RO132838A0 - Unipolar machine with laminated stator - Google Patents

Unipolar machine with laminated stator Download PDF


Publication number
RO132838A0 ROA201800020A RO201800020A RO132838A0 RO 132838 A0 RO132838 A0 RO 132838A0 RO A201800020 A ROA201800020 A RO A201800020A RO 201800020 A RO201800020 A RO 201800020A RO 132838 A0 RO132838 A0 RO 132838A0
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Constantin Rusu
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Salicanthus Energ S.R.L.
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Application filed by Salicanthus Energ S.R.L. filed Critical Salicanthus Energ S.R.L.
Priority to ROA201800020A priority Critical patent/RO132838A0/en
Publication of RO132838A0 publication Critical patent/RO132838A0/en



  • Manufacture Of Motors, Generators (AREA)


The invention relates to a unipolar machine with laminated stator with discoidal or cylindrical geometry, which is used, as a motor, in industrial electric actuations and electric traction and, as a generator, for producing direct current voltages. According to the invention, the machine has the induction coil on the rotor and the armature on the stator, the stator winding consisting of some iron laminations, plated with aluminium on the ends, arranged radially for the discoidal type or following a cylindrical surface for the cylindrical type, in alternation with some aluminum laminations having the role of serially connecting the iron laminations, the stator core consisting of massive iron, iron laminations included, which are both current path and path for the magnetic flux circulation, the machine exhibiting the characteristic of using two very different magnetic media: the laminations made of ferromagnetic material with very high magnetic permeability and the aluminium laminations with very low magnetic permeability.


Invenția se refera la o mașina electrica unipolara (homopolara), care poate fi utilizata ca motor ,in acționari electrice industriale si in tracțiunea electrica si ca generator, Ia producerea tensiunilor continue necesare alimentarii unor motoare de curent continuu , a instalațiilor de electroliza ,a instalațiilor de sudura de mare putere etc.,fiind destinata sa înlocuiască ,in mare parte, mașina de curent continuu bipolara.The invention relates to a single-pole (homopolar) electric machine, which can be used as a motor, in industrial electric drives and in electric traction and as a generator, to produce the continuous voltages required to supply DC motors, electrolysis installations, installations high power welding, etc., being intended to replace, to a large extent, the bipolar DC machine.

Se cunoaște o mașina unipolara cu rotor tip disc-patent US5278470A - la care discul rotoric , bobinat radial in forma toroidala, se rotește in cîmpul magnetic inductor produs de doua bobine statorice,coaxiale rotorului, cîmpul magnetic produs de acestea avînd direcție axiala in zona bobinajului rotoric, astfel incit prin spirele acestuia va circula curent continuu ,capetele bobinajului fiind conectate la doua inele situate pe ax, lingă cele doua fete ale discului.A single-pole machine with disc-patent rotor type US5278470A is known - in which the rotor disk, radially coiled in toroidal form, rotates in the inductive magnetic field produced by two stator coils, coaxial to the rotor, the magnetic field produced by them having axial direction in the coil area. rotor, so that through its spirals will flow continuously, the ends of the winding being connected to two rings located on the shaft, near the two sides of the disc.

Se mai cunoaște un generator unipolar-patent US6603233B2 - la care indusul,amplasat pe rotor,este format din doua discuri cu bobinaje diferite,care,împreuna cu un sistem de perii cu rostogolire (rolling),alcătuiesc un bobinaj radial sub forma toroidala,statorul fiind alcătuit dintr-un magnet permanent tip disc,cu magnetizare axiala,amplasat la o extremitate a axului si un disc feromagnetic,amplasat la celalalt capat al discului,cu rol de presare a discurilor pe perii ,astfel incit ,in timpul rotirii, prin ansamblul bobinajului rotoric va circula curent continuu, ce este cules prin doua inele cu perii,montate pe ax. Mașinile unipolare prezentate ,printre cele mai reprezentative produse pina in prezent ,au o funcționare defectuasa, datorita problemelor cauzate de amplasarea sistemului de colectare a curenților de forța (din indus) pe rotor,astfel incit aceste mașini nu pot fi utilizate in gamele valorilor medii si mari ale puterilor si turațiilor.There is also known a single-pole generator US6603233B2 - in which the coil, located on the rotor, consists of two discs with different windings, which, together with a system of roller brushes, make a radial coil in toroidal form, the stator being composed of a permanent magnet type disc, with axial magnetization, located at one end of the axis and a ferromagnetic disc, located at the other end of the disc, with the role of pressing the discs on the brushes, so that, during the rotation, through the assembly the rotor winding will flow continuously, which is picked up by two brush rings, mounted on the shaft. The unipolar machines presented, among the most representative products so far, have a malfunction, due to the problems caused by the location of the system of collecting the currents of force (from induced) on the rotor, so that these machines can not be used in the ranges of the average values and great powers and speeds.

