PL9587S2 - Furniture set - Google Patents

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PL9587S2 PL7917A PL791705A PL9587S2 PL 9587 S2 PL9587 S2 PL 9587S2 PL 7917 A PL7917 A PL 7917A PL 791705 A PL791705 A PL 791705A PL 9587 S2 PL9587 S2 PL 9587S2
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Polish (pl)
Jacek Twaróg
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Fabruka Mebli Twaróg „Ludwik Styl"
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Application filed by Fabruka Mebli Twaróg „Ludwik Styl" filed Critical Fabruka Mebli Twaróg „Ludwik Styl"
Publication of PL9587S2 publication Critical patent/PL9587S2/en



KOMPLET MEBLI Prawo z rejestracji wzoru przemyslowego trwa od dnia: Przedmiotem wzoru przemyslowego jest komplet mebli przeznaczony zwlaszcza do pokoi dziennych lub poczekalni. Istote wzoru stanowi oryginalna postac kompletu mebli przejawiajaca sie we wzajemnym ukladzie elementów o charakterystycznych efektach pla- stycznych, przy zachowanym ascetycznym stylu. Przedmiot wzoru przedstawiono na zalaczonym rysunku i fotografiach, na których pokazano - na rysunku: fig. 1 - szafa dwudrzwiowa, fig. 2 szafa jednodrzwiowa, fig. 3 - regal szeroki, fig. - 4 regal waski, fig 5 - kredens trzydrzwiowy, fig. - 6 kredens dwudrzwiowy, fig. 7 - konsola, fig. 8 - szaf- ka RTV, fig. 9 - szafka RTV w odmianie bez drzwi, fig. 10 - stól, fig. 11 - lawa, fig. 12 - stolik, fig. 13 - dostawka oraz zalaczonej fotografii, na której pokazano na fig. 15 - szafe dwudrzwiowa, na fig. 16 - szafe jednodrzwiowa, na fig. 17 - regal szeroki z drewnianym pólkami, na fig. 18 - regal szeroki ze szklanymi pólkami, na fig. 19 - regal waski z drewnianymi pólkami, na fig. 20 - regal waski ze szklanymi pólkami, na fig. 21 - kredens dwu- drzwiowy, na fig. 22 - konsole, na fig. 23 - szafke RTV, na fig. 24 - szafke RTV w odmianie bez drzwi, na fig. 25 - stól, na fig. 26 - stól w odmianie z dostawkami, na fig. 27 - lawe z dostawka, na fig. 28 - lawe w odmianie ze szklanym blatem, na fig. 29 - stolik z dostawka, na fig. 30 - stolik w od- mianie ze szklanym blatem, na fig. 31 - dostawke, na fig. 32 - krzeslo w wi- doku ogólnym.Komplet mebli w sklad, których wchodza: szafy, regaly, kredensy, konsola szafki RTV, stól, lawa, stolik i krzesla charakteryzuje sie tym, ze szafy, szafki, konsola, stól, lawa i stolik maja ramy z szerokich listew, z których pionowe stanowia jednoczesnie nogi tych mebli, przy czym w pew- nej odleglosci od zewnetrznej krawedzi nóg znajduja sie albo sciany boczne mebli jak w przypadku szaf i regalów z drewnianymi pólkami, albo listwy laczace jak w przypadku regalów ze szklanymi pólkami, konsoli, stolu, lawy i stolika, natomiast krzeslo ma siedzisko z desek, nakladane, w ksztalcie trapezu zwróconego wieksza podstawa ku przodowi, zas oparcie stanowi fre- zowana plycina laczaca sie ze stelazem oparcia, jak to pokazano na zalaczo- nym rysunku fig. 1 do fig. 14 i zalaczonej fotografii fig. 15 do fig. 32. Nogi mebli - z wyjatkiem krzesla - maja srebrzyste stopki, jak to po- kazano na zalaczonej fotografii fig. 15 do fig 30. Szafy, regaly, kredensy, szafki RTV, stól, lawa i stolik sa przykryte plytami wienczacymi ze wzdluznie ulozonych desek umieszczonych pomie- dzy listwami ram, z tym, ze plyty wienczace kredensów, szafek stolu, lawy i stolika stanowia jednoczesnie ich blaty, jak to pokazano na zalaczonej foto- grafii fig. 1 do fig. 27, i fig. 29. Szafy, regaly z drewnianymi pólkami, kredensy i szafki RTV maja bo- ki z pionowo ulozonych desek jak to pokazano na zalaczonej fotografii fig. 15 do 17, fig. 19, fig. 21, fig. 23 i fig. 24. Szafy i kredense maja drzwi z pionowo ulozonych desek, które sa za- mocowane po wewnetrznej stronie listew stanowiacych nogi, jak to pokazano na zalaczonej fotografii fig. 15, fig 16 fig. 21 i fig. 23. Regaly z drewnianymi pólkami maja plecy z poziomo ulozonych de- sek, zas