SI20348A - Axial differential pressure controller - Google Patents

Axial differential pressure controller Download PDF


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SI20348A SI9900050A SI9900050A SI20348A SI 20348 A SI20348 A SI 20348A SI 9900050 A SI9900050 A SI 9900050A SI 9900050 A SI9900050 A SI 9900050A SI 20348 A SI20348 A SI 20348A
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differential pressure
pressure regulator
axial differential
regulator according
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Slovenian (sl)
Milan Medvešček
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Milan Medvešček
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Application filed by Milan Medvešček filed Critical Milan Medvešček
Priority to SI9900050A priority Critical patent/SI20348A/en
Publication of SI20348A publication Critical patent/SI20348A/en



  • Control Of Fluid Pressure (AREA)


The differential pressure controller of axial type with valve and adjustable spring force. The spring is built inside the chassis and is pressing against the adjustment rods, which reach outside the chassis and are sealed by a sealant. The washer is practically always exposed to static loads, because the rod is moving only during setting. Therefore there is hardly any wear of the sealant thus leading to a longer lifetime of the washer. The spring consists of at least two cylinder torsion springs, which are designed in such a way that the sum of their torsion moments regarding the longitudinal axis is practically almost zero. This considerably extends the lifetime of the diaphragm. The adjustment rods are located around such a large diameter, that there is sufficient space between them for the attachment nut. This considerably shortens the required length of the controller. The openings for the adjustable rods are of simple step-like design, without any closed grooves for the sealant. The ring, which limits the hub of the diaphragm disk, is made from smooth, stainless material and forms together with its extension a surface for the displacement of the diaphragm. This protects the diaphragm and the valve plate against damage and wear.


Aksialni regulator diferenčnega tlakaAxial differential pressure regulator

Predmet izuma je regulator diferenčnega tlaka z ventilom v aksialni izvedbi, Predvsem je primeren za vgradnjo v hišnih postajah daljinskega ogrevanja ter centralne kurjave in klima naprave.The subject of the invention is a differential pressure regulator with an axial valve, especially suitable for installation in domestic district heating stations and central heating and air conditioning.

Ta izum rešuje sledeče tehnične probleme.This invention solves the following technical problems.

Diferenčni tlak mora biti nastavljiv, pri tem pa mora biti regulator čim manjši in čim cenejši, ob veliki kapaciteti, točnosti regulacije in dolgi življenski dobi.. Regulator naj bo brez dinamičnih tesnil navzven. Vzmeti ne smejo povzročati vrtilnega momenta na membrani. Hod membranskega krožnika mora biti omejen, da se ne more poškodovati tesnilo v ventilskem sedežu. Površine po katerih se kotali membrana morajo biti gladke in trajne. Izvrtine v ohišju, za vodenje in tesnjenje nastavnih drogov naj bodo enostavne, brez zaprtih utorov. Ohišje se mora dati dobro odzračevati.The differential pressure must be adjustable and the regulator should be kept to a minimum and as low as possible, with high capacity, accuracy of regulation and long service life. Springs must not cause torque on the diaphragm. The stroke of the diaphragm plate must be limited so that the seal in the valve seat cannot be damaged. The surfaces on which the membrane rolls must be smooth and durable. The holes in the housing, for guiding and sealing the control rods, should be simple, without closed slots. The housing must be well ventilated.

Znani so regulatorji diferenčnega tlaka in pretoka aksialne oblike, po slovenskih patentih prijavah 9700147 in 9500294. Vendar pa diferenčni tlak ni nastavljiv.Differential pressure and axial flow regulators are known, according to Slovenian patent applications 9700147 and 9500294. However, the differential pressure is not adjustable.

Rešitev problemov.Problem Solving.

