SI24122A - Wireless precision electronic thermometer in standard laboratory version with a handle and separated measuring sensor - Google Patents

Wireless precision electronic thermometer in standard laboratory version with a handle and separated measuring sensor Download PDF


Publication number
SI24122A SI201200176A SI201200176A SI24122A SI 24122 A SI24122 A SI 24122A SI 201200176 A SI201200176 A SI 201200176A SI 201200176 A SI201200176 A SI 201200176A SI 24122 A SI24122 A SI 24122A
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temperature sensor
electronic circuit
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Branko Belingar
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Branko Belingar
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Application filed by Branko Belingar filed Critical Branko Belingar
Priority to SI201200176A priority Critical patent/SI24122A/en
Publication of SI24122A publication Critical patent/SI24122A/en



  • Arrangements For Transmission Of Measured Signals (AREA)


Prenosna naprava za brezžično merjenje temperature v laboratorijskih in industrijskih pogojih po izumu je temperaturna sonda (1), ki sestoji iz temperaturnega tipala (11), elektronskega vezja (13) in v držalo (14) vgrajene antene (16). Temperaturno tipalo (11) je tipično platinasti upor ali precizni termistor, katerega temperaturni koeficienti so vpisani v kalibracijski datoteki v notranjem, statičnem pomnilniku elektronskega vezja (13). Elektronsko vezje (13) je izvedeno s standardnimi, komercialnodobavljivimi vendar visoko kakovostnimi elektronskimi komponentami, katero ojači, filtrira in digitalizira analogni, električni signal iz temperaturnega tipala (11). Signal se nadalje v istem vezju ovrednoti in temperaturno korigira, shrani in zapiše v delovni spomin, ter pripravi za brezžično oddajo v centralno nadzorno enoto (3). Temperaturna sonda (1) po izumu je lahko del brezžičnega omrežja za merjenje temperature na dislociranih merilnih mestih, zaradi velike merilne natančnosti, ki je do 0,0001stopinj C, pa je uporabna kot delovni ali sekundarni etalon.A portable wireless temperature measurement device under laboratory and industrial conditions according to the invention is a temperature probe (1) consisting of a temperature sensor (11), an electronic circuit (13), and an antenna (16) mounted in the holder (14). The temperature sensor (11) is a typical platinum resistor or a precision thermistor whose temperature coefficients are entered in the calibration file in the internal static memory of the electronic circuit (13). The electronic circuit (13) is made with standard, commercially available but high quality electronic components, which amplify, filter and digitize an analog, electric signal from the temperature sensor (11). The signal is further evaluated in the same circuit and temperature corrected, stored and recorded in the working memory, and the wireless transmitter prepared for the central control unit (3). The temperature probe (1) according to the invention can be part of a wireless network for measuring the temperature at dislocated measuring points, due to its high measuring accuracy, which is up to 0.0001 degrees C, it can be used as a working or secondary standard.


Brezžični precizijski elektronski termometer v standardni laboratorijski izvedbi z držalom ter izdvojenim merilnim tipalomWireless precision electronic thermometer in standard laboratory version with holder and detachable measuring sensor

Izum se nanaša na brezžično merjenje temperature v laboratorijskih in industrijskih pogojih.The invention relates to wireless temperature measurement in laboratory and industrial conditions.

