OA21137A - Improvements in or relating to distribution of utilities. - Google Patents

Improvements in or relating to distribution of utilities. Download PDF


Publication number
OA21137A OA1202200113 OA21137A OA 21137 A OA21137 A OA 21137A OA 1202200113 OA1202200113 OA 1202200113 OA 21137 A OA21137 A OA 21137A
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metering device
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Paul Buettner
Joseph Luke FEARON
Thomas James HOWARTH
Kyle Stuart Reid MCINNES
Richard Charles Williams
Original Assignee
Bboxx Ltd
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Application filed by Bboxx Ltd filed Critical Bboxx Ltd
Publication of OA21137A publication Critical patent/OA21137A/en



A metering device for attaching to a container configured to store a fluid, the device comprising: a valve configured to control the amount of fluid dispensed from the container; a user interface comprising at least one control configured to operate the valve between an open position and a closed position; and a control circuit configured to set a threshold amount of the fluid to be dispensed from the container, wherein the control circuit is configured to override the user interface and close the valve when the threshold amount of fluid to be dispensed has been reached.


Background of the invention
This invention relates to improvements in or relating to a metering device, and in particular, to a metering device configured to control the flow of a fluid, such as Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), from a container, such as a gas canister. The invention also relates to a System configured to manage the installation, distribution, refilling and servicing of a plurality of such metering devices and associated gas cylinders or canisters.
Today, around 2.8 billion people lack access to ‘clean cooking’ and as a resuit, they rely on solid biomass fuels such as fire wood and charcoal and traditional cook stoves to cover their daily cooking needs. Generally the population growth in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is outpacing efforts in gaining access to modem cooking. If this trend continues, United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 7 of reaching universal energy access by 2030 will certainly not be reached.
The négative impacts of cooking dependency on solid biomass and traditional stoves are well known and manifold. They are highly polluting in terms of particular matter, CO2 and other pollutants, thus majorly contributing to global indoor and outdoor air pollution. The household air pollution caused by solid biomass cooking fuel burning is associated with close to 4 million deaths yearly, mainly women and children under 5 years old located in low-middle income 1 countries in Africa and Southeast Asia.
LPG is an efficient, clean and safe cooking fuel that has the potential to deliver substantial benefits for health, climate and environment when transitioning from solid biomass dependence. It is widely available across géographie régions in SSA. However, to date only 7% of SSA’s population is using LPG for cooking. A lack of cost comparison between LPG and fuelwood/charcoal cooking may discourage adoption of LPG. The relative costs are perceived higher for LPG compared to solid fuels which can be purchased on a daily basis in small amounts, whereas LPG users are obliged to purchase a 12-15kg canister which will provide sufficient gas for several weeks’ or even months’ requirements, but requiring a single up-front payment thus requiring savings strategies to avail disposable income at the moment of purchase. |T
It is against this background that the présent invention has arisen.
According to the présent invention there is provided a metering device for attaching to a container configured to store a fluid, the device comprising: a valve configured to control the amount of fluid dispensed from the container; a user interface comprising at least one control configured to operate the valve between an open position and a closed position; and a control 5 circuit configured to set a threshold amount of the fluid to be dispensed from the container, wherein the control circuit is configured to override the user interface and close the valve when the threshold amount of fluid to be dispensed has been reached.
The user interface enables the user to control the amount of fluid being dispensed and when the fluid is to be dispensed. \ I
The user interface may be a mechanical valve or switch which is directly operated by the user. Alternatively, the user interface may be an electronic valve or switch operated by a separate control, such as a button or touch screen, located on a user interface, which may comprise an LCD screen.
The amount of fluid dispensed may be measured using the mass of fluid dispensed. 15 Alternatively, the weight, volume, and/or pressure could be used to control the amount of fluid dispensed. Monitoring the flow rate may also be pursued to détermine the amount of fluid dispensed.
The amount of fluid in the container may further be determined by the time it would take for the container to empty, or drop below a predetermined threshold. This time may be predicted 20 based on a user’s usage patterns and history.
The threshold amounts of fluid available to the user may be determined by the amount of crédit a user has on an account, or by the amount of crédit a user has pre-paid for. Alternatively, the user may pay directly for the fluid, during use. In this case, the threshold amount may be a standard predetermined amount, or the total amount of fluid in the container.
The container may be of a standard size or may be available in a plurality of sizes.
The metering device may be operably connected to an output device, such as cooking equipment, which requires the fluid stored in the container.
The fluid may be dispensed in a plurality of discrète amounts.
Dispensing the fluid in a plurality of discrète amounts avoids waste as the fluid can remain in 30 the container until it is needed by the user.
The valve may be configured to enable a plurality of fluid flow rates.
Enabling a plurality of fluid flow rates allows the user to more accurately control the amount of fluid being dispensed. It also allows the user to alter the flow rate for each spécifie use of the fluid, for example a variety of different flow rates may be required when being used to cook different foods, or when using different output devices, such as a kettle or a stove.
The metering device may comprise a connectivity module configured to connect the control circuit to a central Processing unit.
Connection to a Central Processing Unit (CPU) via a connectivity module, which may comprise wireless networks, enables the device to be monitored remotely. The connectivity module also enables information to be collated and analysed for a plurality of metering devices. The CPU may send information to the metering device regarding thresholds limits.
The control circuit may be configured to monitor the amount of fluid being dispensed from the container. Alternatively, or in addition, the control circuit may be configured to monitor the rate of fluid being dispensed from the container.
Monitoring the amount of fluid being dispensed and/or the rate of fluid being dispensed enables an operative and/or CPU to predict when the user will run out of fluid and when replacement fluid will be required. The control circuit sends/receives information to/from the f central Processing unit via the connectivity module.