Mașina unipolara conform invenției,înlătură dezavantajele modelelor anterioare ,datorita faptului ca are indusul amplasat pe stator,sistemul inele-perii fiind utilizat numai in circuitul excitației (la modelele cu excitația bobinată )si in cel al indusului -la tipul cu excitație serie,construcția robusta si compacta permitindu-i sa funcționeze pe o plaja foarte larga de puteri si turatii. De asemenea ,in construcția indusului nu se utilizează cuprul ,ci numai fierul si aluminiul ,ceea ce face posibila producerea unor mașini electrice competitive economic.The single-pole machine according to the invention removes the disadvantages of the previous models, due to the fact that it has the inductor located on the stator, the brush-ring system being used only in the excitation circuit (in the models with the winding excitation) and in the one of the inducer - the type with serial excitation, the robust construction. and compact allowing it to operate on a very wide range of powers and speeds. Also, copper is not used in the construction of the excavator, but only iron and aluminum, which makes it possible to produce economically competitive electric cars.

Se prezintă, in continuare,doua exemple de realizare a mașinii unipolare cu stator lamelar ,modelul disc si modelul cilindric, in legătură si cu figurile următoare , care reprezintă: -fig. 1 -secțiune longitudinala printr-o mașina unipolara cu stator multidisc lamelar si rotor cu magnet permanent-prezentare generala;The following are two examples of the unipolar machine with lamellar stator, the disc model and the cylindrical model, in relation to the following figures, which represent: FIG. 1 - longitudinal section through a unipolar machine with lamellar multidisc stator and rotor with permanent magnet - general presentation;

-fig.2-sectiune longitudinala printr-o mașina unipolara cu stator multidisc lamelar si rotor cu magnet permanent-prezentare detaliata;-fig.2-longitudinal section through a single-pole machine with lamellar multidisc stator and rotor with permanent magnet - detailed presentation;

-fig.3-sectiune transversala printr-un disc statoric-prezentare grafica;-fig.3-cross section through a stator disk-graphical presentation;

-fig.4-sectiune transversala printr-un disc statoric-prezentare detaliata;-fig.4-cross-section through a stator disk-detailed presentation;

-fig.4A-detaliu din secțiunea de la fig.4;-fig.4A-detail from the section in fig.4;

-fig.4B-vedere a unei lamele de fier;-fig.4B-view of an iron blade;

-fig.4C-vedere a unei lamele de aluminiu;-fig.4C-view of an aluminum blade;

a 201800020to 201800020



-fig.5-rotor disc bobinat;-fig.5-rotor disc rotor;

-fig.6- secțiune longitudinala printr-o mașina unipolara cu stator lamelar cilindric si rotor cu magnet permanent-prezentare generala;-fig.6- longitudinal section through a unipolar machine with cylindrical lamellar stator and rotor with permanent magnet - general presentation;

-fig.7-sectiune longitudinala printr-o mașina cu stator lamelar cilindric si rotor cu magnet permanent-prezentare detaliata;-fig.7-longitudinal section through a machine with cylindrical lamellar stator and rotor with permanent magnet - detailed presentation;

-fig.7A-sectiune cilindrica desfasurata A-A prin statorul mașinii din fig.7-detaliu; -fig.7B-sectiune transversala B-B prin cilindrul statoric lamelar median-detaliu; -fig.8-rotor cilindric cu doi magneți permanenți tip disc,magnetizati axial;-fig.7A-cylindrical section developed A-A through the stator of the machine in fig.7-detail; -fig.7B-cross-section B-B through the middle-detail lamellar stator cylinder; -fig.8-cylindrical rotor with two permanent magnets disc type, axially magnetized;

-fig.9-rotor cilindric bobinat.-fig.9-coil cylindrical rotor.

