SI23022A - Height adjustable basketball backboard with basket - Google Patents

Height adjustable basketball backboard with basket Download PDF


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SI23022A SI200900111A SI200900111A SI23022A SI 23022 A SI23022 A SI 23022A SI 200900111 A SI200900111 A SI 200900111A SI 200900111 A SI200900111 A SI 200900111A SI 23022 A SI23022 A SI 23022A
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ELAN INVENTA, druĹľba za proizvodnjo in storitve, d.o.o.
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Application filed by ELAN INVENTA, druĹľba za proizvodnjo in storitve, d.o.o. filed Critical ELAN INVENTA, druĹľba za proizvodnjo in storitve, d.o.o.
Priority to SI200900111A priority Critical patent/SI23022A/en
Priority to EP10726649.6A priority patent/EP2421616B1/en
Priority to PCT/SI2010/000020 priority patent/WO2010123466A1/en
Publication of SI23022A publication Critical patent/SI23022A/en



    • A63B63/00Targets or goals for ball games
    • A63B63/08Targets or goals for ball games with substantially horizontal opening for ball, e.g. for basketball
    • A63B63/083Targets or goals for ball games with substantially horizontal opening for ball, e.g. for basketball for basketball
    • A63B2225/00Miscellaneous features of sport apparatus, devices or equipment
    • A63B2225/09Adjustable dimensions
    • A63B2225/093Height


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  • Physical Education & Sports Medicine (AREA)
  • Bridges Or Land Bridges (AREA)
  • Buildings Adapted To Withstand Abnormal External Influences (AREA)
  • Machine Tool Units (AREA)


The aim of the invention is to provide a simple and reliable backboard (1) with basketball goal (13) which can be adjustable by height in the area at least between two predefined heights and which would make it possible to be installed to various existing supporting assemblies (100) while at the same time it would provide simple handling in the sense of fast relocation of the backboard (1) with goal (13) to any required height by using as little physical strain as possible. According to the invention the corresponding guide (15', 15'') along which thanks to its link to the available bushing (16', 16'') interacting with the guide (15', 15'') the backboard can be shifted, the guide is via an adequate attachment assembly (156', 156'') directly linked to the vertical supporting profile (14', 14'') which is either directly or indirectly via an adequate adjusting element (157) connected to any available supporting assembly (100), while between the aforementioned bushings (155', 155'') on guides (15', 15'') there is an anticipated bar (150) where nuts (16, 16'') located coaxially one above the other featuring different threads, meaning left and right ones shall be provided, while the remaining nut (16', 16'') remains firmly attached to the assembly (11) of the backboard (1) where the specified nuts (16', 16'') are provided to interact with two separate and different threads featuring thread rings (17', 17'') of the helical spindle (17) so that each of the thread areas (17', 17'') of the spindle (17) is provided to interact with any available either crossbar (155) between the bushings (155', 155'') on guides (15', 15'') or the threaded nut (16', 16'') being firmly connected to the backboard (1) frame (11).


ELAN INVENTA, družba za proizvodnjo in storitve, d.o.o.ELAN INVENTA, manufacturing and services company, d.o.o.

MPK8 : B 63 B 63/08MPK 8 : B 63 B 63/08

Po višini nastavljiva košarkarska tabla s košemHeight adjustable basketball board with basket

Izum se nanaša na košarkarsko tablo s košem, ki je po višini nastavljiva in omogoča igranje košarke igralcem različnih starostnih skupin in temu ustrezno različne telesne višine. Po MPK so tovrstni izumi v okviru športa oz. iger z žogo razvrščeni na področje opreme za igranje košarke.The invention relates to a basketball board with a height-adjustable basket that allows players to play basketball of different age groups and correspondingly different height. According to the MPK, such inventions in the field of sports or sports. ball games classified into the field of basketball playing equipment.