The amount of fluid dispensed is capped with the amount of fluid that the user has purchased. This amount is likely considerably smaller than the capacity of the container and therefore monitoring for available crédit is a much more dynamic activity than monitoring for the fluid running out.
The device may comprise a housing containing the metering device.
The housing encloses ail of the features of the metering device and protects them from the outside environment, such as rain, dust and the users. The housing may be sized according to the container or may be a standard size. Similarly, the connection between the housing and the container may be a universal connection or may vary depending on size and/or type of container used. The housing may be configured to tessellate with the inner surface of the neck of the container. In this context, the tessellation of the housing, whether it is provided as a single part or two or more parts, ensures that the entire neck of the canister is filled without either gaps or overlaps. This reduces the user’s access to the neck of the canister itself, reducing possibility of tampering by reducing access and also ensures that each of the housing sections can be removed separately as there is no overlap between them.
The housing may comprise a lockable collar configurée! to prevent the user from detaching the metering device from the container.
The lockable collar prevents the user from disconnecting the metering device from the container, and hence prevents the user from dispensing fluid that is not metered. The lock 5 may be electrical or mechanical, and may be operated by a key or pin code. The lock may be configured such that it can only be unlocked by an operative. In some embodiments, the lock can only be unlocked when the System has an action assigned to the operative to unlock the bunit, this needs to be confirmed by operative via connectivity initiated via an application on operative smart phone in vicinity of the unit, λ
A separate clip may be used to secure the cooking equipment to the metering device. This clip may prevent accidentai detachment of the cooking equipment but may be intentionally detached and reattached by the user. The attachment may be a resuit of a screw thread connection or bayonet type fitting, for example.
The device may comprise a battery configured to power the metering device.
The battery allows the metering device to be used by people without access to electricity. The battery may be rechargeable in-situ.
The battery may be détachable from the housing.
A détachable battery can be replaced without disconnecting the entire metering device from the container. The battery may be enclosed within the housing of the metering device.
Alternatively, the battery may be enclosed in a casing which is separate from the metering device housing, but that the metering device housing and battery casing tessellate and substantially fill the neck of the container. The battery casing may be removable from the metering device housing without removing the housing from the neck of the container. The battery cases may further be tamperproof locked. I
The device may comprise connectivity to enable the battery to be recharged.
The connectivity may be in the form of a socket, wire or lead that can be connected to a solar panel, for example, to enable recharging of the battery in-situ. The recharging of the battery in-situ may be carried out by the user, which reduces the frequency with which an operative may need to service the metering device.
The battery may comprise a lock configured to prevent the use from detaching the battery from the housing.
The lock may prevent the user from removing the battery, hence ensuring the metering device remains functional.
The battery lock may comprise a first tamper détection mechanism configured to detect whether the battery has been removed from the housing.
The first tamper détection mechanism may alert the CPU if the user removes the battery, for example, if the user tries to use the battery for another device or tries to shut down the metering device.
The metering device may comprise a second tamper détection mechanism configured to detect the présent of light within the housing.
Detecting tampering with the device ensures safety of the device and the user. The détection mechanism can also be used to alert an operative if the user attempts to steal fluid. The tamper détection mechanism may also alert the CPU if the user is trying to disconnect the metering device from the container by removing the lockable collar. The tamper détection mechanisms may be sensors configured to detect light in the housing, and hence détermine when the housing has been opened. Alternatively or additionally, a magnetic induction field mechanism connected using near field communications can also be used to detect tampering.
The metering device may comprise at least one sensor configured to monitor the air quality and/or température within the housing. In some embodiments, température and air quality sensors will only be operative when the device is in active mode (installed at the client). If the device is in transport or storage, these sensors will not be operative.
Monitoring the air quality and/or température within the housing can be used to detect leaks, potential hazards and/or may be used to detect tampering with the System.
The température sensor(s) may be configured to monitor the température of the fluid, container, housing, battery and/or electrical components within the metering device. The température sensor may be used to detect overheating of at least one of the aforementioned components, such as the battery. Detected overheating may lead to “safety shut off’ of the metering device, which causes the valve to close. Alternatively, “safety shut off’ may occur when the température of a component reaches a predetermined level dictated by the manufacturer or supplier of the component. For example, the “safety shut off’ threshold may be 60°C for a battery suited to this use. There may be a plurality of sensors and each sensor may hâve a different température limit.
Additionally, LPG in the canister is often cooler than air and therefore a decrease in température within the housing may also be used to detect leaks. The sensors may therefore be configured to detect a change in température away from a predetermined safe température.
At least one air quality sensor may be used to detect any safety adverse gas levels inside the housing. If gas is detected inside the housing, the “safety shut off” may be initiated via the control circuit and causes the valve to close. This may be an optional component for users/markets with higher safety requests.
Alternatively, an extemal air quality sensor may be used to monitor the quality of the air in the vicinityofthe metering device and/orcontainer. This maybe used during installation, servicing and/or everyday use of the device and may be used to detect leaks.
The device may further comprise a safety valve, wherein the safety valve is opérable between an open position and a closed position, wherein the valve is initially in the open position and wherein the closed position is configured to prevent the flow of fluid into the metering device.
The standard position for the safety valve is open. The safety valve enables the user to shut down the metering device manually in case of an emergency, hence reducing the risk of a hazard escalating. The safety valve may be directly connected to the container, to ensure the fluid does not enter the metering device when the safety valve is in the closed position.
The device may further comprise a memory configured to store data generated by the control circuit. The memory may be secure and encrypted.
