SI22496A - Road vehicle parking lot - Google Patents

Road vehicle parking lot Download PDF


Publication number
SI22496A SI200700047A SI200700047A SI22496A SI 22496 A SI22496 A SI 22496A SI 200700047 A SI200700047 A SI 200700047A SI 200700047 A SI200700047 A SI 200700047A SI 22496 A SI22496 A SI 22496A
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Avgust Seniva
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Senica Avgust
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Application filed by Senica Avgust filed Critical Senica Avgust
Priority to SI200700047A priority Critical patent/SI22496A/en
Publication of SI22496A publication Critical patent/SI22496A/en



  • Traffic Control Systems (AREA)


The road vehicle parking lot is based on at least one parking level (1), but also several parking levels (1) which are mutually superpositioned or located on several vertical levels (floors) or at the same level, even displaced, while being interconnected by surface or underground driveways (7), while additionally they feature at least one reception location (3), parking areas (4), at least one remote space (5) and a control assembly (6) as well as transportation means (2) for the transportation of vehicles scheduled for parking. Typical of the parking lot according to the invention is that it is designed in such a way that the transportation of vehicles (A) from the reception location (3) to the parking area (3) and back to the return location (5) is provided by way of a transportation mean (2) without the presence of a person and that the parking of the vehicle (A) is provided at the parking area (4) along with the transportation mean (2) or simply by its removable platform (23). The complete procedure is controlled by a control assembly (6).



Predmet izumaThe subject of the invention

Predmet izuma je parkirišče cestnih vozil in sicer tako pokritih, npr. garažnih hiš, kot odprtih.The subject of the invention is the parking of road vehicles and thus covered, e.g. garage houses as open.

Tehnični problemA technical problem

Tehnični problem, ki ga rešuje izum je, kako zasnovati tako parkirišče, ki bo zaradi splošnega pomanjkanja parkirišč, omogočalo znatno večji izkoristek tlorisne površine, ki je na voljo za parkiranje, pri čemer naj bo izum uporaben tako pri novogradnjah, kot tudi pri adaptacijah obstoječih parkiriščih, pri čemer bo omogočal načrtovalcem parkirišča veliko možnosti za posamične namenske prireditve pri vsakem posameznem izvedbenem primeru in naj bo tudi dodaten strošek za posamezne sklope parkirišča po izumu cenovno upravičen. Naslednji namen izuma je v tem, da naj bo potreben čas, ki ga potrebuje voznik za oddajo vozila in kasneje za sprejem le-tega, krajši od časa, ki ga sedaj porabi za isto opravilo na znanih plačljivih parkiriščih.The technical problem solved by the invention is how to design such a parking lot, which, due to the general lack of parking lots, will allow significantly greater utilization of the floor space available for parking, with the invention being applicable both for new buildings and for the renovation of existing ones This will allow parking lot designers a great deal of opportunity for individual dedicated events in each individual case and should also be an additional cost for the individual lots of the parking lot according to the invention. Another object of the invention is that the time it takes for a driver to rent a vehicle and later to receive it should be shorter than the time it now spends on the same job in known pay parking lots.

Znano stanje tehnikeThe prior art

Obstaja precej parkirišč, ki imajo večjo kapaciteto parkirnih mest na tlorisno površinsko enoto glede na običajna parkirišča z določenimi parkirnimi mesti standardnih velikosti.There are quite a few parking lots that have a larger capacity of parking spaces per floor area unit than normal parking lots with standard sized parking spaces.

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Osnovno izhodišče za povečanje kapacitete parkirnih mest je v tem, da so parkirana vozila razporejena drug ob drugem bliže, kot pri običajnih parkiriščih, kjer je predviden prostor okoli vozila za dostop voznika, potnikov in za odpiranje vrat.The basic starting point for increasing the capacity of parking spaces is that the parked vehicles are positioned side by side closer than in normal parking lots, where space is provided around the vehicle for access by the driver, passengers and for opening the door.

Različni izumu zato rešujejo problem, s čim in kako nadomestiti manjkajoči prostor ob ohranitvi potreb voznika in potnikov.Various inventions therefore solve the problem of how and how to replace the missing space while maintaining the needs of the driver and passengers.

Tako poznamo razna večnadstropna parkirišča, pri katerem so vozila parkirana v navpično premičnih regalih. Dostop do posameznega vozila je možen samo v eni etaži, kjer je predviden večji prostor okoli vozila, v drugih etažah pa je zaradi varčevanja s prostorom dostop onemogočen. Pomanjkljivost te rešitve je, da potrebuje veliko prostora v vertikalni smeri, kar ni zmeraj na voljo, prav tako je možnost za dogradnjo ali adaptacijo obstoječih parkirišč zelo omejena.This is how we know the various multi-storey car parks where vehicles are parked in vertically movable racks. Access to an individual vehicle is only possible on one floor, where larger space around the vehicle is foreseen, and access to the other floors prevents access to space. The disadvantage of this solution is that it requires a lot of space in the vertical direction, which is not always available, and the possibility of upgrading or renovating existing parking lots is very limited.

Ni potrebno posebej izpostavljati perečega problema parkirišč tako z vidika razpoložljivih lokacij, kot tudi s cenovnega vidika. Zato obstaja velika potreba po rešitvi, ki bo nudila večje število posameznih parkirnih mest na določeniNeedless to say, the pressing problem of parking is both in terms of available locations and in terms of price. Therefore, there is a great need for a solution that will provide a greater number of individual parking spaces in a designated area

Rešitev tehničnega problemaThe solution to a technical problem

Opisani tehnični problem je rešen s parkiriščem po izumu, katerega značilnost je v tem, da je vsako vozilo parkirano na samostojnem vozičku, katerega tlorisna velikost je prilagodljiva velikosti posameznega vozila, pri čemer je voziček samovozen in daljinsko krmiljen tako, da se potem, ko je na njem parkirano vozilo na mestu, kije v ta namen prirejeno, samodejno z računalniškim vodenjem prepelje na predvideno parkirno mesto tako, da so vozila razporejena tik drug ob drugem in v primeru možnosti tudi zelo blizu drug nad drugim. Računalniško krmiljeni vozički so razporejeni po parkirnih površinah tako, da so vozne poti optimizirane za vozičke, katerih kolesa omogočajo vožnjo v vzdolžni smeriThe technical problem described is solved by a parking lot according to the invention, characterized in that each vehicle is parked in a stand-alone trolley, the floor size of which is adjustable to the size of an individual vehicle, whereby the trolley is self-driving and remotely controlled so that when the vehicle parked thereon is automatically transported to the intended parking space by computerized control so that the vehicles are arranged side by side and, if possible, very close to each other. Computer-controlled trolleys are arranged on parking surfaces so that the driveways are optimized for trolleys whose wheels allow them to travel longitudinally

34131.doc/III-06/Vr vozičkov, zavijanje po zelo majhnih krožnicah, kot tudi kotni premik z zasuki koles na mestu. S tem je skupna površina, ki ni uporabljena neposredno za parkiranje minimalna. Pri isti skupni parkirni površini je doseženo približno 2050% povečano število parkirnih mest.34131.doc / III-06 / Vr carts, turn in very small circles, as well as angular displacement with wheels in place. This minimizes the total area not directly used for parking. With the same total parking area, an estimated 2050% increase in the number of parking spaces is achieved.

