OA20945A - Bacillus thuringiensis strain - Google Patents

Bacillus thuringiensis strain Download PDF


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OA20945A OA1202100571 OA20945A OA 20945 A OA20945 A OA 20945A OA 1202100571 OA1202100571 OA 1202100571 OA 20945 A OA20945 A OA 20945A
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Sanchez Javier Caballero
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Bioinsectis S.L
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Application filed by Bioinsectis S.L filed Critical Bioinsectis S.L
Publication of OA20945A publication Critical patent/OA20945A/en



The invention provides a novel B. thuringiensis {Bt) strain which does not produce beta-exotoxin and which exhibits insecticidal activity against Spodoptera frugiperda, an insect whose control is poor or ineffective with the currently market available Bt-based products. Thus, compositions based in this strain can be used as insecticides or for preparation of insecticides, being preferably that the composition used is a combination of spores and crystal proteins of the strain. The genome of the strain contains a combination of at least (6) different cry genes and at least (3) different Vip genes that has not been described for other Bt strains and that can be used to identify it.


The présent invention refers to the field of pest control, specifically to Bacillus thuringiensis pest control. More parti cul arl y, the invention refers to a novel bacterial strain of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), SVBS-I801, with proved insecticidal activity against Spodoptera frugiperda. The currently available Bt-based products in the market are either ineffective or poorly efficient in controlling Spodoptera frugiperda pests.
Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is an aérobic and Gram positive soil bacterium, which has been taxonomically classified in the Bacillus cereus group of bacteria thanks to iis spore forming ability in the absence of nutrients. Bt is known for synthetizing a wide variety of toxins, which target insect pests and other organisms that damage the cultivated plants and significantly reduce their production yield (http://www.lifesci.sussex.ac.uk/home/Neil_Crickinore/Bt/toxins2.html). Several Bt toxins are the result of the aggregation of proteins synthesized by the bacterium. This occurs during the sporulation phase and results in the formation of a parasporal body (crystal) that constitutes a differential characteristic of Bt compared to other species of the same taxonomie group. The crystal comprises ô-endotoxins Cry and Cyt, which are insect-targeted toxins and cytolytic proteins, respectively. The latter has a rather unspecific activity and it is only found în a few Bt strains. The crystal forming proteins contain disulfide bridges and hydrophobie bonds in their structure that render them protease-resistant. Consequently, these proteins can accumulate within the cytoplasm of Bt végétative cells and facilitate the release of highly concentrated active compounds once the sporulation phase has concluded.
Bt has been traditionaily regarded as an effective pest control agent for crops and storage products since its characterization. As a resuit, the past décades hâve witnessed an onset of sampling programs throughout the globe leadîng to the discovery of a wide variety of strains with differential insecticidal propertîes. Such mîcroorganisms were initially classified according to their flagellar antigen (Lecadet et al., 1999). However, it is now widely accepted that there is no link between the insecticidal propertîes of a certain strain and its antigen H type. Each Bt strain shows a unique toxicity pattern that dépends on the relative proportion of the toxins it produces. Some Bt strains may produce a thermostable secreted exotoxin or β-exotoxin that competes with ATP for the RNA polymerase binding site, therefore, making it toxic to a wide variety of species and preventing it from being used as an insecticide (Sebesta & Horskà, 1970).
Schnepf and Whiteley were the first to demonstrate the insecticidal properties of Bt crystals by cioning and expressing a cry gene in Escherichia coli (Schnepf and Whiteley, 1981 ). Ever since, many other cry and cyt genes hâve been proven to hâve spécifie insecticidal activity against însect species classified in the orders Lepidoptera (Baig et al., 2010), Diptera (Roh et al., 2010), Coleoptera (Lôpez-Pazos et al., 2010) and Hymenoptera (Shanna et al., 2008). Other phytophages like mites (Frankenhuyzen, 2009) and nematodes (Hu et al., 2010) are also susceptible to such Bt toxins.
There are some noteworthy toxin variants that do not integrate in Bt crystals but that also exhibît insecticidal properties of interest. Such is the case of proteins Cryl I, Vip (végétative insecticidal proteins) (Estruch et al., 1996) and Sip (secreted insecticidal proteins) (Donovan et al., 2006), which are secreted to the medium during végétative growth of the cells. Interestingly, ail toxin variants with described insecticidal activity (Cry, Cyt, Vip, Sip) are often encoded in in plasmids of around 40 kbp, although in some cases the corresponding genes may also be found in the cell chromosome.
Since Carozzi and colleagues (Carozzi et al., 1991) first întroduced the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) as a method for detecting Bt insecticidal genes, it has been the most widespread approach for classifying Bt collections until recent times (Cerôn et al. 1995; Ferrandis et al. 1999). However, recent advancements in high-throughput sequencing hâve made it possible to achieve a full genetic characterization of a certain Bt strain with a reasonable time/cost ratio. Knowledge of the full chromosomic and plasmidîc sequences of Bt strains allow the détection of the cluster of genes responsible for their insecticidal properties, which has often been used as a guideline for determining the hosts of such particular strains. Nonetheless, such an estimation results inaccurate since it does not take into considération the expression pattern of each gene that ultimately dictâtes the relative proportion of toxins found in the crystals or secreted to the medium.
The full list of available biocide genes is formed by more than 1000 different sequences (Crickmore, N. et al., 2018) and hâve been classified following Crickmore’s proposed standards (Crickmore et al. 1998), which are based on nucléotide and aminoacidic sequences. The way this classifying system Works is as follows: ail cry genes with the same number (eg. cryl) share an identity percentage of 45% or higher. If they also share the same capital letter (eg. crylA) then such identity inust be 78% or higher. Additionally, if followed by the same lower case letter (eg. crylAa), the identity between them is considered to be of at least 95%. Finally, to differentiate two genes that encode proteins with an identity of 95% or higher, an additional number may be added after the lower-case letter (eg. crylAal).
The number of described cry genes is consiantly growing, with some of them showing identîty percentages below 45% that depîct them as new candidates with potential unique insecticidal properties. As a resuit, the number of hosts that are susceptible to Bt toxins is significantly broadening, including new insect, mite and nematodes species. Although the interest of Bt is maînly targeted towards pest control, the discovery of new genes has made the finding of proteins of other fields of study possible. Such is the case of parasporins, a family of proteins with proven efficacy as antitumoral agents (Ohba et al 2009).
The first formulated product based on Bt was manufactured in France in 1938 and, during the 60s, a considérable amount of Bt industrial products were formulated and produced in the USA, URSS, France and Germany (Milner, 1994). In the 80s, the interest for Bt derived products increased dramatically since Chemical insecticides had already started to show flaws due to the appearance of résistant indîviduals among the insect populations. However, with the arrivai of synthetic pyrethroids such interest was soon lost. The increasing interest in replacing chemically synthesized insecticidal compounds by natural compounds or, even, by living organisms able to control pests that, at the same time, are not harmful for the crops and/or vertebrate animais such as humans, hâve led to a renovated interest in Bt-based products.
Today, knowledge of Bt divers!ty and its insecticidal gene distribution, thanks to sampling programs throughout the globe, portray this bacterium as a source for generating new insecticides. For these types of products to be used in developed countries they must adjust to the current régulations, which in most cases require the Bt strains to be β-exotoxin free. The reason for this is that such exotoxins display a rather unspecific wide range of action that may resuit harmful to other organisms, including humans (Sebesta y Horskâ, 1970).
Insecticidal characterization of Bt strains has been traditionally addressed by performing bioassays. However, due to their resource time consuming nature they hâve been partially replaced by the identification of cry genes through PCR. However, gene content may only be used as an estimate, as it does not show information on the amount of expression of each gene (Masson et al., 1998). Protein interactions within the crystal may also impact its insecticidal characteristics, so that mixtures of functionally diverse Cry and/or Cyt proteins can be more effective than expected (synergism) or less effective (antagonism) (Tabashnik, 1992); consequently, the toxîcity of a mixture of Bt proteins (and, usually, Bt strains produce a group of Cry proteins) cannot be predicted from the knowledge about indivîdual endotoxins (Hilbeck and Otto, 2015). Therefore, bioassays are still needed as a complementary source of information to fully characterize a Bt strain.
Thus, the search for novel Bt strains active against spécifie insect or nematode pests is hindered not only by the fact thaï each Bt strain shows a unique toxicity pattern that dépends on the toxins it produces, their relative proportion and the possible and unpredictable synergistic or antagonistic effects that might occur among the toxins produced, but also because Cry proteins with high degrees of homology might show important différences in specificity and functionality that make difficult to try to extrapolate its activity to predict the activity of homologous proteins that might be produced by other Bt strains, not being obvious that a Bt strain that produces a Cry protein very similar to another one might hâve activity against the same group of insects or the degree of activity that the homologous Cry protein might show when it is interacting with other Bt proteins in the mixture of proteins produced by a Bt strain.
An additional complication that makes the search and identification of Bt strains with high activity against a particular insect difficult and non obvious is that the available information about the activity and specificity of some Cry proteins or about the insecticidal potential of some already known Bt strains is incomplète, not supported by experimental data or based on assays and results expressed in units or relative to magnitudes different from those usually handled by those skilled in the art, thus reducing the utility and applicability of the published information.
For instance, in the particular case of the control of Spodoptera frugiperda, one can find several different publications referred to Bt strains that are said to hâve activity against 5. frugiperda without including assays that confirm it or including results expressed in units different from the standard units used for those skilled in the art to express insecticidal activity, makîng difficult to assess its degree of effectivity. One can also fmd publications reporting activity of some Cry proteins against S. frugiperda which are not based on assays against this lepidopteran or which are based on assays carried out with the individual proteins, which do not allow to infer the activity that the assayed protein might hâve when it is interacting with other proteins produced by a Bt strain or the différences in activity and specificity that might anse from changes in the amino acid sequence, even if a high degree of homology is maintained with regard to other Cry protein, as explained above.
The European patent application EP-0366397-A1, for instance, describes a Bt strain (PS814) which is said to hâve activity against lepidopteran pests. However, no assays of activity against S. frugiperda are shown. The strain comprises in its genome a gene with 100% identity and full overlap with the sequence of the gene known as crylEa7 (accession number AY894137 in the database btnomenclature, http://www.btnomenclature.info), which is presented in the document as a delta endotoxin gene which is active against lepidopteran pests, but there is no assay demonstrating any activity of the corresponding Cry protein against any insect pests at ail.
US application US2010/160231-A1 discloses compositions including coding sequences encoding for amino acid sequences that are said to correspond to pesticidal polypeptides, as well as methods for conferring pesticidal activity to bacteria and other cells and tissues, including seeds, The coding sequence of the delta-endotoxin named axmi-150 in particular, shows full overlap and 100% identity with the sequence of gene known as crylNbl (accession number KC156678 in the database btnomenclature, http://www.btnomenclature.info). Although the document includes a long list of insects that could be controlled by recombinant strains containing the gene or compositions comprising the polypeptide gene product, the insecticidal activity of proteinAXMl-150 is only assayed and shown against four pests, none of them being a member of the Spodoptera genus and partîcularly, none of them being S. frugiperda: European Corn Borer (Ostrima nubilalis}, Velvet Bean Caterpillar (Anticarsia gemmatalis), Diamondback Moth (Plutella xylostelld), Southwest Corn borer (Diatrella grandiosella).
Polanczyk and coworkers (Polanczyk et al., 2000) reported assays with several Bacillus thuringiensis strains against Spodoptera frugiperda. Figure 1 of said article shows the mortality rates of S. frugiperda for each of the tested strains. The strain with the best efficacy belongs to serovar aizawai, like the one présent in the commercial product Xentarî®. The results are presented as bacteria per volume unity (cells/ml), which dîffers from the otherwise standard units (micrograms/ml) for the préparation of the active ingrédient in commercial insecticides, what makes difficult to assess and compare the insecticidal capacity of such strain with that of the commercial insecticides currentïy on use. The data provided about the strain does not make obvious the search for alternative natural strains with better insecticidal capacity against S. frugiperda.
