PL124516B1 - Method of rendering harmless and solidifying drilling fluid wastes - Google Patents

Method of rendering harmless and solidifying drilling fluid wastes Download PDF


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PL124516B1 PL1978205681A PL20568178A PL124516B1 PL 124516 B1 PL124516 B1 PL 124516B1 PL 1978205681 A PL1978205681 A PL 1978205681A PL 20568178 A PL20568178 A PL 20568178A PL 124516 B1 PL124516 B1 PL 124516B1
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Helena Przybyla
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Os Bad Rozwojowy Tech Geo
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Application filed by Os Bad Rozwojowy Tech Geo filed Critical Os Bad Rozwojowy Tech Geo
Priority to PL1978205681A priority Critical patent/PL124516B1/en
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Priority to DD79211821A priority patent/DD142656A5/en
Priority to SU792744198A priority patent/SU743584A3/en
Publication of PL205681A1 publication Critical patent/PL205681A1/en
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  • Treatment Of Sludge (AREA)
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Przedmiotem wynalazku jest sposób unieszkodli¬ wiania i zestalania odpadów pluczki wiertniczej, uzywa¬ nej w procesie wiercenia otworów geologicznych.Przy wykonywaniu wiekszosci otworów wiertniczych stosuje sie pluczke wiertnicza, majaca miedzy innymi za zadanie wynoszenie zwiercin z dna otworu wiertniczego, ochladzanie narzedzia wiertniczego oraz zmniejszenie tarcia przewodu o sciane otworu wiertniczego.W zaleznosci od warunków geologicznych i technicz¬ nych otworu wiertniczego stosowane sa pluczki wier¬ tnicze, zawierajace róznego rodzaju dodatki, jak: nikiel, chrom, olów, zelazo, siarczki, chlorki, oleje, fenol i smary. Po wykorzystaniu pluczki przy wierceniu o- tworu pozostaje ona, wraz ze zwiercinami, w odkrytych zbiornikach w poblizu wiertni. Wielkosc takiego zbior¬ nika ziemnego w zaleznosci od srednicy i glebokosci otworu wiertniczego osiaga znaczna powierzchnie, tworzac obszary nieuzytków, a toksyczne skladniki odpadu powoduja skazenie gleby oraz wód powierzchnio¬ wych i podziemnych.Znany jest sposób czesciowego unieszkodliwiania odpadów pluczkowych polegajacy na wymieszaniu ich z wapnem lub mieszanina wapna i gipsu. Znany jest równiez sposób unieszkodliwiania odpadów pluczkowych, wedlug patentu Wielkiej Brytanii Nr. 1485625 polegaja¬ cy na etapowym dodawaniu i wymieszaniu odpadów z cementem, wapnem, glinokrzemianem lub krzemianem glinu i popiolem lotnym. Sposoby te nie zapewniaja jednak adsorpcji wiekszosci zwiazków toksycznych 10 15 20 25 30 zawartych w odpadach pluczki wiertniczej, a ponadto zestalony odpad tworzy twardy material, uniemozliwia¬ jacy usuwanie go ze zbiorników ziemnych na skladowisko lub dla dalszej obróbki, przez zmieszanie z gruntem.Istota sposobu unieszkodliwiania i zestalania odpadów pluczki wiertniczej z dodaniem wapna, gipsu, cementu, popiolu lotnego wedlug wynalazku polega na tym, ze do wymieszanych uprzednio odpadów pluczki wiertniczej, w zaleznosci od zawartosci w nich fazy stalej i fazy cie¬ klej oraz ich skladu chemicznego, stale mieszajac, do¬ daje sie nastepujace skladniki: popiól lotny zawierajacy do 25% tlenku glinu i do 48% tlenku wapnia, w ilosci od 1 do 35% wagowo w stosunku do zawartosci fazy cieklej, 4% roztwór wodny poliakryloamidu, w ilosci od 1 do 5% objetosciowo w stosunku do fazy cieklej odpadu pluczkowego, Ca(OH)2, FeS04x7H20, A12(S04)3 + Ca(OH)2 w ilosci od 0 do 10% wagowo w stosunkurdo fazy cieklej oraz gips, szklo wodne, ce¬ ment, zywice mocznikowa w ilosciach od 0 do 10% wagowo w stosunku do fazy cieklej.Ilosc i rodzaj skladników adsorbujacych oraz zestalaja¬ cych odpady pluczki wiertniczej okresla sie w zaleznosci od skladu chemicznego i pH oraz zawartosci fazy stalej i cieklej w tych odpadach. Ca(OH)3, FeS04x7H20, Al2 (S04)3 4- Ca (OH)j dodawane sa do popiolów lotnych wówczas gdy zawarte w popiolach ilosci CaO, Fe203 i Al2Os sa niewystarczajace do adsorbcji. Dodatek gipsu, szkla wodnego, cementu, zywicy mocznikowej zalezy od zawartosci w odpadach chromu, olejów i ich alkalicz¬ nosci. 