SI23154A - Residential thermal solar cooling device - Google Patents

Residential thermal solar cooling device Download PDF


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SI23154A SI200900239A SI200900239A SI23154A SI 23154 A SI23154 A SI 23154A SI 200900239 A SI200900239 A SI 200900239A SI 200900239 A SI200900239 A SI 200900239A SI 23154 A SI23154 A SI 23154A
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MatkoviÄŤ Marko
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MatkoviÄŤ Marko
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Application filed by MatkoviÄŤ Marko filed Critical MatkoviÄŤ Marko
Priority to SI200900239A priority Critical patent/SI23154A/en
Priority to PCT/SI2010/000049 priority patent/WO2011028186A2/en
Publication of SI23154A publication Critical patent/SI23154A/en



  • Sorption Type Refrigeration Machines (AREA)


The residential thermal solar cooling device solves the problem of compact implementation, simple production of components and a simple installation of the absorption cooling device of minor cooling power (up to 10 kW) which could be used for the purpose of cooling and air- conditioning of smaller facilities by way of solar thermal energy. It is a device with single operation effect and a LiBr-water cooling pair, which enables operation at low generating process temperature or implementation of flat solar panels. The device is cylinder (7) shaped and axially symmetrical with protuberating cover (5) and a round base (8) featuring an enclosure sealing only at the contact of the protuberating cover (5) and external enclosure (7) as well as at the contact between the external enclosure (7) and the base (8) of the device. Due to water cooling the device can be located in the functional area within the thermal layer of the building, while its size can be compared to the size of an ordinary kitchen refrigerator, which facilitates its moving into the building.



Predmet izuma je rezidenčna termalno solarna hladilna naprava primerna za hlajenje in klimatizacijo prednostno s solarno termalno energijo. Gre za vodno hlajeno sorpcijsko hladilno napravo z enojnim učinkom, manjše hladilne moči (do 10 kW), ki obratuje pri nizkotemperaturnem viru toplote in temelji na hladivu - voda ter sorbentu - LiBr.The subject of the invention is a residential thermal solar refrigeration device suitable for cooling and air conditioning, preferably with solar thermal energy. It is a single-effect, water-cooled sorption refrigeration unit with a lower cooling capacity (up to 10 kW), operating at a low-temperature heat source and based on a coolant - water and sorbent - LiBr.

Tehnični problem, ki ga rešuje izum, je takšna konstrukcija naprave katera:A technical problem solved by the invention is such a construction of the device which:

- z ohišjem v obliki valja s koveksnim pokrovom in dnom tesni napravo pred zunanjim nadtlakom,- seals the device in front of the external overpressure by means of a cylindrical housing with a cover and a bottom;

- s servisnim jaškom cilindrične oblike v osi naprave povezuje nizkotlačni del naprave z visokotlačnim,- connects the low-pressure portion of the device to the high-pressure cylinder service shaft in the axis of the device,

- ima kondenzator v obliki plašča polkrogle nameščen v visokotlačnem delu pod izbočenim pokrovom naprave, pod njim v sredini generator, v nizkotlačnem delu uparjalnik okoli servisnega jaška ter absorber med valjastim ohišjem in uparjalnikom,- a semi-circular jacket condenser is mounted in the high-pressure section below the convex hood of the device, in the center of the generator, in the low-pressure part, an evaporator around the service shaft and an absorber between the cylindrical housing and the evaporator,

- ima zvit prenosnik toplote (cev v cevi) v spiralo za notranjo izmenjavo toplote - rekuperacijo nameščen v medprostoru med notranjo konkavno pregrado in “posodo”-dnom generatorja oz. kondenzatorja,- has a convex heat exchanger (tube in tube) into a coil for internal heat exchange - recuperation is placed in the space between the internal concave barrier and the "tank" bottom of the generator or. capacitor,

- morebitno kristalizacijo soli rešuje tako, da višek vroče kapljevine v generatorju prečrpava v zunanjem (2.) annulusu prenosnika toplote cev v cevi nazaj v generator in s tem poveča topnost močne raztopine,- solves the possible crystallization of the salt by pumping the excess hot liquid in the generator in the outer (2.) annulus of the heat exchanger tube in the tube back into the generator, thereby increasing the solubility of the strong solution,

