SI22235A - Device for relaxing the spine - Google Patents

Device for relaxing the spine Download PDF


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SI22235A SI200600089A SI200600089A SI22235A SI 22235 A SI22235 A SI 22235A SI 200600089 A SI200600089 A SI 200600089A SI 200600089 A SI200600089 A SI 200600089A SI 22235 A SI22235 A SI 22235A
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Application filed by Milena POTOÄŚNIK filed Critical Milena POTOÄŚNIK
Priority to SI200600089A priority Critical patent/SI22235A/en
Publication of SI22235A publication Critical patent/SI22235A/en



  • Orthopedics, Nursing, And Contraception (AREA)


The device for relaxing the spine includes a base (1) which is supported on the floor and a supporting panel (2), which is linked to the aforementioned base (1) while optionally also a support (5) which links the hanging interface (50) for keeping the user's head during sitting on the supporting panel (2). The base (1) includes a lifting assembly (10) where the supporting panel (2) is attached to, which is thus shiftable in the vertical direction away from the base or towards it. This supporting panel (2) includes an upper surface (21) looking away from the base, which is adapted to support the patient's legs at least in the predominant part of the area between the knees and the ankle and is equipped with a holding device (3, 3', 3'') for temporary attachment of the patient's legs to the aforementioned supporting panel (2). This way a simple and easily transportable therapeutic device is provided which enables an adequate relaxation of the spine in the area between the loins. Apart from that such a device is quite universal, since it can be used also as a chair and can thus become part of ordinary furniture in residential or even working premises.


Priprava za razbremenjevanje hrbtenicePreparation for spinal unloading

Izum se nanaša na pripravo za razbremenjevanje hrbtenice v okviru terapevtskih ukrepov, predpisanih pri bolezenskih okvarah ali poškodbah hrbtenice, še zlasti v primeru bolečin v predelu križa oz. ledvenih vretenc.The invention relates to the preparation for the relief of the spine within the therapeutic measures prescribed for diseases of the spine or injuries, especially in the case of pain in the region of the sacrum or in the back. lumbar vertebrae.

Pri tem izum temelji na problemu, kako zasnovati karseda preprost ter zlahka prenosljiv terapevtski pripomoček, ki bo omogočal ustrezno razbremenjevanje hrbtenice tako v ledvenem kot tudi v vratnem in prsnem delu, in sicer predvsem v okviru občasne ali permanentne terapije pacientov zlasti v obdobju po hospitalizaciji ali v obdobjih med hospitalizacijo, t.j. v domači oskrbi, pri čemer naj bi bil tovrsten pripomoček tudi karseda univerzalen, še zlasti pa uporabljiv tudi kot del običajnega pohištva v bivalnih ali celo delovnih prostorih.The invention is based on the problem of how to design a simple and easily transferable therapeutic device that will allow adequate spinal stress relief in both the lumbar and neck and thorax, especially in the context of periodic or permanent patient therapy, especially during the period after hospitalization or during the periods during hospitalization, ie in home care, which is said to be as universal as possible and especially useful as part of ordinary furniture in living or even working spaces.

Razbremenjevanje hrbtenice je ortopedski ukrep, ki pogosto pripomore k odpravi ali vsaj začasnemu lajšanju bolečin, ki so posledica okvar ali obolenj hrbtenice kot pomembnega organa po eni strani centralnega živčnega sistema in po drugi strani skeleta človeškega telesa. Bolečine v predelu križa so posledica bodisi funkcionalnih vzrokov, ki so povezani zlasti s spremembami v strukturi vretenc in z njimi povezanih mišic in živcev, ali tudi različnih somatskih vzrokov, ki so posledica stresov ali psihičnih obremenitev. Najpogostejši primeri bolezenskih okvar so akutna bolečina v ledvenem predelu hrbtenice, t.j. Lumbalgia, nadalje vzdraženost živca, t.j. Išias·, še nadalje tako imenovano izbuhnjenje medvretenčnega diska, t.j. Hernia discr, ali tudi druge starostne ali degenerativne spremembe kot npr. Lumboishalgia. Razbremenjevanje hrbtenice je v določenih primerih izvedljivo tudi s prostim z visenjem v stanju vpetosti v predelu vratu, npr. zatilja in čeljusti.Spinal debridement is an orthopedic measure that often helps to relieve or at least temporarily relieve pain resulting from defects or diseases of the spine as an important organ on one side of the central nervous system and on the other hand the skeleton of the human body. Cross-sectional pain is the result of either functional causes that are associated, in particular, with changes in the structure of the vertebrae and related muscles and nerves, or also of various somatic causes resulting from stress or psychological stress. Acute pain in the lumbar spine, i.e. Lumbalgia, further nerve irritation, i.e. Sciatica ·, further called the intervertebral disc burst, i.e. Hernia discr, or other age or degenerative changes such as Lumboishalgia. In certain cases, spinal unbundling is also feasible by being free by hanging in a tight state in the neck, e.g. nails and jaws.

