SI23576A - 3-axis modular click cubes - Google Patents

3-axis modular click cubes Download PDF


Publication number
SI23576A SI201000447A SI201000447A SI23576A SI 23576 A SI23576 A SI 23576A SI 201000447 A SI201000447 A SI 201000447A SI 201000447 A SI201000447 A SI 201000447A SI 23576 A SI23576 A SI 23576A
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Janez Gantar
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Janez Gantar
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Application filed by Janez Gantar filed Critical Janez Gantar
Priority to SI201000447A priority Critical patent/SI23576A/en
Publication of SI23576A publication Critical patent/SI23576A/en



  • Toys (AREA)


The click cubes according to the invention solve the problem of simple assembly of wooden cubes with fixing elements like fixing member, fixing cylinder or fixing rod. No tools are needed. The mentioned fixing elements are equipped with children friendly snap click mechanism. The main shapes family comprises a cube, arcade cuboid, isosceles cylinder, cut triangle prism, click wheel and a box. All mentioned bodies have surfaces with matrix formation of fixing holes and bores where the fixing elements are snap in. There are also the screw threaded bores which can be used for fixed and more stable mounting of fixing rods or click wheels. The click cubes according to the invention cover toys of smaller constructions like palaces, castles, small houses, small vehicles and big vehicles suitable for children to take a ride with them. The playing houses, puppetries or children furniture are toys which can be bigger as children are.


Področje tehnike so otroške igrače.The field of technology is children's toys.

Predmet izuma so klik-kocke namenjene otrokom, starejšim od treh let. Izdelane morajo biti iz naravnega lesa. Vsi sestavni deli so oblikovani tako, da se otrok ne more poškodovati. Pri izdelavi kock po izumu se ne sme uporabljati strupenih lepil, barv, lakov ali drugih premazov. Kar je kovinskega, mora biti nerjavno jeklo in kar je plastičnega, mora biti na nivoju meril za prehrano ali medicino.The object of the invention are click-cubes for children over three years of age. They must be made of natural wood. All components are designed to prevent injury to the child. No toxic adhesives, paints, varnishes or other coatings should be used in the manufacture of the cubes according to the invention. What is metallic must be stainless steel and what is plastic must be at the level of criteria for nutrition or medicine.

Znane rešitve, podobne kockam po tem izumu, so Lego kocke, ki so sestavljive v eni smeri in Matador kocke iz Avstrije.Known solutions similar to the cubes of the present invention are Lego cubes which are one-way foldable and Matador cubes from Austria.

Problemi poznane tehnike so, da so Lego kocke omejeno sestavljive samo v smeri ene prostorske osi in so iz nenaravnega plastičnega materiala, ki postane problem, če pristanejo kocke na smetišču. Avstrijske kocke proizvajalca Matador sestavlja kocke z zatikanjem drobnih palčk in zatičev in to s pomočjo kladiva, ki je igračkam priloženo, kar je lahko nevarno za otroke, stare pet ali celo samo štiri leta.A well-known technique is that Lego cubes are only limited in the direction of one space axis and are made of unnatural plastic material, which becomes a problem if the cubes land on the landfill. Matador's Austrian cubes are made up of cubes by pinching small sticks and pins using a hammer that comes with the toys, which can be dangerous for children as young as five or just four.

Po izumu so elementi novih kocke narejeni iz lesa, prednostno iz polnega lesa listavcev. Kocke po izumu imajo na svojih ploskvah vezne izvrtine, oblikovane tako, da se kocke in drugi gradbeni elementi med seboj sestavljajo z zatikanjem z veznimi elementi. Dolžina roba osnovne kocke pomeni modulno dolžino ali modulno mero a. Poleg osnovne kocke z razmerjem robov a : a : a, so drugi osnovni gradbeni elementi še arkadni kvader, enakokraki valj, prirezana trikotna prizma, klik-kolo in škatla. Razmerje robov arkadnega kvadra je a : a : 3a. Enakokraki valj ima razmerje premera proti višini a : a. Prirezana trikotna prizma, ki služi zlasti za gradnjo hišnih in cerkvenih streh, ima daljšo od obeh pravokotnih ploskev v razmerju a : 2a, pri čemer je krajša višina pravokotnega trikotnika a. Ta prizma ima pravokotni trikotnik v ostrejšem kotu prirezan iz varnostnih razlogov, ker varna igračka otroka ne sme ogroziti z nobenim ostrim robom ali ostrim kotom. Značilna za tri-osno sestavljive kocke po izumu je nova konstrukcija osnovne kocke, ki ima v sredini vsake od šestih kvadratnih stranic vezno izvrtino.According to the invention, the elements of the new cubes are made of wood, preferably solid hardwood. The cubes according to the invention have connecting holes in their planes, designed so that the cubes and other building elements are interconnected by interlocking with the connecting elements. The length of the edge of the base cube means the modular length or modular dimension a. In addition to the base cube with the aspect ratio a: a: a, the other basic building blocks include an arcade box, an equilateral cylinder, a trimmed triangular prism, a click wheel and a box. The ratio of the edges of the arcade square is a: a: 3a. An equilateral cylinder has a diameter to height ratio of: a. The trimmed triangular prism, which is used especially for the construction of house and church roofs, has the longer of the two rectangular surfaces in the ratio a: 2a, with the shorter height of the right triangle a. This prism has a right-angled triangle in a sharper angle cut for safety reasons, since the safety toy should not compromise the child with any sharp edge or sharp angle. Characteristic of the three-axially foldable cubes according to the invention is the new construction of the basic cube, which has a connecting hole in the center of each of the six square sides.

V tem spisu naj pomeni izraz »izvrtina«, da je izvrtina narejena točno do določene globine, medtem ko naj pomeni izraz »luknja«, da je prevrtana skozi celoten objekt.In this file, the term "bore" means that the bore is made exactly to a certain depth, while the term "hole" means that it is drilled throughout the object.

Premer vezne izvrtine je enak ali prednostno malo manjši od ene tretjine osnovnega roba kocke. Globina veznih izvrtin pa je enaka ali prednostno malo večja od ene tretjine osnovnega roba kocke. Naslednja odlika konstrukcije novih kock so izmetalne luknje, ki se nahajajo v centru vseh treh telesnih simetral kocke in potekajo skozi kocko. Premer izmetalne luknje je prednostno blizu ene polovice premera vezne izvrtine. V izvedbenem primeru je premer izmetalne luknje 8,5mm. Pomembna vloga teh izmetalnih lukenj je izvlačenje veznega člena, veznega valja, vezne palice ali klik-kolesa iz vezne izvrtine. V primeru, če bi bil vezni element zatlačen v vezno izvrtino skupaj s tesnilno snovjo, kot je na primer košček blaga, papirja ali vrvice, si lahko otrok pomaga s svinčniku podobno palčko ali na primer z vijakom M8x40mm.The diameter of the connecting hole is equal to or preferably slightly smaller than one third of the base edge of the cube. However, the depth of the connecting holes is equal to or preferably slightly greater than one-third of the base edge of the cube. Another feature of the construction of the new cubes is the ejection holes located at the center of all three body symmetry of the cube and passing through the cube. The ejection hole diameter is preferably close to one half the diameter of the connecting hole. In the embodiment, the ejection hole diameter is 8.5mm. An important role of these ejection holes is to pull the link, tie roller, tie rod or click wheel out of the tie hole. If the attachment element is crammed into the attachment hole with a sealing material such as a piece of cloth, paper or string, the child can use a pencil-like stick or, for example, a M8x40mm screw.

Značilno za konstrukcijo kocke po izumu je tudi, da so vsi telesni robovi osnovne kocke in tudi vsi telesni robovi vseh ostalih gradbenih elementov, ki sestavljajo tri-osno sestavljive klik-kocke po izumu, prednostno krožno posneti z rezkarjem, ki ima radij na primer 3mm. Te okrogline predstavljajo za otroka varnost pri igranju s kockami po izumu. Zaokrožitve robov vseh veznih izvrtin in veznih lukenj, ki znaša v izvedbenem primeru 2mm, pomenijo poleg varnosti tudi olajšano vstavljanja veznih členov ali veznih palic v vezne izvrtine kock po izumu. V našem izvedbenem primeru imajo tri-osno sestavljive kocke po izumu, izbrano osnovno modulno mero 50mm. Ta modulna mera je dolžina telesnega roba osnovne kocke.Typical for the construction of the cube according to the invention is also that all the body edges of the base cube, as well as all the body edges of all other building elements that make up the three-axis folding click cubes of the invention, are preferably circularly cut with a cutter having a radius of, for example, 3mm. . These rounds represent the safety of playing with the dice of the invention for a child. Rounding the edges of all connecting holes and connecting holes, which in the embodiment 2mm, in addition to safety, also make it easier to insert the connecting links or connecting rods into the connecting holes of the cubes according to the invention. In our embodiment, the tri-axially foldable cubes according to the invention have a basic modulus of 50mm selected. This modular dimension is the length of the body edge of the base cube.

