SI24930A - A lock with a cylindrical insert with the electric triggering - Google Patents

A lock with a cylindrical insert with the electric triggering Download PDF


Publication number
SI24930A SI201500016A SI201500016A SI24930A SI 24930 A SI24930 A SI 24930A SI 201500016 A SI201500016 A SI 201500016A SI 201500016 A SI201500016 A SI 201500016A SI 24930 A SI24930 A SI 24930A
Prior art keywords
cylindrical insert
locking pin
lock according
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Slovenian (sl)
Tadej Weber
Iztok Sedej
Ivo Droljc
Original Assignee
NAVKOM d.o.o.
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Application filed by NAVKOM d.o.o. filed Critical NAVKOM d.o.o.
Priority to SI201500016A priority Critical patent/SI24930A/en
Publication of SI24930A publication Critical patent/SI24930A/en



  • Lock And Its Accessories (AREA)


Predmet izuma je ključavnica s cilindričnim vložkom z električnim proženjem. Oklep cilindričnega vložka ima enake zunanje vgradne mere kot normalni cilindrični vložek, namenjen odklepanju in zaklepanju s ključem, nima pa notranjega dela z zatiči in reže za vstavitev ključa. Ključavnico po izumu lahko uporabimo pri novih namestitvah, možno pa je tudi že nameščen standardni cilindrični vložek v normalni vdolbni ključavnici uspešno zamenjati s prirejenim cilindričnim vložkom po izumu in omogočiti električno proženje (odklepanje in zaklepanje ključavnice) s pomočjo električnega prožilnika kot je senzorsko stikalo na podlagi prstnega odtisa oz. preko brezžičnega daljinskega prožilnika. Ključavnico s cilindričnim vložkom z električnim proženjem sestavljajo prirejen cilindrični vložek (1) notranji gumb (2) in zunanji gumb (3).The object of the invention is a lock with a cylindrical insert with electrically actuating. The enclosure of the cylindrical cartridge has the same external mounting dimensions as a normal cylindrical insert, designed to be unlocked and locked with a key, but it does not have an inner part with pins and key inserts. The lock according to the invention can be used for new installations, but it is possible to replace the standard cylindrical insert in the normal recessed lock with the modified cylindrical insert according to the invention and to enable electric trigger (locking and locking of the lock) with an electric trigger such as a sensor switch on the basis fingerprint via a wireless remote control. The lock with a cylindrical insert with electrical actuation consists of an adapted cylindrical insert (1) an inner button (2) and an external button (3).



Predmet izuma je ključavnica s cilindričnim vložkom z električnim proženjem. Oklep cilindričnega vložka ima enake zunanje vgradne mere kot normalni cilindrični vložek, namenjen odklepanju in zaklepanju s ključem, nima pa notranjega dela z zatiči in reže za vstavitev ključa. Ključavnico po izumu lahko uporabimo pri novih namestitvah, možno pa je tudi že nameščen standardni cilindrični vložek v normalni vdolbni ključavnici uspešno zamenjati s prirejenim cilindričnim vložkom po izumu in omogočiti električno proženje (odklepanje in zaklepanje ključavnice) s pomočjo električnega prožilnika kot je senzorsko stikalo na podlagi prstnega odtisa oz. preko brezžičnega daljinskega prožilnika. Izum sodi v razred E05B 49/00 mednarodne patentne klasifikacije.The subject of the invention is a lock with a cylindrical insert with electric actuation. The cylindrical insert armor has the same external mounting dimensions as a normal cylindrical insert designed to be unlocked and locked with a key, but does not have an internal part with pins and slots to insert a key. The lock according to the invention can be used in new installations, but it is also possible to successfully replace a standard cylindrical insert in a normal recessed lock with a custom cylindrical insert according to the invention and to enable electrical actuation (unlocking and locking of the lock) by an electric actuator such as a sensor switch based on fingerprint or. via a wireless remote control. The invention belongs to class E05B 49/00 of the international patent classification.

is Tehnični problem, ki ga predložena konstrukcija po izumu uspešno rešuje, je takšna izvedba cilindričnega vložka z električnim proženjem, ki bo v prvi vrsti omogočala enostavno zamenjavo standardnega cilindričnega vložka za zaklepanje s ključem, tako, da za zaklepanje vrat ne bo potreben ključ, ampak bo odklepanje ali zaklepanje vrat omogočeno s čitalcem prstnih odtisov ali preko brezžičnega daljinskega prožilnika. Izum omogoča tudi zanesljivejše delovanje in manjšo porabo kar se tiče energetske A technical problem that the present invention successfully solves is the embodiment of a cylindrical insert with electric actuation, which will primarily enable easy replacement of a standard cylindrical locking key with a key so that the key will not be required to lock the door, but the door will be unlocked or locked with a fingerprint reader or via a wireless remote control. The invention also allows for more reliable operation and lower power consumption.

