SI21896A - Procedure of sending, receiving and displaying information as questions and answers on small resolution displays of devices with small processing power and in particular related to at least one optional geographic location - Google Patents

Procedure of sending, receiving and displaying information as questions and answers on small resolution displays of devices with small processing power and in particular related to at least one optional geographic location Download PDF


Publication number
SI21896A SI200400296A SI200400296A SI21896A SI 21896 A SI21896 A SI 21896A SI 200400296 A SI200400296 A SI 200400296A SI 200400296 A SI200400296 A SI 200400296A SI 21896 A SI21896 A SI 21896A
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Slovenian (sl)
Dusan Pecek
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Dusan Pecek
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Application filed by Dusan Pecek filed Critical Dusan Pecek
Priority to SI200400296A priority Critical patent/SI21896A/en
Priority to PCT/EP2005/002314 priority patent/WO2006045348A1/en
Publication of SI21896A publication Critical patent/SI21896A/en



    • G01C21/00Navigation; Navigational instruments not provided for in groups G01C1/00 - G01C19/00
    • G01C21/26Navigation; Navigational instruments not provided for in groups G01C1/00 - G01C19/00 specially adapted for navigation in a road network


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Radar, Positioning & Navigation (AREA)
  • Remote Sensing (AREA)
  • Automation & Control Theory (AREA)
  • Physics & Mathematics (AREA)
  • General Physics & Mathematics (AREA)
  • Position Fixing By Use Of Radio Waves (AREA)
  • Navigation (AREA)
  • Telephonic Communication Services (AREA)


The procedure of sending, receiving and displaying information as questions and answers on small resolution displays of devices with small processing power, preferably mobile phones and in particular related to at least one optional geographic location is based on a set of devices, consisting of any number of mobile phones (1), as a mean for the transmission of questions, a phone exchange (2) for mobile technology with relay substations (3) as a communication mean between the devices (1) and the computer (4), and a computer (4) with an installed information database (5), as a mean for processing questions and creating answers. Typical of this invention is that the questions which are submitted via mobile phones are preferably linked to a certain geographic location, preferably the current mobile phone (1) location and that the answers, which are generated by the computer (4) from its database (5) and returned via the exchange (2) to the device (1), also contain in the answer at least one geographic location, where the answer with the corresponding geographic location is displayed on the display of the mobile phone (1), while in the case of the question being linked to a geographic location, the path between the two geographic locations is also displayed: the question as well as answer location.




Predmet izumaThe subject of the invention

Predmet izuma je postopek pošiljanja, sprejemanja in prikazovanja informacij kot vprašanj in odgovorov na prikazovalnikih majhne ločljivosti procesno šibkih naprav in zlasti v odnosu na poljubno in vsaj eno geografsko lokacijo, pri čemer je ta lokacija prikazana na prikazovalniku na območnem zemljevidu nastavljivega merila. Prednostno je postopek po izumu predviden za uporabo pri mobilnih telefonih, zlasti pri tistih, ki so prirejeni za delo po protokolu za brezžične aplikacije, nadalje pri računalnikih, prenosnih računalnikih, zlasti manjših, npr. dlančnikih ipd, ki so opremljeni ali povezani z mobilnim telefonom za povezavo z računalniškim virom iskanih informacij,The object of the invention is the process of sending, receiving and displaying information as questions and answers on low resolution displays of process-weak devices, and in particular with respect to any and at least one geographical location, this location being shown on a display on an area map of an adjustable scale. Preferably, the process according to the invention is intended for use with mobile phones, especially those adapted to operate under the wireless application protocol, further on computers, laptops, especially smaller ones, e.g. PDAs, etc., which are equipped or connected to a mobile phone to connect to the computer source of the information sought,

Tehnični problemA technical problem

Tehnični problem, ki ga rešuje izum je, kako zasnovati tak postopek za pošiljanje vprašanja, sprejemanje in prikazovanje informacije kot odgovora na vprašanje naThe technical problem solved by the invention is how to design such a process for sending a question, receiving and displaying information in response to a question

29832-2 ,doc/-04/D34-Vr napravah z manj zmogljivimi računalniškimi zmožnostmi in prikazovalniki majhnih ločljivosti, npr. v primeijavi z računalniki tipa PC ipd., zlasti na mobilnih telefonih, prednostno na tistih pri tistih, ki so prirejeni za delo po protokolu za brezžične aplikacije, pri čemer so informacije kot odgovor zlasti vezane na vsaj eno določeno geografsko lokacijo.29832-2, doc / -04 / D34-Vr devices with low-performance computing capabilities and low resolution displays, e.g. in comparison with PCs, etc., in particular mobile phones, preferably those adapted to work under the wireless application protocol, with the response being in particular linked to at least one specific geographical location.