Vezni člen služi za povezovanje dveh kock ali dveh poljubnih osnovnih elementov po izumu. Vezni člen je prednostno valjaste oblike, katerega višina sovpada z dvojno globino vezne izvrtine kock po izumu. Polovica veznega člena je vstavljena v eno kocko, druga polovica pa je v vezni izvrtini sosednje kocke. Značilno za vezni člen kock po izumu je, da ima vezni člen v sredini vzdolž osi centralno izvrtino. Ena pomembnejših funkcij centralne izvrtine je varnostne narave. Otrok lahko 32mm dolg in 15mm debel valj, odnese v usta. Centralna izvrtina prepreči zadušitev! Poleg tega omogoča centralna izvrtina, pri dražji izvedbi veznega elementa, vstavljanje klik mehanizma. Sledi opis značilnih izvedbenih primerov veznega elementa.The connecting member serves to connect two cubes or two arbitrary basic elements according to the invention. The connecting member is preferably cylindrical in shape, the height of which coincides with the double depth of the connecting hole of the cubes according to the invention. Half of the link is inserted into one cube and the other half is in the hole of the adjacent cube. Typically, the connecting member of the cubes according to the invention is that the connecting member has a central bore in the center along the axis. One of the most important functions of the central bore is the safety nature. The baby can carry a 32mm long and 15mm thick cylinder into the mouth. Central bore prevents suffocation! In addition, the central bore allows for the insertion of a click mechanism in the case of a more expensive implementation of the connecting element. The following is a description of typical embodiments of the connecting element.

Osnovna izvedba veznega elementa po izumu je vezni člen, ki je izveden z dvema vzmetnima zarezama, ki sta zarezani vzdolž osi, vsaka s svojega konca veznega člena. Ta izvedba je primerna za izdelavo iz dovolj prožnega materiala. Vzmetni zarezi sta zažagani vzdolž osi veznega člena tako, da sta zarezani pravokotno zgornja proti spodnji in prednostno segata preko polovice višine veznega člena. Naslednja lastnost opisane izvedbe veznega člena sta dve odebelini, ena na zgornjem koncu, druga pa na spodnjem konce veznega člena. Največji premer odebeline je toliko večji od premera vezne izvrtine v kockah, da se lahko vzmetna zareza nekoliko stisne, ko vezni člen vstavimo v vezno izvrtino kocke. Ta odebelina in vzmetna zareza omogočita prijeten klik efekt pri sestavljanju kock po izumu. Dodatna lastnost veznega člena po tem izvedbenem primeru je, da je okoli 75% višine veznega člena stanjšanega na osrednji premer veznega člena, ki je nekoliko tanjši od premera vezne izvrtine v kockah. Ta stanjšani osrednji premer veznega člena omogoča, da lahko otrok z majanjem izvleče vezni člen iz kocke. Vezne palice ni težko izvleči, ker je relativno dolga in ima otrok za kaj prijeti. Vezni člen je dolg le 32mm in ga iz kocke sega le 16mm, zato je zelo primerna možnost, da se vezni člen lahko izvleče z iz-majanjem. Izboljšana izvedba veznega člena z dvema vzmetnima zarezama ima na odprtem koncu vzmetne zareze vstavljene prožne trakove, na primer iz plute ali primerne gume.The basic embodiment of the connecting element according to the invention is a connecting member, which is made with two spring notches, which are notched along the axis, each from its end of the connecting member. This construction is suitable for production of sufficiently flexible material. The spring notches are sawed along the axis of the link member so that the notches are perpendicularly upper to lower and preferably extend over half the height of the link. Another feature of the described embodiment of the binder is two bumps, one at the upper end and the other at the lower ends of the binder. The maximum thickness of the thickness is so much greater than the diameter of the connecting hole in the cubes that the spring notch may be slightly compressed when the connecting link is inserted into the connecting hole of the cube. This thickness and spring notch give a nice click effect when assembling the cubes according to the invention. An additional feature of the connecting member according to this embodiment is that about 75% of the height of the connecting member is reduced to a central diameter of the connecting member which is slightly thinner than the diameter of the connecting hole in the cubes. This reduced central diameter of the attachment allows the child to be able to pull the attachment out of the cube by swinging. The tie rod is not difficult to pull out because it is relatively long and the baby has something to hold. The binding member is only 32mm long and extends only 16mm from the cube, so it is a very convenient possibility that the binding member can be pulled out by pulling out. An improved version of the twin spring notch has flexible straps inserted at the open end of the spring notch, such as cork or a suitable rubber.

Vezni valj je druga, nekoliko dražja izvedba veznega elementa, ki uporablja za klik efekt dve votlici. Na vsakem koncu veznega valja, sta pravokotno na vzdolžno os veznega valja, izvrtani prednostno po ena vodilna izvrtina, v katero je vstavljena votlica, ki se lahko premika vzdolž vodilne izvrtine. V notranjosti votlice potiska spiralna ali žična vzmet votlico tako, da polkrožna glavica votlice gleda iz vodilne luknje, oziroma iz veznega valja.The connecting cylinder is a second, slightly more expensive implementation of the connecting element, which uses the effect of two cavities. At each end of the connecting cylinder, perpendicularly to one longitudinal axis of the connecting cylinder, one guide hole is drilled, preferably into which a cavity is inserted, which can be moved along the guide hole. Inside the cavity, the coil or wire spring pushes the cavity so that the semicircular head of the cavity looks out from the guide hole or from the connecting cylinder.

Cenejša izvedba veznega valja uporablja namesto žične ali spiralne vzmeti elastičen čep, na primer iz plutovine.The cheaper version of the connecting cylinder uses an elastic plug, such as cork, instead of wire or coil springs.

Še cenejša izvedba veznega valja je lahko izvedena tudi brez uporabe dveh votlic. V tem slučaju sta obe vodilni luknji stožčasto povrtani in v to povrtano vodilno luknjo se vstavi plutovinast čep s polkrožno zaobljeno izoblikovano glavico čepa. Poseben izvedbeni primer namesto plutovinastega čepa uporablja cofek iz snopa tankih prožnih vlaken, na primer iz volne ali svile. Ta cofek je tesno vstavljen v vodilno izvrtino in fiksiran z tanko palčko skozi centralno luknjo, ki je prednostno zalepljena.Even cheaper construction of the connecting cylinder can be done without the use of two cavities. In this case, both guide holes are tapered, and a cork stopper with a semicircularly rounded stud head is inserted into this drilled hole. A specific embodiment uses a coffek made of a bundle of thin flexible fibers, such as wool or silk, instead of a cork stopper. This bucket is tightly inserted into the guide hole and fixed with a thin thumb through a central hole, which is preferably glued.

Vezna palica je sestavni del nabora osnovnih gradbenih elementov tri-osno sestavljivih kock po izumu. Vezne palice omogočajo gradnjo palač, cerkva, vozil in tudi otroškega pohištva. Pri otroškem pohištvu se vezne palice rabijo kot noge mizice, stolčka ali noge postelje. Vezne palice omogočajo na primer gradnjo igralne hiške s pritličjem, enim nadstropjem in podstrešjem hiške.The connecting rod is an integral part of the set of basic building blocks of the three-axially assembled cubes according to the invention. The connecting rods allow for the construction of palaces, churches, vehicles and also children's furniture. For children's furniture, tie rods are used as table legs, chairs or bed feet. For example, tie rods allow the construction of a play house with a ground floor, one floor and a loft.

Srednji del vezne palice bo v nadaljnjem tekstu kratko imenovan kot distančnik. V izvedbenem primeru je premer distančnika od 17 do 20mm, glede na dolžino vezne palice. Vezna palica ima na vsakem koncu osrednjega distančnika še natikač. Natikač vezne palice je oblikovan enako, kot polovička veznega člena ali veznega valja. Opisan izvedbeni primer vezne palice uporablja vzmetno zarezo. Natikač ima na koncu odebelino in stanjšan osrednji del natikača.The middle part of the tie rod will hereinafter be referred to as the spacer. In the embodiment, the spacer diameter is 17 to 20mm, depending on the length of the connecting rod. The connecting rod has a slipper at each end of the central spacer. The tie rod sleeve is shaped in the same way as the half of the tie rod or tie roller. The described embodiment of the connecting rod uses a spring notch. Finally, the slipper has a thickened and thinner central part of the slipper.

