RO132306A2 - Modular propelling system and vertical take-off and landing aircrafts - Google Patents

Modular propelling system and vertical take-off and landing aircrafts Download PDF


Publication number
RO132306A2 ROA201600438A RO201600438A RO132306A2 RO 132306 A2 RO132306 A2 RO 132306A2 RO A201600438 A ROA201600438 A RO A201600438A RO 201600438 A RO201600438 A RO 201600438A RO 132306 A2 RO132306 A2 RO 132306A2
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flow amplifier
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Romanian (ro)
Liviu Grigorian Giurca
Original Assignee
Liviu Grigorian Giurca
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Application filed by Liviu Grigorian Giurca filed Critical Liviu Grigorian Giurca
Priority to ROA201600438A priority Critical patent/RO132306A2/en
Publication of RO132306A2 publication Critical patent/RO132306A2/en



  • Structures Of Non-Positive Displacement Pumps (AREA)


The invention relates to an aircraft with vertical take-off and landing, in particular to an aircraft with hybrid or electric drive to be used for air transport of passengers and goods without requiring landing runways. The aircraft has a fuselage (51), some main folding wings (52) located on either side of the fuselage (51), a fixed wing (53) mounted on an empennage (54) at the tail part, a modular propelling system (55) consisting of two multiple thrusters (56) with flow rate booster of the fixed type, located in front of the main wings (52), on either side of the fuselage (51) and two multiple thrusters (57) with flow rate booster, of the mobile type, located behind the main wings (52) and above them, on either side of the fuselage (51).


Sistem modular de propulsie si aeronave cu decolare si aterizare pe verticalaModular propulsion system and aircraft with vertical takeoff and landing

Prezenta invenție se refera la un sistem modular de propulsie si la aeronave cu decolare si aterizare pe verticala si in special la cele cu acționare hibrida sau electrica utilizate in scopul deplasării pe cale aeriana a oamenilor si mărfurilor fara necesitatea existentei unor piste de atereizare.The present invention relates to a modular propulsion system and to aircraft with vertical take-off and landing and in particular to those with hybrid or electric drive used for the purpose of moving people and goods by air without the need for airstrips.

Aeronavele care au capacitatea de decolare si de aterizare pe verticală combina avantajele elicopterelor, și anume decolarea și aterizarea pe un spațiu limitat sau pe terenuri greu accesibile, cu avantajele avioanelor convenționale, cum ar fi viteza de croazieră crescută și zborul orizontal cel mai eficient energetic. în ultimele decenii, s-au înregistrat progrese semnificative în domeniul avioanelor cu decolare si aterizare pe verticală dar până în prezent un progres economic semnificativ nu a fost atins.Aircraft with the ability to take off and land vertically combine the advantages of helicopters, ie take-off and landing on a limited space or on difficult accessible land, with the advantages of conventional aircraft, such as increased cruise speed and the most energy efficient horizontal flight. In recent decades, significant progress has been made in the field of vertical take-off and landing aircraft, but so far no significant economic progress has been achieved.

O soluție inovanta a fost aplicata de Aurora Flight Sciences care a propus o aeronava ce conține un număr de ventilatoare intubate (ducted fans, in engleza), acționate electric, dispuse pe aripile principale si pe niște aripi secundare tip Canard. Aceasta soluție prezintă dezavantajul ca aripile devin foarte grele, necesitind un mecanism complex si foarte solid de rotire. Un alt dezavantaj este cel al spațiului de aterizare si de parcare la sol foarte mare, deorece aripile principale nu se pot plia. Acest tip de propulsie nu poate fi utilizat de aeronave mari si foarte mari.An innovative solution was applied by Aurora Flight Sciences, which proposed an aircraft containing a number of ducted fans, electrically operated, disposed on the main wings and on some secondary Canard wings. This solution has the disadvantage that the wings become very heavy, requiring a complex and very solid rotation mechanism. Another disadvantage is that of landing space and parking on very high ground, because the main wings can not be folded. This type of propulsion cannot be used by large and very large aircraft.

O soluție asemantoare este propusa de compania Lilium GMBH, avind in principal aceleași dezavantaje.A similar solution is proposed by the company Lilium GmbH, having mainly the same disadvantages.

In consecința devine o necesitate realizarea unui sistem de propulsie foarte eficient a cărui acționare sa fie foarte simpla si care sa permită plierea aripilor aeronavei.As a consequence, it becomes necessary to create a very efficient propulsion system whose operation is very simple and which allows the wings of the aircraft to be folded.

Invenția înlătură dezavantajele aratate mai sus prin aceea ca o aeronava cu decolare si aterizare pe verticala utilizează un sistem modular de propulsie format din cel puțin patru propulsoare multiple cu amplificator de debit, sau simple, situate de o parte si de alta a unui fuzelaj. Fiecare propulsor multiplu cu amplificator de debit este format din cel puțin doua ventilatoare intubate, alaturate, înșirate după cel puțin o axa principala si care sunt înconjurate de un inel anvelopant comun cu rol de amplificator de debit. Intre inelul anvelopant si ventialtoarele intubate se creeaza un spațiu care atunci cind ventilatoarele sunt in funcțiune se videaza datorita efectului Venturi si provoacă apariția unui fenomen de suctiune a aerului dispus deasupra propulsorului multiplu cu amlificator de debit. Aerul ce traveseaza inelul anvelopant se amesteca cu aerul debitat de ventilatoarele intubate si creste impulsul masei de aer si deci forța de tracțiune a propulsorului multiplu cu amplificator de a 2016 00438The invention removes the disadvantages shown above by the fact that an aircraft with vertical take-off and landing uses a modular propulsion system consisting of at least four multiple thrusters with a flow amplifier, or single, located on either side of a fuselage. Each multi-throttle with flow amplifier is composed of at least two intubated, adjacent fans, strung along at least one main axis and which are surrounded by a common envelope ring with the role of flow amplifier. Between the envelope ring and the intubated fans, a space is created which when the fans are in operation is emptied due to the Venturi effect and causes the phenomenon of suction of the air placed above the multiple propeller with flow amplifier. The air passing through the envelope ring mixes with the air cut by the intubated fans and increases the air mass impulse and therefore the tensile strength of the multi-thruster with amplifier to 2016 00438

15/06/2016 debit. Intr-o alta varianta constructiva, efectul de suctiune din interiorul inelului anvelopant este amplificat prin efect Coanda. Propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit pot fi fixe sau se pot roti in funcție de regimul de zbor al aeronavei. Atunci cind sunt mobile, propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit se pot roti după o axa paralela cu axa principala sau după o axa perpendiculara pe axa principala. Pentru sustentatia din timpului zborului pe orizontala, aeronava utilizează niște aripi principale care sunt de obicei amplasate intre doua propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit. Aripile principale pot fi așezate favorabil in curentul de aer debitat de propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit in asa fel incit presiunea sa fie amplificata dedesubtul aripii si depresiunea sa fie amplificata deasupra aripii. Aripile principale sunt pliabile atit la sol cit si in zbor limitind spațiul necesar decolării si aterizării cit si pe cel necesar parcării aeronavei.06/15/2016 Debit. In another constructive variant, the suction effect inside the envelope ring is amplified by the Coanda effect. Multiple boosters with flow amplifier can be fixed or rotate depending on the flight regime of the aircraft. When mobile, multiple thrusters with a flow amplifier can rotate along a axis parallel to the main axis or along a axis perpendicular to the main axis. For horizontal flight timing, the aircraft uses main wings that are usually located between two multiple thrusters with a flow amplifier. The main wings can be placed favorably in the airflow charged by the multiple thrusters with the flow amplifier so that the pressure is amplified below the wing and the depression is amplified above the wing. The main wings are foldable both on the ground and in flight, limiting the space required for take-off and landing as well as the space required to park the aircraft.

Invenția prezintă un număr de avantaje importane si anume:The invention presents a number of important advantages, namely:

Propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit sunt separate de arpile aeronavei iar mecanismul lor de acționare este simplu, fiabil si necesita o putere de antrenare redusa; Prezenta amplificatorului de debit mărește debitul de aer expulzat din propulsor si deci creste eficienta propulsiei la aceiași putere consumata;Multiple thrusters with a flow amplifier are separated from the aircraft blades and their drive mechanism is simple, reliable and requires a low driving power; The presence of the flow amplifier increases the air flow expelled from the propeller and thus increases the efficiency of the propulsion at the same power consumed;

Aeronavele care utilizează propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit, in caz de urgenta pot sa planeze si sa aterizeze ca un avion obișnuit prin rularea pe o pista;Aircraft that use multiple boosters with a flow amplifier, in an emergency, can plan and land as an ordinary aircraft by running on a runway;

Prin utilizarea aripilor suflate randamentul propulsiei creste si la deplasarea pe orizontala; Greutatea aeronavei este mai redusa datorita greutății mai reduse a sistemelor de acționare ale propulsoarelor multiple cu amplificator de debit;By using the blown wings the propulsion efficiency also increases when moving horizontally; The weight of the aircraft is lower due to the smaller weight of the actuators of the multiple boosters with flow amplifier;

Aceleași propulsoare multiple cu amplificator de debit sau simple pot fi utilizate pe diverse aeronave sau dirijabile cu configurații foarte diferite.The same multiple or single amplifier thrusters can be used on different aircraft or airships with very different configurations.

Se dau mai jos un număr de exemple de realizare a invenției in legătură cu figurile 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10,11, 12,13,14, 15,16,17,18,19, si 20 care reprezintă:Below are a number of embodiments of the invention in connection with Figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10,11, 12,13,14, 15,16,17, 18.19, and 20 representing:

Fig. 1, o secțiune parțiala printr-un propulsor multiplu cu amplificator de debit de tipul cu amplificare intr-o treapta;Fig. 1, a partial section through a multiple propeller with flow amplifier of the type with amplification in one step;

Fig. 2, o vedere schematica a unui propulsor multiplu cu amplificator de debit cu cinci ventilatoare intubate si doua axe principale;Fig. 2, a schematic view of a multiple propeller with flow amplifier with five intubated fans and two main axes;

Fig. 3, o secțiune parțiala printr-un propulsor multiplu cu amplificator de debit de tipul cu amplificare in doua trepte;Fig. 3, a partial section through a multiple propeller with flow amplifier of the type with two-stage amplification;

Fig. 4, o secțiune parțiala printr-un propulsor multiplu cu amplificator de debit de tipul cu amplificare in doua trepte avind doua ventilatoare coaxiale contrarotative;Fig. 4, a partial section through a multiple propeller with flow amplifier of the type with two-stage amplification having two coaxial coaxial fans;

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Fig. 5, o vedere schematica a unui propulsor multiplu cu cinci ventilatoare intubate si doua axe principale;Fig. 5, a schematic view of a multiple propeller with five intubated fans and two main axes;

Fig. 6, o vedere izometrica a unei aeronave cu doua propulsoare multiple cu amplificator de debit fixe si cu doua mobile, in faza decolării sau aterizării cu aripile pliate;Fig. 6, an isometric view of an aircraft with two multiple thrusters with fixed flow amplifier and two mobile, in the phase of take-off or landing with folded wings;

Fig. 7, o vedere izometrica a aeronavei de la figura 6 in faza decolării sau aterizării cu aripile extinse;Fig. 7 is an isometric view of the aircraft of Figure 6 in the take-off or landing phase with the wings extended;

Fig. 8, o vedere izometrica a aeronavei de la figura 6 in faza de tranziție;Fig. 8 is an isometric view of the aircraft from Figure 6 in the transition phase;

Fig. 9, o vedere izometrica a aeronavei de la figura 6 in faza de zbor orizontal;Fig. 9 is an isometric view of the aircraft from Figure 6 in the horizontal flight phase;

Fig. 10, o vedere izometrica a unei aeronave cu patru propulsoare multiple cu amplificator de debit mobile avind axele principale paralele cu planul median al aeronavei, in faza decolării sau aterizării;Fig. 10 is an isometric view of an aircraft with four multiple thrusters with a mobile flow amplifier having the main axes parallel to the median plane of the aircraft in the take-off or landing phase;