Pri znanih izvedbah elektromehanskih ključavnic (npr. firme BurgVVachter) je zunanji gumb nameščen na tanki medeninasti osi, konstrukcija pa uporablja tudi majhno mehansko ključavnico na zunanji strani vrat, ki je vgrajena v oklep za slučaj, če odpovedo baterije. Prav tako je sprejemna antena za brezžično krmiljenje nameščena na notranji strani vrat, kar pa ne omogoča uporabo takšnih elektromehanskih ključavnic za kovinska vrata, temveč samo za lesena ali plastična vrata, saj pri kovinskih vratih odpove daljinsko brezžično krmiljenje (»Faradayeva kletka«).For well-known electromechanical locks (eg BurgVVachter), the outer knob is mounted on a thin brass axle, and the construction also uses a small mechanical lock on the outside of the door that is built into the armor in the event of a battery failure. Also, a wireless control receiving antenna is mounted on the inside of the door, which does not allow the use of such electromechanical door locks for metal doors, but only for wooden or plastic doors, since it cancels remote wireless controls (Faraday cage) for metal doors.

Problem uporabe električne ključavnice za odklepanje in zaklepanje vrat pri znanih izvedbenih rešitvah ki so na tržišču je tudi v tem, da je za njihovo uporabo potreben električni signal na obeh straneh vrat. Rešitev po izumu pa omogoča, da pri zaklepanju in odklepanju vrat z notranje strani ni potreben električni signal, kar pomeni velik prihranek energije in is zanesljivejše in dolgotrajno delovanje. Vse dosedanje poznane rešitve elektronskih ključavnic imajo zaporno sklopko v svojem jedru, pri pričujočem izumu pa je sklopka v obliki zagozde zunaj jedra.The problem of using an electric lock for unlocking and locking doors in the well-known implementation solutions that are commercially available is that their use requires an electrical signal on both sides of the door. The solution according to the invention, however, allows the door to be locked and unlocked from the inside without the need for an electrical signal, which means great energy savings and a more reliable and long-lasting operation. All known solutions of electronic locks so far have a locking clutch at their core, and in the present invention, the clutch is in the form of a wedge outside the core.

Izum bomo podrobno obrazložili na osnovi izvedbenega primera in pripadajočih slik od katerih kaže:The invention will be explained in detail on the basis of an embodiment and the accompanying drawings, of which:

slika 1 aksonometrični pogled na sestavo ključavnice s cilindričnim vložkom z električnim proženjem po izumu;Fig. 1 is an axonometric view of the assembly of an electrically actuated cylinder lock according to the invention;

slika 2 aksonometrični pogled na sestavo ključavnice s cilindričnim vložkom z električnim proženjem v razstavljenem stanju po izumu;Fig. 2 is an axonometric view of the assembly of an electrically-actuated cylindrical insert in the disassembled state of the invention;

slika 3 aksonometrični pogled na notranji gumb z namestitvijo 5 zapiralnega zatiča za električno proženje ključavnice po izumu;Fig. 3 is an axonometric view of the inner knob by installing a 5 locking pin for electrically actuating a lock according to the invention;

slika 4 prerez sestava ključavnice s cilindričnim vložkom z električnim proženjem po izumu;Fig. 4 is a cross-sectional view of an electrically-actuated cylinder lock assembly according to the invention;

slika 5 vzdolžni prerez notranjega gumba s prikazom ročne io deblokade ključavnice s cilindričnim vložkom po izumu;Figure 5 is a longitudinal cross-sectional view of an inner button depicting a manual io lock release of a cylinder insert according to the invention;

slika 6 blok shema elektronskega dela ključavnice s cilindričnim vložkom z električnim proženjem po izumu;6 is a block diagram of an electronic part of a cylindrical insert with electrical actuation according to the invention;

slika 7 shematski prikaz sestave elektronskega dela ključavnice s cilindričnim vložkom z električnim proženjem po izumu.Fig. 7 is a schematic illustration of the composition of the electronic part of a cylindrical insert with electrical actuation according to the invention.

