SI23741A - Lock and key - Google Patents
Lock and key Download PDFInfo
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- SI23741A SI23741A SI201200119A SI201200119A SI23741A SI 23741 A SI23741 A SI 23741A SI 201200119 A SI201200119 A SI 201200119A SI 201200119 A SI201200119 A SI 201200119A SI 23741 A SI23741 A SI 23741A
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- Slovenia
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- cylinder
- lock
- key
- housing
- axial
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- Lock And Its Accessories (AREA)
- Hinge Accessories (AREA)
- Braking Arrangements (AREA)
- Snaps, Bayonet Connections, Set Pins, And Snap Rings (AREA)
- Pivots And Pivotal Connections (AREA)
- Packaging For Recording Disks (AREA)
Ključavnica in ključ kjer ima ključavnica dvasoosna zaklepna cilindra pri čemer sta vsakuležajen v svojem ohišju med katerima se nahaja osno vrtljivo uležajena upravljalna brada ključavnice Lokasti radialni utori ki so razporejeni vzdolž cilindričnega telesa cilindra vsebujejo vsaj eno vrsto vzmetenih srpastih diskov ki drsijo v teh radialnih utorih s pomočjo svojih izboklin ki se nahajajona zunanji strani vsake lamele in segajo v notranje radialne utore v ohišju kjer so te izbokline kotno zamaknjene druga od druge in sodelujejo z osnimi utori v notranji cilindrični površini ohišja Število in kotni zamik osnih utorov ustreza številu in kotnemu zamiku izboklin pomik izboklin posameznih diskov v ustrezen osni utor upravlja prvo kodiranjeizvedeno na eni strani grebena ali v ustrezni bočni strani ploščatega ključa ključavnice v katero se lamela gibko potisne potem ko smo ključ vstavili vključavnico Da bi preprečili vrtenja cilindra po tem ko je bil vstavljen pooblaščeni ploščati ključ je v cilinder v območju notranjega konca tega cilindra vstavljen omejevalni klin zunanji štrleči del omejevalnega klina je drsno razmeščen v vzdolžnem utoru ki je izveden v ohišju in gre v smeri proti upravljalni bradi v radialni utor ohišja V funkcionalnem položaju potem ko je bil vstavljen pooblaščeni ploščati ključ v katerem so vsi diskiobrnjeni tako da se njihove zunanje izbokline ujemajo z vzdolžnimi osnimi utori in potem ko je cilinder potisnjen v ključavnico zaradi učinka zaustavljalnega dela stebla ploščatega ključa se omejevalni klin osnega pomika cilindra nahaja v radialnem utoru ohišja v določenem osnem položaju za kasnejše vrtenje cilindra v ohišjuA lock and a key where the lock has a two-axle locking cylinder, each of which is interchangeable in its housing between which there is an axially rotatably mounted control lock of the lock. The loop radial grooves which are arranged along the cylinder body of the cylinder contain at least one series of spring sickle slips sliding in these radial grooves by means of its protrusions located on the outer side of each blade and extending into the inner radial grooves in the housing where these protrusions are angularly displaced from one another and cooperate with the axial grooves in the inner cylindrical surface of the housing. The number and angular displacement of the axial grooves corresponds to the number and angular displacement of the bulge displacements the protrusion of individual discs in the respective axle groove controls the first encoding performed on one side of the ridge or on the corresponding side of the flat key of the lock in which the lamella is pushed flexibly after the key has been inserted in the inclusion To prevent the rotation of the cylinder after the mandatory insertion The flat key is inserted into the cylinder in the region of the inner end of this cylinder, the inserted limiting wedge, the outer projection portion of the liming wedge, is slidably arranged in the longitudinal groove which is carried out in the housing and moves in the direction of the control beam into the radial groove of the housing V in the functional position after being inserted an authorized flat key in which all of them are dissected so that their outer bulges match the longitudinal axial grooves and after the cylinder is pushed into the lock due to the effect of the stopping part of the flat key stem, the limiting wedge of the axial displacement of the cylinder is located in the radial groove of the housing in a particular axial position for later rotating the cylinder in the housing
Ključavnica in ključLock and key
Predmet izumaThe subject of the invention
Predmet izuma je zasnova ključavnice z dvema soosnima zaklepnima cilindroma in s ključem za upravljanje ključavnice.The subject of the invention is the design of a lock with two coaxial lock cylinders and a key to operate the lock.
