SI23318A - Irradiated bottle - Google Patents

Irradiated bottle Download PDF


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SI23318A SI201000078A SI201000078A SI23318A SI 23318 A SI23318 A SI 23318A SI 201000078 A SI201000078 A SI 201000078A SI 201000078 A SI201000078 A SI 201000078A SI 23318 A SI23318 A SI 23318A
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VreÄŤko Maks
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Application filed by Maks VREÄŚKO filed Critical Maks VREÄŚKO
Priority to SI201000078A priority Critical patent/SI23318A/en
Publication of SI23318A publication Critical patent/SI23318A/en



  • Details Of Rigid Or Semi-Rigid Containers (AREA)


A bottle irradiated by orgone energy has received positive inscriptions of forces of excellence by absorption and their accumulation within itself with the aim of transfer of information to a medium in it, particularly to drinking water; it is manufactured according to a known glassmaking technological process and shaped out of a single piece of glass with a studded bottom, on which a body/wall of the bottle is superstructured, wearing irregular curvy recesses impressed along its vertical; the bottle is ending by a neck made of an optional material, in which a stopper is inserted. By thus irradiated bottle, positive information has been conveyed to the medium within - especially to water - and the quality of medium has been affected in this way.


Maks Vrečko Zgoša 23 4275 BegunjeMaks Vrecko Zgosa 23 4275 Begunje

Obžarčena steklenicaA flashed bottle

Predmet izuma je steklenica, ki se na koncu standardnega tehnološkega postopka izdelave steklenic izpostavi sevanju in žarkom orgonskega topa, zaradi česar sprejme določen odmerek informacij; le-te se zabeležijo v kristale silicija, ki se v velikih količinah (v steklu je 71 % silicija) nahaja v sami steklenici flaši. Tako obžarčena steklenica je nabita z informacijami v obliki orgonske energije ter prenaša pozitivne lastnosti mediju v njej, zlasti vodi.The subject of the invention is a bottle which, at the end of a standard technological process of manufacturing the bottles, is exposed to radiation and rays of an orgone cannon, which results in a certain dose of information; these are recorded in silicon crystals, which in large quantities (71% silicon in the glass) are contained in the bottle itself. The bottle so filled is filled with information in the form of orgone energy and conveys positive properties to the medium in it, especially water.

Samo steklo za steklenico je lahko obarvano ali pa brezbarvno; poudarek je na obliki steklenice, izdelane z nekoliko podolgovatimi ukrivljenimi, neenakomernimi vdolbinami, ki se začenjajo v spodnjem delu steklenice in potekajo v smeri proti njenemu grlu. Te krivuljaste vdolbine so oblikovno razporejene po obodu steklenice tako, da tvorijo sinusno obliko z namenom dvojnega prikazovanja figurativnih oblik, kot je npr., figura ali obod manjše steklenice ali figura ženskega telesa, vidnega od vratu navzdol. Videz ene ali druge figure je odvisen od zornega kota pogleda človeškega očesa na steklenico.Only the bottle glass can be colored or colorless; the emphasis is on the shape of the bottle, made with slightly elongated curved, uneven recesses that begin at the bottom of the bottle and run down its throat. These curved recesses are arranged along the perimeter of the bottle so as to form a sine wave for the purpose of double displaying figurative forms such as, for example, the figure or perimeter of a smaller bottle or the figure of a female body visible from the neck down. The appearance of one or the other figure depends on the angle of view of the human eye on the bottle.

Zasnova izvedbe obžarčene steklenice, ki ima krivuljaste vdolbine, posebno nalivno grlo in lesen zamašek ter je obdana z drugimi funkcijskimi ali marketinško-modnimi oz. dizajnerskimi dodatki, kot so silikonski obroček v zgornjem delu steklenice ali volneni žepek, temelji predvsem na želji in zahtevi trga, da ima steklenica poleg osnovnega namena shranjevanja tekočin, v našem primeru zlasti vode, tudi določeno vizuelno privlačnost, učinkovito in prepričljivo v prikazovanju vsebine, ki je shranjena v steklenici. V našem primeru gre za stranski učinek, saj je osnovni namen naše inovativne rešitve steklenica, v kateri je naložena orgonska energija s tako imenovano odično silo. Že v 18 stoletju jeThe design of a radiated bottle, which has curved recesses, a special filler neck and a wooden stopper and is surrounded by other functional or marketing-fashion or. design accessories, such as a top-of-the-bottle silicone ring or wool pocket, are based primarily on the desire and requirement of the market that the bottle, in addition to the primary purpose of storing liquids, in our case in particular water, also has a certain visual appeal, effective and convincing in presenting the contents, which is stored in a bottle. In our case, this is a side effect, since the basic purpose of our innovative solution is a bottle in which orgone energy is loaded with the so-called octal force. It is already in the 18th century