Najkrajša vezna palica ima distančnik dolg eno modulno mero, kar je v opisanem izvedbenem primeru 50mm. Celotna dolžina najkrajše vezne palice, po opisanem izvedbenem primeru je 16 + 50 + 16, kar je 82mm. Vsaka naslednja dolžina vezne palice je prednostno podaljšana za modulno mero. Najdaljšo vezno palico omejuje varnost igrače, kajti palico lahko otrok uporabi nehote tudi kot orožje. V opisanem izvedbenem primeru je najdaljša vezna palica dolga 320mm. Večje dolžine se zaradi varnosti sestavljajo s kockami po izumu.The shortest connecting rod has a spacer with one module dimension, which is 50mm in the case described. The total length of the shortest connecting rod, according to the described example, is 16 + 50 + 16, which is 82mm. Each subsequent length of the connecting rod is preferably extended by a modular dimension. The longest stick is limited by the safety of the toy, as the stick can be used by the child inadvertently as a weapon. In the embodiment described, the longest connecting rod is 320mm long. For safety reasons, larger lengths are assembled with the cubes according to the invention.

Prirezana trikotna prizma spada v nabor kock po izumu in je predvsem namenjena za gradnjo streh palač in cerkva. Uporabna je tudi pri sestavljanju lokomotiv in drugih vozil. Značilno za prirezano trikotno prizmo je, da je razmerje katet pravokotnega trikotnika a:2a. Dva ne-pravokotna kota trikotnika sta prirezana vzporedno z ortogonalnima stranicama. Najostrejši kot ima dolžino prireza, ki znaša 20% modula a. Prirez manj ostrega kota trikotnika znaša v opisanem izvedbenem primeru dvakratnik radia zaokrožitve telesnih robov kock po izumu. Trikotna stranica opisane piramide ima eno vezno izvrtino, katere center je od obeh pravokotnih robov oddaljen točno za a/2. Prednostno sta samo omenjeni izvrtini, obeh trikotnih stranic, povezana z nasproti ležečo z izmetalno luknjo. Naslednja značilnost prirezane trikotne prizme je, da je največja, poševna pravokotna stranica brez veznih izvrtin, ker stranica pogosto lahko predstavlja streho hiše. Posebnost opisane prizme je tudi, da ima spodnja pravokotna ploskev, ki ima razmerje robov a : 2a, vzdolž sredine enakomerno razporejene tri vezne izvrtine, ki so vse od zunanjih robov enako oddaljene.The trimmed triangular prism belongs to the set of cubes according to the invention and is primarily intended for the construction of the roofs of palaces and churches. It is also useful for assembling locomotives and other vehicles. Typical of a trimmed triangular prism is that the ratio of the catheters of a right triangle is a: 2a. Two non-right angles of a triangle are cut parallel to the orthogonal sides. The sharpest angle has a cut length of 20% of module a. The cut of a less acute angle of the triangle in the described embodiment is twice the radius of rounding of the body edges of the cubes according to the invention. The triangular side of the pyramid described has one connecting hole whose center is exactly a / 2 from the two perpendicular edges. Preferably, only said holes, both triangular sides, are connected to the ejection hole opposite to them. Another feature of a trimmed triangular prism is that it is the largest, sloping rectangular side with no connecting holes, as the side can often represent the roof of the house. The peculiarity of the described prism is also that the lower rectangular surface having a ratio of edges a: 2a has three connecting holes evenly spaced along the middle, which are equally spaced from the outer edges.

Arkadni kvader spada v osnovni nabor tri-osno sestavljivih kock po izumu. Namenjen je sestavljanju palač in vozil. Razmerje telesnih robov je v izvedbenem primeru a : a : 3a. Spodnja stranica ima v sredini narejen polkrožni arkadni izrez. Center arkade je v sredini spodnje stranice, radij arkade pa je a/2.The Arcade Quadrant is a basic set of three-axis composite cubes according to the invention. It is intended for the assembly of palaces and vehicles. The ratio of body edges is, in embodiment a: a: 3a. The lower side has a semi-circular arcade in the center. The center of the arcade is in the middle of the lower side, and the radius of the arcade is a / 2.

Značilno za opisani arkadni kvader je, da ima zgornja pravokotna stranica vzdolž srednjice enakomerno razporejene tri vezne izvrtine, ki so opremljene z izmetalno luknjo. Med njimi je razmik enak modulu, oziroma dolžini telesnega roba a osnovne kocke po izumu. Če s spodnje strani pogledamo na arkadni kvader, vidimo dva osnovna kvadrata z vezno luknjo v sredini vsakega kvadrata. Med njima pa vidimo arkadni izrez širine a, z izmetalno luknjo na sredini svoda arkade. Pomembna prednost arkadnega kvadra sta dve navojni izvrtini, ki potekata z obeh strani najdaljše telesne osi kvadra. Omenjeni navojni luknji sta dostopni skozi vezni izvrtini, ki se nahajata v centru obeh kvadratov z obeh koncev kvadra in sta pravokotna na vzdolžno telesno os arkadnega kvadra. Omenjeni navojni izvrtini omogočata ceneno in zelo robustno montažo klik-koles pri vozilih, ki jih otrok lahko uporablja za svoj varen prevoz. Taka sobna vozila so lahko prvo kolo, go-cart avto, rolka in podobna otroška sobna vozila.Typically, the arcade quadrangle described is that the upper rectangular side has three tie holes, evenly spaced along the center line, fitted with an ejection hole. The spacing between them is equal to the modulus or length of the body edge a of the base cube according to the invention. Looking from the bottom to the arcade square, we see two basic squares with a connecting hole in the middle of each square. In between, we see an arcade cutout of width a, with an ejection hole in the middle of the arcade vault. An important advantage of the arcade square is the two threaded holes extending from either side of the longest body axis of the square. These threaded holes are accessible through connecting holes located in the center of both squares at both ends of the square and perpendicular to the longitudinal body axis of the arcade square. These threaded bores allow for inexpensive and very robust mounting of click wheels on vehicles that a child can use for their safe transportation. Such room vehicles may be a first wheel, go-cart car, skateboard and similar children's room vehicles.

Enakokraki valj je naslednji osnovni gradnik modularnega sistema tri-osno sestavljivih klik-kock po izumu. Ta pravokotni in enakokraki valj ima razmerje med premerom in višino valja a : a. Uporablja se za sestavljanje lokomotive, točneje parne lokomotive, za katero je značilno da ima spredaj parni kotel, na vrhu ima enega ali več dimnikov, pa tudi velikost valjastega kotla se mora sestavljati po volji otroške domišljije. Drugo važno področje uporabe je gradnja ostrešja igralne hiške. S pomočjo enakokrakega valja dosežemo, pri sestavljanju palic v ostrešje, poševno smer palic, ki predstavljajo ostrešje hiške. Enakokraki valj ima vsaj dve obodi vezni izvrtini z vmesnim kotom 135°. Pri sestavljanju lokomotiv in podobnega, se uporabljajo tudi vmesni koti 180° in 90°. Enakokraki valj po izumu se odlikuje tudi po vezni izvrtini v centru spodnje in zgornje okrogle stranice, ki sta edini povezani z izmetalno luknjo.The one-pointed cylinder is the next basic building block of the modular system of three-axially assembled click-blocks according to the invention. This rectangular and equilateral cylinder has a diameter to height ratio of the cylinder a: a. It is used to assemble a locomotive, or more specifically a steam locomotive, characterized by having a steam boiler in front, one or more chimneys at the top, and the size of a cylindrical boiler must be assembled at will of the child's imagination. Another important area of application is the construction of the roof of the casino. With the help of an equilateral roller, in the assembly of the bars into the roof, the oblique direction of the bars representing the roof of the house is achieved. An equilateral cylinder has at least two circumferential bores with an intermediate angle of 135 °. When assembling locomotives and the like, intermediate angles of 180 ° and 90 ° are also used. The one-pointed cylinder according to the invention is also distinguished by a connecting hole in the center of the lower and upper round sides, which are the only ones connected to the ejection hole.

Klik-kolo omogoča družini osnovnih elementov kock po opisanem izumu, da ta sestavljiva otroška igračka postane tehnično zanimiva, dinamična pa tudi dovolj zahtevna, da se s kockami otrok rad igra tudi, ko bo hodil že v šolo. Zgradba klik-kolesa je izvedena tako, da brez varnega orodja kovinski deli manjšemu otroku niso dostopni. Z uporabo imbus ključa se da odviti samo imbus vijak, ki je v izvedbenem primeru velikosti M6 mm x 25 mm. Uporabljen kroglični ležaj je praho-tesno zaprt in je varno in nedostopno vgrajen v notranjosti lesenega diska.The click-wheel enables the family of basic elements of the cubes of the present invention to make this compound toy technically interesting and dynamic enough to be difficult to play with the cubes even when he is already in school. The construction of the click wheel is made in such a way that metal parts are not accessible to the young child without a secure tool. Only a hexagon screw, which is M6 mm x 25 mm, can be loosened using the Allen wrench. The ball bearing used is dust-tight and is securely and inaccessibly mounted inside the wooden disc.

