SE203593C1 - - Google Patents


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SE203593C1 SE203593DA SE203593C1 SE 203593 C1 SE203593 C1 SE 203593C1 SE 203593D A SE203593D A SE 203593DA SE 203593 C1 SE203593 C1 SE 203593C1
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Publication of SE203593C1 publication Critical patent/SE203593C1/sv



    • A43D11/00Machines for preliminary treatment or assembling of upper-parts, counters, or insoles on their lasts preparatory to the pulling-over or lasting operations; Applying or removing protective coverings
    • A43D11/14Devices for treating shoe parts, e.g. stiffeners, with steam or liquid
    • A43D95/00Shoe-finishing machines
    • A43D95/10Drying or heating devices for shoes
    • A43D95/00Shoe-finishing machines
    • A43D95/12Devices for conditioning, tempering, or moistening


  • Footwear And Its Accessory, Manufacturing Method And Apparatuses (AREA)


KLASS INTERNATIONELLSVENSK A43 d11/14 71c:11/14 PATENT- OCH REGISTRERINGSVERKET A ns. 4318/1960 inkom den 30/4 1960 utlagd den 2617 196 M S BROMFIELD, CANTON, MASS. -USA Satt for framstallning av sko don e. d. KLASS INTERNATIONELLSVENSK A43 d11 / 14 71c: 11/14 PATENT AND REGISTRATION AGENCY A ns. 4318/1960 was received on 30/4 1960 published on 2617 196 M S BROMFIELD, CANTON, MASS. -USA Set for the manufacture of shoes don e. D.

Prioritet begtird frail den 4 maj 1959 (USA) Foreliggande uppfinning avser ett satt vid framstallning av fotbekladnader sasom skodon eller liknande, vid vilket de till framstall. ning av overladret tjanande amnena blotas och darefter formas over en last. The present invention relates to a method of making footwear such as footwear or the like, in which they are made. of the overloaded serving articles is exposed and then formed over a load.

Innan overladret formas over en last genomfiires i allnaanhet en genomblotning av ladret under flera timmar, i del att overladeramnena foras i korgar fran det rum, dar det sys, till en blotningsapparat. limnena uppstaplas pa stall, och efter flera timmars uppehall i blotningsapparaten avlagsnas korgarna eller dylikt med amnena var for sig alltefter beimvet i pinningsverkstaden. De ov.ersta och nedersta amnena i varje stapel upptaga mera fuktighet an de, soiri ligga mitt i stapeln, sa att amnena i samma behallare ej hava likartat fuktighetsinnehall. Vidare är fuktighetsinnehallet i ett och samma amne ej likartat fordelat over detta pa grund av det salt, pa. vilket amnena iiro staplade pa varandra. Enar vissa delar av varje Annie ar i beroring med delar av narliggande amnen och dad& isolerade frau varmen pelt fuktigheten i blotningsapparaten, ligga andra delar av amnena pa avstand frail de nargransande amnena och aro utsatta for atmosfaren i blotningsapparaten. Denna brist pa likformighet blir annu mera utpraglad som foljd av att nagra korgar med airmen farbli i genombllitningsapparaten endast i nagra fa timmar, medan andra forbliva darstades ett helt dygn eller langre, och dä amnena formas Over lasten kommer fuktigheten i nagra amnen att hava brett ut sig Over hela materialet medan den i andra anmen fortfarande kan utgOras av fuktighet med olika fOrdelning. Man liar fors8kt att kompensera detta varierande fuktighetsinnehall genom:att omedelbart Vire .anmets anbringande pa la.s7 Dupl. kl. 71 c: 95/12; 71 c: 95/ ten infora detsamma i en. fuktighetskorg till fiirnyad blotning saframt detta befinnes blidvandigt, men harigenom kan dock ej - med full sakerhet uppnas likartade resultat liksom del aven medfor tidsforlust genorn en dylik extra blotning. Before the supercharger is formed over a load, a general soaking of the charger is carried out for several hours, in part that the supercharger frames are fed in baskets from the room where it is sewn, to an exposure apparatus. the glues are piled up in stables, and after several hours of interruption in the bleaching apparatus, the baskets or the like are removed with the blanks separately as required in the pinning workshop. The top and bottom trays in each stack absorb more moisture than those located in the middle of the stack, so that the trays in the same container do not have a similar moisture content. Furthermore, the moisture content of one and the same substance is not evenly distributed over it due to the salt, pa. which the subjects iiro stacked on top of each other. Some parts of each Annie are in contact with parts of the adjacent substances and insulated from the heat pelt the moisture in the exposure apparatus, other parts of the substances are at a distance from the examining substances and are exposed to the atmosphere in the exposure apparatus. This lack of uniformity becomes even more pronounced as a result of some baskets with airmen remaining in the permeation apparatus only for a few hours, while others remain there for a whole day or longer, and when the blanks are formed over the load, the moisture in some blanks will have spread Over the entire material, while in other parts it can still consist of moisture with different distribution. Attempts are made to compensate for this varying moisture content by: Immediately applying the application of la.s7 Dupl. at 71c: 95/12; 71 c: 95 / ten inform the same in a. moisture basket for renewed exposure as long as this is found to be mild, but this does not allow - with complete certainty - similar results are achieved as well as part of which also results in loss of time due to such extra exposure.

Det bar foreslagits att utfora blotningen av amnena dessas fullstandiga nedsank4 fling i vatten, sa. att de bliva grundligt genoni4 blotta och darigenom erhalla stOrre bOjlighet under formningen pa fasten, varefter en forcerad torkning till fullstandigt .avlagsnande fuktigheten ulfores. Derma metod liar emeller, tid visat sig giva otillfredsstallande resultat; idet att ladret ofia blir skiirt eller ratanar. Man har avenledes foreslagit att behandla Overladeramnena med overhettad anga .efter ,blotningen for att darigenom tillfora en minimal mingd fuktighet till ladrets. Ovre yta set satt att det icke bildas. Vattendroppar pa derma yta i storre utstrackning an som kan absorberas av ladret. Vattendropparna skada icke endast vissa laderpolityrer utan giva ock,sA. vissa delar. av skirinet en overdriven tanj= barhet. Exempelvis komma skinnets biota .kottsidor, vilka normalt aro mer tanjbara an utsidan, att .absorbera fuktigheten snabbare, vatigenom olikheten I tanjbarhet- blir alma mera utprdglad. Genornblotningen ar Over laderamnena tried hi alp av overhettad anga ham' ej kunnat anvandas i praktiken ear hat: till kravts myeket noggrann tidskontroll fOr hegransning av i5verladrets krympning till ett minimum.. It was suggested that the subjects be exposed by immersing themselves completely in water, he said. that they become thoroughly genoni4 bare and thereby obtain greater flexibility during the formation of the fast, after which a forced drying to complete deposition of moisture is ulfores. This method, however, time has been shown to give unsatisfactory results; as the lad ofia becomes skiirt or ratanar. It has also been proposed to treat the supercharger frames with overheated application after the exposure, thereby adding a minimal amount of moisture to the charger. Upper surface set set that it does not form. Water droplets on this surface to a greater extent than can be absorbed by the charge. The water droplets not only damage certain charger polishes but also give, sA. some parts. of the skirinet an exaggerated tanj = barhet. For example, the skin's biota. Genornblotningen ar Over chargeramnena tried hi alp av overhettad anga ham 'ej could not be used in practice ear hat: to demand very accurate time control for hegransning of i5verladrets shrinkage to a minimum ..