Mașina unipolara conform invenției, din exemplul unu, este alcatuita dintr-un rotor tip disc(cilindru turtit) -1 (magnet permanent format disc cu magnetizare axiala), prins pe axul-2 ,un stator tip disc ,cu doua sectiuni-3si respectiv-4,poziționate de o parte si de alta a rotorului,fiecare secțiune fiind alcatuita dintr-un număr de discuri(in cazul de fata trei, notate-3A,3B,3C,respectiv 4A,4B,4C)si doua discuri din fier masiv,cite unul pentru fiecare sectiune-3D,respectiv- 4D,rotorul avind rol de inductor,iar statorul de indus ,a se vedea fig.l si fig. 2. închiderea circuitului magnetic intre cele doua secțiuni statorice se face cu niște piese polare -5si -6,rigidizarea celor doua secțiuni statorice de piesele polare si de carcasa facindu-se prin sudarea bucșelor de aluminiu-3Esi -4E ,in punctele3F si 4F si prin turnarea de rasina izolanta in spatiile-7 si-8,întregul ansamblu fiind închis cu doua secțiuni de carcasa 8 si 9.The single-pole machine according to the invention, from example one, is composed of a rotor type disc (twisted cylinder) -1 (permanent magnet formed disc with axial magnetization), caught on the axis-2, a disc-type stator, with two sections-3 and respectively -4, positioned on both sides of the rotor, each section consisting of a number of discs (in this case three, noted -3A, 3B, 3C, respectively 4A, 4B, 4C) and two iron discs massive, one for each section - 3D, respectively - 4D, the rotor having the role of inductor, and the stator to be induced, see fig. 2. The closing of the magnetic circuit between the two stator sections is made with some polar pieces -5 and -6, the stiffening of the two stator sections of the polar parts and the housing is done by welding the aluminum bushes -3E and -4E, in points 3F and 4F and by pouring insulating resin into spaces -7 and -8, the whole assembly being closed with two sections of housing 8 and 9.

Rotorul se poate executa in doua variante :cu mgnet permanent magnetizat axial , ca in fig.l si din fier masiv bobinat circular,ca in fig.5.The rotor can be executed in two variants: with permanently magnetized axial magnet, as in fig.l and in solid circular iron coil, as in fig.5.

Grupurile de discuri-3A,3B,3C,respectiv-4A,4B,4C conțin infasurarea statorica, constituind piesa principala a mașinii si sunt reprezentate in fig.3 si fig.4.Un disc statoric este alcătuit dintr-un număr de lamele din fier masiv -1 ,cu profilul din fig.4B ,așezate circular,in alternanta cu un număr identic de lamele din aluminiu- 2 ,cu profilul din fig. 4C(grosimile celor doua tipuri de lamele fiind egale,dar dimensiunile circulare corespunzătoare fiind in raport de aproximativ 3/1 in favoarea celor din fier-a se vedea fig.3 si fig.4.Lamelele din fier constituie partea „activa”a „bobinajului”statoric , avind rol de cale de curent pe direcția radiala ,fiind in același timp si cale de circulație pentru fluxul magnetic pe direcție axiala Jar lamelele din aluminiu constituie elementele de conexiune (inseriere) a lamelelor active ,similar capetelor de bobina de la înfășurările motoarelor bipolare.Si lamelele din aluminiu sunt străbătute de fluxul magnetic inductor pe direcție axiala ,dar marimea acestuia(si implicit a inducției ) este semnificativ mai mica decit valorile similar din fier.The groups of discs-3A, 3B, 3C, respectively-4A, 4B, 4C contain the stator winding, constituting the main part of the machine and are represented in Figs. 3 and Fig. 4. A stator disk is made up of a number of blades from solid iron -1, with the profile of fig. 4B, placed circularly, alternating with an identical number of aluminum blades- 2, with the profile of fig. 4C (the thicknesses of the two types of blades being equal, but the corresponding circular dimensions being in the ratio of about 3/1 in favor of those of iron - see fig. 3 and fig. 4. The iron blades are the "active" part of " stator winding, having the role of a current path in the radial direction, being at the same time a circulation path for the magnetic flux in the axial direction. The aluminum blades are the connection elements (insertion) of the active blades, similar to the coil ends from the windings. bipolar motors. And the aluminum blades are crossed by the inductive magnetic flux in the axial direction, but its size (and implicitly the induction) is significantly smaller than the similar values of iron.

Decalajele enorme dintre permeabilitatile magnetice ale celor doua medii,fier si aluminiu, permeabilitatea fierului fiind de minimum 5000 de ori mai mare decit cea a aluminiului, constituie baza funcționarii acestei mașini,deoarece ,in producerea tensiunii(regim de generator) si in producerea cuplului(regim de motor),intervine inducția B,care are valori mult mai mari in lamelele din fier decit in cele de aluminiu.The enormous discrepancies between the magnetic permeabilities of the two media, iron and aluminum, the permeability of the iron being at least 5000 times greater than that of the aluminum, is the basis of the operation of this machine, because, in the production of voltage (generator regime) and in the production of the torque ( B engine, which has much higher values in the iron blades than in the aluminum ones.

