RO136071A2 - Flow sheet for taking over agricultural products from harvester combines - Google Patents

Flow sheet for taking over agricultural products from harvester combines Download PDF


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RO136071A2 ROA202100266A RO202100266A RO136071A2 RO 136071 A2 RO136071 A2 RO 136071A2 RO A202100266 A ROA202100266 A RO A202100266A RO 202100266 A RO202100266 A RO 202100266A RO 136071 A2 RO136071 A2 RO 136071A2
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Ştefan Radu
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Ştefan Radu
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Application filed by Ştefan Radu filed Critical Ştefan Radu
Priority to ROA202100266A priority Critical patent/RO136071A2/en
Publication of RO136071A2 publication Critical patent/RO136071A2/en



  • Loading Or Unloading Of Vehicles (AREA)


The invention relates to a flow sheet for taking over agricultural products from harvester combines directly into changeable buckets on a conveying bucket-holder frame with hydraulic loader, with some devices for gripping the buckets and the cylindrical and rectangular bales and with some buckets for taking the bulk straws. According to the invention, the flow sheet is intended to be carried out in four complex stages, for the transport of stacked empty semi-buckets from the farms or farmers houses, coupling the semi-buckets and bringing a completed bucket under the harvesting combine discharge orifice, rotating the mobile frame of the conveying frame for bringing the bucket under the harvesting combine discharge orifice and the full bucket at the back of the conveying frame, in order for it to be taken over by the loader and placed onto the ground, then taking over the full buckets from the ground and loading them in trailers to transport them back to the farms.



Invenția se refera la un flux tehno;ogic si utilajele aferente pentru aplica-rea metodei de preluare a produselor agrico;e,direct de la combine, in befne schimbabile brevet Ro 110.610/96 ,pe um cadru rulant portbene brevvet Ro 112.796 cu un încărcător hydraulic Ro.l30.597/’14 cu niște dispozitive de prindere a benelor si a baloturilor cilindrice si rectangulare si cu niște bene de preluat paiele.The invention refers to a technological flow and related equipment for the application of the method of picking up agricultural products, directly from the combine, in exchangeable bins patent Ro 110,610/96, on a rolling frame portbene patent Ro 112,796 with a loader hydraulic Ro.l30.597/'14 with some devices for holding straws and cylindrical and rectangular bales and with some straw pick-up.

Datorita neconcordantei dintre necessitate si soluționare a mecanizării m-aximale a operațiilor conexe recoltării, tehnologiile si metdele actuale de adu-cere a recoltei de la mașini la beneficeri nu sunt satisfacatoare.Aceasta datorita nesincronizarii ritmului dintre cantitatea produsa de combina si cea transportata la beneficiar. In funcție de dotarea tenlogica se cunosc 3 metode de aducere a recoli la sedii astfel:Due to the inconsistency between the needs and the solution of the maximum mechanization of operations related to harvesting, the current technologies and methods of bringing the harvest from the machines to the beneficiaries are not satisfactory. This is due to the non-synchronization of the rhythm between the quantity produced by the combine and the one transported to the beneficiary. Depending on the technological endowment, there are 3 methods of bringing collections to the offices as follows:

*) Depuberea la sol a produselor combinei urmata de reincarcarea lor in cuvele autocamioanelor si transportrea la sedii cu un plus de încărcări si des-carcari.*) Deburring the products of the combine on the ground followed by their reloading in the vats of the trucks and transporting them to the headquarters with additional loading and unloading.