Upoštevajoč strokovno literaturo, ki je tačas dostopna prijaviteljici, je v knjigi avtoija dr. Janka Popoviča z naslovom Bolečine v križu opisana priprava za takoimenovano raztezanje po Perlu, ki sestoji iz mize in naslona za noge, ki je s pomočjo vrvi ali podobnega gibkega nosilnega elementa obešen na konzoli. Med uporabo te priprave pacienta položijo na mizo, tako da leži na hrbtu in v vodoravnem položaju, noge pa ima nekoliko skrčene in dvignjene nad ravnino mize, tako da je predel meč med stopaloma in kolenoma položen preko omenjenega naslona za noge in poteka približno vzporedno z ravnino mize. Naslon za noge je opremljen s pritrdilnim sredstvom, s katerim se pacientove noge v območju meč ali goleni pritrdi na omenjeni naslon. Zatem se naslon s pomočjo omenjenega nosilnega sredstva, ki je preko škripčevja povezan z navijalnim bobnom, dvigne. Boben je opremljen z ročico, tako da z vrtenjem ročice dosežejo navijanje nosilnega elementa na boben. Z dviganjem naslona za noge pride do primernega raztezanja hrbtenice v ledvenem delu. Pacient sam sicer ne more vplivati na potek raztezanja, npr. na hitrost ali pospeške, vendar pa je zgornji del telesa prost, t.j. nevpet, in premakljiv po pacientovi volji, tako da pacient sam lahko vsaj do določene mere ublaži morebitne preobremenitve. Tovrstna priprava je tudi razmeroma preprosta in zanesljiva, žal pa je primerna zgolj za izvajanje ambulantne ali hospitalne terapije, medtem ko bi bila za namestitev v bivalne prostore dokaj neprikladna in povrhu vsega uporabljiva izključno v ta namen. Vpetje nog v območju meč oz. goleni pogosto privede do motenj v krvnem obtoku, kar ima za posledico začasno omrtvičenje v predelu nog ali bolečine v nogah.Taking into account the professional literature available to the applicant at that time, the book of the dr. Janka Popovič, entitled, Cross Pain, describes a device for the so-called Perl Stretch, which consists of a table and a leg rest, which is hung on a bracket by means of a rope or similar flexible support element. While using this device, the patient is positioned on a table so that it lies on the back and horizontally, with the legs slightly curved and raised above the plane of the table so that the sword area between the feet and knees is positioned over said leg rest and runs approximately parallel to the plane of the table. The leg rest is provided with a fastening means to attach the patient's feet to the said rest in the region of the sword or shin. Thereafter, the support is raised by means of said support means which is connected to the winding drum via a pulley. The drum is equipped with a lever so that by rotating the lever to reach the winding of the support element on the drum. By lifting the leg rest, there is a proper extension of the spine in the lumbar region. Otherwise, the patient cannot influence the course of stretching, e.g. to speed or acceleration, but the upper body is free, i.e. non-volatile, and moveable at the patient's will, so that the patient himself can at least to some extent mitigate any overload. Such preparation is also relatively simple and reliable, but unfortunately it is only suitable for performing outpatient or inpatient therapy, while it would be quite inappropriate for residential accommodation and, above all, only for this purpose. Clamping the legs in the area of the sword or. The shin often leads to disorders in the bloodstream, resulting in temporary numbness in the leg area or leg pain.

Nadalje je v US 3,194,232 opisana naprava, ki sestoji iz okrova in dveh sklopov v vzdolžni smeri vsaksebi potekajočih sani. Prve sani so prirejene za vpetje glave v območju vratu, preostale sani pa za vpetje nog v območju gležnjev ali goleni. Z razmikanjem obeh sklopov sani pride do raztezanja hrbtenice. Četudi je naprava elektronsko krmiljena, je pacient v napravi zgoraj in spodaj vpet in zatorej v primeru preobremenitve brez pomoči druge osebe ne more doseči takojšnje razbremenitve. Kljub varovanju npr. z določitvijo največje sile ali raztezka ali podobnih ukrepov je pacient absolutno prepuščen delovanju naprave in volji terapevta. Naprava je očitno neprimerna za uporabo v domači oskrbi.Further, U.S. Pat. No. 3,194,232 describes a device consisting of a casing and two assemblies in the longitudinal direction of each running sled. The first sleigh is adapted to engage the head in the neck area and the remaining sleeve is to be attached to the leg in the ankle or shin area. Spacing the two sled sets results in a spine extension. Even if the device is electronically controlled, the patient is in the device up and down, and therefore in the event of an overload, without the assistance of another person, it cannot achieve immediate relief. Despite the guarding e.g. by determining maximum force or elongation or similar measures, the patient is absolutely left to the operation of the device and the will of the therapist. The device is clearly unsuitable for home use.

Še nadalje je v DE 199 29 547 Al opisana priprava, ki obsega prečni nosilec, ki je obešen na konzoli. Na prečnem nosilcu je s pomočjo nateznih vzmeti obešen vpenjalni sklop za vpetje glave v območju vratu, ob slednjem pa sta na omenjenem nosilcu obešena tudi vpenjalna sklopa za roke, ki sta pripeta na taistem gibkem nosilnem elementu, npr. na vrvi, ki poteka skozi ušesi, ki sta razporejeni vsako na svojem koncu omenjenega prečnega nosilca in obešeni vsako na svojem kraku vrvi. Ko pacienta obesijo za vrat in roke, z vlečenjem vrvi dosežejo dviganje enega ali obeh vpenjalnih sklopov za roke, obenem pa tudi vpenjalnega sklopa za glavo. Problem je v tem, da pacient med uporabo priprave prosto visi, pri čemer je sila razbremenjevanja hrbtenice odvisna predvsem od njegove lastne teže. Pacientu je med visenjem možno spreminjati položaj rok glede na položaj glave, vendar pa to ne vpliva bistveno na silo raztezanja, ki je tako vseskozi enaka, ne glede na fazo terapije in ne glede na počutje oz. pripravljenost pacienta. Tudi tovrstna naprava je zasnovana kot specialna naprava in je zatorej neprikladna za domačo uporabo.Further, DE 199 29 547 Al describes a device comprising a transverse bracket suspended on a console. On the transverse carrier, a clamping assembly is used to fasten the head restraint in the neck region by means of tensile springs, and the clamping arm assemblies which are attached to the flexible support element, e.g. on a rope passing through the ears, which are arranged at each end of said transverse bracket and hung each at its end of the rope. When the patient is hanged by the neck and arms, by pulling the rope, they achieve the lifting of one or both of the clamping arms and at the same time the clamping head assembly. The problem is that the patient hangs freely while using the device, with the force of the spine unburdened mainly depending on its own weight. It is possible for the patient to change the position of the arms in relation to the position of the head during hanging, but this does not significantly affect the stretching force, which is thus uniform throughout, regardless of the phase of therapy and regardless of well-being or. patient readiness. This type of device is also designed as a special device and therefore not suitable for home use.

