RO130703A0 - Hybrid intelligent system for wide spectrum temperature acquisition of high precision and reporting the same to intelligent devices by digital radio connection in 2.4 ghz ism band - Google Patents

Hybrid intelligent system for wide spectrum temperature acquisition of high precision and reporting the same to intelligent devices by digital radio connection in 2.4 ghz ism band Download PDF


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RO130703A0 ROA201500158A RO201500158A RO130703A0 RO 130703 A0 RO130703 A0 RO 130703A0 RO A201500158 A ROA201500158 A RO A201500158A RO 201500158 A RO201500158 A RO 201500158A RO 130703 A0 RO130703 A0 RO 130703A0
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Rareş Ioan Pleşcan
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Soft Tech Systems S.R.L.
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Application filed by Soft Tech Systems S.R.L. filed Critical Soft Tech Systems S.R.L.
Priority to ROA201500158A priority Critical patent/RO130703A3/en
Publication of RO130703A0 publication Critical patent/RO130703A0/en
Publication of RO130703A3 publication Critical patent/RO130703A3/en



  • Measuring Temperature Or Quantity Of Heat (AREA)
  • Measuring And Recording Apparatus For Diagnosis (AREA)
  • Arrangements For Transmission Of Measured Signals (AREA)


The invention relates to a hybrid intelligent system for acquiring the temperature and reporting the same to intelligent devices by digital connection, in order to monitor the body or environmental temperature. According to the invention, the system consists of a microcontroller (1) running a software and acquisition algorithms, which transmits data and bidirectionally communicates through a radio module (2) which bidirectionally transmits data by means of a Bluetooth protocol to an intelligent device (9) in its immediate proximity, a battery (3) for supplying the system, a voltage regulator (4) which provides the energy needed for operating digital and analogue circuits, a state displaying device (5) which may temporally communicate the system state, an assembly (S1) of analogue temperature sensors and another assembly (S2) of digital temperature sensors for measuring body or environmental temperature, as well as an information application which receives data and provides the possibility of setting alerts in case that certain predefined values are reached.


Invenția se refera la un sistem inteligent de citire a temperaturii printr-un dispozitiv electronic ce achiziționează temperatura local apoi o transmite radio in imediata proximitate a dispozitivului către un dispozitiv inteligent ( computer, tableta, smartphone, etc ), destinat măsurării temperaturii corpului uman sau a ambientului.The invention relates to an intelligent temperature reading system through an electronic device that acquires the local temperature and then transmits a radio in the immediate proximity of the device to an intelligent device (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.), intended to measure the temperature of the human body or environment.

Sunt cunoscute mai multe aparate de măsurare a temperaturii cu senzori: termometru telematic pentru masurarea temperaturii umane, care este folosit pentru masurarea de la distanta folosind un senzor a temperaturii umane;termometru pentru masurarea de la distanta a temperturii folosind radiația infrarosu cu înregistrarea temperaturii pe timpanul urechii sau termometru pentru măsurători neintruzive folosind un senzor exterior in zona urechii, termometru cu masurarea neintruziva folosind rezonanta cristalelor de cuart, sisteme de monitorizare a temperaturii umane folosind un monitor atașat pe mana pacientului, s.a.Several temperature measuring devices with sensors are known: telematic thermometer for measuring human temperature, which is used for remote measurement using a human temperature sensor; thermometer for remote temperature measurement using infrared radiation with temperature recording on the eardrum ear or thermometer for non-intrusive measurements using an external sensor in the ear area, thermometer with non-intrusive measurement using quartz crystal resonance, human temperature monitoring systems using a monitor attached to the patient's hand,

Sistemele prezentate au următoarele dezavantaje :sunt dispozitivele care masoara temperatura prin IR si nu oferă o citire foarte exacta a temperaturii, necesita o perioda de timp ca pacientul sa stea complet nemișcat, dispozitivele necesita o /aplicare a dispozitivului pentru fiecare măsurătoare a temperaturii,valorile măsurate se reseteaza sau nu pot fi stocate pe termen lung.The presented systems have the following disadvantages: they are the devices that measure the temperature by IR and do not offer a very accurate reading of the temperature, it requires a period of time for the patient to remain completely still, the devices require a / application of the device for each measurement of the temperature, the measured values they are reset or cannot be stored in the long term.