Maxwel ugotovil in opisal bistvene razlike med odlično energijo, ki je podobna elektromagnetnem polju in odično silo, katere lastnosti so sicer podobne lastnostim elektromagnetnega polja, vendar pa se od slednjega razlikuje po tem, da se pri odični sili privlačita pola z enakim nabojem, medtem ko se pri elektromagnetnem polju se privlačita različno nabita pola.Maxwel found and described the essential differences between excellent energy similar to electromagnetic field and radiative force, whose properties are similar to those of the electromagnetic field, but differ from the latter in that the pole with the same charge is attracted to the radiating force, while differently charged poles are attracted to the electromagnetic field.

Postavlja se vprašanje, zakaj gre pri naši steklenici, ki jo predstavljamo in želimo zaščititi s pričujočo patentno prijavo, za tako učinkovito inovacijo. Njen potencial je v sožitju znanj, dognanih in utemeljenih že pred sto leti: elektromagnetizma, gravitacije, elektrike, vitalne energije človeškega organizma, vplivov vseh drugih kozmičnih sil in energij ter iznajdbe orgonskega topa (ta ni predmet te zaščite), ki ustvarja orgonsko energijo oziroma jo s pomočjo električnega polja črpa iz okolja, nato pa jo seva ter z ožarčenjem zapisuje v našo steklenico. Torej smo s pomočjo orgonskega topa ožarčili in vtisnili informacijo v silicijevo mikrosfero stekla naše steklenice, ki potem te informacije posreduje mediju v njej, v našem primeru vodi.The question is why our bottle, which we present and want to protect with this patent application, is such an effective innovation. Its potential lies in the coexistence of the knowledge established and grounded over a hundred years ago: electromagnetism, gravity, electricity, the vital energy of the human body, the effects of all other cosmic forces and energies, and the invention of the orgone cannon (which is not the subject of this protection), which generates orgone energy or It draws it from the environment with the help of an electric field, and then radiates it into the bottle with radiation. So with the help of an orgone cannon, we lighted and stamped the information into the silicon microsphere of the glass of our bottle, which then passed that information to the medium in it, in our case water.

Prav voda je tisti medij, ki je že desetletja predmet intenzivnih znanstvenih raziskav njihovi naj večji dosežki se beležijo v kvantnem delu znanstvenih dognanj. Že dlje časa se uporablja izraz »spomin vode«. Znanstveni krogi so na številnih področjih dokazali tozadevno možnost sprejemanja in shranjevanja informacij v nanodelce ali celo globlje, v fotone vodnih delcev kisika ali vodika, vključno s prevzemanjem energije polj v medprostoru tega mikro kozmosa. Mi v naši patentni prijavi ne bomo podrobneje obravnavali znanstvenih dosežkov na področju nano in biotehnologije vode, temveč se bomo osredotočili na našo steklenico, ki lahko izboljša kvaliteto vode prav s pomočjo teh novih tehnologij, kot je vnašanje oziroma vpisovanje informacij s pomočjo naprav, uporabljenih za žarčenje orgonskih energij ali pozitivnih - odičnih sil.Water is the medium that has been the subject of intense scientific research for decades and their greatest achievements are recorded in the quantum of scientific knowledge. The term "water memory" has been used for a long time. Scientific circles have, in many fields, demonstrated the possibility of receiving and storing information in nanoparticles, or even deeper, in photons of water particles of oxygen or hydrogen, including the absorption of energy by fields in the space of this microcosm. In our patent application, we will not discuss in more detail the scientific advances in the field of nano and biotechnology of water, but will focus on our bottle, which can improve the quality of water precisely through these new technologies, such as entering or writing information using devices used for irradiation of orgone energies or positive - reflection forces.