Problem hosiptalne ali ambulantne terapije, ki je skupen vsem doslej obravnavanim rešitvam, je predvsem ta, da je pacient v obdobju terapije vezan na razpoložljive termine in je tako deležen terapije zgolj tedaj, kadar to omogočajo kapacitete zdravstvene ustanove. Ta razpoložljivost kapacitet praviloma ni usklajena z zmožnostmi in potrebami pacientov, ki povrhu vsega utrpijo še izgubo časa in stroške, ki so povezani s prihajanjem na posamezne terapije. Neredko se zgodi, da pacient zaradi polurne terapije izgubi več ur časa. Zlasti v primeru dolgotrajne terapije ali v primerih, ko je diagnoza znana in pacient z rednim ali občasnim razbremenjevanjem lahko na vnaprej znan način blaži bolečine ali izvaja terapijo, bi bilo torej že zgolj samo možnost izvajanja terapije na domu vsekakor mogoče šteti kot veliko prednost.The problem of hosyptal or outpatient therapy, which is common to all the solutions discussed so far, is that the patient is tied to the available terms during the therapy period and thus receives the therapy only when the capacities of the health care institution allow it. As a rule, this availability of capacities is not aligned with the capacities and needs of patients, who, moreover, suffer the loss of time and costs associated with attending individual therapies. It often happens that the patient loses hours of time due to half-hour therapy. In particular, in the case of long-term therapy or in cases where the diagnosis is known and the patient with regular or occasional relief can relieve pain or perform therapy in a manner known in advance, then the mere possibility of performing home therapy could certainly be considered as a great advantage.

Pričujoči izum se nanaša na pripravo za razbremenjevanje hrbtenice, pri čemer tovrstna priprava obsega podstavek, ki je oprt na podlagi, podporno ploščo, ki je povezana z omenjenim podstavkom, in obešalo, ki je prirejeno za držanje uporabnikove glave med prostim visenjem uporabnikovega telesa v vsakokrat izbranem položaju. Po izumu omenjeni podstavek obsega obsega dvižni sklop, na katerem je pritrjena podporna plošča, ki je s tem premakljiva v vertikalni smeri vstran od podlage ali proti podlagi, po izbiri pa je k omenjenemu podstavku priključljiv nosilec nad podporno ploščo razporejenega in za držanje uporabnikove glave prirejenega obešala, katerega oddaljenost od podstavka oz. podlage je sicer pred uporabo ali po uporabo nastavljiva, med uporabo pa nespremenljiva. Podporna plošča obsega zgornjo, od podlaga vstran obrnjeno površino, ki je prirejena za naleganje pacientovih nog v vsaj pretežnem delu območja med koleni in gležnji, in opremljena s prednostno po izbiri tudi odstranljivim držalnim sredstvom za začasno pritrditev pacientovih nog na omenjeno držalno ploščo.The present invention relates to a device for relieving the spine, such device comprising a base supported on the base, a support plate connected to said base, and a hanger adapted to hold the user's head while freely hanging the user's body in each case the selected position. According to the invention, said base comprises a lifting assembly on which a support plate is attached, which is thus movable vertically away from the base or towards the base, and optionally a carrier is attached to said base above the support plate arranged and for holding the user head adapted hangers, whose distance from the stand or. The substrates are adjustable before use or after use, but are invariable during use. The support panel comprises an upper, side-facing surface adapted to support the patient's feet in at least a predominant portion of the area between the knees and ankles, and provided with an optional removable retaining means for temporarily securing the patient's feet to said holding plate.

