SE538855C2 - Cone ring for a synchronizing arrangement - Google Patents

Cone ring for a synchronizing arrangement Download PDF


Publication number
SE538855C2 SE1550206A SE1550206A SE538855C2 SE 538855 C2 SE538855 C2 SE 538855C2 SE 1550206 A SE1550206 A SE 1550206A SE 1550206 A SE1550206 A SE 1550206A SE 538855 C2 SE538855 C2 SE 538855C2
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cone ring
ring according
indication means
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SE1550206A1 (en
Häggström Daniel
Hellström Kenth
Original Assignee
Scania Cv Ab
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Application filed by Scania Cv Ab filed Critical Scania Cv Ab
Priority to SE1550206A priority Critical patent/SE538855C2/en
Priority to DE102016001635.3A priority patent/DE102016001635A1/en
Publication of SE1550206A1 publication Critical patent/SE1550206A1/en
Publication of SE538855C2 publication Critical patent/SE538855C2/en



    • F16D23/00Details of mechanically-actuated clutches not specific for one distinct type
    • F16D23/02Arrangements for synchronisation, also for power-operated clutches
    • F16D23/04Arrangements for synchronisation, also for power-operated clutches with an additional friction clutch
    • F16D23/00Details of mechanically-actuated clutches not specific for one distinct type
    • F16D23/02Arrangements for synchronisation, also for power-operated clutches
    • F16D23/025Synchro rings
    • F16D23/00Details of mechanically-actuated clutches not specific for one distinct type
    • F16D23/02Arrangements for synchronisation, also for power-operated clutches
    • F16D23/04Arrangements for synchronisation, also for power-operated clutches with an additional friction clutch
    • F16D23/06Arrangements for synchronisation, also for power-operated clutches with an additional friction clutch and a blocking mechanism preventing the engagement of the main clutch prior to synchronisation
    • F16D23/00Details of mechanically-actuated clutches not specific for one distinct type
    • F16D23/02Arrangements for synchronisation, also for power-operated clutches
    • F16D23/04Arrangements for synchronisation, also for power-operated clutches with an additional friction clutch
    • F16D23/06Arrangements for synchronisation, also for power-operated clutches with an additional friction clutch and a blocking mechanism preventing the engagement of the main clutch prior to synchronisation
    • F16D2023/0625Details of members being coupled, e.g. gears
    • F16H57/00General details of gearing
    • F16H57/01Monitoring wear or stress of gearing elements, e.g. for triggering maintenance
    • F16H2057/014Monitoring wear or stress of gearing elements, e.g. for triggering maintenance of friction elements in transmissions


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • General Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • Mechanical Operated Clutches (AREA)
  • Pharmaceuticals Containing Other Organic And Inorganic Compounds (AREA)


16 Abstract The invention relates to a cone ring (14, 16, 50) for a synchronizing arrange-ment (12), comprising a substantially circular body (26), and at least one fric-tion surface (28) arranged in the body (26). The at least one wear indicationmeans (48) is arranged in the at least one friction surface (28). The inventionalso relates to a synchronization arrangement (12) comprising such a conering (14, 16, 50).The invention also relates to a gearbox (4) comprising such asynchronization arrangement (12). The invention also relates to a vehicle (1)comprising such a gearbox (4). (Fig. 3)


if) 2G 3G Gone ring tor a synohronizing arrangeinent BACKGRÛUND AND PRiOi-“i ART The present invention reiates to a cone ring tor a synohronizing arrangeinentaccording to the orearnhie oi patent ciairn t. The invention aiso reiates to asyriohronizing arrangernent cornorising suoh a cone ring according to the pre»anthie oi oatent siairn 15. The invention aiso reiates to a gearhox oorrtorisirtgsuch a synohronizing arrangentent acoording to the orearnoie oi patent ciairnto. The invention aiso reiates to a vehioie oornorising soon a gearoox aooord~ ing to the oreaihoie oi patent ciairri t?.
