RO127555A2 - Vehicle navigation system - Google Patents

Vehicle navigation system Download PDF


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RO127555A2 ROA201000960A RO201000960A RO127555A2 RO 127555 A2 RO127555 A2 RO 127555A2 RO A201000960 A ROA201000960 A RO A201000960A RO 201000960 A RO201000960 A RO 201000960A RO 127555 A2 RO127555 A2 RO 127555A2
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Romanian (ro)
Ioan Suşnea
Grigore Vasiliu
Original Assignee
Ioan Suşnea
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Application filed by Ioan Suşnea filed Critical Ioan Suşnea
Priority to ROA201000960A priority Critical patent/RO127555A2/en
Publication of RO127555A2 publication Critical patent/RO127555A2/en



  • Navigation (AREA)
  • Traffic Control Systems (AREA)


The invention relates to a vehicle navigation system for autonomous vehicles piloted by a human operator in order to reduce the travel time, to avoid traffic congestions and minimize the fuel consumption. According to the invention, the system comprises two subsystems, one being placed on the ground and comprising a pheromone server (11) running a software application meant to ensure the communication with some vehicles and to update a map (13) of the environment wherein there is integrated some information about the current position of the vehicles; the ground subsystem also comprises wireless communication equipments (12); the second subsystem is placed on the board of the vehicle and comprises a location module (23), a microcontroller data processing unit (24), a wireless communication equipment (22) and a pilot (21) which may be a human operator.


Domeniul tehnic al invențieiTechnical field of the invention

Prezenta invenție se refera la problema selecției si urmăririi unei rute de parcurs pentru vehicule autonome, sau pilotate de un operator uman, in scopul reducerii timpului de parcurs, evitării congestiilor de trafic si minimizării consumului de carburant.The present invention relates to the problem of selecting and following a route for autonomous vehicles, or piloted by a human operator, in order to reduce the journey time, to avoid traffic congestion and to minimize fuel consumption.

Soluția propusa vizeaza realizarea unui sistem care sa ofere pilotului in timp real informații sintetice despre rutele disponibile, precum si despre gradul de fluenta a traficului pe aceste rute. In esența, soluția propusa, poate fi descrisa ca un dispozitiv _>riCIUL DE STAT PENTRU INVENȚII Șl MĂRCIThe proposed solution aims to create a system that will provide the rider with real-time synthetic information about the available routes, as well as the degree of traffic flow on these routes. In essence, the proposed solution can be described as a device _> THE STATE OF THE INVENTION

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(λ-2 0 1 0 - 0 0 9 6 0 - 1 1 -ίο- 2010(λ-2 0 1 0 - 0 0 9 6 0 - 1 1 -ίο- 2010

de navigație mobil (Portable Navigation Assistant - PNA) cu funcționalitate imbunatatita datorata facilităților de comunicație cu un server aflat la sol.Portable Navigation Assistant (PNA) with improved functionality due to communication facilities with a server on the ground.

Stadiul actual al tehnicii in domeniul sistemelor/dispozitivelor de navigație pentru vehiculeThe state of the art in the field of vehicle navigation systems / devices

Având in vedere numărul imens de vehicule de toate tipurile aflate in circulație, impactul acestora asupra mediului si asupra vieții cotidiene a miliarde de oameni, este firesc interesul pentru gasirea unor soluții tehnice de natura sa optimizeze diversele aspecte legate de traficul vehiculelor, de la definirea si selecția rutelor optime, reducerea consumului de carburant, detectarea si semnalizarea congestiilor de trafic, pana la realizarea unor vehicule autonome, capabile sa construiască o reprezentare interna a mediului pe baza informațiilor furnizate de un set de senzori si sa navigheze in mod “inteligent” prin mediu.Given the huge number of vehicles of all types in circulation, their impact on the environment and on the daily lives of billions of people, it is natural interest to find technical solutions that can optimize the various aspects related to vehicle traffic, from the definition and selection of optimal routes, reduction of fuel consumption, detection and signaling of traffic congestion, until the creation of autonomous vehicles, capable of building an internal representation of the environment based on the information provided by a set of sensors and navigating "intelligently" through the environment .

Dintre miile de soluții propuse, una din cele mai răspândite si cunoscute este dispozitivul de navigație bazat pe localizarea GPS a vehiculului aflat in trafic, denumit in mod uzual PNA (Portable/Personal Navigation Assistant).Of the thousands of solutions proposed, one of the most widespread and well-known is the navigation device based on the GPS location of the vehicle in traffic, commonly called PNA (Portable / Personal Navigation Assistant).

In aceasta abordare, locatorul GPS furnizează informația de poziție unui microcontroller, care extrage din memoria proprie si afiseaza pe un display local o harta predefinita a zonei geografice, corespunzător poziției curente a vehiculului.In this approach, the GPS locator provides the position information to a microcontroller, which extracts from its own memory and displays on a local display a predefined map of the geographical area, corresponding to the current position of the vehicle.

