SI20678A - Ski with integrated platform - Google Patents

Ski with integrated platform Download PDF


Publication number
SI20678A SI200100006A SI200100006A SI20678A SI 20678 A SI20678 A SI 20678A SI 200100006 A SI200100006 A SI 200100006A SI 200100006 A SI200100006 A SI 200100006A SI 20678 A SI20678 A SI 20678A
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central part
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Slovenian (sl)
Drago Zupan
Jure Franko
Andrej Hrovat
Janez Ravnik
Original Assignee
Elan, D.D.
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Application filed by Elan, D.D. filed Critical Elan, D.D.
Priority to SI200100006A priority Critical patent/SI20678A/en
Priority to PCT/SI2001/000032 priority patent/WO2002056979A1/en
Publication of SI20678A publication Critical patent/SI20678A/en



    • A63C5/00Skis or snowboards
    • A63C5/04Structure of the surface thereof


  • Footwear And Its Accessory, Manufacturing Method And Apparatuses (AREA)
  • Fittings On The Vehicle Exterior For Carrying Loads, And Devices For Holding Or Mounting Articles (AREA)


The aim of the presented invention is on one side to ensure a favourable position of the ski booth on the ski on an appropriate or enhanced distance or height (H) from the level of the sliding surface, this means on a suitable standing height, while on the other side featuring an appropriate visual effect keeping unchanged hardness, elasticity and deformation features of the ski. This means ensuring at least such properties, which would otherwise be featured by skis without such built-up platform. According to the invention there is at least in the area of the central part (3) of the ski, in particular the area of attaching the ski binding or in the area of building up the platform above the supporting elements (6, 7, 73) and beneath the topping (8) thus integrated to the ski itself, a non-supporting layer (9). The specified actually non-supporting layer (9) is preferably coated by a topping (8), which consists of a decorative layer (81), applied over the non-supporting layer (9) and the protective layer (82), which is applied across the specified decorative layer (81).


Izum spada na področje športa oz. športnih rekvizitov, namreč smuči, nanaša pa se na smučko z integrirano platformo.The invention belongs to the field of sports or. sports equipment, namely skis, refers to a ski with an integrated platform.

Pri tem izum temelji na problemu, kako pri smučki po eni strani zagotoviti ugodno namestitev smučarskega čevlja na primerni oz. povečani oddaljenosti oz. višini od ravnine drsne površine, po drugi strani pa ob primernem estetskem videzu obdržati nespremenjene trdnostne, elastične in deformacijske karakteristike smučke, namreč vsaj v bistvu takšne, kakršne bi bile sicer na voljo pri smučki brez nadgrajene platforme.Herein, the invention is based on the problem of how, on the one hand, to ensure that the ski boots are conveniently positioned on a suitable or suitable ski boot. increased distance or at the same time as the surface of the sliding surface, and on the other hand, while maintaining the proper aesthetic, firm, elastic and deformation characteristics of the ski, at least essentially as they would otherwise be available with a ski without an upgraded platform.

Pri obravnavanju pričujočega izuma je treba razumeti, da smučka v fizikalnem smislu predstavlja vitek, elastičen, v pretežni meri sicer upogibno, do neke mere pa tudi torzij sko obremenjen nosilec. Zato mora biti smučka tako po dolžini kot tudi po upogibni togosti oz. vitkosti oz. elastičnosti kot tudi po deformabilnosti, torzijski togosti in drugih fizikalnih karakteristikah vnaprej prilagojena po eni strani določenim razmeram pri smučanju (namenu), po drugi strani pa teži in sposobnostim oz. zmogljivosti (znanju, moči, eksplozivnosti) smučarja. Edinole na ta način je mogoče zagotoviti dobro vodljivost smučke v vsakokratnih razmerah.When considering the present invention, it should be understood that the ski in physical terms is a slim, elastic, largely flexural, and to some extent torsionally stressed carrier. Therefore, the ski must be both in length and flexural stiffness. slenderness or. elasticity as well as deformability, torsional stiffness and other physical characteristics pre-adjusted on the one hand to certain conditions in skiing (purpose), and on the other hand to weights and abilities or. capabilities (knowledge, power, explosiveness) of the skier. The only way to do this is to ensure good ski handling in all conditions.

Še nadalje velja upoštevati, da je na smučko potrebno pritrditi smučarsko vez, s pomočjo katere je na smučki na zanesljiv način pritrjen smučarski čevelj, pri čemer se tudi na stičišču med smučarsko vezjo in smučko s smučke na vez in obratno prenašajo razmeroma visoke dinamične obremenitve.It should also be borne in mind that it is necessary to attach a ski link to the ski, by means of which the ski boot is securely fastened to the ski, with relatively high dynamic loads being transmitted at the junction between the ski circuit and the ski ski.