Naslednja prednost parkirišča po izumu je v tem, da zaradi izključitve vožnje vozil v tovrstnem zaprtem parkirišču z motorjem v vozilu ni potrebna investicijsko in vzdrževalno draga prezračevalna naprava. Zadostuje le naravno prezračevanje. V pokritem parkirišču po izumu razen tega, da se ne uporablja motor v vozilu, tudi praviloma niso prisotni vozniki oziroma uporabniki vozila. Osebje parkirišča se pojavi v parkirnem prostoru samo pri morebitnih okvarah transportnega vozička ali med rednim vzdrževanjem.Another advantage of a parking lot according to the invention is that in order to exclude the driving of vehicles in such a closed parking lot with a motor vehicle there is no need for an investment and maintenance expensive ventilation device. Only natural ventilation is sufficient. In the covered parking lot according to the invention, except that the engine is not used in the vehicle, drivers or users of the vehicle are generally not present. Parking staff will only appear in the parking lot in the event of a defective transport trolley or during regular maintenance.

Ker je dovoz in odvoz vsakega vozila predviden samo z namenskim transportnim sredstvom (vozičkom), ki je predviden, da ima zelo majhen rajdni krog, prednostno pa se suka okoli svoje navpične osi, niso za prevoz med etažami parkirišča potrebne klančine, ki zavzemajo veliko tlorisne površine, ampak je v ta namen lahko uporabljeno dvigalo, ki zavzame bistveno manjšo tlorisno površino parkirišča.As each vehicle is only accessible and transported by a dedicated vehicle (trolley), which is intended to have a very small circular circle and preferably rotates about its vertical axis, ramps that occupy a large floor plan are not required for transport between the floors of the parking lot. but for this purpose a lift may be used which occupies a substantially smaller floor area of the parking lot.

Ker se s povečanjem parkirnih mest poveča približno za toliko tudi prihodek od parkirnine, je parkirišče po izumu finančno upravičena investicija v izvedbo takega parkiriščaAs parking spaces increase by as much as the parking fee increases, the parking lot according to the invention is a financially justified investment in the construction of such a parking lot.

Iz povedanega bistva izuma, daje prevoz vozil znotraj parkirišča predviden samo s pomočjo namenskih transportnih sredstev, je možno urediti dislocirana parkirna polja in oddajno oziroma sprejemno polje za vozila s tem, da so ta polja med seboj povezana s potmi, tudi podzemnimi tuneli, zasnovanimi samo za prevoz predmetov brez osebja. Zato je gradnja takih tunelov cenovno ugodna.From the stated essence of the invention, that the transport of vehicles inside the parking lot is foreseen only by means of dedicated means of transportation, it is possible to arrange dislocated parking fields and the transmitter or receiver field for vehicles, in that these fields are interconnected with paths, including underground tunnels designed only to transport items without personnel. Therefore, the construction of such tunnels is affordable.

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Podrobneje je izum pojasnjen na osnovi opisa izvedbenega primera in risb, na katerih kaže sl. 1 shemo parkirišča po izumu v tlorisu, sl. 2 transportno sredstvo parkiranih vozil po prvem izvedbenem primeru in v tlorisu, sl. 3 parkirišče po izumu po drugem in tretjem izvedbenem primeru; in sl. 4 stranski pogled transportnega sredstva po drugem izvedbenem primeru.The invention is explained in more detail based on the description of the embodiment and the drawings in which FIG. 1 is a plan view of the parking lot according to the invention in FIG. 2 is a vehicle of parked vehicles according to the first embodiment and in the plan, FIG. 3 is a parking lot according to the invention according to the second and third embodiment; and FIG. 4 is a side view of the vehicle according to another embodiment.

Prvi izvedbeni primerThe first embodiment

Parkirišče cestnih vozil je zasnovano iz vsaj ene parkirne ploščadi 1, vsaj enega transportnega sredstva 2 za prevoz cestnih vozil od sprejemnega mesta 3 do polja 4 za parkiranje in nazaj do oddajnega mesta 5 vozila , ter krmilnega sklopa 6, ki krmili ves postopek od sprejemanja cestnih vozil, prevoza teh vozil na posamezna parkirna polja in nazaj do oddajnega mesta 5, pri čemer sklop 6 tudi optimira razvrstitev parkiranja vozil na ploščadi 1, priredi transportno sredstvo 2 vsakokratnemu vozilu in še druge podrobnosti.Road vehicle parking is designed from at least one parking platform 1, at least one transport vehicle 2 for the transport of road vehicles from the receiving point 3 to the field 4 for parking and back to the vehicle transmitting point 5, and a control unit 6 that controls the entire process from receiving the road vehicles vehicles, transporting these vehicles to individual parking areas and back to the transmitter 5, with assembly 6 also optimizing the parking ranking of the vehicles on ramp 1, arranging the vehicle 2 for each vehicle and other details.

Parkirna ploščad 1 je vsako polje, ki je predvideno za parkiranje cestnih vozil. Izum vključuje tudi več ploščadi 1, ki so med seboj razporejene ali v več navpičnih nivojih (nadstropjih), ali v istem nivoju, tudi dislocirano, pri čemer so med seboj povezane s potmi 7 nadzemno ali podzemno, tudi npr. s tuneli. Parkirna ploščad 1 je lahko zasnovana na prostem, prednostno pa v zaprtem prostoru, zlasti v namensko grajenem zaprtem, tudi večetažnem zaprtem prostoru.Parking platform 1 is any field intended for the parking of road vehicles. The invention also includes multiple platforms 1 arranged in relation to each other or in several vertical levels (floors) or at the same level, also dislocated, being interconnected with routes 7 above or below ground, including e.g. with tunnels. Parking platform 1 may be designed outdoors, preferably indoors, especially in a purpose-built closed, also multi-storey, enclosed space.

