SI24378A - Clever protection cover - Google Patents

Clever protection cover Download PDF


Publication number
SI24378A SI201300159A SI201300159A SI24378A SI 24378 A SI24378 A SI 24378A SI 201300159 A SI201300159 A SI 201300159A SI 201300159 A SI201300159 A SI 201300159A SI 24378 A SI24378 A SI 24378A
Prior art keywords
protective cover
intelligent protective
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Slovenian (sl)
Bojan Hafner
Stanislav Kuralt
Nabergoj Nataša Zupin
Original Assignee
Zvezda Spt D.O.O.
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Application filed by Zvezda Spt D.O.O. filed Critical Zvezda Spt D.O.O.
Priority to SI201300159A priority Critical patent/SI24378A/en
Publication of SI24378A publication Critical patent/SI24378A/en



  • Alarm Systems (AREA)


Inteligentno zaščitno pregrinjalo rešuje problem preprečevanja nastanka situacij, ki bi v primeru izpostavljenosti ognju in visoki temperaturi lahko ogrozile zdravje in življenje izpostavljenega in sicer z zgornjim delom inteligentnega zaščitnega pregrinjala (1), ki zaradi laminata, iz katerega je sestavljen nudi dobro toplotno in ognjevarno zaščito ter s spodnjim delom (2), ki je izdelan iz enoplastne ognjevarne tkanine in ima na notranji strani nameščene štiri senzorje temperature in vlage (3), centralnoenoto za zajemanje podatkov (5), svetlobni in zvočni pozivnik (6) ter napajalnik (4). Centralna enota periodično prebira vrednosti s senzorjev in jih pošilja naprej, na drugi strani jih USB modul sprejema in jih preko navideznega serijskega porta sporoči aplikaciji, ki podatke prejema, interpretira in beleži, ima pa tudi nastavitve za izbiro serijskega porta USB modula ter nastavitve mejnih vrednosti, pri katerih se sproži opozorilo ali alarm. Pri presegu teh vrednosti je uporabniku posredovano jasnosporočilo, da je nosilec inteligentnega zaščitnega pregrinjala v nevarnosti.The intelligent protective cover solves the problem of preventing situations that, in the event of exposure to fire and high temperature, could endanger the health and life of the exposed, with the upper part of the intelligent protective cover (1), which, due to the laminate from which it is made, offers good thermal and fire protection and a lower part (2) made of a single-layer fireproof fabric and having four temperature and humidity sensors (3) on the inside, a central data acquisition unit (5), a light and audio pager (6), and an adapter (4) . The central unit periodically reads the values from the sensors and sends them forward, on the other hand, the USB module receives them and sends them through the virtual serial port to an application that receives, interprets and records the data, but also has the settings for selecting the serial port of the USB module and the setting of the limit values , for which a warning or alarm is triggered. When exceeding these values, the user is provided with a clear message that the holder of the intelligent protective cover is in danger.


Predmet izuma je Inteligentno zaščitno pregrinjalo, to je pregrinjalo, sešito iz izolativnega kompozita, ki je sestavljen iz ognjevarnih materialov, od katerih ima vsak od njih svojo karakteristično funkcijo. Posamezni materiali so med seboj zlepljeni s posebnim lepilom, ki prenese visoke temperature v bližini ognjenih zubljev. Inteligentno zaščitno pregrinjalo je pregrinjalo, ki služi kot prevleka preko vseh spodnjih, predvsem gasilskih oblačil in nudi dodatno vrhunsko zaščito v primeru ekstremnih situacij. Uporablja se v situacijah, kjer obstaja nevarnost izpostavitvi visokim temperaturam (npr. gašenje požarov). Pregrinjalo z vgrajenimi izolacijskimi in ognjevarnimi materiali nudi dobro toplotno in protipožarno zaščito, s senzorji pa odjema fizikalne vrednosti ter jih sporoča aplikaciji na osebnem računalniku. V primeru da merjene vrednosti presežejo določene meje, pregrinjalo obvesti uporabnika inteligentnega zaščitnega pregrinjala ter nadzornika aplikacije na morebitno nevarnost.The subject of the invention is the Intelligent Protective Cover, that is, a cover made of an insulating composite consisting of fireproof materials, each of which has its own characteristic function. The individual materials are bonded to each other with a special adhesive that can withstand high temperatures near the fiery teeth. The intelligent protective cover is a cover that serves as a cover over all underwear, especially firefighting garments, and offers extra top protection in the event of extreme situations. It is used in situations where there is a risk of exposure to high temperatures (eg fire fighting). The blanket with built-in insulation and flame retardant materials offers good thermal and fire protection, and with sensors it captures physical values and communicates them to the application on a PC. If the measured values exceed certain limits, the cover informs the user of the intelligent protective cover and the application supervisor of any danger.