Principalul dezavantaj al acestei soluții deriva din faptul ca hărțile folosite sunt statice si nu conțin informații despre măsură in care drumurile sunt practicabile, daca sunt afectate de restricții de circulație (sens unic, drum in lucru, restricții de viteza sau de acces in unele intervale orare, etc.) si nici despre gradul de fluenta a traficului pe aceste drumuri.The main disadvantage of this solution derives from the fact that the maps used are static and do not contain information about the extent to which the roads are practicable, if they are affected by traffic restrictions (one-way traffic, road work, speed restrictions or access at certain time intervals. , etc.) nor about the degree of traffic flow on these roads.

Pentru a depăși aceasta limitare, au fost propuse numeroase soluții. De exemplu in brevetul US2006/0094443, se propune un dispozitiv care folosește informația furnizata de locatorul GPS pentru a selecta si afișa pe un display local o serie de pagini web, al căror continui are legătură cu poziția geografica curenta a vehiculului (de exemplu obiective turistice, magazine, etc., aflate in apropiere), accesate printr-o conexiune mobila la internet.To overcome this limitation, numerous solutions have been proposed. For example, in patent US2006 / 0094443, a device is proposed that uses the information provided by the GPS locator to select and display on a local display a series of web pages, the continuation of which is related to the current geographical position of the vehicle (for example tourist objectives , shops, etc., located nearby), accessed through a mobile internet connection.

O soluție asemanatoare este prezentata in WO2010/073053, cu deosebirea ca informațiile accesate de dispozitivul PNA (Portable Navigation Assistant) prin conexiunea internet sunt furnizate de un server central, care colectează si prelucrează date actualizate despre condițiile de trafic.A similar solution is presented in WO2010 / 073053, notwithstanding that the information accessed by the PNA (Portable Navigation Assistant) device through the internet connection is provided by a central server, which collects and processes updated traffic conditions data.

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Soluția propusa de brevetul US2004/0249569, adauga un dispozitiv de intrare in sistem, prin care utilizatorul poate defini o ruta prin marcarea puncetelor de plecare si de destinație, după care sistemul incarca automat, dintr-o sursa externa, informații caracteristice rutei selectate.The solution proposed by the patent US2004 / 0249569, adds an input device in the system, by which the user can define a route by marking the starting and destination points, after which the system automatically loads, from an external source, information characteristic of the selected route.

In brevetul GB2431261 se propune completarea informațiilor cu caracter geografic stocate in hărțile folosite de dispozitivul PNA cu informații privind eventuale limitări de viteza si este descrisa o metoda de selecție a rutei optime, prin minimizarea unui “cost” asociat cu fiecare ruta posibila.In patent GB2431261 it is proposed to supplement the geographic information stored in the maps used by the PNA device with information on possible speed limits and a method of selecting the optimal route is described, by minimizing a "cost" associated with each possible route.

Soluția propusa de brevetul US2010/0057334 se bazeaza pe comunicația intre PNA si un computer aflat intr-o statie-baza, care centralizează informațiile de la o pluralitate de telefoane mobile echipate cu GPS. Computerul de la statia-baza estimează densitatea traficului si o comunica dispozitivelor PNA la cerere.The solution proposed by the patent US2010 / 0057334 is based on the communication between the PNA and a computer located in a base station, which centralizes the information from a plurality of mobile phones equipped with GPS. The base station computer estimates the traffic density and communicates it to the PNA devices upon request.

Brevetul US2009/0063045 propune o soluție de selecție a rutelor după criteriul consumului minim de carburant, ținând seama de informațiile despre starea drumului, starea vremii, parametrii semafoarelor, blocaje de trafic, furnizate de o pluralitate de dispozitive interconectate in rețea. Prelucrarea tuturor datelor se face la nivelul dispozitivului PNA.The patent US2009 / 0063045 proposes a solution of route selection according to the criterion of the minimum fuel consumption, taking into account the information on the state of the road, the state of the weather, the parameters of traffic lights, traffic jams, provided by a plurality of devices interconnected in the network. All data processing is done at the PNA device level.

Toate soluțiile citate mai sus au un dezavantaj comun in faptul ca baza de cunoștințe despre condițiile de trafic, localizata intr-unui sau mai multe dispozitive externe fata de PNA este dificil si costisitor de construit si de actualizat.All the solutions mentioned above have a common disadvantage in that the knowledge base about traffic conditions, located in one or more external devices to the NAP is difficult and expensive to build and to update.

Soluția propusa de prezenta invenție elimina acest dezavantaj, deoarece baza de cunoștințe despre condițiile de trafic se construiește ad-hoc, chiar in procesul de comunicație intre dispozitivele de tip PNA aflate la bordul vehiculelor si un server localizat la sol.The solution proposed by the present invention eliminates this disadvantage, because the knowledge base on traffic conditions is built ad-hoc, even in the communication process between the PNA-type devices on board the vehicles and a server located on the ground.

