SE190404C1 - - Google Patents


Publication number
SE190404C1 SE190404DA SE190404C1 SE 190404 C1 SE190404 C1 SE 190404C1 SE 190404D A SE190404D A SE 190404DA SE 190404 C1 SE190404 C1 SE 190404C1
Prior art keywords
drive device
hydraulic drive
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Swedish (sv)
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Publication of SE190404C1 publication Critical patent/SE190404C1/sv



  • Shearing Machines (AREA)
  • Scissors And Nippers (AREA)


Uppfinnare: F Riemensehneider Prioritet begard fran den 19 november 1958 (Forbundsrepubliken Tyskland) Foreliggande uppfinning hanfor sig till en for kapning av runt eller fyrkantigt stangmatelial avsedd snoppsax med hydraulisk drivning av knivarna och med en nedhallare, som är hydrauliskt ansluten till ledningen Mr tillforsel av tryckvatska till drivanordningen for knivhfillaren. Inventor: F Riemensehneider Priority requested from 19 November 1958 (Federal Republic of Germany) The present invention relates to a snap-cutter intended for cutting round or square bar material with hydraulic drive of the knives and with a downhole, which is hydraulically connected to the line. to the drive device for the knife filler.

Vid snoppsaxar av namnda typ är det kant att anvanda .ett sa kallat mothall, som pressar det under kapning befintltga styeket mot den rorliga kniven och darigenom fOrhindrar bOjningen. Ett sadant mothall medfOr vid den vanliga konstruktionen av snoppsaxar med vertikal knivr8relse den olagenheten, att det avskuma stycket icke kan falla ut, emedan det sitter fast mellan mothallet och anslaget. Dena mitste ddrfor forst forskjutas, sà att det avskurna stycket kan falla ut genom efterskjutning air stfingen. En annan olagenhet med de kancla snoppsaxarna fir, att bade den fasta och den rorliga kniven aro taekta av neclhallare och mothall samt svara att byte ut. In the case of snap-scissors of the type mentioned, it is an edge to use a so-called counter-stop, which presses the existing knife during cutting against the movable knife and thereby prevents the bending. In the usual construction of vertical shears with vertical knife movement, such an abutment entails the disadvantage that the skimmed piece cannot fall out, because it is stuck between the abutment and the stop. This middle door is first displaced, so that the cut piece can fall out by re-firing the air stem. Another inconvenience with the kancla snoppsaxs fir, to bathe the fixed and the movable knife aro taakta of neclhallare and counterhall and answer to replace.

Foreliggande uppfinning asyftar en forbattring av snoppsaxar av den nail-inch typen. Uppfinningen kannetecknas i huvudsak av att ett hydrauliskt drivet mothall ar anslutet till den- hydrauliska drivanordningen, att datta mothall Or anordnat att stadja mot den rorliga knivhallaren och att nedhallaren Or an: ordnad pa saxstativet. Enligt en fOredragen utforingsform av uppfinningen finn:es vidare for knivarna en hydraulisk drivanordning, vid vilken cylindrarna for den rorliga kniven samt for- nedhallarens °eh mothallets kolvar aro kopplade i serie med varandra. Man kan amen .utf5ra anordnirtgen sâ, att knivarna kunna vara snedstallcia upp till 45°. Vid en sadan anordning verkar kapningskraften horisontellt eller i en vinkel av upp till 0 i forhallande till horisontalplanet. Om enligt uppfinningen anslaget Or anordnat 'Mgt och undanforbart, kan det avkapade stycket ut obehindrat, da snittet är fullbordat. Stangen kan dâ mains fram utan forlust, medan anslaget ater .svanger mitt. The present invention relates to an improvement of nail clippers of the nail-inch type. The invention can be characterized in particular by the fact that a hydraulically driven counter stop is connected to the hydraulic drive device, that the counter stop is arranged to abut against the movable knife holder and that the down holder is arranged on the scissor frame. According to a preferred embodiment of the invention, there is further provided for the knives a hydraulic drive device, in which the cylinders for the movable knife and the pistons of the downhole and the opposite hall are connected in series with each other. The device can be designed so that the knives can be inclined up to 45 °. In such a device the cutting force acts horizontally or at an angle of up to 0 in relation to the horizontal plane. If according to the invention the stop Or is arranged'gt and removable, the cut-off piece can emerge unhindered, when the cut is completed. The rod can then mains forward without loss, while the stop again .swing in the middle.