The provision of a memory ensures that data is not lost in the event that the CPU or wireless network crashes. Monitoring ofthe device can continue and data may be uploaded to the CPU at a later date. The memory may store data such as fluid flow rate, amount of fluid in the container, amount of fluid available to the user (i.e. the threshold value) and/or time stamps of user interface activities. The memory may also store data such as amount of crédit the user has, State of charge of the battery, State of health of the battery, time to next service and/or the location of the metering device.
The user interface may be further configured to output one or more data stored in the memory. The functionality of the user interface may be augmented by connectivity with a technician device. When a technician is présent and has a Smart device enabled with a technician app, the connectivity between the microcontroller unit and the technician app can enable the user interface to provide additional information, including, but not limited to aggregated usage data, fault finding and debugging.
Outputting a sélection of the stored data can be used to notify the user of the stored information such as those previously listed. Displaying data, such as remaining fluid levels or crédit, may avoid unexpectedly running out of crédit or battery.
The fluid may be Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG). LPG can be used in developing countries as a fuel for cooking. Additionally, the container may be a gas canister.
The device and/or the gas cylinder may further comprise a GPS tracker.
A GPS tracker allows the supplier to détermine the exact location of the metering device or gas cylinder. if a GPS tracker is not included then the operative installing the device and/or changing the gas canister may be responsible for providing/confirming the location of the metering device. The metering device may be presumed to remain in a single location.
Furthermore, according to the présent invention there is provided a method for metering a fluid stored within a container, the container provided with a metering device comprising a valve configured to control the amountof fluid dispensed from the container, the method comprising: receiving payment for an amount of the fluid stored within the container; notifying the metering device of the amount of fluid purchased; unlocking the valve configured to control the amount fluid dispensed from the container; enabling a user to dispense the purchased amount of fluid from the container by operating a user interface comprising at least one control configured to open and close the valve, and wherein the metering device is configured to override the user interface and close the valve when the purchased amount of fluid has been dispensed.
The user interface enables the user to hâve control over the amount of fluid being dispensed and when the fluid is to be dispensed, without the need for a discrète volume tank. The user interface may be a mechanical control and/or switch or may be an electronic control operated via a button, which may be located on an LCD display/screen for example.
The payment may be received by mobile money, bank transfer, direct débit, standing order, cryptocurrency, cash or any other means of receiving imbursement for the fluid. The payment may be made by user or alternatively, the payment may be made, or contributed to, by a govemment subsidy, charity, supplier and/or friend/relative of the user.
The method may further comprise enabling the user to regulate the fluid being dispensed via the user interface. Regulating the fluid being dispensed may include controlling when the fluid is dispensed, via a binary ON/OFF functionality, and additionally using an analogue valve to control the flow rate at which the flow rate is dispensed. In particular, the purchased amount of gas can be dispensed in a plurality of discrète amounts.
Controlling the flow rate of the fluid being dispensed ensures that the fluid can be used in the most efficient and appropriate way by the user. The fluid flow rate may be adjusted using the first control of the user interface. Alternatively, the flow rate may be adjusted using a second control of the user interface.
Dispensing the fluid in a plurality of discrète amounts avoids waste as the fluid can remain in the container until needed.
The method may further comprise monitoring the characteristics of at least one of the metering device and the container.
Monitoring the characteristics may comprise monitoring at least one of: the amount of fluid 10 being dispensed, rate of fluid being dispensed, weight of the device, température, air quality and/or whether tampering has occurred. Monitoring such characteristics may be used to predict when the fluid may run out and/or any potential issues, hazards or leaks with the device.
Monitoring the fluid usage may also be used to prevent the user from dispensing more than 15 the purchased/threshold amount. It also can be used to inform the user of their remaining balance so they don’t run out unexpectedly.
Monitoring the température may comprise monitoring the température of the fluid, container, metering device and/or any components within the metering device.
Monitoring the air quality may comprise monitoring the air quality in the metering device and/or 20 in the vicinity of the device or container. I rMonitoring whether tampering has occurred may be carried out in the metering device and/or in the collar configured to connect the metering device to the container.
The method may further comprise outputting a change in at least one characteristic to the user via the user interface.
Outputting the change in characteristics may comprise at least one of: notifying the user of the amount of purchased fluid remaining; a température of a component of the device; the air quality in the device; the State of charge of the battery; identifying that tampering has been detected; estimated dispensing time remaining.
Notifying the user, via the user interface, about a change in any of the above characteristics 30 may resuit in the user shutting off the device before a serious issue occurs in order to prevent a risk or hazard from developing. It may also prevent the user from running out of fluid and/or crédit unexpectedly.
The method may further comprise sending a change in at least one characteristic to a central Processing unit.
Sending the change in characteristic to a CPU enables the external monitoring of a plurality of devices, which may be automated. This may enable the CPU to shut down the metering · device as soon as a safety issue occurs or even before it develops.
The method may further comprise detecting for fluid leaks in the vicinity of the metering System and/or container using an external leak détection unit.
An external leak détection unit may more effectively detect a fluid leak. The external unit may be more expensive and/or more sensitive to a leak and therefore may be more likely to successfully detect a leak. The external unit may be used during installation, servicing or everyday usage of the metering device.
An additional leak détection unit (external AC powered), installée! close to the output device, such as cooking equipment, may be connected to the meter device and lead to a “safety shut off” in case a leakage is detected. This may be an optional add-on for commercial users to add more safety to the area. For example, where cooking equipment is connected to the metering device and is located at a distance from the metering device wherein internai leak détection sensors may not detect a leak in the vicinity of the cooking equipment.
The method may comprise the metering device with any of the features and/or embodiments described herein.