Elementul central al soluției este conceptul de “feromoni virtuali”, definit prin analogie cu feromonii naturali, substanțe chimice volatile, dispersate in mediu de unele specii de insecte pentru coordonarea inter-individuala in cadrul unor activitati complexe la nivelul roiului.The central element of the solution is the concept of "virtual pheromones", defined by analogy with natural pheromones, volatile chemicals, dispersed in the environment by some species of insects for inter-individual coordination within complex activities at the level of the river.

Feromonii naturali au fost descoperit! de Karlson si Luscher in 1959 ([1]), iar Grasse ([2]) a descris mecanismul de comunicație indirecta prin intermediul feromonilor (stigmergie) la unele specii de insecte.Natural pheromones have been discovered! by Karlson and Luscher in 1959 ([1]), and Grasse ([2]) described the mechanism of indirect communication through pheromones (stigmergy) in some insect species.

Ulterior Dorigo et al. ([3]) au descris mecanismul de selecție a rutelor optime intre cuib si sursa de hrana in coloniile de furnici, pe care l-au denumit “ant colony optimization” (ACO). Procesul de optimizare se explica prin faptul ca rutele mai lungiFurther Dorigo et al. ([3]) described the mechanism for selecting the optimal routes between the nest and the food source in the ant colonies, which they called "ant colony optimization" (ACO). The optimization process is explained by the fact that the longer routes

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1 -10- 2010 ύ I necesita un timp mai mare pentru parcurgere, timp in care procesul de evaporare a feromonilor devine predominant fata de procesul de acumulare de noi cantitati de feromoni pe măsură ce noi agenți parcurg ruta respectiva. In final rutele scurte sunt preferate de tot mai multi agenți, iar rutele lungi sunt complet abandonate.1 -10- 2010 ύ It requires a longer time to travel, during which time the pheromone evaporation process becomes predominantly compared to the process of accumulating new quantities of pheromones as new agents travel the respective route. Finally, short routes are preferred by more and more agents, and long routes are completely abandoned.

După descoperirea ACO, au aparut numeroase încercări de a crea feromoni artificiali pentru coordonarea unor agenți, de la simpla detectare a unor substanțe chimice poluante dispersate accidental in mediu ([4]), la schimbul de mesaje codificate in infrarosu intre agenți ([5]). Susnea et. al descriu in ([6]) un experiment in care structuri de date simple, denumite “feromoni digitali”, sunt memorate in tag-uri RFID distribuite in mediu si folosite pentru conducerea unor roboti mobili.Following ACO discovery, numerous attempts have been made to create artificial pheromones for coordinating agents, from simply detecting accidentally dispersed polluting chemicals in the environment ([4]), to exchanging infrared-encoded messages between agents ([5] ). Susnea et. described in ([6]) an experiment in which simple data structures, called "digital pheromones", are stored in RFID tags distributed in the environment and used to drive mobile robots.

O definiție a conceptului de “feromoni virtuali”, intr-o accepțiune apropiata de cea in care este folosit in prezenta invenție a fost data de Susnea et al in ([7]).A definition of the concept of "virtual pheromones", in an acceptance close to the one used in the present invention, was given by Susnea et al ([7]).

In aceasta accepțiune, feromonii virtuali sunt engrame lasate de agenți nu in mediu, ci intr-o harta a mediului, stocata si actualizata de un server de feromoni, aflat in comunicație cu agenții. In procesul de comunicație intre agenți si serverul de feromoni, harta care incorporeza informații despre distribuția de feromoni se constituie intr-o memorie comuna, partajata de toti agenții.In this sense, virtual pheromones are frames left by agents not in the environment, but in a map of the environment, stored and updated by a pheromone server, in communication with the agents. In the process of communication between agents and the pheromone server, the map incorporating pheromone distribution information is constituted in a common memory, shared by all agencies.

In acest mod, fiecare agent are acces la o informație sintetica si actualizata dinamic despre traficul prin zona geografica reprezentata de harta comuna, iar “dârele de feromoni” lasate de agenții care au traversat anterior zona reprezintă rute posibile de urmat.In this way, each agent has access to a synthetic and dynamically updated information about the traffic through the geographical area represented by the common map, and the "pheromone tracks" left by the agents that previously crossed the area represent possible routes to follow.

Descrierea succinta a invențieiBrief description of the invention

Prezenta invenție descrie un sistem de navigație pentru vehicule (autonome sau pilotate de un operator uman), denumite in continuare “agenți”, bazat pe conceptul de “feromoni virtuali”.The present invention describes a navigation system for vehicles (autonomous or driven by a human operator), hereinafter referred to as "agents", based on the concept of "virtual pheromones".

Sistemul este compus din doua subsisteme, dintre care unul este amplasat la bordul vehiculului si cuprinde un modul de localizare (23), de exemplu GPS, o unitate locala de prelucrare a datelor cu microcontroller (24), echipament de comunicație wireless (22), de exemplu echipament mobil de conectare la internei si un pilot (21), care, in cazul particular al agenților neautonomi, poate fi un operator uman.The system is composed of two subsystems, one of which is located on board the vehicle and comprises a location module (23), for example GPS, a local microcontroller data processing unit (24), wireless communication equipment (22), for example, mobile equipment for connecting to the interior and a pilot (21), who, in the particular case of non-autonomous agents, can be a human operator.

