SI23088A - Device and method for charging batteries by means of solar cells - Google Patents

Device and method for charging batteries by means of solar cells Download PDF


Publication number
SI23088A SI201000280A SI201000280A SI23088A SI 23088 A SI23088 A SI 23088A SI 201000280 A SI201000280 A SI 201000280A SI 201000280 A SI201000280 A SI 201000280A SI 23088 A SI23088 A SI 23088A
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solar cell
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Slovenian (sl)
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Osnovna Ĺ Ola Pod Goro
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Application filed by Osnovna Ĺ Ola Pod Goro filed Critical Osnovna Ĺ Ola Pod Goro
Priority to SI201000280A priority Critical patent/SI23088A/en
Publication of SI23088A publication Critical patent/SI23088A/en



  • Charge And Discharge Circuits For Batteries Or The Like (AREA)
  • Photovoltaic Devices (AREA)


The subject of the invention is a device and a method for charging batteries by means of solar cells, which is solving two technical problems: how to charge batteries of small current-consuming devices on remote areas and how to assure a better receiver signal for mobile phones and VHF stations. The whole device can be structurally implemented as a compact one in a single housing or the solar cell unit and both antennas can be set into a position with a better reception of solar energy or a VHF and/or GSM signal. The energy obtained from the solar cell unit serves to charge the accumulator battery via a male connector on the solar cell unit and via a controller for charging accumulator batteries. On the controller for charging accumulator batteries, a heat drainer is mounted for dissipation of energy into the environment, in case the energy is not drained off into the accumulator battery. The antennas for the reception of GSM and VHF signals are also mounted on the device. At the side of the device, a charger is mounted for smaller current-consuming devices, containing a built-in DC/DC converter which takes care of appropriate charging voltage for small consumer batteries. There is also a plug for connection of a consumer, such as a direct current bulb, at the side of the device.


Področje tehnikeThe field of technology

Fotovoltaika; sončne celice; polnjenje baterij; mobilna naprava za polnjenje baterij; sprejemna antena za mobilne telefone; napajanje manjših porabnikov enosmernega električnega toka.Photovoltaics; solar cells; recharging batteries; mobile battery charger; receiving antenna for mobile phones; supplying smaller DC power supplies.

Prikaz problemaView the problem

Na področjih, ki so odmaknjena od naseljenih področij se velikokrat pojavi težava zaradi izpraznjenosti baterij manjših porabnikov. Takšna odmaknjena področja velikokrat niso povezana v elektroenergetski sistem.In areas away from populated areas, there is often a problem due to the discharging of small batteries. Such remote areas are often not connected to the electricity system.

Na področjih, kjer ni na razpolago elektroenergetskega sistema ali proizvodnje lastne energije, pa v primeru izpraznitve baterij, izpraznjeni majhni uporabniki prenehajo delovati (mobilni telefoni, svetilke, naprave za GPS, VHF postaje, žolne (naprave za iskanje ponesrečencev pod snežnimi plazovi ...).In areas where no power system or power generation is available, however, in the event of batteries being discharged, discharged small users cease to operate (mobile phones, lamps, GPS devices, VHF stations, woodpeckers (snowfall victims ... ).

Prav tako se v odmaknjenih področjih pojavijo težave sprejema za mobilno telefonijo in VHF postaje, še posebej na hribovitih področjih, kjer je signal velikokrat še dodatno moten.Reception problems for mobile telephony and VHF stations also occur in remote areas, especially in hilly areas where many times the signal is further disturbed.

Prikazan izum rešuje problema:The present invention solves the following problems:

polnjenja baterij majhnih porabnikov na odmaknjenih področjih in - zagotavljanja boljšega sprejemnega signala za mobilne telefone in VHF postajerecharging small batteries in remote areas and - providing better reception for mobile phones and VHF stations

Stanje tehnikeThe state of the art

Polnjenje baterij manjših porabnikov na odmaknjenih področjih.Charging smaller batteries in remote areas.

Polnjenje baterij z energijo lastne proizvodnje na osnovi fotovoltaike, vetrnic, agregatov na fosilna goriva..... V primeru zagotavljanja lastne energije je baterije majhnih uporabnikov napolniti s pomočjo kompaktnih polnilcev iz lastne proizvedene energije.Charging batteries with energy from own production based on photovoltaics, windmills, fossil fuel units ..... In the case of providing their own energy, the batteries of small users are charged with compact chargers from their own produced energy.