V industrijskih obratih v katerih poteka predelava surovin, bodisi, daje to kemijska, farmacevtska, metalurška ali prehrambena industrija, se pogosto pojavijo potrebe po spremljanju temperature na določenih točkah predelovalnega procesa. Nekatere točke so stalne, nespremenljive in se za meijenje na teh uporabljajo ožičena temperaturna tipala, ki podatke o temperaturi stalno pošiljajo v centralni, nadzorni sistem. Vendar se včasih, zaradi modifikacij želenega izdelka, predelovalni procesi nekoliko spreminjajo in so potrebne meritve na dodatnih točkah procesa. V ta namen se lahko uporabijo prenosni merilniki temperature, ki jih uporabnik enostavno prenese na novo merilno mesto. Tovrstni merilniki torej, morajo biti priročni, lahki za • · prenašanje in namestitev ter morajo imeti enostavno in zanesljivo komunikacijo s centralno enoto glede prenosa merjenih vrednosti.Industrial plants where raw materials are processed, whether it is the chemical, pharmaceutical, metallurgical or food industries, often need to monitor the temperature at certain points in the processing process. Some points are permanent, fixed, and wired temperature sensors are used to change them, which constantly sends temperature data to the central control system. However, sometimes due to modifications of the desired product, the manufacturing processes change slightly and measurements at additional process points are required. Portable temperature gauges can be used for this purpose and can be easily transferred to the new location by the user. Such meters, therefore, must be convenient, easy to carry and install, and must have easy and reliable communication with the Central Unit regarding the transmission of measured values.

Podobni primeri se pojavljajo v laboratorijskih pogojih, kjer so pogoste potrebe po časovno spreminjajočih lokacijah mejenja temperature, zaradi preučevanja in optimizacije raziskovanih procesov. V laboratorijih se pojavljajo še dodatne zahteve po verificiranem merjenju temperature v smislu delovnih etalonov.Similar examples occur in laboratory conditions where the need for time-varying locations of temperature changes is common, in order to study and optimize the processes studied. In the laboratories, additional requirements for verified temperature measurement in terms of working standards are emerging.

Cilj izuma je predlagati učinkovito, zanesljivo in energijsko varčno prenosno napravo za merjenje in prenos podatkov o temperaturi od merilnega mesta do mesta odčitavanja, predvsem v industrijskih in laboratorijskih pogojih.It is an object of the invention to propose an efficient, reliable and energy-efficient portable device for measuring and transmitting temperature data from a measuring point to a reading location, especially in industrial and laboratory conditions.

V nekaterih znanih rešitvah se uporabljajo merilni moduli, ki so povezani s temperaturnim tipalom in ki vsebujejo podsklope za obdelavo in prenos signala v centralno prikazovalno in shranjevalno enoto. Temperaturno tipalo je običajno nameščeno v zatesnjeni zaščitni cevki, ki je dalje pričvrščena na merilno držalo in v sestavu določajo temperaturno sondo. Iz merilnega tipala je skozi zaščitno cevko in merilno držalo napeljana žična povezava do merilnega modula. Meritev temperature poteka tako, da analogni električni signal iz temperaturnega tipala, potuje po žični povezavi v merilni modul. V merilnem modulu se ta analogni signal obdela.Some of the known solutions utilize measuring modules that are coupled to a temperature sensor and include subassemblies for processing and transmitting a signal to a central display and storage unit. The temperature sensor is usually located in a sealed protective tube, which is further attached to the dipstick and defines a temperature probe in the assembly. A wire connection to the measuring module is drawn from the measuring probe through the protective tube and the measuring holder. Temperature measurement is carried out in such a way that the analog electrical signal from the temperature sensor travels through a wired connection to the measuring module. In the measuring module, this analog signal is processed.

Obdelava tega analognega signala zajema ojačitev, filtriranje in digitalizacijo analognega električnega signala, ki se generira v temperaturnem tipalu na mestu meritve. V nekaterih izvedbah vsebuje merilni modul tudi spominsko in prikazovalno enoto, lahko pa so te posamezne enote ločene od osnovnega merilnega modula, kar pa je pomanjkljivost rešitve v smislu povečanih gabaritov potrebnih za namestitev teh enot v bližini mesta meritve. V tem primeru se meritev odčita na mestu namestitve merilnega modula. Pri večjem številu prostorsko ločenih in oddaljenih merilnih mest je takšen način neprimeren zaradi velikih razdalj med mesti odčitavanja. V teh primerih se navadno uporablja centralna, nadzorna enota, ki vsebuje procesni računalnik, kateri hrani merilne vrednosti vseh merilnih mest. Prenos digitaliziranega signala iz merilnih modulov v centralno, nadzorno enoto se izvede preko električnih vodnikov, nekatere izvedbe pa uporabljajo brezžični prenosThe processing of this analogue signal involves the amplification, filtering and digitization of the analog electrical signal generated in the temperature sensor at the measurement point. In some embodiments, the measuring module also includes a memory and display unit, but these individual units may be separated from the basic measurement module, which is a disadvantage of the solution in terms of increased dimensions required to accommodate these units near the measurement site. In this case, the measurement is read at the location of the measuring module. In the case of a large number of spatially separated and remote measuring points, this method is inappropriate due to the large distances between the reading points. In these cases, a central control unit containing a process computer is usually used to store the measurement values of all measuring points. Transmission of the digitized signal from the measuring modules to the central unit, the control unit is carried out via electrical conductors, and some implementations use wireless transmission