Un obiectiv al invenției este de a creste gradul de precizie al valorilor măsurate, un alt obiectiv este asigurarea măsurării in timp real si continuu a temperaturii monitorizate, un alt obiectiv este transmiterea valorilorilor măsurate astfel incat sa poata fi interpretate si stocate.One object of the invention is to increase the degree of accuracy of the measured values, another objective is to ensure the real-time and continuous measurement of the monitored temperature, another objective is to transmit the measured values so that they can be interpreted and stored.

Problema pe care o rezolva invenția este monitorizarea exacta in timp real a pacientului pe o perioada lunga de timp, cu posibilitatea comunicării,securizării si interpretării datelor înregistrate.The problem solved by the invention is the exact real-time monitoring of the patient over a long period of time, with the possibility of communicating, securing and interpreting the recorded data.

i ¢5.- ϊ Ο 1 5 - - 001580 3 -13- 2115 <7 /i ¢ 5.- ϊ Ο 1 5 - - 001580 3 -13- 2115 <7 /


• Dispozitivul consta din : (1) MCU - microcontroller ce ruleaza software si algoritmi de achiziție, afiseaza stare, transmite datele si comunica bidirecțional prin modulul radio, (2) Radio ISM 2,4Ghz ce transmite bidirecțional date prin protocolul Bluetooth 4.x către dispozitivul inteligent „(9) in imediata proximitate a sa, (3) Baterie de lunga durata, (minim 12 luni de zile de operare a dispozitivului), (4) Regulator de tensiune ce asigura energia necesara operării circuitelor digitale si analogice, (5)Afisor de stare ce poate comunica temporal starea dispozitivului (operațional, baterie descărcata, neconectat, etc), (6) Ansamblul SI de senzori analogici de temperatura, (7) Ansamblul S2 de senzori digitali de temperatura.Comunicarea cu dispozitivul inteligent se realizează prin conexiune radio (8) prin protocolul Bluetooth 4.x prin care se asigura prevenția si corecția erorilor de transmisie, bidirectionalitate si compatibilitate cu echipamente similare ca tehnologie.(6) Ansamblul S1 de senzori analogici de temperatura, (7) Ansamblul S2 de senzori digitali de temperatura au ca scop realizare a 2 imbuntatiri le sistemului hibrid de colectare date de temperatura:• The device consists of: (1) MCU - microcontroller that runs software and acquisition algorithms, displays status, transmits data and communicates bidirectionally through the radio module, (2) 2.4Ghz ISM radio that transmits bidirectional data via Bluetooth 4.x protocol to the intelligent device "(9) in its immediate vicinity, (3) Long-life battery, (minimum 12 months of device operation), (4) Voltage regulator that provides the energy needed to operate digital and analog circuits, (5) ) Status display that can temporarily communicate the status of the device (operational, battery discharged, not connected, etc.), (6) SI set of analog temperature sensors, (7) S2 set of digital temperature sensors. Communication with the smart device is achieved through radio connection (8) through Bluetooth 4.x protocol which ensures the prevention and correction of transmission errors, bidirectionality and compatibility with similar equipment as technology. ( 6) The S1 assembly of analog temperature sensors, (7) The S2 assembly of digital temperature sensors are aimed at achieving 2 improvements to the hybrid temperature data collection system:

> ajungerea la temperatura ce trebuie indicata cat mai repede după momentul pornirii.> reaching the temperature to be indicated as soon as possible after the start time.