Tehnični problem, ki ga izum rešuje, je inteligentno zaščitno oblačilo, ki uporabniku nudi zelo dobro toplotno zaščito in zaščito pred ognjem ter samega uporabnika in posredno nadzornika sistema opozori, kdaj se je potrebno umakniti iz mesta izpostavljenosti. Omenjene lastnosti so dosežene s samo zgradbo oblačila, ki je sestavljeno iz kompozita, izdelanega iz specialnih izolativnih in ognjevarnih materialov ter sistema vgrajene senzorike, ki s pomočjo vgrajenih senzorjev za zaznavanje temperature in vlage zajema signale, nosilca z opozorilnimi signali opozarja na kritične pogoje, signale pa preko vmesnikov posreduje aplikaciji na osebnem računalniku in omogoča spremljanje izpostavljenega na daljavo. Oblačilo s tem posredno preprečuje možnost nastanka situacij, ki bi ogrožale zdravje in življenje nosilca.A technical problem solved by the invention is an intelligent protective garment that provides the user with very good thermal and fire protection and warns the user and indirectly the system supervisor when to withdraw from the exposure site. The aforementioned properties are achieved by the construction of the garment itself, which consists of a composite made of special insulating and fireproof materials and a built-in sensor system, which captures signals with the help of built-in sensors for temperature and humidity sensing. it transmits via the interfaces to the application on a personal computer and allows remote exposure monitoring. Clothing thus indirectly prevents the possibility of situations that would endanger the health and life of the wearer.

Gasilci so pri svojem delu izpostavljeni številnim ekstremnim okoliščinam, kot so visoka temperatura, strupeni plini, gost dim, utesnjenost, težaven dostop do ponesrečencev. Zaradi hitrih akcij reševanja, ki so pri gašenju pomembne, gasilec pogosto ne zazna, kdaj pride do razmer, ki so kritične za njegovo zdravje oziroma celo za preživetje.In their work, firefighters are exposed to a number of extreme circumstances, such as high temperature, toxic gases, dense smoke, constriction, difficult access to casualties. Because of rapid rescue operations that are important in extinguishing, a firefighter often does not detect when conditions are critical to his or her health or even survival.

V primerih izpostavljenosti je pravilno zaščitno oblačilo tisto, ki nudi gasilcu zaščito pred neposrednim ognjem, toplotnim sevanjem, visoko temperaturo, ga s tem obvaruje pred telesnimi poškodbami in kar je še bolj bistveno, obvaruje njegovo življenje. Ker pa pride gasilec v situacijo, ko sam ni več zmožen reagirati, je dobro vzpostaviti sistem spremljanja gasilca na daljavo. Kombinacijo zaščite in spremljanja na daljavo je možno doseči z inteligentnim oblačilom, ki je v osnovi sestavljeno tako, da uporabnika ščiti pred fizikalnimi vplivi okolice, s sistemom vgrajene senzorike pa opozarja uporabnika in nadzornika o nastanku kritičnih razmer pri uporabniku.In cases of exposure, a proper protective clothing is one that provides fire protection with direct fire, heat radiation, high temperature, thus protecting it from bodily injury and, more importantly, protecting its life. However, since a firefighter gets into a situation where he or she is no longer able to react, it is a good idea to establish a remote fire monitoring system. The combination of remote protection and monitoring can be achieved with an intelligent garment that is basically designed to protect the user from the physical effects of the environment, and with a built-in sensor system to alert the user and the supervisor of the occurrence of critical conditions in the user.