• · signala. V tem primeru imata merilni modul in centralna, nadzorna enota, radijska oddajno-sprejemna sklopa z antenama. Pomanjkljivost žične izvedbe je nepraktičnost s strani mobilnosti merilnega modula. V laboratorijskih in industrijskih pogojih nadzora nad posameznimi procesi je namreč potrebno pogosto spreminjanje merilnega mesta. Zato je uporaba komunikacijskih vodnikov neprimerna, ker jih je treba napeljati okoli in preko različnih naprav in postrojenj. V tem primeru so komunikacijski vodniki moteč dejavnik, saj omejujejo prosto gibanje ali celo delo v okolici merilnega mesta. S tem je moten potek nadziranega procesa in povečana možnost poškodbe teh vodnikov in posledično izpada meritev na posameznih merilnih mestih. Naslednja pomanjkljivost takih, obstoječih rešitev je v velikih mehanskih dimenzijah merilnega modula. Te mehanske dimenzije so tipično 10 cm ali več. V realnih laboratorijskih in industrijskih pogojih, je največkrat težko namestiti tak merilni modul na merilno mesto, zato so potrebna dodatna ožičenja za prenos analognega električnega signala iz temperaturne sonde v merilni modul. Takšno podaljšanje ožičenja pomeni slabljenje tega merilnega signala in popačitev informacije o temperaturi, saj so tako majhni signali podvrženi vplivu kapacitivnosti, induktivnosti in upornosti komunikacijskega vodnika, ter zunanjim elektromagnetnim motnjam industrijskega okolja. Nadaljnja pomanjkljivost takšne rešitve, je možnost poškodbe tega komunikacijskega vodnika od merilnega tipala proti merilnemu modulu. V primeru prekratkih komunikacijskih vodnikov je ena možnih rešitev podaljšanje teh vodnikov s pomočjo konektorskih spojev. Pomanjkljivost te rešitve je, da se konektoiji lahko poškodujejo kar je vzrok slabih in nezanesljivih električnih stikov, večjih merilnih pogreškov in merilne nezanesljivosti, pomenijo pa tudi večje stroške meritev.• · Signals. In this case, the measuring module and the central control unit have radio transceivers with antennas. The disadvantage of wire construction is the impracticality of the mobility of the measuring module. Laboratory and industrial conditions for the control of individual processes require frequent changes of the measuring point. Therefore, the use of communication wires is inappropriate because they must be routed around and through various devices and installations. In this case, communication guides are a disruptive factor as they restrict free movement or even work around the measuring point. This disrupts the progress of the controlled process and increases the possibility of damage to these conductors and consequently the failure of measurements at individual measuring points. Another disadvantage of such existing solutions lies in the large mechanical dimensions of the measuring module. These mechanical dimensions are typically 10 cm or more. In the real world of laboratory and industrial conditions, it is often difficult to install such a measuring module at the measuring point, so additional wiring is needed to transfer the analog electrical signal from the temperature probe to the measuring module. Such a wiring extension impairs this measurement signal and distorts the temperature information, since such small signals are subject to the capacitance, inductance and resistance of the communication conductor, as well as external electromagnetic interference to the industrial environment. A further disadvantage of such a solution is the possibility of damage to this communication cable from the measuring probe to the measuring module. In the case of communication cables that are too short, one possible solution is to extend these cables with the help of connector joints. The disadvantage of this solution is that the connectors can be damaged, which can lead to poor and unreliable electrical contacts, larger measurement errors and unreliable measurement, and also entail higher measurement costs.