Det bar konstaterats att en Starkt uppvannd atm:osfar kan :medfora eft -paskyndande. ax genonabIatniugen av..ladiet.,rria.n emeller, tid liar antagit att fOrlusteni ylfuktighetskonr -ceirtrationen . dëssutomäl en . forlast 2 tala fuktighetsinnehallet Fria ladret till atmosfiren, har man hallit temperaturen i blotmingsapparaten innanfor tamligen laga grinser, for att darigenom forminska denna synbarliga forlust och samtidigt nedsatta genomblotningshastigheten. Da emellertid ingen hit-tills kand fuktighetsmatningsapparat kan tillfredsstallande mata olikartat fordelad fuktighet i lidret, foreligger inga bevis for namnda formodade fuktighetsfiirlust. Tvartemot hava fors& utforda med ladret som fir fuktat pa ran och som darefter anbragts i en sluten atmosfar, visat, att fuktigheten fordelas synnerligen snabbt liverallt i ladret. Del kan darfor antagas att det icke uppstar flagon. vasentlig forlust i det tot ala fuktighetsinnehallet, men. att ytforlusten beror pa diffusion av fuktigheten over hela ladrets tv5isnitt, och bruket av lagre blotningstemperaturer forminskar icke visentligt fOrlusten av ytfuktigheten men. staller sig hindrande i vagen for ett Snabbt genomforande av genomblotningen. It was found that a Strongly developed atm: osfar can: medfora eft -paskyndande. ax genonabIatniugen av..ladiet., rria.n emeller, tid liar antagit att fOrlusteni ylfuktighetskonr -ceirtrationen. this one. loss 2 talk moisture content Free the charge to the atmosphere, the temperature in the blotting device has been kept within fairly low limits, in order to thereby reduce this apparent loss and at the same time reduce the soaking speed. However, since no hitherto known moisture feeding apparatus can satisfactorily feed differently distributed moisture into the lid, there is no evidence of said presumed moisture loss. On the contrary, having tried & challenged with the ladder which had been moistened on the run and which had subsequently been placed in a closed atmosphere, had shown that the moisture was distributed very quickly throughout the ladder. Part can therefore be assumed that the flag does not arise. significantly lost in the tot ala moisture content, but. that the surface loss is due to diffusion of the moisture over the entire cross section of the ladder, and the use of lower exposure temperatures does not significantly reduce the loss of surface moisture but. stands in the way of a rapid implementation of the penetration.

Utgaende frau detta forhallaiide astadkomines genom foreliggande uppfinning ett Thrfaringssatt vid framstallning av fotbeklfidnader, genom vilket ernas en visenitigt snabbare forarbetning av Overladret och en mera. likartad kvalitet av detta i saraband med andra fordelar vilka narmare orana.mnas i det fOljande. Sattet enligt uppfinningen kannetecknas. i huvudsak darav, att overladeramnena blotas iiãT for sig genom tillforsel av fuktighet endast till deras ytskikt saint omedelbart darefter formas over last, medan fuktigheten annu är huvudsak begransad till ladrets Ovre ytpartier, varefter fOretages forcerad torkning till avlagsnande av blotningsfuktigheten fran rets ytdelar. Starting from this, the present invention provides an experience in the production of footwear, which results in a visibly faster processing of the overload and more. similar quality of this in saraband with other advantages which are more orana.mnas in the following. The set according to the invention can be drawn. mainly due to the fact that the overload frames are exposed separately by supplying moisture only to their surface layer saint immediately thereafter formed over load, while the moisture is still mainly limited to the upper surfaces of the ladder, after which forced drying is carried out to remove the exposure moisture from the surface parts.

Genom detta fOrfaringssatt ernas att formningen Over listen forsiggar lattare, icke entlast darfor att ladret far maximal bijlighet men Aven did& att Overladeramnena kunna bliitas successivt och likartat, -varvicl det entlast fordras ovasenitiga variationer i lidrets hearbetning pa listen. Det blir dessutom att reducera den lid,. under vilken overladret behover befinna sig pa lasten, till omlaing en halvtimine aven am skon fir av basta kvalitet. PabOrjan av en forcerad torlraing av overladret pa lasten medan ladrets ytzoner dunu hays ett forhallandevis hog fuktighetsinnehall som icke har hunnit fordela sig till ladrets inre skikt, inedfor en maiimal krympning av overladret pa lasten, sa att ret kommer att sitta stramt och formriktigt pa denim. Samtidigt ernas darvid en effektiv spanningsutjamning, som motverkar ladrets lendens till att ,efter borttagningen frau. listen -aterga till sin ursprungliga plana form. Through this experience, it is found that the formation over the list is easier, not only because the load has maximum flexibility, but also because the overload frames can become successive and similar, wherever the load is required, insignificant variations in the processing of the lid on the list are required. It will also reduce the suffering. during which the overloader needs to be on the load, for about half an hour even on the shoe for the best quality. The beginning of a forced drying of the overload on the load while the surface areas of the load then have a relatively high moisture content which has not had time to distribute to the inner layer of the load, within a maximum shrinkage of the overload on the load, so that the year will sit tight and shapely on denim. At the same time, there is an effective voltage equalization, which counteracts the inclination of the charger to, after removal, frau. the mold -aterga to its original planar shape.

Shitligen medfOr forlaringssittet enligt upp finningen betydliga besparingar i det att man for en given produktion kan noja sig med 'farre lister An. hittills, 'mar cirkulationstiden for varje last nedsattes betyclligt liksom iven arhetstiden per sko forminskas och antalet felprodukter vasentlig reduceras. According to the invention, the loss seat according to the invention entails significant savings in that for a given production one can be satisfied with 'fewer lists'. hitherto, the circulation time of each load has been considerably reduced as well as the working time per shoe is reduced and the number of defective products is substantially reduced.

