OA20286A - Flame coating machine and method. - Google Patents

Flame coating machine and method. Download PDF


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OA20286A OA1202100186 OA20286A OA 20286 A OA20286 A OA 20286A OA 1202100186 OA1202100186 OA 1202100186 OA 20286 A OA20286 A OA 20286A
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flame spray
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Francesco Simone
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Saipem S.P.A.
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Application filed by Saipem S.P.A. filed Critical Saipem S.P.A.
Publication of OA20286A publication Critical patent/OA20286A/en



A flame coating machine for coating field joints of a pipeline has a flame spray system (14) having two flame spray units (9) configured for heating and/or coating with a thermoplastic polymer an annular junction portion (8) and two annular end portions (10) of an existing coating delimiting the annular junction portion (8); a control system (15) having two temperature sensors (34) configured for acquiring temperature values along the surface collectively defined by the annular junction portion (8) and the annular end portions (10), and a control unit (33) configured for actuating the flame spray unit (9) in a polymer flame spraying mode or in a flame heating mode as a function of the detected temperature values and at least one threshold value.


This patent application claims priority from Italian patent application no. 102018000009713 filed on 23/10/2018, the entire disclosure of which is incorporated herein by reference.
A flame coating machine for coating field joints of a pipeline.
The pipelines for transporting hydrocarbons are composed of sections of pipe that are joined together. Each 15 section of pipe usually comprises a métal cylinder, generally made of Steel, on which a protective coating made of polymer material is applied, which has the function of protecting the métal pipe. Optionally, the pipe may hâve an additional external coating made of gunite or concrète, the function of 20 which is to weigh down the pipeline. Two end lengths of the section of pipe are uncoated so that the Steel cylinders can be welded together. Each uncoated end is referred to as a cutback in the language generally used in this technical sector.
The joining operation of the pipe sections, which can be carried out both in ground installations and in ships for
laying submarine pipelines, involves welding the steel cylinders, generally in several welding passes. Once a welding ring has been made between two Steel cylinders, an annular junction portion formed from two adjacent cutbacks 5 and, therefore, uncoated straddles the weld. As a resuit, during the assembly, the pipeline has, in sequence, a plurality of annular junction portions, each of which is formed from two uncoated lengths placed next to each other and welded together. A joint coating must be made at each 10 annular junction portion before laying the pipeline. The définition Field Joint identifies both the operation of joining the sections of pipe in the laying field of the pipeline itself and the area straddling the pipes made at the head of the laying.
The making and application in the field of the joint coating at one annular junction portion is in practice called Field Joint Coating and involves preparing the surface of the annular junction portion and coating it with polymer materials. Field Joint Coating also identifies the joint 20 coating made in the field.
In more detail, in accordance with known practice, the application of a field joint coating involves a plurality of operations on each annular junction portion in accordance with the following sequence:
- grind the annular junction portion to remove impurities and oxidations from the surface of the annular junction portion and to give a certain roughness to that surface;
- heat the annular junction portion to facilitate the 5 subséquent steps in the application of polymer materials;
- apply a relatively thin, so-called primer layer of polymer material, in particular epoxy resin, directly to the annular junction portion;
- apply a relatively thin layer of polymer material 10 with adhesive properties over the previous layer;
- apply a relatively thick layer (thicker than the previous layers, in any case), generally known as the top coat, to the adhesive layer.
The adhesive polymer material and the polymer material 15 for making the Top Coat are selected from compatible materials for making a union by fusion.
The operations described are particularly critical when performed on a pipeline during assembly onboard a pipeline-laying ship because the space available is limited 20 and the pipeline, during assembly, is partially laid on the bed of a water body and cannot rotate about its longitudinal axis. In addition, the field joint coating must meet certain quality requirements such as perfect adhesion to the pipeline and to the ends of the existing coating. It must also 25 guarantee a minimum thickness that varies as a function of the application and the customer's requirements.
US 10,166,715 B2 discloses a device for applying a polymer sheet to a pipeline comprising a carriage for rotating about the pipeline a flame heaters for heating a 5 layer of polymer material on the pipeline and an extrusion die for applying a sheet of polymer material on said layer.
US 9,789,505 B2 discloses a device for spraying a curable polymer liquid wherein the liquid is heated to reach a given température before spraying.
