunkcijski samonastavljiv sončni koncentrator sončne energije na pretvorni medij, po zahtevku 1, zasnovan tako, da se sončni žarki (a) skozi bikonveksno (2.0.2), plankonveksno (2.0.1) ali Fresnelovo lečo z zobatim delom (2.0) ali (2.2) lomijo na izhodni strani (2.2), (2.2.2) in (2.2.1) ter ustvarjajo navidezno navpično viden stožec, katerega stična točka vseh sončnih žarkov a je gorišče ali fokus.Multifunctional self-adjusting solar energy concentrator to conversion medium according to claim 1, designed to project the sun's rays (a) through a biconvex (2.0.2), plank-convex (2.0.1) or Fresnel tooth with a toothed part (2.0), or (2.2) break on the exit side (2.2), (2.2.2) and (2.2.1) and create a seemingly vertically visible cone whose point of contact with all the sun's rays a is the focal point or focus. 5. Večfunkcijski samonastavljiv sončni koncentrator sončne energije na pretvorni medij, po zahtevku 1, zasnovan tako, da je sistem koncipiran na ročno ali elektromotorno višinsko nastavljivost nosilne konstrukcije (5.2) in s tem nastavljanje gorišča koncentriranega svetlobnega kolektorja.Multifunctional self-adjusting solar energy concentrator to the conversion medium according to claim 1, designed so that the system is designed to manually or electrically adjust the height of the supporting structure (5.2) and thereby adjust the focus of the concentrated light collector. • ·• · 6. Večfunkcijski samonastavljiv sončni koncentrator sončne energije na pretvorni medij, po zahtevku 1, zasnovan tako, da je sistem zasnovan na ročno ali elektromotorno nastavljivost sledenja premikov sonca od vzhoda do zahoda in je izveden s pomočjo vsaj enega nosilnega ležajnega mehanizma za horizontalni nagib (7) in najmanj dveh nosilnih ležajnih mehanizmov (8.0) in (8.1) za vertikalni nagib koncentriranega svetlobnega kolektorja.Multifunctional self-adjusting solar energy concentrator to conversion medium according to claim 1, designed so that the system is based on manual or electromotor adjustability of sun-to-west tracking of sun movements and is carried out by at least one horizontal bearing tilting mechanism (7 ) and at least two bearing mechanisms (8.0) and (8.1) for the vertical inclination of the concentrated light collector. 7. Večfunkcijski samonastavljiv sončni koncentrator sončne energije na pretvorni medij, po zahtevku 1, zasnovan tako, da je nosilni ležajni mehanizem za horizontalni nagib (7) fiksno pritrjen na vertikalni nosilec (3.3) in vertikalno pritrdilno prečko (3.3.3) s pomočjo fiksno pritrjene osi ležaja (3.3.1).Multifunctional self-adjusting solar energy concentrator to the conversion medium according to claim 1, designed so that the horizontal bearing tilting mechanism (7) is fixed to the vertical carrier (3.3) and the vertical fixing bar (3.3.3) by means of a fixed the fixed axles of the bearing (3.3.1). 8. Večfunkcijski samonastavljiv sončni koncentrator sončne energije na pretvorni medij, po zahtevku 1, zasnovan tako, da je celotna konstrukcija kolektorja z lečo (2) vpeta preko osrednjega nosilca konstrukcije (3.3), ki je privarjen v zvezdišče podstavka, ki ga sestavljajo vsaj tri prečke, kot so nosilna prečka podstavka (3.0) in prečki za stabiliziranje podstavka (3.1, 3.2), ki sta nameščeni pod kotom 120° na nosilno prečko podstavka (3.0).Multifunctional self-adjusting solar energy concentrator to the conversion medium according to claim 1, designed so that the entire structure of the collector with the lens (2) is fixed through a central structure support (3.3) welded to the hub of the base consisting of at least three rungs, such as the support crossbar of the base (3.0) and the stabilizer crossbars (3.1, 3.2), which are mounted at an angle of 120 ° to the support crossbar of the base (3.0). 