SI22793A - Device for squeezing contents out of a tube - Google Patents

Device for squeezing contents out of a tube Download PDF


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SI22793A SI200800140A SI200800140A SI22793A SI 22793 A SI22793 A SI 22793A SI 200800140 A SI200800140 A SI 200800140A SI 200800140 A SI200800140 A SI 200800140A SI 22793 A SI22793 A SI 22793A
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tifter Janko Ĺ
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tifter Janko Ĺ
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Application filed by tifter Janko Ĺ filed Critical tifter Janko Ĺ
Priority to SI200800140A priority Critical patent/SI22793A/en
Priority to PCT/SI2009/000001 priority patent/WO2009145736A1/en
Publication of SI22793A publication Critical patent/SI22793A/en



  • Tubes (AREA)


The device for squeezing the contents out of a tube solves the problem of providing a design concept of a device for simple squeezing contents out of a tube of various sizes and for various purposes. The device for squeezing contents out of a tube according to claim 1 is characterised in that the tube neck is placed inside an oval opening (3a) of the tube carrier (1), that the tube carrier (1) features an internal flat surface (1a) which is terminated with edges (1b and 1c) featuring grooves (1d and 1e), that the carrier (1) on the slant support (2) is wedge-shaped, that inside the rectangular area (1a) of the carrier (1) there are two openings (1i) for screws by which the device is attached to the wall, that the carrier (1) is via edges (1b and 1c) with adapters (1f and 1g) attached to the tube bracket (3), that the bracket (3) is of approximately round shape with elliptic opening (3a) and that it is perpendicular to the carrier (1), that in the grooves (1d and 1e) which are parallel there is a nose (4) for squeezing the contents out of the tube, that the nose (4) features a handle (4a) in the shape of a short cylinder which features in the middle a bar (4b) with pushing panel (4c) which holds a rotating cylinder (4d), that the bar (4d) of the nose (4) is slightly bent which enables a simple and complete squeezing the contents out of the tube towards the last part against the tube neck.


Pripomoček za iztiskanje vsebine iz tubeGadget for extracting content from a tube

Področje tehnikeThe field of technology

Izum sodi v področje pripomočkov za splošno rabo, bolj natančno med pripomočke za iztiskanje tub.The invention belongs to the field of general-purpose utensils, more specifically to tubing extensions.

Tehnični problemA technical problem

Tehnični problem je konstrukcijska rešitev pripomočka za iztiskanje različnih velikosti tub, ki mora omogočati iztiskanje na enostaven način z majhno silo. Pri tubah, ki so v uporabi za zobne kreme in prehrambne izdelke kot so majoneza, namazi, paradižnik, gorčica in podobno, je ročno iztiskanje vsebine težavno zaradi mečkanja tube, ki pri nekaterih materialih tudi poka. Problem pri ročnem iztiskanju tub, ki so lahko različno široke in debele, je tudi doziranje količine vsebine tube, saj je zelo težko enakomerno potiskanje tube v smeri odprtine. Konstrukcijska rešitev pripomočka naj bo uporabna tako za kozmetične kreme oziroma za namestitev v kopalnice, kot tudi za prehrambne izdelke oziroma uporabo v kuhinji. Rešitev naj bo uporabna za kakršne koli tube, saj so razne kreme in mazila v uporabi tako v kozmetičnih salonih, kot zdravstvenih ustanovah in raznih mehaničnih delavnicah. Zastavljeni problem je poleg dobrega in enostavnega iztiskanja tub tudi iztiskanje na enostaven način z eno roko. Ker so tube uporabne v različnih okoljih, mora biti pripomoček tudi oblikovno enostaven.A technical problem is the design solution of the extruder for different tube sizes, which must be able to be extruded easily with low force. For tubes used for dental creams and foodstuffs such as mayonnaise, spreads, tomatoes, mustard, and the like, manual extrusion of the contents is difficult due to the creasing of the tube, which also breaks in some materials. The problem with manually extruding tubes, which can be differently wide and thick, is also to dose the amount of tube contents, since it is very difficult to evenly push the tube in the direction of the opening. The design solution of the device should be useful for cosmetic creams or for installation in bathrooms, as well as for foodstuffs or for use in the kitchen. The solution should be applicable to any tube, since various creams and ointments are used both in beauty salons, in medical institutions and in various mechanical workshops. The problem, in addition to good and easy tube extrusion, is easy one-handed extrusion. Because tubes are useful in different environments, the device should also be easy to design.

Znano stanje tehnikeThe prior art

Priprave za stiskanje tub, zlasti tub z zobno pasto so znane tako iz rešitev, ki so bile modelno zaščitene kot tudi iz patentnih dokumentov. Znane so oblikovne rešitve kot so evropski modeli št. 000737267, 000286471, 000195805in 000178645 in slovenski model št. 9750009.Preparations for the compression of tubes, in particular tubes with toothpaste, are known from both design-protected solutions and patent documents. Design solutions such as European models no. 000737267, 000286471, 000195805in 000178645 and Slovenian model no. 9750009.