Fig. 11, o vedere izometrica a aeronavei de la figura 10 in faza de tranziție;Fig. 11 is an isometric view of the aircraft from Figure 10 in the transition phase;

Fig. 12, o vedere izometrica a aeronavei de la figura 10 in faza de zbor orizontal;Fig. 12 is an isometric view of the aircraft from Figure 10 in the horizontal flight phase;

Fig. 13, o vedere laterala a unei aeronave cu patru propulsoare multiple cu amplificator de debit mobile avind axele principale perpendiculare pe planul median al aeronavei;Fig. 13, a side view of an aircraft with four multiple thrusters with mobile flow amplifier having the main axes perpendicular to the median plane of the aircraft;

Fig. 14, o vedere izometrica a aeronavei de la figura 13 in faza decolării sau aterizării;Fig. 14 is an isometric view of the aircraft of Figure 13 in the take-off or landing phase;

Fig. 15, o vedere izometrica a aeronavei de la figura 13 in faza de tranziție;Fig. 15 is an isometric view of the aircraft from Figure 13 in the transition phase;

Fig. 16, o vedere izometrica a aeronavei de la figura 13 in faza de zbor orizontal;Fig. 16 is an isometric view of the aircraft from Figure 13 in the horizontal flight phase;

Fig. 17, o varianta a aeronavei de la figura 13;Fig. 17, an aircraft variant of FIG. 13;

Fig. 18, o vedere izometrica a unei aeronave de tip dirijabil cu corpuri impartite ce utilizează doua propulsoare multiple cu amplificator de debit mobile avind axele principale perpendiculare pe planul median al aeronavei in faza decolării sau aterizării;Fig. 18, an isometric view of an airship type aircraft with split bodies using two multiple thrusters with mobile flow amplifier having the main axes perpendicular to the aircraft's median plane in the take-off or landing phase;

Fig. 19, o secțiune laterala a aeronavei de la figura 18 in faza de tranziției;Fig. 19, a side section of the aircraft from figure 18 in the transition phase;

Fig. 20, o secțiune laterala a aeronavei de la figura 18 in faza de zbor orizontal;Fig. 20, a side section of the aircraft of figure 18 in the horizontal flight phase;

Fig. 21, o vedere izometrica a unei aeronave de tip dirijabil cu corp unitar ce utilizează patru propulsoare multiple cu amplificator de debit mobile avind axele principale paralele cu planul median al aeronavei;Fig. 21, an isometric view of a unitary airship type aircraft using four multiple thrusters with mobile flow amplifier having the main axes parallel to the median plane of the aircraft;

Fig. 22, o schema de acționare hibrida a propulsoarelor multiple cu amplificator de debit cu doua termo-generatoare;Fig. 22, a hybrid drive scheme for multiple thrusters with two-generator thermo-generator;

Fig. 23, o schema de acționare hibrida a propulsoarelor multiple cu amplificator de debit cu un termo-generator.Fig. 23, a hybrid drive scheme of multiple thrusters with a flow amplifier with a thermo-generator.

Un propulsor multiplu cu amplificator de debit 1 conține un număr de ventilatoare 2, intubate, ce se pot roti fiecare intr-un tub 3, ca in figurile 1 si 2. Fiecare ventilator 2 este acționat de un motor electric 4, de preferința de tipul fara perii. Motorul electric 4 este suspendat in tubul 3 cu ajutorulA multiple thruster with flow amplifier 1 contains a number of intubated fans 2, which can each be rotated in a tube 3, as in Figures 1 and 2. Each fan 2 is driven by an electric motor 4, preferably of the type without brushes. Electric motor 4 is suspended in tube 3 with the help

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15/06/2016 unor suporți 5. Pereții tubului 3 prezintă o forma aerodinamica 6. Tuburile 3 sunt tangente intre ele si formează un bloc de tuburi 7. Blocul de tuburi 7 este înconjurat de un inel anvelopant 8 ce creeaza un spațiu 9 cu blocul de tuburi 7. Inelul anvelopant 8 este decalat pe verticala fata de blocul de tuburi 7 cu o distanta Dl. Inelul anvelopant 8 prezintă niște pereți 10 care au de asemenea o forma aerodinamica 11. Inelul anvelopant 8 susține blocul de tuburi 7 prin intermediul unor nervuri 12. Ventilatoarele 2, intubate sunt așezate coliniar după o axa pricipala 13, ca in figura 2. Alte ventilatoare 2, intubate sunt așezate coliniar după alte axe principale 14, paralele cu axa principala 13. In funcționare, in timpul decolării, ventilatoarele 2 intubate expulzează aerul de deasupra in direcția in jos. Datorita jetului de aer expulzat de ventilatoarele 2 in spațiul 9 apare o depresiune puternica datorata efectului Venturi. Aceasta depresiune pune in mișcare masa de aer aflata deasupra ce înconjoară propulsorul multiplu cu amplificator de debit 1 amplificind jetul de aer expulzat spre in jos si implicit impulsul masei de aer si forța de tracțiune.06/15/2016 for supports 5. The walls of tube 3 have an aerodynamic shape 6. The tubes 3 are tangent to each other and form a block of tubes 7. The block of tubes 7 is surrounded by an envelope ring 8 which creates a space 9 with the block of tubes 7. The tire ring 8 is offset vertically from the block of tubes 7 with a distance Dl. The envelope ring 8 has walls 10 which also have an aerodynamic shape 11. The envelope ring 8 supports the block of tubes 7 by means of ribs 12. The fans 2, intubated are placed collinearly along a main axis 13, as in figure 2. Other fans 2, the intubates are placed collinearly along other main axes 14, parallel to the main axis 13. During operation, the intubated fans 2 expel the air from above in the downward direction. Due to the jet of air expelled by the fans 2 in space 9 there is a strong depression due to the Venturi effect. This depression sets the air mass above the surrounding multi-thruster with flow amplifier 1, amplifying the jet of air expelled downwards and thus the impulse of the air mass and the traction force.

Intr-o a doua varianta, un propulsor multiplu cu amplificator de debit 20 conține un număr de ventilatoare 21, intubate, ce se pot roti fiecare intr-un tub 22, ca in figura 3. Fiecare ventilator 21 prezintă niște palete 23 astfel construite pentru a favoriza atit fluxul axial de aer cit si fluxul radial de aer. In dreptul capătului dinspre exterior al paletelor 23 sunt practicate in tubul 22 un număr de canalizatii 24, înclinate spre in jos, ce debușează pe o fata exterioara 25 a tubului 22 intr-un prag 26. Canalizatiile 24 sunt distanțate cu o distanta D2 fata de fata exteriora 25. Fiecare ventilator 21 este antrenat de un motor 27. In funcționare, atunci cind motorul 27 actioneaza ventilatorul 21 o parte din aerul antrenat de acesta este centrifugat si împins in canalizatiile 24. La ieșirea din canalizatiile 24 aerul este deviat prin efect Coanda de fata exterioara 25, antrenind in plus si aerul existent in afara tubului 22. Concomitent in spațiul 9, existent intre tuburile 22 si inelul anvelopant 8, are loc același fenomen de suctiune provocat de fluxul principal de aer expulzat de ventilatorul 21 prin efect Venturi . In consecința accelerarea aerului din exteriorul si de deasupra tubului 22 se realizează in doua trepte, odata prin efect Coanda si a doua oara prin efect Venturi, amplificind debitul total al propulsorului multiplu cu amplificator de debit 20.In a second embodiment, a multiple thruster with flow amplifier 20 contains a number of intubated fans 21, which can each be rotated in a tube 22, as in Figure 3. Each fan 21 has blades 23 thus constructed for to favor both axial air flow and radial air flow. Near the outer end of the blades 23 a number of pipes 24 are inclined downwardly, which open onto an outer face 25 of the tube 22 in a threshold 26. The pipes 24 are spaced a distance D2 from outer face 25. Each fan 21 is driven by a motor 27. In operation, when the motor 27 actuates the fan 21 a part of the air driven by it is centrifuged and pushed into the pipes 24. At the exit of the pipes 24 the air is deflected by the Coanda effect. of the outer face 25, additionally entraining the air outside the tube 22. Simultaneously in the space 9, existing between the tubes 22 and the envelope ring 8, the same suction phenomenon caused by the main flow of air expelled by the fan 21 through the Venturi effect occurs. As a consequence, the acceleration of the air from outside and above the tube 22 is carried out in two stages, once by the Coanda effect and the second time by the Venturi effect, increasing the total flow of the multiple propeller with the flow amplifier 20.

Intr-o a treia varianta, un propulsor multiplu cu amplificator de debit 40 conține un număr de tuburi 41, ca in figura 4. In fiecare tub 41 se rotesc doua ventilatoare 42, respectiv 43, contrarotative. Ventilator 42 împarte fluxul de aer in doua ca la exempul anterior. Ventilatorul 43, este de tipul axial si actioneaza fluxul de aer in direcție axiala. Cele doua ventilatoare 42, respectiv 43, pot fi acționate de același motor electric 44. Ventilatorul 43 este acționat direct de motorul electric 44, iar ventilatorul 42 prin intermediul unui inversor 45 care este suspendat in interiorul tubului 41 prin intermediul unor suporți 46. Funcționarea propulsorului multiplu cu amplificator de debit 40 este a 2016 00438In a third embodiment, a multiple thruster with flow amplifier 40 contains a number of tubes 41, as in Figure 4. In each tube 41, two counter-rotating fans 42 and 43 are rotated. Fan 42 divides the airflow into two as in the previous example. The fan 43 is of the axial type and acts the air flow in the axial direction. The two fans 42, respectively 43, can be operated by the same electric motor 44. The fan 43 is driven directly by the electric motor 44, and the fan 42 by means of an inverter 45 which is suspended inside the tube 41 by means of supports 46. Operation of the propeller Multiple with flow amplifier 40 is 2016 00438

15/06/2016 asemanatoare celei de la exemplul anterior cu excepția faptului ca debitul de aer ce trece prin tuburile 41 este majorat datorita montării in serie a ventilatoarelor 42, respectiv 43.15/06/2016 similar to the one from the previous example except that the air flow passing through the tubes 41 is increased due to the series installation of the fans 42, respectively 43.

Un propulsor multiplu 200 conține un număr de ventilatoare 201, intubate, ce se pot roti fiecare intrun tub 202, ca in figura 5. Fiecare ventilator 201 este acționat de un motor electric 203, de preferința de tipul fara perii. Motorul electric 203 este suspendat in tubul 202 cu ajutorul unor suporți 204. Pereții tubului 202 prezintă in secțiune o forma aerodinamica. Tuburile 202 sunt tangente intre ele si formează un bloc de tuburi 205. Ventilatoarele 201, intubate sunt așezate coliniar după o axa pricipala 206. Alte ventilatoare 201, intubate sunt așezate coliniar după alte axe principale 207, paralele cu axa principala 206. In funcționare, in timpul decolării, ventilatoarele 201 intubate expulzează aerul pe direcția tuburilor 205.A multiple propeller 200 contains a number of intubated fans 201, which can rotate each in a tube 202, as in Figure 5. Each fan 201 is driven by an electric motor 203, preferably brushless. The electric motor 203 is suspended in the tube 202 by means of supports 204. The walls of the tube 202 have an aerodynamic shape in the section. The tubes 202 are tangent to each other and form a block of tubes 205. The fans 201, intubated are placed collinearly along a principal axis 206. Other fans 201, intubated are placed collinearly along other main axes 207, parallel to the main axis 206. In operation, During take-off, the intubated fans 201 expel the air in the direction of the tubes 205.

