SI20340A - Multi-function axial control valve - Google Patents

Multi-function axial control valve Download PDF


Publication number
SI20340A SI9900185A SI9900185A SI20340A SI 20340 A SI20340 A SI 20340A SI 9900185 A SI9900185 A SI 9900185A SI 9900185 A SI9900185 A SI 9900185A SI 20340 A SI20340 A SI 20340A
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control valve
axial control
valve according
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Slovenian (sl)
Milan Medvešček
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Milan Medvešček
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Application filed by Milan Medvešček filed Critical Milan Medvešček
Priority to SI9900185A priority Critical patent/SI20340A/en
Priority to EP00115784A priority patent/EP1070889A3/en
Publication of SI20340A publication Critical patent/SI20340A/en



  • Control Of Fluid Pressure (AREA)


The axial control valve features a measurement nozzle, which provides negative and positive pressure, used for measuring throughput and as an impulse for controlling the differential pressure or throughput. A permanent loss of pressure inside the valve due to the built-in nozzle is not increasing. On the inlet chassis the same winding features a two-part closure nut with scale and a limiting nut with protective screw. Both parts of the closing nut are connected to the detachable cogged clutch. Beneath the limiting nut there are longitudinal grooves, which are deeper than the winding and prevent the slipping of the protective screw. Both measured pressures are measured in a common measurement adapter. All connections and the pointer are located on the lower side of the chassis for easier access. Both parts of the chassis are connected by a ring-shaped nut, which prevents the penetration of the spring rim during assembly. In the flanged version, the chassis features blind winding openings, and the closure axles are located right beneath the flange diameter.


Milan MedveščekMilan Medvešček

Trubarjeva 12Trubarjeva 12

8250 Brežice8250 Brezice

Multifunkcijski aksialni regulacijski ventilMultipurpose axial control valve

Predmet izuma je aksialni regulacijski ventil, ki lahko hkrati opravlja več funkcij. In sicer: meritev pretoka, zapiranje, omejitev odpiranja, praznjenje ter regulacijo diferenčnega tlaka in/ali pretoka. Primeren je predvsem za balansiranje dvižnih vodov v centralnih kurjavah, klimatizaciji ali ohlajevanju ter v hišnih postajah daljinskega ogrevanja ali ohlajevanja.The subject of the invention is an axial control valve that can perform several functions simultaneously. Namely: flow measurement, closing, opening restriction, discharge and differential pressure and / or flow control. It is especially suited for balancing the supply lines in central heating, air-conditioning or cooling, as well as in domestic district heating or cooling stations.

Ta izum rešuje sledeče tehnične probleme.This invention solves the following technical problems.

Problem 1. Regulator naj ima hkrati možnih več funkcij, pri tem pa naj bo čim manjši in čim krajši, vendar z veliko kapaciteto in majhno šumnostjo.Problem 1. The controller should have several functions at the same time, keeping it as small and as short as possible, but with high capacity and low noise.

Problem 2. V regulator diferenčnega tlaka ali pretoka naj bo vgrajen zanesljiv in točen merilnik pretoka, pri čemer naj bo merilno področje nastavljivo v več stopnjah.Problem 2. A reliable and accurate flowmeter should be built into the differential pressure or flow controller, with the measurement range adjustable in several stages.

Problem 3. Merilna priključka naj bosta speljana iz ohišja skupaj na istem mestu in zaprta z eno samo armaturo.Problem 3. The measuring terminals should be connected from the housing together in the same place and closed with a single armature.

Problem 4. Možno naj bo zapiranje in omejitev odpiranja, pri čemer zapiranje ne sme pokvariti omejitve odpiranja, ki mora biti točna in neodvisna od sile odpiranja.Problem 4. It should be possible to close and limit the opening, and the closing must not break the opening limit, which must be accurate and independent of the opening force.

Problem 5. Odzračevanje plus komore mora biti možno z enim samim odzračevalnim vijakom, pri horizontalni in vertikalni vgradnji regulatoija.Problem 5. Ventilation of the plus chamber must be possible with a single vent screw, with horizontal and vertical installation of regulators.

Problem 6. Iz istih sestavnih delov naj bo možno zgraditi regulator diferenčnega tlaka ali regulator pretoka, oziroma kombiniran regulator pretoka in diferenčnega tlaka.Problem 6. It should be possible to build a differential pressure controller or flow controller, or a combined flow and differential pressure controller, from the same components.

Problem 7. Skupna trajna poraba tlaka in poraba tlaka za krmiljenje regulatorja pretoka naj bo čim manjša ob čim večji točnosti regulacije.Problem 7. The total continuous pressure consumption and the pressure consumption for controlling the flow regulator should be kept to a minimum with the highest possible accuracy of regulation.

Problem 8. Vzmeti, ki so v obliki venca vgrajene v aksialnem regulatorju se pri montaži rade zvrnejo, če niso vstavljene zelo točno in brez prečnih odklonov ter prečnih obremenitev. Če se oba dela ohišja sestavljata z navojem in torej pri montaži vrtita eden proti drugemu, je pravilno lego vzmeti v vencu zelo težko doseči.Problem 8. Coil-mounted springs in the axial controller tend to rotate during mounting unless they are inserted very accurately and without transverse deflections or transverse loads. If both parts of the housing are threaded and thus rotate against each other during mounting, the correct position of the spring in the rim is very difficult to achieve.

Rešitev problemov 1-8Problem Solving 1-8

Problem 1. V že znan aksialni regulacijski ventil je vgrajena merilna šoba, zaporna matica, omejilna matica ter regulator z matico za nastavitev diferenčnega tlaka ali pretoka. Zaradi aksialne izvedbe je možna velika kapaciteta pri mali šumnosti, malih zunanjih merah in veliko funkcijah. Pri prirobnični izvedbi so namesto običajnih prirobnic v ohišju slepe izvrtine z navojem za vijake.Problem 1. The already known axial control valve includes a measuring nozzle, a stop nut, a stop nut, and a regulator with a nut to adjust the differential pressure or flow. The axial design allows for large capacities with low noise, small external dimensions and many features. In the flange version, blind holes with screw thread are provided in the housing instead of the usual flanges.

Problem 2. V regulatorje na vstopu vgrajena aerodinamično oblikovana merilna šoba, ki deluje neodvisno od položaja ventilskega krožnika. Odvzem plus in minus tlaka je izveden skozi krožni špranji, ki sta nameščeni tako, da se geometrija toka ob njiju ne spreminja. Vsaka špranja poteka po celem obodu in tako odvzema tlak iz vseh točk na obodu cevi. Rob špranj je oster in točno izdelan. Poleg tega je špranja zelo ozka in ima ustje oblikovano tako, da ne more povzročati dodatnih motenj in vrtincev. Pred vgradnjo regulatorja v cevovod se lahko glede na predvideno področje pretoka v šobo vgradi ustrezen fiksen vložek. S tem se karakteristika šobe prilagodi predvidenem pretoku.Problem 2. An aerodynamically designed measuring nozzle is built into the regulators at the inlet, which operates independently of the position of the valve plate. The extraction of plus and minus pressure is made through circular slits, which are positioned so that the flow geometry next to them does not change. Each slit runs throughout the perimeter, relieving pressure from all points on the perimeter of the pipe. The edge of the slit is sharp and precisely crafted. In addition, the slit is very narrow and has a mouth that is designed so that it can not cause additional disturbance and swirls. A suitable fixed insert may be fitted to the nozzle prior to installation of the regulator in the pipeline. This adjusts the nozzle characteristic to the intended flow.

Prednosti po izumu so sledeče. 1. Ni treba poznati položaja ventilskega krožnika, zato ni potreben mehanizem za odčitavanje položaja. Konstanta merilnika je ena sama. 2. Gladka in ozka krožna špranja izravnava vpliv turbulence toka v posameznih delih preseka cevi. 3. Oblika šobe in položaj krožnih špranj so izbrani tako, da se geometrija toka v področju špranj zelo malo spreminja. S tem se pri velikih pretokih doseže veliko večja točnost meritve kot pri znanih izvedbah, obenem pa pri zelo malih pretokih pa vsaj enaka točnost. 4. Z vložkom v šobi se lahko doseže zelo velika točnost tudi pri zelo malih pretokih.The advantages of the invention are as follows. 1. It is not necessary to know the position of the valve plate, so no mechanism is needed to read the position. The meter constant is one. 2. Smooth and narrow circular slits offset the influence of flow turbulence in individual sections of the pipe cross-section. 3. The shape of the nozzle and the position of the circular slits are chosen in such a way that the flow geometry in the slit area varies very little. This results in a much higher measurement accuracy than in known embodiments, and at the same time, at very low flows, at least the same accuracy. 4. The nozzle insert can achieve very high accuracy even at very low flow rates.

