SI20924A - Process and unit for processing foil material - Google Patents

Process and unit for processing foil material Download PDF


Publication number
SI20924A SI200200124A SI200200124A SI20924A SI 20924 A SI20924 A SI 20924A SI 200200124 A SI200200124 A SI 200200124A SI 200200124 A SI200200124 A SI 200200124A SI 20924 A SI20924 A SI 20924A
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infrared radiation
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Slovenian (sl)
Michel Droux
Fabrice Duchamp
Francois Roederer
Original Assignee
Saint-Gobain Vetrotex France S.A.
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Application filed by Saint-Gobain Vetrotex France S.A. filed Critical Saint-Gobain Vetrotex France S.A.
Publication of SI20924A publication Critical patent/SI20924A/en



  • Nonwoven Fabrics (AREA)


The invention deals with a unit for processing foil material of a type of cushions, which are produced from cut or endless fibre, including particularly a mean for feeding the cut fibres to the conveyor belt, which is moving and is located underneath, a binder distributor, which is needed to hold together the fibres, which produce the specified cushions, a drying room, which is needed for thermal processing of the cushion and apart from this also includes a module for infrared radiation, which is located between the binder distributor and the drying room, in order to provide preliminary drying of the cushion before entering the drying room. The invention also deals with the procedure consisting of emitting infrared radiation after the application of binder and prior the cushions entering the drying room, in order to ensure preliminary drying of the cushions.



Postopek in enota za obdelavo folijskega materialaProcess and unit for processing foil material

Predloženi izum se nanaša na področje izdelovanja folijskega materiala, podrobneje vrste blazin, ki so izoblikovane iz narezanih vlaken ali neprekinjenih vlaken, ali kopren.The present invention relates to the field of production of foil material, more specifically the types of cushions formed from sliced fibers or continuous fibers, or webs.

Znani izdelki z imenom blazine so v bistvu izdelki, ki se uporabljajo v industriji oblog in najpogosteje obsegajo steklena vlakna, ki so izoblikovana v filamente.The well-known products called pillows are basically products used in the lining industry and most commonly comprise fiberglass shaped fibers.

Na splošno se razlikujeta dve vrsti blazin: blazine iz narezanih vlaken in blazine iz neprekinjenih vlaken.Generally, two types of pillows are distinguished: sliced fiber pillows and continuous fiber pillows.

Blazine, ki so izoblikovane iz neprekinjenih steklenih vlaken, so dobro poznani izdelki v industriji oblog in se na splošno uporabljajo za izdelavo kompozitnih izdelkov z ulivanjem, predvsem z ulivanjem s stiskanjem ali z ulivanjem z injektiranjem. Običajno se dobijo, s tem da se razdelijo in superponirajo na znan način plasti neprekinjenih vlaken na transportnem traku, pri čemer se vsaka plast dobi, izhajajoč od ekstruderja, s tem da se vlečejo steklena vlakna v obliki neprekinjenih filamentov, se nato filamenti združijo v vlakna in se ta vlakna spustijo na transporter - na primer z nihajnim gibanjem sem ter tja, da vlakna oplazijo vso ali del širine transporterja - in se premikajo prečno na smer polaganja; kohezija vlaken v smislu blazine je na splošno zagotovljena z vezivom, ki se naloži na vlakna, ki se nato obdelajo v sušilnici.Continuous fiberglass cushions are a well-known product in the lining industry and are generally used for composite molding products, in particular injection molding or injection molding. They are usually obtained by splitting and superimposing, in a known manner, layers of continuous fibers on a conveyor belt, each layer being obtained from the extruder by pulling glass fibers in the form of continuous filaments, and then the filaments are combined into fibers and these fibers descend on the conveyor - for example by swinging here and there, so that the fibers traverse all or part of the width of the conveyor - and move transversely to the laying direction; Cohesion of fibers in terms of the cushion is generally ensured by a binder that is loaded onto the fibers, which are then treated in the dryer.

Referenčna izvedba, ki se nanaša na izdelavo blazine, je naslednja: the manufacture technology of continuous glass fibers, 2. izdaja, 1983, od K.L. Lowensteina. Bolj podrobno je izdelava blazin z narezanimi vlakni opisana na straneh 297 do 311, medtem ko je le-ta za blazine z neprekinjenimi vlakni predstavljena na straneh 312 do 314.The reference embodiment for the manufacture of a cushion is as follows: manufacture of continuous glass fibers technology, 2nd edition, 1983, by K.L. Lowenstein. In more detail, the manufacture of sliced fiber pillows is described on pages 297 to 311, while the continuous fiber pillow fabrication is presented on pages 312 to 314.

