RO133861A2 - Integrated system for personalized medical alert () - Google Patents

Integrated system for personalized medical alert () Download PDF


Publication number
RO133861A2 ROA201800517A RO201800517A RO133861A2 RO 133861 A2 RO133861 A2 RO 133861A2 RO A201800517 A ROA201800517 A RO A201800517A RO 201800517 A RO201800517 A RO 201800517A RO 133861 A2 RO133861 A2 RO 133861A2
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Laurenţiu Belusica
Andrei Oancea
Original Assignee
Laurenţiu Belusica
Andrei Oancea
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Application filed by Laurenţiu Belusica, Andrei Oancea filed Critical Laurenţiu Belusica
Priority to ROA201800517A priority Critical patent/RO133861A2/en
Publication of RO133861A2 publication Critical patent/RO133861A2/en



  • Medical Treatment And Welfare Office Work (AREA)


The invention relates to an integrated system for personalized medical alert which allow medical data to be taken over from patients, to be stored and updated and to be interpreted by medical consultants who assess the patients' health condition, identify the disease and the seriousness thereof, make recommendations regarding specific tests and treatments, coordinate the activities by which each patient is automatically and periodically alerted for medical tests, periodical or occasional medical consultations that need to be performed for a more effective and optimized medical care, available on a subscription basis in exchange for which the subscriber receives, via a preferred communication way, a user name and a password through which the patient has access to the above-mentioned medical services.


Invenția se refera la un sistem integrat de alertare medicala personalizata (SIAMP) care permite preluarea unor date cu caracter medical in mod personalizat de la pacienti, stocarea si actualizarea lor, interpretarea de către medici specialiști, care evalueaza starea de sanatate, identifica afecțiunile si gravitatea acestora, fac recomandări privind analize si tratamente specifice, coordonează activitatile prin care fiecare pacient sa fie alertat automat si periodic cu privire la analize medicale, prezentări la consultații medicale periodice sau ocazionale pe care trebuie sa urmeze pentru efîcientizarea si optimizarea actului medical, acestea pe baza de abonament pe care persoana respectiva il face, iar in schimbul lui, pe o cale de comunicare aleasa primește un user si o parola cu care ea sau o persoana care o reprezintă legal sau convențional. Fisele se actualizeaza, iar informațiile medicale sunt analizate de medici specialiști, sunt prelucrate automat in sistem si se actualizeaza situația medicala care generează noile alerte.The invention relates to an integrated system of personalized medical alert (SIAMP) that allows the retrieval of personalized medical data from patients, their storage and updating, the interpretation by specialist doctors, which assesses the health status, identifies the conditions and the severity. they make recommendations regarding specific analyzes and treatments, coordinate the activities by which each patient is automatically and periodically alerted on medical analyzes, presentations at periodic or occasional medical consultations to be followed for the efficiency and optimization of the medical document, these based on of the subscription that the respective person makes, and in return, a chosen communication path receives a user and a password with which she or a person who represents it legally or conventionally. The records are updated, and the medical information is analyzed by specialist doctors, they are automatically processed in the system and the medical situation that generates the new alerts is updated.

Este cunoscut faptul ca in literatura de specialitate găsim diferite sisteme de supraveghere si avertizare medicala, insa acestea folosesc metode care se aplica punctual si ocazional, in urma accesării de către pacient numai in situații in care acesta are o problema medicala si are nevoie de o consultație, iar sistemul il dirijează la diferite servicii medicale pentru rezolvarea situației aparute.It is known that in the specialized literature we find different systems of medical supervision and warning, but they use methods that are applied punctually and occasionally, following the access by the patient only in cases where he has a medical problem and needs a consultation. , and the system directs it to different medical services to solve the situation.

Se mai cunosc sisteme care folosesc cate un bloc mobil pentru fiecare persoana monitorizata, care conține niște senzori medicali, diferențiat in funcție de parametrii medicali de monitorizare specifici pacientului si un bloc fix care conține mijloace de primire ai prelucrare a informațiilor referitoare la valoarea personalizata a parametrilor monitorizați, transferul de date intre cele doua blocuri facandu-se prin semnale codate, pe baza informațiilor primite si o schema de răspuns personalizata pentru fiecare pacient monitorizat, iar un bloc de decizie al blocului fix stabilește modul de reacție al sistemuluiThere are also known systems that use a mobile block for each monitored person, which contains some medical sensors, differentiated according to the patient-specific medical monitoring parameters and a fixed block that contains means of receiving and processing information regarding the personalized value of the parameters. monitor, the data transfer between the two blocks is done by coded signals, based on the information received and a personalized response scheme for each monitored patient, and a decision block of the fixed block establishes the system reaction mode

Alte sisteme se aplica punctual si ocazional, când pacientul are nevoie de o consultație la distanta si la recomandarea unor tratamente.Other systems are applied punctually and occasionally, when the patient needs a remote consultation and to recommend treatments.

Se cunoaște faptul ca fiecare evaluare făcută de medicii specialiști are un cost pe care il suporta pacientul sau sistemul public de asigurări de sanatate, iar consultul efectuat in mod tradițional implica astfel de costuri. SIAMP scade costurile trimițând pacientul abonat numai la acele investigații care ii folosesc cu adevarat.It is known that each evaluation made by the specialist doctors has a cost incurred by the patient or the public health insurance system, and the consultation traditionally involves such costs. SIAMP reduces costs by sending the subscriber patient only to those investigations that really use them.

a 2018 00517to 2018 00517


Este cunoscut de asemenea faptul ca actualele protocoale si sisteme de prevenție sunt general valabile, sunt numeroase, sunt neunitare, sunt necunoscute de majoritatea utilizatorilor deoarece apar disparat pe diferite site uri si surse on line, in reviste de specialitate sau, in publicațiile instituțiilor abilitate in domeniul sanatatii, dar mai ales ele nu sunt aplicabile punctual si personalizat fiecare pacient in parte, respectivele informații au de cele mai multe ori nevoie sa fie interpretate de medici de diferite specialități, iar aplicarea de către pacienti, fara recomandarea medicala de specialitate ar putea fi daunatoare.It is also known that the current protocols and prevention systems are generally valid, they are numerous, they are non-unitary, they are unknown to most users because they appear disparate on different sites and sources online, in specialized magazines or, in publications of institutions authorized in the field of health, but especially they are not applicable punctually and individually each patient, the respective information most often need to be interpreted by doctors of different specialties, and the application by patients, without the specialized medical recommendation could be harmful.