Do sedaj znane rešitve z brezžičnim prenosom podatkov iz merilnega modula v centralno nadzorno enoto imajo enake pomanjkljivosti glede mehanskih dimenzij merilnega modula in rešitve žičnega prenosa podatkov iz temperaturne sonde v merilni modul.The solutions known to date with the wireless transmission of data from the measuring module to the central control unit have the same disadvantages as regards the mechanical dimensions of the measuring module and the solutions of wire transfer of data from the temperature probe to the measuring module.

V primeru obstoječih rešitev žične povezave temperaturne sonde in merilnega modula preko konektorskega stika, obstaja nevarnost priključitve napačnega • · • · · • · · · · • · temperaturnega tipala na merilni modul. V vsakem merilnem modulu so vpisane korekcijske tabele za ustrezno tipalo. Posledica tovrstne napake so lahko večje merilne netočnosti.In the case of existing solutions of the wiring connection of the temperature probe and the measuring module via the connector contact, there is a risk of connecting the wrong temperature sensor to the measuring module. Correction tables for the corresponding sensor are entered in each measuring module. This error can result in larger measurement inaccuracies.

V vseh opisanih obstoječih rešitvah, je za vsako merilno aplikacijo, ki obsega namensko porazdelitev merilnih mest, potrebno postaviti specifično merilno arhitekturo. V tem oziru so dosedanje rešitve nefleksibilne in zaradi tega cenovno neugodne in merilno nezanesljive.In all existing solutions described, it is necessary to set up a specific measurement architecture for each measurement application, which includes a dedicated distribution of measurement sites. In this respect, the solutions available so far are inflexible and therefore inexpensive and unreliably measurable.

Izum je po mednarodni klasifikaciji uvrščen v razred GOI K 7/18.The invention is classified according to GOI K 7/18 according to the international classification.

Izum rešuje tehnični problem natančnega, zanesljivega, cenovno ugodnega in aplikacijsko prilagodljivega merjenja temperature v laboratorijskih in industrijskih procesih.The invention solves the technical problem of accurate, reliable, affordable and application-based temperature measurement in laboratory and industrial processes.

Navedeni tehnični problem je rešen s predlagano prenosno napravo za meijenje temperature v laboratorijskih in industrijskih pogojih, kar je opredeljeno v označujočem delu zahtevkov 1 in 2.Said technical problem is solved by the proposed portable device for temperature changes under laboratory and industrial conditions, which is defined in the designation part of claims 1 and 2.

Bistvo izuma je, daje celotno elektronsko vezje, za obdelavo, shranjevanje in brezžični prenos obdelanih podatkov miniaturizirano in nameščeno znotraj držala temperaturne sonde.The essence of the invention is that the entire electronic circuit for the processing, storage and wireless transmission of the processed data is miniaturized and placed inside the temperature probe holder.

Izum bo v nadaljevanju podrobno opisan s pomočjo slike, ki prikazuje:The invention will now be described in detail with the aid of an image showing:

Slika 1: Shematski prikaz namestitve merilnega sistema z napravo po izumuFigure 1: Schematic illustration of the installation of the measuring system with the device according to the invention