Capalbo and coworkers (Capalbo et al., 2001) discloses a method for fermentation of a Bt strain, Bt var. tolworthi which was previously described to be active against S. frugiperda. The fermentation is carried ont in solid-state, not in a liquid medium. No spécifie data about the strain itself, such as its cry gene content or proteins is shown. Assays about its effectiveness are included, showing 0.37 mg of biomass/mL as léthal concentration capable to kill 50% of the insects, the LC5q, but the methodology to déterminé such value is absent of the Material and Methods section of the document, which makes difficult to assess and compare the insecticidal activity of the strains with that of other Bt strains.
Barreto and coworkers (Barreto et al., 1999) discloses assays of the activity against S. frugiperda of Vip proteins of several Bt strain. The summary of the document mentions the striking différences among ail the described strains despite ail of them belonging to the saine serovar (Berliner). This highlights the difficulty of finding Bt strains with high activity against a spécifie species (eg. S, frugiperda) based only on genetic and molecular characteristics. In D5, the assayed supematants with higher activity are said to possibly contain β-exotoxins (see the end of the left column of page 680 and its continuation in the right column), a genetic feature that îs not desired for the object of the présent invention, since they are not applicable for bioinsecticides, and that is not présent in strain SBVS-1801. Throughout D5, there are no évidences showing linking the described strains to SBVS-1801, compositions obtained from its culture or its use as insecticide or for the préparation of insecticides.
Other different published documents describe individual delta-endotoxin proteins from Bt strains (either isolated therefrom or obtained by mutation of natural proteins) which are said to hâve a certain activity against S. frugiperda. However, most of said documents teaches or discusses information that is not complété or not corroborated by appropriate assays, which render them documents with reduced utility for the search of novel, and natural, Bt strains with high activity against S. frugiperda'. One skilled in the art will found that, for instance, some of the documents do not disclose experimental data from combinations of several Cry / Cyt proteins, therefore, missing the effects due to interactions between insecticidal proteins, which is what would occur if produced by a Bt strain in natural conditions, or that the protein concentrations that are used for the efficacy tests are not the ones produced by a natural Bt strain, which dépends on the culture conditions. It must be taken into account, as well, that the production of a spécifie polypeptide by a Bt strain does not impi y that the strain will generate a crystal with high activity against S. frugiperda. Some of the particular aspects of such documents are as foliows:
International patent application published as WO 2012/131495 A2 discloses several mutant polypeptides of a natural delta-endotoxin, Cry 1 Ab. The mutants derived from Cry 1 Ab are variants that contain amino acid substitutions. Such recombinant proteins show activity against Spodoptera frugiperda, some of them even higher than that of the natural polypeptide. Although the conditions in which the assays were performed are not well described, the experiments only involve protein Cry 1 Ab and its derived mutants as the active ingrédient. Thus, WO 2012/131495 lacks interaction assays between Cry proteins, which can hâve a dramatic effect on the overall insecticidal potency. Also, the concentrations used are artificial and therefore it is difficult to anticipate if they would be compatible with those produced from a Bt strain. Moreover, the only microorganisms mentioned in WO 2012/131495 are those transformed with the nucleic acids that encode the mutant polypeptides. Therefore, the mentioned international application is difficult to be considered as an appropriate source of information for identifying novel natural and alternative Bt strains with activity against S. frugiperda.
Chinese patent CN 103333230 B describes a delta-endotoxîn, CrylDa3, which is encoded by the DNA sequence that can be found in the btnomenclature database with the accession number HQ439784. Although the activity of CrylDa3 against small cabbage moth (Pieris brassicae) and beet armywonn (Spodoptera exigua) is addressed, other species of the genus Spodoptera are not mentioned, particularly not having any mention to S. frugiperda and the possible effects against it.
International Patent Application WO 95/04146 A2 discloses a gene (cryET4) and a protein (CryET4) with high identity with those of the gene known as cryljal (accession number L32019 in the btnomenclature database) and its corresponding encoded protein. Noteworthily, the first paragraph of page 5 highlights how Cry proteins with a high degree of identity can show quantitative!y different toxicities for individual insect species. A Bt strain transformed with the cryET4 gene is also described. Example 4 of WO 95/04146 A2 shows that the purified CryET4 protein shows activity against S. frugiperda. Nevertheless, the activity of the Bt strain wherefrom the gene was isolated and the crystal composition obtaîned after its fermentation are not addressed, an information that is crucial for determining if it constitutes a novel, natural and alternative Bt strain for controlling S. frugiperda.
US patent application US 2009/005306 discloses a Bt gene which encodes a protein, Cry2Adshi, with insecticida! activity against several insect pests. However, the results shown in Table 1 of the mentioned US application indicate that the protein is not active against S. frugiperda. This is further confirmed in Table 3 of Example 3, which indicates that “No Activity” was detected against fall armywonn (5. frugiperda). Moreover, the main object of the invention disclosed in said US applications appears to be the génération of transgenic plants expressing the genes disclosed in US 2009/005306 and not the identification of novel, natural Bt strains with high activity against S. frugiperda.
US patent application US 2018/127771 Al discloses several proteins derived from Bt strains with activity against the Asian Cytrus Psyllid {Diaphorina citri), abbreviated ACP, which belongs to a different order (Hemiptera) than S. frugiperda fLepidoptera). In fact, S. frugiperda is not even mentioned in the US patent application. Example 1 States that the overall goal of the study was to îdentify a Bt crystal toxin with toxicity against ACP. Moreover, the identified toxins are intended to be used to contre! plant y hemipteran insects through their implémentation in transgenic plants.
International Patent Application WO 2013/134734 A2 discloses two proteins with high identity with the proteins encoded b y the genes crylAb24 and cry Mal already mentioned. However, they are not the main object of the invention. WO 2013/134734 A2 focuses on polypeptides that resuit from the combination of several peptides, some of them with insecticidal properties, and the improvement of their expression in transgenic plants. Foliar bioassays related to the control of S. exigua are shown, carried out with a sprayed-dried powder containing peptides derîved from a Bt protein and an Inhibitor Cysteine Knot peptide. But S. frugiperda is simply mentioned as one of the insects whose control is of interest, without providing any assays against this species.
Thus, despite the genetic diversity found in Bt strains, but consistently with the difficulties of finding Bt strains with high activity against a spécifie species such as. S. frugiperda based oniy on genetic and molecular characteristics, commercially avaîlable bioinsecticides to control lepidopterans rely on just a few from serovars kurstaki and aizawaL As one of the most widespread products, Dipel®, utilizes an active ingrédient made from a combination of spores and crystal proteins from strain ABTS-351 (serovar kurstaki). Crystals produced by strain ABTS-351 comprise proteins CrylAa, CrylAb, CrylAc and Cry2Aa, which are found in a relative proportion that dépends on the composition of the medium and the growing conditions. Dipel®, as well as other commercial formulated products based on strain ABTS-351, are efficient for controlling a broad spectrum of larvae species belonging to the order Lepidoptera, including species from the Heliothis, Plutella and Lobesia genus. However, it is widely accepted that such products are poorly effective against insect species belonging to the genus Spodoptera, including S. frugiperda, S. littoralis, S. exigua, etc. Since these species damage crops with critical négative results for the economy, strain ABTS-1857 (serovar aizawai) was selected as a new source of insecticidal toxins. Xentari® is currently the most notorious commercial insecticide based on ABTS-1857 strain, carrying proteins CrylCa, CrylDa, CrylAa, and CrylAb. The first two proteins are the main responsible insecticidal agents for its effectiveness against Spodoptera species, although synergistic effects due to the presence of the other proteins cannot be discarded.
Despite the existence of Bt based products in the market, insect populations hâve already developed different degrees of résistance to them and the efforts in finding new Bt strains for pest control is on the rise. It is necessary to identify new Bt strains with greater insecticidal potency and wider host range. Specially for the purposes of the present invention, it would be particularly interesting if it were possible to find and identify a new Bt strain with împroved insecticidal activity against Spodoptera frugiperda. Preferably, the new Bt strain should be a natural strain, isolated from an en vironm entai sample. Also preferably, in order to facilitate the use of the strain, or of the products based on it, the new Bt strain should not expressed βexotoxin, to avoid the risk of cell mortality to a wide variety of species.
The présent invention provides a solution to such problem,
The présent invention refers to a novel strain of Bacillus thuringiensis (the straîn of B. thuringiensis of the présent invention), which is characterized by being the strain SVBS-1801 deposited in the Colecciôn Espanola de Cultivos Tipo (CECT) with the deposit reference number CECT 9753.
In a second aspect, the invention also refers to a method for preparing a mixture of spores and crystals ofthe B. thuringiensis strain of The présent invention, SBVS-1801, which comprises the steps of:
a) growing SBVS-1801 bacterîa until more than 95% of the bacterial cells hâve undergone sporulation, hâve lysed and released their crystals and spores to the culture medium;
b) purifying the crystals and spores by provoking their sédimentation from the culture medium where they are in suspension, preferably by centrifugation, and collecting the precipitate;
c) optionally, washing the precipitate with a protease inhibiting solution and provoking again the sédimentation of the crystals and spores;
d) storing the purified crystals and spores either:
a. at room température, after having lyophilized the precipitate obtained in step b) or c), or
b. at a température between -18°C and -20°C or lower, after having resuspended the precipitate obtained in b) or c) in water or in an aqueous solution.
In a third aspect, the invention relates to a method for obtaining purified crystals (parasporal crystals) of the B. thuringiensis strain of the présent invention, SVBS-1801, which method comprises the steps of:
i) washing a mixture of crystals and spores of SVBS-1801 with NaCl IM and centrifuging it at 9000g for 10 min., ii) collecting the pellet and resuspendîng it in PBS, iii) adding hexane to the suspension obtained in step ii) and vortexing it;
iv) centrifuging the suspension of iii) at 6000 g, 4°C, 10 min,
v) repeating steps ii) to iv) at least three times, vi) colleting the pellet of crystals obtained in v) and washing it three times in cold destilled water.
The mixture of crystals and spores used to obtain the purified crystals can be the mixture obtained after step b) or c) of the method for preparing a mixture of spores and crystals of the B. thuringiensis strain of the présent invention, SBVS-1801, which is the second aspect of the présent invention.
In a fourth aspect, the invention also refers to a composition which comprises at least one of the group of a) végétative cells, b) bacterial cells containing spores, c) spores, d) crystals (parasporal crystals), e) a mixture of spores, crystals and crystal proteins, f) at least one Cry protein not included in a crystal, g) at least a Vip protein, or combinations thereof, of the B. thuringiensis strain of the présent invention, in which composition, if no member of the group defined in a) to e) is présent, i) when at least a Cry protein is présent, at least protein CrylJallike (SEQ ID NO:8) is présent, and/or ii) ail three proteins of the group of ViplCal (SEQ ID NO:14), Vip2Acl (SEQ ID NO:16) and Vip3Af3 (SEQ ID NO: 18) will be présent in the composition. Such a composition is considered a composition of the présent invention. Optionally, in an embodiment compatible with any other one, the composition can also include, additionally, a portion of the supematant obtained after having performed steps a) and b) of the method for preparing a mixture of spores and crystals of the B. thuringiensis strain of the présent invention. Preferred embodiments of the composition of the invention are those where the composition comprises at least either: a) a mixture of spores and crystals; b) a mixture of spores, crystals and a portion of the supematant obtained by performing steps a) and b) the method of preparing a mixture of spores and crystals of strain SBVS-1801 which is an aspect of the présent invention; c) crystals; d) crystals and a portion of the supematant obtained by performing steps a) and b) the method of preparing a mixture of spores and crystals of strain SBVS-1801 which is an aspect of the présent invention. Preferred are, as well, those compositions which comprise at least a mixture of spores, crystals and crystal proteins of strain SBVS-1801 (which are typical components of the compositions used to préparé insecticides from the culture medium of a Bt strains). Also preferred are those compositions which comprise Cry proteins not included in crystals and wherein the composition comprises at least ail the Cry proteins of the group of SEQ ID NO:4 (CrylDa3), SEQ ID NO:6 (CryIEa7) and SEQ ID NO:8 (Cryl Jal-like), not being included in crystals. The compositions of the présent invention can also additionally comprise at least an agriculturally acceptable excipient.
Yet another aspect of the invention is the use of the Bacillus thuringiensis strain of the présent invention and or a composition of the présent invention as an insecticide or for the préparation of an insecticide. Preferably, it will be used for the control of insect pests of the species S. frugiperda. Also preferably, the composition will be used to protect plants from pests.