Poznan je tudi patent US 4 158 557, ki razkriva postopek izdelave te vrste, tako kot patent US 4 368 232 ali pa še dokument W 00/08246.Also known is US patent 4 158 557, which discloses a process for the manufacture of this type, such as US patent 4 368 232 or also document W 00/08246.

Druga vrsta blazin se imenuje na narezana vlakna in se od predhodne razlikuje po tem, da so vlakna narezana, preden se položijo na transportni trak.The second type of pillow is called filament fibers and differs from the previous one in that the fibers are sliced before being placed on the conveyor belt.

Sklopi za rezanje, polaganje in porazdelitev narezanih vlaken so razkriti na primer v patentu US 4 024 647 ali v dokumentu WO 98/45518; bolj podrobno povedano, ameriški patent opisuje rezanje, polaganje in nato sušenje narezanih vlaken. Dokument WO 98/45518 preprosto obravnava porazdelitev narezanih vlaken po transportnem traku.The assemblies for cutting, laying, and distributing the sliced fibers are disclosed, for example, in US Patent 4 024 647 or in document WO 98/45518; in more detail, the US patent describes cutting, laying and then drying the sliced fibers. WO 98/45518 simply addresses the distribution of sliced fibers across the conveyor belt.

Pomemben in odločujoč problem glede na izdelavo blazin se nanaša na sušenje vlaken navzdolnje glede na nanos veziva ali vsake tekočine.An important and decisive problem with regard to the manufacture of cushions relates to the drying of the fibers downwards with respect to the application of the binder or each fluid.

Preproge iz vlaken običajno po nanosu veziva obsegajo več od 30 % tekočine, kar ustreza pri danes poznanih pripravah količini vode 600 kg/h, ki mora izpareti.Fiber carpets typically comprise more than 30% of the liquid after application of the binder, which corresponds to the amount of water 600 kg / h that has to be evaporated in the known preparations.

V določenem trenutku se preproga transportira neposredno v sušilnico, ki izvaja gretje preproge. Gretje hkrati povzroča sušenje - ali dehidratacijo - in toplotno obdelavo preproge iz vlaken. Ta zadnja funkcija je seveda potrebna za polimerizacijo veziva.At some point, the carpet is transported directly to the dryer, which performs the carpet heating. Heating simultaneously causes drying - or dehydration - and heat treatment of the fiber rug. This latter function is, of course, necessary for the polymerization of the binder.

Poizkuša pa se izboljšati izdelovalna kadenca, torej povečati hitrost transporterja. To vsebuje čase prehoda v sušilnici, ki so bolj in bolj kratki, tako da, izhajajoč ob določeni hitrosti blazine, blazina zapušča sušilnico s stopnjo vlažnosti, ki je zelo pomembna, in/ali polimerizacijo veziva, ki ni zadostna. Kakovost izdelka je lahko zato prizadeta od določenih kadenc dalje.However, an attempt is being made to improve the manufacturing cadence, thus increasing the speed of the conveyor. This contains transition times in the dryer that are shorter and shorter, so that, at a given cushion speed, the cushion leaves the dryer with a degree of humidity that is very important and / or a polymerization of the binder that is not sufficient. Product quality may therefore be affected from certain cadences.

Količina vode, ki jo je treba odtegniti, se sicer lahko izkaže kot problematična.The amount of water that needs to be drained can prove to be problematic.

Rešitev bi lahko obstajala v tem, da bi se podaljšala sušilnica, da bi se v celoti ohranil čas prehoda. Vendar je ta rešitev draga, celo v določenih primerih nemogoča zaradi pomanjkanja prostora v tovarnah.The solution could be to extend the dryer to fully maintain the transition time. However, this solution is expensive, even in some cases impossible due to the lack of space in factories.

Druga rešitev bi lahko bila v povečanju moči gretja v sušilnici. Inherentne neprijetnosti najprej zadevajo izdelovalne stroške zaradi povečanja potrebne energije. Sicer pa je na mestu bojazen, da bi prihajalo do lokalnih pregretij blazine, kar bi jo lahko poškodovalo.Another solution could be to increase the heating power of the dryer. Inherent inconveniences first concern the manufacturing cost of increasing the energy required. Otherwise, there is a fear of localized overheating of the cushion, which could damage it.