Predlagana naprava za brezžično merjenje temperature v laboratorijskih in industrijskih pogojih po izumu je temperaturna sonda 1 in sestoji iz temperaturnega tipala 11, elektronskega vezja 13 in antene 16. Temperaturno tipalo 11 je z električnim vodnikom 15 povezano z elektronskim vezjem 13, katerega sestavljajo baterijski napajalnik 134, merilni pretvornik 131, zapisovalnik/shranjevalnik podatkov (angleško: datalogger) 132 in komunikacijska enota 133, kije daljen-Y • » povezana z, v držalu 14 temperaturne sonde 1, vgrajeno anteno 16. Temperaturno tipalo lije zalito s temperaturno prevodno zalivko v zaščitno cevko 12, ki ščiti temperaturno tipalo 11 in pripadajoči električni vodnik 15 pred mehanskimi poškodbami. Zaščitna cevka 12 je narejena iz korozijsko obstojnega materiala z dobro toplotno prevodnostjo. Elektronsko vezje 13 je izvedeno s standardnimi, komercialno dobavljivimi vendar visoko kakovostnimi elektronskimi komponentami. Zaradi komercialne dobavljivosti so ta integrirana vezja cenovno ugodna, zaradi sodobne submikronske tehnologije pa imajo nizko porabo, majhne izgube, stabilno delovanje in majhno občutljivost na zunanje elektro-magnetne motnje. To omogoča dolgotrajno stabilnost ter neodvisno in zanesljivo delovanje naprave po izumu 1.The proposed device for wireless temperature measurement in the laboratory and industrial conditions according to the invention is a temperature probe 1 and consists of a temperature sensor 11, an electronic circuit 13 and an antenna 16. The temperature sensor 11 is connected to the electronic circuit 13 by an electrical circuit 13 consisting of a battery power supply 134. , transducer 131, data logger / recorder (English: datalogger) 132 and communication unit 133 further connected - Y • »connected to, in the holder 14 of the temperature probe 1, the antenna 16. The temperature sensor is poured with a temperature-conducting seal into the protective a tube 12 that protects the temperature sensor 11 and the associated electrical conductor 15 from mechanical damage. Protective tube 12 is made of corrosion-resistant material with good thermal conductivity. The electronic circuit 13 is made with standard, commercially available but high quality electronic components. Due to their commercial availability, these integrated circuits are affordable and, due to modern sub-micron technology, have low power consumption, low losses, stable operation and low sensitivity to external electromagnetic interference. This allows for long-term stability and independent and reliable operation of the device according to the invention 1.

Merilno vezje 131 generira električni analogni signal, kije odvisen od trenutne upornosti temperaturnega tipala 11. Ta električni signal se nato ojači, filtrira, digitalizira in ovrednoti. Vrednotenje je proces primeijave izmeijene vrednosti in referenčnih vrednosti, ki so vpisane v kalibracijsko datoteko statičnega pomnilnika elektronskega vezja 13. V tej datoteki je vpisana vsa zgodovina umerjanj temperaturne sonde, kar omogoča sledljivost zgodovine meritev. Tako ovrednoteni podatki se naprej beležijo in hranijo v zapisovalniku/shranjevalniku podatkov 132 ter v komunikacijski enoti pripravijo za brezžično oddajo. Najpogostejša je dvosmerna radio-ffekvenčna komunikacija. Pri oddaji se ojačan signal pelje na oddajno/sprejemno anteno 16. Oddani radio-frekvenčni signal sprejme preko antene 21 sprejemno/oddajna enota 2 centralnega nadzornega mesta 3, katerega sestavlja procesni računalnik s prikazom množice rezultatov različnih merilnih mest.Measurement circuit 131 generates an electrical analog signal that depends on the current resistance of the temperature sensor 11. This electrical signal is then amplified, filtered, digitized and evaluated. Evaluation is the process of comprehending the offset value and the reference values that are written into the static file of the static memory of the electronic circuit 13. This file records the entire history of the temperature probe calibrations, which enables traceability of the measurement history. The data thus evaluated shall be further recorded and stored in the recorder / data store 132 and prepared for wireless transmission in the communication unit. Two-way radio-frequency communication is the most common. When transmitting, the amplified signal is sent to the transmitter / receiver antenna 16. The transmitted radio frequency signal is received via the antenna 21 by the transmitter / transmitter 2 of the central monitoring station 3, which consists of a process computer displaying a plurality of results from different measuring points.