9. Večfunkcijski samonastavljiv sončni koncentrator sončne energije na pretvorni medij, po zahtevku 1, zasnovan tako, da se sončni žarki (a) skozi plankonveksno lečo (2.0), ki ima ravninsko sprejemno ploščo zobato, lomijo na izhodni - zbirni strani (2.2.) ter se s pomočjo zrcala (10), ki je lahko hladno ali navadno zrcalo, nameščenega med zbirnim delom leče (2.2) in goriščem, preusmerijo do snopa optičnih kablov (11), ki je spredaj prerezan, s čimer ta prerez predstavlja sprejemni del svetlobe (11.1), skozi katerega prihaja svetloba v optični snop (11) in po njem potuje.9. Multifunctional self-adjusting solar energy concentrator on the conversion medium according to claim 1, designed to refract through the plank-convex lens (2.0) having a planar receiving plate toothed through the planar output side (2.2.) and by means of a mirror (10), which may be a cold or ordinary mirror located between the collecting part of the lens (2.2) and the focal point, is routed to the front of the fiber optic cable (11), which represents this receiving portion of light (11.1) through which light enters and travels through the optical beam (11). 10. Večfunkcijski samonastavljiv sončni koncentrator sončne energije na pretvorni medij, po zahtevku 1, zasnovan tako, da je zrcalo (10) s pomočjo nosilca zrcala (10.1) pritrjeno z nastavljivim nosilcem za zrcalo (9.0) vsaj v eni točki na nosilno prečko (6.2) okvirja z lečo (2), medtem ko je na nasprotno diametralno prečko zmontiran nastavljiv nosilec za snop optičnih kablov (9.1), na katerega je pritrjen snop optičnih kablov (11).Multifunctional self-adjusting solar energy concentrator to the conversion medium according to claim 1, designed to attach the mirror (10) with the adjustable mirror carrier (9.0) at least at one point to the support bar (6.2) by means of a mirror carrier (10.1). ) with a lens frame (2), while an adjustable optical fiber bundle bracket (9.1) is mounted on the opposite diametrical crossbar to which a bundle of optical cables (11) is attached. 11. Večfunkcijski samonastavljiv sončni koncentrator sončne energije na pretvorni medij, po zahtevku 1, zasnovan tako, da je za varnost celotnega sistema proti pregrevanju zasnovan tako, da smo izdelali varnostne žaluzije (12) kot samostojen sestav, ki je s pomočjo nosilne konstrukcije žaluzije (12.4) vpet in postavljen na nosilno ogrodje leče (2.1) tako, da je kot sistem snemljiv ter da deluje avtomatsko, in sicer tako, da ko sistem zazna približevanje mejni zgornji temperaturi, se s pomočjo elektromotornega pogona (12.1) zaprejo žaluzije (12.2), s pomočjo nosilnega mehanizma za odpiranje in zapiranje žaluzij (12.3), ki povezuje elektromotorni pogon (12.1) in žaluzije (12.2).11. The multifunctional self-adjusting solar energy concentrator on the conversion medium according to claim 1, which is designed to be designed for the safety of the entire overheating system by making safety blinds (12) as a stand-alone assembly, which is supported by a blind structure ( 12.4) The blinds (12.2) shall be clamped and mounted on the lens mounting bracket (2.1) so as to be detachable and to operate automatically, such that when the system detects an approaching limit upper temperature, the blinds (12.2) are closed by means of an electric motor drive (12.1) , by means of a supporting mechanism for opening and closing the blinds (12.3), which connects the electric motor drive (12.1) and the blinds (12.2). • · · ·• · · · 12. Večfunkcijski samonastavljiv sončni koncentrator sončne energije na pretvorni medij, po zahtevku 1, zasnovan tako, da je stranska protitoplotna zaščita koncentriranega dela sončnih žarkov (a) izvedena s štirimi zaščitnimi stranicami (13), ki se oblikovno in gabaritno prilagajajo prizmastim stranicam in linijam, ki jih tvorijo stranice nosilnega ogrodja leče (2.1) s stranicami kvadratnega ogrodja (5) z vsaj dvema nosilnima prečkama (6.0), (6.1), (6.2) in (6.3).Multifunctional self-adjusting solar energy concentrator to conversion medium according to claim 1, designed so that the lateral anti-thermal protection of the concentrated part of the sun's rays (a) is provided with four protective sides (13) that are adapted to the prism sides and lines in shape and dimension formed by the sides of the lens support frame (2.1) with the sides of the square frame (5) with at least two support bars (6.0), (6.1), (6.2) and (6.3). 