Lamelele din fier -l,au depuse pe suprafețele cilindrice exterioare si interioare,cite un strat de aluminiu-la si,respectiv-lb cu rol de borna electrica-a se vedea fig.4B constituind punctele de conexiune cu circuitul statoric : ieșirea lamelei de fier-1 (borna -lb) a 2018 00020The iron slats, deposited on the outer and inner cylindrical surfaces, read an aluminum-to and, respectively, lb-layer with an electric terminal role - see fig.4B constituting the connection points with the stator circuit: the output of the stator blade. fier-1 (terminal -lb) to 2018 00020


3/6 se sudeaza cu intrarea lamelei de aluminiu -2(punctui-lc),iar ieșirea lamelei -2 se sudeaza cu intrarea lamelei-3(punctul-2d) etc.3/6 is welded with the entry of the aluminum blade -2 (point-lc), and the output of the blade -2 is welded with the entrance of the blade-3 (point-2d), etc.

Toate lamelele,atit cele din fier cit si cele din aluminiu,împreuna cu punctele de sudura,se izolează intre ele cu lac emailat,iar fata de carcasa exterioara ,cu rasina izolanta.All the blades, both iron and aluminum, together with the welding points, are insulated with enamelled varnish, and the outer shell with insulating resin.

De asemenea ,discurile se izolează cu lac emailat,se lipesc unele de altele ,sincronizind coaxial lamelele din fier si cele de aluminiu si se inseriaza. Piesele polare se izolează cu rasina fata de stator si fata de carcasa deoarece,fiind alcătuite din fier masiv si fiind parcurse de un cimp magnetic rotitor, in ele se vor induce tensiuni electrice,izolarea împiedicînd închiderea circuitelor si circulația curenților „paraziți”. In regim de generator,fluxul inductor produs de rotor ,se rotește o data cu acesta ,traversind axial lamelele statorice,atit pe cele din fier cit si pe cele din aluminiu,inducind in acestea tensiuni după direcții radiale , conform legii lui Faraday:Also, the discs are insulated with enamelled varnish, they are glued together, coaxially synchronizing the iron and aluminum blades and inserting them. The polar parts are insulated with resin from the stator and from the housing because, being made of solid iron and being traversed by a rotating magnetic field, they will induce electrical voltages, insulation preventing the closing of circuits and the circulation of "parasitic" currents. In generator mode, the inductor flow produced by the rotor rotates with it, axially crossing the stator blades, both iron and aluminum, inducing tensions in radial directions, according to Faraday's law:

U=v.B.l,unde v este viteza tangențiala medie a fuxului magnetic prin lamele,B este inducția Jar 1 este lungimea lamelei .Deoarece inducția in lamelele de fier este semnificativ mai mare decit cea din lamelele de aluminiu ,rezulta ca tensiunile din lamelele de aluminiu vor avea valori neglijabile in raport cu cele din fier,astfel ca tensiunea indusa intr-un disc va fi suma tensiunilor induse in acestea din urma.U = vBl, where v is the average tangential velocity of the magnetic flux through the blades, B is the induction Jar 1 is the length of the blade. Because the induction in the iron blades is significantly higher than that in the aluminum blades, it results that the stresses in the aluminum blades will had negligible values compared to those of iron, so that the voltage induced in a disc will be the sum of the stresses induced in the latter.

In regim de motor,fluxul inductor rotoric interactioneaza cu curenții radiali din lamelele statorice dind naștere unor forte tangentiale(perpendiculare pe raza) ,conform legii Laplace :F=B.1.1,unde B este inducția, I este intensitatea curentului,iar 1 este lungimea lamelei . Uzind de considerentele de mai sus, privitoare la decalajele valorice intre inducția din lamelele din fier fata de cele de aluminiu ,concluzionam ca forța de rotire a motorului (si implicit cuplul motor) este suma forțelor (respectiv a cuplurilor) dezvoltate in lamelele active. Atit in regim de motor cit si in regim de generator ,fluxurile magnetice, aferente curenților din lamelele de aluminiu , se închid local prin lamelele active ,discurile frontale din fier masiv si piesele polare.In the engine regime, the rotor inductor flux interacts with the radial currents in the stator blades giving rise to tangential forces (perpendicular to the radius), according to the Laplace law: F = B.1.1, where B is the induction, I is the intensity of the current, and 1 is the length lamina. Using the above considerations, regarding the value gaps between the induction of the iron blades against the aluminum ones, we conclude that the rotational force of the motor (and implicitly the torque) is the sum of the forces (respectively of the torque) developed in the active blades. Both in motor mode and in generator mode, the magnetic fluxes, related to the currents in the aluminum blades, are closed locally by the active blades, the front discs in solid iron and the polar parts.