> Aplicarea de formule matematice si modelare matematica pentru a reduce marja de eroare a măsurătorii. (Dispozitivul isi propune sa ajunga la temperatura corecta in mai puțin de 90 secude si sa indice temperatura cu o eroare de maxim 0.1 Grade Celsius).> The application of mathematical formulas and mathematical modeling to reduce the margin of error of the measurement. (The device aims to reach the correct temperature in less than 90 seconds and to indicate the temperature with an error of maximum 0.1 degrees Celsius).

• Aplicația informatica• Computer application

Aplicația informatica se refera la un program sau o platforma software dezvoltata in scopul folosirii exclusive împreuna cu dispozitivul.The computer application refers to a software or software platform developed for the exclusive use together with the device.

Sunt cunoscute mai multe aplicații de acest gen,folosite pentru monitorizarea stării de sanatate prin intermediul aparatelor inteligente:smartphone,tableta,etc.Several such applications are known, used to monitor the health through smart devices: smartphone, tablet, etc.

Sistemele existente au dezavantajul ca nu pot primi date in timp real de la un senzor de mare precizie, pe o perioada practic nelimitata.Existing systems have the disadvantage of not being able to receive real-time data from a high-precision sensor for a practically unlimited period.

Obiectivul aplicației informatice este transmiterea datelor pentru a fi stocate si analizate. Aplicația informatica va permite primirea de date si posibilitatea setării de alerte in cazul inThe objective of the computer application is the transmission of data for storage and analysis. The computer application will allow the reception of data and the possibility of setting alerts in case

C\- 2 Ο 1 5 - - 0 0 1 5 8 0 3 -03- 2015 care anumite valori predefinite sunt atinse. De asemenea aplicația poate avea alte funcționalități suplimentare folosind funcții de tip “ If this than that” - daca X atunci Y . ex: daca temperatura ajunge la 38 de grade deviceul mobil apeleaza direct un număr de telefon, sau trimite un SMS către un număr predefinit.C \ - 2 Ο 1 5 - - 0 0 1 5 8 0 3 -03-2015 that certain predefined values are reached. Also the application can have other additional functionalities using functions of type "If this than that" - if X then Y. ex: if the temperature reaches 38 degrees the mobile device directly calls a phone number, or sends an SMS to a predefined number.

Avantajele aplicației informatice:Advantages of the IT application:

> Salveaza datele primite de la fiecare dispozitiv elecrtonic in parte.> Saves the data received from each electronic device separately.

> Posibilitate alerta de tip sonor si vizual in cazul in care se depasesc anumite praguri prestabilite.> Possibility of sound and visual alert in case of exceeding certain predetermined thresholds.

> Afișare istoric date si colectarea acestora in flux continuu.> Historically display data and collect it in a continuous stream.

> Alerte in cazul in care dispozitivul electronic sau terminalul mobil iese din raza de acoperire.> Alerts if the electronic device or mobile terminal is outside the range.

> Posibilitate creare profile in funcție de scopul de utilizare a sistemului hibdrid de măsurare a temperaturii, (ex: profil camera, profil persoana 1, profil persoana 2, etc.).> Possibility of creating profiles according to the purpose of using the hybrid temperature measurement system (eg room profile, person profile 1, person profile 2, etc.).

Se da in continuare un model de realizare a invenției in legătură cu figurile 1-5, care reprezintă:The following is a model for carrying out the invention in relation to Figures 1-5, which represents:

Fig.l - Dispozitiv măsurare temperatura;Fig.l - Temperature measuring device;

Fig.2 - Funcțiile Aplicației Informatice;Fig. 2 - Functions of the IT Application;

Fig.3 - Mod transmitere date intre Dispozitiv si Aplicației Informatice;Fig.3 - Data transmission mode between the Device and the Computer Application;

Fig.4 - Mod măsurare temperatura corporala;Fig. 4 - Body temperature measurement mode;

Fig.5 - Mod măsurare temperatura ambientala.Fig.5 - Mode of ambient temperature measurement.

Se da in continuare un model de realizare a invenției.A further embodiment of the invention is given below.