Po patentni prijavi EP 0 671 338 A1 je znana rešitev priprave za stiskanje vsebine fleksibilnih tub, ki je značilna po tem, da je znotraj ploskega nosilca reža s parom zavihkov v obliki narobe obrnjene črke U. Pri stiskanju tube je le-ta nameščena med zavihka. Za iztiskanje vsebine tube se potiska tuba med U zavihkoma. V tej rešitvi je opisana tudi rešitev preproste vzporedne špranje, ki ima dva vzporedna zavihka, skozi katero se potiska tuba.According to the patent application EP 0 671 338 A1, there is a known solution of a device for compressing the contents of flexible tubes, characterized in that within the flat carrier there is a slot with a pair of tabs in the form of a wrong inverted letter U. When compressing the tube, it is placed between the tabs . To squeeze the contents of the tube, the tube is pushed between the U tabs. This solution also describes a simple parallel slit solution having two parallel flaps through which a tube is pushed.

Po GB 2 443 746 A je znana rešitev pripomočka za stiskanje tub zobne paste, ki ima nosilec tube pritrjen na steno. Tuba je nameščena v notranjost nosilca, ki ima poseben zavihek, ki se ga potisne z zobno krtačo in s tem sprosti iztekanje zobne kreme. Po umiku zobne krtače se zavihek v obliki številke 2 samodejno vrne v položaj, ki zapre odprtino tube.GB 2 443 746 A is a known solution for a toothpaste compression device having a tube holder attached to the wall. The tube is mounted inside the bracket, which has a special tab that is pushed by the toothbrush to release the leakage of the toothbrush. After removing the toothbrush, the number 2 tab automatically returns to the position that closes the tube opening.

Po W02007119985 je znana rešitev za stiskanje tub, ki je uporabna za tube iz mehkega ali trdega material. Inovacija vsebuje dve vzporedni, pravokotni palici, nameščeni v centru okroglega okvirja z zarezami po obodu. Konec tube je pritrjen med vrtljiva pravokotna nosilca. Ena stranica tube pa je vpeta v zarezo okvirja. Z vrtenjem pravokotnih palic se stisnjen del tube navija na palice ter tako iztiska vsebino tube.W02007119985 is a known tube compression solution for use in tubes made of soft or hard material. The innovation features two parallel, rectangular bars located in the center of a circular frame with notches around the perimeter. The end of the tube is fixed between the rotating rectangular beams. One side of the tube is clamped into the notch of the frame. By rotating the rectangular bars, the compressed part of the tube retracts onto the bars, thus extruding the contents of the tube.

Po DE202006013421U je znana rešitev za stiskanje tub, ki ima v pravokotni škatli vpeto tubo z odprtino navzdol. Tubo se iztiska tako, da se gumb zunaj škatle vrti, s čemer se premika stiskalo po vodilu.According to DE202006013421U, there is a known solution for compression of tubes having a tube with a downward opening in a rectangular box. The tube is extruded by rotating the button outside the box, which moves the compression rod along the guide.

Po korejski patentni prijavi KR20040055898 je znana rešitev stiskalca tub z nosilcem, ki je podobna prej opisani nemški rešitvi in ima del za vpetje konca tube, katero se s pomočjo navijalnega koluta vsebina le-te iztiska. Vse prej opisane rešitve, kot tudi oblikovne rešitve znane iz modelnih zaščit so drugačne od rešitve po izumu.According to the Korean patent application KR20040055898, there is a known tubular press solution with a carrier similar to the German solution described above and having a part for clamping the end of the tube, which is extruded by means of a winding reel. All the solutions described above, as well as the design solutions known from the model protections, are different from the solution according to the invention.

Znane so še rešitve za stiskanje tub iz dokumentov US 4020976, US 4015750,Also known are tube compression solutions of US 4020976, US 4015750,

EP 0078871A, BE896886 in CN 101092193, ki pa podobno kot je opisano zgoraj, opisujejo konstrukcijske rešitve za stiskanje tub, ki so drugačne od pričujočega izuma. V vseh teh rešitvah je tuba nameščena v podolgovato škatlico, v katero je umeščen potisni element, kar se razlikuje od pričujočega izuma po tem, da je vrat tube pravokotno nameščen v odprtino, pri čemer tuba leži na nosilcu in je pritrjena s potisnim elementom, ki teče po dveh paralelnih utorih.EP 0078871A, BE896886, and CN 101092193, which, however, similarly to those described above, describe constructions for tube compression that are different from the present invention. In all of these embodiments, the tube is housed in an elongated box housing a pusher element, which differs from the present invention in that the tube neck is perpendicularly inserted into the opening, the tube lying on the carrier and secured by a pusher element which runs along two parallel grooves.