When shiiting gears in a gearhox, oognfheeis are engaged and iooked onshaits hy means oi axiaiiy disoiaceaoie sieeves. i-iowever, the sieeve, cog»tifheei and shatt rnay have diiterent soeeds tfvheit a gear sitooid he shiited andthe oogwiteei shotiid äoe iocked on the shatt hy rheans ot the sieeve. Thereiore,a synohronizing arrangerrient is used to synohronize the speed between thesieeve, cogwheei and shatt hefore the oogwheei is iooited on the shatt. Thesynohronizing arrangernent oornorises a iatoh oone ring and an inner cone ringarranged on the side of the oogtfifheei. in soihe aooiioations aiso an interrnedi~ate cone ring is used in the synohronizing arrangernent. The gearhox inayoontorise a soiit gearoox, a iriaiit gearhox and a range gearhox which aii needone or severai synohronizing arrangerrients tor cornoieting a synohronoos gear shiiting. in order to ohtain good synohronization in the gearoox, the sortaoe ot oerioh-erai iatch teeth on the iatch cone ring, witicit iaoe the sieeve and are designedto engage internai teeth in the sieeve during synohronization, rriost he angied if) 3G reiative te the axis et retatien et the iateh eene ring, said angie heing haianeedagainst the eraking tergee that the iateh eene ring transrnits te the sieeve inerder te aehieve synehrenees speed. This rneans that said angie rntist be de~signed se that the iateh teeth en the iateh eene ring engage with that eertien etthe internai teeth in the sieeve that are at said angie and aet en the sieeve sei-iieientiy te achieve synehreneiis speed and then disengage trern the eertien etthe internai teeth in the sieeve at said angie when the sieeve is te engage withthe inner eene ring irirhen synehrenetis speed has heen ehtained. in the en-gaged eesitien between the sieeve and the inner eene ring, the internai teeth in the sieeve engage with eerieherai eeeeiing teeth ei inner eene ring.
The hrairing terqee that the iateh eene ring transrnits te the sieeve in erder teaehieve synehrenetis speed reiates te the trietien eetween trietien sertaees et the iateh eene ring and the inner eene ring. "the inner eene ring is attached te the eegwheei. Te ensure that synehrenetisseeed is reached eeiere the sieeve easses the iateh eene ring axiaiiy, theteeth et the iateh eene ring rnust net disengage trern internai teeth in thesieeve tee easiiy. When the eerieherai iateh teeth en the iateh eene ring havedisengaged trern the internai teeth in the sieeve when synehrenees speed hasheen ehtairied between the sieeve and the inner eene ring, the sieeve wiii heaxiaiiy diseiaeed se that the iateh eene ring is ntetfed inwards inte the sieeveand steps in an axiai eesitieri reiative te the sieeve, said axiai eesitien eeingdeterntined hy the eesitien at whieh the sieeve meets and engages with the inner eene ring en the eegwheei. iiewever, it the trietien surface et the iateh eene ring and/er the trietien sertaeeet the inner eene ring are wern ent the hraking terdee that the iateh eene ringtransniits te the sieeve in erder te aehieve synehrenees speed wiii deerease erdisaeeear. Theretere, the synehrenizatien ereeess when shitting geairs rnay taiidee te an inadeeeate synehrenizatien whieh ntay iead te a eentaet betweenthe internai teeth et the sieeve and the eetieiing teeth et the inner eene ring if) iwhiie the sieeve and the inner ring has asynchreneus retationai speed. Thisinay iead to a iaiiure mode caiied eiash, A gearhex in a vehieie oornprises a nurnher et synohrenizing arrangementsand each synohrenizing arrangernent eernprises iatoh oene ring, an inner eonering and in serna cases aise an interniediate eene ring. it ene et the eene ringsin the synchrertizing arrangernent is worn out this cone ring wiii he reoiacedwith another eone ring. ii there are other eene rings in the gearhex whioh areworn out er are aheut te 'wear out aise these eone rings are repiaced. i-iovtf-ever, due to cost greunds it is net certain that aii eone rings in the synchreniz~ing arrangenient wiii he repiaeed, espeeiaiiy sinoe it is diiticuit te determine itthey are aioout te trrear out. Aiso, it is not certain that aii synchreniziiig ar-rangernents in tite gearhex iiviii he vvern to the sanie degree, sinee trrear san hecaused ey factors that do net atteot each synehroniziiig arrangernent eduaiiysuch as steee read gradients and a high ntinther ot gear changes, and sentetfiiear rnight he the resuit ei ineenfeet gear ehoiees er niisuse, which niight eniyatieet sorrie ot the synchronizing arrangernents. it rnight he hard ter the werieshoe te deterihine if the synehronizing airangeinent vtfhioh has not taiied isaiaout te taii due to excessive wear. Theretere, another synchrenizing ar-rangeihent niay taii due to wern eut orehienrs just atter the gearhex has ieeenrepaired, which rnay iead to even higher costs and irritation oi the user ot the vehieie.