Mașina unipolara,conform invenției,din exemplul doi ,are geometrie cilindrica si este constituia din rotorul -1,prins pe axul -2 ,statorul-3,cu piesele polare -4si-5,carcasa-6si capacele-7 si-8,a se vedea fig.6.Rotorul din fig.7 este alcătuit dintr-un magnet permanent cilindric-1 A,cu magnetizare radiala si armatura din fier masiv-1B,iar statorul este alcătuit dintr-un număr de cilindri coaxiali (in cazul de fata 3)-notati-3A,3B,3C,care constituie infasurarea statorica ,fiind in același timp si cale de circulație pentru fluxul magnetic pe direcție radiala,un cilindru din fier masiv,coaxial cu precedentele si amplasat in interiorul acestora-3D si piesele polare -4 si-5,a se vedea fig.7.The unipolar machine, according to the invention, from example two, has a cylindrical geometry and is constituted by the rotor -1, caught on the axis -2, the stator-3, with the polar parts -4 and -5, the housing-6 and the covers-7 and -8, a see fig. 6. The rotor in fig. 7 is composed of a permanent cylindrical magnet-1 A, with radial magnetization and the reinforcement of solid iron-1B, and the stator is composed of a number of coaxial cylinders (in this case 3) -note-3A, 3B, 3C, which constitutes the statorical winding, being at the same time a circulation path for the magnetic flux in radial direction, a solid iron cylinder, coaxial with the preceding ones and placed inside them-3D and polar pieces -4 and -5, see fig. 7.

Fiecare cilindru din cei trei,este alcătuit dintr-un număr de lamele(bare) din fier,cu capetele aluminizate,așezate circular,in alternanta cu un număr egal de lamele(bare) din aluminiu si inseriare cu primele: ieșirea unei lamele din fier se sudeaza cu intrarea lamelei de aluminiu vecine,iar ieșirea acesteia se sudeaza cu intrarea lamelei de fier următoare etc.,asa după cum se vede in fig.7A.Cei trei cilindri au lamelele din fier,respectiv din aluminiu sincronizate axial,asa după cum reiese din fig.7B,a se vedea axele X si Y.Rigidizarea statorului de carcasa se face cu rasina izolanta , injectată in spatiul-9.Each cylinder of the three, is made up of a number of iron bars (bars), with the aluminum ends, placed circularly, alternating with an equal number of aluminum bars (bars) and inputs with the first: the exit of an iron blade it is welded with the entry of the neighboring aluminum blade, and its output is welded with the entrance of the next iron blade, etc., as shown in fig.7A.The three cylinders have the iron and aluminum blades axially synchronized, as is shown in Fig. 7B, see axes X and Y. The stator casing stiffening is done with insulating resin, injected into space-9.

Piesele polare constituie cale de circulație a fluxurilor magnetice statorice si rotorice,iar cilindrul din fier masiv constituie cale de închidere locala a fluxului magnetc aferent curentului din lamelele de aluminiu(impreuna cu lamelele din fier si piesele polare). 1 n fig.8 este prezentat un model de rotor cilindric calcatuit din doi magneți permanenți5/ a 2018 00020Polar parts are the circulation path of stator and rotor magnetic fluxes, and the massive iron cylinder constitutes the local closure of the magnetc flux corresponding to the current in the aluminum blades (together with the iron blades and the polar pieces). 1 n Fig.8 shows a model of cylindrical rotor calcined from two permanent magnets5 / a 2018 00020



1si-2,magnetizati axial si poziționați antagonic si piesele polare din fier masiv-3,-4 si5(toate fiind prinse pe axul-6),iar in fig.9 un model de rotor cilindric bobinat,alcătuit din miezul magnetic-1 (prins pe axul -2),înfășurări le circulare-3 si -4,amplasate pe carcasele 5 si -6si inelele colectoare -7.1 and -2, axially magnetized and antagonically positioned and polar pieces made of solid iron-3, -4 and 5 (all being caught on the axis-6), and in Fig. 9 a coiled cylindrical rotor model, made of magnetic core-1 ( caught on the axis -2), the circular windings-3 and -4, placed on carcasses 5 and -6 and the collector rings -7.