Sittet enligt uppfinningen beskrives närmare i det foljande under hinvisning till ritningarna, pa vilka fig. 1 är ett diagram Over fuktighetsfordelningens inverkan pa ladrets styvhet, fig. 2 en tvargenomskarning av ett laderstycke saint fig. 3 ett diagram for att askadliggora inverkart av en snabb torkning pa ladrets totala krympning vid narvaron av en given fuktighetsmfingd. Fig. 4 dr en schematisk framstallning av en produktionsanlaggning som kan utnyttjas vid forfaringssattets genornforande, och fig. 5 är ett diagram, som visar forhallandet mellan fuktighetsinnehallet och ladrets relativa bojlighet under dess. bearhetning i den i fig. 4 visade anlaggningen. The seat according to the invention is described in more detail in the following with reference to the drawings, in which Fig. 1 is a diagram of the effect of the moisture distribution on the stiffness of the loader, Fig. 2 is a cross-section of a loader piece and Fig. 3 is a diagram on the total shrinkage of the ladder at the presence of a given amount of moisture. Fig. 4 is a schematic representation of a production plant which can be used in the re-execution of the process set, and Fig. 5 is a diagram showing the relationship between the moisture content and the relative flexibility of the ladle below it. processing in the plant shown in Fig. 4.

Innan narmare ingas pa enskildheterna vid foreliggande forfaringssatt ma nagra amnamrianden am vissa egendomligheter vid lacier framforas. For det forsta an ladrets styvhet — i motsats till hittills gallande antaganden joke oravant porportion.ell mot dess fuktighetsinnehall. Omedelbart efter tillforseln av fuktighet till ladrets ytfiber blir detsamma lattare att hearbeta och denna bearbetsb'arhet akas under en kort period darefter. Darpa okar emellertid ladrets styvhet ater, di fuktigheten linanar de yttersta fibrerna och dess kancentration avtar genom fordelning Over ladrets hela tjocklek. Before going into more detail on the details of the present procedure, some amnamrianden am certain peculiarities at lacier must be presented. First of all, the rigidity of the ladder - in contrast to hitherto gallant assumptions - jokes unraveling corporation.ell against its moisture content. Immediately after the application of moisture to the surface fiber of the ladder, it becomes easier to process and this workability is increased for a short period thereafter. Darpa, however, increases the stiffness of the ladder again, in that the moisture lines the outermost fibers and its concentration decreases by distribution over the entire thickness of the ladder.

Fig. 1 visar detta vid konstant fuktighetsinnehall i ladret. De tidsvarden, som Aro angivn:a pa abscissaxeln galler for genomsnittet av det till Overladret anvanda spaltladret. Dessa varden kunna variera med en koefficient som beror av den speciella ladertyp som behandlas. Salunda ken koeffeienten vid sullader vara 2, sa att minimumstyvheten av dylikt lader intrader cirka 30 minuter efter tillforsel av fuktighet till ytan. Del forstas latt, att am Overladrets totala fuktighetsinnehall .forblir i huvudsak konstant sa eras maximal bearbetsbarhet av ladret under formningen pa listen, endast am formningen ager ruin innan den genom blotningen tillforda fuktigheten är fordelad genom hela ladret. Av det i fig. 1 visade diagrammet framgar diirfön att formningen av lasten bOr foretagas inom cirka 25 minuter efter den fOrsta tillforseln av fuktighet till ladrets yta. Fig. 1 shows this at constant moisture content in the charger. The time values, which Aro stated on the abscissa axis, apply to the average of the column charge used for the overload. These values can vary with a coefficient that depends on the particular type of charger being treated. Salunda ken coefficient at sullader be 2, so that the minimum stiffness of such a charge intrader about 30 minutes after the application of moisture to the surface. It is easy to understand that the total moisture content of the supercharger remains essentially constant, so that the maximum machinability of the charge during molding on the strip is limited, only if the molding is destroyed before the moisture supplied by the exposure is distributed throughout the charge. From the diagram shown in Fig. 1, it appears that the shaping of the load should be carried out within about 25 minutes after the first supply of moisture to the surface of the loader.

:An.damilsenligheten med att begransa fuktigheten till ladrets ytteryta finner ytterligare stod genom analogin med teorin for bOjningspaverkan pa en balk. Aven am den teorin icke a har full giltighet med hansyn till bojning av fader st ger den dock flagon insikt i ladrets fysiska egenskaper. For att man skall kunna anvanda denna teen idet nodvandigt att karma strukturen hos laden I fig. 2 ar visat ett schematiskt tvarsnitt genom ett typiskt laderskinn. Ladrets nary 10 liar en dragningsstyrka pa omkring halften av laderhudens eller karnans 12 och liar avert mindre strackbarhet an denna. Om man darfor uffor en kraftig bearbetning eller strackning av ett overladeramne sã kommer narven att forst sprangas. Ladrets bindvavslager 14 ar forst och framst en bindhinna mellan narven och karnan och at utan vasentlig betydelse for ladrets strukturegenskaper. Eno" karnan hat stOrre dragstyrka an narven medlar den vanliga spaltningen av en hud till minst tva skinn en tvar overskarning av karnans fiberbuntar och dinned en vasentlig f8rsvagning ay 'strukturen. DärfOr ar narvsidan ay ett spaltskinn, som anvandes utan ayputsning som overlider endast bearbetningsbar inom de ay narvens egenskaper bestamda granserna, i det att naryen bildar det dragningspaverkande lagret under ladrets bojMng. DA narven begransar ladrets bearbetningsbarhet kommer tillforseln av fuktighet till detta skikt att aka materialets bajlighet och strackbarhet. : The d. Even though the theory does not have full validity with regard to the inflection of the father, it does, however, give little insight into the physical properties of the ladder. In order to be able to use this tea, it is necessary to frame the structure of the barn. In Fig. 2 a schematic cross-section through a typical charger skin is shown. The near 10 of the ladder has a tensile strength of about half that of the skin or core 12 and has less extensibility than this. If you therefore force a heavy machining or stretching of an overload frame, the grain will first be cracked. The connective tissue layer 14 of the ladder is first and foremost a conjunctiva between the nerve and the cornea and that is of no significant importance for the structural properties of the ladder. Due to the greater tensile strength of the grain, the usual cleavage of a skin into at least two skins mediates a sharp cut of the fibrous bundles of the core and thus a significant weakening of the structure. the boundaries determined by the properties of the grain, in that the nary forms the tensile-bearing layer during the bending of the ladder.

Naryaron av ett polityrlager och ett foder for skinnet andrar icke nodvandigh.eten for fuktning av ytterytslagret. Laderpolityrers dragstyrka och strackbarhet varierar betydligt, men de flesta ay dessa polityrer aro termoplastiska. Darfor kommer en tillforsel av fuktighet till laderpolityren att giva denna den nadyandiga bajligheten av strackbarheten. Overladerfoder av textilmaterial eller tuna narvspalt begransar bearbetningsbarheten bade pa grund ay den obetydliga dragstyrkan och strackbarheten och pa grund av dess majliga lage som yttre dragpaverkad lager under ladrets bojning. Om emellertid fodret blates far det avert den nadvandiga bearbetningsbarheten och strackbarheten. Naryarone of a polishing layer and a lining for the skin does not change the necessity for wetting the outer surface layer. The tensile strength and extensibility of charger polishes vary considerably, but most of these polishes are thermoplastic. Therefore, a supply of moisture to the charger polisher will give it the nadyandlig flexibility of stretchability. Overloader lining of textile material or thin grain gap limits the machinability both due to the insignificant tensile strength and extensibility and due to its masculine position as an outer tensile layer during the bending of the lader. However, if the liner is blated, it loses the present processability and extensibility.