Še nadalje je bilo ugotovljeno, da se prenos pritiskov na robnike smučke v zavojih spet zaradi čisto fizikalnih razmer in kot posledica teže in vztrajnosti smučarja kot tudi zaradi delovanja sil, ustvarjenih s pomočjo smučarjeve muskulature, na zelo ugoden način vrši zlasti v primeru, če je smučarski čevelj razporejen na določeni višini’ nad robnikom oz. drsno površino smučke (stojni višini), pri čemer je ta višina bistveno večja od višine oz. debeline sicer z vidika fizikalnih karakteristik (kot rečeno npr. elastičnosti in podobno) optimalne smučke v njenem osrednjem delu. Zgolj s povečanjem debeline smučke v njenem osrednjem delu bi bistveno povečali težo smučke, kar je nezaželeno, hkrati pa bi s spremembo togosti oz. elastičnosti posegli v fizikalne karakteristike smučke. Ukrep, ki rešuje omenjeno problematiko, je v stroki že znan, gre pa za uporabo takoimenovane platforme, s katero se smučko nadgradi v njenem osrednjem delu, namreč na mestu pritrditve smučarske vezi oz. smučarskega čevlja.It was further found that the transfer of pressures to the curves of the ski in turns is again due to the purely physical conditions and due to the weight and perseverance of the skier, as well as due to the action of forces created by the skier's musculature, in a particularly favorable manner, especially if ski boot positioned at a certain height above the curb. the sliding surface of the ski (standing height), where this height is significantly greater than the height or. thickness in terms of physical characteristics (as said, for example, elasticity and the like) of the optimal ski in its central part. Only by increasing the thickness of the ski in its central part would significantly increase the weight of the ski, which is undesirable, but at the same time by changing the stiffness or. elasticity interfered with the physical characteristics of the ski. The measure that solves these problems is already known in the art, but it involves the use of the so-called platform, with which the ski is upgraded in its central part, namely at the point of attachment of the ski link or. ski boots.

Platforme, kakršne so opisane npr. v US 5,413,371, v US 5,344,176 ali npr. tudi v WO 92/22361, predstavljajo nadgradnjo sicer običajne in torej tudi v smislu fizikalnih karakteristik nekako dovršene smučke. Platforma kot dodatek k smučki v splošnem zagotavlja želeno namestitev smučarskega čevlja na primerni oddaljenosti od drsne površine oz. robnikov, t.j. stojni višini, po drugi strani pa glede fizikalnih karakteristik vsekakor predstavlja nekakšen tujek, motilno veličino, ki ovira nemoteno upogibanje in duši elastičnost smučke, in sicer neredko celo do te mere, da sicer enovita, enakomerna, zvezna in gladka upogibna linija smučke postane lomljena ali vsaj neenakomerno ukrivljena. Platforme običajno montirajo na smuči naknadno, v smučarskih servisih. Proizvajalci smuči se med drugim zelo trudijo tudi s tem, da bi smučki zagotovili primeren estetski izgled, ki ga tako nadgrajena platforma praviloma vsaj do neke mere pokvari. Razen tega se na stičišču med smučko in nadgrajeno platformo med uporabo v težkih zimskih pogojih nabira sneg, voda in led, kar nikakor ni ugodno.Platforms such as those described e.g. in US 5,413,371, in US 5,344,176 or e.g. also in WO 92/22361, they represent an upgrade of the otherwise ordinary and, in terms of physical characteristics, somehow perfect ski. The platform, in addition to the ski, generally provides the desired placement of the ski shoe at a suitable distance from the gliding surface. curbs, i.e. In terms of physical height, on the other hand, it certainly represents a kind of stranger, an intermittent magnitude that impedes smooth bending and dampens the elasticity of the ski, even to the extent that the uniform, even, continuous and smooth bending line of the ski becomes broken or at least unevenly curved. The platforms are usually mounted on the skis afterwards, at the ski repair shops. The ski manufacturers, among other things, are working hard to provide the skis with the appropriate aesthetic appearance, which is generally spoiled by the upgraded platform as a rule. In addition, snow, water and ice accumulate at the junction between the ski and the upgraded platform during difficult winter conditions, which is by no means favorable.