Ključavnico s cilindričnim vložkom z električnim proženjem po izumu sestavljajo prirejen cilindrični vložek 1, notranji gumb 2 in zunanji gumb 3. V notranjem gumbu 2 se nahaja mehanizem mehanskega odklepanja in zaklepanja, elektronski del ključavnice in baterija.The electrically actuated cylinder lock lock according to the invention consists of a modified cylinder insert 1, an inner button 2 and an external button 3. The inner button 2 houses a mechanical unlocking and locking mechanism, an electronic part of the lock and a battery.

2o Notranji gumb 2 in zunanji gumb 3 sta medsebojno povezana z osjo 4, ki poteka skozi oklep 5 cilindričnega vložka in brado 9. Os 4 ima izvedene utore 6, ki omogočajo montažo osi 4 v različne dolžine oklepov 5. Na koncu osi 4, ki je povezana z notranjim gumbom 2, je oblikovan zaključni • · • · · · del 7 v obliki šestoglate prizme, ki nalega v enako oblikovano odprtino 8 v notranjem gumbu 2. Takšna povezava notranjega gumba 2 in osi 4 z zunanjim gumbom 3 omogoča, da lahko z obračanjem notranjega gumba 2 ali zunanjega gumba 3 premikamo brado 9 v cilindričnem vložku 1 in na ta način odklepamo ali zaklepamo ključavnico.2o The inner button 2 and the outer button 3 are connected to each other by an axis 4 passing through the armor 5 of the cylindrical insert and a beard 9. The axis 4 has grooves 6 which allow the axis 4 to be mounted in different lengths of the armor 5. At the end of the axis 4 which is connected to the inner button 2, a closing 7 · shaped hexagonal prism is formed, which fits into the same shaped opening 8 in the inner button 2. Such connection of the inner button 2 and axis 4 with the outer button 3 allows by turning the inner knob 2 or the outer knob 3, we can move the beard 9 in the cylinder insert 1 to unlock or lock the lock.

Premikanje oz. vrtenje sestave zunanjega gumba 3, osi 4 in notranjega gumba 2 je pogojeno s položajem zapiralnega zatiča 10 s prisekano konico 11, ki je nameščen v notranjem gumbu 2.Moving or the rotation of the assembly of the outer knob 3, the axis 4 and the inner knob 2 is conditioned by the position of the locking pin 10 with the truncated tip 11 located in the inner knob 2.

Zapiralni zatič 10 ima na enem koncu izvedeno prisekano konico 11, ki io poteka skozi ploščico 12 za držanje konice zatiča 10, drugi konec zatiča 10 pa je prerezan in povezan z ustrezno pravokotno oblikovano osjo 13 elektromotorja 15 z reduktorjem. Med nasedom 16 zapiralnega zatiča 10 in elektromotorjem 15 z reduktorjem je nameščena še vzmet 14.The locking pin 10 has a truncated tip 11 at one end, which passes through the plate 12 to hold the tip of the pin 10, and the other end of the pin 10 is cut and connected to a properly rectangular axis 13 of the electric motor 15 by a gearbox. A spring 14 is mounted between the seat 16 of the locking pin 10 and the electric motor 15 with the gear unit.

Sestav zapiralnega zatiča 10 z elektromotorjem 15 z reduktorjem je is nameščen v notranjem gumbu 2 izven glavne povezovalne osi 4 tako, da gleda prisekana konica 11 zapiralnega zatiča 10 iz prednje ploskve notranjega gumba 2 in se pri obračanju sestave zunanjega gumba 3, osi 4 in notranjega gumba 2, zadeva v oklep 5 cilindričnega vložka.The assembly of the locking pin 10 with the electric motor 15 with the gear unit is located in the inner button 2 outside the main connecting axis 4 by looking at the truncated tip 11 of the closing pin 10 from the front surface of the inner button 2 and when rotating the composition of the outer button 3, the axis 4 and the inner Button 2, fits into the shell 5 of the cylinder insert.