V svetu je poznanih na desetine različnih sistemov in tehnologij, ki predvidevajo različne rešitve polnjenja steklenic ali plastenk z vodo - ta je lahko čista ali vprašljive kakovosti - ter njihovo trženje. Nihče pa do sedaj ni izdelal steklenice, ki bi bila obogatena z informacijami odičnih sil (oziroma orgonske energije) ter je prazne (torej ne polnjene z medijem- v našem primeru z vodo) ponudil končnim uporabnikom. S tovrstno ponudbo smo omogočili izboljšanje kvalitete pitne vode, ki jo v steklenico lahko nalijemo kjerkoli v svetu.There are dozens of different systems and technologies around the world that provide different solutions for bottling bottles or bottles of water - either pure or of questionable quality - and marketing them. So far, no one has made a bottle that is enriched with information from the forces of origin (or orgone energy) and has offered empty (ie not filled with media - in our case, water) end-users. With this offer we have made it possible to improve the quality of drinking water that can be poured into a bottle anywhere in the world.

Znane so različne rešitve, kot na primer tržni naziv »kristalna krogla«; te izhajajo iz veljavnih in neveljavnih patentov skupine inovatorjev, ki se zbira okrog prijaviteljev izuma SI 20422. Navedeni izum rešuje revitalzacijo in čiščenje vode na mehanski in kemični način tako, da s pomočjo kristalne krogle dovaja zrak v vodo. Prav tako ista skupina uporablja t.i. podstavek moči in kozarec moči, opremljena s kombinacijo starogrških simbolov in drugih označb, ki naj bi na nepreverjen način vplivali na izboljšanje kakovosti pitne vode. V strokovni literaturi se pojavljajo opisi znanstvenih dosežkov s tega področja, vendar se večina tovrstnih odkritij nanaša na področje posamičnih zdravilnih preparatov in proizvodov, obogatenih z določenimi vsebinskimi izsledki s tega področja, ki ga imenujemo infopatija in je ena od oblik ali celo področij v zdravilstvu.Various solutions are known, such as the marketing name "crystal ball"; these come from valid and invalid patents of the innovator group, which is collected around the inventors of SI 20422. The present invention solves the revitalization and purification of water in a mechanical and chemical manner by supplying air to the water by means of a crystal ball. Also, the same group uses t.i. a power pedestal and a glass of power, equipped with a combination of ancient Greek symbols and other indications that are expected to influence the improvement of drinking water quality in an unverified manner. Descriptions of scientific advances in this field appear in the scientific literature, but most of these discoveries relate to the field of individual medicinal preparations and products enriched with specific substantive findings in the field called infopathy and which is one of the forms or even fields in medicine.

Dejstvo je, da se tovrstna usmerjenost znanosti na področje nano tehnologij in na uporabo univerzalnih energij, iz katerih izhaja tudi odična sila kot posledica orgonske energije, vse bolj uveljavlja na raznih področjih življenja in vedenja. Korenine teh znanstvenih odkritjih najdemo že v 18 stoletju, ko je grof Von Reichenbach imenoval univerzalno energijsko polje (to energijo je dokazala tudi uradna znanost- shangajski Inštitut za jedrsko fiziko) kot odično energijo, za katero je značilno izjemno počasno gibanje (20 - 50 cm/sek). Von Reichenbach je to odično silo opisal kot energetsko polje, ki je sicer precej podobno elektromagnetnemu polju, vendar še najbolj ustreza pojmu in izrazu orgonska energija. Ljudje so od pradavnin zaznali obstoj orgonske energije in njenih pozitivnih lastnosti ter v teku zgodovine že iznašli nekatere naprave, ki lahko to energijo akumulirajo ali usmerjajo v obliki energetskega žarka kot je npr. orgonski top, katerega uporabljamo za zapis pozitivnih sil v našo steklenico. Pri tem ta naprava ne porablja lastne energije, ampak izkorišča vsepovsod dosegljivo, obstoječo orgonsko energijo, ki jo najdemo tudi pod drugimi imeni kot je „prana v indijskem prostoru ali „Qi v azijskem prostoru (Kitajska, Japonska), ali kot jo je poimenoval sam baron Carl z besedo „Od- odična sila.It is a fact that this kind of orientation of science to the field of nano-technologies and to the use of universal energies, from which the originating force as a result of orgone energy also originates, is increasingly being applied in various fields of life and behavior. The roots of these scientific discoveries can be traced back to the 18th century, when Count Von Reichenbach named the universal energy field (this energy was also proven by the official science - Shanghai Institute of Nuclear Physics) as a kind of energy characterized by extremely slow motion (20 - 50 cm / sec). Von Reichenbach described this remarkable force as an energy field, which is quite similar to the electromagnetic field, but still most closely corresponds to the term orgone energy. Since ancient times, humans have detected the existence of orgone energy and its positive properties, and in the course of history have invented some devices that can accumulate or direct this energy in the form of an energy beam, such as. an orgone cannon that we use to record the positive forces in our bottle. In doing so, this device does not consume its own energy, but uses the ubiquitous, existing orgone energy, which is also found under other names such as 'prana in Indian space' or 'Qi in Asian space (China, Japan)' or as it has been called Baron Carl, with the words' Outstanding force.