Klik-kolo je sestavljeno iz lesenega diska, krogličnega ležaja, osnega vijaka, zapore ležaja in klik-pesta. Disk je v predstavljenem izvedbenem primeru iz lesa, debeline 20mm in ima zunanji premer 75mm. V središču diska je do globine 2/3 debeline diska narejena izvrtina ležaja. Preostala 1/3 debeline diska ima v centru luknjo za osni vijak. Omenjena luknja zavaruje dostop do polkrožne glave osnega vijaka. Klik-pesto je prednostno struženo iz lesa in je sestavljeno iz osnega natiča, osovine in natikača. V centru klik-pesta je s strani ležaja vzdolž rotacijske osi izvrtana centralna luknja, v katero je, prednostno do polovice dolžine klik-pesta, vrezan notranji navoj. Z nasprotne strani ležaja je v smeri rotacijske osi narejena izvrtina osovine, ki ima premer nekoliko večji od premera izmetalne luknje. Del pesta, ki je vstavljen v notranjo luknjo ležaja, se imenuje osni natič ležaja in je postružen točno na mero notranjega premera ležaja. Ležaj je s pomočjo stiskalnice tesno vstavljen v izvrtino ležaja in prednostno dodatno zavarovan z zaporo ležaja. Zapora ležaja je prednostno iz tankega lesenega furnirja, ki je zalepljena tik za vstavljenim ležajem v izvrtino ležaja. Osrednji del klik-pesta je osovina, katere dolžina je izbrana tako, da celotna mera klik kolesa ne presega ene modularne dolžine a. Zunanji premer osovine je najdebelejši del klik-pesta in je malo tanjši od notranjega premera zapore ležaja. Natikač je prednostno enak kot je natikač pri vezni palici. Vzmetna zareza klik-pesta poteka vzdolž vrtilne osi pesta skozi celo dolžino natikača in še približno do polovice dolžine klik-pesta. Vzmetna zareza klikpesta omogoča enostavno in hitro montažo klik-kolesa v vezno izvrtino ali v vezno luknjo na katerokoli kocke po izumu.The click-wheel consists of a wooden disk, a ball bearing, an axial screw, a bearing lock and a click-hub. The disc in the presented example is made of wood, 20mm thick and has an outer diameter of 75mm. A bore hole is made in the center of the disc to a depth of 2/3 of the thickness of the disc. The remaining 1/3 of the thickness of the disc has a hole in the center for the axial screw. Said hole secures access to the semi-circular head of the axial screw. The click hub is preferably made of wood and consists of an axle plug, a shaft and a slipper. In the center of the click hub, a central hole is drilled from the side of the bearing along the rotary axis into which an internal thread is cut, preferably up to half the length of the click hub. On the opposite side of the bearing, in the direction of the rotary axis, a bore of the shaft is made which has a diameter slightly larger than the diameter of the ejection hole. The part of the hub that is inserted into the inner hole of the bearing is called the axial pin of the bearing and is turned exactly to the dimension of the inner diameter of the bearing. The bearing is tightly inserted into the bore hole by means of a press and preferably additionally secured by a bearing lock. The bearing block is preferably made of thin wooden veneer, which is glued just behind the inserted bearing into the bore hole. The central part of the click-hub is a shaft whose length is chosen such that the overall dimension of the click wheel does not exceed one modular length a. The outer diameter of the shaft is the thickest part of the click-hub and is a little thinner than the inside diameter of the bearing stop. The jacket is preferably the same as the jacket jacket. The spring notch of the click-hub runs along the hinge axis of the hub through the entire length of the hub and up to about half the length of the hub. The click-spring spring notch enables easy and quick mounting of the click-wheel into the connecting hole or into the connecting hole to any of the cubes according to the invention.

Poleg hitre klik-montaže predvideva konstrukcija klik-kolesa še fiksno montažo. Za fiksno montažo so vsi glavni sestavni deli klik-kolesa isti kot za hitro montažo. Spremeni se samo dolžina osnega vijaka. Pri klik-kolesu, ki je namenjen za hitro montažo, je dolžina navojnega stebla osnega vijaka od 25mm do 40mm, tako da konec vijaka ne gleda ven iz klik-pesta. Dolžina navojnega stebla osnega vijaka za fiksno montažo je od ene modulne dolžine a do 2,5a, kar je v izvedbenem primeru od 50mm do 125mm. Nekatere kocke iz družine tri-osno sestavljivih kock po tem izumu, kot so arkadni kvader, vezna palica in škatla, imajo predvidene notranje navoje za ekonomično in zelo stabilno fiksno montažo klik-kolesa. Za tiste kocke po izumu, ki nimajo notranjih navojev, je predvidena prednostno kovinska ali plastična navojna profilirana cev, z notranjim navojem in zunanjim premerom, ki omogoča, da to navojno profilirano cev lahko vstavimo v izmetalno luknjo kock po izumu.In addition to quick click-mounting, the click-wheel construction also provides for fixed mounting. For fixed mounting, all major components of a click wheel are the same as for fast mounting. Only the length of the axle bolt changes. For a fast-mounting click wheel, the length of the threaded stem of the axial screw is 25mm to 40mm so that the end of the screw does not look out of the click hub. The length of the threaded shaft of the fixed mounting screw is from one module length a to 2.5a, in the case of 50mm to 125mm. Some of the cubes in the family of three-axially assembled cubes of the present invention, such as an arcade box, tie rod and box, have provided internal threads for economical and very stable fixed click-wheel assembly. For those cubes according to the invention which do not have internal threads, a metal or plastic threaded profiled tube, with an internal thread and an outer diameter, is preferably provided, which allows this threaded profiled tube to be inserted into the ejection hole of the cubes according to the invention.

Škatla omogoča družini osnovnih elementov tri-osno sestavljivih kock po izumu, da ta sestavljiva igrača postane tehnično in konstrukcijsko še bolj privlačna in zanimiva. Škatla ima v izvedbenem primeru razmerje med zunanjo širino - proti zunanji dolžini - proti notranji globini 4a : 7a : a. To omogoča dve vitalni funkciji, ki sta predvideni za škatlo po tem izumu. Ker notranja globina škatle sovpada z modulom kock, je ta škatla uporabna kot prodajna embalaža ali kot predal za pospravljanje kock. Matrično urejena formacija veznih lukenj in veznih izvrtin, ki so modularno razporejene po celotnem dnu in po vseh štirih stranicah škatle, omogoča sestavljanje dveh ali treh škatel v večje igralne površine ali pa omogoča sestavljanje škatle z ostalimi tri-osno sestavljivimi kockami, s čemer otrok gradi z uporabo veznih palic, veznih členov ali veznih valjev nove lokomotive, avtomobilčke, palače, trdnjave, hiške ali pa otrok sestavi večje igralne hiške skupaj s pohištvom. Vezne palice, enakokraki valji, kocke in škatle omogočajo sestavljanje igralne hiške, ki ima lahko tudi nadstropje in podstrešje. Z malo več domišljije in z malo pomoči staršev, si otrok lahko sestavi lutkovno gledališče in če kdo sešije gledališke zavese, bo lutkovna predstava mnogim ostala v spominu.The box enables the family of the basic elements of the three-axially assembled cubes according to the invention to make this compound toy more technically and constructively more attractive and interesting. In the embodiment, the box has a ratio of outer width - to outer length - to inner depth 4a: 7a: a. This allows two vital functions to be provided for the box of the present invention. Because the inner depth of the box coincides with the dice module, this box is useful as a sales package or as a dummy storage box. The matrix-arranged formation of connecting holes and connecting holes, which are modularly arranged throughout the bottom and across all four sides of the box, allows the assembly of two or three boxes into larger play surfaces, or allows the box to be assembled with the other three-axially foldable cubes, thereby constructing the child by using tie rods, tie-downs, or tie rollers, a new locomotive, car, palace, fortress, cottage or the child assembles larger playhouses together with the furniture. Connecting rods, single-handed cylinders, cubes and boxes make it possible to assemble a gaming house that can also have a floor and attic. With a little more imagination and with a little help from parents, a child can put together a puppet theater and if anyone sews the theater curtains, the puppet show will be remembered by many.