- s termostatskim ventilom preprečuje prečrpavanje visokotemperatume kapljevine v absorber,- prevents the high-temperature liquid from being pumped into the absorber by means of a thermostatic valve,

- nudi kompaktno izvedbo naprave, enostavno izdelavo sestavnih elementov in preprosto montažo, kar znatno zniža stroške izdelave, omogoča serijsko proizvodnjo ter tako poveča interes za komercijalno zanimiv izdelek.- offers a compact device design, easy component manufacturing and easy assembly, which significantly reduces production costs, enables batch production, and thus increases interest in a commercially interesting product.

Znanih rešitev absorpcijske hladilne naprave manjše hladilne moči, LiBr-voda, je kar nekaj.There are quite a few well-known solutions for an absorption chiller with less cooling power, LiBr-water.

Skupna značilnost vseh rešitev je predvsem zunanje razčlenjena konstrukcija naprav po posameznih elementih prenosa toplote in snovi in s tem pogojena razgibana geometrija tesnenja v podtlaku ter v drugačni zasnovi obratovanja. Izdelava sestavnih elementov, kot tudi njihova montaža v napravo je, bodisi tehnološko kompleksna, kar izdelek draži in povečuje možnost motenega obratovanja, bodisi dimenzijsko neustrezna za implementacijo v sistem strojnih instalacij manjše nazivne moči. Nekatere naprave so bile razvite z integriranim zračno hlajenim absorberjem in kondenzatorjem, kar pogojuje njihovo namestitev zunaj toplotnega ovoja stavbe oziroma objekta hlajenja.The common feature of all the solutions is the externally dismantled construction of the devices according to the individual elements of heat and substance transfer, and thus the varied geometry of sealing in the underpressure and in a different design of operation. The production of component elements, as well as their installation in the device, is either technologically complex, which makes the product irritating and increases the possibility of malfunctioning, or dimensionally inadequate for implementation into the system of machine installations of lower rated power. Some devices have been developed with an integrated air-cooled absorber and condenser, which necessitates their installation outside the thermal envelope of the building or cooling object.

Problem, ki je ostal nerešen je izdelava kompaktnega in zanesljivega rezidenčnega solarnega hladilnika majhne hladilne moči (do 10 kW), katerega investicija bo ekonomsko upravičena. Po izumu je problem rešen z rezidenčno termalno solarno hladilno napravo z ohišjem v obliki valja s koveksnim pokrovom in dnom. Izum bo opisan na izvedbenem primeru in sliki, ki prikazuje:The problem that remains unresolved is the construction of a compact and reliable residential solar cooler with low cooling capacity (up to 10 kW), the investment of which will be economically viable. According to the invention, the problem is solved by a resident thermal solar cooling device with a cylindrical housing with a cover and a bottom. The invention will be described in the embodiment and in the figure showing:

sl. 1 rezidenčna termalno solarna hladilna naprava po izumu v aksonometrični projekcijiFIG. 1 is a axonometric projection of a resident thermal solar refrigeration unit of the invention

Solarni hladilnik tvori sestav glave, ki obsega visokotlačni del naprave nameščen nad sestavom telesa, ki pa zajema nizkotlačni del naprave nameščen na podstavku 21. Glava je zajeta znotraj ovoja servisnega jaška 13, tlačnega korita 6 in pokrova naprave 5; telo pa predstavlja sestav znotraj mej dna 8, plašča 7 ter tlačnega korita 6 in servisnega jaška 13. Naprava je po zunanji strani z izjemo podstavka in dna izolirana 22, 23.The solar cooler forms a head assembly comprising a high pressure portion of the device mounted above the body assembly, which in turn comprises a low pressure portion of the device mounted on a base 21. The head is enclosed within the enclosure of the service shaft 13, the pressure sump 6 and the cover of the device 5; the body, however, represents the assembly within the boundaries of the bottom 8, the jacket 7 and the pressure sump 6 and the service shaft 13. The device is insulated with the exception of the base and the bottom 22, 23.