Centralna nadzorna enota 3 pošilja v nasprotni smeri zahteve posameznim temperaturnim sondam 1 o temperaturnih meritvah. Poleg trenutnih rezultatov, ki se shranjujejo v spominu centralne nadzorne enote 3, je možen prikaz zgodovine vseh meritev.The central control unit 3 sends in the opposite direction of the request to individual temperature probes 1 for temperature measurements. In addition to the current results stored in the memory of the central control unit 3, a history of all measurements can be displayed.

V posebnem izvedbenem primeru je možna brezžična IR komunikacijska povezava med temperaturno sondo 1 in centralno nadzorno enoto 3.In a specific embodiment, a wireless IR communication link between the temperature probe 1 and the central monitoring unit 3 is possible.

• «• «

Temperaturno tipalo 11 je v bistvu platinasti upor ali v posebnem izvedbenem primeru precizen termistor. Izbira takšnega temperaturnega tipala 11 omogoča doseganje visoke merilne točnosti, do 0,0001° C. Zaradi vgrajenih korekcijskih tabel v kalibracijski datoteki, je temperaturno tipalo 1 po izumu primemo za uporabo, kot sekundami ali delovni etalon pri temperaturnih meritvah.Temperature sensor 11 is essentially a platinum resistor or, in a specific embodiment, a precision thermistor. The choice of such a temperature sensor 11 enables a high measurement accuracy of up to 0.0001 ° C. Due to the built-in correction tables in the calibration file, the temperature sensor 1 according to the invention is suitable for use as seconds or a working standard for temperature measurements.

Zunanje prečne dimenzije zaščitne cevke 12 so pod 10 mm, zunanje prečne dimenzije držala 14 temperaturne sonde 1, pa so med 20 mm in 25 mm. Vzdolžne dimenzije temperaturne sonde 1 znašajo med 100 mm in 1000 mm. Takšne zunanje dimenzije omogočajo namestitev temperaturne sonde 1 po izumu na večino merilnih mest v laboratorijskih in industrijskih pogojih.The outer transverse dimensions of the protective tube 12 are below 10 mm, and the outer transverse dimensions of the holder 14 of the temperature probe 1 are between 20 mm and 25 mm. The longitudinal dimensions of the temperature probe 1 are between 100 mm and 1000 mm. Such external dimensions make it possible to install the temperature probe 1 according to the invention at most measuring points under laboratory and industrial conditions.

Poleg tega je prednost opisane naprave po izumu 1, da ne vsebuje nobenih dodatnih žičnih povezav in je komunikacija s centralno nadzorno enoto 3 brezžična, kar omogoča vzpostavitev časovno in prostorsko fleksibilne mreže merilnih mest. Nadalje, takšna zasnova merilnega sistema z uporabo naprave po izumu 1, omogoča vzpostavitev lokalnega merilnega omrežja za merjenje temperature na dislociranih merilnih mestih, ki so dostopna tudi z IPv6 naslavljanjem (na primer 6LoWPAN). Pri uporabi naprave po izumu 1 je onemogočena medsebojna zamenjava temperaturnih merilnikov na merilnih mestih, kar pomeni, da vsako temperaturno tipalo 11 deluje le s tistim elektronskim vezjem 13, katero vsebuje njegove korekcijske tabele, kar zagotavlja točnost meritev.In addition, the advantage of the described device of the invention 1 is that it does not contain any additional wired connections and that communication with the central control unit 3 is wireless, enabling the establishment of a temporally and spatially flexible network of measuring points. Furthermore, such a design of the measurement system using the device of the invention 1 enables the establishment of a local measuring network for measuring temperature at dislocated measuring points, which are also accessible by IPv6 addressing (for example 6LoWPAN). When using the device according to the invention 1, it is impossible to exchange the temperature gauges at the measuring points, which means that each temperature sensor 11 works only with the electronic circuit 13, which contains its correction tables, which ensures the accuracy of the measurements.