Pri tem je izum osnovan na problemu, kako zasnovati preprosto in zanesljivo tablo s košarkarskim košem, ki bo po višini nastavljiva v območju med vsaj dvema predpisanima višinama, merjeno v vertikalni smeri od tal do obroča koša, in ki naj bi jo bilo možno vgraditi na različne že obstoječa nosilne konstrukcije za držanje table s košem na obstoječih košarkarskih igriščih v pokritih dvoranah ali na prostem, obenem pa naj bi bilo zagotovljeno preprosto rokovanje v smislu čim hitrejšega premika table s košem na vsakokrat želeno višino ob kar najmanjšem fizičnem naporu.The invention is based on the problem of how to design a simple and reliable basket with a basket that can be height adjustable in the range between at least two prescribed heights, measured in the vertical direction from the ground to the hoop, and which can be mounted on various existing load-bearing structures for holding the basket with the basket on the existing basketball courts in covered halls or outdoors, while providing easy handling in order to move the basket with the basket as quickly as possible to the desired height with the least physical effort.

Pri košarki je v okviru pravil med drugim predpisana tudi višina koša, namreč oddaljenost obroča koša od tal v vertikalni smeri, ki za odrasle igralce znaša 305 cm, za mlajše in temu ustrezno nižje igralce pa 260 cm. Ker se oboji za potrebe treningov in tekem načeloma lahko izmenjujejo v uporabi istega igrišča, je torej zaželeno, da se višino nastavi glede na trenutne potrebe oz. zahteve.Basketball rules, among other things, also stipulate the height of the basket, namely the distance of the hoop from the ground in a vertical direction, which is 305 cm for adult players and 260 cm for younger and accordingly lower players. As both training and match requirements can in principle be interchanged in the use of the same pitch, it is therefore desirable to adjust the height according to current needs or. requirements.

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Potreba po spreminjanju višine koša je v številnih državah prisotna šele v zadnjih nekaj letih, zato je sočasno z možnostjo spreminjanja višine zelo pomembna tudi možnost preureditve že obstoječe opreme za tovrstno namembnost, saj je preureditev znatno cenejša in hitrejša od zamenjave celotne opreme, in se zato uporabniki zanjo razmeroma lahko in hitro odločijo.The need to change the height of the bin has only been present in many countries in the last few years, so at the same time as being able to change the height, the possibility of rearranging existing equipment for this purpose is also very important, as it is significantly cheaper and faster than replacing all the equipment, and therefore users can make relatively quick decisions about it.

Na področju po višini nastavljivih košarkarskih tabel s košem so v stanju tehnike že znane številne rešitve. Tako je npr. v EP 0 586 810 BI predlagan koš, ki sestoji iz nosilnega stebra in table s košem, t.j. obročem in mrežo, ki je na omenjenem stebru pričvrščena s pomočjo mehanizma, ki je formiran iz dveh med seboj vzporednih, s tablo in stebrom zasukljivo povezanih vzvodov. Prvi vzvod je s svojima koncema zasukljivo povezan po eni strani z zgornjim koncem stebra in po drugi strani z zgornjim koncem table. Preostali vzvod je z enim svojim koncem zasukljivo povezan s spodnjim koncem table, v svojem osrednjem območju je zasukljivo vpet na stebru v območju pod lokacijo pričvrstitve prvoomenjenega vzvoda, medtem ko je preostali konec drugega vzvoda zasukljivo povezan z zgornjim koncem toge podpore, katere spodnji konec je pričvrščen na pušo, s katero je obdan steber. S spreminjanjem položaja omenjene puše vzdolž stebra se spreminja položaj omenjenih vzvodov, kar ima za posledico spreminjanje oddaljenosti table od podlage, pri čemer pa tabla vseskozi ostaja v vsaj približno navpičnem položaju. Pušo je v vsakokrat izbranem položaju možno fiksirati s pomočjo zatiča, ki je vstavljiv skoznjo in skozi eno izmed lukenj, ki so v ta namen predvidene na stebru. Razen tega je omenjena podpora lahko napolnjena z balastom, ki kompenzira težo table z obročem, zaradi česar je premikanje table na večjo višino ustrezno lažje. Tovrstna rešitev je povezana z določenimi pomanjkljivostmi. Po višini nastavljive table s košem namreč v takem primeru ni možno vgraditi na že obstoječa ogrodja ali stebre. Razen tega tovrstna zasnova mehanizma zagotavlja potrebno togost v primeru obremenitev v vertikalni smeri, ne pa tudi v horizontalni ravnini. Nezadostna togost v horizontalni ravnini ima lahko za posledico nihanje v primeru udarca žoge v tablo ali obroč, kar potem lahko znatno vpliva na objektivnost rezultata pri ponovnem metanju na koš.In the field of height-adjustable basketball tables with a basket, numerous solutions are already known in the art. Thus, e.g. in EP 0 586 810 BI a proposed basket consisting of a supporting column and a panel with a basket, i.e. a ring and a net which is secured to said pillar by a mechanism formed from two parallel levers connected to the board and the pillar. The first lever is pivotally connected to its upper ends on one side by the upper end of the pillar and on the other by the upper end of the board. The rest of the lever is pivotally connected to one end of the board with one end of it, in its central region it is pivotally mounted on the pillar in the area below the location of the first lever attachment, while the rest of the other lever is pivotally connected to the top end of the rigid support, the lower end of which is attached to the bushing by which the pillar is surrounded. By changing the position of said sleeve along the pillar, the position of said levers changes, resulting in a change in the distance of the board from the base, while keeping the board in at least approximately a vertical position. The bushing can be fixed in each position by means of a pin that can be inserted through and through one of the holes provided for this purpose on the pillar. In addition, the support can be filled with ballast, which compensates for the weight of the board with the ring, which makes it easier to move the board to a higher height. This kind of solution has some drawbacks. In such a case, the height of the adjustable basket with the basket cannot be mounted on existing frames or columns. In addition, this design of the mechanism provides the necessary rigidity in the case of loads in the vertical direction, but not in the horizontal plane. Insufficient rigidity in the horizontal plane can result in oscillation in the event of a ball or ring being hit by the ball, which can then significantly affect the objectivity of the result when throwing the basket again.