13. Večfunkcijski samonastavljiv sončni koncentrator sončne energije na pretvorni medij, po zahtevku 2, zasnovan tako, da je lahko izmenjevalec (1) kot samostojna - nepovezana naprava postavljena v gorišče leče (2), konstrukcijsko zasnovan tako, da se skozi njega pretaka voda (1.5.0) kot medij, ki se pretvarja v vodno paro (1.5.1), in drugič, da je v izmenjevalcu zmontiran cevni odjemalec - kondenzator s prisilno cirkulacijo (1.3), ki prevzema toplotno energijo od segretega medija (1.4), ki je lahko visokotemperaturno olje.13. Multifunctional self-adjusting solar energy concentrator on the conversion medium, according to claim 2, designed so that the exchanger (1) can be placed as a stand-alone device in the focal point of the lens (2), designed to flow water through it ( 1.5.0) as the medium to be converted to water vapor (1.5.1) and secondly to the installation of a tube-condenser with forced circulation (1.3) in the exchanger, which receives thermal energy from the heated medium (1.4), which it can be high temperature oil. 14. Večfunkcijski samonastavljiv sončni koncentrator sončne energije na pretvorni medij, po zahtevku 9, zasnovan tako, da je s preusmeritvijo sončne svetlobe (a) do snopa optičnih kablov (11), ki je spredaj prerezan, s čimer ta prerez predstavlja sprejemni del svetlobe (11.1), skozi katerega prihaja svetloba (a) v optični snop (11) in po njem potuje do želenega mesta, kjer to svetlobo uporabimo za razsvetljavo.A multifunctional self-adjusting solar concentrator of solar energy to the conversion medium according to claim 9, designed to be diverted by the divergence of sunlight (a) to the optical fiber bundle (11), thereby making this cross section a receiving portion of light ( 11.1) through which light (a) enters and travels through the optical beam (11) to the desired point where this light is used for illumination. 15. Večfunkcijski samonastavljiv sončni koncentrator sončne energije na pretvorni medij, po zahtevku 9, zasnovan tako, da je s preusmeritvijo sončne svetlobe (a) do snopa optičnih kablov (11), ki je spredaj prerezan, s čimer ta prerez predstavlja sprejemni del svetlobe (11.1), skozi katerega prihaja svetloba (a) v optični snop (11) in po njem potuje do prizme (11.2), ki to svetlobo razčleni v barvni spekter, ki se nato prenaša po slehernem optičnem vlaknu (11.3) in se usmeri na fotovoltaično celico (11.4), s čimer proizvedemo električni tok, ob hkratnem zmanjševanju pregrevanja fotovoltaične celice (11.4), s čimer povečamo njen izkoristek.15. Multifunctional self-adjusting solar concentrator of solar energy to the conversion medium according to claim 9, designed to be diverted by the diversion of sunlight (a) to the optical fiber bundle (11), thereby constituting the receiving portion of light ( 11.1), through which light (a) enters and travels through the optical beam (11) to a prism (11.2), which splits that light into the color spectrum, which is then transmitted through each optical fiber (11.3) and directed to the photovoltaic (11.4) to produce electricity, while reducing the overheating of the photovoltaic cell (11.4), thereby increasing its efficiency.
SI201500163A 2015-07-07 2015-07-07 Multi-function self-adjusting solar concentrator SI25035A (en)

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