124 516124 516 Dodatek 4% roztworu wodnego poliakryloamidu ma na ^11T cehr^stalenijg^dpadów, powoduje on, ze nawet swiezo ^ ofcrobiohe odpady pluczki nie rozpadaja sie w wodze, cojest szczególnie korzystne przy wystepujacych odpadacfr, deszczowych, w czasie obróbki zestalajacej. r Zaleta.janieszkodliWiania odpadów pluczki wiertniczej ^sposobem"wedlug wynalazku jest calkowita adsorbcja toksycznych dodatków, dzieki temu nie stanowia one zagrozenia dla srodowiska naturalnego. Sposób ten umozliwia takze latwe usuniecie zestalonej masy i przy¬ wrócenie terenu do stanu pierwotnego.Przyklad 1. Do wymieszanych odpadów pluczki wiertniczej o gestosci 1,49 g/cm3 i pH =9,5, skladaja¬ cych sie z fazy stalej w ilosci 22% wagowo, wody w ilosci 74% wagowo i oleju w ilosci 4% wagowo oraz zawieraja¬ cych w swoim skladzie 82,5% mg/l chromu, 17,2% g/l zelaza, dodaje sie, stale mieszajac, popiól lotny w ilosci 6,8% wagowo, w stosunku do fazy cieklej, wapno hydratyzowane w ilosci 1,4% wagowo w stosunku do fazy cieklej, 4% roztwór wodny poliakryloamidu w i- losci 3% objetosciowo, w stosunku do fazy cieklej oraz cement w ilosci 1,3%, szklo wodne w ilosci 2,7% wagowo w stosunku do fazy cieklej. Zestalenie i zaadsorbowanie nastepuje po uplywie 72 godzin.Przyklad II. Do wymieszanych odpadów pluczki wiertniczej o gestosci 1,17 g/cm3 i pH=9,2 skladajacych sie z fazy stalej w ilosci 9%, wody — 90% i oleju w ilosci 1 % wagowo oraz zawierajacych w swoim skladzie 0,33 mg/l fenoli i 33,3 mg/l chromu, 10,0 g/l zelaza, dodaje sie, stale mieszajac popiól lotny w ilosci 22% wagowo w stosunku do fazy cieklej, wapno hydratyzo¬ wane w ilosci 0,6% wagowo w stosunku do fazy cieklej gips budowlany w ilosci 5,5% wagowo w stosunku do fazy cieklej oraz 4% roztwór wodny poliakryloamidu w ilosci 3,3% objetosciowo w stosunku do fazy cieklej.Zestalenie i zaadsorbowanie trwa 2 dni.Przyklad III. Do wymieszanych odpadów plucz¬ ki wiertniczej, o gestosci 1,17 g/cm3 i pH = 9,2 skladaja¬ cych sie z fazy stalej w ilosci 15% wagowo, wody w ilosci 83% wagowo i oleju 2% wagowo oraz zawierajacych w swoim skladzie 250 mg/l fenoli, 20 mg/l chromu, 50 mg/l olowiu i 10 g/l zelaza, dodaje sie, stale mieszajac, popiól lotny w ilosci 4% wagowo, w stosunku do fazy cieklej, 4% roztwór wodny poliakryloamidu, w ilosci 3,2% objetosciowo, w stosunku do fazy cieklej i szklo wodne w ilosci 5% wagowo, w stosunku do fazy cieklej.Zestalenie i zaadsorbowanie trwa 14 dni.Przyklad IV. Do:i wymieszanych odpadów pluczki wiertniczej o gestosci 1,17 g/cm3 i pH = 9,2 skladajacych sie z fazy stalej w ilosci 15%, wody — 83% i oleju 2% oraz zawierajacych w skladzie 20 mg/l chromu, 5 250 mg/l fenoli i 10,3 g/l Zelaza, dodaje sie stale mie¬ szajac popiól lotny w ilosci 12,5% wagowo, w stosunku do fazy cieklej, wapno hyjdratyzowane w ilosci 2,5% . wagowo, w stosunku do fazy cieklej oraz 4% roztwór wodny poliakryloamidu w ilosci 2,5% objetosciowo io w stosunku do fazy cieklej.i Zestalenie odpadów pluczki nastepuje po 3-ch dniach,; zaadsorbowanie po 24 go¬ dzinach.Przyklad V. Do wymieszanych odpadów plucz¬ ki wiertniczej o gestosci 1,17 g/cm3 i pH =9,2 skladaja- ib cych sie z fazy stalej w ilosci 15%, wody — 83% i oleju 2% oraz zawierajacych w swoim skladzie 20 mg/l chromu, mu, 250 mg/l fenoli i 10,3 g/l zelaza dodaje sie stale mie¬ szajac popiól lotny w ilosci 17,5% wagowo w stosunku do fazy cieklej, 4% roztwór wodny poliakryloamidu 20 w ilosci 5% objetosciowo w stosunku do fazy cieklej oraz gips w ilosci 3,5% wagowo w stosunku do fazy cie¬ klej. Zestalanie i zaadsorbowanie po 2-ch dobach.Przyklad VI. Do wymieszanych odpadów p!uczki wiertniczej o.gestosci 1,18 g/cm9 i pH = 9,2 skladajacych 25 gie z fazy stalej w ilosci 9% oraz wody — 90% i oleju — 1% oraz zawierajacych w swoim skladzie 33,3 mg/l chromu, 10 g/l zelaza i 1,25 mg/l fenoli, dodaje sie stale mieszajac popiól lotny w ilosci 35% wagowo w stosunku do fazy cieklej i 4% roztwór wodny poliakryloamidu w ilo- 30 losci 1,85% objetosciowo w stosunku do fazy cieklej.Zestalenie i zaadsorbowanie po 3-ch dniach.Zastrzezenie patentowe Sposób unieszkodliwiania i zestalania odpadów pluczki 35 wiertniczej z dodaniem wapna, gipsu, cementu, po¬ piolu lotnego, znamienny tym, ze do uprzednio wy¬ mieszanych odpadów pluczki wiertniczej w zaleznosci od zawartosci fazy stalej i fazy cieklej w odpadach oraz ich skladu chemicznego, stale mieszajac dodaje sie po- 40 piól lotny zawierajacy do 25% tlenku glinu i do 48% tlenku wapnia w ilosci od 1 do 35% wagowo w stosunku do zawartosci fazy cieklej, 4% roztwór wodny poliakry¬ loamidu, w ilosci od 1 do 5% objetosciowo w stosunku do zawartosci fazy cieklej Ca(OH)2, FeS04x7H20, 45 Ala (S04)3 + Ca(OH)a w ilosciach od 0 do 10% wagowo w stosunku do fazy cieklej oraz gips, szklo wodne, ce¬ ment, zywice mocznikowa w ilosciach od 0 do 10% wa¬ gowo w stosunku do fazy cieklej.LDD Z-d 2, 2. 