S tu opisanim izumom smo uspeli zajeti del te odične sile in jo prenesli v posebej izdelano steklenico, ki jo lahko kasneje oddaja in z v njej vsebovanimi pozitivnimi informacijami napaja v njej vsebovani medij - zlasti vodo; končni izdelek tako omogoča pitje bolj kakovostne vode, kot je bila le-ta, preden smo jo nalili v steklenico prikazano in izdelano po naši inovativni rešitvi in predlaganem izumu.With the invention described here, we were able to capture a portion of this odor force and transfer it to a specially designed bottle that it can later emit and feed the media contained therein - positively water - therein; the finished product thus enables the drinking of higher quality water than it was before being poured into a bottle shown and manufactured according to our innovative solution and the proposed invention.

Postopek izdelave naše steklenice se bistveno ne razlikuje od danes znanih tehnologij izdelave steklenic, ki tudi niso predmet te patentne prijave; izjema je končni postopek obsevanja steklenic z orgonskim topom; slednji se lahko vključi v samo steklarsko tehnološko linijo ali pa se postopek izvede ločeno od proizvodne linije. V našem primeru smo izbrali drugo rešitev: postopek obsevanja opravljamo v prostoru, kije posebej primeren za zahtevnost te naloge. Na ta način smo iz postopka izločili človeški dejavnik in zagotovili vsaj del tajnosti, v katero je vpeljana samo skupina inovatoijev in peščica zaupnih sodelavcev.The manufacturing process of our bottle is not significantly different from the known bottle manufacturing technologies, which are not also the subject of this patent application; the exception is the final process of irradiation of orgone cannon bottles; the latter may be integrated into the glass processing line itself, or the process may be carried out separately from the production line. In our case, we chose another solution: we perform the irradiation process in a space that is particularly suited to the complexity of this task. In this way, we eliminated the human factor from the process and provided at least some of the secrecy in which only a group of innovators and a handful of confidential associates were introduced.

Poleg tega pa smo si inovatoiji zadali nalogo, steklenico, izdelano po standardnem tehnološkem postopku, obogatiti z nekaterimi specifičnimi karakteristikami, ki istočasno predstavljajo del inovativno-dizajnerske rešitve. V ta namen smo vanjo vgradili navpične krivuljaste neenakomerne vdolbine z dvojno funkcijo - opisali jo bomo v nadaljevanju teksta pri opisu slik. Za ta postopek je bilo potrebno izdelati posebno steklarsko orodje, saj je bilo treba zagotoviti čim večjo uporabno površino notranjega oboda steklenice ( z njo se zagotavlja maksimalni izkoristek ene od že navedenih funkcij) ter konstrukcijsko vpeljali navpične sinusoidne vdolbine.In addition, we have given the innovators the task of enriching the bottle with the standard technological procedure with some specific characteristics, which at the same time form part of the innovative design solution. For this purpose, we installed vertical curved uneven wells with double function - we will describe it below in the description of the pictures. This process required the creation of a special glass tool, as it was necessary to ensure the maximum usable surface of the inner perimeter of the bottle (this ensures maximum utilization of one of the above functions) and to construct vertically sinusoidal recesses.