Do sedaj znani izsledki uporabe senzorjev v oblačilih z namenom zaščite uporabnika in preprečitve nastanka poškodb so naslednji:The known findings to date of using sensors in clothing to protect the wearer and prevent injury are as follows:

Patent CN 202619644 (U) - model rešuje tehnično področje monitoringa vitalnih znakov, v splošnem je to oblačilo s funkcijo zaznavanja vitalnih znakov človeškega telesa. Oblačilo obsega telo oblačila, v katerem je notranjost obogatena z modulom, Bluetooth komunikacijskim modulom in senzorjem, Bluetooth komunikacijski modul je lahko povezan z inteligentnim mobilnim telefonom, senzor se uporablja za zaznavanje in spremljanje vitalnih detekcijskih signalov. Na mobitel je nameščeno večje število številk za klic v sili. V primeru kritične situacije se stresni signal in trenutna lokacija mobilnega telefona prenese na številko za klic v sili.Patent CN 202619644 (U) - The model addresses the technical field of vital sign monitoring, in general it is a garment with the function of sensing the vital signs of the human body. The garment comprises a garment body in which the interior is enriched with a module, a Bluetooth communication module and a sensor, the Bluetooth communication module can be connected to an intelligent mobile phone, the sensor is used to detect and monitor vital detection signals. A number of emergency numbers are installed on the cellphone. In the event of a critical situation, the stress signal and the current location of the mobile phone are transferred to the emergency number.

Patent CN 102526919 (A) predstavlja Inteligentni sistem z vgrajenim rutinskim nadzorom, evakuacijo in vodenjem gasilca, ki obsega Zigbee brezžično inteligentno protipožarno indikacijsko lučko, Zigbee brezžični instrument za vodenje gasilca, Zigbee zbiralec podatkov, Zigbee pretvornik omrežnega protokola, strežnik, komandni sistem, protipožarno varnostno evakuacijsko poizvedbo in nadzorni sistem. Posamezni elementi so povezani med seboj, inteligentni sistem je povezan z • · · • · rutinskim nadzorom, evakuacijo in z vodenjem gasilca v času opravljanja protipožarnega dela. Učinkovito izboljšuje nadzor nad protipožarno zaščito, zmanjšuje smrtnost gasilcev na požarnem območju in omogoča evakuiranje ujete osebo iz področja požara.Patent CN 102526919 (A) is an Intelligent System with built-in routine fire control, evacuation and guidance of a firefighter comprising a Zigbee wireless intelligent fire indicator light, Zigbee wireless firefighter control instrument, Zigbee data collector, Zigbee network protocol converter, server, command, converter security evacuation inquiry and surveillance system. The individual elements are interconnected, and the intelligent system is connected with the routine control, evacuation and guidance of the firefighter during firefighting. Effectively improves fire control, reduces firefighter mortality in the fire area and allows the evacuation of a trapped person from the fire area.