Znani ventili z vgrajenim merilnikom pretoka imajo odvzem tlaka izveden z izvrtino pred in za ventilskim sedežem. Slabosti znanih izvedb so sledeče. 1.Merilec je lahko vgrajen samo v ročni regulacijski ventil, ker pri avtomatskem regulatoiju položaj krožnika ni fiksen in zato meritev ni možna. 2. Izvrtine za odvzem tlaka so relativno majhne in imajo vstop v relativno grobi liti ali kovani steni. Zato njihova geometrija ni na vseh izdelkih točno enaka. Zaradi majhnosti so zelo podvržene lokalnim vplivom turbulence toka po preseku cevi. 3.Geometrija curka na sedežu in ob odprtinah se spreminja in vpliva na točnost meritve. 4. Meritev je odvisna od položaja ventilskega krožnika, ki mora biti točno poznan. Tolerance pri izdelavi krožnika in mehanizma za odčitavanje položaja močno vplivajo na točnost meritve. Prednost znanih izvedb pa je v tem, da lahko pri močno priprtem ventilu ob majhnem pretoku, dosežemo relativno velik padec tlaka in s tem dosežemo relativno veliko točnost meritve tudi pri zelo malih pretokih.Known valves with a built-in flowmeter have pressure extraction performed with a bore in front of and behind the valve seat. The disadvantages of the known embodiments are as follows. 1. The meter can only be built into the manual control valve, since the automatic position of the plate is not a fixed position and therefore measurement is not possible. 2. Pressure extraction bores are relatively small and have entry in relatively coarse cast or forged walls. Therefore, their geometry is not exactly the same on all products. Due to their small size, they are highly susceptible to local influences of flow turbulence after the pipe cross-section. 3.The geometry of the jet at the seat and at the openings varies and affects the accuracy of the measurement. 4. The measurement depends on the position of the valve plate, which must be accurately known. Tolerances in the design of the plate and the position reading mechanism greatly affect the accuracy of the measurement. The advantage of the known embodiments is that, with a tightly closed valve at low flow, a relatively large pressure drop can be achieved, thereby achieving relatively high measurement accuracy even at very low flow rates.

Problem 3. Odvzema plus in minus tlaka na merilni šobi sta speljana v merilno komoro in ločena z gumijastim tesnilom. Na merilno komoro je pritrjena kroglasta pipa, ki služi obenem za izpraznjevanje. Skozi pipo se vstavi kombinirano merilno cevko. Notranja cevka je za minus tlak in mora prebosti tesnilno gumo v merilni komori ter seči v področje minus tlaka. Okoli notranje cevke je zunanja cevka, ki mora segati v prostor plus tlaka, pred gumijastim tesnilom. Plus tlak se hkrati kot (dP-) impulz vodi iz merilne komore skozi impulzno izvrtino na membrano regulatoija diferenčnega tlaka, oziroma kot (V+) impulz na membrano regulatorja pretoka. Prednosti po izumu so sledeče. 1. Potreben je samo en merilni priključek na ohišju in ena zaporna armatura. 2. Zapiranje in tesnjenje navzven in proti velikemu tlaku opravi kroglasta pipa, ki se odpre samo med meritvijo. 3. Gumijasto tesnilo mora tesniti samo razliko med plus in minus tlakom, ki je relativno majhna (20 do 30 kPa). Ni potrebna absolutna tesnost. Tudi če par kapelj uide skozi tesnilo, to ni problem, ker ostanejo v notranjosti. 4. Izvrtina za plus tlak se uporablja hkrati kot impulzna izvrtina za regulacijo in izpraznjevalna izvrtina. Namesto treh izvrtin je potrebna samo ena.Problem 3. It removes the plus and minus pressures on the measuring nozzle and is fed into the measuring chamber and separated by a rubber seal. A ball valve is attached to the measuring chamber, which is also used for emptying. A combined measuring tube is inserted through the tap. The inner tube is for minus pressure and must pierce the sealing rubber in the measuring chamber and intersect into the minus pressure area. Around the inner tube is the outer tube, which must extend into the space plus pressure, in front of the rubber gasket. At the same time, plus pressure is driven as a (dP-) pulse from the measuring chamber through a pulse hole to the differential pressure regulator, or (V +) pulse to the flow regulator diaphragm. The advantages of the invention are as follows. 1. Only one measuring connection on the housing and one shut-off valve is required. 2. Closing and sealing outwards and against high pressure is performed by a ball valve which only opens during measurement. 3. The rubber seal must only seal the difference between plus and minus pressure, which is relatively small (20 to 30 kPa). No absolute tightness is required. Even if a couple drops drop through the gasket, it's no problem because they stay inside. 4. The plus pressure bore shall be used at the same time as the impulse bore for the control and the discharge bore. Instead of three holes only one is required.

Problem 4. Zapiranje in dušenje je možno z zaporno matico, ki jo sestavljata dva med seboj z razstavljivo zobato sklopko povezana obroča. Na notranji izvrtini notranjega obroča je navoj, ki vprijema v navoj na ohišju. Na zunanjem robu notranjega obroča pa je venec zob, v katerega segajo zobje zunanjega obroča. Na zunanjem obroču je skala, na ohišju pa kazalec. Ob montaži se s pomočjo zobate sklopke lahko položaj zunanjega obroča nastavi točno z ničlo proti kazalcu, ko položaj notranjega obroča ustreza pretoku nič. Po montaži se oba obroča trajno povežeta (zlepita itd), tako da se nastavitev ne more več pokvariti. Na drugo stran, proti maksimalnem odprtju je hod zaporne matice omejen z omejilno matico. Na ohišju so pod omejilno matico vzdolžni utori, v katere se sede varovalni vijak, ki je privit v omejilno matico. Zaporna in omejilna matica imata na tistem boku, kjer se stikata, po en bočni zob. Bočni zob na zaporni matici mora biti nekoliko manjši od koraka navoja zaporne matice. Tako se vrtenje zaporne matice ustavi točno in zanesljivo takrat, ko se zoba naslonita-stakneta. Znane izvedbe imajo samo eno matico, ki služi za zapiranje in omejitev hoda. Slabost znanih izvedb je vtem, da mora biti taka matica plombirana in je potrebno ob vsakem zapiranju plombo odstraniti. Prednosti po izumu so sledeče. 1. Zapiranje in omejitev odpiranja sta ločena. Zaporne matice ni treba plombirati. 2. Vrednost omejitve odpiranja je vidna od zunaj ter je zavarovana pred nenamerno spremembo. 3. Omejitev odpiranja je zelo natančna, ker je položaj NIČ ob montaži točno nastavljen s pomočjo zobate sklopke.Problem 4. Closing and damping is possible with a locking nut made up of two detachable toothed clutch connected rings. There is a thread on the inner bore of the inner ring that engages the thread on the housing. At the outer edge of the inner ring, however, there is a tooth crown into which the teeth of the outer ring extend. There is a rock on the outer ring and a pointer on the case. When mounted, the outer ring position can be adjusted exactly zero with the pointer using a gear clutch when the inner ring position corresponds to a zero flow. After mounting, the two rings are permanently connected (stuck together) so that the setting can no longer be broken. On the other hand, towards the maximum opening, the stroke of the lock nut is limited by the lock nut. There are longitudinal grooves on the chassis under which the locking nut is secured, which is screwed into the lock nut. The locking and locking nuts have one lateral tooth on the side where they are joined. The lateral tooth on the lock nut must be slightly smaller than the thread pitch of the lock nut. In this way, the rotation of the locking nut stops exactly and reliably when the teeth are leaning-glass. Known embodiments have only one nut, which serves to close and limit stroke. A disadvantage of the known embodiments is that such a nut must be sealed and the seal must be removed every time it is closed. The advantages of the invention are as follows. 1. Closing and opening restriction are separate. The lock nut does not have to be sealed. 2. The value of the opening restriction shall be visible from the outside and shall be protected against unintentional change. 3. The opening restriction is very precise, because the ZERO position at the mounting point is precisely adjusted by means of a toothed clutch.

Problem 5. Membranski disk je raven. Izvrtina za odzračevanje je speljana v najvišji del plus komore. Prednost izvedbe po izumu je vtem, da zadošča za odzračevanje v obeh položajih en sam odzračevalni vijak. Znane izvedbe sploh nimajo odzračevanja ali pa je membranski disk poševen. Slabost znanih izved je sledeča. 1. Z enim odzračevalnim vijakom se ne da odzračevati plus komore pri horizontalni in vertikalni vgradnji regulatorja. 2. Obstoja večja možnost nestabilne regulacije.Problem 5. The diaphragm disk is flat. The vent hole is inserted into the highest part of the plus chamber. An advantage of the embodiment according to the invention is that a single vent screw is sufficient for venting in both positions. Known embodiments have no venting at all or the diaphragm disc is sloping. The disadvantage of the known embodiments is as follows. 1. A single vent screw cannot vent plus chambers in horizontal and vertical installation of the controller. 2. There is a greater possibility of unstable regulation.

Problem 6. Regulator pretoka je sestavljen iz istih sestavnih delov kot regulator diferenčnega tlaka. Razlika je samo v tem, da je plus tlak meritve speljan v plus komoro pred membrano in minus tlak meritve v minus komoro za membrano. Ohišje je popolnoma enako, samo dve izvrtini sta drugače speljani. Prednost po izumu je v pocenitvi izdelave.Problem 6. The flow controller consists of the same components as the differential pressure controller. The only difference is that the plus measurement pressure is directed to the plus chamber in front of the membrane and minus the measurement pressure to the minus membrane chamber. The housing is exactly the same, only the two holes are flush. The advantage of the invention lies in the low cost of manufacture.

Problem 7. V aksialnem ventilu je premer sedeža lahko bistveno manjši od nazivnega premera ventila. Zožitev iz polnega - nominalnega premera na premer sedeža je izvedena v obliki šobe. Pad tlaka v tej šobi je relativno majhen, vendar predstavlja neizogibno del trajnega pada tlaka v ventilu. Če to že obstoječo šobo uporabimo za meritev pretoka ali krmiljenje regulatorja pretoka, se celotni trajni pad ne spremeni. Prednost izvedbe po izumu je v tem, da se zaradi merilne šobe trajni pad tlaka v ventilu ne poveča. Znane izvedbe uporabljajo za krmiljenje regulatorja pretoka razliko tlaka na nekem hidravličnem uporu, ki ima obliko ventila itd.. Slabost znanih izvedb je v tem, da je celotna poraba tlaka približno dva do trikrat večja.Problem 7. In the axial valve, the seat diameter can be significantly smaller than the nominal valve diameter. Narrowing from full - nominal diameter to seat diameter is made in the form of a nozzle. The pressure drop in this nozzle is relatively small, but it is inevitably part of the permanent pressure drop in the valve. If we use this already existing nozzle to measure flow or control the flow regulator, the total permanent drop does not change. An advantage of the invention according to the invention is that due to the measuring nozzle the permanent pressure drop in the valve is not increased. The known embodiments use a differential pressure on a hydraulic resistor in the form of a valve, etc. to control the flow regulator. The disadvantage of the known embodiments is that the total pressure consumption is about two to three times greater.