491/1400/84/48, n. 80+20 egz.Cena 100 zl PLThe subject of the invention is a method of neutralizing and solidifying drilling mud waste, used in the process of drilling geological holes. Most of the boreholes are made with the use of drilling mud, which, among other things, is to remove drill cuttings from the bottom of the borehole, cool the drilling tool and reduce friction. Depending on the geological and technical conditions of the borehole, drilling fluids are used, containing various types of additives, such as: nickel, chromium, lead, iron, sulfides, chlorides, oils, phenol and lubricants. After the drilling fluid is used, it remains, together with the drill cuttings, in open reservoirs near the well. The size of such a reservoir, depending on the diameter and depth of the borehole, reaches a large surface, creating unused areas, and the toxic components of the waste cause contamination of the soil, surface and groundwater. There is a known method of partial neutralization of flushing waste by mixing it with lime or a mixture of lime and gypsum. There is also a method of neutralizing flushing waste, according to the British patent No. 1,485,625 consisting in the stepwise addition and mixing of the waste with cement, lime, aluminosilicate or aluminum silicate and fly ash. These methods, however, do not ensure the adsorption of most of the toxic compounds contained in the drilling mud waste, and moreover, the solidified waste forms a hard material, preventing its removal from earth tanks to a landfill or for further treatment by mixing with soil. according to the invention, the method of neutralizing and solidifying drilling mud waste with the addition of lime, gypsum, cement, and fly ash according to the invention consists in the fact that the previously mixed drilling mud waste, depending on its solid and liquid phase content, and their chemical composition, constantly stirring , the following components are added: fly ash containing up to 25% alumina and up to 48% calcium oxide, in an amount from 1 to 35% by weight in relation to the content of the liquid phase, 4% aqueous polyacrylamide solution, in an amount from 1 to 5 % by volume in relation to the liquid phase of the flake waste, Ca (OH) 2, FeS04x7H20, A12 (S04) 3 + Ca (OH) 2 in an amount from 0 to 10% by weight in relation to the phase liquid and gypsum, water glass, cement, urea resin in amounts from 0 to 10% by weight in relation to the liquid phase. The amount and type of components that adsorb and solidify the drilling mud waste is determined depending on the chemical composition, pH and content the solid and liquid phases in this waste. Ca (OH) 3, FeSO4x7H20, Al2 (SO4) 3 4- Ca (OH) j are added to the fly ash when the amounts of CaO, Fe2O3 and Al2Os contained in the fly ash are insufficient for adsorption. The addition of gypsum, water glass, cement, urea resin depends on the content of chromium, oils and their alkalinity in the waste. 124 516124 516 The addition of a 4% aqueous solution of polyacrylamide has a constant waste water content of 11T, which means that even freshly fresh crobial rinse wastes do not disintegrate in the water, which is particularly advantageous in the case of rainfall waste occurring during the solidification treatment. According to the invention, the advantage of neutralizing drilling mud waste is the complete adsorption of toxic additives, so that they do not pose a threat to the environment. This method also makes it possible to easily remove the solidified mass and restore the site to its original state. Example 1. For mixed drilling mud waste with a density of 1.49 g / cm3 and a pH = 9.5, consisting of a solid phase of 22% by weight, water of 74% by weight and oil