SI22851A - Device for throwing dice - Google Patents

Device for throwing dice Download PDF


Publication number
SI22851A SI200800199A SI200800199A SI22851A SI 22851 A SI22851 A SI 22851A SI 200800199 A SI200800199 A SI 200800199A SI 200800199 A SI200800199 A SI 200800199A SI 22851 A SI22851 A SI 22851A
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rotating platform
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Slovenian (sl)
Lipovec Miran
Furlan Sandi
Original Assignee
Lipovec Miran
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Application filed by Lipovec Miran filed Critical Lipovec Miran
Priority to SI200800199A priority Critical patent/SI22851A/en
Publication of SI22851A publication Critical patent/SI22851A/en



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The submitted invention refers to a device which enables playing of roulette and/or at least one dice game as well as other bets on the result of dice combination. The device consists of a bearing frame (4) in interior of which there are mounted stationary and rotating parts. Dice (2) are falling on a rotating platform (1) and are lifted on a rotating funnel (3) due to the centrifugal force and fall again down on the rotating platform (1) after the end of rotation. The rotating platform (1) is lifted and dropped by a mechanism (8) driven by an electric motor (5c). Electric motors are controlled by a control unit (7). An optical device (9) reads out the value on dice (2) and transfers data to a computer (10).



Predmet izuma je naprava za uporabo pri igrah na srečo za avtomatično metanje kock, ki jih naprava s pomočjo centrifugalne sile premakne iz mirujočega položaja v gibanje in nato omogoči padec v izhodiščni položaj, pri čemer kocke določijo izid za stave na različnih igrah.The subject of the invention is a gambling device for automatically throwing dice, which is moved by a centrifugal force from a stationary position to a motion and then allows it to fall to a starting position, the dice determining the outcome for betting on different games.

Predloženi izum se nanaša na področje igralništva, zlasti na področje iger s kockami, kot so Craps, Sic Bo, in podobne igre s kockami, konkretneje pa na napravo za igranje rulete s kockami, Crapsa, Sic bo in na uporabo omenjene naprave.The present invention relates to the field of gambling, in particular to the field of gambling, such as Craps, Sic Bo, and similar dice games, and more particularly to a device for playing roulette with dice, Craps, Sic bo, and to the use of said device.

Igre ruleta, Craps, Sic bo so v vseh igralnicah med najpopularnejšimi in najbolj igranimi in se izvajajo s pomočjo krupjejev (dealer-jev) ali igralnih avtomatov, kjer igranje zadevnih iger omogočajo posebne mehanske in elektronske naprave, ki izide številk ali kombinacije s kockami generirajo same, brez neposrednega vpliva človeka. Igre se izvaja na igralnih mizah z običajnimi kockami in/ali na elektronskih terminalih oz. igralnih avtomatih.Roulette, Craps, Sic games will be among the most popular and most played casinos in all casinos and operated by dealers or slot machines, where the games in question are enabled by special mechanical and electronic devices that generate numbers or combinations with dice alone, without direct human influence. The games are played on the gaming tables with regular dice and / or on electronic terminals or. slot machines.

Naloga predloženega izuma je ustvariti takšno napravo, s katero je mogoče generirati izide za več različnih iger s kockami in/ali ruleto. Znanih rešitev je več, vendar nobena nobena ne poganja kock s pomočjo centrigugaine sile in ne omogoča avtomatičnega odčitavanja izida iz notranjosti skozi prozorno vrtljivo ploščad, kot v predloženem izumu.It is an object of the present invention to create such a device by which the outcomes of several different dice and / or roulette games can be generated. There are several known solutions, but none of them drive the dice by centrifugal force and do not automatically read the inside out through a transparent rotating platform, as in the present invention.

Doslej je bilo prijavljenih že več naprav za metanje kock, vendar dosedanje rešitve niso predvidele metanje kock na način, kot ga ponuja predloženi izum. Patent US 2693962 je igralni avtomat za metanje kock majhnih dimenzij, ki le z obliko spominja na predložen patent, nima pa vrtljivih delov.Many cubicle throwing devices have been reported so far, but the solutions so far have not contemplated throwing cubes in the manner provided by the present invention. US Pat. No. 2693962 is a small-sized gambling machine that resembles, in shape only, a patent, but does not have rotatable parts.

Patent US 5885157 ponuja podoben način vrtenja, kot v predloženem patentu a z drugačnimi kockami in drugačnim načinom detekcije izida meta kock.US Pat. No. 5,885,157 offers a similar method of rotation as in the present patent a with different cubes and a different method of detecting the outcome of the meta cubes.

Patent US 6402141 je avtomat s prostim padcem kock in ne z vrtenjem kock po obodu.US 6402141 is a free-fall machine, not a roll of the dice around the circumference.

PatentUS 7175526 predvideva prosti pad kock in različne nove igre s kombinacijami izidov kock.PatentUS 7175526 provides for free dice dropping and various new games with dice combinations.

