- Publication number
- PT105689A PT105689A PT105689A PT10568909A PT105689A PT 105689 A PT105689 A PT 105689A PT 105689 A PT105689 A PT 105689A PT 10568909 A PT10568909 A PT 10568909A PT 105689 A PT105689 A PT 105689A
- Authority
- PT
- Portugal
- Prior art keywords
- όχοχ
- quot
- formula
- xxx
- ray diffraction
- Prior art date
- Y02E60/521—
- Heterocyclic Carbon Compounds Containing A Hetero Ring Having Oxygen Or Sulfur (AREA)
- Acyclic And Carbocyclic Compounds In Medicinal Compositions (AREA)
iCPPbbXdiki gerados?* pXgptbsspXp.e& sssasitiasá. *% ibdbbtbiis.X bob sbsbáPée sp eoloXes? a PbPaPébiébil ele eXoptsb.lsPs ebato e : aâspsxsi Ibteom ?a PPísp. w as s as í a e: ;é XX; ví XXiX Γ:.Ο.Τ: XãXX X .esse,. pás: ;, psaaaçse Se PpP xcx; ela s .borbs ais ÍXSi assas ;'XX-;.:Í· X> ei t sS: sa eàsts;ses dx;p XX: •5--.¾¾¾. d.s bspbp p; -e X P d.: :. w: X O X· Xx v; .Xp -X >':·' ··.;- ·.';< vã pãvpi Χ ·.Χ V se .Ο X: <. !v.. slepssialbssidai,: ee. xxx SO:Si X: x.t Ϊ a '·· < p\> d s ISsaaetsçes V· :f| P xx pbb.sss repse- Λ \X >á p X .SSS Xlp p'b ip. eia f sais X.·: 0 0 s s síss os 0 C<JX TT f soXve;. pa.e,a: SSSS.L « Vj.vb s : á:ss :¾ Xi X; X' easasespas; c XX;:;i es sa :e?a.í::íssâ. .Xi XTX; áí .bsisaáPOalá s; Sá....S?i P XX e: «X-.....P& x,;·:;.....ρ XX:i .... :X .1. ei X: vã ee báce:p..t. se,.·:: XXX X ss L X- Ο -X X’ X. i-i v XXiX. ::ss ; CUJ e preso -,s cie b sb-r ;bPát .1' vs tsesec.s; e ;:J«·.; esiasssspbss- ps rosei S X vj: csoXs -X- .x x<:o TU; iSSsi.c XTT 5: ai Pises,, se a fees sa Sasss k:ss :ia?;S \í > - > . asai assisa X; χχχχ XTXi.;Ti: T sepe;: -t :5 Γ ea eleo-aSaes C\* X a. ^.. TXã pXí X' Xl XX CSsíSS \:K v X p Xá SáSU t>::TTXiÍT 1 0 CX: s:pciapea;esl:se ΤΧ'Χ.Χ Ld a sala: a asas d a úd O $.> XUX Sosa-i SeXX·· li :bv êã a pe sabe O Ux c:-sbPselti.a:sIi asas a l éa? psa iaiaesesres: ese:aés:.ia:e;« aapsS:: > ise asseaádss, se ai 5:00.ael .:: &e i: ;i:PbP:s; s :: ee: í:lea;a ea de· s cstí ,1· TTXXXré sos:· p:s:sb>.i.e:aa.ssí XiebXtb eis líapssats ais ec: e spacaasisle j UiX sasno s saabisaÍesi s.. apeaa sí%as saasses se eea.c li a i.ce.eãc s.;aa 0 i x.e <x TXX:· >:· e sasi sasSíss: de Sas.áisiíá d-s eapbsss iíip:.) s; Php.pbaí i; X'i>; T > Xis. ’X XX s ssaseaiPsrs ..j: esaseses esess aessese ps s sPiaares? es :p .; SbS;S de sósPíSa;:: áásts -XiOiX οΧ;:ΧιΧΧ;.ΧΧ': Χ. .X">/'XbX. XX TXiX .X- ;X pXT sabes v se:aSs< ; ;idou es sis?ao isarstaibo 0 s;b-óaot.a aisass a; tua VXpX 0 s ΧΧ'£ .X ': d Ρ ΓόΡ isstsssiií: • a sibisa .daquias íísuasits':;; aSsasts; : essas asa dee. xxee;!. :t:; ί xxx e ãaabssasr tal saas; siatsstt ss; sas;sí a bdbbsb :: ·\· v v •ví XX à:' a·: : »>ij -X': 1 sssdLsts; stldtt a ssâiaasas LtãOSaa afô saisa; ;>·:>>· XXtdXivpd aXd XX: sasats; a ta.. I s t o d; taras rasas;· sapa sssd tsúss o st qssa d :X\XXb \ OSã a. alças s; :;a s; s: s> s Sai s uss -da astídadítí a lia; as sstiaa Xd e.x ave ix? > dts ? ssti.daaa xixie t-.X: χχχχτι voe eexx ;SS>S:· SSi> S S:’SSSAS. S· sistsíttsa ae dia; asaasb: ; .ti asdsãd da do :s.asa; ata; st; o sslisisas ss s; sascaa; st; tarda tão tdia:ia'i as; aaPdaatds;. e :ίν s;P Issàssss :X x:auà: xxeX x: a a,:.... px: ;P:xx:ip sãa dó ;>ps:í ss ;S:SS; :do qíssSi. sa; b e x> ct j a a.í ο ?;>;? dxx\-x ;:. à a s ·;; X. d.; X ;t, ,;à ;;s . :V; i;t!'.is;.ada ; xxbxvpaxax.,· •·:.ϊϋ xex ::b: íaaasisí··· xX a : S.&b a-;i saâssatd dStSStsd :. S SiS sas t s' s'ístsr: aií sstdss tá: o ϋΧΧ t;S ;bs::.t>:U. :l s; sãos as st d lassas; ãd·,'.: \Xvd:\-· s- ' X;· χ,. ax ,· a <x dsisa ta taba.. iss y'\ ;< _ a e x ax:· OxX X. -: asas;. assa: rs? s: psii-a d S f Sí 'SSSO.SSS QXXX:'. s>x sssas? is; ...' <· ;' ; p'X d; ϊ'y- b: O u •bXtX-rxb dst da a sasa si;qí't;ss: at: s:ís. 'Ssa s pa ax XisXt ψ ac a Ρ.·':; d: :a' sã, :i.tãã X: s daaà sassa; ssasa;: tsiãtss a< SS' StSSttí S S:·., tasád; d tataxdtti.da;dd. ai:'-Xã XXÍ> .S ;i:Xi iX . StS::.·, S:ssSt;;:S issabadifi ã ssfsàsta sis ssásjap;,* a X; X YX> X exax ; d i AiSPSSiSSspS S? : qdtuto Ss sps t Sf SdStSíS, .i.SpSsS aip xx e x. x>xxx.a. ; Sí S St?SSSS.CaSS; S: sSsS ssat sss: iaxsiaãastaa sis; st;<ss;tãpt psstpar xx x stisast;:? pstss; i tipo sbs X .vípd.X X p' ãSsvssss; sitbssplss sisss· siiss xxipvii Ix: sPti ssas^ q.ifotos assss; ssat t: :se x :x x. sX d:': : SSíaSttsSsCSia ítS StS Ss SsSiSs SÍ XK>di ·. s S s;s;;s Sssàttysst; déPX.X;· pauapss». n aras ; as Ϊ ti SSp:; :-S s p ã :Lt:· da d t: ssa ;St ud as. a ao qual as sasÍprsatsa aaass'1 ssbs;sas:bs; ,· asapsas s aiisíLSsatt ps;s: sspsssa: ssaa t Sa's íl> d.S, àt vb <x assssbas: s Ú ΧΡ'χΛ s Χ'-ΧΧΧ XX.X XtXbd -X-X; y X;Xb: "Cví; st; •'.:. b X' SspSSSS P:XX : ss 'SipSSSS ,S ‘S.:' Xs: asada χ χ.χ'Χ á x xee sis íSss ttss V: iast Χ-Χ'Χ s;p ias, St?S' '.y. à st OpSSi ap Xd XXX Xs : cx>: d: XX'X iX < XX XXdX X xaaa SiíS .d.·, a ''! t .': X' \ Pb X X a ;· · x e.- isslsi assass -XxX XdvS : eta ssp· btsiaSS n XX Xo; ;ss; i. S t aa qa.s apS;-?: ;sst: : SSsSSS Ssss; v>b a.· s t:ss :xc ipsa; á XXb: ; st? si StXpsd; PP Xt..: Xe. χ.χ,χ ssbs. X X::XX ; x:x.:> X.. • tt.X.r b. \ <:. a ' 'SiSStSpJSSS:: b xe x :-e xea X' ex.· psS’ c χρχ fdSp'· isas pdt as: : , S-tSSP t, é sspssss âsXXs sãst ispt dé x> XX ;χχχ ex ; rx ΧΧ'Χ-.'Χ ·: ; d ttss S s.í s a o a s.«sa peto eràxx X:p;eiX da asa tssssrs t; ,·',Ν.. ;í;,;i XXX; <P.là: XX. XaO X d.;· c.xx abtssP é x. · s, b sa.t Uiesss; ssraa: í ·:χ Px i tp ísé i ΐί: aisssst :p'S, td Cb χ. :¾ ·: •S. V. aãssst sssss V. : ao ssss :s • -X nI pá-P e ;:i: :..â a Sn td. >:S :i a X ‘·Χ a. (xxa; iaX ,· 'S.Sí. XXpa £ :§ i:: i:x'-xxx ΧΧΧΧνΧΧ t t :i. :X:X;X>· ;ss -ex:: ;pd :' ·; t -d, t:; C :, :ss aa :X.(>X si XX :< P .s: xá e. <X;X' e : xeàee ss tS:S :ss;;sSss • ’>; sasbi a X; a i' 'X x ix:; XvX; e π.χ. •XX }xxxa a a •:X :X tsassa: staasss SStp: ssssa; : v-iX: ttiSSSa χ a x s i: axi. a > ::x;:X t;U& t ã Ss assa tasoí c ssrd; t i t ui dasgenerated iCPPbbXdiki? * pXgptbsspXp.e & sssasitiasá. *% ibdbbtbiis.X bob sbsbáPée sp eoloXes? to PbPaBbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbfbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb w as a e: is XX; I saw XXiX Γ: .Ο.Τ: XãXX X. If PpP xcx; it is known that X is the number of X- ei t sS: sa e ssts dx; p XX: • 5 -. d.s bspbp p; -E X P d .::. w: X O X X X v; .XP -X> ':' ''; '' '' '; <' vã pvvpi Χ · .Χ V if .Ο X: <. , v. slepssialbssidai, ee. xxx SO: If X: x.t Ϊ a '·· < p? d s ISSAaSes V ·: f | P xx pbb.sss repse- Λ \ X> g p .SSS Xlp p'b ip. The results are shown in Table 1. The results are shown in Fig. for example, a: SSSS.L â € ‡ â € ‡ â € ‡ â € ‡ â € ‡ â € ‡ â € ‡ â € ‡ â € ‡ â € ‡ â € ‡ X 'easasespas; The present invention relates to a process for the preparation of a compound of formula (I). .Xi XTX; there. S? S? P? XX?:? x XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX. ei X: v ee ba ece: p..t. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X :: ss; And in custody, b sb-r; bPat. 1 'vs tsesec.s; and esiasssspbss- ps rosei S X vj: csoXs -X- .x x <: o TU; (1), (2) and (2). - > . asai asisa X; χχχχ XTXi; Ti: T sepe ;: -t: 5 Γ and eleo-aSaes C \ * X a. X. X. X. X. X. X. X. X. X. X. X. X. X. X. Y. X. X. X. X. X. X. X. X. X. X. X. X. X. X. X. X. Y. > XUX Sosa-i SeXX ························································ psa iaiaesesres: ese: aes: .ia: e; «aapsS :: > If there is no more than 5: 00, then PbP: s; (s): s: s: s: s: s: s: s: s: s: s: s: s: s: s s s s s s s s s s s s s s sasno s saabisaIesi .. snaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :.) s; Php.pba i; X'i >; T > Xis. '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''. is: p .; SbS; S of SEPIA; :: áásts -XiOiX οΧ;: ΧιΧΧ; .ΧΧ ': Χ. . &Quot; > / 'XbX. XX TXiX .X-; X pXT you know if: aSs < ; isocyanate system; your VXpX 0 s ΧΧ '£ .X': d Ρ ΓόΡ isstsssiií: • sibisa .daquias íísuasits': ;; aSsasts; : these wing dee. xxee;!. : t :; x xxx and aaabssasr sa saas; siatsstt ss; ss sss; yes a bdbbsb :: v \ v • vi XX a: 'a ·:: »» ij -X': 1 sssdLsts; stldtt a ssâiaasas LtAosaa afô saisa; ; > ·: > > · XXtdXivpd aXd XX: sasats; at r.t. Shallow wounds; sapa sssd tsúss o st qssa d: X \ XXb \ OSã a. s handles; :;at; s: s > s Come away from us; the seeds XD e.x bird ix? > dts ssti.daaa xixie t-.X: χχχχτι voe eexx; SS> S: · SSi > S S: 'SSSAS. S · sistsíttsa ae dia; asaasb:; .as asdsd of do: s.asa; ata; st; sslisisas ss s; sascaa; st; it takes so long: ia'i as; aaPdaatds ;. e: ν ν ν ν ν ν ν ν P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P e e e e e ν ν ν ν ν ν ν ν ν ν ν ν ν ν ν ν ν ν. of what? sa; b and x > ct j a ai ο?; >;? dxx \ -x;:. à a s · ;; X. d .; X, t, a, s; : V; i.e., xxbxvpaxax., xx :: b: aaasisí xX a: S. & b a-; i saâssatd dStSStsd:. If you are not sure, then you will be able to: : ls; are as st d lassas; dd ·, ': \ Xvd: \ - · s-' X; · χ ,. ax, · a <x dsisa ta taba .. iss y '\ < _ a e x ax: · OxX X. -: wings ;. Assa: rs? s: psii-a d S f Yes 'SSSO.SSS QXXX:'. s > x sssas? is; ... '<; p'X d; ϊ'y- b: O u • bXtX-rxb dst gives the sasa si; qí't; ss: at: s: ís. 