SI23067A - All-purpose kitchen: all-purpose kitchen element, all-purpose refrigeration cabinet, all-purpose freezer cabinet - Google Patents

All-purpose kitchen: all-purpose kitchen element, all-purpose refrigeration cabinet, all-purpose freezer cabinet Download PDF


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SI23067A SI200900176A SI200900176A SI23067A SI 23067 A SI23067 A SI 23067A SI 200900176 A SI200900176 A SI 200900176A SI 200900176 A SI200900176 A SI 200900176A SI 23067 A SI23067 A SI 23067A
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Priority to SI200900176A priority Critical patent/SI23067A/en
Publication of SI23067A publication Critical patent/SI23067A/en



  • Drawers Of Furniture (AREA)


All-purpose kitchen: all-purpose kitchen element, all-purpose refrigeration cabinet, all-purpose freezer cabinet assures most of basic needs for everyday undisturbed work and life of all people including disabled and other functionally limited persons. The operation and use of all all-purpose kitchen elements and household appliances is carried out according to the same principle, i.e. the principle of horizontal, pull-out or drawer opening of the element/household appliance with vertical rotation of shelves or baskets. Bigger all-purpose kitchen elements/household appliances (kitchen cupboards, refrigeration cabinets, freezer cabinets) wear rollers mounted on the lower edge of the front drawer faces for easier opening and closing of drawers and for preventing their sagging which may result from a too high weight and high loads. Smaller upright drawers for low or combined elements wear no upper or lower sides, what enables access to baskets from the upper side of a drawer and not from the lateral one as in bigger drawers, in which case the front and the rear sides are bound with metal or wood elements which are to be found between baskets or are fixed on corners of the sides, thus acting as guides, at the same time, to enable undisturbed opening of drawers. Hanging elements and other individual elements and household appliances can have no pull-out drawers and wear a mechanism for vertical rotation of shelves or baskets in this case, mounted on the left and right interior wall of the element/appliance.



univerzalni kuhinjski element, univerzalna hladilna omara, univerzalna zamrzovalna omarauniversal kitchen cabinet, universal refrigerator, universal freezer

Predmet novosti je univerzalna kuhinja, sestavljena iz kuhinjskih elementov in gospodinjskih aparatov, ki imajo namesto klasičnega odpiranja vrat, sistem horizontalnega, izvlečnega oziroma predalnega odpiranja elementa/ gospodinjskega aparata z vertikalnim kroženjem polic ali košar.The object of the novelty is a universal kitchen, consisting of kitchen elements and household appliances, which have a horizontal, pull-out or drawer opening element / household appliance with vertical rotation of shelves or baskets instead of the classic door opening.

Tehnični problem, ki ga rešuje novost, je takšna konstrukcija posameznih kuhinjskih elementov in gospodinjskih aparatov, ki bodo, ob splošni uporabi, primerni tudi za uporabo invalidov in drugih funkcionalno oviranih ljudi, starejših oseb, bolnikov in drugih osebe, ki imajo zaradi visoke starosti in bolezni, težave pri gibanju zaradi bolečin in zaradi nizke rasti, težave pri shranjevanju in jemanju želenih artiklov iz visečih elementov.A technical problem solved by the novelty is the construction of individual kitchen elements and household appliances, which, when used in general, will also be suitable for the use of disabled persons and other functionally disabled people, the elderly, patients and other persons who are of high age and diseases, movement problems due to pain and low growth, difficulty in storing and taking the desired items from the hanging elements.

Znanih rešitev opremljanja novih sodobnih kuhinj je ogromno. Tudi za invalide obstoja kar veliko znanih rešitev opremljanja kuhinj, čeprav gre v bistvu za dve osnovni varianti:The well-known solutions for equipping new modern kitchens are enormous. For people with disabilities, there are many well-known kitchen fitting solutions, although these are basically two basic options:

• varianta s horizontalno postavitvijo kuhinjskih elementov, ki temelji na vertikalnem pomiku delovnega pulta in visečih kuhinjskih elementov in • varianta z otočno postavitvijo kuhinjskih elementov (model je registriran v EU št.. 0000815113-00001), ki omogoča vrtenje celotne otočne kuhinjske postavitve, vertikalni pomik delovnih površin in vertikalni pomik visečih kuhinjskih elementov.• variant with horizontal layout of kitchen elements, based on the vertical displacement of the worktop and hanging kitchen elements; and • variant with island layout of kitchen elements (model is registered in EU no. work surface displacement and vertical displacement of suspended kitchen elements.