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CA 2,325,753 nadalje predlaga koš, pri katerem je tabla pričvrščena na drogu, vzdolž katerega je premakljiva zahvaljujoč vrtenju vijačnega vretena. Tudi tovrstna rešitev načeloma ni predvidena za preureditev že obstoječih košev, prav tako je vprašljiva togost v horizontalni ravnini. Vijačno vreteno sicer omogoča postopno spreminjanje višine koša, namreč oddaljenosti obroča od podlage, pri čemerje premagovanje višine npr. 45 cm s sukanjem omenjenega vretena razmeroma dolgotrajno in tudi fizično naporno opravilo, še zlasti ob upoštevanju dejstva, da je tabla z obročem lahko razmeroma težka. Med premikanjem table v smeri proti podlagi omenjeni problem sicer ne pride toliko do izraza kot pri premikanju table v smeri vstran od podlage, ko je treba pri sukanju vretena računati tako s premagovanjem trenja kot tudi teže.CA 2,325,753 further proposes a basket in which the board is attached to a pole along which it is movable due to the rotation of the screw spindle. In principle, this kind of solution is not foreseen for the rearrangement of existing baskets, as well as the stiffness in the horizontal plane. The helical spindle allows for a gradual change in the height of the basket, namely the distance of the ring from the base, whereby overcoming the height, e.g. 45 cm by twisting said spindle is a relatively lengthy and also physically strenuous task, especially considering the fact that the hoop board can be relatively heavy. While moving the board in the direction of the base, the aforementioned problem does not occur as much as when moving the board in the direction away from the base, when both the friction and the weight must be calculated when twisting the spindle.

Nadalje je v JP 2004180876A predlagan mobilni koš, ki obsega okvir s kolesi, na katerem je zasukljivo pričvrščen poševno potekajoč nosilec, ki je podprt z ustrezno podporo. Premikanje podpore z omenjenim nosilcem, kar ima za posledico spreminjanje višine koša, se vrši s pomočjo električnega pogona. Odveč je poudarjati, da tovrstna rešitev pri predelavi obstoječih košev ne pride v poštev. Celotna konstrukcija zahteva precej prostora za igriščem in v manjših pokritih športnih dvoranah ali telovadnicah pogosto ni izvedljiva, sama izvedba potrebnega električnega priključka za napajanje pogona ali polnjenje akumulatorskih baterij pa kvečjemu narekuje še dodatne predelave in prilagoditve obstoječega objekta, v katerega pripravo namestijo.Further, JP 2004180876A proposes a mobile basket comprising a wheel frame on which a sloping support is rotatably attached, supported by suitable support. Movement of the support with said carrier, which results in a change in the height of the basket, is done by means of an electric drive. Needless to say, this kind of solution is out of the question when processing existing bins. The whole structure requires a lot of space behind the playground and in smaller indoor gyms or gyms it is often not feasible, and the very implementation of the necessary electrical connection for powering the battery or recharging the batteries necessitates further alterations and adjustments of the existing facility for which the installation is installed.