'Ssa s pa ax XisXt ψ ac a Ρ. ·' :; d:: a 'sã,: i.tãã X: s daaà sassa; ssasa ;: tsiãtss a < SS 'StSSttí S S: ·., Tasád; d tataxdtti.da; dd. al. . StS., S: ssSt; X YX > X exax; d i AiSPSSiSSspS S? : qdtuto Ss sps t Sf SdStSíS, .i.SpSsS aip xx and x. x >xxx.a.; Yes S St? SSSS.CaSS; S: sSsS ssat sss: iaxsiaaastaa sis; st; <ss; tpt psstpar xx x stisast;:? pstss; i type sbs X .vpd.X X p 'sssssss; sitbssplss sisss · siiss xxipvii Ix: sPti ssas ^ q.ifotos assss; ssat t:: if x: x x. sX d: ':: SSIAsSsCSiaStS StS SsSsSs Yes XK > di ·. s S; s; s Sssàttysst; . n aras; as Ϊ ti SSp :; : -S s p ã: Lt: · da d t: ssa; St ud as. the one to which the claims are made to the accounts: bs; , As as s s s s s s s s s,,,, Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa. d.S, át vb <x assssbas: s Ú ΧΡ'χΛ s Χ'-ΧΧΧ XX.X XtXbd -X-X; and X; Xb: "CVI;st; (I.e. x........ b b b Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ .y. at st OpSSi ap Xd XXX Xs: cx>: d: XX'X iX < XX XXdX X xaaa SiiS .d. Xaa + Xa + Xa + Xa + Xaa + Xaa + Xaa + ; ss; i. S tb qs ss; - ss: SSsSSS Ssss; v> b a. s t: ss: xc ipsa; XXb:; st if StXpsd; PP Xt ..: Xe. Χ.χ, χ ssbs. X X :: XX; x: x.: > X b. \ <:. (a) SiSStSpJSSS :: b xe x: -e xea X 'ex. · psS' c χρχ fdSp '· sas pdt as::, S-tSSP t, is sssssss of the xxs s is of x> XX; χχχ ex; rx ΧΧ'Χ -. 'Χ ·:; In the case of the present invention, the present invention relates to a process for the preparation of a compound of formula (I): (I.e. < P.là: XX. XaO X d.; C.xx abtssP is x. · S, b sa.t Uiesss; ssraa: i ·: χ Px i tp ísé i ΐί: aisssst: p'S, td Cb χ. : ¾ ·: · S. V. a ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. >: S: i to X '· Χ a. (x, y, x, y, x, y, x, y, x, y) -d, t :;: ss aa: X. (> X if XX: <P .s: xá and. <X; X 'e: xeàee ss tS: S: ss ;; sSss • '', 'sasbi a X', '' is 'X x ix :; XvX; and π.χ.' XX 'xxxa aa': X: X tsassa: stasss SStp: ssssa;: v-iX : ttiSSSa χ axsi: axi a a: x t: X t;
\.· UU
’ iX ;Χ O dtl SASStdit bss xssaaáas. t á οΡΡό-ρ;: 1 a: i o-a atlesáti s sal sssdsasoa; i; ii d>St iq (dlp\.:;ixÚ ;ílp oe.;ods> i- iros! da ριιόαι t ao, y.l.i i\\y Ύ\. C> b as bota akspísas; P ...v-.y.. jy-. pá lisst lploa ¥ áka actis.lá leáka o;··: <s 1 *,ct akVlits ts os r a :Í: 1 aitpê a '1 p' · a<ss;bsssa;sisao 1 . OáSiStO:": átaaa bà ’:s !&&:· ..d. ·:>, ássloi a a a àilifeig a a a a a .1 a at a .i.oíra >at ίϊ itCí aaeasba assas as. ·; >b C ·. rcd i‘ á a. (λ a Palia ta.:· iiea d a aquaa á-òpiat; ato tosas 1 soas d;s as po:a ; <:.· : 1 ·; ·. :, <1 dl d! itadobs: tod; 5. .1 x rm ía c os boi; ta ·· ssasados a á.-,d'vblO ϋ^Μ\Λϋ '•\··· :;ii f ·.' :.:< H o o , Sit:o . ; t vp. co nau a >x> i\>· ta; ale ksslo aipett tai, a ata tas a s à -a sastasià o a toa OIdd; à.>;k * > IP 11 1 .1: t:e: iatoiitvlait: d* ascialaoidasdá C;C;a -d .b ecaodllttaa; p assoo as aaospsba: iè òsldáaate ealatisaas boi: :· ·· V t-p:p'; p | l ; aí aosasbaíss toei da. efòeot;á'òllte, do ôotakt 61. Pd ··-:..· , lá;a gs :oqspasa;itsos das akaaiaoedea pa. a: eébs; bisas d doeebotáailsdal {s-b-rc;.< etálaelea: ia to: sodsaaaábsasol asla tal i .ataso, etc, ptoas aatáaàtíaátá :; dea:: dá aoetdéaád. a a a. g ;ορ· a d- .¾ pa bátb: iSSOS......ááweípàáá; -· ddtíiÍ átátKaloaeoi. ''' aatfíOí sl t;......etsthsáios pato ;>-at a a •.v .·>: .. -. ., : li .. aodll,.· < i> aox;. dòl'a:p.ekfá· :a d.a 0:-.0 t bri.db ata vou. ááaaupet: va ,Ι.ιι iba : ;;:> r 'b; ·;> p àáííaa aio áeaáxsbett •Ο < ·:. ;í;. aoá a::aaá.íaadááo:x: vkiil.b 1:1 q;:;« ÍA;ii :; >b'b íx>> íláááo -O t a ilaideatstad etitoits síiái b Po‘ s -ti i.i .os a: b·· oa; t i po ib ap r ο·>· l i ttictka o barti St P Ul .111 teto. tktd tists. 0: cê ik tl 0:0 qitti bv o .àa rl. -s.· «ò> soa SíO ads Ps:<: IO':·’ 1 ,s salt-t ;<'·:»·........ coto.oa........o Pds é itiká d esoítot iktpeaa áá i<:id.d lata:! ; d e -ó O· é.U:bl0.p o o:t;ob:o;'S.l s o b pao::: !p dó ii ;i; tts :;.paaa Íb::í 1 dl pe:' ορο; l ot a o il'b <:a Óib: ,k 0:1 -d.lbi> ó í'.i à titi p :,d vvl: 1. t‘: a 1 p 01' il S O r :d >S. i ΟΌ a : recatl . .V:: b. '·. .· okaá: it b ti:ti óiptrpal i ::opi ,a i .vyi-' dd-s-Vã :i plid ootkslá. il :k t bt-L·' átátt . ν' 0.1 11 ia ib.·.iiC’b .Λ· b tos at.s ;ka o . c âtáád-S ik l ib idáe· tda PdP b ίο,.....Pb kO..... ;""ks iS;Pd; ik;s d tilri 1 d t )..... focad ds PSi t o-datãs tils.e a:i:y O-O-ii:· 00: p'éc â; díái SOS á is a: 0; t. ti ao s oaãqr-sr c· é ia ct r:' liikc • yt; >-· > a:.t; d·· i de: O '"p:: ’··>·; i-lkitáviltaliSí Olk V; >P r i .·;: d; pOPá: >p á át bbbvi; i:0'i 1 b· ,· oò cp:i id X ppbOí:: <. ost .: t:a tiOpPcs.ti: pi p l Oa -O.. idáái..... pbbálpiopppi oo P 1 di.P Iki'* : i r : ::0..-..... Ip PP tp ;pcpp'-pp; ,;:p P:iPb ;· íòitto ab.asta aildil la SapSiá ;ttt a O kdk o asá : P:. β SáiOtá: i t'P t a; ?: ap; ;::líâia;.. o b •.til- Ov.l proseote ioat itsp tib::i :a:e Oi ti o d) .d ;:Ό. v.l .a O o:l 1 >: 1;1: ossao: atoáa tosa á .ategrt o: aaaa laosá r.U. P v ao-: ta-: trt.t Itas s'· xy tido taátst. ·. ,¾ :to pito s;e ti ao :t o á. Oib. a- 1 apoio; tiottaa dP-Po ; stasit: i qe assei t · 0 11 0 pOl. :b cà atolo. dastot a á.l, : bbb i:' ,:.,il' etf0.a;o; -o a:aio: 0: .1 da: ,k P P-: do d issatSsí Si :tp;:a:tt-t::ttt iSÇOOi ds i ds t: as ol. < istictt.- cate tas lá ::iit bl í ot; à.ááaá ditl: iasd SiS tt t :5 p O losiosaaossaasí iSaso soa ass o: ti ti: ta a.sSá C b. B dP asibpa.ktot adáp esipas .........skt iiSátect-d·, toa qiSíSis:· o it tiSis t dPá.l .1 dl íssaotatatis liis.itiltttio;:. itttslt o., sdo o b esdos ato Siotiit ; OSop.: .b pá di gppp· oleatii los 0 a.tits t tatos.11 sodá; pasta oat. asit Jo:. a ata s ai ti t; as. l.t ;i O li. b! Çà b 1,P:í: só; dded: arpairiea ":ΐ;:'.ι.Λ:·'.;;·:·-νί;; Pa .. s; \.a.;a :.: ..a a a; tsrapiiaaiasiia, Xo> OOpo a: o ;a a i a ãs: asdi i tos , Issaass:· rsasaslisa? assa ssia ss. eia ç a:;a ;S; e saP I. ss paaáêapqia arapapá, re X v- pOX O ΧΧίρΧΐ.Ο aí X: OO.i a.' ;'· O.X Χ'Χί.Χ pp,:s Ϊ 'V;‘s jU? av:'^' ;í Pà<àc;s1;a nas ààXàOv. XXX Xi .t ·;> p. a?ii aiís r i ssa; qs>u: sa.daa, c o- a ta; & p a;rr:i;a a: Pa á Paaaaá <ϊ;ρ >ΐ paPaaáàapai :X O.X OO X^ X XXXOX OXOXpOOO-XO:, a . :·. X-XiXOXO XOXX XOOOXp rssaa a a a ΧΧΟΟ.ΟΟ.Χ q: >$. spisiascas iastasas: arpa cai .a cr laca a :a r: 1 p a; t ss: asa, r t as: e < X: χχοοχ:. aa.aaaPí; '.· p; .SP ísasaa a;iass;a: aa ss; .-XX s rasas ^ç X XX :· yiP X ί·' ar :s:'ss .irasses .si arst sa :SS sV ί'ΚΧΧ a.a g c u·. COOÒl i -.t-XX X p, X.p: P·; X· s;X : . X XCfXX: rãa, | ssas :.lO f atsstaa ssisat X': •X Ο.Χ.Γύ ;'X ,· <>' O' tas ;a asa aís a ai : ;.s :.ç t. ã.C.i a.a.p. p ; ; sas’ • -.X XX IXXlXXâ SSS & ρορρ ·' 0 :á;s ρΓρ ti ãP;sp:P X v ; paaa. XXJ:; Λ í ssen.1 Sã .XXXk·: ri: X P ;-χ· X-' .X X gà; sãs sãar: sa s PP X X 1 XO. rl tá'; assair as ;a: t: ::¾ , pita X.ãTXv :í"\Íí> xás as. ;s; lt:i sssa X p.XX' at rasa? ís sãs tsisa :X > slsrasa sasssap usar a; ;t a.; spi> X PS .: :. lisa á:;.p ‘ t:XX: ; ;ss.if ;l: :X:i χ.χ :X >:k? ç s: a\ Ί" ;:.\ ;· :C ··; ... apaa; >';··Ρ p. gai apsa; ::χ: g. 'p p g'; t .i\.· >;' IpXa PSiPS xt ·Χ ν'Ο apassaaasSp,: a.· as X XO XXX saraus sip p: :'vc.êrx.: saia i' p paara: ;. Χ'ΧΧ as a • ;\S .· sas' X. X- as ãssssa sat; :s \·: X P.. íS: i:; OOO,: t O $ ssasassp r i X t saaia; X àa X x: Hsiges- •C X XX X' •XX P: ãpíta ss; pass; .' X X :i" OXO.: : parai ara is asa X aSaas ,χ.χ. ::ras r; L.'t:. ssassas a:. X a>.;:sa si. f pt aaa sa Sssrvis is X·' Xà X: 0 OXxX ti ãiiaaassi; aa sUspaiaaíssaa.;saa PSíSSiS: aatasa X' ‘ v·· aso sssaa SS;']. SSS X paii OXOp.x s. .napara· X-‘: : C> essas: sssas a ;i'X.X Λ·.:·.: s tas.;.: t..' X àÇ S\ .ΐΧΧ: a‘ L ipssaa ? da;:s :;s sas;t ss 0 as ààOXXXOàXO.X. X i ·Χ .'::à ,·........ apsàs \/0 ssc X- X as iS;.iSaSS ssasai· ,χχ.χ . r·.:. xkx r tC X x x XXX:. i -; :fti.í; V:SUã.S v X.; isáss; t:·;: ;:sP p;;;:Si;s :· :P X sãs cirsí ·: P.iyà::.t x ààà ,X ;:..gà •dss :OX: ..Pis à s:i X isa cãas ids rPsato aSta; ... .... .i ssassarsi: sp. asa P: sssisr; St; XiX.à .t.\ X-.> a;;g ;saa; stssas: i. xo XÕ: 't.v: : ss, as si ããsããs oxoxx X aassaas ;s 'xxxxi taas sspatep' Xà ai;. tsss r •iiX.· •X O..»· Ο X y saas. XX .SSiS: asr sspsa' ssass rrsp sicà e sa ,ΐΧΟ . X -X t.ã:SS rasxs: aítssa sri grsaas; aastrôii t as ss; i X e 11, p aSpSsaa: XX i' reli iSesSSiiSSíiSSS; aãs X X XX.à X. ,j. X; Xà t. ' i.à. . ..· pssa s .;rsss X.t; .sisa ití; SS SS; SSi ii íí' Ο,Οχχ-χ :X· p g Χ·;\ΧΧ· iP-gtp......qg ;X' J; Sjisp.QSSSi:; "λ :i .......χ. àX.V a......r; psrts àà' s ssàsr .....i XXX· iSí.aspa ;i a? aga: 0......xii : ·: r:;ssr:S X's X X:.ã:, X ; :i :X xtí sà x x: •SP: SP. SS; ::i .vX aX : ssias 'XO.· xípX.; X.àà:. :: 0. sssiPSPi Is.saã ; à X:i': <sta :i i: :Χΐν' XXX <s:ã asss :x:: ; P- ,-n ·. a. a..· isaiP ; x ò.x ss;.s: d & ;p; <ÍSS: asai ta 1: X.::'/ X pXX X X; ·: χχ , X tg:;t;.s: p-xtx: :àX ssíai: a PSSSS. Q-l iOX :> asispspr axssastas issas X ’v: X": X' '.X XX.iOo X;. a>\ xk^t:· C:-X ·.: ag: à;à XO SSS. •X X 00' :-'Xv XX· à-: ·.;.·. ssasds· -aPt cl ras sspss. SsPaí apssas à xxp.o.tX •àí: o astrass.:: aaastas ãrãg· :οχ;Χ· assa; sasss. Π :ããpS Ό O .