V glavi se nahaja generator 2, drenažni sistem 14, kondenzator v obliki plašča polkrogle 1, zbiralnik kondenza 9, dno generatorja 10 ter vmesna niša 16 med tlačnim koritom 6, zbiralnikom konenza 9 in dnom generatorja 10. V vmesni niši 16 je nameščen termostatski ventil ter koaksialni prenosnik toplote zvit v spiralo, ki služi za notranjo rekuperacijo toplote. Priključka ogrevne vode generatorja 18 ter priključka hladilne vode kondenzatorja 17 sta izvedena na temenu pokrova 5 naprave.In the head there is a generator 2, a drainage system 14, a condenser in the form of a semi-circular jacket 1, a condensate collector 9, the bottom of the generator 10 and an intermediate niche 16 between the pressure sump 6, the condenser 9 and the bottom of the generator 10. In the intermediate niche 16, a thermostatic valve is installed and a coaxial heat exchanger coiled into a coil for internal heat recovery. The generator water connections 18 and the condenser cooling water connections 17 are made at the top of the cover 5 of the device.

V telesu naprave okoli servisnega jaška 13 se nahaja uparjalnik za prosto padajoči filmski tok 3, ki je po vsej višini obdan z ločevalnikom kaplic 15 in na nasprotni strani meji na absorber 4 nameščen ob notranji steni plašča 7. Telo naprave se na dnu zaključi z zbiralnikom hladiva - vode 11 in zbiralnikom obogatene raztopine 12, ki ju zapira ubočeno dno naprave 8. Priključka hlajene vode uparjalnika 19, kot tudi priključka hladilne vode absorberja 20 sta izpeljana skozi dno naprave 8 čez podstavek 21.In the body of the device around the service shaft 13 is a free-flowing film stream evaporator 3 which is surrounded by a drop separator 15 at its full height and adjacent to the absorber 4 on the opposite side adjacent to the inner wall of the jacket 7. The body of the device ends at the bottom with a reservoir. of refrigerant - water 11 and the reservoir of enriched solution 12, which are closed by the convex bottom of the device 8. The refrigerant water connections of the evaporator 19 as well as the cooling water connections of the absorber 20 are passed through the bottom of the device 8 through the base 21.

Znotraj podstavka 21 sta nameščeni dve črpalki. Prva je namenjena obtoku hladiva-vode v nizkotlačnem delu, druga, nekoliko večja pa je namenjena obtoku močne raztopine v absorberju 4 ter prečrpavanju obogatene raztopine v generator 2.Two pumps are installed inside the base 21. The first is intended for the circulation of coolant-water in the low-pressure part, the second, the slightly larger one is intended for the circulation of a strong solution in the absorber 4 and the pumping of the enriched solution into the generator 2.

Alternativna različica ima črpalko za obtok hladiva v uparjalniku nameščeno kar v zbiralniku hladiva 11 pod uparjalnikom 3. Takšna rešitev, ki zahteva instalacijo zgolj ene črpalke v podstavku naprave, poenostavi problem tesnosti zaradi prečrpavanja hladiva v podtlaku saj se izogne dvem zunanjim prključnim vodom ter instalaciji zunanje črpalke.Alternatively, the refrigerant circulation pump in the evaporator is installed right in the coolant reservoir 11 under the evaporator 3. This solution, which requires the installation of only one pump in the base of the device, simplifies the problem of leakage due to the refrigerant pumping in the vacuum, avoiding two external connecting lines and installing an external one. pumps.

Konveksni pokrov 5 naprave ima na temenu valjasto vgreznino 24 za namestitev priključnih vodov generatorja 18 in kondenzatorja 17. Pokrov 5 je prednostno izdelan iz enega kosa s postopkom globokega vleka pločevine. Material in postopek izdelave izbočenega pokrova 5 sta lako različna, vendar pa morata zadoščati pogojem tesnosti naprave v podtlaku.The convex cover 5 of the device has a cylindrical recess 24 on the top to accommodate the connecting lines of the generator 18 and the capacitor 17. The cover 5 is preferably made of one piece by a deep sheet metal drawing process. The material and the manufacturing process of the convex cover 5 are easily different, but they must satisfy the conditions of tightness of the device in the vacuum.

