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SE192413C1 SE192413DA SE192413C1 SE 192413 C1 SE192413 C1 SE 192413C1 SE 192413D A SE192413D A SE 192413DA SE 192413 C1 SE192413 C1 SE 192413C1
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Publication of SE192413C1 publication Critical patent/SE192413C1/sv



  • Basic Packing Technique (AREA)


Uppfinnare: R Osterdahl och H Ortmark Uppfinningen avser en maskin for forpackning av foretradesvis tablettformat material med en behallare, fran vilken uppmatta portioner tommas i transportfickor pa en transportor, vilken stegvis frammatar de fyllda fickorna till forpackningarna, vilka vardera mottaga en uppmatt portion. Inventors: R Osterdahl and H Ortmark The invention relates to a machine for packaging preferably tablet-shaped material with a container, from which fed portions are emptied into transport pockets on a conveyor, which stepwise feeds the filled pockets to the packages, each receiving a fed portion.

Vid forpackning av .exempelvis tabletter med maskiner av denna typ forekommer det ofta att forpackningens Oppning igensattes, dd en hel portion pa en gang tommes i forpackningen, vilket resulterar i att en del tabletter falla utanfor och salunda en ofullstandigt fylld tablettask kommer ut i handeln. When packaging tablets, for example, with machines of this type, it often happens that the opening of the package is clogged, as a whole portion is emptied into the package at once, which results in some tablets falling outside and thus an incompletely filled tablet bag coming on the market.

Det liar fOreslagits att fylla varje fOrpackming i olika tidsintervall med delportioner pa sadant salt, att den med materialbehallaren samverkande uppmatningsanordningen endast mater upp exempelvis en tredjedels portion i varje transportficka, varvid forpackningen tillfores en sadan delportion at gang-en. Risken for igensattning av forpackningens mottagningsoppning reduceras visserligen vasentligt, men maskinens totala forpaekningskapacitet minskar i motsvarande grad. It has been proposed to fill each package at different time intervals with portions in such a salt that the feeding device cooperating with the material container only feeds, for example, one third portion in each transport pocket, the package being fed such a portion at a time. Although the risk of clogging the receiving opening of the package is significantly reduced, the total packing capacity of the machine decreases correspondingly.

Andamalet med uppfinningen är att astadkomma en maskin, vans forpackningskapacitet ar lika :stor som om hela portionen pa en gang tillfordes forpackningen, men med utnyttjande av fordelarna med delportionsforpackning. The object of the invention is to provide a machine whose packaging capacity is the same: large as if the entire portion were fed to the package at once, but with utilization of the advantages of sub-portion packaging.

Detta astadkommes enligt uppfinningen medelst uppdelningsorgan, vilka aro anordnade att under frammatningen av de med en hel portion fyllda fiekorna intranga i dessa och bilda skiljevaggar, som uppdela varje ficka i fran varandra skilda delfickor, fran vilka materialet avgives till forpackningen vid fran varandra skilda tidpunkter. This is achieved according to the invention by means of dividing means, which are arranged to penetrate into them during the feeding of the whole-filled figs and form partitions, which divide each pocket into separate sub-pockets, from which the material is delivered to the package at different times.

Vid en fOredragen utforingsform utgoras uppdelningsorganen air i fickornas frammatningsriktning fast anordnade skenor, varvid fickornas vaggar aro forsedda med spar, ge- Dupl. kl. 81 a: 5/01; 81 a: 6/01 nom vilka skenorna kunna bassera vid frammatningen av de fyllda fickorna. In a preferred embodiment, the dividing means air are constituted in the direction of feed of the pockets, fixed rails, the cradles of the pockets being provided with grooves, ge- Dupl. at 81 a: 5/01; 81 a: 6/01 nom which the rails can base when feeding the filled pockets.

En utforingsform av uppfinningen beskriyes i anslutning till bifogade ritningar, pa vilka fig. 1 visar en horisontalprojektion av en tablettf8rpackningsmaskin och fig. 2 visar maskinen :sedd fran sidan, varvid den Ovre delen är skuren efter linjen i fig. 1. An embodiment of the invention is described in connection with the accompanying drawings, in which Fig. 1 shows a horizontal projection of a tablet packaging machine and Fig. 2 shows the machine: seen from the side, the upper part being cut along the line in Fig. 1.