Toate acestea sunt dezavantaje, in raport cu metoda conform invenției, care are ca scop si finalitate imbunatatirea sistemelor de supraveghere si avertizare medicala de la distanta, a fiecărui pacient, in mod personalizat, in timp optim si real, in raport de necesitățile terapeutice pe care le are.All these are disadvantages, in relation to the method according to the invention, which has as its purpose and purpose the improvement of the systems of remote medical supervision and warning, of each patient, in a personalized way, in an optimal and real time, in relation to the therapeutic needs that has them.

Invenția înlătură dezavantajele de mai sus, prin aceea caThe invention removes the above disadvantages, by the fact that

- face o sinteza a informațiilor medicale care rezulta din datele reale si personale ale fiecărui pacient,- synthesizes the medical information that results from the actual and personal data of each patient,

- face interpretarea stării generale de sanatate a fiecărui pacient- performs the interpretation of the general health status of each patient

- face identificarea afecțiunilor pe care le are pacientul si a gravitații acestora- makes the identification of the diseases that the patient has and their severity

- face recomandări privind analize si tratamente specifice afecțiunii si gravitații afecțiunilor fiecărui pacient- makes recommendations regarding analyzes and treatments specific to the disease and the severity of the illnesses of each patient

- se adreseaza personalizat fiecărui pacient,- is addressed to each patient individually,

- face actualizarea datelor si alertarea persoanei cu privire la analize medicale, consultații si terapii pe care trebuie sa le urmeze pentru susținerea stării de sanatate la parametrii funcționali.- update the data and alert the person regarding medical analyzes, consultations and therapies to be followed in order to support the health status at the functional parameters.

Invenția este constituita dintr- o metoda de medicina terapeutica ce tine cont de particularitățile pacientului pentru diagnostic si prevenție, folosește un program informatic pentru coordonarea activitatilor de prevenție prin care orice persoana fizica, indiferent de varsta, sex, stare de sanatate fizica sau psihica si de particularități, sa fie alertata automat si periodic cu privire la analize medicale, prezentări la consultații medicale periodice sau ocazionale pe care trebuie sa urmeze in mod personalizat.The invention consists of a method of therapeutic medicine that takes into account the particularities of the patient for diagnosis and prevention, uses a computer program to coordinate the preventive activities by which any natural person, regardless of age, sex, physical or mental health and mental health. particularities, to be alerted automatically and periodically regarding medical analyzes, presentations to periodic or occasional medical consultations that must be personalized.

Persoana care dorește sa devină utilizator, se adreseaza administratorului sistemului la datele de corespondenta făcute cunoscute prin mijloace de publicitate, completează o fisa preformata cu date solicitate despre starea sa de sanatate si despre o serie de obiceiuri legate de activitatea zilnica (fumat, consum de alcool, tip de munca, expunere la noxe, regiune geografica etc) antecedente medicale si familiale, afecțiuni cunoscute, afecțiuni cronice, tratamente.The person who wishes to become a user, addresses the system administrator to the correspondence data made known by advertising means, completes a preformed form with required data about his health and about a series of habits related to daily activity (smoking, alcohol consumption , type of work, exposure to pollution, geographical region, etc.) medical and family history, known illnesses, chronic illnesses, treatments.

a 2018 00517to 2018 00517


Se înregistrează datele cu caracter personal : nume, prenume, cod numeric personal, varsta, sex, carte de identitate, adresa de domiciliu, alte adrese de reședința, numărul de telefon, numere de telefon ale reprezentantului legal sau convențional daca este cazul, numere de telefon ale rudelor sau cunoștințelor apropiate, adrese e-mail, nr. fax si altele.The personal data are recorded: name, surname, personal numeric code, age, gender, identity card, home address, other residence addresses, telephone number, telephone numbers of the legal or conventional representative, if applicable, telephone numbers. telephone of relatives or close acquaintances, e-mail addresses, no. fax and others.

De asemenea, se înregistrează datele importante ca de ex : numele si prenumele medicului de familie, numărul de telefon, nr fax, adresa e-mail, adresa de sediu a acestuia, denumirea , sediul si datele de corespondenta ale clinicilor, spitalelor la care pacientul este deja in tratament pentru afecțiuni comice.It also records important data such as: name and surname of the family doctor, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address, address of his / her address, name, headquarters and correspondence data of the clinics, hospitals where the patient is already in treatment for comical disorders.

Se mai înregistrează datele cu caracter medical : grupa de sânge, alergii cunoscute, intolerante, sensibilități, boli cunoscute, boli contagioase, boli cronice, intervenții chirurgicale suferite, infirmități, alte probleme medicale, tratamente medicale urmate de pacient cu caracter de continuitate, terapii recomandate, toate acestea fiind consemnate pe baza documentelor medicale prezentate.The medical data are also recorded: blood group, known allergies, intolerances, sensitivities, known diseases, contagious diseases, chronic diseases, surgery, infirmities, other medical problems, medical treatments followed by the patient with continuity character, recommended therapies. , all of which are recorded on the basis of the presented medical documents.

Aceste informații personale si medicale se salveaza intr-o baza de date informatizata care face parte din sistem, acestea urmând a fi actualizata pe toata durata abonării. Pentru fiecare pacient se creaza o baza de date distincta, in care se înregistrează datele cu caracter personal si medical.This personal and medical information is saved in a computerized database that is part of the system, which will be updated throughout the subscription period. For each patient, a separate database is created, in which the personal and medical data are recorded.