V obeh primerih obstojajo različice, ki so v večini primerov načrtovane za individualno uporabo posameznega invalida ali manjše skupine invalidov.In both cases there are variants, which in most cases are designed for the individual use of an individual disabled person or a small group of disabled people.

Skupna značilnost vseh novih sodobnih kuhinj je, da v večini primerov, brez posebnih prilagoditev kuhinjskih elementov in gospodinjskih aparatov niso primerne za uporabo invalidnih in drugih funkcionalno oviranih ljudi, medtem, ko kuhinje, ki so posebej prirejene za invalide, niso primerne za vsakodnevno uporabo vseh ostalih neinvalidnih oseb.A common feature of all new modern kitchens is that in most cases, without special adjustments to the kitchen elements and household appliances, they are not suitable for the use of disabled and other functionally disabled people, while kitchens specially adapted for the disabled are not suitable for the daily use of all other non-disabled persons.

Druga težava je tudi v tem, da je izdelava kuhinjskih elementov in gospodinjskih aparatov s posebnimi prilagoditvami izredno draga, in za večino gibalno oviranih oseb nedostopna (njihova izdelava je izven serijska - do sedaj jih je bilo možno izdelati le po naročilu z individualnim načrtovanjem prilagoditev za posameznika ali manjšo skupino ljudi).Another problem is that the manufacture of kitchen appliances and household appliances with special adjustments is extremely expensive and inaccessible to most people with disabilities (their production is off-batch - until now they could only be custom-made with customized customization an individual or a small group of people).

Rešitev za razvoj univerzalne kuhinje se je porodila na podlagi že večletne znane izkušnje o reševanju problema parkiranja avtomobilov v Tokiu na Japonskem, kjer so v prostorsko omejenih garažnih hišah namestili vertikalno pomikajoče garažne bokse.The universal kitchen development solution was born out of years of well-known experience in solving the problem of parking cars in Tokyo, Japan, where vertically moving garage boxes were installed in space-limited garage houses.

Novost temelji tudi na smernicah Konvencije o pravicah invalidov - mednarodni sporazum o pravicah invalidov, kjer je navedeno, da invalidi in druge funkcionalno ovirane osebe ne bi smele predstavljati skupine, ki zahteva poseben način obravnavanja - izogibati se je potrebno posebnim ukrepom in namesto njih raje uporabiti bolj univerzalne pristope pri načrtovanju in razvoju.The novelty is also based on the guidelines of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities - an international agreement on the rights of persons with disabilities, stating that persons with disabilities and other functionally disabled persons should not constitute a group that requires special treatment - special measures should be avoided and used instead more universal approaches to design and development.

Osnovna ideja za načrtovanje in razvoj univerzalnih kuhinj je, da v nobeni sodobni kuhinji ne bi bilo ovir za vključevanje invalidov in drugih funkcionalno oviranih oseb.The basic idea behind the design and development of universal kitchens is that in any modern kitchen there would be no barriers to the inclusion of disabled people and other disabled people.

Z novostjo, ki temelji na vertikalnem kroženju polic ali košar, katerega mehanizem je lahko nameščen v elemente ali na posebnem izvlečnem predalu za stoječe ali viseče kuhinjske elemente. Mehanizem je možno namestiti tudi v druge gospodinjske aparate, kot so: hladilna omara, zamrzovalna omara, pečica itd.With a novelty based on the vertical rotation of shelves or baskets, the mechanism of which can be installed in the elements or on a special pull-out drawer for standing or hanging kitchen elements. The mechanism can also be installed in other household appliances, such as: refrigerator, freezer, oven, etc.

Novost predstavljamo z:The novelty is presented by:

• opisom univerzalne kuhinje, • opisom osnovnega (visokega) kuhinjskega elementa z: o opisom pokončnega izvlečnega predala in o skico osnovnega kuhinjskega elementa: (sl. 1; sl. 2 - brez zgornje in spodnje stranice; sl. 3 - brez spodnje in zgornje stranice in brez košar; sl. 4 - samo sistem vertikalnega kroženja košar), • opisom alternativne izvedbe manjšega pokončnega predala za stoječi nizki kuhinjski element, • opisom alternativne izvedbe visečega kuhinjskega elementa ali drugih posameznih elementov in gospodinjskih aparatov.• description of the universal kitchen, • description of the basic (high) kitchen element with: o description of the upright pull-out drawer and o sketch of the basic kitchen element: (Fig. 1; Fig. 2 - without top and bottom sides; Fig. 3 - without bottom and top sides and without baskets; Fig. 4 - system of vertical rotation of baskets only), • description of an alternative design of a small upright drawer for a standing low kitchen element, • description of an alternative design of a hanging kitchen element or other individual elements and household appliances.