wewnetrzna przestrzen wypelniona pólkami ograniczonymi przez frontowe ramiaki, jak to pokazano na-zalaczonym rysunku fig. 3 i fig. 4 oraz fotografii fig. 17 i fig 19. Regaly w odmianie ze szklanymi pólkami nie maja pleców, natomiast maja rame, plyte wienczaca, dno ze wzdluznie ulozonych desek wsparte na bocznych listwach laczacych nogi, w przestrzeni pomiedzy plyta wienczaca a dnem znajduja sie szklane pólki, przy czym dno i pólki sa ograniczone ra- miakami nóg, jak to pokazano na zalaczonym rysunku fig. 3 i 4 oraz fotogra- fii fig. 18 i fig. 19.Konsola ma rame, plyte wienczaca stanowiaca jednoczesnie blat i dwie szklane pólki ograniczone ramiakami, przy czym dolna pólka jest wsparta na listwach laczacych nogi i majacej ksztalt litery „H", jak to pokazano na za- laczonym rysunku fig. 7 i fotografii fig. 22. Szafka RTV ma dwoje drzwi z poziomo ulozonych desek, jak to poka- zano na zalaczonym rysunku fig. 8 i fotografii fig 23. Szafka RTV w odmianie bez drzwi ma plecy i dno z desek, przestrzen miedzy blatem a dnem przedzielona pionowa laczyna, przy czym dno jest od frontu ograniczone ramiakami nóg jak to pokazano na zalaczonym rysunku fig. 9 i fotografii fig. 24. Stól lawa i stolik maja blat ze wzdluznie ulozonych desek, z tym, ze na obu krótszych krancach koncach blat jest spiety prostopadlymi, laczacymi nogi szerokimi listwami, a pod blatem wzdluz dluzszych boków po we- wnetrznej stronie nóg znajduja sie listwy laczace jak to pokazano na zala- czonym rysunku fig. 10 i fotografii fig. 25. Stól moze byc wyposazony w dwie dostawki z równolegle ulozonych desek spietych na jednym z konców szeroka listwa, jak to pokazano na zala- czonym rysunku fig. 13 oraz fotografii fig. 26 i fig 31. Lawa i stolik moga wystepowac w odmianie ze szklanym blatem umieszczonym pomiedzy listwami laczacymi nogi i wspartym na listwach la- czacych nogi pod blatem, jak to pokazano na zalaczonym rysunku fig. li i 12 oraz fotografii fig. 28 i fig 30. Krzeslo ma odgiety ku tylowi stelaz oparcia stanowiacy przedluzenie tylnych nóg, których rozstaw jest mniejszy niz przednich, ma siedzisko z de- sek, nakladane, w ksztalcie trapezu zwróconego wieksza podstawa ku przo- dowi i ponizej stelaza siedziska pomiedzy przednimi a tylnymi nogami la- czyny, zas oparcie stanowi trójelemeatowa, poziomo frezowana plycina la- czaca sie ze stelazem oparcia powyzej przegiecia tylnych nóg i nieco ponizej i górnych wierzcholków, jak to pokazano na zalaczonym rysunku fig. 14 i fotografii fig. 32.Cechy istotne wzoru przemyslowego 1. Komplet mebli wedlug wzoru charakteryzuje sie tym, ze szafy, szafki, konsola, stól, lawa i stolik maja ramy z szerokich listew, z których pio- nowe stanowia jednoczesnie nogi tych mebli, przy czym w pewnej odle- glosci od zewnetrznej krawedzi nóg znajduja sie albo sciany boczne mebli jak w przypadku szaf i regalów z drewnianymi pólkami, albo li- stwy laczace jak w przypadku regalów ze szklanymi pólkami, konsoli, stolu, lawy i stolika, natomiast krzeslo ma siedzisko z desek, naklada- ne, w ksztalcie trapezu zwróconego wieksza podstawa ku przodowi, zas oparcie stanowi frezowana plycina laczaca sie ze stelazem oparcia, jak to pokazano na zalaczonym rysunku fig. 1 do fig. 14 i zalaczonej foto- grafii fig. 15 do fig. 32. 2. Komplet mebli wedlug cechy 1 charakteryzuje sie tym, ze nogi mebli - z wyjatkiem krzesla - maja srebrzyste stopki, jak to pokazano na zala- czonej fotografii fig. 15 do fig 30. 3. Komplet mebli wedlug cechy 1 charakteryzuje sie tym szafy, regaly, kredensy, szafki RTV, stól, lawa i stolik sa przykryte plytami wiencza- cymi ze wzdluznie ulozonych desek umieszczonych pomiedzy listwami ram, z tym, ze plyty wienczace kredensów, szafek stolu, lawy i stolika stanowia jednoczesnie ich blaty, jak to pokazano na zalaczonej fotogra- fii fig. 1 do fig. 27, i fig. 29. 