Značilno za konstrukcijo škatle, ki spada v družino kock po izumu je, da so v vsakem notranjem kotu, ki nastane na stiku dna in dveh stranic, prednostno prilepljeni leseni kotniki. Kotnik poteka prednostno po vsej globini škatle. Kvadratni presek kotnika je izbran tako, da je vsota debeline stranice in roba kvadrata kotnika točno enaka modulni meri a kock po izumu. Vse tri vezne luknje, ki mejijo na kotnik so poglobljeno izvrtane do globine vezne izvrtine. Četrta vezna izvrtina v kotniku je narejena nasproti vezne izvrtine, ki je v vogalu dna. Omenjena četrta izvrtina je povezana z nasproti ležečo vezno izvrtino z izmetalno luknjo, ki poteka vzdolž kotnika, to je v smeri globine škatle. Pomembna novost škatle je ta, da imata obe vezni izvrtini, ki sta skozi stranico izvrtani v kotnik v centru luknjo z notranjim navojem, v katerega se lahko fiksno privije klik-kolo po izumu.Typical for the construction of a box belonging to the family of cubes according to the invention is that in each inner corner formed at the junction of the bottom and the two sides, wooden angles are preferably glued. The angle runs preferably throughout the depth of the box. The square section of the corner is chosen such that the sum of the thickness of the side and the edge of the square of the corner is exactly equal to the modular dimension a of the cubes according to the invention. All three connecting holes adjacent to the corner are drilled in depth to the depth of the connecting hole. The fourth connecting hole in the corner is opposite the connecting hole in the bottom corner. Said fourth bore is connected to an opposite connecting hole by an ejection hole extending along the angle, i.e. in the direction of the depth of the box. An important novelty of the box is that both connecting holes, which are drilled through the side into the corner in the center, have a hole with an internal thread into which the click wheel according to the invention can be fixed.

Claims (33)