Različna je lahko tudi izvedba pokrova 5 brez valjaste vgreznine 24 v temenu naprave. V tem primeru so priključni vodi generatorja 18 in kondenzatorja 17 speljani na površino na poljubnih mestih izbočenega pokrova 5.The design of the cover 5 without the cylindrical recess 24 in the top of the device may also be different. In this case, the connecting leads of the generator 18 and the capacitor 17 are brought to the surface at any points of the convex cover 5.

Kondenzator v obliki debelega plašča polkrogle 1 je pritrjen na izbočen pokrov 5 naprave, pod njim pa je pritrjen drenažni sistem 14 za akumulacijo kondenza v namenski zbiralnik 9.The condenser in the form of a thick jacket of a semicircle 1 is attached to a convex cover 5 of the device, and below it is attached a drainage system 14 for the accumulation of condensate into a dedicated reservoir 9.

Drenažni sistem 14 je izdelan iz poljubnega števila tenkih trakov plašča stožca, ki so med seboj ustrezno razmanknjeni tako, da predstavljajo minimalni padec tlaka pri prehodu pare skozi režo ob enem pa učinkovito odvajajo kondenz v namensko posodo 9 po obodu glave. Lahko gre za prekinjene trakove s prekrivanjem, lahko pa tudi za izvedbo v več plasteh. Trakovi so lahko preoblikovani tako, da so v spodnjem robu nekoliko vpognjeni navznoter, v zgornjem robu pa navzven. Njihov naklon je pri izbranem materialu in površinski napetorsti hladiva pri dani temperaturi takšen, da kondenzirajoča para na notranji strani po vsej višini odteka na zunanjo površino drenažnega sistema 14 in od tod v zbiralnik kondenza 9. Sistem 14 ima poleg odvajanja kondenza v namenski zbiralnik 9 tudi drugo pomembno funkcijo, ki se navezuje na radiativno izolacijo generatorja 2 in kondenzatorja 1 nad njim. Material oziroma površinska obelava drenažnega sistema 14 je zato takšna, da omogoča tako dobro iztekanje hladiva, kot tudi dobre izolativne lastnosti dolgovalovnega sevanja. Vsaka izmenjava bodisi kondezirajoče pare nazaj v generetor 2 bodisi izsevane energije v kondenzator 1 je pogojena s slabšo učinkovitorstjo, torej s slabšim COP naprave, čemur se z opisano rešitvijo želimo čim bolje izogniti.The drainage system 14 is made of any number of thin tapes of the cone jacket, which are adequately spaced apart so as to represent a minimum pressure drop at the passage of steam through the gap at one and effectively discharge condensate into the dedicated container 9 around the circumference of the head. It can be broken strips with overlapping, but it can also be multi-layer. The straps can be reshaped so that they are slightly bent inwards in the lower edge and outwards in the upper edge. Their slope is, at the selected material and the surface tension of the coolant at a given temperature, such that the condensing vapor on the inside flows out to the outside surface of the drainage system 14 and from there into the condensate tank 9. another important function related to the radiative isolation of generator 2 and capacitor 1 above it. The material or surface treatment of the drainage system 14 is, therefore, such that it allows both a good refrigerant leakage and good insulating properties of the longwave radiation. Any exchange of either the condensing steam back into the generator 2 or the radiated energy into the condenser 1 is conditioned by worse efficiency, that is, a worse COP of the device, which we want to avoid as best as possible.

Generator 2 je nameščen v sredini glave. Relativno velik delež prostora, ki ga zaseda v visokotlačnem delu je posledica izvedljivosti generacije zahtevane količine pare pri minimalni razliki temperature nasičenja.Generator 2 is located in the middle of the head. The relatively high proportion of space occupied by the high-pressure section is due to the feasibility of generating the required amount of steam at a minimal difference in saturation temperature.