4. Komplet mebli wedlug cechy 1 charakteryzuje sie tym szafy, regaly z drewnianymi pólkami, kredensy i szafki RTV maja boki z pionowo ulo- zonych desek jak to pokazano na zalaczonej fotografii fig. 15 do 17, fig. 19, fig. 21, fig. 23 i fig. 24. 5. Komplet mebli wedlug cechy 1 charakteryzuje sie tym szafy i kredense maja drzwi z pionowo ulozonych desek, które sa zamocowane po we- wnetrznej stronie listew stanowiacych nogi, jak to pokazano na zala- czonej fotografii fig. 15, fig 16 fig. 21 i fig. 23. 6. Komplet meble wedlug cechy 1 charakteryzuje sie tym regaly z drew- nianymi pólkami maja plecy z poziomo ulozonych desek, zas wewnetrz- na przestrzen wypelniona pólkami ograniczonymi przez frontowe ra-miaki, jak to pokazano na zalaczonym rysunku fig. 3 i fig. 4 oraz foto- grafii fig. 17 i fig 19. 7. Komplet mebli wedlug cechy 1 charakteryzuje sie tym regaly w odmia- nie ze szklanymi pólkami nie maja pleców, natomiast maja rame, plyte wienczaca, dno ze wzdluznie ulozonych desek wsparte na bocznych li- stwach laczacych nogi, w przestrzeni pomiedzy plyta wienczaca a dnem znajduja sie szklane pólki, przy czym dno i pólki sa ograniczone ramia- kami nóg, jak to pokazano na zalaczonym rysunku fig. 3 i 4 oraz foto- grafii fig. 18 i fig. 19. 8. Komplet mebli wedlug cechy 1 charakteryzuje sie tym konsola ma rame, plyte wienczaca stanowiaca jednoczesnie blat i dwie szklane pólki ograniczone ramiakami, przy czym dolna pólka jest wsparta na listwach laczacych nogi i majacej ksztalt litery „H", jak to pokazano na zalaczo- nym rysunku fig. 7 i fotografii fig. 22. 9. Komplet mebli wedlug cechy 1 charakteryzuje sie tym szafka RTV ma dwoje drzwi z poziomo ulozonych desek, jak to pokazano na zalaczo- nym rysunku fig. 8 i fotografii fig 23. 10. Komplet mebli wedlug cechy 1 charakteryzuje sie tym szafka RTV w odmianie bez drzwi ma plecy i dno z desek, przestrzen miedzy blatem a dnem przedzielona pionowa laczyna, przy czym dno jest od frontu ograniczone ramiakami nóg, jak to pokazano na zalaczonym rysunku fig. 9 i fotografii fig. 24. 11. Komplet mebli wedlug cechy 1 charakteryzuje sie tym stól lawa i stolik maja blat ze wzdluznie ulozonych desek, z tym, ze na obu krótszych krancach koncach blat jest spiety prostopadlymi, laczacymi nogi szero- kimi listwami, a pod blatem wzdluz dluzszych boków po wewnetrznej stronie nóg znajduja sie listwy laezace jak to pokazano na zalaczonym rysunku fig. 10 i fotografii fig. 25. 12. Komplet mebli wedlug cechy 1 charakteryzuje sie tym, ze stól moze byc wyposazony w dwie dostawki z równolegle ulozonych desek spietych na jednym z konców szeroka listwa, jak to pokazano na zalaczonym rysun- ku fig. 13 oraz fotografii fig. 26 i fig 31. 13. Komplet mebli wedlug cechy 1 charakteryzuje sie tym, ze lawa i stolik moga wystepowac w odmianie ze szklanym blatem umieszczonym po-miedzy listwami laczacymi nogi i wspartym na listwach laczacych nogi pod blatem, jak to pokazano na zalaczonym rysunku fig. 11 i 12 oraz fotografii fig. 28 i fig 30. 14. Komplet mebli wedlug cechy 1 charakteryzuje sie tym, ze krzeslo ma odgiety ku tylowi stelaz oparcia stanowiacy przedluzenie tylnych nóg, których rozstaw jest mniejszy niz przednich, ma siedzisko z desek, na- kladane, w ksztalcie trapezu zwróconego wieksza podstawa ku przodowi i ponizej stelaza siedziska pomiedzy przednimi a tylnymi nogami laczy- ny, zas oparcie stanowi trójelementowa, poziomo frezowana plycina la- czaca sie ze stelazem oparcia powyzej przegiecia tylnych nóg i nieco ponizej i górnych wierzcholków, jak to pokazano na zalaczonym rysun- ku fig. 14 i fotografii fig. 32.Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Fig. 5 Fig. 6 Fig. 7 Fig. 8 Fig. 9 Fig. 10 Fig. 11 Fig. 12 Fig. 13 Fig. 14Fig. 15 Fig. 16 Fig. 17 Fig. 18 Fig. 19 Fig. 20 Fig. 21 Fig. 22 Fig. 23Fig. 24 Fiq. 25 Fig. 26 Fig. 27 Fig. 28 Fig. 29 Fig. 30 Fig. 31 Fig. 32 PLFURNITURE SET The right from registration of an industrial design is valid from: The subject of the industrial design is a furniture set intended especially for living rooms or waiting rooms. The essence of the pattern is the original form of a set of furniture, which manifests itself in a mutual arrangement of elements with characteristic plastic effects, while maintaining an ascetic style. The subject of the pattern is presented in the attached drawing and photographs, which show - in the drawing: fig. 1 - two-door wardrobe, fig. 2 - one-door wardrobe, fig. 3 - wide bookcase, fig. - narrow bookcase, fig. 5 - three-door cupboard, fig. - 6 two-door cupboard, fig. 7 - console, fig. 8 - TV cabinet, fig. 9 - TV cabinet in a variant without doors, fig. 10 - table, fig. 11 - lava, fig. 12 - table, Fig. 13 - an add-on unit and the attached photo, which is shown in Fig. 15 - a two-door wardrobe, in Fig. 16 - a single-door wardrobe, in Fig. 17 - a wide bookcase with wooden shelves, in Fig. 18 - a wide bookcase with glass shelves, in Fig. 19 - narrow bookcase with wooden shelves, in Fig. 20 - narrow bookcase with glass shelves, in Fig. 21 - two-door cupboard, in Fig. 22 - consoles, in Fig. 23 - TV cabinet, in Fig. 24 - TV cabinet in a variant without doors, in fig. 25 - table, in fig. 26 - table in a variant with extra beds, in fig. 27 - lava with extra bed, in fig. 28 - lava in a variant with a glass top, in fig. . 29 - table with an extra bed, in fig. 30 - table in a variant with a glass top, in fig. 31 - an extra bed, in fig. 32 - a chair in the general view. The complete set of furniture includes: wardrobes, shelves , sideboards, console, TV cabinet, table, lava, table and chairs are characterized by the fact that the wardrobes, cabinets, console, table, lava and table have frames made of wide slats, of which the vertical legs are also the legs of the furniture. At a lower distance from the outer edge of the legs, there are either side walls of the furniture as in the case of wardrobes and bookcases with wooden shelves, or connecting strips as in the case of shelves with glass shelves, console, table, lava and table, while the chair has a seat made of overlaid boards, in the shape of a trapezoid facing the larger base forward, while the backrest is a milled panel joining the backrest frame, as shown in the attached drawing Fig. 1 to Fig. 14 and the attached photo Fig. 15 to Fig. 32. Furniture legs - with the exception of chairs - they have silver feet, as shown in the attached photo fig. 15 to fig 30. Wardrobes, bookcases, sideboards, TV cabinets, table, lava and coffee table are covered with crown boards with longitudinally arranged boards placed between the frame slats, except that The tops of sideboards, cupboards, table, lava and coffee tables are also their tops, as shown in the attached photos Fig. 1 to Fig. 27, and Fig. 29. Wardrobes, bookcases with wooden shelves, sideboards and TV cabinets have They are made of vertically arranged boards as shown in the attached photos, Figs. 15 to 17, Fig. 19, Fig. 21, Fig. 23 and Fig. 24. The wardrobes and the sideboard have doors of vertically arranged boards, which are fixed on the inside. on the side of the slats constituting the legs, as shown in the attached photographs Fig. 15, Fig. 16, Fig. 21 and Fig. 23. The shelves with wooden shelves have horizontally arranged backs, and the interior space is filled with shelves delimited by the front stiles, as shown in the attached drawing fig. 3 and fig. 4 or from the photos of fig. 17 and fig. 19. The racks in the variant with glass shelves do not have a back, but have a frame, a crowning board, a bottom made of longitudinally arranged boards supported on side strips joining the legs, there are glass shelves in the space between the crowning board and the bottom, the bottom and the shelves are delimited by the frame of the legs, as shown in the attached drawings Figs. 3 and 4 