RO130146A2 - Modular multifunction furniture - Google Patents

Modular multifunction furniture Download PDF


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RO130146A2 ROA201300790A RO201300790A RO130146A2 RO 130146 A2 RO130146 A2 RO 130146A2 RO A201300790 A ROA201300790 A RO A201300790A RO 201300790 A RO201300790 A RO 201300790A RO 130146 A2 RO130146 A2 RO 130146A2
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Andrei Ionuţ Neagu
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Gnosis Theory S.R.L.
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Application filed by Gnosis Theory S.R.L. filed Critical Gnosis Theory S.R.L.
Priority to ROA201300790A priority Critical patent/RO130146B1/en
Publication of RO130146A2 publication Critical patent/RO130146A2/en
Publication of RO130146B1 publication Critical patent/RO130146B1/en



  • Special Chairs (AREA)
  • Combinations Of Kitchen Furniture (AREA)


The invention relates to a furniture module consisting of a chair which, in association with several other modules, results in a table or a bed meant for pre-school children, for improving the ergonomics of the education process. According to the invention, the module comprises a swinging detachable seat (1) having two faces (2 and 3), namely a rigid one and a cushioned one, respectively, and being adjustable in height by pulling up two telescopic legs (4a and 4b), a metal profile (5) arranged throughout the length of a lateral face (a) while diametrically opposite, on the other lateral face (b) there is a joining groove (6) made of medium-density fiberboard panels wherein the metal profile (5) is joined.



Prezenta invenție se refera la o piesa de mobilier modulara si multifuncționala destinata preșcolarilor cu scopul îmbunătățirii ergonomiei procesului de invatare al acestora prin alipirea mai multor module identice ce vor conduce la obținerea fie a unei mese, fie a unui pat, modulul propriu zis avand rol de scaun.The present invention relates to a modular and multifunctional piece of furniture intended for preschoolers in order to improve the ergonomics of their learning process by attaching several identical modules that will lead to obtaining either a table or a bed, the module itself having the role of seat.

Scopul invenției este de a descrie piese de mobilier modulare si multifuncționale care, ulterior amplasării lor sa nu priveze habitatul de invatare de spațiul necesar desfășurării activitatilor didactice si sa stimuleze creativitatea si diversitatea activitatilor didactice.The object of the invention is to describe modular and multifunctional pieces of furniture which, after their location, do not deprive the learning habitat of the space necessary to carry out the didactic activities and stimulate the creativity and diversity of the didactic activities.

In prezent sunt cunoscute mai multe tipuri de piese mobilier destinate preșcolarilor, exemple prezentate succint in cele ce urmeaza.Currently, there are several types of furniture pieces for preschoolers, examples briefly presented below.

Brevetul 108410B1 descrie un pat ce se poate transforma in pupitru, metoda de transformare fiind insa cronofaga, complicata, realizandu-se cinci mișcări de rabatare si una de demontare. In brevet se precizează ca „Pentru tansformarea patului in pupitru, se pune de o parte salteaua si suportul sau astfel fapt atrangand cu sine faptul ca spațiul necesar unei astfel de piese de mobilier este mai mare decât piese de mobilier propriu-zisa. Un alt dezavanataj este dimensiunea de gabarit fixa, atat a patului cat si a pupitrului.Patent 108410B1 describes a bed that can be transformed into a desk, but the transformation method is chronophagic, complicated, with five folding movements and one dismantling. The patent states that "In order to transform the bed into a desk, the mattress and the support are placed on one side or so done, thus ensuring that the space required for such a piece of furniture is larger than the actual pieces of furniture. Another disadvantage is the fixed size of the bed, as well as the desk.

Brevetul 110768B1 prezintă un patut balansoar pentru copii ce se poate transforma intrun pat pentru o persoana, întregul sistem fiind greoi de montat/demontat iar problema tehnica ce o rezolva este singulara.Patent 110768B1 presents a rocking crib for children that can be transformed into a bed for one person, the whole system being difficult to mount / dismantle and the technical problem that solves it is unique.