Znano stanje tehnikeThe prior art

Zaradi majhne kapacitete spominske enote in procesoija, prav tako pa zaradi dimenzijsko omejenega prikazovalnika, ter omejene energije v akumulatoiju so zmožnosti mobilne telefonske naprave zelo omejene v primeijavi z osebnimi računalniki.Due to the low capacity of the memory unit and the procession, as well as the limited display and limited battery power, the capabilities of the mobile phone device are very limited compared to PCs.

Ker pa so mobilni telefoni predvideni prvenstveno za uporabo na poljubnih mestih, se pojavlja tudi potreba po posebnih informacijah, ki so vezane na izbrano lokacijo, pogosto vezano na trenutno lokacijo mobilnega telefona oziroma na območje okoli njega. Dosedanje informacije, ki jih zaprosimo in dobimo preko mobilnih telefonov namreč ne upoštevajo izbirnega pogoja na dovolj kakovosten način, ki se nanaša na sporočeno lokacijo ali območje. Npr.: uporabnik mobilnega telefona želi zvedeti, kje se nahaja v njegovi trenutni okolici najbližja bencinska črpalka ali pa trgovina z določenim blagom ali pa nek urad. Z upoštevanjem, da uporabnik ne pozna okolice, odgovor iz baze podatkov, ki vsebuje le naslov in/ali telefonsko številko, ne pove dovolj. Zaželeno je tudi vodenje uporabnika do iskane lokacije.However, since mobile phones are intended primarily for use in arbitrary locations, there is also a need for specific information related to the selected location, often related to the current location of the mobile phone or the area around it. The information so far requested and obtained through mobile phones does not comply with the selection condition in a sufficiently high-quality manner that relates to the reported location or area. For example, a mobile phone user wants to know where the nearest gas station or a certain goods store or office is located in their current area. Considering that the user does not know the environment, the answer from the database, which contains only the address and / or telephone number, does not say enough. It is also desirable to guide the user to the desired location.

To potrebo pokriva delno ročna prenosna naprava za satelitsko navigacijo z instaliranim zemljevidom. Upoštevati je potrebno, da take naprave za satelitsko navigacijo še zdaleč niso tako številčne, kot mobilni telefoni.This need is covered by a partially handheld portable satellite navigation device with an installed map. It should be borne in mind that such satellite navigation devices are far from as numerous as mobile phones.

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Kaže pa se potreba po takem postopku, ki bo pri mobilnem telefonskem aparatu delno nadomestil napravo za satelitsko navigacijo ob dodatni ponudbi selektivnih informacij, t.j informacij, kijih naroči vsakokratni uporabnik ob trenutni izbiri.However, there is a need for such a procedure, which will partially replace the satellite navigation device with a mobile phone, with an additional supply of selective information, that is, information that is ordered by each user at the current choice.

Rešitev tehničnega problemaThe solution to a technical problem

Opisani tehnični problem je rešen s postopkom po izumu, katerega bistvo je, da uporabnik preko mobilnega telefona komunicira z računalnikom, ki nudi tovrstne informacije tako, da mu zastavi vprašanje z izbiro po meniju, ki ga nudi izbrani računalnik in hkrati tudi sporoči tudi lokacijo, na kateri se trenutno nahaja mobilni telefon oziroma uporabnik, ter območje znotraj katerega naj se prednostno nahaja lokacija, ki del odgovora. Npr.: kje in katere gostilne se nahajajo v območju 5 km od trenutnega nahajališča mobilnega telefona.The described technical problem is solved by the method according to the invention, the essence of which is that the user communicates via a mobile phone with a computer that provides such information by asking him a menu choice provided by the selected computer and at the same time informing the location, where the mobile phone or user is currently located, and the area within which the location that is part of the response should be preferred. For example: where and which inns are located within 5 km of your current mobile phone location.