** ) Preluarea prouselor in buncare mari sau in cuvele basculantelor, unde întârzierea revenirii de la sedii a buncarelor duce la depunerea la sol a pro-duselor;** ) Picking up the waste in large bunkers or in the vats of tippers, where the delay in returning from the bunkers' premises leads to the deposition of the products on the ground;

** *) Incereaa preluări încărcăturilor portionate si retinue n saci uriași care prezintă greutati si nesiguranța la la încărcare si golire;** *) Incentivize the taking over of portioned loads and keep them in huge bags that present difficulties and insecurity when loading and emptying;

In plus nici metoda de colecare încărcare si descărcarea baloturilor agricole nu este satisacatoare,in lipsa unui mijloc adequate care sa eficientizeze opertii-le si fazele de preluare mahevrare,transport si stivuire a baloturilor.In addition, the method of collecting, loading and unloading agricultural bales is not satisfactory, in the absence of an adequate means to make the operations more efficient and the phases of handling, transport and stacking of the bales.

Astfel in prezent pe langa autocamionul-transportor se utilizează si un in-carcator insufficient funcțional care trebuie sa merga la fiecare ballot sa-1 preia, sal trantransporte si sa-1 depună pe platforma-cadru a transportorului.Thus, currently, in addition to the transporter truck, an insufficiently functional loader is also used, which has to go to each ballot to pick it up, transport it and deposit it on the frame platform of the transporter.

Aceiași problema este si la stivuire unde trebuie adus încărcătorul. Actualele incarcatore nu pot prelua bene countainere si satcini lungi, astfel ca metoda de preluare in bene schimbabile a produselor agrcole brevet 110.610/96 ca si colectarea simultana de pe anbele parii ale autovehiculul a baloturilor agricole nu se poate aplica. ΛThe same problem is when stacking where the charger must be brought. The current loaders cannot pick up container bales and long bales, so the method of picking up agricultural products in exchangeable bales patent 110.610/96 as well as the simultaneous collection of agricultural bales from both sides of the vehicle cannot be applied. Λ

Din aceasta cauza se întârzie cu liberarea solelor reapecrive sau se dau foc la paie si coceni. înlocuirea acestor metode penttu traseul parcurs de produsele recoltate de la gura combinei pana la beneficiar,in scpul eficientizarii operațiilor respectve este îngreunată de lipsa mijloacelor de preluare si de manevrareFor this reason, they delay the release of re-applied soils or set fire to straw and cobs. the replacement of these methods for the route taken by the harvested products from the mouth of the combine to the beneficiary, in order to make the respective operations more efficient, is hampered by the lack of means of retrieval and handling

Problema tehnica pe care o rezolva invenția consta in folosirea unei tehnologii bazate pe dotarea cu utilaje adequqte care aplica metoda de preluare a produselor in bene schimbabile brevet Ro 110.610/96 si pe cadrul rulant portbene brevet Ro. 112/796 si încărcătorul hidraulictriaxial brevet Ro 130597 mecanizand toate operatiide prelure,manevrare transport,descărcare si stivuire sau distribuire a benelr conținătoare.The technical problem that the invention solves consists in the use of a technology based on the provision of adequate equipment that applies the method of picking up products in exchangeable goods patent Ro 110.610/96 and on the rolling frame carrying goods patent Ro. 112/796 and the hydraulic triaxial loader patent Ro 130597, mechanizing all the operations of picking, handling, transport, unloading and stacking or distribution of containers.

Fluxul tehnlogic de mecanizare a operațiilor de preluare portionata si retinua ,transport si depunere a încărcăturilor direct de la combine la beneficiar are doua ramuri de aplicare astfel:The technological flow of the mechanization of portioned takeover and retention operations, transport and deposit of loads directly from the combine to the beneficiary has two branches of application as follows:

-l-Colectarea ,incarcarea, transportul si depunerea baloturor agricole prin actioanrea fiecărui braț pe fiecare parte de cate un servant se-parat si-l-Collecting, loading, transporting and depositing agricultural bales by the action of each arm on each side of a guarded servant and

-II -Preluarea,nanevrarea ,transportul si descurcarea a benelor schimbabile si containerelr prin acționarea simultana solidarzata a celor doua brațe ale inarcatorului. Prin aplicarea fluxului tehnologic se obțin următoarele avantaje:-II - Taking over, handling, transporting and untangling the changeable bins and containers through the simultaneous joint action of the two arms of the loader. By applying the technological flow, the following advantages are obtained:

- Se lărgește universalitatea tractorului prin folosirea lui si la încărcare;- The universality of the tractor is widened by using it also for loading;

—Face posibila realizarea operațiilor de încărcare si transport din câmp fara un încărcător special 11a un cost mai redus de achiziție;—Makes it possible to carry out loading and transport operations in the field without a special loader 11a a lower purchase cost;

- Permite preluarea mecanizata a recoltei in bene schimbabile, evitandu-se depunerea produselor secundare la sol si a boabelor in depozite;- It allows the mechanized harvesting of the harvest in exchangeable goods, avoiding the deposition of secondary products on the ground and grains in warehouses;

- Permite colectarea sarcinilor mici depărtate ca in cazul baloturior agriole ca si a celor mari alaturate, prin trecere directa;- It allows the collection of small distant loads, as in the case of agricultural bales, as well as of large ones, by direct passage;

Permite stivuirea si destivuirea înalta a baloturilor agricole, benelOr schimbabile, containerelor tipizate si paletilor cu saci,fara un încărcător separatt;It allows the high stacking and unloading of agricultural bales, even exchangeable, standard containers and pallets with bags, without a separate loader;

- Se economisește combustibil prin acționarea si alimentarea unui singur moor la incarcare si transport,odata cu creșterea productivității muncii la operații! conexe recoltării;- Fuel is saved by operating and feeding a single moor for loading and transport, along with the increase in work productivity during operations! related to harvesting;

-Se eliberează rapid solele pentru realizarea araturilor si semănăturilor de toamna si face posibila dotarea comunelor cu cel puțin un incardator pein preul accesibil, permite distribuirea directa si rapida Ia beneficiari a încărcăturilor.- Soils are quickly released for plowing and sowing in the fall and make it possible to equip the communes with at least one carder at an affordable price, allowing the direct and quick distribution of the loads to the beneficiaries.

Se da mai jos un exemplu de desfășurare a fluxului tehnologic in legătură cu figurile 1-28 care reprezintă:Below is an example of the development of the technological flow in relation to figures 1-28 which represent:


Fig.l a)-Incarcator hidraulic triaxial atașat in spatele tractorului cu brațe pli-ante închise in fata pentru mers singular sau cu remorci :Vedere laterala;Fig.l a)-Hydraulic triaxial loader attached to the back of the tractor with folding arms closed in front for walking alone or with trailers: Side view;

b)-Incarcator hidraulic triaxial atașat in spatele tractorului cu brațe telescopice închise in fata pentru mers singular sau cu remorci :Vedere laterala;b)-Hydraulic triaxial loader attached to the back of the tractor with telescopic arms closed in front for single travel or with trailers: Side view;

Fig. 2 Vedere din spate cu picioarele retractibile pe sol;Fig. 2 Rear view with retractable legs on the ground;

Fig. 3 Prezentare in perspectva a semibenelor schimbabile:Fig. 3 Perspective presentation of exchangeable semi-goods:

Jos : Cadrul de baza fixat pe sasiul remorcilor; mjloc: semibena inferioara, sus : semibena suprioara;Bottom: The basic frame fixed on the trailer chassis; middle: lower half, top: upper half;

Fig. 4 a) Vedere laterala a cadrul rulant prt bene bevet Ro 112.796:Fig. 4 a) Side view of the rolling frame for bene bevet Ro 112.796:

b) Vedere in plan a cadeului rulant portbrne brevt “b) Plan view of the patent-pending rolling tray "

Fig.5 Set de bene schimbabile scurte( patrate)differentiate după tipul construcției pereților adequt felillui încărcăturii;Fig.5 Set of exchangeable short (square) rails differentiated according to the type of wall construction suitable for the type of load;