Producătorul si distribuitorul de echipament didactic Fournissa, propune un „pat grădiniță stivuibiF care vine cu avantajul ca paturile pot fi depozitata sub forma de stiva, o „masa reglabila precum si „scaun cadru metalic, insa aceste piese sunt independente intre ele, ocupa spațiu atunci când nu sunt utilizate si necesita loc de depozitare considerabil de mare.The manufacturer and distributor of Fournissa teaching equipment proposes a "nursery bed stack" that comes with the advantage that the beds can be stored in the form of a stack, an "adjustable table and" metal frame chair, but these pieces are independent of each other, occupy space then when not in use and requires considerable storage space.

Modulul de mobilier, conform invenției, elimina dezavantajele de mai sus prin faptul ca rezolva construirea unui pat, a unei mese si a unui scaun dintr-un număr de module identice de dimensiuni 60cm x 40cm x 20cm, utilizandu-se astfel intr-un mod eficient si ergonomie spațiul disponibil din unitățile de invatamant, in următorul fel: scaunul se obține din folosirea unui singur modul, patul se obține din îmbinarea a trei module identice, iar masa se obține folosind un singur modul sau prin îmbinarea a doua sau mai multe module identice, in funcție de activitatile ce urmeaza a se desfasura. Astfel, dimensiunea patului va fi de 120cm x 60cm x 20cm, dimensiune ce se incadreaza in standardele europene de siguranța pentru produsele destinate somnului copiilor (MEMO/09/473, 21.10.2009, en.htm‘?locale=en).The furniture module, according to the invention, eliminates the above disadvantages by solving the construction of a bed, a table and a chair from a number of identical modules of dimensions 60cm x 40cm x 20cm, thus being used in a way. efficiently and ergonomically the space available from the educational units, as follows: the chair is obtained from the use of a single module, the bed is obtained from the combination of three identical modules, and the table is obtained using a single module or by joining two or more modules. identical, depending on the activities to be carried out. Thus, the size of the bed will be 120cm x 60cm x 20cm, dimension that falls within the European safety standards for baby sleep products (MEMO / 09/473, 21.10.2009, release_MEMO-Q9473 en.htm '? locale = en).

Modulul, conform invenției, este construit din panouri fibrolemnoase de densitate medie, are forma literei „C” întoarsa in sens invers trigonometric la 90 de grade, prezintă un șezut demontabil si rabatabil cu doua fete, una dintre ele avand o suprafața rigida, iar cealalta fiind prevăzută cu o perna, prezintă doua picioare telescopice reglabile in înălțime si un sistem de prindere cu un alt modul, identic cu acesta, ce presupune amplasarea unui profil metalic pe % O S: S . theoryThe module, according to the invention, is constructed of medium density fibroluminescent panels, has the shape of the letter "C" turned in the reverse trigonometric direction at 90 degrees, has a removable and folding seat with two faces, one of them having a rigid surface and the other being provided with a cushion, it has two telescopic legs adjustable in height and a clamping system with another module, identical to this one, which involves placing a metal profile on% OS: S. theory

S.R.L <^2 0 1 3 - 0 0 7 9 0 - 3 2S.R.L <^ 2 0 1 3 - 0 0 7 9 0 - 3 2

1 ΊΟ* 2013 întreaga lungimea a uneia dintre fetele laterale, iar in partea diametral opusa, pe cealalta fata laterala cu un canal de îmbinare.1 ΊΟ * 2013 the entire length of one of the side faces, and in the diametrically opposite side, on the other side face with a joining channel.