Informacijo o trenutni lokaciji mobilnega telefona določimo in nato sporočimo na več načinov in sicer:We determine the information about the current location of the mobile phone and then communicate it in several ways:

1. v obliki geografske koordinate, ki jo odčitamo:1. in the form of a geographical coordinate, read:

a) na zemljevidu. Oznako lege lokacije na zemljevidu sporočimo računalniku - operateiju po mobilnem telefonu in sicer s pomočjo go voljene besede, SMS-a ali aplikativne programske opreme, ki je vgrajena v mobilni sistem in temelji na izbranem zemljevidu ali atlasu. Npr. po ugotovitvi lokacije v Atlasu Slovenije vtipkamo lokacijo LIST = 23, VRSTICA = C, STOLPEC = 4, desno=3, gor=6. Aplikativna programska oprema v računalniku nam lahko vrne sliko izbranega kvadranta, na katerem s kurzoijem na zaslonu mobilnega telefona natančno določimo lokacijo;a) on the map. The location of the map on the map shall be communicated to the computer operating on the mobile phone by means of a spoken word, SMS or application software embedded in the mobile system based on the selected map or atlas. E.g. after finding the location in the Atlas of Slovenia, enter the location LIST = 23, LINE = C, COLUMN = 4, right = 3, up = 6. The application software on the computer can return us a picture of the selected quadrant, on which the cursor on the screen of the mobile phone accurately determines the location;

b) na napravi za satelitsko navigacijo, ki je lahko tudi sestavni del mobilnega telefona;b) on a satellite navigation device which may also be an integral part of a mobile phone;

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c) s pomočjo triangulacij skega sistema baznih postaj mobilne telefonije, (to je servis, ki je v določenih mobilnih omrežjih na voljo). Aplikativna programska oprema dobi od mobilnega operateija neposreden podatek o tem, na kateri lokaciji se klicna številka nahaja).c) by means of a triangulation system of mobile telephony base stations (this is a service available on certain mobile networks). Application software obtains direct information from the mobile operator about the location of the call number).

2. v obliki vnosa2. in the form of an entry

a) bližnjega naslova: kraj, ulica in hišna številka. Baza podatkov v obravnavanem računalniku priredi navedeni podatek kraja, ulice in hišne številke v ustrezen podatek izbranega geokodimega sistema.a) nearby address: place, street and house number. The database in the computer under consideration assigns the specified place, street and house numbers to the corresponding data of the selected geocode system.

b) bližnjega javne firme. Baza podatkov v obravnavanem računalniku priredi navedeni podatek o firmi v ustrezen podatek izbranega geokodimega sistema.b) a nearby public company. The database on the computer in question compiles the specified company information into the corresponding data of the selected geocode system.

3. v obliki vnosa referenčne točke. Referenčna točka je alfanumerična oznaka na posamezni lokaciji in jo vsebuje tudi baza podatkov obravnavanega računalnika, pri čemer so te referenčne točke gosto posejane po področjih, npr. krajih ali mestih, ki so vključena v nabor informacij, ki jih nudi obravnavani računalnik. Te alfanumerične oznake so prednostno izvedene kot napisne table na vidnih mestih, npr. na ulicah ali pročeljih stavb. V izboljšani izvedbi so te referenčne točke izvedene v smislu imen, pojmov, kod ali šifer, ki se lahko v mobilno napravo vnesejo ročno ali avtomatično (npr. optično, magnetno, elektromagnetno). Lahko pa referenčno točko vnesemo na osnovi razgovora z operaterjem, ki določi na temelju različnih vprašanj našo lego in nato pošlje odgovor na naše vprašanje.3. in the form of a reference point entry. The reference point is an alphanumeric code in each location and is also contained in the database of the computer in question, with these reference points densely sown in areas, e.g. the places or places included in the set of information provided by the computer in question. These alphanumeric codes are preferably implemented as signboards in prominent places, e.g. on the streets or facades of buildings. In an improved embodiment, these reference points are made in terms of names, concepts, codes or codes that can be entered manually or automatically (eg optical, magnetic, electromagnetic) into the mobile device. However, we can enter a reference point based on an interview with the operator, who determines our position based on various questions and then sends the answer to our question.