Rešitev po izumu je aksialni regulator z nastavljivo silo vzmeti. Pri čemer je vzmet vgrajena v notranjosti ohišja in se stiska z nastavnimi drogovi ki segajo izven ohišja in so zatesnjeni s tesnilom. Tesnilo je praktično statično obremenjeno, ker se drog premika le ob nastavljanju. Prednost te rešitve je v tem da ni obrabe tesnila in je zato življenska doba bistveno daljša. Vzmet sestavljata vsaj dve cilindrični torzijski vzmeti, ki sta oblikovani tako, da je vsota njunih torzijskih momentov glede na vzdolžno os, približno enaka nič. S tem se močno podaljša življenska doba membrane, ki mora biti zelo tanka in bi jo dodatna torzijska obremenitev hitro uničila. Nastavni drogovi so nameščeni na tako velikem premeru, da je med njimi še dovolj prostora za matico priključka. S tem se dolžina celega regulatorja bistveno skrajša. Izvrtine za nastavni drog so enostavne stopničaste oblike, brez zaprtih utorov za tesnilo. Obdelava izvrtin je zato lažja in točnost je lahko večja. Obroč, ki omejuje hod membranskega diska je izdelan iz gladkega, nerjavečega materiala in s svojim podaljškom tvori površino po kateri se vali membrana. S tem sta membrana in ventilski krožnik zaščitena proti poškodbam. Odzračevane obeh delov ohišja mora biti na najvišji točki. To je lažje dosegljivo, če sta obe odzračevanji na enem delu ohišja, kot pa če je med njima vijačni spoj. Kajti tedaj mora biti vijačni spoj zelo točno izdelan.The solution according to the invention is an axial regulator with adjustable spring force. Wherein the spring is mounted inside the housing and is compressed with adjusting rods extending beyond the housing and sealed with a gasket. The seal is practically statically loaded because the rod only moves when adjusted. The advantage of this solution is that there is no wear on the gasket and therefore the service life is significantly longer. A spring consists of at least two cylindrical torsion springs which are designed such that the sum of their torsional moments relative to the longitudinal axis is approximately zero. This greatly extends the life of the membrane, which must be very thin and would be quickly destroyed by the additional torsional load. The adjusting rods are mounted on a diameter that is large enough to allow enough space for the connector nut. This reduces the length of the entire regulator significantly. The adjusting rod bores are simple stair shapes with no sealed grooves. Bore processing is therefore easier and accuracy can be greater. The ring limiting the course of the membrane disk is made of a smooth, stainless material and with its extension forms the surface on which the membrane rolls. This protects the diaphragm and valve plate against damage. Both parts of the housing must be vented at the highest point. This is easier to achieve if both vents are on one part of the housing than if there is a screw connection between them. Because then the screw connection must be very carefully made.

Opis konstrukcijske rešitveDescription of the design solution

Slika 1 regulator diferenčnega tlaka po izumu.1 is a differential pressure regulator according to the invention.

Slika 2 regulator diferenčnega tlaka po izumu.2 is a differential pressure regulator according to the invention.

Slika 3 Detajl vgradnje nastavnega droga po izumu.Figure 3 Detail of installation of the adjusting rod according to the invention.

Slika 4 Detajl vgradnje nastavnega droga po izumu.Figure 4 Detail of mounting of the adjusting bar according to the invention.

Slika 5 Detajl vgradnje nastavnega droga po izumu.Figure 5 Detail of mounting of the adjusting bar according to the invention.