Po izumu gre za smučko z integrirano platformo, pri čemer smučka obsega vsaj tri karakteristična območja, namreč prednji del oz. konico, zadnji del oz. rep ter med slednjima nahajajoč se osrednji del, ki je sicer predviden za pritrditev smučarske vezi ali dograditev takoimenovane platforme: V fizikalnem smislu je tovrstna smučka zasnovana kot enovit elastičen upogibni nosilec, nad katerega drsno plastjo s proti vsakokratni podlagi obrnjeno drsno površino, razporejeno med vzdolžno potekajočima robnikoma, se nahajajo nosilni deli, namreč prednostno s škatlasto zasnovano nosilno lupino obdano jedro oz. sredica, po možnosti pa tudi dodatna natezna nosilna plast, ki je razporejena med omenjeno lupino in drsno plastjo. Od omenjenih nosilnih delov so odvisne fizikalne karakteristike smučke, namreč upogibna in torzij ska trdnost, togost oz. elastičnost, deformabilnost in podobne, pri čemer so omenjeni nosilni deli prevlečeni s prekrivno plastjo. Debelina tako zasnovane smučke v območju srednjega dela je običajno nekoliko večja od debeline smučke v območju prednjega dela in zadnjega dela. Po izumu pa je vsaj v območju osrednjega dela smučke, namreč v območju pritrditve Smučarske vezi oz. v območju, ki je sicer predvideno za prigraditev smučarske vezi oz. ki je sicer na voljo za tudi za dograditev platforme, in sicer nad omenjenimi nosilnimi deli in pod omenjeno prekrivno plastjo, razporejena dodatna vsaj v bistvu nenosilna plast, ki je tako skupaj z omenjenimi nosilnimi deli prekrita s prekrivno plastjo ter s tem vkomponirana v sami smučki. Omenjena vsaj v bistvu nenosilna plast sestoji iz ovojnice iz nenosilnih ali slabo nosilnih gradiv, zlasti npr. iz. flisa in/ali svile in/ali teksaliuma in/ali podobnih gradiv, ki so vsaj v osnovi brez bistvenega vpliva na nosilnost omenjenih nosilnih delov smučke ter s tem tudi na fizikalne karakteristike smučke. Nadalje je smotrno, če omenjena vsasj v bistvu nenosilna plast, ki sicer sestoji iz nenosilnih ali slabo nosilnih gradiv oz. tudi nosilnih gradiv brez funkcije nosilnosti, ki torej so brez bistvenega vpliva na nosilnost nosilnih delov smučke ter s tem na fizikalne karakteristike smučke, vključuje pritrdilni vložek, ki je sicer po eni strani dovolj trden za privitje vijakov za pritrditev smučarske vezi, po drugi strani pa je v celoti obdan z ovojnico iz nenosilnih oz. slabo nosilnih gradiv ter je s tem prav tako brez vsakršnega bistvenega vpliva na nosilnost nosilnih elementov oz. na fizikalne karakteristike smučke. Zahvaljujoč vsaj v območju osrednjega dela smučke nad nosilne dele in pod prekrivno plast vgrajeni vsaj v bistvu nenosilni plasti torej debelina oz. višina smučke v območju osrednjega dela smučke vsaj v bistvu ustreza višini osrednjega dela običajne smučke, povečani za višino naknadno dograjene platforme. Po izumu je predvideno, daje zahvaljujoč vsaj v območju osrednjega dela smučke nad nosilne dele in pod prekrivno plast vgrajeni vsaj v bistvu nenosilni plasti debelina oz. višina smučke v območju osrednjega dela smučke za 10 - 100% večja od siceršnje višine osrednjega dela običajne smučke, namreč smučke brez vgrajene vsaj v bistvu nenosilne plasti. Omenjena vsaj v bistvu nenosilna plast je prednostno prevlečena s prekrivno plastjo, ki sestoji iz dekorativne plasti, ki je nameščena preko vsaj v bistvu nenosilne plasti, in zaščitne plasti, ki je nanešena preko omenjene dekorativne plasti.According to the invention, it is a ski with an integrated platform, the ski comprises at least three characteristic areas, namely the front or the front. tip, back part or. the tail and the central part of the latter, which is otherwise intended to be attached to the ski link or to upgrade the so-called platform: In physical terms, this ski is designed as a single elastic bending support over which a sliding layer with an inverted sliding surface disposed between the longitudinal the supporting edges are located along the running edges, namely, preferably a box-shaped bearing shell surrounded by a core or. core, and possibly an additional tensile support layer, which is arranged between said shell and the sliding layer. The physical characteristics of the ski, namely the flexural and torsional strength, stiffness, and strength of the ski, depend on the said supporting parts. elasticity, deformability and the like, wherein said support members are coated with a coating layer. The thickness of a ski designed in this way in the middle part is usually slightly larger than the thickness of the ski in the area of the front and back. According to the invention, at least in the region of the central part of the ski, namely in the area of attachment of the ski link or. in the area that is otherwise intended for the attachment of the ski link. which is also available for upgrading the platform above said load-bearing parts and under said coating layer, an additional at least substantially non-load-bearing layer is arranged, which, together with said load-bearing components, is covered by the coating layer and thus incorporated in the ski itself . Said at least substantially non-carrier layer consists of an envelope of non-carrier or poorly-bearing materials, in particular e.g. from. fleece and / or silk and / or texalium and / or similar materials, which are at least substantially without significant impact on the load bearing capacity of said ski components and thus on the physical characteristics of the ski. Further, it is advantageous if said substantially non-carrier layer, which otherwise consists of non-carrier or poorly bearing materials, or. Also, load-bearing materials with no load-bearing function, which therefore have no significant effect on the load-bearing capacity of the load-bearing parts of the ski and thus on the physical characteristics of the ski, include a fastening insert, which, on the one hand, is sufficiently rigid to tighten the screws to secure the ski link, and on the other it is completely surrounded by a non-load-bearing envelope. poorly bearing materials, and thus without any significant impact on the load-bearing capacity of the supporting elements or. to the physical characteristics of the ski. Thanks to at least in the area of the central part of the ski above the supporting parts and under the overlay layer, at least substantially non-bearing layers, ie thickness or thickness, are incorporated. the height of the ski in the area of the central part of the ski at least essentially corresponds to the height of the central part of the normal ski, increased by the height of the subsequently upgraded platform. According to the invention, it is envisaged that at least in the region of the central part of the ski above the supporting parts and under the overlay layer, at least substantially non-load-bearing layers are embedded in the thickness or thickness. the height of the ski in the area of the central part of the ski is 10-100% larger than the usual height of the central part of the normal ski, namely, the ski without a substantially non-load-bearing layer incorporated at least. Said at least substantially non-carrier layer is preferably coated with an overlay consisting of a decorative layer applied over at least a substantially non-carrier layer and a protective layer applied over said decorative layer.