Še nadalje je v US 2009/0048041 Al predlagana košarkarska tabla s košem, ki sestoji iz dvojice vertikalnih vodil. Na vsakem od vodil je predviden po en nosilec, s katerim je sestav vodil in table pritrdljiv na vsakokrat razpoložljivo nosilno konstrukcijo, pri čemer sta omenjena nosilca v območju med vodiloma med seboj togo povezana s prečko. Nadalje sta na vsakem od vodil predvideni dve med seboj razmaknjeni vodilni puši, s katerima je togo povezana tabla s košem, ki je zahvaljujoč omenjenima dvojicama vodilnih puš premakljiva vzdolž omenjenih vodil v vertikalni smeri gor ali dol, in sicer s pomočjo sukanja vretena, ki sodeluje z navojno pušo v območju omenjene prečke, v eno ali drugo smer, pri čemer se med premikanjem table obremenjuje oziroma sprošča tudi torzijska vzmet, kije nameščena v ustreznem ohišju v območju omenjene prečke in omogoča vsaj delno kompenzacijo teže table med njenim premikanjem navzgor. Tovrstna zasnova sicer omogoča razmeroma togo vpetje table, tako daje v primeru dovolj toge nosilne konstrukcije ob udarcu žoge v obroč ali tablo možno preprečiti ali vsaj bistveno zmanjšati nihanja obroča v horizontalni smeri. Manjši problem predstavlja zasnova nosilcev za pritrditev table na nosilno konstrukcijo, ki terjata izvedbo lukenj določenega premera in pozicije na nosilni konstrukciji, kar pri predelavi že obstoječih rekvizitov na obstoječih objektih nikoli ni preprosto. Kompenzacija teže table s pomočjo torzijske vzmeti je vprašljiva zaradi same karakteristike take vzmeti. Kadar se vzmet nahaja v najbolj obremenjenem stanju, je torzijski moment, s katerim je zaradi lažjega sukanja vretena kompenzirana teža table z obročem, sicer dovolj velik, vendar potem med odvijanjem vzmeti naglo upada. Če bi torej želeli kompenzirati težo na celotni poti premikanja table, bi bilo potrebno uporabiti izjemno dolgo vzmet, za kar pa na košu ni najmanjše možnosti. Drug problem se kaže v sami zasnovi vretena, ki je običajno enostopenjsko navojno vreteno, ki gaje za premagovanje dolžine 45 cm potrebno sukati precej časa. Ta čas bi bilo sicer možno skrajšati z izbiri večjega vzpona vijačnice, vendar bi bilo potem sukanje vretena še težje in tudi tu obstoji omejitev, ki izhaja iz kota samozapomosti, saj bi se ob prekoračitvi tega kota zaradi same teže table vreteno pričelo odvijati samo.In addition, US 2009/0048041 Al proposes a basketball board with a basket consisting of two vertical guides. One carrier is provided on each of the guides, by which the assembly of the guides and plates is fastened to the support structure available in each case, said supports being rigidly connected to each other in the area between the guides. Further, on each of the guides, two spaced guide bushings are provided, with which the rigidly connected panel with the basket is movable along said guides in the vertical direction up or down by means of twisting of the cooperating spindle due to the said two guide bushings. with a threaded bushing in the area of said crossbar, in one or the other direction, during which the torsion spring, which is mounted in the corresponding housing in the area of said crossbar, is loaded or released, allowing at least partial compensation for the weight of the board during its upward movement. Such a design allows a relatively rigid mounting of the board, so that in the case of a sufficiently rigid supporting structure, when the ball hits the ring or the board, it can prevent or at least significantly reduce the oscillations of the ring in the horizontal direction. A minor problem is the design of mounting brackets for mounting the board to the supporting structure, which require the construction of holes of a certain diameter and position on the supporting structure, which is never easy when processing existing props on existing objects. Compensation of the weight of the board by means of a torsion spring is questionable because of the very characteristic of such a spring. When the spring is in the most stressed state, the torsional torque, which compensates for the weight of the spindle by compensating the weight of the ring plate, is large enough, but then declines rapidly during the spring unwinding. Therefore, if you wanted to compensate for the weight of the entire travel of the board, it would be necessary to use an extremely long spring, which is not the least possible option on the basket. Another problem is the design of the spindle itself, which is usually a single-threaded spindle that takes a long time to overcome in order to overcome a length of 45 cm. This time could be shortened by choosing a larger helix rise, but then turning the spindle would be even more difficult and there is also a restriction arising from the angle of self-restraint, since the spindle itself would start to unwind due to the very weight of the board.