En cylindrisk behallare 1 Mr tabletter etc., som skola forpackas, ar medelst konsoler 2, 3 fastad vid en vertikal stativdel 4. Behallarens 1 batten är fOrsedd med en central Oppning 5 for en vertikal axel 6. Axeln 6 uppbar i sin Owe ande en cirkular platta 7 med ett nay 8, vilket ãr forsett med en installningsskruv 9 sa att plattan 7 kan f6rskjutas och fastspannas i olika 'igen pa anal. 6. Plattan 7 dr i det visade utforingsexemplet :forsedd med tolv oppningar pa samma radiella avstand fran mittpunkten, i vilka matror 10 aro fastsatta. latrorens 10 nedre andar aro glidbart inpassade i oppningar 11 i en cirkular platta 12, som vilar mot behallarens 1 botten 13 och variering av matvalymen astadkommes genom f8rskjutning av navel 8 lhngs axeln 6. Plattan 12 ar forsedd med en central Oppning 14, i vilken axeln 6 fritt kan rotera. Behallarens 1 botten 13 hr vidare forsedd med en avtappningsoppning 15 genom vilken i matroren 10 uppmatta portioner kunna nedfalla i vasentligen rektangulara transportfickor 16. Ett Over avtappningsoppningen 15 befintligt matror 10 avskilj es fran materialet i behallaren 1 genom en vagg 44, som i matrOrens 10 rorelsebana är forsedd med en avstrykare 45 av foretradesvis flexibelt material, exempeMs gummi. Denna avstrykare 45 har till uppgift att forhindra att mera material, exempelvis tabletter, an vad som bestammes av den av ett r8r 10 och behallarens botten 13 bildade volymen kan avga Iran behallaren vid varje 2- - utmatning. Transportfickornas 16 botten och yttersta vagg bildas i det visade utforingsexemplet av en cirkular skiva 17 med en ringformad periferiell vagg 18 medan de ovriga tre vaggarna bildas genom exempelvis urfrasningar i ett gjutet, skalformat organ. 19 med oftkular omkrets som är fast anbringat pa axeln 6 och med ett nay 20 vilar mot skivan 17. Ski-van 17 uppbares av en vid stativdelen 4 fast konsol 21 samt av ett stOd 22. A cylindrical container 1 Mr tablets etc., which are to be packaged, is fixed by means of brackets 2, 3 to a vertical frame part 4. The bottom of the container 1 is provided with a central opening 5 for a vertical shaft 6. The shaft 6 carried in its Owe spirit a circular plate 7 with a nay 8, which is provided with an installation screw 9 so that the plate 7 can be displaced and clamped in different 'again on anal. 6. The plate 7 is shown in the exemplary embodiment shown: provided with twelve openings at the same radial distance from the center point, in which mats 10 are fixed. the lower ends of the latrons 10 are slidably fitted in openings 11 in a circular plate 12, which rest against the bottom 13 of the container 1 and variation of the food volume is effected by displacing navel 8 along the axis 6. The plate 12 is provided with a central opening 14, in which the axis 6 can rotate freely. The bottom 13 of the container 1 is further provided with a drain opening 15 through which portions fed into the mats 10 can fall into substantially rectangular transport pockets 16. A mat 10 present above the drain opening 15 is separated from the material in the container 1 by a cradle 44, which in the food web 10 is provided with a scraper 45 of preferably flexible material, for example rubber. This scraper 45 has the task of preventing more material, for example tablets, from what is determined by the volume formed by a tube 10 and the bottom 13 of the container 13 from the container at each 2 - discharge. The bottom and outermost cradle of the transport pockets 16 are formed in the exemplary embodiment shown by a circular disc 17 with an annular peripheral cradle 18, while the other three cradles are formed by, for example, chipping in a molded, shell-shaped member. 19 with a spherical circumference which is fixedly mounted on the shaft 6 and with a nay 20 rests against the disc 17. The ski vane 17 is supported by a bracket 21 fixed to the frame part 4 and by a support 22.