Slika 1Figure 1

Ohišje (1) sestoji iz dveh delov(101) in (102), ki sta spojena z navojem in zatesnjena s tesnilom (31). Spoj je izveden med odzračevanjema (29) in (30). V ohišju (1) je vgrajena membrana (13), ki pritiska na membranski krožnik (14). Na membranskem krožniku je ventilski sedež (12) cevaste oblike. Nastavna matica (2) pritiska preko nastavnih drogov (6) na pritisni obroč (7), ki pritiska in centrira dve ali več vzmeti (8,9). Vzmeti so izdelane tako, da je vsota torzijskih momentov glede na vzdolžno os (S) približno enaka nič. Rob (4) matice priključka (3) je od roba (5) nastavnega droga (6) oddaljen toliko, da se lahko matica svobodno vrti. Hod membranskega krožnika (14) je omejen z naslonom (17), ki ima cevast podaljšek (16) na področju po katerem se kotali zunanji val membrane (15). Ventilski krožnik (10) je fiksno nameščen. Pretočni medij vstopa v ohišje v smeri (A) in izstopa v smeri (B). Tlak pred potrošnikom (Δρ+) vstopa skozi odprtino (11) v ohišje (1) in pritiska na membrano (15). Tlak za potrošnikom (Δρ-) vstopa skozi odprtino (13) na drugo stran membrane in skupaj s silo vzmeti (8,9) skuša odmakniti ventilski sedež (12) od ventilskega krožnika (10).The housing (1) consists of two parts (101) and (102), which are threaded and sealed (31). The joint is made between the vents (29) and (30). The housing (1) has a diaphragm (13) which presses against the diaphragm plate (14). The valve seat (12) is tubular in shape on the diaphragm plate. The adjusting nut (2) presses through the adjusting rods (6) the pressure ring (7), which presses and centers two or more springs (8,9). The springs are designed so that the sum of the torsional moments with respect to the longitudinal axis (S) is approximately zero. The edge (4) of the nut of the connector (3) is so far from the edge (5) of the adjusting rod (6) that the nut can rotate freely. The course of the diaphragm plate (14) is limited by the backrest (17) having a tubular extension (16) in the area through which the outer wave of the diaphragm (15) rolls. The valve plate (10) is fixed. The flow medium enters the housing in direction (A) and exits in direction (B). The pressure in front of the consumer (Δρ +) enters through the opening (11) into the housing (1) and presses on the membrane (15). The pressure behind the consumer (Δρ-) enters through the opening (13) on the other side of the diaphragm and together with the force of the spring (8.9) seeks to move the valve seat (12) away from the valve plate (10).

Slika 2.Figure 2.

Spoj delov (101) in (102) je izveden tako, da sta obe odzračevanji (29, 30) izvedeni v delu (101). Pritisni obroč (7) ima na sredini cevasti nastavek (32), ki drsi po ohišju (33) glavnega tesnila (34). Naslon (17) ima na robu odzračevalne utore (35).The joining of parts (101) and (102) is made so that both vents (29, 30) are made in part (101). The push ring (7) has a tubular nozzle (32) in the center, which slides over the housing (33) of the main seal (34). The backrest (17) has a vent groove (35) at the edge.

Slika 3.Figure 3.

Enostavnejša izvedba vgradnje nastavnega droga (6). Izvrtina (18) v ohišju (1) je cilindrične oblike. Drog je tesnjen s tesnilom (26) ki potuje skupaj z drogom in zavarovan proti izpadu z varovalnim obročkom (24). Na notranji strani ohišja ima rob izvrtine (18) poševno posnetje (27), ki preprečuje, da se varovalni obroček pod uplivom sile vzmeti, ne more sneti iz droga.Installation of the control rod (6) is simpler. The hole (18) in the housing (1) is cylindrical in shape. The pole is sealed with a gasket (26) which travels together with the bar and is secured against failure by a safety ring (24). On the inside of the housing, the edge of the bore (18) has an oblique clip (27) which prevents the retaining ring from being pulled out of the bar by the force of the spring.

Slika 4.Figure 4.