Virmetillforsel har inflytande pa ladrets utblotning i det att den minskar viskositeten hos vatskor samt ytspanningen, och därvid gar det inajligt for vaiskan aft lattare tranga igenom de ovre ytfibrerna. Dessutom blatgor varmen de i ladret befintliga termoplastiska fettvatskorna. Varmepaverkan ar darfar ett betydelsefullt tillagg till fuktigheten yid forbattringen air ladrets bearbetningsbarhet °eh strackbarhet. Fuktigheten kan tringa bade ut ntmosfaren och in i ladret. I hada fallen inMskas ladrets bearbetningsbarhet men en intrangning endast i ladret begransar torkhastigheten och den majliga krympningen vasentligt. En stOrre krympning uppkommer -yid sn:abb uttorkning nar fuktighetsinnehallet och fuktighetskoncentrationen i ladret ursprungligen aro jamfarelsevis haga. Kombinationen ay varme och lamplig fuktning mojliggar maximal fiberrorelse. Dessa forhallanden giva den slutsatsen, att den forcerade torkningen bar utforas sä snabbt som mojligt efter blotningen, dvs. innan det uppstatt nagon vasentlig vandring av fuktigheten i ena eller andra riktningen. Da det tillfores torkvarme till ladret medan fuktigheten annu ar begransad till ytlagren kan varmen lattare tranga 'fram till fuktigheten och minska dess viskositet, sa alt fuktigheten lattare aylagsnas. Om man armlet later fuktigheten genamtranga skinnet kan densnmma ej snabbt avlagsnas fullstandigt och dessutom kommer den fran ladrets inre skikt avlagsn:ade vatskan att medfora de salter och andra garvamen vilka be-firma sig i dessa skikt. Dess'a .amnen samlas i narheten ay skinnets yta, dar de tillstoppa poTuna och darvid insparra den fuktighet, som annu befinner sig i ladret. Den snabba uttorkningen medfor maximal krympning och forstas lift, att om torkvarmen ej tillfares ladret innan detta genomtrangts ay fuktighet, sá kan man icke utnyttja den optimula krympningsegenskapen has ladret sasom askadlig. gjort i fig. 3. Dessutom kommer den fare en vasentlig intrangning av fuktigheten i ladret tillfOrda torkvarmen att huvudsakligen farbrukas till forangning ay fuktigheten i ytskikten och dadar icke sveda ladret. Dot ar dar, fOr viktigt aft sisal bl8tningen som oyerladrets fornming Over listen sker pi kortast majliga tid.. The supply of wood has an influence on the soaking of the ladder in that it reduces the viscosity of water shoes and the surface tension, and in doing so it is desirable for the liquid to penetrate more easily through the upper surface fibers. In addition, the heat soaks the thermoplastic grease liquors in the ladder. The heat effect is therefore a significant addition to the moisture during the improvement in the loadability of the air load and the extensibility. The moisture can penetrate both out of the atmosphere and into the charge. In all cases, the machinability of the ladder is compromised, but an intrusion only into the ladder significantly limits the drying speed and the monthly shrinkage. A greater shrinkage occurs -yid sn: abb dehydration when the moisture content and the moisture concentration in the ladder are originally comparatively high. The combination of heat and suitable wetting allows maximum fiber movement. These conditions lead to the conclusion that the forced drying should be carried out as quickly as possible after the exposure, ie. before any significant migration of moisture in one or the other direction has occurred. When drying heat is supplied to the ladder while the moisture is still limited to the surface layers, the heat can more easily penetrate to the moisture and reduce its viscosity, so that the moisture is more easily deposited. If the arm is allowed to penetrate the moisture through the skin, it can not be quickly removed completely and in addition the liquid removed from the inner layer of the ladder will carry the salts and other tanning agents which are present in these layers. These substances accumulate near the surface of the skin, where they clog the poTuna and thereby trap the moisture that is still in the charge. The rapid drying out entails maximum shrinkage and it is understood that if the heat of drying is not applied to the charge before it is permeated with moisture, then the optimum shrinkage property cannot be utilized if the charge is harmless. made in Fig. 3. In addition, the danger of a substantial intrusion of the moisture in the charge supplying the drying heat will be mainly used to evaporate the moisture in the surface layers and will not burn the charge. Dot ar dar, fOr important aft sisal bl8tningen som oyerladrets fornming Over the list takes place in the shortest monthly time ..

Kombinationen av fuktighet och Tame medlar avert en spanningsutjam.ning i ladret. Nar det finnes tillracklig fuktighet i ladret till att smorja de minst smidiga narvfibrerna kan varmen na fuktigheten och blotgara de feta vitskorna och de forhallandevis styva n:arvfibrerria i och utanfor det fuktighetsinnehallande omralet och darvid majliggora maximal rarelse hos 'fibrerna. Varmen far de feta Vatskorna och fibrerna till att giva efter for den fortskridande krympningen pa grund av det snabba avlagsnanclet av fuktigheten. Som foljd haray 'medlar 'spanningsutjamningen en krympning ay de slappa omradena i overladret och en spanningsf8rminskning i de strama omradena, sa att man ernar en tat tillpassning till listen. Om spanningarna i ladret ej upphayas pa delta satt innan listen utstrackes kom. mer det darefter att farsigga en ufflakning ay overladret. Da yidare en fardig sko tages bruk, yars averlader ej bar erhMlit en spinningsutjamning, sa kommer den fran foten till materialet oyerforda varmen och fuktigheten tillsammans med den ay foten utovade 4 strackningspaverkan att medfora en ytterligare krympning sedan skon avtagits. Det kan foljaktligen forekomma spanningsutjamningar efter anvandning av slum sh att denna kan deformeras dâ last saknas. Om emellertid den maximala krympningen astadkommes genom samverkan av varme och pa lampligt satt till-ford fuktighet i passande mangder, sã sker spanningsutjamningen pa lasten. Darvid erhallos aven en mera Unbar passform ear den snabba torkningen till under den fuktighetsniva, som ladret normal kan antaga i fabriksatmosfaren, framkallar en lasning av fibrerna, som ej upphaves igen genom senare absorberad fuktighet. The combination of humidity and Tame mediates a voltage equalization in the charger. When there is sufficient moisture in the ladder to lubricate the least flexible grain fibers, the heat can reach the moisture and expose the oily whites and the relatively stiff grain fibers inside and outside the moisture-containing area, thereby maximizing the maximum texture of the fibers. The heat causes the fat liquids and fibers to yield to the progressive shrinkage due to the rapid removal of moisture. As a result, the voltage equalization 'mediates' a shrinkage in the slack areas in the overload and a voltage reduction in the tight areas, so that a tat adaptation to the strip is obtained. If the stresses in the ladder are not raised on the delta set before the strip is extended came. more it then to farsigga a flattening ay overcharged. When a finished shoe is used, yar averlader did not receive a spinning equalization, then it will from the foot to the material oyerford the heat and moisture together with the ay foot exerted 4 stretching effect to cause a further shrinkage after the shoe is removed. Consequently, voltage equalizations can occur after the use of a slum that can be deformed when loads are missing. However, if the maximum shrinkage is achieved by the interaction of heat and, in a suitable manner, the application of moisture in suitable amounts, then the stress equalization takes place on the load. This also provides a more unbearable fit before the rapid drying to below the moisture level which the charge can normally assume in the factory atmosphere produces a weld of the fibers, which is not caused again by later absorbed moisture.