The plants can be maize plants, as in Example 8, or any other plant such as, for instance, cotton (another plant where S. fruglperda is the cause of important damages and where the use of transgenîc plants expressing Cry proteins has been donc before), rice, sorghum, sugarcane and others.
Another aspect of the invention is a method for the identification of the presence of a B. thuringiensis strain of the présent invention, which comprises a step where it is determined either
a) that the genome of the strain comprises:
i) at least a gene or DNA région whose sequence is selected of the group of SEQ ID NO: 1 or SEQ ID NO:7, or combinations thereof; and/or ii) at least ail the genes or DNA régions of the group of SEQ ID NO:1, SEQ ID NO:3, SEQ ID NO:5, SEQ ID NO:7, SEQ ID NO:9 and SEQ ID NO: 11, and/or iii) at least ail the genes or DNA régions of the group of SEQ ID NO: 13, SEQ ID NO: 15 or SEQ ID NO: 17, and/or iv) ail the genes or DNA régions of the group of SEQ ID NO:1, SEQ ID NO:3 SEQ ID NO:5, SEQ ID NO:7, SEQ ID NO:9, SEQ ID NO:11, SEQ ID NO: 13, SEQ ID NO: 15 and SEQ IDNO:17, or
b) that the strain expresses:
i) at least a polypeptide whose amino acid sequence is selected of the group of SEQ ID NO:2 or SEQ ID NO:8, or combinations thereof, and/or ii) at least ail the polypeptides of the group of polypeptides whose amino acid sequence is SEQ ID NO:2, SEQ ID NO:4, SEQ ID NO:6, SEQ ID NO:8, SEQ ID NO: 10 or SEQ ID NO:12, and/or iii)at least ail the polypeptides of the group of polypeptides whose amino acid sequence is SEQ ID NO: 14, SEQ ID NO: 16 or SEQ ID NO: 18.
iv)all the polypeptides of the group of polypeptides whose amino acid sequence is SEQ ID NO:2, SEQ ID NO:4, SEQ ID NO:6, SEQ ID NO:8, SEQ ID NO: 10, SEQ ID NO: 12, SEQ ID NO: 14, SEQ ID NO:16orSEQ ID NO: 18.
It can be also considered that an additional aspect of the présent invention is a DNA molécule of the invention, that is, a nucleic acid molécule comprising a nucléotide sequence selected from the group of:
a) a nucléotide sequence selected of the group of SEQ ID NO: 1 and SEQ ID NO:7;
b) a nucléotide sequence which encodes a polypeptide comprising an amino acid sequence of the group of SEQ ID NO:2 and SEQ ID NO: 8;
c) a nucléotide sequence which encodes a polypeptide having at least 99% of identity with an amino acid sequence of the group of SEQ ID NO:2 and SEQ ID NO:8 and which has pesticidal activity (for instance, nematocidal and/or insecticidal activity).
Consequently, it can be also consi dered that another aspect of the invention, closely linked to préviens one, is an expression vector comprising a DNA molécule of the invention.
In the same line, it can be also considered that another aspect is a recombinant virus, bacterium, flingus or yeast, a plant cell or a whole plant or a part of a plant, which comprises a DNA molécule of the invention. The DNA molécule will be preferably operatively linked to a promoter and, optionally, to one or more additional control éléments (such as an enhancer), and ît is integrated in its genome.
Figure 1. Morphology of SVBS-1801: A) végétative cells (VC); B) bacterial cells containing the fully formed spore and crystal just before cell lysis; and C) spores and crystals already released as a resuit ofthe lysis of the bacterial cell.
Figure 2. Resuits of the comparative analysis of the beta-exotoxin production by the positive control strain BT2 (strain Bt HD2) and the sample strain BT4 (SVBS-1801).
Figure 3. SDS PAGE of ABTS-351 (Dipel®), ABTS-1857 (Xentari®) and SVBS-1801 purified crystals (Lanes 2, 3 and 4, respectively). A molecular weight marker is included (lane 1).
Figure 4. Nucléotide sequence alignment ofthe SVBS-1801 crylAb24-like gene (Sbjct) and its most similar reference gene crylAb24 (Query).
Figure 5. Nucléotide sequence alignment of the SVBS-1801 crylJcil-like gene (Sbjct) and its most similar reference gene crylJal (Query).
Figure 6. Amino acidic sequence of the SVBS-1801 CrylAb24-like protein (Sbjct) and its most similar reference protein Cryl Ab24 (Query), where it can be observed that the reference protein CrylAb24 has 26 additional amino acids between the position 793 and 794 of the sequence ofthe SVBS-1801 Cryl Ab24-like protein sequence (SEQ ID NO:2)
Figure 7. Amino acidic sequence of the SVBS-1801 CrylJal-like protein (Sbjct) and its most similar reference protein CrylJal (Query).
Figure 8. Mortality percentages for S. frugiperda larvae collected 12, 24, or 36 hours after treatment with the ABTS-I857 and SVBS-1801 strains using 100 mg/L of the spore/crysta! mixture.
The présent invention is based on the finding, isolation and characterization of strain SVBS-1801 of B. thuringiensis, which has proven insecticidal activity against S. frugiperda larvae. It contains at least 6 cry genes and 3 vip genes, respectively.
Two of the cry genes found in this strain (those whose codîng sequences match SEQ ID NO:1 and SEQ ID NO:7, respectively) can be considered new genes which hâve not been previously isolated and sequenced, because they are not identical in their coding sequence to any known cry gene, so that the détermination of the presence in the genome of any one of said two genes or preferably both of them, can be used to identify a B. thuringiensis bacterium as a bacterium of this novel strain. However, their degree of identity with reference known genes, crylAb24 and crylJal, respectively, is high (98% in the first case and 94% in the second one), so that they hâve not been considered strict)y different genes and they hâve been named cryIAb24~like and crylJal-like, respectively.
The novel strain SVBS-1801 possesses a set of 6 cry genes and 3 vip genes different from those of other known varieties. Each of the mentioned sets of genes can be considered unique and characteristic of this novel strain, not having been described in other B. thuringiensis strains.
Thercfore, the détermination of the simultaneous presence of the set of 6 cry genes or of the 3 vip genes or, preferably, of the 9 genes, is useful to identify the strain and distinguish it from other Bt strains. Any method for identifying a B. thuringiensis strain which comprises the détermination of the presence of any (or both of them) of the genes of SEQ ID NO:1 and SEQ ID NO:7, and/or the simultaneous presence of the set of 6 cry genes of SEQ ID NO:1, SEQ ID NO:3, SEQ ID NO:5, SEQ ID NO:7, SEQ ID NO:9 and SEQ ID NO:1 1 and/or the simultaneous presence of the set of 3 vip genes of SEQ ID NO; 13, SEQ ID NO: 15 and SEQ ID NO: 17 or the simultaneous presence of the two set of genes, concluding that the strain is the B. thuringiensis strain SVBS-1801 if the mentioned genes for each alternative are présent, will be considered comprised within the scope of the présent invention and an aspect of it. The détection of the expression of at least one of the proteins encoded by SEQ ID NO:1 and SEQ ID NO:7, that is, the proteins of SEQ ID NO:2 and SEQ ID NO:8, respectively, can be also used to identify the SVBS-1801 strain. Analogously, the strain can be identified by determining the expression of the polypeptides encoded by the sets of genes mentioned above, that is, determining, and confirming, the expression of at least ail the polypeptides of the group of polypeptides whose amino acid sequence is SEQ ID NO:2, SEQ ID N 0:4, SEQ ID NO : 6, SEQ ID NO: 8, SEQ ID NO: 10 or SEQ ID NO: 12 (the set of Cry proteins encoded, respectively, by the set of genes of SEQ ID NO:t, SEQ ID NO:3, SEQ ID NO:5, SEQ ID NO;7, SEQ ID NO:9 and SEQ ID NO:il, whose simultaneous presence in a Bt genome is characteristic of the Bt strain of the present invention), and/or the expression of at least ail the polypeptides of the group of polypeptides whose amino acid sequence is SEQ ID NO:14, SEQ ID NO:16 or SEQ ID NO:18 (the set of Vip proteins encoded, respectively, by the set of genes of SEQ ID NO: 13, SEQ ID NO: 15 and SEQ ID NO: 17 whose simultaneous presence in a Bt genome is characteristic of the Bt strain of the présent invention) or ail the polypeptides of the group of polypeptides whose amino acid sequence is SEQ ID NO:2, SEQ ID NO:4, SEQ ID NO:6, SEQ ID NO:8, SEQ ID NO: 10, SEQ ID NO: 12, SEQ ID NO: 14, SEQ ID NO: 16 or SEQ ID NO: 18, can be used to identify the presence of the Bt strain SVBS-1801 of the présent invention.
As it is used in the present application, “identifying the presence” can be understood as detennining the presence of the Bt strain SVBS-1801 in a sample or identifying that a certain strain is the Bt strain SVBS-1801 of the present invention. As genes crylAb24-like and crylJallike are novel and different even from the most similar known genes (cryiAb24 and crylJal) and their simultaneous presence is the genome of a Bt strain has not been described previously, they can be also used to define the novel strain of the present invention particularly crylJal-like or the protein encoded by it, because it exhibits activity agaînst 5. frugiperda. As commented above, neither the simultaneous presence of the set of cry genes of SEQ ID NO:1, SEQ ID NO:3, SEQ ID NO:5, SEQ ID NO;7, SEQ ID NO:9 and SEQ ID NO: 11 nor the simultaneous presence of the set of vip genes of SEQ ID NO: 13, SEQ ID NO: 15 or SEQ ID NO: 17 hâve been previously reported for a Bt strain, so that any of such two set of genes, or the simultaneous presence in the genome of ail of them, can be used, too, to define the Bt strain of the present invention by means of features that are characteristic of said strain and that were not obvious or expected to fmd, particularly in a strain not created in a laboratory but isolated from an environmentai source. This comment of the utility for defming the strain by means of the spécifie combinations of cry and vip genes that can be found in about can be extended to the proteins encoded by the mentioned genes.
Strain SVBS-1801 which was deposited on Colecciôn Espanola de Cultivos Tipo (CECT) on 14 November 2018, and receîved the accession number: CECT 9753, is one aspect of the present invention.
Regarding the proteins encoded by the cry and/or vip genes found in the SVBS-1801 Bt strain, ail identified Cry proteins may be present in the crystal, while Vip proteins should be found în the supematant of the growth medium after being secreted during the growth phase.
It is noteworthy that the toxicity spectrum of this strain includes S. frugiperda, which is not satisfactorily controlled by the currently biological available products in the market. No prevîous knowledge indîcated that a strain showing the combination of genes mentioned above could hâve activity against 5. frugiperda, and, specially, there was no préviens knowledge indicating that a strain with such particular combination of genes could show higher activity against Spodoptera frugiperda than the strains used to préparé the commercial insecticides that 5 are currently used against this pest, as can be shown in the Examples below. And this is parti cul arly remarkable since the finding of Bt strains with higli activity against a spécifie species, based on genetic and molecular characteristics, is a difficult and unobvious task. As discussed above, such difficulties arise not only from the fact that Cry proteins with high homology might show different activities and specificities against pests, but also, and very 10 especially, because it is unpredictable which combinatorial effects might occur among the different toxins produced by a Bt strain, its type (synergistic or antagonistic), and the degree of influence that the combinatorial effects might hâve on the însecticidal activity of a Bt strain and its fermentation products. In fact, the présent application discloses synergistic effects among three of the Cry proteins produced by the SVBS-IS01, gîven rise to an increase of activity with 15 regard to the expected activity resulting from the simple combination of the activity of each one of said proteins, which is a combinatorial effect that was totally unexpected.
Thus, the présent invention provîdes a novel Bt strain, SVBS-1801, isolated from an environmental source and that lacks expression of β-exotoxin, that can be used in the control of Spodoptera frugiperda pests. Also encompassed by the invention are methods for preparing 20 compositions comprising mixture of crystals and spores of SVBS-1801 (the kind of compositions that are usually used to préparé commercial insecticides), methods for preparing purified crystals of the strain, compositions comprising different components produced by the strain or resulting from its growing: mixtures of crystals and spores where other components might be also présent such as Cry proteins not included in parasporal crystals, végétative bacteria 25 or Vip proteins, composition with Cry proteins not included in crystals, purified crystals or even composition with purified crystals or with a mixture of crystals and spores where a portion of the supematant obtained when the liquid culture medium of growing the strain is centrifüged to separate the crystals and spores from the liquid where the bacteria hâve been growing. The use of the strain, and the compositions comprising it or comprising éléments produced by the strain or 30 resulting from its growing in a liquid fermentation medium, as insecticides or for preparing insecticides, partîcularly against 5. frugiperda, are also encompassed by the scope of the présent invention.