Ett exakt snitt kan aven uppnas, genom att kapningen sker fullstandigt symmetriskt. For detta andamal utformas i motsats till vad som forut har varit fallet, da neclhallningskraften Or mindre On. mothallskraften, nedhallaren ()eh mothallet Witte darns drivorgan lika starka. An exact cut can also be achieved by cutting completely symmetrically. For this purpose is formed in contrast to what has previously been the case, when the holding force Or less On. the counter force, the downhole () eh the counter Witte darns drive means as strong.

Med hj alp ay den hydrauliska driften blir detta majligt att uppna fordelaktigt. Under kapningen behover endast ett tryck utovas pa bagge hallarria, vilket tryck latt kan uttagas Iran den hydrauliska driften for den rorliga kniven. Aven denna omstandighet Or; att den oljehydrauliska driften visar sig vara sarskilt lamplig for en snoppsax. With the help of hydraulic operation, this can be achieved advantageously. During the cutting, only one pressure needs to be exerted on the rear hall, which can easily be removed from the hydraulic drive for the movable knife. Also this circumstance Or; that the oil-hydraulic operation turns out to be particularly suitable for a pair of scissors.

For den hydrauliska driften anvan,des lamp'igen en vevdrivanordning, mid -silken en pumpkolv verkar pa en vatskemassa, SOM kan regleras genom en i ledningen till vatskebehallaren anordnad ventil. For the hydraulic operation used, a lamp drive device was used, in which a pump piston acts on a liquid mass, which can be regulated by a valve arranged in the line to the liquid container.

Enligt ett ytterligare kannetecken pa uppfinningen utforrnas kniviippningen forstall bar. Dal material med tvarsnitt skall kapas med saxen, kan knivavstandet minskas 2— — med hj alp av en spindel. Hfirigenom blir det m5jligt att anpassa knivsladens slagldngd att den endast svarar mot det arbetsslag, som erfordras for den grovsta stangen, och dessutom en viss 5verrorelse for att icke hindra fOrskjutningen av stangen. For det mindre slaget erfordras ett mindre vridmoment i vevdrivanordningen. Hela drivningen av saxen blir Idttare. Samtidigt uppnas en. hogre kapacitet, genom. att saxens slagtal kan okas lika mycket som knivsladens slaglangd minskas. According to a further feature of the invention, the knife opening is designed to be stable. Dal material with a smaller cross-section must be cut with scissors, the knife distance can be reduced 2— - with the help of a spindle. This makes it possible to adjust the stroke of the knife blade so that it only corresponds to the type of work required for the coarsest rod, and also a certain amount of movement in order not to prevent the displacement of the rod. For the smaller stroke, a smaller torque is required in the web drive device. The entire drive of the scissors becomes Idttare. At the same time, one is achieved. higher capacity, by. that the stroke of the scissors can be increased as much as the stroke of the knife blade is reduced.

Uppfinningen kommer i det fOljande att beskrivas ndrmare med hanvisning till bifogade ritning, vilken som exempel visar en utforingsforrn. Fig. 1 visar en snappsax enligt uppfinningen i andvy och delvis i mitt. Fig. 2 är ett snitt efter linjen 2-2 i fig. 1. Fig. 3 är ett sant efter linjen 3-3 i fig. 2, varvid endast matningen av stangen och anordnandet av anslaget visas. The invention will be described in more detail below with reference to the accompanying drawing, which shows, by way of example, an embodiment. Fig. 1 shows a snap scissors according to the invention in front view and partly in the middle. Fig. 2 is a sectional view taken along line 2-2 of Fig. 1. Fig. 3 is a true view taken along line 3-3 of Fig. 2, showing only the feeding of the rod and the arrangement of the stop.