· XOXàXpX·· i t; saata :’y Qé sassaP :aas. sr SSPgsipss1 XX aspasa XO XX sstsars: •-XX Sssa ·-.-· ag :tas:ssstaa 1(5 445«,. srasà. >s\ p:.SSSS: parias sssesa ..t; :tX àXXX .·: i.i.PiXax X'i.i.X:i atras ·: à ·’.> à:xx.' •X' iX àxÍcS;d p:SS tr.r sà ;S;> aPss Passa asa a asSs.Ssa assíspr assas SSS: X' :XX , O γ. i X X -'0 t; a i: rss; gg ifCdsUS; ;P:^rá .···., ........S rtitsa XX as·... t; assais; . gi........T : X:''.X' i X 0 X asàsass Xi· ... .0 paa$:ss::p.ii:: ussass tSS;P asss :S iS si PPisS .· p àsXt P : aà: ' - ^ a SSS; :S !:àà .à.O :sS; ã. ts àài 0' àX ;:i ià : y X Χ(ΧλΧ·.··'Χ>Χ·; p las _ g .:g_ XiX >!:' XX i àsãài.X à': X ;:p: asíspaisiis ss is x v <x ;x. s:gp saas:;: O· s: ssíastisa · · - .x o Xs; .ápaas :X sas; á: x<àài.x· n-a s? :Xx: stsspsssas X XO Xo ,à.:X ;!.X: :όί :x 'XX:; X is: sapa xxà lâo ímtís.ívío, paira aasP.;;:»ps aspilasassgssisps: .slnáp.;sãr.riis.:tip rissasas rr. assas 14'· sla;,. sasa; aguais a :Uaplarer:as^aâr «safias aakpri sius: saa jusstisãtLqasap ssaas ; aaas casara rar ssseqas aarparáriO; ;.i;r: aipcrira SS; ti :'.; v" SitS \·: iS S; .o S.S SS': .. ; SS'::'..: S ^- --¾ S.:SSP..:.:. S. λ.'S;S:S ·;:: SS r Οΐίϊν. ·: a à i; SS iS ν S.. SS;.iS SJ; garaPa;;:.eleciarôq;.; Isauras. sssiasssi.issãsra a :t; 1 tarss arisaasaa aàs aaaiiaàas a caígapatàraa aía agi iPssPrrsr ia;;S> irias isas; sa aparara; ν:<ί<£ν.. ::1.:-:¾ 1 r: tos dp 0. οΐ'όοΐΐο, 100, 335a dl 80508: 80 0: dp O 8 05l 8-- :8 053 8010085 00 V Í ο- 1¾ ¾¾ ::8::8153: ο 5%5;ΐ8:0,:1ο:;: O 0,: 5. .0 O .8. ΐ ..' 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'ii .0- ii 0i0- 0:-: «000 5 <3 C Í0U0 :355:8 1:813 5:,350 a. ri0: V 55515:5 rod 035:151:8 00550, 00Í> J X 00-0:0 ..1.:::3 p: :0.0--0 : 0:3 l i, 8: 5.35 :.1 O 5í V, .:5ορ;:58 0805 515 a d.5í 35 a:......f 55 p 55 53 g. ....-0 .d.. 0 0¾¾ Λ χίΛ 10........1:0 0:ec ;:; 3.:;a5l8í'" d 0......0:......3:5358% ia:! ipai :aa.,· 05: 80: 800: 18050,5 5' i00: 0 .0:0100--, 085335:5 35 6 dl 8:53 033 lib 1,1 .Oa 80. .0' 8055::158 ii-a 85 1 85858.151, . 0:0 0530333 5388 0 '6 .uib :'1: XO _i 00 V 0510 8383 00::0, láadiO: do :11:,05 508'58:1,5: vli·· ao 5i pi: r 0 1 31 33530:5:3 ·:·-- .5·. <0.i0 ri . 0. X.· . . X ... ,s. ,.N :8.1.8:0:11: â83.55o d -0¾. r:.'IX; Χ Χ Χ S S S S S.... t á οΡΡό-ρ ;: 1 a: i-a atlesáti s sssdsasoa salt; i; (i), (b), (b), (b), (b) and (b) and (b) and (b). 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, •: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • (a) the water content of the aquatic plants, and (b) the water content of the plants, and (b) 1, 1, and 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, , and (b), in the presence of a compound of the formula: ## STR1 ## in which the compound of formula (I) IP 11 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1, 2: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, V tp: p '; p | l; a and to the so-and-so, of the ôotakt 61. Pd ···················································. a: eébs; bisas d doeebotáailsdal {s-b-rc;. < and it will be as follows: a. dea :: gives aoetdéaád. a a a. g; ορ · a d-. b pa bátb: iSSOS ...... ááweípàáá; -. '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' .,: li .. aodll,. · < i >aox;. dòl'a: p.ekfá ·: a d.a 0: -. aaaaupet: va, Ι.ιι va: ;;;: > r 'b; ·; ≫ p aaaaa aioaaaxsbett • Ο < · :. . Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa > b'b > > á a----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Po Po Po Po Po Po Po Po Po Po Po Po Po Po t i po ib ap r ο · · t t t t t t · · · · · · · · · ·. tktd tists. 0: cê ik tl 0: 0 qitti bv o .àa rl. -s. · «> it sounds Yes The ads Ps: <: IO ':' '1, s salt-t; <': »· ... ... coto.oa ........ the Pds is itiká d esoítot iktpeaa áá i <: id.d can:! ; The invention relates to a method for preparing a compound of formula (I): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, l ot a o il'b <:         The invention also relates to a method for the preparation of a compound of the formula: wherein R 1 is hydrogen or C 1 -C 10 -alkyl. i ΟΌ a: recatl. .V :: b. '·. ................... il: k t bt-L · 'attatt. ν '0.1 11 ia ib. ············································· c δ-S ik l ib idáe · tda PdP b ίο, ..... Pb kO .....; " ks iS; Pd; ik; s d tilri 1 d t) ..... focad ds tt-datãs tils.e a: i: and O-O-ii: 00: p'éc; day SOS is a: 0; t. and to the following: > - > to: .t; (i.e. Alk V; > P r i · · ;: d; pOPa: > p á ábbbvi; i: 0'i 1 b · oo cp: i id X ppbOi :: <. . a a a Ip Ip Ip Ip Ip Ip Ip Ip Ip Ip Ip Ip Ip Ip Ip Ip Ip Ip Ip Ip Ip Ip Ip Ip Ip Ip Ip Ip Ip Ip Ip Ip Ip Ip Ip Ip Ip PP PP pppp-pp; , Pb: Pbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb βSaOδ: i t'P t a; ?: ap; (b), and (b), and (b). 1 to 1: 1: 1: 1 to 1: 1 to 1: 1 to 1: 1. P ao-::: It It It It It It It It It It It It It It It It. ·. , ¾: to pito s; and ti ao: t o á. Hi B. a- 1 support; tiottaa dP-Po; stasit: i qe assei t · 0 11 0 pOl. b cà atolo. A method according to any of the preceding claims, wherein: The results are shown in Table 1. Table 2 shows the results of the analysis of the results of the present study. < istictt.- cathetes there :: iit bl í ot; (a) (b), (b) and (b). B dP asibpa.ktot adáp esipas ......... skt iiSátect-d ·, toa qiSiSis: · o it tiSis t dPá.l .1 dl íssaotatatis liis.itiltttio ;:. or the Siotiit; OSop .: .b shovel of gppp · oleatii the 0 a.tits t tatos.11 sodá; oat paste. asit Jo :. the ata s a ti t t; at. l. B! Çà b 1, P: í: só; dded: arpairiea ":ΐ;: '. ι.Λ: ·'. ;; ·: · -νί ;; Pa .. s; a. tsrapiiaaiasiia, Xo > THE OPINION OF OTHERS: ADDITIONALITIES, Issaass: · rsasaslisa? assa ssia ss. e. and saP I. ss paaáêapqia arapapá, re X vpOX O ΧΧίρΧΐ.Ο there X: OO.i a. ............... In the present invention, XXX Xi .t ·; > P. a. qs > u: sa.daa, c o- a ta; & (a) Pa Paaaaa <ϊ; ρ > ΐ paPaaaapai: Xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa : ·. X-XOXOXO XOXX XOOOXp rssaa a a ΧΧΟΟ.ΟΟ.Χ q:>. spisiascas iastasas: harp falls to cr lacca a: a r: 1 p a; t ss: asa, r t as: e < X: χχοοχ :. aa.aaaPí; '.· P; .......... ................... COO-1-t-XX X p, X p: P ·; X · s; X:. X XCFXX: | ss: '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ' The present invention also relates to the use of the present invention. a.a. a.a. P ; ; (s). ρορρ · '0: á; s ρΓρ ti ãP; sp: P X v; paaa XXJ :; Λ s s Λ Λ Λ Λ Λ Λ Λ Λ Λ Λ Λ Λ Λ Λ Λ Λ Λ. healthy sãar: sa s PP X X 1 XO. rl tá '; (a), (b), (b), (b) and (b). as ;s; What is X-ray? tsis tsisa: X > slsrasa sasssap use a; ;OK.; spi > X PS.::. Smooth to p; t: XX:; ; s: X: i χ.χ: X >: k? ç s: a \ Ί ";:.\;· :W ··; apaa; >'; ·· Ρ p. gai apsa; :: χ: g. 'p p g'; (i.e., Ipxa PSiPS xt · Χ ν'Ο apassaaasSp ,: a · X XO XXX sara sip p:: 'vc.êrx: skirt i' p paara: ;. ΧΧΧΧΧ a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat : S: 1: 1; OOO, t: O ssasassp r i X t saaia; X to x X: Hsiges- • C X XX X '• XX P: ãpíta ss; pass; . ' X X: i " OXO3: parai ara is asa X aSaas, χ.χ. :: ras r; L.'t :. ssassas a :. Xa >.;: Yes. X is O, X is Xaaaaaa; the PSAsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. SSS X parent OXOp.s. .napara · X- ': C > These are the following: (1) (1) (1) (2) of the compounds of formula (I) are as hereinbefore defined. X i · Χ. ':: a, · ... ... ssc \ / 0 ssc X-X as iS; r ·.:. xkx r tC X x x XXX :. i -; : m.p. V: SU. isass; (s): S: S: S: S: S: S: S: S: S: S: S: S: i X isa ces ids rStatus aSta; ... .... ssassarsi: sp. asa P: sssisr; St; XIX. a ;; g; saa; stssas: i. The compounds of formula (I) are as hereinbefore defined, and the compounds of formula (I) are as hereinbefore defined. tsss r • iiX • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • XX .SSSS: asr sspsa 'ssass rrsp sicà e sa, ΐΧΟ. X-X t.ã: SS rasxs: these sri grsaas; aastró t t ss; i X and 11, p aSpSsaa: XX iSSSSSSSSSSSSS; aanes X X XX.à X., j. X; Xà t. i.e. . .. · pssa s; rsss X.t; .sisa ití; SS SS; Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο::::: SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS. Sjisp.QSSSi :; " λ: i ....... χ. aX.V a ...... r; psrts ààs ssàsr ..... i XXXí iSí.aspa; i a? aga: ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? : i: X xtí sà x x: • SP: SP. SS; xxXXX; X.àà :. : 0.8 (s, 3H); to X: i ': <sta i i:: Χΐν' XXX <s: ã asss: x ::; P-, -n ·. The. a .. · isaiP; x ò.x ss; .s: d &; S.sub.SS < / RTI > ·: Χχ, X tg:; t; .s: p-xtx:: aX ssíai: the PSSSS. Q-1 iOX: > X ': X ": X' '.X XX.iOo X ;. a > \ xk ^ t: · C: -X ·: a: XO SSS. • X X 00 ': -' Xv XX · à-: ·.;. ·. ssasds · -aPt cl ras sspss. SsPaí apssas à xxp.o.tX • aí: the astrass. :: aaastas ãrãg ·: οχ; Χ · assa; sasss. Π ã S Ό Ό Ό Ό Ό Ό Ό Ό Ό. Saat: 'and Qé sassaP: aas. sr SSPgsipss1 XX quotation XO XX sstsars: • -XX Sssa · -.- · ag: tas: ssstaa 1 (5 445, s.srs.): \\ SSSS: parsons sssesa ..t;: tX àXXX. X-ray diffraction: X-ray diffraction (X-ray) X-ray diffraction (X-ray diffraction) aPss Passes the asSs.Ssa assaspr SSS: X ': XX, O γ. XX -'0 t; ai: rss; gg ifCdsUS;; P: ^ rá. ···., ...... ..S rtitsa XX as · ... t as assai; gi ........ T: X: '' X 'i X 0 X asàsass Xi · ... .0 paa $: ss: : : i ià: and X Χ (ΧλΧ ·. ····················································· xx: xx: xx: xx: xx: xx: xx: xx: xx: xx: xx: xx: xx: xx: xx: xx: xx: xx: xx: xx: X: X: X: XX: X::::::::::::::::::. 14 '· sla The following is a list of the safest areas in the country. aaas married aarparary ssseqas; . ti: '.; v "SitS; . SS: S: S: S: SS: S: S. λ.'S; S: S ·; :: SS r Οΐίϊν. ·: A à i; SSI SSI SSI SSI; garaPa ;;;;;;;;; Isauras. ss: irs 1 tarss arisaasaa aàs aaaiiaàas a caígapatàraa aía agi iPssPrrsr ia ;; S > irias isas; sa aparara; ν: <1 .. :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ V = Î ± 1 :: 8 :: 8153: ο 5% 5; ΐ8: 0,: 1::: 0,: .0 .08 .8. . Op. 8 000: d 0 .5 ΧΡ C. · ΧΟοΟ., 05,:, 0- alio 1.ρ. .: ¾¾¾ 8 cditoro. i.pto vrrir 53 88 and 850.0 0 0, 0; 0 duo; 1 ρ-ΐϊ-φ-quii: u? oopoel. 0 8 .830 id 5? 351,? 0? 5? 6 < 0 >: >: >: > > > > (CDCl3): δ 0.6 (d, 1H); Ί Ί al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al 5 al 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 : " OxyS 085003015 <: > > > > 15 550 > ο ri Χ :. 0.1000 0.00-00:, Χ: doo: co: oa: oo of the action ,. .6.0 X ΐ i: 0 > \ - 6-00000000: ¾. 000000. 1 33 0 53: 135p0055031 1.000X0; 00 u: 000! . or ρι ::. ρ your ad?:? 0000-0: y. 0 0. 000001 00- 00! Θ. 0.0: 00.: 101: .0. 5%. ¾.¾¾ ¾¾ ll53 < 311'015 53,]. d, x: ... .v. VX Xo, d:: X:> 55 0 0 ΧΪ iv-O. 850 frr: çáOd Q-55 55 · 00 .0x.py0 .; 5: 1, 50: 1: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; 58: · :; ; X.ld :: i ¥ Vxt 00.: is g 000 ar p'0'55 β r; 851a. 5: 0.185 0 8 :: .8: 1θθ; 5U 5? 0.8 855: i ui: doaood 0 d d; 005 oo; to 5: 8: 1::::::::::::::::::::::::::: (5,8: 50 tp -uua 8: 0-55 50: 5: 880108: 8: 10-6: 40: 5585: 0000 to 5: 5:: 5:: 5 dPP oodylium ion, λ 558i: lda od .05 05: 5555: 0: 5: dd 55. ax : psipia 508 -01-X0 .0 0 ila.d 0O: ϊΓ-ΟΟο'όΟΟΟ: - 55 8; Ó: 8Π: 8: 0: : 8 55 5: 1 u, a Ρ Oi 5 nd <: 00: 0: 88: coll: o::::::::::::::: - 13.83 5.4: 5.0: 5: 1: 1: 58:80 155: voll 8055: & & X'555.0 · 1.808 0.1: ur The results are shown in the following table: p <0.0001, p <0.0001, p <0.0001, p <0.0001, p < (1), (2), (2), (4) and (4) and (4). 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 0: 8: 558: 1551 et al; 8.1: Pi8 0888: 55850 < k 15-55 dl li: · òò a55 .... -0X55: .- .5 ··: 0. X5.5 ;, -. U5: -0.05585: lo 55:, 5855: 8855-55-58: 555; : v; (I.e. 0.85 8; U1 t> g0; X> g: b: ip: 1; 0 8: 5 :: 05 :. < bi i - C > (iii) UpC). Uli òo .li: 111: ¾: 1., ¾. i.e., 81.85.1 ::: 0881; aat . to 55 ° C. ioodoo " 0 58; 15-oxo-1-oxo-1 : 15.855518 te. 5 1.8: a? The. , O 01. 8.15 085 00 00 0.1: 0 5: 5: Odor 58: 001.5515: 80100 and X: x: a i. (i.e. to Pdalp: 0551 P: 55.5580.0 or p-dioxide: .1-, ii 'Pt 8 8:; 8.8 d 5 o -p 5,1. 8 51 1 ···: 0 x-oiapi. .515'15: 055-1 5'05 ''; 1588.1: o 850 588555; O 5-1. 5188 Aa 085.1. i a 0..0.: ¾ -11 O?: UF 555: 1,5 1.58: 8. d55, p: 5d: 150 85 0 55 8155 550 11: 55: 55, C 88: ui 0 < yy .........; ............................ 5. . xg Χ, .οΡΧό ........ dxX ·! ....... XP.- > 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, ^ 55-8: 85001880158 -551U8 085-5: 500 U.-ip 1.850. : uu '1-00: 0 there 810 3053:: 0: 3: 33 0.5: 5: 8: 1: 3.5% ç: d5 > of the ylangioyl 5.1 i- odloc 55 0 810: 1 i'i. "p; i0 0: 005: 11503. The compound of formula (I) is prepared as described in Example 1, except that the compound of the formula ## STR14 ## in which the compound of formula (I) :: a: i30; as described in US Pat. The extracts were dried over magnesium sulfate, filtered and evaporated to dryness. The organic extracts were dried and evaporated to dryness. 0.0001 x 8 8358: V, -0.61; 5: 8-5555515; 55 O 138 ren 58; iv0r; 151'V55 0: 1: 1.5 05038 | there; d:: 0: 60 → SN; -0.0 0.01% P: 3 6881 - 5850 aaoridl 531310 0085 :::: 8: 1¾ was: : 5-180515 3.0015: 0 'ν' · vp ;, · ' : the radio, 3: 135553; 8: r: a: ellium of B1.5: 55:; v;.;; x >; 10: 1, 1551, 505, 358, 301, 8-8. River D;.; a: 1: 1 -RI 333 55.53 dilell 0.3885881 80%: 85: 15.3: 5: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1. 5id uloct 0. ' 1: 813 5: 350 a. 3 0: 0: 0: 0: ri0: V 55515: 5 rod 035: 151: 8 00550, JX 00-0: 0 .1. ::: 3 p:: 0.0--0: 0.3: 1: 8: 5.35: 1: 5: 5: 5: a: ...... f 55 p 55 53 g. ......... 0 0 ¾¾ Λ χ Λ Λ 10 ........ 1: 0 0: ec;:; 3.:; a5l8í' " d 0 ...... 0: ...... 3: 5358% ia:! ipai: aa., 05: 80: 800: 18050.5 5'0000: 0 .0: 0100--, 085335: 5 356 dl 8:53 033 lib 1.1. : 158 (ii) to 851 85858151. 0: 0 0530333 5388 0: 6: 1: 1: 010108383 00 :: 0, place: 11:, 05 508 588: 1,5: 1 31 33530: 5: 3 ·: · - .5 ·. < 0.i0 ri. 0. X. . X ..., s. , .N: 8.1.8: 0: 11: â 83 ¤83.55o d -0¾. r :.
..................... -..............................................................................π-......... 11 nir".................................................. vi pp c : p ivd idéaii.CÃÍtp adss q. : ·' . aaa ;> ii: CUai ;:p:..Í.0'lVDCÍ' iça'· : ' < y ;..· das; L ρ das ias y asas: ra: .·;; .1 .;·; : i alPaitroiad: d di O-Íi > ! ίΐ· t :f: das i si ;; is O S sas: rsrai f:sasdi'i;tis X .i -Ϊ: , i tl aaiairC dós 'ó'r ira dtp: i: < is a a a. ás.i;d.a · dá SdOd: s-sasv Pedida. i-i ti: S| ar? issidcaasaif c ,. Pa asai .vidvi sia 1 Cid. a parati vU eisargs as sks d·' í.tv:. pi O caísa isiaíadad. s cc v-vx'.' •P;:· d ' cadtsd cOvt rod :Cd se do. pai: s pris.a si pias d •vi .i.T.i :Cp vidas a ds i di^ as: Píí i Pi id's iipc. Cd as à c pai Γ;.. ai d a : :aa Cisdaddi.r:f qp t-0· ^ ,· PÔS; S ddddS' dsâsd ssa da i.xido a aaas da;·· V.·· adi; xcád raas? aso arua r ϊν.ϊ,ί' :Í : ..d;· s::i d s:· O iiá -sasisí Í-:\>: s i '·; v i ;.v asaslsid: d qi: dkssd.aa ada: i di ·.·> v-d. .a,a:a asais;· saa. Lad |.as :í;í :P ΐ ? si oa;sp s.pisxvi saa. adisdisi: s pr d·, ·ρ: a,1 .daiasaavid Pd asa; c 1 vi .. s iiqV iiixp pp-pà d; aliss iOPiq aaádUad i d rad a d<:s U:Y d í:à a i.aPdd r-s\i Pis i s d:.àX .í. a ias.r ica d Idb Sd aa; ardas·'· sr v · à.i dl iO· C-pii-ii i;· .> -.·;;· Ivfiiaaiaaaaia ; p: :-:·· -·· ias a . · q>sfs:í ssà i qd s. 0, ida d-a x;i:i;rassa CSC SObrde^Cltdijaâò· é dd Piei disiaS iapiaddarbsais siwtéisas; desta b.pqiiias e;i que sai det-s.ltir a;as sispilO,cativo asa - a a da s as: p a t: aba X q qaaaa sia ... p a i a tas t o d a e as a a t a s sistaa-a que sai; pedbisrisr spasa as d das· capsdáXets .depisass idas ásid:: saiascas à.das : .ià.fs 1.1 t: 1 Ote áá asiiscf .ri:i i.àiSiS, i s. ílpçá: iáiViaddi Ssasi:::: a'í?daa;l.t:S ν:ύΧϊ: d:á df iaas. :saia::s. S; a CdarS: p .·! pr '-v .'c d. x-> st i:f peai ssa.ld q -v v*. .. '. :> iaisaiac; Pe dasssrsaaidd :li-e-pòr.,i .irada q asas: < .lálbé ··':, P d.ripa: s :s sssr s a ass. r at ígp:d qasa da.5. pa:aaái ti s qss se qas:a aa. srssaps: aldsisica assXa: ar», assXs aarpeeasssa;sas asa; cansara sse aas-crsa saa:isrsseisx:Sf cias absqpltqqXe;il ai ssea:siPaPa da. sásaay slàsit rcbiabsie aos ai .vá ·... . Λ \'· ·.Λ 'i ·.': C a .i .iV.S. íí:.Ss;^ ',· SpiiS V Sva. S ': i- v ’ :x.iSiCV Si S S S j. Í.S;. S ::: S ':. V Si aas : aa c- sçs pipias ai ia e.a :s ornas. aas:s irisara aasasass. a S: a .-a a. a· aaaaa sicaaao ase anise b iisapae Pa :Sisstib:rsiP ebsre as eXdibsrOikbs e Xi.ra:psb bo TSdppiiacda cda cssaps isissabrinadí a erras adaissaaaos ta eaPb-ae tsaaidaaiia: mars slvisd.ficativo saaasrbrs ads. pastsbi.SÍS, as aiiaiaaaisaiaas ; Peste édaduirs, asas s.spact;> dibriiPó, ssa Sarcras: asa a a.a· siqbass :a:a·aaaa aaaa:a;a.s a xsnssw - as: dssraeeisSiass raiXass cái aasaa iacs' lá saX cs s ; ai '•.1...... XiOX a p esa ,: apaa ........Xd; x...... cor siasreasi ΧΧΧϋ v.‘. Sv as a a cas d 1: CxSdddS . P SaPaS XX asssp: · \ .q -:· ;r. na ;i: XI tXX X n is sitia aat. ,χ ida .pça.: asid .11 Xeapadd ν'; á. p· χ.χχ >:x' ::Xs a a s :;.::· d; ::; XX 1 xe X X X i i> i. di d q: ... X· sV aals q.ivdi; d; d XaSidàd ir x X l .X ..- B pe. Xx ixx: XXX de XX :·· n.: -v X nà.c .dd Cpap log ,tc s.....ρρΧΧ,Χ á. X1 i •XXX.. PPdàS. ci.x x.r. adi:: pi x..... rerx ssad V ? vl ' <\ v <:i.....ν'. Siió: pa I das ii'1 i:P > rsaaspair :ldá X-.X Λ r:x :r as códl.g···; si; aa ;ix 1 .t: i ix- •yc ·;:;;Χ. χ/ν- ::.: PàS csa ss.S :·' :· irsaXa.qis blb· IX; :X. i dr l X X nxx Pias. líiíx nsisd s srinirrs; .1 Pi:S pa Xe i Ϊ' po BsirSás: s Ixx xá t x ikatrs passasse ·νΡίΓηη.ρο.Ρ dd.pta· Sisisrairsa está releras, bb noa poa» f.í as as asis odpaacciiicaaa sssasa xarasa. ;re aen? biseaSvaesi ai· ai a a· a· asa asosaosi aas bsiPsaiSísensa a as; sacasy esrr.a:vr.có'”.se csts a a aasia siesa r s asa a e a s ç qa s. X ca a o s . ar.. i q rasa ria :c a 1 s; .t qu e s s aaas :í 1-X.· XXXQX Χ’ΧΧ .d-·.·:, X X XXáX XXX p XXX (bp X Χ·ΧΧ b':i; -ί'ν>:ί; ir .- Xχ c qc v ..................................... UUin3tÍWB8888888888888S8M8MgWRBW«W^ X S' d!·' o a :i Çà.ò. xre ;çonaa /et 0s P. cre. e da ; is d a Mácas,:..;: Po 0 X> ·: to :-,¾ TA ':€Ç\ 'so-dcxtsxç : c;: bsd X X X :. a xndust 5. : ::. : . iass: iissas: e d S 0i. :::1¾¾ a· (Oxsdxxee c 1 - X' · ·. .x ds ledo Mis te ss Χ.!:ΐΐ)'ΜΜΐ S Ϊ.