Problem 8. Vstopno in izstopno ohišje sta spojena z obročasto matico. Tako se ob sestavljanju ohišja obe dela ne vrtita, temveč samo aksialno premikata. Prednost izvedbe po izumu je sledeča. 1. Vzmeti ki so v obliki venca vgrajene v aksialnem regulatorju, se pri montaži ne morejo podreti, ker niso izpostavljene prečnim silam. 2. Ohišje je pogojno razstavljivo, tudi ko je regulator že vgrajen v cevovod. 3. Površina obročaste matice služi lahko kot napisna tablica. Pri znanih rešitvah je navoj narezan direktno na obe ohišji, ki se pri montaži privijata ena v drugo.Slabost je v tem, da se pri montaži vrtita in se vzmeti rade podrejo.Problem 8. The inlet and outlet housings are connected by a ring nut. Thus, when assembling the housing, both parts do not rotate, but only move axially. The advantage of the embodiment of the invention is as follows. 1. Coil-shaped springs mounted in an axial regulator cannot be torn apart during mounting because they are not exposed to transverse forces. 2. The housing is conditionally disassembled, even when the regulator is already installed in the pipeline. 3. The surface of the annular nut can serve as a nameplate. With known solutions, the thread is cut directly into both housings, which are screwed into each other during installation. The disadvantage is that they rotate during installation and the springs tend to tear down.

Opis konstrukcijske rešitveDescription of the design solution

Slika 1Figure 1

Prikazuje presek čez regulator diferenčnega tlaka. Pretočni medij vstopa v smeri (A) v vstopno ohišje (1) in izstopa v smeri (B) skozi izstopno ohišje (24). V omejilni matici (3) je izvrtina za plombiranje (2) in varovalni vijak (5) z izvrtino za plombiranje (4). Zaporna os (7) je skrita za vencem (6) in tesnjena s tesnilom (8). Kazalec je (9). Odzračevalna izvrtina (10) za plus komoro (37) je zaprta z odzračevalnim vijakom (11) in je pri vertikalni in horizontalni vgradnji ohišja vedno na najvišji točki plus komore. Odzračevanje minus komore (30) je izvedeno skozi izvrtini (13) in (18) skozi kanal (32) in odzračevalni vijak (12). Obe ohišji sta spojeni z obročasto matico (16) in zatesnjeni s tesnilom (14). Zunanja površina (15) lahko služi koz napisna tablica. Čelna stična površina (17) obeh ohišij je izdelana hrapavo ali narebričeno, da se prepreči eventualni premik-zavrtitev ob uvijanju cevi v ohišje. Vijačne vzmeti (19) so v vencu nameščene po obodu minus komore (30). Na vzmeti preko konzole (21) in nastavne osi (22), kije tesnjena s tesnilom (20) pritiska nastavna matica (23). Zaporne in nastavne osi so najmanj tri. Šestroba izvrtina (25) služi za pridržavanje ventilskega krožnika (27) med montažo vložka (29). Vzdolžna os ohišja je označena z (26). V minus komori (30) je ventilski sedež (28) ki skupaj z ventilskim krožnikom (27) tvori ventil (119). Membranski disk je (39). Drenaža minus komore se izvaja skozi izvrtini (31) in (33), skozi kanal (32) in drenažno izvrtino (351) ki jo zapira vijak (35). Plus komora (37) ima prečno steno (40), kije pravokotna na os (26) ali pa nekoliko nagnjena z zunanjim robom k vstopni smeri (A) in drenažno izvrtino (361), ki jo zapira drenažni vijak (36). Kanal za odvzem minus tlaka (-) iz prostora (65) na merilni šobi je označen z (114) in kanal za plus tlak (+) ki je odvzet v prostoru (66) z (113). Merilno šobo (107) sestavljajo trije obroči, izstopni (41), srednji (44) in vstopni (46). Za robom (42) je špranja (43) za odvzem minus tlaka. Špranja za odvzem plus tlaka (45) je proti prostoru minus tlaka zatesnjena s tesnilom (47).Displays the cross section across the differential pressure regulator. The flow medium enters in the direction (A) in the inlet housing (1) and exits in the direction (B) through the outlet housing (24). In the lock nut (3) there is a sealing hole (2) and a locking screw (5) with a sealing hole (4). The locking axis (7) is hidden behind the rim (6) and sealed with the seal (8). The indicator is (9). The vent hole (10) for the plus chamber (37) is closed with the vent screw (11) and is always at the highest plus point of the housing when the housing is vertical and horizontal. The minus chamber (30) is vented through the holes (13) and (18) through the duct (32) and the vent screw (12). Both housings are connected with a ring nut (16) and sealed with a seal (14). The outer surface (15) can be used by a nameplate. The front contact surface (17) of the two housings is made roughly or ribbed to prevent any possible displacement-rotation when the tubing is twisted into the housing. The coil springs (19) are arranged in the cornice around the perimeter minus the chamber (30). The adjusting nut (23) is pressed on the spring via the bracket (21) and the adjusting axis (22), which is sealed with the seal (20). The locking and adjusting axes are at least three. The hexagon hole (25) serves to hold the valve plate (27) during mounting of the cartridge (29). The longitudinal axis of the housing is indicated by (26). In the minus chamber (30) is a valve seat (28) which together with the valve plate (27) forms a valve (119). The diaphragm disk is (39). Drainage minus the chamber is carried out through the holes (31) and (33), through the channel (32) and the drainage hole (351) closed by the screw (35). Plus, the chamber (37) has a transverse wall (40) that is perpendicular to the axis (26) or slightly inclined with the outer edge toward the inlet direction (A) and the drainage hole (361) closed by the drainage screw (36). The extraction channel minus the pressure (-) from the space (65) on the measuring nozzle is indicated by (114) and the plus pressure channel (+) taken from the space (66) by (113). The measuring nozzle (107) consists of three rings, an outlet (41), a middle (44) and an inlet (46). Behind the edge (42) is a minus (43) to remove minus the pressure. The plus removal pressure slots (45) are sealed against the space minus the pressure by the gasket (47).

Slika 2.Figure 2.

Prikazan je detajl zaporne matice in merilnega priključka. Zaporno matico (108) sestavljata notranji obroč (53), kije z navojem (481) privit na navoj (48) na vstopnem ohišju (1) in zunanji obroč (50). Oba obroča sta spojena z razstavljivo zobato sklopko (52). Po nastavitvi pravilne lege skale (51) proti kazalcu (9) se oba obroča trajno spojita (zlepita). Vzdolžni utori (49) za varovanje omejilnega obroča (3) so nameščeni po obodu vstopnega ohišja (1). Plus tlak (+) je iz prostora (66) skozi izvrtini (60) in (113) speljan v merilno komoro (56) v merilnem nastavku (59) in nato skozi izvrtini (54) in (31) v minus komoro (30). Merilno komoro (56) zapira kroglasta pipa (55). Minus tlak (-) je iz prostora (65) speljan skozi izvrtino (114) in zatesnjen proti plus tlaku s tesnilom (58) na katerega pritiska zvezdasti obroč (57).The detail of the locking nut and the measuring connector is shown. The locking nut (108) consists of an inner ring (53) which is threaded (481) screwed onto a thread (48) on the inlet housing (1) and an outer ring (50). Both rings are connected by a detachable gear clutch (52). After adjusting the correct position of the scale (51) against the pointer (9), the two rings are permanently joined (glued). The longitudinal grooves (49) for securing the retaining ring (3) are located around the perimeter of the inlet housing (1). Plus the pressure (+) is fed from the space (66) through the holes (60) and (113) to the measuring chamber (56) in the measuring port (59) and then through the holes (54) and (31) to the minus chamber (30) . The measuring chamber (56) is closed by a ball valve (55). The minus pressure (-) is driven from the space (65) through the bore (114) and sealed against the plus pressure by the seal (58) pressed by the star ring (57).

Slika 3.Figure 3.

Prikazan je detajl priključka impulza za tlak (dp+). Na ohišju (1) je nastavek (62). Tlak (dp+), ki je vzet izven ohišja (1) in pred potrošnikom ter je skozi priključek (61) in izvrtino (63) speljan v plus komoro (37).The detail of the pressure impulse connector (dp +) is shown. On the housing (1) there is a nozzle (62). The pressure (dp +), which is taken out of the housing (1) and in front of the consumer and is fed into the plus chamber (37) through the connection (61) and the bore (63).

Slika 4a.Figure 4a.