Pri vsaj eni od možnih izpeljank obravnavane rešitve smučke po izumu je nad nosilnimi deli in pod prekrivno plastjo smučke vkomponirana vsaj v bistvu nenosilna plast predvidena tudi na izven osrednjega območja smučke nahajajočih se območjih v bližini prednjega dela in/ali zadnjega dela smučke. Zlasti je lahko prednostno, če je pri nazadnje obravnavani izvedbi smučke nad nosilnimi deli in pod prekrivno plastjo smučke vkomponirana vsaj v bistvu nenosilna plast na voljo tudi v vzdolžno proti prednjemu delu smučke in/ali zadnjemu delu smučke potekajočih rebrih.In at least one of the possible embodiments of the present ski solution of the invention, at least substantially a non-load-bearing layer is provided above the load-bearing parts and under the ski overlay, also located outside the central region of the ski in areas near the front and / or rear of the ski. In particular, it may be advantageous if, in the last embodiment of the ski, above the load-bearing parts and under the ski cover layer, at least substantially the non-load-bearing layer is also available in the longitudinal towards the front of the ski and / or the back of the running ribs.

Izum bo v nadaljevanju konkretiziran s primeroma izvedbe, ki sta prikazana na priloženi skici, pri čemer kaže sl. 1 smučko z integrirano platformo, prikazano v tlorisu;The invention will now be further concretized with the exemplary embodiments shown in the accompanying drawing, with FIG. 1 ski with integrated platform shown in floor plan;

sl. 2' različico smučke z integrirano platformo, prav tako prikazano v tlorisu; sl. 3 smučki po sl. 1 in 2 v prečnem prerezu v ravnini IH - IH po sl. 1, sl. 4 pa smučko po sl. 1 v prečnem prerezu v ravnini IV - IV po sl. 1.FIG. 2 'ski version with integrated platform, also shown in floor plan; FIG. 3 skis according to FIG. 1 and 2 in cross-section in the plane IH - IH according to FIG. 1, FIG. 4 is a ski according to FIG. 1 in cross-section in plane IV - IV according to FIG. 1.

Smučka je v osnovi (sl. 1 in 2) izvedena kot enovit elastičen nosilec, na katerem je viden prednji del 1 (takoimenovana konica smučke), ki je ukrivljen v smeri vstran od vsakokratne podlage, zadnji del 2 (takoimenovan rep smučke) in osrednji del 3, ki je predviden za pritrditev na skici neprikazane smučarske vezi ter posredno smučarskega čevlja. Ob straneh smučke sta praktično po njeni celotni dolžini na voljo robnika 4', 4 (sl. 4), med katerima se prav tako praktično po celotni dolžini smučke nahaja drsna plast 5 s proti podlagi obrnjeno drsno površino 50.The ski is basically (Figs. 1 and 2) made as a single elastic support, which shows the front part 1 (the so-called tip of the ski), curved in the direction away from the respective base, the rear part 2 (the so-called tail of the ski) and the central Part 3, which is intended to be attached to the sketch of a non-shown ski link and indirectly a ski boot. Along the sides of the ski, curbs 4 ', 4 (Fig. 4) are available practically along its entire length, between which a sliding layer 5 with a sliding surface 50 facing the base is also practically along the entire length of the ski.

Kot je razvidno na skici (sl. 3 in 4), je celotna višina oz. debelina H smučke po izumu v osrednjem delu 3 bistveno večja kot višina (h') v območju njenega prednjega dela 1 ali zadnjega dela 2, še zlasti pa tudi večja od višine (h) sicer običajne smučke brez nadgrajene platforme.As can be seen in the sketch (Figs. 3 and 4), the total height or height. the thickness H of the ski according to the invention in the central part 3 is substantially greater than the height (h ') in the region of its front part 1 or the rear part 2, and in particular also greater than the height (h) of a conventional ski without an upgraded platform.

Struktura smučke v območju njenega prednjega dela 1 ali zadnjega dela 2 je prikazana na sl. 3. Pri doslej znanih smučkah je bila tovrstna struktura uporabljana tako v območju prednjega dela 1 in zadnjega dela 2 kot tudi v območju sicer nekoliko višjega oz. debelejšega osrednjega dela 3 običajne višine h. Kot je mogoče ugotoviti iz primerjave med sl. 3 in 4 je pri smučki po izumu struktura osrednjega dela 3 izpopolnjena na način, ki bo podrobneje opisan v nadaljevanju in s katerim je rešen uvodoma zastavljeni problem.The structure of the ski in the region of its front part 1 or rear part 2 is shown in FIG. 3. In the case of known skis so far, this structure was used in the area of the front part 1 and the rear part 2 as well as in the area of slightly higher or higher height. thicker central part 3 of normal height h. As can be seen from the comparison between FIG. 3 and 4, in the ski according to the invention, the structure of the central part 3 is refined in a way that will be described in more detail below and which will solve the problem set out above.