of 4% by weight, and containing the composition of 82.5% mg / l chromium, 17.2% g / l iron, add, with constant stirring, fly ash in the amount of 6.8% by weight, based on the liquid phase, hydrated lime in the amount of 1.4% by weight with respect to the liquid phase, 4% aqueous polyacrylamide solution in the amount of 3% by volume, in relation to the liquid phase, and cement in the amount of 1.3%, water glass in the amount of 2.7% by weight in relation to the liquid phase. adsorption occurs after 72 hours.Example II Drilling mud beds with a density of 1.17 g / cm3 and pH = 9.2 consisting of a solid phase of 9%, water - 90% and oil in the amount of 1% by weight, and containing 0.33 mg / l phenols and 33.3 mg / l of chromium, 10.0 g / l of iron, are added with constant stirring of fly ash in an amount of 22% by weight of the liquid phase, hydrated lime in an amount of 0.6% by weight of the phase liquid building gypsum in the amount of 5.5% by weight in relation to the liquid phase and 4% in water solution of polyacrylamide in the amount of 3.3% by volume in relation to the liquid phase. Solidification and adsorption takes 2 days. Example III. For mixed drilling mud waste, a density of 1.17 g / cm3 and a pH = 9.2, consisting of a solid phase of 15% by weight, water of 83% by weight and oil 2% by weight, and containing the composition of 250 mg / l phenols, 20 mg / l chromium, 50 mg / l lead and 10 g / l iron, add, with constant stirring, 4% by weight of fly ash, based on the liquid phase, 4% water solution of polyacrylamide , 3.2% by volume in relation to the liquid phase and water glass in the amount of 5% by weight in relation to the liquid phase. Solidification and adsorption takes 14 days. Example IV. For: and mixed drilling mud waste with a density of 1.17 g / cm3 and pH = 9.2, consisting of a solid phase of 15%, water - 83% and oil 2% and containing 20 mg / l chromium, 5 250 mg / l of phenols and 10.3 g / l of iron are added, while stirring continuously, 12.5% by weight of fly ash, based on the liquid phase, and 2.5% of the hygrated lime. by weight, based on the liquid phase, and a 4% aqueous solution of polyacrylamide in the amount of 2.5% by volume and with respect to the liquid phase. Solidification of the rinsing waste takes place after 3 days; adsorption after 24 hours. Example 5 For mixed drilling mud waste, density 1.17 g / cm3 and pH = 9.2, consisting of 15% solid phase, 83% water and oil 2% and containing 20 mg / l of chromium, mu, 250 mg / l of phenols and 10.3 g / l of iron are added while constantly stirring the fly ash in the amount of 17.5% by weight in relation to the liquid phase, 4 % aqueous solution of polyacrylamide 20 in the amount of 5% by volume in relation to the liquid phase and gypsum in the amount of 3.5% by weight in relation to the liquid phase. Solidification and adsorption after 2 days. Example VI. For mixed drilling pig waste with a density of 1.18 g / cm9 and pH = 9.2 consisting of 25 g of the solid phase in the amount of 9% and water - 90% and oil - 1%, and containing 33.3 mg / l of chromium, 10 g / l of iron and 1.25 mg / l of phenols are added while stirring constantly 35% by weight of fly ash in relation to the liquid phase and 4% aqueous solution of polyacrylamide in the amount of 1.85% by volume with respect to the liquid phase. Solidification and adsorption after 3 days. Patent claim A method of neutralization and solidification of drilling mud waste with the addition of lime, gypsum, cement, volatile ash, characterized in that it is used for pre-mixed mud waste depending on the content of the solid and liquid phase in the waste and their chemical composition, while constantly stirring, volatile ash is added, containing up to 25% alumina and up to 48% calcium oxide in an amount from 1 to 35% by weight in relation to the content liquid phase, 4% aqueous solution of polyacrylamide, from 1 to 5% by volume in relation to the content of the liquid phase Ca (OH) 2, FeSO4x7H20, 45 Ala (SO4) 3 + Ca (OH) and in amounts from 0 to 10% by weight of the liquid phase and gypsum, water glass, cement , urea resin in amounts from 0 to 10% by weight in relation to the liquid phase. LDD Zd 2, 2. 491/1400/84/48, n. 80 + 20 copies Price PLN 100 PL