Problema tehnica pe care o rezolva prezenta invenție consta in realizarea unor piese de mobilier mulfifunctionale si modulare precum un scaun, o masa si un pat, prin îmbinarea unor module identice, piese de mobilier necesare in desfasurarea activitatilor cotidiene ale preșcolarilor.The technical problem to be solved by the present invention consists in the manufacture of modular and modular furniture such as a chair, a table and a bed, by combining identical modules, pieces of furniture necessary for the day-to-day activities of the preschoolers.

Prin aplicarea invenției se obțin următoarele avantaje:By applying the invention, the following advantages are obtained:

Realizarea de piese de mobilier multifuncționale si modulare, respectiv scaun, masa, pat;Creation of multifunctional and modular pieces of furniture, respectively chair, table, bed;

Necesita un spațiu de depozitare redus, piese de mobilier putând fi folosite, in funcție de situație drept scaun, masa si pat;It requires a small storage space, furniture pieces can be used, depending on the situation as chair, table and bed;

Mai multe tipuri de piese de mobilier pot fi construite folosind module identice, după cum urmeaza: prin îmbinarea a trei module si prin rabatarea celor trei șezute astfel incat suprafața cu perna sa fie orientata in sus se obține un pat; prin rabatarea sezutului/sezuturilor astfel incat suprafata/suprafetele rigida/rigide sa fie orientata/orientate in sus si prin extinderea picioarelor telescopice se obține o masa;Several types of furniture can be constructed using identical modules, as follows: by combining three modules and folding the three seats so that the cushion surface is oriented upwards, a bed is obtained; by folding the seat (s) so that the surface / rigid / rigid surfaces are oriented / oriented and by extending the telescopic legs a mass is obtained;

Dimensiunea unor piese de mobilier rezultate in urma îmbinării modulelor, de exemplu a patului se incadreaza in standardele europene de siguranța pentru produsele destinate somnului copiilor (MEMO/09/473, 21.10.2009, MEMQ-09-473 en.htm?locale=en);The size of some pieces of furniture resulting from the combination of the modules, for example the bed, is within the European safety standards for the products intended for the sleep of children (MEMO / 09/473, 21.10.2009, release MEMQ-09-473 en.htm? locale = en);

Timpul de asamblare extrem de scurt a pieselor de mobilier; Dificultate extrem redusa de asamblare a pieselor de mobilier;Extremely short assembly time of furniture; Extremely low difficulty of assembling furniture;

Construcție simpla, realizabila cu costuri de fabricație reduse, datorita posibilității de construcție din panouri fibrolemnoase de densitate medie sau din carton dublu sau triplu stratificat.Simple construction, achievable with low manufacturing costs, due to the possibility of construction of medium density fiberboard or double or triple layered cardboard.

Se da in continuare un exemplu de realizare a invenției in legătură cu figurile de la 1 la 6 care reprezintă:The following is an example of embodiment of the invention in relation to Figures 1 to 6 which represent:

Fig. 1 vedere in perspectiva a modulului;Fig. 1 perspective view of the module;

Fig. 2 vedere din lateral a modului;Fig. 2 side view of the mode;

Fig. 3 vedere in perspectiva șezut;Fig. 3 perspective view sitting;

Fig. 4 vedere in perspectiva a unui pat construit din 3 module identice;Fig. 4 perspective view of a bed constructed from 3 identical modules;

Fig. 5 vedere in perspectiva a unui scaun construit dintr-un modul;Fig. 5 perspective view of a chair constructed from a module;

Fig. 6 vedere din perspectiva sistem de extindere picior telescopic (cele 3 etape ale extinderii)Fig. 6 view from the perspective of telescopic leg extension system (the 3 stages of extension)

Modulul de mobilier, conform invenției, este construit din panouri fibrolemnoase de densitate medie, are forma literei „C” întoarsa in sens invers trigonometric la 90 de grade si este format dintr-un șezut 1 rabatabil si demontabil, una dintre fete 2 avand suprafața rigida, iarThe furniture module, according to the invention, is made of medium-density fibrous wood panels, has the shape of the letter "C" turned in the reverse trigonometric direction at 90 degrees and is composed of a folding and removable seat 1, one of the faces 2 having a rigid surface. , again