O aeronava 50 prezintă un fuzelaj 51 si niște aripi principale 52, pliabile, situate de o parte si de alta a fuzelajului 51, si o aripa 53, fixa, montata pe un ampenaj 54 la partea din spate a aeronavei 50, ca in figurile 6, 7, 8 si 9. Aeronava 50 utilizează un sistem modular de propulsie 55 format din doua propulsoare multiple cu amplificator de debit 56, de tipul fix, situate in fata aripilor principale 52, de o parte si de alta a fuzelajului 51, si doua propulsoare multiple cu amplificator de debit 57, de tipul celor mobile, situate in spatele aripilor principale 52 si deasupra acestora, respectiv de o parte si de alta a fuzelajului 51. Fiecare propulsor multiplu cu amplificator de debit 56 prezintă axa principala paralela cu planul median al aeronavei 50 si este plasat intr-o incinta 58 ce poate fi închisa cu o trapa 59 (figura 9) escamotabila in fuzelajul 51. O trapa similara poate fi localizata la baza propulsoarelor multiple cu amplificator de debit 56 (nefigurata). Fiecare propulsor multiplu cu amplificator de debit 57 prezintă axele principale perpendiculare pe planul median al aeronavei 50 si se poate roti folosind un arbore 60 acționat de un actuator (nefigurat). Propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit 56, respectiv 57 pot fi de oricare tip descris in figurile 1, 3 sau 4. In funcționare, in momentul decolării sau aterizării dintr-un spațiu limitat, aripile principale 52 sunt pliate in sus ca in figura 6, propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit 56, respectiv 57 sunt orientate pe direcția verticala iar trapa 59 este deschisa. Cind aeronava 50 se gaseste la o altitudine convenabila, aripile principale 52 sunt extinse ajungind in poziția de funcționare pentru zborul orizontal, ca in figura 7. In perioada tranziției de la zborul pe verticala la zborul orizontal si invers propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit 57 sunt înclinate iar propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit 56 continua sa debiteze aerul spre direcția in jos. Pe măsură ce viteza aeronavei 50 creste datorita componentei orizontale a forței de tracțiune dezvoltata de propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit 57, sustentatia este preluata de aripile principale 52, respectiv de aripa 53. In momentul in care propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit 57 ajung in poziția in care sunt perpendiculare fata de poziția inițiala , propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit 56 sunt scoase din funcțiune si trapa 59 se închide.An aircraft 50 has a fuselage 51 and some main wings 52, foldable, located on either side of the fuselage 51, and a fixed wing 53, mounted on an engaging 54 at the rear of the aircraft 50, as in FIGS. 6 , 7, 8 and 9. The aircraft 50 uses a modular propulsion system 55 consisting of two multiple thrusters with fixed amplifier 56, of the fixed type, located in front of the main wings 52, on both sides of the fuselage 51, and two multiple thrusters with flow amplifier 57, of the movable type, located behind the main wings 52 and above, respectively on both sides of the fuselage 51. Each multiple thruster with flow amplifier 56 has the main axis parallel to the median plane of the aircraft 50 and is placed in an enclosure 58 that can be closed with a hatch 59 (figure 9) retractable in the fuselage 51. A similar hatch can be located at the base of the multiple thrusters with flow amplifier 56 (not shown). Each multi-thruster with flow amplifier 57 has the main axes perpendicular to the median plane of the aircraft 50 and can be rotated using a shaft 60 actuated by an actuator (not shown). Multiple boosters with flow amplifier 56, respectively 57 can be of any type described in Figures 1, 3 or 4. In operation, when taking off or landing from a limited space, the main wings 52 are folded upwards as in figure 6, the multiple thrusters with flow amplifier 56 and 57 respectively are oriented in the vertical direction and the hatch 59 is open. When the aircraft 50 is at a convenient altitude, the main wings 52 are extended to the operating position for horizontal flight, as in Figure 7. During the transition from vertical flight to horizontal flight, and conversely, multiple thrusters with flow amplifier 57 are inclined and the multiple thrusters with flow amplifier 56 continue to flow the air in the downward direction. As the speed of the aircraft 50 increases due to the horizontal component of the traction force developed by the multiple thrusters with flow amplifier 57, the support is taken over by the main wings 52, respectively by the wing 53. When the multiple thrusters with the flow amplifier 57 reach the position in which they are perpendicular to the initial position, the multiple thrusters with flow amplifier 56 are switched off and the hatch 59 is closed.

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Sustentatia pe orizontala este amplificata de faptul ca propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit 57 absorb aerul de deasupra aripilor principale 52, amplificind depresiune de deasupra acestora, si concomitent cresc presiunea de dedesubtul aripii 53. La aterizare procesul se inversează. Sistemul modular de propulsie 55 poate fi construit de aemenea cu propulsoarele multiple 200 de la figura 5.The horizontal support is amplified by the fact that the multiple thrusters with the flow amplifier 57 absorb the air above the main wings 52, amplifying depression above them, and at the same time the pressure from below the wing 53. The landing process reverses. The modular propulsion system 55 may also be constructed with the multiple thrusters 200 in Figure 5.

Intr-o a doua varinata principala o aeronava 70 prezintă un fuzelaj 71 si niște aripi principale 72, eventual pliabile, situate de o parte si de alta a fuzelajului 71, si o aripa 73, fixa, montata pe un ampenaj 74 la partea din spate a aeronavei 70, ca in figurile 10, 11 si 12. Aeronava 70 utilizează un sistem modular de propulsie 75 format din patru propulsoare multiple cu amplificator de debit 76, de tipul mobile, doua situate in fata aripilor principale 72, de o parte si de alta a fuzelajului 71, si doua situate in spatele aripilor principale respectiv de o parte si de alta a fuzelajului 71. Fiecare propulsor multiplu cu amplificator de debit 76 prezintă axa principala paralela cu planul median al aeronavei 70 si se poate roti folosind un arbore 77 acționat de un actuator (nefigurat). Propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit 76 situate la partea din fata sunt fixate direct pe fuzelajul 71. Propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit 76 situate la partea din spate sunt fixate pe niște bretele 78 care sunt suficient distanțate de fuzelajul 71 in asa fel incit aerul debitat de propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit 76 situate in fata sa treaca printre bretelele 77 si fuzelajul 71 fara a fi obstructionat. Propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit 76 pot fi de oricare tip descris in figurile 1, 3 sau 4. In funcționare, in momentul decolării sau aterizării propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit 76 debitează aerul sub presiune spre in jos, ca in figura 10. In perioada tranziției de la zborul pe verticala la zborul orizontal si invers propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit 76 sunt înclinate, ca in figura 11. Pe măsură ce viteza aeronavei 70 creste datorita componentei orizontale a forței de tracțiune dezvoltata de propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit 76, sustentatia este preluata de aripile principale 72, respectiv de aripa 73. In zborul orizontal propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit 76 ajung in poziție verticala. Sistemul modular de propulsie 75 poate fi construit de aemenea cu propulsoarele multiple 200 de la figura 5.In a second main wing, an aircraft 70 has a fuselage 71 and some main wings 72, possibly foldable, located on both sides of the fuselage 71, and a fixed wing 73, mounted on a fender 74 at the rear. of the aircraft 70, as in Figures 10, 11 and 12. The aircraft 70 uses a modular propulsion system 75 consisting of four multiple thrusters with flow amplifier 76, of the movable type, two located in front of the main wings 72, on one side and another one of the fuselage 71, and two behind the main wings respectively on one side and the other of the fuselage 71. Each multiple propeller with flow amplifier 76 has the main axis parallel to the median plane of the aircraft 70 and can be rotated using an actuated shaft 77. by an actuator (not shown). The multiple thrusters with flow amplifier 76 located at the front are fixed directly to the fuselage 71. The multiple thrusters with the flow amplifier 76 located at the rear are fixed on some straps 78 that are sufficiently far from the fuselage 71 so that the air is cut off. by the multiple thrusters with flow amplifier 76 located in front of it passing between the straps 77 and the fuselage 71 without being obstructed. Multiple boosters with flow amplifier 76 may be of any type described in Figures 1, 3 or 4. In operation, at take-off or landing multiple boosters with flow amplifier 76 discharge air under pressure downward, as in Figure 10. the period of the transition from vertical flight to horizontal flight and vice versa, the multiple boosters with flow amplifier 76 are inclined, as in figure 11. As the speed of the aircraft 70 increases due to the horizontal component of the traction force developed by the multiple boosters with flow amplifier 76 , the support is taken over by the main wings 72, respectively by the wing 73. In the horizontal flight the multiple thrusters with flow amplifier 76 reach the vertical position. The modular propulsion system 75 can also be constructed with the multiple thrusters 200 in Figure 5.

Intr-o a treia varianta principala o aeronava 90 prezintă un fuzelaj 91 si niște aripi principale 92, eventual pliabile, situate de o parte si de alta a fuzelajului 91, si o aripa 93, fixa, montata pe un ampenaj 94 la partea din spate a aeronavei 90, ca in figurile 13, 14, 15 si 16. Aeronava 90 utilizează un sistem modular de propulsie 95 format din patru propulsoare multiple cu amplificator de debit 96, de tipul mobile, doua situate in fata aripilor principale 92, de o parte si de alta a fuzelajului 91, si doua situate in spatele aripilor principale respectiv de o parte si de alta a fuzelajului 91. Fiecare propulsor multiplu cu amplificator de debit 96 prezintă axa principala perpendiculara pe planul median al aeronavei 90 si se poate roti folosind un arbore 97 acționat de un actuator (nefigurat). Propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit 96 situate la partea din fata sunt fixate pe fuzelajul 91 a 2016 00438In a third main embodiment, an aircraft 90 has a fuselage 91 and some main wings 92, possibly foldable, located on either side of the fuselage 91, and a fixed wing 93, mounted on a hook 94 at the rear. of the aircraft 90, as in Figures 13, 14, 15 and 16. The aircraft 90 uses a modular propulsion system 95 consisting of four multiple thrusters with flow amplifier 96, of the mobile type, two located in front of the main wings 92, on the one hand. and another of the fuselage 91, and two behind the main wings respectively on one side and the other of the fuselage 91. Each multiple thruster with flow amplifier 96 has the main axis perpendicular to the median plane of the aircraft 90 and can be rotated using a shaft. 97 operated by an actuator (not shown). Multiple thrusters with 96-bit amplifier located at the front are fixed on fuselage 91 of 2016 00438

15/06/2016 la o disatanta D3 de planseul aeronavei 90 care situează propulsorul multiplu cu amplificator de debit 96 sub ariplie principale 92. Propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit 96 situate la partea din spate sunt fixate pe fuzelajul 91 la o distanta D4 care situează propulsorul multiplu cu amplificator de debit 96 deasupra aripilor principale 92. Propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit 96 pot fi de oricare tip descris in figurile 1, 3 sau 4. In funcționare, in momentul decolării sau aterizării propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit 96 debitează aerul sub presiune spre in jos, ca in figura 13 si 14. In perioada tranziției de la zborul pe verticala la zborul orizontal si invers propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit 96 sunt înclinate, ca in figura 15. Pe măsură ce viteza aeronavei 90 creste datorita componentei orizontale a forței de tracțiune dezvoltata de propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit 96, sustentatia este preluata de aripile principale 92, respectiv de aripa 93. In zborul orizontal propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit 96 ajung in poziția din figura 16. Sustentatia pe orizontala este amplificata de faptul ca propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit 96 situate in fata cresc presiunea sub aripile principale 92. De asemenea sustentatia pe orizontala este amplificata de faptul ca propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit 96 situate in spate absorb aerul de deasupra aripilor principale 92, amplificind depresiune de deasupra acestora, si concomitent cresc presiunea de dedesubtul aripii 93. Sistemul modular de propulsie 95 poate fi construit de aemenea cu propulsoarele multiple 200 de la figura 5.15/06/2016 at a disassociation D3 of the aircraft floor 90 which places the multiple propeller with flow amplifier 96 under the main axle 92. The multiple thrusters with flow amplifier 96 located at the rear are fixed on the fuselage 91 at a distance D4 which lies multiple throttle with flow amplifier 96 above the main wings 92. Multiple thrusters with flow amplifier 96 may be of any type described in Figures 1, 3 or 4. In operation, at take-off or landing multiple thrusters with flow amplifier 96 discharge air under pressure downward, as in Figure 13 and 14. During the transition from vertical to horizontal flight and vice versa, the multiple thrusters with flow amplifier 96 are inclined, as in Figure 15. As the aircraft speed 90 increases due to the component horizontal of the traction force developed by the multiple thrusters with flow amplifier 96, the support is taken d e main wings 92, respectively wing 93. In the horizontal flight, the multiple thrusters with flow amplifier 96 reach the position of figure 16. The horizontal support is amplified by the fact that the multiple thrusters with flow amplifier 96 located in front increase the pressure below the main wings. 92. Also the horizontal support is amplified by the fact that the multiple thrusters with flow amplifier 96 located in the rear absorb the air above the main wings 92, amplifying depression above them, and at the same time increase the pressure below the wing 93. The modular propulsion system 95 it can also be built with multiple thrusters 200 from Figure 5.