Farfaringssattet enligt uppfinningen, som drar nytta av de oyan beskriyna egendornligheterna vid hider, kan. genomforas med hjalp av en produktionsanlaggning av det slag, som visas 111g. 4. Andra system kunna dock ayen anvandas. The dyeing method according to the invention, which takes advantage of the oyan described peculiarities of hides, can. carried out by means of a production plant of the type shown in 111g. 4. However, other systems may be used.

Den i fig. 4 askadliggjorda produktionsanlaggningen ar anordnad att tillfora de olika skodelarna till de arbetare, vilka aro fordelade langs anlaggningen, och tjana vidare till att fora skodelarna genom en blotningsapparat och olika varmeapparater, vilkas verk.ningskrets narmare beskriyas i det foljande. The production plant deposed in Fig. 4 is arranged to supply the various shoe parts to the workers, which are distributed along the plant, and further serve to feed the shoe parts through a blotting apparatus and various heaters, the circuit of which is described in more detail below.

I fig. 4 betecknar 16 en transportor, som le-der forbi de olika arbetarnas sthplatser. En arbetare 18 som star mellan andarna av transportiirens lfingsdel 20, tar sydda overlader styckvis frhri en hylla 22 och anbringar dem I en bliitningsapparat 24, som ar anbragt over transportoren. I blOtningsapparaten finnes en ej visad transportOr, som framfor overladren till en arbetare 26, vilken star invid blOtningsapparatens avloppsande. In Fig. 4, 16 denotes a conveyor which passes past the stands of the various workers. A worker 18 standing between the spirits of the conveyor part 20 of the conveyor, takes stitched overlays piecemeal from a shelf 22 and places them in a bleaching apparatus 24, which is arranged over the conveyor. In the wetting apparatus there is a conveyor (not shown), which in front of the supercharger to a worker 26, which stands next to the drain of the wetting apparatus.

Den varma fuktiga atmosfaren i blotningsapparaten kan astadkommas genom att anga bubblar upp genom ett vattenfyllt trag. Det satt, ph vilket de Onskade atmosfarforhallandena astadkommas, utgor ingen del av uppfinningen och are anordningarna darfor icke visade. Yttersidan av overladret utsattes for denna fuktiga atmosfar och uppsuger darvid vatten. Overladret soin anbringas i blotningsapparaten har ett fuktighetsinnehall pa omtkring. 11 viktprocent, och dh ladret lamnar blOtningsapparaten fir fuktighetsinnehallet i ytzoner av ladret eirka 18-22 %, I fig. 5 fir -visat en diagram over fuktighetsinnehallet och bojligheten i beroende av tiden. Overladret anyander cirka tre minuter till att rora sig genoni blotningsapparaten, sa att det maximala fuktighetsinnehallet soul fir visat 1 fig. 5 upplas tre minuter efter produktionskretsloppets bOrjan. Det framgar fiven att overladret har, dã det lamnar blotningsapparaten, ungefar maximal relativ bojlighet. The warm humid atmosphere in the exposure apparatus can be achieved by entering bubbles up through a water-filled funnel. The mode in which the desired atmospheric conditions are achieved does not form part of the invention and the devices are therefore not shown. The outside of the supercharger is exposed to this humid atmosphere and thereby absorbs water. The supercharged sun placed in the exposure apparatus has a moisture content of about. 11% by weight, and ie the charge leaves the humidifier for the moisture content in surface zones of the charge about 18-22%. Overcharged anyander about three minutes to move the genius of the exposure apparatus, so that the maximum moisture content soul fir shown in Fig. 5 is charged three minutes after the start of the production cycle. It can be seen that the overcharger has, when it leaves the exposure apparatus, approximately maximum relative flexibility.

Temperaturen i blotningsapparaten Mlles vid 60-85° C dvs. vasentligt over den yanliga blotningstemperaturen for laderfiber namligen 55° C. Den forhallandevis hoga temperaturen i blotningsapparaten ger denna en vasentligt sten-re kapacitet an de kanda blotningsapparaterna, och apparaten 'sfikrar en paskyndad fuktighetsupptagning som kan jamforas med dem som upprifis genom imp, men. som icke giver nagon okontrollerbar krympning. Den ytterligare forangningsvarme, som skulle tillforas ladret frail ingan vid dennas kondensation, skulle Oka ladrets temperatur onodigt och minska den for blotningshastigheten vasentliga temp eraturskillnaden mellan ladret och atmosfaren. The temperature in the exposure apparatus Mlles at 60-85 ° C i.e. substantially above the usual exposure temperature for charger fiber, namely 55 ° C. which does not give any uncontrollable shrinkage. The additional heat of evaporation which would be supplied to the charge at the time of its condensation would unnecessarily increase the temperature of the charge and reduce the temperature difference between the charge and the atmosphere, which is essential for the rate of exposure.

Da arbetaren 18 anbringar overladret pa transportoren i blotningsapparaten 21 anbringar han aven en yttersula och en motsvarande bindsula pa transportOren 16. Nar Overladret kommer till utloppet Yid bilitningsapparaten och ayleYereras till arbetaren 26 ankomma samtidigt yttersulan och bindsulan till denna station pa transportoren 16. Efter insattning av bindsulan samlar arbetaren 26 iiverladret pa lasten och aylevererar det till en arbetare 28, som utfor ombojning av Overladret med hjalp av en kand maskin och darefter anbringar lasterna pa standare 30 pa transportoren 16. When the worker 18 places the supercharger on the conveyor in the exposing apparatus 21, he also places an outsole and a corresponding insole on the conveyor. the insole collects the worker 26 in the supercharger on the load and delivers it to a worker 28, who performs the overloading of the supercharger by means of a machine and then places the loads on the stand 30 on the conveyor 16.