Priprava po izumu nadalje obsega dvižni sklop, na katerem je pritrjena podporna plošča, ki je s tem premakljiva v vertikalni smeri vstran od podlage ali proti podlagi, pri čemer omenjena podporna plošča pa obsega zgornjo, od podlaga vstran obrnjeno površino, ki je prirejena za naleganje pacientovih nog v vsaj pretežnem delu območja med koleni in gležnji, in opremljena s po izbiri odstranljivim držalnim sredstvom za začasno pritrditev pacientovih nog na omenjeno držalno ploščo. Pri eni od izvedb priprave omenjeno držalno sredstvo tvori vsaj v bistvu horizontalno potekajoč rob, ki je razporejen na ustreznem odmiku od zgornje površine podporne plošče v smeri vstran od podlage, še zlasti rob hrbtnega oz. ledvenega naslona. Pri nadaljnji izvedbi je držalno sredstvo zasnovano kot gibko držalno sredstvo, prirejeno za ovitje okoli podporne plošče in pacientovih nog v predelu med koleni in gležnji. Omenjeni podstavek vključuje dvižno sredstvo, ki je lahko izvedeno kot mehansko ali hidravlično ali pnevmatsko ali električno dvižno sredstvo. Kadar gre za pnevmatsko ali hidravlično dvižno sredstvo, slednje sestoji iz cilindra in batnice, pri čemer je eden od slednjih pritrjen na podstavek, na preostalem pa je pritrjena podporna plošča. Nadalje je pri pripravi po izumu podporna plošča premakljiva bodisi s pomočjo ročice ali podobne stikalne enote, razporejene v območju dvižnega sklopa, načeloma pa lahko dvižni sklop vključuje tudi krmilno enoto, ki je predvidena za sodelovanje z daljinskim upravljalnikom, tako da je podporna plošča premakljiva s pomočjo daljinskega upravljalnika, čeravno je v splošnem podporna plošča lahko premakljiva tudi na oba načina, namreč tako s pomočjo ročice ali podobnega stikalnega sklopa, razporejenega v območju dvižnega sklopa, kot tudi s pomočjo daljinskega upravljalnik^. Omenjeni nosilec, na katerem je vsaj v smeri proti podlagi nepremakljivo nameščeno obešalo, je lahko izveden bodisi kot enovit nosilec ali tudi kot s podstavkom sicer togo povezan nosilec, ki sestoji iz dveh delov, pri čemer je spodnji del povezan z podstavkom in po izbiri premakljiv v horizontalni smeri ter zatem pred uporabo utrdljiv v vsakokrat izbranem položaju, medtem ko je zgornji del omenjenega nosilca (5) povezan z omenjenim spodnjim delom in po izbiri premakljiv v vertikalni smeri ter pred uporabo zatem utrdljiv v vsakokrat izbranem položaju. Pri tem je obešalo, ki prednostno obsega pod uporabnikovo čeljust namestljiv del in pod uporabnikovo zatilje namestljiv del, z omenjenim nosilcem povezano preko po dolžini v bistvu nespremenljive vezi, ki je izbrana iz skupine, ki jo tvorijo vrvi, trakovi, pasovi in jermeni. Nadalje je obešalo prednostno povezano z od podlage najbolj oddaljenim delom po višini sicer nastavljivega, a med uporabo fiksnega in glede na podstavek oz. podlago položajno nespremenljivega nosilca.The device according to the invention further comprises a lifting assembly on which a support plate is mounted, which is thus movable vertically away from the base or towards the base, said support panel comprising an upright surface adapted to be supported from the base. the patient's feet in at least a predominant portion of the area between the knees and ankles, and provided with an optional removable retaining means for temporarily securing the patient's feet to said holding plate. In one embodiment of the device, said holding means forms at least substantially a horizontally extending edge arranged at a suitable distance from the upper surface of the support plate in the direction away from the base, in particular the edge of the back and / or back. lumbar support. In a further embodiment, the holding means is designed as a flexible holding means adapted for wrapping around the support plate and the patient's feet in the area between the knees and ankles. Said base includes a lifting device which may be implemented as a mechanical or hydraulic or pneumatic or electric lifting device. In the case of a pneumatic or hydraulic lifting device, the latter consists of a cylinder and a piston rod, one of which is attached to the base and the rest of the supporting plate. Further, in the preparation according to the invention, the support panel is movable either by means of a lever or similar switch unit arranged in the area of the lifting assembly, and in principle the lifting assembly may also include a control unit intended to cooperate with the remote control such that the support plate is movable with by means of a remote control, although in general the support plate can also be movable in both ways, namely by means of a lever or similar switch arrangement arranged in the range of the lift assembly, as well as by a remote control ^. Said carrier, on which the hanger is fixed at least in the direction of the base, can be made either as a single carrier or also as a support, otherwise rigidly connected, consisting of two parts, the lower part being connected to the base and optionally movable. in the horizontal direction and then, before use, harden in the respective position, while the upper part of said carrier (5) is connected to said lower part, and optionally movable in the vertical direction, and before use subsequently harden in the selected position. The hanger, which preferably comprises under the user's jaw an adjustable part and under the wearer an adjustable part, with said carrier is connected via a substantially immutable bond via a length which is selected from the group consisting of ropes, belts, belts and belts. Furthermore, the hanger is preferably connected to the farthest part of the base, which is adjustable in height but, when used, fixed and depending on the base or stand. the substrate of the fixed position.

Izum bo v nadaljevanju obrazložen na osnovi primerov izvedbe ter v povezavi s priloženo skico, kjer kaže sl. 1 prvi primer izvedbe pripomočka pred razbremenjevanjem hrbtenice pacienta, sl. 2 primer po sl. 1 med raztezanjem oz. razbremenjevanjem hrbtenice pacienta, sl. 3 nadaljnji primer izvedbe pripomočka po izumu, sl. 4 še nadaljnji primer izvedbe pripomočka pred razbremenjevanjem hrbtenice, sl. 5 pa primer izvedbe po sl. 4 1 med raztezanjem oz. razbremenjevanjem hrbtenice.The invention will now be explained on the basis of the embodiments and in conjunction with the accompanying drawing, where FIG. 1 is a first embodiment of a device before relieving a patient's spine; FIG. 2 is an example of FIG. 1 during stretching or. by relieving the spine of the patient, FIG. 3 is a further embodiment of the device according to the invention; 4 is a further embodiment of a device prior to spinal unloading, FIG. 5 is an embodiment of FIG. 4 1 during stretching or. by relieving the spine.

Pripomoček v osnovi sestoji iz podstavka 1, ki je oprt na podlagi, ter podporne plošče 2, ki je pritrjena na omenjenem podstavku 1 in s tem držana na vertikalno spremenljivem odmiku od podlage, obenem pa je podporna plošča 2 opremljena s primernim držalnim sredstvom 3 za noge v območju med koleni in gležnji v višini gležnjev oz. goleni oz. meč.The device basically consists of a base 1, which is supported on the base, and a support plate 2, which is fixed on said base 1, and thus kept at a vertically variable distance from the base, while the support plate 2 is provided with a suitable holding means 3 for legs in the area between the knees and ankles at the height of the ankles or. shins or. the match.