V vsaki ploščadi 1 in na poteh 7 so nameščena tipala 8 za določanje točne vsakokratne pozicije transportnega sredstva 2, pri čemer se informacije tipal 8 prenašajo žično ali brezžično v sklop 6 za krmiljenje vsega postopka, med drugim tudi za vodenje vsakega transportnega sredstva 2 po ploščadi 1 in poteh 7. TipalaSensors 8 are installed in each platform 1 and routes 7 to determine the exact position of the vehicle 2, whereby the information of the sensors 8 is transmitted wired or wirelessly to the assembly 6 to control the entire process, including for guiding each vehicle 2 across the platform 1 and routes 7. Sensors

34131.doc/lll-06/Vr so poljubna znana sredstva, ki ustrezajo izbrani tehnološki rešitvi sklopa 6 za krmiljenje, ki je tudi znane vrste. Tudi položaj vsakega tipala 8 je znan krmilnemu sklopu 6.34131.doc / yy-06 / Vr are arbitrary known means that correspond to the chosen technological solution of the control circuit 6, which is also of a known type. The position of each sensor 8 is also known to the control assembly 6.

Ploščad 1 vključuje sprejemno polje 3, to je polje, na katerega uporabnik pripelje vozilo A. Sprejemno polje 3 je izvedeno tako, da omogoča navoz vozila A na transportno sredstvo 2. Prednostno je navoz vozila A na sredstvo 2 predvideno z rampo 9, s katero sta izravnani ravnini dovoza v sprejemno polje 3 in plošče transportnega sredstva 2. V sprejemnem polju 3 in sicer v okolici lege transportnega sredstva 2, ko je predvideno za navoz vozila A nanj se nahaja več tipal 8 za posredovanje podatkov o velikosti vozila A na sredstvu 2 krmilnemu sklopu 6 za prireditev transportnega sredstva 2 vsakokratni velikosti vozila A, kar bo pojasnjeno kasneje.Platform 1 includes a receiving box 3, that is, a field to which the user attaches vehicle A. The receiving field 3 is designed to allow vehicle A to be transported to vehicle 2. Preferably, vehicle A to vehicle 2 is provided with a ramp 9, by which the planes of the driveway to the receiving box 3 and the plates of the vehicle 2 are offset. In the receiving box 3, in the vicinity of the position of the vehicle 2, when it is intended for the transport of vehicle A, there are several sensors 8 therein for transmitting data on the size of vehicle A on the vehicle 2 control assembly 6 to accommodate vehicle 2 of each vehicle size A, which will be explained later.

Nadalje vsebuje ploščad 1 tudi oddajno polje 5, to je polje, kjer parkirišče odda vozniku do tedaj parkirano vozilo A. Po zasnovi je oddajno polje 5 enako sprejemnemu polju 3.Further, platform 1 also includes transmitter box 5, which is the field where the parking lot gives to the driver a previously parked vehicle A. By design, transmitter box 5 equals the receiving box 3.

Obe polji 3 in 5 sta lahko urejeni eno ob drugem, nadalje v odmiku, lahko pa deluje eno polje v smislu obeh. Zasnova obeh polj 3 in 5 je odvisna od velikosti parkirišča po izumu in arhitektonske zamisli celega objekta, ki naj ustreza uporabniškemu konceptu vsakokratnega parkirišča. Razumljivo je, da je lahko tudi več polj 3 in 5 in da so lahko na različnih lokacijah.Both boxes 3 and 5 can be arranged side by side, further apart, but one box can operate in terms of both. The design of both boxes 3 and 5 depends on the size of the parking lot according to the invention and the architectural design of the whole building, which should correspond to the user concept of the respective parking lot. It is understandable that there may also be multiple boxes 3 and 5 and may be in different locations.

Transportno sredstvo 2 je zasnovano kot voziček z lastnim pogonom, prednostno elektromotornim ali na stisnjen plin. Zlasti pri zaprtih parkiriščih je ključnega pomena, da transportno sredstvo 2 ne onesnažuje okolice, s čimer je izključena potreba po prisilnem prezračevanju parkirnega prostora. Odsotnost prezračevalnih naprav zmanjšuje investicijske in vzdrževalne stroške parkiriščaVehicle 2 is designed as a self-propelled trolley, preferably electromotor or compressed gas. Particularly in closed car parks, it is crucial that transport 2 does not pollute the environment, thus eliminating the need for forced ventilation of the parking space. The absence of ventilation facilities reduces the investment and maintenance costs of the parking lot

34131.doc/lll-06/Vr po izumu. Pri adaptaciji obstoječih parkirišč na način, kot ga predlaga izum, pa se z odpravo prezračevanja poveča uporabni prostor, torej se poveča število parkirnih polj.34131.doc / yy-06 / Vr according to the invention. When renovating existing parking lots in the manner proposed by the invention, the elimination of ventilation increases the usable space, thus increasing the number of parking areas.

Transportno sredstvo 2 je izvedeno kot šasija 10 z dvema navoznima pasovoma 11, ki potekata med seboj vzporedno v takem medsebojnem razmiku in imata vsak tako širino, da pokrivata vse kolotečne širine vozil, za katere je predvideno vsakokratno parkirišče, npr. za osebna vozila. Nadalje je transportno sredstvo 2 opremljeno s tremi ali štirimi kolesi 12, od katerih je vsaj eno gnano s pogonom 13, ki ne onesnažuje okolice, npr. z elektromotornim pogonom ali na stisnjen plin. Kolesa 12 so nadalje opremljena z aktuatoiji 14, ki sukajo posamezno kolo 12 v osi, ki leži pravokotno na podlago tako, da omogočajo med drugim tudi zasuk celega transportnega sredstva 2 za polni krog okoli svojega središča. Krmiljenje vrtenja (zaradi pomikanja sredstva 2) in sukanja (zaradi zavijanja sredstva 2) koles 12 je predvideno s krmilnim sklopom 6 in sicer prednostno brezžično.Vehicle 2 is designed as a chassis 10 with two known lanes 11 running parallel to each other at such a spacing and each having a width that covers all the track widths of the vehicles for which each parking lot is intended, e.g. for passenger cars. Further, transport vehicle 2 is provided with three or four wheels 12, at least one of which is driven by a non-polluting drive 13, e.g. electrically driven or compressed gas. The wheels 12 are further provided with actuators 14 which rotate the individual wheel 12 in an axis perpendicular to the base so as to enable, inter alia, the rotation of the entire full circle vehicle 2 around its center. The control of rotation (due to the displacement of the means 2) and the rotation (due to the rotation of the means 2) of the wheels 12 is provided with the control unit 6, preferably wireless.