Kot je razvidno na sl. 3, sta pri smučki po izumu prednji del 1 in zadnji del 2 (kot pri sodobnejših že znanih smučkah iz stanja tehnike z višino h v osrednjem delu) zasnovana kot škatlasta struktura, ki v osnovi sestoji iz jedra oz. sredice 6, ki je v prikazanem primeru v celoti obdano s škatlasto zasnovano laminatno nosilno lupino 7. Slednja je v prikazanem primeru v prečnem prerezu zasnovana nekako v obliki zvrnjene črke D, in pod njenima sploščenima oz. podaljšanima končnima območjema 71, 72 sta nameščena robnika 4, 4. Med slednjima se takorekoč v ravnini podlage nahaja drsna plast 5. Nad omenjeno drsno plastjo 5 in med robnikoma 4', 4 ter hkrati pod omenjeno nosilno lupino 7, ki obdaja jedro oz. sredico 6, je v danem primeru na voljo še dodatna natezna nosilna plast 73, ki predstavlja dodatno ojačitev omenjene nosilne škatle 7 pri prenašanju ekstremnih nateznih obremenitev v skrajnih točkah neposredno ob drsni plasti 5, ki so podledica upogibnih obremenitev smučke.As can be seen in FIG. 3, in the ski according to the invention, the front part 1 and the back part 2 (as in the more modern skis known in the prior art, with height h in the central part) are designed as a box structure, essentially consisting of a core or a core. core 6, which in this case is completely enclosed by a box-shaped laminate support shell 7. The latter is, in the cross-section shown, in the form of a cross-shaped letter D, and under its flattened or. edges 4, 4 are positioned in the extended end regions 71, 72. Between these latter there is also a sliding layer 5. Above said sliding layer 5 and between the edges 4 ', 4 and at the same time under said bearing shell 7, which surrounds the core or. In this case, an additional tensile carrier layer 73 is provided, which represents an additional reinforcement of said carrier box 7 in carrying extreme tensile loads at the extreme points directly adjacent to the sliding layer 5, which are the result of the flexural loads of the ski.

Preko omenjene škatlaste nosilne lupine 7 je položena pokrivna obloga 8, ki v danem primeru sestoji iz spodnjega, prednostno zgolj dekorativnega sloja 81 in zgornjega, npr. prozornega ali prosojnega zaščitnega sloja 82. Obloga 8 poteka preko celotne zgornje površine smučke in tudi preko njenih bočnih površin, kadar le-te obstojijo, v splošnem lahko celo vse do stika z robnikoma 4', 4.Over said box bearing shell 7 is provided a cover lining 8, which optionally consists of a lower, preferably only decorative layer 81 and an upper, e.g. transparent or translucent protective layer 82. The lining 8 extends over the entire upper surface of the ski and also over its lateral surfaces, when they exist, in general, even up to the contact with the curbs 4 ', 4.

Po izumu je smučka v območju osrednjega dela 3 (sl. 4) prav tako izvedena iz sredice 6, ki je obdana s škatlasto nosilno lupino 7, pod katero je med robnikoma 4', 4 na voljo drsna plast 5 z drsno površino 50, prednostno pa tudi z dodatno nosilno plastjo 73. Vendar pa je preko omenjene škatlaste nosilne lupine 7, ki vsebuje omenjeno sredico 6, nameščena dodatna vsaj v bistvu nenosilna plast 9 ustrezne debeline, preko katere je tako kot na preostalih delih 1, 2 smučke nameščena na enak način ter v splošnem tudi iz enakih gradiv izvedena pokrivna obloga 8, ki spet lahko sestoji iz spodaj nameščenega npr. grafično obdelanega ali tudi neobdelanega sloja 81 in preko slednjega prevlečenega grafično obdelanega ali neobdelanega zaščitnega sloja 82.According to the invention, the ski in the region of the central part 3 (Fig. 4) is also made of a core 6, which is surrounded by a box bearing shell 7, under which between the curbs 4 ', 4 there is a sliding layer 5 with a sliding surface 50, preferably but also with an additional support layer 73. However, via said box support shell 7 containing said core 6, an additional at least substantially non-load bearing layer 9 of appropriate thickness is mounted, through which, as in the other parts 1, 2, the skis are mounted on the same the method and, in general, of the same materials, a covering lining 8, which again may consist of the below e. graphically treated or untreated layer 81 and a graphically treated or untreated protective layer 82 coated therewith.

Omenjena vsaj v bistvu nenosilna plast 9, ki je nameščena preko nosilnih delov smučke, vsaj v osnovi v ničemer ne vpliva na fizikalne lastnosti pod njo nahajajočih se nosilnih delov smučke, npr. nosilne lupine 7 s sredico 6, dodatne nosilne plasti 73 in morebitnih drugih. Pač pa omenjena vsaj v bistvu nenosilna plast 9, ki je v splošnem lahko že v fazi lepljenja med izdelavo smučke pred izvedbo pokrivne plasti 8 prilepljena na omenjene nosilne dele smučke, omogoča predvsem zagotovitev primerne oz. pričakovane debeline oz. višine H smučke v območju njenega osrednjega dela 3.The aforementioned substantially non-load-bearing layer 9, which is mounted over the load-bearing parts of the ski, at least fundamentally does not affect the physical properties of the load-bearing parts of the ski located below it, e.g. bearing shells 7 with core 6, additional bearing layers 73 and any others. The aforementioned at least substantially non-load-bearing layer 9, which in general can be glued to said load-bearing parts of the ski already during the bonding phase during the construction of the ski prior to the implementation of the cover layer 8, enables the provision of a suitable or. expected thickness or. height H of the ski in the area of its central part 3.

