PL115248B2 - Protective and repair composition for thermal apparatuses,especially those lined with aluminosilicate articles - Google Patents

Protective and repair composition for thermal apparatuses,especially those lined with aluminosilicate articles Download PDF


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PL115248B2 PL21509479A PL21509479A PL115248B2 PL 115248 B2 PL115248 B2 PL 115248B2 PL 21509479 A PL21509479 A PL 21509479A PL 21509479 A PL21509479 A PL 21509479A PL 115248 B2 PL115248 B2 PL 115248B2
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Alfred Jonczyk
Stanislaw Slabon
Franciszek Szawica
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Radomskie Zaklady Materialow O
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Application filed by Radomskie Zaklady Materialow O filed Critical Radomskie Zaklady Materialow O
Priority to PL21509479A priority Critical patent/PL115248B2/en
Publication of PL215094A2 publication Critical patent/PL215094A2/xx
Publication of PL115248B2 publication Critical patent/PL115248B2/en



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Przedmiotem wynalazku jest masa ochronna i naprawcza przeznaczona do ochrony i naprawienia mu¬ rów ogniotrwalych wykonanych z wyrobów glinokrzemianowych oraz urzadzen wspólpracujacych z obiek¬ tami cieplnymi.Znana jest ogniotrwala masa ochronna miedzy innymi z patentu rosyjskiego Nr 407 860, zawierajaca nastepujace skladniki: wodny roztwór kwasnego fosforanu cynku w ilosci 30-60% wagowo, tlenek glinu w ilosci 10-25% wagowo, wodorotlenek glinu 1-12% wagowo, pigment nieorganiczny 1-3% wagowo, glina l-5% wagowo oraz antypiryt jak popiól, fluorek magnezu, mika—w ilosci 16-36% wagowo. Znana jest równiez masa naprawcza glinokrzemianowa z polskiego patentu Nr 101491,gdzie kruszywo ogniotrwaleJak palonka szamotowa, wysokoglinowa, mulitowa lub korund, o uziarnieniu 0-1, 0-3, 0-5mm, zawierajace 30-40% frakcji ponizej 0,5mm, lmm lub 2 mm dla uziamien kolejno 0-1, 0-3, 0-5 mm i 30-40% frakcji ponizej 0,1 mm — miesza sie z dodatkiem 5-10% wagowo gliny plastycznej i srodka chemicznie wiazacegow postaci siarczanu glinu w ilosci 5-10% wagowo lub 3-5% wagowo trójpolifosforanu sodu, albo heksameta- fosforanu sodu. Lepiszcze i gline homogenizuje sie wstepnie z frakcja pylowa kruszywa.Zadaniem wynalazku jest opracowanie takiego skladu masy, któraby w maksymalnym stopiu zapew¬ niala przedluzenie zywnotnosci i czasu eksploatacji obiektu cieplnego.Masa ochronna i naprawcza dla urzadzen cieplnych wedlug wynalazku sklada sie z kruszywa które stanowi glina palona o róznej zawartosci AI2O3, palonka wysokoglinowa, elektrokorundlub korund w ilosci 30-65% wagowo, lepiszcza który stanowi fosforan glinu lub fosforan glinowo-chromowy w ilosci 15-30% wagowo i z dodatków regulujacych czas wiazania oraz stabilizujacych czas spiekania masy, które stanowia techniczny tlenek glinu w ilosci 10-45% wagowo i gliny w ilosci 5-10%wagowo. Uzdatnienie kruszywa jest nastepujace: 0-0,2mm 40-55% wagowo, 0,2-0,5mm 5-10% wagowo, 0,5-2,0mm, 30-50% wagowo.Zastosowanie masy wedlug wynalazku zapobiega lub pozwala na naprawienie wszelkiego rodzaju uszkodzen mechanicznych, skutków korozji i innych niszczacych procesów chemicznych lub fizycznych w urzadzeniach cieplnych jak piece hartownicze, kotly, piece do wypalania materialów ogniotrwalych, suszar- niane i inne podobne oraz