Claims (1)

Revendicarea nr.lClaim no Mașina unipolara cu stator lamelar cu geometrie discoidala,caracterizata prin aceea ca are inductorul rotoric sub forma de disc sau cilidru turtit cu magnetizare axiala,iar indusul statoric alcătuit din doua secțiuni,amplasate de o parte si de alta a discului rotoric,fiecare secțiune fiind alcatuita din unul sau mai multe discuri ce conțin jumătate din infasurarea indusa,pozitionat(e) intre un disc din fier masiv,coaxial(e) cu acesta si un jug din fier,fiecare disc cu infasurare fiind alcătuit dintr-un număr de lamele (bare) din fier,aluminizate pe capete, alipite circular(in forma de rozeta),in alternanta cu un număr identic de lamele(bare) din aluminiu (cu care se inseriaza prin sudare),lamelele din fier avind rol activ,iar cele din aluminiu rol pasiv(servind la inserierea primelor,similar capetelor de bobina de la mașinile clasice),toate lamelele fiind izolate intre ele jar discurile inseriate si izolate intre ele si fata de elementele vecine.Single-pole machine with lamellar stator with discoidal geometry, characterized by the fact that it has the rotor inductor in the form of a disc or flattened cylinder with axial magnetization, and the stator induced in two sections, located on one side and the other of the rotor disk, each section being made from one or more discs containing half of the induced winding, positioned between a solid iron disc, coaxial (s) with it and an iron yoke, each winding disc consisting of a number of blades (bars) ) made of iron, aluminized on ends, circularly attached (in the form of a rosette), alternating with an identical number of aluminum blades (bars) (with which they are inserted by welding), the iron blades having an active role, and those of aluminum passive role (serving to insert the premiums, similar to the coil ends of the classic cars), all the blades being insulated between them inserted discs and isolated between them and with the neighboring elements. Revendicarea nr. 2Claim no. 2 Mașina unipolara cu stator lamelar cu geometrie cilindrica,caracterizata prin aceea ca are inductorul rotoric de forma cilindrica,cu magnetizare radiala pe suprafața cilindrica si axiala pe baze,iar indusul statoric alcătuit dintr-unul sau mai multi cilindri coaxiali,ce conțin infasurarea indusa,poziționai intre doi cilindri din fier masiv,coaxial cu aceștia, fiecare cilindru cu infasurare fiind alcătuit dintr-un număr de lamele(bare) din fier aluminizate pe capete,alipite intre ele după o suprafața cilindrica,in alternanta cu un număr identic de lamele(bare) din aluminiu(cu care se inseriaza prin sudare),lamelele din fier avind rol activ,iar cele din aluminiu rol pasiv(servind la inserierea primelor,similar capetelor de bobina de la mașinile clasice),toate lamelele fiind izolate intre ele,iar cilindrii cu înfășurări inseriati si izolați intre ei si fata de elementele vecine.Single-pole machine with lamellar stator with cylindrical geometry, characterized in that it has the rotor inductor of cylindrical shape, with radial magnetization on the cylindrical and axial surface on bases, and the stator inductor composed of one or more coaxial cylinders, containing the induced winding, positioned between two cylinders of solid iron, coaxial with them, each cylinder with winding being composed of a number of blades (bars) of aluminized iron on the ends, joined together by a cylindrical surface, alternating with an identical number of blades (bars) ) from aluminum (with which it is inserted by welding), the iron blades having an active role, and the aluminum ones with a passive role (used to insert the premiums, similar to the coil ends of the classic cars), all the blades being insulated between them and the cylinders with wraps inserted and isolated from each other and from neighboring elements. Se publica împreuna cu fig.2 si fig.7.It is published together with fig.2 and fig.7.
ROA201800020A 2018-01-16 2018-01-16 Unipolar machine with laminated stator RO132838A0 (en)

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ROA201800020A RO132838A0 (en) 2018-01-16 2018-01-16 Unipolar machine with laminated stator

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ROA201800020A RO132838A0 (en) 2018-01-16 2018-01-16 Unipolar machine with laminated stator

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ROA201800020A RO132838A0 (en) 2018-01-16 2018-01-16 Unipolar machine with laminated stator

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