Nadalje je na transportnem sredstvu 2 predviden element 15 za fiksiranje vozila na njem. Element 15 je zasnovan iz prislona 16 za vsaj eno kolo B vozila A in iz fiksimega elementa 17, ki prepreči pomik kolesa B, potem ko je bilo prislonjeno na prislon 16, v nasprotno smer. Fiksimi element 17 je zasnovan tako, daje med navozom ali odvozom vozila A na oziroma s transportnega sredstva 2 odmaknjeno z navoznega pasu 11, da omogoči vožnjo vozila A. Fiksimi element 17 je prednostno izveden tako, da se pri odmiku pogrezne v navozni pas 11, lahko pa se tudi odmakne prečno na navozni pas 11. Premik oziroma zasuk fiksimega elementa 17 je zasnovan z aktuatorjem 18, prednostno z elektromotorjem ali motorjem na stisnjen plin, pri čemer je ta aktuator 18 tudi vključen v mrežo aktuatoijev, kijih krmili krmilni skop 6.Further, on vehicle 2, an element 15 is provided for fixing the vehicle thereon. The element 15 is designed from the stop 16 for at least one wheel B of vehicle A and from the fixed element 17, which prevents the wheel B from moving after it has been restrained on the stop 16 in the opposite direction. The fixing element 17 is designed to move away from the lane 11 during loading or transporting vehicle A to or from the vehicle 2 to allow vehicle A to travel. The fixing element 17 is preferably configured to slide into the lane 11 when moving away, it may also move transversely to the inline lane 11. The movement or rotation of the fixed element 17 is designed with an actuator 18, preferably an electric motor or a compressed gas engine, this actuator 18 also being included in a network of actuators controlled by the steering assembly 6.

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Transportno sredstvo 2 je nadalje opremljeno z nastavljivimi odbijači 19, ki potekajo na vseh stranicah sredstva 2 in morebiti tudi na vogalih. Odbijači 19 so opremljeni z aktuatorji 20, ki premikajo odbijače 19 v navidezni ravnini, ki poteka približno vzporedno z ravnino ploščadi 1.Vehicle 2 is further provided with adjustable bumpers 19 extending on all sides of means 2 and possibly at corners. The bumpers 19 are provided with actuators 20 that move the bumpers 19 in a virtual plane that runs approximately parallel to the plane of the platform 1.

Krmiljenje premikanja odbijačev 19 je predvideno preko aktuatorjev 20 in sicer s krmilnim sklopom 6, pri čemer krmilni sklop 6 na osnovi podatkov tipal 8 s sprejemnega mesta 3 o velikosti vozila A in njegovemu previsu preko šasije 10 določi lego vsakega odbijača 19 posebej in sicer tako, noben del vozila A ne moli preko kateregakoli nastavljenega odbijača 19. S tem je vozilo A zavarovano, da se tudi pri morebitnem trku dveh ali več sredstev 2 ali pa pri stiku sredstva 2 s katerimkoli predmetom v okolici, pojavi samo stik vsaj enega odbijača 19 z okoliškim predmetom, medtem ko ostane vozilo A na sredstvu 2 zunaj območja tega stika.The control of the movement of the bumpers 19 is provided through actuators 20 by means of a control unit 6, whereby the control unit 6 determines the position of each bumper 19 separately on the basis of the sensor data 8 from the receiving position 3 about the size of the vehicle A and its overhang over the chassis 10. no part of vehicle A prays over any bumper set 19. This prevents vehicle A from contacting at least one bumper 19 with any collision of two or more means 2 or when contacting means 2 with any object in the vicinity. to surrounding objects, while vehicle A on medium 2 remains outside the range of this contact.

Na transportnih sredstvih 2 se nahajajo tudi transponderji 21, ki nudijo take podatke tipalom 8, da lahko krmilni sklop 6 določi v vsakem trenutku položaj, usmerjenost in hitrost vsakega transportnega sredstva 2 posebej.Vehicles 2 also include transponders 21 which provide such information to sensors 8 that the control unit 6 can determine at any time the position, orientation and speed of each vehicle 2 separately.

Nadalje se na vsakem transportnem sredstvu 2 nahaja komunikacijska enota 22 za dvosmerno povezavo, prednostno brezžično, med vsakokratnim sredstvom 2 in krmilnim sklopom 6.Further, on each vehicle 2 there is a communication unit 22 for a two-way connection, preferably wireless, between the respective means 2 and the control unit 6.

Parkirišče po prvem izvedbenem primeru deluje tako, da dostavi voznik svoje vozilo A do oddajnega polja 5 in sicer na rampo 9, kjer ga zapelje po dovoljenju osebja parkirišča oziroma krmilnega sklopa 6 na transportno sredstvo 2 in nato naThe parking lot according to the first embodiment works by delivering the driver of his vehicle A to the transmitter box 5, on the ramp 9, where it is driven by the permission of the parking lot staff or the control unit 6 to the transport vehicle 2 and then to

34131 .doc/lll-06/Vr transportno sredstvo 2 tako, da s kolesi vozi po navoznih pasovih 11 dokler se vsaj z enim prednjim kolesom 12 ne dotakne prislona 16. Nato voznik ugasne motor, zaklene vozilo in ga zapusti. Sledi postopek, ki ga v celoti samodejno vodi krmilni sklop 6: fiksiranje vozila A s sredstvom 15 za fiksiranje; nato pomik odbijačev 19 na položaje, znotraj katerih se nahaja vse vozilo A; naslednji korak je odvoz transportnega sredstva 2 na parkirno mesto, ki ga predvidi in določi krmilni sklop 6. Za to določitev upošteva krmilni sklop 6 med drugim tudi velikost vozila in predvideni čas parkiranja, kot ga sporoči voznik ob prijavi parkiranja. Izdani parkirni listek tudi vsebuje te podatke. Vendar izdajanje parkirnih listkov ali istonamenskih drugačnih potrdil ni predmet tega izuma. V pošev pride npr. vključitev mobilnega telefona.34131 .doc / yy-06 / Vr Transport Vehicle 2 by driving the wheels through the lane 11 until at least one front wheel 12 touches the stop 16. The driver then switches off the engine, locks the vehicle and leaves it. The following is a process that is entirely automatically guided by control unit 6: the fixation of vehicle A by means of fixing means 15; then moving bumpers 19 to positions within which all vehicle A is located; the next step is the removal of vehicle 2 to a parking space provided and determined by control unit 6. For this determination, control unit 6 takes into account, inter alia, the size of the vehicle and the estimated parking time, as reported by the driver when registering for parking. The issued parking ticket also contains this information. However, issuing parking tickets or other endorsements of the same nature is not the subject of this invention. For example, it comes into the slant. turn on your mobile phone.