Furthermore, according to the présent invention there is also provided a method for monitoring the characteristics of a plurality of devices, the method comprising: maintaining an inventory of each device’s characteristics, wherein the characteristics include the location of the device; monitoring the changes in one or more of the characteristics; detecting when a change in one or more of the characteristics of a first device is outside a predetermined range; determining a response time based on the change of characteristic detected; and deploying an operative within the determined response time to address the change in characteristic. k
The method may therefore be used to monitor a plurality of different devices, including metering Systems, batteries, cooking instruments, lighting meters, water, internet and entertainment devices configured to provide entertainment via satellite. However, the ίο characteristics of any device may be monitored. Monitoring multiple devices provides further opportunity to optimise logistics and to reduce the cost and time associated with device management. Consequently, the cost to the user reduces.
The method may comprise the step of determining a user’s payment history and/or consumption history. A prolonged period of timely payments enables a user to build a good réputation, or crédit score, which can be included in considération of a request by that user for further services.
Furthermore, the user’s payment history may be used to optimise user payments in order to reduce the likelihood of a user missing payments if multiple payments for different devices are due simultaneously. This assists the user with their repayment plans, thus reducing the likelihood of a default in payment. Although a brief payment default can be managed via shutting off access to the device, a longer default will necessitate an operative uninstalling a device.. Users who hâve multiple devices installée! may pay a single fee each day, week, month of year in order to pay for those devices. Consequently, the user has clearer sight of upcoming payments, thus reducing the chance of missing those payments.
The plurality of devices to be monitored may comprise a plurality of metering Systems.
Therefore, according to the présent invention there is also provided a method for monitoring the characteristics of a plurality of metering Systems each comprising a container and an associated metering device, the method comprising: maintaining an inventory of each metering System characteristics, wherein the characteristics include the location of the metering System; monitoring the changes in one or more of the characteristics; detecting when a change in one or more of the characteristics of a first metering System is outside a predetermined range; determining a response time based on the change of characteristic detected; and deploying an operative within the determined response time to address the change in characteristic.
When responding to a characteristic change, which may be referred to as servicing, the operative may address the change in characteristics by carrying out at least one of: replacing the container; refilling the container in-situ; replacing the battery; recharging the battery on site; recalibrating the metering System; recalibrating the sensors; testing for leaks.
Furthermore, the characteristics of a metering System may comprise a State of use, wherein the State of use détermines whether the metering System is: in storage, to be installed, in transportation, in use or to be uninstalled. Consequently, an operative may address the change in characteristics by carrying out any change of State of use, for example transport a device and associated metering System, store a device, refill a cylinder or canister with gas, install a metering System and associated gas cylinder at a user location or uninstallation and remove a metering System and associated gas cylinder.
Maintaining an inventory of the metering System characteristics, including locations, can help an operative to best service their assets. It enables the operative and/or CPU to détermine when a metering System requîtes a service, or when the next service is likely to be required, so that the metering Systems can remain active and functional.
More specifically, monitoring the rate of fluid being dispensed by a metering System can be used to optimise the servicing of a plurality of metering Systems. For example, a first metering System may comprise more fluid than the second metering System. However, the first metering System may hâve a higher rate of fluid being dispensed than the second metering System. In such a scénario, servicing of the first metering System may be prioritised, or take preference, over the second metering System. In effect, this estimation of rate of use increases the I efficiency of the servicing and replacement of the fluid containers, such as gas cylinders, beyond what would be obtainable via a simple threshold fill level as usage patterns may vary considerably between users and building up data on past user behaviour allows more detailed prédictions to be made about the predicted usage. Consequently, the method may optimise the service schedule of a plurality of metering Systems. This is particularly advantageous when a large number of metering Systems, such as 1,000, 5,000, 10,000, 100,000, 1,000,000 or more than 1,000,000 metering System are being monitored.
Furthermore, without an adéquate monitoring and service scheduling for each gas cylinder, each user may require at least three and possibly up to 10 gas cylinders to be in circulation for each user at any one time. The metering System is retained by the user and the service operative brings replacement gas cylinders as required. The System tracks each gas cylinder, via a QR code or other unique identifier, so that inefficiencies in the deployment of cylinders can be reduced. The number of cylinders in circulation per user accounts for those in transportation, storage, refilling and use. The number of metering Systems required to service each user correlates with the CAPEX of the System as a whole, which can be disproportionately high if three cylinders are required per user. However, optimisation of the monitoring and servicing schedule may reduce the required number of cylinders per user to two or even as low as 1.5 or even less
Deploying an operative within a suitable response time may reduce transportation and storage time, thus optimising the servicing of the gas cylinders. Consequently, there may be no more than 5, 3, 2.5, 2, 1.5, 1.2 or 1.1 gas cylinders per user in circulation.
The location of the metering System and each gas cylinder may be transmitted to the CPU by the operatïve. The operative may use an app on a mobile device to input the location of the metering System and each gas cylinder. Each metering System and each gas cylinder may comprise a Quick Response (QR) code. Scanning of the QR code using a mobile phone app 5 may update the location of the metering System and the gas cylinder on the CPU or into the data store, via the Processing circuitry, based on the location of the mobile phone. When a cylinder replacement takes place, and the operative scans the QR code on each of the metering device and the gas cylinder, this associâtes the gas cylinder with the metering device and confirms that the user at that location, is in now in possession of that cylinder in 10 association with their metering device. The app may be configured to détermine the location using the GPS of the mobile device. The location of the metering System may be updated during installation, and/or servicing of the metering System to ensure that the metering Systems can be serviced efficiently, and in good time, by the operative.
Alternatively, or in addition, the location of the cylinder may be continuously or periodically 15 monitored and/or updated by the GPS tracker. Moreover, the location of the cylinder may be updated, by an operative, technician, user or third party, during at least one of installation, transportation, storage, refilling and servicing. The location may be updated before and/or after each of these processes.