Zato se je raziskovala druga vrsta rešitve, ki je namenjena izparevanju in nato odstranjevanju vode, ki je začetno vsebovana v blazini, in to na tak način, ki je hkrati preprost, izvedljiv, ne stane mnogo in ki zagotavlja visoko kakovost izdelovanja.Therefore, a different type of solution was investigated, designed to evaporate and then remove the water initially contained in the cushion, in a way that is simple, feasible, does not cost much, and guarantees high production quality.

Da se to izvede, predloženi izum predlaga, da se funkcija dehidratacije loči od funkcije toplotne obdelave blazine, pri čemer se ta zadnja funkcija izvaja samo v sušilnici, medtem ko se funkcija dehidratacije blazine izvaja ločeno z obsevalnim sredstvom, predvsem z infrardečo svetlobo, kar bo podrobneje pojasnjeno v nadaljnjem.In order to do this, the present invention proposes to separate the dehydration function from the heat treatment function of the cushion, the latter function being performed only in the drying room, while the dehydration function of the cushion is performed separately by irradiating agent, in particular infrared light, explained in more detail below.

Tako se predloženi izum nanaša na enoto za obdelavo folijskega materiala tipa blazin, ki so izoblikovane iz narezanih vlaken ali neprekinjenih vlaken, in ki zlasti obsega sredstvo za polaganje vlaken na transportni trak, ki se giba, pri čemer je to nameščeno nad njim, porazdeljevalnik veziva, ki naj poveže vlakna, ki tvorijo omenjeno blazino, sušilnico, kije namenjena termični obdelavi blazine.Thus, the present invention relates to a unit for processing foil material of the type of cushions formed from sliced fibers or continuous fibers, and which in particular comprises means for laying fibers on a conveyor belt moving above it, a binder dispenser , which is supposed to connect the fibers that make up the said cushion, a dryer that is intended for the thermal treatment of the cushion.

Po predloženem izumu enota razen tega obsega modul za infrardeče sevanje, ki je nameščen med porazdeljevalnikom veziva in sušilnico, da bi se zagotovilo predhodno sušenje omenjene blazine, preden vstopi v sušilnico.According to the present invention, the unit further comprises an infrared radiation module placed between the binder dispenser and the dryer in order to ensure that the said cushion is dried before entering the dryer.

Po izvedbenem primeru po izumu modul za infrardeče sevanje obsega infrardeče sevalnike, ki imajo energijski izvor.According to an embodiment of the invention, the infrared radiation module comprises infrared radiators having an energy source.

Za drugi izvedbeni primer po izumu modul za infrardeče sevanje obsega sevalnike, katerih energijski izvor je plinska mešanica, vrste sevalnih sten na plin.For the second embodiment of the invention, the infrared radiation module comprises radiators whose energy source is a gas mixture, a series of radiant gas walls.

Po posebnosti izuma infrardeči modul obsega več plošč, ki so poravnane v transverzalni smeri glede na dolžino transportnega traku.According to a feature of the invention, the infrared module comprises several panels aligned in the transverse direction with respect to the length of the conveyor.

Kot primer lahko enota po izumu obsega pet infrardečih plošč.As an example, a unit of the invention may comprise five infrared panels.

Prednostno je modul za infrardeče sevanje nameščen nad blazino v razdalji, kije večja od 10 cm, prednostno pa je med 10 cm in 30 cm.Preferably, the infrared radiation module is positioned above the cushion at a distance greater than 10 cm, and preferably between 10 cm and 30 cm.

Ta razmestitev omogoča ne le, da se dobro vrši izparevanje, temveč tudi vzdržuje določena vsebnost - rezidualna - vlažnosti, s čimer se izogne prevelikemu žganju v sušilnici.This arrangement not only allows the evaporation to be well done, but also maintains a certain amount of residual moisture, avoiding excessive burning in the dryer.

Prednostno so stene razmaknjene druga od druge, da se omogoči prehod in odstranjevanje vodne pare.Preferably, the walls are spaced apart to allow the passage and removal of water vapor.