Podstavek 1 obsega dvižni sklop 10, ki obravnavanem primeru sestoji iz hidravličnega cilindra 101 in batnice 102, upravljati pa ga je mogoče preko ročice 103. Vsekakor je izvedljivo tudi daljinsko upravljanje delovanja omenjenega sklopa 10, in sicer npr. preko daljinskega upravljalnika 104, ki krmili upravljalno enoto 105, s katero bi bilo v takem primeru mogoče upravljati sklop 10 ter s tem dvigati ali spuščati podporno ploščo 2, t.j približevati jo podlagi oz. oddaljevati jo od podlage.Substrate 1 comprises a lifting assembly 10, which in the present case consists of a hydraulic cylinder 101 and a piston 102, and can be operated via a lever 103. It is certainly feasible to remotely control the operation of said assembly 10, e.g. via a remote control 104 that controls the control unit 105, in which case the assembly 10 could be operated, thereby raising or lowering the support panel 2, i.e., bringing it closer to the base or. move it away from the base.


Podporna plošča 2 je v prikazanem primeru izvedena kot sedežna plošča in je kot taka primerna bodisi za sedenje ali tudi za naleganje pacientovih nog v območju med kolenom in gležnjem. Po izumu podporna plošča 2 obsega držalno sredstvo 3, ki je lahko bodisi vsaj v bistvu horizontalno potekajoč naslonski rob 3' (Sl. 1 in 2), razporejen na primerni oddaljenosti od plošče 2 v smeri vstran od podlage, ali pa (sl. 3) tudi gibko držalno sredstvo 3, ki je namestljvo preko pacientovih gležnjev in/ali goleni v območju med gležnji in koleni. V osnovi je namen držalnega sredstva 3 držanje pacientovih nog na zgornji površini 21 podporne plošče 2, tako da vsaj pretežni del nog v območju med kolenom in gležnjem nalega na omenjeni zgornji površini 21 podporne plošče 2.The support panel 2 is designed as a seat panel in the example shown, and as such is suitable for either sitting or resting the patient's feet in the area between the knee and ankle. According to the invention, the support plate 2 comprises a support means 3, which may be either at least substantially horizontally running backrest 3 '(Figs. 1 and 2), spaced at a suitable distance from the panel 2 in the direction away from the base, or (Fig. 3 ) also a flexible holding means 3 which is fitting over the patient's ankles and / or shins in the area between the ankles and knees. The purpose of the retaining means 3 is to hold the patient's feet on the upper surface 21 of the support panel 2 so that at least the major portion of the legs rests on said upper surface 21 of the support plate 2 in the area between the knee and ankle.

Kadar je držalno sredstvo 3 izvedeno kot naslonski rob 3', je ta rob 3' lahko dobljen z uporabo primemo togega in učvrščenega hrbtnega oz. ledvenega naslonskega dela 30, ki je povezan s podporno ploščo 2, ki je lahko zasnovana kot sedežna plošča pri stolu, kakršen je razen za potrebe terapije uporabljiv tudi pri vsakdanjem delu v domačih študijskih kabinetih v kuhinji ali podobno.When the holding means 3 is designed as a backing edge 3 ', this edge 3' can be obtained by using a rigid and fixed back and / or back. lumbar rest 30, which is connected to a support panel 2, which can be designed as a seat panel in a chair, which, except for therapy purposes, can also be used in everyday work in home study rooms in the kitchen or the like.

Kadar je držalno sredstvo 3 tako kot npr. pri izvedbi po sl. 3 izvedeno kot gibko držalno sredstvo 3, je slednje lahko izvedeno kot pas ali sklop pasov ali podobno sredstvo, ki ga je mogoče oviti okoli podporne plošče 2 in preko goleni ter ga zatem na ustrezen način, npr. z neprikazano zaponko, z vezanjem ali drugače učvrstiti v tem položaju. Tovrstna izvedba je primerna predvsem za kratkotrajne terapije, ker je pacienta v tem primeru težje obvarovati pred neželenimi motnjami v kardiovaskularnem sistemu v predelu meč.When the holding means 3, such as e.g. in the embodiment of FIG. 3 is designed as a flexible holding means 3, the latter can be implemented as a belt or belt assembly or similar means that can be wrapped around the support plate 2 and across the shins and subsequently appropriately, e.g. by not showing the buckle, by tying or otherwise fastening in this position. This type of implementation is particularly suitable for short-term therapies, since it is more difficult for the patient to protect himself against unwanted disorders of the cardiovascular system in the sword region.

Kot je razvidno pri primeru izvedbe po sl. 4 in 5 priprava po izumu nadalje obsega nosilec 5 z ustreznim obešalom 50, ki je razporejeno na ustrezni višini nad podporno ploščo 2. Nosilec 5 je povezan s podstavkom 1 oddaljenost obešala 50 od podstavka 1 oz. podlage pa je načeloma sicer nastavljiva, vendar med uporabo v splošnem nespremenljiva. Obešalo 50 je prirejeno za držanje pacientove glave, še zlasti v območju vratu oz. čeljusti in zatilja.As can be seen in the embodiment of FIG. 4 and 5, the device according to the invention further comprises a carrier 5 with a suitable hanger 50 arranged at a suitable height above the support plate 2. The carrier 5 is connected to the base 1 by the distance of the hanger 50 from the base 1 or. Although the base is adjustable in principle, it is generally immutable during use. The hanger 50 is adapted to hold the patient's head, especially in the neck or neck area. jaws and nails.