Bazei de date astfel creata I se asigura respectarea proiecției datelor personale si confidențialitatea pacientului, ea fiind identificabila si accesibila numai utilizatorului abonat, ori unei persoane care il reprezintă legal sau convențional.The database thus created ensures the respect of the projection of the personal data and the confidentiality of the patient, being identifiable and accessible only to the subscribed user, or to a person who represents it legally or conventionally.

Accesarea bazei de date personale este permisa pe toata perioada abonării, pe baza unui user si parola comunicata de către administratorul sistemului.Access to the personal database is allowed throughout the subscription period, based on a user and password communicated by the system administrator.

Baza de date a fiecărui pacient este analizata, evaluata de către medicii specialiști ce fac parte din sistem, care fac comparație intre înregistrările anterioare si limitele de normalitate si stabilesc ce conduita terapeutica, trebuie urmata pe baza unor evaluări efectuate de medici specialiști, care au in vedere antecedentele personale si colaterale, date medicale reale si personale ale fiecărui utilizator.The database of each patient is analyzed, evaluated by the specialist doctors who are part of the system, who compare the previous records with the limits of normality and determine what the therapeutic behavior should be followed based on evaluations carried out by specialist doctors, who have view the personal and collateral history, real and personal medical data of each user.

Accesarea sistemului se face pe baza unui abonament si cu asigurarea securității datelor personale , respectiv a informațiilor conținute in fisa, utilizatorul alegand calea de comunicare de ex. email, sms, fax, telefon si altele, prin care sa fie alertat automat si periodic cu privire la analize medicale, prezentări laThe access of the system is made on the basis of a subscription and with the security of the personal data, respectively of the information contained in the file, the user choosing the communication path eg. email, sms, fax, telephone and others, to be alerted automatically and periodically regarding medical analyzes, presentations to


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.* ROMANȘA * 3 a 2018 00517. * ROMANIA * 3 to 2018 00517

09/07/2018 consultații medicale periodice sau ocazionale pe care trebuie sa urmeze, care se stabilesc in mod personalizat, pe baza unor evaluări efectuate de medici specialiști, care au in vedere antecedentele personale si colaterale pe care utilizatorul le are si pe care le prezintă intr-o fisa cu date solicitate.09/07/2018 periodic or occasional medical consultations to be followed, which are established in a personalized way, based on evaluations carried out by specialist doctors, taking into account the personal and collateral history that the user has and presents in a form with requested data.

Sistemul pe baza datelor medicale reale si personale ale fiecărui utilizator, face interpretarea stării generale de sanatate a acestuia, face identificarea afecțiunilor pe care le are utilizatorul si a gravitații acestora, face recomandări privind analize si tratamente specifice afecțiunii si gravitații acestora.The system based on the actual and personal medical data of each user, makes the interpretation of the general health status of the user, makes the identification of the diseases that the user has and their severity, makes recommendations on analyzes and treatments specific to the condition and their severity.

Accesul la fisa utilizatorului este permis non stop, pe perioada de abonare, pe baza unui user si parola, pe care administratorul sistemului i le comunica acestuia sau altei persoane care il reprezintă in mod legal sau convențional.Access to the user card is allowed non-stop, during the subscription period, based on a user and password, which the system administrator communicates to him or to another person who represents him legally or conventionally.

Sistemul SIAMP permite completarea fisei de către utilizator cu date pentru actualizare, insa nu permite modificarea si nici ștergerea de către acesta a datelor medicale.The SIAMP system allows the user to complete the card with data for updating, but does not allow the modification or deletion of the medical data.

Sistemul folosește un server care deține baza de date si un laborator informatic de unde este corelat si integrat fiecare utilizator. Datele medicale vor fi completate de medici de diferite specialități care lucrează in sistem, iar aceștia fac si informări periodice cu aplicabilitate la grupuri de pacienti care au boli încadrate in anumite specialități corespondente.The system uses a server that holds the database and a computer lab where each user is correlated and integrated. The medical data will be supplemented by doctors from different specialties who work in the system, and they also make periodic information applicable to groups of patients who have diseases classified in certain corresponding specialties.

Sistemul SIAMP poate genera direct biletul de trimitere, nominalizat pentru uitilizatorul abonat si ii poate oferi acestuia informații si alternative de unde alege furnizorul de servicii medicale.The SIAMP system can directly generate the referral ticket, nominated for the subscriber user and can offer him information and alternatives from which he chooses the healthcare provider.

După ce utilizatorul are rezultate ale investigațiilor medicale sau consultațiilor conform programului generat de sistem sau intervenite ca urgenta medicala, isi deschide fisa si introduce datele noi, care vor fi prelucrate automat de sistem si vor fi adaptate in vederea stabilirii noilor alerte. Pentru înscrierea datelor in sistem, utilizatorul are la dispoziție o centrala telefonica cu mai multe numere unde acesta poate fi îndrumat sa completeze fisa in orice moment.After the user has the results of medical investigations or consultations according to the program generated by the system or intervened as a medical emergency, he opens his sheet and introduces the new data, which will be automatically processed by the system and will be adapted in order to establish new alerts. To register the data in the system, the user has at his disposal a telephone exchange with several numbers where he can be directed to complete the card at any time.

Sistemul SIAMP poate fi pus in legătură cu orice tip de furnizor din sistemul de sanatate, medici de familie, spitale, alte organizații cu interes in domeniul sanatatii publice, caruia sa-I comunice informațiile medicale ale utilizatorului, in vederea eficientizarii si optimizării actului medical, el putând fi tradus in oriceji ntru a fi folosit de orice utilizator.The SIAMP system can be connected to any type of provider in the health system, family doctors, hospitals, other organizations with interest in the field of public health, to whom to communicate the user's medical information, in order to make the medical act more efficient and optimized, it can be translated in any case for use by any user.