Alternatively, or in addition, the weight of the cylinder may be updated, by an operative, 20 technician, user or third party, during at least one of installation, transportation, storage, refilling and servicing. The weight may be updated before and/or after each of these processes. The weight may be determined using digital scales. The weight may be sent to the CPU, via the connectivity module or a mobile phone app, orto the data store via the Processing circuitry, before and after each of the aforementioned processes. The advantage of recording Ί the weight before and after the refilling is that the extent of the refill can be verified. This is especially important if the refilling action is undertaken by a third party supplier and therefore the validity of the fill should be verified.
Monitoring both the location and the weight of the cylinder before and after each Processing stage will enable the CPU to detect any time delays and/or unwanted variations in the fluid 30 volume or metering System location throughout the process. This may enable the CPU and/or an operative to identify any areas of the process that require optimising. The battery may be changed or recharged each time the container is changed. The battery life may be at least equal to the time predicted for a user to dispense ail the fluid from the container. Alternatively the battery life may be equal to twice the time predicted for a user to dispense ail the fluid from 35 the container.
The method may further comprise: identifying the metering Systems located in the vicinity of the first metering System; and notifying the operative of the characteristic changes in each of the metering System in the vicinity of the first metering System. The identification of metering Systems in the vicinity of the first metering System can either be achieved from the geolocation of the unit using the micro-controller unit of the first metering System to identify other metering Systems in the vicinity via a ping or propagation communication. Alternatively, or additionally, the data can be retrieved from the inventory noting where Systems hâve been installed in the vicinity of the first metering System. This data, however it is compiled, enables the operator to undertake intelligent route planning based on the location and level of need of intervention of neighbouring Systems.
Notifying the operator of characteristic changes in nearby metering System will enable the operator to détermine if multiple nearby services can be carried out in a single trip, hence increasing the efficiency of servicing a plurality of metering Systems. For example, when a certain number of containers in one area are below a certain gas level threshold, wherein the time left in canister is more important than actual gas left, the CPU, or an operative, may calculate the optimal time and route for the operative to replace the containers. The metering Systems in the vicinity of the first metering System may be the metering System located in the same Street, village, town, région and/or country.
The characteristics of the metering System comprise at least one of: the amount of fluid stored in the container; the rate of fluid being dispensed from the container; a température of at least one component of the metering System; the air quality in the metering System; whether tampering has occurred to the metering System; the State of charge of a battery configured to power the metering System.
Monitoring each of the above gives the following advantages: helps détermine when a container needs filling up/replacing; predict when a container needs filling up/replacing; helps detects safety issues/hazards; helps detects safety issues/hazards; helps detects safety issues/hazards and/or whether a user is trying to bypass the metering device or associated charges; helps prevent the metering device from running out of battery and hence the above Systems failing, respectively.
The CPU may be configured to triage between leaks and the rate of emptying of containers in order to détermine the appropriate response time and most appropriate route for an operative to take during servicing of the metering Systems.
The method may further comprise monitoring the live location of the metering System via GPS tracking.
Live monitoring may be used to détermine if the user has moved the metering System away from the location in which it was installed. This can help to prevent an operative from traveling to a metering System to be serviced and discovering that the System is no longer there.
The method may comprise the step of determining the location of at least one metering System installation or removal site. Consequently, the method may ensure that the installation, servicing and removal of ail metering Systems can be optimised. This significantly reduced the numberof opératives require in order to install, service and remove large numbers of metering Systems. -I
Furthermore according to the présent invention there is provided a System for managing the distribution of a fluid, wherein the fluid is stored in containers each container being provided with a metering device, the System comprising:
a plurality of metering devices each attached to a fluid container and each comprising:
X a valve configured to control the amount of fluid dispensed from the container;
a user interface comprising at least one control configured to open and close the valve;
a control circuit configured to set a threshold amount of the fluid to be dispensed from the container; and wherein the control circuit is configured to override the user interface and close the valve when the purchased amount of fluid has been dispensed;
a data store storing:
data relating to a plurality of users;
data relating to the plurality of metering devices;
data relating to a plurality of opératives;
Processing circuitry configured to:
receive payment from a user for an amount of the fluid stored within the container;
détermine from the data store, the identity of the metering device and container in possession of the user;
notify the metering device of the amount of fluid purchased;
instruct the unlocking of the valve configured to control the amount fluid dispensed from the container.
The data relating to each user can include the consumption history and their payment record. The payment record may further be constituted as a crédit score that may change over time in light of the user’s on going payment history. The data relating to each user will also include their location. The data relating to each user will also include the identity of the container, for example, the gas cylinder currently in their possession.
The data relating to each user can also include a mobile phone number through which the user can be contacted to inform them that an operative will be in the area to undertake various actions including servicing of metering Systems and cylinders. An SMS message can be sent to the user’s mobile phone to inform them that an operative will attend to change the cylinder in their possession.
The user’s mobile phone is also frequently the facilitator of the payments into the System. This may be via Mobile Money or other similar Systems. The inclusion of the user’s mobile phone number in the user’s data within the data store enables the payment to be correctly associated with the user.
The data relating to each metering device can include the current location of the metering device. It can also include the last known weight of the metering device and associated container, which correlates strongly with the fill level of the container. Each metering device is identified by a unique identifier which may be a QR code.
The data relating to each of the opératives can include their location, their task list and their qualification status. For example, if a number of users having a number of different products require servicing, such as gas cylinders, solar battery Systems and internet services, some opératives may only be qualified to service a subset of the products and therefore a different operative may be selected on the basis of the nature and extent of the tasks required.