Intr-o varianta derivata din cea anterioara o aeronava 110 prezintă un fuzelaj 111 si niște aripi principale 112, situate de o parte si de alta a fuzelajului 111, ca in figura 17. Aeronava 110 utilizează un sistem modular de propulsie 112 format din patru propulsoare multiple cu amplificator de debit 113, parțial ca la exemplul anterior cu diferența ca la celalalt capat se sprijină pe doua cadre 114, simetric situate in raport cu fuzelajul 111 . Fiecare cadru 114 este fixat pe aripa principala 112 corespunzătoare. Cadrele 114 prezintă la partea din spate cite o suprainaltare 115 pe care este fixata o aripa secundara 116 ce le unește. Aripa secundara 116 se sprijină pe un ampenaj vertical 117 care este fixat pe fuzelajul 111. La aceasta varinata propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit 113 se sprijină atit pe fuzelajul 111 cit si pe cadrele 114. Funcționarea aeronavei 110 este similara celei de la exemplul anterior. Sistemul modular de propulsie 112 poate fi construit de aemenea cu propulsoarele multiple 200 de la figura 5.In an embodiment derived from the previous one an aircraft 110 has a fuselage 111 and some main wings 112, located on both sides of the fuselage 111, as in Figure 17. The aircraft 110 uses a modular propulsion system 112 consisting of four thrusters. multiples with flow amplifier 113, partially as in the previous example with the difference that at the other end is supported on two frames 114, symmetrically located in relation to the fuselage 111. Each frame 114 is fixed to the corresponding main wing 112. The frames 114 show at the rear side an overhang 115 on which a secondary wing 116 is attached which unites them. The secondary wing 116 rests on a vertical gear 117 which is fixed to the fuselage 111. At this rod the multiple thrusters with flow amplifier 113 are supported on both the fuselage 111 and the frames 114. The operation of the aircraft 110 is similar to that of the previous example. The modular propulsion system 112 can also be constructed with the multiple thrusters 200 in Figure 5.

Intr-o prima varinata, un dirijabil 130 prezintă doua corpuri 131 identice de care sunt suspendate niște cabine 132, ca in figurile 18,19 si 20. Corpurile 131 au un profil aerodinamic care poate fi folosit pentru sustentatia dirijabilului 131. Cele doua corpuri 131 sunt unite prin intermediul unor aripi 133, respectiv 134, care au si rolul de rigidizare al corpurior 131. Aripa 133 este plasata spre partea din fata iar aripa 134 este plasata spre partea din spate si mai sus decit aripa 133. Dirijabilul 130 utilizează un sistem modular de propulsie 135 format din doua propulsoare multiple cu amplificator a 2016 00438In a first embodiment, an airship 130 has two identical bodies 131 from which cabs 132 are suspended, as in Figures 18.19 and 20. The bodies 131 have an aerodynamic profile that can be used to support the airship 131. The two bodies 131 they are joined by means of wings 133, respectively 134, which also have the role of stiffening of the body 131. Wing 133 is placed towards the front and wing 134 is placed towards the back and above the wing 133. The airship 130 uses a system Modular Propulsion 135 consists of two multiple thrusters with 2016 amplifier 00438

15/06/2016 de debit 136, de tipul mobile, unul situat in fata aripii 133, respectiv dedesubtul ei si celalalt situat intre aripile 133 si 134 respectiv deasupra aripii 133 si dedesubtul aripii 134. Fiecare propulsor multiplu cu amplificator de debit 136 prezintă axa principala perpendiculara pe corpurile 131 si se poate roti folosind doi arbori 137 ce pot fi acționați de doua actuatoare (nefigurate). Propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit 136 pot fi de oricare tip descris in figurile 1, 3 sau 4. Fiecare corp 131 prezintă pe extrados o baterie 138 de celule foto-voltaice care transforma energia solara in energie electrica ce poate fi utilizata pentru a suplimenta rezerva de energie a dirijabilului 130. Corpurile 131 sunt umplute cu heliu gazos care este mai ușor decit aerul. Atunci cind dirijabilul 130 nu este incarcat sustentatia este asigurata de heliul gazos. In funcționare cind dirijabilul 130 este incarcat, in momentul decolării sau aterizării propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit 136 debitează aerul sub presiune spre in jos, ca in figura 18, realizind o forța de tracțiune mai mare decit greutatea încărcăturii. In perioada tranziției de la zborul pe verticala la zborul orizontal si invers propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit 136 sunt înclinate, ca in figura 19. Pe măsură ce viteza dirijabilului 130 creste datorita componentei orizontale a forței de tracțiune dezvoltata de propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit 136, sustentatia este preluata de aripile 133 si 134, respectiv de corpurile 131. In zborul orizontal propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit 136 debitează fluxul de aer in plan orizontal, ca in figura 20. Sustentatia pe orizontala este amplificata de faptul ca propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit 136 situate in fata cresc presiunea sub aripa 133. De asemenea sustentatia pe orizontala este amplificata de faptul ca propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit 136 situate in spate absorb aerul de deasupra aripii 133, amplificind depresiune de deasupra acesteia, si concomitent cresc presiunea dedesubtul aripii 134. Sistemul modular de propulsie 135 poate fi construit de aemenea cu propulsoarele multiple 200 de la figura 5.15/06/2016 of flow 136, of the mobile type, one located in front of wing 133, respectively underneath it and the other located between wings 133 and 134 respectively above wing 133 and below wing 134. Each multiple thruster with flow amplifier 136 has axis the main one perpendicular to the bodies 131 and can be rotated using two shafts 137 which can be actuated by two actuators (not shown). Multiple boosters with flow amplifier 136 may be of any type described in Figures 1, 3 or 4. Each body 131 has a battery 138 of photovoltaic cells on the extrudate that converts solar energy into electrical energy that can be used to supplement the reserve. energy of the airship 130. The bodies 131 are filled with helium gas which is lighter than air. When the airship 130 is not loaded the support is provided by the helium gas. In operation when the airship 130 is loaded, at the moment of take-off or landing the multiple thrusters with flow amplifier 136 discharge the downward pressure air, as in figure 18, achieving a traction force greater than the weight of the load. During the transition from vertical flight to horizontal flight and vice versa, the multiple boosters with flow amplifier 136 are inclined, as in Figure 19. As the speed of the airship 130 increases due to the horizontal component of the traction force developed by the multiple boosters with flow amplifier 136, the support is taken over by wings 133 and 134, respectively by the bodies 131. In the horizontal flight the multiple thrusters with flow amplifier 136 flow the air flow horizontally, as in figure 20. The horizontal support is amplified by the fact that the multiple thrusters with flow amplifier 136 located in front increases the pressure under the wing 133. Also the horizontal support is amplified by the fact that the multiple thrusters with flow amplifier 136 located in the rear absorb the air above the wing 133, amplifying depression above it, and at the same time the pressure increases under the wing 134. Modular system of its own Sie 135 can also be built with multiple thrusters 200 from Figure 5.

Intr-o a doua varianta, un dirijabil 150 prezintă un corp 151 de care este suspendat o cabina 152, ca in figura 21. Corpul 151 are un profil aerodinamic care poate fi folosit pentru sustentatia dirijabilului 15. Dirijabilul 150 utilizează un sistem modular de propulsie 152 format din patru propulsoare multiple cu amplificator de debit 153, de tipul mobile, doua situate la partea din fata si celelalte doua situate la partea din spate a dirijabilului 150. Fiecare propulsor multiplu cu amplificator de debit 153 prezintă axa principala paralela cu planul median al dirijabilului 150. Propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit 153 pot fi de oricare tip descris in figurile 1, 3 sau 4. Corpul 151 prezintă pe extrados o baterie 154 de celule foto-voltaice care transforma energia solara in energie electrica ce poate fi utilizata pentru a suplimenta rezerva de energie a dirijabilului 150. Funcționarea propulsoarelor multiple cu amplificator de debit 153 este asemanatoare cu cea descrisa la exemplele anterioare. Sistemul modular de propulsie 152 poate fi construit de aemenea cu propulsoarele multiple 200 de la figura 5.In a second embodiment, an airship 150 has a body 151 from which a cabin 152 is suspended, as in Figure 21. The body 151 has an aerodynamic profile that can be used to support the airship 15. The airship 150 uses a modular propulsion system. 152 consists of four multiple thrusters with flow amplifier 153, of the movable type, two located at the front and the other two located at the rear of the airship 150. Each multiple thruster with flow amplifier 153 has the main axis parallel to the median plane of 150. The multiple thrusters with flow amplifier 153 may be of any type described in Figures 1, 3 or 4. The body 151 has on the extradition a battery 154 of photo-voltage cells that converts solar energy into electrical energy that can be used to use additional power reserve of the airship 150. The operation of the multiple boosters with flow amplifier 153 is similar to the one described in the previous examples. The modular propulsion system 152 can also be constructed with the multiple thrusters 200 in Figure 5.

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Sistemele modulare de propulsie descrise pot sa folosească o unitate de putere hibrida 170, de tipul redundant, ca in figura 22. Unitatea de putere hibrida 170 alimentează cu energie electrica cel puțin patru grupe de motoare electrice Ml-1, Ml-2, Ml-n, respectiv M2-1, M2-2, M2-n, respectiv M3-1, M3-2, M3-n, respectiv M4-1, M4-2, ..., M4-n, corespunzătoare fiecare unui propulsor multiplu cu amplificator de debit. Unitatea de putere hibrida 170 produce energia electrica cu ajutorul a doua termo-generatoare 171 ce pot funcționa separat sau împreuna. Fiecare termo-generator 171 poate fi construit dintr-un un motor cu ardere interna asociat cu un generator electric, dintr-o turbina cu gaze asociata cu un generator electric sau dintr-un motor cu pistoane libere asociat cu un generator electric. In cazul in care termo-generatorul 171 utilizează un motor termic, acesta trebuie sa fie de tipul cu recuperare interna a căldurii gazelor arse si a celei pierdute prin sistemul de răcire si sa aiba o densitatea de putere ridicata. In cazul in care termo-generatorul 171 utilizează o turbina cu gaze, aceasta trebuie sa fie de tipul cu recuperare a căldurii gazelor arse si sa aiba o densitatea de putere ridicata.Termo-generatoarele 171 sunt alimentate cu combustibil de la niște rezervoare 172. Fiecare Termo-generatoarele 171 isi livrează energia la un regulator 173. Cele doua regulatoare 173 transmit energia la un distribuitor 174, comun. Distribuitorul 174 poate conține inclus in interiorul lui o unitate de stocare a energiei 175 ce poate fi o baterie de acumulatori sau de super-condensatori. Distribuitorul 174 împarte energia necesara la motoarele electrice Ml-1, Ml-2, ..., Ml-n, respectiv M2-1, M2-2, ..., M2-n, respectiv M3-1, M3-2,..., M3-n, respectiv M4-1, M4-2,..., M4-n, in funcție de necesitați si de comenzile transmise de pilot. Sistemul hibrid de propulsie este redundant si poate funcționa cu un singur termo-generator 171. Datorita construcției unitatii de putere hibride 170, aeronavele descrise anterior pot funcționa in condiții de siguranța si in cazul defectării unuia sau mai multor motoare electrice Ml-1, Ml-2, ..., Ml-n, respectiv M2-1, M2-2, ..., M2-n, respectiv M3-1, M3-2,..., M3-n, respectiv M4-1, M4-2,..., M4-n .The modular propulsion systems described may use a redundant type 170 power unit, as shown in Figure 22. The hybrid power unit 170 supplies at least four electric motor groups Ml-1, Ml-2, Ml- n, respectively M2-1, M2-2, M2-n, respectively M3-1, M3-2, M3-n, respectively M4-1, M4-2, ..., M4-n, each corresponding to a multiple propellant. with flow amplifier. The hybrid power unit 170 produces electricity by means of two thermo-generators 171 which can operate separately or together. Each thermo-generator 171 may be constructed from an internal combustion engine associated with an electric generator, from a gas turbine associated with an electric generator or from a free piston engine associated with an electric generator. If the thermo-generator 171 uses a heat engine, it must be of the type with internal recovery of the heat of the flue gases and of the heat lost by the cooling system and have a high power density. If the thermo-generator 171 uses a gas turbine, it must be of the type with the heat recovery of the flue gas and have a high power density. The thermo-generators 171 are fueled by tanks 172. Each Thermo-generators 171 deliver their energy to a regulator 173. The two regulators 173 transmit the energy to a common distributor 174. The distributor 174 may contain included within it an energy storage unit 175 which may be a battery of accumulators or super-capacitors. Distributor 174 divides the required energy to the electric motors Ml-1, Ml-2, ..., Ml-n, respectively M2-1, M2-2, ..., M2-n, respectively M3-1, M3-2, ..., M3, respectively M4-1, M4-2, ..., M4, depending on the needs and the commands transmitted by the pilot. The hybrid propulsion system is redundant and can operate with a single thermo-generator 171. Due to the construction of the hybrid power unit 170, the aircraft described above can operate safely and in the event of failure of one or more electric motors Ml-1, Ml- 2, ..., Ml, respectively M2-1, M2-2, ..., M2, respectively M3-1, M3-2, ..., M3, respectively M4-1, M4 -2, ..., in M4.