HR. 1·520·1»ΐ3HR. 1 · 520 · 1 »ΐ3



a 2018 00517to 2018 00517


Avantajele aplicării invenției constau in aceea ca fata de soluțiile tehnice cunoscute, sistemul integrat de alertare medicala personalizata (SIAMP) conform invenției permite ca pentru fiecare pacient in mod personalizat, medicii specialiști care lucrează in sistem, sa analizeze si sa evalueze starea de sanatate, sa identifice afecțiunile si gravitatea acestora, sa faca recomandări privind analize si tratamente specifice, care se impun, sa coordoneaze activitatile prin care fiecare pacient sa fie alertat automat si periodic cu privire la analize medicale, prezentări la consultații medicale periodice sau ocazionale pe care trebuie sa le urmeze.The advantages of applying the invention consist in that compared to the known technical solutions, the integrated personalized medical alert system (SIAMP) according to the invention allows for each patient in a personalized way, the specialized doctors working in the system, to analyze and evaluate the health, to identify the conditions and their severity, make recommendations regarding specific analyzes and treatments, which are required, coordinate the activities by which each patient is automatically and periodically alerted on medical analyzes, presentations at periodic or occasional medical consultations that they must follow.

Se reduc costurile, atat ale sistemului public de sanatate, cat si ale utilizatoruluiThe costs of both the public health system and the user are reduced

Se reduce timpul alocat pentru îngrijirea sanatatii de către utilizator asigurând in același timp un plus de calitate.It reduces the time allotted for health care by the user while ensuring a higher quality.

Se reduce aglomerația din cabinetele medicale si laboratoarele de analize, asigurandu-se mai bune condiții pentru restul pacientilor din sistemul de sanatateThe agglomeration of the medical offices and the analysis laboratories is reduced, ensuring better conditions for the rest of the patients in the health system.

Sistemul va crea locuri de munca cu program flexibil ceea ce conferă medicilor angajați posibilitatea de colaborare si perfecționare, ceea ce duce la creșterea calitatii actului medical.The system will create flexible workplaces, which gives employees the possibility of collaboration and improvement, which increases the quality of the medical act.

Reduce numărul erorilor medicale, căci la evaluarea pacientului si la stabilirea recomandărilor care i se adreseaza, se ia in considerare considerare dignosticul sau afecțiunile concomitente cu care acesta este înregistrat in baza de date si toate documentele medicale care au stabilit deciziile terapeutice date de unul sau mai multi specialiști.It reduces the number of medical errors, because when evaluating the patient and in establishing the recommendations addressed to him, the diagnosis or the concomitant diseases with which he is registered in the database and all the medical documents that established the therapeutic decisions given by one or more are taken into consideration. many specialists.

Decizia este luata in mod profesional, intr-un timp optim, fara implicarea factorului uman in direct, astfel incat, sistemul conform invenției, optimizează costurile, efortul si timpul pacientului, fiind un sistem integrat de alertare medicala personalizata care eficientizeaza si optimizează actul medical,The decision is made in a professional way, in an optimal time, without involving the human factor directly, so that the system according to the invention, optimizes the costs, effort and time of the patient, being an integrated system of personalized medical alert that makes the medical act more efficient and optimized,

Accesul la sistem este asigurat non-stop pentru toate specialitățile necesare, inclusiv pentru cele de urgente medicale, către care se dirijează pacientul in caz de nevoie, dandu-i-se informațiile si legaturile necesare pentru cea mai adecvata si mai apropiata instituție sanitara in specialitatea respectiva, fiind posibila trimiterea către aceasta a actelor medicale si a informațiilor existente, care constituie o baza ce duce la scurtarea timpilor de așteptare, la imbunatatirea performantelor si calitatii actului medical.The access to the system is provided non-stop for all the necessary specialties, including those for medical emergencies, to which the patient is directed in case of need, being given the necessary information and links for the most appropriate and closest healthcare institution in the specialty. the respective, being possible to send to it the medical documents and the existing information, which is a basis that leads to the shortening of waiting times, to the improvement of the performances and the quality of the medical act.

a 2018 00517to 2018 00517


Se da in continuare exemplu de realizare a cu titlu de exemplu, dar fara caracter limitativ al sistemului integrat de alertare medicala personalizata (SIAMP)The following is an example of an example, but without limitation of the integrated personalized medical alert system (SIAMP).

Datele de corespondenta ale administratorului sistemului sunt făcute cunoscute prin mijloace de publicitate si condițiile de abonare la sistem.The correspondence data of the system administrator are made known by means of publicity and the conditions of subscription to the system.

Se înregistrează in sistem orice solicitare făcută de către o persoana fizica care dorește sa devină utilizator, in condițiile de abonare. Pe toata durata abonamentului, utilizatorul are acces non-stop la sistem, are drepturile si obligațiile care ii sunt aduse la cunoștința de către administratorul sistemului si se găsesc consemnate in cuprinsul fisei cu date preformate care se completează de solicitant.Any request made by a natural person who wishes to become a user, under the conditions of subscription, is registered in the system. Throughout the subscription, the user has non-stop access to the system, has the rights and obligations that are notified to them by the system administrator and they are recorded in the file with preformed data that is completed by the applicant.

Solicitantul se adreseaza administratorului sistemului la datele de corespondenta făcute cunoscute prin mijloace de publicitate, completează o fisa preformata cu date solicitate despre starea sa de sanatate si despre o serie de obiceiuri legate de activitatea zilnica (fumat, consum de alcool, tip de munca, expunere la noxe, regiune geografica etc) antecedente medicale si familiale, afecțiuni cunoscute, afecțiuni cronice, tratamente.The applicant addresses the system administrator to the correspondence data made known by advertising means, completes a preformed form with requested data about his health status and about a series of habits related to daily activity (smoking, alcohol consumption, type of work, exposure at nooks, geographical region, etc.) medical and family history, known diseases, chronic diseases, treatments.

In cuprinsul fisei cu date preformate se găsesc consemnate drepturile si obligațiile pe toata perioada de abonare, care ii sunt aduse la cunoștința de către administratorul sistemului, iar prin completarea acesteia isi da acordul cu privire la condițiile in care se face abonamentul.In the file with preformed data are recorded the rights and obligations throughout the subscription period, which are brought to the attention of the system administrator, and by completing it gives its agreement on the conditions under which the subscription is made.