A technique for the application of the Top Coat, known as flame coating or Thermal Spray or Flame Spray, involves the use of at least one flame spray unit, which intégrâtes the functions of polymer material powder, in particular polypropylene powder CMPP, mixer and polymer 15 flame material applicator. In more detail, the powders are fused via the combustion of a gas jet to form droplets that are expelled through a high-speed nozzle and impact the surface of the pipeline that causes the rapid deformation and solidification of the droplets. On impact, the liquid 20 polypropylene droplets with the classic elongated shape are transformed into solid thin sheets that accumulate and stratify until they reach the desired thickness of the Top Coat. The system can use LPG as a fuel and polypropylene powder as a polymer material.
The flame coating process has many advantages including the application to substrates in the 135-180 °C température range; the ability to follow curved and tapered shapes; and the thermal and shear strength properties that are superior to those of conventional technologies.
However, in the case of Field Joint Coating, the Top
Coat, in addition to covering the annular junction portion, must overlap and closely adhéré to two end portions in polymer material of the existing coating of the pipeline that delimit the annular junction portion on opposite sides.
The flame application of the Top Coat is therefore critical because the polymer material is applied to two substrates with different physical, Chemical, and température characteristîcs that could resuit in the Top Coat's poor adhesion to the substrates.
The purpose of the présent invention is to provide a flame coating machine for coating field joints of a pipeline capable of mitigating the drawbacks of the prior art.
According to the présent invention, a flame coating 20 machine is provided for coating field joints of a pipeline, the machine comprising a flame spray system comprising at least one flame spray unit configured to heat and/or coat with a thermoplastic polymer an annular junction portion and two annular end portions of an existing coating delimiting 25 the annular junction portion; a control system comprising at least one température sensor configured to acquire température values along the surface collectively defined by the annular junction portion and the annular end portions, and a control unit configured to actuate the flame spray 5 unit in polymer flame spraying mode or in flame heating mode as a function of the température values detected and at least one threshold value.
In this way, the application of the flame coating is only carried out when the surface température is at an optimal value so as to ensure perfect adhesion of the polymer material both to the annular junction portion and to the annular end portions.
In particular, the control system comprises position sensors to acquire and control the position of the flame spray unit and the température sensor with respect to said surface.
In this way, the control system Controls the movements along the surface and tracks the position of the flame spray unit along the surface and the position of the température sensor.
In particular, the control unit comprises a microprocessor configured to associate each acquired température value with an area of said surface, and to compare each température value with a respective threshold value associated with said area.
In this way, the control system recognises which areas need more heating to raise the température of these areas to predetermined values. In particular, the areas defined by the annular end portions must be raised to a température 5 that results in their surface fusion.
In particular, the température sensor is a pyrometer or a thermal chamber to allow the surface température to be detected remotely.
According to one embodiment of the invention, the 10 machine comprises at least one guide system configured to selectively clamp the pipeline near an annular junction portion and to advance the flame spray unit and the température sensor along an annular path and a linear path so as to coat said surface.
In this way, the movements of the spray unit and the température sensor are controlled with reference to the pipeline.
In particular, the machine comprises two flame spray units and two température sensors.
This simplifies the machine operations and halves the cycle times.
In particular, the guide system comprises a main frame selectively clampable to the pipeline; a rotor selectively rotatable with respect to the main frame and around the 25 pipeline; and a carriage that is moveable along the rotor parallel to the rotation axis of the rotor.
In this way, the carriage is moveable along the entire surface.
In particular, the carriage comprises a frame and two 5 supports, each of which is arranged at 180° to the other around the carriage's rotation axis and is configured to support a spray unit and a température sensor.
In this way, the composition of rotor oscillations of 180° and the translation of the carriage along the rotor 10 allow the internai surface to be coated.
In particular, each support is adjustable in a radial direction along the frame with respect to the rotor's rotation axis.
In this way, the flame spray unit can be arranged at 15 the optimal distance from the surface and this distance can be adjusted as a function of the diameter of the pipeline.
In particular, the flame spray System comprises a fuel supply device and a polymer supply device for supplying the fuel and the polymer respectively to at least one flame spray 20 unit.
Another purpose of the présent invention is to provide a flame coating method for coating field joints of a pipeline that does not entail the drawbacks of the prior art.