In figura 4 este prezentat modul de aplicare al dispozitivului in cazul măsurării temperaturii umane iar in figura 5 modul de măsurare pentru temperaturi ambientale. Dispozitivul avand dimensiuni foarte mici poate fi ușor integrat intr-un material hipoalergen( plasture sau banda elastica),putând fi purtat un timp îndelungat.Figure 4 shows the mode of application of the device in the case of the human temperature measurement and in figure 5 the measurement mode for the ambient temperatures. The device of very small size can be easily integrated into a hypoallergenic material (patch or elastic band), which can be worn for a long time.

In figura 1 (6) Ansamblul SI de senzori analogici de temperatura, (7) Ansamblul S2 de senzori digitali de temperatura masoara temperatura in sistemului hibrid de colectare date de temperatura către (1) MCU - microcontroller ce ruleaza software si algoritmi de <ν 2 Ο 1 5 - - 0 0 1 5 6 Ο 3 Ό3- 206 achiziție, afiseaza stare, transmite datele. Ansamblul de mici dimensiuni este aplicat direct pe pielea subiectului sau in mediul ambiental, folosind modul de aplicare - fig.4In figure 1 (6) the SI set of analog temperature sensors, (7) the S2 assembly of digital temperature sensors measures the temperature in the hybrid system for collecting temperature data to (1) MCU - microcontroller running software and algorithms of <ν 2 Ο 1 5 - - 0 0 1 5 6 Ο 3 Ό3- 206 purchase, displays status, transmits data. The small assembly is applied directly on the skin of the subject or in the environmental environment, using the application mode - fig.4

In figura 3,(1) MCU - microcontroller ce ruleaza software si algoritmi de achiziție, afiseaza stare, transmite datele si comunica bidirecțional prin modulul radio către (2) Radio ISM 2,4Ghz ce transmite bidirecțional date prin protocolul Bluetooth 4.x către dispozitivul inteligent (9) in imediata proximitate a sa . Radiații: Sistemul hibrid de măsurare a temperaturii va fi conform cu standardele de radiații CE si FCCCE BLE112 (Protoculul de trimitere a datelor prin Blootooth Low Energy este in conformitate cu normele si dispozitiilee R&TTE Directive (1999/5/EC). produsul va fi in conformitate cu urmtoarele standarde:EMC (immunity only) EN 301 489-17 V.l.3.3 in accordance with EN 301 489-1 VI.8.1 Radiated emissions EN 300 328 Vl.7.1 Safety EN60950l:2006+Al l:2009+Al:2010+A12:201 l 1 2_Datasheetl .pdf. Protocolul Bluetooth 4.x este reglementat si standardiat asigurând la cerere si criptarea datelor pentru pastrarea confidențialității asupra măsurătorilor efectuate.In Figure 3, (1) MCU - microcontroller running software and acquisition algorithms, displays status, transmits data and communicates bidirectionally through the radio module to (2) 2.4Ghz ISM radio that transmits bidirectional data via Bluetooth 4.x protocol to the device intelligent (9) in its immediate proximity. Radiation: The hybrid temperature measurement system will comply with EC and FCCCE BLE112 radiation standards (Blootooth Low Energy Data Submission Protocol complies with the rules and provisions of the R & TTE Directive (1999/5 / EC). according to the following standards: EMC (immunity only) EN 301 489-17 Vl3.3 in accordance with EN 301 489-1 VI.8.1 Radiated emissions EN 300 328 Vl.7.1 Safety EN60950l: 2006 + Al l: 2009 + Al: 2010+ A12: 201 lhttps: // 1 2_Datasheetl .pdf Bluetooth 4.x protocol is regulated and standardized, ensuring on-demand and encrypted data to maintain confidentiality on measurements performed.