Zlasti je prednostno, če omenjena vsaj v bistvu nenosilna plast 9 vsebuje tudi pritrdilni vložek 91, ki je obdan z ovojnico 92 iz vsaj v bistvu nenosilnih gradiv ali tudi nosilnih gradiv v vsaj v bistvu nenosilni funkciji, kot je npr. netkano gradivo iz naravnih ali umetnih snovi (klobučevina, vlies oz. tkzv. flis, svila in podobno). Pritrdilni vložek 91, ki je vkomponiran v tej ovojnici 92 in ki skupaj z njo tvori omenjeno nenosilno plast 9, je namenjen izključno za pritrditev smučarske vezi s pomočjo vsakokrat ustreznih vijakov, ki na skici niso posebej prikazani in ki se jih privije v vložek 91. Ker je vložek z vseh strani obdan z nenosilno ovojnico 92, tako njegova prisotnost ne vpliva na omembe vreden način na upogibne lastnosti same smučke.It is particularly advantageous if said at least substantially non-carrier layer 9 also comprises a retaining insert 91, which is surrounded by an envelope 92 of at least substantially non-carrier materials or also supporting materials in at least substantially non-carrier function, such as e.g. non-woven material of natural or synthetic materials (felt, fleece, silk and the like). The mounting insert 91, which is incorporated in this envelope 92 and forming with it the said non-load-bearing layer 9, is intended solely for the purpose of securing the ski link by means of the respective screws not shown separately and which are screwed into the insert 91. Since the insert is surrounded on all sides by a non-load bearing envelope 92, its presence does not affect the remarkable manner of the flexural properties of the ski itself.

Na sl. 2 je prikazana različica smučke po sl. 1, pri kateri je odebeljeni oz. povišani osrednji del 3, v območju katerega struktura povsem ustreza tisti pri smučki po sl. 1, namreč tisti, ki je v prerezu prikazana na sl. 4. Pri tej različici pa je osrednji del 3 v smeri naprej proti prednjemu delu oz. konici 1 smučke kot tudi v smeri nazaj proti zadnjemu delu 2 oz. repu smučke podaljšan s po dvema med seboj razmaknjenima in v vzdolžni smeri smučke potekajočima rebroma 3Γ, 31 in 32', 32. Tudi rebra 3Γ, 31 in 32', 32, ki jih je v splošnem lahko tudi več ali manj in so v splošnem lahko tudi drugače razporejena, so izvedena iz vsaj v bistvu nenosilnih gradiv, vendar v celoti prevlečena s pokrivno oblogo 8, ki v danem primeru spet lahko sestoji iz dekorativnega sloja 81 in preko slednjega prevlečenege zaščitnega sloja 82. Na ta način tudi prisotnost reber 3Γ, 31 in 32', 32 ne vpliva na fizikalne karakteristike nosilnih elementov smučke in torej na togost oz. elastičnost smučke kot take. Tudi v tem primeru prerez smučke na njenem prednjem delu 1 in zadnjem delu 2 izven območja reber 3 Γ, 31 in 32', 32 povsem ustreza tistemu po sl. 3.In FIG. 2 is a variant of the ski according to FIG. 1, wherein the bold or elevated central portion 3, in the region of which the structure corresponds exactly to that of the ski according to FIG. 1, namely the one shown in cross section in FIG. 4. In this version, however, the central part 3 is in a forward direction towards the front or the front. tip 1 of the ski as well as backwards towards the rear 2 or. the tail of the ski is extended by two ribs 3Γ, 31 and 32 ', 32 spaced apart from each other and in the longitudinal direction of the ski, also ribs 3Γ, 31 and 32', 32, which can generally be more or less and are generally they may also be arranged differently, made of at least substantially non-load-bearing materials, but fully coated with a cover lining 8 which, if appropriate, may again consist of a decorative layer 81 and a coated protective layer 82 over the latter. 31 and 32 ', 32 does not affect the physical characteristics of the load-bearing elements of the ski and therefore the rigidity or. the elasticity of the ski as such. In this case, too, the cross-section of the ski on its front part 1 and the back part 2 outside the region of ribs 3 Γ, 31 and 32 ′, 32 corresponds exactly to that of FIG. 3.

Kar se tiče višine H oz. debeline smučke v območju njenega osrednjega dela 3, ta povsem ustreza višini h siceršnje smučke po stanju tehnike z dodano višino hp na sebi pritrjene platforme, ki na skici sicer ni posebej prikazana Oz. označena. Pri smučki po izumu je platforma, če pod tem izrazom razumemo vsaj v bistvu nenosilno plast 9 v območju osrednjega dela 3 smučke, takorekoč vkomponirana v sami smučki. Na tej osnovi smučka po izumu vizuelno deluje kot oblikovalsko dovršen končen izdelek brez vsakršnih dodatkov, ki bi vplivali na njen vizuelni zunanji izgled. Kar pa je še zlasti bistveno, je dejstvo, da smučka kljub povečani višini (H) oz. debelini v območju njenega osrednjega dela 3 lahko vsaj v normalnih in še znosnih okvirih ohrani pričakovane izvirne oz. izhodiščne fizikalne karakteristike, ki izhajajo iz zasnove in izvedbe njenih nosilnih delov, zlasti nosilne lupine 7 s sredico 6 ter dodatne nosilne plasti 73 in po potrebi tudi drugih. S tem pa je na eleganten način uvodoma zastavljeni problem seveda v celoti rešen .As for the height H or. the thickness of the ski in the area of its central part 3, which corresponds exactly to the height h of the other ski according to the state of the art, with the added height of hp attached to the platform, which does not otherwise show Oz. marked. In the case of the ski according to the invention, the platform is understood to mean at least essentially a non-load-bearing layer 9 in the region of the central portion 3 of the ski, which is also incorporated in the ski itself. On this basis, the ski according to the invention visually acts as a designer finished product without any additives that would affect its visual appearance. What is particularly important is the fact that despite the increased height (H) and / or the ski. thicknesses in the region of its central portion 3 can, at least in normal and tolerable frames, retain the expected original or. baseline physical characteristics arising from the design and construction of its supporting parts, in particular the support shell 7 with the core 6 and the additional support layers 73 and, if necessary, others. This, of course, is in an elegant way completely solved by the introduction of the problem.