The document Uåêåfiíštïiêêššâ diseioses a rnethod ei deteeting the oeerating state et a triction ciuteh.
The deounient US59686u4A discioses a synehrenizirtg ring which conterises ataoered iriction surtaee in which drainage greoves tor oii discharge are ett»vided. if) 3G ÉUMMARY OF THE iNX/ENTEÜN i* tïiespite pricr art, there is a need tc deveiep a cene ring, which “ The phiect ef the present inventicn is thus te prcvide a ccne ring et the type - im te 2+ 5.» r-..-\»-»-~. ä; ~+ _.~.- ta~-i si :i ie t-“t-'is-ssi ett; Qi se defined in the introduction, which This ehject is achieved tyith a ccne ring, which is characterized hy the features specified in patent ciairn t.
These objectives are atsc achieved with a synchrenizirtg arrangernent, which ischaracterizeci hy the features specified in patent ciaini tš.
These chjectives are aise achieved with a gearhex, which is characterized hythe features specified in patent ciairn 16.
These chjectiyes are aisc achieved with a vehicie, yyhicit is characterized hy the features specified in patent ciaint f7.
According tc the inventipn, an adyantagecusiy ccne ring pf a synchrcnizing arrangernentt is achieved, vvhich *sin it --- n w)1 if there is a faiiure in the gearhcx due tc wear ef ene ef the cenerings in the synchrhnizing arrangernent this cene ring wifi he repiaced with an-other cene ring. The wear indicatien rrieans arranged in the fricticn surfacernay indicate if there are ether ccne rings in the gearhcx which are wern cut crare ahcut te wear cut, se that these ccne rings aise can he repiaced hefere reassernhting the gearhex.
According tc an einhcdirnent cf the inyentien at ieast twc wear indicaticnnteans are stihstantiaiiy eventy distributed arcund the circurnterence ct the if) 2G 3G trictien surface. Titus, an indicatieit is achieved even it the wear ei the trictien surface is tineven areend the circitrnierence ei the irictien sitriace.
According te another errihedinteiit ei the inventien the wear indicatien ineanshas a sehstantiaiiy extensien in at ieast ene piane, wiiicii ceincides vvith thecentre iine. Thes, an indieatien is achieved even it the wear et the trictien sur»taee is tineven in the direction et said piane.
According te stiii anether ernpcdirnent ct the inventien the wear indieaticntheans has a geentetrie shape that changes te anether geentetric shape duringwear ei the at ieast ene irictien surface. Thus, the wear grade et the trictiensurface inay he decided.