Poleg vrtenja kock in prostega pada s pomočjo sile težnosti obstajajo tudi avtomati, ki kocke premetavajo s pomočjo membrane, ki kocke odbija od tal v višino, a ti avtomati nimajo tehničnih značilnosti predloženega patenta. Običajno so kocke na teh membranah večjih dimenzij zaradi načina odčitavanja vrednosti na stranici kocke, ki se izvršuje s pomočjo RFID tehnologije.In addition to the rotation of the dice and the free fall by gravity, there are also machines that roll the dice with the help of a membrane that bounces the dice from the ground in height, but these machines do not have the technical characteristics of the patent. Usually, the cubes on these membranes are larger in size because of the way the values on the cube page are executed using RFID technology.

S predloženim izumom se najbolj od vseh naprav približamo simulaciji prostoročnega meta igralnih kock, saj v napravi uporabljamo identične kocke kot pri igrah, kjer se kocke mečejo prostoročno (Craps), le da le-te ostanejo v cilindru, ki hkrati spominja na cilinder za ruleto in je tudi približno istih dimenzij.By the present invention, most of all devices are approximated to simulation of hands-free throwing dice because the device uses identical dice as in games where the dice are thrown freehand (Craps), but they remain in a cylinder that resembles a roulette cylinder and is also about the same dimensions.

Ruleto in/ali vsaj eno igro s kockami se po izumu igra s pomočjo naprave, predstavljeni na priloženi skici (slika 1), ki predstavlja vertikalni prerez naprave.The roulette and / or at least one dice game according to the invention is played with the aid of the device shown in the accompanying drawing (Figure 1), which represents a vertical cross-section of the device.

Tloris naprave je pravilen krog poljubne dimenzije.The layout of the device is the correct circle of any dimension.

Omenjena naprava po izumu sestoji iz sredinske vrtljive ploščadi 1, ki je, gledano v tlorisu, zasnovana kot krog. Na ploščadi 1 stojijo kocke za igro 2. Zunanji obod 3 je vrtljiv lijak pravilne okrogle oblike z odrezanim dnom v dimenziji vrtljive ploščadi 1. Vrtljiv lijak 3 je vpet v nosilno ogrodje 4, na katerem so pritrjeni ostali sestavni deli naprave. Vrtljivo ploščad 1 in vrtljiv lijak 3 poganjajo elektromotorji 5a, 5b in 5c, preko jermenov 6a, 6b in 6c, ki jih upravlja krmilna enota 7.Said device according to the invention consists of a central rotating platform 1 which, when viewed from the floor plan, is designed as a circle. Platform 1 has cubes for game 2. The outer circumference 3 is a rotating funnel of regular circular shape with a cut-off bottom in the dimension of rotating platform 1. The rotating funnel 3 is clamped to a support frame 4 on which the other components of the device are attached. The rotating platform 1 and the rotating hopper 3 are driven by electric motors 5a, 5b and 5c, via belts 6a, 6b and 6c, controlled by control unit 7.

Prenos sile z elektromotorja na gibljive dele je mogoč tudi preko zobnikov in ne le zgolj jermenov. Elektromotor 5a poganja vrtljivo ploščad 1, elektromotor 5b poganja vrtljivi lijak 3, elektromotor 5c poganja mehanizem 8 za dvig in spust vrtljive ploščadiThe transfer of force from the electric motor to the moving parts is also possible through gears and not just belts. Electric motor 5a drives rotating platform 1, electric motor 5b drives rotating hopper 3, electric motor 5c drives mechanism 8 for raising and lowering rotating platforms

1. Pomik navzgor in navzdol poteka preko navojnega vretena, možno pa ga je izvesti tudi s pomočjo zobate letve.1. The upward and downward movement is via a threaded spindle, but it can also be made using a toothed rack.

Izid kock odčita naprava 9, ki je nameščena v notranjosti vrtljive ploščadi 1. Napravo za odčitavanje kock 9 je možno namestiti tudi nad vrtljivo ploščad 1 ali na notranjo stran nosilnega ogrodja 4 na zunanjem obodu vrtljivega lijaka 3.The result of the cubes is read by the device 9, which is located inside the rotating platform 1. The cubicle reader 9 can also be mounted above the rotating platform 1 or on the inside of the carrier frame 4 at the outer circumference of the rotating hopper 3.

Krmilna enota 7 in naprava za odčitavanje izida kock 9 sta povezani z računalnikom 10, ki nadzoruje delovanje krmilne naprave in podatke o izidu kombinacije kock obdeluje za potrebe upravljanja z igro na srečo.The control unit 7 and the gambling result reading device 9 are connected to a computer 10 that monitors the operation of the gaming device and processes the outcome of the dice combination for gambling management purposes.

Naprava po tem patentu ima podobno funkcijo kot cilinder s kroglico za igranje rulete, le da v primeru cilindra s kroglico izid določi padec kroglice v eno izmed 37 številk razporejenih na obodu cilindra, v primeru naprave po tem izumu pa izid določi met dveh ali več kock 2, ki se uporabljajo v tej napravi.A device according to this patent has a similar function to a cylinder with a roulette ball, except that in the case of a ball cylinder, the outcome determines the fall of the ball into one of the 37 numbers arranged at the circumference of the cylinder, and in the case of the device according to this invention, determines the throw of two or more cubes 2 used in this device.