Tran'sportoren 10 &veil& skon till arbetarna 32 och 34, vilka utfora sidopinningen am den vanstra resp. hogra skon och darefter Ater anbringa dem pa transportOrens standare 30. Transportoren for skorna vidare till en arbetare 36, som for in framdelen ay varje Over-lacier och faster dem, varefter han anbringar skorna pa en annan ej visad transportor, som for dem Over en perforerad platta, genom vil, ken anga utsandes. Pa den sistnamnda transpartoren anbringas skorna i upprattsthende lage och fingan riktas mot undersidan am Meet genom de nedatriktade »kanin5rom, som bildas m.ellan oindragningssommarna. Denna angtillforsel baler overladrets boxth, som nor-malt är termoplastisk. The conveyor 10 & guide & shoe to the workers 32 and 34, which perform the side pin on the left resp. right shoe and then reattach them to the carrier's standard 30. The conveyor passes the shoes on to a worker 36, who enters the front of each Over-lacier and fastens them, after which he places the shoes on another conveyor not shown, which for them over a perforated plate, through which the ken is sent. On the latter conveyor the shoes are placed in an upright position and the finger is directed towards the underside of the meet through the downwardly directed "rabbit" spaces, which are formed between the non-retraction summers. This angst supply bales the overload of the overload box, which is normally thermoplastic.

Sasour ovan namnts ar marine tillsammans med fuktighet viktigt f Or att hfiila ladret i bearbetningsbart tillstand vid den. tidpunkt, da. skorna framkomma till arbetaren 30, som utfor framdeispinningen, hava de forlorat en. vasentlig mangd varme och antagit nastan den oingivande temperaturen. Ehuru det endast kra.ves varme fiir att ph n.ytt giva ladret maximal bearbelningsbarhet, skulle enbart en varmetillforsel bringa fuktigheten i ytzonerna att foranga. Eir aft undvika delta Oka& ladrets temp eratur med hjalp av anga. Sasour mentioned above is marine along with moisture important to keep the charge in a machinable condition at it. time, then. the shoes appear to the worker 30, who performs the front spin, they have lost one. significant amount of heat and assumed almost the unpredictable temperature. Although only heat is required to give the ladder maximum machinability, only a heat supply would cause the moisture in the surface zones to evaporate. Eir aft avoid delta Oka & ladrets temp eratur with the help of anga.

En sekundar transportor for skorna vidare till arbetare 38 och 40, vilka lastar skonasor-; na och pa nytt anbringa skorna pa transporWrens 16 standare. Skorna fares darefter till en arbetare 12, som avlagsnar bindsulesommarna och syr klacksatet fast pa varje sko. A secondary conveyor carries the shoes on to workers 38 and 40, who load the shoes; now and again apply the shoes to transporWrens 16 stands. The shoes are then taken to a worker 12, who removes the binding soles and sews the heel to each shoe.

Harefter ar pinningen i huvudsak avslntad. Det fordras cirka 8 minuter till att utfora alla dessa lastningsoperationer, och fuktigheten kan darfor avlagsnas Mtn ladret omkring 11 minuter efter det att arbetaren 18 har anbragt overladret I blotningsapparaten. Det franagar av fig. 5 att fuktighetsinnehallet i ladret fOrblir huvudsakligen konstant under de 8 minuter som pinningen varar, och den vid blotningen tillforda fuktigheten har icke haft tid att breda ut sig Over hela materialet. Det framgar avenledes av fig. 5 aft det ej forsiggar nagon vasentlig andring av ladrets bojlighet under dessa 8 minuter, liven oni fig. 1 kande giva anledning till tron att bojligheten skulle okas under denna period s•ã ar det i fig. 5 taget hansyn till den avtagande temperatur, som minskar bearbetningsbarheten och bojligheten. BOjlighetskurvan i fig. 5 visar emellertid, att ladret har maximal bOjlighet under lastningen, da lastningsarbetarna i radfoiljd utfora sina olika arbetsoperationer omedelbart efter det att overladret har blivit blott i blotningsapparaten 24. After this, the pinning is mainly completed. It takes about 8 minutes to perform all these loading operations, and the moisture can therefore be removed from the Mtn load about 11 minutes after the worker 18 has placed the overload in the blotting apparatus. It follows from Fig. 5 that the moisture content of the charge remains substantially constant during the 8 minutes that the pinning lasts, and the moisture supplied at the exposure has not had time to spread over the entire material. It is also apparent from Fig. 5 that there is no significant change in the buoyancy of the ladder during these 8 minutes, the life of Fig. 1 may give rise to the belief that the buoyancy would increase during this period as shown in Fig. 5. to the decreasing temperature, which reduces the workability and flexibility. However, the flatness curve in Fig. 5 shows that the loader has maximum flatness during loading, as the loading workers in a row perform their various work operations immediately after the overload has become bare in the blotting apparatus 24.

Nar pinningen at avslutad maste fuktigheten avlagsnas- innan den far tid till att helt genomtranga overladret, sa att maximal krympning on spanningsutjamning kunna ernas utan att ladret blir hart. For detta andamal ar en uppvarmningsapparat 44 anbragt i form av en skarm omkring transportoren. Uppvarmningsapparaten kan vara forsedd med vilken som henSt lamplig varmekalla, exemmelvis infraroda lampor eller kvartsvarmekroppar, vilka utstrala varme mot ladrets fritt liggande ytor. Overlddret ror sig genom uppvarmningsapparaten under loppet av cirka 1 minut och under denna tid sjunker fuktighetsinnehallet i ld.drets nary fran 16-20 % till 11 %. When the pinning is completed, the moisture must be removed before it has time to completely penetrate the upper charge, so that maximum shrinkage and stress equalization can be achieved without the charge becoming hard. For this purpose, a heating apparatus 44 is arranged in the form of a screen around the conveyor. The heating apparatus may be provided with any suitable heat source, for example infrared lamps or quartz heaters, which radiate heat to the exposed surfaces of the charger. The old age moves through the heater in the course of about 1 minute and during this time the moisture content in the age decreases from 16-20% to 11%.

Vid beskrivningen av de karateristiska egenskaperna for lildret pavisades under hamvisning till fig. 1 att med en given m5.ngd fuktighet ernas stone bearbetningsbarhet, da fuktigheten ar begransad till ytzonerna. Dessutom medfor en dylik begransning av fuktigheten vid ytzonerna, att den hogre fuktighetskoncentrationen far torkningen till att begynna vid en hogre punkt pa den. I fig. 3 visade kurvan On som skulle vara fallet, am namnda fuktighet hade varit fordelad .Overallt i ladret. Det uppstar darfor storre krympning. In describing the characteristics of the lilac, it was pointed out with reference to Fig. 1 that with a given amount of moisture the stone processability of the moisture, as the moisture is limited to the surface zones. In addition, such a limitation of the humidity at the surface zones means that the higher moisture concentration causes the drying to begin at a higher point on it. In Fig. 3, the curve On, which would be the case, showed that the said moisture had been distributed. Everywhere in the ladder. Therefore, greater shrinkage occurs.