Λ la :-;·:· · Cd & íSTS. Veccex v : S S. Se!' :.d:p gí Ϊ fee. d:dç.id: :'tt fie d ·>··;. :., sre.. : agos a da s erio e. X5. C- S: SO so alasse d o p sedes: is X-O :Cv :1::¾ : S':' se: *:S- iS.Si S, ssias/iis >- οχ; d ss ei:. ::: d:S ixx v pã e:. S ore :.:::.1: dó lo & SSTí sor-jsaato c; :S •d r d o,; : ·;. ;:j- ;;; S OSi ςΝ' .'-N .C*^. . .'. <·. .* ·. .· r*'ps: se a %:::a ádtxt ; na d:.i tSs ida \a:X. 0- .S > .de sxo: Sd e ÇO dd ; asse se asa ·: e >:o ?.· S:Sqs:is:as a ái a a d aqa :%·.·:· Xe /se s: ds- a: - <s- i t::2: té spaiesaase í:S:í '-' A tepc-s íx i..aíis :S as s:: s esx :e ti : s:s:::s ds- í::a S S: :, S ·:;· XX. OC sd: aetiaei ata i '. :S'; ;e S X ! \' l:i.i O d. à s : r; g v·: aiaaaiv s: irs c.xtex :a eis . i .·. v ν' .:-..¾d... ÓS >· ie asciarase ácai' •m pres aas Xi i:as a·:- XO' e 'X si a asa " etx as-sss: i X. XX O " ".X .•a-as ••-:e re ee asseai a a.e ' M-g·:· rSi 1, sat a ia: : i ir s re s si e :: í XXi :X;;Xs ssssesss sai. s lO-d ceree..r :5; si. ai asa ST;d· i.l :S ·' >* · · .·'· , asa pê XX XX ;X XX :ae :¾¾ ps- a oéd c ox. <-e . 20:., : Siffi: a s dxe 'X X'.-:: i.:e XX ti XiS a a d .- 30, ;'!· adeexiee. es. : ·; ' :S S ss 6d. . e :X ;! . v- as. xcX"'xx e ssiass S-: a S. S : aaaas aas i: 'S.M*: ' . X ‘ O 0 \' <t v qsss ,i ia i t -5 T ve :. :tX ;Íi Vtei:': e-exa ei! 0:0: aasessis 0:Si<tC ;í: XO! Γχ'Γ.χΧ a ds a:a /.x s X M i;'· ssa d ídP: s-rUaià i aeps: ' n·' t ia p se x-tttet ixs i;..L o-x t p X X! s g ebr iiâXiiXv C XX;.. gtxe e ds:a :s.......e:"i tCXX-Xa t 0 -X. aej :S: a-is s ias e et:e:-!; idd ex ass: ssassts ti- oex eS: ΐ -ase aeaa:- a assa s iáa-, aae :-ee>. isa: da ran !·\ -v · :.· 'v- d art tdl X :X: .· ssensa: X d a: P-: 'XXX sâc ds dl.dr ;>sasas 2 .·- 0, Cd Sp' >e.i ti as:â p:M as xxe srea ase OO-O· X ;:::aiai:<> í.....-v·. e... t. •y d de. as ,al ;:.?ssoi .. :; Ç.·:. 6...KJ i;ã· sxxl 0 í:......v............ :: sM r ai: a ai àsa: ;.g j X .d ;X: .V te esc -s ,N. a: ,v \\,d O :C XX d.S .···., t/i Xà.tXi ;est:se're~(I.e. .................................................. π -... 11 nir " .................................... .............. vi pp c: p ivd idéaii.Cítp adss q. (I.e. aaa; > ii: What is it? and; L ρ das ias and wings: ra:. · ;; .1 .;·; : â € ƒâ € ƒâ € ƒâ € ƒâ € ƒâ € ƒâ € ƒâ € ƒ ! ΐ ΐ: f f f f f f The compounds of the present invention may be prepared by reacting the compound of formula (I) with a compound of formula (I): wherein X is as defined in formula (I). is a a a as .d.a. gives SdOd: s-sasv Asked. i-i ti: S | air? issidkaasaif c. Pa asai .vidvi sia 1 Cid. a parati vu eisargs as sks d · 'í.tv :. Isiaiadad. s cc v-vx '.' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • parent: s pris.a si pias d • vi .i.T.i: Cp lives di ds: Pi fi i s iipc. The compounds of the present invention may be prepared by the following methods: (a) SdddSs dsdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd what are you doing? As a result of this, it is important to note that, in the present case, v i; .v wingslsid: d qi: dkssd.aa ada: i di ·. · > v-d. .a, a: a asais; · saa. Lad. if oa; sp s.pisxvi saa. adisdisi: s pr d ·, · ρ: a, 1 .daiasaavid Pd asa; c 1 viii s iiqv iiixp pp-pà d; (i), (i), (i), (i), (ii) and (d). a. The results are shown in Fig. - - - - Ivfiiaaiaaaaia; p:: -: ·· - ··· a. · Q > sfs: í ssà i qd s. The reaction mixture is cooled to 0 ° C. The solution is cooled to -78 ° C. of the present invention, and wherein there are provided the following components: (a) (b) and (b) and (b) of the compounds of the general formulas (a) and (b). (1), (2), (2), (2), (2) and (3). p p:: t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t. : skirt :: s. S; to CdarS: p. d. x- > st i: f peai ssa.ld q -v v *. .. '. : >iaisaiac; Fr dasssrsaaidd: li-e-pòr., i.irada q handles: < ................. r at ppp: d qasa da.5. pa: aaái ti s qss if qas: aa. srssaps: aldsisica asXa: air », asXs aarpeeasssa; sas asa; Weaknesses: Weaknesses: Weaknesses: Weaknesses: Weaknesses: Weaknesses. sásaay slàsit rcbiabsie ao ai .vá · .... Λ · · i i i i i i i. (S, S, S). S ': i-v': x.iSiCV Si S S S j. . S ::: S ':. V If so, you will see the following: aasas: irisara aasasass. to S: a. -a a. The following is a summary of the results of the aforementioned studies: a) The results are summarized in the table below. pastsbi.SÍS, asiaiaaaisaiaas; Plague édaduirs, s.spact wings; > dibriiPó, ssa Sarcras: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ai '• .1 ...... XiOX a p so,: apaa ........ Xd; x ...... color siasreasi ΧΧΧϋ v. '. Sv as a a d d 1: CxSdddS. P SaPaS XX asssp: · \ .q -: ·; r. X-ray diffraction. , χ ida .pça .: asid .11 Xeapadd ν '; The. p · χ.χχ>: x ':: Xs a a s:;. :: d; ::; XX 1 x and X X X i i> i. di d q: ... X · sV aals q.ivdi; d; d XaSidàd ir x X l .X ..- B pe. Xx ixx: XX of XX: ·· n .: -v X nà.cdd Cpap log, tc s ..... ρρΧΧ, Χ á. X1 i • XXX .. PPdàS. ci.x. x. adi :: pi x ..... rerx ssad V? vl '<v <: i ..... ν'. Siio: pa I das ii'1 i: P > rsaaspair: ldá X-.X Λ r: x: r as códl.g ···; yes aa; ix 1 .t: i ix- • yc ·;: ;; Χ. χ / ν - ::.: PàS csa ss.S: · ': · irsaXa.qis blb · IX; : X. i dr l X X nxx Pias. nsisd s srinirrs; ...................................... Siph. reen biseaSaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa and if you wish to do so, please do not hesitate to contact us. X to s. ar .. i q rasa ria: c a 1 s; (x) Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ. - Xχ c qc v ..................................... UUin3tIWB8888888888888S8M8MgWRBW The following is a list of the most important features of the project: ona à à à à ona to to to to to to to to ona ona ona ona ona ona ona ona ona (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) X '·························································································································································································································································· p Ϊ Ϊ Ϊ Ϊ Ϊ Ϊ Ϊ Ϊ Ϊ Ϊ Ϊ Ϊ Ϊ Ϊ Ϊ Ϊ Ϊ Ϊ Ϊ Ϊ Ϊ Ϊ Ϊ Ϊ Ϊ X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X. XO: Cv: 1 :: ¾: S ':' if: *: S-iSi S, ssias / iis> - οχ; d ss ei :. ::: d: S ixx v pã e: S In addition, the present invention relates to a process for the preparation of a compound of the formula: ## STR2 ## in which: (x, y) is the same as that of the x, y, y, y, y, and The following equation is given by the following equations: (1): S (2) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SS:: S:: XX. OC sd: aetiaei ata i '. :S'; and S X! d. to s: r; g v: aiaaaiv s: irs c.xtex: a eis. i. V ¾ ¾ ... ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾. etx as-sss: i X. XX O " " " " " " " " " " " . s 10-d ceree ...: 5; yes. (x), and (x), and (x) to (x, y). < -e. 20% by weight of the title compound. is. : ·; ': S S ss 6d. . and: X; . v. as. xcX " 'xx and ssiass S-: a S. S: aaaas aas i:' S.M *: '. X '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' : tx; 0: 0: aasessis 0: Si <tC; í: XO! Γ Γ Γ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L. CXX-Xa--Xa-Xa-Xa-Xa-Xa-Xa-Xa aej: S: a-iss and et: e; idd ex ass: ssassts ti-oex eS: ΐ -ase aeaa: - assa s iáa-, aae: -ee >. X-ray diffraction, X-ray diffraction, X-ray diffraction, X-ray diffraction, X-ray diffraction, X-ray diffraction, Cd Sp > e: < / RTI > . and ... t. • and d of. so, so W.·:. 6.................... d. (x, y, x, y)
SXX S; tXiO ::X'S SO S X: β.·.ν.>·:,· et. O XX ;V ::'0-.ΐ:Ρ:0 $ S SiS p S XX :tí S O-S ΟΧ.ΧΟ. XXiC XX XiO V tiS :.!.!;; O Xí Λ ,·.. SCiCi A S' S'0 ·;ΐ. Γ.> \ϊ.>:;·: Ο ÇSí. :.d SS X! O :.’^ÇÍ:i V ΧΟ.ΟΚ-ΧΟ p- X"! XX XXXX.CpSS Λ-· .· cede ::.:1. se % rxss ·. de exrx:.xxd:te.eo de eépaeeçee, 2 0, xxdeypsdse· es essceí· x a xxs,xxxse ee ; xx'ess.xxsxie csssxíX! e e-e.css.xix' xxx λ o· d..", sxo. s,J. c. s· οχχο-· a' t. i a>e xx' s s s ob sxe s e e s ο gs X a .a e d e de. a.,I txsen i atçdo d d rd. dxeexéxx :l o,.......1 y.....χχρχο :os......xxcsxeodsrds.......e:.....d.tvOtri.Pxsi......eSXX S; tXiO :: X'S SO S X: β. · .ν.> ·, · et. The XX; V: '0-.ΐ: Ρ: 0 $ S SiS p S XX: t S S O-S ΟΧ.ΧΟ. XXI X XX XiO V tiS:.!.! ;; The Xí Λ, · .. SCiCi A S 'S'0 ·; ΐ. Γ. ≫ : .d SS X! X-Í Í Í Í Í ΧΟ ΧΟ ΧΟ ΧΟ ΧΟ ΧΟ ΧΟ ΧΟ ΧΟ ΧΟ ΧΟ ΧΟ. XX XXXX.CpSS Λ- ·. · Cede ::.: 1. % rxss. of exrx: .xxd: te.eo of eepaeeçee, 20, xxdeypsdse · es essceí · x a xxs, xxxse ee; xx'ess.xxsxie csssxíX! and e-e.css.xix 'xxx λ o · d .. ", ex. s, J. W. s · οχχο- · a 't. i a> and xx's s and s are the same as those of X. a. dxeexéxx: lo, ....... 1 y ..... χχρχο ....... and ...... you have been sung: o ...... xxcsxeodsrds ....... and: ..... d.tvOtri.Pxsi ...... e
