SI22916A - Snap-on fixture element - Google Patents

Snap-on fixture element Download PDF


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SI22916A SI200800267A SI200800267A SI22916A SI 22916 A SI22916 A SI 22916A SI 200800267 A SI200800267 A SI 200800267A SI 200800267 A SI200800267 A SI 200800267A SI 22916 A SI22916 A SI 22916A
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Publication of SI22916A publication Critical patent/SI22916A/en



    • F16B19/00Bolts without screw-thread; Pins, including deformable elements; Rivets
    • F16B19/02Bolts or sleeves for positioning of machine parts, e.g. notched taper pins, fitting pins, sleeves, eccentric positioning rings
    • F16B21/00Means for preventing relative axial movement of a pin, spigot, shaft or the like and a member surrounding it; Stud-and-socket releasable fastenings
    • F16B21/06Releasable fastening devices with snap-action
    • F16B21/07Releasable fastening devices with snap-action in which the socket has a resilient part
    • F16B21/073Releasable fastening devices with snap-action in which the socket has a resilient part the socket having a resilient part on its inside
    • F16B21/075Releasable fastening devices with snap-action in which the socket has a resilient part the socket having a resilient part on its inside the socket having resilient parts on its inside and outside


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • General Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • Insertion Pins And Rivets (AREA)
  • Connection Of Plates (AREA)


Subject of the invention is a snap-on fixture, consisting of a supporting insertable part and a spring-operated cartridge, while it is possible to attach various parts onto the basic panel for attaching material from sheet-metal, plastics or similar, by pushing the supporting part and the spring-operated cartridge into the opening and its locking in the opening of the basic panel for attaching without the use of screwing or additional tools. The snap-on fixture element according to the invention consists of a supporting insertable part (20) and a spring- operated cartridge (10) while the supporting insertable part (20) on one end features a pressure surface (21), on the central adapter recesses (22, 23), a corner (24) and on the other end an opening (25), while the spring-operated cartridge (10) is basically U-shaped and has on both ends of the legs raised ends (15), featuring symmetrically applied snap-on edges (14), while on the flat parts of both legs there and raised ends (13) and adapters (12) on the spring clips (11).



Predmet izuma je zaskočni pritrdilni element, sestavljen iz nosilnega vtičnega dela in vzmetnega vložka, pri čemer je z njim možno pritrjevanje različnih delov na osnovno pritrjevalno površino iz pločevine, plastike ali podobnega materiala, s potiskanjem nosilnega dela in vzmetnega vložka v odprtino ter njegovo aretiranje v odprtini osnovne pritrjevalne površine brez uporabe vijačenja oz. dodatnega orodja. Izum spada v razred F16B 05/06 mednarodne patentne klasifikacije.The object of the invention is a snap fastener, consisting of a support plug part and a spring insert, whereby it is possible to attach different parts to the base attachment surface of sheet metal, plastic or similar material, by pushing the support part and the spring insert into the opening and arresting it in the opening of the base anchorage surface without the use of screwing or. additional tools. The invention belongs to class F16B 05/06 of the international patent classification.

Tehnični problem, ki ga predloženi izum uspešno rešuje, je izvedba is takšnega pritrdilnega elementa, ki bo omogočal zaskočno pritrjevanje raznih delov na osnovno pritrjevalno površino brez vijačenja, pri čemer pa naj bo možno takšno zvezo tudi razstaviti in ponovno uporabiti pritrdilni element.A technical problem that is successfully solved by the present invention is the implementation of such a fastener that will allow the fastening of various parts to the base fastening surface without screwing, and it should also be possible to disassemble and reuse the fastener.

Zastavljen tehnični problem v osnovi rešujejo zaskočni elementi z 20 izvedenimi zaskočnimi zobmi, ki se po vstavitvi v odprtino v pritrjevalni površini razširijo in omogočijo pritrjevanje raznih delov na pločevinasto ali podobno osnovo. Pomanjkljivost takih izvedb se kaže v prvi vrsti v tem, da je tak spoj po vstavitvi zaskočnega elementa nerazstavljiv in ga je možno razstaviti samo z lomom zaskočnega elementa. Poleg tega je pri uporabi tovrstnih zaskočnih elementov vprašljiva tudi kvaliteta spoja predvsem v smislu zagotavljanja da se zaskok nahaja v zaskočnem položaju, saj tovrstni zaskočni elementi dobro držijo le v zelo ozkem toleračnem območju debeline pločevine.The present technical problem is basically solved by latching elements with 20 latching teeth, which, after insertion into the opening in the fixing surface, extend and allow the attachment of various parts to a sheet metal or similar base. The disadvantage of such embodiments is primarily due to the fact that such a joint, after insertion of the locking element, is indivisible and can only be disassembled by breaking the locking element. In addition, when using such latching elements, the quality of the joint is also questionable, especially in terms of ensuring that the latch is in the latching position, since such latching elements hold well only in a very narrow tolerance range of sheet thickness.