PATENTNI ZAHTEVKIPATENT APPLICATIONS 1.1. Tri-osno sestavljive klik-kocke, ki imajo v sredini vsake od šestih stranic kocke izvrtano luknjo, pri čemer naj pomeni izraz „izvrtina“, da je narejena samo do določene globine, medtem ko naj pomeni izraz „luknja“, da je prevrtena skozi celoten objekt, označene s tem, da je v sredini vsake ploskve osnovne kocke vezna izvrtina in da ima vezna izvrtina v centru izmetalno luknjo.Three-axle click-dice having a hole drilled in the center of each of the six sides of the cube, the term "bore" being made to a depth only, while the term "hole" being drilled through the whole object, characterized in that there is a connecting hole in the center of each surface of the base cube and that there is a ejection hole in the center. 2.2. Tri-osno sestavljive klik-kocke, pri čemer naj bo a modul, to je dožina roba osnovne kocke z razmerjem višin a : a : a, po zahtevku 1, označene s tem, da je premer izmetalne luknje manjši od premera vezne izvrtine in da sta po dve vezni izvrtini nasproti ležečih ploskev na isti telesni osi kocke, kot izmetalna luknja, da so telesni robovi kocke vseh šestih stranic kocke po izumu prednosto krožno posneti z radijem zaokrožitve telesnega roba, in da so vsi robovi veznih izvrtin posneti prednostno krožno z malo manjšim radijem zaokrožitev roba vezne izvrtine.A triaxially assembled click cube, wherein a is a module, that is, the length of the edge of the base cube with a height ratio of a: a: a according to claim 1, characterized in that the diameter of the ejection hole is smaller than the diameter of the connecting hole and that there are two connecting holes opposite the supporting surfaces on the same body axis of the cube as the ejection hole, that the body edges of the cube of all six sides of the cube according to the invention are preferably circularly circumscribed by the radius of rounding of the body edge, and that all edges of the connecting holes are preferably circumferentially circular smaller radius rounding the edge of the connecting hole. 3.3. Tri-osno sestavljive klik-kocke, po zahtevkih 1 in 2, označene s tem, da se v vsako vezno izvrtino lahko vstavi vezni člen, vezni valj ali natikač vezne palice, da se vezni člen ali vezni valj do polovice vstavi v vezno izvrtino, da na preostalo polovico veznega člena lahko nataknemo nasledjo kocko po izumu, da polovica višine veznega člena sovpada z globino vezne izvrtine in da je premer vezne izvrtine ena tretjina dolžine roba kocke ali prednostno malo manj ter da je globina vezne izvrtine ena tretjina dolžine roba kocke ali prednostno malo več.Tri-axially assembled click cubes according to claims 1 and 2, characterized in that a link member, tie roller or tie rod sleeve can be inserted into each tie hole to insert the tie link or tie roller halfway into the tie hole, that the next cube according to the invention can be inserted into the remaining half of the connecting member, that half of the height of the connecting hole coincides with the depth of the connecting hole and that the diameter of the connecting hole is one third of the length of the edge of the cube or preferably slightly less, and that the depth of the connecting hole is one third of the length of the edge of the cube, or preferably a little more. 4.4. Tri-osno sestavljive klik-kocke, po zahtevkih 1 do 3, označene s tem, da je vezni člen ali vezni valj prednostno lesen ali iz dovolj prožne plastike, da ima vezni člen prednostno z obeh koncev po eno vzmetno zarezo, kateri potekata vzdolž osi člena in sta zarezani pravokotno zgornja proti spodnji tako, da segata vzmetni zarezi od obeh koncev veznega člena prednostno čez polovico višine, oziroma dolžine veznega člena, da ima vezni člen z obeh koncev odebelino, ki doseže v sredini odebeiine največji premer odebeiine, ki je debelejši od premera vezne izvrtine in da ima vezni člen v osrednjem delu člena stanjšan premer osrednjega dela člena, ki je tanjši od premera vezne izvrtine.Three-axis folding click cubes according to claims 1 to 3, characterized in that the connecting member or connecting cylinder is preferably made of wood or of flexible enough plastic that the connecting member preferably has at each end one spring notch extending along the axis and are notched perpendicularly from top to bottom so that the spring notches from both ends of the linkage member preferably extend over half the height or length of the linkage, so that the linkage at both ends has a thickness that reaches the largest diameter of the thickness, which is thicker in the middle of the blanket. from the diameter of the connecting hole and that the connecting member in the central part of the member has a smaller diameter of the central part of the article that is thinner than the diameter of the connecting hole. 5.5. Tri-osno sestavljive klik-kocke, po zahtevkih 1 do 4, označene s tem, da ima vezni člen prednostno v smeri vzdolžne osi centralno luknjo, ki je lahko opremljena z notranjim navojem centralne luknje in da je v obe vzmetni zarezi prednostno lahko vstavljen in pritrjen prožen trak.Three-axis folding click cubes according to claims 1 to 4, characterized in that the connecting member preferably has a central hole in the direction of the longitudinal axis, which may be provided with an inner thread of the central hole and may preferably be inserted into both spring notches and a flexible strap attached. 6.6. Tri-osno sestavljive klik-kocke, po zahtevkih 1 do 4, označene s tem, da ima lahko vezni element obliko veznega valja, ki ima v sredini vzdolž osi veznega valja izvrtano centralno luknjo, da je premer veznega valja tanjši od premera vezne izvrtine, da sta prednostno blizu obeh koncev veznega valja izvrtani vodilni izvrtini, ki sta pravokotni na vzdolžno os veznega valja in nista prevrtani skozi obe steni votlega veznega valja, da se v obe vodilni izvrtini vstavi votlica, tako da se lahko votlica prosto premika vzdolž vodilne luknje, da segata v notranjost obeh votlic prosta konca žične vzmeti, da oba konca vzmeti potiskata votlici tako, da silita pokrožni glavici votlic iz vodilne luknje, oziroma iz veznega valja do premera veznega člena.Tri-axially assembled click cubes according to claims 1 to 4, characterized in that the connecting element may have the shape of a connecting cylinder having a central hole drilled in the center along the axis of the connecting cylinder so that the diameter of the connecting cylinder is thinner than the diameter of the connecting hole, that, preferably, near the two ends of the connecting cylinder, there are drilled guide holes perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the connecting cylinder and not drilled through both walls of the hollow connecting cylinder, so that a hollow can be inserted into both guide holes so that the cavity can move freely along the guide hole, that they extend into the interior of the two cavities free ends of the wire spring, that the two ends of the spring push the cavities so as to force the crown heads of the cavities from the guide hole or from the connecting cylinder to the diameter of the connecting member. 7.7. Tri-osno sestavljive klik-kocke, po zahtevkih 1 do 6, označene s tem, da ima vsaka od obeh votlic svojo spiralno vzmet, da je vodilna luknja izvrtana prednostno tudi do polovice nasproti ležeče stene votlega veznega valja, da je po drugem izvedbenem primeru v votlico vstavljen elastični čep ali pa je plutovinast čep vstavljen neposredno v vodilno luknjo ali prednostno v povrtano vodilno luknjo, ki je povrtana tako, da glavica čepa dobi ležišče v povrtanem delu vodilne luknje, da je v poenostavljenem izvedbenem primeru v povrtano vodilno luknjo vstavljen cofek in da je cofek narejen kot prepognjen snop iz tankih prožnih vlaken.Three-axis folding click cubes according to claims 1 to 6, characterized in that each of the two cavities has its own spiral spring, that the guide hole is drilled preferably up to half opposite the hollow connecting roller wall, in accordance with the second embodiment an elastic plug is inserted into the cavity or the cork plug is inserted directly into the guide hole or preferably into a rotated guide hole that is rotated so that the plug head receives a bearing in the rotated part of the guide hole so that, in a simplified embodiment, a coffek is inserted into the drilled guide hole and that the cofek is made as a folded bundle of thin flexible fibers. 8.8. Tri-osno sestavljive klik-kocke, po zahtevkih 1 do 5, označene s tem, daje vezna palica okroglega preseka, da ima vezna palica tri dele, od katerih predstavlja osrednji najdebelejši del distančnik vezne palice, na obeh koncih distančnika pa sta prednostno postružena natikača, da se natikača po premeru tesno prilegata vezni izvrtini in da se dolžina natičnika točno ujema z globino vezne izvrtine v kocki po izumu.Tri-axially assembled click cubes according to claims 1 to 5, characterized in that the connecting rod is of circular cross-section, that the connecting rod has three parts, of which the central thickest part is the spacer of the connecting rod, and at each end of the spacer there is preferably a twist. , that the fittings fit closely to the connecting holes in diameter and that the length of the fitting exactly matches the depth of the connecting hole in the cube according to the invention. 9.9. Tri-osno sestavljive klik-kocke, po zahtevkih 1 do 8, označene s tem, da sta oba natikača vezne palice opremljene prednostno z isto izvedbeno zaskočno klik tehniko, kot vezni člen ali kot vezni valj.Three-axis folding click cubes according to Claims 1 to 8, characterized in that the two connecting rods of the connecting rod are preferably provided with the same embodiment of the click-click technique, either as a link or as a roller. 10.10. Tri-osno sestavljive klik-kocke, po zahtevkih 1 do 5 in 8 ter 9, označene s tem, da ima, v cenejšem izvedbenem primeru, natičnik pri koncu odebelino, da je z obeh koncev vezne palice zažagana vzmetna zareza, ki poteka v smeri vzdolžne osi vezne palice in da je prednostno dolžina vzmetne zareze zažagana vsaj za tri dolžine natikača.Tri-axially assembled click cubes according to claims 1 to 5 and 8 and 9, characterized in that, in a cheaper embodiment, there is a pin at the end that a spring notch extending in the direction is burned from both ends of the connecting rod the longitudinal axes of the connecting rod and that the length of the spring notch is preferably cut at least by three lengths of the slipper. 11.11. Tri-osno sestavljive klik-kocke, po zahtevku 10, označene s tem, da ima, v malo dražjem izvedbenem primeru, vezna palica iz obeh koncev v smeri vzdolžne osi centralno izvrtino in da sta centralni izvrtini prednostno opremljeni z notranjem navojem.Tri-axially assembled click cubes according to claim 10, characterized in that, in a slightly more expensive embodiment, the connecting rod at both ends has a central bore in the direction of the longitudinal axis and that the central holes are preferably provided with an internal thread. 12.12. Tri-osno sestavljive klik-kocke, po zahtevkih 1 do 9, označene s tem, da ima, v dražjem izvedbenem primeru, vezna palica iz obeh koncev valjasto postružen natikač s premerom veznega valja, da ima vezna palica v smeri vzdolžne osi, z obeh koncev izvrtano centralno izvrtino, da ima vezna palica na obeh konceh natikača, pravokotno na vzdolžno os, izvrtano vodilno izvrtino in da je v vodilno izvrtino vstavljen klik mehanizem, prednostno sestavljen iz votlice, v notranjost katere pritiska spiralna vzmet.Three-axis folding click cubes according to claims 1 to 9, characterized in that, in a more expensive embodiment, the connecting rod from both ends has a cylindrical roller with a diameter of the connecting cylinder to have the connecting rod in the direction of the longitudinal axis, from both finally, a central bore is drilled, so that the connecting rod at both ends of the jacket, perpendicular to the longitudinal axis, has a guide bore and a click mechanism is inserted into the guide bore, preferably consisting of a cavity pressed into the interior by a coil spring. 