According to the présent invention, a flame coating 25 method is provided for coating field joints of a pipeline, the method comprising the following steps:
— heating and/or coating an annular junction portion and two annular end portions of an existing coating delimiting the annular junction portion with a thermoplastic 5 polymer by means of a flame spray unit;
acquiring température values along the surface jointly defined by the annular junction portion and the annular end portions;
- operating the flame spray unit in polymer flame spraying mode or in flame heating mode as a function of the température values detected and at least one threshold value.
In this way, it is possible to selectively heat and apply the spray coating as required.
Additional characteristics and advantages of the présent invention will become clear from the following description of its preferred embodiments, with reference to the accompanying figures, wherein:
- Figure 1 is an elevated latéral view, with parts in cross-section and parts removed for clarity, of a pipeline to which a polymer material is applied with a flame spray unit ;
- Figure 2 is an elevated latéral view, with parts shown in cross-section and parts removed for clarity, of the 25 pipeline in Figure 1 and provided with a field joint coating;
- Figure 3 is a perspective view, with parts removed for clarity and parts in cross-section, of a flame coating machine made in accordance with the présent invention;
- Figure 4 is a perspective view, with parts removed 5 for clarity and on an enlarged scale, of the machine in Figure 3;
- Figure 5 is a schematic view, with parts in crosssection and parts removed for clarity, of the machine in Figure 3 coupled to a pipeline as shown in Figure 1.
In Figures 1 and 2’, the number 1 indicates a pipeline as a whole, which extends along a longitudinal axis A. In the case shown in Figure 1, the pipeline 1 comprises two sections of pipe 2 aligned along the longitudinal axis A and 15 joined together. Each pipe section 2 comprises a métal cylinder 3; a coating 4 made of polymer material, generally polyethylene or polypropylene, which is arranged in contact with the métal cylinder 3 and has the function of protecting the métal cylinder 3 from corrosion.
Each section of pipe 2 has two opposite uncoated ends (only one of which is shown in Figure 1), which hâve a chamfer 6. Two successive sections of pipe 2, which are aligned along the longitudinal axis A, are arranged with the uncoated ends 5 facing each other and they are welded together, possibly in several welding passes, so as to make an annular weld seam 7 between the two sections of pipe 2. The two sections of welded pipe 2 define an annular junction portion 8, which extends along the longitudinal axis A 5 between the two chamfers 6 of the coating 4 and comprises the annular weld seam 7.
In general, the répétition of the joints of sections of pipe 2 makes it possible to make the pipeline 1. With reference to the présent description, pipeline 1 is also 10 understood to mean the pipeline under construction consisting, for example, of only two sections of pipe 2 joined together.
The joining of the sections of pipe 2 also involves, in addition to the welding of the métal cylinders 3, the making 15 of a seamless coating of the existing coatings 4. This operation involves applying a polymer material by means of a flame spray unit 9 around and along the annular junction portion 8 and around and along two annular end portions 10 of the coating 4.
The application of the polymer material generally requires operations to préparé the face of the annular junction portion 8 and of the end portions 10, in order to facilitate the adhesion of a field joint coating 11 (Figure 2). These operations consist in cleaning, for example, via 25 blasting, and in heating, for example by induction, the
annular junction portion 8.
Prior to the application of the field joint coating 11 (Figure 2), a thin layer of polymer material, in particular epoxy material, can be applied to the annular junction 5 portion, which has the function of a primer, as well as a layer of polymer adhesive.
The flame spray unit 9 is guided along an axis parallel to the longitudinal axis A and along the plane defined by that longitudinal axis A so as to repeatedly wipe the whole 10 surface on which the polymer material has to be applied.
With reference to Figure 2, a field joint coating 11 is shown, which has been made by progressive addition until reaching the required thickness and covering/adhering to the annular junction portion 8 and to the annular end portions 15 10.
With reference to Figure 3, the number 12 indicates a flame coating machine for making the field joint coating 11 (Figure 2) . The machine 12 comprises a guide system 13 configured to be clamped to the pipeline 1 (Figure 1) and to 20 guide one or more flame spray units 9 along the annular junction portion 8 and the annular end portions 10 (Figure 1); a flame spray system 14 configured to feed fuel and polymer powder material to the spray unit 9; and a control system 15 configured to control the position of the flame 25 spray unit 9 and the operating status of the flame spray unit 9.
The guide system 13 comprises a frame 16 that can be clamped to the pipeline 1 and comprising two U-shaped structures 17 facing each other and configured to be 5 arranged, in use, on the sides opposite an annular junction portion (Figure 1) ; a rotor 18, which is supported in a rotatable manner by the frame and by the two U-shaped structures 17; and a carriage 19, which is guided along the rotor 18.