Na zanimiv način ima infrardeče sevanje valovno dolžino med 2 pm in 4 pm.In an interesting way, the infrared radiation has a wavelength between 2 pm and 4 pm.

Po izvedbenem načinu po izumu se razen tega lahko predvidi sredstvo, ki je namenjeno za navijanje blazine, ki zapušča peč.In addition, according to the embodiment of the invention, a means is provided for winding the cushion leaving the furnace.

Razen tega je cilj izuma postopek za obdelavo materiala v obliki folije, in sicer vrste blazine, ki zlasti obsega polaganje narezanih ali neprekinjenih vlaken na transportni trak, da bi se tvorila blazina, nanašanje veziva na vsaj eno površino omenjene blazine in termično obdelavo omenjene blazine v sušilnici.Furthermore, the object of the invention is a method of treating a material in the form of a foil, namely a type of cushion, which in particular comprises laying sliced or continuous fibers on a conveyor belt to form a cushion, applying a binder to at least one surface of said cushion and heat treating said cushion in dryers.

Po izumu omenjeni postopek obstoji poleg tega v tem, da se oddaja infrardeče sevanje, potem ko je bilo nanešeno vezivo, in pred vstopom blazine v sušilnico, da bi se zagotovilo predsušenje omenjene blazine.According to the invention, said method furthermore emits infrared radiation after the binder has been applied and before the cushion enters the dryer to ensure that said cushion is dried.

Po zanimivi značilnosti izuma se izvaja infrardeče obsevanje prečno na širino omenjenega transportnega traku.According to an interesting feature of the invention, infrared irradiation is transverse to the width of said conveyor belt.

Po izumu je vezivo v vodni emulziji.According to the invention, the binder is in an aqueous emulsion.

Bolj podrobno, vezivo je lahko sestavljeno iz emulzije na osnovi acetata polivinila.In more detail, the binder may consist of a polyvinyl acetate based emulsion.

Infrardeče sevanje se lahko izvede s pomočjo elektrike. Tedaj se lahko prednostno predvidi moč reda velikosti okoli 50 kW/m površine obsevane blazine.Infrared radiation can be done using electricity. In this case, it is preferable to predict a power of about 50 kW / m in the area of the irradiated pillow.

Predloženi izum pokriva blazine, ki so tvorjene s steklenimi vlakni, ki se dobijo po prej omenjenem postopku.The present invention covers fiberglass-formed cushions obtained by the aforementioned process.

Izum razen tega daje prednost uporabi prej opredeljene obdelovalne enote, da se izdela blazina na osnovi steklenih vlaken.The invention furthermore favors the use of a previously defined treatment unit to produce a fiberglass-based cushion.

Druge značilnosti, podrobnosti in prednosti izuma bodo bolj očitne po branju opisa, ki sledi, ter je ilustrativen in v ničemer omejujoč, sklicujoč se na tukaj priloženo sliko.Other features, details and advantages of the invention will be more apparent after reading the description which follows, and is illustrative and in no way limiting, with reference to the accompanying drawing.

Ta slika na shematičen način prikazuje osnovne korake izvedbenega načina po izumu in povezana sredstva.This schematic illustration shows the basic steps of an embodiment of the invention and related means.

Najprej se izvede korak rezanja in polaganja narezanih vlaken s pomočjo samega po sebi poznanega sredstva 1 in, ki je običajno sestavljeno iz povezave dveh koles: eno 11 je opremljeno z radialno štrlečimi listi; drugo kolo, katerega obod je iz elastomemega materiala 12, ima dotično točko s kolesom 11, ki se opira obenj. Ta razmestitev ima za posledico neprekinjeno in pravilno rezanje steklenega vlakna, ki prihaja na splošno z vreten B.First, the step of cutting and laying the sliced fibers is performed by means of the self-known means 1 and typically consisting of a connection of two wheels: one 11 is provided with radially projecting leaves; the second wheel, the circumference of which is of elastomeric material 12, has a point of contact with the wheel 11, which rests against the collar. This arrangement results in a continuous and correct cutting of the fiberglass, which generally comes with the B spindle.

Vlakna se režejo v sredstvu 1 in padajo na transportni trak 2, ki je nameščen spodaj, in tvorijo plast 3 večje ali manjše debeline. Ta plast 3 je osnova za blazino. Kot primerje njena debelina tukaj reda velikosti 5 mm.The fibers are cut in medium 1 and fall on conveyor belt 2 below, forming layer 3 of greater or less thickness. This layer 3 is the base for the pillow. As an example, its thickness here is of the order of 5 mm.