Nastavni drog je voden s pušo (19), ki je iz notranje strani vstavljena v izvrtino (18) v steni ohišja (1). Proti izpadu je puša zavarovana z vencem (20). Na drogu je varovalni obroček (24), ki v skrajni legi nasede na naslon (22) in s tem prepreči eventualni izpad droga, če se odstrani nastavna matica (2). Naslon (22) ima na notranjem robu poševno posnetje (23), ki preprečuje, da se varovalni obroček pod uplivom sile vzmeti, ne more sneti iz droga. Drog je navzven zatesnjen s tesnilom (21).The control rod is guided by a sleeve (19) inserted from the inside into a bore (18) in the housing wall (1). The bush is secured with a wreath (20) against downtime. There is a retaining ring (24) on the pole, which, in the extreme position, rests on the abutment (22), thus preventing a possible failure of the pole if the adjusting nut (2) is removed. The abutment (22) has an oblique clip (23) at the inner edge, which prevents the retaining ring from being pulled out of the bar under the influence of a spring. The bar is sealed to the outside with the seal (21).

Slika 5.Figure 5.

Nastavni drog (6) je voden direktno v steni ohišja v izvrtini (18) in zatesnjen s tesnilom (21) ter zavarovan proti izpadu z varovalnim obročkom (24). V naslonu (22) je posnetje (23).The control rod (6) is guided directly into the housing wall in the bore (18) and sealed with a gasket (21) and protected against failure by a retaining ring (24). There is a clip (23) in the backrest (22).

Claims (10)