The data store may further comprise data relating to a plurality of gas cylinders, cook stoves and other devices. Each device, for example each gas cylinder, will hâve a unique identifier such as a QR code. The data store includes data relating to each gas cylinder, identified by its unique identifier. The data may include the location of the gas cylinder and the weight of the gas cylinder, which correlates strongly to the fill level of the gas cylinder.
Ail of the data in the data store is configured to be updated with further data over time. In some aspects, later data is added to the existing data, such as where it relates to user payments and the historical data is helpful in generating a crédit status for that user. In some aspects, such as the location of a gas cylinder, only the most up to date data may be retained.
The invention will now be further and more particularly described, by way of example only, and with reference to the accompanying drawings.
Brief Description of the Figures
Figure 1 is a schematic of the metering System;
Figure 2 is the metering System;
Figure 3 is a method of receiving payment; and
Figure 4 is a method of monitoring the characteristics of a metering System.
Detailed Description of the Invention
Figure 1 shows a schematic of the metering System 20. The metering System 20, comprises a metering device 10 connected to a container 12. The container 12 is configured to store a fluid 18. The container 12 is a gas canister configured to store LPG. The metering device 10 comprises a housing 26 configured to contain ail the components of the metering device 10 and a safety valve 28 configured to enable a manual shut down of the device. The device further comprises a user interface 160, which comprises an LCD screen and a plurality of Controls 162 in the form of buttons. In one embodiment, the LCD screen may be touchscreen.
Figure 2 shows a flow diagram of the metering System 20 connected between and output device 16, such as cooking equipment, and a container 12 comprising a pressure regulator 14. The container 12 is configured to store a fluid 18. In one embodiment of the invention, the container 12 is a gas canister configured to store liquefied petroleum gas (LPG).
The metering device 10 comprises a valve 22 configured to operate between an open position configured to allow fluid 18 to flow from the container 12 and a closed position configured to prevent fluid 18 from flowing from the container 12. The metering device further comprises a gas flow meter 24 configured to control the flow rate of fluid 18 from the container 12 when the valve 22 is in the open position. In one embodiment of the invention, the gas valve 22 may be partially opened and hence enable a plurality of different fluid flow rates out of the container 12. The valve 22 and the flow regulator 24 may therefore be combined into a single component.
The metering device 10 is powered by a battery 30. In one embodiment, the battery is rechargeable and can be recharged in-situ, whilst connected to the container 12. Alternatively, the battery may be replaced and/or recharged away from the container. In yet another
Ί embodiment, the battery is non-rechargeable and may be replaced each time it runs out of power. The battery is located in a casing détachable from the housing 26, but configured to tessellate the housing such that the casing and housing fill the neck 13 of the container 12.
In a further embodiment, the metering device may be connect to a mains power supply, for example, a national, régional or other localised grid. This configuration will reduce the likelihood of power to the device being lost due to an empty battery and therefore data can continually be collected and gas can continually be metered effectively.
The metering device 10 further comprises a micro-control unit (MCU) 110.
The MCU comprises a control circuit 120 configured to set a threshold amount of the fluid 18 to be dispensed from the container 12.
The MCU also comprises a connectivity module 130 configured to connect the metering device 10 to a central Processing unit (CPU) 180 which includes Processing circuitry and a data store. The connectivity module comprises a Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) module configured to establish a connection between the MCU and the CPU and an embedded Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) 134 configured to activate communications between the MCU and the CPU.
The metering device may hâve firmware default configuration parameters (i.e. gas calibration factor, crédit type, conversion rate) but it may synchronize periodically, for example every hour, with the CPU to receive any pending configuration changes.
The MCU further comprises a flash memory 140 configured to store data generated and «1 received by the metering System 20. The flash memory 140 may be a memory chip, for example a 16Mb memory chip. The flash memory 140 is able to send the stored data to the CPU and receive data via the connectivity module 130. x
Data may be sent via a message, which may be a mobile originated (MO) message (i.e. from the metering device to the CPU). MO messages may be: device status report (firmware version); current parts/peripheral connected to it (i.e. type of flow meter, battery, etc.); telemetry data (battery voltage, canister level, flow rate, event logs, etc) and/or request for synchronization with the CPU.
Alternatively, message may be mobile terminated (MT) messages (i.e. from the CPU to the metering device). MT messages may be: parameter/configuration change; request for synchronization with device; send command (i.e. reset).
When a control circuit is created in the factory, a serial number will be generated in a database and the CPU will be expecting messages coming from that end point. The first time the metering device comprising the control circuit connects to the CPU, the CPU will pick up the time and keep an internai real time clock (RTC) in the micro-controller unit running. This RTC 5 will be use to generate the time-stamps for any MO message.
The metering device and CPU synchronize the configuration parameters when the metering device connects the first time and then periodically, for example every hour (MO). From this point, the metering device will operate normally, logging telemetry data, storing it into a file within a file System on the memory and sending it to the CPU every 1 hour, unless a manual 10 synchronization takes places from the CPU. An MT message can be generated at any point from the CPU to force a configuration change or just received the latest telemetry data from the metering device. +
Furthermore, the MCU comprises at least one sensor 150. In one embodiment, the MCU comprises at least one of an air quality sensor 152, a température sensor 154 and/or a temper 15 détection mechanism 156.
The air quality sensor 152 may comprise of a plurality of sensors and is configured to monitor the air quality inside the housing of the metering device 10. The sensor 152 monitors the compounds and/or molécules présent in the surrounding air to détermine if the fluid 18 may hâve leaked from inside the container 12 or the fluid channels through the metering device 10. 20 The leak may be identified when the fluid inside the container is detected to be présent, above a predetermined threshold, in the air within the housing. Alternatively, the sensor 152 may be configured to detect the presence of the fluid in the air in the vicinity of the metering System 20. The sensor may also detect if a volatile or potentially dangerous and/or hazardous compound or molécule is présent inside or within the vicinity of the metering System. A 25 détection of this sort may cause the metering device to alter, or prevent, a fluid flow from the container. As a resuit, a potential hazard or safety risk may be avoided.