• opisom hladilne/ zamrzovalne omare.• description of the refrigerator / freezer cabinet.

Opis univerzalne kuhinjeDescription of universal cuisine

Univerzalna kuhinja je sestavljena iz posameznih kuhinjskih elementov in gospodinjskih aparatov, ki omogočajo:Universal kitchen consists of individual kitchen elements and household appliances that allow:

• uporabo kuhinje vsem ljudem, vključno invalidom in drugim funkcionalno oviranim osebam, • serijsko proizvodnjo, ki zagotavlja nižjo in dostopno ceno za nakup vsem ljudem, • razvoj novih programov, smeri oblikovanja kuhinj, kuhinjskih elementov, gospodinjskih aparatov in drugo (tudi na podlagi Konvencije OZN: Konvencija o pravicah invalidov - mednarodni sporazum o pravicah invalidov).• use of the kitchen for all people, including people with disabilities and other functionally handicapped persons, • batch production that provides a lower and affordable price for purchase for all people, • development of new programs, directions for the design of kitchens, kitchen appliances, household appliances and more (also under the Convention UN: Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities - International Agreement on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities).

Delovanje in uporaba vseh kuhinjskih elementov in gospodinjskih aparatov bele tehnike, poteka po enakem principu.The operation and use of all kitchen appliances and household appliances is carried out according to the same principle.

Namesto klasičnega odpiranja vrat, imajo elementi (razen visečih elementov) in aparati sistem horizontalnega, izvlečenega oz. predalnega odpiranja elementa/ aparata z vertikalnim kroženjem polic ali košar, ki so nameščene v posebej oblikovanem izvlečnem predalu elementa/ aparata.Instead of the classic door opening, the elements (except the hanging elements) and appliances have a system of horizontal, extended or. drawer opening of an element / appliance with vertical rotation of shelves or baskets, which are housed in a specially designed pull out drawer of an item / appliance.

Opis univerzalnega (visokega) kuhinjskega elementaDescription of the universal (high) kitchen element

Osnovna izvedba je visok, stoječ in standardno širok kuhinjski element - kuhinjska omara z ohišjem (1), enim pokončnim predalom (2), ki ima nameščen mehanizem (3) za vertikalni sistem kroženja košar (4).The basic version is a tall, standing and standard wide kitchen element - a kitchen cabinet with a housing (1), one upright drawer (2), which has a mechanism (3) for a vertical basket circulation system (4).

Iz osnovnega modela je možno izpeljati druge različice kuhinjskih elementov, ki so lahko:From the basic model, it is possible to derive other variants of kitchen elements, which may be:

• različnih dimenzij po širini in višini, • stoječi (nizki, visoki) ali viseči, • z enim ali dvema pokončnima predaloma, ki ju loči izvlečna delovna površina ali izvlečni električni štedilnik (brez pečice), • namesto zgornjega pokončnega predala je lahko vgrajena električna pečica, hladilna omara ali drugi gospodinjski aparat, ki ima nameščen enak izvlečni vertikalni krožni sistem košar ali polic.• different dimensions in width and height, • standing (low, high) or suspended, • with one or two upright drawers separated by a pull-out worktop or pull-out electric stove (without oven), an oven, refrigerator or other household appliance that has the same pull-out vertical circular basket or shelf system.

Opis pokončnega predala • Pokončni predal (2) ima, tako kot vsak klasični predal, štiri stranice. Ima sprednjo (5) in zadnjo (6) stranico in za razliko od klasičnega predala, ki ima levo in desno stranico, ima pokončni predal še zgornjo (7) in spodnjo (8) stranico.Description of the upright drawer • Like any conventional drawer, the upright drawer (2) has four sides. It has a front (5) and a back (6) side and, unlike the classic drawer, which has left and right sides, the upright drawer has an upper (7) and lower (8) side.

• Predal je nameščen/ pritrjen z vodili na element tako, da mu vodila omogočajo horizontalno avtomatsko ali ročno pomikanje za zapiranje in odpiranje elementa.• The drawer is mounted / secured with guides to the element so that the guides allow it to move horizontally automatically or manually to close and open the element.

• Sprednja stran (5) predala predstavlja obraz elementa, podobno kot klasični predali ali vrata kuhinjskih elementov, le da v primeru avtomatskega odpiranja ne potrebuje ročaja.• The front (5) of the drawer represents the face of the item, much like a classic drawer or kitchen door, except that it does not require a handle when opened automatically.