13.13. Tri-osno sestavljive klik-kocke, ki vsebujejo v setu igrač tudi pravokotno trikotno prizmo, z razmerjem dolžin pravokotnih robov trikotnika a : 2a, pri čemer je najmanjša stranica kvadrat z razmerjem dolžin robov a:a, po zahtevkih 1 do 12, označene s tem, da ima krajša pravokotna stranica pravokotne trikotne prizme obliko kvadrata, kot pri osnovni kocki, z vezno izvrtino v sredini, da je največja stranica prirezane trikotne prizme pravokotnik, brez izvrtin, da imata obe prirezani trikotni stranici po eno vezno izvrtino, da sta samo vezni izvrtini trikotnih stranic prevrtani z izmetalno luknjo in da ima daljša od pravokotnih stranic vzdolžno po sredini izvrtane tri vezne izvrtine, ki so enakomerno razmaknjene za polovico modula, oziroma za polovico dolžine roba a osnovne kocke po izumu.Tri-axially assembled click cubes, including in the set of toys also a rectangular triangular prism, with a ratio of right angles of triangle a: 2a, the smallest side being a square with a ratio of angular lengths a: a according to claims 1 to 12, denoted by the fact that the shorter rectangular side of the rectangular triangular prism is in the form of a square, as in the base cube, with a connecting hole in the center, that the largest side of the trimmed triangular prism is a rectangle, without the holes, that both trimmed triangular sides have one connecting hole, that only the connecting holes of the triangular sides are drilled with an ejection hole, and that it has three connecting holes extending beyond the rectangular sides longitudinally centrally, which are uniformly spaced by half of the module, or by half the length of the edge a of the base cube according to the invention. 14.14. Tri-osno sestavljive klik-kocke, po zahtevku 13, označene s tem, da ima v izvedbenem primeru prirezana trikotna prizma odžagan prirez ostrejšega kota trikotnika, ki znaša prednostno 20% modula a, oziroma roba osnovne kocke in da je prirez manj ostrega kota trikotnika v opisanem izvedbenem primeru prednostno dva krat večji od krivinskega radija telesnih robov kock po izumu.Tri-axially assembled click cubes according to claim 13, characterized in that in the embodiment, the trimmed triangular prism has a trimmed cut of a sharper angle of the triangle, preferably 20% of module a, or the edge of the base cube, and that the cut is less than the sharp angle of the triangle in the described embodiment, preferably two times the curvature radius of the body edges of the cubes according to the invention. 15.15. Tri-osno sestavljive klik-kocke, ki imajo v naboru igračk po izumu prednostno tudi arkadni kvader, kjer ima omenjeni arkadni kvader razmerja robov kvadra a:a:3a, pri tem ima arkadni kvader v sredini spodnje stranice polkrožen arkadni izrez s premerom, ki je enak robu osnovne kocke, po zahtevkih 1 do 14, označene s tem, da so v zgornji, pravokotni ploskvi kvadra tri vezne izvrtine z enako vmesno razdaljo, ki se ujema z robom osnovne kocke po izumu, da so centri teh treh veznih izvrtin oddaljeni enako od vseh štirih robov zgornjega pravokotnika, da imata stranska pravokotnika z izrezanim polkrogom na sredini spodnje stranice po dve vezni izvrtini, ki sta enako oddaljeni od vseh ravnih robov, da imata oba kvadrata na spodnji strani kvadra v sredini vsak svojo vezno izvrtino in da imata obe kvadratni stranici arkadnega kvadra, ki sta pravokotni na vzdolžno telesno os, v centru kvadrata po eno vezno izvrtino.Three-axis assembled click cubes, which preferably include an arcade quadrant in the toy set of the invention, wherein said arcade quadrant has a square edge ratio of a: a: 3a, wherein the arcade quadrant has a semi-circular arcade cutout in the center of the underside that is equal to the edge of the base cube according to claims 1 to 14, characterized in that in the upper, rectangular surface of the square, there are three connecting holes with the same intermediate distance corresponding to the edge of the base cube according to the invention, that the centers of these three connecting holes are spaced equal to all four edges of the upper rectangle, that the lateral rectangles with a cut-out semicircle in the middle of the underside have two connecting holes, which are equally spaced from all the straight edges, that the two squares on the underside of the square in the middle each have their own connecting hole and two square sides of the arcade square perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the body, one connecting hole in the center of the square. 16.16. Tri-osno sestavljive klik-kocke, po zahtevkih 1, 2 in 15, označene s tem, da je izmetalna luknja narejene v centru vsake od treh veznih izvrtin, ki se nahajajo na zgornji pravokotni stranici arkadnega kvadra in da je izmetalna luknja narejena v centru vsake od dveh veznih izvrtin, ki se nahajata na stranski pravokotni stranici s polkrožnim izrezom.Tri-axially assembled click cubes according to claims 1, 2 and 15, characterized in that the ejection hole is made in the center of each of the three connecting holes located on the upper rectangular side of the arcade square and that the ejection hole is in the center each of the two connecting holes located on a lateral rectangular side with a semicircular cutout. 17.17. Tri-osno sestavljive klik-kocke, po zahtevkih 1, 2, 15 in 16, označene s tem, da imata obe vezni izvrtini, ki potekata v smeri telesne osi arkadnega kvadra prednostno izvrtano centralno izvrtino, ki potekata v smeri telesne osi in da imata omenjeni centralni izvrtini vrezan notranji navoj.Three-axis folding click cubes according to claims 1, 2, 15 and 16, characterized in that both connecting holes extending in the direction of the body axis of the arcade square preferably have a drilled central hole extending in the direction of the body axis and having said central bore incised inner thread. 18.18. Tri-osno sestavljive klik-kocke, ki imajo prednostno v naboru kock tudi pravokotni enakokraki valj, ki ima razmerje med premerom valja in višino valja a : a, po zahtevkih 1 do 17, označene s tem, da imata spodnja in zgornja krožna ploskev v sredini vezno izvrtino, ki je v sredini in da sta omenjeni vezni izvrtini povezani z izmetalno luknjo, da ima cilindrični plašč valja v sredini višine valja vsaj dve vezni izvrtini, ki sta izvrtani pravokotno na rotacijsko os in med seboj tvorita kot 135°.Three-axially assembled click cubes, preferably having in the set of cubes also a rectangular equilateral cylinder having a ratio of cylinder diameter to cylinder height a: a, according to claims 1 to 17, characterized in that the lower and upper circular surfaces in in the middle, a connecting hole in the middle and said connecting holes being connected to the ejection hole, that the cylindrical cylinder sheath has at least two connecting holes in the middle of the height of the cylinder, which are perpendicular to the rotary axis and form one another at 135 °. 19.19. Tri-osno sestavljive klik-kocke, po zahtevku 18, označene s tem, da ima cilindrični plašč valja v sredini višine enakokrakega pravokotnega valja prednostno razporejene štiri vezne izvrtine tako, da so te izvrtine vrtane vzporedno z obena krožnima ploskvana valja in so vrtane pravokotno na rotacijsko os valja in v smeri proti omenjeni osi, da je druga vezna izvrtina proti prvi vezni izvrtini zamaknjena za 90°, da je tretja vezna izvrtina proti drugi vezni izvrtini tudi zamaknjena za 90° in da je četrta vezna izvrtina proti tretji vezni izvrtini zamaknjena za 45°, s tem da leži tretja vezna izvrtina proti prvi vezni izvrtini diametralno nasproti in da je druga vezna izvrtina proti četrti vezni izvrtini zamaknjena za 135° ter da je prva vezna izvrtina proti četrti vezni izvrtini tudi zamaknjena v nasprotno stran za 135°.Three-axle-clickable cubes according to claim 18, characterized in that the cylindrical cylinder sheath preferably has four connecting holes in the middle of the height of the rectangular cylinders such that these holes are rotated parallel to the circumferential planar cylinders and rotated perpendicularly to the rotary axis of the cylinder and in the direction of said axis, that the second connecting hole towards the first connecting hole is offset by 90 °, that the third connecting hole towards the second connecting hole is also offset by 90 ° and that the fourth connecting hole towards the third connecting hole is offset by 45 °, with the third connecting hole towards the first connecting hole diametrically opposite and the second connecting hole towards the fourth connecting hole displaced by 135 ° and the first connecting hole towards the fourth connecting hole also offset by 135 °. 20.20. Tri-osno sestavljive klik-kocke, ki imajo v naboru igrač za gradnjo različnih vozil, prednostno tudi kolo, ki se s klik efektom montira na kocke, po zahtevkih 1 do 19, označene s tem, da je klik-kolo po izumu sestavljeno iz diska, ležaja, osnega vijaka in klik-pesta.Three-axle-assembled click-blocks having a set of toys for the construction of different vehicles, preferably also a wheel, which is mounted on the blocks by the click effect according to claims 1 to 19, characterized in that the click-wheel according to the invention consists of disk, bearing, axle bolt and click-hub. 21.21. Tri-osno sestavljive klik-kocke, po zahtevkih 1 do 20, označene s tem, da je zunanji premer diska prednostno večji od diagonale kvadrata osnovne kocke z robom a in manjši od dvakratnika roba osnovne kocke po izumu, da ima disk v centru ležajno izvrtino, ki je globoka prednostno dve tretjini debeline diska, da ima disk v centru luknjo za glavo osnega vijaka, ki je prevrtana skozi preostalo tretjino skozi omenjeno ležajno izvrtino in da je premer ležajne izvrtine tesno prilagojen zunanjemu premeru ležaja.Three-axis folding click cubes according to claims 1 to 20, characterized in that the outer diameter of the disk is preferably larger than the diagonal of the square of the base cube with the edge a and smaller than twice the edge of the base cube according to the invention, that the disk has a bearing bore in the center preferably two-thirds of the thickness of the disk, that the disk has a center hole in the center of the axial screw that is drilled through the remaining third through said bearing bore and that the bearing bore diameter is closely adapted to the outer diameter of the bearing. 22.22. Tri-osno sestavljive klik-kocke, po zahtevkih 1 do 21, označene s tem, da je klik-pesto narejeno iz prožne plastike ali prednostno iz prožnega lesa, da ima klik-pesto na strani ležaja vzdolž vrtilne osi izvrtano centralno luknjo opremljeno z notranjim navojem, ki potekata skozi nasadilo ležaja in prednostno skozi prvo polovico dolžine klik-pesta in daje iz drugega konca klik-pesta, ki leži nasproti ležaju, vzdolž vrtilne osi narejena izvrtina pesta, ki sega skozi natikač pesta in skozi drugo polovico dolžine klik-pesta, pri čemer je notranji premer izvrtine pesta enak ali malo večji kot je premer izmetal ne luknje v kockah po izumu.Three-axis folding click cubes according to claims 1 to 21, characterized in that the click-hub is made of flexible plastic or preferably of flexible wood, that the click-hub has a central hole drilled on the side of the bearing along the rotary axis. threads running through the bearing and preferably through the first half of the length of the click-hub and, from the other end of the click-hub opposite to the bearing, along the rotary axis a hub bore extending through the hub sleeve and through the second half of the length of the click-hub , wherein the inside diameter of the hub bore is equal to or slightly larger than the diameter of the ejected holes in the cubes according to the invention. 