Un al doilea subsistem, amplasat la sol, este compus din “serverul de feromoni (11), implementat de un computer, care ruleaza o aplicație software destinata sa asigure comunicația cu agenții si sa actualizeze o harta a mediului (13), in care sunt înglobate informații despre poziția curenta a agenților. Subsistemul de la sol mai ,VA second subsystem, located on the ground, is composed of the "pheromone server (11), implemented by a computer, running a software application designed to ensure communication with the agencies and to update an environmental map (13), in which they are information about the current position of the agents. The ground subsystem may, V

Descriere pagina ¢^-2 0 1 0 - 0 0 9 6 0 -1 1 -10- 2010 cuprinde echipamente de comunicație wireless (12) adecvate, care asigura comunicația in timp real cu agenții distribuit! in mediu.Page Description ¢ ^ -2 0 1 0 - 0 0 9 6 0 -1 1 -10- 2010 includes adequate wireless communication equipment (12), which ensures real-time communication with distributed agents! in the environment.

Periodic, la intervale de timp prestabilite, fiecare agent emite către server un pachet de date care conține următoarele informații:Periodically, at predetermined time intervals, each agent sends to the server a data package containing the following information:

a. Un cod de identificare unic. In cazul particular al comunicației prin internet, acesta poate fi chiar IP-ul nodului de comunicație corespunzător vehiculului.a unique identification code. In the particular case of internet communication, this may even be the IP of the communication node corresponding to the vehicle.

b. Coordonatele geografice ale poziției curente ale agentului, asa cum este raportata se subsistemul de localizare (23).b. The geographical coordinates of the agent's current position, as reported is the localization subsystem (23).

c. Orientarea (heading-ul) determinata de unitatea de prelucrare cu microcontroller (24) pe baza informației despre pozițiile succesive ocupate de vehicul.c. The orientation (heading) determined by the microcontroller processing unit (24) based on the information about the successive positions occupied by the vehicle.

d. Viteza de deplasare calculata pe baza informației despre pozițiile succesive ocupate de vehicul.d. Travel speed calculated based on information on the successive positions occupied by the vehicle.

La primirea pachetului de date, serverul executa următoarele operații:Upon receiving the data packet, the server performs the following operations:

a. Localizează agentul pe o harta interna de tip grid (13), asociindu-l cu o celula corespunzător poziției geografice raportate de agent.a. Locate the agent on an internal grid map (13), associating it with a cell corresponding to the geographical position reported by the agent.

b. Calculează pentru fiecare celula a harții un coeficient, denumit “concentrație de feromoni virtuali”, după o formula care tine cont de numărul de vehicule care traversează celula in unitatea de timp, de viteza medie a acestora si de timpul de la ultima actualizare a datelor despre celula respectiva.b. Calculate for each cell of the map a coefficient, called "virtual pheromone concentration", according to a formula that takes into account the number of vehicles crossing the cell in the unit of time, their average speed and the time since the last update of the data about that cell.

c. Transmite către agentul care a emis interogarea un pachet de date de răspuns, care, pe langa codul de identificare al agentului destinatar al mesajului, conține concentrațiile de feromoni calculate pentru celulele aflate in vecinătatea poziției curente a agentului.c. Forward to the agent that issued the query a response data packet, which, besides the identification code of the agent receiving the message, contains the pheromone concentrations calculated for the cells near the agent's current position.

La primirea răspunsului de la server, unitatea locala de prelucrare a datelor suprapune informația despre concetratiile de feromoni peste harta geografica statica pe care o are in memoria proprie si prezintă informația rezultata, intr-un format adecvat, pilotului.Upon receiving the response from the server, the local data processing unit superimposes the information about pheromone concentrations over the static geographic map it has in its own memory and presents the result information, in an appropriate format, to the pilot.

Descrierea succinta a desenelorBrief description of the drawings

Figura 1 prezintă structura generala a sistemului.Figure 1 shows the general structure of the system.

Subsistemul 1 este amplasat la sol si se compune din:Subsystem 1 is located on the ground and is composed of:

- Serverul de feromoni PS (11)- PS pheromone server (11)

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- Harta mediului EM (13), in care o aplicație software dedicata incorporează informații despre distribuția spațiala a vehiculelor aflate in comunicație cu serverul- EM environment map (13), in which a dedicated software application incorporates information about the spatial distribution of vehicles in communication with the server

- Echipament de comunicație wireless CE (12), de exemplu echipament specific pentru realizarea conexiunilor de internet mobil, sau alt echipament de comunicație wireless compatibil cu cel aflat la bordul vehiculelor.- CE wireless communication equipment (12), for example specific equipment for making mobile internet connections, or other wireless communication equipment compatible with that on board the vehicles.