Prikazan je regulator pretoka. Ta se razlikuje od regulatorja diferenčnega tlaka samo po načinu vodenja tlaka na membrano (38) in po sili vzmeti (19). Plus tlak (+) iz merilne šobe je skozi izvrtino (109) speljan v plus komoro (37). Obenem pa naprej skozi izvrtino (110) v nastavek (62), v katerega je lahko uvita izpraznjevalna pipa (64) ali pa samo merilni priključek oziroma zaporni čep. Minus tlak (-) iz merilne šobe je skozi izvrtino (111) speljan v nastavek (59) v merilno komoro (56) in iz njega skozi izvrtini (112) in (31) v minus komoro (30). Zaporna pipa je (55). Na regulacijske vzmeti (19) preko konzole (20) in nastavne osi (22) pritiska nastavna matica (23). S spremembo stiska vzmeti (19) se nastavlja pretok. Področje nastavitve pretoka, se lahko zmanjša z vstavitvijo ustreznega vložka (29). Vložek se lahko vstavi samo pred vgradnjo v cevovod. Z njim se doseže zelo točno meritev in regulacijo tudi pri zelo malih pretokih.The flow controller is displayed. This differs from the differential pressure controller only in the way that the pressure is guided to the diaphragm (38) and the force of the spring (19). The plus pressure (+) from the measuring nozzle is fed through the bore (109) into the plus chamber (37). At the same time, forward through the bore (110) into a nozzle (62) into which a drain cock (64) may be screwed or only a measuring connection or a stop plug. The minus pressure (-) from the measuring nozzle is fed through the bore (111) into the nozzle (59) into the measuring chamber (56) and from it through the bore (112) and (31) into the minus chamber (30). The stop cock is (55). The adjusting nut (23) is applied to the control springs (19) via the bracket (20) and the adjusting axis (22). By changing the spring compression (19), the flow is adjusted. The flow setting range can be reduced by inserting a suitable insert (29). The cartridge can only be inserted before being installed in the pipeline. It achieves very accurate measurement and control even at very low flow rates.

Slika 4b.Figure 4b.

Prikazan je regulator pretoka pri katerem sta plus tlak (+) in minus tlak (-)speljana oba v nastavek (59). Nastavek (62) ki ga zapira izpraznjevalna pipa (64) ali samo čep, služi samo za izpraznjevanje preko izvrtine (125). Plus tlak (+) preko kanalov (120) in (121) vstopa v plus komoro (37) in preko izvrtine (122) sega do gumijastega tesnila (58). Minus tlak (-) pa skozi izvrtino (123) vstopa v merilno komoro (56) in naprej skozi izvrtino (124) v minus komoro (30). Nastavek (59) zapira izpraznjevalna pipa (55).A flow regulator is shown in which the plus pressure (+) and minus pressure (-) are both fed into the nozzle (59). The nozzle (62), which is closed by the drain cock (64) or the plug only, is only used for the drain through the bore (125). Plus pressure (+) enters the plus chamber (37) through ducts (120) and (121) and extends to the rubber seal (58) through the bore (122). The minus pressure (-) enters the measuring chamber (56) through the bore (123) and then through the bore (124) into the minus chamber (30). The nozzle (59) is closed by the drain cock (55).

Slika 5a.Figure 5a.

Prikazan je pogled M in rez N iz slike 2.The view M and the cut N of Figure 2 are shown.

V pogledu M je zaradi preglednosti odstranjena omejilna in zaporna matica. Odzračevalna vijaka (11) in (12) sta zgoraj na najvišji točki. Drenažna vijaka (35) in (36) sta spodaj na najnižji točki. Nastavek (59) je spodaj desno, nastavek (62) je spodaj levo.In view M, the clamping and locking nuts are removed for transparency. The vent screws (11) and (12) are at the highest point above. The drainage screws (35) and (36) are at the lowest point below. The nozzle (59) is lower right, the nozzle (62) is lower left.

Slika 5b.Figure 5b.

Prikazuje rez N iz slike 2 ter je zaradi preglednosti risana shematično. Odzračevalni vijak (12) je zgoraj na najvišji točki minus komore (30). Iz prostora (66) je plus tlak (+) skozi izvrtino (113) speljan v merilno komoro (56) v nastavku (59) in nato skozi izvrtino (54) skozi ustje (67) v minus komoro (30). Minus tlak (-) je iz prostora (65) speljan skozi izvrtino (114) do gumijastega tesnila (58), ki ga drži zvezdasti obroček (57) . Izpraznjevalna pipa je (55). Na najnižji točki minus komore (30) je ustje (69) drenažne izvrtine (361) ki ga zapira drenažni vijak (36). Nastavek na levi strani spodaj je označen z (62). Za drenažo in dobro izpiranje eventualne nesnage je bistveno, da sta ustji (67) in (69) čimbolj oddaljeni eno od drugega in da nikakor nista združeni v eni sami točki.It shows the cut N of Figure 2 and is drawn schematically for transparency. The vent screw (12) is at the highest point minus the chamber (30) above. From space (66), plus pressure (+) through the bore (113) is fed into the measuring chamber (56) in the extension (59) and then through the bore (54) through the mouth (67) into the minus chamber (30). Minus the pressure (-) from the space (65) through the bore (114) to the rubber seal (58) held by the star ring (57). The drain cock is (55). At the lowest point minus the chamber (30) is the mouth (69) of the drainage hole (361), which is closed by the drainage screw (36). The nozzle on the left is marked with (62) below. It is essential for drainage and good flushing of possible debris that the mouths (67) and (69) are as far apart as possible from each other and are in no way joined at a single point.

Slika 6.Figure 6.

Prikazana je zaprta izpraznjevalna pipa na merilnem nastavku (59). Plus tlak (+) vstopa skozi izvrtino (113) mimo zvezdastega obročka (57), ki drži gumijasto tesnilo (58) v merilno komoro (56) i nato skozi izvrtino (54) kot (dp-) tlak v minus komoro. Minus tlak (-) pritiska skozi izvrtino (114) na gumijasto tesnilo (58) . V pipi (55) je zaporno telo (70) risano v zaprtem položaju. Izstop iz pipe je dodatno zatesnjen s tesnilom (72) ki ga pritiska pokrovček (71).The closed drain cock on the dipstick (59) is shown. Plus the pressure (+) enters through the bore (113) past the star ring (57) holding the rubber seal (58) into the measuring chamber (56) and then through the bore (54) as (dp-) pressure into the minus chamber. Minus pressure (-) presses through the bore (114) to the rubber seal (58). In the tap (55), the locking body (70) is drawn in the closed position. The tap outlet is additionally sealed by a gasket (72) pressed by the cap (71).

Slika 7.Figure 7.

Prikazan je merilni nastavek(59) z izpraznjevalno pipo (55) v odprtem položaju in vbodeno merilno cevko (85). Plus tlak (+) vstopa skozi izvrtino (113) mimo zvezdatega obročka (57) v merilno komoro (56) in nato skozi izvrtino (54) kot (dp-) tlak v minus komoro. V konici minus merilne cevke (85) je odprtina (84) skozi katero vstopa minus tlak (-) iz izvrtine (114). Okoli minus merilne cevke (85) je koncentrično nameščena plus merilna cevka (82) z odprtino (83) za vstop plus tlaka (+)· Minus merilna cevka prebada gumijasto tesnilo (58) in sega v izvrtino (114). Plus merilna cevka pa sega samo v merilno komoro (56) in je proti zunanjosti zatesnjena s tesnilom (77), ki je vloženo v tesnilni vložek (78), ki je zatesnjen s tesnilom (79) in pritijen z matico (80). Izpraznjevalna pipa (55) je zatesnjena s tesnilom (76) in uvita v nastavek (59) točno toliko, da preko zvezdastega obročka (57) tesno pritiska gumijasto tesnilo (58) na rob izvrtine (114). Zaporno telo (81) je risano v odprtem položaju. Rebra zvezdastega obročka so označena z (73). Njihov notranji bok (74) je zaobljen , tako da centrira in usmerja minus merilno cevko med vstavljanjem. Venec (75) povezuje in utrjuje rebra zvezdastega obročka.The measuring nozzle (59) is shown with the drain cock (55) in the open position and the threaded measuring tube (85). Plus the pressure (+) enters through the bore (113) past the star ring (57) into the measuring chamber (56) and then through the bore (54) as (dp-) pressure into the minus chamber. At the tip minus the measuring tube (85) is the opening (84) through which the minus pressure (-) from the bore (114) enters. Around the minus the measuring tube (85) is concentrically mounted plus the measuring tube (82) with the inlet (83) for inlet plus pressure (+) · The minus measuring tube pierces the rubber seal (58) and extends into the bore (114). Plus, the measuring tube extends only into the measuring chamber (56) and is sealed against the outside by a gasket (77), which is inserted into a sealing insert (78), which is sealed with a gasket (79) and fastened with a nut (80). The drain cock (55) is sealed with a gasket (76) and screwed into the nozzle (59) just enough to press the rubber seal (58) over the edge of the bore (114) through the star ring (57). The locking body (81) is drawn in the open position. The ribs of the star ring are indicated by (73). Their inner flank (74) is rounded, centering and directing minus the measuring tube during insertion. The crown (75) connects and consolidates the ribs of the star ring.

Slika 8.Figure 8.