Opis rešitve tehničnega problemaDescription of solution to a technical problem

Bistvo konstrukcijske rešitve pripomočka za iztiskanje vsebine iz tube po izumu je v tem, da je nosilec tube na robovih opremljen z vzporednima utoroma, po katerih drsi lopatka za potiskanje vsebine tube, katere vrat je nameščen v elipsasti odprtini ploščice v dnu nosilca. Nosilec tub je primeren za različne velikosti tub.An essential feature of the design of a tube extruder according to the invention is that the tube carrier at the edges is provided with parallel grooves along which a tube for pushing the tube contents slides, the door of which is mounted in an elliptical opening of the tile in the bottom of the carrier. The tube carrier is suitable for different tube sizes.

Pripomoček za iztiskanje vsebine iz tube bo v nadaljevanju podrobneje opisan s pomočjo slik, ki kažejo:The tube extractor will be described in more detail below with the help of pictures showing:

slika 1 - pripomoček za iztiskanje vsebine iz tube po izumu slika 2 - pripomoček za iztiskanje vsebine iz tube po varianti I slika 3 - lopatka po varianti I slika 4 - pripomoček za iztiskanje vsebine iz tube po varianti II slika 5 - pripomoček za iztiskanje vsebine iz tube po varianti lilFigure 1 - Tube extruder according to the invention Figure 2 - Tube extruder according to variant I FIG. 3 - Trowel according to variant I FIG. 4 - Tube extruder according to Variant II. Figure 5 - Extruder contents from Tube. tubes according to the lil variant

Pripomoček za iztiskanje vsebine iz tube po izumu ima na nosilcu 1 tube notranjo ravno ploskev 1a, ki je zaključena z robovi 1b in 1 c, v katerih sta utora 1d in 1e. Nosilec 1 je na poševnem stojalu 2 klinaste oblike. V pravokotni ploskvi 1a nosilca 1 sta dve luknji 1i za vijaka, s katerima se pripomoček pritrdi na steno. Nosilec 1 je preko robov 1b in 1c z nastavkoma 1f in 1g združen z nosilcem 3 tube. Nosilec 3 je približno polkrožne oblike z elipsasto luknjo 3a in je pravokoten na nosilec 1. V utora 1 d in 1 e, ki sta vzporedna, je nameščena lopatka 4 za potiskanje vsebine tube. Lopatka 4 ima držalo 4a v obliki kratkega valja, ki ima na sredini ročko 4b s potisno ploščico 4c, v kateri je vrtljiv valjček 4d. Ročka 4b lopatke 4 je rahlo zakrivljena, kar omogoča enostavno potiskanje lopatke. Elipsasta luknja 3a omogoča ob stiskanju tub, da se tuba lažje prilagaja (je deloma gibljiva) vodilu na ravni ploskvi 1a in tudi celotni lopatki 4 zlasti ob stiskanju tub v zadnjem vratnem delu.The tube extruder of the invention according to the invention has an internal flat face 1a on the support of the tube 1, terminated by the edges 1b and 1c, in which the grooves are 1d and 1e. Bracket 1 is wedge-shaped on the sloping stand 2. In the rectangular surface 1a of bracket 1 there are two holes 1i for screws that secure the accessory to the wall. Bracket 1 is connected to the bracket 3b via the edges 1b and 1c by the lugs 1f and 1g. The carrier 3 is approximately semicircular in shape with an ellipse hole 3a and is perpendicular to the carrier 1. In the grooves 1d and 1e, which are parallel, a blade 4 is arranged to push the contents of the tube. The blade 4 has a short cylinder-shaped holder 4a, which has a handle 4b in the middle with a pusher plate 4c in which the roller 4d is rotatable. The handle 4b of blade 4 is slightly curved, allowing the blade to be pushed easily. The elliptical hole 3a allows the tube to be more easily adapted (partly movable) to the guide on the flat surface 1a and also for the entire blade 4, especially when the tubes are compressed in the posterior neck.

Pripomoček po izumu je namenjen pritrditvi na steno in primeren za različne velikosti tub, ker je tuba nameščena v luknjo 3a nosilca 3 tube. S potisno lopatko 4 se od vrha tube potiska vsebina navzdol s pomočjo valjčka 4d. Valjček 4d omogoča popolno stiskanje mase iz tube do zadnjega dela proti vratu tube. Poleg tega pripomoček po izumu onemogoča mečkanje in posledično poškodbo tube.The device according to the invention is intended for wall mounting and is suitable for different tube sizes because the tube is located in the hole 3a of the 3 tube holder. The pusher blade 4 pushes the contents down from the top of the tube with the help of a roller 4d. The 4d roller allows for full compression of the mass from the tube to the rear against the tube neck. In addition, the device according to the invention prevents wrinkling and consequent damage to the tube.

Nosilec tube 3 je lahko oblikovan kot oval, pravokotnik, trikotnik, trapez ali kakšen drug lik.The tube carrier 3 can be shaped like an oval, a rectangle, a triangle, a trapezoid or some other character.