BREEF DESCFÜPTEON OF THE ÛRAWÉNGS Beicw is a description ei, as exanipies, preferred ernhcdirnents ct the inventienwith reference te the enciesed dravvings, in vvhieh: Fig. i shews schethaticaiiy a vehieie in a side view, with a cene ring ter a syn~ chrenizing arrangernent according te the inventien, Fig. 2 shews a seetienai view ei a synehrcnizing arrangernent provided with twe cene rings according te the inventieri, Fie. 3 shcws a side view et a synchrenizing arraneernent provided with three cene rings accerding te the inventien, Fig. 4 » 6 shews a seetienai view et dittereitt erneedirnents ei wear indicatien ineans in a cene ring accerding te the inventien, and Fig. "f sitews view in perspective et a segment ei an inner eene ring ter a syn- chrenizing arrangernent accerding te the inventien. 1G 21) 31) DETAELEÜ DESCREPTEON OF PREFERREÜ EMBGÛEMEÉNTS OF THE ini-VENTEON Pig. 1 enavva a eiae view ai a venieie 1, eg. a iraak, vvniaii aarnarieee an en«gine 2 ana a gearaax 4 araviaea vviin a aane ring 14, 16, 5G1ar a synanraniz»ing arrangerneiii 12 aaaaraing ia ine inveniian. Tne engine 2 ie aanneaiea iaine gearnax 4 ana ine gearaax 4 ie iiiriner aanneaiea ia driving vvneeie 8 ai ineveniaie i via a prapeiier” enaii 1G. Preieraniy, ine engine 2 ie an iniernai aarn~niieiïian engine iaai anainer iyae ai engine 2 is aiea aaaiiaaaie, eaan ae aneieairiaai engine. "ine gearnax 4 rnay ae a iiianuai iraneniissian, an auiarnaiea rnanuai iraneniiaeian ar a auai aiiiian irananiiaeian.
Fig. 2 enavva a aeaiianai vievv ai ine aynanranizing arrangerneni 12 aaaaraingia ine inveniian. Tne synenranizing arrangerneni 12 aaniarisee a iaian aanering 14, an inner aane ring 16 arrangea an ine eiae ai a aagwneei 18 and aeieeve 2G, vvnian is axiaiiy aisaiaaeaaie ny rneans ai a sniiier iark 22. Tnesniiier iark 22 is axiaiiv aieaiaaeaiiie iay nieane ai an aaiaaiing rneane 24. Bainine iaian aane ring 14 ana ine inner aane ring “ii-Ti nave a eunaianiiaiiy airaaiarnaay 26, ana ai ieaei ane iriaiian surface 28 arrangea in ine naay 25. Tne iria»iian eariaaee 28 ai ine iaian aane ring 14 ana ine inner aane ring 16 are inier~aaiing iriaiian suriaaee 28, vvnian areieraniy are ai a aaniaai ar irusiaaaniaaidesign. Tne eniiier iark 22 iraneniii axiai iarae irarn ine aaiiiaiar 24 ia ine iaianaane ring 14 via ine aieeve 2G in araer ia nring anaai aaniaai neivveen ine iria-iian eirriaaee 28 an ine iaian aane ring 14 and ine inner aane ring 16 aaringgear sniiiing. Tiiis rneane inai an aii iiirn iarnieci aeivveen ine iriaiian eiiriaaes228 ie aieaiaaea ana an iniiiai iargae neiween iaian aane ring 14 ana ine inneraane ring 16 niiiias aa.
Wnen sniiiing geare in a gearaax 4 ine aagvvneei 18 ie engagea ana iaakea ana snaii 3G ny iiieans ai ine axiaiiy aieaiaaeaaie eieeve 2G. A nun 32 araviaeaiiviiii eaiinea 34 an ine aerianeiiy ia aiiaanea ia ine anaii 31) ana aiiavve ine if) 2G 3G sieeve 2Q te rneve axiaiiy. The hub 32 trananiits teireue netirreen the shatt 3Gand tne sieeve 2G hy rrieans et the seiinee 34. i-iewever, the eegwiteei 18 andthe ehatt 3G rnay have ditierent eeeede when the gear eheuid tee ehiited andwiten tne eegwheei 18 aheuid he ieeited en the shatt 3G hy rneane et theeieeve 2G. The eynehrenizing arrangernent i2 ie thereiere used te synehrenizethe aeeed between the eegtrirheei 'id and the shatt 30 heiere the eegwiteei t8ie ieeked en the ehatt Se.