V prikazanem primeru je nosilec 5 teleskopsko zasnovan in je na ta način načeloma odstranljiv z omenjenega podstavka 1, po drugi strani pa ga je pred uporabo mogoče prilagoditi vsakokratnim potrebam uporabnika. V ta namen nosilec 5 sestoji iz vsaj dveh delov 51, 52, pri čemer je spodnji del 51 prirejen za pritrditev na podstavek 1 in premakljiv v horizontalni smeri, s spodnjim delom 51 povezan zgornji del 52 nosilca 5 pa je premakljiv v vertikalni smeri in prirejen za pritrditev oz. nošenje obešala 50, ki je v prikazanem primeru z zgornjim delom 52 nosilca 5 povezano kar preko ustrezno čvrste vezi 53, npr. vrvi, traku, pasu ali podobne.In the example shown, the carrier 5 is telescopically designed and is thus, in principle, removable from said base 1, but on the other hand, can be adapted to the user's specific needs prior to use. For this purpose, the carrier 5 consists of at least two parts 51, 52, wherein the lower part 51 is adapted for attachment to the base 1 and is movable in the horizontal direction, and the lower part 51 associated upper part 52 of the carrier 5 is movable in the vertical direction and adapted to attach or. wearing a hanger 50 which, in the example shown, is connected to the upper part 52 of the carrier 5 via a sufficiently tight connection 53, e.g. ropes, straps, straps or the like.

Pred uporabo pripomočka za razbremenjevanje oz. raztezanje hrbtenice v ledvenem predelu se pacient uleže vznak na podlago, lahko na pred tem pripravljeno blazino 4 z vzglavjem 40 ali brez, in noge prosto položi na zgornjo površino 21 podporne plošče 2, ki se takrat nahaja bližje podlage, t.j. v nižje ležečem stanju. Temu sledi pritrditev nog v območju goleni med gležnji in koleni na omenjeno pritrdilno ploščo 2, kar se izvrši s pomočjo pritrdilnega sredstva 3, namreč bodisi z oprtjem nog v območju gležnjev ali stopal, zlasti narta, ob naslonski rob 3', ali pa s pomočjo gibkega pritrdilnega sredstva 3, npr. s pritezanjem goleni k plošči 2. Zatem se podporno ploščo 2 za ustrezno razdaljo po izbiri pacienta oddalji od podlage, kar se doseže bodisi s pomočjo ročice 103, v splošnem tudi s pomočjo daljinskega upravljalnika 104 ali po izbiri tudi drugače. Ko se plošča 2 oddalji od podlage, s seboj potegne pacientove noge, s tem pa se pacientov hrbet raztegne in večidel privzdigne vstran od podlage, na kateri se nahaja predvsem še zgornji del prsnega koša z vratom in glavo, obenem pa roki mimo počivata na podlagi. Na ta način je tudi s tako preprostim pripomočkom, kakršen je bil predhodno opisan, dobljen želeni učinek raztezanja in s tem, razbremenitve hrbtenice v ledvenem delu. Po določenem času se ploščo 2 spet spusti proti podlagi ter s sprostitvijo ali odstranitvijo pritrdilnih sredstev 3, 3', 3, odpravi pritrditev nog na njeni zgornji površini 21. Zatem lahko pacient pripomoček do naslednje terapije preprosto uporablja za vse namene, za katere je sicer uporabljiv običajen stol.Before using the relief device or stretching the spine in the lumbar region, the patient rests on the base, may have a pillow 4 previously prepared with a headpiece 40 or without, and rest his feet freely on the upper surface 21 of the support plate 2, which is then located closer to the base, i.e. in a lower lying state. This is followed by the attachment of the legs in the area of the tibia between the ankles and the knees to said mounting plate 2, which is accomplished by means of the fixing means 3, namely by restraining the legs in the area of the ankles or feet, in particular the nart, by the backrest 3 ', or by flexible fastener 3, e.g. by attaching the tibia to panel 2. Subsequently, support plate 2 is moved away from the substrate for an appropriate distance at the patient's choice, which is achieved either by means of the lever 103, in general also by means of the remote control 104, or optionally otherwise. When panel 2 moves away from the base, it pulls the patient's legs, thereby extending the patient's back and lifting his or her body sideways from the base, with the upper chest and neck and head in particular, while resting hands on the base. . In this way, even with such a simple device as previously described, the desired effect of elongation is obtained, and thus the spine is relieved in the lumbar region. After a certain time, the panel 2 is again lowered towards the base and, by releasing or removing the fixing means 3, 3 ', 3, it eliminates the attachment of the legs to its upper surface 21. The patient can then simply use the device until the next therapy for any purpose for which it is otherwise usable normal chair.

Zlasti pri izvedbi, pri kateri je za držanje pacientovih nog predviden naslonski rob 30' in pri kateri je premikanje podporne plošče 2 izvedljivo s pomočjo daljinskega upravljalnika 104, pacient med izvajanjem terapije z raztezanjem ali razbremenjevanjem hrbtenice v ledvenem predelu dejansko ne potrebuje nikogaršnje pomoči, ker vse potrebne ukrepe lahko izvrši čisto sam.Particularly in an embodiment in which a backrest 30 'is provided to support the patient's legs and in which movement of the support plate 2 is feasible with the help of a remote control 104, the patient does not really need any assistance while performing therapy with spinal cord stretching or relief. he can take all the necessary steps on his own.