Opis znanega stanja tehnikeDescription of the prior art
Poznane so zasnove cilindričnih ključavnic s ploščatimi ključi (glej dokument EP 0211602), kjer prvo kodiranje na ožji stranici ključa upravlja prilagodilne kline, ki so nameščeni v vrtljivem cilindru v vrsti v vzdolžni ravnini žleba ključa in sodelujejo z vzmetenimi zapornimi klini, nameščenimi v ohišju ključavnice. Hkrati drugo kodiranje na drugi stranici ključa upravlja srpaste diske, ki drsijo v lokastih utorih na obodu vrtečega se cilindra proti sili povratne vzmeti. Ti diski sodelujejo z vzdolžno zaklepno palico, ki se radialno nahaja teleskopsko v cilindru in ubira v raztegnjenem zaklepnem položaju z vzdolžnim zaklepnim utorom v cilindrični votlini ohišja ključavnice. Čeprav omogočajo take zasnove relativno veliko število kombinacij, ne izključujejo možnosti nepooblaščenega odpiranja ključavnice s pomočjo tako imenovane dinamične metode (bumping), med katero zaskoki in zaporni klini nihajo zaradi udarcev aplikatorja ključa do take mere, da se ustvari delilna ravnina in s hkratnim zasukanjem cilindra jo je na koncu mogoče odpreti. Izboljšan sestav cilindrične ključavnice, ki je odpornejša na dinamično odpiranje, je opisan v češkem patentu s skrajšanim trajanjem CZ 20509. Izboljšava je bila dosežena s pomočjo specifičnega oblikovanja srpasto oblikovanih diskov (zaskokov) in z njihovim sodelovanjem s stenami cilindrov in z ohišjem, vključno z vzdolžno zaklepno palico. Na zanesljivo delovanje ključavnične sklopke pa neugodno vpliva večja obraba konice ključa, ki se po vstavitvi v cilinder neposredno prilega zaustavljalni površini telesa sklopke in potiska sklopko v upravljalno brado ključavnice.Designs of cylindrical locks with flat keys are known (see document EP 0211602), where the first encoding on the narrow side of the key manages adaptive wedges mounted in a rotating cylinder in a row in the longitudinal plane of the key groove and cooperating with spring locking wedges mounted in the lock housing . At the same time, the second encoding on the other side of the key controls the sickle disks, which slide in elbow grooves on the circumference of the rotating cylinder against the force of the return spring. These disks interact with a longitudinal locking rod radially located telescopically in the cylinder and harvested in the extended locking position by a longitudinal locking groove in the cylindrical cavity of the lock housing. Although such designs allow for a relatively large number of combinations, they do not exclude the possibility of unauthorized opening of the lock by the so-called dynamic bumping method, during which the latches and locking wedges oscillate due to the impact of the key applicator to such a degree that a dividing plane is created and the cylinder is rotated it can eventually be opened. An improved dynamic lock opening cylindrical lock assembly is described in the Czech patent of shortened duration CZ 20509. The improvement has been achieved through the specific design of sickle-shaped disks (snaps) and their cooperation with cylinder walls and housing, including longitudinal locking stick. However, the reliable operation of the locking clutch is adversely affected by the increased wear on the key tip, which, after insertion into the cylinder, directly fits into the stopping surface of the clutch body and pushes the clutch into the lock control beard.
Povzetek izumaSummary of the Invention
Predmet tega izuma sta ključavnica in ključ, kjer ima ključavnica dva soosna zaklepna cilindra, ki sta vsak uležajen v svojem ohišju, med katerima se nahaja osno uležajena upravljalna brada ključavnice, pri čemer sta obe ohišji med seboj povezani z mostom v spodnjem delu. Oba cilindra sta tudi držana skupaj s pomočjo varnostnih vezi in za upravljanje ključavnice sta vsak posamično opremljena s sklopko, ki je hkrati vstavljena • · v os vrtenja telesa upravljalne brade, kjer drsi, a ni vrtljivo uležajena proti upravljalni bradi. Princip izuma je v tem, da lokasti radialni utori, ki so razporejeni vzdolž cilindričnega telesa cilindra, vsebujejo vsaj eno vrsto vzmetenih srpastih diskov, ki drsijo v teh radialnih utorih s pomočjo svojih izboklin, ki se nahajajo na zunanji strani vsake lamele in segajo v notranje radialne utore v ohišju, kjer so te izbokline kotno zamaknjene druga od druge in sodelujejo z osnimi utori v notranji cilindrični površini ohišja. Število in kotni zamik osnih utorov ustreza številu in kotnemu zamiku izboklin. Pomik izboklin posameznih diskov v ustrezen osni utor upravlja prvo kodiranje, izvedeno na eni strani grebena ali v ustrezni bočni strani ploščatega ključa ključavnice, v katero se lamela gibko potisne, potem ko smo ključ vstavili v ključavnico. Da bi preprečili vrtenje cilindra po tem, ko je bil vstavljen pooblaščeni ploščati ključ, je v cilinder v območju notranjega konca tega cilindra vstavljen omejevalni klin; zunanji štrleči del omejevalnega klina je razmeščen tako, da drsi v vzdolžnem utoru, ki je izveden v ohišju in gre - v smeri proti upravljalni bradi - v radialni utor ohišja. V funkcionalnem položaju, potem ko je bil vstavljen pooblaščeni ploščati ključ, v katerem so vsi diski obrnjeni tako, da se njihove zunanje izbokline ujemajo z vzdolžnimi osnimi utori in potem, ko je cilinder potisnjen v ključavnico zaradi učinka zaustavljalnega dela stebla ploščatega ključa, se omejevalni klin osnega pomika cilindra nahaja v radialnem utoru ohišja v določenem osnem položaju za kasnejše vrtenje cilindra v ključavnici.The object of the present invention is a lock and key, where the lock has two coaxial locking cylinders, each mounted in its housing, between