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^2013 - 0 0 7 9 0 3 1 -10’ 2013 cealalta 3 fiind prevăzută cu o perna. Modulul are doua picioare 4a, 4b telescopice, modul ce se poate regla pe înălțime prin ridicarea celor doua picioare 4a, 4b si de asemenea prezintă un profil metalic 5 pe întreaga lungimea a uneia dintre fetele laterale a, iar in partea diametral opusa, pe cealalta fata laterala b cu un canal de îmbinare 6, canal ce se va îmbina cu profilul metalic al unui alt modul identic.^ 2013 - 0 0 7 9 0 3 1 -10 '2013 the other 3 being provided with a cushion. The module has two telescopic legs 4a, 4b, the height adjustable module by lifting the two legs 4a, 4b and also has a metallic profile 5 over the entire length of one of the side faces a, and in the opposite diametrical part, on the other. side face b with a joining channel 6, a channel that will be combined with the metal profile of another identical module.

Prin glisarea profilului metalic 5 al unui modul A de-a lungul canalului de îmbinare 6 a altui modul B, identic cu primul, si prin glisarea profilului metalic 5 al unui modul C de-a lungul canalului de îmbinare 6 al modulului B, identic cu primele doua, iar apoi rabatand șezuturile 1 astfel incat suprafețele 3 cu perne sa fie orientate in sus, se obține o piesa de mobilier unitara, un pat 7. Prin rabatarea șezutului 1 astfel incat suprafața 3 cu perna sa fie orientata in sus, se obține alta piesa de mobilier unitara, un scaun 8.By sliding the metal profile 5 of a module A along the joint channel 6 of another module B, identical to the first, and by sliding the metal profile 5 of a module C along the joint channel 6 of the module B, identical with the first two, and then by folding the seats 1 so that the surfaces 3 with pillows are oriented upwards, a unit piece of furniture is obtained, a bed 7. By folding the seat 1 so that the surface 3 with the pillow is oriented upwards, it is obtained another piece of unit furniture, a chair 8.

Extinderea picioarelor telescopice 4a, 4b se face printr-o piesa 9 in forma literei „V”, construita din metal, prinsa cu șuruburi autofiletante 10 de una din părțile interioare c ale piciorului, in partea interioara opusa d, fixandu-se intr-un locaș 11, special decupat. După ridicarea picioarelor 4a, 4b, partea 12 flexibila a piese metalice trece prin locașul 11 si se blochează in locașul 13, blocând totodată si picioarele 4a, 4b intr-o poziție extinsa, întregul modul inaltandu-se.The extension of the telescopic legs 4a, 4b is done by a piece 9 in the form of the letter "V", constructed of metal, fastened with self-tapping screws 10 by one of the inner parts c of the foot, in the opposite inner part d, fixing in a housing 11, specially cut. After lifting the legs 4a, 4b, the flexible part 12 of the metal parts passes through the slot 11 and locks into the slot 13, while also locking the legs 4a, 4b in an extended position, the whole module being raised.

Claims (6)