Claims (2)

1. Zastrzezenie patentowe Sposób unieszkodliwiania i zestalania odpadów pluczki 35 wiertniczej z dodaniem wapna, gipsu, cementu, po¬ piolu lotnego, znamienny tym, ze do uprzednio wy¬ mieszanych odpadów pluczki wiertniczej w zaleznosci od zawartosci fazy stalej i fazy cieklej w odpadach oraz ich skladu chemicznego, stale mieszajac dodaje sie po- 40 piól lotny zawierajacy do 25% tlenku glinu i do 48% tlenku wapnia w ilosci od 1 do 35% wagowo w stosunku do zawartosci fazy cieklej, 4% roztwór wodny poliakry¬ loamidu, w ilosci od 1 do 5% objetosciowo w stosunku do zawartosci fazy cieklej Ca(OH)2, FeS04x7H20, 45 Ala (S04)3 + Ca(OH)a w ilosciach od 0 do 10% wagowo w stosunku do fazy cieklej oraz gips, szklo wodne, ce¬ ment, zywice mocznikowa w ilosciach od 0 do 10% wa¬ gowo w stosunku do fazy cieklej. LDD Z-d 2,1. Patent claim A method of neutralizing and solidifying drilling mud waste with the addition of lime, gypsum, cement, fly ash, characterized in that for the previously mixed drilling mud waste depending on the solid and liquid phase content in the waste and their of chemical composition, while stirring constantly, volatile ash is added, containing up to 25% of alumina and up to 48% of calcium oxide in the amount of 1 to 35% by weight in relation to the content of the liquid phase, 4% aqueous solution of polyacrylamide, in an amount from 1 to 5% by volume in relation to the content of the liquid phase Ca (OH) 2, FeS04x7H20, 45 Ala (S04) 3 + Ca (OH) and in amounts from 0 to 10% by weight in relation to the liquid phase and gypsum, water glass, ce ¬ ment, urea resin in amounts from 0 to 10% by weight with respect to the liquid phase. LDD Z-d 2, 2. 491/1400/84/48, n. 80+20 egz. Cena 100 zl PL2. 491/1400/84/48, no. 80 + 20 copies. Price PLN 100 PL
PL1978205681A 1978-03-30 1978-03-30 Method of rendering harmless and solidifying drilling fluid wastes PL124516B1 (en)

Priority Applications (4)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
PL1978205681A PL124516B1 (en) 1978-03-30 1978-03-30 Method of rendering harmless and solidifying drilling fluid wastes
SU792744198A SU743584A3 (en) 1978-03-30 1979-03-29 Method of treating wastes, mainly of drilling muds

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
PL1978205681A PL124516B1 (en) 1978-03-30 1978-03-30 Method of rendering harmless and solidifying drilling fluid wastes

Publications (2)

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PL205681A1 PL205681A1 (en) 1979-11-19
PL124516B1 true PL124516B1 (en) 1983-01-31



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PL1978205681A PL124516B1 (en) 1978-03-30 1978-03-30 Method of rendering harmless and solidifying drilling fluid wastes

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CN107021716A (en) * 2017-05-12 2017-08-08 上海理工大学 A kind of macromolecular mud curing agent and preparation method thereof

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RO76548A (en) 1982-04-12
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PL205681A1 (en) 1979-11-19
DD142656A5 (en) 1980-07-09

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