which there is an axially locked lock control beard, both housings being interconnected by a bridge at the bottom. Both cylinders are also held together by means of safety ties and are operated individually with a clutch to operate the lock, which is at the same time inserted into the pivot axis of the control beard, where it slides but is not pivotally mounted against the control beard. The principle of the invention is that the arched radial grooves arranged along the cylindrical body of the cylinder contain at least one series of spring sickle disks, which slide in these radial grooves by means of their projections, which are located on the outside of each lamella and extend into the inner radial grooves in the housing where these projections are angularly displaced from one another and interact with axial grooves in the inner cylindrical surface of the housing. The number and angular displacement of the axial grooves corresponds to the number and angular displacement of the projections. The displacement of the projections of the individual disks into the corresponding axial groove is governed by the first encoding, performed on one side of the ridge or in the corresponding lateral side of the flat key of the lock, into which the blade is flexibly pushed after the key has been inserted into the lock. In order to prevent the cylinder from rotating after an authorized flat key has been inserted, a restraining wedge is inserted into the cylinder in the area of the inner end of that cylinder; the outer projecting portion of the restraining wedge is arranged so that it slides in a longitudinal groove, which is made in the housing and goes - in the direction of the control beard - into the radial groove of the housing. In the functional position, after an authorized flat key has been inserted in which all the disks are rotated so that their outer projections are aligned with the longitudinal axial grooves and after the cylinder is pushed into the lock due to the stopping effect of the flat key stem, the pivot pin of the cylinder is located in the radial groove of the housing in the specified axial position for later rotation of the cylinder in the lock.
Z zasnovo ključavnice po tem izumu je odpravljena težava z nepooblaščenim vdorom v ključavnico s pomočjo zgoraj opisane dinamične metode (bumpinga). Za razliko od klasične konstrukcije cilindra, kjer se sklopka aktivira (medsebojna povezava sklopke z upravljalno brado ključavnice) s pomikom ključa, se tukaj aktivacija izvede šele po kasnejšem osnem pomiku cilindra v ključavnico zaradi učinka zaustavljalnega dela stebla pooblaščenega ključa. Tako na zanesljivo delovanje sklopke ne vpliva obraba konice ključa, kot na primer pri lamelnih ključavnicah na zaganjalnikih motornih vozil.The design of the lock according to the invention eliminates the problem of unauthorized intrusion into the lock by using the dynamic bumping method described above. Unlike the classic cylinder construction, where the clutch is actuated (interconnecting the clutch with the lock control beard) with the key displacement, the actuation is carried out only after the lateral axial displacement of the cylinder into the lock due to the stopping effect of the authorized key stem. Thus, the reliable operation of the clutch is not affected by the wear of the key tip, such as in the case of lamellae locks on motor vehicle starters.
V alternativni izvedbi te ključavnice vsebujejo lokasti radialni utori cilindričnega telesa cilindra dve vrsti drsno vodljivih vzmetenih diskov z izboklinami, ki so razporejene ena nasproti drugi in sodelujejo z osnimi utori v notranji cilindrični površini ohišja; diske vsake vrste upravlja prvo oziroma drugo kodiranje ključa, ki se vstavlja, in je tudi izvedeno dvostransko na straneh grebena ali na bočnih straneh ključa. S tem se • · poveča število kombinacij in varnost ključavnice.In an alternative embodiment, these locks comprise the radial grooves of the cylindrical body of the cylinder two rows of sliding-guided spring disks with projections opposite each other and cooperating with axial grooves in the inner cylindrical surface of the housing; disks of each type are controlled by the first or second encoding of the key being inserted, and is also executed bilaterally on the sides of the ridge or on the sides of the key. This increases the number of combinations and security of the lock.
Osno pomikanje cilindra v ključavnici deluje proti pritisku vzmeti cilindra, katerega drugi konec nalega na rebro upravljalne brade ključavnice. Tako je olajšano upravljanje cilindra.The axial movement of the cylinder in the lock acts against the pressure of the cylinder spring, the other end of which rests on the rib of the control chin of the lock. This makes it easier to operate the cylinder.
Po enem od možnih izvedbenih primerov te ključavnice ima ploskev notranjega konca cilindra prečno zarezo, ki vsebuje drsno, ploščici podobno telo sklopke, ki je trajno potisnjeno proti rebru upravljalne brade. Telo sklopke ima vzdolžno zarezo, ki je odprta v smeri proti rebru upravljalne brade, kjer klin omejevala raztezanja sklopke sega v to zarezo in omejuje končni osni položaj sklopke.According to one possible embodiment of this lock, the surface of the inner end of the cylinder has a transverse notch containing a sliding, tile-like clutch body which is permanently pushed against the rib of the control beard. The clutch body has a longitudinal notch open in the direction of the rib of the control chin, where the wedge restricts the clutch extensions extending into this notch and limits the end axial position of the clutch.