Dno generatorja 10 in zbiralnik kondenza 9 sta prednostno izdelana iz enega kosa. Gre za dve posodi v stiku. V prvo se zbira močna raztopina, v drugo, ki tvori žleb okoli roba prve pa se izteka kondenz. V primeru, ko gre za izvedbo iz dveh ločenih posod, je potrebno zagotoviti popolno tesnost na njunem stiku. Popolno tesnost bodisi z varjenjem bodisi z leplenjem pa je potrebno zagotoviti tudi med zbiralnikom kondenza in tlačnim koritom, kar preprečuje kondenzacijo hladiva in morebitno kopičenje soli v medprostoru 16 ter daje škatlasti strukturi posebno trdnost.The bottom of the generator 10 and the condenser collector 9 are preferably made of one piece. These are two containers in contact. A strong solution collects in the former, and in the second, which forms a groove around the edge of the first, condensate flows out. In the case of two separate containers, full tightness must be ensured at their junction. Full tightness, either by welding or bonding, must also be ensured between the condenser and the pressure sump, which prevents condensation of the coolant and any accumulation of salt in the space 16 and gives the box structure a special strength.

Tlačno korito 6, ki se na dnu nadaljuje v servisni jašek 13 je prednostno izdelan s preoblikovanjem - z globokim vlekom pločevine. Korito skupaj s servisnim jaškom 13 daje napravi trdnost ter ogrodje za razpeljavo notranje instalacije, ki jo je potrebno izvesti pred hermetičnim zaprtjem medprostora 16. Popolno tesnost razstavljive zveze je potrebno zagotoviti med tlačnim koritom 6 in plaščem naprave 7, kar preprečuje nekontrolirano uhajanje pare hladiva v nizkotlačni del in s tem moteno obratovanje naprave.The pressure sump 6, which continues at the bottom to the service shaft 13, is preferably fabricated by means of a deep drawing of the sheet metal. The trough, together with the service shaft 13, gives the device the strength and frame to disperse the interior installation, which must be carried out before the airtight closure of the space 16. The complete tightness of the dismantling connection must be ensured between the pressure trough 6 and the jacket of the device 7, which prevents uncontrolled escape of refrigerant vapor into the low pressure part and thus the malfunction of the device.

Servisni jašek 13 je v zgornjem delu fiksno pritrjen, preferenčno privarjen na tlačno korito 6. Jašek 13, ki povezuje visokotlačni del naprave z niskotlačnim delom ter zunanjostjo je na spodnji strani hermetično privijačen na zbiralnik hladiva 11, katerega obdaja zbiralnik obogatene raztopine 12.The service shaft 13 is fixed in the upper part, preferentially welded to the pressure sump 6. The shaft 13 connecting the high pressure portion of the device to the low pressure part and to the outside is hermetically screwed to the bottom of the refrigerant tank 11, which is surrounded by the solution tank 12.

Uparjalnik 3, ki je uporabljen v napravi deluje po principu uparjanja prosto padajočega filmskega toka, ker omogoča sorazmerno konstantni tlak nasičenja vodne pare oziroma konstantno temperaturo uparjanja skozi celoten prenosnik. Filmski uparjalnik 3 je nameščen okoli servisnega jaška 13 nad zbiralnikom hladiva 11. Priključka hlajene vode 19 sta speljana skozi zbiralnik hladiva 11 in dno naprave 8 na podstavek 21.The evaporator 3 used in the device operates according to the principle of evaporation of a free-flowing film stream because it allows a relatively constant saturation vapor pressure or a constant evaporation temperature throughout the laptop. The film evaporator 3 is mounted around the service shaft 13 above the coolant reservoir 11. The cooling water ports 19 are passed through the coolant reservoir 11 and the bottom of the device 8 to the base 21.

Absorber 4 je nameščen pod plaščem naprave 7 nad zbiralnikom obogatene raztopine 12 okoli ločevalnika kapljic 15. Priključka hladilne vode 20 sta speljana skozi zbiralnik obogatene raztopine 12 in dno naprave 8 na podstavek 21.The absorber 4 is mounted under the jacket of the device 7 above the enriched solution reservoir 12 around the droplet separator 15. The cooling water connections 20 are guided through the enriched solution collector 12 and the bottom of the device 8 onto the base 21.