IWBWIIWBIBIIBIIIIIIBIIIIIIIIIIIBMMIMIIIIIIIIIII IWBWIIWBIBIIBIIIIIIBIIIIIIIIIIIBMMIMIIIIIIIIIII /•1 2:3::5.62 C; CCd.1 lo 5:34? 3 ll ' .:63:,103, C C:1 2:5:4: CC:. 2523: 3. 362 55032252:6 Cd- 30 :2.:va.:5p: 6, 4115 0 11: 55:1 to: ;pt5 2 •i-O Cd i 21; O li 23 1 222?5 6543226(: 0 34.5 636 í'j ::33: ::55:22 :225. 333 d 52 225 : 533 5 3 6 353 : lic •pç? 3 2.2511 1 S:2 op-iio, 60 06 6 O X.;. 0:22223 PS .Cl dl \1 C 3:2 Islt.UC C < 10 2326 7.·· ό . 2 3 .. £ 6-S:P vC ò. C d. 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P XTl: a ed OCiClPO, - 2 4:. V CV .d.d: SSít SÍPCPC:, is, 11 g :P dd e.d p· et eto de 2 Ivt : ViTcli; dtí: C O jrr dvdtc\ e t p.p; Ç- pi O : -P í.diêdj- -::::.-¾ s do 12 ;>ΐ 2' \> pc a c:sde V-iTí 'i V ν.:Τ: d VV rdxdo o dlstds d de O; 11 ViVíd e 2; 'qvv li;: -:'.í d : ::.:dS::d.'l :S:.x e CS;:'Pt: d.p: V .1 > V: eee e que sc deetsr: l··; ,V>;: V.VVV.;. Ti d: 1. cá cose \ _ ;.v ;;è . d'dd è e te i.;csd. S; :::s •p;Í T.CVl] i V V d.- des;ee clc de c o ;aaer;tt ' . ^ sO< qo:e e;s s: 0:.:.¾¾ tex; etít •li; νΟΠν .. P. T:>V Vi..'':: 'T <·:? icL::; Ç_.; êp i P pTp': 0·· p·,;, Pv ·. : pite ç:2. V cs Pê dscsp 10, 14 V :v "/ ·.· í iv. :V:> t:e. it;£e. cida OC; cc i.:,rc t Ci e. d e lòCopC rvc- p 0 / st: V ..v V Vi 'VVidi.V IssíOilPt :os; o s::;:í T :·.. ... is·'ii :.ç C , CCti te T ;:iO::;:t síOt ií c it í 2. v t <d soa eaota a c c cr W ; çiVW tp lld e pá 1: ii: ,\í; iOCTC Cti C.C ti i tis: :to oao. a :s e;e •p éais: o: P ti r :C ti·:.: VTiiVi: g :a a .à,tPe Otite: i.V .. Ci i.W:do· c v â. peste: 03 VC·. lei. .pSSÍ sagrei, op d c 0·: C WLpÇii 3;:;: de C: :: :';: ; ' . c r: v ?: Ci V t; 1 ieió-piii' V V V V Vi •C VV i T V- pOii l as: tet > eoo tc ·:; ci t. Càtcviie TCCC- teale • e V·.. WT :ea;t v- ti ·'· >*' Pv ::rv V tos et r>s tc : dOS oessidoossoo a ,Τβ i setíp: er. c r.u cc >’..· ii ÍC ade. tpae é iCV Vv vltv· .ti aps isdic sdca d:S e t .1 cl 0 c ci 3: da: P tViCCb e:e d ..;it ·'.< Vtv ii pt 3 >ϊ: -,s Ο303:ÃC & 5:Ο}t C SΟ; & &S1 310CUC . .. ,;: : S3;ΟΟΟΟΟΓ 3 "'3 Ç: i ijS&í: Λ :03: 30 aioaise d iyocleoa; dá eét.ceteároi: do: pftpát1 .íSlao.: o.os c;3d::pOoa:e;é;:0.d:;a ardice a>s slèceecsioa easij.iiaíoy: idcioe tàtaiatei; do eleteiai: de e ea: c e e x ca os ç :a o: - : o; se.· s ps oe; ca «eee op a: t: s a: q a: a: us o.:.;ç .a a o: t d ç e a: ca. ooocs ciaisea.;. :soap i-c si ροοοοοοο oaooo osocaooa:· ea .·. iiiopas qi: sua deísd: se eoletepa; e:Kt:d:t3tsa' de; ;àd:3t.oq 16, d dsesopso se:;: :: sí es-id:.: i ca ;,a ορ.ΟίΡΐΐροΡΡ es: apatiae ai.ea :>s ossos?:! e pa;yc .ido dedo oito. osída assa tobíaoss de aob3qayoC;oe es:coaoiorale oto ; iaxsiepiooo sd -coe: bicae;;? ?le ::a?c;>etec:l:T:.e;-3tc I.çnei.eddsná.:..í adi qee: esd péqaeUci a o; :::-:::.:¾ fópsipdo ooax??x?. setοχ:::::;?::.:::.:οΡΧ: íòossx; sai :::.<:;.sc:o:q qoaoO ClípC ex?e:oe:x?OX?} . d quede ea::caoq3a-aeo eenepipscsoe s papercçele· experías des esítatcdacea· p d ae: c e xa: a. a: s; cos. e es. ao?;,. ;s 3 c. ρ a op a o o oíi s ρ a e ο ρ e?e <:p d P sdí t: e xP:sx ces: > ::: :; s;e piocas : ssSkíS: o sy , ç::; i :.:is: a eíscpS.CS; < .:¾ 1 . ç ?o e ao.: as; s' do • y 3 : asa- a; :bo a : po ilC ::d otese: 01.:3.1 Xlddc 11Ό C; ii CiiV- té οι·;! iT V V >’· <:.·; o p :vr vêáic iiiCC V c c Q ot-tV aest >el t Sí â e-aa; V. :I.V iitíVi .ê:C V :ae e ϊϊϊ: '·. r_: v i·· r c. a css ; "C VC; ela :oo:.d"i coeso 1 .....seosea: ai'e ..s-si SP- :.i i- V C-e TtTt Í> dias Vi v c 2 i; V de 1 V ivCd :paa tc ti i. v;.t cib: > -:d :t .siso ds clsse e V iovt e rns. de .. . .·'. . ., v‘ ·.;.· W :· pi: ld SdosoS X iCTdii c v cr t itPaa pétiolel e V ·'.' / V it : 2 (ο i.ic; ato y ssex "i . : . I s a- CC i :C C O is ··: tet; spee dec ooioaitivco;: st; Ca :0O:í: ecoa iet: ag..a VC Sotae ti....... teetsts;: pe de C'V'i.'...... .. Vdt.C V it.VtVV VÍti V CiV CC Vi vc V V V Scl t c i 'SpÔ: •i r rcviP : ÇS: i:d rr .;: st: · d: 'O' :> i.iiiiVV XoòCO P ; C -C :t :.i'i ViJ oleçãs da VvV Pr : CiCC ãttpi.ii .. : iiiimnauiiuuwnniiiÍiiniiiwnniiiiiiiiiiiiwiwiinnnwa^ÍWÍWaawgiBÍIWBWIIWBIBIIBIIIIIIBIIIIIIIIIIIBMMIMIIIIIIIIIII IWBWIIWIBIBIBIBIIIIIBIBIIIIIIIIIIIBMMIMIIIIIIIIIIIII / • 1 2: 3 :: 5.62 C; CCd.1 at 5:34? 3: 1: 63:, 103, C: 1: 2: 5: 4: CC: 2523: 3.362 55032252: 6 Cd-30: 2.: 1: 5: 6: 4115: 11: 55: 1 23 232 22 5 6543226 (: 0 34.5 636: 33: 55: 22: 225 333 d 52 225: 533 5 3 6 353: 3 p 2.2511 1 S: 2 op -6-O-P-C-O-P-C-O-P-C-O- 1: 2: 5: 2223 2 - 3 1 :: 51525 5: 5 V 3 2: 1 1: 1 1 SC CvC ac 5 F - p 55 ° C dl 'C' dC · 3) oc. 325: 0 3: 30 ---:, 2: 6 Ο. and.;. :.: 16: 6 220: 123. V 5450, p0: 3653 253-d65, CC11X C-3! 6.6 (3H, s); 3.11 (5) 03 F 553 cc; p-2-ol: 2: 625: 252: 662.225, c = 1 0 32355: 3 d52: 2 2.5 1: 625: 25 1: 3: 0 C: Ci O g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g C 2 H 2 O 2: 035: 53006: 3 2: 53, i-C '· CC and dl 2: po 25325 -: C 55 : 1¾ dp 1 d. Li., CTCCii'idi Ç na V 3 :. V, i esc, 00552 53303: 1 263 55:02 • ti 0 C; (1: 300 ° C-1): 1: 5302: 3: 3: 1 2: 253: : 5.255:: 5.22: 555 3: 1: 2: 555 3: 1: 5: 315: 16: 3: 3: (C) 2: 55: 2: 5: 533: 222 6.2 cd 3 52 5: 6.25 (33, 20, 22 53 3: 3 x XCVC Co Cdl: dl :: 56: 3: 0 2: Cdc: cdldlc: 1 1, <1: , â € ƒâ € ƒâ € ƒDOC: â € ƒâ € ƒâ € ƒâ € ƒâ € ƒâ € ƒâ € ƒâ € ƒâ € ƒâ € ƒâ € ƒâ € ƒâ € ƒ0.66 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1532, 553, 2: 52, 602.6, 6.6p, 25.54) d 1:43; d: C 02: 25: 6.5 6.1 d: 0 225: 420: 0 4: 1: 1: 2: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 3: 3 220 1.55 ': 1: 0.206 1 523; 3 22 Cd d: CCF 6.55: 5,333,46 (42 22: 4,624,533, 1 .1: 5: 3. CSC (005503; 233 cc). siil p-6: 3c (0 0636 555: 0 (42: coai SJ -: d C ... 'e .2 6 .22202; sc: ¾ s: ar 3: C 2: 0 and C 6 -532225 006 52 5502 0. ccn Cl ica cc) 554: 45 35: 245 55 02 5.5 .v ν ': .4 45 d d 6 (225 r td 226: 522,325 55.5.02 (s, 3H), 1.64 (s, 6H), 6.64 (s, 3H), 5.15 (s, - 43 6 55: 5, d: 6 2525255 (52 55: 3 .225: '11 'or' SN .N > ca ........... C - 3: -CH2 CH3 O: 3: 1: 3: 13: 13: 3 454.0 6106, 21. 2 5354162 2.33 f ... 3 «3 6 3 ο ο ρ 6,: 222 23,2 or 22553,222 if, only 33 :, ::: o :::::::: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: . :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::00 a.m. : 23: 2 3 2563.0 3 d 11: 0 6 3 2: 332 3; 5 23 3 6: 2 232323322223 33 Ç6: 0: 233: 2 23:32, 3, 2222 .3 2:35, 3.24536 : 54: 2222), 2: 3 603 1, 06, 33: 3322: to-62 36323O: C3222 1222 651: 060, 23: 02 1163, 12, 220.3 2.22322: 3260d2: 3: 20 2: :  € ƒâ € ƒâ € ƒâ € ƒâ € ƒâ € ƒâ € ƒâ € ƒ2: 1222: 2 Câ, 22: 1: 2: 0: 1:: 2: 3,222,33,3362: 16: 3: 1: 33: 2: 33: 3, D: 131.5: 33320, 1112, 6 2232263232õ: 32: 3 :: 23233222: 1: 453, 1 3, 03 < 113,353 or 133: 23 5: 3.3: 0: 2: 222232) O: " 32 (2); 32: 30: 2: 1: 33, 10, 13 4) 17:: 22: 322: 2 (2) 22: 2: 16, 222: 2 3222 ': 2Ρ ··· 22ΐ.: 22: 2), ΐ2 22 22032 3: 226θ6θ :::: 2:02 ::. 1: 2 3: 2, 14,; 022: 1: 20: 22 :: 3: 110: 2: 2: 2: Disodium: 12: 22: 22: 222-2222, 3 :, 22: 2: 22 2: 3: 2,232: 22: 2 :, 223,2: 2: 202: 25, :: 2.0: 5:. :: 63: 35202..22: .5.02) 0): 2 02505.2: 0030 60 2 653.2 06, 21, 25 252: 52: 32: 556.36. .5.232: 2.205 6 32: 5 0322 320, 6 6, p333 6, 3 3533055: 235 :: 0233 .63: 535: 233;: 2 253 222553 10520555 T563 5: 3.325 2 .5: 3.2: 3d; 4: 1: 6: 1 2 t op and tet: tss Γ 3: 0, as: OboeC: : etc q asq ρ.ρρη tra.srs e: If t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t : S:: C:: C:: C:: C:: C::::::::::: P dd ed p ≤ 2 ≤ ≤ 2 ≤ ≤ 2 ≤ 2: Τ Τ pc pc \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \: : d.sub.r: S: .xe CS:: Pt: dp: V .1> V: eee and that sc deetsr: l · ·, V: 1. It is important to note that, The invention relates to a method for the preparation of a compound of formula (I). ^ sO < qo: and e; s s: 0:.:. ¾¾ tex; et. νΟΠν .. P. T: > V Vi .. '': 'T < icL ::; W_.; p i P p T p ': 0 ·· p ·,; Pv ·. : cp ç: 2. V cs Pê dscsp 10, 14 V: v " : V: > you. it; e. OC; cc. d < / RTI > < / RTI > < / RTI > The results are shown in Table 1. The results are shown in Fig. ; (b) and (b). i. a: s e; p eals: o: P ti r: C ti ·: VTiiVi: g: a a .à, tPe Otite: i.V .. Ci i.W: do · c v â. Plague: 03 VC. law. ............. '. c r: v?: Ci V t; 1-yl-piperazin-1-yl] -amide; eoo tc · :; ci t. Càtcviie TCCC-teale • e V ·············································································································· . (c). tpae is iCV Vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Vtv ii pt 3 > ϊ: -, s Ο303: & 5: Ο} t C SΟ; & & S1 310CUC. 3: 3: 3: 1: 3: 1: 3: 1: 3: 1: gives an example of the following: a) the numerical value of the numerical value: of the electromyography: of e ea: c e e x c e c e c e: if ps. (a) a: a: a: a. ooocs ciaisea. : soap i-c if ροοοοοοοοοοο ο ος osocaooa: · ea. ·. iiiopas qi: your deísd: se eoletepa; e: Kt: d: t3tsa 'of; ; a d: 3t oq 16, d dsesopso if:;: yes: -a:: ca, a ορ.ΟίΡΐΐροΡΡ es: apatiae ai.ea: > s bones ?:! and eight fingers. as shown in the table below. . The present invention relates to a method for the preparation of a compound of the formula (I): ::: - :::.: ¾ fópsipdo ooax ?? x ?. setοχ :::::;? ::. :::.: οΡΧ: ósossx; q: oo: q: oo: oo: oo; d ee :: caoq3a-ae eenepipscsoe s papercéle des experiences de esítatcdacea · p d ae: c e xa: a. at; waistband. e is to?;,. ; s 3c. ρ a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a. (I.e. s and s, s, s, s; i.e., is: aISISCS; < .: ¾ 1. and to: s' and 3: asa- a; : bo a: po ilC :: d otese: 01.:3.1 Xlddc 11Ό C; ii. V V> '<<:. ·; p v v á á á CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC el el el el el el el el el el. V.: I.ViitVi .e: C V: ae e ϊϊϊ: '·. r_: v i ·· r c. to css; " C VC; it is the same as that of the first embodiment of the invention. days Vi v c 2 i; V of 1 V ivCd: paa tc ti i. v; .t cib: > -: d: t.siso ds clsse e V iovt e rns. in .. . . . ................... / V it: 2 (ο i i i i a a a a a i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i Ca Ca Ca Ca Ca Ca Ca Ca Ca Ca Ca Ca Ca Ca Ca. echoes iet: ag..a VC Sotae ti ....... teetsts ;: pe of C'V'i .'...... .. Vdt.CV it.VtVV Víti V CiV CC Vi vc VVV The results are shown in the following table: Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 2 : CiCC ãttpi.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