This invention also covers the new genes of SEQ ID NO:t and SEQ ID NO:7, the proteins encoded by SEQ ID NO:1 and SEQ ID NO:7 (namely the proteins of SEQ ID NO:2 and
SEQ ID NO :8), and proteins comprising a polypeptide with at least a 99% of identity with SEQ ID NO:2 or SEQ ID NO:8 and with insecticidal properties. Also covered by the invention are ail mutant strains that may dérivé from SVBS-1801, particularly the recombinant bacterial strains obtained with the mentioned genes (that can be obtained, for instance, following the procedure described in Example 4) or, even, recombinant cells of yeasts, fiingi or even plant cells, as well as vectors that allow the expression of the mentioned proteins or the insertion of the genes of SEQ ID NO:1 or SEQ ID NO:7 in its genome, such as plasmids or recombinant viruses In the case of plant cells, the insertion not only of the gene of SEQ ID NO:7, but also of the gene of SEQ ID NO:3 and SEQ ID NO:5, or the introduction of expression vectors of ail the three genes, might be of interests, since the proteins expressed by said three genes hâve shown activity against S. frugiperda when tested separately, but they hâve also shown synergistic effects when tested in combination.
B. thuringiensis strain SVBS-1 801 présents the following characteristics:
Growth: B. thuringiensis SVBS-1801 grows preferably at 28-30°C in salt-rîch media such as the CCY medium described and used in Example 1 of the présent invention. In such conditions, spores germinate and produce a bipyramidal crystal that can be observed under an optical microscope (Fig. 1). When grown in solid media (CCY or Luria-Bertani (LB) broth, supplemented with agar), the morphology of the colonies is very similar to that of other Bt strains, rounded with an irregular edge and a waxy appearance. SVBS-1801 can be grown at an industrial scale when using in the appropriate media: salt-rich media such as the CCY medium and température conditions, which may vary between 15-45 °C, although the optimal range goes from 28 to 30°C. A continuous agitation (220 rpm, for instance) is also required.
Absence of exotoxin. As explained above, some Bt strains may produce a secreted exotoxin, B-exotoxin, which can impair the RNA polymerase and cause cell mortality to a wide variety of species and preventing the use of the strain, or product based on it, as an insecticide. As shown in Example 2, SVBS-1801 does not produce β-exotoxin during the fermentation process. For this reason, it is considered to hâve a wide and unspecific range of action.
Bt toxins/crystal proteins: The Cry proteins synthetized by the strain SVBS-1801 of the présent invention, aggregate and crystalize during the sporulation phase, giving rise to parasporal crystals, which are named simply “crystals” in the présent application. Their pattern of migration in SDS-PAGE gels can be described as two bands in close proximity to each other with an approximate weîght of 120-135 kDa (Cry 1 Ab, CryIDa3, CrylEa7 and CrylJal) (Fig. 3). Crystal proteins from the commercial products based on the strain ABTS-351 (Bt strain of serovar kurstaki), Dîpel®, (CrylAa, Cry 1 Ab, CrylAc y Cry2Aa) and on the ABTS-1857strain (Bt serovar aîzawaî), XenTari® (CrylAa, CrylAb, CrylCa, and CrylDa) migrate sîmilarly, with bands of a comparable weight to those of strain SVBS-1801 (130-135); however, the total pool of proteins produce unique migration patterns for each strain. It is known that Dipel additional!y générâtes a band of about 70-75 kDa that corresponds to protein Cry2Aa.
Insecticidal capacity. As mentioned above, it is noteworthy that SVBS-1801 crystal proteins are 5.7 and 1235.4 fbld more effective against S. frugiperda than their XenTari® and Dipel® counterparts, respectively, as indicated in the Examples of the présent application. Thus, products based on SVBS-1801 strain (that is, compositions comprising végétative cells, bacterîal cells containing spores, spores, crystals, Cry proteins or Vîp proteins, or combinations thereof), of SBVS-1801, can be used as an insecticide or for the préparation of insecticides. It is partîcularly preferred that the active ingrédient used to préparé such insecticide composition is a combination of spores and crystal proteins obtaîned after subjeetîng to a précipitation process (preferably, by centrifugation) the content of a culture (understanding as such the culture medium and the grown bacterîal cells, remains of lysed cells and bacterîal products such as spore, crystals, bacterîal proteins not forming part of crystals and other bacteria produced compounds) wherc SBVS-1801 bacteria hâve been grown until they hâve undergone sporulation, lysis and release of their crystals and spores, as in Example 1: the équivalent to the active ingrédients used for the préparation of Bt based commercial insecticide products such as Dipel® or Xetari®.
Such active ingrédient (AI) (strain SVBS-1801) and the mixture of crystals and spores usually included in its formulation, can be acquired as explained in Example 1 or by any analogous method. It is as aspect of the présent invention a method which comprises the steps of:
a) growing SBVS-1801 bacteria until more than 50% of the bacterîal cells hâve undergone sporulation, hâve lysed and released their crystals and spores to the culture medium;
b) purifying the crystals and spores by precipitating them from the culture medium in which they are in suspension, preferably b y centrifugation, and collecting the precipitate;
c) optionaliy, washing the precipitate with a protease inhibiting solution and provoking again the sédimentation of the crystals and spores;
d) storing the purified crystals and spores either:
a. at room température, after having iyophilized the precipitate obtaîned in step b) or c), or
b. at a température of the interval of -18°C to -20°C or lower, after having resuspended the precîpitate obtained in b) or c) in water or in an aqueous solution.
Such AI contains a mixture of crystals and spores that can be reformulated as a composition in the fonn of a concentrated liquid suspension or as a wettable powder, which composition can also contain one or more excipients or additives, particularly those commonly use in the agricultural field. Any of such refonnulated forms could be applied to the fields and can be used as an insecticide, preferably to protect plants. As commented above, it can be used to control pests, for example S. frugiperda.
But it is remarkable that one of the advantages of the strain SVBS-1801 is that the présent inventors hâve found that different compositions with different éléments produced by the strain SVBS-1801 of the présent invention also hâve activity against S. frugiperda, which observed activity, in some of the treatments, is even higher than the activity of the mixture of crystals and spores obtained by the method of the invention mentioned above. Adding a portion of the supernatant obtained by the same method to the mixture of crystals and spores gives rise to a signîficant increase in the activity, as it is shown by the LC50 value (see Table 5). The assays carried out with purified crystals, free of spores, aiso show an increase in activity with regard to the mixture of crystals and spores, which is even higher (lower values of LC50) when the crystals are mixed with the same supernatant. These results facilitaie the use of different compositions for the préparation of Aïs, each one with different components produced or derived from the strain SVBS-1801, namely: a) a mixture of spores and crystals; b) a mixture of spores, crystals and a portion of the supernatant obtained by performing steps a) and b) the method of preparing a mixture of spores and crystals of strain SBVS-1801 which is an aspect of the présent invention; c) crystals; d) crystals and a portion of the supernatant obtained by performing steps a) and b) the method of preparing a mixture of spores and crystals of strain SBVS-1801 which is an aspect of the présent invention.
The purified crystals can be prepared by the method used in Example 8, which is also an aspect of the invention, but also by any other method known by those skilled in the art, such as the ultracentrifugation on a sucrose gradient (Thomas and Ellar, 1983), which will usually be a discontinuous sucrose gradient (79-67%), where the crystal are trapped in the interphase and the spores can be collected from the pellet. A crystal préparation, or a composition comprising SBVS-1801 crystals, will be considered free, or essentially free, of spores if no spore is observed by confocal microscopy of samples of the préparation or composition, as described in Example 8 of the présent application, or when the presence of spores is checked by an analogous method.
When spores are not desired in the composition, the purification of the crystals can be replaced by the addition of a germicide. The germicide can also be added to compositions with purified crystals, in order to guarantee the absence of spores by elimînatîng any possible spore that might remain after the crystal purification. The absence of spores can be checked by inoculating dilutions of the suspension of purified crystals in nutritive agar plates and verifying that no colony grows, and, consequently, the crystals are completely free of spores and its purity is maximal. If added, the germicide will be preferably selected to be compatible with the ecological properties of the strain and compositions of the présent invention.
The results obtained in Ex ample 8, where both the mixture of spores and crystals and the purified crystals show activity against 5. frugiperda, indicates that it is possible to envision the préparation of mixtures of spores and crystals with different proportions of said éléments (such as, for example, 50:50 or 80:20 crystals:spores, or any other), beîng possible to use ail of them for the préparation of the active ingrédient of an insecticide. Thus, for instance, one must consider comprised within the présent invention those compositions with contains spores and crystals, where the crystals hâve been obtained by a method that give rise to crystals are not completely purified but they are only, for instance, 80% purified (or any other percentage such as 85%, 90% or 95% purified), so that the préparation will be, indeed, a mixture of crystals and spores also comprised within the scope of the présent invention.
Also in Example 8, but in section 8.3., assays about the toxicity of the individual Cry proteins synthesized by the strain of the présent invention are shown. In accordance with the results obtained (see Tables 6 and 7), the insecticidal activity of the parasporal crystals of the strain SVBS-1801 could be attributed to the Cry proteins CrylDa3, CrylEa? and CrylJal-like, which are toxic when tested individually against 5. frugiperda larvae. The activity of the protein CrylJal-like is remarkable, because it is encoded by one the genes disclosed in the présent application, cry Ual-like (SEQ ID NO:7), which shows certain différences with the already known gene crylJal, as discussed above. Particularly noteworthy is the fact that the assays carried out with a mixture of the three proteins show an increase of activity with regard to the same concentration of any of the three proteins, indicating a combinatorial synergistic effect in the mixture of the three proteins, that has been confirmed in the same section of Example 8. The identified synergistic effect was not expected from the teachîngs of previously published documents and supports that it was not expectable that a strain with the combination of genes of SVBS-1801 could hâve high activity against S. frugiperda, particularly against larvae, which activity is higher than that of the most potent commercial insecticide currently on use against this strain, Xentari (see Examples 9 to 11) and to that of the most potent strain described by
Capalbo et al. (2001), to the extent that the lack of explanation about the mcthodology used to measure the LCsq in the assays reported in that article allows a comparison.
The results found in the assays with Cry proteins make also possible to consider compositions comprising a mixture of proteins CrylDa3, CrylEa7 and CrylJal-like (SEQ ID NO:4, SEQ ID NO:6 and SEQ ID NO.8, respectively) as possible embodiments of the compositions of the présent invention, particularly if they are in equimolar proportions. Such compositions can also be of use as insecticides or for the préparation of insecticides against 5. frugiperda.
Insecticidal genes. As specified in Tables 2 and 3, the genome (chromosome + plasmids) of SVBS-1801 contains at least 6 different cry genes and 3 different vip genes, respectively. Two of the cry genes {crylAb24-like and crylJal-like) are not completely identical to the most similar reference genes whose coding sequence is publicly available, crylAb24 (GenBank accession number HQ439778) and crylJal (GenBank accession number L32019). Therefore, the détermination of the presence of at least one of said genes, which are different from other known Bt genes, might be enough to identify the strain SVBS-1801. To that aim, it is noteworthy that gene crylAb24-like présents a coding sequence (SEQ ID NO:1) 78 nucléotides shorter than the coding sequence of crylAb24 (see Fig. 4), which results in the protein encoded by crylAb24 being 26 amino acids longer between positions 793 and 794 of the polypeptide encoded by SEQ ID NO:1 (see the alignment of Fig. 6). Such différence in size and sequence, in addition to the presence of T instead of C in the position 906 of SEQ ID NO:1, can be useful to differentiate crylAb24-like from cryîAb24 (GenBank accession number HQ439778). Regardîng cryUal-like, as indicated in Figures 5 and 7, its coding sequence is identical in length to the coding sequence of crylJal (GenBank accession number HQ439784) but there are two different nucléotides between both sequences. The reference gene crylJal présents a T instead of a C in position 987 of SEQ ID NO:7 and a G instead of an A in position 2345 of SEQ ID NO:7, respectively. These are variations that can be used to differentiate the sequences belonging to strain SVBS-1801.