Subsistemul 2, amplasat la bordul vehiculului, compus din:Subsystem 2, located on board the vehicle, composed of:

- O unitate locala de prelucrare a datelor LPU (24)- A local LPU data processing unit (24)

- Subsistemul de localizare, LS (23), care poate fi, de exemplu, un locator GPS, sau alt dispozitiv de localizare adecvat tipului de vehicul- The locating subsystem, LS (23), which may be, for example, a GPS locator, or other locating device suitable for the type of vehicle

- Subsistemul de comunicație wireless CE (22), de exemplu, echipamentul capabil sa asigure o conexiune mobila la internet, sau alt echipament de comunicație wireless, compatibil cu subsistemul de comunicație (12), aferent serverului (11).- The CE wireless communication subsystem (22), for example, equipment capable of providing a mobile internet connection, or other wireless communication equipment, compatible with the communication subsystem (12) for the server (11).

Pilotul (21) - care poate fi un operator uman, sau, in cazul agenților autonomi, un dispozitiva capabil sa asigure conducerea agentului fara operator uman.Pilot (21) - who can be a human operator, or, in the case of autonomous agents, a device capable of ensuring the management of the agent without a human operator.

Figura 2 este o reprezentare grafica a unei porțiuni din harta grid a mediului (13). Concentrația de feromoni determinata pentru fiecare celula a harții este reprezentata in acest caz prin nuanțe de gri, in care culoarea alb corespunde unei concentrații zero (lipsa completa de feromoni), iar negru corespunde unei concentrații maxime posibile.Figure 2 is a graphical representation of a portion of the grid map of the environment (13). The pheromone concentration determined for each cell of the map is represented in this case by shades of gray, in which the white color corresponds to a zero concentration (complete lack of pheromones), and black corresponds to a maximum possible concentration.

In acest exemplu, pilotul unui vehicul care are de parcurs ruta intre punctele A si F ale harții este informat ca fluenta traficului este redusa pe tronsonul intre B si E, astfel incat ar putea fi preferabil sa urmeze traseul ocolitor A-B-C-D-E-F, in loc sa aleaga traseul mai scurt, A-B-E-F.In this example, the driver of a vehicle that has the route between points A and F of the map is informed that the traffic flow is reduced on the section between B and E, so it might be preferable to follow the detour route ABCDEF, instead of choosing the route in short, ABEF.

Figura 3 descrie structura interna a unitatii locale de prelucrare LPU (24), in care sunt prezente următoarele blocuri funcționale:Figure 3 describes the internal structure of the local LPU processing unit (24), in which the following functional blocks are present:

- Un microcontroller MCU (31)- A MCU microcontroller (31)

- Memorie RAM (32)- RAM (32)

- Memorie nevolatila NVM (33) pentru stocarea datelor, de exemplu harți statice al zonei geografice traversate,- NVM non-volatile memory (33) for data storage, for example static maps of the crossed geographical area,

- Cel puțin o interfața seriala RS232 (34) pentru conectarea cu dispozitivul de localizare (23)- At least one RS232 serial interface (34) for connecting to the location device (23)

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Q - 2 Ο 1 Ο - Ο Ο 9 6 Ο - I 1 -10- ZUWQ - 2 Ο 1 Ο - Ο Ο 9 6 Ο - I 1 -10- ZUW

- Ο interfața USB (35) pentru conectarea cu medii de stocare a datelor, sau cu interfețe de comunicație,- USB USB interface (35) for connecting to data storage media, or communication interfaces,

- Un display LCD, sau touchscrren (36) pentru afișarea locala a unor mesaje textuale sau grafice,- An LCD display, or touchscreen (36) for local display of text or graphic messages,

- O interfața de comunicație in rețea ETH (37) necesara pentru conectarea cu echipamentul de comunicație wireless (22).- An ETH network communication interface (37) required for connection to the wireless communication equipment (22).

Descrierea detaliata a implementării preferateDetailed description of the preferred implementation

In implementarea preferata, pilotul (21) este un operator uman, iar vehiculul poate fi orice vehicul rutier. Comunicația wireless, care folosește dispozitivele (12) si (22) este asigurata de o conexiune mobila la internet.In the preferred implementation, the pilot (21) is a human operator, and the vehicle can be any road vehicle. Wireless communication using devices (12) and (22) is ensured by a mobile internet connection.

Serverul de feromoni (11) este un computer convențional care ruleaza o aplicație software dedicata, avand următoarele funcții:The pheromone server (11) is a conventional computer running a dedicated software application, having the following functions:

- Sa asigure transferul bidirecțional al pachetelor de date intre server si agenții aflati in mediu, încapsulând pachetele in pachete TCP/IP.- To ensure the bidirectional transfer of data packets between the server and the agents in the environment, encapsulating the packets in TCP / IP packets.