V nadaljevanju iskanja rešitve smo naleteli na vprašanje, kako in s čim bomo zapirali steklenico. Zaradi njene naravne in funkcijske namembnosti smo problem rešili tako, da smo zunanji del-obod zamaška steklenice izdelali iz naravnega ne vpojnega materiala- torej lesa, kije hkrati prijazen za oko in okolje in spodnji del, ki gre v ustje steklenice pa je iz silikona.In the search for a solution, we came across the question of how and what to close the bottle with. Due to its natural and functional purpose, we solved the problem by making the outer part of the bottle cap made of natural non-absorbent material - that is, wood that is both eye and environment friendly and the bottom part of the bottle mouth is made of silicone.

Predloženi izum in njemu pripadajoči patentni zahtevki torej predstavljajo steklenico, obsevano z odično energijo - orgonsko energijo, katere namen je prenos in zapis pozitivnih informaciji na medij v njej. Najbolj primeren medij je voda, ki se odziva na tozadevna energetska polja in sile v njih in učinkovito sprejema pozitivne informacije kot del orgonske energije. Po drugi strani pa smo zaradi nam neznanih razmerij, povezav in vplivov na elektronske vezi med protoni, nevtroni, atomi in na njihove medsebojne energije uspeli z našo steklenico doseči, da so okus, mehkoba in kakovost vode v njej izboljšani. Tovrstni učinek smo preizkusili na velikem številu uporabnikov; vsi, brez izjeme, so pozitivno potrdili in ocenili naš izdelek, ki tako postaja predmet izuma in konkretne realizacije v proizvodnji.The present invention and the related claims therefore constitute a bottle irradiated with an energy of orgone energy, the purpose of which is to transmit and record positive information to the medium therein. The most appropriate medium is water, which responds to the energy fields and forces in them and effectively receives positive information as part of the orgone energy. On the other hand, because of the unknown relationships, connections and effects on the electronic bonds between protons, neutrons, atoms and their mutual energies, we have been able to achieve with our bottle that the taste, softness and quality of water in it are improved. We have tested this effect on a large number of users; everyone, without exception, positively endorsed and evaluated our product, which is thus becoming the subject of invention and concrete realization in production.

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Izum bomo v nadaljevanju podrobneje predstavili s skicami, ki jih bomo podkrepili s funkcijskim opisom same steklenice, ki je v osnovi izdelana po enostavnem in standardnem steklarsko vpihovalnem postopku. V pričujoči patentni prijavi teh standardnih postopkov ne bomo opisovali, saj tudi niso predmet naših patentnih zahtevkov, z izjemo obsevanja steklenice z orgonskim topom; osredotočili se bomo torej samo na konstrukcijske značilnosti naše ožarjene steklenice.In the following, the invention will be presented in more detail with drawings, which will be supported by a functional description of the bottle itself, which is basically made by a simple and standard glass blowing procedure. We will not describe these standard procedures in this patent application, as they are not also the subject of our claims, except for irradiation of an orgone cannon bottle; so we will focus only on the design features of our glowing bottle.

Slika 1. 2 D vzdolžni pogled že ožarjene steklenice izdelane po našem izumu.Figure 1. 2 D longitudinal view of an already glowing bottle made according to our invention.

Slika 2. 2 D vzdolžni pogled manjše priročne ožarjene steklenice, izdelane po našem postopku, vstavljene v volneni žepek.Figure 2. 2 D longitudinal view of a small hand-made, incandescent bottle made according to our procedure, inserted into a wool pocket.