The identification of the SVBS-1801 strain can be done by detennining the presence of the set of six cry genes found in SVBS-1801 by the présent inventors, as indicated in Table 2 {crylAb24, crylDa3, crylEa7, crylJal, crylNbl, cry2Adl, or by the presence of the set of three vip genes found in SVBS-1801 by the présent inventors, as indicated in Table 3 (yiplCal, vip2Acl, νίρ3Αβ) or, more preferably, by the simultaneous presence of at least the nine insecticidal genes, the set of six cry genes and the set of three vip genes. The identification of the presence of the selected genes can be done as in Example 3, with a complété DNA sequencing, contig asseinbling and gene prédiction of the assembled contigs, or by any other method; analogously to the method used in Example 3, or by amplifying the gene fragments by PCR, as in Example 4, using for instance the same pairs of primers. The presence of a gene will require at least 95% of identity with the sequence of the gene in the database btnomenclature (http://www.btnomenclature.info, which database contains Bacillus thuringiensis genes that are also présent in Genbank and which can be accessed with the same accession number), as it might correspond but it will be preferred that, when gene crylAb24 or the gene crylJal is one of the genes used to îdentify a strain as the SVBS-1801 strain, the presence of gene crylAb24 or the gene crylJa is considered positive when the sequence of the correspondîng DNA fragment is thaï one of SEQ ID NO: 1 or that of SEQ ID NO:7, respectively, that is, the variants of said genes found in the strain SVBS-1801.
Genes and their uses. Strain SVBS-1801 may be used as a source of genes with a wide variety of applications in other fields like medicine, veterînary, biotechnology, etc. and they may be transferred, alongside their biological properties, to other organisms for different purposes. Thus, the genes whose codîng sequences are those of SEQ ID NO:1, SEQ ID NO:3, SEQ ID NO:5, SEQ ID NO:7, SEQ ID NO:9, SEQ ID NO:11, SEQ ID NO: 13, SEQ ID NO: 15 and SEQ ID NO: 17, are products of interest by themselves since they encode insecticidal proteins. Said genes (or the DNA fragments or régions where they are comprised) can be used, for instance, to obtain transgenic plants with insect résistance (analogously to the plants described in documents such as international patent application WO1995/024493 or United States application published as US20080016596A1) or nematode résistance (analogously to the plants described in documents such as international patent application WO2010/027793), for instance by using the techniques described in such documents, which are well known for those skilled in the art. The same DNA fragments or régions, can be used to obtain, for instance, non-human transgenic animais or recombinant cells (animal, plant, funga! or bacterîal cells), provided that they are part of a construct where they are operatively linked to the appropriate control éléments (promoters, enhancers...), depending on the conditions when they are desired to be expressed or, in the case of transgenic plants or animais, also depending on the tissues where their expression is desired. Such control éléments are well known by those skilled in the art. The construct can be integrated in the genome or, particularly for the case of bacterîal recombinant cells, can be part of an expression vector such as a plasmid, that can be introduced in the cell by methods well known by those skilled in the art. Such transformed cells or higher organisms can be useful to give rise to plants résistant to pest such as nematodes or insects (such as, for instance, insects of the
Spodoptera genus, like S. frugiperda) or can be used for any other purposes (medical, veterinary, research in general...).
Thus, it must be considered comprised within the scope of the invention any nucleic acid molécule comprising a fragment whose nucléotide sequence is: a) the sequence of any of the new genes of the présent invention (SEQ ID NO: 1 and SEQ ID NO:7), b) any nucléotide sequence which encodes a polypeptide comprising the amino acid sequence of any of the proteins encoded for the mentioned genes (the amino acid sequences of SEQ ID NO:2 and SEQ ID NO:8, which are the proteins of the présent invention), as well as the nucléotide sequences which also encodes proteins comprising a polypeptide fragment sequence of SEQ ID NO:2 or SEQ ID NO:8, but which are different from SEQ ID NO:1 and SEQ ID NO:7, due to the degeneratîve nature of the genetic code) or proteins comprising a polypeptide fragment which is similar as those of the présent invention in sequence and activity but that they cannot be classified as different proteins, that is: c) a nucléotide sequence which encodes a polypeptide having a sequence fragment of at least 98,5% (or at least 99%, 99,5%, 99,90%, 99,95% or 99,99%) of identity with the amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO:2 or at least 99,85% (or at least 99,90%, 99,95% or 99,99%) of identity with the amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO:8 and with pesticidal activity (insecticidal, nematocide, or both of them). The pesticidal activity can be shown by the polypeptide as such or by a cleavage form thereof, as happens usually with Cry proteins, whose insect toxic activity appears after tire protein is cleaved in two fragments in the insect gut.
Accordingly, the constructs containing any of such nucleic acid molécules of the invention and, particularly, the expression vectors (plasmids or recombinant viruses, for instance) where the nucleic acid molécules of the invention are operatively linked to a promoter and, optionally one or more control sequences, selected dependîng on the conditions where the protein is desired to be expressed and/or depending on the desired level of expression, are ail also contained in the scope of the présent invention.
Also part of the scope of the invention is any cell (bacterial, fungal, yeast, or plant cell) which comprises a nucleic acid molécule of the invention as a heterologous DNA fragment, or which comprises an expression vector thereof. The nucleic acid fragment can be integrated in the genome (or, in the case of bacteria, in the bacterial chromosome) or can be part of other nucleic acid éléments such as plasmids or non-integrative viruses. The bacterial cell can even corne from another B. thuringiensis strain, for instance one that does not naturally contain one or more of the genes of: SEQ ID NO:1, SEQ ID NO:3, SEQ ID NO:5, SEQ ID NO:7, SEQ ID NO:9, SEQ ID NO:11, SEQ ID NO: 13, SEQ ID NO: 15 or SEQ ID NO: 17 and whose insecticidal or nematocidal activity can be increased or modified by the expression of one or more of the proteins matching sequences SEQ ID NO.2 and SEQ ID NO:8. This may be achieved by transforming the strain with a cassette comprising a DNA fragment of SEQ ID NO:1 or SEQ ID NO:7 (or any other nucléotide sequence encoding the polypeptide of sequence SEQ ID NO:2 or SEQ ID NO:8) operatively linked to a promoter that allows the expression of the polypeptide in the strain, either constitutive!y or under selected conditions. Additionally, those recombinant B. thuringiensis cells which, after the modification of its genome (chromosome and plasmids included), contain at least one of the set of genes whose coding régions match sequences SEQ ID NO:1, SEQ ID NO:3, SEQ ID NO:5, SEQ ID NO:7, SEQ ID NO:9 and SEQ ID NO:Il or by SEQ ID NO:]3, SEQ ID NO: 15 and SEQ ID NO: 17, or both sets of genes, because it will hâve become a Bt strain with the characterizing genome of the strain SVBS-1801, are included in the présent invention.
Also consequently, any plant which comprises a DNA molécule of the invention will be comprised within the scope of the présent invention, particularly when the DNA molécule or fragment is part of a construct where it is operatively linked to one or more control éléments (promoters, enhancers, termination sequences...) which allow or facilitate the expression of the polypeptide encodcd b y the DNA molécule in one or more tissues of the plant or animal, constitutively or under certain conditions, including different rimes in the development process of the plant or animal. For transgenic plants, (as reviewed, for instance, by Shah et al., 2015) constitutive promoter such as the cauliflower mosaîc (CaMV) 35S are commonly used, but it could be also interesting to be able to restrict the expression of the desired transgenic gene by the use of inducibïe promoters^ such as the wound inducible promoter of tomato HMGR2 gene, the PR-la promoter (induced by pathogen infection and Chemical elicitors such as benzothiadiazole) or the maize In2-2 (inducible gene 2-2) promoter (which is induced by benzene sulfonamide safeners which act as herbicide tolérance increasing agroChemicals of plants). Other inducible éléments of interest can be the cis-acting regulatory sequences that spatially regulate the expression of genes at different parts, or the two upstream activating sequences encoded by the promoter of the phaseolin gene, UAS1 (-295 to -109) and OAS2 (-468 to -391). Besides, targeted expression to spécifie tissues is becoming more important for the future development of valueadded crops, so that promoters like the one of the ACC oxidase gene which, ranging from 21966 to 21159 bp from the start of transcription, is able to drive tipening-specific expression of a gene in fruits such as the tomato fruit, as it has been also reviewed by Shah et al., 2015.Other different promoters and control éléments can be found in the mentioned révision and in other documents available for those skilled in the art.
The invention will be now explained with further detail with the examples and drawings included below.
The following section provides examples that illustrate the procedures in which the invention may be applied to facilitate the industrial exploitation of SVBS-1801.
EXAMPLE 1.- Isolation and growing of Bt strain SVBS-1801
1.1.Isolation of the strain SVBS-1801
The SVBS-1801 strain was obtained from a sample of agricultural soil from the outskîrts of the city of Badajoz, used in the construction of the gardens of the urbanization Residencîal San Gabriel of this city. Said soil samples were collected in December 2016 and kept under réfrigération conditions (4°C) until the moment of processing (January 2017). To carry out the isolation and identification of the SVBS strain, samples were collected from the soil, after removing the first layer, mixed with distiiled water and heated at 70°C for 15 min. A volume (15 μΐ) of a ten-fold dilution was plated onto CCY medium and incubâted at 28°C for 72h. Positive Bt colonies were checked by phase contrast microscopy (Iriarte et al., 1998).
1.2. Growth in a culture medium that promptes sporulation
A sample of SVBS-1801 is grown in IL of CCY medium (Stewart et al., 1981). CCY is a minimum medium that promûtes sporulation, which ultimately leads to the formation of crystals and spores (Fig. 1). It is prepared by mixing buffer ingrédients (Solution 1) and carbon source ingrédients (Solution 2) in the appropriate proportions. Once the mix is complété, the medium is sterilized inside an autoclave and supplemented with 1ml of a previously filtered sait solution (Solution 3).
Table 1. CCY medium (Stewart et al., 1981)
Solution 1. Buffer solution, pH 7 (500 ml)
Solution 2. Carbon source ( 10 ml)
0.026 M
0.052 M
0.2 g
Casein hydrolysate 10g
Bacto casitone 10g
Yeast extract 4g
Glycerin 6 mi
Deionized H2O Up to 100 ml
lution 3. Salts solution (1 ml)
ZnCl2 0.05 M
MgCl2 · 6H2O 0.5 M
MnCl2 · 6H2O 0.01 M
CaCl2 2H2O 0.2 M
FeCfi 6H2O 0.05 M
HCl 1%
Bacterial growth is initiated by transferring 100 μΐ from a SVBS-1801 over night (ON) preinoculum to the CCY medium (1:1). Bacteria are grown at 30°C and 220 rpm for 48-72 h. The fermentation process concludes once 95% of the SVBS-1801 cells, which hâve undergone a sporulation process, lysate and release their crystal and spore. To verify that such stage has been achieved, 1 ml samples of the culture should be analyzed under an optical microscope.
To purify the crystal s and spores that hâve been produced, the contents of the culture are centrifuged, and the precipitate is then washed with a 10% solution of NaCl IM / EDTA 10 mM. Such solution is utilized to prevent proteases from degrading the protein crystals. Subsequently, the culture is again centrifuged, and the pellet is lyophilized and stored at room température until formulated or resuspended in KC1 10 mM (10 ml/1 initiai culture) and stored at -20°C.
EX AMPLE 2.- Characterization of strain SVBS-1801: Procedure to déterminé if s train SVBS-1801 produces β-exotoxin
To detennine if a particular Bt strain is β-exotoxin positive, the supematant of the growth medium should be analyzed. For this purpose, the procedure used by Hernandez et al., 2003, was used. Thus, a colony of Bt SVBS-1801 and HD-2 strains (used as a positive control) are grown in 10 ml of CCY at 30°C and 220 rpm for 48 h. Next, cultures are centrifuged at 9000xg for 10 min and their supematants transferred to new tubes and sterilized in an autoclave at 120°C and 1 atm for 20 min.