Po drugem izvedbenem primeru te ključavnice zgornji konci radialnih gredi, ki so razporejene v vrsti, vodijo v žleb ključa v cilindru. V radialnih gredeh so drsno uležajeni prilagodilni klini, katerih zgornji konci sodelujejo s tretjim kodiranjem, izvedenim na spodnji, ožji strani ploščatega ključa in proti spodnjim koncem katerih nalegajo zgornje ploskve zapornih klinov, ki so vzmeteni v izvrtinah v ohišju, soosno z ustreznimi gredmi v cilindru v funkcionalnem zaklepnem položaju cilindra. Ta pomožni klasični pripomoček ključavnice zopet poveča število kombinacij in s tem varnost.According to another embodiment of this lock, the upper ends of the radial shafts arranged in a row lead to a key groove in the cylinder. In the radial beams there are sliding bearing adaptation wedges, the upper ends of which cooperate with the third encoding made on the lower, narrower side of the flat key and against the lower ends of which the upper surfaces of the locking wedges, which are suspended in the holes in the housing, are aligned with the corresponding shafts in the cylinders. in the cylinder’s functional lock position. This auxiliary classic lock accessory again increases the number of combinations and thus the security.
Predmet tega izuma vključuje tudi ploščati ključ, ki je sestavljen iz glave, razširjenega prehodnega dela in stebla, kjer je vsaj ena od obeh stranskih ploskev ali pa obe strani grebena stebla opremljena s prvim ali drugim kodiranjem in ožji spodnji del ključa je lahko opremljen s tretjim kodiranjem za upravljanje nekaterih izvedb zgoraj opisane ključavnice. Zaustavljalni del tega ključa je sestavljen iz sredstva, izbranega iz skupine, ki vključuje, posamično ali v kombinaciji, spodnjo ploskev prehodnega razširjenega dela, vsaj eno bočno izboklino v tem prehodnem razširjenem delu ali ploskev prehodnega razširjenega dela, ki se razteza proti stranem.The object of the present invention also includes a flat key consisting of a head, an extended transitional part and a stem, wherein at least one of the two lateral surfaces or both sides of the stem ridge is provided with a first or second coding and the narrower lower part of the key may be provided with a third coding to manage some embodiments of the lock described above. The stopping portion of this key consists of an agent selected from the group comprising, individually or in combination, the lower surface of the transitional enlarged portion, at least one lateral protrusion in this transitional expanded portion, or the surface of the transitional expanded portion extending toward the sides.
Odklepanje cilindra ključavnic poteka v treh stopnjah, ki vključujejo vstavljanje ključa, dodatno premikanje za vstavljanje celotnega cilindra z vstavljenim ključem v ohišje, kadar se izvaja osna sila zaradi učinka zaustavljalnega dela ključa, in na koncu obračanje cilindra z izvajanjem momenta na vstavljeni ključ.The unlocking of the cylinder lock is done in three stages involving the insertion of the key, additional movement to insert the entire cylinder with the key inserted into the housing when the axial force is exerted by the effect of the stopping part of the key, and finally turning the cylinder by applying torque to the inserted key.
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Kratek opis risbBrief description of the drawings
Priložene risbe kažejo primere izvedbe tega izuma. Slika 1 je aksonometrični pogled razstavljenega sestava ključavnice z dvema soosnima zaklepnima cilindroma, ki sta vstavljena vsak v svojem ohišju in vsebujeta telo upravljalne brade ključavnice, ki se upravlja s ključem preko sklopke.The accompanying drawings show examples of embodiments of the present invention. Figure 1 is an axonometric view of the disassembled assembly of a lock with two coaxial locking cylinders, each inserted in its housing and containing a body of a lock control beard that is operated by a key via a clutch.
Slika 2 kaže povečano merilo navpičnega prereza enega od cilindrov ključavnice v neaktivnem stanju pred vstavljanjem ključa z utorom za greben za drugo kodiranje, z osnimi utori, razporejeno v medsebojnih kotnih zamikih v cilindrični notranji površini ohišja ključavnice, kjer so oblikovane izbokline srpasto oblikovanih diskov potisnjene s pomočjo vzmeti proti tej površini izven območja osnega utora.Figure 2 shows an enlarged vertical cross-section of one of the lock cylinders in the inactive state before inserting a key with a groove for the second encoding, with axial grooves arranged at angular offsets in the cylindrical inner surface of the lock housing where the projections of the sickle-shaped disks are pushed by by means of springs against this surface outside the area of the axial groove.