Za odvoz vozila A je predviden prvi korak, t.j. zahtevek voznika. Ta zahtevek je lahko vložen neposredno na oddajnem polju 5, lahko pa tudi predčasno preko mobilnega telefona govorno ali preko SMS sporočila, elektronske pošte, ipd. Krmilni sklop 6 najde iskano vozilo na parkirnem polju in nato ukazuje transportnemu sredstvu dovoz na oddajno polje natančno do rampe 9. Tam prevzame voznik svoje vozilo A.The first step is foreseen for the removal of vehicle A, i.e. driver request. This request can be made directly on broadcast box 5, or it may be prematurely via mobile phone by voice or SMS, e-mail, etc. Steering unit 6 locates the vehicle sought in the parking field and then commands the vehicle to drive to the transmitter field exactly to ramp 9. There, the driver picks up his vehicle A.

Za parkirišče po tej izvedbi je torej potrebo imeti z vsako parkirno polje la svoje transportno sredstvo. Glede na tipala 8 je lahko celotna parkirna ploščad 1 optimalno izrabljena za parkiranje različno velikih vozil, kar upošteva krmilni sklop 6.It is therefore necessary for a parking lot according to this embodiment to have its own means of transport with each parking space. According to sensors 8, the entire parking platform 1 can be optimally used for parking of differently sized vehicles, which takes into account control unit 6.

Drugi izvedbeni primerAnother embodiment

Pri drugem izvedbenem primeru je glede na opisani prvi izvedbeni primer zasnovana sprememba na transportnih sredstvih in posameznih parkirnih poljih.In the second embodiment, according to the first embodiment described, a change is made to the means of transport and individual parking fields.

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Transportno sredstvo 2a po drugem izvedbenem primeru vsebuje na šasiji 10, ki sicer vključuje tudi kolesa 12 s pogonom 13 in odbijače 19 z vsemi pripadajočimi deli, tudi odstranljivo ploščad 23 z navoznima pasovoma 11 za vozilo A, vsaj enim prislonom 13 in fiksimim elementom 15. Šasija 10 nadalje vsebuje transponderje 21 in komunikacijsko enoto 22 z smiselno enakimi funkcijami, kot so opisane pri prvem izvedbenem primeru za ista sredstva. Na šasiji 10 je nameščen tudi pripomoček 24 za dvig in spust ploščadi 23. Namen pripomočka 24 bo opisan v nadaljevanju.The vehicle 2a according to another embodiment contains on the chassis 10, which also includes wheels 12 with drive 13 and bumpers 19 with all associated parts, also a removable platform 23 with known belts 11 for vehicle A, at least one stop 13 and a fixed element 15. The chassis 10 further comprises transponders 21 and a communication unit 22 with substantially the same functions as described in the first embodiment for the same means. Chassis 10 also includes accessory 24 for raising and lowering the platform 23. The purpose of accessory 24 will be described below.

Ploščad 23 je enaka istonamenski ploščadi po prvem izvedbenem primeru s to dopolnitvijo, da vsebuje vsaj tri, prednostno pa štiri noge 25, ki so prednostno dvižne ali zasukljive zaradi zmanjšanja shranjevalnega volumna ploščadi 23. Zasuk ali dvig nog 25 je zasnovan z aktuatorji 26 znane poljubne vrste in ki jih krmili sklop 6. Na ploščadi 23 se nahaja tudi energetski priključek 26, ki je predviden za povezavo z ustreznim priključkom 27 na sredstvu 2 zato, da so aktuatorji 26 preskrbljeni z energijo.The platform 23 is identical to the same-purpose platform according to the first embodiment with the addition that it contains at least three, preferably four legs 25 which are preferably lifting or rotating due to the reduction of the storage volume of the platform 23. The rotation or lifting of the legs 25 is designed by actuators 26 of known arbitrary types and controlled by assembly 6. On platform 23 there is also an energy connector 26 which is provided for connection to the corresponding connector 27 on the means 2 in order to provide the actuators 26 with energy.

Ploščadi 23 so lahko opremljene s transpondeiji, ki nosijo informacijo o trenutni lokaciji vsakokratne ploščadi 23 in vozilu, ki je parkirano na njej. Lahko pa so ploščadi 23 brez kakršnihkoli transponderje v, ker jih že ima vsako transportno sredstvo 2 in se v tem slučaju podatki o tem, kje je posamezna ploščad 23 odložena na parkirni ploščadi 1 in katero vozilo se nahaja na njej.The platforms 23 may be provided with transponders carrying information about the current location of each platform 23 and the vehicle parked thereon. However, platforms 23 may be transponders without any transponders, since each transport vehicle 2 already has them, in which case information is provided on where the individual platform 23 is stored on the parking platform 1 and which vehicle is on it.

Celotno delovanje parkirišča po drugem izvedbenem primeru je enako opisanemu delovanju ploščadi po prvem izvedbenem primeru s sledečo razliko.The whole operation of the parking lot according to the second embodiment is the same as the operation of the platform after the first embodiment with the following difference.

V drugem izvedbenem primeru je predvidenih manj transportnih sredstev 2, kot je parkirnih polj 4 na parkirni ploščadi 1. S tem se zmanjša investicijska vrednost celotne parkirne ploščadi, se pa lahko v konicah podaljša čas oddaje in sprejemaIn the second embodiment, less means of transport 2 are provided, such as parking boxes 4 on the parking platform 1. This reduces the investment value of the entire parking platform, but may increase the delivery and reception times in peak hours.

34131 .doc/lll-06/Vr vozila. Ploščadi 23, ki so opremljene z nogami 25, se vozijo s transportnimi sredstvi 2 tako prazne kot tudi naložene z vozili.34131 .doc / yy-06 / Vr Vehicles. The platforms 23, which are provided with legs 25, are driven by vehicles 2 empty and loaded with vehicles.