To detect the presence of β-exotoxîn an HPLC is performed. KH2PO4 (50 mM, pH 3), at a ilow rate of 2ml/min, constitutes the mobile phase and is fïltered alongside the sterilized supernatant through a nylon membrane of 0,45 pm. 20 μΐ of supematant are analyzed in a μBondapak C18 column at 25-30°C and 260 nm. If the β-exotoxin is present, two clear peaks îndicating its phosphorylated and dephosphorylated form should appear. In the present case, as shown in Figure 2, such peaks were not detected.
EXAMPLE 3.- Characterization of strain SVBS-1801: DNA extraction, sequence, and genomic sequence processîng
3.1. DNA extraction, sequence, and genomic sequence Processing
Total DNA of SVBS-1801 was isolated using the components and following the protocol for DNA isolation from Gram-positive bacteria supplied in the Wizard® Genomic DNA Purification Kit (Promega, Madison, WI, USA). The extracted DNA samples were used to préparé DNA libraries and subsequently were sequenced with Illumina NextSeq500 Sequencer in the Genomics Research Hub laboratory (Cardiff School of Biosciences, UK).
The analysis of the generated raw sequence data was carried out using CLC Genomics Workbench 10.1.1. Raw sequence data were quality filtered by removing low quality or ambiguous reads. Reads shorter than 50 bp were discarded. Reads were de novo assembled using a stringent criterion of an overlap of at least 95 bp of the read and 95% identîty. Gene prédiction on the assembled contigs was done using GeneMark.hmm prokaryotic 3.25. The predicted protein sequences obtained were compared using BLASTP to a database built from the Bt toxin lîst http://www.btnomenclature.info (Crickmore étal., 2018).
This bioinformatic analysis allowed the present inventors to identify the complété gene sequence of insecticidal genes. Regardless, some cry and vip gene fragments were identified, as described below.
3.2. Insecticidal genes identified
Table 2 includes a fui] list of ail cry gene fragments (coding sequences) identified in SVBS-1801, îndicating their degree of identîty (% id.) with closely related insecticidal genes previously described in: http://www.btnomenclature.info. The percentage of coverage of the identified sequences included in the comparison (% cov.), as well as the number of nucléotides (Ntd.) of the sequences identified in SVBS-1801 and the sequences present in the database are also indicated.
Table 2. SVBS-1801 cry gene content
SVBS-1801 Database
cry gene SEQ ID NO: Ntd % id. % COV. cry gene Ace. Num. Ntd
crylAb24-like 1 3456 98 100 crylAb24 HQ439778 3531
crylDaS 3 3492 100 100 crylDa3 HQ439784 3492
crylEa7 5 3516 100 100 crylEa 7 AY894137 3516
crylJal-like 7 3504 94 100 crylJal L32019 350
crylNbl 9 2016 100 100 crylNbl KC 156678 2031
cry 2 Ad 1 11 1902 100 100 Cry2Adl AF200816 1902
Database : http : //ww w .btnomenclature.info
Similarly, Table 3 contains a complété list of ail the vip or sip gene fragments identified in the SVBS-1801 strain, indicating their degree of identity with closely related insecticidal genes previously described in: http://www.btnomenclature.info.
Table 3. SVBS-1801 vip gene content
SVBS-1801 Database
cry gene SEQ ID NO: Ntd % id. % COV. cry gene Ace. Num. Ntd
vip 1 Cal 13 2327 100 100 vip 1 Cal AY245547 2327
vip2Acl 15 1388 100 100 vip2Acl AY245547 1388
vip3AJ3 17 2366 100 100 vip3Af3 HM117634 2367
* Database: http://www.btnomenclature.info
3.3. Molecular characteristics of SVBS-1801 insecticidal genes
Nucléotide sequences of SVBS-1801 cry genes were analyzed using BLAST (Altschul et al.,ï990) and the results showed that they presented their highest degree of identity with the genes crylAb24 (HQ439778), crylDa3 (HQ439784), crylEa7 (AY894137), cryl Jal (L32019), cryNbl (KC156678), and cry2Adl (AF200816) from previously described Bt straîns (http://www.btnomenclature.info). Analogously, SVBS-1801 vip gene sequences were found closer to previously characterized vip 1 Cal (AY245547), vip2Acl (AY245547), and vip3Afô (HM117634). As reflected in Tables 2 and 3, the percentage of identity was 100% except for the case of crylAb24 and crylJal, but the percentage of identity (near 95%) was high enough not to consider the SVBS-1801 genes crylAb24-like and crylJal-like different genes according to the usual rules of nomenclature used for B. thuringiensis genes..
EXAMPLE 4. - Cioning: PCR amplification of insecticidal cry genes
Spécifie oligonucleotide primer pairs, including restriction sites for cioning, were designed to amplify the Open Reading Frames (ORF) of crylAb24, crylDal, crylEa7, crylJal, crylNbl and cry 2 Ad 1 genes based on the sequencing results of the Bt strain. The sequences of 5 said primer pairs are indicated in Table 4 below, where the information in the second column indicates, for each primer, whether it is a forward (Fwd) or a reverse (Rev) primer and, also, the restriction enzyme intended to be used for cioning. The underlined fragment of each primer corresponds to the enzyme cleavage site.
Table 4: Primer pairs used for the amplification of the identified SVBS-1801 genes
cry gene Oligonucleotide sequence (5’-3’)
crylEa 7 Fwà-Sall Rev-Pael SEQ ID gtgtçgaçcagtaccaaattataagaactttgg NO: 23 SEQ ID GÇATGÇTTATTCCTCCATAAGGAGTAATTCCAC NO:24
DNA extracted from strain SVBS-1801 was used as template in a 50 μΐ of reaction mixture containing 10 μΐ reaction buffer 5x HF, 1 μΐ of dNTPs mixture 100 mM, 1 μΐ of each forward and reverse primer 10 μΜ, 0,5 U Phusion High-fidelity DNA polymerase (NEB) and
100 ng of total DNA. PCR cycling profiles were: 1 initial dénaturation cycle at 98 °C for 30 s, 30 amplification cycles of 98 °C for 10 s, 55 °C for 1 min and 72°C for 3 min and 30 s, followed by a final extension step at 72°C for 10 min in a C1000 Touch thermal cycler (Bio-Rad). The PCR products were analyzed by electrophoresis on a 1% agarose gel in TAE buffer (40 mM Tris, 20 mM acetic acid and 1 mM EDTA; pH 8) at 100 V for 30 min.
The PCR products corresponding to the crylAb, crylDa, crylEa, crylJa, crylNb and cry2Ad CDS were purified from the agarose gel with NucleoSpin Gel and PCR clean up kit (Macherey-Nagel Inc., Bethlehem, PA) and cloned bluntly into the pJET vector (CloneJET PCR Cioning Kit, Fermentas, Canada) to obtain the pJET-protoxin constructions (pJET-lAb, pJETlDa, pJET-lEa, pJET-Ι J a, pJET-lNb and p-JET-2Ad). Transformation of E. coli XLl-Blue was performed following a standard protocol (Sambrook et al., 1989) for recombinant plasmid production containing each of the cry gene CDS. Putative positive clones were checked by PCR in a 20 μΐ of reaction mixture containing 2 μΐ reaction buffer 10xNH4, 1 μΐ MgCh 50 mM, 1 μΐ of dNTPs mixture 100 mM, 1 μΐ of each forward and reverse primer 10 μΜ, and 0,2 μΐ of BioTaq Polymerse (Bioline). E. coli XLl-Blue cells harbourîng the pJET constructions were culttired in 5 ml LB broih supplemented with Ampicillin (100 mg/mL) at 37 °C and 200 rpm overnight. Recombinant plasmids were extracted with NucleoSpin plasmid kit (Macherey-Nagel Inc., Bethlehem, PA) according to manufacturées protocol and verified by sequencing using an intermediate forward primer for each gene and the reverse primer for the pJET vector (StabVîda, Caparica, Portugal). The cry gene nucléotide and protein sequences were aligned with those of toxîns available in the GenBank database using Geneîous R8. Figures 4 and 6 show the alignment of the sequences of the crylAb24~like and cryIAb24 genes and that of their corresponding protein sequences, respectively; analogously the alignment of the cry IJal-like and crylJal sequences is shown in Figure 5, while the alignment of their corresponding protein sequences is reflected in Figure 7.
Digestion of the recombinant pJET-protoxin constructions of Example 4 was performed with the corresponding combination of restriction enzymes (Thermo Scientific) and subséquent purification of digestion products, previously resolved in an agarose gel, was performed with NucleoSpin Gel and PCR clean up kit (Macherey-Nagel Inc., Bethlehem, PA). The expression pSTAB vector (Park et al., 1998), previously digested with the corresponding restriction enzymes, was used as receptor for the inserts using the Rapid DNA ligation kit (Thermo Scientific) to obtain recombinant plasmids with the pSTAB-protoxin constructions. E. coli XLlBlue cells were transformed with the ligation products, as described before, and putative positive clones were checked b y colony PCR before plasmid extraction. An acrystalliferous Bt strain, BMB171 (Li et al., 2000) was used as receptor in a transformation process perfomied according to previous authors (Cucarella et al., 2001). Putative positive clones were checked for protein production via colony PCR
EXAMPLE 5. - Protein Expression
The BMB171-protoxin constructions of Example 4 were cultured in 50 ml CCY medium supplemented with 20 pg/ml erythromycin in a rotary shaker set at 28°C and 200 rpm for twothree days, until sporulation and lysis of 95% of the cells was observed. Inclusion bodies were observed by phase contrast microscopy at xlOOO magnification. Spore and crystal mixtures were then centrîfuged at 9000g for 10 min at 4°C. Pellets were washed three tîmes in 1 M NaCl, six times in cold water and finally resupended in 10 mM KC1.
For protein quantification a volume (100 μΐ) of each recombinant protein was solubilized in 1000 μΐ of 50 mM Na2CO3 (pH 11.3) and 10 mM dithiothreitol (DTT) solution by gentle agitation during 2 h at 37 °C. Non-solubilized crystals were removed by centrifugation at 9000g for 10 min at 4 °C. An aliquot (500 μΐ) was used for protein quantification by Bradford assay (Bradford, 1976) (Bio-Rad) using bovine sérum albumin (BSA) as standard.
EXAMPLE 6,- Molecular weight of SVBS-1801 crystal proteins.
The molecular weight of crystal proteins is usually determined through SDS-PAGE (Laemmli, 1970). In order to do so, a purification of the crystal proteins must be carried out first. Purification may be achieved through different méthodologies, including the gradient method proposed by Thomas and Ellar, 1983. Once the crystal proteins are retrieved, a 10 μΐ aliquot is mixed with 5 μΐ of 30x Reducing Agent (1/10 of the volume) and 3xSDS Sample Buffer (1 volume) (New England Bioiabs) and denaturized at 100°C for 5 min. The mixture is then loaded into a 10% polyacrylamide gel and run for Ih at 36 mA. Next, the gel is stained using a solution of 50 % (v/v) éthanol, 10 % (v/v) acetic acid and 0,1 % Coomasie blue R 250.
As shown in Fig 3, SVBS-1801 présents two bands of about 130 and 133 kDa, which is the size corresponding to Cryl proteins. Cry2 proteins, in tum, hâve a size of 633 kDa. The absence of a band in the area corresponding to such size may indicate that protein Cry2Adl might not be expressed in the growing conditions used in Example 1.
EXAMPLE 7.- Procedure for obtaining SVBS-1801 active ingrédient (AI)
The AI may be obtaîned by growing strain SVBS-1801 in a medium that promûtes sporulation, such as CCY (Stewart et al., 1981), as in section 1.2 of Example 1. When 95% of the spore-forming bacteria! cells are naturally lysed, the contents of the medium are centrifugated. The resulting pellets should contain a mixture of spores and crystals that were released to the medium during the lysis of the sporulating cells. Concentration by physical dewratering may be done by using a continuous centrifuge operating at > 8.000 g to produce a slurry with a solid content of 12-15%, which slurry is the fermentation product with a 50-fold réduction in volume, where the mixtures of spores and crystals are more concentrated but which also includes a part of the liquid and bacterîal products comprised in the supematant. The supematant contains Vip3A proteins but not Cry proteins, since the only Cry proteins that are secreted to the medium are the Cryll; as genes cryII are absent of the genome of the strain SVBS-1801, the mentioned strain cannot synthesized Cryll proteins and they are absent of the supematant.