Patentni zahtevkiPatent claims 1. Aksialni regulator diferenčnega tlaka OZNAČEN S TEM, da so vzmeti (8,9) v notranjosti ohišja (1) in se stiskajo s pomočjo zunanje nastavne matice (2) ki preko nastavnih drogov (6) in pritisnega obroča (7) pritiska na vzmeti pri čemer je drog (6) zatesnjen v steni ohišja (1) s tesnilom (21).1. Axial differential pressure regulator characterized in that the springs (8,9) are inside the housing (1) and are compressed by means of an external adjusting nut (2) which presses on the adjusting rods (6) and the pressure ring (7) springs wherein the bar (6) is sealed in the housing wall (1) by a gasket (21). 2. Aksialni regulator diferenčnega tlaka po zahtevku 1, OZNAČEN S TEM, da je število pritisnih drogov (6) enako ali večje od tri in so drogovi nameščeni na tako velikem premeru da je med njimi še dovolj prostora za priključno matico (3) ter je rob (4) toliko oddaljen od roba (5) da se priključna matica (3) lahko vrti.Axial differential pressure regulator according to claim 1, characterized in that the number of pressure rods (6) is equal to or greater than three and the rods are mounted in such a large diameter that there is sufficient space between them for the connecting nut (3) and there is edge (4) so far from edge (5) that the connecting nut (3) can rotate. 3. Aksialni regulator diferenčnega tlaka po zahtevku 1, OZNAČEN S TEM, da vsebuje vsaj dve koncentrični vijačni vzmeti (8) in (9) pri čemer je vsota torzijskih momentov vseh vzmeti glede na vzdolžno os (S) približno enaka nič.Axial differential pressure regulator according to claim 1, characterized in that it contains at least two concentric screw springs (8) and (9) with the sum of the torsional moments of all springs relative to the longitudinal axis (S) being approximately zero. 4. Aksialni regulator diferenčnega tlaka po zahtevku 1, OZNAČEN S TEM, da ima izvrtina (18) v steni ohišja (1) enostavno stopničasto obliko brez dvostransko zaprtih utorov in je puša (19) vstavljena v izvrtino iz notranje strani ohišja (1) in je zavarovana proti izpadu navzven z vencem (20) ter je nastavni drog (6) varovan proti izpadu z varovalnim obročkom (24) ki v skrajni legi nasede na naslon (22) pri čemer ima naslon (22) na notranjem robu poševno posnetje (23) ki varuje obroček (24) pred snetjem iz droga (6).Axial differential pressure regulator according to claim 1, characterized in that the bore (18) in the housing wall (1) has a simple stepped shape without bilaterally closed grooves and the sleeve (19) is inserted into the bore from the inside of the housing (1) and is secured against failure by a wreath (20) and the adjusting rod (6) is secured against a failure by a guard ring (24) which, in the extreme position, rests on a backrest (22), the backrest (22) having an oblique clip (23) ) that protects the ring (24) from being removed from the rod (6). 5. Aksialni regulator diferenčnega tlaka po zahtevku 1, OZNAČEN S TEM, daje izvrtina (18) v ohišju (1) cilindrične oblike in ima na notranji strani ohišja (1) poševno posnetje (27) ki varuje obroček (24) pred snetjem iz droga (6) in je drog (6) zatesnjen z tesnilom (26) ki potuje skupaj z drogom.An axial differential pressure regulator according to claim 1, characterized in that the bore (18) in the housing (1) is cylindrical and has an oblique clip (27) on the inside of the housing (27) which protects the ring (24) from being removed from the rod (6) and the bar (6) is sealed by a gasket (26) traveling together with the bar. 6. Aksialni regulator diferenčnega tlaka po zahtevku 4, OZNAČEN S TEM, da v izvrtini (18) ni puše temveč je drog (6) v dotiku neposredno z ohišjem (1).Axial differential pressure regulator according to claim 4, characterized in that there is no bush in the bore (18) but the rod (6) is in contact directly with the housing (1). 7. Aksialni regulator diferenčnega tlaka po zahtevku 1, OZNAČEN S TEM, da je hod membranskega krožnika (14) omejen z naslonom (17) ki ima cevast podaljšek (16) na področju po katerem se kotali zunanji val membrane (15) in je naslon izdelan iz nerjavečega materiala ter je površina podaljška (16) gladka.An axial differential pressure regulator according to claim 1, characterized in that the travel of the diaphragm plate (14) is limited by a backrest (17) having a tubular extension (16) in the area through which the outer wave of the diaphragm (15) rolls and is restrained made of stainless material and the surface of the extension (16) is smooth. 8. Aksialni regulator diferenčnega tlaka po zahtevku 1, OZNAČEN S TEM, da ohišje (1) sestoji iz dveh delov(101) in (102) ki sta spojena z navojem in zatesnjena s tesnilom (31) in je spoj izveden med odzračevanjema (29) in (30).An axial differential pressure controller according to claim 1, characterized in that the housing (1) consists of two parts (101) and (102) which are threaded and sealed (31) and the connection is made during venting (29 ) and (30). 9. Aksialni regulator diferenčnega tlaka po zahtevku 1, OZNAČEN S TEM, da ohišje (1) sestoji iz dveh delov(101) in (102) ki sta spojena z navojem in zatesnjena s tesnilom (31) in je spoj delov (101) in (102) je izveden tako, da sta obe odzračevanji (29, 30) izvedeni v delu (101) in ima naslon (17) na robu odzračevalne utore (35).An axial differential pressure regulator according to claim 1, characterized in that the housing (1) consists of two parts (101) and (102) which are threaded and sealed (31) and are a joint of parts (101) and (102) is designed so that both vents (29, 30) are carried out in part (101) and the abutment (17) has an edge at the vent groove (35). 10. Aksialni regulator diferenčnega tlaka po zahtevku 1, OZNAČEN S TEM, da ima pritisni obroč (7) na sredini cevasti nastavek (32), ki drsi po ohišju (33) glavnega tesnila (34) ter tako vodi in centrira pritisni obroč (7).Axial differential pressure regulator according to claim 1, characterized in that the pressure ring (7) has a tubular nozzle (32) in the middle, which slides over the housing (33) of the main seal (34), thus guiding and centering the pressure ring (7). ).
SI9900050A 1999-03-05 1999-03-05 Axial differential pressure controller SI20348A (en)

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SI9900050A SI20348A (en) 1999-03-05 1999-03-05 Axial differential pressure controller

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SI9900050A SI20348A (en) 1999-03-05 1999-03-05 Axial differential pressure controller

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SI9900050A SI20348A (en) 1999-03-05 1999-03-05 Axial differential pressure controller

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