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V računalniški bazi so podatki, ki so vezani na poljubno lokacijo v fizičnem prostoru, geokodirani. Geokodiranje, t.j. označevanje informacij tudi z oznako, ki opredeljuje določeno točko v fizičnem prostoru, ki je kakorkoli povezana s to informacijo, je izvedeno na poljuben način. V Sloveniji je geokodiranje opredeljeno z zakonodajo in tudi ga tudi izvaja pooblaščena ustanova: Geodetska uprava RS. Lahko pa ponudnik prostorsko vezanih informaciij sam izvede geokodiranje svojih referenčnih lokacij.In a computer database, data bound to any location in the physical space is geocoded. Geocoding, i.e. the marking of information by a mark identifying a particular point in the physical space that is in any way related to that information is done in any way. In Slovenia, geocoding is defined by law and is also carried out by an authorized institution: the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia. However, the provider of the spatial information may geocode its own reference locations.

Po vnosu referenčne lokacije nato program v računalniku z interaktivnim sodelovanjem uporabnika preko mobilnega telefona oziroma v njem prikazanega menija izbere iz svoje baze podatke oziroma informacije, ki ustrezajo iskanem parametrom.After entering the reference location, the program then selects from the database or information corresponding to the required parameters from the computer with the user 's interactive participation via the mobile phone or the menu shown in it.

Iskalni pogoji, ki jih določa uporabnik v interaktivni povezavi z računalnikom so npr.: iskanje po skupinah (naslovi, gostilne, tipi trgovin, zdravstvene ustanove, parkirišče, ...), nadalje lahko veže iskanje na oddaljenost od referenčne lokacije, npr.: v območju 300 m od te točke, nadalje je možno iskati po časovnih območjih, npr. kino dvorane, ki začenjajo predvajati filme ob izbrani uri ali v časovnem intervalu, npr od 18 do 20 ure.The search terms defined by the user in an interactive connection with the computer are, for example: group search (addresses, inns, types of shops, health care facilities, parking, ...), furthermore can bind the search to a distance from the reference location, for example: within 300 m of this point, it is further possible to search by time zones, e.g. movie theaters that start playing movies at the selected hour or time interval, for example from 6pm to 8pm.

Zadetki se kažejo na zaslonu z majhno ločljivostjo samo v alfanumerični obliki s podatki o iskanem objektu, tudi z njegovim naslovom, naslovom elektronske pošte, ipd, in zlasti s telefonsko številko, ki jo uporabnik lahko neposredno pokliče. V drugi obliki pa se podatki na zaslonu na mobilnem telefonu pokažejo v grafični obliki v smislu poenostavljenega zemljevida, kije geografsko orientiran, prednostno proti severu, vsebuje merilo in ga je možno spreminjati (zoomirati). Nadalje zemljevid na zaslonu kaže lokacijo mobilenga telefona, kakršna jeThe hits are displayed on the low-resolution screen only in alphanumeric format, with information about the object being searched, including its address, email address, etc., and in particular a phone number that the user can call directly. In another form, the data on the screen on the mobile phone is displayed in graphical form in the sense of a simplified map, which is geographically oriented, preferably north, contains a scale and can be zoomed. Further, the map on the screen shows the location of the mobile phone as it is

29832-2.doc/-04/D34-Vr sporočena računalniku v eni od zgoraj navedenih oblik in lokacijo, na katero je vezan odgovor.29832-2.doc / -04 / D34-Vr communicated to the computer in one of the forms above and the location to which the answer is attached.