Izum CN 202233104 (U) se nanaša na Integrirana zaščitna oblačila za gasilce in določa kos integriranega zaščitnega oblačila za gasilce. Integrirano zaščitno oblačilo za gasilce sestoji iz prednjega prsnega dela, hrbtnega dela in rokavov, ki so povezani eden z drugim in so označeni s tem, da so vsi trije oblikovani iz ognjevarnega zunanjega sloja, srednjega sloja in prešitega sloja, en sloj za drugim zaporedoma. Srednji sloj vsebuje olje-odbojno pralno obstojno plast. Vodoodbojen dihalno propusten sloj in toplotno-izolacijski sloj sta sestavljena zaporedno, olje odbojen sloj je pripet na vodoodbojen dihalno propusten sloj, ta pa termično stisnjen z izolacijskim slojem in zunanjim ognjevarnim slojem. Zunanji sloj ne sme biti ločen od ostalih treh slojev, zato da se v primeru protipožarnega procesa prepreči nevarnost gorenja in nastanka opeklin pri gasilcih.The invention CN 202233104 (U) relates to Integrated Protective Equipment for firefighters and specifies a piece of integrated protective clothing for firefighters. The integrated protective clothing for firefighters consists of a front chest, back and sleeves that are interconnected and characterized by the fact that all three are formed of a fireproof outer layer, a middle layer and a quilting layer, one layer after another. The middle layer contains an oil-repellent wash-resistant layer. The water-repellent breathable layer and the thermal insulation layer are combined in series, the oil-repellent layer is attached to the water-repellent breathable layer, which is thermally compressed by the insulation layer and the outer fire layer. The outer layer must not be separated from the other three layers in order to prevent the risk of fire and burns to firefighters in the event of a fire process.

Izum US 2012146787 (A1) - brezžični sistem oddajnika-sprejemnika za doseganje varnosti gasilcev se uporablja v povezavi z gasilskim tovornjakom za sledenje gasilcev na območju požara. Sistem bazira na množici prenosnih brezžičnih oddajnikov-sprejemnikov, kjer vsak gasilec nosi enega.Invention US 2012146787 (A1) - A wireless transmitter-receiver system to achieve firefighter safety is used in conjunction with a fire truck to track firefighters in a fire area. The system is based on a plurality of portable wireless transceivers where each firefighter carries one.

Pri naštetih izumih je kombinacija oblačila in senzorjev združena le pri prvem, vendar ne gre za konkretno zaščito v primeru gašenja požara. Vsi ostali izumi opredeljujejo eno izmed rešitev - bodisi da je to brezžični sistem spremljanja uporabnika ali pa zaščitno oblačilo, ki uporabnika ščiti v primeru požara. Naš izum s kombinacijo zaščitnega izolacijskega oblačila in sistemom vgrajene senzorike rešuje oba problema - uporabniku daje dobro zaščito v primeru požara ter omogoča njegov nadzor v času akcije.In the above inventions, the combination of clothing and sensors is only combined in the former, but there is no specific protection in the event of firefighting. All other inventions identify one solution - whether it is a wireless user monitoring system or a protective garment that protects the user in the event of a fire. Our invention, with the combination of a protective insulation garment and a built-in sensor system, solves both problems - giving the user good protection in the event of a fire and enabling his control during the action.

V nadaljevanju je izum opisan na podlagi skice, ki je sestavni del patentne prijave.The invention will now be described on the basis of the drawing, which is an integral part of the patent application.