Transportno sredstvo 2 natovori ploščad 23 tako, da je le-ta že predhodno postavljena na nogah 25 s tem, da transportno sredstvo 2 zapelje pod njo. nato se aktivira pripomoček 24 za dvig ploščadi 23 od tal, s čimer je sredstvo 2 skupaj z nameščeno ploščadjo 23 pripravljeno za prevoz do predvidenega parkirnega poljaVehicle 2 loads platform 23 in such a way that it is already pre-positioned on the feet 25 by placing vehicle 2 below it. then, the accessory 24 for raising the platform 23 from the ground is then activated, which means that the means 2 together with the mounted platform 23 is ready for transportation to the intended parking field

4. Prevoz in natančno lociranje sta izvedena s krmilnim sklopom 6 in raznimi tipali 8 , ki sproti nudijo podatke o trenutni legi sredstva 2. Na parkirnem polju 4 sredstvo 2 spusti s pomočjo pripomočka 24 ploščad 23 na svoje noge 25 in transportno sredstvo lahko odpelje izpod ploščadi 23 ter je pripravljeno za naslednji dovoz ali odvoz kateregakoli vozila.4. Transport and precise localization are carried out with the control unit 6 and various sensors 8, which provide information on the current position of the vehicle 2. In the parking field 4, the vehicle 2 is lowered by means of the accessory 24 onto its legs 25 and the vehicle can be driven from below. platform 23 and is ready for the next drive or drop off of any vehicle.

Prednost drugega izvedbenega primera je v zmanjšanju števila transportnih sredstev 2, kar utegne znižati stroške parkirišča, se pa seveda podaljša čas dovoza vozila s parkirnega polja 4 do oddajnega polja 5.The advantage of the second embodiment is to reduce the number of means of transport 2, which may reduce the cost of parking, but of course, extend the vehicle's time from the parking box 4 to the transmission box 5.

Tretji izvedbeni primerA third embodiment

Tretji izvedbeni primer poenostavlja opisana predhodna izvedbena primera zaradi pocenite, vendar na račun zmanjšanja števila parkirnih mest.The third embodiment simplifies the previously described embodiments described because of the inexpensive but at the expense of reducing the number of parking spaces.

Transportno sredstvo 2 vsebuje več velikosti ploščadi 23 za izbrana tlorisna velikostna območja vozil: npr. mala, srednja in velika vozila. V tem smislu so tudi nasloni 25 na ploščadi 1 razporejeni po velikostnih skupinah. Ker so ploščadi izbrane za velikostne skupine vozil, niso potrebi odbijači 19 na šasiji 10, ker že ploščad 23 sama varuje vozilo A zaradi svoje izbrane velikosti.Vehicle 2 contains several platform sizes 23 for selected floor plan sizes of vehicles: e.g. small, medium and large vehicles. In this sense, the supports 25 on platform 1 are also arranged in size groups. Since the platforms are selected for vehicle size groups, the bumpers 19 on the chassis 10 are not required, since platform 23 already protects vehicle A itself because of its selected size.

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Ta izvedba je sicer najcenejša, je pa tudi najmanj prilagodljiva vsakokratnim stanjem parkiranja.Although it is the cheapest, it is also the least adaptable to any parking situation.

Četrti izvedbeni primerFourth embodiment

N četrtem izvedbenem primeru je predvidena izraba parkirne ploščadi v več etažah, če je taka parkirna ploščad 1. V osnovi je privzet drug izvedbeni primer glede transportnega sredstva 2 in ploščadi 23. Novost je tem, da so na parkirni ploščadi 1 predvidena dvo- ali štiri- stebema dvigala 26, ki so po zasnovi podobna avtomehaničarskim tovrstnim dvigalom. Ta dvigala so lahko zasnovana kot dvojna dvigala, od katerih vsako dvigalo deluje na dve sosednji parkirni poljiIn the fourth embodiment, the use of a multi-storey parking platform is provided if such a parking platform is 1. Basically, a second embodiment is provided with respect to vehicle 2 and platform 23. The novelty is that two or four are provided on parking platform 1 - elevator pylons 26, which are similar in design to automotive mechanics of this type. These lifts may be designed as double lifts, each of which lifts to two adjacent parking boxes

4. Dvigala 26 so lahko mehanska na vreteno ali pa hidravlična oz. pnevmatska.4. Elevators 26 may be mechanical to the spindle or hydraulic or hydraulic. pneumatic.

Roke 27 dvigala 26 dosežejo obrobne pasove ploščadi 23 in jo skupaj z vozilom A dvignejo na višji nivo, da je izpod ploščadi dovolj prostora še za naslednje vozilo. Če želimo odpeljati zgornje vozilo, je potrebno najprej umakniti spodnje vozilo, da se sprosti prostor za spust zgornje ploščadi 23, ker jo na mestu spodnjega parkirnega polja 4 že čaka transportno sredstvo 2 za natovarjanje in odvoz na oddajno mesto 5, kjer vozilo prevzame voznik.The arms 27 of the elevator 26 reach the peripheral belts of the platform 23 and, together with vehicle A, raise it to a higher level so that there is sufficient space below the platform for the next vehicle. To remove the upper vehicle, it is necessary to first lower the lower vehicle to release the lower platform lowering space 23, since a transport vehicle 2 is already waiting for it at the location of the lower parking box 4 to be loaded and transported to the transmitter 5, where the vehicle is taken over by the driver.

Za skrajšanje čakalne dobe pri oddaji vozila v parkirišču pri kateremkoli izvedbenem primeru je lahko predvidena predhodna najava oddaje vozila v parkirišču ali pa prevzem parkiranega vozila preko različnih znanih komunikacijskih sredstev: telefon, mobilni telefon, SMS, e-mail, ipd. Tudi napoved voznika pri oddaji vozila o časovnem območju, kdaj bo dvignil parkirano vozilo, lahko precej pripomore k optimizaciji parkiranja, zmanjšanju čakalnih dob pri oddaji in prevzemu vozila, večjemu izkoristku razpoložljive parkirne površine ipd. Cenovne ugodnosti lahko voznike še bolj spodbudijo k pocenitvi parkiranja.In order to shorten the waiting period when renting a vehicle in the parking lot, in any embodiment, a prior announcement of the rental of the vehicle in the parking lot or the acceptance of the parked vehicle by various known means of communication may be provided: telephone, mobile phone, SMS, e-mail, etc. Also, predicting the driver when renting a vehicle about the time when he or she will pick up a parked vehicle can greatly help to optimize parking, reduce waiting times when renting and picking up a vehicle, making more use of available parking space, etc. Affordable amenities can encourage drivers to lower their parking costs.