Claims (9)

PATENTNI ZAHTEVKIPATENT APPLICATIONS 1. Smučka z integrirano platformo, obsegajoča vsaj tri karakteristična območja, namreč prednji del oz. konico (1), zadnji del oz. rep (2) ter med slednjima nahajajoč se osrednji del (3), predviden za pritrditev smučarske vezi ali dograditev takoimenovane platforme, pri čemer je smučka zasnovana kot enovit elastičen upogibni nosilec, nad katerega drsno plastjo (5) s proti vsakokratni podlagi obrnjeno drsno površino (50), razporejeno med vzdolžno potekajočima robnikoma (4', 4), se nahajajo nosilni deli, namreč prednostno s škatlasto zasnovano nosilno lupino (7) obdano jedro oz. sredica (6) po potrebi z dodamo natezno nosilno plastjo (73), razporejeno med omenjeno lupino (7) in drsno plastjo (5), od katerih so odvisne fizikalne karakteristike smučke, namreč upogibna in torzij ska trdnost, togost oz. elastičnost, deformabilnost in podobne, pri čemer so omenjeni nosilni deli (6, 7, 73) prevlečeni s prekrivno plastjo (8), in pri čemer je debelina (h) tako zasnovane smučke v območju srednjega dela (3) običajno nekoliko večja od debeline (h') smučke v območju prednjega dela (1) in zadnjega dela (2), označena s tem, daje vsaj v območju osrednjega dela (3) smučke, namreč v območju, ki je predvideno za pritrditev smučarske vezi oz. tudi za dograditev platforme kot dodatka k smučki, in sicer nad omenjenimi nosilnimi deli (6, 7, 73) in pod prekrivno plastjo (8), razporejena dodatna vsaj v bistvu nenosilna plast (9), ki je tako skupaj z nosilnimi deli (6, 7, 73) prekrita s prekrivno plastjo (8) ter s tem vkomponirana v sami smučki.1. An integrated platform ski comprising at least three characteristic areas, namely the front or the front. tip (1), rear part or. a tail (2) and a central part (3) between them, intended for mounting a ski link or extending the so-called platform, the ski being designed as a single elastic bending support over which the sliding layer (5) with the sliding surface facing each other (50), arranged between the longitudinally extending edges (4 ', 4), there are supporting members, preferably a box-shaped support shell (7), surrounded by a core or a core. if necessary, a core (6) is added with a tensile support layer (73) arranged between said shell (7) and a sliding layer (5), which depend on the physical characteristics of the ski, namely the flexural and torsional strength, stiffness or strength. elasticity, deformability and the like, wherein said support parts (6, 7, 73) are coated with a cover layer (8), and the thickness (h) of the ski designed in this way is typically slightly greater than the thickness in the middle part (3) (h ') skis in the region of the front (1) and the rear (2), characterized in that it is at least in the region of the central part (3) of the ski, namely in the area intended for fixing the ski link or the ski. also for upgrading the platform as an adjunct to the ski, above said load-bearing parts (6, 7, 73) and below the cover layer (8), an additional at least substantially non-load-bearing layer (9) is arranged, which is thus together with the load-bearing parts (6 , 7, 73) covered with a cover layer (8) and thus incorporated in the ski itself. 2. Smučka po zahtevku 1, označena s tem, da vsaj v bistvu nenosilna plast (9) sestoji iz ovojnice (92) iz v osnovi nenosilnih oz. slabo nosilnih gradiv oz. tudi nopsilnih gradiv v finkciji nenosilnosti, ki so brez bistvenega vpliva na nosilnost nosilnih delov (6, 7, 73) smučke ter s tem na fizikalne karakteristike smučke.A ski according to claim 1, characterized in that at least substantially the non-load-bearing layer (9) consists of an envelope (92) of substantially non-load-bearing or non-load-bearing layers. poorly supported materials or also non-bearing materials in the function of non-bearing, which have no significant effect on the load-bearing capacity of the load-bearing parts (6, 7, 73) of the ski, and thus on the physical characteristics of the ski. -1111-1111 3. Smučka po zahtevku 2, označena s tem, da vsaj v bistvu nenosilna plast (9) sestoji iz ovojnice (92) iz nenosilnih oz. slabo nosilnih gradiv oz. nosilnig hradiv v funkciji nenosilnosti, namreč flisa in/ali svile in/ali teksaliuma in/ali podobnih gradiv, ki so tako brez bistvenega oz. vsaj brez prevelikega vpliva na nosilnost nosilnih delov (6, 7, 73) smučke ter s tem na fizikalne karakteristike smučke.Ski according to claim 2, characterized in that at least substantially the non-bearing layer (9) consists of an envelope (92) of non-bearing or non-bearing layers. poorly supported materials or a carrier nutrient in the function of non-bearing, namely fleece and / or silk and / or texalium and / or similar materials, which are thus free from essential or at least without too much effect on the load-bearing capacity of the load-bearing parts (6, 7, 73) of the ski and thus on the physical characteristics of the ski. 4. Smučka po zahtevku 1, označena s tem, da v bistvu nenosilna plast (9), ki sicer sestoji iz nenosilnih pz. slabo nosilnih gradiv oz. nosilnih gradiv v nenosilni finkciji, ki so torej brez bistvenega vpliva na nosilnost nosilnih