With reference to Figure 4, the rotor 18 is essentially shaped like an open cylindrical cage so that the rotor 18 can be arranged around the pipeline 1 (Figure 1) via radial access together with the frame 16. In more detail, the rotor 18 comprises two annular arch-shaped sliders 20, which are 15 facing and parallel to each other, which extend for a circular arch greater than 180°, and which are guided by their respective U-shaped structures 17, only one of which is shown in Figure 3; and bars 21 which connect the sliders 20 to each other.
The carriage 19 is mounted so it can slide along at least two bars 21 and comprises a frame 22; and, in the example shown, two supports 23, each of which is configured to house a flame spray unit 9 (Figure 1) and is adjustable with respect to the frame 22 in a transverse direction to 25 the bars 21 and substantially radial when the guide system is coupled to the pipeline 1 (Figure 1). In the example shown, the two supports 23 are arranged at 180° from each other.
The guide system 13 also comprises an actuator 24 configured to rotate the rotor 18 via a transmission comprising a sprocket 25 and a toothed annular sector 26 coupled to one of the sliders 20; and an actuator 27 configured to advance the carriage 19 along the rotor 18 by means of a transmission comprising a worm gear 28; a worm 10 screw 29; and a nut 30 associated with the carriage 19.
With reference to Figure 5, the machine 12 is clamped to the pipeline in such a way that the rotation axis Al of the rotor 18 essentially coïncides with the longitudinal axis A of the pipeline 1.
The flame spray system 14, in addition to the abovementioned flame spray units 9, comprises a fuel supply device 31 and a polymer supply device 32. Generally, the fuel is LPG and the polymer polypropylene powder.
The spray system 14 is a product available on the 20 market, such as, for example, those made by the company IBIX S.r.l. La Viola no. 4, I - 48022 Santa Maria in Fabriago, Lugo (RA), Italy.
With reference to Figure 5, the control System 15 comprises a control unit 33 for controlling the operating 25 parameters of the guide system 13 and the flame spray system
14; température sensors 34 configured to detect the external surface température of the pipeline 1; position sensors 35 to detect the position of the carriage 19 and the flame spray units 9.
In practice, the control unit 33 Controls the guide
System 13, the flame spray system 14 and the interactions between the guide system 13 and the flame spray system 14.
The control unit 33 comprises a microprocessor for comparing input data with predefined parameters and 10 processing the data, and emitting signais for monitoring the guide system 13 and flame spray system 14. In particular, the flame spray System 14 has a rest State and two operating States: a first operating state involves emitting only the flame for heating a surface, while a second operating state 15 involves emitting the flame together with the polymer to make a coating via the flame spray system 14. The control system 15 selects the rest state and one of the two operating States of the flame spray system 14 as a function of the température detected by the température sensors 34 and the 20 reference parameters.
In more detail, the température sensors 34 are configured to detect the surface température of the annular junction portion 8 and the annular end portions 10 and can be pyrometers or caméras mounted on supports 23. The 25 actuators 24 and 27 allow température sensors 34 to be
arranged on the whole surface collectively defined by the annular junction portion 8 and by the annular end portions 10, while the position sensors 35, which allow a particular area of the surface to be associated with a corresponding 5 température value acquired by the température sensors 34.
In this case, the position sensors can be encoders associated with the actuators 24 and 27.
The microprocessor compares the température values with the threshold values: if the température values of an area 10 on the surface are below certain threshold values, a signal is emitted that activâtes one or more flame spray units 9 in the flame-only operating state to heat the area where the température does not meet the température requirements to proceed with the application of the flame coating.
If, on the other hand, the whole surface that has to be coated meets the température requirements, then the flame spray system 14 is set to the operating state of the flame polymer application.
The threshold values may vary as a function of the area 20 of the surface, particularly as a function of whether the surface is defined by the annular junction portion 8 or by the annular end portions 10.
The spray units 9 are guided by the guide system 13 along a path that results from the combination of an annular 25 path determined by the rotation of the rotor 18 around the pipeline 1 and by a linear path of the carriage 19 along the rotor 18. The combination of the annular path and the linear path allows the annular junction portion 8 and the annular end portions 10 to be fully coated.
In the case shown, the machine 12 comprises two flame spray units 9 mounted on the carriage 19 and arranged at 180° to each other. As a resuit, 180° rotations of the rotor 18 are sufficient to coat the whole annular surface.