elementów z nimi wspólpracujacymi jak np. wózki pieców tunelowych. Masa ochronna dla pieca hartowniczego powinna byc stosowana wedlug przykladu III, a masa do naprawy gardzieli pieca suszarni obrotowej — wedlug przykladu IV.2 115248 Zastrzezenie patentowe Masa naprawcza i ochronna dla urzadzen cieplnych, szczególnie wymurowanych wyrobami glinokrze- mianowymi, znamienia tym, ze sklada sie z kruszywa, które stanowi: glina palona o róznej zawartosci AI2O3, paionka wysokoglinowa, elektrokorund lub korund w ilosci 30-65% wagowo, przy czym uziarnieniu kruszywa wynosi: 0-0,2mm 40-55% wagowo, OMSmm, 5-IOCJ wagowo, 0,5-lOmm, 30-50% wagowo. fosforanu glinu lub fosforanu glinowo-chromowego w ilosci 15-30*% wagowo, technicznego tleneku glinu w ilosci 10-45% wagowo i gliny w ilosci 5-10% wagowo.Przyklad I. Masa naprawcza dla pieca do wypalania materialów ogniotrwalych — elektrokorund — 40% wagowo uziarnienie: 0-0,2mm — 50% wagowo 0,2-0,5mm — 8% wagowo 0,5-2,0mm — 42% wagowo — techniczny tlenekglinu — 35% wagowo — glina surowaG1 — 5% wagowo — fosforanglinu — 15% wagowo — woda — 5% wagowo Mase naklada sie do grubosci warstwy 4-7 mm.Przyklad II. Masa ochronna dla pieca do wypalania materialów ogniotrwaKch. — elektrokorund — 40% wagowo uziarnienie: 0-0,2mm — 50% 0,2-0,5mm — 10% wagowo 0,5-1,0mm — 40% wagowo — techniczny tlenekglinu — 35% wagowo — glinaGl — 10% wagowo — fosforan glinowo-chromowy — 10% wagowo — woda — 5% wagowo Mase naklada sie przez narzucanie lub metoda torkretowania do warstwy 7mm.Przyklad III. Masa ochronna do konserwacji wózków pieców tunelowych. — pyl gliny palonej PG3 — 55% wagowo o uziarnieniu do 0,2mm — techniczny tlenekglinu — 15% wagowo — fosforan glinowo-chromowy — 15%-wagowo — woda — 15% wagowo Mase naklada sie przy pomocy pedzla.Przyklad IV.Masa ochronna do fartuchów wózków pieca tunelowego. — glina palonaPG-3 — 45% wagowo uziarnienie: 0-0,2mm — 45% wagowo 0,2-0,5mm — 10% wagowo 0,5-2,0mm — 45% wagowo — pyl gliny palonejPG-3 — 25% wagowo — techniczny tlenekglinu — 10% wagowo — fosforan glinowo-chromowy — 20% wagowo Prac, Poligraf. UP PRL. Naklad 120 egz.Cena 100 zl PLThe subject of the invention is a protective and repair mass intended for the protection and repair of refractory masonry made of aluminosilicate products and devices cooperating with thermal objects. A fireproof protective mass is known, inter alia, from the Russian patent No. 407 860, containing the following components: aqueous acidic solution zinc phosphate in the amount of 30-60% by weight, aluminum oxide in the amount of 10-25% by weight, aluminum hydroxide 1-12% by weight, inorganic pigment 1-3% by weight, clay 1-5% by weight and antipyrite such as ash, magnesium fluoride, mica - in an amount of 16-36% by weight. There is also known an aluminosilicate repair mass from the Polish patent No. 101491, where the refractory aggregate like fireclay, high alumina, mullite or corundum, with a grain size of 0-1, 0-3, 0-5 mm, containing 30-40% fractions below 0.5 mm, lmm or 2 mm for grains of 0-1, 0-3, 0-5 mm and 30-40% of the fraction below 0.1 mm - mixed with the addition of 5-10% by weight of plastic clay and a chemically binding agent in the form of aluminum sulphate in the amount 5-10 wt%, or 3-5 wt% sodium tripolyphosphate or sodium hexamethosphate. The binder and clay are initially homogenized with the dust fraction of the aggregate. The task of