Slika 3 kaže navpični prerez enega od cilindrov ključavnice s slike 2 po vstavitvi ključa z utorom za greben za drugo kodiranje, z osnimi utori, razporejeno v medsebojnih kotnih zamikih v cilindrični notranji površini ohišja ključavnice, kjer so oblikovane izbokline ene vrste srpasto oblikovanih diskov potisnjene s pomočjo vzmeti v te osne utore.Figure 3 shows a vertical section of one of the lock cylinders of Figure 2 after inserting a key with a groove for the second encoding, with axial grooves arranged at angular offsets in the cylindrical inner surface of the lock housing, where the projections of one type of sickle-shaped disks are pushed by assist the springs in these axial grooves.
Slika 4 kaže razmestitev v skladu s sliko 3, potem ko je bil vstavljen ključ z utorom za greben in stranski utor za drugo/tretje kodiranje, kjer so oblikovane izbokline dveh vrst srpasto oblikovanih diskov, razporejenih eni proti drugim, potisnjeni s pomočjo vzmeti v osne utore v cilindrični notranji površini ohišja ključavnice.Fig. 4 shows the arrangement according to Fig. 3 after inserting a key with a ridge groove and a lateral groove for the second / third encoding, where the projections of two types of sickle-shaped disks, arranged one against the other, are pushed by springs into the axles grooves in the cylindrical inner surface of the lock housing.
Sliki 5 in 6 prikazujeta 3-dimenzionalen pogled ključavničnega cilindra s prednje zunanje strani in z nasprotne notranje strani.Figures 5 and 6 show a 3-dimensional view of the lock cylinder from the front outside and from the opposite inside.
Slika 7 kaže ključ za upravljanje te ključavnice, ki je opremljen s stranskim utorom, ki ustreza obliki s slike 3. Slika 8 kaže ključ z grebenskim utorom in s stranskimi utori, ki ustrezajo obliki s slike 4.Figure 7 shows a key to operate this lock, which is provided with a side groove corresponding to the shape of Figure 3. Figure 8 shows a key with a ridge groove and side grooves corresponding to the shape of Figure 4.
Slika 9 kaže navpični vzdolžni odsek dela ključavnice s končnim območjem aktivnega cilindra, v vstavljenim ključem, v funkcionalnem položaju pred pomikom cilindra, ko sklopka še ne ubira z upravljalno brado. Slika 10 kaže vodoravni prerez dela ključavnice s slike 9 z ravnino, speljano v os cilindra.Figure 9 shows a vertical longitudinal section of a portion of the lock with the end region of the active cylinder, in the inserted key, in a functional position before the cylinder moves when the clutch is not yet engaging with the control beard. Figure 10 shows a horizontal section of a portion of the lock of Figure 9 with a plane extending into the axis of the cylinder.
Slika 11 kaže pogled od zgoraj na sestav s slik 9 in 10, v funkcionalnem položaju, preden je cilinder potisnjen v ključavnico. Slika 12 ustreza sliki 11 in prikazuje sestav ključavnice v funkcionalnem položaju s cilindrom, vstavljenim v ohišje ključavnice, ko je sklopka ključavnice v zarezi upravljalne brade ključavnice, s katero ubira. Slika 13 je zasukani pogled prereza po sliki 12, slika 14 je navpični prerez zaklepnega območja s slike 13. Slika 15 kaže ključavnico v navpičnem vzdolžnem prerezu.Figure 11 shows a top view of the assembly of figures 9 and 10 in a functional position before the cylinder is pushed into the lock. Figure 12 corresponds to Figure 11 and shows the lock assembly in a functional position with a cylinder inserted into the lock housing when the lock clutch is in the notch of the control beard of the lock it engages. Fig. 13 is a rotated cross-sectional view of Fig. 12, Fig. 14 is a vertical cross-sectional view of the locking region of Fig. 13. Fig. 15 shows a lock in a vertical longitudinal cross-section.
Sliki 16 in 17 kažeta primera izvedbe zaustavljalnega dela ključa za upravljanje ključavnice, ki služi za prenos osne sile na ključavnični cilinder, in potem, ko je potisnjen v končni položaj v ohišju ključavnice, ko sklopka ubira z upravljalno brado, za prenos momenta.Figures 16 and 17 show examples of the implementation of the locking part of a key for controlling a lock, which is used to transfer axial force to the lock cylinder, and after being pushed to the end position in the lock housing when the clutch engages with the control beard, to transmit torque.
Sliki 18 in 19 kažeta 3-dimenzionalna pogleda dela sestava ključavnice v razstavljenem stanju s prikazom vrst diskov, katerih pomik se izvaja s pomočjo kodiranja, izvedenega na strani grebena ploščatega ključa.Figures 18 and 19 show the 3-dimensional views of part of the assembly of the lock in the disassembled state, showing the types of disks whose movement is carried out by the encoding performed on the side of the ridge of the flat key.