Prikazan je detajl merilne šobe (107). Medij vstopa v smeri (A) skozi nazivni premer ventila (D1) v vstopnem obroču (46) in nato mimo srednjega obroča (44) skozi premer (D2) in mimo izstopnega obroča (41) skozi premer (D4). Plus tlak (+) vstopa mimo ostrega roba (87) v plus špranjo (45), ki ima širino (S1) in je za kot (K1) nagnjena proti osi (26), v prostor (66) in od tu v izvrtino (113). Vstopni obroč je uvit v vstopno ohišje (1) in pritiska na distančne zobe (451) ki so naliti na srednji obroč. S tem je zagotovljena točnost in zanesljivost špranje (45). Srednji obroč (44) se zožuje pod nagibom kota (K2) in je zaobljen z radijem (R1) in (R2). Minus tlak (-) vstopa mimo ostrega roba (42) in radia (R3) skozi minus špranjo (43) ki ima širino (S2) ki je zavarovana z zobmi (431) v prostor (65) in iz njega v izvrtino (114). Rob (87) plus špranja (45) je od začetka vstopnega obroča (46) oddaljen za (L0). Središče radia (R1) je od roba (87) oddaljeno za (L1). Rob (42) na srednjem obroču je od središča radia (R2) oddaljen za (L2). Vložek (29) je privit na vijaku (88)s pomočjo šestrobe izvrtine (89) in ima premer (D3). Čelo vložka je zaobljeno z radiem (R4) in sega za (L3) od roba (42) v srednji obroč (44). Med prostoroma (65) in (66) je tesnilo (47), ki ločuje plus in minus tlak.A detail of the measuring nozzle (107) is shown. The medium enters in direction (A) through the nominal diameter of the valve (D1) in the inlet ring (46) and then passes the middle ring (44) through the diameter (D2) and past the outlet ring (41) through the diameter (D4). Plus the pressure (+) enters past the sharp edge (87) into the plus slot (45), which has a width (S1) and is inclined towards the axis (26) by an angle (K1), into the space (66) and from here into the bore ( 113). The inlet ring is wrapped in the inlet housing (1) and presses on the spacer teeth (451) which are poured into the middle ring. This ensures the accuracy and reliability of the slit (45). The middle ring (44) narrows at an angle of inclination (K2) and is rounded by radius (R1) and (R2). The minus pressure (-) enters past the sharp edge (42) and the radio (R3) through the minus slit (43) having a width (S2) which is secured by the teeth (431) to and from the hole (114). . The edge (87) plus the slots (45) is (L0) away from the beginning of the inlet ring (46). The center of the radio (R1) is away from the edge (87) by (L1). The edge (42) in the middle ring is (L2) away from the center of the radio (R2). The insert (29) is screwed onto the screw (88) by means of a hexagon bore (89) and has a diameter (D3). The insert face is rounded by radius (R4) and extends (L3) from the edge (42) into the middle ring (44). Between the spaces (65) and (66) is a seal (47) separating the plus and minus pressure.

Slika 9a.Figure 9a.

Prikazuje detajl varovanja omejilnega obroča (3), kije na vstopno ohišje (1) privit s pomočjo navoja (48). Varovalni vijak (5) z plombirno izvrtino (4) je privit tako globoko, da sega njegova konica (90) v vzdolžni varovalni utor (49), ki je globji od navoja (48) in s tem preprečuje odvitje.It shows a detail of the locking ring (3) secured to the inlet housing (1) by a thread (48). The locking screw (5) with the sealing hole (4) is screwed in so deep that its tip (90) extends into a longitudinal locking groove (49) that is deeper than the thread (48), thus preventing it from unwinding.

Slika 9b.Figure 9b.

Shematično prikazuje omejilni zob (68) na notranjem obroču (53) zaporne matice (108) in omejilni zob (681) na omejilni matici (3). Pri odpiranju se obroč (53) giblje v smeri (O) tako dolgo dokler zob (68) ne zadene na zob (681) na omejilni matici (3). Pri tem je bistveno, da je višina (H) nekoliko manjša od koraka navoja (48) in da je začetek navoja na omejilnem obroču tako pozicioniran proti navoju na notranjem obroču (53) da se oba zoba (68) in (681) stakneta preje kot pa boka notranjega obroča (53) in omejilne matice (3). S tem je zagotovljena trajno točna nastavitev, ki ni odvisna od sile privitja zaporne matice.Schematically depicts the retaining tooth (68) on the inner ring (53) of the lock nut (108) and the retaining tooth (681) on the retaining nut (3). When opened, the ring (53) moves in the direction (O) until the tooth (68) hits the tooth (681) on the stop nut (3). It is essential that the height (H) is slightly less than the pitch of the thread (48) and that the start of the thread on the stop ring is positioned so that it is threaded on the inner ring (53) so that both teeth (68) and (681) are yarn-shaped than the inner ring side (53) and the lock nut (3). This ensures a permanently accurate adjustment that is independent of the locking nut tightening force.

Slika 10.Figure 10.

Prikazuje prirobnično izvedbo regulatorja diferenčnega tlaka, ki je primerna predvsem za večje ventile. Medij vstopa skozi protiprirobnico (91) v smeri (A) v vstopno ohišje (1) in izstopa v smeri (B) iz izstopnega ohišja (24). V obeh ohišjih so slepe navojne izvrtine (92) za vijačni spoj s protiprirobnico. Diferencialna matica (97) aksialno premika zaporno matico (94), ki pritiska na zaporne osi (7). V zaporni matici so slepe izvrtine (93) v katere sedajo zaporne osi (7). S tem je zaporna matica zavarovana proti rotaciji. Zaporna os (7) je proti izpadu zavarovana z obročkom (98). Zaporna matica ima desni navoj (95). Diferencialna matica (97) ima na zunanji strani desni navoj (95), na notranji strani pa levi navoj (96). Vijak (99) varuje diferencialno matico (97) pred nenamernim odvitjem. Membrana (38) je na zunanjem robu pritijena v vstopno ohišje (1) z pritrdilnim obročem (101), ki ima naslon (1011) in je z vijaki (100) privit na vstopno ohišje (1).Teme zunanjega vala membrane je (382). Hod diska (39) omejuje naslon (102). Nastavna matica (23) pritiska na nastavne osi (22) ki preko konzole (21) pritiskajo na vzmeti (19). Nastavna matica ima desni navoj (106), diferencialna matica (104) pa na zunanji strani desni (106) na notranji strani pa levi navoj (105). Vijak (103) varuje diferencialno matico (104) pred nenamernim odvitjem. Na izstopnem obroču (41) je z navojem (117) privit naslon (116) za varovanje membrane (38). Teme notranjega vala membrane je (381). Če je membrana na plus strani obremenjena z največjim dovoljenim tlakom, se lahko raztegne samo do naslona. Nadaljne povečanje tlaka ne upliva več na raztezanje membrane. Membrana mora biti takrat ko je ventil popolnoma odprt od naslona oddaljena za polovico hoda ventila, in še za raztezek membrane pri največjem dovoljenem tlaku.It shows the flange design of the differential pressure regulator, which is especially suitable for larger valves. The medium enters through the counter flange (91) in direction (A) into the inlet housing (1) and exits in the direction (B) from the outlet housing (24). Both housings have blind threaded holes (92) for screw-in flange connection. The differential nut (97) moves the locking nut (94) axially, which presses on the locking axes (7). There are blind holes in the lock nut (93) into which the locking axes (7) fit. This secures the lock nut against rotation. The locking axis (7) is secured against failure by a ring (98). The lock nut has a right-hand thread (95). The differential nut (97) has a right-hand thread (95) on the outside and a left-hand thread (96) on the inside. The screw (99) protects the differential nut (97) against unintentional unscrewing. The diaphragm (38) is secured to the inlet housing (1) by an attachment ring (101) having an abutment (1011) and screwed into the inlet housing (1) by screws (100). ). The travel of the disc (39) limits the backrest (102). The adjusting nut (23) presses on the adjusting axes (22) which press the springs (19) through the bracket (21). The adjusting nut has a right-hand thread (106) and the differential nut (104) has a left-hand thread (105) on the inside (right) (106). The screw (103) protects the differential nut (104) against unintentional unscrewing. The diaphragm (38) is screwed onto the exit ring (41) by a thread (117). The themes of the inner wave of the membrane are (381). If the plus side diaphragm is loaded with the maximum allowable pressure, it can only extend to the backrest. Further increase in pressure no longer affects the membrane elongation. The diaphragm must be half open when the valve is fully open from the backrest, and for the diaphragm to extend at maximum pressure.

Slika 11.Figure 11.

Prikazuje kombinacijo regulatoija diferenčnega tlaka in regulatorja pretoka. Vstopno ohišje (1) in izstopno ohišje (24) in notranji deli so enaki kot pri regulatorju diferenčnega tlaka. Dodano je samo srednje ohišje (110) in še en regulator diferenčnega tlaka, ki s pomočjo vzmeti (111) in jemanjem minus impulza skozi izvrtino (112) in plus impulza skozi izvrtino (115), deluje kot regulator pretoka. Nastavna os in matica tu nista potrebni.It shows a combination of differential pressure regulators and flow regulators. The inlet housing (1) and the outlet housing (24) and the internal parts are the same as the differential pressure controller. Only the middle housing (110) was added and another differential pressure regulator, which acts as a flow regulator by means of a spring (111) and by taking a minus pulse through the bore (112) and plus a pulse through the bore (115). The adjustment axis and nut are not required here.

Slika 12a.Figure 12a.

Prikazuje multifunkcijski regulacijski ventil z omejenim številom funkcij. Vgrajene so samo sledeče funkcije: meritev pretoka, zapiranje, omejitev odpiranja in praznjenje. Vstopno ohišje (1) ima na spodnji strani samo merilni nastavek (59) ter drenažni vijak (35). Obe ohišji sta spojeni z navojem (161) brez dodatne obročaste matice. Namesto venca vijačnih vzmeti je vgrajena ena sama vijačna vzmet (191). Disk (391) je samo poenostavljen podaljšek ventilskega sedeža (28) in ima na obodu utore (392) v katere vprijemajo zaporne osi (701).Displays a multifunction control valve with a limited number of functions. Only the following features are built in: flow measurement, closing, opening restriction and emptying. The inlet housing (1) has only the measuring attachment (59) and the drainage screw (35) on the lower side. Both housings are threaded (161) without additional ring nut. Instead of a coil spring, a single coil spring (191) is installed. The disc (391) is merely a simplified extension of the valve seat (28) and has grooves (392) in the circumference into which the locking axes (701) engage.

Slika 12b.Figure 12b.

Prikazuje detajl diska in zaporne osi za ventil po sliki 12a. Zaporna os (701) ima utor (703) v katerega uprijema disk (391). Če je ohišje (1) iz kovine in disk (391) iz plastike mora biti zaradi kompenzacije temperaturnih raztezanj, v utoru (703) med zaporno osjo (701) in diskom (391) zrak (H), ki omogoča radialno siljenje diska.It shows the detail of the disc and the shut-off axles for the valve according to Figure 12a. The locking axis (701) has a groove (703) into which the disk (391) is supported. If the housing (1) is made of metal and the disk (391) is made of plastic, there must be air (H) in the groove (703) between the locking axis (701) and the disk (391) for radially forcing the disk to compensate for the thermal expansion.