The eititter terk 22 tranernit axiai teree trean the aetiiater 24 te the iateh eenering titt via the sieeve 2G in erder te hring aheut eentaet netnreen the trietieitsurtaeee 28 en the iaten eene ring trt and the inner eene ring td during gearahiiting. Titie rneane that an eii tiint ierrned eettiiieen the irietien euttaees 28 isdiaeiaeed and an initiat tereue between iateh eene ring 14 and the inner eenering 'iß etiiide up. in erder te eieek gear engagernent during asynehreneue eeeed in the geareex4, the surfaee ef iateh teeth S6 arranged en the iateh eene ring 14, irirhieh faeethe eieeve 2G and are designed te engage internai teeth 38 in the eieeve 2Gduring synehrenizatien, inust he angied reiative te the exis et retetieit ef theiateh eene ring tft, said angie being haianeed against tne hraking terdue thatthe iateh eene ring 14 transntite te the aieeve 2G in erder te achieve eynehre~ neus speed.
A ituineer' ei haiia, eaeh ieaded with a spring, are arrenged in the sieeve 2G,the etireeee et these ie te ensure that ere-eynehrenizatien eeeure. in tig. 2 the eieeve 2G, iateh eene ring 'iri- and the inner eene ring td are de~eieted en a distance te each ethefe ter eiarity reaeen. in tig. 2 the eegwheei id, ehatt 30 and huh 32 are sehentatieaiiy dieeieeed.
Sering-ieaded natts 40 aet en ahutrrient ineans 42 arranged en the iateh eenering “irl te tenteeraity prevent the sieeve 2G te pass the iateh teeth 36 en the if) 3G iatoh oene ring t4 and corne into contact tvith eoupiing teeth 37 arranged onthe periphery ei the inner cone ring i6 during pre-eynchronization, where theobjective ie to dieeipate the oii preeent between the trictien eurtacee 28. Theahutrnent rneane 42 press the epringioaded haiie 46 radiaiiy eutwarde whenthe eieeve ät) ntovee axiaiiy in reiatiort te the iatoh cone ring 14 vvhen the pre-eynoitronization hae ended and when the eynohronization or niain eynehrontzatien ehouid etart. The iateh teeth 36 extend in a direotien paraiiei te the een-tre iine 44 ot the iatoit oone ring 14 and in a oeripherai direction. The aoutrnentrneane 42 extend in a direction paraiiei to the oentre iine 44 et the iateh cenering 14 and in a perioherai direction. The ahutnient niearie 42 have a iargerexteneien than the iatch teeth 36 hoth in the direotion paraiiei to the oentre iine44 and in the peripherai direction. The ahutrnent rneane 42 are axiaiiy diepiaoeaioie in a respective groove 46 in the eieeve 2G and torrn a oenneotingeiernent in order to reetriot radiai movement between the eieeve 2G and the iatoh oene ring t4. it one ot the cone ringa 14, i6, 5G in the eynchronizing arrangernent i2 ie wornout er ie aiaout to wear out thie oone ring i-fi, 'i6, 50 rnuet he repiaeed with an~other oene ring i4, to, 5G. in order to deterrnine ii the oone ring “i4, 16, 5G ieworn out or ie aioeut to wear out the oene ring t4, 16, St) ie provided with at ieaet one trvear indioation nteane 48 according to the invention.
At ieaet one euhetantiaiiv oircuiar triotion eurtaoe 28 ie arranged in the euhetan»tiaiiy cirouiar body 26 oi the iatch oone ring 'i4 and the inner oone ring i6 andat ieaet ene wear indicatieit rneane 46 ie arranged in the at ieaet one triotiensurface 28. Preierahiy, at ieaet tvvo wear indioatien rneane 48 are euhetantiaiiyeveniv dietrihuted around the oircernterence ot the at ieaet ene triction eertaoe28. in tig. 2 hoth the iatoh oone ring 14 and the inner cone ring “itä are providedwith wear indioation rneane 48, which are euhetantiaiiy eveniy distributed around the oirctintierence ot the iriction eertaoes 28. The wear indication if) iš 2G 3G theans 48 en tne iateh eerie ring ie- are ereieraeiy arrarigeci ariiaeent te theahittrtieni rneans, whieh iiviii iaeiiitate the examination ei the wear ineieatieri rneans 48 anei rnake it easy ie iine thern en the irietien stiriaee 28.