Polnjenje baterij s pomočjo baterij večjih kapacitet (akumulatorjev) in ustreznih kompaktnih polnilcevCharge the batteries with larger capacity batteries and suitable compact chargers

Zamenjava baterij za rezervne baterije, v kolikor jih ima uporabnik na razpolago.Replacement of batteries for spare batteries, if available.

Zagotavljanje boljšega signala za mobilne telefone in VHF postaje.Providing better signal for mobile phones and VHF stations.

Za naveden problem so praktične rešitve:The practical solutions to this problem are:

postavitev močnejšega sprejemnika (ki mora imeti svoje napajanje) inplacement of a stronger receiver (which must have its own power supply) and

- postavitev sprejemnika na mesto boljšega sprejema (npr. na streho planinskega bivaka ···)- placing the receiver in a better reception location (eg on the roof of a mountain bivouac ···)

Opis nove rešitveDescription of the new solution

Predmet izuma sta naprava in metoda za polnjenje baterij s pomočjo sončnih celic in rešujeta tehnična problema: polnjenja baterij majhnih porabnikov na odmaknjenih področjih in zagotavljanja boljšega sprejemnega signala za mobilne telefone in VHF postaje.The subject of the invention is a device and a method for recharging solar cells and solving technical problems: charging small consumers' batteries in remote areas and providing better reception signal for mobile phones and VHF stations.

Predmet po izumu je moč sestaviti iz sestavnih delov dostopnih na tržišču, kar zaradi predvidene proizvodnje v manjših serijah močno poceni in poenostavi proizvodnjo.The object of the invention can be assembled from commercially available components, which, due to the intended production in smaller batches, is very inexpensive and simplifies production.

Napravo po izumu je možno v odvisnosti od potreb sestavljati iz posameznih komponent, ki se izbirajo v odvisnosti od celotne naprave.The device according to the invention can, depending on the needs, be composed of individual components, which are selected depending on the whole device.

Naprava po izumu je sestavljena iz:The device according to the invention consists of:

- sončnih celic, ki so med seboj zaporedno vezane in povezane v celoto, namenjenih za sprejemanje sončne energije in pretvarjanje sončne energije v enosmerno električno energijo- solar cells interconnected in series and connected in their entirety, designed to receive solar energy and convert solar energy to direct electricity

- vtikača na katerega se lahko priklopijo polnilci za polnjenje manjših uporabnikov (direktno polnjenje baterij manjših porabnikov iz enote s sončnimi celicami) ali večja akumulatorska baterija (zalogovnik energije)- a plug that can be attached to chargers for charging smaller users (direct charging of small consumer batteries from a solar cell unit) or a larger rechargeable battery (energy storage)

- mobilnega polnilca v katerega je vgrajen DC/DC pretvornik (pretvornik za spreminjaje napetosti enosmernega električnega toka), ki zagotavlja ustrezno jakost polnilnega toka- a mobile charger incorporating a DC / DC converter (DC converter) to provide adequate charging current

- akumulatorska baterija- rechargeable battery

- regulator polnjenja akumulatorske baterije- Battery charge controller

- povezovalni kabli- connecting cables

- antena za GSM sprejem in kabel za anteno- GSM antenna antenna and antenna cable

- antena za VHF sprejem in kabel za anteno- antenna for VHF reception and antenna cable

Na izbiro posameznih komponent vplivata predvsem frekvenca uporabe naprave in predvidena lega postavitve naprave. Naprava je izvedena tako, da je enota s sončnimi celicami zložljiva zaradi lažjega transporta naprave, kar pa ni nujen pogoj za samo delovanje naprave. Med posameznimi sklopi sončnih celic je prepogljiv material, kot na primer usnje, ali tekstil, tako daje enoto iz sončnih celic možno preložiti na dva, štiri ali več delov.The choice of individual components is mainly influenced by the frequency of use of the device and the intended position of the installation of the device. The device is designed in such a way that the unit with solar panels is foldable to facilitate transportation of the device, which is not a necessary condition for the operation of the device. There are flexible materials, such as leather or textiles, between individual solar cell assemblies so that the solar cell unit can be moved to two, four or more parts.