- Sa creeze si sa actualizeze o structura de date corespunzător reprezentării de tip grid 2D (bidimensional) al unei regiuni geografice, (harta (13)) reprezentare compusa dintr-un număr de celule patrate cu latura ‘a’ (cf. Fig. 2). Valoarea parametrului ‘a’ se determina in funcție de puterea de prelucrare a serverului de rezoluția dispozitivelor de localizare (23), de viteza medie a vehiculelor in zona geografica de interes, precum si de intervalul de timp la care se succed pachetele de date intre agenți si server. O valoare rezonabila pentru acest parametru este in plaja 50-100 metri.- To create and update a data structure corresponding to the 2D grid (two-dimensional) representation of a geographical region, (map (13)) representation composed of a number of square cells with the side 'a' (cf. Fig. 2 ). The value of parameter 'a' is determined according to the processing power of the server, the resolution of the location devices (23), the average speed of the vehicles in the geographic area of interest, as well as the time interval between which the data packets between agents follow. and server. A reasonable value for this parameter is in the range 50-100 meters.

- Sa calculeze pentru fiecare celula a harții (13) o variabila, denumita “concentrația de feromoni virtuali, P”, in asa fel incat o valoare mai mare a acestui parametru sa indice faptul ca celula asociata este tranzitată in mod fluent de vehicule, iar o valoare apropiata de zero sa indice trafic dificil, puține vehicule in zona respectiva, sau lipsa de informații despre zona respectiva. O posibila formula de calcul a variabilei P este data de relația (1):- Calculate for each map cell (13) a variable, called "virtual pheromone concentration, P", so that a higher value of this parameter indicates that the associated cell is flowing through vehicles, and a value close to zero to indicate difficult traffic, few vehicles in the area, or lack of information about the area. A possible formula for calculating the variable P is given by the relation (1):

Λ/”' (1)Λ / ”'(1)

Unde N/j este numărul de vehicule care părăsesc celula Cjj in unitatea de timp, v este viteza medie a vehiculelor care tranzitează celula Cij, t este timpul scursWhere N / j is the number of vehicles leaving the Cjj cell in the unit of time, v is the average speed of the vehicles passing through the Cij cell, t is the elapsed time

cv-2 Ο 1 Ο - Ο Ο 9 6 0 - 1 1 -10- 2010 de la ultima actualizare a datelor despre celula Cy, iar τ este “constanta de timp de evaporare” a feromonilor Ο 1 Ο - Ο Ο 9 6 0 - 1 1 -10- 2010 since the last update of Cy cell data, and τ is the "evaporation time constant" of virtual pheromones.

Variabila Ρ-ν se actualizeaza pentru celula C,; de fiecare data când un nou agent transmite serverului o cerere de acces la harta de feromoni, cu precizarea ca același agent nu poate modifica de mai multe ori concentrația de feromoni a unei celule, atunci când se deplasează lent sau stationeaza.The variable Ρ- ν is updated for cell C ,; each time a new agent sends a request for access to the pheromone map to the server, specifying that the same agent cannot change the pheromone concentration of a cell several times, when moving slowly or stationary.

Se observa ca, in cazul unei congestii de trafic, viteza medie a agenților este redusa, iar numărul agenților care părăsesc celula in unitatea de timp este de asemenea mic, ceea ce conduce la o valoare mica a P,j.It is observed that, in case of traffic congestion, the average speed of the agents is reduced, and the number of agents leaving the cell in the unit of time is also small, which leads to a low value of P, j.

Comunicația intre dispozitivele aflate la bordul vehiculelor si serverul de feromoni decurge in felul următor:The communication between the devices on board the vehicles and the pheromone server proceeds as follows:

- La intervale de timp prestabilite (in funcție de performanetele comunicației internet si de puterea de calcul a serverului), agenții emit către server pachete de date (interogări), care conțin informații despre identificarea, localizarea, viteza si orientarea respectivului agent.- At predetermined time intervals (depending on the performance of the internet communication and the computing power of the server), the agents issue data packets (queries) to the server, which contain information on the identification, location, speed and orientation of the respective agent.

- Pe baza poziției raportate de agent, serverul il localizează intr-o celula a harții de feromoni interna, recalculează concentrația de feromoni pentru celula respectiva si trimite un pachet de răspuns, care conține concentrațiile de feromoni calculate de server pentru celulele învecinate cu celula in care se afla agentul care a trimis interogarea. Cu referire la figura 2, daca, de exemplu, consideram ca valoarea parametrului ‘a’ este de 100 metri, pentru un agent situat in celula indicata de punctul A, recepția unui pachet de 100 de valori ale concentrației de feromoni virtuali corespunzător celulelor reprezentate in fig. 2, permite evaluarea condițiilor de trafic pe o distanta de 1Km înainte si 500 metri lateral, ceea ce este suficient pentru condițiile de trafic rutier in orașe si conduce la volume relativ mici de date transferate intre server si agenți.- Based on the position reported by the agent, the server locates it in a cell of the internal pheromone map, recalculates the pheromone concentration for the respective cell and sends a response packet, which contains the pheromone concentrations calculated by the server for the cells adjacent to the cell in which it is located. there is the agent who sent the query. With reference to figure 2, if, for example, we consider that the value of parameter 'a' is 100 meters, for an agent located in the cell indicated by point A, the reception of a package of 100 values of the concentration of virtual pheromones corresponding to the cells represented in fig. 2, allows to evaluate the traffic conditions on a distance of 1Km before and 500 meters laterally, which is sufficient for the traffic conditions in cities and leads to relatively small volumes of data transferred between the server and the agents.