Poznana je pritrdilna naprava s pritrdilnim elementom, ki ga je možno pritrditi na nosilni element, opisana v patentnem dokumentu W02008/092585. Pritrdilni element, ki ima prednostno dve vzmeti, na katerih sta v obliki črke U oblikovana zavihka, se namesti v predvideno odprtino z vtiskom, pri čemer se zavihka zaskočita na notranji strani pritrdilne podlage in na ta način preprečujeta izvlek pritrdilnega elementa.A fastener with a fastener that can be attached to a fastener described in patent document W02008 / 092585 is known. The fastener, which preferably has two springs on which the U-shaped tab is formed, is mounted in the intended opening with an impression, the tabs being locked on the inside of the retaining base, thus preventing the attachment from being pulled out.

Izvlek le-tega je možen s pomočjo razširitve obeh vzmeti. Problem, ki nastopa je istočasen izvlek in vtik orodja za razširitev vzmeti. Za razstavljanje tega spoja je najprej potrebno izvleči vtisk (notranji vložek), potem pa s primerno silo potegniti pritrjeni element, da se zaskoka stisneta. Pomanjkljivost tega sistema je, da ni kontrole ali je ob montaži element pravilno sestavljen, saj je možno s primerno silo potisniti notranji vložek v končni položaj tudi če zaskoka nista na svojem mestu.It can be pulled out by extending both springs. The problem that arises is the simultaneous withdrawal and insertion of the spring extension tool. To disassemble this joint, it is necessary to first pull out the impression (inner insert) and then pull the fastened element with a suitable force to squeeze the snap. The disadvantage of this system is that there is no control or the assembly is properly assembled, since it is possible to push the inner cartridge to the end position with adequate force even if the latches are not in place.

Rešitev, ki jo opisuje patentni dokument WO 2007/009677 uporablja vzmetni element, ki je sestavni del elementa, ki ga pritrjujemo. Za razstavljanje zveze moramo zaskoka z nekim orodjem stisniti.The solution described in patent document WO 2007/009677 uses a spring element, which is an integral part of the element that is attached. To disassemble the connection, we need to squeeze it with some tool.

Zaskočni pritrdilni element po izumu odpravlja pomanjkljivosti znanih izvedb predvsem v pogledu enostavne montaže in demontaže, poleg tega pa tudi kompenzacije tolerance debeline osnovne površine na katero pritrjujemo pritrjevani del. Zaskočni pritrdilni element po izumu je sestavljen iz nosilnega vtičnega dela in vzmetnega vložka z vzmetnimi peresi, katerih konstrukcija omogoča enostavno pritrditev in odstranitev zaskočnega pritrdilnega elementa po izumu, brez orodja in možnosti da bi le-tega poškodovali. Na ta način je zaskočni pritrdilni element po izumu ponovno uporaben.The snap fastener according to the invention eliminates the disadvantages of the known embodiments, especially in terms of easy assembly and disassembly, as well as compensation for the thickness tolerance of the base surface to which the fastened part is attached. The snap fastener according to the invention consists of a carrier plug part and a spring insert with spring pens, the construction of which enables easy attachment and removal of the snap fastener according to the invention, without tools and the possibility of damaging it. In this way, the snap fastener of the invention is reusable.

Izum bomo podrobneje obrazložili na osnovi izvedbenega primera in slik, od katerih kaže:The invention will be explained in more detail on the basis of an embodiment and figures, of which:

slika 1 nosilni vtični del v stranskem prerezu in aksonometričenm pogledu;1 is a side view of a supporting plug in lateral section and axonometric view;

slika 2 vzmetni vložek v stranskem prerezu in aksonometričenm pogledu;Fig. 2 is a lateral cross-sectional view and an axonometric view;

slika 3 pritrjevani del v stranskem prerezu in aksonometričenm pogledu;Fig. 3 is a side view in axial section view;

slika 4 pritrjevani del in površina na katero pritrjujemo s sklopom zaskočnega pritrdilnega elementa po izumu v začetni fazi pritrjevanja v prerezu;4 shows the fastened part and the surface to which it is fastened by means of a snap fastener assembly according to the invention in the initial cross-section fastening phase;

slika 5 pritrjevani del in površina na katero pritrjujemo s sklopom zaskočnega pritrdilnega elementa po izumu v pritrjenem položaju v prerezu;5 shows the fastened part and the surface to which it is fastened by means of a snap fastener assembly according to the invention in a fixed cross-sectional position;

slika 6 pritrjevani del in površina na katero pritrjujemo s sklopom zaskočnega pritrdilnega elementa po izumu v položaju razstavljanja v prerezu;6 shows the fastened part and the surface to which it is fastened by means of a snap fastener assembly according to the invention in a disassembled position in cross section;