Položaj prisekane konice 11 zapiralnega zatiča 10 je možno obračati z 20 delovanjem elektromotorja 15 za 220° v dva skrajna položaja. V enem skrajnem položaju prisekane konice 11 glede na oklep 5 se zapiralni zatič 10 vgrezne v notranji gumb 2. V tem položaju je z vrtenjem sestava zunanjega gumba 3, osi 4 in notranjega gumba 2 možno ključavnico odkleniti ali zakleniti, odvisno v katero smer vrtimo omenjeni sestav. V drugem skrajnem položaju prisekane konice 11 glede na oklep 5 pa se zapiralni zatič 10 ne vgrezne v notranji gumb 2 in je s tem onemogočeno odklepanje ali zaklepanje klučavnice.The position of the truncated tip 11 of the locking pin 10 can be rotated by 20 operating the electric motor 15 by 220 ° to two extreme positions. In one extreme position of the truncated tip 11 with respect to armor 5, the locking pin 10 is inserted into the inner button 2. In this position, the rotation of the outer button 3, the axis 4 and the inner button 2 can be unlocked or locked, depending on the direction in which said composition. In the other extreme position of the truncated tip 11 relative to the armor 5, however, the locking pin 10 does not fit into the inner knob 2 and thus prevents the lock from being unlocked or locked.

Na ta način lahko s signalom iz električnega prožilnika, kot je senzorsko kapacitivno stikalo na podlagi prstnega odtisa na zunanjem gumbu 3, oz. preko brezžičnega daljinskega prožilnika sprožimo elektromotor 15 z reduktorjem, ki premakne položaj prisekane konice 11 zapiralnega zatičaIn this way, a signal from an electrical trigger, such as a sensor capacitive switch based on the fingerprint on the outer button 3, or via a wireless remote actuator, an electric motor 15 is actuated by a reducer that moves the position of the truncated tip 11 of the locking pin


ίο V primeru, da želimo vrteti sestav zunanjega gumba 3, osi 4 in notranjega gumba 2 ročno (brez uporabe signala iz električnega prožilnika) je na notranjem gumbu 2 nameščen tudi obroč 17 za ročno deblokado zapiralnega zatiča 10. Obroč 17 je preko vzmeti 18 nameščen na ohišje notranjega gumba 2.ίο If we want to rotate the assembly of the outer knob 3, axle 4 and the inner knob 2 manually (without using the signal from the electric actuator), a ring 17 is also mounted on the inner knob 2 for manual unlocking of the locking pin 10. The ring 17 is mounted via a spring 18 to the inner button housing 2.

is Ročna deblokada zapiralnega zatiča 10 omogoča, da lahko z notranje strani ročno zaklenemo ali odklenemo ključavnico brez električnega signala. Delovanje ročne deblokade je prikazano na sliki The manual unlocking of the locking pin 10 enables us to manually lock or unlock the lock from the inside without an electrical signal. The operation of manual unblocking is shown in Figure 5.

V notranji gumb 2 je poleg sistema z zapiralnim zatičem 10 vgrajen tudi elektronski del ključavnice in ustrezna baterija. Blok shema elektronskega dela je prikazana na sliki 6. Elektronski del sestavlja mikrokrmilno vezjeInside the inner button 2, in addition to the system with the locking pin 10, there is an electronic lock part and a corresponding battery. The block diagram of the electronic part is shown in Figure 6. The electronic part consists of a microcontroller circuit

20, na katerega je priključen enkoder 21 senzorskega kapacitivnega stikala, ki deluje na podlagi prstnega odtisa, pomnilno vezje 22 in RF sprejemnik 23. Mikrokrmilno vezje 20 na podlagi prejetega signala s strani senzorskega kapacitivnega stikala na podlagi prstnega odtisa na zunanjem gumbu 3, oz. preko signala brezžičnega daljinskega prožilnika, krmili preko vezja 24 elektromotor 15 z reduktorjem.20, to which an encoder 21 of a sensor capacitive switch based on a fingerprint, a memory circuit 22 and an RF receiver is connected 23. A microcontroller circuit 20 based on a received signal from a sensor capacitive switch based on a fingerprint on an external button 3, respectively. via the signal of the wireless remote actuator, control via the circuit 24 an electric motor 15 with a gearbox.