Zbiralnik hladiva 11 in zbiralnik obogatene raztopine 12 sta podobno kot dno generatorja 10 in zbiralnik kondenza 9 prednostno izdelana iz enega kosa. Gre za dve posodi v stiku po obodu nad katerim se po celotni višini uparjalnika 3 in absorberja 4 dviguje ločevalnik kapljic 15. V prvo se zbira hladivo, v drugo, ki poteka po obodu prve pa se zbira obogatena raztopina. V primeru, ko gre za izvedbo iz dveh ločenih posod, je potrebno zagotoviti popolno tesnost na njunem stiku. Popolno tesnost razstavljive zveze pa je potrebno zagotoviti tudi med zbiralnikom obogatene raztopine 12 in plaščem naprave 7, kar preprečuje kondenzacijo hladiva in morebitno kopičenje soli na dnu naprave 8 ali celo vdor nekondenzirajočih plinov v napravo.Similarly to the bottom of the generator 10 and the condenser 9, the refrigerant reservoir 11 and the enriched solution reservoir 12 are preferably made of one piece. These are two vessels in contact around the perimeter above which a drop separator rises along the entire height of the evaporator 3 and the absorber 4. The first collects refrigerant and the second, which runs along the perimeter of the first, enriches the solution. In the case of two separate containers, full tightness must be ensured at their junction. The complete sealing connection must also be ensured between the enriched solution reservoir 12 and the jacket of the device 7, which prevents condensation of the refrigerant and the possible accumulation of salt at the bottom of the device 8 or even the penetration of non-condensing gases into the device.

Ločevalnik kapljic 15 ima analogno funkcijo drenažnega sistema 14, torej preprečuje mešanje kapljevine v obeh smereh iz uparjalnika 3 in absorberja 4. Poleg tega služi ločevalnik kapljic 15 tudi kot radiativni izolator za dolgovalovno sevanje med dvema prenosnikoma. Ker gre v uparjalniku 3 za red velikosti nižji tlak nasičenja, kot v generatorju 2, je bila upoštevana toliko večja pazljivost pri načrtovanju ločevalnika kapljic 15 z minimalnim padcem tlaka pri prehodu pare hladiva skozi načrtovani element.The droplet separator 15 has an analogous function to the drainage system 14, thus preventing fluid mixing in both directions from the evaporator 3 and the absorber 4. In addition, the droplet separator 15 also serves as a radiative isolator for longwave radiation between two laptops. Since the evaporator 3 has an order of magnitude lower saturation pressure than that of the generator 2, greater care was taken in the design of the droplet separator 15 with the minimum pressure drop in the passage of refrigerant vapor through the design element.

Plašč Ί služi kot ohišje naprave. Z razstavljivo zvezo skupaj z izbočenim pokrovom 5 ter okroglim dnom 8 tesni napravo v podtlaku. Plašč 7 ima na dnu ter na vrhu izdelan ustrezno širok rob, ki služi za izvedbo tesnenja med izbočenim pokrovom 5 in okroglim dnom 8 ob enem pa daje napravi večjo radialno trdnost.The casing Ί serves as the housing of the device. With the detachable connection, together with the convex lid 5 and the round bottom 8, the device is pressurized. The sheath 7 has a suitably wide edge at the bottom and at the top, which serves to seal between the convex lid 5 and the round bottom 8 at one side, giving the device greater radial strength.

Vsi elementi naprave s povdarkom na prenosnikih toplote in snovi ter izmenjevalcu toplote za notranjo rekuperacijo so dimenzionirani tako, da pri danih projektnih pogojih omogočajo razvoj nazivne hladilne moči naprave.All elements of the device with emphasis on the heat exchangers and the substance and the heat exchanger for internal recovery are dimensioned to allow the development of the nominal cooling power of the device under the given design conditions.