C«::;5 c ;:a 1, n« s ta 1: t 5:0 -~:ΰ t * XXIX XClXtlCl.l.XXtCX 5: O < Ο :55 ; p a ap a too Os; o pa :· os 55:05;t a t tat OtSísodt: Op:;;;·;: a Bi! B X. X ·:· HA ídá t ixdP dó potóncíiai ρ o ;;; a i oo! X,, a a i o t o a so::; iodo::! S toda a pa to -55:pat-55 055::55 OO-S; 55 :::' 5 :::: :5:5 5: . 5Í : : 5 .5 55 55 %5 ·. xXtis >1 CO.uX drOpéci p à: .::5:’ Λ O;: :5.‘ O 10 v' P a paraio, isto é, :Pia>:'-ogi"KÍ; i Cl: Í)X i.tiét:· Í: C: , p;o i sí soí ítssírpcd; por otsitplv o ar,: a pro-tóio: do 0:' OU -5 5.' iai o toro tal oà-tO;;;::o$ '05:55. itooor áal :5:55 aà t O O 55- 55 (0 d ISO :5aatbi.1,i aadt;.. id-it !d CXill ··'. Pts ,>cp 00; ;.· (a XC '111 O p -A Cl C>. X '•ixa ; d; C> 'ixoiçcd·!'. oqtxs; : d. IXtO· pope t; 1 do :1 .500 O: é, 0 raorado sss! celai. :;a ods toOiS CC Ó O 000 ô oddí 0005 , s C ,· Cd od ϊ (sada X i. 0· XC Op Ϊ (050:::0 ao; stotíSíiíòisí·: • .· ,v íss; ;:.òo 0 'h<k ;.!,· ^ :ò: 0 0 oSaos aso i OtÓ r oo ; d-OpO rd oco potístís O d C.:u.O ^ ;.s;o s?o; as'or :aa de ptot .. Ô 5: d : X:' O \ s o d:;:.; dítsSi d ís s> dsí dsis :! P :p Iko. t·' õ Piidde iPadOs :di p;> kt si iy.Uv d XIXXki do 55 O ( p: rsíls ,·· .' ·: d · > '· -·' ;. ‘d- :· i ·'- vi- Sídí: ϊ t-Od< ;>:} v iptd s; x.js o:;. .d s?o -:ap O ·:' a d 55 o XX Cd Cd ia ta 5,0(5::505 qto o opatPiiot: dd O ISO d OSsOpSiSSaPí: J pd .X.O que p,o i ixxiXil, b :,,,:0.. s i CX :!i iCCl >1. CIO.. : doo a;t? ;:5 .0. d: 0,d; dí .1. ;d í dt.d :do dsdd doíos; d o d;pOO «PS5 d : 1C::· CX o ;C i ;i d: 50 050 0.055:0: S5: iodai: ' X i.C 55 S5' :5 55: tap 1' Vy\·· > d. Tti. 0 dalll "Ό0. ítoi li: kdX χχχΧοχ: Cv-i: k X::>s p.c.1 s : xiá: :XCi P 55 05 *:d,dd:>.' i ·- -d' ópod laTCClil to .555 er.; . V.·. .'i .XIXI 55::55, dád 55: 5, 5:5 55:: 050555 5/ CXIC XX Cl .1 lã s.·. dV .1.050 daSOSO:; .., Cd .1 d: roo; o; d Pd p OCX cl pc c. s5d.s;U;o :>Λ\ΊΟ Χ'Ρ 1: Π Cd ip x.x. 555:5 á;d f id dp ·: •.id.· ,.·:-Vd 0 ddS: Ή ΧΧ i 11C 1 : ;·'· l v 11; •X.' XX , d:a> .lo O 55 555005; :555555: p(5 ale v: i:5 Cl XX 1' 05 ae 50005 p.: it . adi POíS: PS5 pa : i.i .p: : aipi S XX CO: S .a5: :'55S: :55 , ClXÇC. XXXXIX· 555505 500 .50 i;·. Cl c'i .55 pa. 555550: $5 500 0::l ::i.P< dpi Vdp::. sd;. dod dl X XXiiXCC dOSd : 0 p.p: 5. Í:Ó5P t (do IX pXXCÒ oX; -X'v d: dpi d· X.C; Ò: 01055 XX Cp COs.rdXd s x :'i Í50i?t; liia :-\V ,···:, 55 a .151.555 0 05 1 ;aip. c :55555:05 :5 XXl i. :55p e TOS Cl 0505.; tdtad X 11' .-¾ '.í \i Ί·' \v to q; óX :x; οχ:· ::000.555:0: Cld)· P 55 0.55:55 oipi Ό 5ÒP doso o s ;,ciTÇ 050,00 to, par i c:c UXX -iq· :XXXaX' :'.C 1 X. U :5550 :¾ O . 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'1 Ο X diooo doia : XX 55 p XI1 C;1 .0 da X 11' xil-l -1 CC. 1 s:;‘ {’C 'C. Ί 1: tí5; 0005.5.555:55 p :5(55 kiC; v· :i 1. X' 55 Cl 0:0 .0 55 5555550: XI1C 55: d: p. ' <’· .0 0055 F- 55 05 a ;5;a 05 555: 55 05550003. .;.·> -1 555Õ '1 :55:55.X: 5: t a cl li ;ast aii XX Xl 1· 511.0 55 05 1ÍC1 li ei-1 XC-Ccci p 1 ostaiaa ala i 55::5 1'1X : c 0:50 XX XX : Cl XX XX 05:55 IX Ϊ 05 55 055 5:00 p: A 055: i Cd 1C i- B 0: 155: 55 0 0 5 , :5555.:55 55 05 g 5. Cl XX xX cl y ':'X ei xx 55 5 55 05555,0: 55 0 5 5 ixxp 05 to !yXX. XX, Cl ' :1 Xi X .: 5.:.0 55: Xx:cl; CX il.Xl slCli tida p 55.1.55:0 5.00. xp· >;·; xiciii 55:55 55 55: d:i x;1: r 5. 5555 oido- • ::X'i· ; iiix aso cc>id> IciiX-c 1..:«. 1. ;1 r, : it, 5i a opa a oo 0. iX 1XC.1 55 555 - d·' aad:5;5e: li ei óta 05 ...d Xv'l a.....aa li· 11 too;. 55:5:5 ::5 t 0 <5 0 50 Pt5 5:0555, :55555 X, .Pp p:o \5· P 50 5 5 r; 5d5 05 5:550 .5. t .5. 055 C'lil odot :ao.o ta.; dd i 0.555 ,1: t-1: t-1: t-1: t-XXIX XClXtlCl.l.XXtCX 5: 0 < Ο: 55; p a ap a too Os; the pa: · 55: 05; t a t tat OtSisodt: Op: ;; ·;: a Bi! B X. X ·: · HA δá t ixdP potassium ion ρ o ;;; oh yeah X, Y, Y, Y, Y, Y iodine::! The entire pa to -55: pat-55 055 :: 55 OO-S; 55: 5: 5: 5: 5. 55: 55.5-55. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, (CDCl3) δ (CDCl3):::::::::: by otsitplv the air,: a pro-to: 0: 'OU -5 5.' the torus would be as low as $ 0.05: 55. (a), (5), (5), (5), (5) and (5) The composition according to any one of claims 1 to 5, wherein the composition of the present invention comprises a compound of the formula: ## STR1 ## wherein R 1 and R 2 are as defined above. : o ods toOiS CC O 000 ô oddí 0005, s C, · Cd od ϊ (sada X i. 0 · XC Op Ϊ (050 ::: 0) odd: í:::::: • •: (b) and (b) are as defined in claim 1, characterized in that the compound of formula (I) p 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Pi Pi Pi Pi Pi Pi Pi Pi Pi Pi Pi Pi Pi Pi Pi Pi Pi Pi Pi Pi Pi Pi Pi Pi Pi Pi Pi Pi Pi Pi Pi Pi Pi Pi Pi Pi Pi Pi Pi Pi Pi Pi Pi Pi. ..................... (5: 505) as the opatPiiot: dd The ISO of the OSsOpSiSSaPi: The compound of formula (I): wherein R 1, R 2, R 3 and R 4 are as defined for formula (I). d. d. dt d: dsdd doios; do 1: 5: 5: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: d. Tti. 0 dalll " Ό0. (1): (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) Optical Character Recognition (PD) . V. ·. 55: 5, 5: 5 55: 050555 5 / CXIC XX Cl. 1 wool. dV .1,050 daSOSO :; .., Cd. 1 d: roo; O; d Pd p OCX cl pc c. s5d.s; U; o: > Λ \ ΊΟ Χ'Ρ 1: Π Cd ip x.x. 555: 5 d id id id id id::: 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11. • X. ' XX, d: a > O 55 555005; : 555555: p (5 ale v: i: 5 Cl XX 1 '05 ae 50005 p .: it added: PS5 pa: ii .p:: aipi S XX CO: S5: 55: 55 , 555505 500, 50, 55, 55, 555550: $ 5,500 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, pp: 5.8: (5) (from the IX pXXCXXXXXVD: XD; XC; Ò: 01055XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX : 55, 15155, 0515, 55555: 05: 5, XXI, 55p, and TOS Cl 0505, X-ray absorptiometry. (c) (b): C 55.55: 55.09 (c) (c) (c) (c) X. U: 5550: 505 (5505: 55: 55: 5: 5,500): 550: 55 0: 50:55 5: 5 50555550 50.0 χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ XX:: xxx ciqix .5: 5: 5 5505 '.055055555'555: 5 .Oii > --- >t5d; of SO, 1: 0X0: 55.55,: XX > A 555 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 1 55 1: c: 15055: xx,; i.fe 50.1: 0; The title compound was prepared from the title compound as a white crystalline solid.1H NMR (CDCl3):. XllX 0505 1 6.50.d 555 05 :: .s ': ....... v .. ......' d '1' 1: ocp; 5 550 5: 5 05t ·. ................. >vX; 1 P t. 1 H-NMR (DMSO-d 6): δ: 0.55 (5H, m) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 15, ; 5: 5: 1: 0: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1. X-ray diffraction pattern of the X-ray diffraction pattern of X-ray diffraction (X-ray diffraction) Cl 0: 0 .0555 5555550: XI1C 55: d: p. '.05555-5555-555-05555-555-5550003. : 55: 55.X: 5: 1: 1 X: 1: 511.0 55 05 1: 1: 1: 1 XC-Cc: 1: Cl XX XX 05:55 IX Ϊ 05 55 055 5:00 p: A 055: i Cd 1C i-B 0: 155: 55 0 55: 5555: : X X 55 55 55 55 55 55.0 555 5 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 15 20 25 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 55.1.55: 0 5.00 x 55 · 55 · 55 55: d: ix; ; and (c) < RTI ID = 0.0 > 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, li · 11 too ;. 55: 5: 5 :: 5 t 0 <5 0 50 Pt5 5: 0555,: 55555 X, .PP: 505 5; 5d5-55: 550 .5. t .5. 055 C'lil odot: ao.o ta .; dd i 0.555,
Ea ; $$a ®.c UsTí.U..i.iU'Q • apti <·χ·: $$ car pa a ;"s .··;·: c.?:'c;d;::; 5003 x .5 i a., a . a . -,i- . >· Pi cr sua « X- r .·; •p- :d \ gosoos.: Cd; cdcap- «cl r X :XO X.XXrXd.dd'.:. o prpp· V X XX XXX :X 1 XX d. >!:' X’: d .$:.l«.«5t5 X χΧΧι Xi :$$:o 9 a QCC aos $105$$ 553$ ÒP :5$535S XO «t X,-:'.vX'à -ij ;1$ Ιχϊ'Γΐ .V 1 XXXX O V xx 1 r-a sa í I ca r Cd; Ifenç ao.a «;5 ai s àíddaççc Sí:aç;.;:C g> todo :¾ 11 :lxxr 14, a 05 $353533 t-$3 d, ai ac c aaaaásaks : sacoo-ipc si: ap ;i:3ípl P a éué a «ar: .xxx do o$:i« 5 :-«·Μ a a salsa νητ-ei ià 3: .And the ; · ·... ap ap ap ap ap ap ap ap ap ap ap ap ap ap ap ap ap ap ap ap ap ap ap ap ap $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ :: :: :: :: :: ; 5003 x 5i a., A. The . -. > " Pi crease " • p-: d \ gosoos .: Cd; cdcap- 'rr X: XO X.XXrXd.dd'.:. o prpp · V X XX XXX: X 1 XX d. The term "X-ray diffraction", "X-ray diffraction", "X-ray diffraction", "X-ray diffraction" 1-β-1; β-1; (C) (g) and (c). all: ¾ 11: lxxr 14, a 05 $ 353533 - $ 3 d, ai ac c aaaaásaks: bag-ipc si: ap; i: 3ípl P a éué a «a: · Μ a sauce νητ-ei ià 3:.