Pred takoimenovanim razbremenjevanjem hrbtenice z obešanjem se podporno ploščo dvigne na primeren odmik od podlage, nakar se pacientu, ki sede na tako privzdignjeno podporno ploščo 2, v območju glave namesti obešalo 50, ki v prikazanem primeru izvedbe obsega trak 501 za podprtje čeljusti in trak 502 za podprtje zatilja, tako daje vez 55 med obešalom 50 in nosilcem 5 ustrezno napeta. Ko pacient udobno sedi na podporni plošči 2 in je njegova glava držana s pomočjo obešala 50, podporno ploščo 2 počasi spuščamo, tako da se njena oddaljenost od podlage zmanjšuje. Ta korak npr. s pomočjo daljinskega upravljalnika 104 lahko izvaja celo pacient sam, brez vsakršnje pomoči. Ko podporna plošča 2 doseže za pacienta še ugoden položaj, pacienta v takem položaju pustimo določen čas, nakar podporno ploščo dvignemo v smeri vstran od podlage in snamemo obešalo 50. Zahvaljujoč omenjenemu nosilcu 5 je torej izvedljivo razbremenjevanje hrbtenice tudi v vratnem in prsnem predelu.Prior to the so-called relieving of the spine by suspension, the support plate is lifted to a suitable distance from the base, and then a hanger 50 is placed in the head area 2 in the head region, which in the embodiment shown comprises a jaw support 501 and a belt 502. to support the back, so that the connection 55 between the hanger 50 and the carrier 5 is properly tensioned. When the patient sits comfortably on the support plate 2 and his head is held in place by the hanger 50, the support plate 2 is slowly lowered so that its distance from the support is reduced. This step e.g. even with the help of the remote control 104, the patient can perform alone without any help. When the support plate 2 reaches an even more favorable position for the patient, the patient is left in this position for a certain period of time, after which the support plate is lifted away from the base and the hanger 50 is removed. Thanks to the said carrier 5, it is therefore practicable to relieve the spine in the neck and thorax.

Claims (20)