The centrifugation to obtain the slurry can be followed by either formulation and spray drying to a powder or by direct formulation into a flowable.
EXAMPLE 8,- Insecticidal propertîes of different préparations obtaîned from SVBS-1801 culture or proteins for neonate Spodoptera frugiperda larvae
8.1. Spodoptera frugiperda diet for SVBS-1801 active ingrédient toxicity assays in vivo
The standard diet, widely used for rearîng 5. frugiperda, is a modified version from the tobacco homworm diet of Hoffman and Lawson (1964).The diet is prepared as follows: ingrédients are added in a beaker and thoroughly mixed before being heat sterilized (121°C, 20 min). Antibiotics (streptomycin, chlortetracyclîne), a vitamin mixture, ascorbic acid and choline must be supplemented when the mixture has cooled to 50°C. The completed diets can be blended with a kitchen mixer. Finally, the diet is poured into stérile containers of 400 ml (17^10^2.5 cm) and allowed to solidify at room température.
8.2. Insecticidal propertîes of different bacteria! préparations obtaîned from the SVBS1801 whole culture for neonate Spodoptera frugiperda larvae
To détermine the concentratîon-mortalîty response, insects were treated with different bacterîal préparations obtaîned from the culture of the Bt strain SVBS-1801 (Table 5). Seven concentrations were prepared and tested for each treatment. The treatments were:
- As indicated in Example 7, an aqueous solution containing a spores and crystals (S + C) mixture which usually compose the active ingrédient of Bt-based products, so that seven concentrations of such aqueous solution were tested.
- Furthermore, préparations in presence of the supernatant were tested for possible interactions between the spores and crystals mixture and the secreted toxins that may be présent in the culture medium.
- Moreover, as the insecticidal toxicity of a Bt strain is mainly attributed to the delta endotoxins that make up the parasporal crystal, crystals were separated from spores and, after recovering the crystals, treatments containing purified crystals were tested to détermine their efficacy in absence of the spores.
- Besides, possible interactions between the purified crystals and the supernatant were evaluated
- Préparations containing spores, supernatant and mixtures of both, spores and supernatant, were also tested.
Préparation of treatments
For ail treatments, a total of seven concentrations, ranging from 0.3 to 300 ng/μΐ of insecticidal protein, were prepared from an aliquot previously quantified in order to détermine the toxicity of the Bt strain and different products of the strain itself or resulting from the strain culture.
Aqueous solutions of mixtures of spores and crystals (S+C). A total of seven concentrations, ranging from 0.3 to 300 ng/μΐ of insecticidal protein, were prepared from an aliquot previously quantified (Example 5) in order to détermine the toxicity of the Bt strain.
Mixtures of spores and crystals (S+C) with supernatant. The corresponding amount of spore and crystal mixture was centrifuged, and the resulting pellet was resuspended in supernatant. The same serial dilutions described for S+C treatment were tested.
Séparation of parasporal crystals from spores and préparation of treatments with purified crystals. A modified version of the protocol described by Mounsef et al 2014 was applied in order to obtain purified crystals from the samples. A volume (200 μΐ) of a spore and crystal mixture was washed three times with NaCl IM and centrifuged at 9000g for 10 min. Pellets were then resuspended in 900 μΐ PBS Ix and 100 μΐ of hexane were added. Tubes were vortexed for 1 min and centrifuged at 6000g, 4°C for 10 min. The supernatant was discarded and the resulting pellet was subjected to the same procedure at least three times. Crystals were washed three times in cold distilled water and absence of spores was checked by phase contrast microscopy at xlOOO magnification. Quantification of purified crystals was performed as described at the end of Example 5. Treatments containing the amount of purified crystals that corresponded to the concentrations of insecticidal proteins (0.3 to 300 ng/μΐ) oi the S+C serial dilutions were prepared.
Purified crystals in supematant. The possible interaction between the purified crystals and the supematant were evaluated by resuspending the corresponding amount of parasporal crystals, purified as explained in the previous paragraph, in supematant.
Purified suspension of spores. In order to obtain a purified suspension of spores a mixture of spore and crystal mixture was subjected to solubilîzation by adding a solution containing 50 mM Na2CO3 (pH 11.3) and 10 mM dithiothreitol (DTT) and by gentle agitation during 2 h at 37 °C. Solubilized crystals in the supematant were removed by centrifugation at 9000g for 10 min at 4 °C. This process was repeated five times. Absence of crystals was checked by phase contrast microscopy at xlOOO magnification. Purified spores were counted on a Petroff-Hausser chamber.
Spores in supematant. The different dilutions of the treatment were prepared from the purified spores obtained according to the previous paragraph by adding supematant.
Bioassay performance
Ail bîoassays, including those set up in section 8.3 below, were performed sprayîng the surface of the artificial diet with the corresponding bacterial préparation using groups of 28 individualized S. frugiperda newly hatched (<l 2 h) larvae. Toxicity experiments were replicated at least three tîmes on different days using independent préparations and maintained in a controlled environment chamber at 25 + 1 °C with a 16-h light/8-h dark cycle for 5 days and were checked for mortality. Concentration-mortality data were pooled and subjected to Probit régression analysis (Finney, 1971) in the POLO-PC program (Le Ora Software, 1987). Mean léthal concentration (LC50) values were consîdered to differ signîficantly if their 95% fiducial limits did not overlap.
The results of the concentration-mortality responses obtained for different préparations containing the spores and crystals mixture and the purified crystals, both in presence and absence of the effect provided by the supematant are shown in Table 5.
Table 5. Relative potency of the insecticidal activity of different bacterial préparations obtained from the culture of the Bt strain SVBS-1801, for newly hatched larvae of S. frugiperda.
Bt Treatment Slope ±SE Intercept LCso (ng/μΐ) 2 X (df) Relative Potency 95% F. L.
Lower Upper
S- C Mixture 1.56±0.13 3.67 7.16 7.40 (3) 1 - -
S+C Mixture + Supematant 1.61±0.15 4.23 2.99 6.21 (3) 2.39 1.72 3.33
Purified Crystals 1.48±0.15 4.28 3.05 4.31 (3) 2.34 1.64 3.34
Purified Crystals + supematant 1.02±0.22 4.48 0.25 1.56 (3) 28.19 7.27 109.31
The parameters corresponding to the régression lines obtained for the treatments in Table 5 demonstrate significant différences in the LC50 values for the spores and crystals mixture, being 2.39-fold more toxic in presence of the supematant. Purified crystals are significantly more active in absence of spores, suggesting that an adverse effect takes place when inoculated together. However, a synergistic effect is evidenced when the purified crystals are combined with the supematant, reporting a 28.19-fold more potent treatment when compared to aqueous préparations of spores and crystals mixtures.
No activity was reported for bacterial préparations containing spores, supematant or combinations of both.
8.3. Insecticidal properties of SVBS-1801 Cry proteins for neonate Spodoptera frugiperda larvae As commented above, the insecticidal toxicity of a Bt strain is mainly attributed to the delta endotoxins that make up the parasporal crystal. But not ail of them show activity or the same degree of activity against a particular insect. Thus, single concentration (100 ng/μΐ) bioassays were performed in order to détermine the activity of single proteins contained in the parasporal crystal, followîng the same methodology described in Section 8.2. Protein Cry2Adl was not included in the assay due to the results obtained in the SDS-PAGE assay of Example 6, which appear to indicate that the protein could not be expressed in the bacterial growing conditions used in Example 1 ofthe présent application.
Table 6 shows the individual activity of each individual Cry protein when administered at a single concentration of insecticidal protein (100 ng/μΐ). It demonstrates that oui of five proteins the insecticidal activity of the parasporal crystal should be attributed to CrylDa3, CrylEa7 and CrylJal-like, due to the lack of activity of CrylAbl and CrylNbl for newly hatched S. frugiperda larvae.
Table 6. Toxîcîty of individual proteins for newly hatched larvae of S. frugiperda.
Recombinant Protein Toxic/Not toxic (100 ng/μΐ)
Cryl Ab24-like Not toxic
CrylDa3 Toxic
CrylEa7 Toxîc
Cryl Jal-like Toxic
CrylNbl Not toxic
Subsequently, toxîc proteins were further evaluated and mean léthal concentrations (LC50) were estimated. Finally, protein interactions were evaluated by testing a mixture 5 containîng equimolar concentrations of the previous recombinant proteins.
Table 7 shows the parameters corresponding to the régression lines obtained for the three reported toxic proteins (CrylDa3, CrylEa7 and Cryl Jal-like) when evaluated individually and in an equimolar mixture containing ail three in the same ratio.
Table 7. Insecticidal potency of three individual proteins (CrylDa, Cryl Ea and CrylJa-lîke) and an artificial equimolar mixture containing ali three in the ratio 1: 1 ; 1, for S. frugiperda neonate larvae.
Bt Treatment Slope ±SE Intercept LC;n (ng/μΐ) x2 (df) Relative Potency 95% F. L.
Lower Upper
CrylEa7 1.03±0.09 3.53 25.75 20.57 (3) 1 - -
CrylDa3 1.69±0.16 4.33 2.48 3.53 (3) 10.34 7.24 14.86
Cryl Jal-like 0.88±0.12 4.56 3.12 4.41 (3) 8.25 4.62 14.74
Protein Mixture (1:1:1) L27±0.17 4.95 1.09 2.93 23.59 15.92 41.96
As can be seen in Table 7, S. frugiperda larvae are very susceptible to CrylDa3 and 15 Cryl Jal-like, reporting 10.34- and 8.25-fold more toxic than CrylEa7, respectively. The absence of overlap between the fiducial limits (FL) of the relative potencies of CrylEa7 clearly indicates that the différences are statistically significant when compared to CrylDa3 or CrylJa-like. When the three proteins were combined in an equimolar mixture the LC50 value is reduced to 1.09 ng/μΐ, being significantly more potent when comparée! to the three individual toxins, suggesting a synergistic effect among them.
In order to calculate the synergistic factor, the expected mean léthal concentration (LC50) of the mixture relative to that of the three single proteins on basis of the relative proportion of Cry1Da3 (ra), CrylEa7 (ro) and CrylJal-like (rc) in the mixture must be calculated (Tabashnik, 1992) and compared to the obtained LC50 of the mixture (Table 7).
^50(m) “ ra
4^50(0.) _ Γ0.33 0.33
500) “ [2.48 + 25.75
g]_1= 3.96 ng/μΐ
A synergistic factor of 3.63 was obtained for the mixture of CrylDaS, CrylEa7 and CrylJal-like for newly hatched S. frugiperda larvae.
EXAMPLE 9.- Toxicity assay to détermine the insecticidal potency of the SVBS-1801 strain relative to the commercial strains of Dipel (ABTS-351) and XenTari (ABTS-1875) in S. frugiperda second instar larvae
9.1. Procedure for obtaining SVBS-1801 active ingrédient (AI)
The procedure for obtaining SVBS-1801 active ingrédients was as set forth in Example 7.
9.2. Préparation of active ingrédients from Bt strains of commercial products
In order to compare the activity of the active ingrédients prepared from SVBS-1801 strain and Bt strains that give rise to commercial products (ABTS-351 in the case of Dipel , ABTS1857 in the case of (XenTari®), the B. thuringiensis strains ABTS-351 and ABTS-1857 were directly isolated from the commercial products DiPel DF (Kenogard, Valent BioScience Corporation; manufacturing batch 261-355-PG; date of manufacture 01/2016) and XenTari® GD (Kenogard, Valent BioScience Corporation; manufacturing batch 264-637-PG; date of manufacture 04/2016), respectively, sold in the European Union. Each bacterial strain was grown at 28°C for 72 h in stérile CCY medium (Stewart et al., 1981) and the process explained in Example 5 was also follow for these strains, until a slurry with a solid content of 12-15% was obtained for any of the strains, what was consîdered to be the AI to be compared with the AI obtained from strain SVBS-1801.
9.3. Toxicitv assay by the droplet feeding method usina crystal and spore mixtures from the ABTS-351 (Dipel®), ABTS-1857 (XenTari®) and SVBS-1801 strains in S. frugiperda second instar larvae.