Primeri prednostnih izvedbenih primerovExamples of preferred embodiments
Ključavnica po tem izumu ima dva soosna ključavnična cilindra 1 z žlebom 6 ključa za ploščati ključ 7, pri čemer je vsak cilinder uležajen v svojem ohišju 2, pri čemer sta obe ohišji 2 med seboj povezani z mostom 3 v spodnjem delu. Oba cilindra 1 sta držana skupaj tudi s pomočjo varnostnih obročev in za delovanje ključavnice sta opremljena s sklopko 4, ki je drsno uležajena, a ne vrtljivo uležajena v osi vrtenja telesa upravljalne brade 5 ključavnice, ki se nahaja v vrzeli med obema cilindroma 1. V žleb 6 ključa vodijo zgornji konci radialnih gredi, razporejenih v vrsti, v kateri so drsno nameščeni prilagodilni klini 8. Zgornji konci prilagodilnih klinov 8 sodelujejo s tretjim kodiranjem 9, izvedenim v spodnjem ožjem delu ploščatega ključa 7 in na njihovih spodnjih koncih nalegajo zgornje ploskve zapornih klinov 10, ki so vzmeteni v izvrtinah v ohišju 2, soosno z ustreznimi gredmi v cilindru 1 v funkcionalnem zaklenjenem položaju cilindraThe lock of the present invention has two coaxial lock cylinders 1 with a groove 6 of a flat key wrench 7, each cylinder being housed in its housing 2, with both housings 2 connected to each other by a bridge 3 at the bottom. Both cylinders 1 are also held together by means of safety rings and are provided with a clutch 4 for sliding operation, which is slidably mounted but not rotatably mounted in the axis of rotation of the lock control body 5, which is located in the gap between the two cylinders. The key groove 6 is guided by the upper ends of the radial shafts arranged in a row in which the adjusting wedges 8 are slidably mounted. The upper ends of the adjusting wedges 8 cooperate with the third encoding 9 made in the lower narrower part of the flat key 7 and at their lower ends they rest the upper locking surfaces. wedges 10, which are suspended in the bores in the housing 2, coaxially with the corresponding shafts in cylinder 1 in the functionally locked position of the cylinder
Da bi povečali število kombinacij, je spodnja vrsta zaskokov (prilagodilnih klinov 8) in zapornih klinov 10 opremljena z nizom diskov 11, ki so posamično drsno nameščeni v lokastih radialnih utorih 12 cilindričnega telesa cilindra. Diski 11 so oblikovani v oblikiIn order to increase the number of combinations, the lower row of latches (adjusting pins 8) and locking pins 10 are provided with a series of disks 11 which are individually slidably mounted in the localized radial grooves 12 of the cylindrical body of the cylinder. The disks 11 are formatted
srpov in imajo na svoji zunanji strani vedno dve kotno zamaknjeni izboklini 13, ki sodelujeta z osnimi utori 14 v notranji cilindrični površini ohišja 2 (sliki 2 in 3). Kotni zamik teh osnih utorov 14 ustreza kotnemu zamiku zunanjih izboklin 13 srpasto oblikovanih diskov 11. Zunanje lokaste strani diskov 11 nalegajo na steno cilindrične votline ohišja 2, del notranje lokaste stene dela vsake lamele 11 pa je speljan skozi dno ustreznega lokastega radialnega utora 12. Premik lamele 11 se izvede s pomočjo prvega kodiranja 15, izvedenega na strani stebla ploščatega ključa 7, v katerega vzmet 16 lamele potisne en konec srpaste lamele 11 (ena od zunanjih izboklin 13 se nahaja na njegovem nasprotnem koncu). Vzmet 16 se nahaja v vdolbini 17 v cilindru 1 in njen zunanji konec nalega na izboklino 18 na notranjem obodu lamele 11.and there are always two angularly displaced projections 13 on their outer faces, which cooperate with axial grooves 14 in the inner cylindrical surface of the housing 2 (Figures 2 and 3). The angular offset of these axial grooves 14 corresponds to the angular offset of the outer projections 13 of the sickle-shaped disks 11. The outer arched sides of the disks 11 are adjacent to the wall of the cylindrical cavity of the housing 2, and part of the inner arched wall of the part of each lamella 11 extends through the bottom of the corresponding arched radial groove 12. The displacement of the blade 11 is accomplished by the first coding 15 executed on the side of the flat key stem 7 into which the blade spring 16 pushes one end of the sickle blade 11 (one of the outer projections 13 is located at its opposite end). The spring 16 is located in the recess 17 in the cylinder 1 and its outer end rests on the bulge 18 on the inner circumference of the louver 11.
Za še dodatno povečanje števila kombinacij (zapiranj lamel) ključavnice je lahko na obeh straneh cilindra 1 izveden omenjeni niz diskov 11, ki so posamično drsno uležajeni v lokastih radialnih utorih 12 cilindričnega telesa cilindra 1 (slika 4). Pomik diskov 11, ki se nahajajo na drugi bočni strani cilindra 1, upravlja drugo kodiranje 19, ki je izvedeno v bočni strani stebla ploščatega ključa 7 (na nasprotni strani stebla ploščatega ključa 7).To further increase the number of locks (locks) of the lock, the aforementioned set of disks 11 can be made on both sides of cylinder 1, which are individually slidably mounted in the elbow radial grooves 12 of the cylindrical body of cylinder 1 (Figure 4). The displacement of the disks 11 located on the other side of the cylinder 1 is governed by the second encoding 19, which is implemented in the side of the flat key stem 7 (opposite the flat key stem 7).