Portionstransportskivan 17 ar forsedd med tva. fast anbringade uppdelningsskenor 23, 24. Skenan 23 har en krokningsradie, som motsvarar avstandet fran axelns 6 centrum till en punkt pa en tredjedel av en transportfickas 16 langd och ar anordnad koaxiellt med axeln 6. Skenan 24 liar en krOkningsradie, som motsvarar avstandet fran axelns 6 centrum till en punkt pa. tva tredjedelar av en transportfickas 16 langd. I varje ficka 16 aro de mot varandra vanda vaggar, som bildas av organet 19, forsedda med spar 25, 26 genom vilka skenorna 23 och 24 kunna fritt passera. Transportskivan. 17 ar for avgivning av transporterade portioner, pa salt som normare angives senare, fOrsedd med Oppningar 27, 28, 29 som i foreliggande fall dro forskjutna 0 fran varandra och som ligga pa sadant radiellt avstand fran axelns 6 centrum, att de oppnas mot de av skenorna 23, 24 bildade fickdelarna 16a, 16b respektive 16c, da transportorganet 19 roterar. Under varje 6ppning 27, 28, 29 fines en tratt 30, vilkas avlopp 31 ligga pa en rat linje i det visade utforingsexemplet for att portionerna skola kunna nedfalla i ratlinjigt frammatade forpackningar 32, vilka insatts i hallare 33, som uppbaras av en transportkedja 34. Transportkedjan 34 drives Over ett kedjehjul 35 fran en axel 36. Axeln 36 drives stegvis Iran en joke visad mekanism, exempelvis en malteserkorsmekanism. Axeln 36 uppbares av ett lager 37 och ar i sin inre ande forsedd med ett koniskt kugghjul 38, vilket ar i ingrepp med ett av en axel 39 uppburet koniskt kugghjul 40. Axeln 39, som ar lagrad i en lagerbock 41, uppbar i sin andra ande ett koniskt kugghjul 42, som star i ingrepp med ett koniskt kugghjul 43, anbringat pa axeln 6. Axelns 36 stegvisa rorelse Ar darvid sadan, att axeln 6 kommer att vridas 30° under varje steg samtidigt som transportkedjan 34 frammatar fOrpaekningarna 32 sa, att en forpackning alltid kommer att ligga under ett trattavlopp 31. The portion transport disc 17 is provided with two. fixed splitting rails 23, 24. The rail 23 has a radius of curvature corresponding to the distance from the center of the shaft 6 to a point one third of the length of a transport pocket 16 and is arranged coaxially with the shaft 6. The rail 24 has a radius of curvature corresponding to the distance from the shaft. 6 center to one point pa. two-thirds of a transport pocket's 16 length. In each pocket 16, the facing cradles formed by the member 19 are provided with grooves 25, 26 through which the rails 23 and 24 can pass freely. The transport disc. 17 years for dispensing transported portions, on salt as norms are indicated later, provided with openings 27, 28, 29 which in the present case were drawn offset from each other and which lie at such a radial distance from the center of the shaft 6 that they open towards those of the pocket 23a, 16b and 16c, respectively, formed the pocket portions 16a, 24 as the conveying means 19 rotates. Under each opening 27, 28, 29 there is a funnel 30, the drains 31 of which lie in a straight line in the exemplary embodiment shown so that the portions can fall into straight-lined packages 32, which are inserted into holders 33, which are supported by a conveyor chain 34. The conveyor chain 34 is driven over a sprocket 35 from a shaft 36. The shaft 36 is driven stepwise by a mechanism shown in Iran, for example a Maltese cross mechanism. The shaft 36 is supported by a bearing 37 and is provided in its inner spirit with a conical gear 38, which engages with a conical gear 40 supported by a shaft 39. The shaft 39, which is mounted in a bearing bracket 41, is supported in its second A conical gear 42 which engages a conical gear 43 mounted on the shaft 6. The stepwise movement of the shaft 36 is such that the shaft 6 will rotate 30 ° during each step while the conveyor chain 34 advances the points 32 so that a package will always be under a funnel drain 31.

Den visade forpackningsmaskinen arbetar pa foljande salt. The packaging machine shown operates on the following salt.

Behallaren 1, och claimed samtliga mall* 10, som joke aro isolerade fran behallaren av vaggen 44 fylles med tabletter. Axeln 6 drives stegvis fran axeln 36 i den i fig. 1 visade pi lensriktning, varigenom de fyllda matroren 10 successivt komma att passera avstrykaren 45, sa att endast den air varje Dar 10 bestamda tablettportionen kan rasa nod i en fOr varje rOr 10 individuell ficka 16. Genom den relativt stora hastighet som tabletterna ha vid nedfallet i fickorna komma de att fordelas i ett jamnt skikt Over varje fickas botten. Transportorganet 19, vilket frammatas tillsammans med roren 10, transporterar uppmatta portioner stegvis mot skenorna 23 och 24, vilka i det visade utf8ringsexemplet omfatta c:a fern av de fickor, som ligga efter avtappningsappningen 15 och som tacka trattarna 30. Dessa ske- nor, som aro fast forenade med skivan 17, tranga genom sparen 25, 26 och uppdela darigenom fickorna 16 och saledes tablettportio- nerna i tre ungefar lika stora delay 16a, 16b och 16c. Portionen i delfickan 16a t8mmes under ett frammatningssteg genom 8ppningen 27 och i den nedersta tratten 30 pa fig. 1, varef- ter den inre delfickan 16b tOmmes genom Oppningen 28 under det foljande steget i den mel- lersta tratten 30 och slutligen tommes den yttre delfickan 16c i den oversta tratten. 30 genom oppningen 29. Container 1, and claimed all template * 10, as joke aro isolated from the container of cradle 44 filled with tablets. The shaft 6 is driven stepwise from the shaft 36 in the direction of rotation shown in Fig. 1, whereby the filled mats 10 will successively pass the scraper 45, so that only the tablet portion determined in each Dar 10 can fall into a node for each tube 10 individual pocket 16. Due to the relatively high speed that the tablets have when falling into the pockets, they will be distributed in an even layer over the bottom of each pocket. The conveying means 19, which is fed together with the tubes 10, transports fed portions stepwise towards the rails 23 and 24, which in the embodiment shown comprise about four of the pockets which lie after the draining opening 15 and which thank the funnels 30. These rails, which are firmly joined to the disc 17, narrow through the grooves 25, 26 and thereby divide the pockets 16 and thus the tablet portions into three approximately equal delays 16a, 16b and 16c. The portion in the sub-pocket 16a is emptied during a feed step through the opening 27 and in the lower funnel 30 in Fig. 1, after which the inner sub-pocket 16b is emptied through the opening 28 during the next step in the middle funnel 30 and finally the outer sub-pocket is emptied. 16c in the upper funnel. 30 through the opening 29.