Odgovor je lahko sporočen v različnih oblikah in sicer:The answer can be reported in different forms, namely:

1. v obliki kratkega sporočila (SMS),1. in the form of a short message (SMS),

2. v obliki elektronske pošte (e-mail),2. in the form of an e-mail,

3. v obliki brezžičnega aplikacijskega protokola (WAP),3. in the form of wireless application protocol (WAP),

4. v obliki multimedijskega sistema (EMMS, MMS),4. in the form of a multimedia system (EMMS, MMS),

5. v oblikah, ki so prirejene naprednim komunikacijskim rešitvam, npr.UMTS.5. in forms tailored to advanced communications solutions, e.g.

Prejemnik prostorsko vezane informacije lahko na osnovi prejetih podatkov, vezanih na posamezno lokacijo, te podatke vnaša na klasične zemljevide ali v atlase. Prednostno so ti podatki vezani na posamezno lokacijo, ki je opredeljena na izbranem zemljevidu s podatki: list, sekcija, lokacija v sekciji.The recipient of spatially bound information may, on the basis of received site-specific data, enter this information on classic maps or atlases. Preferably, this information is linked to an individual location, which is defined on the selected map with data: sheet, section, location in section.

S tem je omogočeno učinkovito povezovanje klasičnih kartografskih gradiv (zemljevidi, atlasi) s storitvami, ki so uporabniku na voljo preko omrežja mobilne telefonije.This enables the effective connection of classic mapping materials (maps, atlases) with the services available to the user via the mobile telephony network.

Razen odgovorov na posamezno vprašanje so možna tudi splošna (javna) sporočila, ki jih prejmejo vsi izbrani mobilni telefoni po poljubnem ključu. Npr. vsi mobilni telefoni v izbranem območju prejmejo sporočilo, da se v tem območju določena cesta zaprta za promet v časovnem terminu. Možna so tudi tematska sporočila, na katere se posamezni uporabnik predhodno naroči pri ponudniku teh uslug.In addition to answering each question, general (public) messages are also received, which are received by all selected mobile phones at any key. E.g. all mobile phones in the selected area are notified that a certain road is closed in the area for traffic within a timeframe. Topic messages that an individual user pre-subscribes to with the provider of these services are also possible.

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Podrobneje bo bistvo izuma pojasnjeno v nadaljevanju z opisom izvedbenega primera in priložene risbe, na katerih kaže sl. 1 shematski prikaz naprav in njihove medsebojne funkcionalne povezave, ki omogočajo postopek po izumu.The essence of the invention will be explained in more detail below with a description of an embodiment and the accompanying drawings, in which FIG. 1 is a schematic view of devices and their functional interconnections that enable the process of the invention.

Postopek pošiljanja, sprejemanja in prikazovanja informacij kot vprašanj in odgovorov na prikazovalnikih majhne ločljivosti procesno šibkih naprav in zlasti v odnosu na poljubno in vsaj eno geografsko lokacijo je zasnovan na sklopu naprav, ki ga sestavljajo skupina poljubnih mobilnih telefonskih aparatov 1, telefonska centrala 2 za mobilno tehnologijo z relejnimi postajami 3 in računalnik 4 z bazo 5 informacijskih podatkov.The process of sending, receiving, and displaying information as questions and answers on low resolution displays of process-weak devices, and in particular with respect to any and at least one geographical location, is based on a set of devices consisting of a group of arbitrary mobile telephones 1, telephone exchange 2 for mobile technology with relay stations 3 and computer 4 with database 5 information.

Mobilni telefonski aparati 1 so poljubni. Glede na svoje tehnične zmogljivosti lahko preko njega postavljamo vprašanja v različnih oblikah:Mobile Phones 1 are optional. Depending on our technical capabilities, we can ask questions in various forms:

v alfanumerični obliki po predpisanem načinu; vsi aparati 1, tudi najenostavnejši, kot SMS;in alphanumeric form in the prescribed manner; all apparatus 1, even the simplest, as SMS;

govorno in sicer tako, da se povežemo z operaterjem, ki poišče v bazi 5 odgovor na naše vprašanje in ga sporoči ustrezno naši zahtevi in tehnični zmožnosti telefona 1;by speaking to an operator who searches Base 5 for an answer to our question and communicates it to our request and the technical capabilities of the telephone 1;

po aplikaciji, prednostno grafični, ki jo nudi ponudnik informacij; samo aparati 1, ki take aplikacije v grafični obliki application, preferably the graphic provided by the information provider; only Appliances 1 that support such applications in graphical form.