the invention is to develop such a composition of the mass that in the maximum degree would ensure the prolongation of the food and service life of the thermal object. The protective and repair mass for thermal devices according to the invention consists of aggregate which is clay. roasted with various Al2O3 content, high alumina, electrocorundum or corundum in the amount of 30-65% by weight, binder which is aluminum phosphate or aluminum-chromium phosphate in the amount of 15-30% by weight and additives regulating the setting time and stabilizing the sintering time of the mass, which are technical alumina in an amount of 10-45% by weight and clays in an amount of 5-10% by weight. Aggregate treatment is as follows: 0-0.2mm 40-55% by weight, 0.2-0.5mm 5-10% by weight, 0.5-2.0mm, 30-50% by weight. The use of the mass according to the invention prevents or allows for the repair of any kind of mechanical damage, the effects of corrosion and other destructive chemical or physical processes in thermal equipment such as quenching furnaces, boilers, furnaces for burning refractory materials, drying and other similar materials, and related components, such as tunnel kiln trucks. Protective mass for a quenching furnace should be used according to example III, and mass for repairing the throat of a rotary dryer furnace - according to example IV.2 115248 Patent claim A repair and protective mass for thermal devices, especially masonry with aluminosilicate products, characterized by the fact that it consists of from aggregate, which is: burnt clay with various Al2O3 content, high alumina, electrocorundum or corundum in the amount of 30-65% by weight, with the aggregate grain size being: 0-0.2mm 40-55% by weight, OMSmm, 5-IOCJ by weight , 0.5-10mm, 30-50% by weight. aluminum phosphate or aluminum-chromium phosphate in the amount of 15-30 *% by weight, technical aluminum oxide in the amount of 10-45% by weight and clay in the amount of 5-10% by weight. Example I. Repair mass for a furnace for firing refractory materials - aluminum oxide - 40% by weight grain size: 0-0.2mm - 50% by weight 0.2-0.5mm - 8% by weight 0.5-2.0mm - 42% by weight - technical alumina - 35% by weight - raw clay G1 - 5% by weight - aluminum phosphate - 15% by weight - water - 5% by weight The mass is applied to a layer thickness of 4-7 mm. Example II. Protective mass for a kiln for firing refractory materials. - aluminum oxide - 40% by weight grain size: 0-0.2mm - 50% 0.2-0.5mm - 10% by weight 0.5-1.0mm - 40% by weight - technical alumina - 35% by weight - aluminumGl - 10% by weight - aluminum chromium phosphate - 10% by weight - water - 5% by weight The mass is applied by throwing or gunning to the 7mm layer. Example III. Protective mass for the maintenance of tunnel kiln trucks. - PG3 burnt clay dust - 55% by weight with grain size up to 0.2mm - technical aluminum oxide - 15% by weight - aluminum-chromium phosphate - 15% - by weight - water - 15% by weight The mass is applied with a brush. Example IV. Protective mass for aprons of tunnel kiln trucks. - burnt clay PG-3 - 45% by weight grain size: 0-0.2mm - 45% by weight 0.2-0.5mm - 10% by weight 0.5-2.0mm - 45% by weight - dust of burnt clay PG-3 - 25 % by weight - technical aluminum oxide - 10% by weight - aluminum chromium phosphate - 20% by weight Prac, Poligraf. UP PRL. Mintage 120 copies Price PLN 100 PL