Na sliki 1 so prikazane osnovne in posebne značilnosti izuma ožarjene steklenice; njeno dno ( 2 ) je v srednjem delu radiusa nagrbančeno v obliki sploščene Gausove krivulje ali bradavice. Značilnost te bradavice je, da pri nalivanju vode v steklenico razbije curek vode na čim manjše dele - kaplje, ki poberejo dobršen del kisika iz notranjega prostora steklenice; voda se torej že med nalivanjem v steklenico nasiči s kisikom. Znano je, da zadostna količina kisika v vodi izboljšuje njeno kvaliteto. Hkrati se pri padcu vode v steklenico na sliki 1, opravlja prenos pozitivnih informacij iz ožarjenega korpusa - stene steklenice ( 1 ); do tega posredovanja informacij prihaja že v fazi nalivanja, ko se voda pri padcu vzburka in se posamične molekule vode ob udarjanju v neravne robove vzdolžnih utorov ( 4 ) mešajo ter tako prevzamejo čim več pozitivnih informacij, kijih oddaja površina telesa - stene ( 1 ) in nalivnega grla ( 5 ) naše steklenice.Figure 1 illustrates the basic and specific features of a glowing bottle invention; its bottom (2) is bent in the middle of the radius in the form of a flattened Gaussian curve or nipple. The characteristic of this nipple is that when pouring water into the bottle it breaks the jet of water into as small parts as possible - droplets that pick up a good portion of oxygen from the inside of the bottle; Therefore, the water is saturated with oxygen as it is poured into the bottle. Sufficient oxygen in water is known to improve its quality. At the same time, when the water falls into the bottle in Figure 1, the positive information is transmitted from the glowing corpus - the wall of the bottle (1); this information transmission occurs already at the pouring stage, when the water, in the event of a fall, stirs and the individual water molecules, when they hit the uneven edges of the longitudinal grooves (4), mix up as much positive information as the body surface - walls (1) and fill bottle (5) of our bottle.

Prav s tem namenom smo izdelali prikazane vzdolžne vdolbine ( 4 ) na korpusu - steni ožarjene steklenice ( 1 ); poleg tega, da zagotavljajo optimalno stično površino z vodo, so istočasno oblikovno zasnovane tako posrečeno, da se pri vertikalnem pogledu pod kotom 45 in 70 stopinj na katerekoli vertikalni vdolbini ( 4 ) izrišejo zabrisani obrisi ženskega lika od vratu navzdol. To naši ožarjeni steklenici daje posebno privlačnost in dobro mero energetske povezanosti uporabnika s steklenico in medijem v njej. Zakaj? Odgovor je zelo enostaven. Orgonska energija je vseživljenjska energija ljudi, okolja, zemlje, zraka, planetov in nenazadnje vesolja ali kozmosa, ki jo vizualno zaznamo tudi v grobem prikazu konture ženskega lika, razvidnega v navpičnih nepravilnih vdolbinah (4 ) na korpusu-steni ( 1 ) steklenice. Blagodejne misli, ki jih spodbudi pogled na obliko ženskega telesa, ki jo navidezno oblikujejo navpične vdolbine ( 4 ), predstavljajo namreč hkrati tudi pozitivni prenos odične sile iz našega energetskega polja na steklenico, skozi njo pa na medij v njej, kot je lahko voda. Tudi nalivno grlo ( 5 ) je oblikovno in konstrukcijsko rešeno tako, da omogoča kar najbolj učinkovito oddajanje pozitivnih sil in informacij, s katerimi je zasičen ta del steklenice. Na vrhu steklenice, prikazane na Sl. 1, je nameščen zamašek ( 6 ) iz lesa in silikona, ki varuje medij v steklenici pred vstopom mehanskih in drugih onesnaževalcev medija, istočasno pa predstavlja tudi varnostno barijero-izolator, ki onemogoča izhlapevanje vode in oddajanje odičnih sil iz steklenice v okolje. Spomnimo naj na že odkrite zakonitosti odične sile ali orgonske energije: v tem energetskem polju se privlačita energetska pola z enakim nabojem, kar pomeni, da se proces slabljenja, zmanjševanja sil, zajetih v naši steklenici, odvija silno počasi, saj lahko traja več kot štiri leta in le izjemoma, pod vplivom drugih elektroenergetskih ali magnetnih polj, je lahko ta čas malo krajši. Dokazano je, da se določene bioenergetske karakteristike nekaterih objektov ali prostorov izpraznijo oziroma de-akumulirajo že v treh mesecih od njihovega nastanka, kar naši ožaijeni steklenici prikazani na Sl. 1 in 2, zagotavlja univerzalno pomembnost in visok prag akumulativnosti pozitivnih sil.It was for this purpose that we produced the shown longitudinal recesses (4) on the housing - the wall of the incandescent bottle (1); in addition to providing optimum contact with water, they are at the same time designed in such a way that, when viewed vertically at an angle of 45 and 70 degrees at any vertical recess (4), the blurred outlines of the female face are drawn from the neck down. This gives our glowing bottle a special appeal and a good measure of the energy connection of the user to the bottle and the medium in it. Why? The answer is very simple. Organic energy is the lifelong energy of people, environment, earth, air, planets and, last but not least, the universe or cosmos, which is also visually detected in the rough outline of the contour of a female character seen in vertical irregular recesses (4) on the body of the bottle (1). The beneficial thoughts stimulated by the look at the shape of the female body, which are apparently shaped by vertical recesses (4), represent at the same time the positive transfer of the force from our energy field to the bottle and through it to the medium in it, such as water can be. The filler neck (5) is also designed and constructed in such a way as to provide the most effective transmission of the positive forces and information that saturates this part of the bottle. At the top of the bottle shown in FIG. 1, there is a stopper (6) made of wood and silicone, which protects the media in the bottle from the entry of mechanical and other contaminants of the media, and at the same time represents a safety barrier-insulator that prevents the evaporation of water and the discharge of effluent from the bottle into the environment. Let us remind ourselves of the already discovered laws of the force of origin or of orgone energy: in this energy field, the energy poles with the same charge are attracted, which means that the process of attenuation, reduction of forces captured in our bottle is very slow because it can take more than four years, and only exceptionally, under the influence of other electric or magnetic fields, this time can be a little shorter. It has been proven that certain bioenergetic characteristics of some objects or spaces are emptied or de-accumulated within three months of their occurrence, as shown in Fig. FIG. 1 and 2, provides universal relevance and a high accumulation threshold for positive forces.