Snoppsaxen enligt uppfinningen. är i helhet anordnad sa, att de i ett stativ 10 anardnade knivarna 11 och 12 stâ vertikalt eller luta c:a 45° mot horisontallinjen, varigenom skarkraften verkar horisontellt eller I en. yinkel av upp till 0 i forhallande till harisontalplanet. Kniven 12 dr forbunden med en slade 13, vid vars dnde finnes en kolv 14 i en cylinder 15. Sam drivning anvandes en vevdrift med en pumpcylinder 16, i vilken en pumpkolv 17 arbetar. Pumpkolven 17 drives av en excenter 18 pa en axel 19, som är fast forbunden med ett kugghjul 20. Detta star i ingrepp med ett kugghjul 21, som over en remtransmission 22 drives av en elmotor 23. Fran pumpcylindern 16 gar en ledning 24 till cylindern 15. En annan ledning,,gar over en ventil 26 och kdningen 27 till en vatskebehallare 28. Ventilen 26 kan Over en tvd.- armad haystang 29, som ar vridbar omkring lagertappen 30, pdverkas av en elektromagnet 31 mot verkan av en fjdder 32. Pumpkolven 17 driver standigt den. volskevolym, som Or nodvandig Mr det maximala snoppningsslaget, fram och tillbaka. Kniven styres medelst ventikn 26. Sa. lange sam ventilen forblir oppen, star kniven stilla och pendlar valskepelaren mellan cylindern 16 och vatskebehallaren 28. Da. ventilen 26 stanges, ndrmare bestamt i det ogonblick, da excenterskivan 18 eller en motsvarande vevaxel befinner sig i sitt Ovre (Midge, forskjutes knivsldden 13 med sin. kniv 12 for utfOrande av en kapning. Sladens 13 atergang kan astadkommas pd olika sat. Den. astadkommes emellertid Fampligen ocksâ med hjdlp av ett tryckmedel, lampligen medelst tryckluft, som over en led-fling 33 verkar pa kolvens 14 baksida. Kniven arbetar salunda med konstant forspanning mot det overksamma laget. The snipping scissors according to the invention. is arranged in its entirety so that the knives 11 and 12 arranged in a stand 10 stand vertically or tilt approximately 45 ° towards the horizontal line, whereby the cutting force acts horizontally or in one. angle of up to 0 in relation to the horizontal plane. The knife 12 is connected to a slide 13, at the end of which there is a piston 14 in a cylinder 15. In co-operation a crank drive is used with a pump cylinder 16, in which a pump piston 17 operates. The pump piston 17 is driven by an eccentric 18 on a shaft 19, which is fixedly connected to a gear 20. This engages a gear 21, which over a belt transmission 22 is driven by an electric motor 23. From the pump cylinder 16 a line 24 goes to the cylinder 15. Another conduit passes over a valve 26 and the chain 27 to a liquid container 28. The valve 26 can be actuated by an electromagnet 31 against the action of a spring 32 via a double-armed hoist rod 29, which is rotatable about the bearing pin 30. The pump piston 17 constantly drives it. volskevolym, as Or nodvandig Mr the maximum snatching stroke, back and forth. The knife is controlled by means of a valve 26. Sa. lange sam valve remains open, the knife stands still and oscillates the roller column between the cylinder 16 and the water tank 28. Da. the valve 26 is closed, more precisely at the moment when the eccentric disc 18 or a corresponding crankshaft is in its upper (Midge, the knife blade 13 is displaced with its. knife 12 for performing a cut. However, it is also achieved with the aid of a means of pressure, preferably by means of compressed air, which acts on the back of the piston 14 via a hinge flap 33. The knife thus operates with constant bias against the inactive layer.

FOr anpassning efter kapning av stangmaterial med mindre tvarsnitt kan knivarnas 11 och 12 inbordes avstand regleras. For detta andamal anvdndes en spindel 34, sent Or far sedd med eft anslag 35 och kan drivas frdn en motor 37 Over en vaxel 36. Harigenom blir det mojligt att ndra anpassa knivsladens 13 slaglangd efter den rorelse, som erfordras for kapning av stangen 38. For adaptation after cutting rod material with a smaller cross-section, the distance between the blades 11 and 12 can be adjusted. For this purpose a spindle 34 was used, late or seen with a stop 35 and can be driven from a motor 37 over a gear 36. This makes it possible to change the stroke of the knife blade 13 according to the movement required for cutting the rod 38.

Med 39 och. 40 betecknas mothallet och nedhallaren. For underattande av knivbyte Oro mothallet ocii nedhallaren enligt uppfinningen anordnade utsvangbara. Mothallet 39 Or anordn:at svangbart omkring tappen 41, medan nedhallaren 40 kan svangas omkring tappen 42, sasom visas med brutna linjer. De kmfter, som inverka pa. mothallet 39 och nedhallaren 40, dro lika starka, vilket Or viktigt for kapningsforloppet. Organen 39 och 40 Oro forbundna med vat sin kolv 43 och 44, vilkas cylindrar 45 och 46 Over ledningar 47 och 48 Oro farbundna med knivsladens 13 cylinder 15. P0 grand hdrav kamma mothallet 39 och nedhallaren 40 att sattas under try& samtldigt med att knivsldd.en 13 ror sig framat och pressas mot arbetsstycket 38. With 39 and. 40 denotes the opposite hall and the downhole. To facilitate knife change, the anvil and the holder according to the invention are arranged swivel. The counter 39 is arranged pivotally about the pin 41, while the downhole 40 can be pivoted about the pin 42, as shown by broken lines. The forces that affect. the counter 39 and the downhole 40, pulled equally strong, which Or important for the cutting process. The means 39 and 40 are connected to their pistons 43 and 44, the cylinders 45 and 46 of which are connected to wires 47 and 48 are connected to the cylinder 15 of the knife blade 13. P0 grand hdrav comb the counter 39 and the lower holder 40 to be put under pressure & all with a knife blade. a 13 moves forward and is pressed against the workpiece 38.