Svoje vprašanje predhodno opredelimo geografsko in sicer s pomočjo:We pre-define our question geographically by:

zemljevidov ali atlasov, ki jih izbere ponudnik informacij, naprave za satelitsko navigacijo,maps or atlases selected by the information provider, satellite navigation devices,

29832-2.doc/-04/D34-Vr opredelitve lokacije glede na znan najbližji objekt ali firmo, ki se nahaja v najbližjem objektu, najbližje javne referenčne oznake.29832-2.doc / -04 / D34-Vr the definition of a location by the known closest object or firm located within the closest object, the closest public reference.

Povezava med mobilnimi telefoni 1 in telefonsko centralo 2 je znana in nespremenjena in sicer preko relejnih postaj 3.The connection between mobile phones 1 and PBX 2 is known and unchanged through relay stations 3.

Telefonska centrala 2 in računalnik 4 z bazo 5 informacijskih podatkov sta med seboj povezana na poljuben način glede na njuno medsebojno oddaljenost. V načelu je lahko povezava kabelska ali pa brezžična in ne vpliva na bistvo tega izuma.Telephone exchange 2 and computer 4 with database 5 of the information data are interconnected in any way, depending on their distance from each other. In principle, the connection may be wired or wireless and does not affect the essence of the present invention.

V bazi 5 podatkov je vsaka informacija opremljena s podatkom 6 o njeni geografski lokaciji. Prednostno je za geokodiranje informacij s podatkom 6 uporabljen nabor 7 geografskih kod obstoječega geokodimega sistema. Lahko pa ponudnik informacij uporabi poseben namenski nabor kod za različne geografske lokacije.In database 5, each information is provided with information 6 about its geographical location. Preferably, a set of 7 geographic codes of the existing geocode system is used to geocode information with data 6. Alternatively, the information provider may use a special dedicated code set for different geographic locations.

Računalnik 4 sprejme vprašanje, ki je postavljeno, kot predpisuje ponudnik teh informacij, da ga lahko prebere strojno in hkrati locira v prostoru. Iz baze 5 informacijskih podatkov računalnik strojno najde odgovor, ki je opredeljen tudi geografsko. Glede na znano geografsko lokacijo, ki je sestavni del vprašanja, odgovor vsebuje geografsko lokacijo informacije kot odgovora in tudi najugodnejšo pot med obema geografskima lokacijama. Pot med obema lokacijama je prikazana na zaslonu aparata 1 in sicer v skladu z njegovo zmožnostjo:Computer 4 accepts the question that is asked as directed by the provider of this information so that it can be read by the machine and simultaneously located in the room. From the database 5 information computer automatically finds the answer, which is also defined geographically. Given the known geographical location, which is an integral part of the question, the answer contains the geographical location of the information in response and also the most convenient route between the two geographical locations. The route between the two locations is shown on the screen of the appliance 1 according to its capability:

29832-2.doc/-04/D34-Vr v alfanumerični obliki po predpisanem načinu: vsi aparati 1, tudi najenostavnejši, govorno in sicer tako, da operater, ki poišče v bazi 5 odgovor na zastavljeno vprašanje, le-tega sporoči in ga lokacijsko opredeli ustrezno zahtevi spraševalca in tehnični zmožnosti telefona 1, grafično na osnovi zemljevida in na njem prikazane informacije kot odgovor; samo mobilni telefoni, ki tak sprejem podpirajo, tako da se prikaže zemljevid z možnostjo povečave ali pomanjšave (zoomiranje), na katerem sta označeni lokaciji, na kateri se nanašata vprašanje in odgovor, pri čemer je lahko v pomoč tudi niz fotografij z informacijami, ki so del ali ves odgovor na vprašanje.29832-2.doc / -04 / D34-Vr in alphanumeric form in the prescribed manner: all apparatus 1, even the simplest, by voice, by the operator who searches in base 5 for an answer to the question asked locally identify, according to the requester's request and the technical capability of the telephone 1, a graphically map-based display of the information provided in response; only mobile phones that support such reception so that you can see a zoom map showing the locations of the question and answer, and a series of photos with information that may help are part or all of the answer to a question.