Pripomoček za iztiskanje vsebine iz tube po varianti I ima na nosilcu 5 tube notranjo ravno ploskev 5a, ki je zaključena z robovi 5b in 5c, v katerih sta utora 5d in 5e. Nosilec 5 je na poševnem stojalu 6 klinaste oblike. V pravokotni ploskvi 5a nosilca 5 sta dve luknji 5i za vijaka, s katerima se pripomoček pritrdi na steno. Nosilec 5 je preko robov 5b in 5c z nastavkoma 5f in 5g združen z nosilcem 7 tube. Nosilec 7 je približno polkrožne oblike z elipsasto luknjo 7a in je pravokoten na nosilec 5. V utora 5d in 5e, ki sta vzporedna, je nameščena lopatka 8 za potiskanje vsebine tube. Lopatka 8 ima držalo 8a v obliki kratkega valja, ki ima na sredini ročko 8b s potisno ploščico 8c, ki je ploščate oblike z zožanim delom 8d. Del 8d lopatke 8 je rahlo zapognjen navzgor. Ročka 8b lopatke 8 je rahlo zakrivljena, kar omogoča enostavno potiskanje lopatke. Elipsasta luknja 7a omogoča ob stiskanju tub, da se tuba lažje prilagaja (je deloma gibljiva) vodilu ravni ploskvi 5a in tudi celotni lopatki 8 zlasti ob stiskanju tub v zadnjem vratnem delu.The device for extracting the contents from the tube according to variant I has on the carrier 5 tubes an internal flat surface 5a, terminated by the edges 5b and 5c, in which the grooves are 5d and 5e. The carrier 5 is wedge-shaped on the sloping stand 6. In the rectangular surface 5a of the bracket 5 there are two holes 5i for screws that secure the accessory to the wall. The carrier 5 is connected to the 7 tube carrier via the edges 5b and 5c by the fittings 5f and 5g. The carrier 7 is approximately semicircular in shape with an ellipse hole 7a and is perpendicular to the carrier 5. In the grooves 5d and 5e, which are parallel, there is a blade 8 for pushing the contents of the tube. The blade 8 has a short cylinder shaped holder 8a having a handle 8b in the middle with a pusher plate 8c which is flat in shape with a tapered portion 8d. Part 8d of blade 8 is slightly bent upwards. The handle 8b of blade 8 is slightly curved, allowing the blade to be pushed easily. The elliptical hole 7a allows the tube to be more easily adapted (partially movable) to the guide of the flat surface 5a and also to the entire blade 8, especially when compressing the tubes in the posterior neck.

Pripomoček po varianti I je namenjen pritrditvi na steno in primeren za različne velikosti tub, ker je tuba nameščena v luknjo 7a nosilca 7 tube. S potisno lopatko 8 se od vrha tube potiska vsebina navzdol s pomočjo ploščatega dela 8c in zapognjenim delom 8d. Zapognjeni del 8d omogoča popolno stiskanje mase iz tube do zadnjega dela proti vratu tube. Nosilec tube 7 je lahko oblikovan kot oval, pravokotnik, trikotnik, trapez ali kakšen drug lik z zaobljenimi robov.The device according to variant I is intended for wall mounting and is suitable for different tube sizes because the tube is located in the hole 7a of the 7 tube holder. With the thrust blade 8, the contents are pushed down from the top of the tube by the flat part 8c and the folded part 8d. The curved part 8d allows a complete compression of the mass from the tube to the rear against the neck of the tube. The tube carrier 7 may be shaped like an oval, a rectangle, a triangle, a trapezoid, or some other shape with rounded edges.

Pripomoček za iztiskanje vsebine iz tube po varianti II ima na nosilcu 9 tube notranjo ravno ploskev 9a, ki je zaključena z robovi 9b in 9c, v katerih sta utora 9d in 9e. V nosilec 9 je preko robov 9b in 9c z nastavkoma 9f in 9g združen z nosilcem 10 tube. Nosilec 10 je približno polkrožne oblike z elipsasto luknjo 10a in je pravokoten na nosilec 9. V utora 9d in 9e, ki sta vzporedna, je nameščena lopatka 11 za potiskanje vsebine tube. Lopatka 11 ima ročko 11a v obliki pravokotnika, ki je zaključen s polkrožnim delom 11b. Del 11b je rahlo izbočen navzven, kar omogoča dober prijem pri potiskanju lopatke 11, ki ima na drugi strani ročke 11a potisno ploščico 11 c, ki je ploščate oblike z zožanim delom 11 d. Elipsasta luknja 10a omogoča ob stiskanju tub, da se tuba lažje prilagaja (je deloma gibljiva) vodilu ravni ploski 9a in tudi celotni lopatki 11 zlasti ob stiskanju tub v zadnjem vratnem delu.The device for extracting the contents from a tube according to variant II has an internal flat surface 9a on the support 9 of the tube, terminated by the edges 9b and 9c, in which the grooves are 9d and 9e. Into the carrier 9, it is joined to the carrier 10 tubes via the edges 9b and 9c by the 9f and 9g attachments. The carrier 10 is approximately semicircular in shape with an ellipse hole 10a and is perpendicular to the carrier 9. In the grooves 9d and 9e, which are parallel, there is a blade 11 for pushing the contents of the tube. Shovel 11 has a rectangular handle 11a terminated by a semicircular portion 11b. Part 11b is slightly convex to the outside, allowing good grip when pushing the blade 11, which has a thrust plate 11 c on the other side of the handle 11a, which is flat in shape with a tapered portion 11 d. The elliptical hole 10a allows the tube to be more easily adapted (partially movable) to the guide of the flat plane 9a and also to the entire blade 11, especially when the tubes are compressed in the posterior neck, when compressing the tubes.