In figura 2 se detaliaza funcțiile Aplicației Informatice ce primește si salveaza datele,avand opțiuni multiple:alerta de tip sonor si vizual in cazul in care se depasesc anumite praguri prestabilite,colectare si afișare date,alerte si alarme,creeare si salvare profile.Figure 2 details the functions of the Computer Application that receives and saves data, having multiple options: sound and visual alert in case of exceeding certain predetermined thresholds, data collection and display, alerts and alarms, creation and saving profiles.

Claims (7)

SISTEM HIBRID INTELIGENT DE ACHIZIȚIE A TEMPERATURII IN SPECTRU LARG CU PRECIZIE RIDICATA SI RAPORTAREA EI PRIN CONEXIUNE RADIO DIGITALA IN BANDA ISM 2.4 GHZ CĂTRE DISPOZITIVE INTELIGENTE caracterizat prin aceea ca este compusa din :INTELLIGENT HYBRID HYBRID SYSTEM OF HIGH TEMPERATURE TEMPERATURE WITH HIGH PRECISION AND THEIR REPORTING THROUGH DIGITAL RADIO CONNECTION IN THE ISM 2.4 GHZ BAND TO INTELLIGENT DEVICES characterized by: Dispozitiv consta din : (1) MCU - microcontroller ce ruleaza software si algoritmi de achiziție, afiseaza stare, transmite datele si comunica bidirecțional prin modulul radio,Device consists of: (1) MCU - microcontroller running software and acquisition algorithms, displays status, transmits data and communicates bidirectionally through the radio module, (2) Radio ISM 2,4Ghz ce transmite bidirecțional date prin protocolul Bluetooth 4.x către dispozitivul inteligent „(9) in imediata proximitate a sa,(2) 2.4Ghz ISM radio transmitting bi-directional data via Bluetooth 4.x protocol to the smart device "(9) in its immediate vicinity, (3) Baterie,(3) Battery, (4) Regulator de tensiune,(4) Voltage regulator, (5)Afisor de stare(5) Status display ,(6) Ansamblul SI de senzori analogici de temperatura,(6) SI set of analog temperature sensors, (7) Ansamblul S2 de senzori digitali de temperatura.,Conexiune radio (8) prin protocolul Bluetooth 4..(6) Ansamblul SI de senzori analogici de temperatura, (7) Ansamblul S2 de senzori digitali si Aplicația informatica care va permite primirea de date si posibilitatea setării de alerte in cazul in care anumite valori predefinite sunt atinse.(7) S2 digital temperature sensor assembly, radio connection (8) via Bluetooth protocol 4 .. (6) SI analog temperature sensor assembly, (7) S2 digital sensor assembly and computer application that will allow the reception of data and the possibility of setting alerts in case certain predefined values are reached. SISTEM HIBRID INTELIGENT DE ACHIZIȚIE A TEMPERATURII IN SPECTRU LARG CU PRECIZIE RIDICATA SI RAPORTAREA EI PRIN CONEXIUNE RADIO DIGITALA IN BANDA ISM 2.4 GHZ CĂTRE DISPOZITIVE INTELIGENTE caracterizat prin aceea ca Dispozitivul format din (1) MCU - microcontroller ce ruleaza software si algoritmi de achiziție, afiseaza stare, transmite datele si comunica bidirecțional prin modulul radio, (2) Radio ISM 2,4Ghz ce transmite bidirecțional date prin protocolul Bluetooth 4.x către dispozitivul inteligent „(9) in imediata proximitate a sa, (3) Baterie, (4) Regulator de tensiune, (5)Afisor de stare ,(6) Ansamblul SI de senzori analogici de temperatura, (7) Ansamblul S2 de senzori digitali de temperatura.,Conexiune radio (8) prin protocolul Bluetooth 4..