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Razume se, da strokovnjak s tega področja, ob poznavanju gornjega opisa izuma lahko izvede tudi drugačne izvedbe izuma zlasti kot kombinacije zgoraj opisanih izvedbenih primerov, ne da bi obšel značilnosti tega izuma.It will be appreciated that one of skill in the art may, in the knowledge of the above description of the invention, perform other embodiments of the invention, in particular, as combinations of the embodiments described above without circumventing the features of the present invention.

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Claims (10)

Patentni zahtevkiPatent claims 1. Parkirišče cestnih vozil, ki je zasnovano iz vsaj ene parkirne ploščadi (1), tudi več ploščadi (1), ki so med seboj razporejene ali v več navpičnih nivojih (nadstropjih), ali v istem nivoju, tudi dislocirano, pri čemer so med seboj povezane s potmi (7) nadzemno ali podzemno, nadalje vsaj enega sprejemnega mesta (3), parkirnih polj (4), vsaj enega oddajnega mesta (5) ter krmilnega sklopa (6), ter transportnih sredstev (2), za prevoz vozil, ki so predvidena za parkiranje, označeno s tem, daje zasnovano tako, daje prevoz vozil (A) sprejemnega mesta (3) do parkirnega polja (4) in od njega nazaj do oddajnega mesta (5) predviden s pomočjo transportnega sredstva (2) brez prisojnosti fizične osebe in da je parkiranje vozila (A) predvideno na parkirnem polju (4) skupaj s transportnim sredstvom (2) oziroma samo z njegovo odstranljivo ploščadjo (23).1. Parking of road vehicles consisting of at least one parking platform (1), including several platforms (1) arranged in a row or in several vertical levels (floors) or at the same level, including dislocated, being interconnected with pathways (7) above or below ground, further at least one receiving point (3), parking boxes (4), at least one transmitter point (5) and a control unit (6), and means of transport (2) for transport vehicles intended for parking, characterized in that the transport of the vehicles (A) of the receiving point (3) to the parking field (4) and from it back to the transmitting position (5) is provided by means of a means of transport (2 ) without the authority of the natural person and that the parking of the vehicle (A) is provided in the parking field (4) together with the vehicle (2) or only with its removable platform (23). 2. Parkirišče cestnih vozil po zahtevku 1, označeno s tem, daje sprejemno polje (3) izvedeno z rampo (9), s katero sta izravnani ravnini dovoza v sprejemno polje (3) in navozne ravnine transportnega sredstva (2), pri čemer se v sprejemnem polju (3) in sicer v okolici lege transportnega sredstva (2) nahaja več tipal (8) za posredovanje podatkov o tlorisni velikosti vozila (A) na sredstvu (2) krmilnemu sklopu (6) za prireditev transportnega sredstva (2) vsakokratni tlorisni velikosti vozila (A).Road vehicle parking according to claim 1, characterized in that the receiving box (3) is provided with a ramp (9), by which the planes of the driveway into the receiving box (3) and the inward planes of the vehicle (2) are offset, in the receiving box (3), in the vicinity of the position of the vehicle (2) there are several sensors (8) for transmitting data on the floor plan of the vehicle (A) on the means (2) to the control assembly (6) for the event of the vehicle (2) vehicle floor plan (A). 3. Parkirišče cestnih vozil po zahtevkih 1 in 2, označeno s tem, da so v vsaki ploščadi (1) in na poteh (7) nameščena tipala (8) za določanje točne vsakokratne pozicije transportnega sredstva (2), pri čemer se informacije tipal (8) prenašajo žično ali brezžično v sklop (6) za krmiljenje vsega postopka, med drugim tudi za vodenje vsakega transportnega sredstva (2) po ploščadi (1) in poteh (7).3. Parking of road vehicles according to claims 1 and 2, characterized in that sensors (8) are installed in each platform (1) and on the tracks (7) to determine the exact position of the vehicle (2) at each time, while sensing information (8) are transmitted wired or wirelessly to the assembly (6) to control the whole process, including for guiding each means of transport (2) across the platform (1) and routes (7). 34131.doc/lll-06/Vr34131.doc / yy-06 / Vr 4. Parkirišče cestnih vozil po zahtevkih 1 do 3, označeno s tem, da je oddajno polje (5) po zasnovi enako sprejemnemu polju (3); pri čemer sta polji (3) in (5) lahko urejeni eno ob drugem, v odmiku, lahko pa deluje eno polje v smislu obeh;4. Parking of road vehicles according to claims 1 to 3, characterized in that the transmitter field (5) is, in design, identical to the receiving field (3); wherein the fields (3) and (5) may be arranged side by side, offset, or one field may operate in terms of both; 5. Parkirišče cestnih vozil po zahtevkih 1 do 5, označeno s tem, da je transportno sredstvo (2) izvedeno kot šasija (10) zRoad vehicle parking according to claims 1 to 5, characterized in that the transport vehicle (2) is constructed as a chassis (10) with - dvema navoznima pasovoma (11), ki potekata med seboj vzporedno v takem medsebojnem razmiku in imata vsak tako širino, da pokrivata vse kolotečne širine vozil, za katere je predvideno vsakokratno parkirišče, npr. za osebna vozila,- two convex belts (11) running parallel to each other at such a spacing and each having such a width that they cover all the track widths of the vehicles for which each parking lot is intended, e.g. for passenger cars, - nadalje s tremi ali štirimi kolesi (12), od katerih je vsaj eno gnano s pogonom (13), ki ne onesnažuje okolice in z aktuatorjem (14), ki suka posamezno kolo (12) v osi, ki leži pravokotno na podlago, kar je krmiljeno s krmilnim sklopom (6) in sicer prednostno brezžično,- further with three or four wheels (12), at least one of which is driven by a non-polluting drive (13) and an actuator (14) which rotates a single wheel (12) perpendicularly to the base, which is controlled by the control assembly (6), preferably wireless, - nadalje z elementom 15 za fiksiranje vozila na njem, pri čemer je element (15) zasnovan iz prislona (16) za vsaj eno kolo (B) vozila (A) in iz fiksimega elementa (17), ki prepreči pomik kolesa (B), potem ko je bilo prislonjeno na prislon (16), v nasprotno smer in med navozom ali odvozom vozila (A) na oziroma s transportnega sredstva (2) omogoči vožnjo vozila (A) s tem, da se pri odmiku pogrezne v navozni pas (11), lahko pa se tudi odmakne prečno na navozni pas (11) z aktuatorjem (18), prednostno z elektromotorjem ali motorjem na stisnjen plin, pri čemer je ta aktuator (18) tudi vključen v mrežo aktuatorjev, kijih krmili krmilni skop (6);- further with the vehicle fixing element 15 thereon, the element (15) being formed from a stop (16) for at least one wheel (B) of the vehicle (A) and a fixed element (17) which prevents the wheel from moving (B) , after having been restrained on a stop (16), in the opposite direction and during the approach or departure of the vehicle (A) to or from the vehicle (2), allow the vehicle (A) to be driven by sliding into the overhead lane ( 11), but may also be transversely transposed to the drive belt (11) by an actuator (18), preferably by an electric or compressed gas engine, the actuator (18) being also included in the network of actuators controlled by the steering assembly (6). ); - nadalje z nastavljivimi odbijači (19), ki potekajo na vseh stranicah sredstva (2) in morebiti tudi na vogalih, pri čemer so odbijači (19) opremljeni z aktuatorji (20), ki premikajo odbijače (19) v navidezni ravnini, ki poteka približno vzporedno z ravnino ploščadi (1) in so krmiljeni s krmilnim sklopom (6) na- further with adjustable bumpers (19) extending on all sides of the means (2) and possibly also at the corners, the bumpers (19) being provided with actuators (20) which move the bumpers (19) in the apparent running plane approximately parallel to the plane of the platform (1) and are controlled by a steering assembly (6) at 34131.doc/lll-06/Vr osnovi podatkov tipal (8) s sprejemnega mesta (3) o velikosti vozila (A) in njegovemu previsu preko šasije (10);34131.doc / yy-06 / Vr Based on sensor data (8) from the receiving position (3) of vehicle size (A) and its overhang over the chassis (10); - nadalje s transponderji (21), ki nudijo take podatke tipalom (8), da lahko krmilni sklop (6) določi v vsakem trenutku položaj, usmerjenost in hitrost vsakega transportnega sredstva (2) posebej;- further with transponders (21) providing such data to sensors (8) that the control unit (6) can determine at any time the position, orientation and speed of each means of transport (2); - nadalje s komunikacijsko enoto (22) za dvosmerno povezavo, prednostno brezžično, med vsakokratnim sredstvom (2) in krmilnim sklopom (6).- further with a two-way communication unit (22), preferably wireless, between the respective means (2) and the control assembly (6). 6. Parkirišče cestnih vozil po zahtevku 5, označeno s tem, da vsebuje transportno sredstvo (2a) vse kot transportno sredstvo (2) in tudi odstranljivo ploščad (23) z navoznima pasovoma (11) za vozilo (A), nadalje pripomoček (24) za dvig in spust ploščadi (23), pri čemer ploščad (23) vsebuje vsaj tri, prednostno pa štiri noge (25), ki so prednostno dvižne ali zasukljive s pomočjo aktuatoijev (26), ki jih krmili sklop (6), s tem da se na ploščadi (23) nahaja tudi energetski priključek (26) za aktuatorje (26).Road vehicle parking according to claim 5, characterized in that it contains the transport means (2a) all as a transport means (2) and also a removable platform (23) with known lanes (11) for the vehicle (A), further aids (24 ) for raising and lowering the platform (23), the platform (23) comprising at least three, preferably four legs (25), preferably raised or rotated by actuators (26) controlled by the assembly (6), furthermore, there is also an energy connector (26) for actuators (26) on the platform (23). 7. Parkirišče cestnih vozil po zahtevkih 1 do 6, označeno s tem, da so ploščadi (23) lahko opremljene s transponderji, ki nosijo in posredujejo informacijo o trenutni lokaciji vsakokratne ploščadi (23) in vozilu, kije parkirano na njej.Road vehicle parking according to claims 1 to 6, characterized in that the platforms (23) can be provided with transponders that carry and transmit information about the current location of each platform (23) and the vehicle parked thereon. 8. Parkirišče cestnih vozil po zahtevkih 1 do 7, označeno s tem, da se nahaja na parkirišču po izumu več velikosti ploščadi (23) za izbrana tlorisna velikostna območja vozil: npr. mala, srednja in velika vozila.Road vehicle parking according to claims 1 to 7, characterized in that there are several platform sizes (23) in the parking lot according to the invention for the selected floor size ranges of vehicles: e.g. small, medium and large vehicles. 9. Parkirišče cestnih vozil po zahtevkih 1 do 8, označeno s tem, da so na ploščadi (1) predvidena dvo- ali štiri- stebema dvigala (26), ki so lahko po zasnovi izvedena kot dvojna dvigala, od katerih vsako dvigalo deluje na dveRoad vehicle parking according to claims 1 to 8, characterized in that two or four pillars of elevators (26) are provided on the platform (1), which can be designed as double elevators, each of which is operated on two 34131 .doc/lll-06/Vr sosednji parkirni polji (4), pri čemer so roke (27) dvigala (26) predvidene, da dvignejo posamezno ploščad (23) skupaj z vozilom (A) na višji nivo, daje izpod ploščadi (23) dovolj prostora še za parkiranje naslednjega vozila.34131 .doc / yy-06 / Vr adjacent parking boxes (4), with the arms (27) of the elevator (26) intended to elevate the individual platform (23) together with the vehicle (A) to a higher level, below the platform ( 23) enough space to park the next vehicle. 10. Parkirišče cestnih vozil po zahtevkih 1 do 9, označeno s tem, da so poti (7) lahko izvedene kot namenski tuneli za prevoz s transportnimi sredstvi (2) in sicer samo za prevoz blaga, pri čemer so te tunelske poti (7) lahko tudi daljše, s čimer so ploščad (1), sprejemno polje (4) in oddajno polje (5) lahko razporejeni na različnih lokacijah.Road vehicle parking according to claims 1 to 9, characterized in that the routes (7) can be constructed as dedicated tunnels for transport by means of transport (2), only for the carriage of goods, these tunnels being (7) they may also be longer, allowing the platform (1), the receiving box (4) and the transmitting box (5) to be arranged in different locations.
SI200700047A 2007-03-05 2007-03-05 Road vehicle parking lot SI22496A (en)

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