23.23. Tri-osno sestavljive klik-kocke, po zahtevkih 1 do 22, označene s tem, da ima klik-pesto vzdolž vrtilne osi zažagano vzmetno zarezo, ki poteka prednostno skozi celotno dolžino izvrtine pesta in da je prednostno debelina ležaja blizu ene tretjine debeline diska, da ima klik-pesto v predelu, ki sega v notranjost ležaja, postruženo nasadilo ležaja in da nasadilo ležaja tesno seda v notranjo luknjo v ležaju in je po dolžini malo krajši od debelino ležaja.Three-axle-assembled click cubes according to claims 1 to 22, characterized in that the click-hub has a spring-cut notch along the rotary axis, preferably extending through the entire length of the hub bore, and that the bearing thickness is preferably close to one-third the thickness of the disk, that the click-hub in the region extending to the inside of the bearing has a lined bearing seat and that the bearing seat is seated tightly into the inner hole in the bearing and is slightly shorter than the thickness of the bearing. 24.24. Tri-osno sestavljive klik-kocke, po zahtevkih 1 do 23, označene s tem, da ima klik-pesto na koncu nasproti ležaju postružen natikač, ki vsebuje na prostem koncu odebelino , vmes je zožan osrednji del, pri osovini pa je zatesnilo in da se premer zatesnila točno ujema s premerom vezne izvrtine, kot pri vezni palici po izumu.A three-axis folding click cube according to Claims 1 to 23, characterized in that the click hub has an end facing opposite to the bearing, which has a thickness at the free end, a central part is tapered in between, and the shaft is sealed and the sealing diameter exactly matches the diameter of the connecting hole as in the connecting rod of the invention. 25.25. Tri-osno sestavljive klik-kocke, po zahtevkih 1 do 24, označene s tem, da sestavljajo klik-pesto po izumu natikač, osovina in nasadilo ležaja, da je dolžina osovine izbrana tako, da je višina celotnega sestava klik-kolesa prednostno manjša ali enaka modulu, oziroma robu osnovne kocke po izumu in da je premer osovine manjši od notranjega premera zapore ležaja.Three-axle folding click cubes according to claims 1 to 24, characterized in that they comprise a click-hub according to the invention of the sleeves, axle and bearing, such that the length of the axle is chosen such that the height of the entire click-wheel assembly is preferably smaller or is equal to the modulus or edge of the base cube according to the invention and that the shaft diameter is smaller than the inside diameter of the bearing stop. 26.26. Tri-osno sestavljive klik-kocke, kjer se v izvrtino diska zapreša ležaj in se z zaporo ležaja dokončno fiksira lega ležaja, po zahtevkih 1 do 25, označene s tem, da je zapora ležaja prednostno narejena iz furnirja v obliki tankega lesenega traku, ki je zvit v nesklenjen svitek in je zalepljen v izvrtino ležaja tako, da zapora ležaja pritiska ležaj do konca izvrtine ležaja vse do meje med luknjo in izvrtino ležaja.A three-axis folding click cube, wherein the bearing bore closes the bearing and finally locks the bearing position according to claims 1 to 25, characterized in that the bearing lock is preferably made of veneer in the form of a thin wooden strip, which it is rolled up in a non-locking roll and is glued to the bearing bore so that the bearing lock presses the bearing to the end of the bearing bore all the way to the boundary between the hole and the bore bore. 27.27. Tri-osno sestavljive klik-kocke, ki imajo možnost hitrega klik montiranja kolesa na igračko - brez uporabe orodja ali pa se enako kolo lahko fiksno montira - z uporabo imbus ključa, po zahtevkih 1 do 26, označene s tem, da se lahko pri klik-kolesu zamenja kratek osni vijak z dolgim osnim vijakom, da je navojno steblo kratkega vijaka, ki omogoča hitro montažo samo z zatikanjem natikača klik-kolesa v katerokoli vezno izvrtino ali vezno luknjo, dolgo prednostno 40% do 90% dolžine roba osnovne kocke po izumu in da je navojno steblo dolgega vijaka, ki omogoča fiksno, trdno in trajnejšo montažo, dolgo prednostno 100% do 250% dolžine roba osnovne kocke, oziroma modula.Three-axle foldable click-blocks that have the ability to quickly click a wheel on a toy - without the use of tools or the same wheel can be fixed - using a hex wrench according to claims 1 to 26, characterized in that - the wheel is replaced by a short axial bolt with a long axial screw to be a short bolt threaded stem that allows fast mounting only by inserting a click wheel insert into any connecting hole or connecting hole, preferably 40% to 90% of the edge length of the base cube according to the invention and that the threaded stem of the long screw, allowing for a fixed, solid and more durable mounting, is preferably 100% to 250% of the length of the edge of the base cube or module, respectively. 28.28. Tri-osno sestavljive klik-kocke, ki imajo možnost tudi fiksnega in cenenega montiranja klik-kolesa, po zahtevku 27, označene s tem, da imajo nekateri osnovni elementi kock po izumu že vrezan notranji navoj, kot je pri veznem členu, ki ima vrezan centralni navoj v centralni luknji, ali pri vezni palici, kjer sta v dve centralni luknji vrezana centralna navoja, da sta pri arkadnem kvadru v izv rti ni v smeri vzdolžne telesne osi vrezana notranja navoja in da so pri škatli v vseh štirih kotnikih v centrih veznih izvrtin, ki so vrtane vzporedno z dnom, vrezani notranji navoji tako, da potekajo v smeri osi omenjenih veznih izvrtin.Three-axle foldable click-blocks, which also have the possibility of fixed and inexpensive click-wheel mounting according to claim 27, characterized in that some of the basic elements of the cubes according to the invention have an already threaded inner thread, such as in a connecting member having an incision central thread in the central hole, or at the connecting rod, where the central threads are incised in two central holes so that the internal threads are not cut in the direction of the longitudinal axis of the arcade and that in the box at all four angles the centers of the connecting holes the holes drilled parallel to the bottom, the inner threads are threaded so that they extend in the direction of the axis of said connecting holes. 29.29. „Tro osno sestavljive klik-kocke“, ki imajo možnost tudi fiksnega in zaneslivejšega montiranja klik-kolesa, po zahtevkih 1do 28, označene s tem, da se v izmetalno luknjo lahko vstavi navojna profilirana cev, daje navojna profilirana cev opremljena z notranjim navojem in da je navojna profilirana cev iz lesa, plastike ali prednostno iz kovine.'Axle-assembled click-blocks', which also have the possibility of fixed and more reliable mounting of the click-wheel according to claims 1 to 28, characterized in that a threaded profiled tube can be inserted into the ejection hole, the threaded profiled tube is provided with an internal thread and the threaded profiled tube is made of wood, plastic or preferably metal. 30.30. Tri-osno sestavljive klik-kocke, katere imajo v sestavu igrač škatlo, ki je sestavljena iz dna, dveh krajših in dveh daljših stranic, pri čemer se škatla uporablja za embalažo in za igračo, po zahtevkih 1 do 29, označene s tem, da ima škatla v vseh štirih vogalih lesene kotnike, da sta zunanja širina in zunanja dolžina škatle mnogokratnik dolžine osnovnega roba kocke in da je notranja globina škatle prednostno usklajena z dolžino osnovnega roba kocke ali pa s celoštevičnim mnogokratnikom osnovnega roba kocke po izumu.Three-axle-clickable cubes, which comprise in the toy assembly a box consisting of a bottom, two shorter and two longer sides, the box being used for packaging and for the toy according to claims 1 to 29, characterized in that the box has wooden angles at all four corners such that the outer width and outer length of the box are a multiple of the length of the base edge of the cube and that the inner depth of the box is preferably aligned with the length of the base edge of the cube or the integer multiple of the base edge of the cube according to the invention. 31.31. Tri-osno sestavljive klik-kocke, po zahtevku 30, označene s tem, da ima škatla v vseh štirih vogalih kotnike, ki so v kot škatle tako postavljeni na dno, da je mera kotnika skupaj z debelino dolge ali kratke stranice prednostno modularna mera, ki je vsklajena z dolžino roba kocke po izumu, da je višina kotnika prednostno enaka modularni meri kock po izumu ter da so vsi trije dostopni robovi vsakega od štirih kotnikov zaokroženi z rezkarjem s krivinskim radijem zaokrožitve telesnih robov kock po izumu in da so vse vezne luknje, ki nalegajo na kotnike poglobljene do globine vezne izvrtine.Tri-axially assembled click cubes according to claim 30, characterized in that the box has at all four corners angles arranged in the corner of the box such that the dimension of the angle together with the thickness of the long or short sides is preferably a modular dimension, which is in accordance with the length of the edge of the cube according to the invention, that the height of the corner is preferably equal to the modular dimension of the cubes according to the invention, and that all three accessible edges of each of the four angles are rounded by a cutter with a curved radius of rounding the body edges of the cubes according to the invention and that all connecting holes are , which rest on the corners deepened to the depth of the connecting hole. 32.32. Tri-osno sestavljive klik-kocke, po zahtevkih 30 in 31, označene s tem, da je dno škatle posuto z matrično urejeno formacijo veznih lukenj in veznih izvrtin, pri čemer so simetrale vrtanja vodoravno in navpično razmaknjene točno za dolžino roba osnovne kocke, da so vse štiri zunanje simetrale vrtanja od roba dna oddaljene točno za polovico dolžine roba kocke po izumu, da so v vseh vogalih dna vezne izvrtine, vse ostale pozicije matrike pa zasedajo vezne luknje in da so vsi notranji in vsi zunanji robovi veznih luknj posneti ali prednostno zaokroženi z radijem zaokrožitev robov veznih izvrtin.Tri-axially assembled click cubes according to claims 30 and 31, characterized in that the bottom of the box is sprinkled with a matrix-arranged formation of connecting holes and connecting holes, the drill symmeters being horizontally and vertically spaced exactly for the length of the edge of the base cube, so that all four external drill symmeters are exactly half the length of the edge of the cube according to the invention from the bottom edge, that there are connecting holes at all corners of the bottom, and that all other positions of the matrix are occupied by connecting holes and that all inner and outer edges of the connecting holes are cut or preferably rounded by radius rounding the edges of connecting holes. 33.33. Tri-osno sestavljive klik-kocke, po zahtevkih 1do 32, označene s tem, da so vse štiri stranice škatle posute z matrično urejeno formacijo veznih lukenj in veznih izvrtin, da je globina škatle po izumu prednostno globoka za en rob osnovne kocke, da pa je lahko škatla globoka tudi za dvakratnik ali večkratnik modula, ki ga predstavlja rob osnovne kocke po izumu, pri čemer je oddaljena zgornja simetrala vrtanja od zgornjega robu stranice prednostno za polovico modula kock po izumu in da so vsi dostopni telesni robovi škatle krožno porezkani z radijem zaokrožitve telesnih robov kock po izumu.Tri-axially assembled click cubes according to claims 1 to 32, characterized in that all four sides of the box are sprinkled with a matrix-arranged formation of connecting holes and connecting holes, that the depth of the box according to the invention is preferably deep by one edge of the base cube, but that the box may also be deep by twice or multiple of the module represented by the edge of the base cube according to the invention, with the upper drill bit distal to the upper edge of the side preferably by half of the cubes module according to the invention and that all accessible body edges of the box are circularly incised by radio rounding the body edges of the cubes according to the invention.
SI201000447A 2010-12-21 2010-12-21 3-axis modular click cubes SI23576A (en)

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