Naprava je konstrukcijsko lahko sestavljena kompaktno, tako, da so vsi sestavni deli fizično povezani v eno enoto ali omarico, tako da so sončne celice na vrhu, anteni za sprejem signalov za VHF in GSM ob strani enote, ostali sestavni deli pa v sami enoti.The device may be compactly designed so that all components are physically connected into one unit or cabinet so that the solar panels are on top, the antennas for receiving VHF and GSM signals on the side of the unit and the other components in the unit itself.

Predvsem je smiselno ločeno postaviti:Above all, it makes sense to set separately:

- sončne celice in jih postaviti tako, da imajo čim-boljšo lego glede na sonce,- solar panels and position them in the best possible position relative to the sun,

- anteno za VHF tako, daje zagotovljen čim boljši sprejem VHF signala,- VHF antenna in such a way as to maximize VHF signal reception,

- anteno za GSM tako, daje zagotovljen čim boljši sprejem GSM signala, vendar tako, da so povezovalni kabli niso predolgi zaradi visokih izgub predvsem pri prenosu enosmerne električne napetosti.- GSM antenna in such a way as to maximize the reception of the GSM signal, but in such a way that the connecting cables are not too long due to the high losses mainly due to the transmission of direct current.

Celoten sistem zaradi svoje majhnosti deluje pri sistemski napetosti 12 V ali 6 V, pri čemer sončne celice zagotavljajo nekoliko višjo napetost (14 V ali 7 V), daje zagotovljeno polnjenje akumulatorske baterije.Due to its small size, the whole system operates at a system voltage of 12 V or 6 V, with solar cells providing slightly higher voltages (14 V or 7 V), providing a rechargeable battery.

Na vtikač na enoti s sončnimi celicami je možno direktno priključiti polnilec za polnjenje manjših porabnikov, ki ima integriram ustrezen pretvornik za enosmerno napetost, da zagotovi ustrezno polnilno napetost.It is possible to connect directly to a plug on a solar cell unit a small battery charger that integrates a suitable DC converter to provide adequate charging voltage.

Naprava po izumu bo v večini primerov uporabljena tako, da bo na sprejemnik s sončnimi celicami preko vtikača priključena akumulatorska baterija, ki služi kot zalogovnik baterije. Zaradi neenakomerne učinkovitosti naprave zaradi vremenske odvisnosti (izpostavljenost sončni energiji) je med vtikač na sončnem sprejemniku in akumulatorsko bateriji nameščen še regulator polnjenja akumulatorske baterije, kateri dovoljuje polnjenje akumulatorske baterije, samo če ima sončni sprejemnik zadostno proizvodnjo energije.In most cases, the device of the invention will be used to connect a battery to the receiver with solar cells via a plug to serve as a storage battery. Due to the uneven performance of the device due to weather dependence (exposure to solar energy), a battery charge controller is installed between the plug on the solar receiver and the battery pack, which allows the battery to be charged only if the solar receiver has sufficient energy production.

Na celotno napravo sta priključeni tudi anteni za sprejem VHF in GSM signalov. Sami anteni nista potrebni za zagotavljanje polnjenja manjših porabnikov, vendar pa sta v napravo vključeni zaradi učinkovitejšega delovanja mobilnih telefonov in VHF postaj, ki se polnijo na sistemu, kije predmet izuma.Antennas for receiving VHF and GSM signals are also connected to the entire device. The antennas themselves are not required to provide charging to smaller consumers, but they are integrated into the device to make mobile phones and VHF stations more charging on the system being the subject of the invention.

Najenostavnejše je polnjenje porabnikov posredno preko akumulatorske baterije, pri čemer se za polnjenje baterij uporabi ustrezen polnilec z vgrajenim ustreznim DC/DC pretvornikom (kot je na primer avto-polnilec).The simplest way is to charge consumers indirectly via a rechargeable battery, using a suitable charger with a built-in DC / DC converter (such as a car charger) to charge the batteries.

Sistem omogoča tudi priključitev ustrezne manjše žarnice, ki se napaja z enosmerno napetostjo.The system also allows the connection of a suitable smaller, DC-powered light bulb.