Den stang 38, som skall kapas, matas lampligen fram medelst en rullbana 49. Ett stopp 50 begransar franunatningen och kan Elms uppit, lampligen medelst lanken 51, som kan svdnga omkring axeln 52. Ph ldnkens 51 fria ande verkar ett pneumatiskt eller hydrauliskt drivdon, som utgores av en i en cylinder 54 rorlig kolv 53. Med Milken 55 sakerstalles en parallellforskjutning av stoppanslaget 50. Det avskurna stycket kan salunda falla fritt. The rod 38 to be cut is suitably fed by means of a roller conveyor 49. A stop 50 limits the opening and can be raised upwards, suitably by means of the string 51, which can pivot about the shaft 52. The free spirit of the shaft 51 acts as a pneumatic or hydraulic drive. which consists of a piston 53 movable in a cylinder 54. With the Milken 55 a parallel displacement of the stop stop 50 is ensured. The cut-off piece can thus fall freely.

Rullbanan 49 framfor saxen Or lampligen anordnad rorlig i vertikalled, sasom visas med pilen 56, sa att varje stalk ph kniven kan utnyttjas, varigenom Imivens livslangd Okas. The roller conveyor 49 in front of the scissors Or is suitably arranged movably in the vertical direction, as indicated by the arrow 56, so that each stalk ph knife can be used, whereby the life of the Imiven is Okas.

Claims (5)

Patentansprak:Patent claim: 1. Snoppsax for kapning av runt eller fyrkantigt stangmaterial, med hydraulisk drivning av lmivarna och med en nedhallare, som Or hydrauliskt ansluten till ledningen Mr tillfOrsel av tryckvdtska till drivanordningen for knivhallaren, kannetecknad darav, att ett hydrauliskt drivet mothall (39) dr anslutet till den hydrauliska drivanordningen, att detta mothall Or anordnat att stodja mot den rorliga knivhallaren (13) och att nedhallaren (40) Or anordnad pa saxstativet (10).1. Scissors for cutting round or square rod material, with hydraulic drive of the limbs and with a retainer, which Or hydraulically connected to the line Mr Supply of pressure fluid to the drive device for the knife holder, characterized in that a hydraulically driven counter (39) there connected to the hydraulic drive device, that this counter stop is arranged to abut against the movable knife holder (13) and that the down holder (40) is arranged on the scissor frame (10). 2. Snoppsax enligt patentanspraket 1, kannetecknad ddrav, att cylinderrummen (15, 45, 46) tillhOrande den hydrauliska drivanordningen. for kolven (11) fOr knivhallaren. (13) saint for mothallet (39) och for nedhallaren (40) Oro forbundna med varandra i serie.2. A snare shear according to claim 1, characterized in that the cylinder chambers (15, 45, 46) belonging to the hydraulic drive device. for the piston (11) for the knife holder. (13) saint for the opposite (39) and for the lower (40) Concerns connected with each other in series. 3. Snoppsax enligt patentanspraket 1 eller 2, kannetecknad ddrav, att mothallet (39) och nedhallaren (40) tillsammans med sina drivanardningar (43, 44) Ore utbildade lika starka.3. A snap-scissors according to claim 1 or 2, characterized in that the counterweight (39) and the downhole (40) together with their drive devices (43, 44) are equally strong. 4. Snoppsax enligt nagat av patentanspraken 1-3, kinnetecknad ddrav, att mothallet — —3 (39) och nedhallaren (49) aro verksamma tatt intill knivarna (11, 12) oh aro anordnade var for Mg svanghara.4. Scissors according to any one of the patent claims 1-3, cheek-drawn die drive, that the opposite - - (39) and the lower holder (49) are operative taken next to the knives (11, 12) and are arranged for Mg svanghara. 5. Snopp sax enligt nagot av patentanspraken 1-1, kannetecknad darav, aft knivarna (11, 12) ph i och for sig knit satt aro anordnade vertikalt stiende och verka i horisontell riktning. Anforda publikationer: Patentskrif ter Iran Tyskland 281 794.5. Cut scissors according to any one of the patent claims 1-1, can be drawn therefrom, since the knives (11, 12) ph in and of themselves knit sat aro arranged vertically standing and act in horizontal direction. Request Publications: Patent Patent Iran Iran 281 794.
SE190404D SE190404C1 (en)

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SE190404C1 true SE190404C1 (en) 1964-01-01



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