Funkcija silikonskega obročka ( 3 ), nataknjenega na steklenico, v katerega so vrisani različni znaki, črte ali črke, je izključno dekorativni okras, katerega osnovni namen je opozoriti in vzbuditi pozornost morebitnega kupca na steklenico. Druga pomembna namembnost ali vloga silikonskega obroča ( 3 ), je tudi zaščita pred udarci, kadar steklenica pade, pade ravno na ta silikonski obroč ( 3 ), ki je nameščen v zgornjem delu naše steklenice tako, da obroč ( 3 ) amortizira udarce in steklenico ščiti pred razbitjem.The function of a silicone ring (3) affixed to a bottle with different characters, lines or letters is purely decorative decoration, the primary purpose of which is to alert and draw the attention of the potential buyer to the bottle. Another important purpose or role of the silicone ring (3) is also the protection against shocks, when the bottle falls, it falls precisely on that silicone ring (3), which is located at the top of our bottle so that the ring (3) absorbs shocks and the bottle protects against breakage.

Zaradi široke uporabnosti naše steklenice smo izdelali tudi manjšo stekleničko (Sl. 2) in jo vstavili v volneni žepek ( 7 ); ta je izolator in kot okrasek, ki preprečuje oddajanje toplotne ali hladilne energije v okolje, istočasno pa ima tudi propagandno - tržno funkcijo, saj z različnimi reklamnimi napisi na njem opozarja na steklenico. Žepek ( 7 ) se uporablja tako pri mali kot pri večji steklenici oz. pri vseh modelih steklenic izdelanih po naši konstrukciji v pričujočem patentu.Due to the wide usability of our bottle, we also made a smaller bottle (Fig. 2) and inserted it into a wool pocket (7); it is an insulator and as a decoration, which prevents heat or cooling energy from being released into the environment, and at the same time it has a propaganda - marketing function, as it points to a bottle with various advertising inscriptions on it. The pocket (7) is used for both a small bottle and a larger bottle. for all bottle models manufactured by our design in the present patent.