Pripomoček po varianti II je namenjen postavitvi na odlagalni prostor ali mizo pri uporabi in postavitvi v omaro ali hladilnik. Nosilec tube 10 je lahko oblikovan kot oval, pravokotnik, trikotnik, trapez ali kakšen drug lik z zaobljenimi robovi.The device according to variant II is intended to be placed on a storage compartment or table when used and placed in a cabinet or refrigerator. The tube carrier 10 may be shaped like an oval, a rectangle, a triangle, a trapezoid, or any other character with rounded edges.

Pripomoček za iztiskanje vsebine iz tube po varianti lil ima na nosilcu 12 tube notranjo ravno ploskev 12a, ki je zaključena z robovi 12b in 12c, v katerih sta utora 12d in 12e. V nosilec 12 je preko robov 12b in 12c z nastavkoma 12f in 12g združen z nosilcem 13 tube. Nosilec 13 je pravokotne oblike z zaobljenimi robovi in z elipsasto luknjo 13a. Nosilec 13 je pravokoten na nosilec 12, ki ima na drugi strani nosilec 14 z elipsasto luknjo 14a za tubo. Na vrhu nosilca 12 je okrogla luknja 121 za obešanje. Druga stran nosilca 12 je zaključena z robovi 12h in 12k, v katerih sta utora 12i in 12j. V nosilec 12 je preko robov 12b in 12c z nastavkoma 12f in 12g združen z nosilcem 13 tube. V utora 12d in 12e in utora 12i in 12j sta nameščeni lopatki za potiskanje vsebine tube. Lopatki sta lahko izbrani iz pripomočka po izumu in variantah pripomočka I in II.The device for extracting the contents from the tube according to the lil variant has an inner flat surface 12a on the carrier 12 tubes, which is completed with the edges 12b and 12c, in which the grooves are 12d and 12e. Into the carrier 12, it is connected to the carrier 13 tubes via the edges 12b and 12c by the 12f and 12g attachments. The carrier 13 is rectangular in shape with rounded edges and an ellipse hole 13a. The carrier 13 is perpendicular to the carrier 12, which, on the other hand, has a carrier 14 with an ellipse hole 14a for the tube. At the top of the carrier 12 is a circular hole 121 for hanging. The other side of the carrier 12 is terminated by edges 12h and 12k, in which grooves 12i and 12j are located. Into the carrier 12, it is connected to the carrier 13 tubes via the edges 12b and 12c by the 12f and 12g attachments. Slots 12d and 12e and slots 12i and 12j are fitted to push the contents of the tube. The blades can be selected from the device of the invention and variants of device I and II.

Nosilca 13 in 14 tub sta lahko oblikovana kot polkrog, oval, pravokotnik, trikotnik, trapez ali kakšen drug lik z zaobljenimi robovi. Pripomoček po varianti lil je lahko uporabljen za dve tubi z različnimi vsebinami, na primer zobno past in kremo za roke ali obraz. Lahko pa je uporabljeno tudi kot držalo rezervne tube in tube, ki je v uporabi. Ob enem pa nosilec, ki je obrnjen proti steni, ki služi tudi za odmik nosilca 13 od stene, kar omogoča lažji dostop do vrat tube.The beams 13 and 14 can be shaped like a semicircle, an oval, a rectangle, a triangle, a trapezoid or some other shape with rounded edges. A lil variant can be used for two tubes with different contents, such as toothpaste and hand or face cream. It can also be used as a spare tube holder and in use tube. At one side, the wall-facing bracket also serves to move the bracket 13 away from the wall, allowing easier access to the tube door.

Lopatko se v vseh variantah vstavi v utore osnovnega nosilca ne glede na obliko lopatke prikazanih na slikah 1,2 i 3. Utori, ki so dejansko vodila lopatke, ki poteka po robovih so prilagojeni dolžini glede na velikost tube (ne preveč in ne premalo), da omogoča želeno gibanje lopatke v utorih nosilca v smeri proti nam in nazaj, kar omogoča stiskanje in doziranje tub. Isto je pri lopatki z valčkom. Temu je prilagojena tudi debelina robov nosilca. S tem, ko se prilagodi debelino robov držala in dolžino vodil lopatk v teh robovih se doseže sinhronizirano stiskanje mas tub in potovanje lopatk po robovih navzdol po tubi.The blade is in all variants inserted into the grooves of the base carrier regardless of the shape of the blade shown in Figures 1,2 and 3. The grooves that actually guide the blade running along the edges are adjusted in length to the size of the tube (not too much and not too small) to allow the desired movement of the blade in the grooves of the carrier in the direction of us and back, which enables the compression and dosing of the tubes. It's the same with a roller blade. The thickness of the edges of the bracket is also adapted to this. By adjusting the thickness of the holder edges and the length of the guide vanes in these edges, synchronous compression of the tubes and the travel of the vanes down the tube is achieved.