1. Priprava za razbremenjevanje hrbtenice, obsegajoča podstavek (1), ki je oprt na podlagi, kot tudi podporno ploščo (2), ki je povezana z omenjenim podstavkom (1), in obešalo (50), ki je prirejeno za držanje uporabnikove glave med prostim visenjem uporabnikovega telesa v vsakokrat izbranem položaju, označena s tem, da podstavek (1) obsega dvižni sklop (10), na katerem je pritijena podporna plošča (2), ki je s tem premakljiva v vertikalni smeri vstran od podlage ali proti podlagi, po izbiri pa je k omenjenemu podstavku (1) priključljiv nosilec (5) nad podporno ploščo (2) razporejenega in za držanje uporabnikove glave prirejenega obešala (50), katerega oddaljenost od podstavka (1) oz. podlage je sicer pred uporabo ali po uporabo nastavljiva, med uporabo pa nespremenljiva.A spine relief device comprising a base (1) supported on the base as well as a support plate (2) connected to said base (1) and a hanger (50) adapted to hold the user's head during free hanging of the user body in the position selected in each case, characterized in that the base (1) comprises a lifting assembly (10) on which a support plate (2) is attached, which can be moved vertically away from the base or towards the base and, optionally, a support (5) attached to said base (1) above the support plate (2) of the hanger (50) arranged and held to support the user's head, whose distance from the base (1) or. The substrates are adjustable before use or after use, but are invariable during use. 2. Priprava po zahtevku 1, označena s tem, da podporna plošča (2) pa obsega zgornjo, od podlaga vstran obrnjeno površino (21), ki je prirejena za naleganje pacientovih nog v vsaj pretežnem delu območja med koleni in gležnji, in opremljena s po izbiri s plošče (2) tudi odstranljivim držalnim sredstvom (3, 3', 3) za začasno pritrditev pacientovih nog na omenjeno držalno ploščo (2).Device according to claim 1, characterized in that the support plate (2) comprises an upper surface (21) facing away from the base, which is adapted to support the patient's feet in at least a predominant part of the area between the knees and ankles, and provided with optionally a removable retaining means (3, 3 ', 3) from the plate (2) for temporarily securing the patient's feet to said holding plate (2). 3. Priprava po zahtevku 2, označena s tem, da držalno sredstvo (3) tvori vsaj v bistvu horizontalno potekajoč rob (31), kije razporejen na ustreznem odmiku od zgornje površine (21) podporne plošče (2) v smeri vstran od podlage.Device according to claim 2, characterized in that the retaining means (3) forms at least substantially a horizontally extending edge (3 1 ) disposed at a suitable distance from the upper surface (21) of the support plate (2) in the direction away from the base. . 4. Priprava po zahtevku 3, označena s tem, da rob (3') predstavlja rob hrbtnega oz. ledvenega naslona (30).Device according to claim 3, characterized in that the edge (3 ') represents the edge of the dorsal or lumbar support (30). II 5. Priprava po zahtevku 2, označena s tem, daje držalno sredstvo (3) zasnovano kot gibko držalno sredstvo (3), prirejeno za ovitje okoli podporne plošče (2) in pacientovih nog v predelu med koleni in gležnji.Device according to claim 2, characterized in that the holding means (3) is designed as a flexible holding means (3) adapted for wrapping around the support plate (2) and the patient's feet in the area between the knees and ankles. 6. Priprava po enem od zahtevkov 1 do 5, označena s tem, da podstavek vključuje dvižno sredstvo (1), ki je mehansko dvižno sredstvo.Device according to one of Claims 1 to 5, characterized in that the base includes a lifting means (1) which is a mechanical lifting means. 7. Priprava po enem od zahtevkov 1 do 5, označena s tem, da podstavek vključuje dvižno sredstvo (1), kije hidravlično dvižno sredstvo.Device according to one of Claims 1 to 5, characterized in that the base includes a lifting means (1) which is a hydraulic lifting means. 8. Priprava po enem od zahtevkov 1 do 5, označena s tem, da podstavek vključuje dvižno sredstvo (1), ki je pnevmatsko dvižno sredstvo.Device according to one of Claims 1 to 5, characterized in that the base includes a lifting means (1) which is a pneumatic lifting means. 9. Priprava po enem od zahtevkov 1 do 5, označena s tem, da podstavek vključuje dvižno sredstvo (1), kije električno dvižno sredstvo.Device according to one of Claims 1 to 5, characterized in that the base includes a lifting means (1) which is an electric lifting means. 10. Priprava po zahtevku 7 ali 8, označena s tem, da dvižno sredstvo (10) sestoji iz cilindra (101) in batnice (102), pri čemer je cilinder (101) pritrjen na podstavek (1), na batnici (102) pa je pritrjena podporna plošča (2).Device according to claim 7 or 8, characterized in that the lifting means (10) consists of a cylinder (101) and a piston rod (102), with the cylinder (101) attached to a pedestal (1) on the piston rod (102) however, the support plate (2) is attached. 11. Priprava po zahtevku 7 ali 8, označena s tem, da dvižno sredstvo sestoji (10) iz cilindra (101) in batnice (102), pri čemer je batnica (102) pritajena na podstavek (1), na cilindru (101) pa je pritrjena podporna plošča (2).Device according to claim 7 or 8, characterized in that the lifting means consists of (10) a cylinder (101) and a piston rod (102), the piston rod (102) being fastened to the base (1) on the cylinder (101). however, the support plate (2) is attached. 12. Priprava po enem od zahtevkov 6 do 11, označena s tem, daje podporna plošča (2) premakljiva s pomočjo ročice (103) ali podobnega stikalnega sklopa, razporejenega v območju dvižnega sklopa (10).Device according to one of Claims 6 to 11, characterized in that the support plate (2) is movable by means of a lever (103) or a similar switch assembly arranged in the area of the lift assembly (10). 13. Priprava po enem od zahtevkov 6 do 11, označena s tem, da dvižni sklop (10) vključuje krmilno enoto (105), ki je predvidena za sodelovanje z daljinskim upravljalnikom (104), tako daje podporna plošča (2) premakljiva s pomočjo daljinskega upravljalnika (104).Apparatus according to one of Claims 6 to 11, characterized in that the lifting assembly (10) includes a control unit (105) intended to cooperate with the remote control (104) so that the support plate (2) is movable by means of remote control (104). II 14. Priprava po zahtevku 13, označena s tem, daje podporna plošča (2) premakljiva bodisi s pomočjo ročice (103) ali podobnega stikalnega sklopa, razporejenega v območju dvižnega sklopa (10), ali s pomočjo daljinskega upravljalnika (104).Device according to claim 13, characterized in that the support plate (2) is movable either by means of a lever (103) or a similar switch assembly arranged in the area of the lift assembly (10) or by means of a remote control (104). 15. Priprava po enem od zahtevkov 1 do 14, označena s tem, daje nosilec (5) enovit nosilec.Device according to one of Claims 1 to 14, characterized in that the carrier (5) is a single carrier. 16. Priprava po enem od zahtevkov 1 do 14, označena s tem, da s podstavkom (1) togo povezani nosilec (5), na katerem je vsaj v smeri proti podlagi nepremakljivo nameščeno obešalo (50), sestoji iz dveh delov (51, 52), pri čemer je spodnji del (51) povezan z podstavkom (1) in po izbiri premakljiv v horizontalni smeri ter zatem pred uporabo utrdljiv v vsakokrat izbranem položaju, medtem ko je zgornji del (52) omenjenega nosilca (5) povezan z omenjenim spodnjim delom (51) in po izbiri premakljiv v vertikalni smeri ter pred uporabo zatem utrdljiv v vsakokrat izbranem položaju.Device according to one of Claims 1 to 14, characterized in that the support (5) rigidly connected to the base (1), on which the hanger (50) is fixed at least towards the base, consists of two parts (51). 52), wherein the lower part (51) is connected to the base (1) and is optionally movable in the horizontal direction and subsequently cured in each position before use, while the upper part (52) of said carrier (5) is connected to said the lower part (51) and optionally movable in the vertical direction and, after use, subsequently cured in the respective position. 17. Priprava po zahtevku 16, označena s tem, da je obešalo (50) z nosilcem (5) povezano preko po dolžini v bistvu nespremenljive vezi (53).Device according to claim 16, characterized in that the hanger (50) is connected to the carrier (5) via a substantially immutable bond (53) over a length. 18. Priprava po enem od predhodnih zahtevkov, označena s tem, da obešalo (50) obsega pod uporabnikovo čeljust namestljiv del (501) in pod uporabnikovo zatilje namestljiv del (502).Apparatus according to one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the hanger (50) comprises an adjustable part (501) below the user's jaw and an adjustable part (502) beneath the user's jaw. 19. Priprava po zahtevku 16, označena s tem, da je obešalo (50) povezano z od podlage najbolj oddaljenim delom (52) po višini sicer nastavljivega, a med uporabo fiksnega in glede na podstavek (1) oz. podlago položajno nespremenljivega nosilca (5).Device according to Claim 16, characterized in that the hanger (50) is connected to the base farthest from the base (52) by an adjustable height, but fixed and with respect to the base (1) or. the substrate of the fixed position (5). 20. Priprava po zahtevku 17, označena s tem, da je vez (53) med obešalom (50) in nosilcem (5) izbrana iz skupine, ki jo tvorijo vrvi, trakovi, pasovi in jermeni.Device according to claim 17, characterized in that the link (53) between the hanger (50) and the carrier (5) is selected from the group consisting of ropes, straps, belts and straps.
SI200600089A 2006-04-11 2006-04-11 Device for relaxing the spine SI22235A (en)

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Cited By (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
AT14249U1 (en) * 2014-07-09 2015-07-15 Schrammel Franz Device for relaxing the spine
WO2017002042A1 (en) 2015-06-29 2017-01-05 Pisnik Srečko Spinal stress-relief belt

Cited By (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
AT14249U1 (en) * 2014-07-09 2015-07-15 Schrammel Franz Device for relaxing the spine
WO2017002042A1 (en) 2015-06-29 2017-01-05 Pisnik Srečko Spinal stress-relief belt

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