delov (6, 7, 73) smučke ter s tem na fizikalne karakteristike smučke, vključuje pritrdilni vložek (91), ki je sicer po eni strani dovolj trden za privitje vijakov za pritrditev smučarske vezi, po drugi strani pa je v celoti obdan z ovojnico (92) iz nenosilnih oz. slabo nosilnih gradiv oz. nosilnih gradiv v nenosilni finkciji ter je s tem brez vsakršnega vpliva na nosilnost nosilnih elementov (6, 7, 73) oz. na fizikalne karakteristike smučke.A ski according to claim 1, characterized in that it is essentially a non-load-bearing layer (9), which otherwise consists of non-load-bearing pz. poorly supported materials or supporting materials in non-load-bearing function, which therefore have no significant effect on the load-bearing capacity of the load-bearing parts (6, 7, 73) of the ski, and thus on the physical characteristics of the ski, include a fastening insert (91) which, on the one hand, is sufficiently rigid to tighten the screws for securing the ski link, on the other hand, it is completely surrounded by a non-load-bearing or non-load-bearing envelope (92). poorly supported materials or bearing materials in non-load-bearing function and thus without any effect on the load-bearing capacity of the load-bearing elements (6, 7, 73) or. to the physical characteristics of the ski. 5. Smučka po zahtevkih 1-4, označena s tem, da zahvaljujoč vsaj v območju osrednjega dela (3) smučke nad nosilne dele (6, 7, 73) in pod prekrivno plast (8) vgrajeni vsaj v bistvu nenosilni plasti (9) debelina oz. višina (H) smučke v območju osrednjega dela (3) smučke vsaj v bistvu ustreza višini (h) osrednjega dela (3) običajne smučke, povečani za višino (lip) naknadno dogradljive platforme.Ski according to claims 1-4, characterized in that at least in the region of the central part (3) of the ski above the supporting parts (6, 7, 73) and under the overlay layer (8), at least substantially non-bearing layers (9) are incorporated thickness or. the height (H) of the ski in the area of the central part (3) of the ski at least essentially corresponds to the height (h) of the central part (3) of the normal ski, increased by the height (lip) of the subsequently upgradable platform. 6. Smučka po zahtevku 5, označena s tem, daje zahvaljujoč vsaj v območju osrednjega dela (3) smučke nad nosilne dele (6, 7, 73) in pod prekrivno plast (8) vgrajeni vsaj v bistvu nenosilni plasti (9) debelina oz. višina (H) smučke v območju osrednjega dela (3) smučke za 10 - 100% večja od siceršnje višine (h)Ski according to claim 5, characterized in that at least in the region of the central part (3) of the ski above the supporting parts (6, 7, 73) and under the overlay layer (8), at least substantially non-load-bearing layers (9) are embedded . height (H) of the ski in the area of the central part (3) of the ski 10 - 100% higher than the usual height (h) -1212 osrednjega dela (3) običajne smučke, namreč smučke brez vgrajene nenosilne plasti (9).-1212 the central part (3) of a conventional ski, namely a ski without a built-in non-load bearing layer (9). 7. Smučka po zahtevku 1, označena s tem, daje nad nosilnimi deli (6, 7, 73) in pod prekrivno plastjo (8) smučke vkomponirana vsaj v bistvu nenosilna plast (9) predvidena tudi na izven osrednjega območja (3) smučke nahajajočih se območjih (3Γ, 31; 32', 32) v bližini prednjega dela (1) in/ali zadnjega dela (2) smučke.Ski according to claim 1, characterized in that at least substantially the non-load-bearing layer (9) is provided above the load-bearing parts (6, 7, 73) and under the ski cover layer (9) also outside the central area (3) of the ski located in areas (3Γ, 31; 32 ', 32) near the front (1) and / or rear (2) of the ski. 8. Smučka po zahtevku 7, označena s tem, je nad nosilnimi deli (6, 7, 73) in pod prekrivno plastjo (8) smučke vkomponirana vsaj v bistvu nenosilna plast (9) na voljo tudi v vzdolžno proti prednjemu delu (1) smučke in/ali zadnjemu delu (2) smučke potekajočih rebrih (31', 31; 32', 32).Ski according to claim 7, characterized in that at least substantially the non-load-bearing layer (9) is also provided above the load-bearing parts (6, 7, 73) and under the ski cover layer (9), also in the longitudinal direction towards the front (1). ski and / or back (2) running ribs (31 ', 31; 32', 32). 9. Smučka po zahtevku 1, označena s tem, da je vsaj v bistvu nenosilna plast (9) prevlečena s prekrivno plastjo (8), ki sestoji iz dekorativne plasti (81), ki je nameščena preko nenosilne plasti (9), in zaščitne plasti (82), ki je nanešena preko omenjene dekorativne plasti (81).A ski according to claim 1, characterized in that at least substantially the non-load-bearing layer (9) is coated with a cover layer (8) consisting of a decorative layer (81) mounted over the non-load-bearing layer (9) and a protective layer a layer (82) applied over said decorative layer (81).
SI200100006A 2001-01-19 2001-01-19 Ski with integrated platform SI20678A (en)

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DE10154695A1 (en) * 2001-11-09 2003-05-22 Elan D D Ski with guide rail arrangement

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