• Na notranji strani sprednje in zadnje stranice je nameščen mehanizem (3) , ki omogoča vertikalni pomik/ kroženje košar (4) ali polic, ki so nameščene v predalu za shranjevanje živil, jedilnega pribora in drugih gospodinjskih potrebščin/ pripomočkov.• There is a mechanism (3) on the inside of the front and back that allows for vertical movement / rotation of baskets (4) or shelves that are housed in a storage compartment for food, cutlery and other household goods / utensils.

• Zgornja (7) in spodnja (8) stranica sta vezni stranici.• The upper (7) and lower (8) sides are the connecting sides.

• V primeru namestitve košaric (4), je košarice možno sneti, napolniti in ponovno namestiti. Košare so lahko različnih dimenzij, oblik in barv zaradi lažjega sortiranja živil in za uporabo invalidnih oseb, ki imajo težave na gibalnem in senzornem področju.• If the baskets (4) are installed, the baskets can be removed, filled and refitted. Baskets can be of different sizes, shapes and colors to facilitate the sorting of foods and for the use of disabled people with mobility and sensory problems.

• Večji predali stoječih kuhinjskih elementov, imajo lahko na spodnjem robu sprednje stranice nameščena koleščka za lažje odpiranje in zapiranje predala in zaradi preprečitve povešanja predala, do katerega lahko pride zaradi prevelike teže in velikih obremenitev.• Larger drawers of standing kitchen units may have wheels on the lower edge of the front to facilitate opening and closing of the drawer and to prevent the drawer from being swollen due to excessive weight and heavy loads.

Opis alternativne izvedbe manjšega pokončnega predala za stoječi, nizki kuhinjski element:Description of an alternative embodiment of a small upright drawer for a standing, low kitchen element:

• Ima samo dve stranici: sprednjo in zadnjo stranico.• Has only two sides: front and back.

• V tem primeru se kovinski ali leseni vezni elementi, ki povezujejo sprednjo in zadnjo stranico:• In this case, metal or wooden fasteners connecting the front and back:

o nahajajo na sredini med košaricami tako, da jim je omogočeno neovirano vertikalno kroženje ali o pa so pritrjeni na vogalih stranic in so obenem vodila (9), ki omogočajo nemoteno odpiranje predala.o They are positioned in the middle between the baskets in such a way that they allow unobstructed vertical rotation or o are fixed at the corners of the sides and at the same time are guides (9) which allow the drawer to be opened without interruption.

• Pri manjših predalih, brez zgornje stranice, je možno prehrambene artikle, jedilni pribor in drugo, jemati in vstavljati iz zgornje strani in ne s strani kot pri večjih elementih.• For smaller drawers, without the top, food items, cutlery, etc. may be taken and inserted from the top rather than the side as with larger items.

Opis alternativne izvedbe visečega kuhinjskega elementa ali drugih posameznih elementov in gospodinjskih aparatov • viseči kuhinjski elementi lahko imajo izvlečni predal, vendar so lahko tudi brez njega, • v tem primeru je mehanizem za vertikalno kroženje polic ali košar nameščen na notranji levi in desni steni visečega elementa • element brez izvlečnega predala ima klasično nameščena vrata, ki jih je možno odpirati tudi v višino • element je lahko nameščen v kuhinji tudi tako, da je nastavljiv po višini (v primeru, ko ima viseči element nameščen izvlečni predal, ni potrebe, da bi bil nastavljiv po višini, saj so police ali košare v najnižji legi lahko dosegljive večini oseb, tudi osebam na invalidskih vozičkih).Description of an alternative embodiment of the hanging kitchen element or other individual elements and household appliances • Hanging kitchen elements may have a pull-out drawer, but may also be without it, • in this case, the mechanism for vertical circulation of shelves or baskets is mounted on the inner left and right walls of the hanging element • element without pull-out drawer has classically mounted doors that can also be opened in height; height adjustable as shelves or baskets in the lowest position are accessible to most people, including wheelchairs).

Opis hladilne/ zamrzovalne omare:Refrigerator / freezer cabinet description:

• Hladilna oz. zamrzovalna omara, je podobno grajena kot stoječi kuhinjski element/ omara.• Cooling or cooling. freezer cabinet is similarly built to a standing kitchen element / cabinet.

• Od kuhinjskega elementa se razlikuje v tem, da materiali, gradnja ohišja, predala in ostalih strojnih mehanizmov, zagotavljajo potrebam in zahtevam vseh standardov izdelave in uporabe hladilnih/ zamrzovalnih omar (tesnjenje, hlajenje, zamrzovanje, poraba energije, varovanja zdravja, okolja...)• It differs from the kitchen element in that the materials, the construction of the cabinet, the drawers and other mechanical mechanisms, provide the needs and requirements of all standards of production and use of refrigerating / freezing cabinets (sealing, cooling, freezing, energy consumption, health protection, environment. .)