Pig. 3 shews a sieie view ei a synehrenizing arrangernent i2 ereviciee withthree eene rings iri, itä, 50 aeeerciirig te tne inveritien. "ine eene rings te, t8,5G are a iateh eene ring ia, an inner eene ring ie and an iiiterrneeiate eenering 50. Siten a synenreriizing arrangenient i2 niay transrnii a iarge atheiint eiterqee. The internieeiate eene ring 5G has a sehstantiaiiy eireiiiar heey 28 andis erevieee iwfitn twe suhstaniiaiiy eiretiiar irietieri stiriaees 28, whieh hetn iiavea intsteeenieai shape. One ei the irietien seriaees 28 en the interrneeiate eenering 5G iriteraei; iivith tne irietien seriaee 28 ei the iateh eene ring i4 ane theether irietien seriaee 28 en the internfieeiate eene ring 5G interaet with the irie-tien suriaee 28 ei the inner eene ring ie. Beth ei the irietien siiriaees 28 en theinternieeiaie eene ring 5G are erevieeci with 'wear irieiieatien rhearis 48. the sieeve 2G is net eiseiesee in iig. 3, and ier the sarne rea» sen the iateh eene ring in, the inner eerie ring ie ariei the internieeiate eenering ät) are arrangee en a eistanee irein eaeh ether. in iig. 3 the interrneeiateeene ring 50 nas eeiieiirig teeth en the eeripnery. i-iewever, the interrrieeiateeene ring 5G rtiay aise tee eerrnanentiy ieeitee te the iaten eene ring ifi in theretatienai eireetien.
Pig. 4 ~ 6 shews a seetienai view ei eiiierent erneeeirnents ei wear inciieatientheans 48 in a eene ring 14, te, 5G aeeerciing te tne inventien. i-ievifever, sinii~iar eineeeiinents ei tne wear ineieatien rneans 48 rnay he arrangee aise in theirietien siiriaees 28 in the iateh eerie ring in ariei in the internieeiaie eene ring59.
The seetienai views in tig. rita -« rie are taken aieng Eine i ~ i in the inner eenering itä in iig. 2. Pig. aa sheviis that the wear ineieatien rrieans 48 is a eavity 52,which is arrangee in tne irietieri surface 28 ei the inner eene ring te. The eavity52 is an eiengateei greeve having a eeetn ei 8,01 rnrn - Qi rtirn, ereieraeiy if) 3G fi.) 8,83 mm - 8,87 mm, and mest preferaeiy 8,84 mm - 0,88 mrn. The cavity 52according te tig. 4a has a two suiostantiaiiy verticai waiis 58 extending dewn»wards inte the irictien surface 28 and a fiat case surface 88. As an aiternativediscicsed in fig. rie, the waiis ef the cayity 52 may inciine in reiatien to the fric-tien surface 28 and end inte a share ciitch in the frictien surface 28. Accordingte fig. 4c the wear indicatiert means 48 is a coiour inark 82 arranged en thefricticn surface 28. The ccieur rnark 82 is arranged en cr in the frictien surface28. if the coieur mark 82 is arranged in the frictien surface 28 the depth ef theceicur mark is (Let mm «- 8,1 min, nreferaciy 0,88 inrri «- 8,07 rnrn, and mostpreferahiy 8,84 min - 8,88 mm inte the frictien surface 28. The ceieur mark 82may he a piece ef rnateriai in any ceieur different frem the ceietir of the frictionsurface 28. The piece ef materiai may he arranged inte a greeve arranged intethe frictien surface 28. As an aiternative, the ccictir mark 82 is a suestance inany ccicur' different frorn the ceieur ef the fricticn surface 28 yvhich is aepiieddirectiy en the frictien surface 28. it is aiso pessihie te arrartge the wear indica»ticn means 48 iay means et faser techniques cr cy means cf an etchingmethod. iftihen the cene ring 'i4__ t8, 5G r ceieur ntarh. 84 has disaeeeared due te wear, which is an indicatien ef thatthe ccne ring 14, ”i8, St) must ee reeiaced. The wear arises frem the centactand reiative movement between the friction surfaces 28 ef the ccne rings iii,i8, 5G.