Podrobneje je bistvo izuma pojasnjeno v nadaljevanju z opisom izvedbenega primera in priloženih skic, pri čemer so skice del pričujoče patentne prijave in je na skicah prikazano:The essence of the invention is explained in more detail below with a description of an embodiment and the accompanying drawings, the drawings being part of the present patent application and the drawings show:


Skica 1 prikazuje enoto s sončnimi celicami 1, vtikač na enoti s sončnimi celicami 2, regulator polnjenja akumulatorske baterije 3, akumulatorska baterija 4, polnilec za manjše porabnike z vgrajenim DC/DC pretvornikom 5, antena za sprejem GSM signala 6, antena za sprejem VHF signala 7, vtikač za priključitev porabnika 8.Figure 1 shows the solar cell unit 1, the plug on the solar cell unit 2, the battery charge controller 3, the battery 4, the small battery charger with the built-in DC / DC converter 5, the GSM antenna 6, the VHF receive antenna signal 7, plug for connecting the consumer 8.

Skica 2 prikazuje enoto s sončnimi celicami 1, vtikač na enoti s sončnimi celicami 2, regulator polnjenja akumulatorske baterije 3, akumulatorska baterija 4, polnilec za manjše porabnike z vgrajenim DC/DC pretvornikom 5, antena za sprejem GSM signala 6, antena za sprejem VHF signala 7, vtikač za priključitev porabnika 8.Figure 2 shows the solar cell unit 1, the plug on the solar cell unit 2, the battery charge controller 3, the battery 4, the small battery charger with the built-in DC / DC converter 5, the antenna for receiving GSM signal 6, the antenna for receiving VHF signal 7, plug for connecting the consumer 8.

Izvedbeni primer 1:Example 1:

Izvedbeni primer je prikazan na sliki 1. V prikazanem izvedbenem primeru je celotna naprava izvedena kompaktno v enem ohišju. Na vrhu naprave je enota s sončnimi celicami 1 dimenzije 40X40 centimetrov, ki zagotavlja moč 7 W in nominalno obratovalno napetost 12V. V enoto s sončnimi celicami 1 so vgrajene kristalne sončne celice. Z energijo dobljeno iz enote s sončnimi celicami 1 se preko vtikača na enoti s sončnimi celicami 2 in preko regulatorja za polnjenje akumulatorske baterije 3, polni akumulatorska baterija 4, ki ima v izvedbenem primeru kapaciteto 12 Ah. Na regulatorju za polnjenje akumulatorske baterije 3 je vgrajen odvodnik toplote, ki odvaja energijo v okolico v kolikor se energija ne odvaja v akumulatorsko baterijo 4.An embodiment is shown in Figure 1. In the embodiment shown, the entire device is compactly assembled in one housing. At the top of the device is a 40X40 centimeter 1 solar cell unit that provides 7W of power and a rated operating voltage of 12V. Crystal solar cells are integrated into the solar cell unit 1. The energy obtained from the solar cell unit 1 is charged via the plug on the solar cell unit 2 and via the battery charge controller 3, with a battery capacity 4 having, in the embodiment, a capacity of 12 Ah. A battery charger 3 is installed on the charge controller for the battery 3, which dissipates energy to the surroundings as long as no energy is discharged into the battery 4.

Na napravo sta vgrajeni še antena za sprejem GSM signala 6 in antena za sprejem VHF signala 7. Ob strani naprave je nameščen polnilec za manjše porabnike z vgrajenim DC/DC pretvornikom 5, kateri zagotavlja ustrezno napetost polnjenja baterij majhnih porabnikov. Nameščen polnilec je iz naprave enostavno odstranljiv, tako, da se da enostavno zamenjati z drugim polnilcem ustreznim za polnjenje posameznega porabnika. Ob strani naprave je še vtikač za priključitev porabnika 8, kot na primer 12 V žarnice na enosmerni tok.The device also has an antenna for receiving GSM signal 6 and an antenna for receiving VHF signal 7. On the side of the device is installed a charger for small consumers with built-in DC / DC converter 5, which provides adequate charging voltage for small consumer batteries. The installed charger is easily removable from the device so that it can be easily replaced with another charger suitable for charging a single consumer. On the side of the device, there is a plug for connecting the consumer 8, such as 12V DC lamps.