Pričujoči izum zadeva po višini nastavljivo košarkarsko tablo s košem, kakršna sestoji iz okvira in pročelne plošče ter obsega običajen košarkarski koš. Tabla je s pomočjo vodilnih puš v vertikalni smeri premakljivo vodena vzdolž vsaj dveh med seboj ustrezno razmaknjenih vodil. Pri tem je tabla s pomočjo sklopa vretena in z okvirom table povezane matice v vertikalni ravnini premakljiva v smeri navzgor oziroma navzdol in torej v smeri proti podlagi oziroma vstran od podlage, obenem pa je prednostno opremljena tudi s sredstvom za kompenzacijo teže table in ustrezno razbremenitev vretena v območju vsakokratne matice.The present invention relates to a height-adjustable basketball board with a basket, consisting of a frame and a faceplate, and comprises a conventional basketball basket. The board is guided vertically along at least two properly spaced guides with the help of guide bushings in the vertical direction. In this case, the board is movable in the upward or downward direction and thus in the direction of the base or away from the base by means of a spindle assembly and the frame of the connected nut in the vertical plane, and is preferably equipped with a means for compensating the weight of the plate and a corresponding spindle load. in the area of each nut.

Po izumu je predvideno, daje vsakokratno vodilo preko ustreznega pritrdilnega sklopa povezano z vertikalno potekajočim nosilnim profilom, ki je bodisi neposredno ali posredno preko ustreznega prilagoditvenega elementa povezan z vsakokrat razpoložljivo nosilno konstrukcijo. Nadalje je med pušama na vodilih predvidena z njima togo povezana prečka, na kateri je predvidena ena izmed soosno druga nad drugo razporejenih in z različnima navojema, namreč levim in desnim, opremljenih navojnih matic, medtem ko je vsakokrat preostala matica togo povezana z okvirom table. Obenem sta na omenjeni matici predvideni za sodelovanje z dvema med seboj ločenima in z različnima navojema, namreč levim in desnim, opremljenima navojnima območjema vijačnega vretena, tako da je vsako izmed omenjenih navojnih območij vretena predvideno za sodelovanje z vsakokrat pripadajočo, bodisi s prečko med pušama na vodilih ali z okvirom table togo povezano navojno matico.According to the invention, it is envisaged that each guide is connected to a vertically running support profile via a suitable mounting assembly, which is connected directly or indirectly to the available support structure via a suitable adjustment element. Furthermore, there is provided a rigidly connected crossbar between the bushes, on which one of the threaded nuts coaxially arranged above each other and with different threads is provided, while each remaining nut is rigidly connected to the frame of the board. At the same time, said nuts are provided for cooperation with two separate and different threads, namely left and right, provided with threaded areas of the screw spindle, so that each of said threaded areas of the spindle is provided for cooperation with each corresponding, or with a cross between the bushings. on the guides or on the board frame rigidly connected threaded nut.

Nadalje je nosilni profil zasnovan kot C-profil, vzdolž katerega je v sproščenem stanju premakljiv z vsakokratnim vodilom togo povezan pritrdilni sklop table, ki je potem v vsakokrat izbranem položaju z omenjenim profilom čvrsto povezljiv.Further, the supporting profile is designed as a C-profile, along which, in the relaxed state, the rigidly attached mounting plate of the plate, which is then movable with the respective guide, is then firmly connected to said profile in each position selected.

Se nadalje je po eni strani z vodiloma in po drugi strani z okvirom table povezano sredstvo za kompenzacijo teže table po izumu zasnovano kot plinski blažilnik.Further, on the one hand, guides and on the other on the panel frame, the associated weight compensator according to the invention is designed as a gas damper.