Revendicăriclaims 1. Modul de mobilier, caracterizat prin aceea ca are forma literei „C” întoarsa in sens invers trigonometric la 90 de grade, este format dintr-un șezut 1 rabatabil si demontabil, una dintre fete 2 avand suprafața rigida, iar cealalta 3 fiind prevăzută cu o perna, are doua picioare 4a, 4b telescopice, modulul astfel fiind reglabil pe înălțime prin extinderea celor doua picioare 4a, 4b, prezintă un profil metalic 5 pe întreaga lungimea a uneia dintre fetele laterale a, iar in partea diametral opusa, pe cealalta fata laterala b un canal de îmbinare 6, canal 6 in care se poate îmbina profilul metalic 5 al unui alt modul similar.1. The furniture type, characterized in that it has the form of the letter "C" turned in the opposite trigonometric direction to 90 degrees, is composed of a folding and removable seat 1, one of the faces 2 having a rigid surface and the other 3 being provided. with a cushion, it has two telescopic legs 4a, 4b, the module thus being height adjustable by extending the two legs 4a, 4b, has a metallic profile 5 over the entire length of one of the side faces a, and in the opposite diametrical part, on the other side face b a joint channel 6, channel 6 in which the metal profile 5 of another similar module can be combined. 2. Modul de mobilier, conform revendicării 1, caracterizat prin aceea ca, prin glisarea profilului metalic 5 al unui modul A de-a lungul canalului de îmbinare 6 a altui modul B, identic cu primul, si prin glisarea profilului metalic 5 al unui modul C de-a lungul canalului de îmbinare 6 al modulului B, identic cu primele doua, iar apoi rabatand șezuturile 1 astfel incat suprafețele 3 cu perne sa fie orientate in sus, se obține o piesa de mobilier unitara, un pat 7.Furniture module according to claim 1, characterized in that by sliding the metal profile 5 of a module A along the joint channel 6 of another module B, identical to the first, and by sliding the metal profile 5 of a module C along the joint channel 6 of module B, identical to the first two, and then by folding the seats 1 so that the surfaces 3 with pillows are oriented upwards, a unit piece of furniture, a bed 7 is obtained. 3. Modul de mobilier, conform revendicării 1, caracterizat prin aceea ca, prin rabatarea șezutului 1 astfel incat suprafața 3 cu perna sa fie orientata in sus, se obține o piesa de mobilier unitara, un scaun 8.3. The furniture module according to claim 1, characterized in that, by folding the seat 1 so that the surface 3 with the cushion is oriented upwards, a unit piece of furniture, a chair 8, is obtained. 4. Modul de mobilier, conform revendicării 1, caracterizat prin aceea ca, extinderea picioarelor telescopice 4a, 4b se face printr-o piesa 9 in forma literei „V”, din metal, prinsa cu șuruburi autofiletante 10 de una din părțile interioare c ale piciorului, in partea interioara opusa d, se fixeaza intr-un locaș 11 special decupat, iar după ridicarea picioarelor 4a, 4b, partea 12 flexibila a piese metalice trece prin locașul 11 si se blochează in locașul 13, blocând totodată si picioarele 4a, 4b intr-o poziție extinsa, întregul modul de mobilier inaltandu-se.4. The furniture module according to claim 1, characterized in that the extension of the telescopic legs 4a, 4b is made by means of a piece 9 in the form of the letter "V", of metal, fastened with self-tapping screws 10 by one of the inner parts c of the the leg, in the opposite inner part d, is fixed in a specially cut recess 11, and after lifting the legs 4a, 4b, the flexible part 12 of the metal parts passes through the recess 11 and locks into the recess 13, also locking the legs 4a, 4b in an extended position, the entire furniture module is raised. 5. Modul de mobilier, conform revendicării 1, caracterizat prin aceea ca, poate fi construit din panouri fibrolemnoase de densitate medie.5. The furniture module according to claim 1, characterized in that it can be constructed from medium density fibrous wood panels. 6. Modul de mobilier, conform revendicării 1, caracterizat prin aceea ca, poate fi construit din carton dublu sau triplu stratificat.6. The furniture module according to claim 1, characterized in that it can be constructed of double or triple layered cardboard.
ROA201300790A 2013-10-31 2013-10-31 Modular multifunction furniture RO130146B1 (en)

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ROA201300790A RO130146B1 (en) 2013-10-31 2013-10-31 Modular multifunction furniture

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ROA201300790A RO130146B1 (en) 2013-10-31 2013-10-31 Modular multifunction furniture

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ROA201300790A RO130146B1 (en) 2013-10-31 2013-10-31 Modular multifunction furniture

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RO130146B1 (en) 2020-08-28

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