Zaskočni pritrdilni element po izumu, ki je prikazan na predloženih slikah, omogoča pritrjevanje različnih delov 30 (npr. držalni ročaji v avtomobilu, razne kulise oziroma deli pri sestavi avtomobilske notranjosti ipd.) na osnovno površino 40 na katero pritrjujemo, ki je lahko iz s pločevine, plastike ali kakšnega drugega materiala brez vijačenja. V ta namen je zaskočni pritrdilni element po izumu izdelan kot nosilni vtični del 20 z vzmetnim vložkom 10, pri čemer ima nosilni vtični del 20 pritisno površino 21, preko katere potisnemo zaskočni pritrdilni element po izumu v odprtino v površini 40.The snap fastener of the invention shown in the figures provided enables the attachment of various parts 30 (eg car grips, various scaffolds or components in the composition of the car interior, etc.) to the base surface 40, which can be secured from sheet metal, plastic or any other material without screwing. For this purpose, the snap fastener according to the invention is designed as a carrier plug part 20 with a spring insert 10, the bearing plug part 20 having a pressure surface 21 through which a snap fastener according to the invention is pushed into an opening in the surface 40.

io Vzmetni vložek 10 ima v osnovi obliko velike črke U, pri čemer sta na koncu obeh krakov izdelana zavihka 15, na ploščatih delih obeh krakov sta simetrično izvedena zaskočna zoba 14, na vzmetnih peresih 11 pa zavihka 13 in nastavka The spring insert 10 is substantially U-shaped, with tabs 15 made at the end of both arms, the locking tooth 14 symmetrically formed on the flat parts of both arms, and the tab 13 and the tab 12 on the spring pens 11.

Na slikah 4, 5, 6 so prikazani položaji zaskočnega pritrdilnega elementa is po izumu pri pritrjevanju pritrjevanega dela 30 v površino 40. V začetku pritrjevanja je v pritrjevani del 30 vstavljen vzmetni vložek 10 tako, da sta zavihka 15 zataknjena ob rob pritrjevanega dela 30, zavihka 14 pa se zatakneta z zunanjim delom za površino 31 na pritrjevanem delu 30. Tako je preprečeno medsebojno gibanje elementov 10 in 30. Vtični del 20 je vstavljen v sredino v položaju za montažo 23. V tem položaju gleda pritisna površina 21 iz elementa 30, ki ga pritrjujemo. Tako pripravljen sestav potisnemo v odprtino v površini 40. Vzmetna peresa 11 gredo skozi luknjo v površini 40 in se na drugi strani razširijo ter tako onemogočijo izpad vzmetnega vložka 10. Nadzorovan položaj vtičnega dela 20 v vzmetnem vložku 10 omogočajo vdolbine 22,23 na sredinskem nastavku vtičnega dela 20 v katere nasedata zaskočna zoba 14 vzmetnega vložkaFigures 4, 5, 6 show the positions of the snap fastener i according to the invention when attaching the fastened part 30 to the surface 40. At the beginning of the fastening, a spring insert 10 is inserted in such a way that the tabs 15 are locked against the edge of the fastened part 30, and the tab 14 is locked with the outer part for surface 31 on the fastened part 30. This prevents the mutual movement of the elements 10 and 30. The plug part 20 is inserted in the middle in the mounting position 23. In this position, the pressure surface 21 is viewed from the element 30, which we attach. The prepared assembly is pushed into the opening in the surface 40. The spring pens 11 pass through a hole in the surface 40 and, on the other hand, expand, thus preventing the fall of the spring insert 10. The controlled position of the plug part 20 in the spring insert 10 allows recesses 22,23 in the center extension. of the plug part 20 into which the locking teeth 14 of the spring insert


Po pritisku na pritisno površino 21 vtičnega dela 20 (slika 6), zaskočna zoba 14 naležeta v vdolbini 22, zavihka 13 sta se skupaj z vzmetnimi peresi 11 razmaknila. Vogala 24 sredinskega nastavka nosilnega vtičnega dela 20 zdrsita mimo zavihka 13 vzmetnega vložka 10 v luknji površine 40, na katero pritrjujemo. To je tudi kontrola, da sta zaskoka 11 v pravilnem io položaju.After pressing the pressure surface 21 of the plug part 20 (Fig. 6), the snap teeth 14 engage in the recess 22, the tabs 13 and the spring pens 11 are spaced apart. The corners 24 of the middle attachment of the support plug part 20 slide past the tab 13 of the spring insert 10 in the hole of the surface 40 to which it is fixed. It is also a control that the latches 11 are in the correct position.