Claims (6)

PATENTNI ZAHTEVKIPATENT APPLICATIONS 1. Rezidenčna termalno solarna hladilna naprava značilna po tem, da ima ohišje v obliki valja (7) z izbočenim pokrovom (5) in okroglim dnom (8).A residential thermal solar refrigeration unit, characterized in that it has a cylindrical housing (7) with a convex lid (5) and a round bottom (8). 2. Naprava po zahtevku 1, značilna po tem, da je tesnenje ohišja naprave v podtlaku izvedeno zgolj na stiku izbočenega pokrova (5) in plašča (7) ter na stiku plašča (7) in dna (8) naprave.Apparatus according to claim 1, characterized in that the sealing of the housing of the device in a vacuum is performed only at the contact of the convex cover (5) and the jacket (7) and at the contact of the jacket (7) and the bottom (8) of the device. 3. Naprava po zahtevku 1, značilna po tem, da elementi: zbiralnik kondenza (9), dno generatorja (10) in tlačno korito (6) tvorijo osnosimetrično, rigidno škatlasto strukturo, ki jo v osi naprave z dnom (8) povezuje servisni jašek (13).Apparatus according to claim 1, characterized in that the elements: the condenser collector (9), the bottom of the generator (10) and the pressure sump (6) form an axisymmetric, rigid box structure connected in the axis of the device with the bottom (8) shaft (13). 4. Naprava po zahtevku 1, značilna po tem, da so priključki ogrevne vode za generator (18) ter priključki hladilne vode za kondenzator (17) izvedeni na temenu izbočenega pokorva (5) naprave.Device according to claim 1, characterized in that the heating water connections for the generator (18) and the cooling water connections for the condenser (17) are made at the top of the convex cover (5) of the device. 5. Naprava po zahtevku 1, značilna po tem, da ima kondenzator (1) nameščen v plasti neposredno pod izbočenim pokrovom naprave (5), pod kondenzatorjem drenažni sistem (14), ki ju po obodu zaključuje zbiralnik kondenza (9); da ima uparjalnik nameščen v debeli plasti neposredno okoli servisnega jaška (13), ter absorber (4) v plasti pod plaščem (7) naprave.Apparatus according to claim 1, characterized in that the condenser (1) is provided in a layer directly below the convex hood of the device (5), under the condenser a drainage system (14) terminated by a condenser collector (9) around the circumference; that the evaporator is mounted in a thick layer directly around the service shaft (13) and the absorber (4) in the layer below the device jacket (7). 6. Naprava po zahtevku 1, značilna po tem, da so vsi sestavni elementi naprave: pokrov (5), kondenzator (1), drenažni sistem (14), generator (2) , zbiralnik kondenza (9), dno generatorja (10), tlačno korito (6), servisni jašek (13), uparjalnik (3) , ločevalnik kapljic (15), absorber (4), zbiralnik hladiva (11), zbiralnik obogatene raztopine (12) in dno naprave (8) osnosimetrični in poravnani z osjo naprave z izjemo rahlega odstopanja: zbiralnika kondenza (9), zbiralnika hladiva (11) in zbiralnika obogatene raztopine (12) od naklona osi naprave zaradi lažjega zbiranja kapljevine.Apparatus according to claim 1, characterized in that all the constituent elements of the device are: cover (5), condenser (1), drainage system (14), generator (2), condensate collector (9), generator bottom (10) , pressure sump (6), service shaft (13), evaporator (3), droplet separator (15), absorber (4), coolant reservoir (11), enriched solution reservoir (12) and device bottom (8) axisymmetric and aligned with the axis of the device with the exception of a slight deviation: the condensation tank (9), the refrigerant tank (11) and the enriched solution tank (12) from the inclination of the axis of the device to facilitate the collection of liquid.
SI200900239A 2009-09-04 2009-09-04 Residential thermal solar cooling device SI23154A (en)

Priority Applications (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
SI200900239A SI23154A (en) 2009-09-04 2009-09-04 Residential thermal solar cooling device
PCT/SI2010/000049 WO2011028186A2 (en) 2009-09-04 2010-09-03 Residential thermal solar chiller

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
SI200900239A SI23154A (en) 2009-09-04 2009-09-04 Residential thermal solar cooling device

Publications (1)

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SI23154A true SI23154A (en) 2011-03-31



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SI200900239A SI23154A (en) 2009-09-04 2009-09-04 Residential thermal solar cooling device

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