O a doua varianta de unitate de putere hibrida 190, de tipul redundant, ca in figura 23, alimentează cu energie electrica cel puțin patru grupe de motoare electrice Ml-1, Ml-2,..., Ml-n, respectiv M21, M2-2,..., M2-n, respectiv M3-1, M3-2,..., M3-n, respectiv M4-1, M4-2,..., M4-n, corespunzătoare fiecare unui propulsor multiplu cu amplificator de debit. Unitatea de putere hibrida 190 produce energia electrica cu ajutorul unui termo-generator 191. Termo-generatorul 191 poate fi construit dintr-un un motor cu ardere interna asociat cu un generator electric, dintr-o turbina cu gaze asociata cu un generator electric sau dintr-un motor cu pistoane libere asociat cu un generator electric. In cazul in care termo-generatorul 191 utilizează un motor termic, acesta trebuie sa fie de tipul cu recuperare interna a căldurii gazelor arse si a celei pierdute prin sistemul de răcire si sa aiba o densitatea de putere ridicata. In cazul in care termo-generatorul 191 utilizează o turbina cu gaze, aceasta trebuie sa fie de tipul cu recuperare a căldurii gazelor arse si sa aiba o densitatea de putere a 2016 00438A second variant of the hybrid power unit 190, of the redundant type, as in Figure 23, supplies at least four groups of electric motors Ml-1, Ml-2, ..., Ml-n and M21 respectively, M2-2, ..., M2-n, respectively M3-1, M3-2, ..., M3-n, respectively M4-1, M4-2, ..., M4-n, each corresponding to a propellant multiple with flow amplifier. The hybrid power unit 190 produces electricity using a thermo-generator 191. The thermo-generator 191 can be built from an internal combustion engine associated with an electric generator, from a gas turbine associated with an electric generator or from - a free piston engine associated with an electric generator. If the thermo-generator 191 uses a heat engine, it must be of the type with internal recovery of the heat of the flue gases and of the heat lost through the cooling system and have a high power density. If the thermo-generator 191 uses a gas turbine, it must be of the type with the heat recovery of the flue gas and have a power density of 2016 00438

15/06/2016 ridicata. Termo-generatorul 191 este alimentat cu combustibil de la un rezervor 192. Termogeneratorul 191 isi livrează energia la un regulator 193. Regulatorul 193 transmite energia la un distribuitor 194 sau la un sistem de stocare 195. Sistemul de stocare 195 poate fi realizat cu ajutorul unor baterii de acumulatori sau cu ajutorul unor supercondensatori. Nivelul energiei conținute de sistemul de stocare 195 poate fi majorat prin utilizarea unei baterii de celule foto-voltaice 196 care transforma energia solara in energie electrica. Distribuitorul 194 împarte energia necesara la motoarele electrice Ml-1, Ml-2,Ml-n, respectiv M2-1, M2-2,M2-n, respectiv M3-1, M3-2, M3-n, respectiv M4-1, M4-2, M4-n, in funcție de necesitați si de comenzile transmise de pilot.06/15/2016 lifted. The thermo-generator 191 is supplied with fuel from a tank 192. The thermo-generator 191 delivers its energy to a regulator 193. The regulator 193 transmits the energy to a distributor 194 or to a storage system 195. The storage system 195 can be realized by means of some batteries or using supercapacitors. The energy level contained in the storage system 195 can be increased by using a battery of photo-voltaic cells 196 that convert solar energy into electrical energy. Distributor 194 divides the required energy to the electric motors Ml-1, Ml-2, Ml-n, respectively M2-1, M2-2, M2-n, respectively M3-1, M3-2, M3-n, respectively M4-1 , M4-2, M4, depending on the needs and the commands sent by the pilot.

Sistemul hibrid de propulsie este redundant si poate funcționa alimentat de termo-generatorul 191 sau de sistemul de stocare 195 . Datorita construcției unitatii de putere hibride 190, aeronavele descrise anterior pot funcționa in condiții de siguranța si in cazul defectării unuia sau mai multor motoare electrice Ml-1, Ml-2, ..., Ml-n, respectiv M2-1, M2-2, ..., M2-n, respectiv M3-1, M3-2, ..., M3-n, respectiv M4-1, M4-2,..., M4-n .The hybrid propulsion system is redundant and can operate powered by the thermo-generator 191 or the storage system 195. Due to the construction of the hybrid power unit 190, the aircraft described above can operate safely and in case of failure of one or more electric motors Ml-1, Ml-2, ..., Ml-n, respectively M2-1, M2- 2, ..., M2, respectively M3-1, M3-2, ..., M3, respectively M4-1, M4-2, ..., M4.

Sistemele modulare de propulsie descrise pot de asemenea sa utilizeze pentru alimentarea cu energie electrica un sistem de baterii de acumulatori.The modular propulsion systems described may also use a battery system for the power supply.

Oricare combinații posibile ale soluțiilor descrise anterior pot fi considerate ca facind parte din descriere si revendicări.Any possible combinations of the solutions described above can be considered as part of the description and claims.

Claims (35)