Om fuktighetskoncentrationen ar hog Over hela ladrets tjocklek pa sá satt, att alla zoner innehalla 18 % fuktighet eller darover, sa kommer ladret givetvis att vara bojligt, men detta tillstand g&r det amojligt att snabbt av, lagsna fuktigheten. Varmen kommer forst att foranga ytfuktigheten och darefter att uppvarma ladret, vilket kommer att Oka kapillarverkan sorts tilldrager fuktigheten inifran. Da denna fuktighet kommer fram tilt ytzonerna forsiggar ingen forangning. Den tillforda varMen kommer salunda att medfora ett omvant forhallande vid ladret, .dvs. det kommer att finnas mera fuktighet i det inre an i narven. Till fOljd harav kan man joke uppna maximal krympuing, vilken endast framkommer vid ett snabbt avlagsnande av en hog fuktighetskoncentration i narven. I verkligheten motverkar en hog fuktighetskoncentration Over hela ladrets tjocklek krympningen. Om vidare torkvarmen 'forangar fuktigheten i ytzonen snabbare an det inre kan avgiva fuktigheten till ersattning av det forangade sa. kan ladret bliva overhettat, skort, hart och eventuellt forbrant. If the moisture concentration is high Over the entire thickness of the ladder in such a way that all zones contain 18% moisture or more, then the ladder will of course be flexible, but this condition makes it possible to quickly dampen the moisture. The heat will first evaporate the surface moisture and then heat the charge, which will Increase the capillary action kind of attracts the moisture from within. As this moisture reaches the surface zones, no evaporation takes place. The supply heat will thus lead to a reversed behavior at the ladder, ie. there will be more moisture in the interior than in the scar. As a result, one can joke to achieve maximum shrinkage, which only occurs with a rapid removal of a high moisture concentration in the grain. In reality, a high moisture concentration over the entire thickness of the ladder counteracts shrinkage. Furthermore, if the drying heat evaporates the moisture in the surface zone faster than the interior, it can release the moisture to replace the evaporated saw. the ladder may become overheated, short, hard and possibly burnt.

Genom forfaringssattet enligt uppfinningen utnyttjar man salunda de beskrivna egendomligheterna hos ladret i det att vid blotningen fuktighet tillfdres ytskikten dar den Or nodvd.ndig for maximal bearbetningsbarhet. Pinniugen. utfores omedelbart efter blotningen rnedan ladrets relativa styvhet har minimivarde. Fuktigheten avlagsnas fran ladret genom uppvIrmning innan den far tid att breda at -sig, dvs. medan fuktighetsprocenten annu ar maximal och ernas salunda maximal krympning och spanningsutjamning. The method according to the invention thus utilizes the described peculiarities of the ladder in that during the exposure moisture is supplied to the surface layers where it is necessary for maximum machinability. Pinniugen. performed immediately after exposure before the relative stiffness of the charger has a minimum value. The moisture is removed from the ladder by heating before it has time to spread, ie. while the humidity percentage is still maximum and the salons' maximum maximum shrinkage and stress equalization.

Sedan skorna lanm:at uppvarmningsapparaten 44, fig. 1, fotras de vidare till en. arbetare 30, som kantskar overladreL och avlagsnar eventuella utstaende stiff. Skorna avlamnas darefter till en kontrollor 52, som kontrollerat varje sko och pa nytt anbringar den pa transportoren, sa att den kan Rims vidare till en arbetare 54 som bankar overladrets ombojda kant och ruggar upp den innan lim Wares. Om tillverkningen avser en sko med hoga klackar pasattas dessa av en arbetare 55. After the shoes have been placed on the heating apparatus 44, Fig. 1, they are further passed to a. workers 30, who edge overload and remove any protruding stiff. The shoes are then unloaded to a controller 52, which inspects each shoe and reapplies it to the conveyor so that it can be passed on to a worker 54 who knocks the bent edge of the overload and roughens it before gluing Wares. If the manufacture concerns a shoe with high heels, these are fitted by a worker 55.

Sedan. skorna passerat stationen vid arbetaren 55 foras de under cirka Ire minuter genom en. uppvarmningsapparat 56 till en arbetare 58, vilken stryker pa rim pa overladrets onrbojda rand och anbringar fyllnadsmaterial i den fordjupning, som bildats pO. bindsulan av den ombojda randen. Darefter anbringas skon Ater pa transportoren och fires any° genom uppvirmningsapparaten 56, 'derma gang pa transportorens balm 60 pa: sa satt att skon och limmet bringas i skick for sulans palaggning. Efter att hava Iamnat uppvarmuingsapparaten 56 framfores skon pa transportorens -tuna 62, varunder Emmet avkyles till rumstemperatur. Cirka ire minuter efter det skon har lamnat uppvarmningsapparaten 56 for 6 andra gingen kommer den fram till en arbetare 64, och är limmet nu i starkt klibbigt tillstand. Den av arbetaren 18 ursprangligen pa, transportoren .anbragta yttersulan kommer fram till arbetaren 64 samtidigt med Overladret som sitter pa lasten, och de tva: delarna sammanforas och anbringas i en press 66. Del kan vara anbragt en uppvarnmingsapparat langs transportorbanan 62 for automatisk aktivering av lino:met pa. KA:an. Sedan &Wan ar fastad anbringas skon pa. en hylla 76, som eventuellt fir Wand pa forhand av arbetaren 18 vid produktionerts borjan. Then. the shoes passed the station at the worker 55 they are passed for about Ire minutes through a. heater 56 to a worker 58, which irons on the inferred edge of the supercharger and applies filler material in the recess formed on it. the insole of the bent edge. The shoe is then reattached to the conveyor and fired any ° through the heater 56, this time onto the conveyor belt 60 on so that the shoe and adhesive are brought into position for the sole to be applied. After heating the heater 56, the shoe is advanced onto the conveyor barrel 62, during which the Emmet is cooled to room temperature. About one minute after the shoe has left the heater 56 for the second time, it reaches a worker 64, and the glue is now in a very sticky condition. The outsole originally applied by the worker 18 to the conveyor arrives at the worker 64 at the same time as the overloader sitting on the load, and the two parts are joined together and placed in a press 66. Part may be a heating apparatus arranged along the conveyor path 62 for automatic activation of lino: met pa. KA: an. Sedan & Wan are fastened, the shoe is placed on. a shelf 76, which may have been pre-empted by the worker 18 at the beginning of production.