Odgovor je lahko vezan na zemljevid ali atlas, za katerega računalnik iz vprašanja sklepa, da ga spraševalec ima pri sebi.The answer may be a map or an atlas, which the computer concludes from the question that the questioner has with him.

Opisani izum, kot je opisan zgoraj je odrt v tem smislu, da lahko v vključi tudi druge namenske tehnične značilnosti mobilnih telefonov 1 in telefonskih central 2, ki se bodo pojavile v uporabi v bodočnosti. Tako npr. so že nekateri in bodo bolj množično mobilni telefoni 1 opremljeni z elektronskimi zemljevidi, napravami za satelitsko navigacijo, fotografskimi aparati in zmožnostjo pošiljanja slik. Vsi ti viri ugotavljanja trenutne lokacije mobilnega telefona 1 oz. spraševalca, so lahko vključeni v opisani postopek po izumu, ne da bi bil le-ta spremenjen, ne le dopolnjen na strojno programski ravni.The present invention, as described above, is open in the sense that it may also include other dedicated technical features of mobile phones 1 and telephone exchanges 2 that will appear in the future. So e.g. they are already some and will be more massively mobile phones 1 equipped with electronic maps, satellite navigation devices, cameras and the ability to send pictures. All these sources of finding out the current location of a mobile phone 1 oz. the questioner may be involved in the described process of the invention without being modified, not merely updated at the hardware program level.

Claims (6)