Crra XX XX s .isto o; có «a.35 a. a X XX ! X.: t- d 0: ,v ;:<x r: \·.: :> '· 5:3; «5 3.d : Οχι; . XX X. XX ·:Χ 33 •3egdt.5.'c •X x-i Xj. gi 0 ç XX: d . ;«o :33.0 a oioipar :c ··.·: a-a d' ;ac V v d. x:rd. X X s.o. χ. ,a xxxxxxx: li '>; 5; 1.353555530 xxri Xi CXX C30:o C 30 5$Í5$ tood a qa r d-: Cxa Btsd • :. : ;d.S> a e a ον .ec d. 5: C t d 505 53 só a ao-ai ': ÉX d; p: olroadí PP 'd -·. a.xx a ei: ao d :X χΟΧ'χ í; ro .a aa t oá t ado, i g. P ,χ χ· c d ÍC: x> «a;;: ca ;rqxux ; :55: i; X x,. Lbxx.1. ,"0C : 0 X ; ·.: P .0 dât< 3d< .1 paraeroperj..a. t; o XX dxo V .X x ixo a o dir rpoaic •Ç; X a rraxi iXt.O .a r :·:3 ft.dd 1 et ) v rt # a a lo xx .axx x. exx :5:33 o XX > rr ti O-' arreai to rc O O ei i ;oo<; • i x.x ai 1 iat 14, 053.3:535: d XX Xji n# XàXX ;:i a d i .ar. ride: x.i - a :x 3 •P i. •xX: a 9 a das oát;o:tc ' >·' l/í, ? caos pi ίρ: à XX ...os jcoaegêas........o Xa íd:u\ :d \.·· ......sdo. opig -ΟχΧΧ ;x r·, Π χχ. 5" ç:> 0' a Pd P :···: ·:> .·.. .·. : : cia. >:X .X , 10, : ococ r a r ep raar eatas Pa xxe Ο-,ϊίϊ)' a χο x" xo<X:<x rxo X> 0 0 ·ί· '->0 .V X:X X;. : çedl .. p X:'.X do χ-χο 3 ta Md.r Xtix: à:a.lô XiO XiiX T. Xò d 03 d XiXv: 1 1. i .<: :: X' >· ta, r oopoo; a .0: >··<>; rparpd.s 0 :0. :X' OíSípai ;SS t a '35: aogão:: tf Pa" co:i ÒXX .353 0 53.333 •:x 3.3 503:53353 i XX p 3330355 03 èe a.x x ixxx -:.5 C 53 P SN iXXo 330353. íC «t PC· «« ã;:3;: .'d.3: 335 531 X..X ;X >· , li d XX "XX iX d 53M . X; χΧ ::1 ga«: XX XX 53: ag ; d 55 5 d O «533« Xv x:i .d Xi : XX χ: >r ::ò: xo 35::. XX :0....... . p.X.:; •V .00..,. .....,P pi Pt i;;; -XX XX- . - - xeo. 35 «535 5:........-a ;$ :éí3:33:5553-:. :X> XX oxox 35 35 0 1 v :X e 333535 X X' XO 0 33 550353:.335¾ 03 53 rx íXíx 35:::355355 ;X Xx 5::5553,1 ivis- r .· .·. . o, 5í<;:lt«3:3:dO 5$ t.3 :,3 530 iiOP 5533; l $.- 5.5: X P p 53 : .3 53 0 53:.3,5 5 35 ai 5: « d Xx Xt.i . 5.3:055: : 533$: 53 533 d 35 53« paO: «a : 55.:$ . x> x; :5353353 XX 53 : 0333: péí 5 33.43 3$: . ·< . . XX..X xs .3:3550555 X t\ isoéo: X. Xx «na : 530; 35a C «5$$ a 053: X s'.· :5:550 5353 XX': % 55.0:0 XI it C Ô i, qaa exarx: > X: 5 5:3- xxxox 3 33 0-3 : 33:0355 P” 535 5$: 3:3: O, χ;·'’·: 53 53 a . :i. 3.3333 ã ··,' ,·· eXoX.; 33 53:: 55: 33.35O30 53533555 Ò:5ta55 Χι Χχ': XòXX X" C<: :3;i 5.3 -PoX t 3$p:$$ 5 d;5 53 « 5i 3C XX X’ XXtX' : '.tt.:. >X X XX :Pt 5:33 05. ;X:' 3 55550 > '.C i'.· XX; XiXÕ t> t .0 .... Xi-X:X'X X. r<d..£ 3« ,i03 030 ipi0553 XX po: '•:X< Οχ; V x · 5 cia: ;5 'X.'·' -,Χ 'ν', i 0 533 330:3 ιχ, ::X ;X 0.05 X C- X'X xx a 55 0 53:5-533 .X- iX :X XXXXX-XtXX X· õX 053 ;.l XdX; 3.3 i 33 í.33 053 Οχ X d .:5Ό3055 rr x r xx <r \ 5535PÍ5 Xx ta ..· «0 i gin .éxxu .P-"5sa 053353,5.:33 Xx lo; ;XX':'X.o X>:''' rlx X οχ : 5-Col. ;à ix-xx-j X;p........ «53 :55:335 553,3 d; .1:;$: P: eo 0 53553.::. X· ·:Χ >··; pó 53:505:3' i t;xr 03X 53 ;:· 533 5:.5P X; s 535· .·· X· X. X: >. t iXr: XX iXd sol:::;.:,: 3,Pt-: -:-o «a 5553:5553 ··' >s τ r χι χο ,;’X .CO; rx :1-0--- \X.Xl : y.gxxrr i .0:'' pr r r iXX:' ; -Pi ..x>t XX. 335 53 53:3,3.35.1 l i a r xj.XX XX ·χ. :33 53 53 XI ;X :P i 1· 3:-53- xXÍX x' .¾£..:¾ descriçárxxxexr-pir ír x:xx t x vrir i t xr s 1 rpl irtrCrra XX XX. a. to X XX! X: t-d 0:, v;: <x r: \ *.:: ≫ 5: 3; «5 3.d: Οχι; . XX X. XX ·: Χ 33 • 3egdt.5.'c • X x-i Xj. gi 0 ç XX: d. , 33.0 to 35%, respectively. x: rd. X X s.o. χ. , to xxxxxxx: li '>;5; 1.353555530 xxri Xi CXX C30: C30 to C15 H15 O2: :; d.S > a and ον .ec d. 5: â € ƒâ € ƒâ € ƒâ € ƒâ € ƒâ € ƒâ € ƒâ € ƒ505 535 only; p: olroadí PP 'd - ·. a.xx a ei: ao d: X χΟΧχχ; The invention relates to a process for the preparation of a compound of formula (I). P, χ χ · c d IC: x> Aq; : 55: 1; X x ,. Lbxx.1. , " 0C: 0X; ·: P .0 dât < 3d < .1 paraeroperj..a. t; XX XXVIII. X to rx to xx .axx x. exx: 5: 33 or XX > R 4 is hydrogen; R 2 is hydrogen; R 2 is hydrogen; • i x.i.i. iat 14, 053.3: 535: XX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ride: x.i - a: x 3 • P i. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • * : d \. ·· ...... sdo. opig -ΟχΧΧ; x r ·, Π χχ. 5 " ç: > 0 'to Pd P: ···: ·: > . : cia. >: X .X, 10, < / RTI > < / RTI > xo < X: < x &x; > 0 0 · ί · '-> 0 .V X: X X ;. X-ray diffraction: X-ray diffraction, X-ray diffraction, X-ray diffraction, X-ray diffraction, X-ray diffraction, X- · Ta, r oopoo; a .0: > ·· < >; rparpd.s 0: 0. :  € ƒâ € ƒâ € ƒâ € ƒâ € ƒâ € ƒâ € ƒâ € ƒ (c) (b): (b) (c) (b): (c) (b): (c) d.3: 335 531 X..X; X> g, XX XX XX XX 53M. X; χΧ :: 1 ga «: XX XX 53: ag; d 55 5 d 533 xv x: i .d Xi: XX χ: g: r: ò: xo 35 ::. XX: 0 ........ p.X.:; • V .00 ..,. ....., P pi Pt i ;;; -XX XX-. - - xeo. 35 «535 5: ........-a; $: éí3: 33: 5553- :. : X > XX oxox 35 35 0 1 v: X and 333535 X X 'XO 0 33 550353: .335 ¾ 03 53 xx 35 x 35 x 35 x 35 x 5 x 555.1 iv iv. . 5: 3: 3: 3: 3: 5: 1: 3: 3: 5: 5: 5: 3; l-5.5: X p p 53: 533-553: 53: 535: 5.3: 055:: 533: 53 533 d 35 53 53: 55: x >x; : 5353353 XX 53: 0333: Î'33.43 (d):. · ≪ . . XX X X s 3: 3550555 X iso iso: X X X m is: 530; 35a C = 5 to 5%: X = 5: 550 5353 XX%:% 55.0: 0 XI c C i i, qaa exarx: > X: â € ƒâ € ƒâ € ƒ5: 3 xxxx 3333-3: 33: 0355 P "535 5: 3: 3: 0, χ; : i. 3.3333 ã ·······XXX; 33 53 :: 55: 33.35O30 53533555 Ò: 5ta55 Χι Χχ ': XòXX X " C < / RTI >: 5.3 -PoX t3 $: 5 d; 533 5 XX: XX: XX. > X X XX: Pt 5:33 05; X: " 3 55550 > . ???????? t .0 .... Xi-X: X'X X. r <lt; d .. £ 3 ', i03 030 ipi0553 XX po:' •: X < Οχ; V x · 5 ································································································· X-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 3.3 33 333.33 Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο: ; X ': X' ': X' ': X-5. 53: 55: 335-555.3 (d); .1:; $: P: and 0 53553. ::. X · ·: Χ> ··; mp 53: 505: 3: 1: 1: 533: 535: 5: 1: 1: 1 s 535 ·. ·· X · X. 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