In order to perform the toxicity assay, the following materials are required: 28 well blisters, artifïcial diet (see section 8.1) and S. frugiperda newly molted second instar larvae. The mixture of crystals and spores should be diluted rive times using a dilution factor between 3 and 5, which will resuit in 6 different concentrations for the AI to be tested in the next step. Likewise, a négative control lackîng the AI but preserving the rest of the components shall be prepared. S. frugiperda newly molted second instar larvae are fed drops of one of the 6 different concentrations of the AI, following the droplet feeding method (Hughes and Wood, 1981). Fed larvae were placed in individual wells from a 28-well blister containing 1.5 cm3 of artifïcial diet.
For this study, a total of 28 newly molted second instar larvae were treated with each protein concentration and a range of fïve concentrations were used for each Bt strain. The bioassay was performed three times. Control insects were fed artifïcial diet without toxin. The multiwell plates were incubated at 25°C, 60% R.H., and a 14h/10h (light/dark) photoperiod. Mortality was recorded after 6 days. Concentrât! on-mortality data were subjected to probit régression analysis (Finney, 1971) in the POLO-PC program (LeOra Software, 1987).
The results of the concentrât! on-mortality responses obtained with the three Bt strains ABTS-351, isolated from Dipel®, ABTS-1857, isolated from XenTari®, and SVBS-1801 in second-instar 5. frugiperda larvae are shown in Tables 8, 9, and 10. The slopes of the fitted régression fines for the three Bt isolâtes ranged from 0.51 for ABTS-351 to 1.47 for SVBS-1801. The values of the slopes were sufficiently different to not allow adjusting the three régression lines in parallel, with a common slope. Therefore, to estimate the relative potencies, among the three Bt strains, ît was necessary to compare the régression lines two by two.
Table 8 shows the parameters corresponding to the régression lines obtained for Bt strains ABTS-351, isolated from Dipel® and ABTS-1857, isolated from XenTari®. In Table 4, it can be seen that strain ABTS-1857 is 217.2 times more potent than strain ABTS-351 on S. frugiperda second instar. The absence of overlap between the fiducial limits (FL) of the relative potencies of both strains clearly indicate that the différences observed are statistically significant.
Table 8. LC50 values and relative potencies of ABTS-1857 respect to ABTS-351 on Spodoptera frugiperda second instars.
Bt strain Slope ±SE Intercept ±SE LCSo (gg/ml) x2 W Relative Potency 95% F. L.
Lower Upper
ABTS-351 0.51±0.2 2.74±0.3 26,260.0 2.96 U) 1 - -
ABTS-1857 0.96±0.1 3.01±0.2 120.9 1.09 (3) 217.2 5.5 8,635.9
Table 9 shows the parameters corresponding to the régression lines obtained for Bt strains ABTS-351, isolated from Dipel®, and SVBS-1801. Table 9 reflects that strain SVBS-1801 is 1,235.4 times more potent than strain ABTS-351 on 5. frugiperda second instar larvae. The 5 absence of overlap between the fi du ci al limits (FL) of the relative potencies of both strains clearly indicates that the observed différences are statistically significant.
Table 9. LC50 values and relative potencies of SVBS-1801 respect to ABTS-351 on Spodoptera frugiperda second instars.
Bt strain Slope ±SE Intercept ±SE LC50 (pg/ml) x2 (dj) Relative Potency 95% F L
Lower Upper
ABTS-351 0.51±0.2 2.74±0.3 26,260.0 2.96 1 - -
SVBS-1801 1.47±0.1 3.05±0.13 21.3 3.14 1,235.4 31.3 48,708.5
Table 10 shows the parameters corresponding to the régression lines obtained for Bt strains ABTS-1857, isolated from XenTari® and SVBS-1801. SVBS-1801 is 5.7 times more potent than ABTS-351 on S. frugiperda second instar larvae. The absence of overlap between the fiducial limits (FL) of the relative potencies of both strains clearly indicates that the différences 15 are statistically significant.
Table 10. LC5q values and relative potencies of SVBS-1801 compared to ABTS-1857 on Spodoptera frugiperda second instars.
Bt strain Slope Intercept LC50 fr Relative 95% FL ±SE ±SE (Mg/ml) (df) Potency Lower Upper
ABTS- 0.96±0.15 3.01±0.15 120.9 1.09 (3) 1 -
SVBS-1801 1.47±0.1 3.05±0.13 21.3 3.14(3) 5.7 4.1 7.9
EXAMPLE 10.- Insecticidal potency of the SVBS-1801 active ingrédient relative to that of ABTS-351 (Dipel®) and ABTS-I857 (XenTari®) for 5. frugiperda second instar larvae
As indicated in Example 9.3, the toxicity of ABTS-351 (Dipel®), ABTS-1857 (XenTari®) and SVBS-1801 AI was assessed by the droplet feeding method (Hughes and Wood, 1981). ABTS-351 (B. thuringiensis ser. kurstaki) is widely accepted as an international reference for several lepidopteran species and constitutes the AI of commercial products such as Dipel® 2x (Abbot). Lîkewise, ABTS-1857 (isolated from XenTari®) îs often found as a reference AI in bioassays aimed at testing insecticidal potency of products against lepidopterans from the genus Spodoptera.
The potency of SVBS-1801 insecticidal proteins relative to those of ABTS-351 (Dipel®) and ABTS-1857 (XenTari®) was calculated with regard to the potency (reference potency) indicated in the label of the commercial product used as reference as described by Dulmage (1981).
Forma reference LC50 la:
-.......... x reference potency (IU/mg) = sample potency (IU/mg) sample LC50 IU:
interna tional units
SVBS-1801 potency relative to ABTS-351 (Dipel®): Dipel® potency resulted in 32,000
26,260.0 ng/μΐ
------------------x 32,000 (IU/mg) = 39,452, 643 (IU/mg)
21.3 ng/μΐ
VBS-1801 potency 120.9 ng/μΐ relative to ABTS- ---------------X 15000 = 85,141 (IU/mg)
21.3 ng/μΐ
1857 (Xentari®):
Xentari® potency resulted in 15,000 IU/mg:
EXAMPLE 11.- Insectîcidal efficacy of SVBS-1801 relative to HD1 and ABTS-1857 (Xentari ) on y frugiperda second instar larvae in semi-fieid maize plants
Maize plants in the phenological stage V3 (with 5-6 sheets and 30-35 cm height) were infested with S. frugiperda eggs (150 eggs/plant) that were ready to hatch within 24 h. Once the larvae emerged, they were monitored until they reached second instar. Next, plants were treated with a mixture of crystals and spores (at a concentration of crystals and spores corresponding to 100 mg/L for ABTS-1857 and SVBS-1801 strains). Applications were made using a compressed-air hand sprayer (Matabi 7®, Antzuola, Guipuzcoa, Spain) and they included 0.05% Agral wetter-sticker. 10 ml of spray treatment to run off, which is équivalent to the standard volume of spray application used in maize crops in the région (around 1000 liters/Ha).
Twenty-eight 5. frugiperda larvae were randomly collected by hand from plants in each plot at 20, 30 and 40 hours after application, and reared in the laboratory in 25 ml plastic cups with artîficial diet at 25 °C until death or pupation. Mortality was registered daily. Percentage mortality was calculated for each treatment, normalized by arcsine transformation and subjected to repeat measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) in SPSS ver. 12.0 (SPSS, Chicago, IL). The characteristics of the variance-covariance matrix were examined for this and ail subséquent multîvariate analyses by applying Mauchly’s sphericîty test. The results are summarized in Fig. 8.
Strain SVBS-1801, has been deposited in the Colecciôn Espanola de Cultivos Tîpo (CECT) (Parque Cientifico de la (Jniversidad de Valencia; calle Catedrâtico Agustin Escardino, 9; 46980 Patema, Valencia, Spain) which accepts bacterial strain deposits according to Royal Decree 664/1997 of 12 May 1997. SVBS-1801 has been deposited for patent purposes following the Budapest Treaty guidelines.
The original deposît receipt (BP/4) and the Viability Certificate (BP/9) of such strain reflect the following relevant data:
final deposit date: 8 November 2018, strain reference number (accession number): CECT 9753.
- Depositor: Serena Valley Biological Systems S.L. (Paseo Universidad 49, 31192 Mutilva, Navarra, Spain). The depositor is different from the applicant.
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Claims (14)

1. A strain of Bacillus thuringiensis which is characterized by:
being the strain SVBS-1801 deposited in the Coleccîôn Espanola de Cultivos Tîpo (CECT) with the deposit reference number CECT 9753.
2. A method for preparîng a composition comprising a mixture of crystals and spores of the SVBS-1801 strain of claim 1, which comprises the steps of:
a) growing SBVS-180] bacteria until more than 50% of the bacterial cells hâve undergone sporulation, hâve lysed and released their crystals and spores to the culture medium;
b) purifying the crystals and spores by provoking their sédimentation from the culture medium where they are in suspension and collecting the precipitate;
c) optionally, washing the precipitate with a protease inhibiting solution and provoking again the sédimentation of the crystals and spores;
d) storing the purified crystals and spores either:
a. at room température, after having lyophilized the precipitate obtained in step b) or c), or
b. at a température of the interval of -18°C to -20°C or lower, after having resuspended the precipitate obtained in b) or c) in water or in an aqueous solution.
3. A method for obtaining purified crystals of the B. thuringiensis strain of claim 1, which comprises the steps of:
i) washing a mixture of crystals and spores of the strain of claim 1 with NaCl IM and centrifuging it at 9000g for 10 min., ii) collecting the pellet and resuspending it in PBS, iii) adding hexane to the suspension obtained in step ii) and vortexing it;
iv) centrifuging the suspension of iii) at 6000 g, 4°C, 10 min,
v) repeating steps ii) to iv) at least three times, vi) colleting the pellet of crystals obtained in v) and washing it three times in cold destilled water.
4. A composition which comprises:
a) végétative cells,
b) bacterial cells containing spores,
c) spores,
d) crystals,
e) a mixture of spores, crystals and crystal proteins,
f) Cry proteins not included in a crystal,
g) at least a Vip protein, or combinations thereof, of the Bacillus thuringiensis strain of claim 1, wherein, when no member of the group defmed in a) to e) is présent
i. the composition comprises at least a Cry protein not included in a crystal and at least the protein of SEQ ID NO:8 is présent in the composition, and/or ii. ali the three Vip proteins of the group of proteins of SEQ ID NO: 14, SEQ ID NO:16 and SEQ ID NO: 18 are présent in the composition.
5. The composition according to claim 4, wherein the composition additionally comprises a portion of the supernatant obtained in step b) of the method of claim 2.
6. The composition according to claim 4 or 5, which comprises at least either
a) a mixture of spores and crystals,
b) a mixture of spores, crystals and a portion of the supernatant obtained in step b) of the method of claim 2,
c) crystals,
d) crystals and a portion of the supernatant obtained in step b) of the method of claim 2, of the Bacillus thuringiensis strain of claim 1.
7. The composition according to claim 6, which comprises either crystals or a mixture of crystals and a portion of the supernatant obtained in step b) of the method of claim 2, wherein the crystals hâve been previously purified by the method of claim 3 and the composition is essentially free of spores of the Bacillus thuringiensis strain of claim 1.
8. The composition according to claim 4, which comprises at least a mixture of spores, crystals and crystal proteins of the Bacillus thuringiensis strain of claim 1.
9. The composition according to claim 4, which comprises Cry proteins not included in crystals and wherein the composition comprises at least ail the Cry proteins of the group of SEQ 1D NO:4, SEQ ID NO:6 and SEQ ID NO:8, not being included in crystals.
10. The composition according to any one of claims 4 to 8, which additionally comprises an inhibitor of the germination of spores.
11. The composition according to any one of claims 4 to 10, which additionally comprises at least an agriculturally acceptable excipient.
12. Use of the B. thuringiensis strain of claim 1 or the composition of any one of claims 4 to
11 as an insecticide or to préparé an insecticide.
13. The use according to claim 12, to control insect pests of the species Spodoptera frugiperda.^
14. The use according to any one of claims 12 to 13 to protect plants.
OA1202100571 2019-06-14 2020-06-14 Bacillus thuringiensis strain OA20945A (en)

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EP19382497.6 2019-06-14

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