S to novostjo so zagotovljeni temelji za razvoj univerzalne kuhinje, ki zagotavlja večino osnovnih potreb za vsakodnevno nemoteno delo in življenje vseh ljudi vključno z invalidi in drugih funkcionalno oviranih oseb. Za bolj specifične invalidne potrebe pa poiskati dodatne prilagodljive rešitve.This innovation provides the foundation for the development of universal cuisine, which provides most of the basic necessities for the day-to-day smooth work and life of all people, including disabled people and other disabled people. Find more flexible solutions for more specific disabilities.

Claims (4)

PATENTNI ZAHTEVEKPATENT APPLICATION 1. Univerzalna kuhinja: univerzalni kuhinjski element, univerzalna hladilna omara, univerzalna zamrzovalna omara, označena s tem da delovanje in uporaba vseh univerzalnih kuhinjskih elementov in gospodinjskih aparatov poteka po enakem principu, po principu horizontalnega, izvlečnega oziroma predalnega odpiranja elementa/ gospodinjskega aparata z vertikalnim kroženjem polic ali košar.1. Universal kitchen: universal kitchen element, universal refrigerator cabinet, universal freezer cabinet, characterized in that the operation and use of all universal kitchen elements and household appliances is carried out in accordance with the principle of horizontal, pull or drawer opening of the element / household apparatus with vertical circling shelves or baskets. 2. Večji univerzalni kuhinjski elementi/ gospodinjski aparati (kuhinjske omare, hladilne omare, zamrzovalne omare), označeni s tem, da lahko imajo predali na spodnjem robu sprednje stranice nameščena koleščka za lažje odpiranje in zapiranje predala in zaradi preprečitve povešanja predala, do katerega lahko pride zaradi prevelike teže in velikih obremenitev.2. Larger universal kitchen cabinets / appliances (kitchen cabinets, refrigerators, freezer cabinets), characterized by the fact that the drawers at the lower edge of the front can be fitted with casters to facilitate opening and closing of the drawer and preventing the drawer from being swung to it comes from overweight and heavy loads. 3. Manjši pokončni predali za nizke ali kombinirane elemente, označeni s tem, da so brez zgornje in spodje stranice, kar omogoča dostop do košaric z zgornje strani predala in ne s strani kot pri večjih predalih, pri tem sta sprednja in zadnja stranica povezani s kovinskimi ali lesenimi elementi, ki se nahajajo med košaricami ali pa so pritrjeni na vogalih stranic in so obenem vodila (9), ki omogočajo nemoteno odpiranje predala.3. Small upright drawers for low or combined elements, characterized in that they are free of upper and lower sides, allowing access to baskets from the top of the drawer rather than from the sides of larger drawers, with the front and back being connected to metal or wooden elements located between the baskets or attached to the corners of the sides and at the same time guides (9) allowing the drawer to be opened without interruption. 4. Viseči elementi in drugi posamezni elementi in gospodinjski aparati, označeni s tem, da so lahko brez izvlečnih predalov in imajo v tem primeru mehanizem, za vertikalno kroženje polic ali košar, nameščen na notranji levi in desni steni elementa ali gospodinjskega aparata.4. Suspended elements and other individual elements and household appliances, characterized in that they can be without drawers and, in this case, have a mechanism for vertically circulating shelves or baskets mounted on the inner left and right walls of the element or household apparatus.
SI200900176A 2009-06-26 2009-06-26 All-purpose kitchen: all-purpose kitchen element, all-purpose refrigeration cabinet, all-purpose freezer cabinet SI23067A (en)

Priority Applications (1)

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SI200900176A SI23067A (en) 2009-06-26 2009-06-26 All-purpose kitchen: all-purpose kitchen element, all-purpose refrigeration cabinet, all-purpose freezer cabinet

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

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SI200900176A SI23067A (en) 2009-06-26 2009-06-26 All-purpose kitchen: all-purpose kitchen element, all-purpose refrigeration cabinet, all-purpose freezer cabinet

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SI23067A true SI23067A (en) 2010-12-31



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SI200900176A SI23067A (en) 2009-06-26 2009-06-26 All-purpose kitchen: all-purpose kitchen element, all-purpose refrigeration cabinet, all-purpose freezer cabinet

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Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
CN102249027A (en) * 2011-06-28 2011-11-23 平高集团有限公司 Packing box

Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
CN102249027A (en) * 2011-06-28 2011-11-23 平高集团有限公司 Packing box

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