En. forpackning 32 kommer saledes att fyllas i tre efter varandra foljande steg och den varje steg tillforda delportionen ar sa liten, att risken att forpackningens oppning skall fylla:s igen sa att tabletter falla utanfor fOrpackningen icke foreligger. One. package 32 will thus be filled in three successive steps and the sub-portion supplying each step is so small that the risk that the opening of the package will be filled again so that tablets fall outside the package does not exist.

Det fir uppenbart att antalet uppdelningsskenor kan varieras pa. onskat satt, sa att fic- korna uppdelas i exempelvis endast tva delar, um den utmatta portionen fir tillrfickligt liten oiler i flera An de visade tre delarna, om sa erfordras. It is obvious that the number of dividing rails can be varied. undesirably, so that the pockets are divided into, for example, only two parts, around the discharged portion for a sufficiently small oil in several In the three parts shown, if required.

Det ar givetvis axon mOjligt att anordna en enda langstrackt tratt 30 under oppningarna 27, 28 och 29, varvid tratten liar ett enda av- lopp 31. Frammatningen av forpackningarna 32 ma.ste darvid astadkommas med en sepa- rat stegmekanism, sorn frammatar f5rpackningarna ett .steg medan fickorna frammatas Ire steg. It is of course possible to arrange a single elongate funnel 30 under the openings 27, 28 and 29, the funnel lining a single drain 31. The feeding of the packages 32 must then be effected by a separate step mechanism, so that the packages feed a .step while the pockets are fed Ire step.

Den visade avstrykaren 45 liar anordnats sa, att avtappningen genom oppningen 15 pabor- jas innan avstrykningen av roret 10 fullbordas, varigenom forhindras att tabletter klammas solider mellan avstrykaren 45 och matrorets kant. The scraper 45 shown is arranged so that the drain through the opening 15 is pierced before the scraping of the tube 10 is completed, thereby preventing tablets from being firmly clamped between the scraper 45 and the edge of the food tube.

Claims (2)

P at entanspr a.k:P at entanspr a.k: 1. Maskin for Eirpackning av foretradesvis tablettformat material med en behallare for materialet, fran vilken uppmatta portioner tommas 1 transportfickor pa en transportor, vilken stegvis frammatar de fylIda fickorna till forpackningar, vilka vardera raottaga en uppmatt portion, kannetecknad av uppdelningsorgan (23, 24), vilka aro anordnade att under frammatningen air de fyllda fickorna (16) intranga i dessa och bilda skiljevaggar, som uppdela varje ficka i fran varandra skilda delfickor (16a, 16b, 16c), fran vilka mate- — —3 rialet avgives till forpackningen vid frau varandra skilda tidpunkter.A machine for packing preferably tablet-shaped material with a container for the material, from which fed portions are emptied into transport pockets on a conveyor, which stepwise feeds the filled pockets into packages, each of which receives a measured portion, marked by dividing means (23, 24). , which are arranged to penetrate into them during the supply air the filled pockets (16) and form partitions, which divide each pocket into sub-pockets (16a, 16b, 16c) separated from each other, from which the material is delivered to the package at from different times. 2. Maskin enligt patentanspraket 2, kannetecknad darav, att uppdelningsorganen utgoras av i fickornas frammatningsriktning fast anordnade skenor (23, 24) och att fickornas vaggar aro forsedda med spar (25, 26), genom vilka skenorna kunna passera vid frammatningen av de fyIlda fickorna (16). Anforda publikationer: Patentskrifter freuz Sverige 116108.2. A machine according to claim 2, characterized in that the dividing means consist of rails (23, 24) fixedly arranged in the direction of feeding of the pockets and that the cradles of the pockets are provided with grooves (25, 26) through which the rails can pass when feeding the filled pockets. (16). Request publications: Patentskrifter freuz Sverige 116108.
SE192413D SE192413C1 (en)

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