The température sensor 154 may comprise of a plurality of sensors configured to monitor the température of at least one of: the air within metering device; a component within the metering device; the battery; the container and/or the air surrounding the container. A sudden or drastic 30 change in any one of the aforementioned températures away from a base température may be due to a potential hazard, malfunctlon and/or fluid leak and therefore the création of a potentially hazardous environment surrounding the container. As a resuit, the metering System may alter, or prevent, the flow of fluid from within the container.
The tamper détection mechanism 156 may comprise of a plurality of sensors and is configured to détermine if a user has tampered with the metering device 10, the container 12 and/or the connection there between. The tamper détection mechanism 156 may also detect if the user tampers with the connection between the metering System and the cooking equipment. One 5 tamper détection mechanism 156 is coupled to a collar 158 configured to secure the metering device 10 to the container 12 in a way that prevents a user from disconnecting the metering device from the container without alerting the tamper détection mechanism 156. The tamper détection mechanism(s) 156 are configured to produce an alert when light is detected above a predetermined threshold. The alert may therefore be activated if the housing of the device 10 is broken or opened, and the alert is configured to notify the CPU and/or produce an output via the MCU.
For example, the tamper détection mechanism may be a photo-transistor for ambient light. The photo-transistor may be connected to an ADC input in the micro-controller unit through in-house designed circuitry to be able to read an analogue voltage from 0V (dark) to 3.3V 15 (saturated bright). The resolution of the ADC may be of 12 bit and so the value may vary from 0 to 4095. To avoid false positive alerts, a number of samples may be taken and a filtering algorithm based on standard déviation may take place to discard unwanted readings.
Alternatively, or in addition, the tamper détection mechanism may be a surface mount limit switch operably connected to the control circuit. This connectivity may be achieved by 20 soldering the switch onto the PCB. After correct assembly of the housing this switch is pressed and the micro-controller unit is able to sense this via an input. The firmware expects this input to be normally active, and if this is not the case (i.e. tampering occurs), a software interrupt is generated and a tamper alert (event log) is sent to the CPU.
The MCU further comprises a user interface 160 configured to provide the user with control 25 over certain features of the invention. The user interface 160 comprises at least a first control 162, in the form of a button, configured to operate the valve 22 between an open position and a closed position. The user interface 160 may comprise a second button configured to control the flow meter 24, and hence the flow rate of fluid 18 from the container 12. As previously specified, the first and second button may be combined so that the valve 22 and flow meter 30 24 are controlled by a single button on the user interface 160. The user interface 160 further comprises an LCD display configured to présent information to a user. Such information may comprise: amount of fluid in the container; amount of purchased fluid in the container; State of charge of the battery; State of health of the battery; whether the valve is open or closed; flow rate of fluid when valve is open; air quality, température and/or tamper détection mechanism 35 alerts; and connectivity information with the CPU.
Figure 3 shows a method of receiving payment, wherein the metering system 20, comprising the metering device 10 locked on top of the container 12, makes use of machine-to-machine (M2M) connectivity, digital finance and mobile coverage. From the user’s perspective, the main objective of this metering system is to remove upfront cost of the container 12, output devices 16, such as cooking equipment, and fluid 18 bulk purchases by offering user’s to prepay for small amounts of fluid 18 over time according to their cash flow availability.
A user may use mobile money to top up crédit on their metering system 20 using the following steps:
1) The user makes a payment towards their metering system payment account through a mobile network operator (MNO) using mobile money via an unstructured supplementary service data (USSD) menu;
2) An instant payment notification is sent to a metering system payment service module located within the central Processing unit (CPU);
3) The metering system payment service module turns the payment into crédit based on the user’s contract and sends it to the machine-to-machine (M2M) service module;
4) The M2M service module sends crédit via mobile network operators (MNO) global system for mobile communications (GSM) network to the metering system; and
5) The metering system receives crédit and sends confirmation back to M2M service module.
In some embodiments of the invention, the user can use cash, chèques, bank transfer, direct débits, cryptocurrencies or any other suitable means to buy crédit. Users may also buy fluid directly whilst using the metering device, or buy the container and/or ail the fluid stored therein.
Any crédit data is stored in the internai memory of the micro-controller unit, for example in a 2048 bytes sector. A wear levelling technique may be implemented for memory endurance.
Further, when making payments through the USSD menu of the mobile money provider for the metering system payment account, the money is sent to the mobile network operators (MNOs) mobile money platform. This triggers a notification to metering system payment service module which is a module of user, operations and asset management platform. The platform adds this payment to the user contract and turns the payment into crédit according to defined business rules and market-based pricing models. The crédit is then sent to the metering system via the product management module. The newly sent crédit then reflects on the user interface 160 ofthe metering system 20 as added crédit to the current crédit balance.
The current crédit balance corresponds to the amount of purchased fluid. The user can then use this crédit to dispense the fluid 18 from the container 12.
A user may also pay a monthly rate over a period of time, such as 6-months, which results in the user owning the output device 16. Users can then continue to pay for fluid 18, such as LPG, on a pay-as-you-cook basis using mobile money. This allows the user to spend as little as 0.5USD to cook with LPG stored within a container 12 such as a gas canister. The price per kg LPG includes a premium to cover the costs of financing the gas inside the container 12, the container itself and the metering device 10 as well as the service cost of the metering System and the delivery and collection of the container during services.