Claims (32)

1. Multifunkcijski aksialni regulacijski ventil OZNAČEN S TEM, da so v enem samem aksialnem regulacijskem ventilu vgrajeni elementi ki omogočajo meritev pretoka, zapiranje, omejitev odpiranja, praznjenje in regulacijo diferenčnega tlaka ali pretoka oziroma hkrati regulacijo diferenčnega tlaka in pretoka in je v vstopnem ohišju (1) vgrajena merilna šoba (107) pri čemer se plus tlak (+) in minus tlak (-) ki nastajata v merilni šobi uporabljata hkrati za meritev pretoka in kot impulz za regulacijo diferenčnega tlaka ali pretoka ter je na vstopnem ohišju (1) privita zaporna matica (108) ki preko zaporne osi (7) lahko pritiska na disk (39) ki je povezan z gibljivim cevastim ventilskim sedežem (28) in s tem omogoča zapiranje in odpiranje ventila (119) ter je na istem navoju (48) kot zaporna matica (108) privita tudi omejilna matica (3) ki pri odpiranju omejuje hod zaporne matice (108).1. Multifunctional axial control valve, characterized in that elements are provided in a single axial control valve for measuring flow, closing, opening limitation, emptying and regulating differential pressure or flow, or simultaneously controlling differential pressure and flow, and being in the inlet housing ( 1) a built-in measuring nozzle (107), wherein the plus pressure (+) and minus pressure (-) generated in the measuring nozzle are used simultaneously to measure the flow and as a pulse to control the differential pressure or flow and are screwed on the inlet housing (1) a locking nut (108) which, through the locking axis (7), can press a disc (39) which is connected to a flexible tubular valve seat (28), thereby closing and opening the valve (119) and being on the same thread (48) as The locking nut (108) also tightens the locking nut (3) which, when opened, restricts the travel of the locking nut (108). 2. Multifunkcijski aksialni regulacijski ventil po zahtevku 1, OZNAČEN S TEM, da je kot merilna šoba (107) uporabljena v aksialnem ventilu že normalno obstoječa zožitev preseka iz nazivnega premera (D1) na premer cevastega ventilskega sedeža (28) ter je kot (K2) v šobi enak ali manjši od 45° in sta radija (R1) i (R2) na srednjem obroču (44) čim večja.Multifunctional axial control valve according to claim 1, characterized in that, as a measuring nozzle (107), a normally existing narrowing of the section from nominal diameter (D1) to the diameter of the tubular valve seat (28) is used and is angle (K2) ) in the nozzle equal to or less than 45 ° and the radii (R1) and (R2) on the middle ring (44) being as large as possible. 3. Multifunkcijski aksialni regulacijski ventil po zahtevku 1, OZNAČEN S TEM, da merilno šobo (107) tvorijo vstopni obroč (46) ki je privit v vstopno ohišje (1) in ima oster rob (87) in srednji obroč (44) ki ima oster rob (42) ter izstopni obroč (41) in je med vstopnim obročem (46) ter srednjim obročem (44) po celem obodu plus špranja (45) ki je zelo ozka in nagnjena pod kotom (K1) proti središčni osi (26) pri čemer je celotni presek plus špranje (45) tako velik da zadošča tudi za izpraznjevanjeter je med srednjim obročem (44) in izstopnim obročem (41) po celem obodu zelo ozka minus špranja (43) kije široka le toliko da zadošča za meritev in prehod impulza za regulacijo.Multifunction axial control valve according to claim 1, characterized in that the measuring nozzle (107) is formed by an inlet ring (46) which is screwed into the inlet housing (1) and has a sharp edge (87) and a middle ring (44) having a sharp edge (42) and an outlet ring (41) and is between the inlet ring (46) and the middle ring (44) all around the perimeter plus slits (45) which are very narrow and inclined at an angle (K1) towards the center axis (26) wherein the entire cross-section plus the slit (45) is so large that it is sufficient for emptying, too, between the middle ring (44) and the outlet ring (41), throughout the perimeter, is very narrow minus the slit (43) which is only wide enough to measure and pass impulse to regulate. 4. Multifunkcijski aksialni regulacijski ventil po zahtevku 1, OZNAČEN S TEM, da sta plus tlak (+) in minus tlak (-) iz merilne šobe (107) speljana v skupno merilno komoro (56) v merilnem nastavku (59) ter oba tlaka ločuje tesnilo (58) katero drži in centrira zvezdasti obroč (57) pri čemer je zvezdasti obroč lahko fiksiran s kroglasto pipo (55) ali pa ima na vencu (74) navoj in je privit v isti navoj kot kroglasta pipa pri čemer plus tlak (+) med rebri (73) iz izvrtine (113) lahko prehaja v merilno komoro (56) in iz nje kot impulz za regulacijo v izvrtino (54) ter so notranji boki (75) reber tako zaobljeni da pri vstavljanju vodijo in postopoma centrirajo konico minus merilne cevke (85).Multifunction axial control valve according to claim 1, characterized in that the plus pressure (+) and minus pressure (-) from the measuring nozzle (107) are fed into the common measuring chamber (56) in the measuring port (59) and both pressures separates the seal (58) which holds and centers the star ring (57) whereby the star ring can be fixed with a ball valve (55) or have a thread on the crown (74) and screwed in the same thread as the ball valve with plus pressure ( +) between the ribs (73) from the bore (113) can flow into and out of the measuring chamber (56) as a pulse for regulation into the bore (54) and the inner flanks (75) of the ribs are so rounded that the insertion is guided and gradually centered minus the measuring tubes (85). 5. Multifunkcijski aksialni regulacijski ventil po zahtevku 1, OZNAČEN S TEM, da sta plus merilna cevka (82) in minus merilna cevka (85) sestavljeni v eno samo enoto pri čemer je minus merilna cevka (85) nameščena koncentrično v sredino plus merilne cevke (82) in sega minus merilna cevka (85) tako daleč izven plus merilne cevke (82) da odprtina (84) sega v izvrtino (114) kadar odprtina (83) na plus merilni cevki (82) sega v merilno komoro (56) ter je plus merilna cevka (82) med meritvijo na zunanjem obodu zatesnjena s tesnilom (77) ki je vstavljeno v tesnilni vložek (78) kateri je proti kroglasti pipi (55) zatesnjen s tesnilom (79) pri čemer je tesnilni vložek tako dolg daje ob zaprti kroglasti pipi (55) in vstavljeni plus merilni cevki (82) le ta zatesnjena.Multifunctional axial control valve according to claim 1, characterized in that the plus measuring tube (82) and the minus measuring tube (85) are assembled into a single unit with the minus measuring tube (85) centrally located plus the measuring tubes (82) and extends minus the measuring tube (85) so far beyond the plus measuring tube (82) that the opening (84) extends into the bore (114) when the opening (83) on the plus measuring tube (82) extends into the measuring chamber (56) and plus the measuring tube (82) is sealed with a seal (77) inserted into the sealing insert (78) which is sealed against the ball valve (55) by the seal (79) during the measurement on the outer circumference, so that the sealing insert is so long with the ball valve (55) closed and the measuring tube (82) inserted, it is sealed. 6. Multifunkcijski aksialni regulacijski ventil po zahtevku 1, OZNAČEN S TEM, da je v merilno šobo (107) centrično in paralelno z osjo (26) vstavljen vložek (29) kije privit na vijak (88) pri čemer sega čelo vložka tako daleč v notranjost merilne šobe (108) da je pri vseh pretokih zagotovljena enaka geometrija toka ob robu (42) srednjega obroča (44) in je premer (D3) v takem razmerju proti premeru (D2) da se glede na zahtevano točnost meritve doseže zadostna razlika med plus (+) in minus tlakom (-) tudi pri relativno malih pretokih.Multifunctional axial control valve according to claim 1, characterized in that a cartridge (29) is inserted centrally and parallel to the axis (26) screwed into the screw (88), extending so far into the cartridge head. the inside of the measuring nozzle (108) to ensure the same flow geometry at all edges at the edge (42) of the middle ring (44) and the diameter (D3) to be in such a ratio to the diameter (D2) that a sufficient difference between the required measurement accuracy is achieved. plus (+) and minus pressure (-) even at relatively low flow rates. 7. Multifunkcijski aksialni regulacijski ventil po zahtevku 1, OZNAČEN S TEM, da sta vstopni obroč (46) in srednji obroč (44) združena in izdelana iz enega kosa ter je odvzem plus tlaka (+) izveden skozi odprtine ki so pozicionirane ustrezno glede na kanal (66).7. Multifunctional axial control valve according to claim 1, characterized in that the inlet ring (46) and the middle ring (44) are joined and made of one piece and the plus pressure (+) is drawn through openings positioned with respect to channel (66). 8. Multifunkcijski aksialni regulacijski ventil po zahtevku 1, OZNAČEN S TEM, da so v špranji (45) na čelu srednjega obroča zobje (451) in v špranji (43) na izstopnem obroču (41) ali pa na srednjem obroču (44) zobje (431) ki zagotavljajo točno širino špranj pri čemer so zobje vsaj po trije in potekajo vzporedno z osjo (26).8. Multifunctional axial control valve according to claim 1, characterized in that the teeth (45) are at the head of the middle ring of the teeth (451) and the slot (43) is at the exit ring (41) or at the middle ring (44) of the teeth. (431) providing the exact width of the slits with the teeth at least three and running parallel to the axis (26). 