Met kock po tej napravi dosežemo z začetnim obratom vrtljive ploščadi 1, ki jo požene elektromotor 5a preko prenosnega jermena 6a. Pogonska sila elektromotorja 5a je naravnana tako, da doseže želeni učinek centrifugalne sile, ki požene kocke na vrtljivi lijak 3, ki ga poganja elektromotor 5b preko prenosnega jermena 6b in se praviloma vrti v nasprotni smeri od vrtljive ploščadi 1. Na ta način kocke dobijo dodaten pospešek.Throwing cubes at this device is achieved by an initial turn of the rotating platform 1 driven by the electric motor 5a via the transmission belt 6a. The driving force of the electric motor 5a is adjusted to achieve the desired effect of the centrifugal force that drives the dice on the rotating hopper 3, which is driven by the electric motor 5b via the transfer belt 6b and as a rule rotates in the opposite direction to the rotating platform 1. In this way, the cubes receive an additional acceleration.

Krmilna enota po določenem času zaustavi tek vrtljivih delov 1 ter 3 in kocke zaradi io sile težnosti ter primernega naklona lijaka padejo na vrtljivo ploščad 1. Mehanizem 8 za dvig in spust ploščadi 1 po zaustavitvi kock na ploščadi sproži dvig ploščadi na predvideno višino, tako da so kocke bolj vidne. Hkrati naprava za odčitavanje 9 optično posname situacijo z vrednostmi na kockah in podatke pošlje računalniku 10.The control unit stops the rotation of the rotating parts 1 and 3 after a certain period of time, and the cubes fall on the rotating platform 1 due to the gravity force and the appropriate slope of the funnel. the cubes are more prominent. At the same time, the reader 9 optically captures the situation with the dice values and sends the data to the computer 10.

Po opravljenih izplačilih in ponovnih stavah, krmilni mehanizem ponovno požene v is tek elektromotorje, ki s pomočjo prenosnih jermenov zavrtijo vrtljive dele naprave.After the payouts and re-bets have been made, the steering gear is re-energized by electric motors which rotate the rotating parts of the device by means of transmission straps.

Claims (4)

1. Naprava za metanje kock, ki generirajo izide za igranje rulete in/ali vsaj ene igre s kockami, značilna po tem, da sestoji iz vrtljive ploščadi (1) na kateri stojijo kocke za igro (2), iz vrtljivega oboda (3) v obliki stožčastega lijaka z odrezanim dnom v dimenziji vrtljive ploščadi (1), iz nosilnega ogrodja (4), iz elektromotorjev (5a), (5b) in (5c) s prenosnimi jermeni (6a), (6b) in (6c), iz krmilne enote 7, iz mehanizma za dvig in spust vrtljive ploščadi 8, iz naprave za odčitavanje izida 9, ki je nameščena v valju vrtljive ploščadi (1) in računalnika (10).A dice-throwing device that generates roulette and / or at least one dice games, characterized in that it consists of a rotating platform (1) on which the playing cubes (2) stand, of a rotating perimeter (3) in the form of a tapered hopper with a cut-off bottom in the dimension of a rotating platform (1), of a support frame (4), of electric motors (5a), (5b) and (5c) with transmission belts (6a), (6b) and (6c), from the control unit 7, from the mechanism for raising and lowering the rotating platform 8, from the result reading device 9, which is located in the cylinder of the rotating platform (1) and the computer (10). 2. Naprava po zahtevku 1, značilna po tem, da jo je možno uporabljati na ti. igralnih avtomatih ali na igralnih mizah, kjer stave in izplačila postavljajo igralci in osebje igralnice.Device according to claim 1, characterized in that it can be used on a ti. slot machines or gaming tables where bets and payouts are placed by players and casino staff. 3. Naprava po zahtevku 1, značilna po tem, da je vrtljive dele naprave mogoče poganjati tudi preko zobnikov in zobate letve in ne zgolj z jermeni.Apparatus according to claim 1, characterized in that the rotatable parts of the device can also be driven via gears and gears, and not only by belts. 4. Naprava po zahtevkih 1 do 3, značilna po tem, da je napravo za odčitavanje izidov na kockah (9) možno namestiti nad vrtljivo ploščad (1) ali na notranji rob nosilnega ogrodja (4) ob vrtečem lijaku (3).Device according to claims 1 to 3, characterized in that the device for reading the results on the cubes (9) can be mounted above the rotating platform (1) or on the inner edge of the support frame (4) next to the rotating funnel (3).
SI200800199A 2008-08-25 2008-08-25 Device for throwing dice SI22851A (en)

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SI200800199A SI22851A (en) 2008-08-25 2008-08-25 Device for throwing dice

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SI200800199A SI22851A (en) 2008-08-25 2008-08-25 Device for throwing dice

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SI22851A true SI22851A (en) 2010-02-26



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SI200800199A SI22851A (en) 2008-08-25 2008-08-25 Device for throwing dice

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