From the fluid distributor perspective, with the described metering System, last mile distributors are able to offer consumer finance to fluid, such as LPG, user with reduced risk since users pre-pay for a certain amount of fluid. The flow of fluid stops when users run out of pre-paid crédit, which gives them an incentive to pay via mobile money for new cooking gas again. The unsold portion of the fluid inside the container, the container itself and the metering device may remain property of the distributor. This allows fluid, and more specifically LPG, distributors to explore new user segments that were not able to afford this modem cooking fuel before.
Figure 4 shows a method of monitoring the characteristics of a metering System. The metering System comprises a container 12 and a metering device 10, wherein the characteristics of the metering System are monitored using the following steps: h
1) The metering System sends information, such as System performance, container fluid lever level and user usage via the MNO GSM network to the M2M communication service module;
2) the M2M communication service module détermines whether a response is needed, such as maintenance or due container fluid level being low;
3) In cases where a response is required, the M2M communication service module sends an alert to technician action engine;
4) The technician action engine sends service information to a technician app via the GSM network; >_
5) A technician receives a service request via the technician app and confimns an action performance via app.
The M2M technology enables distributors to optimize logistics routes based on remotely monitored container fluid levels, e.g. once more than a critical number of containers are below a certain fluid level in a concentrated area a logistic route will be recommended by the CPU, or operative, reducing costs of servicing this area more frequently than necessary, hence 5 reducing overall transport costs.
Additionally, users will never be subjected to an empty fluid container since the fluid delivery service is coupled with automated operative actions. These are triggered through an enterprise resource planning (ERP) System when the metering System detects and 10 communicates via M2M that the container fluid level is low. Furthermore, safety checks and user éducation during installation and every service action performed by certified operative increases awareness on safety and adoption of fluids based cooking, such as LPG, over cooking with solid biomass.
Additionally, based on the collected data and the monitored container fluid levels, the user demand can be predicted to optimize stock planning and reduce working capital needs.

Claims (5)

1. A System for managing the distribution of a fluid, wherein the fluid is stored in containers each container being provided with a metering device, the System 5 comprising:
a plurality of metering devices each attached to a fluid container and each comprising:
a valve configured to control the amount of fluid dispensed from the container;
a user interface comprising at least one control configured to open and close 10 the valve;
a control circuit configured to set a threshold amount of the fluid to be dispensed from the container; and wherein the control circuit is configured to override the user interface and close the valve when the purchased amount of fluid has been dispensed;
15 a data store storing:
data relating to a plurality of users;
data relating to the plurality of metering devices;
data relating to a plurality of opératives;
Processing circuitry configured to:
20 receive payment from a user for an amount of the fluid stored within the container; 1 détermine from the data store, the identity of the metering device and । . container in possession of the user;
notify the metering device of the amount of fluid purchased;
25 instruct the unlocking of the valve configured to control the amount fluid dispensed from the container; and wherein the data relating to the plurality of metering devices includes a plurality of characteristics of each metering device, 30 wherein the processing circuitry is configured to:
receive data from the metering device;
compare received data with data previously provided and stored in the data store and to identify a change in one or more of the characteristics;
detect when a change in one or more of the characteristics of a first metering System is outside a predetermined range;
5 détermine a response time based on the change of characteristic detected; and select and deploy an operative within the determined response time to address the change in characteristic.
2. The System according to claim 1, wherein. the device is confïgured to dispense the 10 fluid in a plurality of discrète amounts.
3. The System according to claim 1 or claim 2, wherein the valve of the metering device is configured to enable a plurality of fluid flow rates.
15 4. The System according to any one of the preceding daims, wherein the device further comprises a connectivity module confïgured to connect the control circuit to the Processing circuitry and wherein the processing circuitry is further confïgured to receive data from the device and update the data store with the received data, h
20 5. The System according to any one of the preceding daims, wherein the control circuit of the device is confïgured to monitor the amount of fluid being dispensed from the container. ’ ’ । 6.. The System according to any one of the preceding daims, further comprising a
25 housing containing the metering device.
7. The System according to any one of the preceding daims, wherein the metering device further comprises a battery configured to power the metering device.
30 8. The System according to any one of the preceding daims, wherein the metering device further comprises a safety valve, wherein the safety valve is opérable between an open position and a closed position, wherein the valve is initially in the open position and wherein the closed position is configured to prevent the flow of fluid into the metering device.
9. The System according to any one of the preceding daims, wherein the metering device further comprises a memory configured to store data generated by the control circuit.
10. The System according to any one of the preceding daims, wherein the metering device further comprises a GPS tracker.
11. The System according to any one of the preceding daims, wherein the user interface 10 enables the user to regulate the rate of fluid being dispensed.
12. The System according to any one of the preceding daims, further comprising sending a change in at least one characteristic to the Processing circuitry which is further configured to receive data from the device and update the data store with the received
15 data.
13. The System according to any one of the preceding daims, further comprising an extemal leak détection unit configured to detect fluid leaks in the vicinity of the metering device and/or container.
14. The System according to any one of the preceding daims, further comprising: identifying other metering Systems located in the vicinity of the first metering System; and notifying the operative of the characteristic changes in each of the metering «
System in the vicinity of the first metering System.
15. The System according to any one of the preceding daims, wherein the characteristics of the metering System comprise at least one of:
1. the amount of fluid stored in the container;
2. a température of at least one component of the metering System;
3. the air quality in the metering System;
4. whether tampering has occurred to the metering System;
5. the state of charge of a battery configured to power the metering System.
OA1202200113 2019-03-23 2020-09-23 Improvements in or relating to distribution of utilities. OA21137A (en)

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GB1913698.5 2019-09-23

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OA21137A true OA21137A (en) 2024-02-02



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