9. Multifunkcijski aksialni regulacijski ventil po zahtevku 1, OZNAČEN S TEM, da je zaporna matica (108) sestavljena iz notranjega obroča (53) ki ima na notranji strani navoj (481) ki vprijema v navoj (48) na vstopnem ohišju (1) in zunanjega obroča (50) na katerem je skala (51) ter sta oba obroča povezana z razstavljivo zobato sklopko (52) pri čemer se med sestavljanjem ventila po točni nastavitvi položaja nič na skali (51) proti kazalcu (9) ki je na vstopnem ohišju (1) oba obroča povežeta z ustreznim sredstvom v nerazstavljivo enoto in je s tem položaj nič za vsak posamezni ventil trajno točno določen.A multifunctional axial control valve according to claim 1, characterized in that the locking nut (108) consists of an inner ring (53) having a thread (481) on the inner side that secures a thread (48) to the inlet housing (1). and an outer ring (50) on which the scale (51) is connected, and both rings are connected by a detachable gear clutch (52), while zeroing the scale (51) against the pointer (9) positioned at the inlet during the valve assembly to the housing (1), the two rings are connected by a suitable means to a non-removable unit and thus the zero position for each individual valve is permanently specified. 10. Multifunkcijski aksialni regulacijski ventil po zahtevku 1, OZNAČEN S TEM, daje omejilna matica (3) z varovalnim vijakom (5) ki ima izvrtino (4) za plombiranje zavarovana proti odvitju ter so pod omejilno matico (3) na vstopnem ohišju (1) vzdolžni utori (49) ki potekajo paralelno z osjo (26) in so globji od dna navoja (48) tako da konica (90) vijaka (5) ne more zdrsniti po navoju (48) ter je na omejilni matici (3) tik ob varovalnem vijaku (5) izvrtina (2) ki služi za plombiranje varovalnega vijaka (5).The multifunctional axial control valve according to claim 1, characterized in that the restricting nut (3) with a locking screw (5) having a hole (4) for sealing is secured against unscrewing and is provided under the restricting nut (3) on the inlet housing (1). ) longitudinal grooves (49) extending parallel to the axis (26) and deeper than the bottom of the thread (48) so that the tip (90) of the screw (5) cannot slip along the thread (48) and is close to the stop nut (3) next to the retaining bolt (5), a bore (2) for sealing the retaining bolt (5). 11. Multifunkcijski aksialni regulacijski ventil po zahtevku 1, OZNAČEN S TEM, daje na boku notranjega obroča (53) zaporne matice (108) izveden omejilni zob (68) z višino (H) ki je nekoliko manjša od koraka navoja (48) ter je na omejilni matici (3) zob (681) na katerega zadene zob (68) če se notranji obroč (53) giblje v smeri odpiranja (O) pri čemer je začetek navoja na omejilnem obroču (3) tako pozicioniran proti navoju (481) na notranjem obroču (53) da se oba zoba (68) in (681) stakneta prej kot pa boka notranjega obroča (53) in omejilne matice (3).11. The multifunctional axial control valve according to claim 1, characterized in that on the side of the inner ring (53) of the locking nut (108) there is a restraining tooth (68) with a height (H) slightly smaller than the pitch of the thread (48) and on the retaining nut (3) of the tooth (681) to which the tooth (68) hits if the inner ring (53) moves in the direction of opening (O), so that the start of the thread on the retaining ring (3) is thus positioned against the thread (481) at the inner ring (53) so that both teeth (68) and (681) are glazed earlier than the sides of the inner ring (53) and the restricting nuts (3). 1010 12. Multifunkcijski aksialni regulacijski ventil po zahtevku 1, OZNAČEN S TEM, da so zaporne osi (7) vsaj tri in so vedno skrite pod vencem (6) na vstopnem ohišju (1) in s tem zavarovane proti poškodbam.Multifunctional axial control valve according to claim 1, characterized in that the locking axes (7) are at least three and always hidden under the rim (6) on the inlet housing (1) and thus protected against damage. 13. Multifunkcijski aksialni regulacijski ventil po zahtevku 1, OZNAČEN S TEM, daje stena diska (39) in bočna stena (40) plus komore (37) pravokotna na os (26) ali pa je bočna stena (40) z zunanjim robom nekoliko nagnjena v smeri proti vstopni smeri (A) kar omogoča odzračevanje plus komore (37) skozi izvrtino (10) z enim samim odzračevalnim vijakom (11) pri horizontalni in vertikalni vgradnji ventila.13. Multifunctional axial control valve according to claim 1, characterized in that the disc wall (39) and the side wall (40) plus the chambers (37) are perpendicular to the axis (26) or the lateral wall (40) with the outer edge is slightly inclined in the direction of the inlet direction (A), which allows venting plus chambers (37) through the bore (10) with a single vent screw (11) for horizontal and vertical installation of the valve. 14. Multifunkcijski aksialni regulacijski ventil po zahtevku 1, OZNAČEN S TEM, da sta nastavka (59) in (62) ki služita za meritev pretoka in dovod impulzov ter kazalec (9) na spodnji strani ventila to je na nasprotni strani kot sta odzračevalna vijaka (11) in (12) kar omogoča lažji dostop do nastavkov in boljšo vidnost kazalca.Multifunctional axial control valve according to claim 1, characterized in that the nozzles (59) and (62) are used to measure the flow and the flow of the pulses and the pointer (9) on the underside of the valve, which is on the opposite side such as the vent screws (11) and (12) for easier access to the attachments and better visibility of the pointer. 15. Multifunkcijski aksialni regulacijski ventil po zahtevku 1, OZNAČEN S TEM, da je ustje (67) izvrtine (54) skozi katero vstopa plus tlak (+) v minus komoro (30) čimbolj oddaljeno od ustja (69) drenažne izvrtine (361) kar omogoča dobro izplakovanje nesnage iz minus komore (30) in velja isto tudi za plus komoro (37) in drenažno izvrtino (351).Multipurpose axial control valve according to claim 1, characterized in that the orifice (67) of the bore (54) through which it enters plus the pressure (+) into the minus chamber (30) is as far away from the mouth (69) of the drainage bore (361) which allows good flushing out of dirt from the minus chamber (30) and also applies to the plus chamber (37) and the drainage hole (351). 16. Multifunkcijski aksialni regulacijski ventil po zahtevku 1, OZNAČEN S TEM, da deluje kot regulator diferenčnega tlaka pri čemer plus tlak (+) iz merilne šobe (107) skozi nastavek (59) in izvrtino (54) vstopa v minus komoro (30) ter skupaj s silo vzmeti (19) ki so v vencu nameščene po obodu minus komore (30) deluje v smeri odpiranja ventila na membrano (38) ter skozi nastavek (62) skozi izvrtino (63) od zunaj v plus komoro (37) vstopa tlak (dp+) ki deluje na membrano (38) v smeri zapiranja ventila in se diferenčni tlak nastavlja s pomočjo nastavne matice (23) ki preko nastavnih osi (22) in konzole (20) pritiska na vzmeti (19).16. Multifunctional axial control valve according to claim 1, characterized in that it acts as a differential pressure regulator whereby plus pressure (+) from the measuring nozzle (107) enters the minus chamber (30) through the nozzle (59). and together with the force of the springs (19) mounted in the rim around the perimeter minus the chamber (30) acts in the direction of opening the valve to the diaphragm (38) and through the bore (62) through the bore (63) from the outside into the plus chamber (37) the pressure (dp +) acting on the diaphragm (38) in the direction of closing the valve and the differential pressure is adjusted by means of the adjusting nut (23) which presses the springs (19) through the adjustment axes (22) and the bracket (20). 17. Multifunkcijski aksialni regulacijski ventil po zahtevku 1, OZNAČEN S TEM, da deluje kot regulator pretoka pri čemer plus tlak (+) iz merilne šobe (107) skozi izvrtino (109) vstopa v v plus komoro (37) in deluje na membrano (38) v smeri zapiranja ventila pri čemer je izvrtina (109) preko izvrtine (110) povezana z nastavkom (62) in s tem omogoča meritev tlaka ali pa izpraznjevanje ter minus tlak (-) iz merilne šobe (107) skozi izvrtini (111) in (112) v nastavku (59) vstopa v minus komoro (30) in skupaj z vencem vzmeti (19) deluje na membrano (38) v smeri zapiranja ventila ter se pretok nastavlja s pomočjo nastavne matice (23) ki preko nastavnih osi (22) in konzole (20) pritiska na vzmeti (19).17. Multifunctional axial control valve according to claim 1, characterized in that it acts as a flow regulator whereby plus pressure (+) from the measuring nozzle (107) enters into the plus chamber (37) through the bore (109) and acts on the diaphragm (38 ) in the direction of valve closure, wherein the bore (109) is connected to the nozzle (62) via the bore (110) and thus allows pressure measurement or discharge and minus pressure (-) from the measuring nozzle (107) through the bore (111) and (112) in the extension (59) enters the minus chamber (30) and together with the spring coil (19) acts on the diaphragm (38) in the direction of closing the valve and the flow is adjusted by means of the adjusting nut (23) which through the adjusting axes (22) ) and the console (20) presses on the springs (19). 18. Multifunkcijski aksialni regulacijski ventil po zahtevku 1, OZNAČEN S TEM, da deluje kot regulator pretoka pri katerem sta plus (+) in minus (-) tlak speljana oba v nastavek (59) in nastavek (62) služi samo za izpraznjevanje preko izvrtine (125) pri čemer plus tlak (+) preko kanalov (120) in (121) vstopa v plus komoro (37) in preko izvrtine (122) sega do gumijastega tesnila (58) ter minus tlak (-) skozi izvrtino (123) vstopa v merilno komoro (56) in naprej skozi izvrtino (124) v minus komoro (30).18. Multifunctional axial control valve according to claim 1, characterized in that it acts as a flow regulator in which the plus (+) and minus (-) pressure are fed both into the nozzle (59) and the nozzle (62) is only for discharge through the bore (125) wherein the plus pressure (+) enters the plus chamber (37) through channels (120) and (121) and extends through the bore (122) to the rubber seal (58) and minus the pressure (-) through the bore (123). enters the measuring chamber (56) and forward through the bore (124) into the minus chamber (30). 