Fig· 6 Set de bene schimbabilelungi differentiate după tipul construcției pere-tilor adequt felillui încărcăturii;Fig· 6 Set of interchangeable long rails differentiated according to the type of construction of the walls suitable for the type of load;

Fig. 7 Dispozitivul de prindere a benelor schimbabile: a) Vedere frontala ; b)vedere laterala;Fig. 7 The device for holding changeable rails: a) Frontal view; b) side view;

Fig. 8 Dispozitiv de orindere a baloturilor agricole cilindrice :a) a)vedere frontala;b) Sect. I-IFig. 8 Device for watering cylindrical agricultural bales: a) a) front view; b) Sect. I-I

Fig. 9 Acelas dispozitiv prinzând un ballot rectangular: a) Vedere frontala; b)sect.H-H.Fig. 9 The same device holding a rectangular ballot: a) Frontal view; b) sect. H-H.

Fig.10 Bena cu pereți rabatabili pentru preluarea paielor.Fig.10 Bin with folding walls for collecting straw.


Fig.l 1 Transportul semobenelor goale la câmp cu ncarcatorul după tractor Fig. 12 Transportul semibenelor goale la câmp cu încărcătorul intre remorcii Fig.. 13 Trenul transportor integrat tenologic la umplerea benelor in poz.0s§ Figl 14 începutul operației de preluare a produselor in bene schimbaile;Fig.l 1 Transporting empty semi-trailers to the field with the loader behind the tractor Fig. 12 The transport of empty semi-trailers to the field with the loader between the trailers Fig. 13 The technologically integrated conveyor train when filling the trailers in pos. 0s§ Figl 14 the beginning of the operation of taking over the products in the changeover trailers;

Brațele solidarizate pregătite pentru prindera benelor pline din poziția § si depunerea lor la sol; Brațele solidarizate pregătite pentru prindera benelor pline din poziția § si punerea tor la sol;Solidarized arms prepared for catching full bins from the § position and depositing them on the ground; The solidarized arms prepared for catching the full bins from the § position and placing the tor on the ground;

Fig. 15 Brațele încărcătorului rotite cu 90 gr. depunerea la sol a benelor pline;Fig. 15 Loader arms rotated 90 gr. depositing full bins on the ground;

Fig. 16 Brațele încărcătorului rotite cu 90 gr. pregaite pentru preluarea semibabenelorFig. 16 Loader arms rotated 90 gr. ready to take over the semi-babes

Fig. 16 Brațele încărcătorului rotite cu 90 gr. pregaite pentru preluarea semibenelor superioare din poziția 3 si închiderea lor pe bena inferiora din pozi.|2 pemtru umplere in poz.l;Repetarea ciclului;Fig. 16 Loader arms rotated 90 gr. ready for taking over the upper half-bars from position 3 and closing them on the lower bar from position 2 for filling in position 1; Repeating the cycle;

Fig.l7 Schema coleectarii din câmp a benelor pline cu ptoduse.Fig.l7 Field collection scheme of pits full of pods.

Fig. 18 Ducerea benelr pline din câmp Ia sediu cu încărcător după tractor;Fig. 18 Carrying full wells from the field to the headquarters with a loader after the tractor;

Fig.19 Ducreea benelr pline din câmp la sediu cu încărcător intre remorci;Fig.19 Carrying full wells from the field to the headquarters with a loader between the trailers;

Fig. 20 Schema de co lectare a baloturlor din câmp cu încărcătorul la mijloc.Fig. 20 Bale collection scheme from the field with the loader in the middle.

Fig. 21 Transportul baloturilor din câmp in cadre pe remorci cu incacatorul după tractor;Fig. 21 Transporting the bales from the field in frames on trailers with the loader behind the tractor;

Fig. 22 Transportul baloturilor din câmp in cadre pe remorci cu încărcătorul intre remorci;Fig. 22 Transporting bales from the field in frames on trailers with the loader between the trailers;

Fig. 23 Colectarea baloturilor din câmp cu 2 încărcătoare montate pe un transportor lung;Fig. 23 Collecting bales from the field with 2 loaders mounted on a long conveyor;

Fig.24 Tras portul baloturilor agricole pe un transpostor lung.Fig.24 Dragging the port of agricultural bales on a long conveyor.