Inteligentno zaščitno pregrinjalo je v osnovi sestavljeno iz dveh delov. Zgornji del 1 predstavlja vrhnje oblačilo, izdelano iz laminata, ki v jedru vsebuje aerogel, ki ima zelo dobre izolacijske lastnosti in je negorljiv. Laminat je v celoti pet plasten. S spodnje in zgornje strani je na aerogel prilepljena ognjevarna in parapropustna membrana, ki ščiti aerogel in preprečuje prašenje. Membrano s spodnje in zgornje strani obdaja ognjevarna tkanina z zelo dobrimi ognjevarnimi lastnostmi. Zgornji del 1 je krojen s pomočjo krojne slike, oblika kroja omogoča dobro funkcionalnost, istočasno pa dobro zaščito uporabnika pred ognjenimi zublji in visoko temperaturo. Vsi dodatki, uporabljeni pri šivanju inteligentnega zaščitnega pregrinjala oziroma vgrajeni v inteligentno zaščitno pregrinjalo so ognjevarni, tako da inteligentno zaščitno pregrinjalo v celoti ne gori, hkrati pa zaradi vgrajenega aerogela dobro ščiti pred toplotnim sevanjem.The intelligent protective cover is basically made up of two parts. The upper part 1 represents an outer garment made of laminate, which contains an aerogel in the core which has very good insulating properties and is non-combustible. The laminate is fully five layers. A flameproof and vapor permeable membrane is attached to the aerogel from the bottom and top to protect the aerogel and prevent dust. The membrane on the lower and upper sides is surrounded by a flame retardant fabric with very good flame retardant properties. The upper part 1 is cut with the help of a cut-out image, the shape of the cut provides good functionality, while also protecting the wearer from fiery teeth and high temperature. All accessories used in the sewing of the intelligent protective blanket, or incorporated in the intelligent protective blanket, are fireproof, so that the intelligent protective blanket does not burn completely, and at the same time protects against heat radiation due to the built-in aerogel.

Spodnji del 2 ima obliko brezrokavnika, je enoplasten in izdelan iz negorljivega materiala. Ta del je ločen od zgornjega dela 1 zaradi boljše funkcionalnosti samega oblačila in možnosti ločene uporabe enega in drugega dela.The lower part 2 is in the form of a vest, is single layered and made of non-combustible material. This part is separated from the upper part 1 because of the better functionality of the garment itself and the possibility of separate use of one and the other part.

Na notranji strani spodnjega dela 2 je všita elektronika za zaznavnje fizikalnih parametrov (vlažnosti in temperature) in potrebni vmesniki za sporočanje teh parametrov centralni napravi.The inside of the lower part 2 incorporates electronics for sensing physical parameters (humidity and temperature) and the necessary interfaces for communicating these parameters to the central device.

Skupno so na notranji strani spodnjega dela inteligentnega zaščitnega pregrinjala 2 nameščeni štirje kombinirani senzorji temperature in vlage 3, od tega sta dva senzorja locirana na sprednji strani oblačila in dva na hrbtni strani oblačila, tako da skupno tvorijo mrežo senzorjev. Senzorji zagotavljajo podatke o temperaturnem stanju znotraj obleke in o temperaturnih gradientih.In total, four combined temperature and humidity sensors 3 are mounted on the inside of the bottom of the Intelligent Protective Cover 2, two of which are located on the front of the garment and two on the back of the garment to form a sensor network. The sensors provide information on the temperature state within the garment and the temperature gradients.

Senzorji so povezani s centralno enoto 5 za radiofrekvenčnim oddajnikom na izbrani pasovni širini. Centralna enota vsebuje mikrokrmilnik, ki skrbi za odjemanje vrednosti s senzorjev in nadaljno komunikacijo preko radijskega oddajnika. Centralna enota periodično prebira vrednosti s senzorjev in jih pošilja. Te vrednosti so torej štiri temperaturne vrednosti in štiri vrednosti vlažnosti. Na drugi strani jih USB modul sprejme in jih preko navideznega serijskega porta sporoči aplikaciji. USB modul in aplikacija nista sestavni del skice.The sensors are connected to the radio transmitter central unit 5 at the selected bandwidth. The central unit contains a microcontroller, which takes the values from the sensors and communicates further with the radio transmitter. The central unit periodically reads and sends values from the sensors. These values are therefore four temperature values and four humidity values. On the other hand, the USB module accepts them and communicates them to the application via a virtual serial port. The USB module and the application are not part of the sketch.