Medtem ko se odklepanje običajnega cilindra izvaja v dveh korakih, se pravi vstavljanje ključa in obračanje cilindra z izvajanjem momenta na vstavljeni ključ, zahteva zasnova o tem izumu še en premik, namreč vstavljanje celotnega cilindra v ohišje. Ko je vstavljen pooblaščeni ključ in se je ustvarila delilna ravnina med zaskoki (prilagodilnimi klini 8) in zapornimi klini 10 v vseh izvrtinah (radialnih gredeh), se cilinder 1 premakne (z izvajanjem osne sile na zaustavljalni del ključa 7) v položaj v ohišju 2, ki bo omogočal zasukanje cilindra 1 z izvajanjem momenta na vstavljeni ključ 7. V tem položaju se posamični diski 11 obrnejo v ustrezne lokaste radialne utore 12 do položaja, kjer se zaradi učinka grebena ali stranskih izboklin na steblo ključa 7 (prvo ali drugo kodiranje 15, 16) njihove zunanje izbokline 13 prilegajo v ustrezne osne utore 14 v notranji cilindrični površini ohišja 2. Cilinder 1 se potem potisne noter zaradi delovanja zaustavljalnega dela ključa 7. Šele ko je cilinder 1 popolnoma vstavljen v ključavnico, se sklopka 4 potisne v upravljalno brado 5 (v zarezo v njenem rebru) in ko se potem cilinder 1 zasuka, se z njim vred zasuka tudi upravljalna brada 5.While the unlocking of a normal cylinder is performed in two steps, i.e. inserting a key and turning the cylinder by exerting torque on the inserted key, the design of the present invention requires another shift, namely inserting the entire cylinder into the housing. When an authorized key is inserted and a dividing plane is created between the latches (adjusting wedges 8) and the locking wedges 10 in all bores (radial beams), the cylinder 1 moves (by applying axial force to the stop part of the key 7) to the position in the housing 2 , which will allow the cylinder 1 to be rotated by applying a torque to the inserted key 7. In this position, the individual disks 11 are rotated into the corresponding radial grooves 12 to the position where, due to the effect of the ridge or lateral projections, the key 7 (first or second coding 15) , 16) their outer projections 13 fit into the corresponding axial grooves 14 in the inner cylindrical surface of the housing 2. Cylinder 1 is then pushed in due to the operation of the locking part of the key 7. Only when cylinder 1 is fully inserted into the lock, the clutch 4 is pushed into the control beard 5 (a notch in its rib) and when the cylinder 1 is rotated, the control beard 5 is also twisted.
Za osno premikanje cilindra 1 z vstavljenim ključem 7 proti upravljalni bradi 5 je torej treba premakniti zaskoke v položaj, kjer so vsi zaporni klini 10 popolnoma vstavljeni v ohišje 2 cilindra 1 (ustvari se delilna ravnina) in so hkrati vsi srpasto oblikovani diski 11 obrnjeni tako, da se njihove zunanje izbokline 13, ki segajo v notranje radialne utore 20 v ohišju 2, ujamejo z osnimi utori 14 v notranji cilindrični površini ohišja 2. Število notranjih radialnih utorov 20 v ohišju 2 je dvakrat večje od števila bližnjih lokastih radialnih utorov 12 cilindričnega telesa cilindra 1.In order to move the cylinder 1 axially with the key 7 inserted against the control beard 5, it is therefore necessary to move the locks to a position where all the locking wedges 10 are fully inserted into the housing 2 of the cylinder 1 (dividing plane is created) and at the same time all the sickle-shaped disks 11 are turned so , that their outer projections 13 extending into the inner radial grooves 20 in the housing 2 are caught by the axial grooves 14 in the inner cylindrical surface of the housing 2. The number of internal radial grooves 20 in the housing 2 is twice the number of nearby localized radial grooves 12 of the cylindrical cylinder bodies 1.