Postopek iztiskanja mase iz tube poteka tako, da se lopatko vstavi v utore robov nosilca. Pritisk ročaja lopatice proti sebi omogoči ob tem, ko je spodnji rob lopatke že naslonjen na tubo iztis mase tube in tube. Za količino iztisnjene mase iz tube se lahko celotno ročko pomakne po vodilu navzdol in je z tem potiskom že pripravljena za ponovni iztis mase. Zakrivljeni del 8a lopatke omogoča tudi, da se lahko enakomerno odvisno od pritiska celotne lopatice dozira želeno količino snovi iz tub. Obenem zakrivljeni del lopatice 8d omogoča lažje potovanje lopatice po tubi in preprečuje možnosti poškodovanja embalaže tub. Lažje potovanje lopatice po robovih nosilca omogoča tudi primerna dolžina vodil lopatice, ki so ob straneh lopatice. Ob tem, ko se držalo lopatice potisne proti steni, torej stran od sebe, nastane med spodnjim delom lopatice in tube prazen prostor, ki tudi omogoči nadaljnji lažji premik lopatice proti vratu tube, ter prepreči poškodbe na embalaži tube.The process of extruding the mass from the tube is carried out by inserting the blade into the grooves of the edges of the carrier. Pressing the blade handle against you allows the lower edge of the blade to lean against the tube, the mass of the tube and tube. For the amount of extruded mass from the tube, the entire handle can be moved down the guide and is ready to re-expel the mass with this thrust. The curved portion 8a of the blade also allows the desired amount of substance from the tubes to be dosed uniformly depending on the pressure of the entire blade. At the same time, the curved part of the blade 8d makes it easier for the blade to travel down the tube and prevent the packaging of the tube from being damaged. The blades' easy travel along the edges of the carrier also allows for a suitable length of the blades guides that are along the sides of the blades. When the blade holder is pushed against the wall, ie away from itself, a blank space is created between the lower part of the blade and the tube, which also allows the blade to move further towards the neck of the tube, and to prevent damage to the tube packaging.

Vse tube je moč iztiskati v vseh omenjenih držalih tudi tako, da se po vstavitvi tube v držalo s pritiskom prsta na tubo iztiska potrebna masa. Na ta način vlogo lopatke opravi prst.All tubes can be extruded in all the aforementioned holders even after the insertion of the tube into the holder by pushing a finger on the tube extrude the required mass. In this way, the role of the shovel is performed by the finger.

Konstrukcijska rešitev pripomočka za iztiskanje vsebine iz tube po izumu omogoča enostavno iztiskanje vsebine iz tube, pri čemer je dosežena maksimalna poraba vsebine tube. Za iztiskovanje vsebine tube ni potrebna velika sila, kar omogoča uporabo pripomočka vsem od otrok do starejših uporabnikov. Možnost uporabe je zelo široka zlasti, ker je možna kombinacija pripomočkov glede na mesto uporabe. Pripomoček je možno uporabiti za stiskanje kakršne koli tube, ki so polnjene z zobno kremo, kremo za nego rok in telesa, zdravilnih krem, krem za nego obutve, krem za mazila v avtomobilskih servisih in podobno.The design solution of the tube extruder according to the invention enables easy extraction of the tube contents, maximizing the consumption of tube contents. It does not take a lot of force to squeeze out the contents of the tube, allowing the device to be used by anyone from children to older users. The possibility of use is very wide, especially since it is possible to combine accessories according to the place of use. The gadget can be used to compress any tube that is filled with tooth cream, hand and body care creams, healing creams, foot care creams, ointment creams at car service shops and the like.