V primeru, da zaskok 11 ni dovolj zataknjen za površino 40, na katero pritrjujemo, potem vtičnega dela 20 ne moremo potisniti v njegov končni položaj in pritisna površina 21 ostane dvignjena nad nivojem. To je tudi znak, da montaža ni bila uspešna. Po montaži sta vzmetni peresi 11 v zatičnem položaju, kar omogoči solidno zaskočen pritrjevani del 30. Hkrati pa vogala 24 sredinskega nastavka ležita za zavihkom 13 in mu tako onemogoča, da bi se iz kakršnega koli razloga premaknil.If the latch 11 is not sufficiently closed to the surface 40 to which it is attached, then the plug part 20 cannot be pushed into its final position and the pressure surface 21 remains raised above the level. This is also a sign that the assembly was not successful. After mounting, the spring pins 11 are in the pin position, which allows the locking part 30 to be firmly locked in. At the same time, the corners 24 of the center attachment lie behind the tab 13, preventing it from moving for any reason.

V primeru potrebe po razstavitvi tako izvedenega sklopa izvlečemo pritisno površino 21 vtičnega dela 20. Nadzorovan izvlek omogoča drsenje zaskočnih zob 14 po vdolbinah 22, 23 na sredinskem nastavku, medtem ko nastavki 12 pri izvleku vtičnega dela 20 vstopajo v odprtino 25 vtičnega dela 20 in s tem vlečejo skupaj vzmetni peresi 11 toliko časa, da je možno vzmetni vložek 11 skupaj s vtičnim delom 20 izvleči. Na ta način je možno enostavno izvleči zaskočni pritrdilni element po izumu brez uporabe dodatnega orodja, pri čemer pa pritrdilni zaskočni element ne poškodujemo in ga lahko ponovno uporabimo.In the case of the need for disassembly of the assembly thus assembled, the pressure surface 21 of the plug part 20 is pulled out. together, they pull the spring pens 11 together until it is possible to pull the spring insert 11 together with the plug part 20. In this way, it is possible to easily pull out the snap fastener according to the invention without the use of additional tools, without damaging the snap fastener and reusing it.

Claims (2)

PATENTNA ZAHTEVKAPATENT APPLICATION 1. Zaskočni pritrdilni element, z nosilnim vtičnim delom 20 in vzmetnim 5 vložkom 10, označen s tem, da ima nosilni vtični del (20) na enem koncu pritisno površino (21), na sredinskem nastavku vdolbine (22,23) in vogala (24) in na drugem koncu odprtino (25); da ima vzmetni vložek (10) v osnovi obliko velike io črke U, pri čemer sta na koncu obeh krakov zavihka (15), na ploščatih delih obeh krakov pa simetrično izvedena zaskočna zoba (14), na vzmetnih peresih (11) pa zavihka (13) in nastavka (12).1. A snap fastener, with a support plug part 20 and a spring 5 insert 10, characterized in that the support plug part (20) has a pressure surface (21) at one end, a central extension of the recess (22,23) and the corner ( 24) and at the other end an opening (25); that the spring insert (10) is basically in the shape of a large letter U, with the end of the two arms of the flap (15) and the locking tooth (14) symmetrically arranged on the flat parts of the two arms and the flap (11) of the spring flaps (11). 13) and the attachment (12). 2. Zaskočni pritrdilni element, po zahtevku 1,A snap fastener according to claim 1, 15 označen s tem, da ima sredinski nastavek nosilnega vtičnega dela (20) vogala (24), ki v zaskočenem položaju pritiskata zavihka (13) vzmetnega vložka (10) ob rob luknje površine (40) za pritrjevanje.15, characterized in that the central attachment of the support plug part (20) has corners (24) which, in the locked position, press the tabs (13) of the spring insert (10) against the edge of the hole of the mounting surface (40).
SI200800267A 2008-11-03 2008-11-03 Snap-on fixture element SI22916A (en)

Priority Applications (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
SI200800267A SI22916A (en) 2008-11-03 2008-11-03 Snap-on fixture element
DE200910051736 DE102009051736A1 (en) 2008-11-03 2009-11-03 Locking attachment

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SI200800267A SI22916A (en) 2008-11-03 2008-11-03 Snap-on fixture element

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SI22916A true SI22916A (en) 2010-05-31



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SI200800267A SI22916A (en) 2008-11-03 2008-11-03 Snap-on fixture element

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