Fig. 25 Stivuire înalta a baloturi;or;Fig. 25 High stacking of bales; or;

Fig. 26 Stivuirea înalta a benelor si containeelor;Fig. 26 High stacking of bins and containers;

Fig. 27 Transportul unui container pe un transourtor lumg cu doua încărcătoare ontate la capetele sasiuli; Vedere laterala;Fig. 27 Transporting a container on a transourtor with two loaders mounted on the ends of the chassis; Lateral vision;

Fig. 28 Idem; Vedere in pin cu rama de prindere pe sol.Fig. 28 Idem; View in pine with frame for holding on the ground.

Fluxul tehnologic de aplicare a melodei de preluare a produselor agricole in bene schiimbabile coform invenției se realizează prin folosirea grupului de utilaje adaptate funcionalitatii astfel:The technological flow of application of the method of taking over agricultural products in exchangeable goods according to the invention is carried out by using the group of machines adapted to the functionality as follows:

Un tractor sau alt autovehicul A,un incarctor B brevet 130.597 ,una sau doua remorci de 5-7 tone C ,unul sau doua cadre rulante CI brevet Ro 112-796 sau un transportor special C2, un număr suficient de bene schimbabile D bevet Ro 110.610 precum si rame si dispozitive de prindere E adaptate fiecărui caz;.O alta /3 remorca C‘ trasa decom binepoate purta bene lungi sau scurte goale sau poae prelua produse secundare vrac sau reținute incite spațiale din bare de otell, sauA tractor or other vehicle A, a loader B patent 130,597, one or two trailers of 5-7 tons C, one or two rolling frames CI patent Ro 112-796 or a special transporter C2, a sufficient number of interchangeable goods D bevet Ro 110.610 as well as frames and fastening devices E adapted to each case; another /3 trailer C' drawn separately may well carry long or short empty bins or may take by-products in bulk or retained spatially from steel bars, or

PVC care depse la sol sa înlocuiască ballotarea.PVC that settles on the ground to replace balloting.

Pentru tractarea si acționarea utilajelor concepute pentru aplicarea fluxului tehnologici de preluare portionata si reținuta a produselor agi-cole a fost avut in vedere tractrul U 650 sau echivalent ale cărui cote de gabarit ca si acelorlalte utilaje se incadreaza in secțiunea legala de trnspot lxh=2,5 x4 m, iar trenul format de tractor, încărcător si remorci sa se incadreza in cota de gabarit fie L0 < 19,5m. Fluxul tehnlogic de preluare de la mașini sau de pe sol a produselor recoltae preinta doua ramuri diferite de acțiune astfel:For towing and driving the machines designed for the application of the technological flow of portioned and retained takeover of agi-cole products, the tractor U 650 or equivalent was considered, whose dimensions, like those other machines, fall within the legal section of trnspot lxh=2, 5 x 4 m, and the train consisting of the tractor, loader and trailers should fall within the gauge dimension, either L0 < 19.5m. The technological flow of picking up harvested products from machines or from the ground takes two different branches of action as follows:

I—Preluarea portionata si reținuta a boabelor in bene schimbabile siI—The portioned and retained collection of grains in exchangeable bins and

Π Colectarea, transportul si stivuirea baoturi;lor de paie si fan depu-se la sol. Fluxul tehno;ogic de preluare portionata s reținuta a produselor de la combi-lor din câmp la sedii si domicilii cuprinde trei operatii compuse din faze :Π Collection, transport and stacking of bales of straw and hay deposited on the ground. The technological flow of portioned and retained collection of products from vans in the field to offices and residences includes three operations composed of phases:

Ol-Transportul grupatul benelor goale cnform fig. 13 si 14 de la sedii si domcilii cu stocarea lor la capetele solei de recoltat; Fazele acestei operatii sunt: Prind erea benelor de către ghiarele ramelor depunerea benelorpe cadrele remorcilor, tran-sportul lor la capetele solelor pentru stocare;Ol-The grouped transport of empty bins according to fig. 13 and 14 from the headquarters and residences with their storage at the ends of the harvest soil; The phases of this operation are: Catching the bins by the claws of the frames, depositing the bins on the trailer frames, transporting them to the ends of the floors for storage;

02- Formarea trenului tehnologic de preluare a p produselor de la gura combinelor ca in fig. 15 si 16;,depunerea la sol a benelor plineconf.fig.13 si transferul de semibene si cpl-area lor ca in fig. 15 si 16 pentru reluarea ciclului; Fazele acestei peratii sunt urm-ttoarele:02- Formation of the technological train for taking over the products from the mouth of the combines as in fig. 15 and 16;, depositing the full bins on the ground conf. fig. 13 and the transfer of half bins and their coupling as in fig. 15 and 16 for resuming the cycle; The phases of this process are as follows:

Preluarea semibenelor din remorca dn spate si împerecherea lor pe emrca din fata peca-re după umplre se comuta bena goala sub gura combinei pentru mplere si/preluarea bene-pline dinpoziia 2s depunerea ei la sol;Taking the semi-bins from the rear trailer and pairing them on the front wheel, after filling, the empty bin is switched under the mouth of the filling machine and/or taking the full bins from position 2 and depositing them on the ground;

O3-Preluarea benelor pline de la sol, transportul si stivuirea lor.Fazele aestei operatii sunt:O3-Taking full bins from the ground, transporting and stacking them. The phases of this operation are:

Aducrea trenuui transportor lana bena de preluatt. aducerea bra-telor sokidarizate deasupra benei,p rine rea ei de rame cu ghiarelor, rotrea brataelorcu 90 gr si a ramei side punerea benelor pe cadrul re-molor cu blocarea lor urmata de de-plasarea trenului la loul de stivuires au descărcare cu incheerea operatiri.Bringing the wool transporter train to be picked up. bringing the sokidarized arms on top of the platform, through its frame with claws, rotating the arms with 90 gr and the frame and placing the platforms on the frame of the pier with their blocking followed by moving the train to the stacking area and unloading with the end of the operations .

Pentru colectarea baloturilor din câmp se montează cadrul respectiv si se acRO 136071 A2 toneaza singu-lar pe fiecare parte iar după transportare se stvuiesc.To collect the bales from the field, the respective frame is mounted and acRO 136071 A2 toned individually on each side and after transportation they are stacked.

Pentru realizarea mișcărilor necesare depunerii benelor pe platformele remocilor pentru preluarea produslor de la gura combinei se folosrssc doua cadre rullante brevet Ro 112.11796 intre care se cuplează incarctorul Ro 130.597.To carry out the movements necessary to place the buckets on the trailers' platforms to pick up the products from the mouth of the combine, two rolling frames patent Ro 112.11796 are used, between which the loader Ro 130.597 is connected.

Pentru completarea dotării tehnologice a acțiunii de aducere a pro-duselor recoltate portio-nate si reinute in bene si baloturi dn câmp la sedii este nevoie de proiectarea si realizarea de mijloace de prindre cu posibilitate de rotire in plan orizontal.Totodata este nvoie de un număr suficient de bene aflate in pto prieta tea prestatatirului sau a cetaenilor.In order to complete the technological endowment of the action of bringing the harvested products portioned and retained in buckets and bales from the field to the headquarters, it is necessary to design and create means of catching with the possibility of rotating in the horizontal plane. At the same time, there is a need for a number enough assets in the hands of the lender or the citizens.