Revendicăriclaims 1. Sistem modular de propulsie de tipul celor acționate electric caracterizat prin aceea ca utilizează cel puțin patru propulsoare multiple cu amplificator de debit (1), (20) sau (40)sau prin intermediul a cel puțin patru propulsoare multiple (200).1. Modular electrically driven type propulsion system characterized by the use of at least four multiple thrusters with a flow amplifier (1), (20) or (40) or by means of at least four multiple thrusters (200). 2. Sistem ca la revendicarea 1 caracterizat prin aceea ca propulsorul multiplu cu amplificator de debit (I) conține Un număr de ventilatoare (2), intubate, ce se pot roti fiecare intr-un tub (3),si fiecare ventilator (2) este acționat de un motor electric (4), de preferința de tipul fara perii, si pereții tubului (3) prezintă o forma aerodinamica (6), si tuburile (3) sunt tangente intre ele si formează un bloc de tuburi (7), si blocul de tuburi (7) este înconjurat de un inel anvelopant (8) ce creeaza un spațiu (9) cu blocul de tuburi (7), si inelul anvelopant (8) este decalat pe verticala fata de blocul de tuburi (7) cu o distanta Dl, si inelul anvelopant (8) prezintă niște pereți (10) care au de asemenea o forma aerodinamica (II) , si inelul anvelopant (8) susține blocul de tuburi (7) prin intermediul unor nervuri (12).2. System as in claim 1, characterized in that the multiple thruster with flow amplifier (I) contains a number of fans (2), intubated, which can each be rotated in a tube (3), and each fan (2). it is driven by an electric motor (4), preferably brushless, and the tube walls (3) have an aerodynamic shape (6), and the tubes (3) are tangent to each other and form a block of tubes (7), and the tube block (7) is surrounded by an envelope ring (8) which creates a space (9) with the tube block (7), and the envelope ring (8) is vertically offset from the tube block (7) with a distance Dl, and the envelope ring (8) has walls (10) which also have an aerodynamic shape (II), and the envelope ring (8) supports the tube block (7) by means of ribs (12). 3. Sistem ca la revendicarea 2 caracterizat prin aceea ca in funcționare, de exemplu in timpul decolării, ventilatoarele (2) intubate expulzează aerul de deasupra in direcția in jos, realizind o forța de tracțiune, si datorita jetului de aer expulzat de ventilatoarele (2) in spațiul (9) apare o depresiune puternica cauzata de efectul Venturi, si aceasta depresiune pune in mișcare masa de aer aflata deasupra ce înconjoară propulsorul multiplu cu amplificator de debit (1) amplificind jetul de aer expulzat spre in jos si implicit impulsul masei de aer, respectiv forța de tracțiune totala a propulsorului multiplu cu amplificator de debit (1).3. System as in claim 2, characterized in that in operation, for example during take-off, the intubated fans (2) expel the air from above in the downward direction, achieving a tensile force, and due to the jet of air expelled by the fans (2). ) in space (9) there is a strong depression caused by the Venturi effect, and this depression sets in motion the air mass above which surrounds the multiple propeller with flow amplifier (1) amplifying the air jet ejected downwards and implicitly the impulse of the mass of air, respectively the total traction force of the multiple propeller with flow amplifier (1). 4. Sistem ca la revendicarea 1 caracterizat prin aceea ca propulsorul multiplu cu amplificator de debit (20) conține un număr de ventilatoare (21), intubate, ce se pot roti fiecare intr-un tub (22), si fiecare ventilator (21) prezintă niște palete (23) astfel construite pentru a favoriza atît fluxul axial de aer cit si fluxul radial de aer, si in dreptul capătului dinspre exterior al paletelor (23) sunt practicate in tubul (22) un număr de canalizatii (24), înclinate spre in jos, ce debușează pe o fata exterioara (25) a tubului (22) intr-un prag (26), ca na lizatii le (24) fiind distanțate cu o distanta D2 fata de fata exteriora (25), si fiecare ventilator (21) este antrenat de un motor (27).4. System as in claim 1, characterized in that the multiple thruster with flow amplifier (20) contains a number of intubated fans (21), which can each be rotated in a tube (22), and each fan (21). presents blades (23) thus constructed to favor both axial air flow and radial air flow, and near the outer end of the blades (23) a number of pipes (24) are inclined in the tube (22), inclined downwards, which opens onto an outer face (25) of the tube (22) in a threshold (26), as the nostrils (24) are spaced a distance D2 from the outer face (25), and each fan (21) is driven by a motor (27). a 2016 00438to 2016 00438 15/06/201615/06/2016 5. Sistem ca la revendicarea 4 caracterizat prin aceea ca in funcționare, atunci cind motorul (27) actioneaza ventilatorul (21) o parte din aerul antrenat de acesta este centrifugat si împins in canalizatiile (24), si la ieșirea din canalizatiile (24) aerul este deviat prin efect Coanda de fata exterioara (25), antrenind in plus si aerul existent in afara tubului (22), si accelerarea aerului din exteriorul si de deasupra tubului (22) se realizează in doua trepte, odata prin efect Coanda si a doua oara prin efect Venturi, amplificind debitul total de aer al propulsorului multiplu cu amplificator de debit (20), respectiv forța de tracțiune.5. System as in claim 4, characterized in that in operation, when the motor (27) operates the fan (21), part of the air driven by it is centrifuged and pushed into the drains (24), and at the outlet of the drains (24). the air is deflected by the Coanda effect from the outer face (25), additionally entraining the air outside the tube (22), and the acceleration of the air from the outside and above the tube (22) is carried out in two stages, once by the Coanda effect and the second time through the Venturi effect, increasing the total air flow of the multiple propeller with the flow amplifier (20), respectively the traction force. 6. Sistem ca la revendicarea 1 caracterizat prin aceea ca propulsorul multiplu cu amplificator de debit (40) conține un număr de tuburi (41), si in fiecare tub (41) se rotesc doua ventilatoare (42), respectiv (43), contra rotative, si ventilator (42) împarte fluxul de aer in doua, si ventilatorul (43), este de tipul axial si actioneaza fluxul de aer in direcție axiala, si cele doua ventilatoare (42), respectiv (43), sunt acționate de același motor electric (44), si ventilatorul (43) este acționat direct de motorul electric (44), iar ventilatorul (42) prin intermediul unui inversor (45) care este suspendat in interiorul tubului (41) prin intermediul unor suporți (46).6. System as in claim 1, characterized in that the multi-thruster with flow amplifier (40) contains a number of tubes (41), and in each tube (41) two fans (42) and respectively (43) are rotated, against rotary, and the fan (42) divides the airflow into two, and the fan (43), is of the axial type and acts the airflow in the axial direction, and the two fans (42), respectively (43), are actuated by the same electric motor (44), and the fan (43) is driven directly by the electric motor (44), and the fan (42) by means of an inverter (45) which is suspended inside the tube (41) by means of supports (46). 7. Sistem ca la revendicarea 6 caracterizat prin aceea ca debitul de aer ce trece prin tuburile (41) este majorat datorita montării in serie a ventilatoarelor (42), respectiv (43).7. System as in claim 6, characterized in that the air flow through the tubes (41) is increased due to the serial mounting of the fans (42) and (43) respectively. 8. Sistem ca la revendicarea 2,4 si 6 caracterizat prin aceea ca ventilatoarele (2), intubate sunt așezate coliniar după o axa pricipala (13), si alte ventilatoare (2), intubate sunt așezate coliniar după alte axe principale (14), paralele cu axa principala (13).8. System as in Claims 2,4 and 6, characterized in that the intubated fans (2) are placed collinearly along a main axis (13), and other fans (2), intubated are placed collinearly along other main axes (14). , parallel to the main axis (13). 9. Sistem ca la revendicarea 1 caracterizat prin aceea ca propulsorul multiplu (200) conține un număr de ventilatoare (201), intubate, ce se pot roti fiecare intr-un tub (202), si fiecare ventilator (201) este acționat de un motor electric (203), de preferința de tipul fara perii, si tuburile (202) sunt tangente intre ele si formează un bloc de tuburi (205), si o parte din ventilatoarele (201), intubate sunt așezate coliniar după o axa pricipala (206) si alte ventilatoare (201), intubate sunt așezate coliniar după alte axe principale (207), paralele cu axa principala (206).9. The system as in claim 1, characterized in that the multiple propeller (200) contains a number of intubated fans (201), which can each be rotated in a tube (202), and each fan (201) is actuated by a electric motor (203), preferably of the brushless type, and the tubes (202) are tangent to each other and form a block of tubes (205), and some of the fans (201), intubated are placed colinarily along a principal axis ( 206) and other fans (201), intubated are placed collinearly along other main axes (207), parallel to the main axis (206). 10. Aeronava ca la revendicarea 8 si 9 caracterizata prin aceea ca propulsorul multiplu cu amplificator de debit (1), (20) sau (40) poate fi montat pe o aeronava (50), (90) sau (110) in asa fel incit axele principale (13) si (14) sa fie perpendiculare pe un plan median al aeronavei (50), (90) sau (110).10. The aircraft as claimed in claim 8 and 9, characterized in that the multi-thruster with flow amplifier (1), (20) or (40) can be mounted on an aircraft (50), (90) or (110) in such a way. so that the main axes (13) and (14) are perpendicular to a median plane of the aircraft (50), (90) or (110). a 2016 00438to 2016 00438 15/06/201615/06/2016 11. Aeronava ca la revendicarea 8 si 9 caracterizata prin aceea ca propulsorul multiplu cu amplificator de debit (1), (20) sau (40), poate fi montat pe o aeronava (50) sau (70) in asa fel incit axele principale (13) si (14) sa fie paralele cu un plan median al aeronavei (50), (90) sau (110).11. The aircraft as claimed in claim 8 and 9, characterized in that the multiple thruster with flow amplifier (1), (20) or (40) can be mounted on an aircraft (50) or (70) in such a way that the main axes (13) and (14) are parallel to a median plane of the aircraft (50), (90) or (110). 12. Aeronava ca la revendicarea 10 caracterizata prin acea ca propulsorul multiplu cu amplificator de debit (1), (20) sau (40) este mobil si se poate roti după o axa paralela cu axele principale (13) si (14).The aircraft as claimed in claim 10, characterized in that the multi-thruster with flow amplifier (1), (20) or (40) is movable and can rotate along an axis parallel to the main axes (13) and (14). 13. Aeronava ca la revendicarea 11 caracterizata prin acea ca propulsorul multiplu cu amplificator de debit (1), (20) sau (40) este mobil si se poate roti după o axa perpendiculara pe axele principale (13) sau (14).The aircraft as claimed in claim 11, characterized in that the multiple propeller with flow amplifier (1), (20) or (40) is movable and can rotate along a axis perpendicular to the main axes (13) or (14). 14. Aeronava ca la revendicarea 11 caracterizata prin acea ca propulsorul multiplu cu amplificator de debit (1), (20) sau (40) este imobil si este fixat de corpul aeronavei (50) de o parte si de alta a unui fuzelaj (51).The aircraft as claimed in claim 11, characterized in that the multi-thruster with flow amplifier (1), (20) or (40) is immobile and is fixed by the body of the aircraft (50) on both sides of a fuselage (51). ). 15. Aeronava ca la revendicarea 10 si 11 caracterizata prin acea ca aeronava (50) prezintă fixate pe fuzelaj (51) niște aripi principale (52), pliabile, situate de o parte si de alta a fuzelajului (51), si o aripa (53), fixa, montata pe un ampenaj (54) la partea din spate a aeronavei (50), si utilizează un sistem modular de propulsie (55) format din doua propulsoare multiple cu amplificator de debit (56), de tipul fix, situate in fata aripilor principale (52), de o parte si de alta a fuzelajului (51), si doua propulsoare multiple cu amplificator de debit (57), de tipul celor mobile, situate in spatele aripilor principale (52) si deasupra acestora, respectiv de o parte si de alta a fuzelajului (51), si fiecare propulsor multiplu cu amplificator de debit (56) este plasat intr-o incinta (58) ce poate fi închisa cu o trapa (59) escamotabila in fuzelajul (51), si fiecare propulsor multiplu cu amplificator de debit (57) prezintă axele principale perpendiculare pe planul median al aeronavei (50) si se poate roti folosind un arbore (60) acționat de un actuator.The aircraft as claimed in claim 10 and 11, characterized in that the aircraft (50) has on the fuselage (51) some folding main wings (52), located on both sides of the fuselage (51), and a wing (51). 53), fixed, mounted on a fender (54) at the rear of the aircraft (50), and uses a modular propulsion system (55) consisting of two multiple thrusters with flow amplifier (56), of the fixed type, located in front of the main wings (52), on both sides of the fuselage (51), and two multiple thrusters with flow amplifier (57), of the movable type, located behind and above the main wings (52), respectively on both sides of the fuselage (51), and each multiple thruster with flow amplifier (56) is placed in an enclosure (58) that can be closed with a hatch (59) retractable in the fuselage (51), and each multiple propeller with flow amplifier (57) has the main axes perpendicular to the median plane of the aircraft you will (50) and can rotate using a shaft (60) actuated by an actuator. 