Poleg navedenega ima elektronski del še vizualno 25 in zvočno 26 signalizacijo delovanja ter ustrezno napajanje s pomočjo baterije 27, vgrajene v notranji gumb 2. oz. s pomožnim napajanjem 28 preko boost pretvornika 29,In addition to the above, the electronic part also has visual 25 and audio 26 signaling of operation and proper power supply by means of the battery 27, built into the internal button 2. or. with auxiliary power 28 via boost converter 29,

Ključavnica s cilindričnim vložkom po izumu deluje na principu komunikacije zunanjega senzorskega kapacitivnega stikala na podlagi io prstnega odtisa na zunanjem gumbu 3 oz. brezžičnega daljinskega prožilnika z elektronskim delom, ki j nameščen v notranjem gumbu 2, v katerem je sistem z zapiralnim zatičem 10 in elektromotr 15 z reduktorjem. Elektronski del je nameščen globoko v vratno krilo in do njega ni mogoče dostopati, kadar so vrata zaprta. Komunikacija med zunanjim senzorjem in notranjim elektronskim delom je zaščitena z enkripcijo, kar pomeni, da se odklepanje vrat z zunanje strani ne da sprožiti tudi v primeru, da se ključavnica odstrani z vrat.The cylindrical insert lock according to the invention operates on the principle of communication of an external sensor capacitive switch based on an io fingerprint on an external button 3 or. a wireless remote control unit with an electronic part located in the inner button 2, which has a system with a locking pin 10 and an electric motor 15 with a gearbox. The electronic part is mounted deep into the door leaf and cannot be accessed when the door is closed. Communication between the external sensor and the internal electronic part is encrypted, which means that the unlocking of the door from the outside cannot be triggered even if the lock is removed from the door.

Elektronski del, ki je nameščen v notranjem gumbu 2 je z žično povezavo povezan preko izvrtine v osi 4 s senzorskim kapacitivnim stikalom na podlagi prstnega odtisa, nameščenim na zunanjem gumbu 3. Poleg tega leži v izvrtini osi 4 še antena elektronskega dela, kar omogoča nemoteno proženje elektronskega dela s pomočjo brezžičnega daljinskega prožilnika.The electronic part mounted in the inner button 2 is connected to the hole in the axis 4 by a sensor capacitive switch based on the fingerprint mounted on the outer button 3. In addition, the antenna of the electronic part lies in the hole of the axis 4, which allows undisturbed actuation of the electronic part by means of a wireless remote control.

Namestitev površinskega kapacitivnega stikala na podlagi prstnega odtisa na zunanjem gumbu 3, je na hrbtni strani držala gumba 3, kar omogoča uporabniku, da prst položi na tipalo v istem hipu, ko prime za držalo. Vrata se takoj odklenejo.The placement of a surface capacitive switch based on the fingerprint on the outer button 3 is located on the back of the button holder 3, which allows the user to place his finger on the sensor at the same instant as he grips the holder. The door unlocks immediately.

Upravljanje z nastavitvami je izredno preprosto in se vrši s pomočjo dveh tipk, ki sta vgrajeni v hrbtno stran držala na zunanjem gumbu 3. Lahko se dodaja administratorje in uporabnike, jih briše iz spomina, izbira, katere releje bo prožil posamezni prstni odtis ter izbiramo način varčne porabe energije. Kadar se ne izvaja nobena funkcija je elektronski del v io stanju pripravljenosti, kar pomeni, da se vrata odklenejo takoj, ko na tipalo položimo prstni odtis, ki je shranjen v spominu naprave.It is extremely easy to manage the settings and is done with two buttons built into the back of the holder on the external button 3. You can add administrators and users, delete them from memory, choose which relays the individual fingerprint will trigger, and choose the mode economical energy consumption. When no function is performed, the electronic part is in io standby mode, which means that the door is unlocked as soon as the fingerprint stored in the device memory is placed on the sensor.

Prva tri spominska mesta so namenjena administratorjem (lastnikom in upraviteljem). Vneseni so lahko trije prstni odtisi iste osebe ali pa več različnih prstov različnih oseb v poljubni kombinaciji. Vnašanje in brisanje uporabnikov je mogoče le ob prisotnosti administratorja.The first three memorial sites are for administrators (owners and managers). Three fingerprints of the same person can be entered, or several different fingers of different persons can be entered in any combination. You can only enter and delete users in the presence of an administrator.

Sika 6 prikazuje še shematski prikaz sestave elektronskega dela ključavnice s cilindričnim vložkom z električnim proženjem po izumu.Sika 6 also shows a schematic representation of the composition of the electronic part of a cylindrical insert with an electric actuator according to the invention.