Se înțelege ca nu toate fermele pot deține utilajele necesare acestei tehnologiisi nevoie deconstitirea de firme prestatatoare de servicii de recoltare cu ecamizare maximala. Pentru eficientizarea msximala a transportului agricol este nevie de constructe unor transpo rtoarelungi cu acționare hidraulica a otlor.It is understood that not all farms can have the necessary equipment for this technology and it is necessary to set up companies providing harvesting services with maximum layering. For the maximum efficiency of agricultural transport, it is necessary to build some long conveyors with hydraulic drive of the steel.

Din prezentarea acestei invenții se vede clar ca fara acest aincarcator metoda si benele pntru preluara produselor agricole brevet Ro.l 10.610 nu se poate aplica pentru ca actualele incarcatare sunt incompatibile cu funcționalitatea ceruta..From the presentation of this invention it is clear that without this loader the method and the wells for taking over agricultural products patent Ro.l 10.610 cannot be applied because the current loadings are incompatible with the required functionality.

Claims (2)

REVENDICARidemand 1 ) Flux teh.wJpgk de preluare portionai-retinuta in benekor schimbabiie cu produse de la combine cu transportul lor la sedii, caracterizat prin aceea ca pentru eficientizarea operației de recoltare prin mecanizarea maximala a operațiilor conexe se folosesc mijloace, adaptate operației care conlucrează intre ele care sunt bene schimbabiie brevet Ro 110.610/96, cadru rulant portbene brewe Ro 112.796, încărcător hidraulic Ro.130.597 si dispozitiv de prindere a benelorsi a baloturilor cilindrice si rectangulare si bene de pre-luat paiele.1) Tech.wJpgk flow of taking portionai-retained in benekor exchange with products from combines with their transport to the headquarters, characterized by the fact that for the efficiency of the harvesting operation through the maximum mechanization of the related operations, means are used, adapted to the operation that work together which are Ro 110.610/96 patent exchange bales, Ro 112.796 bale carrier rolling frame, Ro.130.597 hydraulic loader and a device for holding bales and cylindrical and rectangular bales and straw pick-up bales. 2 )Flux tehnologic conform revendicării 1 caracterizat prin aceea ca se realizează in patru fazei complexe: pentru (a) transportul semobenelor goale suprapuse de la sediile fermelor sau domciliul cetatenlor; (b) cuplarea semibebelor si aducerea unei bene întregite sub gura combinei, (c) rotirea cadrului mobil al cadrului ru;ant pentru aducerea benei goale sub gura combinei s a celei [line in spatele cadru;ului rulant pemtru a fi preluata de încărcător si depusa la sol si (d) preluarea benelor pline de la sol,încărcarea lor in remorci si transportul lor la seddiu.2) Technological flow according to claim 1, characterized by the fact that it is carried out in four complex phases: for (a) the transport of overlapping empty semi-trailers from the premises of farms or the residence of citizens; (b) coupling the semi-babies and bringing a complete bucket under the mouth of the combine, (c) rotating the mobile frame of the rolling frame to bring the empty bucket under the mouth of the combine and the one behind the rolling frame to be picked up by the loader and deposited on the ground and (d) taking over the full bins from the ground, loading them into trailers and transporting them to the headquarters.
ROA202100266A 2021-05-19 2021-05-19 Flow sheet for taking over agricultural products from harvester combines RO136071A2 (en)

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ROA202100266A RO136071A2 (en) 2021-05-19 2021-05-19 Flow sheet for taking over agricultural products from harvester combines

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ROA202100266A RO136071A2 (en) 2021-05-19 2021-05-19 Flow sheet for taking over agricultural products from harvester combines

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RO136071A2 true RO136071A2 (en) 2022-11-29



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ROA202100266A RO136071A2 (en) 2021-05-19 2021-05-19 Flow sheet for taking over agricultural products from harvester combines

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