Transportni trak 2 potuje s podano hitrostjo v smislu puščice F na sliki in plast lahko nato potuje pod porazdeljevalnikom veziva 4 poljubne vrste, ki je poznan sam po sebi, in torej odlaga vezivo, prednostno v obliki emulzije na plast 3 - preprogo 3 - tako, da je omogočen najbolj enakomeren način.Conveyor belt 2 travels at a given velocity in the sense of arrow F in the figure, and the layer can then travel under a binder distributor 4 of any type known per se, thus depositing the binder, preferably in the form of an emulsion, on layer 3 - carpet 3 - that the most consistent way possible.

Vezivo se razpršeno polaga na plast 3 s poljubnim samim po sebi poznanim sredstvom, kot so rampe šob ...The binder is sprayed onto layer 3 by any means known per se, such as nozzle ramps ...

Vezivo se prav tako lahko odlaga, zahvaljujoč kaskadi, to se pravi, zavesi tekočine, ki pada na plast 3.The binder can also be deposited, thanks to a cascade, that is, a curtain of fluid falling on layer 3.


Kot ponazoritev se navaja, da je vezivo lahko emulzija acetata polivinila. Ta vodna emulzija torej zadeva plast 3 - ali preprogo 3 - v tekočem stanju. Tako se pogosto doseže stopnja nad 50 % vode v preprogi 3 navzdolnje glede na porazdeljevalnik 4.As an illustration, it is stated that the binder may be a polyvinyl acetate emulsion. This water emulsion therefore concerns layer 3 - or carpet 3 - in the liquid state. This often results in a level above 50% of water in the carpet 3 downstream of the dispenser 4.

Z drugimi besedami, ta operacija povzroči, daje količina vode, ki mora izpareti, okoli 600 kg/h, to pa je znatno.In other words, this operation causes the amount of water to evaporate to be around 600 kg / h, which is significant.

Po predloženem izumu je predvideno, da je navzdolnje glede na porazdeljevalnik 4 veziva - glede na smer potovanja blazine - sredstvo 5 za infrardeče obsevanje, ki je nameščeno nad blazino 3, vsaj 10 cm nad njo, da bi se preprečilo premočno segrevanje omenjene blazine 3. Razdalja med 10 cm in 30 cm se lahko razume kot prednostna.According to the present invention, it is contemplated that downstream of the binder dispenser 4, depending on the direction of travel of the cushion, the infrared irradiator 5, which is positioned above the cushion 3, is at least 10 cm above it, in order to prevent the said cushion 3 from overheating. A distance of between 10 cm and 30 cm can be considered preferred.

Gre namreč za sredstvo 5 za odstranjevanje vode, kije vsebovana v blazini, s pomočjo infrardečega sevanja.It is an agent 5 for the removal of water contained in the pillow by means of infrared radiation.

Odstrani se torej med 75 % in 98 % vode.Therefore, between 75% and 98% of water is removed.

Vendar pa se priporoča, da se vzdržuje vsebnost vlage na primer reda velikosti 2 %, da bi se preprečilo premočno žganje v naslednji fazi.However, it is recommended to maintain a moisture content of, for example, of the order of 2% in order to prevent excessive burning in the next stage.

Seveda so predvideni regulatorji in druga sredstva za nadzor moči infrardečih modulov 5.Of course, regulators and other means of controlling the power of infrared modules are provided 5.

Sredstva 5 so lahko električna kot sevalne plošče, ki so prednostno poravnane prečno na smer F potovanja.The means 5 may be electric as radiation plates, preferably aligned transversely to the F direction of travel.

Infrardeči sevalniki na energijo plina, ki segreva keramične plošče, se bi lahko uporabljali, ne da bi se zapustil okvir izuma. Kot primer prijava FR 2 791 416, opisuje to vrsto infrardečega sevalnika.Infrared radiators on the energy of gas heating the ceramic plates could be used without leaving the scope of the invention. For example, application FR 2 791 416 describes this type of infrared emitter.