La primirea pachetului de răspuns de la server, unitatea de prelucrare (24) extrage din memoria proprie nevolatila (33) o harta a zonei geografice in care se afla, in mod absolut similar cu dispozitivele PNA existente, peste care suprapune, de exemplu printr-un cod al culorilor, informația despre fluenta traficului, conținuta de concentrațiile de feromoni si afiseaza harta modificata pe display-ul local (36).Upon receiving the response packet from the server, the processing unit (24) extracts from its own non-volatile memory (33) a map of the geographical area in which it is located, quite similar to the existing PNA devices, over which it overlaps, for example by a color code, traffic flow information, contained in pheromone concentrations and displays the modified map on the local display (36).

cv- 201 0-00960-1 1 -10- 2010cv- 201 0-00960-1 1 -10- 2010

Soluția descrisa in prezenta invenție are următoarele avantaje evidente fata de oricare din soluțiile cunoscute in prezent:The solution described in the present invention has the following obvious advantages over any of the solutions currently known:

Rezolva cu costuri minime problema creării si actualizării unor harți dinamice, actualizate in timp real cu informații despre trafic, pentru dispozitivele personale de navigație.Solve with minimal costs the problem of creating and updating dynamic maps, updated in real time with traffic information, for personal navigation devices.

- Este “compatibila înapoi” cu dispozitivele existente aflate in exploatare. In lipsa unui server de feromoni in zona traversata, dispozitivul aliat la bordul vehiculului se comporta ca un PNA convențional.- Is "backwards compatible" with existing devices in operation. In the absence of a pheromone server in the crossed area, the allied device on board the vehicle behaves like a conventional NAP.

- Toate componentele sistemului pot fi ușor implementate cu echipamente de serie, disponibile comercial.- All components of the system can be easily implemented with commercially available standard equipment.

- La nivelul serverului de feromoni se pot rula simulări ale unor situații speciale de trafic (de exemplu situații de tip “ora de vârf”) cu vehicule simulate. In urma acestor simulări se pot salva distribuții de feromoni obținute printr-un proces de tip “Ant Colony Optimization- ACO”, care ulterior pot fi oferite agentilor fizici pentru navigație.- At the pheromone server level, simulations of special traffic situations (eg "rush hour" situations) with simulated vehicles can be run. Following these simulations, pheromone distributions obtained through an “Ant Colony Optimization-ACO” process can be saved, which can then be offered to physical agents for navigation.

- Sistemul este compatibil atat cu agenti autonomi cat si cu agenti conduși de un operator uman.- The system is compatible with both autonomous agents and agents operated by a human operator.

- Sistemul permite includerea in trafic a unor “agenti virtuali” - vehicule simulate software, care sa marcheze rute convenabile in diverse situații când se dorește dirijarea traficului pe anumite trasee, de exemplu indicarea unor rute ocolitoare in cazul unui accident care blochează o artera aglomerata.- The system allows the inclusion in the traffic of "virtual agents" - simulated software vehicles, to mark convenient routes in various situations when it is desired to direct traffic on certain routes, for example indicating bypass routes in the event of an accident blocking a crowded artery.

- Informația despre fluenta traficului acumulata la nivelul serverului poate fi cu ușurința adaptata si transmisa unor “semafoare inteligente”, capabile sa-si ajusteze dinamic timpii de comutare, favorizând deplasarea pe arterele aglomerate.- The information about the traffic flow accumulated at the server level can be easily adapted and transmitted to "intelligent traffic lights", able to dynamically adjust their switching times, favoring the movement on the crowded arteries.


Claims (7)