The supports 23 are adjustable in the radial direction 10 and can adapt the machine 12 to the diameter of the pipeline 1 and, in particular, to allow the positioning of the flame spray units 9 at a distance determined by the surface so that the flame is always at the optimal distance of use from the surface.
The présent invention extends to additional variants which are not explicitly described and which fall within the scope of protection of the attached claims.

Claims (15)

1. A flame coating machine for coating field joints of a pipeline, the machine (12) comprising a flame spray System (14) comprising at least one flame spray unit (9) configured 5 for heating and/or coating with a thermoplastic polymer an annular junction portion (8) and two annular end portions (10) of an existing coating delimiting the annular junction portion (8); a control system (15) comprising at least one température sensor (34) configured for acquiring température 10 values along the surface collectively defined by the annular junction portion (8) and the annular end portions (10), and a control unit (33) configured for actuating the flame spray unit (9) in a polymer flame spraying mode or in a flame heating mode as a function of the detected température values 15 and at least one threshold value.
2. The machine as claimed in Claim 1, wherein the control system (15) comprises position sensors (35) for acquiring and controlling the position of the flame spray unit (9) and the température sensor (34) with respect to 20 said surface.
3. The machine as claimed in Claim 2, wherein the control unit (33) comprises a microprocessor configured for associating each acquired température value to an area of said surface, and comparing each température value with a 25 respective threshold value associated to said area.
4. The machine as claimed in any one of the foregoing claims, wherein the température sensor (34) is a pyrometer or a thermal imaging caméra.
5. The machine as claimed in any one of the foregoing 5 claims, and comprising at least one guide system (13) configured for selectively damping the pipeline in proximity to an annular junction portion (8) and advancing the flame spray unit (9) and the température sensor (34) along an annular path and a linear path so as to wipe said 10 surface.
6. The machine as claimed in Claim 5, and comprising two flame spray units (9) and two température sensors (34).
7. The machine as claimed in Claim 6, wherein the guide system (13) comprises a main frame (16) selectively clampable 15 to the pipeline (1); a rotor (18) selectively rotatable with respect to the main frame (16) and about the pipeline (1); and a carriage (19) moveable along the rotor (18) parallel to the rotation axis (Al) (Al) of rotor (18).
8. The machine as claimed in Claim 7, wherein the 20 carriage (19) comprises a frame (22) and two supports (23) arranged at 180° one with respect to the other about the rotation axis (Al) of the rotor (18) and are configured for supporting the flame spray unit (9) and a température sensor (34) .
9. The machine as claimed in Claim 8, wherein each support (23) is adjustable in radial direction along the frame (22) with respect to the rotation axis (Al) of the rotor (18).
10. The machine as claimed in any one of the foregoing
5 claims, wherein the flame spray system (14) comprises a fuel supply device (31) and a polymer supply device (32) for supplying respectively the fuel and the polymer to the at least one flame spray unit (9) .
11. A flame coating method for coating field joints of
10 a pipeline, the method comprising the following steps:
- heating and/or coating with a thermoplastic polymer an annular junction portion (8) and two annular end portions (10) of an existing coat delimiting the annular junction portion (8) by means of a flame spray unit (9);
15 - acquiring température values along a surface collectively defined by the annular junction portion (8) and the annular end portions (10);
- actuating the flame spray unit (9) in a polymer flame spraying mode or in a flame heating mode as a function of 20 the detected température values and at least one threshold value.
12. The method as claimed in Claim 11, and comprising the steps of acquiring and controlling the position of the flame spray unit (9) and the température sensor (34) with 25 respect to said surface.
13. The method as claimed in Claim 12, and comprising the steps of associating each acquired température value to an area of said surface; and comparing each température value with a respective threshold value associated to said area.
14. The method as claimed in any one of the Claims 11 to 13, and comprising the step of advancing the flame spray unit (9) and the température sensor (34) along an annular path and a linear path so as to wipe said surface.
15. The method as claimed in any one of the Claims 11
10 to 14, and comprising the steps of selectively supplying fuel to the at least one flame spray unit (9) and selectively supplying polymer powder material to the at least one flame
OA1202100186 2018-10-23 2019-10-23 Flame coating machine and method. OA20286A (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
IT102018000009713 2018-10-23

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OA20286A true OA20286A (en) 2022-04-14



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