Informații personale, medicale si alte date importante privitoare la persoanele de legătură cu utilizatorul, inclusiv medicul de familie, clinici ori spitalele unde acesta urmeaza tratamente atunci când este cazul, se salveaza intr-o baza de date informatizata care face parte din sistem, acestea urmând a fi actualizata pe toata durata abonării.Personal, medical and other important information regarding the person connected with the user, including the family doctor, clinics or hospitals where he is receiving treatments when appropriate, is saved in a computerized database that is part of the system, following to be updated throughout the subscription.

Pentru fiecare pacient se creaza o baza de date distincta, in care se înregistrează datele cu caracter personal si medical, cu asigurarea securității datelor personale, respectiv a informațiilor conținute in fisa. Administratorul sistemului, de profesie medic, coordonează toate activitatile aferente funcționarii sistemului si întreaga echipa medicala si reprezintă interfața cu specialiștii IT din sistem.For each patient a separate database is created, in which the personal and medical data are recorded, with the assurance of the personal data security, respectively of the information contained in the file. The system administrator, a medical profession, coordinates all the activities related to the functioning of the system and the entire medical team and represents the interface with the IT specialists in the system.

Utilizatorul alege calea de comunicare de ex. email, sms, fax, telefon si altele, prin care sa fie alertat automat si periodic cu privire la analize medicale, prezentări la consultații medicale periodice sau ocazionale pe care trebuie sa urmeze, care se stabilesc in mod personalizat.The user chooses the communication path e.g. email, sms, fax, telephone and others, which will be alerted automatically and periodically regarding medical analyzes, presentations at periodic or occasional medical consultations to be followed, which are set in a personalized way.

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-9 ·> ROMÂNIA '* a 2018 00517-9 ·> ROMANIA '* a 2018 00517


Accesul la fisa utilizatorului este permis non stop, pe perioada de abonare, pe baza unui user si parola, pe care administratorul sistemului i le comunica acestuia sau altei persoane care il reprezintă in mod legal sau convențional.Access to the user card is allowed non-stop, during the subscription period, based on a user and password, which the system administrator communicates to him or to another person who represents him legally or conventionally.

Sistemul pe baza datelor medicale reale si personale ale fiecărui utilizator, face interpretarea stării generale de sanatate a acestuia, face identificarea afecțiunilor pe care le are utilizatorul si a gravitații acestora, face recomandări privind analize si tratamente specifice afecțiunii si gravitații acestoraThe system based on the actual and personal medical data of each user, makes the interpretation of the general health status of the user, makes the identification of the diseases that the user has and their severity, makes recommendations regarding analyzes and treatments specific to the condition and their severity.

In funcție de situația medicala a utilizatorului se realizează un sistem de alerte periodice care se trimit automat utilizatorului abonat, in mod strict personalizat, reamintindu-i sa mearga la anumite analize sau consulturi medicale.Depending on the medical situation of the user, a system of periodic alerts is made which is automatically sent to the subscribed user, strictly personalized, reminding them to go to certain medical examinations or consultations.

După prezentarea utilizatorului la serviciile medicale indicate, acesta introduce rezultatele analizelor, consultațiilor, recomandărilor, etc in sistem, folosind userul si parola primita, la nevoie existând la dispoziția lui non-stop o centrala telefonica unde acesta poate fi îndrumat sa completeze fisa.After presenting the user to the indicated medical services, he / she introduces the results of the analyzes, consultations, recommendations, etc. into the system, using the user and the received password, if there is a non-stop telephone call available to him where he can be directed to complete the form.

In mod automat sistemul actualizeaza situația medicala a utilizatorului cu datele nou introduse si medicii specialiști angajați in sistem fac o noua evaluare in scopul luării unei decizii care sa stabilească noile date pentru avertizările viitoare.The system automatically updates the user's medical situation with the newly entered data and the specialist doctors employed in the system make a new evaluation in order to make a decision to establish the new data for future warnings.

Sistemul integrat de alertare medicala personalizata (SIAMP) conform invenției este o metoda de medicina terapeutica care tine cont de particularitățile pacientului, fiind destinata îmbunătățirii calitatii actului medical pentru pacienti, prin preluarea unor date cu caracter personal si medical din istoricul acestora, prelucrarea lor, evaluarea, actualizarea si gestionarea informațiilor care se vor adauga pe perioada abonamentului, pacientul fiind non-stop in legătură cu sistemul, pe baza de user si parola.The integrated personalized medical alert system (SIAMP) according to the invention is a method of therapeutic medicine that takes into account the particularities of the patient, being intended to improve the quality of the medical act for patients, by taking personal and medical data from their history, processing them, evaluating them. , updating and managing the information that will be added during the subscription period, the patient being non-stop in connection with the system, based on user and password.

Sistemul trimite alerte repetate de prezentare la programul indicat, după un algoritm științific determinat pe baza celor mai noi descoperiri in domeniul medical si reamintește in timp util utilizatorului programul recomandat pentru prezentare, după un algoritm științific determinat pe baza celor mai noi descoperiri in domeniul medical.The system sends repeated presentation alerts to the indicated program, according to a scientific algorithm determined on the basis of the latest discoveries in the medical field and reminds in due time the user the recommended program for presentation, following a scientific algorithm determined on the basis of the latest discoveries in the medical field.

Sistemul conform invenției prezintă un server care deține baza de date si un laborator informatic de unde este corelat si integrat fiecare utilizator.The system according to the invention presents a server that holds the database and a computer lab from which each user is correlated and integrated.