Izvedbeni primer 2:Example 2:

Izvedbeni primer je prikazan na sliki 2. V prikazanem izvedbenem primeru je celotna naprava modularno sestavljena. Na mestu dobrega sprejema sončne energije je nameščena enota s sončnimi celicami 1 dimenzije 20X80 centimetrov, ki zagotavlja moč 7 W in nominalno • · obratovalno napetost 12V. Enota s sončnimi celicami 1 je zložljiva in se lahko enostavno s prepogibanjem zloži v dimenzijo 20x20x5 centimetrov, kar omogoča večjo prenosljivost celotne naprave. V enoto s sončnimi celicami 1 so vgrajene kristalne sončne celice. Z energijo dobljeno iz enote s sončnimi celicami 1 se preko vtikača na enoti s sončnimi celicami 2, preko regulatorja za polnjenje akumulatorske baterije 3 in preko povezovalnega kabla za prenos enosmerne napetosti, polni akumulatorska baterija 4, ki ima v izvedbenem primeru kapaciteto 12 Ah.An embodiment is shown in Figure 2. In the embodiment shown, the entire device is modularly assembled. A good solar power unit is fitted with a 1 x 20X80 centimeter solar cell unit providing 7W of power and a rated • · 12V operating voltage. The 1 solar panel unit is foldable and can be folded easily into a 20x20x5 centimeter dimension, allowing for greater portability of the entire device. Crystal solar cells are integrated into the solar cell unit 1. The energy obtained from the solar cell unit 1 is charged via a plug on the solar cell unit 2, via the battery charging regulator 3, and via the DC link connecting cable, which in the embodiment has a capacity of 12 Ah.

Na celotno napravo sta preko vodnikov povezani še antena za sprejem GSM signala 6 in antena za sprejem VHF signala 7. Ob strani naprave je nameščen polnilec za manjše porabnike z vgrajenim DC/DC pretvornikom 5, kateri zagotavlja ustrezno napetost polnjenja baterij majhnih porabnikov. Nameščen polnilec je iz naprave enostavno odstranljiv, tako, da se da enostavno zamenjati z drugim polnilcem ustreznim za polnjenje posameznega porabnika. Ob strani naprave je še vtikač za priključitev porabnika 8, kot na primer 12 V žarnice na enosmerni tok.The antenna for receiving GSM signal 6 and the antenna for receiving VHF signal 7 are connected to the whole device via conductors. A charger for small consumers with a built-in DC / DC converter 5 is installed on the side of the device, which provides adequate charging voltage for small consumer batteries. The installed charger is easily removable from the device so that it can be easily replaced with another charger suitable for charging a single consumer. On the side of the device, there is a plug for connecting the consumer 8, such as 12V DC lamps.

Razumljivo je, daje mogoče opisano rešitev izvesti tudi v drugačni oblikovni izvedenki, ki ne spreminja bistva izuma.It is to be understood that the described solution can also be implemented in a different design that does not alter the essence of the invention.

Claims (11)