Na centralno enoto 5 sta povezana tudi svetlobni in zvočni pozivnik 6, ki opozorita nosilca inteligentnega zaščitnega pregrinjala na nevarnost. Pozivnika se sprožita, ko izmerjene vrednosti presežejo izbrane meje. Za napajanje centralne enote skrbi • · · • · napajalnik 4, ki se ga lahko polni s priloženim polnilcem. Nameščen je na bočni strani prednjega dela brezrokavnika.A light and sound pager 6 are also connected to the central unit 5 to alert the wearer of the intelligent protective cover to the danger. The callers are triggered when the measured values exceed the selected limits. The power supply of the central unit is taken care of by the power supply 4, which can be charged with the supplied charger. It is mounted on the side of the front of the vest.

Drugi del sistema, ki ni vgrajen v inteligentno zaščitno pregrinjalo in ni predmet skice izuma predstavlja aplikacija na strani računalnika, ki sprejema poslane podatke preko USB modula, ki se vključi v osebni računalnik. Aplikacija prejema in interpretira senzorske podatke ter jih prikazuje uporabniku. Aplikacija ima nastavitve za izbiro serijskega porta USB modula ter nastavitve mejnih vrednosti, pri katerih se sproži opozorilo ali alarm v aplikaciji. Pri presegu teh vrednosti je nadzorniku posredovano jasno sporočilo, da je uporabnik inteligentnega zaščitnega pregrinjala v nevarnosti. Aplikacija skrbi tudi za logiranje (zapisovanje) dobljenih vrednosti v neko obliko dokumenta na trdem disku računalnika, kar omogoča kasnejši pregled dogodkov in izmerjenih vrednosti.The other part of the system that is not integrated into the intelligent protective cover and is not the subject of the invention is an application on the side of a computer that receives sent data via a USB module which is integrated into the PC. The application receives and interprets sensor data and displays it to the user. The application has settings to select the serial port of the USB module, as well as limit settings that trigger an alert or alarm in the application. When exceeding these values, a clear message is sent to the supervisor that the user of the intelligent protective cover is in danger. The application also takes care of logging (writing) the obtained values in some form of document on the hard disk of the computer, which enables a later review of events and measured values.

Claims (2)

PATENTNI ZAHTEVKIPATENT APPLICATIONS 1. Inteligentno zaščitno pregrinjalo, označeno s tem da sestoji iz zgornjega dela (1) in spodnjega dela (2) , pri čemer je zgornji del (1) sestavljen iz kompozita, ki v jedru vsebuje izolativni ognjevarni material aerogel, vsi ostali materiali, ki sestavljajo kompozit pa so prav tako ognjevarni ter spodnjega dela (2), ki je sestavljen iz enoplastne ognjevarne tkanine in ima nameščen sistem senzorike .An intelligent protective blanket, characterized in that it consists of an upper part (1) and a lower part (2), wherein the upper part (1) consists of a composite containing an aerogel insulating refractory material in the core, all other materials which the composite is also fireproof and the lower part (2), which consists of a single-layer fireproof fabric and has a sensor system installed. 2. Inteligentno zaščitno pregrinjalo po zahtevku 1 označeno s tem da so v spodnjem delu (2) nameščeni štirje senzorji za zaznavanje temperature in vlage (3) povezni s centralno enoto (5), ta pa je povezana s svetlobnim in zvočnim pozivnikom (6), napajalnikom (4) ter aplikacijo na strani računalnika, ki preko USB modula sprejema podatke, jih interpretira, prikazuje uporabniku ter skrbi za logiranje oziroma zapisovanje dobljenih vrednosti.Intelligent protective sheath according to claim 1, characterized in that four sensors for sensing temperature and humidity (3) are connected in the lower part (2) to the central unit (5), which is connected to the light and sound pager (6) , power supplies (4), and an application on the side of the computer that receives, interprets, shows the data to the user through the USB module, and takes care of logging or recording the values obtained.
SI201300159A 2013-06-13 2013-06-13 Clever protection cover SI24378A (en)

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SI201300159A SI24378A (en) 2013-06-13 2013-06-13 Clever protection cover

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