Izum bo v nadaljevanju konkretiziran s primerom izvedbe, ki je prikazan na priloženi skici, kjer kažejoThe invention will hereinafter be concretized with the embodiment shown in the accompanying drawing, where they are shown

Sl. 1 po višini nastavljivo košarkarsko tablo s košem, v perspektivi;FIG. 1 height-adjustable basketball basketball board in perspective;

Sl. 2 tablo po Sl. 1 v narisu;FIG. 2 is a panel according to FIG. 1 in the outline;

Sl. 3 prerez v ravnini III - III po Sl. 2;FIG. 3 is a cross-section in plane III - III according to FIG. 2;

Sl. 4 tablo v spuščenem položaju in v perspektivnem pogledu od zadaj;FIG. 4 the panel in the lowered position and in perspective perspective from behind;

Sl. 5 podrobnost A po Sl. 4;FIG. 5 is the detail A according to FIG. 4;

Sl. 6 tablo v dvignjenem položaju in v perspektivnem pogledu od zadaj;FIG. 6 panel in raised position and in perspective view from behind;

Sl. 7 pa podrobnost B po Sl. 6.FIG. 7 is a detail B of FIG. 6.

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Na Sl. je predmetna tabla 1 ponazorjena v vgrajenem stanju in v spuščenem položaju. Tabla 1, ki v osnovi sestoji iz okvira 11, na katerem sta kot običajno pričvrščena pročelna plošča 12 in koš 13, je opremljena z nosilnima profiloma 14', 14, zlasti-Cprofiloma, s pomočjo katerih je pričvrščena na vsakokrat razpoložljivo nosilno konstrukcijo 100.In FIG. the subject plate 1 is illustrated in the mounted state and in the lowered position. Table 1, which basically consists of a frame 11, on which the front panel 12 and the basket 13 are attached as usual, is provided with supporting profiles 14 ', 14, in particular -profiles, by means of which it is attached to the available supporting structure 100 in each case.

Na okvir 11 table 1 sta ustrezno togo in na zadostnem medsebojnem razmiku pričvrščeni vertikalni vodili 15', 15. Na vsakem od omenjenih vodil 15', 15 je nameščena po ena vodilna puša 155', 155, ki obsega pritrdilni sklop 156', 156 za povezavo vodila 15', 15 z vsakokrat pripadajočim nosilnim profilom 14', 14 in s tem posredno z vsakokrat razpoložljivo nosilno konstrukcijo 100. Puši (155', 155) sta med seboj povezani s prečko 150.Vertical guides 15 ', 15 are fastened to the frame 11 of Table 1 in a sufficiently rigid and spaced distance, one guide bushing 155', 155, each comprising the fastening assembly 156 ', 156 for each of said guides 15', 15. the connection of the guide 15 ', 15 with the respective supporting profile 14', 14 and thus indirectly with the available supporting structure 100. The sleeves (155 ', 155) are interconnected by a bar 150.

Na omenjeni prečki 150 med pušama 155', 155 je pričvrščena ena izmed druga na drugo razporejenih in med seboj soosno razporejenih navojnih matic 16', 16, od katerih je ena opremljena z levim in druga z desnim navojem, s tem da je vsakokrat preostala matica 16', 16 nameščena na okviru 11 table 1 koša. Skozi omenjeni matici 16', 16 poteka vijačno vreteno 17, ki obsega dve ločeni navojni območji 17', 17', od katerih eno obsega levi navoj, preostalo pa desni navoj, tako daje vsako od omenjenih navojnih območij 17', 17 vretena 17 prirejeno za sodelovanje z vsakokrat pripadajočo matico 16', 16. Strokovnjaku bo razumljivo, da se zahvaljujoč tovrstni zasnovi vretena 17 in prisotnosti dveh matic 16', 16 ob vsakem zasuku vretena 17 tabla 1 premakne za dvakrat večjo razdaljo kot bi se v primeru, če bi vreteno namesto dveh ločenih navojnih območij 17', 17 obsegalo zgolj eno samo.On said crossbar 150 between the bushings 155 ', 155, the threaded nuts 16', 16, which are provided with one another and coaxially spaced, are attached to each other, one of which is provided with a left thread and the other with a right thread, each remaining nut. 16 ', 16 mounted on frame 11 of panel 1 of basket. Through said nut 16 ', 16 there is a threaded spindle 17 comprising two separate threaded regions 17', 17 ', one of which comprises a left thread and the remainder a right thread, so that each of said threaded regions 17', 17 of the spindle 17 is adapted it will be understood by one skilled in the art that due to this design of spindle 17 and the presence of two nuts 16 ', 16, at each turn of the spindle 17, the plate 1 is moved twice as far as would have been the case if it had been the spindle instead of two separate threaded regions 17 ', 17 consisted of only one.