16. Aeronava ca la revendicarea 15 caracterizata prin acea ca in momentul decolării sau aterizării dintr-un spațiu limitat, aripile principale (52) sunt pliate in sus ca, respectiv propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit (56), respectiv (57) sunt orientate pe direcția verticala iar trapa (59) este deschisa, si cind aeronava (50) se gaseste la o altitudine convenabila, aripile principale (52) sunt extinse ajungind in poziția de funcționare pentru zborul orizontal, si in perioada tranziției de la zborul pe verticala la zborul orizontal si invers propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit (57) sunt Înclinate iar propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de a 2016 0043816. The aircraft as in claim 15, characterized in that at the time of take-off or landing from a confined space, the main wings (52) are folded upwards, respectively, the multiple thrusters with flow amplifier (56) and (57) respectively. in the vertical direction and the hatch (59) is open, and when the aircraft (50) is at a convenient altitude, the main wings (52) are extended reaching the operating position for the horizontal flight, and during the transition from the vertical flight to Horizontal flight and conversely the multiple thrusters with flow amplifier (57) are inclined and the multiple thrusters with amplifier of 2016 00438 15/06/2016 debit (56) continua sa debiteze aerul spre direcția in jos, si pe măsură ce viteza aeronavei (50) creste datorita componentei orizontale a forței de tracțiune dezvoltata de propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit (57), sustentatia este preluata de aripile principale (52), respectiv de aripa (53). In momentul in care propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit (57) ajung in poziția in care sunt perpendiculare fata de poziția inițiala , propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit (56) sunt scoase din funcțiune si trapa (59) se închide, si sustentatia pe orizontala este amplificata de faptul ca propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit (57) absorb aerul de deasupra aripilor principale (52), amplificind depresiunea de deasupra acestora, si concomitent cresc presiunea de dedesubtul aripii (53).15/06/2016 flow (56) continues to flow the air in the downward direction, and as the speed of the aircraft (50) increases due to the horizontal component of the traction force developed by the multiple thrusters with flow amplifier (57), the support is taken over of the main wings (52), respectively of the wing (53). When the multiple thrusters with flow amplifier (57) reach the position where they are perpendicular to the initial position, the multiple thrusters with flow amplifier (56) are out of operation and the hatch (59) is closed, and the support is horizontal. it is amplified by the fact that multiple thrusters with a flow amplifier (57) absorb the air above the main wings (52), amplifying the depression above them, and at the same time increasing the pressure below the wing (53). 17. Aeronava ca la revendicarea 13 caracterizata prin acea ca aeronava (70) prezintă un fuzelaj (71) si niște aripi principale (72), eventual pliabile, situate de o parte si de alta a fuzelajului (71), si o aripa (73), fixa, montata pe un ampenaj (74) la partea din spate a aeronavei (70), si aeronava (70) utilizează un sistem modular de propulsie (75) format din patru propulsoare multiple cu amplificator de debit (76), de tipul mobile, doua situate in fata aripilor principale (72), de o parte si de alta a fuzelajului (71), si doua situate in spatele aripilor principale respectiv de o parte si de alta a fuzelajului (71), si fiecare propulsor multiplu cu amplificator de debit (76) se poate roti folosind un arbore (77) acționat de un actuator, si propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit (76) situate la partea din fata sunt fixate direct pe fuzelajul (71) iar propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit (76) situate la partea din spate sunt fixate pe niște bretele (78) care sunt suficient distanțate de fuzelajul (71) in asa fel incit aerul debitat de propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit (76) situate in fata sa treaca printre bretelele (77) si fuzelajul (71) fara a fi obstructionat.17. The aircraft as in claim 13 characterized in that the aircraft (70) has a fuselage (71) and some main wings (72), possibly foldable, located on either side of the fuselage (71), and a wing (73). ), fixed, mounted on an impeller (74) at the rear of the aircraft (70), and the aircraft (70) uses a modular propulsion system (75) consisting of four multiple thrusters with a flow amplifier (76), of the type mobile, two located in front of the main wings (72), on both sides of the fuselage (71), and two behind the main wings respectively on one side and the other of the fuselage (71), and each multiple propeller with amplifier The flow rate (76) can be rotated using a shaft (77) actuated by an actuator, and the multiple thrusters with the flow amplifier (76) located at the front are directly attached to the fuselage (71) and the multiple thrusters with the flow amplifier (71). 76) located at the back are fastened on some straps (78) which they are sufficiently far from the fuselage (71) such that the air charged by the multiple thrusters with a flow amplifier (76) in front of it passes between the straps (77) and the fuselage (71) without being obstructed. 18. Aeronava ca la revendicarea 17 caracterizata prin acea ca in momentul decolării sau aterizării propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit (76) debitează aerul sub presiune spre in jos, si in perioada tranziției de la zborul pe verticala la zborul orizontal si invers propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit (76) sunt înclinate, si pe măsură ce viteza aeronavei (70) creste datorita componentei orizontale a forței de tracțiune dezvoltata de propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit (76), sustentatia este preluata de aripile principale (72), respectiv de aripa (73), respectiv iln zborul orizontal propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit (76) ajung in poziție verticala.18. The aircraft as in claim 17 characterized in that at the moment of take-off or landing the multiple thrusters with flow amplifier (76) discharge the pressure air downwards, and during the transition from the vertical flight to the horizontal flight and vice versa the multiple thrusters with flow amplifier (76) is inclined, and as the speed of the aircraft (70) increases due to the horizontal component of the tensile force developed by the multiple thrusters with flow amplifier (76), the support is taken over by the main wings (72) and respectively the wing (73), respectively in the horizontal flight, the multiple thrusters with flow amplifier (76) reach the vertical position. a 2016 00438to 2016 00438 15/06/201615/06/2016 19. Aeronava ca la revendicarea 12 caracterizata prin acea ca aeronava (90) prezintă un fuzelaj (91) si niște aripi principale (92), eventual pliabile, situate de o parte si de alta a fuzelajului (91), si o aripa (93), fixa, montata pe un ampenaj (94) la partea din spate a aeronavei (90), si aeronava (90) utilizează un sistem modular de propulsie(95) format din patru propulsoare multiple cu amplificator de debit (96), de tipul mobile, doua situate in fata aripilor principale (92), de o parte si de alta a fuzelajului (91), si doua situate in spatele aripilor principale respectiv de o parte si de alta a fuzelajului (91), si fiecare propulsor multiplu cu amplificator de debit (96) se poate roti folosind un arbore (97) acționat de un actuator, si propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit (96) situate la partea din fata sunt fixate pe fuzelajul (91) la o disatanta D3 de planseul aeronavei (90) care situează propulsorul multiplu cu amplificator de debit (96) sub ariplie principale (92) iar propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit (96) situate la partea din spate sunt fixate pe fuzelajul (91) la o distanta D4 care situează propulsorul multiplu cu amplificator de debit (96) deasupra aripilor principale (92).19. The aircraft as in claim 12 characterized in that the aircraft (90) has a fuselage (91) and some main wings (92), possibly foldable, located on either side of the fuselage (91), and a wing (93). ), fixed, mounted on an impeller (94) at the rear of the aircraft (90), and the aircraft (90) uses a modular propulsion system (95) consisting of four multiple thrusters with a flow amplifier (96), of the type mobile, two located in front of the main wings (92), on both sides of the fuselage (91), and two behind the main wings respectively on one side and the other of the fuselage (91), and each multiple propeller with amplifier The flow (96) can be rotated using a shaft (97) actuated by an actuator, and the multiple thrusters with the flow amplifier (96) located at the front are fixed to the fuselage (91) at a d3 disassembly of the aircraft floor (90). ) which places the multiple propeller with the flow amplifier (96) under the main array (92) and the multiple thrusters with flow amplifier (96) located at the rear are fixed to the fuselage (91) at a distance D4 which places the multiple thruster with flow amplifier (96) above the main wings (92). 20. Aeronava ca la revendicarea 12 caracterizata prin acea ca aeronava (110) prezintă un fuzelaj (111) si niște aripi principale (112), situate de o parte si de alta a fuzelajului (111), si aeronava (110) utilizează un sistem modular de propulsie (112) format din patru propulsoare multiple cu amplificator de debit (113), parțial ca la revendicarea anterioara cu diferența ca la celalalt capat se sprijină pe doua cadre (114), simetric situate in raport cu fuzelajul (111), si fiecare cadru (114) este fixat pe aripa principala (112) corespunzătoare, si cadrele (114) prezintă la partea din spate cite o suprainaltare (115) pe care este fixata o aripa secundara (116) ce le unește, si aripa secundara (116) se sprijină pe un ampenaj vertical (117) care este fixat pe fuzelajul (111).20. The aircraft as in claim 12 characterized in that the aircraft (110) has a fuselage (111) and main wings (112), located on either side of the fuselage (111), and the aircraft (110) uses a system. modular propulsion (112) consisting of four multiple thrusters with flow amplifier (113), partially as in the previous claim with the difference that at the other end is supported on two frames (114), symmetrically located in relation to the fuselage (111), and each frame (114) is fixed to the corresponding main wing (112), and the frames (114) have at the rear reads an overhang (115) on which is attached a secondary wing (116) that unites them, and the secondary wing (116) ) rests on a vertical grip (117) which is fixed to the fuselage (111). 21. Aeronava ca la revendicarea 19 si 20 caracterizata prin acea ca in momentul decolării sau aterizării propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit (96) debitează aerul sub presiune spre in jos, si in perioada tranziției de la zborul pe verticala la zborul orizontal si invers propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit (96) sunt înclinate, si pe măsură ce viteza aeronavei (90) creste datorita componentei orizontale a forței de tracțiune dezvoltata de propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit (96), sustentatia este preluata de aripile principale (92), respectiv de aripa (93), si in zborul orizontal propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit (96) ajung in poziția in care jetul de aer expulzat este orizontal, si sustentatia pe orizontala este amplificata de faptul ca propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator a 2016 0043821. The aircraft as in Claims 19 and 20, characterized in that at the moment of take-off or landing the multiple thrusters with flow amplifier (96) discharge the pressurized air downwards, and during the transition from vertical to horizontal flight and vice versa. multiples with flow amplifier (96) are inclined, and as the aircraft speed (90) increases due to the horizontal component of the tensile force developed by the multiple thrusters with flow amplifier (96), the support is taken over by the main wings (92), respectively of the wing (93), and in the horizontal flight the multiple thrusters with flow amplifier (96) reach the position where the expelled air jet is horizontal, and the horizontal support is amplified by the fact that the multiple thrusters with amplifier of 2016 00438 15/06/2016 de debit 96 situate in fata cresc presiunea sub aripile principale (92), si concomitent sustentatia pe orizontala este amplificata de faptul ca propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit (96) situate in spate absorb aerul de deasupra aripilor principale (92), amplificind depresiune de deasupra acestora, si cresc presiunea de dedesubtul aripii (93).15/06/2016 of 96 flow in front the pressure increases under the main wings (92), and at the same time the horizontal support is amplified by the fact that the multiple thrusters with flow amplifier (96) located in the rear absorb the air above the main wings (92). ), amplifying depression above them, and increasing the pressure below the wing (93). 22. Aeronava ca la revendicarea 12 caracterizata prin acea ca este construita sub forma unui dirijabil (130) care prezintă doua corpuri (131) identice de care sunt suspendate niște cabine (132), si corpurile (131) au un profil aerodinamic care poate fi folosit pentru sustentatia dirijabilului (131) , si cele doua corpuri (131) sunt unite prin intermediul unor aripi (133), respectiv (134), care au si rolul de rigidizare al corpurior (131), si aripa (133) este plasata spre partea din fata iar aripa (134) este plasata spre partea din spate si mai sus decit aripa (133), si dirijabilul (130) utilizează un sistem modular de propulsie (135) format din doua propulsoare multiple cu amplificator de debit (136), de tipul mobile, unul situat in fata aripii (133), respectiv dedesubtul ei si celalalt situat intre aripile (133) si (134) respectiv deasupra aripii (133) si dedesubtul aripii (134), si fiecare propulsor multiplu cu amplificator de debit (136) se poate roti folosind doi arbori (137) ce pot fi acționați de doua actuatoare., si fiecare corp (131) prezintă pe extrados o baterie (138) de celule foto-voltaice care transforma energia solara in energie electrica ce poate fi utilizata pentru a suplimenta rezerva de energie a dirijabilului (130), si corpurile (131) sunt umplute cu heliu gazos care este mai ușor decit aerul.22. The aircraft as in claim 12 characterized in that it is constructed in the form of an airship (130) having two identical bodies (131) from which cabs (132) are suspended, and the bodies (131) have an aerodynamic profile which can be used for the support of the airship (131), and the two bodies (131) are united by means of wings (133), respectively (134), which also have the role of rigidification of the body (131), and the wing (133) is placed towards the front part and the wing (134) is placed towards the rear and above the wing (133), and the airship (130) uses a modular propulsion system (135) consisting of two multiple thrusters with a flow amplifier (136), of the movable type, one located in front of the wing (133), respectively underneath it and the other located between the wings (133) and (134) respectively above the wing (133) and below the wing (134), and each multiple propeller with flow amplifier ( 136) can be rotated using two shafts (137) which can be actuated by two actuators., and each body (131) has on the extrados a battery (138) of photovoltaic cells that converts solar energy into electrical energy that can be used to supplement the energy reserve of the airship (130), and the bodies (131) are filled with helium gas which is lighter than air. 23. Aeronava ca la revendicarea 22 caracterizata prin acea ca atunci cind dirijabilul (130) nu este incarcat sustentatia este asigurata de heliul gazos, si atunci cind dirijabilul (130) este incarcat, in momentul decolării propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit (136) debitează aerul sub presiune spre in jos, realizind o forța de tracțiune mai mare decit greutatea încărcăturii, si