Doseže pa se lahko zmogljivost reda velikosti 30 % s to vrsto sevalnika, medtem ko se vsaj dvakrat večja zmogljivost doseže z rampami na električne infrardeče sevalnike.However, an order of magnitude of 30% can be achieved with this type of radiator, while at least twice the capacity is achieved by ramps to electric infrared radiators.

Po primeru s slike se izbere ena ali druga vrsta sevalnika in pri vsaki vrsti ena ali druga tehnologija. Med električnimi sevalniki se lahko izberejo cevi iz kvarca, ki vsebujejo vlakno; ali pa oklopljeni upori, ki so sestavljeni iz inoks cevi in notranjega uporovnega elementa; kovinski sevalniki ali uporniški elementi, ki so vdelani v nezgorljive substrate; lahko se izberejo tudi katalitični infrardeči sevalniki. Ti sevalniki se razlikujejo po gostoti moči, ki jo lahko dosežejo, po svoji termični inerciji...Following the example, one or the other type of emitter is selected from the image and one or the other technology for each type. Quartz tubes containing fiber can be selected from electric radiators; or shielded resistors consisting of an inox tube and an internal resistor element; metal radiators or resistive elements embedded in non-combustible substrates; catalytic infrared radiators can also be selected. These radiators vary in the density of power they can achieve, in their thermal inertia ...

Plošče 5 so prednostno razmaknjene druga od druge, da bi stvorjena vodna para mogla biti na preprost način odstranjena, na primer z enim ali več sesalnimi ustji, ki so nameščena nad infrardečimi ploščami 5.The panels 5 are preferably spaced apart so that the generated water vapor can be easily removed, for example by one or more suction mouths positioned above the infrared panels 5.

Prednostno se uporablja valovna dolžina med 2 pm in 4 pm, to se pravi v področju infrardečih sredstev.Preferably, a wavelength between 2 pm and 4 pm is used, that is to say in the field of infrared.

Navzdolnje glede na infrardeče sevalnike 5 je nameščena sušilnica 6, ki je namenjena toplotni obdelavi lepilnega sredstva v vezivu. Tukaj se uporablja sušilnica na vroč zrak, ki je poznana sama po sebi.Downstream of the infrared emitters 5, a dryer 6 is installed to heat the adhesive in the binder. This is where the hot air dryer, which is known in itself, is used.

Prilagodijo se številni parametri, kot so hitrost potovanja traku, temperaturni profil znotraj sušilnice 6..., da bi se na izstopu dobila suha blazina, katere vezivo je bilo pravilno obdelano.A number of parameters are adjusted, such as the travel speed of the strap, the temperature profile inside the dryer 6 ... to give a dry cushion on the outlet whose binder has been properly treated.

Ta razporeditev dopušča, da se poveča pretok obdelovalne enote, saj je zato, ker je bila voda iz blazine 3 odvzeta pred njenim vstopom v sušilnico, odvzemanje vode v sami sušilnici manjše. To poenostavi njeno delovanje in za toliko poveča zmogljivost in močno zmanjša potrebno energijo za njeno delovanje.This arrangement allows the flow of the treatment unit to increase, since the water from the cushion 3 was withdrawn prior to its entry into the dryer, the water abstraction in the dryer itself is smaller. This simplifies its operation and increases the capacity by so much and greatly reduces the energy required for its operation.

Kot primer navajamo, daje zmogljivost infrardečih ramp reda velikosti 65 %, namreč precej nad le-to od sušilnice.As an example, the capacity of the infrared ramps is 65%, well above that of the dryer.

Investicijski stroški za infrardeče rampe so sicer razločno nižji od le-teh za sušilnico.The investment costs for infrared ramps are clearly lower than those for a dryer.

V sušilnici 6 se po odstranitvi preostanka vode izvede termična obdelava blazine; zato je ta obdelava hitrejša in popolnejša kot po stanju tehnike brez infrardečega sevalnika. Zlasti se pripominja enakomerna obdelava po celi debelini blazine 3, celo za velike debeline.In the dryer 6, after the removal of the rest of the water, the cushion is heat treated; therefore, this treatment is faster and more complete than the state of the art without infrared radiation. Particularly noteworthy is the uniform treatment throughout the thickness of the cushion 3, even for large thicknesses.

Tako so se lahko obdelovale na zelo zadovoljiv način blazine z visoko ploskovno maso prav do 900 g/m2.In this way, cushions with a high surface mass up to 900 g / m 2 could be treated in a very satisfactory way.