AVOCAT. JUDiCIAa luminița r.· iha i O i , SI europeam · AV-«H desene si mooel/* 1J20-19S3 ^Oi/ANÎA A ^9*· a 2018 00517LAWYER. JUDICIARY the light of the river · iha i O i, SI europeam · AV - «H drawings and mooel / * 1J20-19S3 ^ Oi / ANÎA A ^ 9 * · a 2018 00517


Pentru activitatile din domeniul medical vor fi angajați medici generalisti care completează situația medicala a fiecărui utilizator cu datele noi care vor fi introduce in sistem, si un număr de medici din toate specialitățile care le vor corela si evalua, vor face noile recomandări si programul pentru alertarea utilizatorului.For the medical activities, general practitioners will be employed who supplement the medical situation of each user with the new data that will be introduced into the system, and a number of doctors from all the specialties that will correlate and evaluate them, will make the new recommendations and the alert program. user.

Deasemena medici angajați vor face informări periodice cu aplicabilitate la grupuri de pacienti si boli astfel incat un pacientii care suferă de boli care fac parte din aceeași specialitate sa primească periodic informații utile din domeniu.Also employed physicians will make periodic information applicable to groups of patients and diseases so that patients suffering from diseases that are part of the same specialty receive periodically useful information in the field.

Sistemul SIAMP poate genera direct biletul de trimitere, nominalizat pentru uitilizatorul abonat si ii poate oferi acestuia informații si alternative de unde alege furnizorul de servicii medicaleThe SIAMP system can directly generate the referral ticket, nominated for the subscribed user and can offer him information and alternatives from where he chooses the medical service provider.

După ce utilizatorul are rezultatele investigațiilor medicale conform programului generat de sistem isi introduce datele noi in fisa, iar acestea se vor prelucra automat si vor fi adaptate in vederea stabilirii noilor alerte.After the user has the results of the medical investigations according to the program generated by the system, he enters his new data in the file, and these will be processed automatically and will be adapted to establish new alerts.

Pentru înscrierea datelor in sistem, utilizatorul are la dispoziție o centrala telefonica cu mai multe numere unde acesta poate fi îndrumat sa completeze fisa in orice moment.To register the data in the system, the user has at his disposal a telephone exchange with several numbers where he can be directed to complete the card at any time.

Sistemul SIAMP poate fi pus in legătură cu orice tip de furnizor din sistemul de sanatate, medici de familie, spitale, alte organizații cu interes in domeniul sanatatii publice, caruia sa-I comunice informațiile medicale ale utilizatorului, in vederea eficientizarii si optimizării actului medical, el putând fi tradus in orice limba pentru a fi folosit de orice utilizator.The SIAMP system can be connected to any type of provider in the health system, family doctors, hospitals, other organizations with interest in the field of public health, to whom to communicate the user's medical information, in order to make the medical act more efficient and optimized, it can be translated into any language for use by any user.

Claims (20)