19. Multifunkcijski aksialni regulacijski ventil po zahtevku 1, OZNAČEN S TEM, daje vstopno ohišje (1) in izstopno ohišje (24) prirobnične izvedbe pri čemer so v obeh ohišjih slepe navojne izvrtine (92) za pritrdilne vijake ter so zapiralne osi (7) in nastavitvene osi (22) nameščene izven zunanjega premera membrane (38).19. The multifunctional axial control valve according to claim 1, characterized in that the inlet housing (1) and the outlet housing (24) are of flange design, with both threaded holes (92) for the fastening screws and the locking axes (7) in both housings. and adjusting axes (22) positioned outside the outer diameter of the diaphragm (38). 20. Multifunkcijski aksialni regulacijski ventil po zahtevku 19 OZNAČEN S TEM, da so zapiralne osi (7) in nastavitvene osi (22) nameščene izven zunanjega premera protiprirobnice (91).20. Multifunctional axial control valve according to claim 19, characterized in that the closing axes (7) and the adjustment axes (22) are located outside the outer diameter of the counter flange (91). 21. Multifunkcijski aksialni regulacijski ventil po zahtevku 19, OZNAČEN S TEM, da se zaporna os (7) premika s pomočjo zaporne matice (94) ki z desnim navojem (95) vprijema v diferencialno matico (97) ki z levim navojem (96) vprijema v vstopno ohišje (1) pri čemer ima zaporna matica (94) slepe izvrtine (93) v katere segajo zaporne osi (7) s čemer je zaporna matica (94) zavarovana proti zavrtitvi in je diferencialna matica (97) zavarovana z vijakom (99) in na nastavno os (22) pritiska nastavna matica (23) ki z desnim navojem (106) vprijema v diferencialno matico (104) katera z levim navojem (105) vprijema v izstopno ohišje (24).21. Multifunctional axial control valve according to claim 19, characterized in that the locking axis (7) is moved by means of a locking nut (94) which engages the right nut (97) with a differential nut (97) which with the left thread (96) engages in the inlet housing (1) wherein the locking nut (94) has blind holes (93) into which the locking axes (7) extend, thereby securing the locking nut (94) against rotation and securing the differential nut (97) with a screw ( 99) and the adjusting nut (23) presses on the control axis (22), which engages the differential nut (104) with the right thread (106) which engages the output housing (24) with the left thread (105). 22. Multifunkcijski aksialni regulacijski ventil po zahtevku 19, OZNAČEN S TEM, da je smer navojev (95), (96), (106) in (105) poljubna pri čemer je nujno da ima navoj med zaporno matico (94) in diferencialno matico (97) drugo smer navitja kot navoj med diferencialno matico (97) in vstopnim ohišjem (1) ter velja isto tudi za nastavno matico (23) in diferencialno matico (104).na izstopnem ohišju (24).22. Multifunctional axial control valve according to claim 19, characterized in that the direction of the threads (95), (96), (106) and (105) is arbitrary, with the need for a thread between the lock nut (94) and the differential nut (97) a different winding direction than the thread between the differential nut (97) and the inlet housing (1), and the same applies to the adjusting nut (23) and the differential nut (104) on the outlet housing (24). 23. Multifunkcijski aksialni regulacijski ventil po zahtevku 19, OZNAČEN S TEM, da je membrana (38) na zunanjem robu pritrjena v vstopno ohišje (1) s pritrdilnim obročem (101) ki je zvijaki (100) privit na vstopno ohišje (1) in ima naslon (1011) ter je na izstopnem obroču (41) pritrjen naslon (116) pri čemer mora biti teme membrane (382) ali (381) od svojega naslona (1011) ali (116) takrat ko je ventil popolnoma odprt oddaljeno vsaj za polovico hoda ventila in še za raztezek membrane pri največjem dovoljenem tlaku s čemer je preprečena porušitev membrane pri preobremenitvi.23. Multifunctional axial control valve according to claim 19, characterized in that the diaphragm (38) at the outer edge is secured to the inlet housing (1) with a retaining ring (101) which is screwed onto the inlet housing (1) and has a backrest (1011) and a backrest (116) is attached to the outlet ring (41), with the diaphragm (382) or (381) threads from its backrest (1011) or (116) when the valve is fully open at least half the stroke of the valve and further for the elongation of the diaphragm at the maximum permissible pressure, thus preventing the membrane from bursting upon overload. 24. Multifunkcijski aksialni regulacijski ventil po zahtevku 19, OZNAČEN S TEM, daje naslon (116) z navojem (117) pritrjen na izstopni obroč (41) ter je hod diska (39) omejen z naslonom (102).A multifunctional axial control valve according to claim 19, characterized in that the threaded support (116) is fixed to the outlet ring (41) and the travel of the disk (39) is limited by the support (102). 25. Multifunkcijski aksialni regulacijski ventil po zahtevku 19, OZNAČEN S TEM, da je v regulator diferenčnega tlaka med vstopno ohišje (1) in izstopno ohišje (24) vstavljeno srednje ohišje (110) in so v izstopno ohišje (24) dodani elementi za še en regulator diferenčnega tlaka ki z jemanjem plus impulza skozi izvrtino (115) in jemanjem minus impulza skozi izvrtino (112) deluje v bistvu kot regulator pretoka ki ga krmili padec tlaka v regulatorju diferenčnega tlaka kije nameščen v vstopnem ohišju (1).25. Multifunctional axial control valve according to claim 19, characterized in that a middle housing (110) is inserted into the differential pressure regulator between the inlet housing (1) and the outlet housing (24) and elements are further added to the outlet housing (24). one differential pressure regulator which, by taking a plus pulse through the bore (115) and taking a minus pulse through the bore (112), acts essentially as a flow regulator controlled by the pressure drop in the differential pressure regulator housed in the inlet housing (1). 26. Multifunkcijski aksialni regulacijski ventil po zahtevku 1, OZNAČEN S TEM, da so vgrajeni samo elementi ki so potrebni za meritev pretoka, zapiranje, omejitev odpiranja in praznjenje ter ima vstopno ohišje (1) na spodnji strani samo nastavek (59) ter sta vstopno ohišje (1) in izstopno ohišje (24) spojena neposredno z navojem (161).26. Multifunctional axial control valve according to claim 1, characterized in that only the elements necessary for flow measurement, closure, opening restriction and emptying are installed and the inlet housing (1) has only a nozzle (59) on the underside and there are inlet the housing (1) and the outlet housing (24) are connected directly to the thread (161). 27. Multifunkcijski aksialni regulacijski ventil po zahtevku 26, OZNAČEN S TEM, da ima na spodnji strani drenažni vijak (35) ter na zgornji strani odzračevalni vijak (12) ter za odpiranje ventila služi ena sama vijačna vzmet (191).27. Multifunctional axial control valve according to claim 26, characterized in that a single screw spring (191) is provided on the underside of the drainage screw (35) and on the upper side of the venting screw (12). 28. Multifunkcijski aksialni regulacijski ventil po zahtevku 26, OZNAČEN S TEM, da ima disk (391) na obodu utore (392) v katere vprijemajo zaporne osi (701) na katerih je utor (703) in je na od zunaj dostopni strani zaporne osi (701) izvedena izvrtina z navojem (702) ki omogoča odpiranje ventila od zunaj če sila vzmeti (191) ne zadošča in je zrak (H) med zaporno osjo (701) in dnom utora (392) večji kot je možna največja termična dilatacija diska.28. Multifunctional axial control valve according to claim 26, characterized in that the disk (391) has grooves (392) at the periphery into which the locking axes (701) are supported, on which the groove (703) is located and on the externally accessible side of the locking axis (701) threaded bore (702) allowing the valve to be opened from the outside if the spring force (191) is insufficient and the air (H) between the stop axis (701) and the bottom of the groove (392) is greater than the maximum thermal expansion of the disk is possible . 29. Multifunkcijski aksialni regulacijski ventil po zahtevku 1, OZNAČEN S TEM, da sta vstopno ohišje (1) in izstopno ohišje (24) spojena z obročasto matico (16) katere zunanja površina (15) je toliko gladka da lahko služi kot napisna tablica.29. Multifunctional axial control valve according to claim 1, characterized in that the inlet housing (1) and the outlet housing (24) are connected to a annular nut (16) whose outer surface (15) is so smooth that it can serve as a nameplate. 30. Multifunkcijski aksialni regulacijski ventil po zahtevku 1, OZNAČEN S TEM, da je čelna stična površina (17) vstopnega ohišja (1) in izstopnega ohišja (24) izdelana hrapavo ali narebričeno.Multifunctional axial control valve according to claim 1, characterized in that the front contact surface (17) of the inlet housing (1) and the outlet housing (24) is made rough or ribbed. 31. Multifunkcijski aksialni regulacijski ventil po zahtevku 1, OZNAČEN S TEM, da vzmeti (19) niso nastavljive.31. Multifunctional axial control valve according to claim 1, characterized in that the springs (19) are not adjustable. 32. Multifunkcijski aksialni regulacijski ventil po zahtevku 1, OZNAČEN S TEM, da vsebuje elemente za poljubno število in poljubno kombinacijo funkcij ki so navedene v zahtevku 1.32. The multi-function axial control valve according to claim 1, characterized in that it contains elements for any number and any combination of functions specified in claim 1.
SI9900185A 1999-07-22 1999-07-22 Multi-function axial control valve SI20340A (en)

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