Glede na primer ima lahko sušilnica dolžino med 10 m in 30 m.Depending on the case, the dryer may have a length of between 10 m and 30 m.

Skratka, na izstopu iz sušilnice 6 se blazina lahko, da se komercializira, naprimer zvije po vsakem samem po sebi znanem sredstvu.In short, at the outlet of the dryer 6, the cushion can be commercialized, for example by twisting through any means known per se.

Izvedeni so bili primerjalni poskusi pod naslednjimi pogoji:Comparative experiments were performed under the following conditions:

Infra elektr. Infra elektr. Temperatura sušilnice Drying temperature Hitrost preproge Speed carpets Stopnja vlažnosti blazine Humidity level of the cushion cona 1 zone 1 cona 2 zone 2 cona 3 zone 3 po odlaganju veziva after disposal binders za sušilnico for the dryer 0kW 0kW 140° 140 ° 165° 165 ° 165° 165 ° 12 m/min. 12 m / min. 50% 50% 0% 0% 165 kW 165 kW 140° 140 ° 160° 160 ° 155° 155 ° 16 m/min. 16 m / min. 50% 50% 0% 0%


Opazna je znatna razlika na nivoju hitrosti linije, kije bila po stanju tehnike 12 m/min. in je po izumu 16 m/min.A significant difference was observed in the speed level of the line, which was 12 m / min according to the prior art. and is 16 m / min according to the invention.

To predstavlja povišanje za 33 % pri pretoku linije, kar je zelo pomembno in seveda zelo cenjeno pri izdelovalcu, še toliko bolj, ker ni kakovost izdelka v ničemer prizadeta.This represents a 33% increase in line flow, which is very important and of course highly appreciated by the manufacturer, all the more so since the quality of the product is not affected in any way.

Claims (19)