Claims (5)

1. Ključavnica s cilindričnim vložkom z električnim proženjem., označena s tem,Cylindrical insert with electrically actuated key. 5 da jo sestavljajo prirejen cilindrični vložek (1) notranji gumb (2) in zunanji gumb (3), pri čemer je sestav zapiralnega zatiča (10) z elektromotorjem (15) z reduktorjem nameščen v notranjem gumbu (2) izven glavne povezovalne osi (4) tako, da gleda prisekana konica (11) zapiralnega zatiča (10) iz prednje ploskve notranjega gumba (2) in se io pri obračanju sestave zunanjega gumba (3), osi (4) in notranjega gumba (2) zadeva v oklep (5) cilindričnega vložka (1).5 that it consists of a modified cylindrical insert (1) an internal button (2) and an external button (3), the assembly of the locking pin (10) by an electric motor (15) with a gear unit located inside the inner button (2) outside the main connecting axis (5). 4) by looking at the truncated tip (11) of the locking pin (10) from the front face of the inner knob (2) and, when rotating the composition of the outer knob (3), the axle (4) and the inner knob (2), it comes into the armor ( 5) cylindrical insert (1). 2. Ključavnica s cilindričnim vložkom z električnim proženjem po zahtevku 1,A cylindrical insert with electrically actuated lock according to claim 1, 15 označena s tem, da je obračanje zapiralnega zatiča (10) s prisekano konico (11) izvedeno z elektromotorjem (15) z reduktorjem, pri čemer je od položaja prisekane konice (11) glede na oklep (5) odvisen trenutni status ključavnice (odklenjeno - zaklenjeno).15, characterized in that the rotation of the locking pin (10) with the truncated tip (11) is carried out by an electric motor (15) with a reducer, depending on the position of the truncated tip (11) with respect to the armor (5) depending on the current status of the lock (unlocked). - locked). 3. Ključavnica s cilindričnim vložkom z električnim proženjem po zahtevku 1, in 2 označena s tem, da ima zapiralni zatič (10) ima na enem koncu izvedeno prisekano konico (11), ki poteka skozi ploščico (12) za držanje konice (11) zatiča (10), drugi konec zatiča (10) pa je prerezan in povezan z ustrezno pravokotno oblikovano osjo (13) elektromotorja (15) z reduktorjem in jeElectrically actuated cylindrical insert lock according to claim 1 and 2, characterized in that the locking pin (10) has a truncated tip (11) at one end extending through the plate (12) for holding the tip (11). the pin (10) and the other end of the pin (10) is cut and connected to a properly rectangular shaped axis (13) of the electric motor (15) with a gearbox and is 5 med nasedom (16) zapiralnega zatiča (10) in elektromotorjem (15) z reduktorjem nameščena še vzmet (14).5, a spring (14) is mounted between the locking pin (16) of the locking pin (10) and the electric motor (15) with the gear unit. 4. Ključavnica s cilindričnim vložkom z električnim proženjem po kateremkoli od predhodnih zahtevkov, io označena s tem, da v notranjem gumbu (2) nameščen mehanizem mehanskega odklepanja in zaklepanja, elektronski del ključavnice in baterija.Electric-actuated cylindrical insert lock according to any one of the preceding claims, io characterized in that a mechanical unlocking mechanism, an electronic part of the lock and a battery are provided in the inner button (2). 5. Ključavnica s cilindričnim vložkom z električnim proženjem po 15 kateremkoli od predhodnih zahtevkov, označena s tem, da je površinsko kapacitivno stikalo na podlagi prstnega odtisa nameščeno na hrbtni strani držala zunanjega gumba0).Electric-actuated cylindrical cartridge lock according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the surface capacitive switch based on the fingerprint is mounted on the back of the outer button holder0). 20 6. Ključavnica s cilindričnim vložkom z električnim proženjem po kateremkoli od predhodnih zahtevkov, označena s tem, da ročna deblokada zapiralnega zatiča (10) omogoča, da lahko z notranje strani vrat ročno zaklenemo ali odklenemo ključavnico brez električnega signala.Electrically-actuated cylindrical insert lock according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the manual unlocking of the locking pin (10) enables the door to be manually locked or unlocked from the inside without an electrical signal.
SI201500016A 2015-02-05 2015-02-05 A lock with a cylindrical insert with the electric triggering SI24930A (en)

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SI201500016A SI24930A (en) 2015-02-05 2015-02-05 A lock with a cylindrical insert with the electric triggering

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Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US11655653B1 (en) 2022-04-15 2023-05-23 Digilock Asia Ltd. Electronically operated lock cylinder

Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US11655653B1 (en) 2022-04-15 2023-05-23 Digilock Asia Ltd. Electronically operated lock cylinder

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