Claims (7)

1. Steklenica, ožarjena z orgonsko energijo, ki je z vsrkavanjem te energije prevzela naložila vase pozitivne zapise odičnih sil, z namenom prenosa informacij na medij v njej, zlasti na pitno vodo je zasnovana tako, da je steklenica izdelana in oblikovno dizajnirana iz enega steklenega dela, ki ima bradavičasto dno steklenice ( 2 ), na katerega se nadgrajuje korpus-stena steklenice (1), na katerem so po navpičnici vtisnjene krivuljaste neenakomerne vdolbine ( 4 ); steklenica se zaključuje z vratom ( 5 ) v katerega je vstavljen leseno - silikonski zamašek ( 6 );1. An organ-fueled bottle which, by absorbing that energy, has taken over the loading of its positive records of the forces of force, with a view to transmitting information to the medium therein, and in particular to drinking water, is designed in such a way that the bottle is made and designed from a single glass a part having a nipple bottom of the bottle (2) on which the body of the bottle (1) is superimposed, on which curved uneven indentations (4) are imprinted along the vertical line; the bottle ends with a neck (5) into which a wooden - silicone stopper (6) is inserted; 2. Steklenica po zahtevku 1 je zasnovana tako, da se na bradavičastem dnu steklenice ( 2 ) pri vlivanju vode ali drugega medija leta razbija na manjše delce z namenom bogatenja molekul medija s kisikom;The bottle of claim 1 is designed to break into smaller particles on the nipple bottom of the bottle (2) when pouring water or other medium of flight in order to enrich the molecules of the medium with oxygen; 3. Steklenica po zahtevku 1 je zasnovana tako, da so na korpusu-steni steklenice ( 1 ) izdelane po vertikali vtisnjene krivuljaste neenakomerne vdolbine ( 4 ), kar poveča površino notranjega oboda telesa steklenice (1), ki je nabit z informacijami odičnih sil (ki ustrezajo orgonski energiji), hkrati pa ob vertikalnem pogledu na vsaj dve krivuljasti vdolbini ( 4 ) omogoča vizualni videz ženske figure od vratu navzdol;A bottle according to claim 1 is designed to have vertically imprinted curved uneven indentations (4) on the housing wall of the bottle (1), which increases the surface area of the inner circumference of the bottle body (1), which is loaded with information of the force ( corresponding to orgone energy), while at the same time having a vertical view of at least two curved recesses (4), allows a visual appearance of the female figure from the neck down; 4. Steklenica po zahtevku 1 je zasnovana tako, da se na telo-steno steklenice (1) nadgradi vrat steklenice ( 5 ), ki prav tako služi kot akumulator in prenosnik orgonske energije na medij v steklenici;A bottle according to claim 1 is designed to be mounted on the body-wall of the bottle (1) by the neck of the bottle (5), which also serves as a battery and transmitter of orgone energy to the medium in the bottle; 5. Steklenica po zahtevku 1 je zasnovana tako, da je na vratu steklenice (5 ) nameščen zamašek ( 6), ki je v predlogu narejen iz lesa in sicer samo zunanji obod zamaška ter notranji-zapiralni del pa iz silikona oz., se lahko izdela tudi iz drugega materiala, in katerega funkcija je varovati medij v steklenici pred vstopom mehanskih in drugih onesnaževalcev medija, istočasno pa služi kot izolator, ki preprečuje izhlapevanje vode in oddajanje orgonske energije iz medija v okolje;A bottle according to claim 1 is designed so that a neck (5) is provided on the neck of the bottle (5), which is made of wood in the proposal, namely only the outer circumference of the stopper and the inner-closure part of silicone or, made of other material, the function of which is to protect the medium in the bottle from the entry of mechanical and other pollutants of the medium, while at the same time serving as an insulator that prevents the evaporation of water and the release of orgone energy from the medium into the environment; 6. Steklenica po zahtevku 1 je zasnovana tako, da jo je mogoče izdelati v poljubni velikosti.The bottle of claim 1 is designed to be made in any size. 7. Steklenica po zahtevku 1 je zasnovana tako, da jo je možno okrasiti z različnimi komercialnimi okraski, kot so silikonski obročki ( 3 ) ali volneni žepki ( 7 ), ki hkrati varujejo steklenico pred mehanskimi poškodbami.A bottle according to claim 1 is designed to be decorated with various commercial ornaments, such as silicone rings (3) or wool pockets (7), which at the same time protect the bottle from mechanical damage.
SI201000078A 2010-03-04 2010-03-04 Irradiated bottle SI23318A (en)

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