Claims (6)

Patentni zahtevkiPatent claims 1. Prenosna naprava (1) z baterij skim napaj anj em za precizno meij enj e temperature v industrijskem ali laboratorijskem okolju z natančnostjo do 0,0001°C,'ki vsebuje temperaturno tipalo (11) in elektronsko vezje (13) ter v držalu (14) vgrajeno anteno (16) označena s tem, daje elektronsko vezje (13), ki vsebuje baterijski napajalnik (134), merilni pretvornik (131), zapisovalnik/shranjevalnik podatkov (132) in komunikacijsko enoto (133) nameščeno znotraj držala (14), daje temperaturno tipalo (11) platinasti upor ali precizni termistor in da komunikacijska enota (133) preko vgrajene antene (16) brezžično komunicira s centralno nadzorno enoto (3).1. A battery powered portable device (1) for precisely changing the temperature in an industrial or laboratory environment, accurate to 0,0001 ° C, 'containing a temperature sensor (11) and an electronic circuit (13) and in a holder (14) a built-in antenna (16), characterized in that an electronic circuit (13) comprising a battery power supply (134), a measuring transducer (131), a recorder / data store (132) and a communication unit (133) are housed inside the holder ( 14), the temperature sensor (11) is a platinum resistor or precision thermistor and that the communication unit (133) communicates wirelessly to the central monitoring unit (3) via the integrated antenna (16). 2. Naprava po zahtevku 1 označena s tem, daje brezžična komunikacija naprave po izumu (1) in centralne nadzorne enote (3) dvosmerna in je v radio-frekvenčnem ali infrardečem področju.Device according to claim 1, characterized in that the wireless communication of the device according to the invention (1) and the central control unit (3) is bidirectional and is in the radio frequency or infrared region. 3. Naprava po zahtevku 1 ali 2 označena s tem, da so korekcijski koeficienti temperaturnega tipala (11) vpisani v kalibracijski datoteki notranjega, statičnega pomnilnika elektronskega vezja (13).Apparatus according to claim 1 or 2, characterized in that the correction coefficients of the temperature sensor (11) are written in the calibration file of the internal, static memory of the electronic circuit (13). • ·• · 4. Naprava po kateremkoli od zgornjih zahtevkov označena s tem, daje prečna dimenzija naprave po izumu med 20 mm in 25 mm in dolžina med 100 mm in 1000 mm.Device according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the transverse dimension of the device according to the invention is between 20 mm and 25 mm and a length between 100 mm and 1000 mm. 5. Naprava po kateremkoli od zgornjih zahtevkov označena s tem, daje naprava po izumu (1) uporabljena, kot sekundami, ali delovni temperaturni etalon.Device according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the device of the invention (1) is used as a second or a working temperature standard. 6. Naprava po kateremkoli od zgornjih zahtevkov označena s tem, daje naprava po izumu (1) uporabljena kot del brezžičnega omrežja za meijenje temperature na dislociranih merilnih mestih, ki ga sestavlja eden ali več merilnikov temperature, ki brezžično komunicirajo s centralno nadzorno enoto (3).Device according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the device according to the invention (1) is used as part of a wireless network for temperature changes at dislocated measuring points, consisting of one or more temperature meters that communicate wirelessly with the central control unit (3) ).
SI201200176A 2012-06-04 2012-06-04 Wireless precision electronic thermometer in standard laboratory version with a handle and separated measuring sensor SI24122A (en)

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
SI201200176A SI24122A (en) 2012-06-04 2012-06-04 Wireless precision electronic thermometer in standard laboratory version with a handle and separated measuring sensor

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
SI201200176A SI24122A (en) 2012-06-04 2012-06-04 Wireless precision electronic thermometer in standard laboratory version with a handle and separated measuring sensor

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SI201200176A SI24122A (en) 2012-06-04 2012-06-04 Wireless precision electronic thermometer in standard laboratory version with a handle and separated measuring sensor

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