and in the photos of Figs. 18 and Fig. 19. The console has a frame, a crown plate which is also a top and two glass shelves delimited by stiles , the lower shelf is supported on slats joining the legs and having the shape of the letter "H" as shown in the accompanying drawing fig. 7 and the photo of fig. 22. The TV cabinet has two doors of horizontally arranged boards as shown. see the attached drawing, fig. 8 and photo of fig. 23. The TV cabinet in the version without a door has a back and a bottom made of boards, the space between the top and the bottom is divided by a vertical joist, the bottom is limited from the front by the stiles for the legs as shown in 9 and a photo of fig. 24. The lava table and the table have a top made of longitudinally arranged boards, with the fact that at both shorter ends the top is stapled with perpendicular, wide strips connecting the legs, and under the top along the longer sides of the on the inside of the legs there are connecting strips as shown in the enclosed drawing fig. 10 and photo of fig. 25. The table may be equipped with two extensions made of parallel boards, fastened at one end with a wide strip, as shown in the enclosed Fig. 13 and photos of Fig. 26 and Fig. 31. The lava and the table may have a variant with a glass top placed between the strips connecting the legs and supported on the strips joining the legs under the top, as shown in the attached drawing, Figs. 1 and 12 and photos of Figs. 28 and Fig. 30. The chair has a backrest frame bent towards the rear, which is an extension of the rear legs, the spacing of which is smaller than the front legs, it has a put-on seat made of trapezoidal a larger base to the front and below the seat frame between the front and rear legs of the board, while the backrest is a three-piece, horizontally milled panel joining the backrest frame above the bend of the rear legs and slightly below and the upper peaks, as shown in the attached drawing, fig. 14 and photo of fig. 32. Important features of the industrial design 1. A set of furniture according to the pattern is characterized by the fact that the wardrobes, cabinets, console, table, lava and table have frames made of wide slats, of which the vertical ones are also legs of these furniture, where at a certain distance from the outer edge of the legs there are either side walls of the furniture as in the case of wardrobes and shelves with wooden shelves, or connecting strips as in the case of shelves with glass shelves, console, table, lava and table, while the chair has a plank seat, put on, in the shape of a trapezoid facing, the larger base to the front, and the backrest is a milled panel joining the frame the backrest as shown in the attached drawing Fig. 1 to Fig. 14 and the attached photo of Fig. 15 to Fig. 32. 2. The furniture set according to feature 1 is characterized by the fact that the legs of the furniture - with the exception of chairs - have silver feet as shown in the enclosed photo fig. 15 to fig. 30. 3. A set of furniture according to feature 1 is characterized by wardrobes, bookcases, sideboards, TV cabinets, table, lava and coffee tables are covered with crown boards made of longitudinally arranged boards placed between the slats of the frames, however, the tops of the sideboards, cupboards, table, lava and table are also their tops, as shown in the attached photos Fig. 1 to Fig. 27, and Fig. 29. 4. Set of furniture according to feature 1 is characterized by wardrobes, shelves with wooden shelves, sideboards and TV cabinets have sides of vertically arranged planks as shown in the attached photos Figs. 15 to 17, Fig. 19, Fig. 21, Fig. 23 and Fig. 24. 5. A set of furniture according to feature 1 is characterized by wardrobes and a cupboard in May d The eyelets are made of vertically arranged planks, which are fixed on the inside of the slats constituting the legs, as shown in the enclosed photo fig. 15, fig. 16, fig. 21 and fig. 23. 