Claims (5)

1. Pripomoček za iztiskanje vsebine iz tube ima na robovih nosilca tube vzporedna utora, po katerih drsi lopatka z dvema svojima vodiloma za potiskanje vsebine tube, katere vrat je nameščen v odprtini ploščice v dnu nosilca, in je značilen po tem, da se vrat tube postavi v ovalno luknjo (3a) nosilca (1) tube, da ima nosilec (1) tube notranjo ravno ploskev (1a), ki je zaključena z robovi (1b in 1c), v katerih sta utora (1d in 1e), da je nosilec (1) na poševnem stojalu (2) klinaste oblike, da sta v pravokotni ploskvi (1a) nosilca (1) dve luknji (1i) za vijaka, s katerima se pripomoček pritrdi na steno, da je nosilec (1) preko robov (1b in 1c) z nastavkoma (1f in 1g) združen z nosilcem (3) tube, da je nosilec (3) približno polkrožne oblike z elipsasto luknjo (3a) in je pravokoten na nosilec (1), da je v utora (1d in 1e), ki sta vzporedna, je nameščena lopatka (4) za potiskanje vsebine tube, da ima lopatka (4) držalo (4a) v obliki kratkega valja, ki ima na sredini ročko (4b) s potisno ploščico (4c), v kateri je vrtljiv valjček (4d), da je ročka (4b) lopatke (4) rahlo zakrivljena, kar omogoča enostavno potiskanje lopatke, da valjček (4d) omogoča popolno stiskanje mase iz tube do zadnjega dela proti vratu tube.1. A tube extrusion device has parallel grooves at the edges of the tube carrier, along which a blade slides with two of its tube guides for pushing the tube contents, the neck of which is mounted in the tile opening at the bottom of the tube, and characterized in that the tube neck place in the oval hole (3a) of the support (1) of the tube that the support (1) of the tube has an internal flat surface (1a) terminated by edges (1b and 1c), in which the grooves (1d and 1e) are located, so that bracket (1) on an oblique stand (2) in a wedge-shaped manner that there are two holes (1i) in the rectangular surface (1a) of the bracket (1i) for screws that secure the accessory to the wall so that the bracket (1) is over the edges ( 1b and 1c) by means of fittings (1f and 1g) joined to a tube support (3) such that the support (3) is approximately semicircular in shape with an ellipse hole (3a) and is perpendicular to the support (1) to be in the grooves (1d and 1e) in parallel, a blade (4) is mounted to push the contents of the tube so that the blade (4) has a holder (4a) in the form of a short cylinder having a handle (4b in the middle) ) with a pusher plate (4c) in which the roller (4d) is rotated so that the handle (4b) of the blade (4) is slightly curved, making it easy to push the blade to allow the roller (4d) to completely compress the mass from the tube to the rear against the neck of the tube. 2. Pripomoček za iztiskanje vsebine iz tube je značilen po tem, da ima nosilec (5) tube notranjo ravno ploskev (5a), ki je zaključena z robovi (5b in 5c), v katerih sta utora (5d in 5e), da je nosilec (5) na poševnem stojalu (6) klinaste oblike, da sta v pravokotni ploskvi (5a) nosilca (5) dve luknji (5i) za vijaka, s katerima se pripomoček pritrdi na steno, da je nosilec (5) preko robov (5b in 5c) z nastavkoma (5f in 5g) združen z nosilcem (7) tube, da je nosilec (7) približno polkrožne oblike z elipsasto luknjo (7a) in je pravokoten na nosilec (5), da je v utora (5d in 5e), ki sta vzporedna, nameščena lopatka (8) za potiskanje vsebine tube, da ima lopatka (8) držalo (8a) v obliki kratkega valja na sredini ročko (8b) s potisno ploščico (8c), ki je ploščate oblike z zožanim delom (8d), da je del (8d) lopatke (8) rahlo zapognjen navzgor, da je ročka (8b) lopatke (8) rahlo zakrivljena, kar omogoča enostavno potiskanje lopatke.2. A tube extrusion device characterized in that the tube support (5) has an internally planar surface (5a) terminated by edges (5b and 5c) having grooves (5d and 5e), such that a carrier (5) on an oblique stand (6) in a wedge-shaped manner such that there are two holes (5i) for screws in the rectangular surface (5a) of the carrier (5) that secure the accessory to the wall so that the carrier (5) is over the edges ( 5b and 5c) by means of fittings (5f and 5g) joined to a tube support (7) such that the support (7) is approximately semicircular in shape with an ellipse hole (7a) and is perpendicular to the support (5) to be in the grooves (5d and 5e), in parallel, a shovel (8) is mounted to push the contents of the tube so that the shovel (8) has a short-roll holder (8a) in the middle of a handle (8b) with a pusher plate (8c) which is flat in shape with a tapered in part (8d) that the part (8d) of the blade (8) is slightly bent upwards, that the handle (8b) of the blade (8) is slightly curved, allowing the blade to be pushed easily. 