Claims (1)

1. Zastrzezenie patentowe Masa naprawcza i ochronna dla urzadzen cieplnych, szczególnie wymurowanych wyrobami glinokrze- mianowymi, znamienia tym, ze sklada sie z kruszywa, które stanowi: glina palona o róznej zawartosci AI2O3, paionka wysokoglinowa, elektrokorund lub korund w ilosci 30-65% wagowo, przy czym uziarnieniu kruszywa wynosi: 0-0,2mm 40-55% wagowo, OMSmm, 5-IOCJ wagowo, 0,5-lOmm, 30-50% wagowo. fosforanu glinu lub fosforanu glinowo-chromowego w ilosci 15-30*% wagowo, technicznego tleneku glinu w ilosci 10-45% wagowo i gliny w ilosci 5-10% wagowo. Przyklad I. Masa naprawcza dla pieca do wypalania materialów ogniotrwalych — elektrokorund — 40% wagowo uziarnienie: 0-0,2mm — 50% wagowo 0,2-0,5mm — 8% wagowo 0,5-2,0mm — 42% wagowo — techniczny tlenekglinu — 35% wagowo — glina surowaG1 — 5% wagowo — fosforanglinu — 15% wagowo — woda — 5% wagowo Mase naklada sie do grubosci warstwy 4-7 mm. Przyklad II. Masa ochronna dla pieca do wypalania materialów ogniotrwaKch. — elektrokorund — 40% wagowo uziarnienie: 0-0,2mm — 50% 0,2-0,5mm — 10% wagowo 0,5-1,0mm — 40% wagowo — techniczny tlenekglinu — 35% wagowo — glinaGl — 10% wagowo — fosforan glinowo-chromowy — 10% wagowo — woda — 5% wagowo Mase naklada sie przez narzucanie lub metoda torkretowania do warstwy 7mm. Przyklad III. Masa ochronna do konserwacji wózków pieców tunelowych. — pyl gliny palonej PG3 — 55% wagowo o uziarnieniu do 0,2mm — techniczny tlenekglinu — 15% wagowo — fosforan glinowo-chromowy — 15%-wagowo — woda — 15% wagowo Mase naklada sie przy pomocy pedzla. Przyklad IV.Masa ochronna do fartuchów wózków pieca tunelowego. — glina palonaPG-3 — 45% wagowo uziarnienie: 0-0,2mm — 45% wagowo 0,2-0,5mm — 10% wagowo 0,5-2,0mm — 45% wagowo — pyl gliny palonejPG-3 — 25% wagowo — techniczny tlenekglinu — 10% wagowo — fosforan glinowo-chromowy — 20% wagowo Prac, Poligraf. UP PRL. Naklad 120 egz. Cena 100 zl PL1. Patent claim A repair and protective mass for thermal devices, especially made of clay with silicate products, characterized by the fact that it consists of aggregate, which is: burnt clay with various Al2O3 content, high alumina, electrocorundum or corundum in the amount of 30-65% by weight, the aggregate grain size being: 0-0.2mm 40-55% by weight, OMSmm, 5-IOCJ by weight, 0.5-10mm, 30-50% by weight. aluminum phosphate or aluminum chromium phosphate at 15-30% by weight, technical aluminum oxide at 10-45% by weight, and clay at 5-10% by weight. Example I. Repair mass for a furnace for firing refractory materials - aluminum oxide - 40% by weight, grain size: 0-0.2mm - 50% by weight 0.2-0.5mm - 8% by weight 0.5-2.0mm - 42% by weight - technical alumina - 35% by weight - crude clay G1 - 5% by weight - aluminum phosphate - 15% by weight - water - 5% by weight. The mass is applied to a layer thickness of 4-7 mm. Example II. Protective mass for a kiln for firing refractory materials. - aluminum oxide - 40% by weight grain size: 0-0.2mm - 50% 0.2-0.5mm - 10% by weight 0.5-1.0mm - 40% by weight - technical alumina - 35% by weight - aluminumGl - 10% by weight - aluminum-chromium phosphate - 10% by weight - water - 5% by weight. The mass is applied by throwing or gunning to the 7mm layer. Example III. Protective mass for the maintenance of tunnel kiln trucks. - PG3 burnt clay dust - 55% by weight with grain size up to 0.2mm - technical aluminum oxide - 15% by weight - aluminum-chromium phosphate - 15% - by weight - water - 15% by weight. The mass is applied with a brush. Example IV Protective mass for aprons of tunnel kiln trucks. - burnt clay PG-3 - 45% by weight grain size: 0-0.2mm - 45% by weight 0.2-0.5mm - 10% by weight 0.5-2.0mm - 45% by weight - dust of burnt clay PG-3 - 25 % by weight - technical aluminum oxide - 10% by weight - aluminum chromium phosphate - 20% by weight Prac, Poligraf. UP PRL. Mintage 120 copies Price PLN 100 PL
PL21509479A 1979-04-20 1979-04-20 Protective and repair composition for thermal apparatuses,especially those lined with aluminosilicate articles PL115248B2 (en)

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PL21509479A PL115248B2 (en) 1979-04-20 1979-04-20 Protective and repair composition for thermal apparatuses,especially those lined with aluminosilicate articles

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PL21509479A PL115248B2 (en) 1979-04-20 1979-04-20 Protective and repair composition for thermal apparatuses,especially those lined with aluminosilicate articles

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PL215094A2 PL215094A2 (en) 1980-03-24
PL115248B2 true PL115248B2 (en) 1981-03-31



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PL21509479A PL115248B2 (en) 1979-04-20 1979-04-20 Protective and repair composition for thermal apparatuses,especially those lined with aluminosilicate articles

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PL215094A2 (en) 1980-03-24

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