1. Sistem integrat de alertare medicala personalizata (SIAMP) caracterizat prin aceea ca este o metoda de medicina diagnostic, terapeutica si de prevenție prevenție, ce folosește un program informatic pentru coordonarea activitatilor de prevenție prin care orice persoana fizica, indiferent de varsta, sex, stare de sanatate fizica sau psihica si de particularități, sa fie alertata automat si periodic cu privire la analize medicale, prezentări la consultații medicale periodice sau ocazionale pe care trebuie sa le urmeze in mod personalizat, pe baza informațiilor pe care le prezintă intr-o fisa cu date solicitate si a unor evaluări efectuate de medici specialiști, care au in vedere antecedentele personale si colaterale, a datelor medicale reale si personale ale fiecărui utilizator, efectuandu-se astfel interpretarea stării generale si particulare de sanatate a acestuia, identificarea afecțiunilor pe care le are acesta si gravitatea lor, accesarea sistemului facandu-se pe baza unui abonament cu asigurarea securității datelor personale si a informațiilor din fisa, utilizatorul, alegand calea de comunicare cu sistemul, de ex. email, sms, fax, telefon si altele, accesul la fisa fiind permis non - stop, pe perioada de abonare, in baza unui user si parola, comunicate de administratorul sistemului, fie acestuia, fie altei persoane care il reprezintă in mod legal sau convențional, sistemul folosind un server care deține baza de date si un laborator informatic de unde este corelat si integrat fiecare utilizator, permițând completarea de către acesta a fisei cu date pentru actualizarea datelor cu: rezultatele investigațiilor medicale sau consultațiilor conform programului generat de sistem ori intervenite ca urgenta medicala, date noi care vor fi introduse in fisa utilizatorului, vor fi prelucrate automat de sistem si vor fi adaptate pentru stabilirea noilor alerte, iar pentru înscrierea datelor in sistem, utilizatorul are la dispoziție o centrala telefonica unde acesta poate fi îndrumat sa completeze fisa in orice moment, insa sistemul nu permite utilizatorului modificarea si nici ștergerea datelor medicale deja înscrise si salvate, acestea vor fi completate de medici de diferite specialități care lucrează in sistem, ei facand si informări periodice cu aplicabilitate la grupuri de pacienti care au boli încadrate in anumite specialități corespondente, sistemul putând genera direct biletul de trimitere, nominalizat pentru uitilizatorul abonat si ii poate oferi acestuia informații si alternative pentru a alege furnizorul de servicii medicale, sistemul putând fi pus in legătură cu orice tip de furnizori din sistemul de sanatate de stat sau privat caruia sa-I comunice informațiile medicale ale utilizatorului, in vederea eficientizarii si optimizării actului medical, putând fi tradus in orice limba pentru a fi folosit de orice utilizator.1. Integrated system of personalized medical alert (SIAMP) characterized by the fact that it is a method of diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive medicine, which uses a computer program to coordinate the prevention activities by which any natural person, regardless of age, sex, state of physical or mental health and of particularities, be alerted automatically and periodically regarding medical analyzes, presentations to periodic or occasional medical consultations that must be followed in a personalized manner, based on the information presented in a form with requested data and some evaluations carried out by specialist doctors, taking into account the personal and collateral history, of the actual and personal medical data of each user, thus interpreting the general and particular health status of the user, identifying the conditions that they it has this and their gravity, accessing the system being done on the ba for a subscription to ensure the security of personal data and information on the card, the user, choosing the way of communication with the system, e.g. email, sms, fax, telephone and others, access to the card being allowed non-stop, during the subscription period, based on a user and password, communicated by the system administrator, either to him or to another person who represents him legally or conventionally , the system using a server that holds the database and a computer lab from which each user is correlated and integrated, allowing him to complete the data sheet for updating the data with: the results of medical investigations or consultations according to the program generated by the system or intervened as medical emergency, new data that will be entered in the user's file, will be automatically processed by the system and will be adapted for setting new alerts, and for the registration of the data in the system, the user has at his disposal a telephone exchange where he can be directed to complete the card at any time, but the system does not allow the user to modify or delete my data dicals already registered and saved, these will be completed by doctors of different specialties who work in the system, they also make periodic information applicable to groups of patients who have diseases classified in certain corresponding specialties, the system can directly generate the referral ticket, nominated for the subscribed user and can offer him information and alternatives to choose the medical service provider, the system being able to connect with any type of providers from the state or private health system to whom to communicate the medical information of the user, in order to make it more efficient and the optimization of the medical document, which can be translated into any language for use by any user. 5ohSU-IER!LOR IN iNcm .avocat . expert JU0ICIJW LUMINIȚA tX>|A5ohSU-IER! LOR IN iNcm. Avocat. expert JU0ICIJW LUMINIȚA tX> | A RUAT $i european rmVENTH, DE3ENE SI MQOeLg HR. H2IM993 Roman ia ★ JSS*' a 2018 00517RUAT $ i European rmVENTH, DE3ENE AND MQOeLg HR. H2IM993 Roman ia ★ JSS * 'a 2018 00517 09/07/201809/07/2018 2. Sistem integrat de alertare medicala personalizata (SIAMP) conform revendicării nr 1, caracterizat prin aceea ca este o metoda de medicina diagnostic, terapeutica si de prevenție.2. Integrated personalized medical alert system (SIAMP) according to claim 1, characterized in that it is a diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive medicine method. 3. Sistem integrat de alertare medicala personalizata (SIAMP) conform revendicării nr 1, caracterizat prin aceea ca folosește un program informatic pentru coordonarea activitatilor de prevenție a oricărei persoane, indiferent de varsta, sex, stare de sanatate si de particularitati.3. Integrated personalized medical alert system (SIAMP) according to claim 1, characterized in that it uses a computer program to coordinate the prevention activities of any person, regardless of age, sex, health status and particularities. 4. Sistem integrat de alertare medicala personalizata (SIAMP) conform revendicării nr 1, caracterizat prin aceea ca persoana este alertata automat si periodic cu privire la ce analize medicale, prezentări la consultații medicale periodice sau ocazionale pe care trebuie sa le urmeze in mod personalizat.4. Integrated personalized medical alert system (SIAMP) according to claim no. 1, characterized in that the person is automatically and periodically alerted on which medical analyzes, presentations at periodic or occasional medical consultations to be followed in a personalized manner. 5. Sistem integrat de alertare medicala personalizata (SIAMP) conform revendicării nr 1, caracterizat prin aceea ca evaluarea persoanei se face de medici specialiști pe baza informațiilor prezentate de aceasta intr-o fisa cu date solicitate.5. Integrated personalized medical alert system (SIAMP) according to claim no. 1, characterized in that the assessment of the person is made by specialist doctors based on the information presented by it in a data sheet requested. 6. Sistem integrat de alertare medicala personalizata (SIAMP) conform revendicării nr 1, caracterizat prin aceea ca alertarea persoanei se face pe baza unor evaluări efectuate de medici specialiști, care au in vedere antecedentele personale si colaterale pe care aceasta le are, a datelor medicale reale si personale ale fiecărui utilizator, se face interpretarea stării generale si particulare de sanatate a acestuia, se identifica afecțiunile pe care le are acesta si gravitatea lor.6. Integrated personalized medical alert system (SIAMP) according to claim no. 1, characterized in that the person's alert is made on the basis of evaluations carried out by specialist doctors, taking into account their personal and collateral history, their medical data. real and personal of each user, it is interpreted the general and particular health status of the user, it identifies the diseases that it has and their severity. 