Sasom tidigare omnamnts atgar cirka 11 minuter fran det Ogonblick dk overladret in-fares i blotningsapparaten tills detsamma in-Aires i uppvarmningsapparaten 44. De langs produktionsanlaggningen utforda ytterligare arbetsoperationerna fullfoljas under loppet av ytterligare 14 minuter. Overladret forblir i uppvarmningsapparaten. 44 cirka en minut, pa:sserar arbetarens 55 station pa. cirka tva minuter efter att lainnat uppvarraningsapparaten 44 och kommer efter ytterligare Ire minuter till limpistrykningsstationen. Det har sa.- ledes vid denia tidpunkt atgatt tillsammans 17 minuter fran det ogonblick dd. Overladret infordes i blotningsapparaten. Det afgar en minut medan skon kommer ut frail uppvarmningsapparaten 56 tills den pa. nytt in.- fores I denna, och skon tillbringar darefter ytterligare tre minuter i uppvarmningsapparaten pi transportorbandelen. 60 samt 3 1/2 minut pa. bandelen 62 till arbetaren 64. Skorna anbringas pa. hyllan. 76 °inkling en halv minut efter att de kommit fram till arbetaren 64, varftir det salunda liar totalt &teat 25 minuter. As previously mentioned, it takes about 11 minutes from the Ogonblick dk overload in-access in the exposure apparatus until the same in-aires in the heating apparatus 44. The additional work operations along the production plant challenge are completed in the course of another 14 minutes. The overcharger remains in the heater. 44 about one minute, pa: sserar worker 55 station pa. about two minutes after loading the heater 44 and arrives at the glue printing station after a further 1 minute. It has thus.- led at denia time taken together 17 minutes from the moment dd. Overcharged is introduced into the exposure apparatus. It takes one minute while the shoe comes out of the heater 56 until it is on. new is inserted into it, and the shoe then spends another three minutes in the heater on the conveyor belt. 60 and 3 1/2 minutes pa. the belt part 62 to the worker 64. The shoes are fitted on. the shelf. 76 ° inkling half a minute after they arrived at the worker 64, after which it salunda liar total & teat 25 minutes.

Som foljd av den genom forfaringssattet .enligt uppfinningen anvanda snabba blotning- bearbetningen och torkningen av overlad- ret kunna lasternauttagasomedelbart efter sulpalaggningen, sfl att en mycket kort cirkulationstid anis for varje last. Detta ger sig tillkanna genom en mycket betydlig reduktion av det for -uppratthallande av en. bestamd produktion nodvandiga antalet 'aster. Salunda kan antalet av under bearbetning varande skodon — och dammed antalet av cirkulerande laster — vid genomforandet av forfaringssattet pa det i saraband med det med fig. 4 beskrivna sattet reduceras till 168, vilket utgor cirka 3 % av antalet under hearbetning varande skodon vid det hittills kanda utforandet ay en produktion av samma storlek. Den kontrollerade krympningen am overladret gOr det mojligt att utnyttja den till ambojning be-sta.mda kanten av Overladret fullstandigt in- nan flagon krympning forsiggar. Som fiiljd harav kan. Overladret utskaras med mindre overskjutande material, vilket kan giva cirka 3 % materialbesparing. As a result of the rapid exposure processing and drying of the supercharger used by the method according to the invention, the loads can be taken out immediately after the sulpa application, so that a very short circulation time is required for each load. This is manifested by a very significant reduction in the maintenance of one. determined production necessary number 'aster. Thus, the number of footwear being processed - and thus the number of circulating loads - in carrying out the pre-set on the set in conjunction with the set described in Fig. 4 can be reduced to 168, which is about 3% of the number of footwear at present. kanda design ay a production of the same size. The controlled shrinkage on the supercharger makes it possible to use the edge of the supercharger intended for bending completely before flake shrinkage takes place. As fiiljd harav can. The overload is cut out with less excess material, which can give approximately 3% material savings.

Xven em i det foregaende enda:st varit tal om en bearbetning av lacier sa. am det tydligt att sittet enligt uppfinningen kan anvandas analogt vid framstallning av skodon av annat overladermaterial, som reagerar gentemot varme och fuktighet pa. motsvarande salt som la-der. Detta galler exempelvis vissa fierskikttextilmaterial samt sammansatta material av formamnen och textilier eller laden Xven em in the previous still: st been talking about a processing of lacier said. It is clear that the seat according to the invention can be used analogously in the manufacture of footwear of other supercharger material, which reacts to heat and moisture. corresponding salt that charges. This applies, for example, to certain four-layer textile materials as well as composite materials of molds and textiles or laden

Claims (4)

Patentansprak:Patent claim: 1. Satt for framstallning ay skodon eller dyligt, vid vilkef ovanladeramnet Motes och strackes over last, kannetecknat darav, att en-hart yttre ytan eller en eller flera yttre ytzoner av ovanladeramnet under en relativt kort tidsperiod tillfores fuktighet for blotgoring av imnets ytteryta och att strackningen Over last ager rum innan fuktigheten i flagon avsevard grad bar trangt in till ladrets mittskikt, varefter del fardiga Over last dragna overla.deramnet utsattes for forcerad torkning for fuktighetens avlagsnande innan den tranger in i mittskiktet av la.dret.1. Made for the manufacture of footwear or dylt, at which the upper frame is met and stretched over load, characterized in that a single outer surface or one or more outer surface zones of the upper frame are supplied with moisture for a relatively short period of time to expose the outer surface and the stretching Over load acts as a space before the moisture in the flake to a considerable degree carried narrowly into the middle layer of the lad, after which part finished Over load drawn overlaid.the frame was subjected to forced drying for moisture removal before it penetrates into the middle layer of the la.dret. 2. Salt enligt patentanspraket 1, kannetecknat ay att Iadret un.derkastas inverkan av fuktig luft med en temperatur av 60-83° C for en tidsperiod ej overstigande cirka 3 minuter tills det yttre lagret resp. lagren hava erhallit ett fuktighetsinnehall av 10-22 % och det inre lagret annu ãr torrt.Salt according to claim 1, characterized in that the layer is subjected to the action of moist air with a temperature of 60-83 ° C for a period of time not exceeding about 3 minutes until the outer layer resp. the layers have received a moisture content of 10-22% and the inner layer is still dry. 3. Satt enligt patentanspraken 1 och. 2, kannetecknat av att den fuktiga overdelens utsattning for torkande hetta paborjas cirka minuter efter det att fuktighetsfOrloppet bar paborjats.Set according to patent claims 1 and. 2, may be characterized in that the exposure of the moist upper part to drying heat is started approximately minutes after the moisture course has been started. 4. Satt enligt patentanspriket 1, 2 eller 3, kannetecknat av att den fuktiga overdelen underkastas torkande hetta for en period as cirka en minut, varvid fuktigheisinnehillet liar det eller de yttre lagren darigenom reduce-rats frau 16-20 % till cirka 11 %. AnfOrda publikationer: Patentskrifter !ran Danmark 29 076, 33 364; USA 1 344 930,4. A kit according to claim 1, 2 or 3, characterized in that the moist upper part is subjected to drying heat for a period of about one minute, the moisture content contained in the outer layer or layers thereby being reduced from 16-20% to about 11%. Cited publications: Patentskrifter! Ran Danmark 29 076, 33 364; USA 1 344 930,
SE203593D SE203593C1 (en)

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