6. The furniture set according to feature 1 is characterized by this the shelves with wooden shelves have a back of horizontally arranged planks, and the internal space is filled with shelves delimited by front frames, as shown in the attached drawing fig. 3 and fig. 4 and photos of fig. 17 and fig. 19 7. A set of furniture according to feature 1 is characterized by that the shelves, in the variation with glass shelves, do not have a back, but have a frame, a crowning board, a bottom made of longitudinally arranged boards supported on side leaves joining the legs, in the space between the crowning board and The bottom is provided with glass shelves, the bottom and shelves are delimited by the leg frames, as shown in the attached drawings, Figs. 3 and 4 and in the photos of Figs. 18 and 19. 8. The furniture set according to feature 1 is characterized by this console has a frame, pl The living room at the same time constitutes a table top and two glass shelves delimited by rails, the bottom shelf being supported by slats joining the legs and having the shape of the letter "H", as shown in the attached drawing fig. 7 and photos of fig. 22. 9. Set of furniture according to feature 1 is characterized by the fact that the TV cabinet has two doors made of horizontally arranged boards, as shown in the attached drawing fig. 8 and photo fig. 23. 10. The furniture set according to feature 1 is characterized by that the TV cabinet in the version without doors has the back and the bottom are made of boards, the space between the table top and the bottom is divided by a vertical joist, the bottom of the front is delimited by the frames of the legs, as shown in the attached drawing fig. 9 and the photo of fig. 24. 11. A set of furniture according to feature 1 is characterized by this the lava table and the table have a top made of longitudinally arranged boards, but on both shorter ends of the ends, the top is fastened with perpendicular slats connecting the legs, and under the top along the longer sides on the inside side of the legs there are laying slats as shown in the attached drawing fig. 10 and photo fig. 25. 12. A set of furniture according to feature 1 is characterized by the fact that the table can be equipped with two extra beds made of parallel boards stapled at one end. the strip, as shown in the attached drawing, fig. 13 and photos of fig. 26 and fig. 31. 13. A set of furniture according to feature 1 is characterized by the fact that the lava and the table can have a variant with a glass top placed between the connecting strips legs and supported on slats connecting the legs under the table top, as shown in the attached drawing, Figs. 11 and 12 and the photos of Figs. 28 and Fig. 30. 14. The set of furniture according to feature 1 is characterized by the fact that the chair has a backrest bent towards the back, rear leg extension, the spacing of which is smaller than the front legs, has a plank seat, overlapping, trapezoidal facing, larger base forward and below the seat frame between the front and rear They are connected with both legs, while the backrest is a three-piece, horizontally milled panel joining the backrest frame above the bend of the rear legs and slightly below the upper peaks, as shown in the attached drawing fig. 14 and photos of fig. 32. . Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Fig. 5 Fig. 6 Fig. 7 Fig. 8 Fig. 9 Fig. 10 Fig. 11 Fig. 12 Fig. 13 Fig. 14 Fig. Fig. 16 Fig. 17 Fig. 18 Fig. 19 Fig. 20 Fig. 21 Fig. 22 Fig. 23 Fig. 24 Fiq. Fig. 26 Fig. 27 Fig. 28 Fig. 29 Fig. 30 Fig. 31 Fig. 32 EN

PL7917A 2005-05-30 Furniture set PL9587S2 (en)

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PL9587S2 true PL9587S2 (en) 2006-04-28



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