7. Sistem integrat de alertare medicala personalizata (SIAMP) conform revendicării nr 1, caracterizat prin aceea ca pe baza unor evaluări efectuate de medici specialiști, se fac recomandări privind analize si tratamente specifice afecțiunii si gravitații acestora.7. Integrated system of personalized medical alert (SIAMP) according to claim 1, characterized in that based on evaluations carried out by specialist doctors, recommendations are made regarding analyzes and treatments specific to the condition and their severity. 8. Sistem integrat de alertare medicala personalizata (SIAMP) conform revendicării nr 1, caracterizat prin aceea ca accesarea sistemului se face pe baza unui abonament, printr-un user si o parola comunicate de administratorul sistemului, fie acestuia, fie altei persoane care il reprezintă in mod legal sau convențional.8. Integrated personalized medical alert system (SIAMP) according to claim 1, characterized in that the access of the system is based on a subscription, through a user and a password communicated by the system administrator, either to him or to another person representing him. legally or conventionally. l N'Sil’ER AVOCAT. EXPERT JUDICIAR A^GMEL LUMINIȚA DvîfîAl I AM NOT A LAWYER. JUDICIAL EXPERT A ^ GMEL LUMINIȚA DvîfîA DSKAÎ O.S.tM. SI EUROPEANDSKAÎ O.S.tM. IF EUROPEAN DESENE SI MCOELEDRAW AND MCOELE ROMÂNIA a 2018 00517ROMANIA a 2018 00517 09/07/201809/07/2018 9. Sistem integrat de alertare medicala personalizata (SIAMP) conform revendicării nr 1, caracterizat prin aceea ca utilizatorul alege o cale de comunicare cu sistemul, de ex. email, sms, fax, telefon si altele.9. Integrated personalized medical alert system (SIAMP) according to claim 1, characterized in that the user chooses a communication path with the system, eg. email, sms, fax, phone and others. 10. Sistem integrat de alertare medicala personalizata (SIAMP) conform revendicării nr 1, caracterizat prin aceea ca se asigurara securitatea datelor personale si a informațiilor conținute in fisa.10. Integrated personalized medical alert system (SIAMP) according to claim 1, characterized in that the security of personal data and information contained in the file is ensured. 11. Sistem integrat de alertare medicala personalizata (SIAMP) conform revendicării nr 1, caracterizat prin aceea ca accesul la fisa utilizatorului este permis non-stop pe perioada de abonare, acestuia si / sau altei persoane care il reprezintă in mod legal sau convențional.11. Integrated personalized medical alert system (SIAMP) according to claim 1, characterized in that the access to the user's card is allowed non-stop during the subscription period, to him and / or to another person who represents him legally or conventionally. 12. Sistem integrat de alertare medicala personalizata (SIAMP) conform revendicării nr 1, caracterizat prin aceea ca folosește un server care deține baza de date si un laborator informatic de unde este corelat si integrat fiecare utilizator.12. Integrated personalized medical alert system (SIAMP) according to claim 1, characterized in that it uses a server that holds the database and a computer laboratory from which each user is correlated and integrated. 13. Sistem integrat de alertare medicala personalizata (SIAMP) conform revendicării nr 1, caracterizat prin aceea ca permite completarea de către utilizator a fisei, cu date pentru actualizare : rezultatele investigațiilor medicale sau consultațiilor conform programului generat de sistem sau intervenite ca urgenta medicala.13. Integrated personalized medical alert system (SIAMP) according to claim no. 1, characterized in that it allows the user to complete the card, with data for updating: the results of medical investigations or consultations according to the program generated by the system or intervened as a medical emergency. 14. Sistem integrat de alertare medicala personalizata (SIAMP) conform revendicării nr 1, caracterizat prin aceea ca pentru înscrierea datelor in sistem, utilizatorul are la dispoziție o centrala telefonica unde acesta poate fi îndrumat sa completeze fisa in orice moment.14. Integrated personalized medical alert system (SIAMP) according to claim 1, characterized in that the user has at his disposal a telephone exchange where he can be directed to complete the form at any time. 15. Sistem integrat de alertare medicala personalizata (SIAMP) conform revendicării nr 1, caracterizat prin aceea ca nu permite utilizatorului modificarea si nici ștergerea datelor medicale deja înscrise si salvate.15. Integrated personalized medical alert system (SIAMP) according to claim 1, characterized in that it does not allow the user to modify or delete the medical data already registered and saved. 16. Sistem integrat de alertare medicala personalizata (SIAMP) conform revendicării nr 1, caracterizat prin aceea ca rezultatele investigațiilor medicale sau consultațiilor conform programului generat de sistem, ori intervenite ca urgenta medicala, sunt date noi care după ce vor fi introduse in fisa utilizatorului vor fi prelucrate automat de sistem, pentru stabilirea noilor alerte.16. Integrated personalized medical alert system (SIAMP) according to claim 1, characterized in that the results of medical investigations or consultations according to the program generated by the system, or intervened as a medical emergency, are new data that after being entered in the user's file will be processed automatically by the system, to establish new alerts. ZȚ Α;^«4^ΜΙΝίΤΑΓ·ν·?ΝΑ c)ZȚ Α; ^ «4 ^ ΜΙΝίΤΑΓ · ν ·? ΝΑ c) X. CtAiWîajiOTiÎînZAÎ O.3.I.M. siejropeahX. CtAiWîajiOTiÎînZAÎ O.3.I.M. siejropeah INVENȚII, DESENE SI WOOELE /INVENTIONS, DRAWINGS AND WOOES / I HR. 1*20-1993 * ROMANIA a 2018 00517I HR. 1 * 20-1993 * ROMANIA a 2018 00517 09/07/201809/07/2018 17. Sistem integrat de alertare medicala personalizata (SIAMP) conform revendicării nr 1, caracterizat prin aceea ca datele medicale vor fi completate de medici de diferite specialități care lucrează in sistem, ei facand si informări periodice cu aplicabilitate la grupuri de pacienti care au boli încadrate in anumite specialități corespondente.17. Integrated personalized medical alert system (SIAMP) according to claim 1, characterized in that the medical data will be supplemented by doctors of different specialties who work in the system, and they will also make periodic information applicable to groups of patients with framed illnesses. in some corresponding specialties. 18. Sistem integrat de alertare medicala personalizata (SIAMP) conform revendicării nr 1, caracterizat prin aceea ca se poate genera direct biletul de trimitere, nominalizat pentru uitilizatorul abonat si I se pot oferi acestuia informații si alternative pentru a alege furnizorul de servicii medicale.18. Integrated personalized medical alert system (SIAMP) according to claim no. 1, characterized in that the referral ticket can be directly generated, nominated for the subscribed user and can be provided to him with information and alternatives to choose the medical service provider. 19. Sistem integrat de alertare medicala personalizata (SIAMP) conform revendicării nr 1, caracterizat prin aceea ca sistemul poate fi pus in legătură cu orice tip de furnizor din sistemul de sanatate, de stat sau privat caruia sa-I comunice informațiile medicale ale utilizatorului, in vederea eficientizarii si optimizării actului medical.19. Integrated personalized medical alert system (SIAMP) according to claim no. 1, characterized in that the system can be connected to any type of health, state or private provider to whom the user's medical information is communicated, in order to make the medical act more efficient and optimized. 20. Sistem integrat de alertare medicala personalizata (SIAMP) conform revendicării nr 1, caracterizat prin aceea ca poate fi tradus in orice limba pentru a fi folosit de orice utilizator.20. Integrated personalized medical alert system (SIAMP) according to claim 1, characterized in that it can be translated into any language for use by any user.
ROA201800517A 2018-07-09 2018-07-09 Integrated system for personalized medical alert () RO133861A2 (en)

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