According tc an erncedirnent ef the invention discicsed in sectien perspectiveviews in figures 5a and än the wear indicatien means 48 has a geerhetricshape that changes te ariother geernetric shape during wear et the triction sur»face 28. The wear indicatien means 48 has a sieping surface 84 which in anen used friction surface 28 discicsed in tig. äa iinits together ttfvo adiacentcayities 52. After use ef the fricticn surface 28 the sieping surface 84 wiii duete wear ice shcrter., which is disciosed in fig. Se. Titis resuits in two separatecavities 52 which are net iinked tcgether hy means of the sieeing surface 84. u ~\_ åra \ . . k\ '\\!'\ v~ mo. ~\-r-~~\~ - -\~:Låt tnL- 'vcfl-'tzy Qi.. m; if) 3G “ii sioeing stirtace 54 wiii he. By nteasuring the iength et the siehing surtace 54 artd/er the distance between the sieeirtg sur-tace 54 and the seearated cavity 52 an indication et the wear degree rnay he achieved.
According to another errihediinent ot the inventien disciesed in a section viewin tig. Ga the wear indicatien means 48 has a geerrietric shape that changes toanother geometric shape during wear et the trictien surtace 28. The wear indi»catien means 48 cernprises twe cavities 54, 55 et ditterent shapes. A tirst indexcayity 54 is circuiar with a ”fixed diameter dt trem the triction surtace 28 te thehase surtace. A second variahie eavity 55 has a cenicai shape with the hase etthe eene coinciding vvith the triction surface 25. "thus the diameter då et seeond variahie cavity 55 vtfiii he smaiier in the direction inte the cavity 55. Fig. 5hdiseioses the ttrve cavities 54, 55 in a view trem ahove in a non used trictiensurface 28. The tirst index cavity 54 is circuiar having a srnaiier diameter dtthan the diameter då et the seeend variahie cavity 56. i-iewever, during use etthe cene ring t4, 15, 5G the wear et the triction surface 28 tyiii change theshape et the cavities 54, 55 and the reiatien et the size hetween the diarnetersdt, då et the oavities. 54, 55 Fig. hc shews the cavities 54, 55 in the trictieitsurface 28 atter use. Due te wear the second variahie cavity 55 has a srnaiierdiameter' d? contharing te the diameter' då witen the trictien surtace 28 was nctused. in tig. 5:: the diameters di, di? et the cavities 54, 55 are suhstantiaiiy diameter d2 et the seeend variahie cav- eduai, ity 55 vtfiii he. By measuring the diarneter då et the second variahie cavity 55 an indicatien ot the wear degree rnay he achieved.
Figures 7a and th shew view in perspective et a segment et an inner cene ringttš for the synchrenizing arrangement “i2 according to the invention. in tig. Tathe wear indioatien means 48 has an eiongated extension in at ieast ene eiane7G, vvhich ceineides with the centre fine 44 et the inner eene ring tå. thus, anumher ot wear indioatien means 48 may he arranged in the inner cene ring tß. The wear indieatien means 48 may have the same centiguratien in att et if) 12 the none rings 15, 16, 17. Ae an aiternative, ehevifn in tig. Th the tvear inciiea»tien rneane 48 has an eiengateci extension in a piane ïfi having a iierniai sub-etantiaiiy paraiiei te the centre Eine 44 ef the inner eene ring 16. The Wear ineii-eatinn rneane 48 niay have the eairie eeniignratinn in aii et the Gene rings i5,16, t? Ae a further aiternative, the tvear ineiicatien means 48 has an eiengateeextension in a piane 70 tvith a nerniai T/'G having an angie >Ü° hut <9G”°te thecentre iine 44 ei the eene ring 14, 16, 5G.