REVENDICĂRI 1. Un sistem de navigație pentru vehicule compus din:1. A vehicle navigation system consisting of: - un subsistem de prelucrare a datelor amplasat la sol (in afara vehiculelor), denumit “server de feromoni”, sau “server”,- a subsystem for data processing located on the ground (outside vehicles), called "pheromone server", or "server", - o multitudine de vehicule, fiecare din ele avand la bord cate un subsistem, capabil sa determine poziția, orientarea si viteza vehiculului, denumit “dispozitiv de navigație”, caracterizate prin aceea ca:- a plurality of vehicles, each of them having on board a subsystem, capable of determining the position, orientation and speed of the vehicle, referred to as a "navigation device", characterized in that: - dispozitivele de navigație de la bordul vehiculelor se afla in comunicație de date wireless cu serverul,- the on-board navigation devices are in wireless data communication with the server, - serverul creaza si actualizeaza o structura de date, aflata in corespondenta cu un anumit spațiu geografic, structura de date denumita “harta”, organizata sub forma unei mulțimi de celule adiacente, in care fiecărei celule ii corespunde o anumita suprafața din spațiul geografic considerat,- the server creates and updates a data structure, in correspondence with a certain geographical space, the data structure called a "map", organized in the form of a set of adjacent cells, in which each cell corresponds to a certain surface in the considered geographical space, - dispozitivele de navigație aflate la bordul vehiculelor raportează periodic serverului poziția, viteza si orientarea vehiculelor aflate in trafic,- the navigation devices on board the vehicles periodically report to the server the position, speed and orientation of the vehicles in traffic, - serverul localizează fiecare vehicul intr-o celula a harții interne, calculează pentru fiecare celula cate un coeficient numeric, denumit “concentrație de feromoni virtuali”, a cărui valoare este proporționala cu numărul de vehicule care traversează celula respectiva in unitatea de timp si cu viteza medie a acestora, si transmite fiecărui dispozitiv de navigație cu care se afla in comunicație cate un pachet de date care conține concentrațiile de feromoni calculate pentru celulele Învecinate cu celula in care se afla vehiculul respectiv,- the server locates each vehicle in a cell of the internal map, calculates for each cell a numerical coefficient, called "virtual pheromone concentration", the value of which is proportional to the number of vehicles crossing the cell in the unit of time and speed. average, and transmits to each navigation device with which there is in communication a data pack containing pheromone concentrations calculated for Neighboring cells with the cell in which the respective vehicle is located, - dispozitivele de navigație prezintă pilotilor vehiculelor, intr-o forma adecvata, informația sintetica despre distribuția concentrațiilor de feromoni virtuali obtinuta de la server.- the navigation devices present to the drivers of the vehicles, in an appropriate form, the synthetic information about the distribution of the virtual pheromone concentrations obtained from the server. 2. Un sistem ca in revendicarea 1, in care concentrațiile de feromoni calculate pentru fiecare celula a harții sunt variabile, scazand in timp, in mod asemanator cu evaporarea feromonilor naturali.2. A system as in claim 1, wherein the pheromone concentrations calculated for each cell of the map are variable, decreasing in time, similarly to the evaporation of natural pheromones. 3. Un sistem ca in revendicarea 1, in care funcțiile unei parti din dispozitivele de navigație sunt simulate software pentru a influenta intr-un anumit fel programat distribuția concentrațiilor de feromoni virtuali prezentata de server dispozitivelor de navigație cu care se afla in comunicație.3. A system as in claim 1, wherein the functions of a part of the navigation devices are software simulated to influence in a certain programmed way the distribution of the virtual pheromone concentrations presented by the server to the navigation devices with which it is in communication. £^-201 0-00960-- Μ£ ^ -201 0-00960-- Μ 1 1 -10- 20101 1 -10- 2010 4. Un sistem ca in revendicarea 1, care folosește distribuții statice, predefinite ale concentrațiilor de feromoni pentru a dirija traficul vehiculelor pe anumite rute.4. A system as in claim 1, which uses predefined static distributions of pheromone concentrations to direct vehicle traffic on certain routes. 5. Un sistem ca in revendicarea 1 in care serverul este echipat cu interfețe hardware si software care sa-i asigure comunicarea cu semafoare inteligente, capabile sa-si ajusteze timpii de comutare in funcție de densitatea traficului, asa cum este aceasta reflectata de distribuția concentrațiilor de feromoni virtuali.5. A system as in claim 1, wherein the server is equipped with hardware and software interfaces to ensure its communication with intelligent traffic lights, capable of adjusting its switching times according to traffic density, as reflected by the concentration distribution. of virtual pheromones. 6. Un sistem ca in revendicările 1 si 4 caracterizat prin aceea ca poate comuta intre distribuții dinamice ale concentrațiilor de feromoni virtuali, ca in revendicarea 1 si distribuții statice ale acestora, ca in revendicarea 4, in mod programat, sau in funcție de o comanda emisa de un operator uman.6. A system as in claims 1 and 4, characterized in that it can switch between dynamic distributions of virtual pheromone concentrations, as in claim 1 and their static distributions, as in claim 4, in a programmed manner, or according to a command. issued by a human operator. 7. Un sistem ca in revendicarea 1, caracterizat prin aceea ca pilotii vehiculelor sunt dispozitive automate, de exemplu de tipul celor care asigura conducerea roboților mobili.7. A system as in claim 1, characterized in that the drivers of the vehicles are automatic devices, for example of the type of those that ensure the driving of the mobile robots.
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Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US9518830B1 (en) 2011-12-28 2016-12-13 Intelligent Technologies International, Inc. Vehicular navigation system updating based on object presence

Cited By (3)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US9518830B1 (en) 2011-12-28 2016-12-13 Intelligent Technologies International, Inc. Vehicular navigation system updating based on object presence
US9677893B2 (en) 2011-12-28 2017-06-13 Intelligent Technologies International, Inc. Vehicular navigation system updating based on object presence/absence
US10048076B2 (en) 2011-12-28 2018-08-14 Intelligent Technologies International, Inc. On-board vehicular monitoring system

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