Za preprečevanje vrtenja cilindra 1 potem, ko je bil vstavljen pooblaščeni ključ 7, vsebuje cilinder 1 omejevalni klin 21, katerega navzven štrleči del drsi v vzdolžnem utoru 22, izvedenem v ohišju 2. Ta utor 22 omejuje dolžino osnega pomika cilindra 1 z vstavljenim ključem 7 v smeri proti upravljalni bradi 5. V smeri proti upravljalni bradi 5 gre v radialni utor 23 ohišja 2, ki omogoča vrtenje cilindra 1 v ohišju 2, ko je bil potisnjen v ključavnico v točno definiranem osnem položaju. Za lažje upravljanje ključavnice je lahko cilinder 1 vzmeten v osni smeri (njegovo osno gibanje deluje proti pritisku vzmeti 27 cilindra, katerega drugi konec nalega na rebro upravljalne brade 5 ključavnice). Ploskev notranjega konca cilindra 1 ima prečno zarezo 24, ki vsebuje drsno, ploščici podobno telo sklopke 4, ki ga dve vzmeti 28 telesa sklopke trajno potiskata proti rebru upravljalne brade 5 ključavnice, ki ima zarezo za prehod sklopke 4, ko ubira z upravljalno brado 5. Odprtina cilindra 1 v območju njegovega notranjega konca vsebuje zatič 25 omejevala raztezanja sklopke 4. Ploščici podobno telo sklopke 4 ima vzdolžno zarezo, ki je odprta v smeri proti rebru upravljalne brade 5, in zatič 25 omejevala raztezanja sklopke 4, ki omejuje njen končni osni položaj, sega v to zarezo.To prevent the cylinder 1 from rotating after the authorized key 7 has been inserted, the cylinder 1 has a restraining wedge 21 whose outward projecting portion slides in a longitudinal groove 22 made in the housing 2. This groove 22 limits the length of the axial displacement of the cylinder 1 with the inserted key 7 in the direction of the control beard 5. In the direction of the control beard 5, it goes into the radial groove 23 of the housing 2, which allows rotation of the cylinder 1 in the housing 2 when it was pushed into the lock in a well-defined axial position. For ease of operation of the lock, cylinder 1 can be sprung in the axial direction (its axial motion acts against the pressure of the spring 27 of the cylinder, the other end of which rests on the rib of the control chin 5 of the lock). The inner end surface of the cylinder 1 has a transverse notch 24 comprising a sliding, clutch-like clutch body 4 which is permanently pushed by two springs 28 of the clutch body against the edge of the control beard 5 of the lock, which has a notch for the clutch passage 4 when engaging with the control beard 5 The opening of the cylinder 1 in the region of its inner end comprises a clutch extension stop pin 25. A clutch-like clutch body 4 has a longitudinal notch open in the direction of the rib of the control chin 5, and a clutch extension limiter pin 25 limiting its end axis. position, goes into that notch.
Kot je bilo opisano zgoraj, se odklepanje cilindra 1 ključavnice po tem izumu izvaja v treh korakih, ki vključujejo vstavljanje ključa, dodatno premikanje za vstavljanje celotnega cilindra 1 z vstavljenim ključem v ohišje 2 in na koncu vrtenje cilindra z izvajanjem momenta na vstavljeni ključ. Osna sila pri vstavljanju celotnega cilindra 1 z vstavljenim ključem v ohišje 2 se povzroči z učinkom zaustavljalnega dela gredi 26 ključa 7, ki je lahko sestavljen iz spodnje ploskve prehodnega razširjenega dela pri glavi ključa, vsaj ene stranske izbokline v tem prehodnem razširjenem delu ali ploskve prehodnega razširjenega dela, ki se razteza proti stranem, ali kombinacij le-teh.As described above, the unlocking of the cylinder 1 of the lock according to the invention is performed in three steps involving the insertion of a key, further movement to insert the entire cylinder 1 with the key inserted into the housing 2 and finally rotate the cylinder by performing a torque on the inserted key. The axial force when inserting the complete cylinder 1 with the key inserted into the housing 2 is caused by the effect of the stopping part of the shaft 26 of the key 7, which may consist of a lower surface of the transitional extended portion at the key head, of at least one lateral protrusion in this transitional extended portion or of the transitional surface the extended side-extending part, or combinations thereof.
Ključavnica po tem izumu ima veliko število možnih kombinacij in je v bistvu odporna proti nepooblaščenemu odklepanju s pomočjo dinamične metode (bumpinga).The lock of the present invention has a large number of possible combinations and is essentially resistant to unauthorized unlocking by means of a dynamic method (bumping).
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SI201200119A SI23741A (en) | 2011-05-05 | 2012-04-17 | Lock and key |
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US4326396A (en) * | 1980-01-14 | 1982-04-27 | Chicago Lock Co. | Plate tumbler for a cylinder lock mechanism |
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US4638651A (en) | 1985-08-07 | 1987-01-27 | Yale Security Inc. | Lock cylinder having two sets of tumblers and key therefor |
JPH0721776Y2 (en) * | 1989-11-10 | 1995-05-17 | 株式会社東海理化電機製作所 | Cylinder lock |
WO2005124067A1 (en) * | 2004-06-18 | 2005-12-29 | Guozhong Chen | An anti-picking and anti-theft lock cylinder |
CZ298294B6 (en) | 2005-01-07 | 2007-08-15 | Vysoká škola chemicko - technologická | Flow property modification method of power station fly ash water suspensions |
CZ20509U1 (en) * | 2009-12-09 | 2010-02-08 | Fab, S.R.O. | Cylinder-type lock with flat key |
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