PATENTNI ZAHTEVKIPATENT APPLICATIONS 1. Naprava za polnjenje baterij s pomočjo sončnih celic označena s tem, da so med seboj z vodniki povezani enota s sončnimi celicami, vtikač na enoti s sončnimi celicami, regulator polnjenja akumulatorske baterije, akumulatorska baterija, polnilec za manjše porabnike z vgrajenim DC/DC pretvornikom, antena za sprejem GSM signala in antena za sprejem VHF signala.1. Solar battery charger characterized in that a solar cell unit, a plug on a solar cell unit, a battery charge controller, a rechargeable battery, a DC / DC built-in battery charger are connected to the conductors. converters, antenna for receiving GSM signal and antenna for receiving VHF signal. 2. Izum po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da je na napravi nameščen dodaten vtikač za priključitev dodatnega porabnika.2. The invention according to claim 1, characterized in that an additional plug is mounted on the device for connecting an additional consumer. 3. Izum po kateremkoli od zahtevkov 1 do 2, označen s tem, daje na enoti s sončnimi celicami med posameznimi sklopi sončnih celic prepogljiv material, kar omogoča zlaganje enote s sončnimi celicami.The invention according to any one of claims 1 to 2, characterized in that the solar cell unit is a flexible material between the individual solar cell assemblies, which allows the unit to be stacked with solar cells. 4. Izum po kateremkoli od zahtevkov 1 do 3, označen s tem, da je celotna naprava konstrukcijsko sestavljena kompaktno, tako, da so vsi sestavni deli fizično povezani v eno enoto, tako da so sončne celice na vrhu, anteni za sprejem signalov za VHF in GSM ob strani enote, ostali sestavni deli pa v notranjosti enote.The invention according to any one of claims 1 to 3, characterized in that the entire device is structurally assembled so that all components are physically connected into one unit so that the solar cells are on top of the antenna for receiving VHF signals. and GSM on the side of the unit, and other components inside the unit. 5. Izum po kateremkoli od zahtevkov 1 do 3, označen s tem, da so enota s sončnimi celicami, antena za sprejem VHF signalov in antena za sprejem GSM signalov postavljene ločeno, ostali sestavni deli pa so fizično povezani v eno enoto.The invention according to any one of claims 1 to 3, characterized in that the solar cell unit, the antenna for receiving VHF signals and the antenna for receiving GSM signals are arranged separately, and the other components are physically connected into one unit. 6. Izum po kateremkoli od zahtevkov 1 do 5, označen s tem, da se na vtikač na enoti s sončnimi celicami direktno priključiti polnilec za polnjenje manjših porabnikov, ki ima integriram ustrezen pretvornik za enosmerno napetost.The invention according to any one of claims 1 to 5, characterized in that a plug for charging small consumers is directly connected to the plug on the solar cell unit, which integrates a suitable DC converter. 7. Izum po kateremkoli od zahtevkov 1 do 6, označen s tem, da je na regulatorju za polnjenje akumulatorske baterije vgrajen odvodnik toplote, ki odvaja energijo v okolico v kolikor se energija ne odvaja v akumulatorsko baterijo.7. The invention according to any one of claims 1 to 6, characterized in that a heat sink is installed on the battery charge controller to discharge energy to the surroundings, unless energy is discharged into the battery. 8. Metoda za polnjenje baterij s pomočjo sončnih celic označena s tem, da je z direktnim pretvarjanjem sončne energije v enosmerno električno energijo, • · shranjevanjem energije v akumulatorsko baterijo in sprejemanjem VHF in GSM signala v eni napravi zagotovljeno hkratno polnjenje baterij manjših porabnikov, sprejemanje VHF signala, sprejemanje GSM signala in hkratna priključitev dodatnega porabnika enosmerne napetosti.8. Solar cell charging method characterized by the direct conversion of solar energy to direct electricity, • storing energy in a battery pack and receiving a VHF and GSM signal in one device to simultaneously charge small consumer batteries, receiving VHF signal, GSM signal reception and simultaneous connection of an additional DC power consumer. 9. Metoda po zahtevku 8, označena s tem, da so sprejemniki sončne energije ter VHF in GSM signala postavljeni ločeno na mesta boljšega sprejema sončne energije ter VHF in GSM signalovMethod according to claim 8, characterized in that the solar and VHF and GSM signal receivers are positioned separately at the locations of better solar and VHF and GSM signal reception 10. Metoda po kateremkoli od zahtevkov 8 do 9, označena s tem, daje na regulatorju za polnjenje akumulatorske baterije dodatno vgrajen odvodnik toplote, ki odvaja energijo v okolico v kolikor se energija ne odvaja v akumulatorsko baterijo.Method according to any one of claims 8 to 9, characterized in that an additional heat sink is installed on the battery charge controller, which dissipates energy into the surroundings, unless energy is discharged into the battery. 11. Metoda po kateremkoli od zahtevkov 8 do 10, označena s tem, da je na enoti s sončnimi celicami vgrajen vtikač za direktno priključitev polnilca z integriranim pretvornikom za enosmerno napetost, za polnjenje manjših porabnikov.Method according to any one of claims 8 to 10, characterized in that a plug is provided on the solar cell unit for direct connection of the charger with an integrated DC converter for charging small consumers.
SI201000280A 2010-09-08 2010-09-08 Device and method for charging batteries by means of solar cells SI23088A (en)

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
SI201000280A SI23088A (en) 2010-09-08 2010-09-08 Device and method for charging batteries by means of solar cells

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SI201000280A SI23088A (en) 2010-09-08 2010-09-08 Device and method for charging batteries by means of solar cells

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SI23088A true SI23088A (en) 2010-12-31



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SI201000280A SI23088A (en) 2010-09-08 2010-09-08 Device and method for charging batteries by means of solar cells

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