Patentni zahtevkiPatent claims 1. Enota za obdelavo folijskega materiala vrste blazin, ki so izoblikovane iz narezanih ali neprekinjenih vlaken, obsegajoča predvsem sredstvo (1) za polaganje narezanih vlaken na transportni trak (2) med gibanjem, ki je nameščen spodaj, porazdeljevalnik (4) veziva, ki je namenjeno povezovanju vlaken, da se stvori omenjena blazina (3), sušilnico (6), ki je namenjena toplotni obdelavi blazine (3), označena s tem, da med drugim obsega modul (5) na infrardeče sevanje, ki je nameščen med porazdeljevalnikom (4) veziva in sušilnico (6), da bi se zagotovilo predsušenje omenjene blazine (3) pred njenim vstopom v sušilnico (6).A unit for processing foil material of a series of cushions formed from sliced or continuous fibers, comprising in particular a means (1) for laying the sliced fibers on a conveyor belt (2) during the movement below, a distributor (4) of binders which for connecting fibers to create said cushion (3), a dryer (6) for heat treatment of the cushion (3), characterized in that it comprises, inter alia, an infrared radiation module (5) mounted between the distributor (4) binders and dryer (6) to ensure that said cushion (3) is dried before it enters the dryer (6). 2. Enota za obdelavo po zahtevku 1, označena s tem, da modul (5) za infrardeče sevanje obsega infrardeče sevalnike, ki imajo električni izvor energije.Treatment unit according to claim 1, characterized in that the infrared radiation module (5) comprises infrared radiators having an electrical source of energy. 3. Enota za obdelavo po zahtevku 1, označena s tem, da modul (5) za infrardeče sevanje obsega sevalnike, katerih energijski vir je plinska mešanica.Treatment unit according to claim 1, characterized in that the infrared radiation module (5) comprises radiators whose energy source is a gas mixture. 4. Enota za obdelavo po enem izmed predhodnih zahtevkov, označena s tem, da infrardeči modul (5) obsega več plošč, ki so nameščene prečno na dolžino transportnega traku.Processing unit according to one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the infrared module (5) comprises several panels arranged transversely to the length of the conveyor. 5. Enota za obdelavo po zahtevku 4, označena s tem, da obsega pet infrardečih plošč.Processing unit according to claim 4, characterized in that it comprises five infrared panels. 6. Enota za obdelavo po kateremkoli izmed predhodnih zahtevkov, označena s tem, daje modul (5) za infrardeče sevanje nameščen nad blazino (3) v razdalji, ki presega 10 cm, prednostno pa je med 10 cm in 30 cm.Treatment unit according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the infrared radiation module (5) is positioned above the cushion (3) at a distance exceeding 10 cm, preferably between 10 cm and 30 cm. -1212-1212 7. Enota za obdelavo po enem izmed zahtevkov 4 do 6, označena s tem, da so plošče razmaknjene druga od druge.Processing unit according to one of Claims 4 to 6, characterized in that the plates are spaced from one another. 8. Enota za obdelavo po kateremkoli izmed predhodnih zahtevkov, označena s tem, da ima infrardeče sevanje valovno dolžino med 2 pm in 4 pm.A treatment unit according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the infrared radiation has a wavelength between 2 pm and 4 pm. 9. Enota za obdelavo po kateremkoli izmed predhodnih zahtevkov, označena s tem, da razen tega obsega sredstvo (7), ki je namenjeno zvijanju blazine po izstopu iz sušilnice.Treatment unit according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in that it further comprises means (7) for twisting the pillow after leaving the drying room. 10. Postopek za obdelavo folijskega materiala vrste blazine, obsegajoč zlasti polaganje vlaken, ki so razrezana ali neprekinjena, na transportni trak (2), da se tvori blazina (3), nanašanje veziva na vsaj eno površino omenjene blazine (3), termično obdelavo omenjene blazine (3) v sušilnici (6), označen s tem, da poleg tega obstoji v tem, da se seva infrardeče sevanje po nanosu veziva in pred vstopom blazine (3) v sušilnico (6), da se zagotovi predhodno sušenje omenjene blazine.A method for treating foil material of a cushion type, comprising in particular laying fibers which are cut or continuous on a conveyor belt (2) to form a cushion (3), applying a binder to at least one surface of said cushion (3), thermal treatment said cushion (3) in the dryer (6), characterized in that it further infrared radiation upon application of the binder and before the cushion (3) enters the drying room (6) to ensure that the cushion is pre-dried . 11. Postopek obdelave po zahtevku 10, označen s tem, da se infrardeče sevanje izvede prečno na dolžino omenjenega transportnega traku (2).A method of treatment according to claim 10, characterized in that the infrared radiation is transversely transposed to the length of said conveyor belt (2). 12. Postopek po kateremkoli izmed zahtevkov 10 ali 11, označen s tem, daje vezivo vodna emulzija.A method according to any one of claims 10 or 11, characterized in that the binder is an aqueous emulsion. 13. Postopek po zahtevku 12, označen s tem, daje vezivo sestavljeno iz emulzije na osnovi acetata polivinila.Process according to claim 12, characterized in that the binder consists of a polyvinyl acetate based emulsion. 14. Postopek po kateremkoli izmed zahtevkov 10 do 13, označen s tem, da je infrardeče sevanje električnega tipa.A method according to any one of claims 10 to 13, characterized in that the infrared radiation is of electrical type. -1313-1313 15. Postopek po zahtevku 14, označen s tem, daje gostota električne moči, ki se seva,A method according to claim 14, characterized in that the density of the electric power to be radiated is A reda velikosti 50 kW/m glede na površino obsevane snovi.A order of magnitude 50 kW / m relative to the surface of the irradiated substance. 16. Postopek za obdelavo po kateremkoli izmed zahtevkov 10 do 15, označen s tem, daje infrardeče sevanje na osnovi plina.A treatment method according to any one of claims 10 to 15, characterized in that it is infrared gas-based radiation. 17. Postopek obdelave po kateremkoli izmed zahtevkov 10 do 16, označen s tem, da razen tega obstoja v zvijanju omenjene blazine, ko zapusti sušilnico (6).Process according to any one of claims 10 to 16, characterized in that, except for this, it exists in the twisting of said cushion when leaving the dryer (6). 18. Blazina, izoblikovana iz steklenih vlaken in dobljena po postopku po kateremkoli izmed zahtevkov 10 do 17.A fiberglass cushion and a process according to any one of claims 10 to 17. 19. Uporaba enote po kateremkoli izmed zahtevkov 1 do 9 za izdelavo blazine na osnovi steklenih vlaken.Use of a unit according to any one of claims 1 to 9 for the manufacture of a fiberglass based pillow.
SI200200124A 2001-05-11 2002-05-13 Process and unit for processing foil material SI20924A (en)

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