(6) Ansamblul SI de senzori analogici de temperatura, (7) Ansamblul S2 de senzori digitali conține un ansamblu de senzori menit sa înregistreze cu abatere de 0,1 grade si in timp de maxmum 90 secunde temperatura.INTELLIGENT HYBRID HYBRID SYSTEM OF HIGH TEMPERATURE TEMPERATURE WITH HIGH PRECISION AND THEIR REPORTING THROUGH DIGITAL RADIO CONNECTION IN ISM 2.4 GHZ TO INTELLIGENT DEVICES characterized by the fact that the software consists of (1) software that has a microcomputer (1), which has a microcomputer (1). state, transmits data and communicates bidirectionally through the radio module, (2) 2.4Ghz ISM radio that sends bidirectional data via Bluetooth 4.x protocol to the smart device "(9) in its immediate vicinity, (3) Battery, (4) Voltage regulator, (5) Status display, (6) SI analog temperature sensor assembly, (7) S2 digital temperature sensor assembly, Radio connection (8) via Bluetooth protocol 4 .. (6) SI assembly of analog temperature sensors, (7) The S2 set of digital sensors contains a set of sensors meant to record 0.1 degrees deviation and for a maximum of 90 seconds the temperature. SISTEM HIBRID INTELIGENT DE ACHIZIȚIE A TEMPERATURII IN SPECTRU LARG CU PRECIZIE RIDICATA SI RAPORTAREA EI PRIN CONEXIUNE RADIO DIGITALA IN BANDA ISM 2.4 GHZ CĂTRE DISPOZITIVE INTELIGENTE caracterizat prinINTELLIGENT HYBRID HYBRID SYSTEM OF HIGH TEMPERATURE TEMPERATURE WITH HIGH PRECISION AND THEIR REPORTING BY DIGITAL RADIO CONNECTION IN THE ISM 2.4 GHZ BAND TO INTELLIGENT DEVICES characterized by Ο 3 -03- 2015 aceea ca Aplicația informatica parte a sistemului hibrid inteligent de achiziție a temperaturii in spectru larg cu precizie ridicata si raportarea ei prin conexiune radio digitala in banda ISM 2.4 Ghz către dispozitive inteligente are următoarele caracteristici: salveaza datele primite de la fiecare dispozitiv electronic in parte,posibilitate alerta de tip sonor si vizual in cazul in care se depasesc anumite praguri prestabilite, afiseaza istoric date si colectarea acestora in flux continuu,alerteaza in cazul in care dispozitivul electronic sau terminalul mobil iese din raza de acoperire.,posibilitate creare profile in funcție de scopul de utilizare a sistemului hibdrid de măsurare a temperaturii, ex: profil camera, profil persoana 1, profil persoana 2.Ο 3 -03- 2015 that the computer application part of the intelligent hybrid system of acquisition of the temperature in the broad spectrum with high precision and its reporting by digital radio connection in the ISM 2.4 Ghz band to intelligent devices has the following characteristics: it saves the data received from each electronic device in particular, possibility of sound and visual alert in case of exceeding certain predetermined thresholds, historically displays data and their collection in continuous flow, alerts if the electronic device or mobile terminal is outside the range, possibility creation of profiles according to the purpose of using the hybrid temperature measurement system, eg: room profile, person profile 1, person profile 2.
ROA201500158A 2015-03-03 2015-03-03 Hybrid intelligent system for wide spectrum temperature acquisition of high precision and reporting the same to intelligent devices by digital radio connection in 2.4 ghz ism band RO130703A3 (en)

Priority Applications (1)

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ROA201500158A RO130703A3 (en) 2015-03-03 2015-03-03 Hybrid intelligent system for wide spectrum temperature acquisition of high precision and reporting the same to intelligent devices by digital radio connection in 2.4 ghz ism band

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ROA201500158A RO130703A3 (en) 2015-03-03 2015-03-03 Hybrid intelligent system for wide spectrum temperature acquisition of high precision and reporting the same to intelligent devices by digital radio connection in 2.4 ghz ism band

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RO130703A3 RO130703A3 (en) 2016-09-30



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ROA201500158A RO130703A3 (en) 2015-03-03 2015-03-03 Hybrid intelligent system for wide spectrum temperature acquisition of high precision and reporting the same to intelligent devices by digital radio connection in 2.4 ghz ism band

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