The eernpenente anti features eeeeiiied above niay within the iranievverk ei theinventien he eenihined hetviieen the different einhediinents epeciiieci.

Claims (17)

13 Claims
1. A cone ring for a synchronizing arrangement (12), comprising a substantially circular body (26), and at least one friction surface (28) arranged in the body (26), characterized in that at least one wear indication means (48) is arranged inthe at least one friction surface (28).
2. A cone ring according to claim 1, characterized in that the at least one fric-tion surface (28) is substantially circular.
3. A cone ring according to any of the preceding claims, characterized in thatat least two wear indication means (48) are substantially evenly distributedaround the circumference of the at least one friction surface (28).
4. A cone ring according any of the preceding claims, characterized in thatthe cone ring is a latch cone ring (14), an inner cone ring (16) and/or an inter-mediate cone ring (50).
5. A cone ring according to any of the preceding claims, characterized in thatthe at least one wear indication means (48) has an elongated extension in atleast one plane (70), which coincides with the centre line (44).
6. A cone ring according to any of claims 1 - 4, characterized in that the atleast one wear indication means (48) has an elongated extension in a plane(70) having a normal (72) substantially parallel to the centre line (44).
7. A cone ring according to any of claims 1 - 4, characterized in that the atleast one wear indication means (48) has an elongated extension in a plane(70) with a normal (72) having an angle >0° but <90° to the centre line (44). 14
8. A cone ring according to any of the preceding claims, characterized in that the at least one wear indication means (48) is a cavity (52, 54, 56).
9. A cone ring according to claim 8, characterized in that the depth of the cav-ity(52, 54,56) is 0,01 mm - 0,1 mm, preferably 0,03 mm - 0,07 mm, mostpreferably 0,04 mm - 0,06 mm.
10. A cone ring according to any of c|aims 8 - 9, characterized in that the atleast one wear indication means (48) has a geometric shape that changes toanother geometric shape during wear of the at least one friction surface (28).
11. A cone ring according to any of c|aims 1 - 7, characterized in that the at least one wear indication means (48) is a colour mark (62).
12. A cone ring according to any of the preceding claims, characterized inthat at least one connecting element (42) is arranged at the body (26), whichconnecting element (42) is axially displaceable and restrict radial movement between a sleeve (20) and a latch cone ring (14).
13. A cone ring according to claim 12, characterized in that the at least onewear indication means (48) is arranged adjacent to the at least one connecting element (42).
14. A cone ring according to any of the preceding claims, characterized inthat the at least one friction surface (28) has a substantially frustoconical shape.
15. Synchronization arrangement (12), characterized in that the synchroniza-tion arrangement (12) comprises a cone ring (14, 16, 50) according to any of the preceding c|aims.
16. Gearbox (4), characterized in that the gearbox (4) comprises a synchroni- zation arrangement (12) according to ciaim 15.
17. Vehicle (1), characterized in that the vehicle (1) comprises a gearbox (4) according to ciaim 16.
SE1550206A 2015-02-24 2015-02-24 Cone ring for a synchronizing arrangement SE538855C2 (en)

Priority Applications (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
SE1550206A SE538855C2 (en) 2015-02-24 2015-02-24 Cone ring for a synchronizing arrangement
DE102016001635.3A DE102016001635A1 (en) 2015-02-24 2016-02-12 Cone ring for a synchronization arrangement

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Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
SE1550206A SE538855C2 (en) 2015-02-24 2015-02-24 Cone ring for a synchronizing arrangement

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SE1550206A1 SE1550206A1 (en) 2016-08-25
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SE1550206A SE538855C2 (en) 2015-02-24 2015-02-24 Cone ring for a synchronizing arrangement

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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
DE19548124C2 (en) 1995-12-21 2002-08-29 Euroflamm Gmbh Friction body and method for producing such
DE10038331A1 (en) 2000-08-05 2002-02-14 Daimler Chrysler Ag Method for determining operating condition of frictional clutch, involves establishing and then storing maximum value of clutch-engaging path

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