in perioada tranziției de la zborul pe verticala la zborul orizontal si invers propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit (136) sunt înclinate, si pe măsură ce viteza dirijabilului (130) creste datorita componentei orizontale a forței de tracțiune dezvoltata de propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit (136), sustentatia este preluata de aripile (133) si (134), respectiv de corpurile (131), respectiv in zborul orizontal propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit (136) debitează fluxul de aer in plan orizontal, si sustentatia pe orizontala este amplificata de faptul ca propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de a 2016 0043823. The aircraft as in claim 22 characterized in that when the airship (130) is not loaded the support is provided by the helium gas, and when the airship (130) is loaded, at the moment of take-off the multiple thrusters with flow amplifier (136) are charged. the air under pressure downwards, achieving a traction force greater than the weight of the load, and during the transition from vertical to horizontal flight and vice versa the multiple thrusters with flow amplifier (136) are inclined, and as the airspeed speeds (130) increases due to the horizontal component of the tensile force developed by the multiple thrusters with flow amplifier (136), the support is taken over by the wings (133) and (134), respectively by the bodies (131), respectively in the horizontal flight by the multiple thrusters with flow amplifier (136) cuts airflow horizontally, and horizontal support is amplified by the fact that pro Multiple pushbuttons with amplifier of 2016 00438 15/06/2016 debit (136) situate in fata cresc presiunea sub aripa (133) si concomitent sustentatia pe orizontala este amplificata de faptul ca propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit (136) situate in spate absorb aerul de deasupra aripii (133), amplificind depresiune de deasupra acesteia crescind presiunea dedesubtul aripii (134).15/06/2016 flow (136) located in front increases the pressure under the wing (133) and at the same time the horizontal support is amplified by the fact that the multiple thrusters with flow amplifier (136) located in the rear absorb the air above the wing (133), amplifying depression above it by increasing the pressure below the wing (134). 24. Aeronava ca la revendicarea 13 caracterizata prin acea ca este construita sub forma unui dirijabil (150) careprezinta un corp (151) de care este suspendat o cabina (152), corpul (151) avind un profil aerodinamic care poate fi folosit pentru sustentatia dirijabilului (150), si dirijabilul (150) utilizează un sistem modular de propulsie (152) format din patru propulsoare multiple cu amplificator de debit (153), de tipul mobile, doua situate la partea din fata si celelalte doua situate la partea din spate a dirijabilului (150), si corpul (151) prezintă pe extrados o baterie (154) de celule foto-voltaice care transforma energia solara in energie electrica ce poate fi utilizata pentru a suplimenta rezerva de energie a dirijabilului (150).24. The aircraft as in claim 13 characterized in that it is constructed in the form of an airship (150) which has a body (151) from which a cabin (152) is suspended, the body (151) having an aerodynamic profile that can be used for support. the airship (150), and the airship (150) use a modular propulsion system (152) consisting of four multiple thrusters with flow amplifier (153), mobile type, two located at the front and the other two located at the rear of the airship (150), and the body (151) has on the extrados a battery (154) of photovoltaic cells that converts solar energy into electrical energy that can be used to supplement the energy supply of the airship (150). 25. Aeronava ca la revendicarea 24 caracterizata prin acea ca propulsoarele multiple cu amplificator de debit (153) pot fi rotite in orice poziție convenabila pentru fiecare regim de funcționare al dirijabilului (150).The aircraft as claimed in claim 24, characterized in that the multiple boosters with flow amplifier (153) can be rotated in any position convenient for each operating mode of the airship (150). 26. Sistem de propulsie ca la revendicarea 1 caracterizat prin aceea ca folosește o unitate de putere hibrida (170), de tipul redundant, unitatea de putere hibrida (170) alimentind cu energie electrica cel puțin patru grupe de motoare electrice (Ml-1), (Ml-2),..., (Ml-n), respectiv (M2-1), (M2-2),..., (M2n), respectiv (M3-1), (M3-2),..., (M3-n), respectiv (M4-1), (M4-2),..., (M4-n), corespunzătoare fiecare unui propulsor multiplu cu amplificator de debit, si unitatea de putere hibrida (170) produce energia electrica cu ajutorul a doua termogeneratoare (171) ce pot funcționa separat sau împreuna, si fiecare termo-generator (171) poate fi construit dintr-un un motor cu ardere interna asociat cu un generator electric, dintr-o turbina cu gaze asociata cu un generator electric sau dintr-un motor cu pistoane libere asociat cu un generator electric, si termo-generatoarele (171) sunt alimentate cu combustibil de la niște rezervoare (172), si fiecare termo-generatoarele (171) isi livrează energia la un regulator (173), cele doua regulatoare (173) transmitind energia la un distribuitor (174), comun, si distribuitorul (174) poate conține inclus in interiorul lui o unitate de stocare a energiei (175) ce poate fi o baterie de acumulatori sau de super-condensatori.26. Propulsion system according to claim 1, characterized in that it uses a redundant type (170) hybrid power unit, the hybrid power unit (170) supplying at least four electric motors (Ml-1) with electric power. , (Ml-2), ..., (Ml-n), respectively (M2-1), (M2-2), ..., (M2n), respectively (M3-1), (M3-2) , ..., (M3-n), respectively (M4-1), (M4-2), ..., (M4-n), each corresponding to a multiple propeller with flow amplifier, and the hybrid power unit ( 170) produces electricity using two thermogenerators (171) that can operate separately or together, and each thermo-generator (171) can be built from an internal combustion engine associated with an electric generator, from a turbine with gases associated with an electric generator or from a free piston engine associated with an electric generator, and the thermo-generators (171) are supplied with fuel from some tanks (172), and each thermo-generator (171) delivers its own the energy to a regulator (173), the two regulators (173) transmitting the energy to a common distributor (174), and the distributor (174) may contain inside it an energy storage unit (175) which can be a battery of batteries or super capacitors. 27. Sistem de propulsie ca la revendicarea 26 caracterizat prin aceea distribuitorul (174) împarte energia necesara la motoarele electrice (Ml-1), (Ml-2),..., (Ml-n), respectiv (M2-1), (M2-2),..., (M217 a 2016 0043827. Propulsion system as in claim 26, characterized in that the distributor (174) divides the required energy into the electric motors (Ml-1), (Ml-2), ..., (Ml-n), respectively (M2-1) , (M2-2), ..., (M217 to 2016 00438 15/06/201615/06/2016 n), respectiv (M3-1), (M3-2),(M3-n), respectiv (M4-1), (M4-2),(M4-n), in funcție de necesitați si de comenzile transmise de pilot, si sternul hibrid de propulsie este redundant si poate funcționa cu un singur termo-generator (171) sau in cazul defectării unuia sau mai multor motoare electrice (Ml-1), (Ml-2),(Ml-n), respectiv (M2-1), (M2-2),(M2-n), respectiv (M3-1), (M3-2),(M3-n), respectiv (M4-1), (M4-2), (M4-n).n), respectively (M3-1), (M3-2), (M3-n), respectively (M4-1), (M4-2), (M4-n), depending on the needs and the commands transmitted by pilot, and the hybrid propulsion sternum is redundant and can operate with a single thermo-generator (171) or in case of failure of one or more electric motors (Ml-1), (Ml-2), (Ml-n), respectively (M2-1), (M2-2), (M2-n), respectively (M3-1), (M3-2), (M3-n), respectively (M4-1), (M4-2), (M4-n). 28. Sistem de propulsie ca la revendicarea 1 caracterizat prin aceea ca folosește o unitate de putere hibrida (190) care alimentează cu energie electrica cel puțin patru grupe de motoare electrice (Ml1), (Ml-2),(Ml-n), respectiv (M2-1), (M2-2),..., (M2-n), respectiv (M3-1), (M3-2),..., (M3-n), respectiv (M4-1), (M4-2),..., (M4-n), corespunzătoare fiecare unui propulsor multiplu cu amplificator de debit, si unitatea de putere hibrida (190) produce energia electrica cu ajutorul unui termo-generator (191), si termo-generatorul (191) este alimentat cu combustibil de la un rezervor (192), si termo-generatorul (191) isi livrează energia la un regulator (193), si regulatorul (193) transmite energia la un distribuitor (194) sau la un sistem de stocare (195), si distribuitorul (194) împarte energia necesara la motoarele electrice (Ml-1), (Ml-2),..., (Ml-n), respectiv (M2-1), (M2-2),..., (M2-n), respectiv (M3-1), (M3-2),..., (M3-n), respectiv (M4-1), (M4-2), ..., (M4-n).28. Propulsion system as claimed in claim 1, characterized in that it uses a hybrid power unit (190) which supplies at least four groups of electric motors (Ml1), (Ml-2), (Ml-n), respectively (M2-1), (M2-2), ..., (M2-n), respectively (M3-1), (M3-2), ..., (M3-n), respectively (M4- 1), (M4-2), ..., (M4-n), each corresponding to a multiple propeller with flow amplifier, and the hybrid power unit (190) produces electricity using a thermo-generator (191), and the thermo-generator (191) is supplied with fuel from a tank (192), and the thermo-generator (191) delivers its energy to a regulator (193), and the regulator (193) transmits the energy to a distributor (194) or to a storage system (195), and the distributor (194) divides the necessary energy to the electric motors (Ml-1), (Ml-2), ..., (Ml-n), respectively (M2-1), ( M2-2), ..., (M2-n), respectively (M3-1), (M3-2), ..., (M3-n), respectively (M4-1), (M4-2) , ..., (in M4). 29. Sistem de propulsie ca la revendicarea 28 caracterizat prin aceea ca distribuitorul (194) împarte energia necesara la motoarele electrice (Ml-1), (Ml-2),..., (Ml-n), respectiv (M2-1), (M2-2),..., (M2-n), respectiv (M3-1), (M3-2),..., (M3-n), respectiv (M4-1), (M4-2),..., (M4-n), in funcție de necesitați si de comenzile transmise de pilot, si sternul hibrid de propulsie este redundant si poate funcționa alimentat de termo-generatorul (191) sau de sistemul de stocare (195), respectiv si in cazul defectării unuia sau mai multor motoare electrice (Ml-1), (Ml-2),..., (Ml-n), respectiv (M2-1), (M2-2),..., (M2-n), respectiv (M3-1), (M3-2),29. Propulsion system as in claim 28, characterized in that the distributor (194) divides the required energy to the electric motors (Ml-1), (Ml-2), ..., (Ml-n), respectively (M2-1 ), (M2-2), ..., (M2-n), respectively (M3-1), (M3-2), ..., (M3-n), respectively (M4-1), (M4 -2), ..., (M4-n), depending on the needs and the commands transmitted by the pilot, and the hybrid propulsion sternum is redundant and can operate powered by the thermo-generator (191) or the storage system (195 ), respectively in case of failure of one or more electric motors (Ml-1), (Ml-2), ..., (Ml-n), respectively (M2-1), (M2-2), .. ., (In M2), respectively (M3-1), (M3-2), ..., (M3-n), respectiv (M4-1), (M4-2),..., (M4-n)...., (in M3), respectively (M4-1), (M4-2), ..., (M4). 30. Sistem de propulsie ca la revendicarea 26 si 28 caracterizat prin aceea ca fiecare termo-generator (171) poate fi construit dintr-un un motor cu ardere interna asociat cu un generator electric si motorul termic trebuie sa fie de tipul cu recuperare interna a căldurii gazelor arse si a celei pierdute prin sistemul de răcire, respectiv sa aiba o densitatea de putere ridicata.30. Propulsion system according to claim 26 and 28, characterized in that each thermo-generator (171) can be constructed from an internal combustion engine associated with an electric generator and the heat engine must be of the internal recovery type. the heat of the flue gas and the heat lost through the cooling system, respectively, have a high power density. 31. Sistem de propulsie ca la revendicarea 26 si 28 caracterizat prin aceea ca fiecare termo-generator (171) poate fi construit dintr-o turbina cu gaze asociata cu un generator electric si turbina cu gaze a 2016 0043831. Propulsion system as in claims 26 and 28, characterized in that each thermo-generator (171) can be constructed from a gas turbine associated with an electric generator and the gas turbine of 2016 00438. 15/06/2016 lO trebuie sa fie de tipul cu recuperarea căldurii gazelor arse, respectiv sa aiba o densitatea de putere ridicata.15/06/2016 The lO must be of the type with the heat recovery of the flue gas, respectively it has a high power density. 32. Sistem de propulsie ca la revendicarea 26 si 28 caracterizat prin aceea ca fiecare termo-generator (171) poate fi construit dintr-un motor cu pistoane libere asociat cu un generator liniar.32. Propulsion system according to claim 26 and 28, characterized in that each thermo-generator (171) can be constructed from a free-piston engine associated with a linear generator. 33. Sistem de propulsie ca la revendicarea 26 si 28 caracterizat prin aceea ca nivelul energiei conținute de sistemul de stocare (195) poate fi majorat prin utilizarea unei baterii de celule fotovoltaice (196) care transforma energia solara in energie electrica.33. Propulsion system as claimed in claims 26 and 28, characterized in that the energy level contained in the storage system (195) can be increased by using a battery of photovoltaic cells (196) that converts solar energy into electrical energy. 34. Sistem de propulsie ca la revendicarea 26 si 28 caracterizat prin aceea ca sistemul de stocare (195) este compus din baterii de acumulatori de înalta performanta cu densitate de energie ridicata.34. Propulsion system as claimed in claims 26 and 28, characterized in that the storage system (195) is composed of high-performance high-density battery packs. 35. Sistem de propulsie ca la revendicarea 26 si 28 caracterizat prin aceea ca sistemul de stocare (195) este compus din super-condensatori de înalta performanta cu densitate de energie ridicata.35. Propulsion system as claimed in claims 26 and 28, characterized in that the storage system (195) is composed of high-performance supercapacitors with high energy density.
ROA201600438A 2016-06-15 2016-06-15 Modular propelling system and vertical take-off and landing aircrafts RO132306A2 (en)

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Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
RU2759061C1 (en) * 2021-05-24 2021-11-09 Закрытое акционерное общество "Инновационный центр "Бирюч" (ЗАО "ИЦ "Бирюч") Vertical take-off and landing aircraft with additional cargo modules and retractable propellers

Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
RU2759061C1 (en) * 2021-05-24 2021-11-09 Закрытое акционерное общество "Инновационный центр "Бирюч" (ЗАО "ИЦ "Бирюч") Vertical take-off and landing aircraft with additional cargo modules and retractable propellers

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