3. Pripomoček za iztiskanje vsebine iz tube, je značilen po tem, da ima nosilec (9) tube notranjo ravno ploskev (9a), ki je zaključena z robovi (9b in 9c), v katerih sta utora (9d in 9e), da je nosilec (9) preko robov (9b in 9c) z nastavkoma (9f in 9g) združen z nosilcem (10) tube, da je nosilec (10) približno polkrožne oblike z elipsasto luknjo (10a) in je pravokoten na nosilec (9), da je v utora (9d in 9e), ki sta vzporedna, nameščena lopatka (11) za potiskanje vsebine tube, da ima lopatka (11) ročko (11 a) v obliki pravokotnika, ki je zaključen s polkrožnim delom (11 b), da je del (11 b) rahlo izbočen navzven, kar omogoča dober prijem pri potiskanju lopatke (11), ki ima na drugi strani ročke (11 a) potisno ploščico (11 c), ki je ploščate oblike z zožanim delom (11d), da je pripomoček namenjen postavitvi na odlagalni prostor ali mizo pri uporabi in postavitvi v omaro ali hladilnik.3. A device for extruding contents from a tube, characterized in that the tube support (9) has an internally flat face (9a) terminated by edges (9b and 9c) having grooves (9d and 9e) such that the bracket (9) is connected to the bracket (10) by the edges (9b and 9c) with the nozzles (9f and 9g) so that the bracket (10) is approximately semicircular in shape with an ellipse hole (10a) and perpendicular to the bracket (9) , that in the grooves (9d and 9e) which are parallel, there is a shovel (11) for pushing the contents of the tube, that the shovel (11) has a handle (11a) in the form of a rectangle terminated by a semicircular part (11b) , that the part (11 b) is slightly convex outwardly, which allows a good grip when pushing a shovel (11) having a pusher plate (11 c) on the other side of the handle (11 c) which is flat in shape with a narrowed part (11d) that the device is intended to be placed in a storage compartment or table when used and placed in a cabinet or refrigerator. 4. Pripomoček za iztiskanje vsebine iz tube, je značilen po tem, da ima nosilec (12) tube notranjo ravno ploskev (12a), ki je zaključena z robovi (12b in 12c), v katerih sta utora (12d in 12e), da je v nosilec (12) preko robov (12b in 12c) z nastavkoma (12f in 12g) združen z nosilcem (13) tube, da je nosilec (13) pravokotne oblike z zaobljenimi robovi in z elipsasto luknjo (13a), da je nosilec (13) pravokoten na nosilec (12), ki ima na drugi strani nosilec (14) z luknjo (14a) za tubo, da je na vrhu nosilca (12) okrogla luknja (121) za obešanje, da je druga stran nosilca (12) zaključena z robovi (12h in 12k), v katerih sta utora (12i in 12j), da je nosilec (12) preko robov (12b in 12c) z nastavkoma (12f in 12g) združen z nosilcem (13) tube, da sta v utora (12d in 12e) in utora (12i in 12j) nameščeni lopatki za potiskanje vsebine tube.4. A tube extrusion device, characterized in that the tube support (12) has an internally flat face (12a) terminated by edges (12b and 12c) having grooves (12d and 12e) such that is connected to the bracket (12) through the edges (12b and 12c) by means of nozzles (12f and 12g) with the bracket (13) of the tube, that the bracket (13) is rectangular in shape with rounded edges and with an ellipse hole (13a) that the bracket is (13) perpendicular to the bracket (12) having on the other side a bracket (14) with a hole (14a) for the tube to hold a circular hole (121) at the top of the bracket (121) for hanging the other side of the bracket (12) ) terminated by edges (12h and 12k) in which the grooves (12i and 12j) are connected to the bracket (12b and 12c) by means of nozzles (12f and 12g) through the brackets (12f and 12g), so that they are blades are installed in the grooves (12d and 12e) and grooves (12i and 12j) to push the contents of the tube. 5. Pripomoček za iztiskanje vsebine iz tube po zahtevku 1 je značilen po tem, da je nosilec tube (3) lahko oblikovan kot oval, pravokotnik, trikotnik, trapez ali kakšen drug lik.The tube extruder according to claim 1, characterized in that the tube carrier (3) can be shaped as an oval, rectangle, triangle, trapezoid or other shape. 6. Pripomoček za iztiskanje vsebine iz tube po zahtevku 2 je značilen po tem, je nosilec tube (7) lahko oblikovan kot oval, pravokotnik, trikotnik, trapez ali kakšen drug lik z zaobljenimi robov.6. The tube extruder according to claim 2, characterized in that the tube carrier (7) can be shaped as an oval, a rectangle, a triangle, a trapezoid, or some other shape with rounded edges. 7. Pripomoček za iztiskanje vsebine iz tube po zahtevku 3 značilen po tem, da je nosilec tube (10) lahko oblikovan kot oval, pravokotnik, trikotnik, trapez ali kakšen drug lik z zaobljenimi robovi.7. The tube extruder according to claim 3, characterized in that the tube carrier (10) can be shaped as an oval, rectangle, triangle, trapezoid or other rounded edge character. 5 8. Pripomoček za iztiskanje vsebine iz tube po zahtevkih 1 do 7 značilen po tem, da je tubo v nosilcu možno iztiskati tudi s prstom.8. The tube extruder according to claims 1 to 7, characterized in that the tube in the carrier can also be extruded with the finger.
SI200800140A 2008-05-31 2008-05-31 Device for squeezing contents out of a tube SI22793A (en)

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SI200800140A SI22793A (en) 2008-05-31 2008-05-31 Device for squeezing contents out of a tube
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