Patentni zahtevkiPatent claims 1. Postopek pošiljanja, sprejemanja in prikazovanja informacij kot vprašanj in odgovorov na prikazovalnikih majhne ločljivosti procesno šibkih naprav in zlasti v odnosu na poljubno in vsaj eno geografsko lokacijo in ki je zasnovan na sklopu naprav, ki ga sestavljajo skupina poljubnih mobilnih telefonskih aparatov (1), kot sredstev za oddajo vprašanj, sprejem in prikazovanje odgovorov, telefonska centrala (2) za mobilno tehnologijo z relejnimi postajami (3), kot sredstvo za komunikacijo med aparati (1) in računalnikom (4), in računalnik (4) z bazo (5) informacijskih podatkov, kot sredstvo za obdelavo vprašanj in ustvaijanje odgovorov, označen s tem, da so vprašanja, kijih naslavljamo preko mobilnih telefonov (1) prednostno povezana z neko geografsko lokacijo, prednostno s trenutno lokacijo aparata (1), in da je v odgovore, ki jih generira računalnik (4) iz svoje baze (5) in vrne preko centrale (2) aparatu (1), vključena tudi odgovoru ustrezna vsaj ena geografska lokacija, pri čemer se odgovor z ustrezno geografsko lokacijo, prikaže na zaslonu mobilnega aparata (1), v slučaju vezave vprašanja na geografsko lokacijo, pa se na zaslonu pokaže tudi pot med obema geografskima lokacijama: lokacijo vprašanja in lokacijo odgovora.1. The process of sending, receiving and displaying information as questions and answers on low-resolution displays of process-poor devices, and in particular with respect to any and at least one geographical location, based on a set of devices consisting of a group of arbitrary mobile telephones (1) , as means of answering, receiving and presenting answers, telephone exchange (2) for mobile technology with relay stations (3), as a means of communication between apparatus (1) and computer (4), and computer (4) with base ( 5) information data, as a means of processing questions and generating answers, characterized in that the questions addressed via mobile phones (1) are preferably associated with a geographical location, preferably with the current location of the apparatus (1), and in the answers generated by the computer (4) from its base (5) and returned via the control panel (2) to the apparatus (1), including at least one geographical location corresponding to the answer, e.g. wherein the answer with the appropriate geographical location is displayed on the screen of the mobile device (1), and if the question is tied to the geographical location, the route between the two geographical locations is also displayed on the screen: the location of the question and the location of the answer. 2. Postopek po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da so v mobilnem telefonskem aparatu (1) postavljena vprašanja v različnih oblikah in sicer:Method according to claim 1, characterized in that the mobile telephone apparatus (1) is asked in various forms, namely: v alfanumerični obliki po predpisanem načinu; vsi aparati (1), tudi najenostavnejši, kot SMS;in alphanumeric form in the prescribed manner; all apparatus (1), including the simplest, such as SMS; govorno in sicer tako, da se povežemo z operaterjem, ki poišče v bazi (5) odgovor na naše vprašanje in ga sporoči ustrezno naši zahtevi in tehnični zmožnosti telefona (1);by speaking to an operator who searches the base (5) for an answer to our question and communicates it to our request and the technical capabilities of the telephone (1); 29832-2.doc/-04/D34-Vr po aplikaciji, prednostno grafični, ki jo nudi ponudnik informacij.29832-2.doc / -04 / D34-Vr by application, preferably the graphic provided by the information provider. 3. Postopek po zahtevkih 1 in 2, označen s tem, da spraševalec opredeli svoje vprašanje geografsko in sicer s pomočjo:Method according to claims 1 and 2, characterized in that the questioner defines his question geographically by means of: zemljevidov ali atlasov, ki jih izbere ponudnik informacij, naprave za satelitsko navigacijo, opredelitve lokacije glede na znan najbližji objekt ali firmo, ki se nahaja v najbližjem objektu, najbližje javne referenčne oznake.maps or atlases selected by the information service provider, satellite navigation devices, location definitions by known known closest object or firm located within the closest object, closest public reference marks. 4. Postopek po zahtevkih 1 do 3, označen s tem, da je v bazi (5) podatkov vsaka informacija opremljena s podatkom (6) o njeni geografski lokaciji.Method according to claims 1 to 3, characterized in that in the database (5) all information is provided with information (6) about its geographical location. 5. Postopek po zahtevkih 1 do 4, označen s tem, daje pot med lokacijama vprašanja in odgovora prikazana na zaslonu aparata (1) in sicer v skladu z njegovo zmožnostjo:Method according to claims 1 to 4, characterized in that the path between the Q&A locations is shown on the screen of the apparatus (1) in accordance with its ability to: v alfanumerični obliki po predpisanem načinu: vsi aparati (1), tudi najenostavnejši, govorno in sicer tako, da operater, ki poišče v bazi (5) odgovor na zastavljeno vprašanje, le-tega sporoči in ga lokacijsko opredeli ustrezno zahtevi spraševalca in tehnični zmožnosti telefona (1), grafično na osnovi zemljevida in na njem prikazane informacije kot odgovor; tako da se prikaže zemljevid z možnostjo povečave ali pomanjšave (zoomiranje), na katerem sta označeni lokaciji, na kateri se nanašata vprašanje in odgovor, pri čemer je lahko v pomoč tudi niz fotografij z informacijami, ki so del ali ves odgovor na vpraš alphanumeric form in the prescribed manner: all apparatus (1), even the simplest, by voice, so that the operator who searches the database (5) informs him of the question and locates it in accordance with the requester's question and technical capabilities telephone (1), graphically based on the map and information displayed in response thereto; so that a zoom map is displayed showing the locations of the question and answer, and a series of photos with information that is part or all of the answer to the question may be helpful. 29832-2.doc/-04/D34-Vr29832-2.doc / -04 / D34-Vr 6. Postopek po zahtevkih 1 do 5n 2, označen s tem, da je odgovor lahko vezan na zemljevid ali atlas, za katerega računalnik (4) iz vprašanja sklepa, da ga spraševalec ima pri sebi.Method according to claims 1 to 5n 2, characterized in that the answer can be tied to a map or atlas, for which the computer (4) from the question concludes that the questioner has it with him.
SI200400296A 2004-10-29 2004-10-29 Procedure of sending, receiving and displaying information as questions and answers on small resolution displays of devices with small processing power and in particular related to at least one optional geographic location SI21896A (en)

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SI200400296A SI21896A (en) 2004-10-29 2004-10-29 Procedure of sending, receiving and displaying information as questions and answers on small resolution displays of devices with small processing power and in particular related to at least one optional geographic location
PCT/EP2005/002314 WO2006045348A1 (en) 2004-10-29 2005-03-04 Method and device for communicating geo-coded information

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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
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