Nadalje je po izumu predviden tudi plinski blažilnik 18 (Sl. 1), ki je vpet med omenjeno prečko 150 vodil 15', 15 in okvir 11 table 1, in sicer na tak način, da se med spuščanjem table 1 navzdol v njem vsebovan plin komprimira, med dviganjem table 1 pa se pritisk omenjenega plina uporabi za kompenzacijo teže table, s čimer je vrtenje vretena 17 zaradi manjšega trenja v maticah 16', 16 temu ustrezno lažje.Furthermore, according to the invention, a gas damper 18 (Fig. 1) is provided, which is guided between said cross member 150 guides 15 ', 15 and the frame 11 of the panel 1, in such a way that gas is contained therein as it descends. compresses, and during the lifting of Table 1, the pressure of said gas is used to compensate for the weight of the Board, making rotation of the spindle 17 due to less friction in the nuts 16 '

Pred montažo table 1 omenjena nosilna profila 14', 14 bodisi neposredno ali preko primernih prilagoditvenih elementov 157 (Sl. 3) na primerni medsebojno razdalji pričvrstimo na vsakokrat razpoložljivo nosilno konstrukcijo 100. Zatem na omenjena profila 14', 14' s pomočjo pritrdilnih sklopov 156', 156 pričvrstimo vodilni puši 155', 155 z vodiloma 15', 15, s katerima je povezana tabla 1. Pred tem je s premikanjem pritrdilnih sklopov 156', 156 vzdolž profilov 14', 14 možno zelo natančno nastaviti tudi izhodiščno oddaljenost table 1 in obroča 13 od podlage. Po vzpostavitvi čvrste povezave med vodiloma 15', 15 in nosilnima profiloma 14', 14 je tabla 1 čvrsto povezana z vsakokrat razpoložljivo nosilno konstrukcijo 100 in odtlej je možno s sukanjem vretena 17 matici 16', 16 med seboj razmikati ali primikati, kar ima za posledico premikanje table v vertikalni smeri ob sočasni kompresiji ali ekspanziji plina v blažilniku 18.Prior to mounting Table 1, the said supporting profiles 14 ', 14, either directly or through suitable adjusting elements 157 (Fig. 3), are affixed to the available supporting structure 100 at a suitable distance from each other. Thereafter, these profiles 14', 14 'are secured by means of fasteners 156 ', 156 fix the guide sleeves 155', 155 with the guides 15 ', 15 to which the plate 1 is connected. Prior to this, the starting distance of the table 1 can be very precisely adjusted by moving the mounting assemblies 156', 156 along the profiles 14 ', 14 and ring 13 from the base. After establishing a firm connection between the guides 15 ', 15 and the supporting profiles 14', 14, the panel 1 is firmly connected to the available supporting structure 100 and from then it is possible to rotate or move the spindle 17 of the nut 16 ', 16 with this results in the vertical movement of the board with the simultaneous compression or expansion of the gas in the damper 18.

Claims (3)

PATENTNI ZAHTEVKIPATENT APPLICATIONS 1. Po višini nastavljiva košarkarska tabla s košem, pri čemer iz okvira (11) in pročelne plošče (12) sestoječa tabla (1) obsega običajen košarkarski koš (13) in je s pomočjo vodilnih puš (155', 155) v vertikalni smeri premakljivo vodena vzdolž vsaj dveh med seboj ustrezno razmaknjenih vodil (15', 15), in pri čemer je tabla (1) s pomočjo sklopa vretena (17) in z okvirom (11) table (1) povezane matice (16', 16), v vertikalni ravnini premakljiva v smeri navzgor oziroma navzdol in torej v smeri proti podlagi oziroma vstran od podlage, s tem da je prednostno predvideno tudi sredstvo (18) za kompenzacijo teže table (1) in ustrezno razbremenitev vretena (17) v območju vsakokratne matice (16', 16), označena s tem,1. A height-adjustable basketball board with a basket, wherein, from the frame (11) and the face plate (12), the standing board (1) comprises a normal basketball basket (13) and is in the vertical direction by means of guide bushings (155 ', 155) movably guided along at least two suitably spaced guides (15 ', 15), and wherein the board (1) is connected by means of a spindle assembly (17) and a nut (16 ') to the frame (11). , in the vertical plane, movable in the upward or downward direction, and thus in the direction of the base or away from the base, with priority being also provided for a means (18) for compensating the weight of the plate (1) and a corresponding load on the spindle (17) in the area of the respective nut (16 ', 16), characterized by - daje vsakokratno vodilo (15', 15) preko ustreznega pritrdilnega sklopa (156', 156) povezano z vertikalno potekajočim nosilnim profilom (14', 14), ki je bodisi neposredno ali posredno preko ustreznega prilagoditvenega elementa (157) povezan z vsakokrat razpoložljivo nosilno konstrukcijo (100),- the respective guide (15 ', 15) is connected via a suitable mounting assembly (156', 156) to a vertically extending support profile (14 ', 14), which is connected directly or indirectly via the corresponding adjustment element (157), in each case load-bearing structure (100), - daje nadalje med pušama (155', 155) na vodilih (15', 15) predvidena z njima togo povezana prečka (150),- in addition, a rigidly connected bar (150) is provided on the guides (15 ', 15) between the bushings (155', 155), - da je na omenjeni prečki (150) predvidena ena izmed soosno druga nad drugo razporejenih in z različnima navojema, namreč levim in desnim, opremljenih navojnih matic (16, 16), medtem ko je vsakokrat preostala matica (16, 16), togo povezana z okvirom (11) table (1),- that the said crossbar (150) is provided with one coaxially arranged one above the other and with different threads, namely left and right, provided with threaded nuts (16, 16), while the remaining nut (16, 16) is rigidly connected in each case with frame (11) of panel (1), - in da sta omenjeni matici (16', 16) predvideni za sodelovanje z dvema med seboj ločenima in z različnima navojema, namreč levim in desnim, opremljenima navojnima območjema (17', 17) vijačnega vretena (17), tako da je vsako izmed omenjenih navojnih območij (17', 17) vretena (17) predvideno za sodelovanje z vsakokrat pripadajočo, bodisi s prečko (150) med pušama (155', 155) na vodilih (15', 15) ali z okvirom (11) table (1) togo povezano navojno matico (16', 16).- and that said nuts (16 ', 16) are provided to cooperate with two separate and different threads, namely left and right, provided with threaded regions (17', 17) of the screw spindle (17) such that each said threaded areas (17 ', 17) of the spindle (17) intended to engage with each associated, either with a crossbar (150) between the bushings (155', 155) on the guides (15 ', 15) or with the frame (11) of the table ( 1) a rigidly connected threaded nut (16 ', 16). 2. Tabla po zahtevku 1, označena s tem, daje nosilni profil (14', 14) zasnovan kot C-profil, vzdolž katerega je v sproščenem stanju premakljiv z vsakokratnim vodilom (15', 15) togo povezan pritrdilni sklop (156', 156) table (1), ki je potem v vsakokrat izbranem položaju z omenjenim profilom (14', 14) čvrsto povezljiv.Panel according to claim 1, characterized in that the supporting profile (14 ', 14) is designed as a C-profile along which, in the relaxed state, it is movable with the respective guide (15', 15) in a rigidly connected fastening assembly (156 ', 156) of the board (1), which is then firmly connected in the position selected with said profile (14 ', 14). 3. Tabla po zahtevku 1 ali 2, označena s tem, daje po eni strani z vodiloma (15', 15) in po drugi strani z okvirom (11) table (1) povezano sredstvo (18) za kompenzacijo teže table (1) zasnovano kot plinski blažilnik.Panel according to claim 1 or 2, characterized in that, on the one hand, guides (15 ', 15) and, on the other, with a frame (11) of the panel (1) are connected means (18) for compensating the weight of the panel (1). designed as a gas damper.
SI200900111A 2009-04-21 2009-04-21 Height adjustable basketball backboard with basket SI23022A (en)

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CN104027962A (en) * 2014-05-22 2014-09-10 东莞市鲸王体育设施有限公司 Method for manufacturing basketball board with aluminum soldering frame and bolt grooves
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CN107456744B (en) * 2017-09-20 2020-07-17 哈尔滨学院 Movable shooting training device and installation method

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US4948127A (en) * 1988-03-09 1990-08-14 Mark Willard Height adjustable basketball backboard mounting assembly

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